View Full Version : [Empire 7] The Builders Union Celebration

2022-07-25, 11:37 AM
This is an event for the on-going - mostly always recruiting - world-building game, Empire 7. If interested, please check out our OOC here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643060-Empire!7-Into-the-Depths-Out-of-Character-Thread-(CWBG)).

The Builders Union Celebration


Ezcorher is a stretch of water that, at least close to the surface, is very clean and clear. In some places, tall underwater mountains almost reach the water’s waves, creating interesting currents as the waters swirl around them. In others, left alone for centuries, enormous reefs have grown and expanded, attracting fish and other wildlife to the area. With the water so clear near the surface, flora and fauna both excel in Ezcorher; this makes food plentiful, and the ecosystem of the region is stable.

Near the center of the region is Dounpor. The primary capital of the Gotezhar, this city is built on a rare mountaintop that juts up above the sea. Surrounded by what the Gotezhar consider to be a 'fun' whirlpool that helps them get around the city (literally) it is one of the few places that multiple nuvens cooperate to share the rain water that falls down to bless them all. At the very top of the mountain rests The Cloud Observatory, a modern marvel that allows visitors to gaze upon the sky, using various telescopes of different sizes, even if a visitor is unable to leave the water. The construction of the Observatory took roughly 15 years, and yet... it is not the most impressive building within Ezcorher.

Two hours of hardy swimming east from Dounpor would allow the now exhausted Mer to have once seen... a flat stretch of territory within Ezcorher that has no other purpose; it grows nothing, holds no military value beyond being within Gotezhar borders, and it is rare for any predators to hunt, as even fish are few on the flatlands. Lacking nearby resources, it is a terrible place for a nuven to call residence, yet it is a lengthy stretch of ocean floor that is near enough to the surface as to have once been usable for the large construction. These days, those flatlands are gone. In it's place...?

A massive building. Massive, in fact, may be an understatement. The Gathering Tide Warehouse stands over 120 globes tall, and literally thousands of globes wide. It is a warehouse that houses warehouses, and without prior knowledge of where things are, someone can get lost looking for even the simplest items. On a sunny day - like today - the top of the Gathering Tide Warehouse can be seen above the surface. Many Gotezhar use this new roof to watch the sky, especially when the weather holds the promise of rain. Entire nuvens establish themselves around the Warehouse, laying claiming to whole new Clouds, in exchange for being Warehouse Workers; living memories to tell others where they might find this or that, and then helping to move it around. The Gathering Tide Warehouse stands as a massive achievement for all Gotezhar!

An entire new town has been built around the Warehouse, and has adopted the name Mar-Ray Town. It is from here that guests are able to meet with the large leader of the Gotezhar race, Profundus Korasoon; though unlike the Warehouse, Korasoon's size may be an overstatement. It is true that their bolya is almost 20 globes in diameter - among the largest a Gotezhar can hold - yet the actual body of the world renowned ruler is barely over a tenth that size. Like all Gotezhar, the creature has a bulbous round head with two beady eyes and a large mouth, and then several limbs. For most Gotezhar, this would only be two 'arms' and two 'legs', but for Squall - warriors - and Profundus that grew from Squall like Korasoon, an extra set of 'arms' grow from their fleshy body. This allows greater control of their bolya for manipulation of the nearby waters in times of battle.

Korasoon, though, is getting old. Their fleshy bits are becoming wrinkled, and though each piece of their Actualization Shard - an oval shaped organ with a crystalline shine that has since split over time - still shines brightly, all Gotezhar know that Korasoon struggles against the Strain, and will Burst within the decade. After almost thirty years of guidance from the elder Gotezhar, there is quite a bit of remorse and regret at this knowledge. That, however, will be for a later time. For now, for this day, the Profundus floats strongly, and their Bolya is a thing of pride. The Gotezhar leader rises above the gathered crowd in Mar-Ray Town, and looks upon the collected Workers, Mer, and guests, and begins to speak. Their voice, though high pitched and perhaps amusing to some, is taken seriously as it spreads evenly throughout the nearby waters, as though guided there by the excellent control that only an elder Profundus has.

"Gotezhar. Mer. Others. Welcome. In my decades as Typhoon's Center, I have done much. Learned much. Shown that the Gotezhar are more than we seem. We are a race of hardy warriors, yes. Yet we are not just that. We are also builders, capable of great feats!" Korasoon waved one tendril towards the Gathering Tide Warehouse, and an entire swath of water swirled in response; a current that blew the attention towards the enormous construction. "With our growing grasp of the oceans, the Gotezhar have made... friends. Alliances. We become even more than we are, and so while I am no great speaker to squeak and squawk at you with pretty lies, I will use the blunt truth: We are not just Gotezhar anymore. We are an entire Union of peoples, and we will only grow! For is that not the way of the Progenitor?!"

The entire crowd of Gotezhar, and even a great deal of the Mer, respond loudly, "Growth. Accumulate. Rise! Accumulate!"

Korasoon lets the silence after the shout grow, before speaking again, "This is a time for celebrating. For showing that the Gotezhar - and our allies - can grow and rise together! We will build ourselves a new future, and become the Gotezhar Builder's Union!"


Profundus Korasoon, the Typhoon's Center - Found at the Celebration Reef, outside Mar-Ray Town - refuses to talk to anyone not important enough, as it would waste their valuable time
Mira'din the Mer Maiden - Found at the Gathering Tide Warehouse (Exterior) - A Mer girl that has been adopted by Korasoon, she is becoming well known as both a warrior and someone who can act as a translator for Gotezhar cultures to others
Squidwar the Mer Warrior - Found at the Celebration Reef, as a body guard for the Profundus - Acting governor of B'kini Bottom, Squidwar is a battle hardened Mer with many old scars; invited here to see Ezcorher, but also to act as a guard captain for the event
Joontar Arjiloza - Found at the Cloud Observatory - Far from the Celebration Reef, the Cloud Observatory is still open to the public, and the well known Joontar Gotezhar is keen to speak with intelligent minds.
Squall Essensio - Found at the Cloud Observatory - Though open to the public, the Gotezhar are not foolish. Squall Essensio acts as yet another guard captain for this event, though the military leader is so much more. Between Arjiloza and Essensio, it is likely the latter whom has more perceived power, but Essensio is even less of a talker than Korasoon.

Place of Import

Celebration Reef - Just outside of Mar-Ray Town proper, the reef is a beautiful place, with plenty of room for everyone to meet and mingle.
Mar-Ray Town - A collection of Gotezhar designed homes, many nuven have prepared food from all over, and invite people to partake as part of the festivities. Nuven leaders also invite guests to use their homes if they would like more privacy.
Gathering Tide Warehouse (Exterior) - The main entrance into the massive monument is not far from the Celebration Reef, and there are many nearby Gotezhar Workers that have lined up... not as guests, but as guides. Though the spelling is crude, there is a large stone block that everyone can see letters carved in that reads, "Entering Without a Guide is Dangerous and Stupid"
Gathering Tide Warehouse (Interior) - With a guide, guests can safely explore the Warehouse, and see... a whole lot of gathered items. All thanks to Gotezhar construction!
Dounpor - The Gotezhar Capital, about two hours swim away from the party; guests are welcome to take a spin around the Whirlpool and see the city for themselves, but are warned that they will be watched by Squalls. It seems the whole Sublime Fortress Typhoon is out in force, to ensure safety today.
The Cloud Observatory - A place high up on the mountain in the center of Dounpor, full of wonderful telescopes to look up at the sky and see the clouds lazily wander by. Another sign of Gotezhar construction!

2022-07-26, 04:24 AM
Madrina Uschi Alverna and an assembly of other sereia applaud to Profundus Korasoon's announcement. They snap their fingers and arch their fins back to make pleasant vibrations in the waters in laud of the declared accomplishments and intents of the Gotezhar. Though she leads the group, Uschi's own movements are reserved and muted. She begins the motions to indicate, then relaxes her own as the group around her takes over. A nearly imperceptible grimace crosses her lips at a small spasm in her tailfin. She keeps her gaze on the Profundus and forces a smile, though, keeping the attention of the sereia on the Gotezhar leader as well.

She has had enough dealings with the Gotezhar to recognize the signs of Korasoon's age catching up with them, and feels a sympathetic twinge - she is nearing her seventies herself, and while there are sereia older than she, most are not so active as her position requires. The long swims across the seas are more taxing with each year, even with the traders and pathfinders becoming ever more skilled at navigating the currents. Perhaps she should have invested in one of those 'ships' the Lux-Glossians developed. Uschi smiles, genuinely this time, at the idea and turns to remark on it to the younger merfolk beside her, then pauses. It is not Veruha at her side, she reminds herself, but her ward Duarto. He seemed not to recognize the aborted gesture, caught up in the moment, and she returns to her affected posture, the moment of mirth passed. This is the first such public event in many years that the younger lionfish merfolk is not with her, and her silent presence is missed.

Duarto Alverna continues to float along side the madrina, applauding the speech and gazing around at the assembled variety of creatures. Much of this is new to him, and despite his recent rapid education on politics, his inexperience in the public eye still shows. It is one of many contrasts between the ward and his guardian. Where she is slender and pale, Duarto is broad and athletic, with vivid cobalt pigments across his back, sides and gills. Blue gill is a common ailment among working class of Palacia; while the sereia's grafting techniques allow treatment, the signs of its presence linger.

Other figures of the Costa are present as well, to enjoy themselves, and take advantage of the increased opportunity such a gathering will provide to socialize and deal. Representatives of the prominent Mascerena and Loura families are notable, along with a priestess of Brilhinte, whose believers have recently seen a resurgence.

Uschi Alverna, Madrina of the Costa
Duarto Alverna, Uschi's adopted ward
Fausto Mascerena, primeiro of the Mascerena costa
Mari and Hayes Loura, pathfinder scions
Earlee Perna, priestess of Jurxo

2022-07-26, 07:43 AM
The World Garden

The Princeps in the land of demons

Petrix was joined by four Hermit Crabs, a female, two astartes, and a neuter. The missionary pair had been called home for new training after the failures of four years ago and the political realignment. They were partly advisors, partly chaperones.

At seven, Petrix, even with their accelerated growth and augmented intelligence, was not the functional adult a Hermit Crab would have been at four, and even the craft of the genitor priests, even with the impressive template of their mother, could only improve the intellect of Petrix so much. Even the great Nacres had limited success culturing wisdom and experience. A good nine tenths of it had to be instilled the traditional way.

The astartes were sent as guards. In the past, the Sakura-Jin did not have guards, to show their complete disregard for their own safety. Petrix's first decision was that way was foolishness. Their mother taught them a death to inspire awe was less impressive than a begrudged life.

Despite being accursed spawn of the demiurge who could not inherit the coming world, the Gotezhar were among the first and best allies of the Sakura-Jin, and it was only polite they send a delegation, even if, in truth, they had no real use for the new discoveries of the Gotezhar scientists and their "building" was crass and unnatural. Petrix made a point to be polite and pretend the strange warehouses were impressive.

They do catch a glimpse while there of Mira'din. The parallel in their lives, both adopted by a different race's nobility, strikes them, but what could they say? A Nautilite among Hermit Crabs, bred to seal a political alliance, had little with a mer adopted by charity by demons. It struck the Princeps that the elementals were the more sympathetic of the two, even if Marcion was hardly in any sort of morally compromised position themself.

Petrix did find much of less conflicted interest in the Cloud Observatory. The Demons and their Mer thralls apparently appreciated beauty, which was a touch stone of culture they shared with the Sakura-Jin, even if their aesthetics were strange and sterile.

"The world beyond the sky, where the clouds live, it speaks to us as it does you. There are those of the ecclessiarchs who insist your kind must not have souls, because your flesh is not as mine or a Hermit Crab or a Pfithgol... But you seek beauty. Surely that is proof a least a trace of Sophius indwells within your kind?" The young Nautilite queries Joontar Arjiloza.

