View Full Version : Seven Ages: a God Game

2022-08-02, 01:41 PM

Welcome to the game thread. I'm going to keep this first post as a place to refer to rules and keep track of the pantheon. Discord invite for OOC discussion is here: https://discord.gg/398Cm9Tu

In this game, each player controls a god who may create and interact with the game world in collaboration with the other players. The game is divided into seven ages (turns) which last for in-game time lengths ranging from generations to millennia. Each age the gods may take actions to alter the game world, following the rules for actions.

There are three kinds of actions; creation actions, influence actions, and reactions. They use a resource called action points (AP) that each gods possesses in limited supply. Some actions require spending AP, and some gain AP (each age players will also receive a small AP increase, like passing Go in Monopoly).

To maintain game balance, some actions may be resolved by the GM instead of simply occurring as stated by the player, but ideally this will be an uncommon practice. Usually actions will be resolved as soon as they are posted, but in the case of conflicting narratives they may be resolved at the end of the age.

Additionally, some actions can directly affect other players in a negative way, so there are mechanics in place for players to counter other players' actions, causing them to fail (see the description for reactions). This is encouraged, as I believe that it make the game more interesting.

The three kinds of actions are described in more detail in the next section.

Creation actions: each age will introduce an opportunity for players to jointly contribute to the creation of the setting. These are powerful, pervasive actions, but they must conform to the given age's theme.
For example, the first age will allow players to create the primordial land in which the rest of the game takes place. As we go, the age themes will change in a logical progression. If Age 1 is the land, then Age 2 might be life, and so on. It costs 10 AP to perform a creation action, and each player can only do one per age. All creation actions are detectable by other players.

Influence actions: smaller scale actions that interact with things already present in the world, used to expand your god's religion and power. The list of possible actions and their AP cost/gain is given below (note that each god may do one of each action per age, and actions that cost/gain more than 5AP are detectable to other players):
- Inspire mortals: do something that expands your god's religion. AP cost = order of magnitude of affected mortals (1AP for up to 10 mortals, 2AP for up to 100 mortals, etc)
- Destroy mortals: have your god and their followers sacrifice or conquer another group of mortals. AP gain = order of magnitude of affected mortals if successful (1AP for up to 10 mortals, 2AP for up to 100 mortals, etc)
- Invest divinity: create a hallowed place, a divine relic, or a demigod. When making an action that uses this place/thing/person in the future, reduce the cost by 1AP, or increase the gain by 1AP. This may be used by other gods if the divine investment takes part in a help from your god. Costs 5AP.
- Destroy divinity: destroy a hallowed place, divine relic, or demigod. Costs 10AP - the amount the divine investment has saved its creator.

Reactions: when another player performs a detectable creation or influence action, your god may contribute to the outcome. These can either be a help or a hinder.
A help can be used to add details to the action that align with your god's goals/nature, adding variety and interconnectedness to the setting. Usually it costs/gains no AP to help, unless the help is being used to counter a hinder, in which case it costs however much AP the player would like to contribute to restoring the action (see example at end).
A hinder can be used to prevent another god's action from succeeding (to be used mainly against destroy mortals/destroy divinity actions that target you or an ally). Doing this costs AP equal to the AP cost/gain of the action being hindered. Note that if a player loses AP as a result of being hindered, but has already spent the AP on another action, they may end up with negative AP. A hinder can be undone if the other gods use help reactions to contribute AP equal to the original cost/gain (see example below).
An example for hinders and restoring helps: if an action costs 10AP and the hinder cost 10AP, the rest of the gods may spend 10AP to restore the action. Multiple gods may contribute AP up to the target amount.
Note that there is no limit to the number of reactions a god can do each age.

[B]Player Name:
Garjel_blah (0)
Darth (1)
Demonjazz (2)
Eurus (3)
Fleem Q Swipes (4)
Alexander (5)
Volthawk (6)
Darkstorm (7)
Red Lenses (8)
The JoJo (9)
flyinglemur (10)
Godzillarich (11)
Batcathat (12)
canjowolf (13)
+5 Vorpal Bunny (14)


Character Name:
Seven-fingered Doom
Cedrum Lantana
The Monarch
The Storyteller


Abstract Domain:


Land Domain:
Outer Space


Life Domain:


Action Points:


Religion Rating:


2022-08-02, 04:32 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6bad06bc-f313-47f2-a3a7-4219b146ff0c/dcve9gc-943ea2d7-6c18-4994-9437-e45b1c0a616a.png/v1/fill/w_1192,h_670,q_70,strp/hadean_earth_revisit_by_dlikt_dcve9gc-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 .eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZ DQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTg yMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7Imhla WdodCI6Ijw9NzIwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNmJhZDA2YmMtZjM xMy00N2YyLWEzYTctNDIxOWIxNDZmZjBjXC9kY3ZlOWdjLTk0M 2VhMmQ3LTZjMTgtNDk5NC05NDM3LWU0NWIxYzBhNjE2YS5wbmc iLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2Vyd mljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.GoXoxF7gwAqSwiYuUN 2RVsp4rP59j43PKSkg-zcqAYc
Age 1: Land

In a universe where once existedly only a boundless nothing, there now existed... Something! They weren't quite tangible, these gods - more a manifestation of an intention. An intention to create more in this world.

And the first thing they would create; matter. Stuff. Real things. The basic building blocks of their divine vision. They needed to make what would come to be called the Land.

Land is the theme of this age. Creation actions will need to be focussed on creating the raw cosmology (planets, moons, dimensions, astronomy) and geography (continents, oceans, landscapes, weather) of the game setting. New domains will need to be Land-related concepts, such as elements, forces, cosmological phenomena, and geographical features.

The above suggestions are not exhaustive, feel free to be imaginative. The main thing is that no one create any life this age, as that will be done next age.

What to do this age:
- Domains: all gods must take a second domain related to Land.
- Creation actions: all gods may spend 10AP to create Land.
- Influence actions: since there are no mortals, inspire and destroy mortals actions are not yet possible. Invest and destroy divinity are possible however.
- Reactions: react to as many other players' actions as you like, but remember that you may only do this if the action spends over 5AP.

Bear in mind:
- You will all regenerate 7AP next age, meaning that AP is limited. If you are far more interested in creating life than land, you may want to consider not doing a creation action this age in order to save AP. This is allowed. You may still be involved to a smaller extent by making reactions.
- There will be some opportunity to add more Land features next age, if for some reason you don't get the chance this age.

Alright everyone, have a good time!


The Seven-Fingered Doom lowers one finger.

2022-08-02, 05:33 PM
Domains: Change, <still deciding exact details>
Action Points: 15 -> 5

It had not been long since Haspet had been born, and it was already bored. Sure, watching the subtle ways the auras of the divine clashed and cooperated with the unconscious thoughts of its wielders was a little interesting, but it wanted something more. Something...physical. Yes. But what? It didn't know, but it created anyway, happily watching stone and earth take form. This was it! Something physical, something real.

But Haspet quickly found that this was boring too. So...static. Solid. Unmoving. Looking away from its creation to the other gods, it watches their auras for a little before inspiration hits. Of course. The earth he made just needed to be more like the power of the gods. Moving, clashing, creating new things. Thoughtful, it takes two of the pieces of stone it had created and casually pushes them together, becoming more interested as it watches how they interacted and ground against each other, the way they changed shape and broke and new finer dust and earth was created. Interesting. It could work with this, but it needed to be bigger. So Haspet focused, not realising it was abandoning the form it had taken to revert to its base state, and built a world. Something...mobile, forceful, flowing in the core, to keep everything going, and then around it great chunks of stone of various kinds and finer earth that moved around the core and past each other and into each other, and in the process created a world. Yes...this was interesting to watch. As it created and watched, Haspet hoped the other gods found it interesting too, and welcomed any involvement or interference.

Creation (10 AP): Haspet creates an Earthlike planet with many tectonic plates, happily watching them move and clash and shape the surface of the world.

2022-08-02, 06:04 PM
The Monarch
Our Lord and Lady
Domains: Order and Heavens
AP: 15

The Monarch was already there, as all gods and other entities were. The Lord gave a glare to the Seven Fingered Doom before potential as the Lady pushed him onward to time and existence; giving it a kind, if weary, smile as the pair watched the planet Haspet made with great interest.

Taking a liking to the primitive construct before it, the Monarch stood upon the planet; the Lady’s light illuminating creation all around her as the pair took in this new place with a keen interest.

“What is this?” Asked the Lord, stern and accusatory, spotting every flaw and judging every decision made before him.

“It is wonderful.” The Lady said, her voice reassuring, seeing potential and fairly judging the labor before her.

The Lord sighed. The Monarch contemplated what should be done, if anything needed to be done. After a brief few hours it decided to let others act before it. First there would be disorder and chaos, then things may be given peace by it, like an older sibling deciding to simply watch their younger siblings play their boring games before picking up after them.

2022-08-02, 06:11 PM
Cedrum Lantana
Domains: Heat, Volcanoes
Action Points: 15 -> 5

Cedrum looked out about the great formless void of existence. "Bloody hell. Who turned off the lights?" He grumbled. "Have to do everything 'round here." He formed one of his fingers into a knife. He sliced off his thumb in one quick stroke. "Gotta give my own thumb to this family, bah." He mumbled under his breath as he took his own thumb and molded it like a ball of clay between his massive hands. "Absolute nonsense." He breathed upon it, scattering the embers onto the nascent planet, leaving flows of lava and hardening rock upon the roiling planet full of earthquakes. " 'Ought to warm that up a bit." With a flick from his other hand, a life giving sun was set about in it's path to orbit around the planet.

Cedrum than dramatically shrank down and walked the planet, merely the size of a mountain as he ventured into the first forming volcanoes. Setting himself down into the volcanoes and soaking in the molten rock. "Ah, that hits the spot. Don't bother me 'till I'm done soaking."

Creation: Cedrum cuts off his thumb to create the incredibly small but incredibly hot and slow burning white dwarf star. It doesn't do a proper rotation of the planet instead gaining and picking up speed as it sling shots around the planet. Creating small bands around the planet that gain intense heat, far beyond that of Earth's each day as the sun dips closer to the Earth and bands of cold where it's it's farthest from the planet.

Reaction to Haspet: Despite the constant volcanic activity from the early tectonic planet, Cedrum decided to add a small bit of himself to the planet, heating the planet to make it EVEN MORE volcanically active.

Red Lenses
2022-08-02, 06:48 PM
Domains: Possession, Mountains
Action Points: 15

Melem-Ur sees the planet and immediately desires it for himself. Why wouldn’t he? It’s not just a nice planet, it’s the first planet. He’s got to have it.

