View Full Version : DM Help Bringing back the Tropical Island Setting

2022-07-17, 06:56 PM
So, a while back I had posted a discussion (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?616814-DnD-5e-Tropical-island-setting#:~:text=%20Re%3A%20DnD%205e%20Tropical%20i sland%20setting%20,inside%20of%20an%20abandoned%20 giant%20lighthouse%20More%20), asking for some advice on a Tropical Island themed setting based around Hawaii. Well, I am trying to bring it back and I figured I would post what I have any see if anyone has some ideas that they'd like to add.

I should also mention that this setting will have some Aetherpunk (technology fueled by magic) in it and that one of my inspirational ideas for this was, "a tropical, vacation resort for adventurers." All official player races/subclasses will be available for the players to use.

The Iwithaunai Isles are a series of islands, some of which are volcanic in nature while others are composed from coral reefs that branched off of the bones of a great leviathan that had coiled itself around a few of the larger (though now mostly inactive) volcanos. Initially the natives were composed of lizardfolk and locathah, though as tribal humans (Polynesian in origin) and some triton settlers resided on the islands, they made up what would be referred to as the native folk. During this time, these locales might become attune to the elemental forces on the island and produce genasi offspring.

Centuries later, the world was in a large-scale war, and one of the nations (name still pending) found the Iwithaunai isles and attempted to enslaves its inhabitants. Later with the help of a rival military force belonging to the Azulance Republic, the natives would be able to force the oppressive nation out of the islands. After some negotiations, the Iwithaunai Isles would become one of the Azulance states and receive its protection. Though this union would bring about a change that some of the natives wouldn't be too pleased with.

The Azulance embassy would be established on Hakamono, the largest island and gradually they'd bring technology as well as other citizens to the islands. This has resulted in a slight split among the natives as some fear that the introduction of such technology will bring about the end of ancestral traditions, while others have not only embraced it but believe that a new god or goddess (haven't decided yet) has be born from the introduction of such technology to the islands.

Hakamono has evolved into a large city of sorts where Aether fueled technology, native customs as well as the cultures of colonists have merged into a melting pot of culture. Furthermore, adventurers from all over the world as well as other worlds (thanks to special magic circles) come to the Iwithaunai islands for a relaxing experience.

Of course, it wouldn't be DnD if there wasn't some conflict. :smallwink:

On the island players will encounter: gangs, bounty hunters, crimals hidding from bounty hunters, native beasts, crazed elementals, sea monsters and the cults that worship them can be found on the Iwithaunai Isles.

So, what do you all think? Do any of you have any ideas/suggestions either for the setting or perhaps even some inspirational material for me to look into, while working on it? :smallsmile:

2022-07-19, 02:10 PM
So... Any thoughts?

2022-07-19, 02:19 PM
So, any good setting, especially a smaller setting like this should have a couple things going on

1) What are Adventurer's Doing?

What role is there for Adventurers in this setting, the PC's in particular. "A Vacation Spot for Adventurers" doesn't seem like a place that NEEDS adventurers to do adventurers. You briefly mention stuff like bandits and dangerous local beasts, but those will be the meat of any adventure, and should feature more prominently in your initial pitch.

2) What is Changing

You brush on this, but should go into more details. What are the changes the islands are currently undergoing? What are the forces involved in that change? How might adventurers be involved in this conflict?

3) What "Pops" about this setting

You paint things in pretty broad strokes, give some specifics. Locations, Groups, are there Sky Pirates? Is there an ancient, sunken civilization?

Right now this has potential, but it's just landscape. It doesn't give me any idea what a campaign in this setting might feature, or how to build a character for this setting.

Captain Bob
2022-07-19, 02:30 PM
I'd recommend checking out some Pillars of Eternity 2 - basically is a mix of classic fantasy and renaissance / age of piracy. Also happens to be a great game, but most importantly it's uncannily similar to the setting you're describing.

2022-07-19, 09:19 PM
I really like the geological history of the setting you've described - this alone suggests some adventure hooks to me - are the leviathan creatures extinct? Are they native to the plane? Does the underwater ecosystem that exists around this skeleton have any unique properties?

Stemming from this, environmental and political plotlines spring to mind. If the leviathan skeleton or the coral are magical, are there off-island powers that want to exploit that? If they do, what are the social and ecological consequences? Are there reasons beside tradition (like pollution or self-determination) that the islanders would want to oppose all outside powers?

