View Full Version : Wrath of the Righteous - Sword of Valor [IC]

2022-07-24, 03:01 PM
Skerak sends a forceful blast of stone at the leader, aiming to knock him back into the tent. His attack is a success, striking the fiend hard, but the enemy keeps his footing.

Rosa charges towards the leader, biting him if she can. Her jaws snap shut on thin air, and she feels a light caress on her chin. "Such a looker... I think I'll keep you after I've trashed you. And the crusaders. And the rest." he says, stepping back, gathering a mist of black magic in his palm. "Feel the weight of your regrets..."

He takes a 5ft step out of melee and uses a Spell-like ability. Those there must make a Will save
Aron [roll0]

2022-07-24, 03:42 PM
Shauna charges at the fiend with divine strength.

Attack [roll0]

Will save [roll2]

2022-07-31, 08:49 AM
Luna leads back the army, with some warriors wounded in the attack but still in the saddle. Riding beside the cleric, Aardic took a bolt through the elbow between armor plates, while Lann and Uriel are unharmed. They ride, and the tieflings pursue. It's not the best feigned retreat in history, but the tieflings charge after them heedlessly, lacking a commander with the presence of mind to stand them down. They soon reach the killing ground, and it's time for a counter-attack. Irabeth is ready and charges forward with her troops, crashing into the tieflings.

Irabeth has had her troops assume Aggressive strategy, giving them +2 to their OM attack, and bonus damage, and -2 to their DV
[roll0] Irabeth attack (deals 4 damage)
[roll1] Tieflings vs Irabeth's army. (Deals 1 damage)

Luna's troops need to wheel back and strike at the tieflings

2022-07-31, 05:34 PM
LG Small army of humans (paladin 4)
hp 5/8
DV 16; OM +6 ranged
Tactics expert flankers, standard, withdraw
Resources improved armor, improved weapons (mwk cold
iron), mounts, ranged weapons (longbows)
Special aura of courage, channel positive energy, divine health,
lay on hands, mercy, smite evil, spellcasting
Speed 3; Morale +1; Consumption 4

Strategy track: Standard
Tactic: Standard

Luna sees many of her comrades hurt. She could order further retreat to save them, but then she'd be leaving Irabeth's army all alone, and she can't do that! "Come, everyone! Gather tightly for maximum channeling coverage! We'll lose some charging opportunity but we can recover while re-engaging!" The army wheels around, and instead of a spectacular charge attack, re-engages at a slower rate to allow for some healing first.

Use "Lay on Hands" to heal 1 HP on the army, lowering OM by 1. Then, attack the tiefling army.
OM check: [roll0]

2022-08-02, 12:48 PM
Skerak snarls and sends another blast of stone at the fiend.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2022-08-04, 03:16 AM
Luna's Crusaders take a brief moment to heal their wounds, rotating those more injured to the back and letting fresh warriors take the front as they prepare to charge. They see the pursuing tieflings pause, noticing too late the second force of crusaders initially hidden, led by Irabeth, hooves of their steeds beating the ground, swords flashing as their charge hits home, evildoers knocked off their feet and scattered by the charge.
"Don't lose momentum!" Irabeth shouts, exthorting her half of the Crusaders in their attack, the mounted warriors plunging into the host of tieflings. Astonishingly, they manage to hold their ground against the incoming charge.
"They need help!" Uriel says.
"Then let's go!" another crusader shouts, kicking his horse to a gallop.
"Wait!" a woman's voice calls out, "Wait for the order!" but it's too late. Those that managed to patch up first don't wait, and the charge comes in disaray, individual warriors hitting the host of tieflings without the mass and shock of the full army behind them.
"Those fools" Aardic mutters, taking his own steed after them. Making the same mistake.
The rest wait for Luna's forthcoming order and take the fight to the enemy, but the oppoirtunity for hitting hard was missed. It's clear that the Crusaders are the better fighters, though the sheer difference in numbers allows the tieflings to inflict some damage.

Waiting for Rosa to take actions in the regular battle.

[roll0] Irabeth vs Tieflings.
[roll1] Tieflings vs Irabeth's army

2022-08-08, 12:19 AM
Rosa steps forward silently and bites again. She's focused on the kill.
attack [roll]1d20+7[roll]
damage [roll0]

2022-08-09, 02:53 AM
LG Small army of humans (paladin 4)
hp 6/8
DV 16; OM +6 ranged
Tactics standard, withdraw
Resources improved armor, improved weapons (mwk cold
iron), mounts, ranged weapons (longbows)
Special aura of courage, channel positive energy, divine health,
lay on hands, mercy, smite evil, spellcasting
Speed 3; Morale +1; Consumption 4

Strategy track: Aggressive (DV -2, OM +2, Damage dealt +3)
Tactic: Standard

Luna commands her army to keep healing itself, but also to attack aggressively! "Support our comrades!"

Use "Lay on Hands" to heal 1 HP on the army, lowering OM by 1. Change Strategy track from Standard to Aggressive (no morale check needed). Then, attack the tiefling army.
OM check: [roll0]

2022-08-09, 11:54 AM
rolling once more

2022-08-11, 10:29 AM
As Skerak shoots his stone blast, one of the accompanying dretches tries to interpose itself but fails to catch the blast. The other dretch rushes between Rosa and the demon commander, preventing the tiefling from stepping closer. Her attack hurts the lesser demon.
Aron moves to assail the demon commander despite his misgivings. He can't quite reach a flanking position.
The dretch facing Rosa attacks her, while the other moves away, provoking from Rosa and Shauna.

It belches forth a cloud of nauseating poison, catching all heroes and itself in a Stinking Cloud, with Skerak at the very edge.

[roll0] Aron's attack vs demon commander, [roll1]
[roll2] Dretch attack vs Rosa, [roll3], [roll4] 1-50 hits
[roll5] Dretch attack vs Rosa, [roll6], [roll7] 1-50 hits
[roll8] Dretch attack vs Rosa, [roll9], [roll10] 1-50 hits

[roll11] demon commander vs Shauna, [roll12] [roll13] 1-50 hits Crit confirmed, 7 more damage, 2 nonlethal damage, and a Fort save is needed.

Outside the camp, Luna's and Irabeth's armies converge, taking down the tieflings, who fight bravely, almost insanely to the bitter end. "Looks like the demons didn't take the bait" Irabeth observes, riding to Rosa. "We'll need to take the fight to the wall, but we managed to even out the numbers. Shall we keep the split command, or will I take charge?"

2022-08-12, 07:24 PM
Shauna attacks.


2022-08-18, 11:57 AM
Seeing a potential for an attack of opportunity, Rosa bites once more:

2022-08-19, 02:27 AM
Outside the camp, Luna's and Irabeth's armies converge, taking down the tieflings, who fight bravely, almost insanely to the bitter end. "Looks like the demons didn't take the bait" Irabeth observes, riding to Rosa. "We'll need to take the fight to the wall, but we managed to even out the numbers. Shall we keep the split command, or will I take charge?"

"Well, we did crush half the enemy already. Wait, do the dretch have any ranged attacks? If they do not, we can keep peppering them from our bows from here right?"

Luna will also check on her people and friends, and see if any need any more healing. She puts on a confident face for them. "We may have had a few stumbles, but we have crushed one group already. The other will meet the same fate!"

2022-08-25, 03:22 AM
Fortitude save: [roll0]

2022-08-28, 06:16 AM
Shauna attacks through the fog to try and destroy the creature.