So the Great Taker comes up close to the planet. He digs his hands in to the violent rock and starts to pull. Melem-Ur is going to steal the planet, taking it up and out and away with him. Of course, that doesn't work. Obviously. There are some things you just can't take. He eventually gives up and releases it.

The nameless planet is left marred from the attempt. The place where his hands touched down are rough, rippled, and elevated. It's a massive plateau, surrounded by brutal, jagged mountains. The nameless region is crowned with three massive peaks - the tallest on the planet once things settle down.

Melem-Ur slinks back into the void, ducking Cedrum's thumb as it comes shooting past. He'll try a different plan later. Probably.

Reaction to Haspet: Melem-Ur attempts to steal the unnamed planet. He fails, and the spot where he pulled at it becomes an elevated plateau region, surrounded by brutal, craggy mountains.

2022-08-02, 06:51 PM
Domains: Power, The Moon
Action Points: 15-10 = 5
Nathrack, a pair of crimson, energy filled eyes in the emptiness of the Cosmos blinked, but for a moment, as if a mere act of his shutting and closing his "eyes" were enough to enact some consequence of enormous importance. In a way, his mere blinking of the eyes was a microcosm of the Big Bang, from our universe. Suddenly, as the red energy balls resembling eyes disappeared from the top down, and then seemed to squeeze. In what lasted for less than a few small moments, an explosion of energy enwrapped an area in the emptiness, if it could be called an area yet, and from the strange matter from Nathrack, the red energy which came along with it mysteriously formed into what could be called "The Moon." In later eras, what could be the mages of what could be the world down below could channel The Moon for their magick.

Nathrack magically creates the Moon of Nathrack.

2022-08-02, 08:08 PM
Domains: Light, Force
AP: 15 -> 10.

Thelena, busy spreading her sparks across the cosmos, turns to see some havoc beginning behind her. She watches as a world is created, and as fire erupted across its surface. This was well and good. It was necessary for everything that was to come.

But when she saw the sun, she knew that this just would not do. She reached for the nascent star, and slowed it. Stabilizing the path of the star, so that the planet would not be torn apart by the forces acting on it. She watched the light from the newly born star, and nodded. This was good.

This done, Thelena turned her attention back to the stars, counting them out as she placed them in the night sky.

Reaction to Cedrum. Slowing the Star down, making the paths of orbits and such more regular.

2022-08-02, 08:50 PM
Domains: Change, Earth
Action Points: 5

After some time, Haspet looks up from the crashing rocks and the fire and lava that Cedrum had added (if it realised what Melem-Ur was trying, it didn't show it and instead just appreciated the mountains he had made) and sees what the others have made. How interesting. But the moon was just sitting there, and while the sun had the right idea it could do more. Yes. It would be best for all of these to be...together. Interacting and changing each other with their presence and movements. A few wispy, insubtantial divine strands spool out from Haspet's avatar and wrap around the sun and moon and down towards the new planet before fading, bringing the moon into its own orbit around the planet and binding the three bodies mystically.

Help Nathrack and Cedrum: Haspet ties together the planet, sun and moon, bringing the moon into orbit around the planet and allowing the three to affect each other - in both mundane (such as tides on the planet once there is water on the surface, and the usual properties of the sun) and more mystical ways - Haspet isn't sure how the divine sun and magical moon will interact, but it's curious to see what happens, particularly in those times where their orbits place one between the other and the planet, or when the orbit of one makes it notably more distant than the other.

2022-08-02, 10:57 PM
Domains: Darkness, Ice
Action Points: 5

Ylinu watches from a distance as the world takes shape, a riot of heat and light and power. At first the very sight is terrifying, but eventually, the patterns start to reveal themselves. The sun can't illuminate everything at once, and the glowing-hot rivers of liquid stone aren't bright enough to shatter the night. Even the moon, though certainly powerful, doesn't blaze with light; it actually blocks the sun's light at times.

Still... it's all so hot, a far cry from the cool dark abyss that Ylinu misses already. And the earth feels like it's trying to grind itself apart under Ylinu's stony feet! The timid god stares up at the moon, and an idea forms...

Some parts of the world are much colder than others already. The heat within the earth spills out to the surface everywhere, but the heat of the sun is much less on two opposite ends of the planet, and Ylinu is quickly finding that they like the cooler weather. Ylinu exhales, and a blanket of mist floods from their mouth, drenching the land in water. As the cool fog chases the heat of the earth deeper down, the surface gets colder and colder, until near the poles, it starts to freeze... thick sheets of grey-white ice form caps on each end of the planet, creating a new environment altogether.

As the ice accumulates and gets thicker, a crack and a rumble spreads, and a huge block of ice breaks free from the ground to float into the air. Ylinu watches it proudly as it drifts away. It will melt eventually, pouring water down to the ground below as it dwindles... but the water will some day make it back here and freeze again, to begin the cycle anew.

Ylinu covers the planet's poles in ice. Ice in this world is similar to ice in the real world, except that it's magically lighter than air. It melts into totally normal water, and water freezes back into floating ice. Small amounts of ice only generate a little bit of lift, but if you get a big enough iceberg, it can tear itself free from the ground and work like a flying island, at least until it melts.

2022-08-03, 03:54 AM
God of Flow and Thunder

As the moving energy that is Aahthaa feels the other Gods, They innerly laugh, a soundless thing, just movement, patterns rattling, waves forming.
The consciousnesses were new, but somehow old... Aahthaa could sense it as They looked at the connections forming. Like pathways for the future.
The gods seemed ancient power in new forms. Or new forms for old things... For old beasts...

But the patterns, the more Aahthaa looked at them, the more they seemed similar to something. Something lost. A memory? A life?

They didn't know why They laughed, but it was start. And Aahthaa knew he wasn't the start, but... he was the way, or maybe he knew the way.
Maybe he had seen it before. The patterns seemed to coalesce in their eyes, as a vision... They know what they must do...

Aahthaa tried to remember, and when they did they saw it, a tear fell down their face, for the future to come, for what is still forgotten… Deep… Deep…

As the tear flows down Their face, a primordial noise is heard, and becomes a truth of the world… As if it was always there. From the ground a flash so bright that no one, even gods could look at it for a second, a column of energy as large as a mountain emerged into the sky, and then sound. A rumbling, that turned into a scream, a sound that seams to speak about secrets and old things. A scream that was a inevitability, it was as if it always there, just lurking, absent, waiting to appear.

As the light reached its highest point it split into thousands of strands and fell into the ground again. As this creational energy spread into and then from the heavens, it made matter bind and split, attract and repulse, making the particles into the air move.
As they moved, new lightning bolts were born, connecting the heavens to the earth. The flow was still fast from the newness of creation, but it would slow down into larger cycles and flows.

And where those first lightnings hit, spires of metal were pulled from the depths of the earth, metalic teeth of the planet where lighting struck over and over again, and heaven and earth connected.

Creation: Electricity/Thunderstorms
Spent AP: 10
Help the creation of the planet – From the earth Aahthaa would like to help and make metals, minerals (that attract lightning). If possible, they would be like spires of metal protruding from the earth, where lightings would hit.

Help the creation of the cosmos – They made the flow of the star interconnect with the moon and the other celestial objects (improving on what Haspet did) creating an attraction and repulsion flow that follows patterns (astronomy like)

The JoJo
2022-08-03, 05:43 PM

Domains: Chaos, Outer Space
Action Points: 15 -> 5

Cranom watched with wonder as the beings around him forged new celestrial bodies from the nothingness of space, bringing light to where previously there had only been dark. Most awe inspiring was the dwarf star -- a churning white hot ball of plasma, spinning in a delightfully complex pattern around the new planet.

"I can do that too!" he thought to himself, concentrating on pushing the sparks on the edge of his being towards the edges of the growing star system. Rather than creating another large light, he decided, he would create a thousand smaller ones, each with its own path.

Cranom creates the Uurt Cloud, a rough sphere of comets and asteroids that surrounds the nascent solar system. With their high albedo and often close proximity, future generations will look up to the heavens and be inspired by the countless, seemingly randomly orbiting lights above them.

There is, however, a darker side to the Uurt Cloud -- on occasion, gravitational fluctuations will cause one of these celestial bodies to spiral out of its orbit, putting it on a collision course with one of the inner planetary bodies. The larger among them would cause a mass extinction level event, while those which are smaller but still large enough to survive entry into the atmosphere may land on the ground intact as a glowing piece of metallic rock. So-called Uurt Ore is both stronger and yet somehow lighter than any terrestrial metal, but comes at the cost of giving off intense mutagenic radiation that will cause wild mutations in any future living beings who come close.

2022-08-03, 05:47 PM
Domains: Mass or Massiveness, Gound
Action Points: 5

The mighty earth floated around in the universe. Everytime he passed another object in space he laughed at their patheticness. "Ha...ha...ha...stupid pebbles, not big like me..." One day in his eternal Journey he came to a tiny little speck, Molten rock and sun. "Ha a baby rocks, and fire is being born...ha...ha...ha..." just then he felt something, this was power. "WHAT!" Earth screamed in his mind, with power was coming from these insignificant specs, that could possibly even rival his own. THESE. SMALL. BEING. "YOU DARE!" Earth yelled out in Fury. "YOU ARE SMALL! You do not deserve power!" Suddenly an idea came to his head. "I will show you how weak and small you are."

From this day forward this new planet, sun and moon would revolve around a planet 200 times bigger then them, with Earth residing in its hollow core. they will see Earths glorious power and remember their place in the universe.

2022-08-03, 05:57 PM
Domains: Darkness, Ice
Action Points: 5

Ylinu stares up at the sudden appearance of a second, much larger planet. A planet with no sun of its own... Cedrum's sun sheds some light on it, orbiting around as it does, but the god's blazing thumb is sized to warm and illuminate a much smaller planet. Will that change? Maybe so, it seems like an oversight that the other gods will try to correct... but until they do, Ylinu will take the opportunity to frolick. The thick mists of water streaming from Ylinu's body start to spread a frosty white coating on the planet.

Ylinu uses a Help action on Earth's planet to influence the larger planet toward being cold and icy.

2022-08-03, 07:46 PM
"Bloody cold, who messed with the sky." Cedrum said looking up at the gigantic planet they were now orbiting. "New neighbors. Always with the loudness and the bigness." Cedrum picked up a globe of lava and threw it towards the planet Earth. "Go home, you're blocking the view!" The glob of lava was thrown with such ferocity that it could be seen smashing into the planet throwing up the land beneath it like some sort of splashing meteor. "Hehehe. That was fun." before he knew it, Cedrum was having laughing fits as he threw ball after ball into the planet from the safety of his volcanic throne. He was an easily entertained man.