Brother Junio attempts likewise to chat up Squall Essensio. He isn't very good at it. "So, guarding, amirite? I imagine it's the same for you anti-salt demons as it is anyone else?"

Princeps Petrix (Nautilite, neuter, age 7) the augmented clone of the mysterious Lady Ink of the Black Pearls. The heir apparent to Primarch Marcion. Inquisitive and reflective.

Brother Junio (Hermit Crab, male, age 15)
One of the first male Hermit Crabs bred in generations, he is content in his duty as a warrior, but has little combat experience or imagination.

Mathion (Hermit Crab, neuter, age 32) the senior member of the expedition, tasked with reporting back to the Ecclesiarchs.

Jamie (Hermit Crab, female, age 10) a former merchant, she is tagging along out of genuine curiosity for the Gotezhar culture.

2022-07-26, 11:02 PM
The Cyphiri delegation sent to Ezcorher is notably smaller than the ones seen at similar events over the years, matters close to home taking up much of the attention of the major Cyphiri families - the restructuring going on in Cyph-Arel itself is of great interest to everyone there and the two most important families, Hallus and Ulnesh, seem to both be paying a lot of attention to Cyphiri efforts in the Emerald Tidelan - but nonetheless there was still a delegation. The major participants were a little different from usual, though, with the most present families being Tellan, Kelad and Pylet - and as always, the usual hired bodyguards that had been increasingly common in recent years after the Reaver attack, particularly as Artan, the Cyphiri broadly in charge of the Retainer Guard, was present. The delegation also lacked much representation from the scientific minds of the Cyphiri - Pelir Hallus wasn't present, also busy with Hallus business, and none of the families present were major players when it came to research. Nonetheless, they watched and listened with interest, many of the Cyphiri present already thinking about how they'd tell the others of their familiies about this day.

Petrix finds that they gather a fair amount of attention among the Cyphiri present - little of it positive. The Tellan are polite enough, if a little guarded, while the Pylet are more open (a considerable amount of them being followers of Sakurado, with their leader, Hapat, being a notable exception), but the Kelad are standoffish at best and verbally hostile at worst. Eventually Nalrin Kelad (one of the more senior Kelad present), shadowed by a Kalan bodyguard, takes the step of directly confronting the Nautilite. She's on the younger side for the senior leadership of a family, experiencing something of a sudden rise to fame due to her part in helping the family deal with the cut in profits associated with the rise of the Black Pearls, and apparently it's something she's taking rather personally. "So, you're the one they made from the flesh of criminals? Hm. Don't look like much. I suppose those of us trying to get by with our business are going to have it even worse when your predecessor dies and you take over. It's a shame how your people have gone from good neighbours to buddying up with thugs. Do you even care about that, or are you happy that it's happening?"

As always, the Tellan present are friendly towards any Middish attendees, while the Gotezhar themselves have more of a mixed reception - sure, their takeover of the businesses in Orope was requested by their hosts, and the Gotezhar are becoming followers of the Way themselves, and the Tellan were able to recover well by focusing on the trade route itself and the ranches around it, but it still rankled a little. Nonetheless, in the name of ensuring good relations (and because one expansion plan being discussed by the rest of the Tellan leadership would necessitate greater involvement with them), Yanmet Tellan seeks out Mira'din as the person he reckoned was easiest to talk to. "Hello. I am Yanmet, representin the Tellan - your people had some dealings with our businesss in Orope recently. I was wondering who to talk to here about similar business matters - I believe it is in our interets going forward to ensure there aren't any more...conflicts of interest, particularly given the proximity of our interests. Can you help, or point me to whoever of the Gotezhar handles these things?"

The greatest concentration of mercenary guards, directly from the Retainer Guard, were around the sole Council Fund representative in the delegation - Artan, the woman in charge of the Guard and related mercenary matters. Decades had passed since her first (and last) attendance at a major event like this, but she'd put them to good use - outside of her contributions in getting the Cyphiri military to the state it was currently at (not impressive by the means of the major military powers of the region, but much better than it once was), she'd spent her time learning from those she employed and all the relevant stories and records of war and battle she could find, preparing for the time that the Cyphiri's forces would have to fight. She was still a Cyphiri and didn't look much like a warrior (although she'd learned plenty about the Cyphiri methods of self-defence and knew how to use the bone knives she carried), but her focus had always been on the strategic side of things. Naturally, with that in mind, travelling to the lands of the Gotezhar was an opportunity she eagerly took, wanting to hear first hand of the battles they'd fought - now, whether she could convince Squall Essensio to talk to her about his experiences, that was another story.

Hapat Pylet, the head of his family and the driving force behind the colonisation of Pyl-Garat, didn't actively approach anyone quite yet, deciding instead to casually mingle and listen, gauging the situation first. There were plenty of Flowing Way followers here, particularly given the attempts by the Middish to convert the Gotezhar, and he didn't have the best reputation along them, and he'd noted the Sakura-Jin's growing influence with a little concern given the popularity of their faith in Pyl-Garat, so he played things cautiously for the time being.

Yanmet Tellan: Second in command in the Tellan family. He's usually based in Cyph-Arel, but with Tarpan returning to the capital to deal with the politics there he's been free to come here. Given the family's position, heavily based in 118, and recent events in Orope, good relations with most of the countries represented here is a priority.

Nalrin Kelad: A representive of the Kelad, a minor family operating scattered holdings in the northeast that are having plenty of Black Pearl-related problems. Needless to say, she's not happy about the situation, particularly given a lack of action by the wider Union.

Artan: A member of the Council Fund, focused around the procurement of mercenaries - a role which in recent years has shifted to managing and organising the Fund's Retainer Guard. She has developed an interest in warfare and strategy, learning from the mercenaries and taking a strong interest in the direction of the Fund's, and so the Union's, growing forces and by extension the military situation and traditions of other countires (and will likely be my general when my focus turns to military actions in a few rounds time, or at least their predecessor/mentor).

Hapat Pylet: The head of the Pylet family, the main family in control of Pyl-Garat (129). Doesn't have the best reputation among followers of the Flowing Way, between many statements he has made that were critical of it, and the fact that many of the people living in Pyl-Garat have ended up following the tenets of Sakurado instead. The man himself appears to follow neither faith.

Naturally each family has other members around, and there are some as of yet undescribed famiies present, and of course there are a fair amount of mercenary bodyguards (mainly Kalan, but ones from scattered other species/countries are also found in Cyphiri employ). I suppose there can also be some minor Hallus or Ulnesh representatives around who've been able to attend despite the

2022-07-27, 06:30 PM
Those attendees who remembered past diplomatic events would perhaps be somewhat surprised by the absence of Amlaigh Tolmach from the Middish delegation, officially because his age disallowed him from traveling via Giantsbane seed with the rest of the delegation, unofficially because the new Grand Master preferred to be represented by more personally trusted allies. These proved to be three: Knight Commander Gregorio Carafa of the Lombslangue, a middle-aged Middish bearing larger-than-usual photophores along his head and neck, a devoted partisan of the dynastic factions within the Order, and an instrumental supporter in Grand Master Oliver's ascension; Chaplain Andrianos of the Kingdom of Dupiopólisol, a young but distinguished Tyrnamoi with a white body marked both by his natural yellow lines and by red pigments marking his service to King Carrington, present on his King's behalf as a personal favor in return for the Grand Master finally forcing through a settlement delineating the territory of the Kingdom and the Ektalithiadean Assembly; and Gwyneira of Insol, a deep brown Middish small even by Middish standards and a personal servant of Oliver with more aptitude for subtlety than most of the Knights. Accompanying them were many other Knights sent as guards, knowing the somewhat unpredictable reputation of the Gotezhar and recognizing the possibility of threats from the other foreigners present.

The Giantsbane seeds landed in an unoccupied region near Mar-Ray Town, specially requested for the purpose so as to avoid accidental collision with other partygoers, and the delegation swam the rest of the distance to the warehouse, letting out a polite low rumble at the Profundus's speech before spreading out to seek out other attendees.

The Gotezhar
Knight Commander Carafa and Chaplain Andrianos began their circuit of the Celebration Reef with the Profundus themself following the speech, hailing the Gotezhar with a shout.

"Hail, Profundus Korasoon! I am Knight Commander Gregorio Carafa of the Order of the Ironkelp and it is my great pleasure, on that august body's behalf, to congratulate you on your achievements of the past years. The diligence and skill evident in your construction impressed me greatly as I traveled here, the strength of your armies has already been well demonstrated in alliance with our Knights, and your wisdom in turning to the Way for guidance is commendable." His photophores flashed blue in excitement. "I hope that the friendship between our peoples may draw ever closer, and I wish to reaffirm the Oath of the Order, that we will fight in the defense of all the faithful - now to include the People of the Rain and their subjects."

The chaplain nodded. "I promise that soon we shall send many more missionaries to Ezcorher, for our teaching and exploration here has been unjustly neglected as of late. Speaking of which, is the Chaplain Luc present here? The Grand Master wishes me to deliver a message of promotion to him."

The Costa Sereia
Gwyneira, for her part, trailed behind the Sereia delegation for some time, observing the merfolk. Guessing (correctly) that Earlee Perna was a priestess, she swam toward her when an opportunity presented itself to speak alone.

"I greet you, Sereia," she said. "I wish to gain clarity on a certain point on behalf of the Grand Master of the Order of the Ironkelp. No news has reached us in the past few years of any expedition to the tainted waters south and southwest of Ezcorher, save that which charted the region and discovered its dangers. Yet Gotezhar and Lux-Glossians tell us now of a Sereian convoy in those waters, and rumor holds that the ruins of an ancient temple to your faith, which stood in that sea, has been reclaimed. For what purpose - and do you intend to continue this secretive work elsewhere?" The edge in her tone conveyed the unspoken addition, and if you do, does it pose a threat to the Order?

The Sakura-Jin
With conversation with the Profundus finished, K.C. Carafa swam to intercept the Sakura-Jin delegates before they moved on to the Observatory, addressing Mathion as apparently the senior member and presumably leader of the hermit crabs.

"Greetings." His tone was not especially friendly, though not completely frigid. "Scouts of the Order of the Ironkelp have reported to me that your... astartes - " mispronouncing the unfamiliar word " - intend to fight alongside the strange shark-riders they say came from the south in their nakedly aggressive invasion of former Otterian waters. I do not seek to stay you from this course; only to inquire by what routes you will transport soldiers and to what ends you truly intend to march, for, should any of our flock come to harm in this war, the currents are like to bear us into conflict... which I believe neither of our peoples desire."

The Cyphiri
Unlike in other Middish territories, the Cyphiri were rare sights in the Petrified Plains, and the young Tyrnamoi Chaplain had little knowledge of their culture or their government - only a question from the Grand Master and the boldness to simply turn to the nearest Cyphiri not otherwise engaged and ask it. His fin-spines waved in the water as he swam over.

"Hello, good Cyphiri," he began. "I am Chaplain Andrianos, of the Order of the Ironkelp, from the Kingdom of Dupiopólisol. It has come to the attention of the Grand Master that southern Cyphiri waters are in somewhat of religious turmoil at the present time, but details are unclear to him. Could I trouble you for the situation, and for whether you believe it merits the involvement of the Order?"

Andrianos isn't seeking out anyone specific, so feel free to have him talk to whoever (or multiple whoevers) you think would be most funny or dramatic.

2022-07-27, 07:10 PM

To the Cyphiri

Petrix takes the insult in stride. Their mother was only slightly less controversial among the ecclessiarchs.

"The Black Pearls were better at doing their job than our merchants, so we subcontracted. It hasn't been our way in the past, but the Primarch was worried about stagnation. It is their hope they can absorb the Black Pearl organization and turn it I to something less aggressive. It has always been the Sakura-Jin way."