[roll1] low misses

2022-08-28, 08:38 AM
Skerak moves toward where he'd seen the demon, to attack.
Kinetic Blade: [roll0]/[roll1]
Miss chance, low hits: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]/[roll4]

2022-09-02, 12:40 PM
The demon general grunts in pain as Radiance cuts through his flesh. He stares hatefully at the blade, but remains committed to the fight. He calls on one of the dretches to flank Shauna with him, the putrid monster lumbering towards her.
"Why don't you give up" the demon snarls, hacking at Shauna.
"This one is nothing but bluster. Hit him again!"

[roll0], [roll1] dretch vs Shauna, [roll2] 1-50 hits
[roll3], [roll4] dretch vs Shauna, [roll5] 1-50 hits
[roll6], [roll7] dretch vs Shauna, [roll8] 1-50 hits

[roll9], [roll10] Demon commander vs Shauna, [roll11] 1-50 hits

Aron, coughing in the mist but able to move, leaves the fog and tries to find a way to assist.
Skerak leaves the mist and circles around, and spies two lines in the thick, putrid mist. One wields a shining blade in precise moves, and the other has wings. He dives into the fog, but his attack misses thanks to the poor visibility.
Rosa finds herself facing down the dretch, the filthy abomination trying to claw and bite at her through the fog. She spies Aron move to flank the demon, and try to attack as well.

[roll12], [roll13] dretch vs Rosa, [roll14] 1-50 hits
[roll15], [roll16] dretch vs Rosa, [roll17] 1-50 hits
[roll18], [roll19] dretch vs Rosa, [roll20] 1-50 hits
[roll21], [roll22] Aron vs Dretch, [roll23] 1-50 hits
[roll24] Aron's Fort save

Everyone needs to make a Fort save or be Nauseated.

"They don't" Irabeth says.
"They do have a wall though" Anevia says, a bit short of breath. "They can just hide if we try to shoot them from afar"
"Then we need to close the distance, Uriel, one of the Crusaders, supplies.

Between Luna, Lily and the Crusaders' own healing abilities, they recover enough to take the fight to the demon camp, and against much better odds.

2022-09-02, 12:49 PM
Shauna nods and grips the weapon in both hands. "I will make you pay the price for all the wrongs you've committed!"

She tries to strike out with fury, but the poisonous fumes leave her vomiting and weak.

Fort: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2022-09-09, 05:04 AM
Skerak makes another attempt to strike the demon.
kinetic blade: [roll0]/[roll1]
damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
1-50 hits: [roll4]

2022-09-09, 09:35 PM
Rosa takes another bite at the demon:


2022-09-13, 07:58 AM
LG Medium army of humans (paladin 4)
hp 16+2
DV 18; OM +8 ranged
Tactics: expert flankers, spellbreaker, standard, withdraw
Resources improved armor, improved weapons (mwk cold
iron), mounts, ranged weapons (longbows)
Special aura of courage, channel positive energy, divine health,
lay on hands, mercy, smite evil, spellcasting
Boons: Bloodied but Unbroken
Speed 3; Morale +2; Consumption 3 (normally 5)

Commander: Irabeth (+3 Morale bonus)
Strategy track: Aggressive (DV -2, OM +2, Damage dealt +3)
Tactic: Standard

"Let us crash into them as a righteous tsunami! Commander Irabeth, shall we be aggressive? I also think we can anticipate the dretch's spell-like abilities in this way..."

Not sure what Irabeth was using before for a tactic. I want to change it to Spellbreaker to add 4 DV against the dretch army. Morale check (not sure what Irabeth's bonus on top of army bonus is):
Strategy track: Let's start with aggressive.

Offense check: [roll]1d20+10

2022-09-13, 07:59 AM
Offense check: [roll0]

2022-09-15, 04:05 PM
Outside the demon camp, the united army takes an offensive stance. The Crusaders stee their minds against the magic that the Dretch might attempt to employ, and among the ranks Aravashinal rides to provide additional assistance. His apprentice had gone with the Heroes of Kenabres to ensure that this attack went smoothly.

Hooves churning the dirt of the dry riverbed, the Crusader army charges towards the defensive rampart. The demons atop it jeer, summoning their magic, caling forth waves of fear that do little to panic the crusaders, or even their steeds. A wind sweeps aside noxious fog clouds as they are conjured, and the charge hits home. Cold iron swords and lances pierce demon flesh. Claws lash out but fail to pierce the crusaders' blessed armour. Irabeth leaps from her saddle to the rampart, followed by a few brave crusaders who cleanse what remains of the cowardly fiends that survived the initial charge. The survivors of Vilareth Ford cheer loudest of all once the wall gates open and the Crusaders take the camp.

Despite the poisonous fog, the heroes of Kenabres were proving too resilient. Rosa battles the dretch, confounded by the poisonous fog but likewise protected by it. She sees the demon suddenly make a face and convulse and then collapse. Looming in the poison mist she spies thescout, Aron, holding his breath. The mist begins to dissipate.

Pinned between two opponents and his advantage gone, the demon commander decides that perhaps he is not ready to die for the cause. He focuses his dark power, but it fizzles out, ineffective

[roll0] Concentration to cast defensively.

2022-09-15, 04:09 PM
Shauna continues to stagger, pressing her sword to her chest as she tries to stay on her feet. She steps back to avoid any untoward damage.

2022-09-19, 07:20 AM
Luna cheers loudly as well. She checks over the troops and leads healing efforts to make sure everyone who can survives, does. Then, she heads over to talk to Sosiel. "Hey Sosiel. It looks like our efforts paid off on this front. How do you think the enemy commander decapitation mission is going? I wonder if Aron is...feeling better."

2022-09-19, 12:12 PM
kinetic blade: [roll0]/[roll1]
damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
1-50 hits: [roll4]

2022-09-27, 12:27 AM
"I hope he does. A nice win should do him good, I think. It's been a while since I've seen him this bad... almost like..." he pauses, looking worried, before the good mood around with the Crusaders catches up to him too. "What about you and your friend? You're not soldiers. Was this your first battle?"

"I know you're a hero of Kenabres and all, but a war fight is different, I think."

The demon commander is increasingly surrounded as Aron and Rosa move to box him in properly. Jaws and blade reach for the demon's flesh, as he tries to take to the sky.

[roll0], [roll1] Rosa's bite
[roll2], [roll3] Aron's stab
[roll4] Acrobatics, [roll5] Fly Demon withdraws to the sky.

2022-09-27, 07:55 AM
Skerak launches a blast at the commander as he takes to the sky.

kinetic blast: [roll0]/[roll1]
damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2022-10-01, 08:25 AM
Shauna has no way to attack an enemy in the air. She readies an action to attack any enemy who enters her reach.

2022-10-02, 01:04 AM
"I hope he does. A nice win should do him good, I think. It's been a while since I've seen him this bad... almost like..." he pauses, looking worried, before the good mood around with the Crusaders catches up to him too. "What about you and your friend? You're not soldiers. Was this your first battle?"

"I know you're a hero of Kenabres and all, but a war fight is different, I think."

"I'm sure a good win will cheer him up. Do you think we should go look for him to provide backup? I should think the enemy commander can't stand up to the strike group, but I'll be happy to go with you to look for him if you think that is a good idea."

The aasimar cleric glances over at Lily and then back to Sosiel. "I'll be honest, I think it was a bit harrowing for both Lily and I. That's why in the second half of the battle, she and I both employed some...comforting distractions to take our mind off of being nervous."

With that, Luna groans as she pushes herself off her "special" saddle designed to help her stay mounted. After dismounting, she smooths down her short skirt, which still doesn't cover anything. "What do you think? These things a good idea to help keep us calm?"