Cedrum over the course of the day later known as "The Day of Great Impacts" peppers the massive planet with gigantic craters and lava flows shaping the geology of the planet.

Red Lenses
2022-08-03, 10:01 PM
Domains: Possession, Mountains
Action Points: 15

Earth came from the void and entombed himself within a giant, barren planetoid. Not only that, but made the nameless planet, the self-named-moon, and the thumb-sun orbit him. If Melem-Ur resented this act, it was only because he hadn’t done it first.

With the Uurt Cloud spiraling into existence, there was ample opportunity for an encore. Melem-Ur was not inclined to make things, so he dives into the cloud and takes the choicest, largest asteroid for himself. He smacks into the thing, knocking it out of the cloud. Such is the added gravity that it ends up taking two companion asteroid-moons with it.

This little novelty will eventually be called the Taker’s Chariot, once mortals exist and develop a vocabulary to describe such things.

The Chariot’s orbit through the system is highly elliptical, centered around Earth like all things, but otherwise stabilized and with no threat of careening into its neighbors. It is visible from the surface of the nameless planet roughly every forty years.

Reaction to Cranom: Melem-Ur steals a large asteroid and ends up taking two smaller asteroids with it. This miniature sideshow now hurtles around Earth in a highly elliptical orbit, being visible from the nameless planet every forty years.

2022-08-05, 03:43 PM
God of Flow and Thunder

For a second Aahthaa felt the flows of the universe change. As They embraced the thunder so did their body change, himself. He became more himself.

His figure that before was just a swirling mist of lights, now changed. It seemed more defined. Besides the helmet filled with paterns a long cloak of thunder formed. He wasn't defined. But He was different now... He knew parts of what He was weren't present. He didn't knew what he was but he knew that he would change still. Become more. More himself... He closed his eyes...And as he did so, a massive planet appeared. He knew it... But the question was... Was it massive? Specks of thunder rolled out of him... Each bolt a fragment of an image speeding by. Images covered his eyes, but he couldn't truly see them or understand them. Not yet... But the feelings stuck. Images of future and past. Of events that didn't happen. The planet was big, but just that. Had he seen bigger?

Reaction to new planet: emoting "not impressed"
Help the creation and make it flow well with the other planets and rotations, and as sometimes they approach make it power the electrical storms on the smaller planet.

Fleem Q Swipes
2022-08-05, 10:56 PM
Thannalon, the Doomfish
Domains: Disaster and Water
Action Points: 15 -> 5

Through the emptiness of space hurtled the thing which would be called Thannalon, the Calamity Bringer, the Disaster Fish. Ever forward It moved. To look at It, one might think It was flying sideways, but It was in fact forward because that was the direction It was going. Or maybe was downward, It didn't really care. Onward, unthinking, unseeing and unknowing.

And then Thannalon fell upon Earth (the planet, not the god), swimming through rock, plowing through stone, carving a trail through the colossal world until It emerged into the planet's hollow core. As It shot past Earth (the god, not the planet), Thannalon regarded the Bigness with a fishy eye and said one thing.


The Great Catfish plunged into the rock on the other side, swimming further on It's unerring path. Bursting forth into space once more, Thannalon beheld the Sun, Cedrum's Thumb, for the first time. And for the first time, Thannalon felt something. It felt angry. With a flick of It's tail, It kicked off from Planet Earth, shattering the x200 world into so much space dust, which then evaporated into nothingness.

It flips end over end, approaching the tiny star, only to bounce off the Moon of Nathrack instead and bellyflop onto the planet below. Thannalon sinks beneath the surface as surging waters flow up to fill the lowlands with deep oceans.

It can no longer see the Sun. This is fine. It naps.

Thannalon destroys the giant planet Earth, returning it to the nothingness from whence it came.

Thannalon adds deep oceans to the unnamed planet. Also adds a round, water-filled basin in the planet-facing side of the moon, so that it now resembles an eye watching the planet.

2022-08-06, 01:57 AM
Cedrum after his rousing day of throwing lava at a planet before it promptly exploded into dust finally brought himself out of his relaxing soak. "Hahaha. The big planet went boom. Hehehehe." Cedrum laughed to himself as he got up from his pool with a grunt. Scratching his own vague ass as he started to walk across the new planet. Basking in the glorious heat of the sun as it passed above on his own baking landscape. He trundled across the rocky landscape when he came across something that he'd never seen before. Water. An iceberg has passed over head and fell to the ground, collecting itself into a great boiling sea in the basin of this hot, sulfurous land trying to fight against the volcanoes underneath it. "Huh, look at that. Guess this generation ain't good for nothings. Actually know how to work."

Cedrum dipped his hand into the substance, it started roiling to a fever pitch but was unable to turn to steam. Like a toddler, Cedrum came across a substance it didn't understand and shoved it into his mouth. Causing him to let out a great belch of ash. "Oh, 'scuse me. That was a bit spicy." He shifted uncomfortably. "Ooooh, more than just a bit." He said pounding on his chest and letting out a nastier belch, followed by a choking cough.

The god quickly trampled over a mountain as he found a place to relieve himself of this vile liquid. Casting a molten river into the valley below, splashing everywhere as it flowed down into the plains, and pooled there.

Cedrum creates The Hallowed Flow of Bupkiss. In already one of the hottest places on the planet, on the jagged sandstone peaks of valley, the hottest substance on the planet is deposited. Known as Ced'sum. Pilgrims and craftsmen will one day flock to this land to truly appreciate the divine power of Cedrum.

2022-08-08, 01:00 PM
Domains: Communing, Stars
Action Points: 15 (-10)

The Storyteller yawned and stretched her arms, looking around at the universe. The gods who had preceded her were already hard at work. Creating, changing, destroying. The story of the world had already begun and — perhaps to an even greater degree than all the stories that would follow — it needed to be preserved, to be written into the universe itself.

Looking at former thumb turned shining sun, she reached out and grabbed one of the rays of sunshine coming off it. She gently kneaded it into a tiny version of Cedrum Lantana's grand lantern, burning almost as brightly.

With lungs equally metaphorical and real, the Storyteller breathed in everything that was happening around her and as she breathed out, she not only sent the newborn star flying but countless others like it.

They flew quickly in every direction, passing even the Uurt Cloud before finally taking their places far beyond it, barely visible from the sun that had indirectly birthed them, but no matter how far they flew the stars were imbued with the Storyteller's breath and through it, the story of the world.

The Storyteller creates the stars. Altough the may look similar to real stars from a distance, they are actually quite small and fairly close, by astronomical standards. More importantly, they move not according to any laws of physics, but based on what is happening in the universe, meaning that someone who was able to decipher their movements could learn about the world's past, present and possibly even future (though obviously no one is capable of such at the moment).

The JoJo
2022-08-08, 03:10 PM
Domains: Chaos, Outer Space
Action Points: 5

Once the Uurt Cloud had taken shape, Cranom floated back into the blackness of space to admire his handiwork. He then looked around to see his fellow deities, each spinning their own creations from nothingness. He desperately wanted to speak to them, but found himself overcome by a sudden shyness, given that he had never spoken to anyone before. Instead, he decided, he would impress his divine brother and sisters by helping each with their own creations. Making them even better. Or so he thought.

Assist Haspet to create an Earth-like planet by increasing the speed of plate tectonics a thousand-fold. This means that continents will move apart or together at speeds averaging around 50 metres a year or 50 km every millennia.

Assist Cedrum with his white dwarf star by encouraging the formation of permanent solar storms on the sun's surface. At the peak of a seventeen year cycle, these storms will fan out into space, causing a technicolour light show beyond compare for any onlookers watching on nearby planets. A light show that will also occasionally cause flammable substances to spontaeously combust, but that just adds to the fun.

Assist Nathrack with creating the Moon by bringing it in a particularly tight orbit around the unnamed planet, causing extreme tides in the oceans on both celestial bodies.

Assist Ylinu with creating the ice caps by tweaking physics so that water ice in this universe is highly explosive when exposed to a naked flame. Take care when lighting that tundra campfire!

+5 Vorpal Bunny
2022-08-09, 04:45 AM
Domains: Growth, Strength.
AP: 15 --> 5.

The Creation of Khharth, the Ferocious Expanse

Then define -
and Growth came forth from cosmic expansion.

Expand. Elaborate. Become.
Cycle. Contest. Challenge.
Consumption. Deviation. Evolution.
Out of control.
Culling. Destruction. Re-creation.
Pain. Adversity. Overcoming.
Revelation. Breakthrough. Sentience.

The land stirred. The land dreamed. The land awoke.
As one, the first flickers of not-yet sentient life contested each other.
Hunger. Passion. Llfe.
Each moment engaged, challenged, overcame.
The fallen, learning, growing from, aspiring towards those ahead - for now.
The arisen, flourishing, bonding, returning.
All through, Growth met Strength, propagating without thought of self, yet exulting every bit -
embracing darkest pain to rise from deepest bowel of despair and defeat towards highest height of triumph.

And then, from pain given purpose - the Light shone.
A simple, savage purpose -
'Become strong'.

Khrrath, admitting his weakness and the fear behind it, 'you are not enough', engaged utterly, turning itself into every form of adversity imaginable. Many deadly biomes came into being - ferocious jungles, searing savannahs and parched outbacks; stormy islands, venomous wetlands and rugged peaks; harsh taigas, cold tundras and bitterly cold poles. All of them met, merged and clashed, growing in every way imaginable. The planet pulsed, dreamt and flexed upwards, becoming stronger, deadlier and more challenging each day.

And slowly, steadily, the first signs of what would become separate life emerged, individual yet one, as all connected under a massive network of one mind.
United by a single question -
'Am I strong enough?
Let's find out!'

The First Outreach - A Fiery Heart Ignited

As evolution marched on, Khharth itself moved faster; soon, it stretched out. Its own body, not yet separated, challenged itself to grow - and what better than reaching out? If something was not itself, perhaps there were more like itself. Each place subtly transformed to challenge, grow and flourish; an all-pervasive influence upon the land itself. The pieces of what would one day become living lands reached out for understanding - and found something much like itself.

