View Full Version : Would it break the ranger(beastmaster)

2022-07-17, 02:32 PM
If the ranger magic system would be changed from just spells known to something similar to what a paladin has, becoming wisdom modifier +1/2 ranger level and the option to change spells every long rest, would it break the game for the ranger?

I tried my hand at the ranger beastmaster (revised version) and i liked it somewhat, but i have had the flak of questioning why i picked certain spells over others.

Given i had also to look out for my companion i took, iirc, hunters mark, jump, cure wounds and one i don't recall any more.

Now with Tasha's, the action economy is a bit different for the beastmaster.

but, yea, what would break if the ranger just had a little more flexibility to his spellcasting.

2022-07-17, 02:49 PM
Don't think it would break anything. It'd be a nice boost to Rangers, but I don't think they have any spells that are a combination of niche (so you wouldn't just learn them normally) and really damn powerful within that niche (so they bust something when used right).

2022-07-17, 03:12 PM
I personally think invocations called Secrets of the Wild or Secrets of the Far Places would suit rangers better than spells.

2022-07-17, 05:00 PM
It would add some overall power in that it gives them greater ability to tailor their spells to the situation. However, their spells aren't any more powerful than they were before and you have no more spells than you did before. Frankly, I think it is stupid that Rangers are the only half-caster that have spells known vs spells prepared. I would very much be open to this as a DM.

2022-07-17, 06:40 PM
I've run spells-known Rangers for a few years now and it hasn't impacted anything all that much.

2022-07-17, 06:47 PM
I've run spells-known Rangers for a few years now and it hasn't impacted anything all that much.

Has it made more people chose Ranger?

2022-07-17, 09:12 PM
Not really, if someone chose ranger they were going to do so anyways, but it was a nice little quality of life feature for then to swap out a spell or two to use outside of their default loadout during downtime and such

2022-07-18, 06:21 AM
Prob not, i personally like how the Ranger does its spells.

2022-07-18, 11:50 AM
but, yea, what would break if the ranger just had a little more flexibility to his spellcasting.

Not at all and the party would appreciate the increased flexibility I'd wager. Rangers have a lot of situational yet thematic spells like Animal Messenger and Locate X that rarely get picked due to their spells known mechanic.

2022-07-18, 02:17 PM
They could use a buff, so don't think it'd break anything, but it doesn't address the core problem...

Most ranger spells plain suck. I feel we need more spells for them exclusively in particular. Most of the paladin exclusively spells were great:
Destructive wave
Circle of Power
Find Steed (s)
Auras of X
(I know many later were stolen)

Ranger, meanwhile,
Ensnaring strike is good.
Swift quiver is good

But nothing else is quite so good that is Ranger exclusively. And the funnier part is most paladins aren't even aware they HAVE spells. XD.

2022-07-18, 03:40 PM
Break? No.

Modest increase to utility, greater flexibility, slight jiggling in the usefulness of certain subclass spell lists. Last point invalid for Beast Masters unless you've brewed them a bonus spell list already.

2022-07-18, 10:27 PM
It wouldn't break anything. It allows your rangers to make use of more than the top 5% of their spell list, so you'll see a little more variation, which I think is a positive overall.