Going off the vacationers' paradise aspect, I wonder if surfing, sailing, paragliding or ziplines could inspire items or options for movement in encounters?

2022-07-19, 09:39 PM
So... Any thoughts?

What are you looking for exactly? Adventure ideas? NPC ideas? World-building ideas?

You seem to have a pretty good basis to start with, but what do your players want to do? Are they planning to getting a ship and visit all the various islands where each island has some unique adventure? Do they want to become pirates or pirate hunters? Do they want to get into the political intrigue of being a protectorate? Once you know that it will be easier to help.

2022-07-20, 07:48 AM
What are you looking for exactly? Adventure ideas? NPC ideas? World-building ideas?

You seem to have a pretty good basis to start with, but what do your players want to do? Are they planning to getting a ship and visit all the various islands where each island has some unique adventure? Do they want to become pirates or pirate hunters? Do they want to get into the political intrigue of being a protectorate? Once you know that it will be easier to help.

I mean kind of all the above. Lol.

Generally I try to create a setting and then throw out plot hooks for the players so they can pick their own path.

Though players could potentially be pirates if they wished or even natives to the island if they so choose.

I really like the geological history of the setting you've described - this alone suggests some adventure hooks to me - are the leviathan creatures extinct? Are they native to the plane? Does the underwater ecosystem that exists around this skeleton have any unique properties?

Stemming from this, environmental and political plotlines spring to mind. If the leviathan skeleton or the coral are magical, are there off-island powers that want to exploit that? If they do, what are the social and ecological consequences? Are there reasons beside tradition (like pollution or self-determination) that the islanders would want to oppose all outside powers?

Going off the vacationers' paradise aspect, I wonder if surfing, sailing, paragliding or ziplines could inspire items or options for movement in encounters?

I certainly do plan on theming some of the creatures around Hawaii's wildlife as well as implementing some magical variants.

I usually try to be careful not to use much in the way of real world politics, largely because I want to have fun with my players and generally don't enjoy such things. However, I did have some thoughts that there might have been an "incident" where one of the islands was evacuated and quarantined due to some sort of magical reactor link and now the Azurlance government is trying to work with the natives to ensure that such an event doesn't happen again.

While this dead island is locked off (and certainly not advertised) some groups will secretly take adventurers there to explore and bring back items from the ruins.

I certainly would love to implement surfing, sailing, etc... Into the game, I think that would be fun.

One of my issues is trying to figure out what the initial invading force is. Initially I had thought that they might be themed either off of German or Japan (WWII and what not), though I'm not sure if maybe I want to have them themed around a different nation instead.

2022-07-20, 07:53 AM
Bionicle is an adventure-themed story with the first chunk happening on a Tropical island. Maybe look into that for inspiration on some obstacles.

2022-07-20, 12:29 PM
I mean kind of all the above. Lol.

Generally I try to create a setting and then throw out plot hooks for the players so they can pick their own path.

Though players could potentially be pirates if they wished or even natives to the island if they so choose.

A big reason to ask the players is because it will influence what to focus on. If they want to be pirates then you'll want to focus on ships and develop the trade networks and the various trading factions, whereas if they don't then there's not much need to go beyond they trade with the alliance. If they want to go on cool activities offered by the resorts then you'll focus on the resorts and the problems that happen during the various activities.

In terms of world building I would suggest a valuable resource on the island(s), the first invaders were taking this by force, the alliance also wants to get their hands on but are more diplomatic. Put the resource in an area sacred to the natives and that will provide a lot of tension between factions. This resource could be magical, fantastical, or just plain old valuable.