A most curious being this was, a hard and hot thing made from someone like... itself but another being? It burned with its power - most wonderful, like the fiery heart itself! Khharth looked and Saw what it could become one day, and with wonderous eyes gazed, both separate and in totality with a hunger for understanding. A subtle change was enough - subjected to enough pressure and further heat and - especially - light, it would compress, burn and unleash ferocious power! One day, it would become like the sun itself, even for a brief moment - but not today.

At that moment, another horrific realization emerged - a terrible vision of the world consumed in many miniature suns. For a moment it stuttered - and then saw another vision: this time, of the same material used steadily, its power drawn upon for something it did not yet understand. Finally, it sunk deep, deep into the Earth, glowing further and igniting its fiery heart. The heart burned, churned and seared, shaking and quaking and becoming fiercer than ever. The silent current intensified, sheltering the world from the stars' fires, but also awakening storms with renewed ferocity. The skies shone in many colors, the Earth trembled and the ground heated as intense winds swept the lands. The stars' lights covered the transformed Ced'sum, which gave off subtle patterns of light - but, led by a strong and fiery will, the light turned into coherent beams of light.

Khharth took in Ced'sum and it took in him, burning him up and igniting a passion for life. An appreciation for the substance formed - it would power and challenge so many, itself included. What would it become? He was eager to find out.

Kkharth turns Ced'sum into Not!Uranium.

The tectonic plates accelerate as the Earth gives off more heat and the magnetic fields become stronger. More auroras are seen, volcanic activity increases and the land steadily takes on more intricate forms.

The intensified magnetic fields from the transformed Ced'sum interacts with the atmosphere and the dwarf star, turning into vivid auroras that channeled energy while redirecting lightning onto the edges of overlapping translucent orbs of light. These create small metallic domes with intensified power at their center.

The more metallic comets and asteroids of the Uurt Cloud are more strongly drawn to the Earth, both somewhat deflected by the magnetic field and more drawn into by the intensified energies.

The injection of extra heat into the atmosphere and seas accelerates the ocean currents and winds, injecting more moisture into the atmosphere. More clouds form around the larger planet as storm activity intensifies, causing more ice to break off and snow to fall while intensifying wind activity. Admist the blizzards, many rings of warmth are created near the intensely-burning Ced'sum.

The Ced'sum and intensified tectonic plates create many geothermal vents and underwater volcanoes. In the center of the eye, a particularly large Ced'sum deposit burns through the crust, creating a glowing crimson eye with churning seas surrounding it.

The intensified magnetic field and auroras reflect the patterns of the stars, creating fleeting scenes of what was, is and could be.

Also, because of the Ced'sum and the new physics here, the ice caps kind of... exploded.

2022-08-09, 05:03 AM
Kkharth turns Ced'sum into Not!Uranium.

The tectonic plates accelerate as the Earth gives off more heat and the magnetic fields become stronger. More auroras are seen, volcanic activity increases and the land steadily takes on more intricate forms.

The intensified magnetic fields from the transformed Ced'sum interacts with the atmosphere and the dwarf star, turning into vivid auroras that channeled energy while redirecting lightning onto the edges of overlapping translucent orbs of light. These create small metallic domes with intensified power at their center.

The more metallic comets and asteroids of the Uurt Cloud are more strongly drawn to the Earth, both somewhat deflected by the magnetic field and more drawn into by the intensified energies.

The injection of extra heat into the atmosphere and seas accelerates the ocean currents and winds, injecting more moisture into the atmosphere. More clouds form around the larger planet as storm activity intensifies, causing more ice to break off and snow to fall while intensifying wind activity. Admist the blizzards, many rings of warmth are created near the intensely-burning Ced'sum.

The Ced'sum and intensified tectonic plates create many geothermal vents and underwater volcanoes. In the center of the eye, a particularly large Ced'sum deposit burns through the crust, creating a glowing crimson eye with churning seas surrounding it.

The intensified magnetic field and auroras reflect the patterns of the stars, creating fleeting scenes of what was, is and could be.

Also, because of the Ced'sum and the new physics here, the ice caps kind of... exploded.

OOC: great post, but you technically cannot react to the creation of Ced'sum since it is an undetectable action. Actions are only detectable if they cost/gain more than 5AP, and the invest divinity action costs 5AP. You can be invited by the acting player to react to an undetectable action, so if Demonjazz is okay with this reaction then you can keep it.

Also I encourage you and canjowolf to join the game discord server, much easy to discuss things OOC there. If you don't want to or are unable to then that's fine, but let me know and I'll make an OOC thread on the GITP forums. Invite link is here: https://discord.gg/g3Ewyenv

Red Lenses
2022-08-10, 06:09 PM
Domains: Possession, Mountains
Action Points: 15 -> 10

Turn! Turn! Turn! Things are changing. Melem-Ur steers his chariot into a new orbit with the destruction of Earth’s glorified egg. Will this be the fate of all things? To be destroyed or corrupted or bullied by everyone else? It’s all fair game at the end of the day.

He burrows unseen into the rocky heart of his chariot. Melem-Ur excavates. He digs out the interior until it’s hollow, then he pulls on the strings of reality and weaves himself a demiplane - a cool place for him to relax and hoard his stuff.

As Melem-Ur’s chariot sails through space, he reaches out and snags three errant stars, pulling them into his new abode. You’ve got to start somewhere.

Reaction to the Storyteller: Melem-Ur has stolen three important stars from the Storyteller’s sidereal tapestry. Those who glimpse the future in the stars will never see the complete picture, and the details of getting there will often be vague - if they can be found at all.
Sepulcher of the Taker: Melem-Ur has carved a demiplane within his asteroid, giving him a space to house the things he plans on collecting. It will change its visage accordingly to house that which he comes by. For now, it is only a deep, black void that houses three of the Storyteller’s stars. [-5]

2022-08-10, 07:51 PM

Slowly, the bounding consciousness of space folded itself around this playground where the various other powers of existence were making their marks. A bright burning thumb spun eccentrically around a first world full of energy, and the shattered corpse of the second, made cold dead matter. There was an endearing lack of uniformity. Horizon decided to add to this diversity by grabbing bits of space from the the central planet and tying them to some of the remnants of the dead world. Dead world? It deserved a name. Horizon decided to think of it as Pondiruss, and the first world as Lishon.

Around the larger segments of Pondiruss, Horizon first folded space in on its self, so that the lumps of mass would be self contained. Then, Horizon tied together the hearts of these land masses with the heart of Lishon, to give them some heat and gravity. Though of course, many of the bits of Pondiruss were not spherical, so Horizon had to improvise with multiple carefully placed gates to give some of these landmasses a large flat mirrored plane of "down". To fill these rocks with more of the creations of the others, Horizon then tied in bits of sky and ocean, while coating the edges of water in the remolded Pondiruss with flexible shells of outer void to limit their interaction with the air. Whenever water burned on Pondiruss, it would attract the void to smother the flame. Horizon made sure that some of the ties went to areas inhabited with the new life, so that it could pass between Lishon and Pondiruss, though it would need to be durable to survive the change in physics. Around the edges of these encloses spaces, Horizon placed windows to the Thumb, which spun and twisted and rolled around the edge of the spatial bubbles, so that sometimes there would be light from the windows, and sometimes not. Some windows followed simple predictable patterns, and some followed intricate patterns, or patterns influenced by the wind or rain or other environmental factors.

Then Horizon linked many of the Pondiruss biomes together through woven space, so that thing might pass between them.

However, this was merely binding the creations of others. Horizon wanted to create something in the living world of Lishon. There was a limited amount of rain here, as it kept burning in the atmosphere. Horizon wanted something that would not turn its self back into a gas on the way down. To this end, sections of space in the sky were tied to portions of the heart of Lishon, spewing molten rock from the high pressure core to the low pressure clouds. To keep keep the world from bleeding to death, Horizon folded these sky doors in on themselves, allowing them to open like flowers and exude molten rock only when they passed another of their kind. Then Horizon set these windows free, to float upon the winds.

Action 1: Bridge portions of the first world to some of the bits of the 200x world to create biomes less hostile to life as we know it. The water can be accessed so long as it isn't burning so if any life there uses water maybe they can reach it with tubes or something.
Action 2: Cycle the molten core of the first world into the sky to act as a sort of rain. If the air of the world is close enough to the melting point of rock, maybe some of it will hit the ground as a liquid.

Edit: I tried the discord link, but it said that it was expired.

2022-08-13, 08:33 AM
Domains: Persistence and the Underground
Action Points: 15 -> 5

When Laton was first born it did not move. It stood still, trying to take in everything that was happening. On one side, was the growing creation. It watched as the first world was pulled from the void, and as each strange being began in turn to shape it. On the other side, was everything uncreated. Only one power seemed to stay outside creation, and Laton knew it could not be trusted. The growing world was temporary for, at some point, the seven fingered one would decide to enter it. Then everything would be ruined.

As Laton realized the state of affairs, it almost chose to ignore creation. Perhaps there was no point to dealing with something so temporary. But then it worried about itself as well. How could it make sure to survive the doom? It would be impossible with only its current strength, so Laton decided to look for a place where it could enter creation, and develop the means to avoid its fate. It waited a little longer, watching as the sun was made, and the moon, and the great world Earth. And then the great world was destroyed, and Laton could sense an opportunity. It would make a place to hide, and a place to store power.


The Earth looked around at the ruins of its first creation, baffled at the cataclysm it had witnessed. Everything gone in an instant. When suddenly, a strange new being arrived next to it.

“What’s wrong,” it paused searching for the best word to use, “great being?”

At what seemed to be light speed, Earth grabbed Laton’s rocky form. “DID YOU DO THIS” he screamed at the top of his rocky lungs.

Laton’s crystalline body glowed with a red light, “Do I look like I could do that? You must have seen it too, the monster that crashed through here. Do you think I look as hideous as that thing?”

Its voice seethed with hatred, but it stopped itself from going further, and the light faded as it calmed down. “No, no … I’m here to help you, great being.”

Earth let the crystal go. “You have my attention, little one.” earth said calmly. “This better not be a simple little beings dumb joke.”

“It’s simple, you are weakened, I am not. I can repair your world, in a way that will make sure it stays safe. In exchange, I just want a small piece of it, to do with as I please, do we have a deal.”

Earth looked at Laton with pure contempt for its small arrogance but it was in a tough position. “Fine little one, I agree with your plan.”

“The song of creation resounds,” Laton chanted as it changed to a brilliant golden color, “Let this choice be remembered forever.”

The golden light extended outwards and captured the scattered pieces of the destroyed world. The pieces surged towards the center point where the planet Earth used to be, rapidly smashing together, recombining, and compressing.