"Your society has never been unified like ours, I would have hoped you would have better appreciated our goal "

to the Ironkelp Order

Mathion considers carefully, what they said next was in keeping with their understanding, but on the edges if their power.
"In truth, we only sent the aide to the Sharks because they asked and our warriors are woefully inexperienced. There hasn't been a Sakura-Jin military in lifetimes before Marcion bred the current cohort. Frankly, they would be just as happy to fight on the other side for less pay, if it would help keep the peace ."

2022-07-27, 09:57 PM
The World Garden

The Princeps in the land of demons


Petrix did find much of less conflicted interest in the Cloud Observatory. The Demons and their Mer thralls apparently appreciated beauty, which was a touch stone of culture they shared with the Sakura-Jin, even if their aesthetics were strange and sterile.

"The world beyond the sky, where the clouds live, it speaks to us as it does you. There are those of the ecclessiarchs who insist your kind must not have souls, because your flesh is not as mine or a Hermit Crab or a Pfithgol... But you seek beauty. Surely that is proof a least a trace of Sophius indwells within your kind?" The young Nautilite queries Joontar Arjiloza.

Brother Junio attempts likewise to chat up Squall Essensio. He isn't very good at it. "So, guarding, amirite? I imagine it's the same for you anti-salt demons as it is anyone else?"

Joontar Arjiloza blinks several times from within their bolya before realizing that the young Nautilite is speaking with them. The Gotezhar administrator moves closer, though their bolya moves not at all; in this way, several globes of distance are covered and it becomes clear that the Princeps is now the Joontar's sole focus, as they reply, "The possibility is a non-zero chance, but not currently one the Joontar are open to discuss. We are rather bogged down with the decision to investigate the similarities between Afluente and the Flowing Way, of which there are a growing number. That is not to say that there may not be similarities with this Sophius you speak of, but you will forgive me if I am unfamiliar. Most of my last decade has been upon the focus of engineering... and of course, using the Observatory to record my favorite clouds. As for beyond them...? What interest would the Gotezhar have in the dark skies and the beyond? Is there water there?"

The fact that the Joontar is talking to a child - a very intelligent child, perhaps, but a child none the less - completely escapes them. It is clear from the way they speak they are the closest thing the Gotezhar has to an academic first, and a socialite almost never. Which is sooner than most other Gotezhar.

For instance, Squall Essensio, with their extra limbs, wiggles a pseudo-pod back and forth between Brother Junio, as though only just now starting to piece together that the male Hermit Crab is speaking with them; a watery limb pointing to their own bolya as though silently asking if the warrior crab if he is sure he is talking to them. Seeing no other guards around, the General and right side pseudo limb for the entire Gotezhar race, finally decides the questions the young Hermit Crab is asking is, in fact, aimed at them. From behind a scarred fleshy body - a rarity for any Gotezhar to survive and a sure sign of battle - the Squall furrows their brow and thinks for once about something other than battle.

The words are delivered in a squeaky voice, full of pain and longing. Each word is carefully considered before spoken, like testing the balance of a weapon each time before it is swung, "Guarding is work. Failing means death; a worse death. It is not your death. It is someone else's. For a warrior, to guard is worse than a battle. To guard means to always be at the ready, but never fighting. Fighting... is freedom."

The Cyphiri delegation sent to Ezcorher is notably smaller than the ones seen at similar events over the years, matters close to home taking up much of the attention of the major Cyphiri families - the restructuring going on in Cyph-Arel itself is of great interest to everyone there and the two most important families, Hallus and Ulnesh, seem to both be paying a lot of attention to Cyphiri efforts in the Emerald Tidelan - but nonetheless there was still a delegation. The major participants were a little different from usual, though, with the most present families being Tellan, Kelad and Pylet - and as always, the usual hired bodyguards that had been increasingly common in recent years after the Reaver attack, particularly as Artan, the Cyphiri broadly in charge of the Retainer Guard, was present. The delegation also lacked much representation from the scientific minds of the Cyphiri - Pelir Hallus wasn't present, also busy with Hallus business, and none of the families present were major players when it came to research. Nonetheless, they watched and listened with interest, many of the Cyphiri present already thinking about how they'd tell the others of their familiies about this day.


As always, the Tellan present are friendly towards any Middish attendees, while the Gotezhar themselves have more of a mixed reception - sure, their takeover of the businesses in Orope was requested by their hosts, and the Gotezhar are becoming followers of the Way themselves, and the Tellan were able to recover well by focusing on the trade route itself and the ranches around it, but it still rankled a little. Nonetheless, in the name of ensuring good relations (and because one expansion plan being discussed by the rest of the Tellan leadership would necessitate greater involvement with them), Yanmet Tellan seeks out Mira'din as the person he reckoned was easiest to talk to. "Hello. I am Yanmet, representin the Tellan - your people had some dealings with our businesss in Orope recently. I was wondering who to talk to here about similar business matters - I believe it is in our interets going forward to ensure there aren't any more...conflicts of interest, particularly given the proximity of our interests. Can you help, or point me to whoever of the Gotezhar handles these things?"

Yanmet Tellan: Second in command in the Tellan family. He's usually based in Cyph-Arel, but with Tarpan returning to the capital to deal with the politics there he's been free to come here. Given the family's position, heavily based in 118, and recent events in Orope, good relations with most of the countries represented here is a priority.

Mira'din was bored. Oh not with the festivities, but with the number of times she has had to confirm that yes, it really was a dumb idea to go into the Warehouse without a guide. So she was just about to tell the Middish in front of her the same thing she'd told six other guests in the past fifteen minutes; to go speak with a guide if they want to see inside. When she realized that, no, this was actually a legitimate conversation, from a legitimate delegate, and they were speaking with her, the Mer Maiden's eyebrows rose ever so slightly.

She did not respond recklessly, as she might have done six years ago, but took her time to consider, acknowledging Yanmet Tellan with a small nod first, to indicate that she had heard him. When she finally does speak, Mira'din says, "Representative Yanmet, navigating the social structure of the Gotezhar is both complicated and very simple. Complicated because you have to know who to speak to, but simple because once you do speak with the right person, things get done very quickly. In this particular case? The majority of the Gotezhar struggle to even understand the concept of boundaries much less bartering. Were you to complain to the wrong Gotezhar on the matter - for instance, a Squall - they would weigh your words based on what they know, which for this example, would be fighting and their version of justice.

"Trust me when I say: not a conversation you want to have. No, you'll want to speak with a Merchant caste Joontar. They are rare. Merchant caste Gotezhar are only a recent thing, as I'm sure you're aware. They are... dense in their own ways, but beginning to understand the concepts. Your best bet is to seek out Joontar Feleez, the governor of Colownya. They should be here, but where exactly... I'm afraid I don't know. I saw all three regional governors with the Profundus yesterday, but other than Squidwar, I have no idea where even my aunt is, much less Feleez." Mira'din rubs her chin in thought, before a look of curiosity crosses her face. She could... but no, that would be overswimming. Wouldn't it?

Or would Korasoon see it as her swimming forwards? It might be the opportunity I need to get the old bubble to praise me for something other than my spear for once.

Waving a hand invitingly at the Middish before her, Mira'din says, "Tell you what. Why don't you tell me more about the problem, and I'll see what I can do about it. Worst case scenario, I can't do anything, but if that's the case, I will help you track down Feleez personally. Best case scenario? I can handle it, and take it directly to Korasoon."

Those attendees who remembered past diplomatic events would perhaps be somewhat surprised by the absence of Amlaigh Tolmach from the Middish delegation, officially because his age disallowed him from traveling via Giantsbane seed with the rest of the delegation, unofficially because the new Grand Master preferred to be represented by more personally trusted allies. These proved to be three: Knight Commander Gregorio Carafa of the Lombslangue, a middle-aged Middish bearing larger-than-usual photophores along his head and neck, a devoted partisan of the dynastic factions within the Order, and an instrumental supporter in Grand Master Oliver's ascension; Chaplain Andrianos of the Kingdom of Dupiopólisol, a young but distinguished Tyrnamoi with a white body marked both by his natural yellow lines and by red pigments marking his service to King Carrington, present on his King's behalf as a personal favor in return for the Grand Master finally forcing through a settlement delineating the territory of the Kingdom and the Ektalithiadean Assembly; and Gwyneira of Insol, a deep brown Middish small even by Middish standards and a personal servant of Oliver with more aptitude for subtlety than most of the Knights. Accompanying them were many other Knights sent as guards, knowing the somewhat unpredictable reputation of the Gotezhar and recognizing the possibility of threats from the other foreigners present.

The Giantsbane seeds landed in an unoccupied region near Mar-Ray Town, specially requested for the purpose so as to avoid accidental collision with other partygoers, and the delegation swam the rest of the distance to the warehouse, letting out a polite low rumble at the Profundus's speech before spreading out to seek out other attendees.

The Gotezhar
Knight Commander Carafa and Chaplain Andrianos began their circuit of the Celebration Reef with the Profundus themself following the speech, hailing the Gotezhar with a shout.

"Hail, Profundus Korasoon! I am Knight Commander Gregorio Carafa of the Order of the Ironkelp and it is my great pleasure, on that august body's behalf, to congratulate you on your achievements of the past years. The diligence and skill evident in your construction impressed me greatly as I traveled here, the strength of your armies has already been well demonstrated in alliance with our Knights, and your wisdom in turning to the Way for guidance is commendable." His photophores flashed blue in excitement. "I hope that the friendship between our peoples may draw ever closer, and I wish to reaffirm the Oath of the Order, that we will fight in the defense of all the faithful - now to include the People of the Rain and their subjects."

The chaplain nodded. "I promise that soon we shall send many more missionaries to Ezcorher, for our teaching and exploration here has been unjustly neglected as of late. Speaking of which, is the Chaplain Luc present here? The Grand Master wishes me to deliver a message of promotion to him."

"Hail? There is hard rain?" Korasoon stared up into the ocean waves above, and saw no such blessed weather. Behind the Profundus, the scarred body of Squidwar the Mer Warleader snickered, before leaning forwards and whispering into the Profundus's bolya. "Ah! Yes. A greeting. Of course. Of course. Hail, then, Knight Commander Carafa. And to you Chaplain. If you seek Luc, I last saw them in Mar-Ray itself, setting up a small... what is the word... shine? No. It was shiny though. Shrine! Small shrine. Go find him if you wish."

Turning their attention once more to the Knight Commander, Profundus Korasoon frowned from within their bolya, considering the words said before, "As to friendship, oaths, and all of that? Yes, yes, we are superior, and it is good to be recognized as such. It is good to be allied with others who can boast their own types of superiority, but words are just that, Knight Commander. Words. Gotezhar value actions, something which we do not have to question what the Order of the Iron Kelp will do. Should the time come, everyone will see Gotezhar actions are also superior. Words proceed deeds, but hold far less water. Wouldn't you agree?"

The Hidden Prize

An hour into the festivities, a Worker approached Profundus Korasoon. The Gotezhar leader noticed almost immediately, as though they had been waiting for this moment. Free for now from speaking with any guests, the Profundus yet again floated higher into the water, and once more called for attention within the Celebration Reef.

"Guests! This would not be much of a celebration, if there were not gifts... and a game. Each of you whom has sent an official delegation shall not only be given a recent design of Gotezhar make for traversing colder waters - something those of Elyan'dan must do every winter - but you will be given first crack at a little game of mine. I called it Finders Favor! It's simple. Somewhere in the Gathering Tide Warehouse, is a token with my Nuven's personal crest on it: a warrior's wave atop a sacred raincloud. The token is half a globe in height, and bright red. Whomever finds it first... may ask of my Nuven a favor. We are skilled builders. Skilled warriors. A favor from my... family? That is the word you might use... is more than many of even superior skills might know what to do with. I assure you, though, our excellence will shine through. So long as it is logistically possible, you can ask my nuven a favor, even if it is decades from now and I have risen to the clouds."

