View Full Version : D&D In Another World - Deadguy

2022-08-01, 09:45 PM
D&D In Another World OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?647760-D-amp-D-In-Another-World-OOC)
The Gamer

Victoria Lebedev
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science from MIT
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT
Occupation: Video Content Creator

Known Social Media handles & Aliases: @SoUwant2 (Twitter / Instagram)
Known In-Game Handles: Soule (Healer / Secondary Tank; heavy pvp focus)
Likes: Chess, Books, Storms, Flower blossoms, Ocean breeze, Fresh bread.
Dislikes: Failure, Crowds, Politics, Staring eyes, Undercooked meat.
Myer's-Briggs: INTJ (Architect)

Personality: Victoria lives in a world of facts and concrete needs. She lives in the present, with an eye constantly scanning her personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically. She honors traditions and laws, and has a clear set of standards and beliefs. Expecting the same of others, she has no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. She also values competence and efficiency, and likes to see quick results for efforts.

Victoria is a take-charge person. She has such a clear vision of the way things should be, that she naturally steps into leadership roles. She can be self-confident and aggressive to the point of being very demanding and critical. Having such strongly held beliefs, she tends to express herself without reserve if she feels someone isn't meeting her standards.

When under extreme stress, she often feels isolated from others. She feels as if he is misunderstood and undervalued, and that her efforts are taken for granted. Although she has no difficulty expressing herself normally, when under such stress she has a hard time putting feelings into words and communicating them to others without lashing out defensively.

The Character

Class: Oracle
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Cultural modeling inspired by a grim-dark European medieval setting. Character modeling inspired by heretical witch.

Despite being integral to the early success of a top tier guild, DoD (Disiples of Darkness), Soule was subsequently blacklisted from any progression guilds when Victoria chose to establish her SoUwant2 video tutorials sharing tips and tactics for end-game advancement. Subsequently, Soule has been used primarily to compete in PvP and the completion of daily quests and special events by Victoria when recording her how-to videos and live streams each week.

The Event


The week had been like any other. Selecting a video topic to cover started Sunday through comments on her previous week's work, Monday through Wednesday were spent collecting in-game clips, Thursday was voice-over and editing of the video production, Friday was release date. It was a routine that had been working very well for Victoria. She had added a live stream Saturday where she'd play with fans.

That was her scheduled event for today. Yet, she was in a panic. The internet service that had been so reliable over the past two years was down, and her live stream time was right around the corner. Packing up her cellphone and backup laptop, she ran out of her building toward the closest coffee shop that offered strong wifi. A poor quality stream was better than no stream.

The streets were jammed with traffic. Quicker to walk. She made a quick post on her socials about being late as she hurried down the sidewalk. At the stream time, she decided to go live and explain the situation to her fans as she neared the coffee shop. The crosswalk sign came on and she started to move across the street just as the feed went live. The driver of the van was suddenly distracted by a notification that his favorite streamer was live. Tires screeched and the feed died... Or did it?
Victoria's last coherent thought is that her Live Stream just became an Unalive Stream, and it's absolutely certain to get her whole channel banned without her being there to appeal it. The absolute injustice of it is...

System Notice

Welcome Back to The Realms!
Error:No saved character profile on file.
Action:Contact Realm for character data.
Error:No associated Realm on file.
Action:Load recent player data.
Error:No player record on file.
Action:Read embedded player data.
Error:No player data embedded within this entity.
Action:Begin player integration system.

System Notice

Welcome to Creation and Integration!
Would you like to customize your integration options?
If you decline this choice, your starting choices will be randomized based on your lineage, past deeds, and projected development path. If you fail to make a choice, you will be deemed non-sapient and treated as if you had declined this choice—options for non-sapients may become limited.


... okay. What?

2022-08-01, 09:59 PM
Victoria focused on the words before her. It was most definitely a computer program. It looked similar to the interface of her game, but just ever so slightly off in almost every way.

Why am I in the VR right now... am I not dead? ...or maybe I am dead. Afterlife. A video game afterlife? That seems stupid. I have to make a decision, although it doesn't leave much room for choice. Selecting No seems unpleasant, especially if I am being reincarnated... or something.

She tried to look around to see if there were any other inputs to this screen... area and then tried to remove the VR headset, if it existed. She wasn't really sure if she was actually in a game or simply had on a gaming rig like so many other times playing the game.