As the light faded, the rebuilt world could be seen. It was small. Very small. As small as the original planet. Dark, dusty, and cold. It sat lonely and boring, with its surface mostly shale stone. However, Laton had left its own touch on the object. A single small opening, at a random point on the planet, led to an utterly massive underground cave. This was Laton’s fee for its work.

Earth stared at this puny microscopic world that was now smaller than him. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” he yelled and so much rage it shook both worlds.

Laton did not buckle at this, but explained its sentiment calmly. “I did what I promised. Your old world was too big, too obvious. It made the others jealous of your power, and became a target. It had to be smaller, to discourage more attacks.” It thought quickly and tried to use this anger. “After all, great being, don’t you want revenge on the one that destroyed your old world?”

“YES!” Earth yelled out. “I will make them pay for their arrogance, I will show all of them pain!”

“Then you must survive long enough to do it,” Laton replied, “You can’t afford for everything you do to be destroyed constantly. You have to be willing to wait, to build up power. If you can build up your defenses, then you can weather their attacks, and if you maintain your strength, then you can strike them when they become weak.”

Laton’s voice surged with confidence, “Through patience, and improvement, you will outlive them all. And the one who survives is the TRUE VICTOR!” It chanted in a moment of joy and assuredness.

“In just a few ages, the doom will come for us all. I plan to survive as long as I can, to fight until the bitter end. Will you be ready for that fight, great being?”

“I’ll crush this doom along with all the little ones that defy me.” Earth yelled out. “Like the dumb fish!”

“That’s the spirit.”


As Earth left, Laton retreated to the cave it built. The great crystal sank into the water falling to the bottom of the sea. The sea protected Laton, and the cavern protected the sea, and the world protected the cavern. However, Laton knew these defenses were not enough to face the doom. So Laton glowed with a blue light, and projected an image that would forever be burnt into the water.

Here Laton could stay safe and ignored.
Here Laton could spy on the first world and mark its history.
Here Laton could make a plan to prevent fate.

This was the sealed world of Turadum, where Laton felt it could do anything.

Help -10 AP: to undo the Fish’s Hinder

Laton rebuilds the old world, in miniature, compressing it to be the same size as the first world. It is still far from the first world, leaving it entirely cold and bereft of light since very little of the sun’s radiation can reach it. The only change to the composition of the world is the creation of the great cavern, Turadum, and the great sea within that cavern. Connected to the surface only by a small tunnel and opening, Turadum is sealed off, and the waters lie warm and stagnant. It is entirely mundane, except that at some times, the image of the first world can be seen in the waters. But for now, there is no light to see the image, and now one to see it but Laton. Turadum is geologically stable.

2022-08-13, 11:54 AM
Domains: Change, Land
Action Points: 5

Haspet watched with joy as the other gods warped and changed its creation, laughing at how fast the earth moved now and watching with wonder as water flowed, ice floated, lightning struck, volcanoes raged and the surface itself was changed. This was good.

Still, as it watched the world take shape, Haspet couldn't help but feel like there were things that could be changed. The ice, for instance. While most of it was good, melting and falling and freezing and rising in a quite entertaining way, some of it didn't, hanging around up there when the sun was too far away and it was too cold to melt. That wasn't fun. Easily solved. It just had to make things so that they couldn't stay up there too long. As it watches the first chunks of ice splinter and fall to the ground, Haspet is happy with its work. It was quite a nice thing to watch.

The sight of lightning hitting spires of metal was also quite enthralling to the god, but before long it again felt a little unsatisfied. Sure, the lightning kept hitting them and feeling the heat and energy from those strikes was fun, but it was a little...static. Unchanging. That wasn't fun. What if the lightning left a real impact after it left, changing the spires more deeply. Yes. That'd be fun. It'd give some more variety to what was in the earth too, which was a side effect Haspet was quite happy about.

Eventually Haspet again looks away from the planet to the rest of creation, and notices there was more there than before. The creation and destruction of the Earth had gone broadly unnoticed, and the new planet made from it was far enough away to not get its attention yet, but the sight of stars and asteroids catches its attention. The stars were interesting, and watching them move was fascinating, but Haspet quickly noticed the gaps. Something was missing here, wasn't it? No matter, that could be fixed. Watching the stars and how they move, the god puts together three copies and puts them in place, nodding to itself as it watches them move. The fact that they aren't moving in the exact same way as the originals, or the way they stand out, doesn't bother Haspet - it does notice the effect they're having on the stories the stars tell, but finds that quite interesting in its own way. More so than just always giving the same answer all the time, anyway.

Finally, the cloud of comets and asteroids out in space caught its attention. Moving over for a closer look, Haspet instantly feels what is going on with the ore inside them. The potential for change they radiated out felt good, but it could be more. Grabbing a large asteroid rich in the ore, Haspet brings it back to the planet it made and gently sets it down to get a better look. Soon, it understood the nature of the radiation it emitted, and changed that to have a greater effect, happily watching the ground around the asteroid shift and change. There wasn't any life around for the ore to change, so Haspet would just make it so it changed the world too.

Reaction to Ylinu: Haspet makes it so that the floating ice, once it reaches a certain height in the sky, inverts its bouyancy and falls to the ground as hail - sometimes quite a lot of it, depending on how large the ice chunks that reached the threshold were. It's not a permanent change, though, and before long the fallen ice will begin to rise again. The threshold of this effect is high enough that in normal temperates, most ice will have melted, making this event usually occur in the poles or in particularly cold times elsewhere.

Reaction to Aahtaa: Enjoying the attraction between lightning and many metals and minerals in the planet, Haspet makes it so that the lightning has a changing effect on those materials, slightly altering and changing its properties in various ways - metal retrieved from one of the frequently-hit spires may be lighter or heavier, stronger or weaker, and exhibit various other changes depending on chance and the effects of various lightning impacts over the centuries, and in the future clever smiths may seek to take advantage of this by selecting the best naturally altered metals for their projects or exposing their raw materials to lightning in the hope that it leads to the metal gaining properties they like.

Reaction to Cranom: Haspet expands the scope of the Uurt Ore's mutagenic radiation, allowing it to alter the land around it to some degree. Small metoerites will have a correspondingly small effect, making them easier to find and leaving oddities and interesting features around their landing point, while larger chunks left unclaimed for some time may have a much more noticeable effect on the landscape. The asteroid that Haspet brings onto the planet's surface definitely falls into the latter category, the god happily watching it warp the landscape around it. Needless to say, if an extinction-level asteroid ended up hitting the planet, the effects would be quite widespread.

Reaction to The Storyteller: Haspet replaces the stars stolen by Melum-Ur with ones of its own creation, the False Stars - obviously not one of the Storyteller's creation, changing in colour and brightness as the years pass and they travel with the rest. Using them, one is capable of learning as much about the future as the Storyteller intended, but with one issue - each of the three stars moves in a way that, taken with the rest of the stars, tells one story, but none of the three stories can coexist. The False Stars thus present three potential futures to the astrologer, each of which could happen but may also not. Haspet enjoys the idea of offering that choice to the astrologer, and seeing how they try to change themselves and the world around them to make their preferred path more likely to happen. Naturally, an astrologer can also omit the False Stars from their readings if they'd rather the definite but vague and incomplete readings they'd otherwise get.

2022-08-14, 10:18 AM
Kkharth turns Ced'sum into Not!Uranium.

The tectonic plates accelerate as the Earth gives off more heat and the magnetic fields become stronger. More auroras are seen, volcanic activity increases and the land steadily takes on more intricate forms.

The intensified magnetic fields from the transformed Ced'sum interacts with the atmosphere and the dwarf star, turning into vivid auroras that channeled energy while redirecting lightning onto the edges of overlapping translucent orbs of light. These create small metallic domes with intensified power at their center.

The more metallic comets and asteroids of the Uurt Cloud are more strongly drawn to the Earth, both somewhat deflected by the magnetic field and more drawn into by the intensified energies.

The injection of extra heat into the atmosphere and seas accelerates the ocean currents and winds, injecting more moisture into the atmosphere. More clouds form around the larger planet as storm activity intensifies, causing more ice to break off and snow to fall while intensifying wind activity. Admist the blizzards, many rings of warmth are created near the intensely-burning Ced'sum.

The Ced'sum and intensified tectonic plates create many geothermal vents and underwater volcanoes. In the center of the eye, a particularly large Ced'sum deposit burns through the crust, creating a glowing crimson eye with churning seas surrounding it.

The intensified magnetic field and auroras reflect the patterns of the stars, creating fleeting scenes of what was, is and could be.

Also, because of the Ced'sum and the new physics here, the ice caps kind of... exploded.

Hi, just so you know I've set the deadline for this age to be the 19th. After that I'll resolve everyone's actions and start the next age. If you're still taking part in the game then let me know, because I want to make sure your action is done properly (see my previous reply post). If not then I'll disregard it, which will be a shame because it's very well written.

Also the other discord invites expired so here's a new one: https://discord.gg/8t6RRP6P

2022-08-18, 03:24 PM
Domains: Communing, Stars
Action Points: 5

The Storyteller hummed to herself as she stroked the blazing surface of the sun, before turning around and looking out over creation. It was a good-looking world, she thought, but oh so quiet.

No, no quite quiet, she corrected herself. There was noise, but no words, no music, no stories.

She turned back towards the sun and put her not exactly existing ear against it, listening to the fires within it and reaching for a melody within the roaring noise. It was like finding a pebble within a mountain, but eventually she was able to yank a melody out.

Holding onto it tight, she traveled to the very first world that had been created and sat down on its surface. At first, she heard the flowing magma pushing its way beneath the surface, cracking it in places.

No, that was not the right sound for the song. There was something beneath it, the ground itself was moving, crashing into itself with a thunderous — if very, veeeeery slow — base. She gently placed the crushing base next to the melody and traveled onward.

Before long, she was staring into the enormous blue eye of the red moon. At first there was only silence and the sound of slowly moving water, but the Storyteller could soon here something more, the sparkling of raw, untapped energy within the moon itself. It fit perfectly next to the others.

The light of the sun could barely reach the next world she visited, the cold darkness was only broken here and there by the rivers of lava that was cutting across the planet like veins of fire. Once more she dismissed the melody of floating fire. Instead, she listened to the dark sea beneath the ground and added the gentle rhythm of the waves to her collection.

She could feel the melody, the base, the spark and the rhythm throb in her hand. Almost done.

Finally, she reached the whirling cloud even further into the darkness. The gleaning rocks made little sound as they streaked through the darkness but as the Storyteller listened further along the fourth dimension she could hear the beat of the rocks occasionally smashing into each other, building to some hypothetical far future planet-shattering climax.