Waving a watery limb to point towards the entrance of the Warehouse, the Gotezhar leader pointed at the Mer Maiden nearby the large doors, "Speak with Mira'din if you want to know more. She's taking over for me anyways."

"Oh sure, put this entire surprise contest on me, thanks!" the Mer girl yelled back, showing she had quite the lungs on her.

"Menina. You are Mer and Gotezhar. You are my choice. You will take over for me."

For those close enough to see Mira'din's face, they could see her roll her eyes, "Then maybe tell me about this silly game befo- WAIT. YOU DO MEAN JUST THIS GAME, DON'T YOU?!"

"Guests, do not be alarmed. She is swift of spear, if not of mind." There is some polite clapping and even more nervous laughter - and some genuine laughter - at this announcement.

"YOU DON'T. Oh cloud burst. THIS IS HOW YOU TELL ME I'M YOUR HEIR?! Maybe THINK about how I feel, before dumping the entire Builder's Union in my lap?!?"


Speaking more with Profundus Korasoon will reveal that those interested in earning their Nuven's personal Favor must enter the Gathering Tide Warehouse. This only has the danger of getting lost, but is otherwise safe. For competitors, you are being asked to roll dice during Round 9 as non-actions. All rolls are standard 2d6. Spies and Generals may be used where appropriate, but this assigns them to the event for the round. No other bonuses apply.

Exception: Officially attending the event provides a +1 to all Finder's Favor rolls

The breakdown is as follows:

[Obtaining a Guide]
There are a line of Gotezhar Workers whose sole occupation it is to guide people through the Warehouse. Guests may roll either (but not both) Diplomacy or Intrigue (to talk nice or get some sneaky info) to speak with the guides and select the best ones. Rolling a 9 total or less gets you a guide so you don't get lost. Rolling a 10 - 13 gets you a +1 to Finders Seeking. Rolling a 14 - 17 gets you a +2 to Finders Seeking. Rolling 18+ means you get one of the best guides available, and gain a +3 to Finders Seeking.

[Finders Seeking]
Your Gotezhar guide will take you to one of several store houses, based on where you would like to go. Select one of the following five sections of the Gathering Tide Warehouse, then roll either Economy or Faith (to evaluate goods or place your luck in the gods) along with your bonus from Obtaining a Guide to find either a clue, or the Favor Token itself! The first round of results will be (48) hours from this post, and if no one finds the favor, the clues will help narrow down where to go; (48) hours [ish] after those clues will be another set of results, and so on, until the Favor Token is found.

Higher rolls provide more information... and similar bonuses to Obtaining a Guide (0 for 9 or less, +1 for 10-13, +2 for 14-17, and +3 for 18 or more) for Racing to the Goal.

Sticks and Stones
Breakable Bones
Glue Barrels
Glass and Shiny Things
Exotic Goods and Exotic Bads

Note: Players must roll at least a 12 to [I]find the Favor, even if they are in the correct store house. This may result in you rolling in the same location, if your initial roll isn't high enough.

[Racing To the Goal]
In the event that (2) or more players pick the same location - and it happens to have the Favor Token or some other juicy bit of information - players will roll Military (for physical superiority) plus their bonus from Finders Seeking to swim to the goal first! Highest roll wins. In the unlikely event of ties at this juncture, players will re-roll without bonuses until someone has a higher number.

Gengy's advice: Don't be afraid to go to a place someone else is going to. I have a uninterested 3rd party selecting the final location, and all other locations will contain clues... even if that clue is just "it's not here".

2022-07-27, 10:36 PM
The Princeps squeaks even in the clacking, percussive language of the Hermit Crabs, which they can only speak by using a special rattle against their shell. Their accelerated growth makes them an adolescent, not a child by the standards of their race, but the mooncalf prodigies of the Hermit Crabs would mark them in their prime by the same number of years.

But, today, they are the child they weren't permitted to be since before their Mother and The Primarch agreed they had passed quality control and would be permitted to ascend to personhood. They liked to think that there were no siblings that had proceeded them only to be culled, and the Sakura-Jin genitors had worked with cephalopod genetics before, so it might even have been true. Today, though, they were playing a game, like any seven-year-old Nautilite!

Their charm crosses barriers of race and language! "Hello, friends! Let's get looking. They say in the language of Ecozhar, with vowels that no crustaceans can properly pronounce without mechanical aid."

"Let us explore the place with the strangest goods! It sounds exciting!"

In a corner of their mind, they think again of Mira'din, who, like them, is now the heir by adoption to a great empire. The Sakura-Jin believed the word should be woven together from disparate parts, but these strange demons made of lack-of-salt seemed much more like their own people than their limited education had supposed.

2022-07-28, 06:48 PM
Ironkelp Order
The Cyphiri Andrianos speaks to happens to be one of the Pylet who, not wanting to get involved in politics, quickly points him in the direction of Hapat Pylet and eplains that he's the leader of the family before making their excuses and swimming off.

Hapat, when approached, listens to the question and waves a dismissive tentacle. "There is no turmoil. The Sakura-Jin were there when we established our colonies in Pyl-Garat, and over the years they've swayed many of my people to their beliefs. I see as much merit in what they think as the Flowing Way, regardless of the opinions of most Cyphiri - or your people, for that matter. So no. Your services are not required nor wanted."

Nalrin just shakes her head. "That's it? You 'hope'?" She thinks for a moment before continuing, figuring out how exactly to say what she has to say. "You're right, we're not as unified as you, but that's the point. Neither are they. They won't just fall in line because you share genes with their founder - if it benefits any individual member to act against you, you can be sure they will. Not just the rank and file, I'm sure your 'mother' would throw you under the bus at the first opportunity if it put her organisation in a better position. I was an opportunity scout until recently - I've seen what the average criminal is like." She shrugs her tentacles. "I have to applaud your ego though, the Middish too. Letting them run rampant across your lands, so confident that you can control them and stop things when it escalates. I don't like how much your moves are affecting my family, but if you want to invite the parasites in I can't stop you, and it's not like the Council are going to do anything about it any time soon. Consider yourself warned, though, once their hunger means they start devouring you too."

Yanmet listens quietly to Mira'din's explanation of the ways of the Gotezhar with genuine interest - depending on how this conversation went, the family might need to keep this in mind going forward. Her mention of the Gotezhar not understanding boundaries gets a nod as he remembers the various dealings Cyphiri families had with the Gotezhar over the whole 'adoption' sitatuon - the Tellan hadn't had to worry about it on the whole, being based too far north at the time, but as he was based in Cyph-Arel he'd heard a fair amount about it. He watches her come to her final decision with some interest, nodding when she makes her offer.

"Very well. I don't know how well you're aware of the recent situation in Orope, but due to certain deals and agreements we were forced to pull out of the Giantsbane seed market there to allow your merchants to get a steady supply - defence of the faith and all that, and the will of our Middish friends. We've found ourself with a surplus of funds in light of that, and while reinvesting in our other interests has been a good use of them we still have the funds and manpower for another operation. One potentially opportunity our scouts have reported is in what is now Gotezhar territory - namely, B’kini Bottom and their special seeds. From what we've gathered, they can serve a similar purpose to that what we lost access to in Orope, and can be profitable beyond personal use outside of that in the right hands. As such, we'd be interested in investing in the region to secure a supply of the seeds, and at the same time provide the locals with what they've been calling for. Our main business now outside of managing our trade route is ranching, you see, and our animals can be put to work doing much of the manual labour - things that don't need fine manipulation, naturally - the warriors there dislike doing. At the least, our people are confident that we can sell that idea to them, and in the process eliminate the need for your own merchants to secure a similar solution. We can talk directly to the people there, of course, but this celebration seemed like a good opportunity to confirm with those ultimately in charge there of what we have planned. It seemed like the polite thing to do."

Finder's Favour

Once the contest has been explained, the most prominent Cyphiri present share a series of quick looks and signals to gauge each other's reactions and willingness to get involved. Hapat seems interested, but a quick survery of the Pylet he had brought with him revealed that few had the skills he felt were of use there. Yanmet seems more amused at Mira'din's reaction rather than thinking about the game, and quickly suggests that the Kelad handle it. Nalrin, meanwhile, only gives a quick acknowledgement to the others before starting to move towards the guides - before recent events in the family with the Black Pearls brought her home she was an opportunity scout, one of those Cyphiri that travelled known waters looking for anything their family could use, so she felt pretty confident about her chances (and it felt like a nice change from her usual worries these days). A quick conversation with some of the guides let her choose her favourite of the lot - not the best, but still pretty decent at their job and more importantly wasn't annoying, and then they were off into the "Glass and Shiny Things" section. She wasn't entirely convinced about the Gotezhar sorting system, but it seemed like the place someone would hide something valuable to her.

So that's a 17 to find something in the Glass and Shiny Things section, all in all.

2022-07-29, 06:01 PM
The Hidden Prize

An hour into the festivities, a Worker approached Profundus Korasoon. The Gotezhar leader noticed almost immediately, as though they had been waiting for this moment. Free for now from speaking with any guests, the Profundus yet again floated higher into the water, and once more called for attention within the Celebration Reef.

"Guests! This would not be much of a celebration, if there were not gifts... and a game. Each of you whom has sent an official delegation shall not only be given a recent design of Gotezhar make for traversing colder waters - something those of Elyan'dan must do every winter - but you will be given first crack at a little game of mine. I called it Finders Favor! It's simple. Somewhere in the Gathering Tide Warehouse, is a token with my Nuven's personal crest on it: a warrior's wave atop a sacred raincloud. The token is half a globe in height, and bright red. Whomever finds it first... may ask of my Nuven a favor. We are skilled builders. Skilled warriors. A favor from my... family? That is the word you might use... is more than many of even superior skills might know what to do with. I assure you, though, our excellence will shine through. So long as it is logistically possible, you can ask my nuven a favor, even if it is decades from now and I have risen to the clouds."

Waving a watery limb to point towards the entrance of the Warehouse, the Gotezhar leader pointed at the Mer Maiden nearby the large doors, "Speak with Mira'din if you want to know more. She's taking over for me anyways."

"Oh sure, put this entire surprise contest on me, thanks!" the Mer girl yelled back, showing she had quite the lungs on her.

"Menina. You are Mer and Gotezhar. You are my choice. You will take over for me."

For those close enough to see Mira'din's face, they could see her roll her eyes, "Then maybe tell me about this silly game befo- WAIT. YOU DO MEAN JUST THIS GAME, DON'T YOU?!"

"Guests, do not be alarmed. She is swift of spear, if not of mind." There is some polite clapping and even more nervous laughter - and some genuine laughter - at this announcement.

"YOU DON'T. Oh cloud burst. THIS IS HOW YOU TELL ME I'M YOUR HEIR?! Maybe THINK about how I feel, before dumping the entire Builder's Union in my lap?!?"


Speaking more with Profundus Korasoon will reveal that those interested in earning their Nuven's personal Favor must enter the Gathering Tide Warehouse. This only has the danger of getting lost, but is otherwise safe. For competitors, you are being asked to roll dice during Round 9 as non-actions. All rolls are standard 2d6. Spies and Generals may be used where appropriate, but this assigns them to the event for the round. No other bonuses apply.

Exception: Officially attending the event provides a +1 to all Finder's Favor rolls

The breakdown is as follows:

[Obtaining a Guide]
There are a line of Gotezhar Workers whose sole occupation it is to guide people through the Warehouse. Guests may roll either (but not both) Diplomacy or Intrigue (to talk nice or get some sneaky info) to speak with the guides and select the best ones. Rolling a 9 total or less gets you a guide so you don't get lost. Rolling a 10 - 13 gets you a +1 to Finders Seeking. Rolling a 14 - 17 gets you a +2 to Finders Seeking. Rolling 18+ means you get one of the best guides available, and gain a +3 to Finders Seeking.