If she could make no headway in seeing her surroundings or removing her visuals from the screen that she could only assume was the login, she selected Yes.

2022-08-01, 10:09 PM
You fail to spot any additional inputs with a casual glance over the floating screen.

As you raise your hands to your head, you find that your body is just a green wire frame of primitive polygons, the design and color of something you would expect on an 80s era Atari or Amiga system trying to render something close to 3D.

You grasp at your head, but you don't seem to be wearing a headset. Or, at the very least, you aren't wearing one in whatever this interface is. Taking a second to examine your senses, you don't notice any disconnect between the VR and your actual senses. Perhaps a fully immersive experience?

You turn your head looking about the featureless white space, and the screen follows you, remaining in the center of your view. However, there is some lag time between when you start moving and when the screen moves to catch up, perhaps a little over half a second.

2022-08-01, 10:31 PM
The input directly from my... soul, spirit... digital avatar? Anyway, it shouldn't lag...

Victoria twisted around quickly several directions. Up. Down. Left. Right. Completely in a circle. Just to see if there was anything the screen had been hiding.

She chuckled to herself and even did the motions of the old Konami code. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A... well, there was no B or A, but she thought and spoke them anyway.

If she got nowhere and found nothing interesting, she'd select Yes to proceed.

2022-08-01, 10:36 PM
You find it easy to move around in this space simply by willing it happen.

You don't discover anything new, and the Konami Code doesn't appear to work.

System Notice

Player Registration
Name:Victoria Lebedev_
Occupation:{Select One}

You find that you can edit your name but not your age. When you focus on Occupation, you get a selection of three possible options: Academic, Performer, or Technician.

You feel an overwhelming sense that any decisions you make here will be permanent and irreversible.

2022-08-01, 10:47 PM
Victoria couldn't help but laugh in her own mind.

I really am dead. No way anything else could have picked up all of this PII from me simply activating the system... Oh God, that means my last live stream was actually a snuff film. I bet whoever snagged it before they took it down is gonna make a fortune...

Turning her attention back to the information, she chose to leave her name for the moment. After all, she had nothing to base a selection off.

While she could technically be considered a performer and a technician with her education and her recent job, she felt more like an Academic overall. After all, her videos were instructional! Having walked through her options, she selected Academic.

2022-08-02, 08:59 PM
System Notice

Player Registration Complete

System Notice

Beginning Integration
Action:Selecting starting Realm.
System Message:

Welcome to Endless Acres
Action:Loading Realm attributes and requirements.
Action:Integrating attributes with player.
Error:Realm-Entity Attribute Incompatbility. ERR_012a.
Action:Rectifying . . .

Intense pain flows through your body and mind, like fire burning away the impurities. Spasms wrack your body as little bits of what make you yourself are ripped away, foreign energies jammed in to fill the tiny voids left behind.

You gasp one last time, struggling to resist blacking out. Then the pain is gone.

System Notice

Integration Complete

Begin Character Creation

Realm Notice

Welcome to Endless Acres!
As a recently established Frontier Realm, Endless Acres is largely unknown and unexplored. This Realm contains many of the standard fantasy elements one would expect from a High Fantasy Realm, but there seems to have been a significant divergence from the norm at some point in the not so distant past.
Warning! The rules and conventions of Endless Acres are in flux as the Realm continues to be established by The System. Players may be presented with System Choices that modify the underlying systems governing the Realm.


2022-08-02, 09:03 PM
Realm Notice

You have received two (2) Moderate Boons
You have received one (1) Greater Boon
You have received one (1) Epic Boon

A representation of the major races appears standing nude in front of you. Or rather, you see yourself in front of you, altered to appear as each of the major races but still clearly yourself.

Realm Notice

Select Your Race



Spirit Folk

Apply Boon to Race

2022-08-02, 09:59 PM
Ugh... these errors are something else.

Victoria was sure that if she had to breath, she'd had lost it on that jolting experience. Still, there were things to note from the information present.

My digital soul probably wasn't completely compatible with the System, so errors occurred. Like running an outdated program on a new operating system. It seems like the System is equivalent to God, or universal laws and this realm has been through some things that have altered it, but I guess that's expected for world lore.

She looked at each of the races in turn as well as the boons.

Randomly generated boosts are strange for a game, but not so much in life if one's thinking about things like DNA. I wonder if there's anyone that has tried for the gamer reroll to get the maximum from these boons.

