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2022-07-16, 10:15 AM
deleted deleted

2022-07-16, 11:03 AM
Tough situation. There are lots of constructive criticisms you can give a DM, but "have more personality!" isn't really one of them.

At the end of the day, you're correct that life is too short to waste time doing something you don't really want to do just to placate other people. You did the right thing by telling the DM what you weren't enjoying and giving him a second chance. If that didn't help, then it's reasonable to conclude it's not going to improve. If it at all interests you, offer to DM the next game yourself. That'd be the surest way to keep the group together and to participate in the game you want. Otherwise, perhaps you can agree on a dungeon crawl or other combat-heavy campaign that would be better suited to this DM... if that's even something you want to do, that is. In any event, it sounds like, if you want a character-based game, this is not the DM for that.

2022-07-16, 11:35 AM
If you can specify what sort of things you would like to see more or less of, maybe you can talk to the DM and other players to see if that is possible. What could happen that would make it more fun for you? Does the game need more action/combat? What are you expecting to happen that isn't happening?

How experienced are you with D&D and TTRPGs, in general? Have you ever been a DM or run a campaign module like this before? It sounds like you'd like this DM to take more liberties with the contents of the module to make it more exciting, but perhaps they aren't experienced enough to feel comfortable doing that yet.

It is important to understand what your expectations are for this campaign and for D&D in general. An engaging story with NPCs you care about are not always present in every campaign. Sometimes it's a wide open scenario in which the players are meant to choose their own direction and try to achieve whatever it is they want. Also, not all DMs are great actors who can do voices and give engaging performances, in case that is what you are expecting for the NPCs.

Since these are your friends, it makes sense you'd want to keep playing.
If the story the module has presented so far isn't engaging you, try thinking about this from your character's point of view. So the character doesn't care about the NPCs they have met so far- that's perfectly fine. What do they care about? What would they want to do in the scenario they find themselves in? They are stuck in Barovia by this point, I presume, and that is not their home. have they figured out how to get home, yet? Don't wait for the DM to lead you around with an NPC or story, decide what your character wants to do and find ways to do that. Maybe another PC has other opinions about what the group should be doing, you can roleplay with them as you discuss it in-character. Start asking the DM about things that are important to your character and how to achieve them- go looking for NPCs who can help you, items you need to accomplish your goals, etc. Taking more initiative, as a player, can help the DM and other players to loosen up if they are stuck following the book in a rote manner. Make some in-character suggestions that will make things more fun.

2022-07-16, 11:49 AM
Leaving is reasonable. It's also reasonable to ask roughly how many sessions are left, and if it's few enough grin and bear it before offering to run something low prep.

But most importantly if you're not having fun there's no need for you to continue. But it might be worth seeing if standing back from the character interaction lets you find something else fun.

2022-07-16, 04:32 PM
Have you considered DMing? Show the DM how it's done, also in the same breath realize how hard DMing is.

Either way I understand wanting out, and in my experience if that's how you feel then you should get out.

2022-07-17, 09:23 AM
Firstly: Hello everyone! How’s it going? 😀

I am currently playing in a campaign and I find am not excited for new sessions anymore. It is Curse of Strahd and I find the DM a bit, how to sayÂ… uninspired? Everything is strictly by the book and very static. The NPCs are stiff and the story is just not engaging. Ireena for example is like an NPC in a videogame, with only a few voicelines and no one cares about her. I find it difficult to be invested in the story and I feel like an extra in a movie. The other players have played trhough another module with him, so it isnÂ’t because he is new.

I told him, together with the others, as politely as I could, that I donÂ’t enjoy the game as much atm and everything I wrote here (much more politely and less harsh) but that was several sessions ago and nothing changed. I The problem is, there are only two other players in the group and they are my friends (as is the DM) and when I drop out, the game will certainly fall apart. And the other players still want to play the campaign. What to do? I somewhat want to continue, but I just canÂ’t bring myself to continue. I love DnD, but atm there are much more fun things I can do in my free time

P.S: One other player agreed with me that the campaign wasnÂ’t the best, but they arenÂ’t as bothered as I am.

Sorry if this is a dumb post, I just donÂ’t know how I should best approach this.

You have listed all the negative things you find about the DM. Is there anything positive? Like some DMs suck at roleplaying but are better at making fun combat scenarios. Not everyone is Matt Mercer. There is a very human tendency to focus on the negative and ignore the positive. Is there anything you enjoyed in the sessions so far?

