View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Monk - Way of the Spider subclass

2022-07-16, 12:50 PM
I was thinking about spider-themed builds and trying to make a dhampir monk (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?647805-Spider-themed-dhampir-builds) work. I wasn't fully satisfied with the results, so I whipped up this homebrew. Ironically, this subclass gains little from being a dhampir, so you'd probably want to take a different race.


Forum-quotable version under the spoiler. See the link for the most up-to-date version.
3. Spider's Bite, Spider's Web
6. Spider Climb, Spider's Arts
11. Venomous Ki
17. Arachnophobia

Spider’s Bite
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the poisoner’s kit and in the Stealth skill. If you are already proficient with the poisoner’s kit, you may choose a different tool to gain proficiency in. If you are already proficient in the Stealth skill, you may choose a different skill to gain proficiency in.

You can also transform your body using your ki to grow vicious fangs, which are a natural weapon that you can use to make unarmed strikes with. The fangs deal 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. No action is required to create or hide the fangs. You can apply poison to your fangs as if they were a melee weapon.

In addition, you can also infuse poison with your ki, keeping that poison fresh indefinitely. When you apply poison to an object, such as a weapon or food, you can infuse that poison with your ki. Ki-infused poison will not dry or lose potency, and the ki will automatically renew as long as it remains within 30 feet of you. If the poisoned object is more than 30 feet away from you, the ki will fade after 1 hour unless it is brought within 30 feet of you before then.

You can also infuse your ki into an object that you know or suspect might be poisoned. As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to touch any number of poisoned objects before the end of your turn to infuse those objects with your ki. If you touch a quiver or other container holding ammunition, you can infuse your ki into the ammunition inside. Objects must be unattended or held by a willing creature for you to infuse the poisoned object with ki.

Your ki is also capable of preventing the poison taking effect if you so choose. For example, if a creature is struck by a poisoned weapon that has been infused with your ki, you can choose to stop the poison from entering that creature’s system. If a creature ingests food containing poison infused with your ki, you can make that poison pass harmlessly through that creature’s system (you must make this choice when the poison is ingested, not after).

Once you allow poison to take effect, your ki can no longer maintain that poison’s potency. The poison will lose its potency after the normal amount of time after it first takes effect. For example, basic poison applied to a weapon will dry after 1 minute after the first time you strike a creature with that weapon and allow the poison to affect that creature.

Spider’s Web
Starting at 3rd level when you choose this tradition, you can create filaments made of ki as a bonus action using a free hand. These ki filaments act like a silk rope, except as otherwise noted. The filaments are weightless, and use your ki save DC as the DC for the Strength check to break the filament. You can choose when you create the filament if it has the appearance of a glowing white thread, or a dull, translucent gray.

You can create up to a number of feet of ki filament up to 20 times your proficiency bonus. If you create more ki filament, you must destroy existing ki filament of your choice so that you don’t exceed this limit. You can increase your limit by spending ki; for each ki point you spend, you can create an additional number of feet of filament equal to 10 times your proficiency bonus for up to 1 hour.

When you create ki filament, you can make part or all of the filament sticky. When a creature, other than you, touches a sticky ki filament, they are restrained. A restrained creature can break the ki filament by using their action to make a Strength check versus your ki save DC, breaking free and destroying that section of ki filament on a success.

You may use an action to destroy any or all ki filaments you have created, make any or all of your filaments sticky or non-sticky, or to change their appearance.

Your mind is connected to your ki filaments, causing you to be aware if anything touches the filament, even if you are asleep. When a creature touches a ki filament, you may use a reaction to make all or part of that ki filament sticky or non-sticky.

Finally, you can layer your ki filament over an area to prevent creatures from being able to squeeze through without touching the filament. The web you create this way must be anchored on at least three sides. If you don’t use enough filament, then creatures will be able to squeeze through the gaps. To prevent creatures from squeezing through, you must use the following amount of filament per 5-foot square: 10 feet for large or larger, 20 feet for medium, 30 feet for small, and 40 feet for tiny. If you make the ki translucent, it becomes more difficult to see; even if there is a gap a creature can squeeze through, the creature must succeed on a Wisdom (Perception) check to notice the thread. Glowing white thread can be easily seen and does not require a check.

Spider Climb
Beginning at 6th level, you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.

Spider’s Arts
Once you reach 6th level, you can use your ki to duplicate the effects of certain spells. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points to cast cause fear, earthbind, pass without trace, or web, without providing material components.

In addition, you may now shoot ki filaments as a bonus action. The ki filament travels in a straight line and the sticky end will attach to a surface that it touches. There is no limit to how far you can shoot a ki filament, except for the amount of ki filament you can create, and that you must be holding the other end of the ki filament. Using your climb speed, you can reel the filament in, pulling you closer to the surface that the filament is attached to.

If you shoot the filament at a creature, that creature can dodge the filament by succeeding on a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail the saving throw, it isn’t enough to restrain them, but you can still use it in the following ways:

You can reel yourself in to get close to the creature. This can make it easier to get close to flying creatures.
You can force the creature to drag or carry you. Again, this can be particularly effective against flying creatures if you are heavy enough to cause them to become over encumbered.
You can yank on the filament as part of a shove, pulling the target toward you instead of pushing them away.

