View Full Version : Guessing Last call: Beast in Shadows' Identity

2022-07-17, 09:41 PM
Well folks, the final fight approaches. The Order of the Stick, vs Team "Redcloak & Unwanted Company". And as such, I'd say it's time we placed our final bets on who/what the Beast in the Shadows truly is. So let's hear your final theories in light of all the comic pages uploaded to date!

Personally? My expectation is that he's Pun-Pun the Kobold. Evidence:

1. He has absurd amounts of raw physical strength, able to do things with a punch or a stomp that would normally be in the realm of gods and/or 9th tier spells. But he does it easily, and if a light angry stomp can create an earthquake then what kind of damage can he do with his (theoretically unlimited) FULL strength score?

2. He's very small, according to Oona who peaked under his umbrella. Kobolds are among the smallest sentient creatures we've seen in this comic - right there alongside gnomes and halflings.

3. All kobolds have a name that is the same word twice. Kilkil, Yukyuk, etc. Punpun would fit in perfectly with the naming convention.

4. Kobolds and other lizardfolk have very open easy-to-address diets, able to eat just about anything. Like, say, vulture stew, or meat and gruel, or people that Xykon puts on his plate (except babies of course).

5. He has enough intelligence to learn Go and get quite proficient at it, as well as hear and remember information like the token representation of bugbears in goblinoid society, which would line up with a 1-level dip into Wizard for the first step of the punpun build. He also has good Charisma due to being very likeable to anyone who spends time around him, but his Wisdom - aka common sense and ability to understand rather than just know - is very lacking indeed. The punpun build doesn't need wisdom, it can effectively be a dump stat in exchange for the Int and Cha needed to cast the right transformative spells to obtain infinite Strength.

Do you agree, disagree and/or have an alternate theory? let's hear it!

2022-07-17, 10:09 PM
There are entire threads dedicated to this topic already-- we're certainly on #16 of such (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?646977-MITD-Sweet-XVI-and-Never-Been-Guessed)-- and I expect this thread will be merged with that one.

(Where I am sure others, as well as the initial post, will lay out the reasons it is very likely not Pun-Pun. Also, #3 isn't evidence of anything other than "Punpun is a name that fits naming conventions of kobolds in OOTS.")

pearl jam
2022-07-18, 02:05 AM
There are entire threads dedicated to this topic already-- we're certainly on #16 of such (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?646977-MITD-Sweet-XVI-and-Never-Been-Guessed)-- and I expect this thread will be merged with that one.

(Where I am sure others, as well as the initial post, will lay out the reasons it is very likely not Pun-Pun. Also, #3 isn't evidence of anything other than "Punpun is a name that fits naming conventions of kobolds in OOTS.")

All those other threads are about the Monster in the Darkness. This thread is about the Beast in the Shadows! :smallbiggrin:

2022-07-18, 02:37 AM
Someone should open up a thread named such as The Archive of Rich Burlew's Quotes.

Back to the topic:

Skywarp or some other decepticon similar to him.


Can teleport himself and others
Decepticons has enough strength and power
Made out of hard material
Transforming abilities explain all the reactions
Use family terms despite of being asexual
Can be hypnotized, so vulnerable to mind affect
Existed well before the strip 100

2022-07-18, 04:40 AM
There are entire threads dedicated to this topic already-- we're certainly on #16 of such-- and I expect this thread will be merged with that one.

I wasn't sure if this forum had issues with thread necromancy. Bringing back old threads that haven't been touched in a while is usually considered a negative thing to do, so my apologies for being incorrect about that here.

(Where I am sure others, as well as the initial post, will lay out the reasons it is very likely not Pun-Pun. Also, #3 isn't evidence of anything other than "Punpun is a name that fits naming conventions of kobolds in OOTS.")

Why would they choose a naming convention that's perfect for the name of an iconic / infamous character in the history of 3.5, if they weren't intending to make use of it in some form? But fair enough, I'll call it an interesting coincidence instead of hard evidence.

Domino Quartz
2022-07-18, 04:44 AM
I wasn't sure if this forum had issues with thread necromancy. Bringing back old threads that haven't been touched in a while is usually considered a negative thing to do, so my apologies for being incorrect about that here.

It wouldn't be thread necromancy, because people are still actively posting in the latest thread.

2022-07-18, 05:01 AM
It wouldn't be thread necromancy, because people are still actively posting in the latest thread.

....I totally missed the acronym being used in thread titles when I was checking for active ones. Whelp, there's my one-off newbie mistake, apologies for wasting people's time!

Please return to the original thread-set for this discussion and ignore this one.

2022-07-18, 08:46 AM
Metamagic Mod: thread Closed (rather than merged)