[Finders Seeking]
Your Gotezhar guide will take you to one of several store houses, based on where you would like to go. Select one of the following five sections of the Gathering Tide Warehouse, then roll either Economy or Faith (to evaluate goods or place your luck in the gods) along with your bonus from Obtaining a Guide to find either a clue, or the Favor Token itself! The first round of results will be (48) hours from this post, and if no one finds the favor, the clues will help narrow down where to go; (48) hours [ish] after those clues will be another set of results, and so on, until the Favor Token is found.

Higher rolls provide more information... and similar bonuses to Obtaining a Guide (0 for 9 or less, +1 for 10-13, +2 for 14-17, and +3 for 18 or more) for Racing to the Goal.

Sticks and Stones
Breakable Bones
Glue Barrels
Glass and Shiny Things
Exotic Goods and Exotic Bads

Note: Players must roll at least a 12 to [I]find the Favor, even if they are in the correct store house. This may result in you rolling in the same location, if your initial roll isn't high enough.

[Racing To the Goal]
In the event that (2) or more players pick the same location - and it happens to have the Favor Token or some other juicy bit of information - players will roll Military (for physical superiority) plus their bonus from Finders Seeking to swim to the goal first! Highest roll wins. In the unlikely event of ties at this juncture, players will re-roll without bonuses until someone has a higher number.

Gengy's advice: Don't be afraid to go to a place someone else is going to. I have a uninterested 3rd party selecting the final location, and all other locations will contain clues... even if that clue is just "it's not here".

Finder's Favor
"Ah, a game," Uschi thought to herself. "A perfect diversion." She had been discussing matters of small talk and trade, and while her ward maintained his manners, she could tell how bored he was of both topics. Both sereia listened as the Profundus outlined the entertainment and the rules. And while the madrina was most intrigued by this method of announcing one's heir apparent, Duarto's eager looks at the opportunity for exercise and activity could not be missed. A simple nod of permission was all that was needed for him to take off toward the indicated entrance to the Gathering Tide Warehouse.

Duarto swiftly makes his way into the group of contestants, and approaches the guides to begin discussing a search. His mind most quickly attracts to the idea of beginning in the 'bones' section, as much from curiousity about its contents as the challenge itself.

Obtaining a Guide - 17 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25534794&postcount=445)
Finder's Seeking - 20 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25534794&postcount=445)

2022-07-29, 11:34 PM
A Pfith slinks into the party. They were probably here a while, and just watching from the shadows. That's very normal for them.

Ktloso is slim and nimble, for a Pfith anyway. They extend a blue-veined tendril wrapped in kelp fibers, a necessary precaution against injecting others with venom, and beckon a Gotezhar towards them.
They are not much for words. They point to the warehouse. "Secrets. Find."
If a guide does not like their demeanor, it is easy for them to move to the next and repeat the question. It seems this strategy works well, because soon the Pfith spymaster is swimming into the storerooms for Exotic Goods and Bads with a Gotezhar worker in tow.

Actual roll post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25535003&postcount=446)
14 for guide, 22 for search. Searching Exotic Goods and Exotic Bads.

2022-07-31, 05:26 PM
Chart was an unusually good businessman among the shark people. On two occasions his raiding party had to fight off local militia because Chart had taken so long appraising the loot and deciding what to throw on the back of their sharks, and he had an unusually large collection of trinkets. He had volunteered to go and check out the builders' union event for two reasons: one, it was always good to do a favor for the Shark King, and he might be able to gather some useful intelligence. Two, he might be able to sell some of his goods to the partygoers. In particular he'd brought some herring from Deep Blue. Separated from the school and pickled, they were essentially indistinguishable from ordinary herring, but people cared about the origins of things.

"Genuine pickled god-fish from the far south!" He shouted at the passers-by in at the Celebration reef, rippling a series of dark spots across his skin to catch the eye of any visual predator species. "Get a taste of divinity, with extra salt!"

Finder's favor:
Chart wanted to find a guide with a keen eye for his or her surroundings, someone who paid attention, someone who didn't always play by the rules. So, he left his shark swimming about the reef and swam past the guides, nonchalantly snapping the string of his wobegong tooth necklace so that it fell onto the seafloor. When one of the guides approached him to return it, he thanked the enterprising lass and moved down the line. Chart repeated this trick three times until he finally found a worker who picked up the necklace, cast a quick glance at him, then tucked it away for personal safekeeping. Perfect.

Stones were mostly useless, but the Shark people always had trouble getting long enough sticks to build lances out of. If Chart could get his tentacles on some long and sturdy sticks he'd have some serious bartering power back in open waters.

Find a guide: 14 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536214#post25536214)
Search: 14 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536218#post25536218)
Search Sticks and Stones warehouse

2022-07-31, 07:23 PM
to the Ironkelp Order

Mathion considers carefully, what they said next was in keeping with their understanding, but on the edges if their power.
"In truth, we only sent the aide to the Sharks because they asked and our warriors are woefully inexperienced. There hasn't been a Sakura-Jin military in lifetimes before Marcion bred the current cohort. Frankly, they would be just as happy to fight on the other side for less pay, if it would help keep the peace ."

Carafa blinked. "Neither I nor the Grand Master object to your people aiding the nomads in their war, uncouth as their bellicosity may be. We are not bound to defend the heathens against whom they fight. But no army can pass through a place and leave it unharmed, regardless of whether it intends to aid or hinder the shark-riders. I warn you, therefore, not to pass too close to any village or town of the Flowing Way, even 'merely' in the pursuit of military experience - unless perhaps you have some means to guarantee that not a single Sakura-Jin soldier will harm a single follower of the Way?"

"Hail? There is hard rain?" Korasoon stared up into the ocean waves above, and saw no such blessed weather. Behind the Profundus, the scarred body of Squidwar the Mer Warleader snickered, before leaning forwards and whispering into the Profundus's bolya. "Ah! Yes. A greeting. Of course. Of course. Hail, then, Knight Commander Carafa. And to you Chaplain. If you seek Luc, I last saw them in Mar-Ray itself, setting up a small... what is the word... shine? No. It was shiny though. Shrine! Small shrine. Go find him if you wish."

Turning their attention once more to the Knight Commander, Profundus Korasoon frowned from within their bolya, considering the words said before, "As to friendship, oaths, and all of that? Yes, yes, we are superior, and it is good to be recognized as such. It is good to be allied with others who can boast their own types of superiority, but words are just that, Knight Commander. Words. Gotezhar value actions, something which we do not have to question what the Order of the Iron Kelp will do. Should the time come, everyone will see Gotezhar actions are also superior. Words proceed deeds, but hold far less water. Wouldn't you agree?"

Andrianos nodded in acknowledgement and excused himself with a few quiet words. The Knight Commander frowned. "Indeed, there can be no question of that. Our peoples fight together far beyond the capabilities of any single creature known to me." He paused for a moment, seeming to consider how best to express his thoughts. "But I must respectfully disagree on the latter. An oath ordains its own fulfillment. Words contain actions within themselves. Without words, when the time comes, how is the correct action to be taken?"

Ironkelp Order
The Cyphiri Andrianos speaks to happens to be one of the Pylet who, not wanting to get involved in politics, quickly points him in the direction of Hapat Pylet and eplains that he's the leader of the family before making their excuses and swimming off.

Hapat, when approached, listens to the question and waves a dismissive tentacle. "There is no turmoil. The Sakura-Jin were there when we established our colonies in Pyl-Garat, and over the years they've swayed many of my people to their beliefs. I see as much merit in what they think as the Flowing Way, regardless of the opinions of most Cyphiri - or your people, for that matter. So no. Your services are not required nor wanted."

"I see." The Tyranmoi tilted to one side as if deeply considering Hapat's words. "It strikes me that there may be indeed turmoil; just not that which we heard. Other Cyphiri, beyond Pyl-Garat, disagree with the view you have?"

Chart was an unusually good businessman among the shark people. On two occasions his raiding party had to fight off local militia because Chart had taken so long appraising the loot and deciding what to throw on the back of their sharks, and he had an unusually large collection of trinkets. He had volunteered to go and check out the builders' union event for two reasons: one, it was always good to do a favor for the Shark King, and he might be able to gather some useful intelligence. Two, he might be able to sell some of his goods to the partygoers. In particular he'd brought some herring from Deep Blue. Separated from the school and pickled, they were essentially indistinguishable from ordinary herring, but people cared about the origins of things.

"Genuine pickled god-fish from the far south!" He shouted at the passers-by in at the Celebration reef, rippling a series of dark spots across his skin to catch the eye of any visual predator species. "Get a taste of divinity, with extra salt!"

Gwyneira's eyes snapped to the Chelorian as she swam past. "God"-fish? Did some shard of the divine will take physical form in whatever distant sea these nomads came from? Could some mortal have uncovered a deep-hidden secret, and become as the creators? Or....

She approached Chart nonchalantly and examined his wares as any other attendee might. "A taste of the divine? Which divinity might that be? I know of none which are composed of herring."

Finder's Favor
In search of directions to Mar-Ray Town proper to meet with Luc d'Espoire, Chaplain Andrianos found none of the Gotezhar he spoke to properly understood his requests for a guide. By the third time he found himself floating outside of the Gathering Tide Warehouse, he found himself surprisingly resigned to taking part in the Profundus's silly game and followed his guide into the building. He aimed for the section with the most militaristic name, in hopes that familiarity might help him swim more quickly.

Obtaining a Guide: 11 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536214#post25536214)

Finder's Seeking (Sticks and Stones): 17 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536214#post25536214) (+1 Guide)

2022-07-31, 10:01 PM
Yanmet listens quietly to Mira'din's explanation of the ways of the Gotezhar with genuine interest - depending on how this conversation went, the family might need to keep this in mind going forward. Her mention of the Gotezhar not understanding boundaries gets a nod as he remembers the various dealings Cyphiri families had with the Gotezhar over the whole 'adoption' sitatuon - the Tellan hadn't had to worry about it on the whole, being based too far north at the time, but as he was based in Cyph-Arel he'd heard a fair amount about it. He watches her come to her final decision with some interest, nodding when she makes her offer.

"Very well. I don't know how well you're aware of the recent situation in Orope, but due to certain deals and agreements we were forced to pull out of the Giantsbane seed market there to allow your merchants to get a steady supply - defence of the faith and all that, and the will of our Middish friends. We've found ourself with a surplus of funds in light of that, and while reinvesting in our other interests has been a good use of them we still have the funds and manpower for another operation. One potentially opportunity our scouts have reported is in what is now Gotezhar territory - namely, B’kini Bottom and their special seeds. From what we've gathered, they can serve a similar purpose to that what we lost access to in Orope, and can be profitable beyond personal use outside of that in the right hands. As such, we'd be interested in investing in the region to secure a supply of the seeds, and at the same time provide the locals with what they've been calling for. Our main business now outside of managing our trade route is ranching, you see, and our animals can be put to work doing much of the manual labour - things that don't need fine manipulation, naturally - the warriors there dislike doing. At the least, our people are confident that we can sell that idea to them, and in the process eliminate the need for your own merchants to secure a similar solution. We can talk directly to the people there, of course, but this celebration seemed like a good opportunity to confirm with those ultimately in charge there of what we have planned. It seemed like the polite thing to do."