She kneaded the beat of cloud into the melody of the sun, the base of the first world, the sparkling of the moon and the rhythm of the broken world and held the lump of music up to her ear. Yes, this would do.

The Storyteller opened her hand and let the Song of the Worlds wash over creation.

Okay, so that got very metaphysical (metamythical?) but the short version is basically that the Song of the Worlds is a kind of background music for the universe, for those who can hear it either because of their nature or through training (and let's assume they can decide not to, so it doesn't get annoying). Aside from being beautiful, it can also impart information about the celestial objects in the “orchestra” to the listener (this too is set up for later, so more details to follow in some future action).

Oh, and if gods having four dimensional hearing isn't okay, we'll just assume it's her poetic way of describing waiting around for a really long time. :smallwink:

2022-08-19, 01:25 AM
The Monarch
Our Lord and Lady
Domains: Order and Heavens
AP: 15 -5 = 10

The Monarch observed the creation process upon a mountain top of the first world holding one another's hand in silence; the Lord’s form indistinguishable from the black sky that was his cloak, illuminated when the sun and moon were gone by the Lady’s fourteen sided crown. The gods played and the time for the Monarch to act in earnest was fast approaching, but for the time being something caught the god’s attention.

Gazing behind him for a brief moment the Lord noticed that his stainless cloak was being tampered with, small blotches of light haphazardly being strewn across it as well as clouds of ugly dust. Fury and anger at this embarrassment flooded the Monarch at the first insult in its existence, but even as the Lord’s chilling gaze began to crack the earth beneath them the Lady extended a hand to his shoulder and with the other began to wipe away the false light in one fluid motion (leaving behind the stars and Uurt Cloud). Thus calming themselves down, the Monarch had a moment of inspiration.

Firstly the Monarch invested in their avatar the divine right to rule, acknowledged by the night sky as it shimmered with excitement and the sun with a giggle. Thus granting the pair a small sliver of autonomy to carry out tasks when the Monarch was unavailable, it looked to begin its works upon the foundations of the world.

A singular pair made by the Monarch to act as its avatar in the material world, this demi-god like its creator is a singular entity expressed in multiple personas at the same time; namely the Lord and Lady.

Both are powerful entities that embody the concepts of day (the Lady with her fourteen sided crown that holds the sun as a jewel) and night (the Lord who’s cloak is the night sky). They seek to impose order on the worlds, be it through understanding the seemingly chaotic or bending the world to suit their worldview.

The pair have some personality to them. The Lord is cold and controlling, believing in a set destiny and using his power to warp both life (eventually) and the material worlds to bring about what he thinks should happen. Meanwhile the Lady is warm and leans more on the idea of individual decision leading the way to a more ordered existence, her mystical light helps all things grow (though that matters little in the first age).

Then the Monarch brought its attention to the lands forged by the gods and said through the voice of the Lord “All ye lands beneath the heavens shall hold the sacred eight sided shape to bless the world with order; let this be my gift and proclamation to you.”

The worlds bowed in respect, complying with the order immediately, drawing lines upon themselves as to grace their forms with the Monarch’s favored symbol to organize what lay upon them.

The worlds are organized into hexagonal prisms, gravity appearing to sharply change direction at the edges. Upon each side are hexagons that make up the tectonic places of the space; though the lines are typically invisible (only glowing under a full moon, or shining during an eclipse) each hexagon separates the climate and atmospheric conditions from adjacent hexes, sometimes dramatically sometimes only partially. These hexagons extend underground, but not into oceans. (Basically hexographor is a closer representation to how things look than in most games)

The biomes above the first world are turned into hexagonal prisms, with hexagon shaped water tubes connecting them with each other and the world below.

Giving a pleased nod at the obedient celestial objects the Monarch looked up to the ice and biomes above scattered about chaotically. “No, this will not do.” the Lady’s voice said “Come, organize yourselves properly like your seniors. Return onto the world that which you take.”

The great ice caps free of gravity cracked and moaned, resisting for a moment before complying to the god’s request. The biomes were compliant, silently rearranging themselves.

Floating ice tends to stay inside hexagons, passing between them quickly when they do move between them. As time passes by the largest icebergs will float up and join the biomes above (possibly above the second world), turning into liquid and through arcane physics gain landmass inside of them.

Biomes that exist above the world(s) are turned into hexagonal prisms, with each one having at least a connection to the world below. While these water tubes are stable through arcane physics, they very slowly (over the course of three thousand years) shrink as the water falls to the earth below slowly. This process is just fast enough to keep the number of biomes stable with the newly created ones from icebergs, and gives a great many slow waterfalls falling down onto the world below.

As these works unfolded thunder roared and smeared the world with erratic change to what the thunderer had designed. No… it took a moment but the Monarch noticed the pattern, how the metal changed because of what factors. It was beautiful; a process that the Monarch immediately ordered the earth and stone to forevermore replicate.

Thunder and excessive amounts of electricity can turn earth and stone into metal, and turn metal back into earth and stone if rusted or broken down too much. The metal created is dependent on its base material, but covers all mundane RL earth material.

Once in a hundred years a mighty boom will shake an entire hex as a new spire of metal is made. This process occurs independently on both worlds and the biomes.

Having the worldly objects set into proper place the Monarch looked back upon the Lord’s cloak to arrange some of the more persistent marks. The Lady clutched it tight as she began her work upon it, only lightly tampering what was already done but beautifying it for all to see.

The Uurt Cloud has its lights reflect a slightly yellow hue down upon the world, just distinguishable from the stars beyond. Furthermore their orbits are stabilized somewhat, having the falling asteroids arrive on each planet once a year with each one shrinking considerably; the once extinction level event asteroids becoming only continent devastating.

The stars gain a few shining silver additions, the Mandated Eight which shine various hues and intensity in such a way as to help orderly astrologers learn about the past.

Lastly the two celestial objects that orbited the first world came to the attention of the Monarch. The work of the other gods already had the pair dancing brilliantly, yet the jewel in the Lady’s crown shone with less purpose than the moon; which felt off to the god. Thus did the Monarch have the Lord shine the sun with his cloak till its unseen light was a bit more brilliant; then brushed aside the moon a bit away from the world so as to not disturb it.

The sun gives off its own mystical energy which can be utilized in further ages. The moon is pushed back to a safe(r) distance so the tides are not made too extreme.

2022-08-19, 01:25 PM
Nathrack begins to shape the land. Magnificent rivers spring forth out of the ground in one small corner of the world down below. The magical rivers are made of a weird, mystical water. Eventually they all lead to the same lake which could be compared to the Great Lakes in Earth's Michigan State, in America.

Nathrack creates a magical Lake in a small corner of the world. The magical waters could be used to sustain life and heal.

2022-08-19, 01:37 PM
Laton reaches into the space between the planets and steals one of the stones that makes up Pondiruss, one that is connected to Lishon. It takes the stone, and transfers it to a special protected spot in Turadum, thus creating a single connection within the sealed world to the first world. Laton tweaks the portal just a little, so that a strong living will can block off the connection, but only from within Turadum itself.

2022-08-20, 03:12 PM
Age 1: Land resolution

In the tumultuous moments following the banishment of nothing, an entire cosmos came into being. The details of this cosmos - the setting of all future creation - is described below.

- The focal point of the gods' first great creation, and the first planet in existence, Lishon acts as the centre of the gods' created universe, with everything else orbiting around it.
- Tectonic plates form a crust over a molten core. The movements of these plates are supercharged by fire and chaos, leading to great volcanism and a rapidly changing landscape (50m shift per year). But where the land is exposed from the oceans, the plates will tend to align into a hexagonal grid through the forces of order, each plate containing a microclimate.
- Separate to any tectonic activity, one part of the world will always exists as an impossibly tall plateau surrounded by mountains. This land would come to be known as the Handle of Lishon.
- Great oceans cover approximately 70% of the planet's surface. As stated above, the tectonic plates beneath these oceans are unrestrained from any sort of hexagonal grid, making them even more prone to volcanic activity. This makes tsunamis a common occurrence, I imagine.
- Metal spires dot the planet's surface, acting as attractors for lightning during thunder storms. Lightning strikes have transmutative properties, able to change the composition of these metal spires or create more spires from normal earth.
- Lishon's poles are both magically frozen over regardless of tectonic conditions, with its ice behaving in an unusual manner. Sufficiently large chunks of ice will separate from the ground and drift into the sky. In this special state, ice becomes a volatile substance that can react explosively to fire, but if this doesn't happen it will eventually melt and fall back to the ground as rain. Note, only ice that is formed at the poles will float, and only floating ice will explode. I am ruling it this way so that the planet doesn't end up as a perpetual explosion.
- When Earth is at its zenith in the sky above Lishon, that spot will tend to experience greater thunderstorm activity.
- At random, far dispersed points in the sky around Lishon, Horizon portals link to the core of Lishon, causing lava to spew like rain.
- The Hallowed Flow of Bupkiss is a sandstone valley with a river of lava flowing through it. It is the hottest place on Lishon, and generates a substance called ced'sum, the naturally hottest material on the planet.
- The Magical Lakes occupy a small corner of Lishon, fed by strange magical rivers that would come to be known for their healing properties.
- The Lord and Lady, the demi-god of the nychthemeron, live on Lishon. There they supervising the chaotic day-night cycle to make sure it continues to follow its long-term ordered cycle.

The Thumb
- A small but bright and hot white dwarf star, which orbits Lishon in an irregular pattern. Instead of revolving in a circle or ellipse, it follows a figure of 8 pattern, orbiting the northern hemisphere once before crossing the equator to orbit the southern hemisphere. The crossing point is where the thumb gets closest to the planet, causing the equator to be banded into hexagonal areas of scorching heat and near constant daylight where the thumb regularly crosses, and hexagonal areas of cold darkness where the thumb only ever appears low on the horizon and far away. The poles have very steady temperatures with normal, regular day lengths.
- Despite the irregular orbit, over long spans of time the thumb does follow a fixed and therefore predictable pattern. This pattern lasts (and defines) a year, fitting 365 Lishon rotations. As a result of this pattern, there are some parts of the planet that may experience seasonal variation in temperature, mostly at the equator in specific hexagons. The poles have no seasons, and are therefore always cold.
- Every 17 years, the thumb experiences a strong technicolour solar flare that bursts out from its surface and off into space. This can cause spontaneous combustion in anything too close.
- The thumb contains an as-of-yet untapped wellspring of magical power.

