View Full Version : Original System [Z-Wolf] Weapons Table, PEACH for balance and verisimilitude!

2022-07-13, 06:59 PM

Grade: Everyone is Proficient with Simple weapons. Characters with the Soldier Kit are proficient with all Martial weapons. Other characters can purchase proficiency with Martial Weapons of a chosen Category with the Weapon Training Talent. Individual Talents are needed to gain proficiency with individual Exotic Weapons, although the prerequisites for such Talents vary (e.g whether you first need to have Weapon Training in the relevant Category or the Soldier Kit first). Some weapons (e.g. the Staff) also have special Training Talents for them that turn them into an effectively higher Grade of weapon.

Heft: Light weapons are one-handed and also have some synergy with special abilities such as the Stunt Attack Feat or Two-Weapon Tempest Feat. One-Handed weapons are, well, wielded one-handed. And 2-Handed weapons two-handed. Versatile weapons can be wielded effectively in one or two hands. 2-Handed or Versatile weapons wielded in two hands (except Crossbows) gain a +1 bonus to Impact.

Category: This has no effect by default, but determines what family of weapons a weapon belongs to for Special Abilities, e.g. the Weapon Training Talent mentioned above or the Blade Master Kit that gives you a hefty Impact bonus with Heavy Blade weapons.

Ranges: Melee Reach gives you an Opportunity Attack against a creature with inferior Melee Reach who approaches you and attacks you -- if you spent a Maneuver-Action on your previous turn to Set Weapon. Creatures also gain +3 Reach with their melee weapons per Size Category. Thrown and Projectile weapons' ranges work basically like in D&D5e, except measured in Meters instead of Feet.

Impact: How hard the weapon hits. Also what type of damage it deals on a hit or crit. Getting to choose between damage types is a plus; dealing both of two damage types is generally a drawback (because the target might Resist either type). "[pen.]" indicates a Penetrating weapon, i.e. a weapon whose Impact roll only has to equal the target's Armor Value (instead of exceeding it) to deal a Secondary Effect to the target.

Bleed Number: If you can manage for your attack to inflict a Hazard on the target, then often you will want that Hazard to be the Wounded Condition; but that Hazard has a prerequisite. The target's Natural roll on their Defense Save against the attack must have been less than or equal to this Bleed Number. Great Bleed Numbers are the biggest advantage of Swords as an overall category, but that might not matter if your targets are well-armored and thus you can't manage to inflict a Hazard in the first place.

Not shown on table: Price (in money). This should only be a factor in weapon balance at low levels or when equipping an army of creatures. But of course it is an advantage of the Spear or Mace over the Arming Sword, and a slight advantage of the Arming Sword over the otherwise-slightly-superior Longsword.

Individual Comments:

Crossbows, as mentioned earlier, don't get an Impact bonus for being wielded two-handed, nor do they enjoy a Brawn-synergy-bonus to Impact. They can be used Prone. Reloading them requires a full Action, rather than a [Maneuver] Action like most other Projectile weapons.
If you Hit or Crit with a proficient attack with the Bola, your target must also roll against falling Prone.
The Saber doesn't always count as a Light Blade or a Heavy Blade; some special abilities that enhance those Categories, such as Cleave, specifically exclude it.

2022-07-14, 07:36 AM
A few thoughts on this after reviewing it more myself

The Dagger is currently strictly superior to the Dart. Unless I make a "Shuriken Training" talent to enhance the Dart specifically for dedicated users, this needs to change. The obvious change is to boost the Dart to 10/40-meter Range, but is it unrealistic for Darts to have the same range as Javelins and Shortbows?

The Spear is too good all-around, and strictly superior to the Cudgel unless you have special abilities to enhance Clubs. I want the Spear to be good to reflect its historical dominance as the #1 military weapon, but this is a bit much. Boosting it to Martial would leave it strictly inferior to the Halberd. Not sure what to do here. I guess I'm thinking of making it Heft: 2-H unless you have a Spear Training talent to change it to Versatile.

Thinking of boosting the Heavy Crossbow to +1 Impact but dropping its Bleed Number to 4, since it really should have a better Impact than the Crossbow.

Kukri could probably stand to have its Reach boosted to 2.

The Bola is supposed to be weak outside of its powerful special ability, but it could probably stand to have its Impact boosted to a measly -3.

2022-07-22, 09:37 AM
Tangentially related: Armors Table thoughts.

Composite Armor (a conflation of Half-Plate, Splint Mail, Breastplate, etc. -- anything that involves some plate over the vitals, with lesser armor such as chain or leather over the joints etc.) is an important variety of armor narratively IMO. I want some adventurers to choose to use it, even at high levels.

However, I'm a little stuck on a way in which Full Plate isn't strictly superior to Composite Armor, other than being more expensive. Is there any realistic advantage of not wearing Full Plate that I can put into my system to make Composite an appealing choice, even for the wealthy?