She selected to apply a boon to race, choosing Epic, and then hit Information on each of the races.

2022-08-03, 12:04 AM
As you ponder the deep ponderings and idly stare at the nude forms in front of you, you idly click to apply the Epic Boon.

The forms of the 5 races fritz out, the models replaced by slightly different ones.

The Athik grows an inch taller and puts on a bit of bulk. Its insectile features diminish a bit as its appearance grows slightly more human.

The Dwarf grows a little taller, more muscular, but his hair thins until it falls out completely, leaving behind whorls of embedded stone that seem reminiscent of the patterns on fingertips.

The Elf's eyes grow slightly, and small antennae sprout from its forehead. Its stance shifts just slightly, becoming slightly more inhuman and reminding you vaguely of a praying mantis or other predatory insect.

The Human is... well... "more human" is the best you can really describe. Looking at her, you can tell she's human, just... more somehow. The sense almost approaches the Uncanny Valley, but in a way that makes you feel like you're seeing an impossible hero rather than a monster.

The Moreau doesn't visibly change. It still appears like an ordinary human with dog ears. You look away, and when your glance back, the dog ears are gone, replaced by human-like ears, but the legs are long and powerful, like a wild hare. Then later, the figure's legs have returned to normal, but his nose has grown hawkish with a smattering of feathers in his hair. You realize that each time you look away and back, the Moreau has given you a different glimpse at the different animal kinds it can be related to.

The Spirit Folk becomes less human-like in appearance, taking on elemental traits of the natural world. Flames flicker through her hair which are replaced by stony nodules growing across her skin. Then she shifts to having tiny rivulets of water running across her skin, which is soon replaced by blue-tinted skin and a light breeze ruffling her hair.

Realm Notice

Select Your Race

Athik Overseer
Aberrant Duergar


Ancient Human


2022-08-03, 12:17 AM
You click Information on each of the six race options.

Athik Overseer
Athiks are very ant-like in nature and maintain a powerful devotion to their hive, which drives an athik’s every action. Cooperation is fundamental to their nature, and all have strong empathy and helpful attitudes towards one another, strengthened by the patial hive mind they all share.

Athik Soldier is a Tier 2 race. Bigger, stronger, and tougher than the average athik, the athik soldier is a defender of the hive and a warrior of great renown.

Athik Overseer is a Tier 3 race. Inherently gifted with mental prowess and the ability to lead others, the Overseer is a powerful force for the hive.

Aberrant Duergar
Dwarves are industrious craftsmen who typically live deep underground. They have a warrior heritage that honors fallen heroes of old in a form of ancestor worship. Dwarves have a high resistance to magic of all types, which unfortunately makes it difficult for them to use most magic themselves.

Duergar is a Tier 2 race. Duergar typically live deep below even the deepest dwarven mines. They survive through a combination of great prowess and natural psionic might.

Aberrant Duergar is a Tier 3 race. Whether warped by powers in the deep or the result of cross breeding with eldritch creatures, the aberrant duergar is seen as a piteous existence but one with great potential.


Elves are the longest lived mortal race in the Realm. They have a trace of fey blood in their veins, which leads them to be chaotic and haughty. All elves must select a subrace. While elves tend to get along well with members of other humanoid races, they are almost always hostile towards other elven subraces.

Feytouched Elf is a Tier 2 race. Elves who have manifested aspects of the fey seen only once in a generation are known as feytouched. Your fey attributes are more powerful than normal, and you are treated as a fey for most purposes.

Half-Fey is a Tier 3 race. One of your parents was of the fey courts. Your innate magics are beyond the ken of any mere mortal, but your fey nature affects you more than you might expect.

Ancient Human
Humans are the most common race through most of the Realms. They are far more adaptable than any other; however, they tend to have poor relations with the non-human races.

Dusk Era Human is a Tier 2 race. You are everything that a human is, but with significant influence from an ancient time. Your adaptability and potential for growth is greatly improved.

Ancient Human is a Tier 3 race. You are human, perfectly formed from the beginning. Generations of genetic drift, crossbreeding, and general decay do not affect you.

Moreau are known by many names: called Shifters, Hengeyokai, or even Weres by those who mistake them for lycanthropes. Though they often appear human, all moreau are intrinsically linked to a single type of animal and gain traits of that animal, carrying some minor animalistic features. Some moreau may even learn to take animal form.