This DM is still very new if this is only his second module. If that's the case, Curse of Strahd is probably a bad pick as it is very much a sandbox until you grind to a higher level.

2022-07-17, 12:52 PM
deleted deleted

Easy e
2022-07-18, 09:51 AM
I had a similar experience in the early phases of CoS, but my DM was great at running it. This left me thinking that perhaps the CoS itself was what left me less than interested in it.

This thread reminded me of some advice I got a long time ago. I was complaining about how boring and non-value added a meeting was at work. My mentor looked at me and said, "What are you bringing to the table to make it value added?"

Pretty good advice, and doubly applies to RPGs than to meetings.

Sounds like you are all ready implementing that thought process and seeing good results.

Black Jester
2022-07-18, 10:14 AM
This thread reminded me of some advice I got a long time ago. I was complaining about how boring and non-value added a meeting was at work. My mentor looked at me and said, "What are you bringing to the table to make it value added?"

Pretty good advice, and doubly applies to RPGs than to meetings.

Sounds like you are all ready implementing that thought process and seeing good results.

That would be true if everybody in a RPG group had an equal opportunity to contribute and would share an equal part of the responsibility. That might work in a GM-less story game, but otherwise, that just isn't a particularly realistic assessment of a typical gaming table, where the quality of the game rises and falls with the dedication of the gamemaster. Sure, you, as a player can be more or less attentive, helpful and contributing (and you should!), but against a bad gamemaster who fails at the most fundamental part of the game, by refusing to implement roleplaying into a roleplaying game, that effort might very well be for naught.

2022-07-18, 10:27 AM
That would be true if everybody in a RPG group had an equal opportunity to contribute and would share an equal part of the responsibility. That might work in a GM-less story game, but otherwise, that just isn't a particularly realistic assessment of a typical gaming table, where the quality of the game rises and falls with the dedication of the gamemaster. Sure, you, as a player can be more or less attentive, helpful and contributing (and you should!), but against a bad gamemaster who fails at the most fundamental part of the game, by refusing to implement roleplaying into a roleplaying game, that effort might very well be for naught.

When one person at a table starts making efforts, it can affect everyone, even the GM. The GM doesn't sit in isolation: when their players start finding enthusiasm in their characters, it can help motivate the GM to loosen up, as well. Sometimes, people are hesitant to really let loose, even around their friends- until someone is brave enough to make it OK to be silly and try things. Even though you aren't in control of the game the way the GM is, you are all equally contributing to the social atmosphere.

It's best not to look at the GM as a storyteller, and players as an audience passively consuming and judging the quality of their story telling. Players shouldn't wait for the GM to enchant them with flowery prose or character acting. The GM facilitates the environment for the game, gives them the set-up, but the players need to bring something to the table as well. You can help the GM by finding something for your character to get excited about, of your own initiative. Even if it isn't what the GM had planned, when you start playing off each other, the game can go places.

it's questionable whether "the most fundamental part of the game" for the GM is roleplaying- if by roleplaying you mean character acting. Especially in D&D, where there a lot more things going on than just social interactions. The GM creates the environment in which the players can role play, and contributes by providing interaction with the rest of the world. But it is just as much about character decision making as it is about acting. When there are interesting decisions for the characters to make, even if you aren't good at putting on a dramatic performance, the game can work.

Easy e
2022-07-18, 02:08 PM
That would be true if everybody in a RPG group had an equal opportunity to contribute and would share an equal part of the responsibility.

Perhaps, but a person can only control one thing at the table, and that is how they approach the table.

If you take steps to make things better and more enjoyable for yourself and others, but it does not work out; then feel free to move on. However, why not put in an effort to try to bring your A game and "Be the Change" before making that choice?

Is there a downside?

2022-07-19, 10:24 AM
OP, I’m glad that focusing on roleplaying has helped you to enjoy roleplaying games. I doubt I would have thought to suggest such - I’ll clearly need to add this tool to my toolkit.

On a minor note, I struggle to grasp what an “inspired” version of running a module looks like.