Mira'din nods politely as Yanmet explains. The Representative is as succinct as possible, while still having a way with words that the Mer Maiden has come to expect from merchants. Well, non-Gotezhar merchants. When the Cyphiri Union member is done speaking, Mira'din thinks to herself for a moment, before responding, "It sounds like you actually do need to talk to Squidwar, the acting Governor for B'kini Bottom. Which is easy enough; he's a Mer warrior that is hanging out with Profundus Korasoon as a guard... like that old bubble needs one, but appearances are important, right? Anyways, Squidwar is a pretty straightforward fellow. You tell him what you just told me, and I bet you he'll be eager to handle the Merchant caste himself to get your ranch animals.

"Much like the Gotezhar themselves, though, Squidwar isn't much for propriety. So you're 'polite thing to do' is just get to the point with him... and any other Gotezhar you work with. They soak up knowledge easily enough, but it's like their Bolya... once it's full, it takes time for them to expand it. Younger Gotezhar learn much faster than those old and set in their ways."

Andrianos nodded in acknowledgement and excused himself with a few quiet words. The Knight Commander frowned. "Indeed, there can be no question of that. Our peoples fight together far beyond the capabilities of any single creature known to me." He paused for a moment, seeming to consider how best to express his thoughts. "But I must respectfully disagree on the latter. An oath ordains its own fulfillment. Words contain actions within themselves. Without words, when the time comes, how is the correct action to be taken?"

"Oaths are but fancy promises. Oaths can be broken. The Gotezhar act rather than promise. That is why I signed the Flowing Peace. The act of signing is evidence of something more. My successor will be beholden to my actions, not my oaths. I should hope my successor ignores anything stupid I might have said... but they can't ignore what I've done. Every one of my actions will influence how they in turn act, and they will make the best decision on how to act as it happens. It is foolish to speculate before hand. Thinking too hard will only confuse those who have to follow commands." Profundus Korasoon shakes their head from inside their Bolya, "On the other hand, thinking not enough makes one little better than a stone or a newborn Worker. There must be balance. There must be guidance. We have lacked guidance for so long, and stagnated. The Joontar, led by the former 'Sublime One', were all about words and oaths and it held us back. They were not ready for action. It has been almost 30 years since then, and I look out and see all the Gotezhar have done... and I don't see oaths. I see fulfillment. Real, genuine, progress. Disagree with my words all you want. My actions speak louder.

"And they will continue to do so, long after I Burst."

Chart was an unusually good businessman among the shark people. On two occasions his raiding party had to fight off local militia because Chart had taken so long appraising the loot and deciding what to throw on the back of their sharks, and he had an unusually large collection of trinkets. He had volunteered to go and check out the builders' union event for two reasons: one, it was always good to do a favor for the Shark King, and he might be able to gather some useful intelligence. Two, he might be able to sell some of his goods to the partygoers. In particular he'd brought some herring from Deep Blue. Separated from the school and pickled, they were essentially indistinguishable from ordinary herring, but people cared about the origins of things.

"Genuine pickled god-fish from the far south!" He shouted at the passers-by in at the Celebration reef, rippling a series of dark spots across his skin to catch the eye of any visual predator species. "Get a taste of divinity, with extra salt!"

Gwyneira's eyes snapped to the Chelorian as she swam past. "God"-fish? Did some shard of the divine will take physical form in whatever distant sea these nomads came from? Could some mortal have uncovered a deep-hidden secret, and become as the creators? Or....

She approached Chart nonchalantly and examined his wares as any other attendee might. "A taste of the divine? Which divinity might that be? I know of none which are composed of herring."

Mira'din finally has a moment's break, and was looking for something to eat, when she spots a curious creature she had not seen before, and hears them hawking something even more curious. As Gwyneira approaches, the Mer Maiden listens in, and chimes in after, "I'm interested in hearing this too. Also, do you accept Clam Vines in trade?"

Finder's Favor

If you didn't find the Favor, yet rolled above 12 or higher, assume the end result of your search is 'it's not in this section'.

The Princeps squeaks even in the clacking, percussive language of the Hermit Crabs, which they can only speak by using a special rattle against their shell. Their accelerated growth makes them an adolescent, not a child by the standards of their race, but the mooncalf prodigies of the Hermit Crabs would mark them in their prime by the same number of years.

But, today, they are the child they weren't permitted to be since before their Mother and The Primarch agreed they had passed quality control and would be permitted to ascend to personhood. They liked to think that there were no siblings that had proceeded them only to be culled, and the Sakura-Jin genitors had worked with cephalopod genetics before, so it might even have been true. Today, though, they were playing a game, like any seven-year-old Nautilite!

Their charm crosses barriers of race and language! "Hello, friends! Let's get looking. They say in the language of Ecozhar, with vowels that no crustaceans can properly pronounce without mechanical aid."

"Let us explore the place with the strangest goods! It sounds exciting!"

In a corner of their mind, they think again of Mira'din, who, like them, is now the heir by adoption to a great empire. The Sakura-Jin believed the word should be woven together from disparate parts, but these strange demons made of lack-of-salt seemed much more like their own people than their limited education had supposed.

A Pfith slinks into the party. They were probably here a while, and just watching from the shadows. That's very normal for them.

Ktloso is slim and nimble, for a Pfith anyway. They extend a blue-veined tendril wrapped in kelp fibers, a necessary precaution against injecting others with venom, and beckon a Gotezhar towards them.
They are not much for words. They point to the warehouse. "Secrets. Find."
If a guide does not like their demeanor, it is easy for them to move to the next and repeat the question. It seems this strategy works well, because soon the Pfith spymaster is swimming into the storerooms for Exotic Goods and Bads with a Gotezhar worker in tow.

Actual roll post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25535003&postcount=446)
14 for guide, 22 for search. Searching Exotic Goods and Exotic Bads.

The most hotly contested area for looking around during Finder's Favor is Exotic Goods and Exotic Bads. The Princeps of the World-Garden, the spymaster of the Pfith, and some adventurous Mer from Elyan'dan led by Governess Rubi'din all seem to arrive in the same place. The Pfith find an acceptable guide, but the one they do find is comparably incompetent to the guide scooped up by Sakura-Jin's young heir or the Meadow's deft Gotezhar aide. However, the Pfith are swift to act, and perhaps because of their canny spymaster, seem to arrive in the section of the Gathering Tide Warehouse first. The youthful exuberance of the Nautilite comes shortly after them, and the Governess and her Mer are dutifully following their guide; perhaps among the few that truly understand the exact dangers of getting lost in this wonderous building.

Yet when they arrive in the large section of the Warehouse, what they find are carefully kept crates of cautiously contained accoutrement. It is difficult to discern in here anything that stands out, so while the Pfith have a head start, it is soon a race to locate anything that is out of place. Guides dutifully follow and provide advice - as well as words of warning when a Mer guest gets too curious and starts wandering from the section - and it is not uncommon for any of the three different groups to cross paths multiple times.

Eventually, after an hour of searching, the Mer from the Meadows give up, and decide that there is nothing in this section, and direct their guide to pick another section.

After an hour of searching, Princeps Petrix turns to their guide one last time, and spots the Elyan'dan group leaving. They look despondent and dejected. Meanwhile, the Pfith spymaster is holding something but it's hard for the Princeps to see what it is; what is easy to tell is it is not the top prize. It seems that the Favor may be in another warehouse section.

The Spymaster does not find the favor, but after almost an hour of searching, there is something that stands out to them as out of place. An expanding tube, with glass on both ends, is precariously perched on top of a crate. With how close their guide gets to Ktloso after the slim and nimble Pfith finds it, it is obviously something of value. If asked, the guide will state that it is called a 'Personal Cloud Watcher' or a 'Telescope' and is one of the early prototypes for the Cloud Observatory. Nearly every Gotezhar wants one.

Alas, it also seems to be the only valuable thing in the section.

Finder's Favour

Once the contest has been explained, the most prominent Cyphiri present share a series of quick looks and signals to gauge each other's reactions and willingness to get involved. Hapat seems interested, but a quick survery of the Pylet he had brought with him revealed that few had the skills he felt were of use there. Yanmet seems more amused at Mira'din's reaction rather than thinking about the game, and quickly suggests that the Kelad handle it. Nalrin, meanwhile, only gives a quick acknowledgement to the others before starting to move towards the guides - before recent events in the family with the Black Pearls brought her home she was an opportunity scout, one of those Cyphiri that travelled known waters looking for anything their family could use, so she felt pretty confident about her chances (and it felt like a nice change from her usual worries these days). A quick conversation with some of the guides let her choose her favourite of the lot - not the best, but still pretty decent at their job and more importantly wasn't annoying, and then they were off into the "Glass and Shiny Things" section. She wasn't entirely convinced about the Gotezhar sorting system, but it seemed like the place someone would hide something valuable to her.

So that's a 17 to find something in the Glass and Shiny Things section, all in all.

With no one else racing them into the section for Glass and Shiny Things, the Cyphiri Nalrin finds a serviceable guide to keep her from getting lost, and then takes her time searching. Which is a good thing. The majority of the glass in this warehouse is Razorglass so it's quite sharp and pointy. It is also not organized in a non-Gotezhar friendly manner, and looks rather like haphazardly assembled flowers that can kill if someone swims into them at the wrong angle. There are a number of other very shiny objects in here as well, ranging from the rare jewel to the unusually colored crystal, and even a few purely reflective surfaces that further redirect the shine.

After an hour of searching, Nalrin spots something out of place. Hidden in between several 'flowers' is a stack of jewels, but in between them is a round token, about half a foot in height. It is bright red, and is stamped with the depiction of a wave over a raincloud. It would seem that Nalrin has found the Favor! Now... does she present it to Profundus Korasoon for verification, and end the game, or let things go on a bit longer...?

Finder's Favor
"Ah, a game," Uschi thought to herself. "A perfect diversion." She had been discussing matters of small talk and trade, and while her ward maintained his manners, she could tell how bored he was of both topics. Both sereia listened as the Profundus outlined the entertainment and the rules. And while the madrina was most intrigued by this method of announcing one's heir apparent, Duarto's eager looks at the opportunity for exercise and activity could not be missed. A simple nod of permission was all that was needed for him to take off toward the indicated entrance to the Gathering Tide Warehouse.

Duarto swiftly makes his way into the group of contestants, and approaches the guides to begin discussing a search. His mind most quickly attracts to the idea of beginning in the 'bones' section, as much from curiousity about its contents as the challenge itself.

Obtaining a Guide - 17 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25534794&postcount=445)
Finder's Seeking - 20 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25534794&postcount=445)

A common construction material for both housing and weaponry, the Gathering Tide Warehouse sports a huge section full of Breakable Bones... and a few that would be exceedingly difficult to break as well. Duarto of the Costa Sereia finds a more than adequate guide, who is quick to show him all the various barrels of bones unabashedly bound to build both abodes and beaters. Brown vessels and brittle bleached alabaster abound, making the area easy to navigate and search for anything out of place. Especially when it seems that the Costa Sereia seeker is alone for the moment, aside from their Gotezhar guide.

After an hours worth of searching, Duarto finds a small thin object, barely big enough to fit in their hand. It is a flask of carefully treated razorglass, with a bone stopper. Inside is... more water. Probably about a mouthful's amount. The Gotezhar guide's eyes are wide, and a little dangerous, when the Worker spots when Duarto is holding. It only takes a second for the Costa Sereia seeker to understand: It's a flask of water. Just water.
Not salt water, but actual rainwater, carefully gathered and collected into this glass container. This is more precious than any gemstone to the right creature...

Finder's favor:
Chart wanted to find a guide with a keen eye for his or her surroundings, someone who paid attention, someone who didn't always play by the rules. So, he left his shark swimming about the reef and swam past the guides, nonchalantly snapping the string of his wobegong tooth necklace so that it fell onto the seafloor. When one of the guides approached him to return it, he thanked the enterprising lass and moved down the line. Chart repeated this trick three times until he finally found a worker who picked up the necklace, cast a quick glance at him, then tucked it away for personal safekeeping. Perfect.