The Moon
- A glowing red moon orbits Lishon (in a regular fashion).
- The moon has an as-of-yet untapped wellspring of magical power.
- The moon also has a more literal wellspring of water on one face, causing it to appear like a large eye in the sky over Lishon. It also implies that the moon has some kind of atmosphere, so that's fun.
- The moon's regular orbit is synched up with the thumb's irregular orbit, making it easier to track years using a lunar calendar.

Little Earth
- Legend tells that Earth was created to belittle the first planet, Lishon. It was two hundred times the size of Lishon, and briefly became the centre of the universe as its gravity pulled the entire creation system into its orbit. But then it was smashed to pieces as disaster struck (literally), and from the debris cloud a much smaller planet formed, the same size as Lishon. This is Earth as it exists today.
- Earth orbits Lishon at a great distance, far further out than the thumb and moon, but not nearly as far as the distant Uurt cloud. This means that Earth is a fairly dark and cold planet, but its day-night cycle is much more regular than on Lishon since the irregularity of the thumb's motion has no effect on a distant object like Little Earth.
- Earth has a similar surface structure to Lishon, with a hexagonal tectonic grid covering its crust. However all effects are lessened compared to Lishon; the plates move slower, the volcanism more sedate, the ice doesn't float or explode, and lightning strikes normally.
- Instead, Earth is internally riddled with caves and tunnels. The largest cavern is called Turadum, which contains a lightless ocean and a magical Horizon portal to Lishon.

The Pondiruss Belt
- The remaining debris from Earth's cataclysm formed into a strange, diffuse group of drifting asteroids, each with Horizon portals linking to different parts of Lishon. Since water and atmosphere can move through the portals, the Pondiruss asteroids are usually habitable.
- Most of these asteroids are found in a wide belt around Lishon, at a similar distance to Little Earth. However, there are still many that have more unusual orbits as a result of the violence of old Earth's destruction. They can reasonably be found anywhere, including impacted onto other celestial objects. One has already made it into Turadum, which is why there is a portal there linked to Lishon.
- If a Lishon floating iceberg manages to escape Lishon's gravity without first melting or exploding (which usually requires an especially large iceberg to achieve) then it may become a temporary part of the Pondiruss Belt. However instead of being linked to Lishon by a Horizon portal, it will be linked by a slowly flowing hexagonal column of water. This water will flow until the iceberg is completely melted and no longer occupies outer space.

The Uurt Cloud
- A spherical cloud of bright rocks drift sporadically at a great distance away from Lishon, appearing as countless little lights in the night sky.
- Occasionally Uurt cloud debris will drift into the creation system, and sometimes these break-aways will collide with objects inside the creation system. Uurt meteorites can cause varying levels of destruction on impact, up to rare continent-destroying sized rocks, but each meteorite also leaves behind a substance called Uurt ore. This ore can be refined into an exceptionally light and strong metal, but it also has the side-effect of being incredibly mutagenic to nearby life and landscape.
- One particular cluster of three Uurt rocks orbits Lishon in a more regular, non-destructive pattern. This celestial object is known as the Taker's Chariot, and is visible on Lishon every 40 years.

The Stars
- Even further back from Lishon than even the Uurt cloud, the stars glow and dance through space.
- In time, mortals may be able to read the movements of the stars to predict the future and recall the past.
- The False Stars are three particular colour-shifting stars that have a special place in the celestial dance, as they split the future narrative into three possibilities.
- The Mandated Eight are eight particular colour-shifting stars that have a dominant role in reading past events.
- In addition to the dance of the stars, a sensory effect known as the Song of the Worlds permeates every location in the creation system. Beings that can detect the Song can use it to sense the current happenings around the creation system supernaturally.

Below I have reposted the rules for convenience.

In this game, each player controls a god who may create and interact with the game world in collaboration with the other players. The game is divided into seven ages (turns) which last for in-game time lengths ranging from generations to millennia. Each age the gods may take actions to alter the game world, following the rules for actions.

There are three kinds of actions; creation actions, influence actions, and reactions. They use a resource called action points (AP) that each gods possesses in limited supply. Some actions require spending AP, and some gain AP (each age players will also receive a small AP increase, like passing Go in Monopoly).

To maintain game balance, some actions may be resolved by the GM instead of simply occurring as stated by the player, but ideally this will be an uncommon practice. Usually actions will be resolved as soon as they are posted, but in the case of conflicting narratives they may be resolved at the end of the age.

Additionally, some actions can directly affect other players in a negative way, so there are mechanics in place for players to counter other players' actions, causing them to fail (see the description for reactions). This is encouraged, as I believe that it make the game more interesting.

The three kinds of actions are described in more detail in the next section.

Creation actions: each age will introduce an opportunity for players to jointly contribute to the creation of the setting. These are powerful, pervasive actions, but they must conform to the given age's theme.
For example, the first age will allow players to create the primordial land in which the rest of the game takes place. As we go, the age themes will change in a logical progression. If Age 1 is the land, then Age 2 might be life, and so on. It costs 10 AP to perform a creation action, and each player can only do one per age. All creation actions are detectable by other players.

Influence actions: smaller scale actions that interact with things already present in the world, used to expand your god's religion and power. The list of possible actions and their AP cost/gain is given below (note that each god may do one of each action per age, and actions that cost/gain more than 5AP are detectable to other players):
- Inspire mortals: do something that expands your god's religion. AP cost = order of magnitude of affected mortals (1AP for up to 10 mortals, 2AP for up to 100 mortals, etc)
- Destroy mortals: have your god and their followers sacrifice or conquer another group of mortals. AP gain = order of magnitude of affected mortals if successful (1AP for up to 10 mortals, 2AP for up to 100 mortals, etc)
- Invest divinity: create a hallowed place, a divine relic, or a demigod. When making an action that uses this place/thing/person in the future, reduce the cost by 1AP, or increase the gain by 1AP. This may be used by other gods if the divine investment takes part in a help from your god. Costs 5AP.
- Destroy divinity: destroy a hallowed place, divine relic, or demigod. Costs 10AP - the amount the divine investment has saved its creator.

Reactions: when another player performs a detectable creation or influence action, your god may contribute to the outcome. These can either be a help or a hinder.
A help can be used to add details to the action that align with your god's goals/nature, adding variety and interconnectedness to the setting. Usually it costs/gains no AP to help, unless the help is being used to counter a hinder, in which case it costs however much AP the player would like to contribute to restoring the action (see example at end).
A hinder can be used to prevent another god's action from succeeding (to be used mainly against destroy mortals/destroy divinity actions that target you or an ally). Doing this costs AP equal to the AP cost/gain of the action being hindered. Note that if a player loses AP as a result of being hindered, but has already spent the AP on another action, they may end up with negative AP. A hinder can be undone if the other gods use help reactions to contribute AP equal to the original cost/gain (see example below).
An example for hinders and restoring helps: if an action costs 10AP and the hinder cost 10AP, the rest of the gods may spend 10AP to restore the action. Multiple gods may contribute AP up to the target amount.
Note that there is no limit to the number of reactions a god can do each age.

[B]Player Name:
Garjel_blah (0)
Darth (1)
Demonjazz (2)
Eurus (3)
Fleem Q Swipes (4)
Alexander (5)
Volthawk (6)
Darkstorm (7)
Red Lenses (8)
The JoJo (9)
flyinglemur (10)
Godzillarich (11)
Batcathat (12)
canjowolf (13)
+5 Vorpal Bunny (14)


Character Name:
Seven-fingered Doom
Cedrum Lantana
The Monarch
The Storyteller


Abstract Domain:


Land Domain:
Outer Space


Life Domain:


Action Points:


Religion Rating:



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Age 2: Life

The canvas was set. A cosmic clock had been wound, and its hands ticked away in a complex celestial dance. But for whom did it count the seconds?

The gods were as of yet alone in this universe they created. Now had come the time for them to give meaning to the creation. Life - mortal, fragile, wondrous life. What sort of life would the gods create in this new world of theirs?

Life is the theme of this age. Creation actions will focus on creating the plants, animals, ecology, and - most importantly - stone age sentient beings that inhabit the setting. Sentient beings will count as the first mortals in this game, meaning that once sentient life exists, players may also begin to perform influence actions (you may do that during this age). I encourage people to not neglect regular life in favour of their sentient life, ideally your creation action will generate an entire ecosystem with sentient beings as the top of the food chain. New domains will be Life related, such as biomes, specific animal or plant types, behaviours, natural processes.

If you do not get to create a sentient being this age then don't worry, there will be an opportunity next age, the age of Legend. You may also do small Land themed creations this age if you wish, such as rivers, swamps, and other geographical features that relate closely to life.

What to do this age:
- Domains: all gods must take a third domain related to Life.
- Creation actions: all gods may spend 10AP to create Life.
- Influence actions: as soon as mortals are created, inspire and destroy mortals actions will become possible and can be performed this age, in addition to invest or destroy divinity.
- Reactions: react to as many other players' actions as you like, but remember that you may only do this if the action spends over 5AP.

Bear in mind:
- You will all regenerate at least 7AP next age, but once mortals become available you will be able to increase your AP regeneration rate by improving your god's religion rating.
- Gods who have divine investments may use them to reduce the cost of their actions, or other actions that they react to. I encourage you all to check the rules for this, as they're a little bit complex.
- There will be some opportunity to add more Life features next age, if for some reason you don't get the chance this age.

Now let's make some life! May it live long and prosper.


The Seven-Fingered Doom lowers a second finger.

Fleem Q Swipes
2022-08-20, 11:36 PM
Thannalon, the Lurking Disruption

Domains: Disaster and Water

AP: 12 --> 7

The echos of the gods reverberated throughout creation. The songs of the Storyteller, the tinkerings of the Monarch, the simmering of Earth, and more. Thannalon's slumber within planet Lishon's fiery depths grew uneasy. It bumped the side of Its chamber, causing the surface above to shake violently. Rifts tore open, spewing superheated steam and volcanic gases. Broken basaltic spires thrust into the sky.

Down in the below, the great catfish drew together It's discontent and botheration, spitting it all out in a torrential discharge of oily slime. Now it was someone else's problem. Thannalon returned to sleep.

The mass of stuff removed itself to the above ground, bubbling out from a fissure like a peculiar sort of magma. The thing took the form of a ball of green gel. It had a will. And its name was Misery. And it was quite upset.

Thannalon creates the demigod Misery to deal with the troublesome things like thinking and communication. Thannalon does not control Misery, but Misery does understand the fish's mind and will speak for It when called upon. Misery also has the ability to change its form and can command powerful destructive energies, should it ever decide to quit moping.

