View Full Version : Original System [Z-Wolf] Lots of rules organization

2022-07-14, 08:06 AM
Legacy Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?630445-Z-Wolf-RPG) (although I've come a long way in the past 15 months; still, reading that thread can give you some idea about what this system is if you're lost here).

BTW, I've started a Discord server for this system. So far I'm the only member and there are no posts; let me know by PM if you'd be willing to pioneer some discussion there!

Other threads:

Help me come up with a Rules ToC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?647650-Help-me-come-up-with-my-system-s-rules-Table-of-Contents)
Weapons Table: PEACH for balance and verisimilitude (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?647767-Z-Wolf-Weapons-Table-PEACH-for-balance-and-verisimilitude!)
A sampling of Kits, Feats, Talents (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?647784-Z-Wolf-Library-Kits)

2022-07-14, 08:32 AM
Default Combat Action Options

Creatures get 3 Actions on their turn, only one of which can be a [Dominant] Action, and only one of which can be Stride. If they Stride and pass their Speed Check, they gain a fourth action, which must be a [Maneuver] Action. Then, at the end of their turn, they lose any remaining Actions, and if they don't have a Reaction remaining from the previous round, they gain one.

Assault: Make a weapon attack against a creature.
Careful Stand: Remove the Prone condition from yourself without provoking Opportunity Attacks.
Charge: Move a number of meters equal to your Speed +5, in a straight line, then make a melee weapon attack. Until the start of your next turn, creatures other than the target of your attack enjoy Combat Advantage to their attacks targeting you.
Coup de Grace: Provoke Opportunity Attacks. Force a Helpless creature within 1 meter to make a Fortitude Save against instant death.
Demoralize: Force a creature within 1 meter to make a Willpower Save (TN = 6 + your Brawn modifier) to be affected by a Fear 1 condition.
Disarm: Force a creature within 1 meter to make a Defense Save against your weapon attack's Accuracy. On a failure, the enemy drops an object they're wielding.
Encourage: If you have Momentum, target an ally who can hear you and attempt a Charisma Check (TN = 10). On a success, the targeted ally gains Momentum.
Escape: Roll an Athletics or Brawn check to remove the Grabbed condition from yourself.
Grab: If you have a free prehensile limb, force a creature within 1 meter to make a Brawn Check or Reflex Save (TN = 6 + your Brawn modifier). On a failure, they become Grabbed by you.
Help: Give an ally a Boosted skill check if you can describe how you are aiding them with their action. This help must be given simultaneously with their action, so this Action is generally only useful when Readied to use as your Reaction.
Hide: Make a Stealth check to become Hidden from creatures from whom you have Concealment or Cover.
Ready: Describe conditions under which you will use your Reaction to do another Action (including a [Dominant] or [Maneuver] Action).
Shove: Force a creature within 1 meter to roll an Athletics or Brawn check (TN = 6 + your Brawn modifier) to avoid being Pushed 1 meter or falling Prone (your choice).
Sunder: Make a weapon attack against an object.
Total Defense: Until the start of your next turn, you can roll your Awesome Check in place of Defense Saves.

Door Interaction: Open or close a door (that's not stuck, blocked, locked, etc.).
Draw: Retrieve a reasonably accessible item (including one on the ground at your feet) and start wielding it. This can include reloading most projectile weapons, e.g. bows and slings.
Mount/Dismount: Climb onto or off of an allied creature who can serve as your mount.
Object Interaction: Any other fairly mundane interaction with an object, e.g. kicking away a weapon that an enemy has dropped.
Pressure: Target a creature within 1 meter. Until the start of your next turn, an ally attacking that target with a melee attack from a position reasonably opposing your own position enjoys Combat Advantage on their attack.
Set Weapon: Until the start of your next turn, if a creature declares a melee attack against you without having started its turn within 1 meter of you, and you have a wielded weapon with greater Reach than their attack's Reach, you may use your Reaction to make an Opportunity Attack against them with your greater-Reach weapon.
Stow: Put away an item you're wielding.
Take Cover: Until the start of your next turn, if you would enjoy Lesser Cover against an attack due to a terrain feature (which has no mechanical effect), you gain Greater Cover instead (which gives you a Boosted Defense Save).