Wildkin Moreau is a Tier 2 race. More in tune with their animal side, wildkin moreau have greater powers when calling on their wild nature.

Beastkin is a Tier 3 race. Fully embracing the animal within, the beastkin are able to take true animal form.

Spirit Folk are the descendants of humans and nature spirits. Each spirit folk takes on traits of their spiritual ancestor that ties them to the natural world while also allowing them to peek into the spirit realms.

Free Spirit is a Tier 2 race. Spirit folk who embrace their spiritual nature cannot find peace in a mundane life, preferring to wander freely and embrace life as it comes. They wander where they will, seeking to live life to the fullest.

Genasi is a Tier 3 race. Whereas the spirit ancestor of most spirit folk is somewhere in the past, yours is only one or two generations removed. You have greater spiritual powers, but you also have extremely obvious elemental traits.

2022-08-03, 04:48 AM
Wow… just wow! The selection just became seriously difficult.

Victoria stared at the choices for what seemed like an eternity. She tried to picture how clothing and equipment would look. After all, that was probably the most important aspect of the game to her that she never shared in video. Having something you can look at for hours was important to keeping active on the game, and now this was her, not something she was just playing!

She settled on either the perfect human or furry, finally selecting the human .

2022-08-03, 09:25 AM
As you start trying to picture clothing and equipment, the things you imagine begin to appear on the figures.

2022-08-03, 10:31 AM
Lingering on her choice of ancient human, Victoria took advantage of the shifts in appearance to explore how dark’ and ‘light’ armor fit the model.

While she wasn’t exactly sure how the classes worked or what she would select, she was fairly set on something more hardy and less support oriented. She had learned the hard way what could happen when others seek to isolate someone for becoming more successful and didn’t want to struggle like that again.

2022-08-03, 11:45 AM
From what you can tell, it looks... good. The armor shifts as you will it, and even the physical traits of the model shifts a bit as you consider it. You seem to have control over the appearance, so long as it remains within the norms of the race. With an idle thought, you even discover that you can swap the gender.

2022-08-03, 12:33 PM
Victoria settles on a well toned and commanding female figure. Athletic like her build while alive, but a bit better endowed in womanly assets while still keeping proportional and balanced. Genetics be damned, she could look exactly like she’d always dreamed without cosmetic surgery!

Once complete, she hit accept to move on to the next part of the process.

2022-08-03, 02:13 PM
The other races disperse into mist, which beings to swirl around the Ancient Human. A powerful force draws you inexorably into the figure, until you find yourself looking out through its eyes. Intense body dysmorphia makes you incredibly uncomfortable for a few seconds, made worse when the body becomes pliable and... fluid. The flesh warps and shapes itself to match your internalized ideal for the character until you find yourself perfectly at home in your new avatar, perhaps even a bit more comfortable than you ever were in your own skin.

Realm Notice

Assign Your Ability Scores

You have three (3) Ability Points.


2022-08-03, 02:29 PM
That was… weird. Not painful like the initial process, just weird.

Victoria moved her hand, touching her fingers together to test the tactile sense. There wasn’t much to test things like smell or taste in the white void of creation, so that would have to wait.

Very much a blank slate and a blind decision regarding attributes... if I choose the wrong ones, it might not mesh with my class at all…

She decided to play it safe and add all 3 points to Constitution.

2022-08-03, 07:10 PM
You find that you cannot add more than 2 points to the same ability score.

2022-08-03, 07:13 PM
Victoria frowned internally, weighing her other options. Being charming was always a nicety, even if one doesn't derive direct power from it. Being commanding seemed to fit an Ancient Human too.

She moved the 1 remaining point to Charisma. This gave her a total of +2 con and +1 cha.

2022-08-03, 09:37 PM
You place 2 points into Constitution and 1 point into Charisma.

Realm Notice

Select Your Class




Apply Boon to Class

2022-08-03, 09:49 PM
Are things like alternate class features or archetypes a thing here? I was really hoping for something knightly, but most of these choices are definitely not that...

Victoria selected information on Mystic, the one class that might hold some promise in making her ideas come true.

She also selected a moderate boon. Unsure of what it might do, she was hoping it might make some of those alternate options available.

2022-08-03, 10:05 PM
You're pretty sure they are available, but you don't immediately see a simple way to apply an archetype or alternate class feature.

