View Full Version : Artificer Jargon

2022-07-28, 12:11 PM
I'm building an artificer for an upcoming campaign, and wanted to sprinkle in technological, magical, and magi-tech jargon into his speech. Whether its their metaphors for a given problem/solution, his jokes, his condolences, or if he's just excitedly trying to explain his gadgets.

My issue is names and words have always been difficult for me to come up with, especially in the moment. what are some fun words people have heard/used/seen that could help?

Thank you!

2022-07-28, 12:21 PM
Multimodal Reflection Sorting /jk.

2022-07-28, 12:47 PM
My gnome artificer took a page from Egon Stetmann's book and made a bunch of acronyms to describe his "inventions," i.e. infusions. For example, when breathlessly describing how his B.A.G. of Holding worked to the rest of the party, he would frequently spell it out as his Boundless Acquisitional Geometrification* container. Similarly, his arcane focus was his Wizarding Augmentation Nexus Designator (W.A.N.D.)

(*Don't be afraid to use words that don't quite exist for this :smalltongue:)

2022-07-28, 12:57 PM
I borrow heavily from the MCU's Tony Starks technobabble for my artificer.

2022-07-28, 01:09 PM
I've always felt there should be some more poetic or technical terms in universe for spell levels and spellcasters of a certain proficiency.

If you want to have an alchemical bent, you could name your spells on the metals. In ascending order - so, Lead Spell for your cantrips, then Tin, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold. Different cultures should have different terms for this - I could see Elves using musical terms for instance.

Terms for "spell caster who's highest spell is X" - Dabbler, Apprentice, Student, Mage, Magus, Master, Second Degree Master, 3rd Degree Master, 4th Degree Master, Archmage

Divine casters probably should have different terms, since those are pretty Arcane oriented.

2022-07-28, 05:32 PM
I recommend watching Ghostbusters and paying attention to how Egon talks

2022-07-28, 05:35 PM
I like to use copious pseudo-latin with my artificer. I can quickly look up the latin word for something on my phone, then I deck it out with an extra latiny-sounding prefixes or suffixes until it sounds like I want. My artificer doesn't cast fireball, he activates his ignisium iactulator.

2022-07-28, 07:40 PM
Adding an -ator on the end of the word saying what it does is always good if you need to do it on the fly (e.g. "my reduce-enator"). But if you put little thought into it ahead of time, you can come up with a quick description of how you generate an effect. My Mending cantrip involves quick work with a jar of paste or needle and thread, depending on the material I'm working on. My DM knows it's always Alchemical Supplies mechanically, but gives me pretty wide latitude about what counts as "alchemical supplies" fluff-wise (in support of this gag, I usually keep a Bag of Holding as one of my active infusions).

2022-07-28, 07:59 PM
these are some great suggestions, thanks folks! currently rewatching the MCU, intermixed w/ ghostbusters. got a lot of ground to cover, wish me luck

2022-07-29, 11:29 AM
Seems like the steampunk lexicon might work here:

General: Steampunk Glossary https://annabutlerfiction.com/my-books/lancasters-luck/background/gilded-scarab-steampunk-glossary-2/

Steampunk Technobabble Generator [click on die for more] https://perchance.org/egsteampunkbabble

Steampunk https://www.wordnik.com/lists/steampunk

A steam punk dictionary/lexicon http://brassgoggles.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=13753.0

2022-07-29, 03:01 PM
My preference for Artificer is more magic, less tech. I would recommend looking through the Kingkiller Chronicles descriptions of the magic item workshop in the school. It’s been years, but I believe there was a lot of language and principles you can poach from there that’ll sound like a systematic approach to magic, rather than out of place technobabble that makes more sense for a scifi setting.