Stones were mostly useless, but the Shark people always had trouble getting long enough sticks to build lances out of. If Chart could get his tentacles on some long and sturdy sticks he'd have some serious bartering power back in open waters.

Find a guide: 14 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536214#post25536214)
Search: 14 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536218#post25536218)
Search Sticks and Stones warehouse

Finder's Favor
In search of directions to Mar-Ray Town proper to meet with Luc d'Espoire, Chaplain Andrianos found none of the Gotezhar he spoke to properly understood his requests for a guide. By the third time he found himself floating outside of the Gathering Tide Warehouse, he found himself surprisingly resigned to taking part in the Profundus's silly game and followed his guide into the building. He aimed for the section with the most militaristic name, in hopes that familiarity might help him swim more quickly.

Obtaining a Guide: 11 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536214#post25536214)

Finder's Seeking (Sticks and Stones): 17 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25536214#post25536214) (+1 Guide)

While everyone else wanders the warehouse wondering where the wonderous reward is, both the Shark seeker and the Order of Iron Knight Chaplain seem to gather their guides quickly, and beeline it for the Sticks and Stones. Rare for underwater, the lumber is kept in one of the higher enclosed warehouses - just in case they float away, they won't have far to go - while the stones sit far below them, creating a sort of order between high and low that other warehouses don't have. The guide that Chart finds is superior to the one the Chaplain - almost begrudgingly - takes. Perhaps sensing Andrianos's unwillingness to participate, the Gotezhar guide is all the more exuberant, and is pointing out some very fine rocks for Andrianos to look at, discussing the various shapes, and how they remind the guide of clouds. It's not... unhelpful, per se, but it's not useful at the moment.

Meanwhile, the Gotezhar with Chart doesn't know what to make of the Shark person, and diligently does their duty to address questions, and point them towards various shelves within the section. It seems it is a bit of a race between the two parties to try and find something interesting, but Andrianos is constantly slowed down by their overly hopeful and helpful guide, while the Shark person is swimming to and fro with a frenzied abandon.

Andrianos finds stones. And rocks. And sticks. And more stones. And perhaps also a distaste for guides. Andrianos finds neither Chaplain Luc d'Espoir - because of course not, he wouldn't be in the Warehouse, much less stored in this section! - nor anything else of note. Andrianos does see, after about an hour, the Shark man suddenly holding something, but can't tell for sure what it is; only that it's probably not a token.

Chart finds, after an hour, a bushel of berries. Very large, very plump, very fresh. Very red. If asked, the Gotezhar Guide will excitedly explain that Chart holds a bushel of Pure Berries; from some of the most recent batch, in fact. The Gotezhar will go on to explain the Berries usefulness and tastiness, as well as offer a word of advice that if those are here in this section, they are probably the only thing of interest besides Sticks and Stones.

No one searches in the Glue Barrels section

2022-08-01, 12:45 AM
Finder's Favor
Duarto turned the item over and over in his hands for a few minutes. His education included enough details about the physiology and cultures of the other creatures to recognize the value this would have to a Gotezhar ... but it just seems such a trifle. Why, couldn't anyone with a stoppered vessel swim to the surface in the rain? Why did the Gotezhar always behave as if the rains would run out if they were not carefully harvested?

Still, it would not do to return from such a game without at least some prize, so he put it away in the kelp-woven bag he carried until such a time as he found a better prize. Perhaps if he acquired the Favor, the main prize, he would offer this to his guide as way of thanks. On to continue searching ... if no-one has yet searched among the Glue Barrels, it was a fine place to carry on!
Finder's Seeking: 24 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25536465&postcount=455)

A Matter of Discrete Worship - The Order

The Costa Sereia
Gwyneira, for her part, trailed behind the Sereia delegation for some time, observing the merfolk. Guessing (correctly) that Earlee Perna was a priestess, she swam toward her when an opportunity presented itself to speak alone.

"I greet you, Sereia," she said. "I wish to gain clarity on a certain point on behalf of the Grand Master of the Order of the Ironkelp. No news has reached us in the past few years of any expedition to the tainted waters south and southwest of Ezcorher, save that which charted the region and discovered its dangers. Yet Gotezhar and Lux-Glossians tell us now of a Sereian convoy in those waters, and rumor holds that the ruins of an ancient temple to your faith, which stood in that sea, has been reclaimed. For what purpose - and do you intend to continue this secretive work elsewhere?" The edge in her tone conveyed the unspoken addition, and if you do, does it pose a threat to the Order?
Earlee Perna had honestly not expected to be engaged in much more than idle conversation at such an event. She was under no delusions that any of the other nations of the surrounding seas held much interest in the Brilhinte beliefs. However, the ranking members (such as the unorganized-but-deferred-to leaders of the faith were) had suggested that it would be beneficial for the congregations to see the priesthood represented at a prestigious event. 'The other ranking members', Earlee mentally reminded herself. Nevertheless, she was still the newest and youngest among those noted as 'high' priests or priestesses, and she couldn't see the harm in it. The Temple of Jurxo, her own trust of the faith, had been quietly flourishing in the southern waters since its recovery by the faithful, and she knew that it would do fine without her presence for a few weeks.

So the sereia is as surprised at the topic brought to her by the small Middish as at the directness of the question, and the tonal implication. But her years of dealing with her grandfather and his old friends has given much experience in dealing with brusqueness, and she wasn't about to seem a tadpole in front of strangers.

The sereia gives a polite bow, inclining her head and curling her tailfin forward, beginning with an introduction to allow time to think out the rest of her response. "It is a pleasure to meet you, servant of the Grand Master. I am Earlee Perna.

"You are correct that a group of Sereia have made our way into the difficult waters south of Ezcorher. There are merchants and pathfinders working to make the region safer for anyone who wishes to travel there and develop the waters. And yes, certain of the faithful have begun restoration of the holy Temple of Leodicia that was found there.

To what purpose is simple. During the Calamity, much of the territory of our ancestors was lost to the darkness and upheaval. With it, besides uncounted lives, were lost many of the holy sites and relics of our peoples' faith in the Seven Divines. The Temple of Leocidia, goddess of the sky, among them. Now as the currents and explorers uncover that which we had lost, we wish to rebuild, so all the faithful may worship equally. And as to your inquiry of secrecy ... a certain discretion was taken in the approach, as I'm sure you are aware there are continued dangers yet posed by the gharials and possibly other threats. It was deemed best to draw as little scrutiny as possible to this particular effort, lest a broader excitement draw down unwanted attention before protections were in place. We of the priesthood make no secret of our faith or work to share it, however."

Earlee gave a few moments to allow the Middishwoman a pause to consider her words, then added, "And what of your own works of faith? We have seen the Flowing Way become quite popular among the northern currents, and even the Gotezhar begin to speak of your ways more frequently of recent years."

2022-08-01, 03:15 PM
Ironkelp Order
Hapat pauses for a moment. "Disagree? Ah, I see. Don't worry, most of them happily follow the Flowing Way - the Ulnesh still guide how they think back in Cyph-Arel. My lands, and the settlements within, just provide somewhere to go for those who think otherwise." It wasn't as if the Cyphiri followers of the Way were particularly hostile to other faiths, of course, but leveraging this idea had been quite useful for Hapat in securing his power base in Pyl-Garat and he didn't see a reason to drop it now.

The Gotezhar

This had been a useful conversation after all. The insight he'd gained into the thinking of their hosts would definitely be of use going forward. "Thank you. This was very helpful. Squidwar, I see. I can be direct, I suppose - our own ways mean us Cyphiri tend towards being a little...talkative, but I'm not Werran. I can keep it straightforward. Again, you have my thanks. If at any point I can repay the favour with information or guidance about the Union in the future, please let me know." If she doesn't have more to say, he swims off in search of Squidwar, only to be interrupted by Korasoon's announcement - after that, it seemed best to wait until after a winner had been found to approach the Profundus and his guards.

Finder's Favour

It was more luck than anything, but as she picks up the token with care - the flexibility and dexterity the Cyphiri have with their tentacles was quite useful with all the razorglass around - Nalrin decides that if anyone asks this was a feat of pure skill, awareness and judgement. In any case, that was that and so she quickly made her way outside and back to her people - the Kelad and Tellan represent. She pauses for a moment, thinking, before handing it over to Yanmet - given the alliance being formed between the two families in the hopes of securing a Council place, it seemed the right thing to do, and in any case the Gotezhar seemed unsuited to dealing with the things she'd call in the favour for.

Yanmet, for his part, doesn't hesitate to swim over to Mira'din with the token held in a tentacle, still a little amused at her earlier display. "Ah, the heir. You underplayed your importance earlier, didn't you? Heh. In any case, I believe this makes us the winners. Ah, but I need to give it to Korasoon directly, yes? I suppose I do still need to talk to Squidwar, so that's rather convenient." With that, he swims off in search of Korasoon.

2022-08-03, 08:44 PM
"Oaths are but fancy promises. Oaths can be broken. The Gotezhar act rather than promise. That is why I signed the Flowing Peace. The act of signing is evidence of something more. My successor will be beholden to my actions, not my oaths. I should hope my successor ignores anything stupid I might have said... but they can't ignore what I've done. Every one of my actions will influence how they in turn act, and they will make the best decision on how to act as it happens. It is foolish to speculate before hand. Thinking too hard will only confuse those who have to follow commands." Profundus Korasoon shakes their head from inside their Bolya, "On the other hand, thinking not enough makes one little better than a stone or a newborn Worker. There must be balance. There must be guidance. We have lacked guidance for so long, and stagnated. The Joontar, led by the former 'Sublime One', were all about words and oaths and it held us back. They were not ready for action. It has been almost 30 years since then, and I look out and see all the Gotezhar have done... and I don't see oaths. I see fulfillment. Real, genuine, progress. Disagree with my words all you want. My actions speak louder.

"And they will continue to do so, long after I Burst."

"I see," the Knight Commander replied. "Certainly one cannot look at what you have achieved here and doubt the strength of will of the Gotezhar." He flashed blue as he shifted to a more comfortable position in the water. "And I think you have already seen, in Ke Yi Ade, the balance that the Order of the Ironkelp has found. You need not fear that our oath leaves us unprepared for true action."

A Matter of Discrete Worship - The Order

Earlee Perna had honestly not expected to be engaged in much more than idle conversation at such an event. She was under no delusions that any of the other nations of the surrounding seas held much interest in the Brilhinte beliefs. However, the ranking members (such as the unorganized-but-deferred-to leaders of the faith were) had suggested that it would be beneficial for the congregations to see the priesthood represented at a prestigious event. 'The other ranking members', Earlee mentally reminded herself. Nevertheless, she was still the newest and youngest among those noted as 'high' priests or priestesses, and she couldn't see the harm in it. The Temple of Jurxo, her own trust of the faith, had been quietly flourishing in the southern waters since its recovery by the faithful, and she knew that it would do fine without her presence for a few weeks.

So the sereia is as surprised at the topic brought to her by the small Middish as at the directness of the question, and the tonal implication. But her years of dealing with her grandfather and his old friends has given much experience in dealing with brusqueness, and she wasn't about to seem a tadpole in front of strangers.

The sereia gives a polite bow, inclining her head and curling her tailfin forward, beginning with an introduction to allow time to think out the rest of her response. "It is a pleasure to meet you, servant of the Grand Master. I am Earlee Perna.

"You are correct that a group of Sereia have made our way into the difficult waters south of Ezcorher. There are merchants and pathfinders working to make the region safer for anyone who wishes to travel there and develop the waters. And yes, certain of the faithful have begun restoration of the holy Temple of Leodicia that was found there.