Eschewing the use of spells, a mystic uses their inborn arcane gift to power their martial might, unlocking powerful martial arts techniques.

Realm Notice

Moderate Boon Applied
Your selected class will receive a moderate improvement to its class features and/or additional class feature(s) of moderate strength.

Realm Notice

Select Your Class





2022-08-03, 10:09 PM
Well, it doesn't seem like a waste, at least.

Victoria selected Mystic to apply the boon improvement.

2022-08-04, 01:01 PM
The boon will be automatically applied to whichever class you select.

2022-08-04, 01:09 PM
Victoria selected Mystic with a bit of trepidation. She spoke out loud.

I wonder if rerolling is allowed? System, can you give me any feedback to acknowledge my question? It did say you give people choices and inputs that can shape things here.

2022-08-05, 07:36 PM
Realm Notice

Character Creation

Name:Victoria Soule_

Race:Ancient Human


Realm Notice

Select Your Skills
You have eight (8) Skill Points
Class Skills: Academics Acrobatics Arcane Lore Arms Lore Insight Intimidate Perform Profession Psi Lore StealthCross Class Skills Athletics Deception Engineering Handle Animal Heal Linguistics Natural Lore Perception Persuasion Streetwise Theology
Apply Boon to Skills

Poking around, you discover that the maximum skill rank is 1. One rank in a class skill costs 1 skill point while it costs 2 skill points for a rank in cross class skills. Perform and Profession have a seemingly endless list of sub-skills for nearly every imaginable possibility.

Realm Notice
Skills selection has no random elements to be rerolled.
Restarting character creation requires one (1) Greater Boon.
One (1) Greater Boon remains.

Restart Character Creation?


2022-08-05, 07:42 PM
Victoria paused. The System actually answered her, it hadn’t just been a static statement. That was pretty amazing. She wondered if it was worth the risk. If she didn’t get a great choice and no greater boon, she’d be stuck, but it also gave her a chance to learn more about the System. She mentally chose to use the boon to reroll character creation.

2022-08-05, 08:00 PM
Realm Notice

Character Creation Restarting

You feel a distinct sense of something being pulled out of you as your choices are unchosen.

Intense vertigo distorts your senses as you are forcibly yanked back out of the character body and once again float in a wireframe body.

Realm Notice

Character Creation Restarting
You have received one (1) Moderate Boon.

Realm Notice

Epic Boon Applied

Your race options have been improved to Tier 3.

Realm Notice

Select Your Race

Ancient Talaire
Prismatic Dragonkin




2022-08-05, 08:07 PM
Woah... still can't get used to that ride. It doesn't seem like as good of a start as last time, but I'd like to see information on those races just so I have the knowledge of them. While I'm at it, is there any way to break down or combine boons? Like if I had two Moderates, could I use them both to get a Greater, or could I break down an Epic into lower levels? Also, is there ways to earn boons?

2022-08-05, 08:45 PM
Ancient Talaire
Humans are the most common race through most of the Realms. They are far more adaptable than any other; however, they tend to have poor relations with the non-human races.

Talaire Human is a Tier 2 race. Descendants from the ancient Talaire bloodline have innate psionic talent. They receive a randomly selected bloodline from the six available to their race which determines the exact nature of their psionic powers. Beyond their mental prowess, they are indistinguishable from a normal human.

Ancient Talaire is a Tier 3 race. You possess the pure blood of the ancient Talaire nobility, granting you powerful psionic ability far beyond the average human.

Haflings are a small and oft overlooked race. They are jovial and friendly travelers, but they are also skilled burglars.

Wispling is a Tier 2 race. Wisplings are halflings touched by Shadow. Their stealth abilities are greatly enhanced, but their soul is touched by Darkness.

Shadowkin is a Tier 3 race. Accepting Darkness into their very souls, Shadowkin become one with shadow, often able to manipulate it to suit their whims.

Prismatic Dragonkin
Kobolds proudly claim kinship to dragons, but the comparison often leaves them with a profound sense of inadequacy. Though they are hardworking, clever, and blessed with a natural talent for mechanical devices and mining, they are known spend their days nursing grudges instead of celebrating their own gifts.

Prismatic Kobold is a Tier 2 race. Having taken on dragon blood, Prismatic Kobolds have become true dragon kin. Their entire outlook on life is upbeat and cheerful, far different from their lesser kin.