Also, I take kinda the opposite stance on GM acting (and sources of fun in general), almost to the point of role protection. Very, very soft role protection. But let the funny guy tell jokes, don’t have everyone ruin the moment with their poor attempts. Let the guy who’s good with voices do voices, don’t everyone try to copy him. Of course, it’s “people”, not person. And there should be space for noobs to learn, if they want to.

When my family gets together for Thanksgiving dinner, they don’t want me in the kitchen, ruining things.

I find groups work best when they can appreciate different people having different strengths, let people do what they’re good at, and don’t force people to conform to one set way. You don’t ask your marketing team to write the code or your programmers to handle marketing, after all.

Now, that does mean that some people are better suited for - or unsuited for - some roles.

But… is character acting (or even roleplaying) really an essential quality for a GM? My opinion, my gut reaction? I think it’s really nice if the GM can roleplay, can keep players and character knowledge separate, can answer, “what does this NPC know, and how do they know it? What do they believe, and why? What do they want? Who are they? Why are they here?” But acting skills are strictly optional, IME.

Still, I can see how certain kinda of fun would benefit from acting skill, with actors playing off each other. Which is a good reason for the PCs to interact with each other, not just with the NPCs, so that this can happen, so that this kind of fun isn’t lost, even under a GM without such skills.

2022-07-19, 10:41 AM
But… is character acting (or even roleplaying) really an essential quality for a GM? My opinion, my gut reaction? I think it’s really nice if the GM can roleplay, can keep players and character knowledge separate, can answer, “what does this NPC know, and how do they know it? What do they believe, and why? What do they want? Who are they? Why are they here?” But acting skills are strictly optional, IME.

Still, I can see how certain kinda of fun would benefit from acting skill, with actors playing off each other. Which is a good reason for the PCs to interact with each other, not just with the NPCs, so that this can happen, so that this kind of fun isn’t lost, even under a GM without such skills.

If I understand the OP correctly, the problem isn't so much a lack of acting skills as a lack of improvisation skills, with the NPCs saying what the module says they're saying and no more.

2022-07-20, 05:02 PM
If I understand the OP correctly, the problem isn't so much a lack of acting skills as a lack of improvisation skills, with the NPCs saying what the module says they're saying and no more.

Huh. I consider that aspect of “improv” to fall under “roleplaying”. I guess it might have something to do with why my players always used to claim I was good at improv?

Anyway, if we wanted to give constructive advice for how to improve that aspect of GMing? I’ve found that, when I run a module, I need to rewrite it, make it mine. Yes, that’s largely a formatting issue, but (relevant to this conversation) it’s also making (enough of) the NPCs mine that I can roleplay them.

So, the module says that there’s goblins here? Ok, how did they get here? What do they care about? What’s their motivation? (If I know the PCs, or once the module has started) How would they react to some of the things that the PCs have done previously?

If the module doesn’t give me enough information to answer simple questions like that, then I make up answers / background until I can find such answers.

How many of the NPCs is “enough”? Depends on the group and the GM, I suppose. If I’m running an “unimportant” meeting with the king, I’ve never needed more than a couple of the guards and a couple nobles ready to run; otoh, if I’m running a murder mystery, just about everybody has to be ready to be played.

That’s my experience, at least. Not sure if it helps anyone else.

2022-07-28, 04:25 PM
I'm always fascinated at how different gifted GMs are. Changing my voice or posture, making faces... all things that are difficult for me.
On the other hand I seem to have a knack for improvisation, when it comes to story and rules.
Other GMs I played with, even those who learned RPGing and GMing from me (and those are quite a number), are very good at those things, while some of them struggle with what comes easy to me (to the point of, dare I say it, railroading).

But we all learn, from one another or forum discussions like this one.
I think,what I want to say is, be patient.
If possible, Take a break from this campaign and GM a one-shot in a different, in your way.

I learned a lot from people I brought to the Hobby, an some of them are 15 years younger than me. Everyone hast Something you can learn from.

2022-07-28, 05:40 PM
I think the DM could potentially create a really creepy vibe by doubling down on what he's doing. Creating an impression of a static and unchanging land where history endlessly repeats itself

2022-07-28, 10:34 PM
I think the DM could potentially create a really creepy vibe by doubling down on what he's doing. Creating an impression of a static and unchanging land where history endlessly repeats itself
If given properly, that's really good advice. The DM probably can't change their ability to improvise or the tone of their voice or all that stuff. But they sure can lean into their natural habits.