To what purpose is simple. During the Calamity, much of the territory of our ancestors was lost to the darkness and upheaval. With it, besides uncounted lives, were lost many of the holy sites and relics of our peoples' faith in the Seven Divines. The Temple of Leocidia, goddess of the sky, among them. Now as the currents and explorers uncover that which we had lost, we wish to rebuild, so all the faithful may worship equally. And as to your inquiry of secrecy ... a certain discretion was taken in the approach, as I'm sure you are aware there are continued dangers yet posed by the gharials and possibly other threats. It was deemed best to draw as little scrutiny as possible to this particular effort, lest a broader excitement draw down unwanted attention before protections were in place. We of the priesthood make no secret of our faith or work to share it, however."

Earlee gave a few moments to allow the Middishwoman a pause to consider her words, then added, "And what of your own works of faith? We have seen the Flowing Way become quite popular among the northern currents, and even the Gotezhar begin to speak of your ways more frequently of recent years."

Gwyneira nodded as the priestess spoke, her photophores briefly flashing as she discussed the spread of the Flowing Way. "Indeed it has. Fate is not limited to one species or one sea alone, and many peoples since the waters cleared have proven receptive to discussion, debate, and the pursuit of deeper truths. Nor does the Order make any secret of its desire to grow the flock. If the Gotezhar seek guidance and protection, as they do, then they shall have it. I am sure you would not deny the same to any who requested spiritual guidance of you."

She paused to consider her next words. "I appreciate your forwardness in this matter. With secrecy surrounding events in the tainted waters, the Grand Master could not but assume the worst. But his oath does not bind him to hinder this charitable work on your people's behalf."

Ironkelp Order
Hapat pauses for a moment. "Disagree? Ah, I see. Don't worry, most of them happily follow the Flowing Way - the Ulnesh still guide how they think back in Cyph-Arel. My lands, and the settlements within, just provide somewhere to go for those who think otherwise." It wasn't as if the Cyphiri followers of the Way were particularly hostile to other faiths, of course, but leveraging this idea had been quite useful for Hapat in securing his power base in Pyl-Garat and he didn't see a reason to drop it now.

"So long as one understands that they lie outside the protection of the Order's oath, then. We shall not interfere where not welcome."

With Hapat making his position on Order interference in his territory quite clear, Chaplain Andrianos had little reason to argue the point. His fins fluttered as if to swim off, but he turned back to the Cyphiri. "If you would indulge curiosity... How do the settlements of your "lands" sustain themselves? Have the hermits perfected cloning Cyphiri too?"

Finder's Favor

With no way of knowing the competition was already over, Chaplain Andrianos let out a deep, low sigh that reverberated through the Sticks and Stones room. After a quick conference with his guide, they quickly continued to the Glue Barrels section of the warehouse, which the guide believed to be still untouched.

Finder's Seeking (Glue Barrels): 13 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25539370&postcount=462) (+1 Guide)

2022-08-04, 08:31 PM
"I see," the Knight Commander replied. "Certainly one cannot look at what you have achieved here and doubt the strength of will of the Gotezhar." He flashed blue as he shifted to a more comfortable position in the water. "And I think you have already seen, in Ke Yi Ade, the balance that the Order of the Ironkelp has found. You need not fear that our oath leaves us unprepared for true action."

"Fear? No. I know of fear, but have only seen it within the enemies of the Gotezhar. And we shall remember what side the Order was on, the last time we were in a conflict. I look forward to my people and your own continuing to protect these waters and these skies for years to come." Korasoon bowed respectfully from within their Bolya, still prideful, but honoring the Middish before him, "But I am unlikely to see much more than half a decade at most. I can feel the Strain is starting to get to me. If you would like to show action once more, Knight Commander, have the new Grand Master send an honor guard here within the next few years. We shall host them till it is time, and they shall have two duties: witness my Burst, and keep those not of my nuven away. Your actions, if you do this, will also be remembered."

Finder's Favor

Finder's Favor
Duarto turned the item over and over in his hands for a few minutes. His education included enough details about the physiology and cultures of the other creatures to recognize the value this would have to a Gotezhar ... but it just seems such a trifle. Why, couldn't anyone with a stoppered vessel swim to the surface in the rain? Why did the Gotezhar always behave as if the rains would run out if they were not carefully harvested?

Still, it would not do to return from such a game without at least some prize, so he put it away in the kelp-woven bag he carried until such a time as he found a better prize. Perhaps if he acquired the Favor, the main prize, he would offer this to his guide as way of thanks. On to continue searching ... if no-one has yet searched among the Glue Barrels, it was a fine place to carry on!
Finder's Seeking: 24 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25536465&postcount=455)

Finder's Favor

With no way of knowing the competition was already over, Chaplain Andrianos let out a deep, low sigh that reverberated through the Sticks and Stones room. After a quick conference with his guide, they quickly continued to the Glue Barrels section of the warehouse, which the guide believed to be still untouched.

Finder's Seeking (Glue Barrels): 13 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25539370&postcount=462) (+1 Guide)

While there were still many more large rooms within the Gathering Tide Warehouse, the only one that was not fully off limits that had seemingly not been searched was the area marked for housing Glue Barrels. The Gotezhar had been receiving regular shipments of Barnacle Glue for decades from the World Garden of the Sakura-Jin, and carefully kept what was an uncommon commodity for them contained in the caddy corner of the super colossal storehouse. Each bit of Barnacle Glue was gathered into casks, for both ease of use and transportation.

Several years worth of Glue was now stockpiled, and either stacked or shelved, depending on it's age. Older casks of Glue were more difficult to use, but in the opinion of some Gotezhar workers - no matter how correct they may or may not be - older Glue was hardier stuff when combined with other construction materials.

It was through these rows and rows of casks that Costa Sereia seeker, Duarto, swam through. He arrived some ten minutes prior to Chaplain Andrianos, and the man of faith was unknowingly looking in places that the blond haired Mer had already searched. Yet they did cross paths eventually, and it became a race to find something - anything - interesting. Perhaps even the Favor?

After nearly 30 minutes of searching, Duarto sees a glimmer of something in the light in the otherwise blandly colored area of the warehouse. Hidden within a stack of casks, Duarto finds a tablet of stone that has a red gem pressed into the top. The stone tablet also seems to have words listed below the ruby that read: "When you find yourself bountiful, share that bounty."

Apparently, a catechism of the old Gotezhar faith, the Guide explains that this tablet was likely a treasured piece of history to the Joontar of old; possibly even from the Sublime One's personal collection. It was likely selected as a minor prize of this contest due to Profundus Korasoon's unusual sense of humor.

Forty-five minutes after Chaplain Andrianos arrives within the Glue Barrels, he at last notices that the Mer Duarto has left. Andrianos' guide states that he thinks that there is to be an announcement soon from Profundus Korasoon, and while the guide would not stop in their duties if Andrianos wished to continue, the announcement is likely an indication of the game's conclusion.

The Gotezhar

This had been a useful conversation after all. The insight he'd gained into the thinking of their hosts would definitely be of use going forward. "Thank you. This was very helpful. Squidwar, I see. I can be direct, I suppose - our own ways mean us Cyphiri tend towards being a little...talkative, but I'm not Werran. I can keep it straightforward. Again, you have my thanks. If at any point I can repay the favour with information or guidance about the Union in the future, please let me know." If she doesn't have more to say, he swims off in search of Squidwar, only to be interrupted by Korasoon's announcement - after that, it seemed best to wait until after a winner had been found to approach the Profundus and his guards.

Finder's Favour

It was more luck than anything, but as she picks up the token with care - the flexibility and dexterity the Cyphiri have with their tentacles was quite useful with all the razorglass around - Nalrin decides that if anyone asks this was a feat of pure skill, awareness and judgement. In any case, that was that and so she quickly made her way outside and back to her people - the Kelad and Tellan represent. She pauses for a moment, thinking, before handing it over to Yanmet - given the alliance being formed between the two families in the hopes of securing a Council place, it seemed the right thing to do, and in any case the Gotezhar seemed unsuited to dealing with the things she'd call in the favour for.

Yanmet, for his part, doesn't hesitate to swim over to Mira'din with the token held in a tentacle, still a little amused at her earlier display. "Ah, the heir. You underplayed your importance earlier, didn't you? Heh. In any case, I believe this makes us the winners. Ah, but I need to give it to Korasoon directly, yes? I suppose I do still need to talk to Squidwar, so that's rather convenient." With that, he swims off in search of Korasoon.

Mira'din's eyes looked on at Yanmet, as he held the Favor token in his grasp, and it looked like she wanted to protest; not about the Cyphiri victory, but the Tellan's insistence that she underplayed her importance. She began to sputter about how he was right here when Korasoon sprung the surprise of her new level of importance on her and everyone else, but in that time, the Cyphiri was already had already swam away.

Korasoon clocked the arrival of the octopi humanoid, and as Profundus, could sense the change in the waters around them. Spying the token in the Cyphiri's grasp, Korasoon rose once more above the crowd, and proclaimed, "We have a winner!"

"From the Cyphiri delegation, I can confirm that my Favor Token has been found. Congratulations to you. We shall talk about what my nuven can do for you, later. For now, hold tight to your prize... all of you. Should you have found something within the Warehouse, and were allowed to leave with it, consider it yours! Remember the Gotezhar when you use it. Remember the Builder's Union! Make something of yourselves! For now... make merriment."

Korasoon floated down, and those who could see the Profundus from within their Bolya, they could see Korasoon was... content. Perhaps even happy.

2022-08-05, 07:59 AM
Ironkelp Order

Hapat pauses for a moment. Although he tries to not show anything, it was a topic he hadn't looked into much - while his personal disdain for the foreign religion was less than what he felt for the Flowing Way, he still hadn't delved too far into their teachings, content to let them get on with it so long as progress continued. Not wanting to risk losing face, he nods. "As I understand it, yes. All is in hand. The settlements are growing as expected regardless of their teachings."


Yanmet was quite pleased with how things had gone (and Mira'din giving the kind of reaction he expected was fun too) and the idea of sorting out the favour later worked for him. "Thank you, Profundus. I look forward to that conversation. For now, do you mind if I talk to one of your guards? I have some proposals for Squidwar here about B'kini Bottom."

Providing there's no problem with this, Yanmet delivers his pitch to Squidwar, remembering the advice. "It's quite simple. Your people want something that can do manual labour, yes? We have a solution - in the north, we have control over a large number of ranchers who can provide you with a steady supply of sea cows - they're domesticated and easy to put to work, and very strong. They can cover for many of your labour needs. With your support, we can arrange for a steady supply to be driven to your people. We're also interested in these fertilising pods of yours - again, if you're willing we'd like to heavily invest in the locals cultivating them and begin to export a supply of them to our partners within the Cyphiri Union. We'd rather have your blessing before establishing ourselves there, naturally, hence why I'm talking to you. What do you say?"

2022-08-05, 03:53 PM
Gwyneira nodded as the priestess spoke, her photophores briefly flashing as she discussed the spread of the Flowing Way. "Indeed it has. Fate is not limited to one species or one sea alone, and many peoples since the waters cleared have proven receptive to discussion, debate, and the pursuit of deeper truths. Nor does the Order make any secret of its desire to grow the flock. If the Gotezhar seek guidance and protection, as they do, then they shall have it. I am sure you would not deny the same to any who requested spiritual guidance of you."

She paused to consider her next words. "I appreciate your forwardness in this matter. With secrecy surrounding events in the tainted waters, the Grand Master could not but assume the worst. But his oath does not bind him to hinder this charitable work on your people's behalf."

"Of course we would not deny any seeking spiritual guidance, whether of ourselves or of your own Way. And if you wish to debate or consider philosophies, you are welcome anytime." Earlee smiles pleasantly, her own scales flickering as a reflection from filtered sunlight catches her fins.

"The secrecy around this particular expedition was for our own people's protection. I can't promise there won't be any more surprises out of this unusual region, but your Grand Master may rest assured that our actions are not intended as any threat to your people or your faith. I hope that helps to allay your concerns."