In terms of plot hooks,
- A group of natives who believe in the old ways will perform a ritual to restart a dormant volcano that is near a big city/resort in the hopes of driving off the newcomers
- A ship carrying lots of loot the initial invaders stole from the island is rumored to have been sunk in a storm and is somewhere nearby
- A red dragon's lair is based in the center of the most active volcano, the dragon is part of the mythology and the natives regularly provide tribute (Even though the dragon hasn't been seen in centuries). With many natives no longer following the old ways tribute is becoming lighter and the dragon might just decide to leave it's lair and remind people why tribute is needed.
- Sahuagin attacks are becoming more and more frequent
- Once a year there is a large a meteor shower with hundreds of small meteors crashing into the ocean near to the islands. The meteor shower is part of the mythology of the island but the meteors are valuable and hold a secret about their origin.
- A group of deserters from the original invaders have integrated themselves with the the natives on a particular island known for it's more piratical ways and hostility to the alliance.
- A giant sea serpent has been attacking and sinking trade ships, the owners of a resort is hiring mercenaries to kill the beast. Unknown to most is that these serpents are generally peaceful and are only attacking because their spawning grounds have been damaged in some way by new development.
- Some dragon turtle eggs are stolen and it's mother wants them back and will start killing indiscriminately until they are returned
- Ruins of a long ago Yuan-ti empire are on one of the islands
- A resort is famed for a particular alcoholic drink unique to the resort. The secret ingredient, a small amount of Grung poison, the resort kidnaps young Grung and harvest the poison. The grung tribe isn't strong enough to fight back against the resorts mercanaries and need the PCs help to stop the slavery/kidnapping/exploitation.

In terms of NPCs/Organizations,
- A druidic circle in charge of the main religion and they are the biggest force opposing the changing ways
- A paladin order serving the druid circle, these paladins have the barbarians Unarmored Defence instead of heavy armour their leader (S&B) has a holy avenger type weapon that is like a warpick/battleaxe where the "blade" is a gigantic shark's tooth.
- Several criminal gangs, some profit off the new ways some want to restore the old ways through violence, at least one gang is made up of exclusively of weresharks
- A high up member of the alliance who is the go to person in dealing with monsters that are get unleashed by new development is a famed Monster Slayer who only cares about the glory of killing legendary beasts
- An archeological organization from the alliance is focused on the Yuan-ti empire that inhabited these islands before the natives
- A water genasi tour guide who works with the resorts. Casts Water Breathing and tours sunken ships, and ancient ruins under the sea, and Water Walk and a fast boat for water skiing
- A triton fence/smuggler is the only go between of an undersea kingdom and the surface world

2022-07-20, 03:57 PM
One of my issues is trying to figure out what the initial invading force is. Initially I had thought that they might be themed either off of German or Japan (WWII and what not), though I'm not sure if maybe I want to have them themed around a different nation instead.

If you want to avoid modern politics, the classical or medieval Mediterranean might provide some inspiration. The Punic wars in particular would see several kingdoms empires (Rome, Carthage, Syracuse) coming into conflict with (probably defensive)island tribes like the Nuragics in Sardinia and Corsica as well as organized pirate and mercenary groups like the Ardiaei in the Adriatic. The Romans have the most surviving documentation for exactly what bad stuff they did (slavery, looting, depopulation), and if I recall, the Hobgoblins in the Monster Manual have some Roman overtones already. However, pretty much any Mediterranean power with a navy could be cast in the role of an "evil empire" subjugating an archipelago.

I think the Dandelion Dynasty series by Ken Liu draws a lot of its inspiration from Chinese and Indonesian history, and is set in an island kingdom, but I'm as familiar with Asian history as I am with classical Europe. Good series, though.

I guess the real question is what parts of real-world history need to be referenced - is the theming regarding the motives for expansion (security, resources, slavery, manifest destiny, religion...), military tactics and naval technology (turtle ships, longboats, triremes, ships of the line, submarine warfare...), or other cultural signifiers (which really could be drawn from anywhere...)?

2022-07-20, 11:58 PM
If you want to avoid modern politics, the classical or medieval Mediterranean might provide some inspiration. The Punic wars in particular would see several kingdoms empires (Rome, Carthage, Syracuse) coming into conflict with (probably defensive)island tribes like the Nuragics in Sardinia and Corsica as well as organized pirate and mercenary groups like the Ardiaei in the Adriatic. The Romans have the most surviving documentation for exactly what bad stuff they did (slavery, looting, depopulation), and if I recall, the Hobgoblins in the Monster Manual have some Roman overtones already. However, pretty much any Mediterranean power with a navy could be cast in the role of an "evil empire" subjugating an archipelago.

I actually do like the idea of a roman themed empire as the invading force, that perhaps it is run by some humans but there military/labor force partially consists of other races, including (but not limited to): Orcs and goblinoids.

I also like the idea that goblins have an uncanny ability of just stoling away on ships. If you set up a colony somewhere, chances are there is a group of goblins hiding out somewhere. :smallbiggrin: