View Full Version : Hexbard Options Help -- Paul Bunyan

2022-07-26, 03:38 PM
So I got this whispers bard 9 / hexblade 5 coming on the scene to the party soon. Just an ordinary human lumberjack (actually a Verdan, secret identity background).

Str 9, Dex 14, Con 15, Wis 12, Int 10, Cha 20

Took a couple feats along the way... Metamagic Adept (subtle and careful) and GWM (there's a heavy, versatile, but not "two-handed" weapon option available in the one 3rd party source we have available, also I selected a +2 version of this axe to start with)... I had a really hard time choosing metamagic Adept over resilient con or Lucky, but either of those will be my next feat if we get there.

Eldritch Invocations - thirsting blade, eldritch smite, and eldritch mind.


Cantrips: eldritch blast, toll of the dead, mind sliver, minor illusion, friends, message

1st level: shield, dissonant Whispers, hex, silvery barbs, disguise self, charm person.

2nd level: suggestion, hold person, misty step

3rd level: counterspell, dispel magic, hypnotic pattern, catnap, fast friends

4th level: dimension door, greater invisibility

5th level: telepathic bond, hold monster

Next level is magical secrets time!

I've already decided I am going to take...
- Find Greater Steed so that I can summon a blue rhinoceros.
- Secondly, Bless was my initial thought as I was thinking of different situations I'd be in and out is is solid opener if I'm low on slots or something... But I need help coming up with other ideas that are on point thematically or just crazy cool, effective because I'm just not sold on it yet. Enlarge/ reduce might be the way to go.... Would definitely make for a dramatic reveal next level, but it feels definitely less optimal.

Also, if you have an other thoughts or critics on my build before I actually get into starting the character, it'd be appreciated because I can still change things at the moment since we haven't started yet.

2022-07-26, 04:34 PM
Something notable missing from your list is an AOE damage spell. You could boast that you can chop down 5 trees in the blink of an eye, and with Steel Wind Strike it would be true. Summoning a blizzard with your breath is a very tall tale kind of thing to do, so maybe Cone of Cold.

I have to admit I'm having a hard time really pinning down how Paul Bunyan inspired any of your choices beyond the Ox and the lumberjack thing, so I don't really know what your priorities are as far as being on theme.

2022-07-26, 04:45 PM
You don't have enlarge/reduce??

Well, get on that. Otherwise, some outdoorsy-oriented Magical Secrets options:

Find familiar
Absorb elements
Pass without trace
Conjure animals
Spirit guardians​ (I mean, not really, but it's good)
Conjure volley
Destructive wave
Steel wind strike
Transmute rock

2022-07-26, 06:20 PM
Something notable missing from your list is an AOE damage spell. You could boast that you can chop down 5 trees in the blink of an eye, and with Steel Wind Strike it would be true. Summoning a blizzard with your breath is a very tall tale kind of thing to do, so maybe Cone of Cold.

I have to admit I'm having a hard time really pinning down how Paul Bunyan inspired any of your choices beyond the Ox and the lumberjack thing, so I don't really know what your priorities are as far as being on theme.

Steel wind strike sounds great thematically. I can't believe I didn't even think about it....

And as for not on theme.... Well I figured since his story (Paul Bunyan's) is largely a tall tale that doesn't have much other perspectives, then it would be a perfect cover story for a secret identity. Add to the mix the different charm spells and the whisper bard short rest ability, and you have a guy that always has a reason to carry an axe that is not only fearsome with it, but also someone who could help inspire the legend of his own story as Paul (the spy extraordinaire) Bunyan, ordinary human lumberjack with extraordinary features -- some of which are untold.

Also, I like to optimize. So things like hypnotic pattern, dissonant whispers, cs, dimension door, invisibility, etc are in there... But perhaps behind the legend there is another story that would be everything else this character might do in his espionage-ish/charming/other spellcasty ways. Idk man. Lol

And as for not having enlarge/ reduce. Perhaps I can still make that part of my story if we get to level 19. Or, if I know my group well enough, I may count on them to feed into the meme with a spell casting of it from time to time.

2022-07-26, 09:09 PM
I would also be interested in others opinion on the metamagic feat (subtle & careful) choice as opposed to Lucky or Resilient Con. At base 17 ac (+shield spell?) and lowerish HP for a "frontliner", I worry I should be looking the other direction and shoring up my defenses... But metamagic adept really helps boost power of some spells / functionality that I lost when I decided to multiclass so deep and not get to higher level spells... not sure.

2022-07-26, 09:32 PM
I would also be interested in others opinion on the metamagic feat (subtle & careful) choice as opposed to Lucky or Resilient Con. At base 17 ac (+shield spell?) and lowerish HP for a "frontliner", I worry I should be looking the other direction and shoring up my defenses... But metamagic adept really helps boost power of some spells / functionality that I lost when I decided to multiclass so deep and not get to higher level spells... not sure.

It depends on what you get out of metamagic adept. I usually figure you don't get much with 2 sorcery points/day. However, you chose subtle and careful which lets you affect 2 spells/day which could be very useful in the proper circumstances.

Subtle is usually sufficient to prevent opponents from counterspelling and is great for casting a spell in a social context. Careful is great for dropping spells like hypnotic pattern on the front line.

However, without resilient con, you won't be keeping your concentration if you are hit too often (even with eldritch mind - though that is a good backup).

As mentioned you might want to invest in an AoE spell since it works well with careful and you don't really have one. Synaptic Static is a good 5th level choice with a good rider effect. Might be more useful than hold monster?

As for magical secrets, you left out Wall of Force which I think is one of the best control spells out there. Flexible shape, flexible volume, very versatile. If you want party defences, Circle of Power gives everyone within 30', including you, advantage on saving throws vs spells and other magical effects. Can be an awesome defensive spell depending on circumstances.

The biggest problem with magical secrets is that there are far too many great choices - whether themed for "Paul Bunyan" or not.

I was also wondering how useful you find eldritch smite? You only have 2 x 3rd level slots for smiting which gives you a bit extra damage and can knock a target prone. There are lots of useful invocations and Mask of Many Faces is one a "spy" might find very convenient :) .. though honestly there are lots of other good choices.

2022-07-26, 09:50 PM
Go Resilient (CON), that's the Paul Bunyan option and it's still good. (You can feel free to choose a different invocation, even though they're not technically doing the same thing, but it would only make sense.)

2022-07-26, 10:22 PM
It depends on what you get out of metamagic adept. I usually figure you don't get much with 2 sorcery points/day. However, you chose subtle and careful which lets you affect 2 spells/day which could be very useful in the proper circumstances.

Subtle is usually sufficient to prevent opponents from counterspelling and is great for casting a spell in a social context. Careful is great for dropping spells like hypnotic pattern on the front line.

However, without resilient con, you won't be keeping your concentration if you are hit too often (even with eldritch mind - though that is a good backup).

As mentioned you might want to invest in an AoE spell since it works well with careful and you don't really have one. Synaptic Static is a good 5th level choice with a good rider effect. Might be more useful than hold monster?

As for magical secrets, you left out Wall of Force which I think is one of the best control spells out there. Flexible shape, flexible volume, very versatile. If you want party defences, Circle of Power gives everyone within 30', including you, advantage on saving throws vs spells and other magical effects. Can be an awesome defensive spell depending on circumstances.

The biggest problem with magical secrets is that there are far too many great choices - whether themed for "Paul Bunyan" or not.

I was also wondering how useful you find eldritch smite? You only have 2 x 3rd level slots for smiting which gives you a bit extra damage and can knock a target prone. There are lots of useful invocations and Mask of Many Faces is one a "spy" might find very convenient :) .. though honestly there are lots of other good choices.

Synaptic Static was is on the menu for next level -- I was thinking id swap disguise self, charm person, or dimension door.

Mask of many faces is a great idea! Especially since, and I didn't say this before, but I also have the actor feat as a starting feat (free feat from a restricted list). I'd also have another cool version of this type of thing through the whisper bard lvl 6 feature. But the reason I'd drop mask of many faces is because I don't even think it would come up that much. I think trying to hold on to like 2 scrolls of disguise self is enough to drop the spell altogether -- and scrolls are easy enough to come by.

Why eldritch smite? Wow! For some reason I'd thought I had 3 warlock slots. Whoops. My original thought was that as a spellcaster / Frontline I would always open with some save spell for control, a concentration spell, or something big (like rush up for damage right away with steel wind strike). Then, shift to melee with extra attack. So as an after thought, I figured I could just have the eldritch smites ready for a crit or when I just wanna nova on a bbeg. Otherwise I'd just use for other spells (hard to say -- I've never multiclassed a warlock and a spell caster like this. I think a lot of it depends on the table and the pace of the DM -- this was I can really just ramp it up if I want to); furthermore, with hold person/hold monster I could set up some insane crits. Also, big axe swing is on point for Big o' PB.

Seems I could swap some things around like metamagic Adept for resilient con then take mask of many faces and drop eldritch mind or eldritch smite... I really like metamagic Adept on a deep dip into a non full caster though because when I use them right, it feels like I have that higher level spell power. Also, subtle spell fast friends or dominate monster to tell it what to do telepathically as I am disguised sounds like so much fun. I could really pull some shenanigans every once and a while... Lastly, when I look at concentration spells that are on my list... Greater invisibility (disadvantage on attacks vs me , might not even be seen as a target -- not much threat on con save), same logic for hypnotic pattern (if all goes well they will all be mostly immobilized), long story short, the concentration spells I have are for social encounters where I don't have to worry about that as much or they are spells that have built in defenses against losing concentration. Though there is something to be said for hold person/monster and hex or even faerie fire/ entangle if I ever got a fochlucan bandore. Hard to say...

Hiro Quester
2022-07-27, 05:08 AM
Shadow of Moil might be a good replacement for Greater Invisibility. The same advantage/disadvantage effect, but with a damage rider for anyone who hits you.

if you are getting up close in melee, spirit guardians is indeed awesome for magical secrets. (You could even theme it as a chorus of tiny axe-wielding Mounties singing “He’s a Lumberjack and he’s okay”)

2022-07-28, 07:24 PM
Build update. Complete -- premiers today!

Meet Paul B.
His background is secret identity, and keeps the guise of a lumberjack -- Paul B is actually a foreign spy. But with his abilities and how I plan to role play the character, I will be leaning into Paul Bunyan -- the perfect cover story. This will be a chronicle of his untold tales of legend.

Race: Verdan
30 point buy.
Str 9, Dex 14, Con 16, Wis 10, Int 12, Cha 20

Feats/asi: GWM (there is a heavy, versatile, non "two-handed" weapon in the only 3rd party source), Resilient Con, actor (bonus starting feat from a restricted list), +2 cha

Eldritch Invocations - thirsting blade, eldritch smite, and mask of many faces

Skills: deception (expertise), persuasion (expertise), performance (expertise next level), intimidation, stealth, acrobatics (expertise next level) -- open to dropping intimidation for more PB/spy flair, but idk.


Cantrips: eldritch blast, vicious mockery, mind sliver, minor illusion, friends, message. (Currently debating final list here)

1st level: shield, dissonant Whispers, silvery barbs, disguise self (unlimited uses - eldritch invocation).

2nd level: suggestion, enhance ability, hold person, misty step, invisibility (will drop this next level and replace with another 5th level spell)

3rd level: counterspell, dispel magic, hypnotic pattern, catnap, fast friends, summon fey

4th level: dimension door, greater invisibility

5th level: hold monster, telepathic bond

I will vie for an instrument of bards -- fochlore bandore (Which is why I didn't take those spells)
Next level is magical secrets time!

- Find Greater Steed so that I can summon a blue rhinoceros.
- Secondly, steel wind strike.