2022-10-03, 02:40 PM
Rosa casts a spell, launching magic missiles at the demon, but he batters them aside, his outsider nature able to resist mortal magic, even one of fiendish blood like Rosa. It evades the blast from Skerak, and takes a glance at the battle taking place. The heroes can hear the thundering of hooves from beyond the wall. From the demon's demeanor, things don't look rosy for it. It wreathes itself in shadows and vanishes.

In its tent, you find the body of the demon commander from Vilareth Ford that fled. It has been tortured and slain, giving a clue how the demons take to reporting failure.

"It appears that they worked" Sosiel agrees. After a brief chat, they head past the wall to the camp. What survivors there were appear to have fled, and the insertion team can be seen by the commander's tent.

The heroes inside the demon camp can see the Crusaders forcing the gates open and spill into the camp, Irabeth at the forefront. The battle was over, and a striking victory. Few warriors have suffered injuries too severe to be treated in the field, but it appears that the Inheritor watches over them, as none so far have been outright slain.

The demon camp contains tainted gear and supplies, but some can be salvaged. [roll0] units of provisions, and 2 units of Goods, mainly in form of camp and building material.

2022-10-14, 07:47 AM
Luna is glad that no one died. "We shall celebrate for sure tonight!" proclaims the cleric. She goes to reunite with the strike team. "How did everything go? Were you successful in beheading the enemy?" she asks Shauna and Skerak.

Luna also checks up on Rosa. "Hey, how was your first real battle with us? If you need anything or if you need to talk about anything, I'm here. Also, how is Aron doing? Sosiel is a bit worried about him. Did you notice anything we should be worried about during the operation?"

2022-10-14, 07:50 AM
Shauna relaxes. "Well done everyone," she says. "Skerak, what is our next move?"

2022-10-21, 01:41 PM
"The leader escaped, so there's not much sense in lingering here. We should move on."

2022-10-22, 11:00 AM
"I agree, kinsman." Irabeth nods to Skerak. "There is little more for us to do. There is still daylight, and plenty of travel left."[/COLOR]

They gather up the army and set off. The riverbed is muddy, and their steeds struggle to make headway. Above, the suns suddenly cloud over, unnatural reddish in hue, lit with distant flashes at times. It seems to sap will from everyone except Shauna (and other Paladins). There is an unknowable sense of being watched, constantly there at the edge of perception.

It grows dark too early too, almost like this place isn't lit by the Sun at all.

2022-10-30, 05:15 PM
Shauna frowns as she looks around, shivering. "Something about this place feels...wrong, somehow,"

2022-11-25, 10:20 PM
"Of course it's wrong. We're kind of in like the Abyss-lite, in a way. And I keep having this feeling of being watched. Maybe it's some local critter. Maybe it's scrying. Either way, we should increase our watch tonight." Luna responds to Shauna.

To Rosa, she says, "Does your amulet have any special sensory powers? We want to be extra careful tonight."

2022-11-28, 03:19 AM
"We need to keep a keener watch" Irabeth agrees. "Our endeavor relies on speed and secrecy until we reach Drezen."

As the army rides, Sosiel and Aron catch up, their conversation private. The priest of Shelyn comes out of it with a look of sorrow on his face. He seeks out the heroes in the riding group to talk to as they settle to make camp. "I fear that Aron has lapsed back into an old vice" he says. "He was once fond of Shadowblood, a demonic drug made from the blood of a fiend. Very addictive. He's been clean ever since I helped him get over it, but I see the signs again."

He thinks for a moment. "Have you seen any odd vials among the enemies? Or noted any suspicious behavior among our troops?"

2022-12-01, 09:49 PM
"Among the troops? No, same as usual," Shauna replies, frowning. "Let me talk to Sir Aron then. There is no need for such dark vices in our crusade."

2022-12-30, 04:29 AM
"I have not seen any odd vials. The only thing odd I saw was Nurah up and about at night the same time I heard some suspicious sounds, but I don't know if that's related at all. I think I will accompany Shauna to talk to Aron..."

2022-12-31, 05:33 PM
"The queen's expert?" Sosiel asks Luna. "I think we'd best keep an eye out. Should..." the priest hesitates, looking at Shauna. "Do you want me to accompany you to see Aron?"

The men are busy setting up tents, and the heroes can see Irabeth and Anevia retreat to the command tent to consider their plans for the next day.

2023-01-01, 12:11 AM
Shauna nods. "Come with us, Sosiel. We can reach him, I assure you. We just need to explain to him why this is unacceptable."

2023-01-03, 04:02 PM
"Yes, do come with us. I think the more people that show care about him, the better."

2023-01-03, 04:11 PM
Sosiel comes with Shauna and Luna to Aron's tent near the edge of the camp. They see the scout seated outside, looking nervous, his hands shaking as he's tending to his gear.

He looks up as they approach, covering up a look of shame and instead attempting an unconvincing smile. "Hey Sosiel." he says, trying for a joke "What's with the girls?"

2023-01-04, 02:52 AM
The nude Luna makes a joke of her own in return. "Obviously he brought me here to seduce you, to lure you away from the land of only liking men!"

Then she returns to a more serious, but still kind tone. "We're here because we're a bit worried about you, and we want you to know that we're here for you."

2023-01-08, 03:11 PM
"I- I'm just stressed." he says, voice now holding a bit of an edge. He's too nervous to pay much note to Luna's joke, which is saying something.

"You're not in trouble, Aron" Sosiel says in a soothing, amicable tone, stepping closer. "I remember last time you were like this.

Aron seems to relax a little, but he still has the look that he might bolt away.

Someone needs to attempt Diplomacy here.

If Rosa and Skerak want to do something, they could look into Nurah.

2023-01-08, 05:31 PM
"If there's anything you want to tell us, we won't judge. We just want to help, and to locate the source of the issue."

(Rolled 35 on Diplomacy)

2023-01-11, 06:23 AM
Aron shrinks a little, and then reaches for his pack. He reaches inside and extracts glass vials about as long as his palm. Two are empty, and the others filled with some form of black... stuff. Wispy material somewhere between gas and liquid.

It is Shadowblood, a drug made from, among other things, the blood of a shadow demon. Extremely addictive, it makes hallucinations while also bolstering the user against powers of demons in the short term, while leaving them more vulnerable during withdrawal.

"I swear I don't know how it got among my things" he says, looking miserable. "I found them after the first night. Hid them and... I couldn't help myself."

2023-01-11, 10:17 AM
Skerak attempts to locate Nurah.
perception [roll0]

2023-01-12, 10:30 AM
The halfling has set her rather diminutive and inexpertly set tent close to the command tent near the edge of the camp. She herself is sitting by a fire with a handful of crusaders, and Skerak catches the end of a song. "Why, if it isn't one of the heroes of Kenabres?" she asks, looking at Skerak. "Care to join us? And regale us on your tales of bravery."

2023-01-19, 03:43 AM
Aron shrinks a little, and then reaches for his pack. He reaches inside and extracts glass vials about as long as his palm. Two are empty, and the others filled with some form of black... stuff. Wispy material somewhere between gas and liquid.

It is Shadowblood, a drug made from, among other things, the blood of a shadow demon. Extremely addictive, it makes hallucinations while also bolstering the user against powers of demons in the short term, while leaving them more vulnerable during withdrawal.

"I swear I don't know how it got among my things" he says, looking miserable. "I found them after the first night. Hid them and... I couldn't help myself."

"Shadowblood? This is not just something that gets into your belongings by accident. The person who placed this must know of your personal history, and used it against you. Aron, Sosiel, is Aron's past struggles with Shadowblood well known? If not, then who might know about it? This can narrow the list of suspects to investigate."

2023-01-23, 02:54 AM
"I think any of his old Condemned fellows would know." Sosiel says. "There's a handful in the army."
"Those guys wouldn't betray me." Aron insists.

Luna remembers a few of them have come to her during her self-appointed duties. A few seemed a bit less scrupulous. Eikos and Fredrick.

"Well then, I obviously know. And the only ones I told are here, after they saw the way you were behaving. Besides that, I think the Queen's Historian would know. She knows everything and everyone."

2023-01-27, 08:24 PM
"Shauna and Sosiel, do you want to check out Eikos and Frederick with me?" Either way, Luna goes to find them.

2023-01-28, 12:17 PM
Skerak takes a seat. "Not much to tell, really. I've just been wandering for the past few years, ended up in Kenabres just in time to get caught up in the demon attack."

2023-01-31, 02:27 AM
Luna heads out to search for the other Condemned, finding Eikos easily enough. The knights have set up a small shrine to Iomedae in the camp, and Eikos is praying near it, sword in his hand. A few other knights are clustered around the small statuette. They look up as the group approaches.
"A wonderful victory today." one of the knights says.

"So modest too" Nurah says. "Though I was talking today to be exact. You beat up the enemy boss and kept the enemies leaderless, and these gallant warriors smashed them up good. I mostly watched, but I'll need to know what you did. You know, for posterity."

2023-02-05, 03:58 PM
Shauna takes the vials and shatters them, looking pointedly at Aron. "One of the benefits of being in an army is that when you are too weak to handle something alone, you can come to your comrades for aid. I expect you to ask for help next time instead of indulging."

2023-02-10, 03:01 AM
"Hello Elkos. Yes, a *fine* victory indeed. Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with something. May I talk to you...alone?"

She looks at the other paladins for them to leave. Assuming they do, Luna continues the conversation. "I was wondering if you could tell me about Aron's past. You have worked with him for a long time right? Can you tell me if he has had any sort of troubles or vices?"

2023-02-10, 01:14 PM
The Paladins rise and leave. "See you in a bit Eikos. Unless this private time gets stretched out" one of the knights says, to which Eikos gives a nervous smile.

"That's right" Eikos says as they're alone. "Aron has had a turbulent past. He's... the type that gets caught in crap like that easily. Pardon the language. Back in his homeland it was Pesh and harder stuff. In here, he got clean, clawed his way out of the Condemned with me and a few friends, but we were reassigned. He got the short straw. Kenabres Wolves they called the group he fell in with. Figured they could use the power of demons against them. Silly when we have the power of the Inheritor, right?"
Luna can feel a burning at his innocent words. Was what she was doing that different?
"He got into Shadowblood. Got a load of his friends dead. And got clean again. Been like that ever since he met that Shelyn's man. Now that I've satisfied your curiosity..."

Aron looks at Shauna with a sorry expression "You're right, Shauna" he admits. "I hope I won't need it"

2023-02-20, 10:14 PM
Luna nods. "Well, you use whatever power you're given to do the most amount of good you can, I suppose. Not everyone has the Inheritor's power. Say...I want to get your opinion on something. How do you feel about..Shadowblood?"

Luna tries to watch the reactions of the two men.

2023-02-21, 06:23 PM
Shauna smiles at his remorse. "Good. Well then. I'll be seeing you."

She heads out into the camp with a frown. Then she looks for Aravaashniel.

2023-02-28, 09:43 PM
Rosa approaches Nurah, asking him "do you have any idea who could have given Aron shadowblood?"

2023-03-02, 03:22 AM
Shauna finds Aravashinal by his tent, near that of Irabeth at the middle of the camp. He's gazing at the wounded, cloud-covered sky. It looks as though it was sunset, the undersides of clouds painted red.
"I never thought I'd see this sky again..." he muses as Shauna approaches. "I'm not sure if I'd rather not."

Eikos looks a bit angry. "Height of foolishness! What good could come from trafficking with the fiends and their... drugs. When we have Heaven's glory, and a celestial emissary like you present as an alternative."
"Shadowblood, from what I have seen, is foul stuff. Makes you need it. They say it's good against demon's power, but let's just say I haven't known a warrior worth the name using it. The Kenabres Wolves were a group that did. They didn't regroup with the rest of the Crusaders. Either dead or gone to the other side."

Nurah looks at Rosa, her face carefully neutral. "Hm? Shadowblood? Isn't that some kind of drug?"

Sense Motive for Rosa and Skerak.

2023-03-04, 08:03 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2023-03-13, 05:28 PM
"Thanks Eikos. Can you guys, on the down low, keep an eye out? I am worried that Shadowblood may be spreading around again. We need to nip it in the bud if it's being distributed."

Luna thinks to herself, "They seem sincere...so the other suspect is Nurah. Nurah seems like she's more able to lie. Well, either way, we need to protect Aron and make sure he can't get any more."

Luna goes to find Shauna to share her findings, so she probably heads to Aravashniel. After, she'll regroup with the others as well.

2023-03-16, 11:38 AM
Rosa walks to Luna.

"Nurah seems trustworthy."

2023-03-16, 01:37 PM
Luna finds Shauna with Aravashinal. The two are chatting idly.

Rosa and Skerak think that Nurah doesn't get the relevance of the drug to their current situation.

2023-03-17, 10:03 PM
"I'm sorry that everything turned out the way it did, Aravashinaal," Shauna says, frowning. She grips the sword at her belt with anger. "I swear, I wanted to fix this."

She seems serious, but even with all the power she has gained, she is at a loss for words. "Do you think there are any others like you still out there?"

2023-03-26, 01:32 PM
"Shauna, we WILL fix this. It all starts with getting that Banner, and retaking Drezen. This is the start of hope. But we also need to make sure that we can protect our people. I checked out some of Aron's former comrades, and I think they aren't behind it. They seem to be very appalled by the very thought of Shadowblood. That leaves Nurah as the other person likely to know about Aron's history. We are waiting for some of the others to come back and let us know how their talks to her went. Either way, we need to keep an eye out and make sure none of the drug is passed around anymore."

2023-03-26, 03:13 PM
"My amulet can spy and see where its coming from. As for me, I can be the fire and the muscle."
Rosa grins.

2023-03-31, 01:43 AM
"We're on our way to strike a deep blow against the Worldwound." Aravashinal says. "And I do. Not in Kenabres, but those in my line of work tend to work far and wide. Field trips are essential. Once we build momentum, I'm sure more of my fellows will join us."

Their course resolved, they rest, as Rosa's amulet unfolds its legs and stands watch over Nurah's tent..

Her amulet has remained dutifully on watch. "I watched over Nurah's tent. She left the tent, and went to stare at the sky. Then she talked to a strange man. He left and she cried. And went to sleep."

Over the course of her nightly duties, Luna was visited by a new, charming man, who came after her usual visitors.

Radiance has begun to shine more powerfully. It seems that the sword's power starts to awaken as it travels towards the Worldwound.

2023-04-01, 01:31 PM
"We're on our way to strike a deep blow against the Worldwound." Aravashinal says. "And I do. Not in Kenabres, but those in my line of work tend to work far and wide. Field trips are essential. Once we build momentum, I'm sure more of my fellows will join us."

Their course resolved, they rest, as Rosa's amulet unfolds its legs and stands watch over Nurah's tent..

Her amulet has remained dutifully on watch. "I watched over Nurah's tent. She left the tent, and went to stare at the sky. Then she talked to a strange man. He left and she cried. And went to sleep."

Over the course of her nightly duties, Luna was visited by a new, charming man, who came after her usual visitors.

Radiance has begun to shine more powerfully. It seems that the sword's power starts to awaken as it travels towards the Worldwound.

"Can you tell me more about this man you saw?"

2023-04-09, 07:40 AM
In the morning, Shauna is ready to resume the march on Drezen.

2023-04-15, 04:20 AM
"Can you tell me more about this man you saw?"

"Well, I don't quite remember seeing him before. I thought I knew all of the troopers, but...well...let's just say I *definitely* would've remembered him. He is suave, ridiculously charming, and an adonis in bed. I have to wonder where he was hiding before! It's very strange. Do you think it has anything to do with the strange man your amulet saw?"

2023-04-19, 01:11 PM
The army must set off early in the morning. The discussions can continue as they ride. Having crossed the West Sellen river days ago, and gotten past the fiendish army guarding the way, the path is open. Called the Keeper's Canyon, it is the dried bed of Ahari River. Though muddy, the approach is guarded on both sides by the steep walls of the canyon, keeping the army unseen, as well as sheltered from the element.

As they ride, the weather above is in flux. Thunder cracks across open skies. Sudden gales howl over the travellers. Heading towards the Drezen, the Sun appears to be lower in the sky than when they set off, until it suddenly looms above them, dim as if hidden by a haze and failing to give warmth or hope.

As they pause for a meal after midday and convene with Irabeth, she comes forward with a question "Has any of you seen Nurah? I had hoped to talk about the path ahead. This river left from Drezen, but I had hoped to consult her further."

2023-04-19, 04:31 PM
Luna shakes her head. "I haven't talked to her recently. Should we go look for her?"

(Kara got a 19 on her Perception check to look for Nurah)

Luna decides now it's the time to voice her concerns. "Commander Irabeth, I have to voice some concerns and suspicions I have, regarding Nurah. Recently, someone planted doses of Shadowblood. They were planted in Aron's tent, and I believe this is a plot to re-addict Aron to the demonic drug. Very few people knew about Aron's addiction, and Nurah is one of them. I've personally talked to the others that knew, and I don't believe they did it. After Rosa talked to Nurah about it, Nurah has just conveniently disappeared. I think it's likely that Nurah is our suspect, and she could be either a traitor or a spy, or both."

2023-04-22, 11:08 AM
Alas, 19 doesn't beat the DC

"I don't believe it..." Irabeth mutters, her face hardening as the implications sink in. "If we were to drive her out, she might become a problem even if she is innocent."

The half-orc paladin looks at the heroes in turn. "How should we handle this? My instinct is to make sure before decisive action, but that might backfire."

2023-04-30, 02:22 PM
"Well, we can't drive her out without poof. That would probably affect morale. But, if she is a saboteur and a spy, then we just can't leave her alone. We need our best scout following her and keeping tabs on her. Who knows if Nurah has any long-range communication devices to give the enemy status updates on us? Is Anevia up to this?"

2023-05-07, 06:11 AM
"We must find Nurah before she jeopardizes our mission. Demons are brutal and terrible monsters who must be stopped before they can hurt more people."

2023-05-09, 03:34 PM
Anevia nods to Luna's question. "Yeah. I'm good for finding her and keeping an eye out. Probably stand out less thatn the big heroes in any case."

Irabeth nods. "Thanks dear" she says, and nods approvingly to Rosa's words. "Doubt is a poison to us. I think we need to confront her. Apologize if we're wrong. But if she stands with the demons..." she lets the words hang.

All too soon, it's time to move along. As they ride, Anevia finds each hero in the column. Nurah is still with them, at the rearguard, away from the heroes and commander Irabeth. Together, you need to determine how to handle the situation. Do you offer her trust or suspicion? Who would best do the talking.

You can find her as you make camp, or as the group rides. There's pretty free reign as to how you want to approach this.
In the camp, she sets her tent alone at the edge of the camp.

2023-05-09, 05:13 PM
Shauna frowns. "I don't like to use force against our allies, but perhaps Skerak would be the most persuasive here? He could intimidate her and scare her off if necessary."

2023-05-09, 06:05 PM
"We don't have to bully or use force. But we do need to convince her that the best way to clear her name is to allow us to investigate this magically. We should get Aravashniel to analyze the magical effects on her. Ask her to remove them. If she doesn't, then we dispel them. Following that, I can put a mark on her that forbids her from lying. After that, we can question her normally."

2023-05-16, 09:18 PM
"That sounds like the smartest course of action. Let's get Aravashinaal and then pull Nurah away for questioning."

2023-05-17, 08:18 AM
"If you think intimidating her is our best course, I can try."

2023-05-18, 06:35 AM
The group discusses the plan. "Sounds like a plan is made." Irabeth nods. "Aravashinal is usually at the rear also."

They move through the camp and seek out Aravashinal. The elven mage is concerned. He claims that he has thought that one of the newcomers was suspicious, but doesn't mention who.
"I can do what you ask. It seems prudent to clear the air." he says. "It was a good plan to come to me. I have some expertise in investigation."
He begins by casting Detect Magic, keeping up his concentration. They find the halfling, looking forlorn, seated by herself.

She stands up as she spots the heroes of Kenabres, looking around to find that there's nowhere to run. "Hey there. Um. Didn't get to tell you last night. Nice work with the battle last night."
Aravashinal whispers to the heroes. "She has plenty of magic around her. Potent and weak. On herself, I sense an abjuration. Some can be used to hide a foul heart"
Of course, some abjurations are simple defensive spells, but having one active at mealtime would not be that usual.

2023-05-18, 05:55 PM
"Nurah, thank you for your assistance with the battle," Shauna says with a smile. "Could you please dismiss any spells you have active on yourself so we can talk?"

2023-05-19, 03:38 AM
"You don't trust me?" she asks, her words feigning hurt, but her expression is hard. "Must be tough looking at everyone with suspicion..."

It doesn't seem like she's dropping her spell.
"I sense other potent magics about her person" Aravashinal whispers. "Scrolls or wands."

2023-05-19, 05:53 PM
"We are not going to do any witch hunts on innocent people, which is why we are going to be thorough. You are but one of the people we are talking to. No, don't ask who else right now. Please help us clear any suspicion of you by cooperating. We will need to drop ALL of your active spell effects. Nothing unpleasant will happen to you. It's just a talk...albeit a more secure one."

2023-05-26, 01:25 AM
Nurah shakes her head. "You know, I never wanted to come on this mission" she muses. "Having worked my way all the way to the queen, going on this kind of a fool's errand... But you look like you've got a chance."

"What's that over there?!" she shouts suddenly, and disappears. Footsteps sound on the dirt.There are footprints in the small area where she sat.

[roll0] Bluff with a substantial bonus to try and make you look away a bit.

2023-06-04, 02:28 AM
Sense motive: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2023-06-05, 06:52 PM
[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Sense Motive

Shauna is completely fooled, caught off guard by the distraction. But she's really good at seeing there's nothing actually there.

2023-06-08, 08:48 PM
Luna was also distracted by Nurah's ploy, but her sharp eyes sees the dusk on the ground being disturbed. "THERE SHE IS! SHE'S RIGHT HERE! GET HER!"

The cleric points to the exact square the invisible halfling is in, and then spends one MP to cast Invisibility Purge. She then moves next to Nurah and tries to block her escape.

2023-06-11, 09:00 AM
Shauna tackles the woman.

Grapple [roll0]

2023-06-18, 12:29 AM
Nurah, alarmed that her invisibility was countered and then grabbed, glares at Shauna. "You think you're soo righteous." she says. "It's easy when you don't see what the demons can do. You have no idea what you're up against!

She attempts to cast a spell to try and get out of Shauna's grip

Nurah makes a Concentration check to cast Grease Defensively [roll0] (DC 17)
And concentrating against Grapple [roll1] (DC 20)
Aravashinal uses a counterspell against Nurah [1d20+12] (DC 15)
The characters that didn't take actions move to assist in the Grapple.
[roll2], [roll3]

Everyone can make a Sense Motive check to gauge Nurah's mood and honesty.

2023-06-20, 02:16 PM
Shauna keeps a firm grip. "You are small and weak. I understand your fear. But you should stand for your convictions and your benefactors on the battlefield, not sneak into the enemy camp and hide like a rat."

2023-06-24, 12:33 PM
Luna attempts to cast "Hold Person" on Nurah. "Come on, let's get her in manacles!"

(Will save DC17)

2023-06-28, 04:17 PM
"Easy for you to say!" Nurah says to Shauna, struggling to escape. She manages to fight off Luna's spell, at least.

[roll0] grapple escape

2023-06-28, 04:37 PM
"Nurah, whatever you're going through, I promise you our side will handle it better. I get it there's a lot of stupid **** mortals do, but we can always get better. and we will certainly treat you better than the frickin demons!"

2023-07-01, 12:19 PM
"There's no better. There's no winning." Nurah says, then tries to struggle. Between Skerak, Shauna and Rosa, they have the halfling pinned. Soon after, they have her cuffed, as Irabeth arrives.

"I didn't want to believe it, Nurah. the half-orc says. "Queen's advisor, a traitor."
"Yeah! Do you have any idea how hard I worked to get there? How much work could have been done if I'd been there at her ear? All you get now is more suffering and false hope.
"Our hope is real. The demons have always lost and been beaten back."
"They went back, sure. But all the top brass is still here. We never made progress with the Crusades. Just stalled the inevitable."

2023-07-06, 03:45 PM
Luna sighs. "We don't have the time to turn back. We have to keep her secured as we take her with us. We can't just summarily execute her..."

2023-07-08, 11:25 AM
Shauna shakes her head. "No. This is a war, and she's made her choice," she says. "Right now she's a liability. I say we kill her."

2023-07-09, 04:16 AM
The halfling watches this with conflicted emotions. She fears for her life to be sure, but also shows spite at the false righteousness.

"We can't let the taint spread" Aravashinal says, glaring at the halfling. "Letting people like her worm through the Crusade is the very reaason we have not yet won."
"I must side with Shauna and Aravashinal." Irabeth says, after consideration. "A military trial will result in summary execution for treason."
"You're no better than the demons." Nurah spits out. "Acting high and mighty and pretending to be moral while you act the same when push comes to shove. Just admit you hate me and be done with it."

Irabeth hesitates. "We're in the right..." she says"We do what we must."

2023-07-09, 11:44 PM
"You believe me to be the same as a demon?" Shauna demands coldly, kneeling down so she can look the halfling in the eyes. "The difference between me and a demon is that I do not attack innocent people. You are not innocent. You have admitted to treason and to harming our war effort. Your actions have brought stress and shame to one of our comrades. And you are too dangerous to allow to live, as you will continue to connive. My companion believes she can keep you restrained but the moment we are too busy dealing with a threat, you will slip free and then sabotage us at our most vulnerable."

She stands up and turns to look at Luna. "...However, I respect that this is a serious decision, and if it is not unanimous then it should not be carried out. Luna, if you believe you can reform this woman, then she is your responsibility. And if you fail and she escapes, then any blood she draws will be on your hands."

She walks away silently.

2023-07-15, 05:55 AM
Kara nods respectfully at Shauna. "Thank you for trusting me. If we can't even make this attempt, then are we really equipped to make this world into a better place? Every soul that dies while being wreathed in chaos and evil will just be more fuel for the Abyss anyhow."

She turns to Irabeth. "Besides, if we don't figure out the root cause of these types of betrayals, then there will be more. We also need to find out if she had help. Too many unknowns to just execute her. Let's secure her? To prevent her from casting, she will need to be constantly bound, and probably gagged a lot of the time too."

2023-07-20, 07:36 PM
Shauna gets some rest and is ready to go in the morning.

2023-07-27, 08:23 AM
"I don't care either way. I don't have ways of reaching out to demons
Believe it or not, matters little." Nurah says

"That means she is contacted." Irabeth says. "Did you give shadowblood to anyone else?" the half-orc demamds. The halfling stays silent.

They decide to gag her and bind her hands to keep her from casting spells and escaping. Irabeth asks Luna to keep m eye on the prisoner, since sparing the woman was largely her idea, and it would help build more trust. They confiscate a scroll of Dimension Door (Arcane) and a few vials of Shadowblood on her person. Despite their demonic origin, they don't register as Evil to the Paladins.

2023-07-30, 08:51 PM
Running up from the distance, Rosa says "I overslept. What did I miss?"

2023-07-31, 11:02 AM
"We caught the traitor in our midst." Irabeth says. "From what we know, she'd been giving Shadowblood to our guide. Probably to make him slip up."

Indeed, in the previous battle, Aron had been shaky, not entirely himself, thanks to the influence of the drugor withdrawal. With Sosiel helping him and the drug cut off with the capture of Nurah, that should not be an issue going forward.

The riverbed is harder for their steeds than the roads they had enjoyed previously. Local mudslides, rocks and less natural hindrances make progress slower than on previous days. As the evening comes, they spot a structure along the side of the canyon. It's old, and appears to be a chapel of some sort from the look of it.
"Huh. One of the old chapels still stands." Aron says. He looks much better than before, fresh determination in his eyes.
"A good omen, I think. To rest beneath hallowed ground is a rare blessing in the Worldwound."

Nurah is held captive, usually under the eyes of Irabeth or some of the Paladins of the army. You can speak with her or the captives if you wis, which I think should be done under spoilers to not slow down the game (even more).

2023-08-01, 10:02 PM
Shauna nods. "I agree. We should set up a base of operations here, at least for the time being."

2023-08-01, 10:13 PM
Luna nods. “It would be nice, but we need to make sure there’s no trap or nasty monster there first. Plus we would need to leave a group behind to guard the horses.”

She asks Anevia, “Would you be willing to scout out the place ahead of us? If you want you can wait until after I’ve asked Nurah what’s there.”

2023-08-01, 10:18 PM
"It's quite far from our destination." Irabeth muses on Shauna's thoughts. . "Though a useful place to fall back to if we find ourselves in need of shelter."

"I'll go." Anevia replies to Luna. "I'll send a signal if there's trouble."
"Be careful." Irabeth tells her.

2023-08-01, 10:38 PM
"This is basically the last place between here and our destination that isn't wilderness, Irabeth. We should defend it."

2023-08-01, 10:39 PM
"We caught the traitor in our midst." Irabeth says. "From what we know, she'd been giving Shadowblood to our guide. Probably to make him slip up."

Indeed, in the previous battle, Aron had been shaky, not entirely himself, thanks to the influence of the drugor withdrawal. With Sosiel helping him and the drug cut off with the capture of Nurah, that should not be an issue going forward.

The riverbed is harder for their steeds than the roads they had enjoyed previously. Local mudslides, rocks and less natural hindrances make progress slower than on previous days. As the evening comes, they spot a structure along the side of the canyon. It's old, and appears to be a chapel of some sort from the look of it.
"Huh. One of the old chapels still stands." Aron says. He looks much better than before, fresh determination in his eyes.
"A good omen, I think. To rest beneath hallowed ground is a rare blessing in the Worldwound."

Nurah is held captive, usually under the eyes of Irabeth or some of the Paladins of the army. You can speak with her or the captives if you wis, which I think should be done under spoilers to not slow down the game (even more).