Prismatic Dragonkin is a Tier 3 race. Blessed with closer ties to the Shining Dragon, a Prismatic Dragonkin is more dragon than kobold.

Lizardfolk are said to be descended from dragons crossbred with primordial reptilians. Although likely just mythology, they take pride in their heritage. They are an industrious people known for building massive cities in the jungles and plains of their homelands and for having a fiery temper that often leads to war.

Ophidian is a Tier 2 race. Lizardfolk arose through an interbreeding of the amphibious 'Scaled Ones' and the Dragons. Your Ophidian heritage runs strongly in your veins, giving you many traits of amphibians, including the ability to eventually metamorphose into a greater form.

Saurian is a Tier 3 race. You have very little draconic influence in your blood and display strong traits of your Scaled One ancestors. You have the greatest potential for metamorphosis among Lizardfolk.

Moreau are known by many names: called Shifters, Hengeyokai, or even Weres by those who mistake them for lycanthropes. Though they often appear human, all moreau are intrinsically linked to a single type of animal and gain traits of that animal, carrying some minor animalistic features. Some moreau may even learn to take animal form.

Wildkin Moreau is a Tier 2 race. More in tune with their animal side, wildkin moreau have greater powers when calling on their wild nature.

Beastkin is a Tier 3 race. Fully embracing the animal within, the beastkin are able to take true animal form.

Orcs are thought to be brutish thugs, but that's because most orcs encountered by other races were driven from their homes for that very behavior. Orcs have less developed industry than most other races, as they tend to prefer to honor the old ways and live as one with the land.

Trueblood Orc is a Tier 2 race. The trueblood orcs are greater than their kin, in that their blood runs with the true power of nature. Each trueblood orc has a powerful natural affinity for a particular element of nature.

Sharakim is a Tier 3 race. Truly in tune with nature and the ancient past, you have heightened strength and intellect.

Realm Notice
You possess one (1) Moderate Boon.
No modifications are available at this time.

2022-08-05, 08:47 PM
Can I apply the Moderate boon to my race as well?

2022-08-05, 09:07 PM
You find no way to do so.

2022-08-05, 09:10 PM
Ok then. I was considering the new human option, but a dinosaur race is just too tempting to pass up. Here's hoping for some good matching classes.

She selected Saurian.

2022-08-05, 11:50 PM
The other races disperse into mist, which beings to swirl around the Saurian. A powerful force draws you inexorably into the figure, until you find yourself looking out through its eyes. Intense body dysmorphia makes you incredibly uncomfortable for a few seconds, made worse when the body becomes pliable and... fluid. The flesh warps and shapes itself to match your internalized ideal for the character until you find yourself perfectly at home in your new avatar, perhaps even a bit more comfortable than you ever were in your own skin.

The Saurian's build remains sleek and lithe rather than bulky, no matter how you customize it. It is more like a salamander than a dinosaur or large lizard. It definitely reminds you more of a trained martial artist than a power lifter or bodybuilder.

Realm Notice

Assign Your Ability Scores

You have zero (0) Ability Points.


Realm Notice

Assign Your Saurian Adaptations

You have eight (8) Adaptation Points.

Basic Adaptations
Mighty Form
Nimble Form
Resilient Form
Superior Cognizance
Superior Instinct
Superior Poise
Innate Adaptations Aquatic

You are aware that you can assign multiple points per adaptation, but higher "Stages" of Basic Adaptations cost one more point than the previous stage. So, reaching stage 3 in any Basic Adaptation requires 6 total points (1 + 2 + 3). Innate Adaptations are more expensive though. 1 point for the 1st Stage, 4 total for the 2nd, 10 total for the 3rd, and so forth.

You intuitively understand that the Innate Adaptations will grant you some racial ability, but the exact nature of that ability is not readily apparent.

2022-08-06, 01:39 AM
It looks quite a bit like a snake. Can I could pick a design without legs?

She tried to visualize something she would like to be esthetically and came up with a mental image.


She considered her point spending as well, settling on the following dispersion:
Nimble (stage 1)
Resilient (stage 2)
Poise (stage 1)
Deadly (stage 2)

2022-08-06, 12:35 PM
Try as you might, you seem unable to transform the legs into a large tail. The rest is... right on the edge of what's possible/ The changes are applied, but the System seems to hang and the "graphics" jitter slightly as your appearance transforms.