Crawl: While Prone, move a number of meters up to your Speed +1.
Dirty Trick: Expend Momentum to force a creature within 1 meter to make a Fortitude or Reflex Save (TN = your Coast Number + your Dexterity modifier). On a failure, the creature is Dazed until the end of your next turn.
Equip Shield: Start gaining the benefits of wielding a Shield you are holding.
Feint: Expend Momentum to force a creature within 1 meter to make a Reflex or Willpower Save (TN = your Coast Number + your Glibness modifier). On a failure, the creature is Dazed until the end of your next turn.
Load: Reload a crossbow or other "slower" projectile weapon.
Overrun: Attempt an Athletics or Brawn check to be able to move through an enemy's space until the end of your turn.
Quick Hide: Make a Dragged Stealth check to become Hidden from creatures from whom you have Concealment or Cover.
Seek: Attempt a Perception Check to remove the Hidden condition from a creature (for yourself).
Sprint: Once per turn, move a number of meters equal to your Speed +6, in a straight line. Until the start of your next turn, creatures attacking you enjoy Combat Advantage on their attacks.
Stand: Provoke Opportunity Attacks. Remove the Prone condition from yourself.
Shift: Move 1 meter without provoking Opportunity Attacks.
Stride: Once per turn, move a number of meters up to your Speed +8. Make a Speed Check (TN = the number of meters moved). On a success, gain a fourth Action this turn, which must have the [Maneuver] tag. Stride cannot be Readied.

Opportunity Attack: When a creature within 1 meter does something that gives you an opening, make a melee weapon attack against them. Actions that provoke this Reaction include (unless they state otherwise) casting a spell, moving within or out of your threatened area, and making a ranged attack.

Collapse: On your turn, gain the Prone condition.
Drop: Drop an item you are holding.
Mental Drop: Cease concentrating on a magical effect occupying your Concentration.
Moment of Evasion: Expend Momentum to cancel a Hazard inflicted on you by an attack, unless the Hazard says you can't.
Quip: Say something brief.
Rally: At the end of your turn, spend 1 Karma Point to gain Momentum.

2022-07-22, 09:45 AM
Latest change to the rules, which I'm putting down here so I don't forget it. It's a change to character creation:

All characters by default gain three Synergy Bonuses (instead of two). In addition to Brawn-based bonuses to Armor Value and Weapon Impact, there will be an Athletics-based bonus to Speed.

2022-07-23, 11:30 AM
The Exertion rules are yet another way to limit the frequency with which some special abilities can be used.



To Exert, a character must not currently be Exerted, and must have a Stamina Point to spend. They can spend that Stamina Point and become Exerted; this can power the requirements of various other special abiltiies.

When a character finishes a Short Rest (5 minutes), they lose the Exerted condition.


I previously had the Stamina Point not actually get spent until the Exerted condition was lost, but I can't remember why I had it written that way, and this way is simpler.

2022-07-24, 07:36 AM
The following is an out-of-date preview of a Z-Wolf character sheet. I got pretty far in some ways with making a website to host the system; but now I've started over on the website with a different tech stack and it hasn't gotten as far yet. It will definitely be an improvement in the long run though.

Hopefully these images of character sheets can still drum up some hype and demonstrate the overall progress of the system though.

There are four images, corresponding to the four "tabs" a character sheet on the website will have: Main, Inventory, Biographic, and Configuration.





2022-07-24, 09:11 AM

If the creature is the subject of an effect that would normally restore Vitality Points, it instead must attempt a Fortitude Save (TN = 12). On a success, it loses the Battered condition. Either way, the Vitality Points-restoring effect does not restore VP as it would normally do.

A Dazed creature suffers the following effects:

Cannot take Reactions.
Does not gain the normal benefit of Pressuring a creature (i.e. providing "flanking" to its allies).
Attacks against it enjoy Combat Advantage.
Any Perception checks it makes as a Free Action are Dragged.

A Shaken creature cannot have Momentum for the duration of the condition.

A Staggered creature gains two Actions on its turn, instead of the normal three.

A Stunned creature suffers the following effects:

Cannot take Actions or Reactions.
Loses the normal benefit of having Pressured a creature before becoming Stunned (i.e. providing "flanking" to its allies).
Attacks against it enjoy Combat Advantage.
Any Skill Checks it is still able to make are Dragged.

A Wounded creature suffers a -2 penalty to all Saving Throws.