Rosa waives her tail testily as she gives Nurah a befanged scowl. "How could Nurah betray us like this?" Rosa asks with a mix of shock and anger.

"My amulet is very tiny and can grow spider legs. I'll ask it to scout ahead for us as its small size will help it go undiscovered by whoever may lie ahead."

2023-08-05, 01:35 AM
Luna returns from talking to Nurah. “I just talked to Nurah and she warned me that some sort of half-demon inquisitor named Nulkineth. Whomever scouts should be very careful. Anyone know the name?”

2023-08-05, 01:42 AM
The stairway that leads to the temple is quite narrow, and worn down in a few places. There's a risk of falling for anyone trying the climb.

Everyone climbing, barring the amulet, must make a climb and acrobatics checks. Above, if they mean to not be seen, stealth

2023-08-06, 01:33 AM
Lann volunteers to help scout as well. He is a decent climber, although not much of an acrobat, especially in his breastplate.

Lann climb: [roll0]
Lann acrobatics: [roll1]
Lann stealth: [roll2]

2023-08-06, 03:01 PM
Shauna attempts to climb and avoid, but it is unlikely to succeed.

Climb [roll0]
Acrobatics [roll]1d20-3[roll]
Edit: 10

2023-08-06, 03:32 PM
Lann and Anevia make it up the treacherous path. The amulet has no issue navigating the tougher spots, with its smaller size, but Shauna finds the stair treacherous. About thirty feet from the canyon floor, the path breaks, and she needs to try and use the canyon wall for handholds. She loses her grip and falls back to the canyon floor.

Up above, Lann and Anevia find themselves looking at a wider ledge, and a small walled courtyard. The gates have been torn off their hinges and trampled into a twisted, broken heap on the overgrown garden path. There are two buildings here, a larger one built along the cliff wall, its roof lined with statues of heroes and saints, defaced and corrupted into more demonic visages. The other other stands closer to the edge of the flat ground. There's a narrow ledge on the outside, but it looks walkable in case they want to go around the back. It looks deserted for the moment.

2023-08-07, 06:35 PM
Rosa instructs her amulet to scout ahead of the others, and return back if it sees anything alarming.

2023-08-09, 04:20 PM
"Come on, let's get closer. Maybe take a peek inside a window." says Lann. Lann moves towards into the D1 area, and looks for a place to peek into one of the buildings. He continues to move quietly.

Stealth: [roll0]

2023-08-10, 12:05 AM
While waiting for her companion to scout, Luna chitchats with Rose and Shauna. "So, do you have any plans after this war? If we beat the demons, I won't be resting. There are lots of evil ****heads to go after, like those devil-worshippers in Cheliax."

2023-08-10, 10:46 PM
Anevia moves with Lann. The courtyard us lifeless and empty. They skulk along the wall, hiding.
"I think we should check out the smaller building first" Anevia whispers to Lann. That one seems to be a storeroom or a stable, once upon a time.

2023-08-11, 03:25 AM
"Alright. Come with me. I'll climb and look in through the window, and if it's safe, you can open the door." says the mongrelman. Lann moves quickly to the window, and climbs up to reach the window.

climb: [roll0]

2023-08-11, 12:55 PM
Inside the outbuilding, Lann can see broken stalls, and a pile of weapons discarded near the biddle. The inside floor is strewn with well-gnawed bones. Most of them look human. He can also see that the former stable offers no path forward. The courtyard is divided in two by a fence, and the far entrance has collapsed. It would take a group of people days to clear.

He and Anevia are both alerted by a new sound. The rustle of falling debris.
Some of the statues on the chapel roof started moving. Two leap down suddenly, swooping down on stony wings to block the exitfrom the coutyard. There is a third that stalks amongst the statuary, biding its time. They have the forms of defaced and corrupted, formerly angelic statues.

Acting quickly, Anevia draws and tosses a Thunderstone over the wall, where it tumbles down, and cracks on the ground with a loud sound.

At the camp, the waiting heroes hear the sharp crack, an obvious signal if there ever was one.
There were still stairs to go to intervene.

These creatures are Gargoyles. Their bodies are made of stone, and vulnerable only to enchanted weapons.

The stairs are generally difficult terrain. Going 30 feet along (60 feet of movement) a DC 15 climb check is necessary to avoid falling. At 60 feet (another 60 feet of movement) a DC 15 Acrobatics check is required to traverse a narrow section and avoid a fall. Following that, there is still 30 feet of stairs, a third 60 feet, to reach the map.
Aravashinal is able to cast Levitate on one PC, allowing them to rise to the top in 5 rounds without needing checks.
For those willing to risk it, however... Nurah was trying to use a scrol of Dimension Door to escape them. The PC's can try to activate it, or try and coerce her to, using Diplomacy or Intimidate. This can carry two people, but the conversation takes at least 5 rounds.

2023-08-11, 06:40 PM
Is there any way for Shauna to make her way up?

2023-08-12, 12:47 AM
Luna looks at the steep stairs. "Crap. Ain't no way I'm making it up there with any speed. Hey Rose, Aravashniel, can you both use Levitate? The ones that don't levitate for fly or clibm well can be carried up. We gotta hurry...the scouting duo is in trouble."

Meanwhile, up top, Lann cursed and drops from the window. "Anevia, get inside! I'll hold it closed!" shouts Lann as he gets up from his drop. After Anevia opens the door and darts in, Lann will rush in as well and then turn around and hold the door closed. "Can you find something to bar the door with? I'll hold this for now."

2023-08-12, 01:16 AM
"Anevia!" Irabeth gasps. She heads for the stairs.
"Of course." Aravashinal replies, speaking out the words of the spell. "I'll lift you as fast as I can."
He casts Levitate on Shauna, while Rosa can use her Scale to lift herself. Either can carry another person.

Up top, Anevia pushes the door open, and heads inside. Lann quickly follows, pushing the door shut and leaning against it. The scout is calm, they were safe
In response to his question, Anevia looks at the pile of weapons. As she starts to dig through it, there is a slam against the door. Lann feels something heavy push against the double door to the stable. Heavy, about equal in strength.
She finds an intact, hefty axe with a large head and a thick handle, and tosses it to Lann's feet. As she does, another, much stronger shove pushes Lann off the door, allowing the gargoyles to step inside.

[roll0] Irabeth Climb
Irabeth, alas, can't make the acrobatics. We'll come back to her when it's time.
[roll1] Gargoyle Aid, DC 10
[roll2] Gargoyle Strength to force the door

For the purposes of Levitate, I shall state that carrying a person is considered grappling, giving -4 to Dexterity, -2 to attacks, takes one hand from each person in the carry, and can't make Attacks of Opportunity. Concntration is neeeded to cast spells, but at DC 10+Spell Level, since you're not trying to stop the other from casting.

In addition, you can only carry up to Heavy Load. This effectively means that Shauna should carry the lighter Luna, and Rosa carry Skerak.
(This is because Shauna is already carrying more.)

One of the Gargoyles is 5 feet into the stables. A combat manueovre is required to try push it out, and a move action to close the doors again.

2023-08-12, 01:18 AM
Skerak starts climbing up to join the scouts. 30ft climb speed

2023-08-12, 02:03 AM
"Damn! Help me push it back out! We gotta close and bar the door!"

The mongreman steels himself for the coming blow as he ducks down low to try to tackle and push the gargoyle back out the door! Anevia helps as best she can.

CMB check (+2 from Anevia): [roll0]

2023-08-13, 04:01 AM
"Yeah!" Anevia says. She helps upset the first gargoyle's balance and lets Lann push it out. Together, they shut the doors of the stable again. The gargoyles immediately slam back into the doors, trying to make their way in. Lann and Anevia keep their footing against the pushing gargoyles.

