View Full Version : Character Ideas (Extreme Creative Block)

2022-07-20, 11:17 PM
Hello everyone I’m about to join a new campaign and the dm sent me a rough draft of what the campaign story will be. I need help coming up with ideas for a character because I am having EXTREME creative block…I’m in 3 other games so I’d like to avoid Druid, Bard, and Monk if possible however if you have a great idea I’d love to hear it. All ideas are welcome

Here’s the summary

“The Fault Runners

No one knew exactly what caused The Fault. There have been many theories over the millenia. Some say it was caused by an angry god. Some say the dealings in the magic and fae caused the planet too much stress. Whatever the case the giant scar on the planet became a focus of all who wanted wealth and glory. What the inhabitants of Miercani did not realize is they were playing with a fire they would not be able to put out.

The first rift went unnoticed for a while. A few missing explorers chalked up to the dangers of the shear cliffs and the unwieldy terrain. But as more and more souls went missing, exploration uncovered what would come to be known as the Dread Gates. None knew why these came into being, but the demons and fiends that traveled through them left none to question the evil these harbored. Every 9 years a different hell would open gates through the world in the fault and these forces would make landfall in the mortal plane. Cities built on the edge of the fault became fortresses to hold back the armies of hell wrought upon the planet.

While the temptation of magic and wealth lie in the darkest reaches of the fault, each trip held dangers of what the gates had left behind when last they were opened. The brave souls, or indentured few, that were commanded to travel through the fault to retrieve whatever they could get their hands on left many families unattended and with more questions than answers in the aftermath of exploration. Those that returned were not necessarily who they left as. Some came back to families that claim they were not who they pretended to be. Some could not return to their families after what they had seen. Most budding adventurers just didn’t return at all.

The year is 3451 F.A. (Fault Appearance), almost 1 year until the next opening. No one could tell what new hell this opening would bring. And none wanted to.“

2022-07-21, 12:38 AM
On the one hand, paladin never sucks when you have so many juicy smite targets.

On the other hand, talking with the other players about what they want to bring is also a really good idea. To encourage team synergies, to avoid having characters aim for the same niche and winding up fighting over it, and most importantly to help ensure that everybody is on the same page. Session zero is a very good habit to be in.

2022-07-21, 01:20 AM
Horizon Walker Ranger?

2022-07-21, 02:14 AM
Well, what starting level and what the rest of the group is playing of course influences a lot. But what you've given us here, a few ideas come to mind. You could play a Cleric who's been ordained to go close gates/recover an important religious artifact. You could play a Fighter or Barbarian come to test your skills and might against the dark fiends, and maybe save some people while you're at it. You could playa a Warlock here to thwart the fiends in name of your master. You could pick a Ranger as suggested to hunt fiends gud. A Paladin almost writes itself. You could also play a Sorcerer come here to find your (fiendish) relatives and work out some familiy issues. And that's mostly just looking at class identity, knowing very little about the area and culture in the world and/or around the fault.

2022-07-21, 07:04 AM
I’m not sure on class level yet. This is in early planning. I’ve never played a paladin before just because I can never think of a compelling unique backstory for one. I do enjoy a good smite though. I had a light cleric made a while back that’s just be sitting in my D&D beyond account.

2022-07-21, 07:49 AM
A character who thanks to a draft, debt or conviction has been drafted into service of a guild or mikitary?

A sorcerer who was the BEST a city had to send?

They don't need to be cowardly, that is often annoying to party members. Just reluctant in roleplay.

2022-07-21, 08:22 AM
I’m not sure on class level yet. This is in early planning. I’ve never played a paladin before just because I can never think of a compelling unique backstory for one. I do enjoy a good smite though. I had a light cleric made a while back that’s just be sitting in my D&D beyond account.
Light Cleric strikes me as a very good choice for this campaign, battling against the darkness. Oath of the Watcher's Paladin also seems to be an OK fit.

{avoid} Druid, Bard, and Monk if possible however
I have become quite the fan of the Celestial Warlock, Pact of the Tome (to get rituals and more cantrips for more flexibility) but the Divine Soul sorcerer appeals thematically.

A few character concepts:

a. One of the last exploring / adventuring parties included a distant relative of your PC. A second cousin, once removed. What he was seeking is/was a mystery. Family drew lots, your PC is off to find out, find relative, etc.

b. Close the gate! These are the instructions from {the master of your order,} / {your patron} / {your patriarch or high priest}, etc.

2022-07-22, 01:08 AM
Play a wizard that’s all about ‘science’ and experimentation that keeps a book of his research and experiments right alongside his spell book. Have him be more concerned about his research than danger, have him be self assured and sometimes reach incorrect conclusions due to the often limited repeatable nature of his research. Play him with a dash of mad scientist from time to time.

He has all the reason in the world to go into the rift and will help push the party toward adventure. He also offers some great hooks and will allow the dm to creatively reveal some of the secrets of the rift organically

Just don’t be my way or the highway. If the party wants to move away from your research make an IC passioned plea and when they say no reluctantly move on with them. There will be other wonders to research after all.

2022-07-22, 05:11 PM
Sounds like D&D meets Pacific Rim.
Therefore you are obligated to play as an Artificar.

2022-07-22, 07:29 PM
Orc scout rogue w/ the healer feat. You were raised from a young age by a hobgoblin mercenary troop that taught you scouting, survivalism, and herbalism. You soldiered with the hobgoblins for years until the troop was effectively wiped out in a battle with another mercenary company. Rather than join another company, you lived in the wilderness for years until you found something (to do with the rifts) and have returned to civilization to figure out what it is. Because you've been living alone for so long, you say out loud almost everything that comes to your mind, maybe not even realizing that you're doing so. Simple observations to your thoughts about how close to dying that person you just patched up was.

Mechanically, cunning action and skirmish gets you in and out of combat as necessary to use your Healer feat. Steady aim and sneak attack are your primary offense. Uncanny dodge, reckless endurance, and the healer feat give you far more durability than you have any right to. A wily, cunning combat veteran with 9 lives. Oh and your skills are through the roof with 4 expertise skills.

2022-07-23, 11:52 PM
A tiefling Rogue who volunteered for Fault Duty in hopes that they would find clues to their parentage.
An aging human Paladin with the Soldier background who is looking forward to retirement.
A dwarven Wizard with a burning interest in extraplanar geology.

2022-07-24, 07:47 AM
Horizon Walker Ranger?

This, make those fiends taste the Wrath of the Righteous Horizon Walker