Realm Notice

Moderate Boon Applied
Your selected class will receive a moderate improvement to its class features and/or additional class feature(s) of moderate strength.

Realm Notice

Select Your Class





2022-08-06, 12:52 PM
Definitely not what I was expecting from classes. Keeping with the serpent theme though, I think Rogue is the best fit. Unless I can combine the Moderate boon already applied with the one I have remaining?

2022-08-06, 01:04 PM
Realm Notice

Moderate Boon Applied
Moderate Boon improved to Greater Boon.

Realm Notice

Greater Boon Applied
You will select a lesser linked class in addition to your primary class, gaining the class features of your primary class selection and some of the class features of the linked class. You will gain the chassis of your primary class.

2022-08-06, 01:11 PM
Ah… I see now how you could get a stronger character creation. I wonder what you get if you could combine Epics. Bet my race would have ended up a Scaled One and I could have had a snake lower…

She seemed pretty disappointed in figuring it out too late to make a truly stylish character, but she didn’t have much else to do but select Rogue and hope she could work in some ways for serpentine themed things like venom or constricting.

2022-08-06, 02:06 PM
Realm Notice

Select Your Linked Class
Barbarian Bard Fighter Paladin Psion Ranger Soulknife Spellbinder Wilder Wizard

2022-08-06, 02:13 PM
Only getting some of casting class spells seems I’ll-advised. There was an old saying about never losing caster levels… Straight up heavy armor doesn’t really fit for my idea of a serpent character. I don’t really want spells or an animal companion, but I know in the original game there were a ton of replacement options for Ranger.

She selects Ranger as the additional class.

2022-08-09, 12:00 PM
Realm Notice

Character Creation

Name:Victoria Soule_



Realm Notice

Select Your Skills
You have eight (8) Skill Points
Class Skills: Acrobatics Athletics Deception Engineering Handle Animal Heal Insight Intimidate Linguistics Natural Lore Perception Perform Persuasion Profession Stealth StreetwiseCross Class Skills Academics Arcane Lore Arms Lore Psi Lore Theology
Apply Boon to Skills

Poking around, you discover that the maximum skill rank is 1. One rank in a class skill costs 1 skill point while it costs 2 skill points for a rank in cross class skills. Perform and Profession have a seemingly endless list of sub-skills for nearly every imaginable possibility.

2022-08-09, 03:00 PM
It’s weird that as an academic, I don’t have any of those skills, but maybe it affects something later in creation….

She selected the following:
Arcane Lore - 1
Arms Lore - 1
Athletics - 1
Perception - 1
Stealth - 1
Heal - 1

She also adjusted her name to fit more with her new race. Thassia.

2022-08-10, 03:35 PM
Realm Notice

Your Academic Occupation provides a +1 bonus on the following skills

Academics, Linguistics, Natural Lore

Realm Notice

As a Saurian, you have access to race exclusive feat Extra Adaptation.

Your Ranger linked class grants Track as a bonus feat.

You gain one (1) Feat.
Apply Boon to Feats

The list of possible feats is... extensive (https://aldhaven.com/feats/). In fact, it seems that new feats are added to the list as you consider possible feats. You can select any feat you can meet the prerequisites for.

Extra Adaptation
Prerequisite: Saurian Lizardfolk, Con 13
Benefit: You gain 2 Adaptation Points.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain a number of Adaptation Points equal to 1 + the number of times you've taken this feat (3 points for the 2nd time, 4 for the 3rd, and so forth).
You may take this feat a number of times equal to your unmodified Con bonus. Only your natural Con score and improvements from gaining levels or Adaptations counts towards this total, not any bonuses from items, spells, or other effects.

2022-08-10, 03:59 PM
How am I suppose to know if I qualify for something if I can’t see my ability scores?...

She looks through the feats as she waits for a response.

I was hoping to find something like this https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Snake_Tail_(3.5e_Feat) just so I could keep my self image without trying to find something with legs.

2022-08-12, 01:15 PM
You find that the feat does exist, but you get the sense that it's exact effects will be different. You're able to select the feat and are aware that it will turn your legs into a tail; however, you know it won't end up exactly as written there.

2022-08-12, 01:57 PM
For style, it’s worth it!

She accepted the feat could be weaker, but could also be better depending on wording. Either way that was her selection.

