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View Full Version : Gift of the Giff God of Guns, and other interviews on Spelljammer races

2022-07-20, 12:27 PM
The D&D YouTube channel has released videos on astral elves (https://youtu.be/-u-1mczl0yY) and the giff (https://youtu.be/giEePsZBSaM). These will probably be followed by other playable races in the upcoming Spelljammer product.

Astral elves have inherited the imperialist history of past editions' spelljamming elves. Of course, much as is being done with the drow, that means many astral elves are defined by their opposition to the regime.

As for the giff, it looks like they are getting firearm proficiency after all! WotC just had to work in a magical explanation for why even a giff who has never seen gunpowder would instinctively understand it. Something about the mystical gift of a god who the giff would thank if only they could remember where they came from.

2022-07-25, 01:21 PM
Two more videos, this time on autognomes (https://youtu.be/P3S2cRDbOTE) and plasmoids (https://youtu.be/_JdKXYcacI8).

Nice to see them acknowledge the Star Frontiers roots of some of these 5e Spelljammer creatures.

2022-07-25, 01:32 PM
I really love Todd's idea of a Plasmoid Beast Barbarian who ingests black dye to essentially let you play as Venom.

2022-08-01, 11:24 AM
And finally, the hadozee (https://youtu.be/wCYT27Nko7c) and the thri-kreen (https://youtu.be/a6VuQU090jI).

Thri-kreen have retained the ability to use light weapons with their secondary arms.

2022-08-01, 07:23 PM
Good, I liked plasmoids at least. I find it disappointing that they're taking away the defining thrikreen ability of Standing Leap and replacing it with telepathy and a weird camo ability, but well, I guess I can play as an MLG wifi router now instead.