As he climbs, Skerak spots a winged, statue-like creature fly over the lip of the ledge where the chapel is located, and stalks above him on his path, its formerly angelic visage crowned with demonic horns and endowed with sharp teeth and claws. It seems intent to try and pull him off and toss him down. It could do the same to the ones ascending via Levitate. If they are pushed away from the cliff, they can't reach it themselves. Unless they have spells or gear to drag themselves towards the cliff, they must descend and try again.

Anevia uses Aid another on Lann. He Bull Rushes the Gargoyle back, and shuts the doors.
The two gargoyles both try to force the doors.
[roll0] vs Lann, [roll1] vs Anevia, [roll2] Anevia's opposed Str check
Shauna, Rosa and Luna have ascended 40 of the 90 feet.
Irabeth has cleared the obstacle at 30 feet
Skerak has ascended 60 feet. Next turn, he will reach the top.
The third gargoyle takes to the cliff face, on Skerak's path. It is about 10 feet away from Skerak, and 30 from Luna, Rosa an Shauna.

2023-08-13, 09:19 AM
Shauna frowns. "This isn't good!" She draws her sword and readies herself for when she gets closer to the gargoyle.

2023-08-17, 08:14 AM
Having deflected the Gargoyles' second attempt to break into the room, Lann quickly grabs the axe and bars the door with it. "We can hold out now, Anevia. Good thinking with that thunderstone."

Meanwhile, Luna sees the danger of the incoming gargoyle, and throws a spell to stun it! If it gets stunned, it can't flap its wings and will plummet to the ground hopefully.

Luna casts "Sound Burst" at the Gargoyle. DC17 Fort save or be Stunned for 1 round. Damage: [roll0]
Lann bars the door with the axe.

2023-08-17, 11:33 AM
Luna manages to catch the gargoyle with her spell, the loud noise causing the stone monster to seize up and unceremoniously plummet to the ground below. It looks like it's hurt, but not dead.
It does seem like there's no shortage of soldiers looking to fix that.

With the obstacle removed, Skerak resumes his climb, and the others continue their ascension. The half-orc finally feels the cliff face give way to a plateau, laying eyes on the defaced temple of Iomedae, and the two gargoyles besieging the smaller building.

Frustrated, the gargoyles curse, and rather than continue pushing at the doors they intend to break them into firewood entirely. They succeed, leaving splinters and the intact axe handle. Anevia shoots and hits one of the gargoyles but the arrow breaks on impact

Up above, Anevia and Lann have barred the door. Anevia readies an attack to shoot any gargoyle that gets past them.
[roll0] Gargoyle Strength check vs break DC of 18, [roll1] Aid Another
Skerak reaches the top of his climb. He is outside the perimeter wall (at a place of his choosing)
Shauna, Luna and Rosa have ascended 60 feet total, of 90.
Irabeth has ascended to the jump portion of the stairs. It is an obstacle she can't cross herself.

2023-08-17, 11:01 PM
As Shauna is carrying Luna she can take no actions herself so she simply attempts to evade as much as she can with the levitation.

2023-08-17, 11:17 PM
Skerak attacks one of the gargoyles at the door.
hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2023-08-18, 04:56 PM
"By the first First Crusaders!" swears Lann as the wooden door breaks into splinters. He grips his scythe and stands stalwart in the doorway. "I am your opponent! Fight me!" he shouts as he swings at the gargoyle that broke the door.

Lann grabs his +1 Scythe, then attacks the gargoyle.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Meanwhile, Luna cheers as the crusaders down below hack the stunned gargoyle to pieces! "Sounds of battle up above. We must hurry!"

2023-08-19, 01:58 AM
The gargoyle struck by Skerak withdraws from Lann's reach, and wings over to meet Skerak. It just about reaches the half-orc. The other, perceiving Lann as the obvious threat, strikes

Anevia watches her arrow shatter against the gargoyle hide and then Lann's scythe bite and draw some sluggish, black bile that passes for blood. "I'll support you!" she says, stowing her bow and drawing a short sword, stepping around the gargoyle.

Skerak and Lann struck the gargoyles. One Gargoyle Withdraws. The other attacks Lann [roll0], [roll1]
[roll2] on 1, Skerak and Lann struck the same target, on 2 different ones.
Gargoyle against Skerak has taken 19
Gargoyle against Lann and Anevia has taken 9 damage

As is relevant, Rosa takes a Move Action to ascend the last 20 feet, and has a Standard left. Luna and Shauna reach the top with all actions available, near where Skerak came up.

2023-08-19, 02:32 AM
Skerak doesn't budge, instead launching another blast of stone at the gargoyle.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

Not bothering with casting defensively or moving away

2023-08-19, 04:02 AM
Gargoyle takes the attack of opportunity.

[roll0], [roll1]

2023-08-20, 05:42 AM
Luna sees her friends being attacked, and she immediately springs into action. She steps onto solid ground, moving forward as she infused her next word with mythic power.

“DROP!” She commands both gargoyles before she goes to the gargoyle that attacked Skerak.

Luna casts Mythic Command with the Extend metamagic rod on the two gargoyles, commanding them to fall prone on their turn and remain that way for 2 turns. DC16 will save. If save succeeds, they are staggered for 2 turns instead.

Then, Luna moves to flank the gargoyle that attacked Skerak.

2023-08-21, 08:01 AM
Lann, flanking with Anevia, tries to cut down the gargoyle in front of him! He swings twice with his magic scythe.

Flanking Full attack
Atk1: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Atk1: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

2023-08-21, 10:46 PM
Shauna also steps on solid ground and attacks.


2023-08-30, 02:40 PM
Skerak blasts the gargoyle with his kinetic powers, ignoring its attempt to retaliate. Both gargoyles manage to throw off Luna's command, but to resist the compulsion leaves them slowed and unfocused.

With their ascent complete, Rosa lets Luna go, and heads for the stairs. She seeks to aid Irabeth, rather than join the combat, a decision vindicated by Shauna cutting down the closest gargoyle with Radiance. The blade shines brighter, joyous at purging evil from sacred ground.
"Defiled" it whispers to Shauna. She can feel it too. A malign presence that has seeped to the very ground beneath them.

Anevia and Lann flank the gargoyle, with Lann's enchanted scythe cutting through stony flesh, while Anevia tries to locate weak spots to land her own strike.

Skerak and Shauna attack and kill one Gargoyle.
Lann and Anevia flank another gargoyle, having dealt a total of 21 damage.
Anervia attacks the gargoyle [roll0], [roll1]
Luna cast Command on the Gargoyle, making it Staggered.
Gargoyle attacks Lann [roll2], [roll3]

2023-09-06, 02:47 AM
Luna says, "Good work, Shauna!" as the first gargoyle goes down. She rushes over to the last gargoyle, drawing her dagger as she goes, and tries to aid Lann in hitting the stone monster.

Lann smirks. "Glad you made it. I wasn't sure if you could make the climb." He swings his scythe, trying to aim for the neck of the gargoyle!

Luna aids Lann to try to give Lann a +2 on his hit. [roll0]

Lann's attack: [roll1] +2 if Luna succeeds in aiding. Another +2 if Rosa manages to aid as well.
Damage: [roll2]

2023-09-07, 02:54 AM
stone blast on the remaining gargoyle
hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2023-09-07, 10:20 PM
Shauna rushes to aid Skerak, striking the same enemy he targets.


To the blade, she nods in agreement. Anger fills her. Righteous, burning anger. She cannot forgive this creatures, cannot allow them to continue.