2022-08-12, 03:21 PM
Race Notice
Snake Tail Feat has created an Adaptive Fluctuation
You have gained the Tail mutation.

Race Notice
Adaptation in Flux: Deadly
Random Body Location: Head.
Random Natural Weapon: Fangs.
You have gained the Fangs mutation.

Race Notice
Adaptation in Flux: Tough
Your flesh has become more resistant to injury. Increased Hit Points.

2022-08-12, 03:23 PM
Realm Notice

Finalize Class Features
Select your Favored Enemy
Animal & Beast
Humanoid (aquatic & reptilian)
Humanoid (dwarf, gnome, halfling)
Humanoid (elf, human)
Humanoid (gnoll, goblinoid, orc)
Magical Beast
Monstrous Humanoid
Outsider (any two subtypes)

2022-08-12, 03:30 PM

She practiced her snakey accent through the new fangs.

Time to test the acf / archetype idea…

She requested the ranger ability Arcane Hunter that turned spellcasters into a favored enemy.

2022-08-14, 09:42 PM
The system hesitates briefly as it processes your request, but you soon find that it has appeared on your character sheet.

Your vision goes completely black, and you feel a intense sensation of vertigo which passes quickly.

You feel something cold and hard on your back, the air around you damp and cold.

You hear the sounds on animals in the distance. Are those cows?

You realize that you are lying on the ground, your eyes closed.

Status Update

You have awakened from a Long Rest.
You are Well Rested.
You are currently fully healed.
You recover all daily abilities and may prepare your esoteric abilities.

2022-08-15, 09:20 AM
”Ssso, thisss isss the world.”

She opened her eyes and sat up, examining herself first and then her surroundings.

2022-08-15, 12:45 PM
You open your eyes to find yourself sprawled on the floor in a small stone chamber. Standing proves to be slightly difficult, as the end of your tail is still twisted up in the sheets and half on the bed you appear to have fallen out of... which might explain the slight headache.

The room is about 10 ft. by 10 ft. with a rough cot and footlocker style chest on one wall with what's left of a small, rickety crate serving as a nightstand crammed in the corner. A flimsy looking wooden door is in the wall opposite your head.

You don't see much else in the room.

2022-08-15, 04:39 PM
Thassia unwrapped herself from the sheet, placing it back on the bed neatly. Once that was complete, she inspected the footlocker and crate.

2022-08-16, 11:58 AM
The crate is just an empty wooden crate, a bid wider than it is long, turned on its side to serve as a makeshift table. The rotting wood and sizeable holes in it clearly reveal that it's completely unfit to serve its original purpose.

The footlocker, such that it is, is barely in better shape than the crate. It's a bit larger and seems adequate to store a few items, assuming you're not too rough on it. You worry that it will break with even just normal usage.

2022-08-16, 02:05 PM
Making sure to miss nothing, Thassia takes the time to search the room thoroughly.

Once that is accomplished, she opens her sheet and checks her classes.

“I think I got the short end. How do you apply archetypes?”

She tries to will Unchained Hidden Blade Eldritch Scoundrel onto her rogue platform and Mystic Huntsman onto her Ranger platform.

OOC: Taking 20 on perception - 21 check

2022-08-18, 05:18 PM
You find nothing hidden in your room.

The attempt to apply archetypes accomplishes nothing as far as you can tell.

2022-08-18, 05:55 PM
She seethes at her inability to do anything productive with her abilities. After a bit of fuming, she pauses on considers.

“If the system is like the rules of the universe, there must be Gods. There’s a skill to know about them…

Here goes nothing. Deities of the realm, I offer myself as a living sacrifice. Provide me with a boon to be able to reroll into a suitable servant and I will faithfully serve you in this realm until such a time as another deity makes a better offer and I choose to accept.”

She waited with her character sheet open to see about a response for approximately five minutes.

2022-08-19, 09:34 AM
From your perspective, absolutely nothing happens.

2022-08-19, 01:45 PM
“Fine… I’ll figure it out myself…”

She neared her fangs in contempt and moved toward the door to head outside.

2022-09-13, 11:49 AM
As she walked in the woods with her party member after their battle with the spiders, Thassia opened her sheet and checked if she could break apart the gained epic boon in order to utilize the reroll option.

She thought into the universe, or system as it was known here. “I am not content with this life. I want to be a leader, on the front line. Adorned in glorious and terrible armor and weapons…, not some skulking sneaking assassin.”