Venomous Ki
Starting at 11th level, you can infuse your strikes with ki that act like a potent poison. When you hit with a monk weapon or unarmed strike, you deal an additional 1d4 poison damage.

In addition, when a creature fails their saving throw against your Stunning Strike, you may spend ki to improve the Stunning Strike to a Paralyzing Strike. In addition to being stunned for one round, the target is also paralyzed. For the first minute of paralyzation, the creature can repeat the Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect early. After one minute, the poison-like ki fully penetrates the target’s body and it can only repeat the saving throw every 10 minutes. The effect lasts for up to 1 minute if you spend 2 ki, up to 1 hour if you spend 3 ki, and up to 8 hours if you spend 4 ki. You can end the effect at any time, no action required.

Once you reach 17th level, you’ve mastered the Way of the Spider, unlocking its most potent techniques. This gives you the following benefits.

Any time you deal poison damage, you may change that damage to necrotic instead. You can also make poison infused with your ki deal necrotic damage instead of poison damage.
You gain blind sight out to 30 feet.
You can transform your body in more horrifying ways, gaining any number of limbs and eyes. This requires no action.
You can speak to and understand spiders. As a bonus action, you may spend 2 ki points compel a spider or swarm of spiders, to carry out some task for you. The compulsion lasts for up to 1 hour or until the task is completed.

So let's break this down. Spider's Bite makes poison a lot more useful, but not necessarily stronger. You can apply it ahead of time, as it will now last indefinitely until you first use it. You can make poison harmless, allowing you to recreate that one scene from Princess Bride. You can even sneak into an enemy base and make all their poisoned arrows useless (until, of course, you catch them and throw them back).

Spider's Web is free rope, but also so much more. The obvious intention is to use it to create traps. Good for fortifying a base before a long rest. You can use it to set up an ambush as well, waiting for the enemy to walk into the ki filaments, or baiting them into running into the filaments. They are initially easier to break than real ropes, but as your ki save DC increases they become harder to break. Notice that you can make a filament sticky and still climb up or across it yourself without difficulty, but anyone who tries to follow you will get stuck.

Spider Climb is spider climb. Not much else to say.

Spider's Arts gives a bit of spellcasting, not unlike the Shadow monk, and also allows you to websling, Spiderman-style.

Venomous Ki adds some poison damage to your attacks and allows you to paralyze enemies with a Stunning Strike at the cost of extra ki. Do notice that this isn't solely meant for combat application, as you'll rarely need to use the 8 hour option during combat. The long-term paralysis allows for things like kidnapping or to take out a creature non-lethally for an extended period of time.

Arachnophobia, I'll admit, is just me throwing some ideas against the wall. Turning poison damage into necrotic makes your poison suddenly viable against a lot of monsters who were previously immune. Blind sight is always nice. Turning into a horrible spider person is... well, it's a thing, that's for sure. Talking to and commanding spiders seems like it's probably less useful at this point. I'm open to better suggestions for a capstone.

I do suspect this is overtuned, but it does feel quite flavorful. There's likely some tweaking that needs to be done, but I think I've got a solid foundation at least. As always, let me know what you think and feel free to suggest changes.

2022-07-18, 07:42 AM
Reading this, I feel the exact volume of filaments you can create is unclear. You can create 20 filaments but it's unclear how long they are. You state that they act like silk rope but does this mean that they are 50-feet long? This would need to be clarified in the text.

You feel it might be overtuned, but it depends largely on how your DM lets you play around with webs and especially poison. The 11th level ability might be stronger than most other 11th level monk abilities in terms of the damage boost it gives, but frankly I don't think it's a bad thing at all.

Very good overall. I think that the creativity this subclass allows is its strength and I wouldn't tone it down just because it's hard to anticipate such a factor. The only problem is that some of the text needs to be cleaned up because some sections (as noted in my first point) are confusing to read.

2022-07-18, 08:22 AM
You can create 20 feet * proficiency bonus, so up to 40 feet at 1st level and up to 120 feet at 20th level. This can be one long filament or many short filaments, so long as the total length doesn't exceed the limit. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I was wondering if I should remove some of the spells, maybe just cut it down to Web. Or, since you can more easily use poisons, maybe the 11th level feature is somewhat superfluous. I'm also a bit worried about the paralyzing strike. But I'll see if I can play test it before I nerf it. I'll see if I can clean up the language, too.

2022-07-18, 11:38 AM
You can create 20 feet * proficiency bonus, so up to 40 feet at 1st level and up to 120 feet at 20th level. This can be one long filament or many short filaments, so long as the total length doesn't exceed the limit. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I was wondering if I should remove some of the spells, maybe just cut it down to Web. Or, since you can more easily use poisons, maybe the 11th level feature is somewhat superfluous. I'm also a bit worried about the paralyzing strike. But I'll see if I can play test it before I nerf it. I'll see if I can clean up the language, too.

The 6th level features, even if they are pretty tame overall (as in they don't stack on top of each other in term of power), are unusually numerous. Maybe the spells aren't needed and cutting them would make the subclass more in line with what you would expect for a monk subclass.

Old Harry MTX
2022-07-18, 12:07 PM
In the last contest nickl_2000 made a nice spider-monk, following the suggestions of other participants. You can find it here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25472151&postcount=7) if you want to take a look.