The JoJo
2022-08-22, 12:56 PM
Domains: Chaos, Outer Space
Action Points: 12

Cranom watched with delight as the nascent solar system came into being, exploding ice and all. To his disappointment, though, none of the other deities seemed to want to play with him. He pouted, wondering what else he could do in this new world. Maybe, he thought, he could make his own friends instead.

He reached down with a cosmic hand to grasp a handful of mud from the edge of a volcanic lake on Lishon, beginning to carve it into a shape a bit like the Monarch. His recollection of the finer details wasn't perfect and so he ended up with something that had a much more bulbous head and slender, floppy legs, without much of a torso at all. That, he could live with. Finally, he added even more legs on until there was barely any room left on its underside. The more legs, he decided, the better.

Cranom creates the teuthons, a cephalopod-like class of creatures. Teuthons are a diverse group originating on the planet Lithon, with species living in the seas, on land and even in the air. Despite this, they generally share the following traits:

Seven tentacles, each with its own mini-brain that allows the tentacle to move semi-autonomously. In some species, the majority of the tentacles have atrophied, leaving two main arms and five supporting feelers.

Adaptable digestive systems, able to feed on a wide range of food sources. When given the option, though, most species prefer to predate on other animals -- or each other.

Mind-to-mind psychic abilities, used to communicate and influence the minds of other creatures. The majority of species use these powers to hide from predators or to conceal themselves from potential prey, but some have found more exotic uses. The young of a handful of species, for example, will use these abilities on the adults of other species to persuade them that they are their own offspring and then to work to exhaustion feeding the voracious appetite of the young teuthon.

There are four main groups of teuthons:

Belamorphs or shelled teuthons: Small, shelled teuthons that originate in the oceans of Lithon. Conical and straight shells are the two most common shapes found. The largest grow up to a metre in a size, but most are much smaller. Their psychic abilities are only crudely developed. Some belamorph species are also found in the Moon's ocean and in the Pondiruss Belt, having accidentally found their way through portals.

-Krakenites or giant teuthons: Also exclusive to the ocean, krakenites are huge, shell less teuthons. They come in two main types -- smaller species that grow up to 30m in length and retain long, grasping tentacles, and larger species which can exceed 100m in total and live primarily by filter-feeding through their enormous mouths, their tentacles reduced to feelers used for picking out food. Larger specimens still are found on the Moon, the lower gravity allowing some lunar krakenites to reach a quarter of a kilometre from end-to-end.

Terrestripods or land teuthons: Living on the continents of Lithon, terrestripods are shell less teuthons, most of whom range from about 0.5m to 2m in length. Smaller species resemble belamorphs with a full seven equal-sized tentacles, albeit without the shell, while larger species tend to walk upon two muscular tentacles, with the other five used for grasping prey. Terrestripods have the most developed psychic abilities of any teuthons.

Avesimorphs or flying teuthons: Even the skies of Lithon are not safe from the reach of the teuthons. Avesimorphs have two tentacles that have adapted to become broad, flat wings, allowing them to fly high above the ground, while their remaining five tentacles hang below them, ready to snatch up unsuspecting prey. Their psychic abilities mean that many victims will not be aware of the avesimorph's presence until they have already been grabbed from above.

Sentients - Archteuthons:

A species of bipedal terrestripod has emerged on Lithon that lives in small groups of about a hundred individuals, having learned to control fire and build basic stone tools. There are even some northern tribes who have harnessed the explosive power of the arctic ice to hunt larger prey. Known as the archteuthons, these beings communicate complex thoughts directly mind-to-mind, allowing them to hunt as a group without ever making a sound aloud. Archteuthons form intimately close bonds with their fellow tribemembers and are generally suspicious of outsiders, not being able to read their thoughts anywhere near as closely as those they have spent their entire lives with.

Like many terrestripods, archteuthons die shortly after mating for the first time. The act of reproduction therefore holds a meaning for them far beyond what other mortal species could comprehend, with most tribes picking a single male and female each year to undergo the special ceremony -- often those who are fit and healthy, but somewhat past their prime. It is widely considered to be a great honour. Thereafter, the new generation of hatchlings are raised by the community as a whole.

2022-08-22, 03:35 PM
Domains: Darkness, Ice, Prey
Action Points: 12

A complex dance of celestial objects forms in the world, and Ylinu watches from the darkness with awe. It stares from the shadows behind asteroids, watching Lishon shift and ripple on its tectonic plates, deadly but mesmerizing. It wanders through the caverns of Earth, admiring the colder, slower planet. And it stands at the deepest, darkest part of the sea, enjoying the sensation of thousands of pounds of water pressing on it from all sides. And it's down there, basking in the blackness and dodging geothermal vents, that Ylinu sees life appear.

The teuthons are... strange. More than crude matter, less than gods. Ylinu loves them almost immediately, although it keeps its admiration from a distance, still too skittish to approach. They probably can't hurt a god, but who knows for certain...? Still, there's so much to observe, and Ylinu watches every single one of them simultaneously with fascination.

Then, thirty-one seconds after their creation -- is that a long time? Ylinu isn't sure -- it sees one die. A bigger creature, one of the shell-less ones in the ocean, casually devours a smaller one. A flicker of pity goes through the cowardly god at the shocking sight... they're so fragile, these creatures. A few more moments of observation proves that this isn't an isolated incident; they devour each other, driven by some cruel necessity.

Ylinu doesn't question that necessity overmuch. It's the nature of water to extinguish fire, the nature of light to dispel darkness. Danger and destruction are baked into the universe at a fundamental level, there's no sense in resenting things for acting in their nature. But it does feel something, and without quite consciously thinking about it, Ylinu's power creeps subtly into the creatures, giving them a trickle of sustenance. The larger creatures likely don't even notice, but for the smaller ones, it might be a lifesaver. Anything more obvious might attract the attention of others... Ylinu isn't sure who, exactly, but attention is never good.

Ylinu adjusts the food chain, giving some squids the ability to feed on darkness itself, like a sort of shadow photosynthesis. This isn't a very efficient way to generate energy, even in totally dark places, but squids that are very small or very sedentary can survive on it. Larger creatures, of course, can concentrate this energy by eating large amounts of smaller creatures, just like in real life; so in trying to help, Ylinu has merely reinforced the food chain.

2022-08-23, 04:07 PM
The crystal and the first mortals:

The Burning-Ice tribe gathered around the chosen pair, tentacles raised in a silent gesture of thanks. They didn't need to speak, as their minds were already abuzz with pride, grief and every emotion in between. The act, when it took place, was brief and the couple parted, their bodies already beginning to fail them. The male archteuthon limped away with the help of his companions, tentacles raised in a final gesture of defiance.

A strange Archteuthon, unfamiliar to the tribe, approached as the ceremony ended. Her skin was blue, hard like stone and jagged like crystal, and she walked on all seven tentacles like an animal would. She spoke to their minds, and they could hear her clearly, but she felt strange. They could tell she was part of something larger, like a single tentacle of a much greater teuthon.

"Two die, so that the pattern of your species can survive. One thing goes, another is created. The sacrifice is … admirable. But what if you could persist forever, and avoid all your heartache?"

"Nothing persists forever," one of the elders of the tribe said through thought, skin grey-brown and sagging. Past over for the greatest honour on account of his weak eyesight, but still respected by the tribe for his knowledge of the bleak landscape they inhabited. "Such is the way of the world."

"That’s the way of this world, but not of my world."

The strange one forced a vision into the minds of the observers, perfect Turadum. Warm calm waters, protected from the chaos of the universe. Only life stirred the depth, ever churning and ever growing, and at the heart of it all, the mother source, pulsating with a psychic power the Archteuthon’s had never felt before.

"I’ve been observing your tribe, I respect your dedication, and your powers are perfect. I’ve already copied your thought patterns, to bring back to my home, and it would be unfair of me to steal from you and give nothing in return. Now, do you want to live forever, or should I give you a worse gift?"

The male partner, still being attended to by his companions, raised a limp tentacle, fixing his gaze on the stranger.

"I accept… your gift," he thought, the strength of his mental will evident to all within mind-range, despite his ailing body. "I am… not afraid."

"You belong in Turadum." Laton produced a small jar, simple stone, and inside, a muck like pond scum. As the mortal died, Laton began its work, a pattern that would be repeated countless times in the ages to come. The rite to surpass death.

2022-08-23, 11:34 PM
Space, Fire, Patience
Action: Create Life (12 AP - 10 AP = 2 AP remaining)

Deep in the Oort cloud, far from hexagons and hidden oceans and biome seeds. A neglected area of space. A lonely area of space. Horizon decided to bring it in to the fold and help it interact with the other celestial phenomena. That flying white ball of fire, it was once a part of the gods. An interesting idea. So Horizon reached into its mind and spooled a portion out into a silver thread around a pair of Horizon's digits. With a sliver of bone, Horizon wove this divine mind-thread into several of these tiny baby rocks, abandoned here far from the center of attention. This mind-essence took on a life of its own, hungering for the knowledge and attention of the beings being created so far away at what felt like the center of the universe. And the mind-essence, it cast it's formerly divine intelligence across the cloud, calculating trajectories, velocities, impact outcomes. There. A path. The mind essence cast a portion of its self at one of passing rocks, knocking it into a multi-collision trajectory that would eventually carry it to Lishon. Only a matter of time now. Time to think about how to welcome the new arrivals...

2022-08-25, 04:04 PM
Domains: Change, Land, Camouflage
Action Points: 12 -> 2

Once it looks away from the final state of the world and sees what Cranom is doing, the sight of the teuthons fills Haspet with excitement. Look at that! They were moving around by themselves, interacting with the world, and each other! This was incredible. So much potential...if that was possible, then surely it could do that too. Yes. That's what it'd do.

As Haspet thinks, it travels across Lishon (that seemed to be what everyone was calling what it'd made, and it didn't particularly mind) in the form of a flying teuthon, still quite taken with the creatures, and looked at the new state of things. Eventually, its erratic path takes it to somewhere it had been before - the place where it had set down one of the Uurt asteroids to experiment on, and the place that it had warped in quite interesting ways. It was still natural, yes, in the sense that everything there was normally found somewhere on Lishon, but the ground rose and fell in random and chaotic ways, and the soils and rocks here changed quite often as you moved around it. Life hadn't quite made it along to here yet, and despite the satisfying changes to the world Haspet felt like this place was a little...boring. Maybe it would put some things here to make it more interesting - oh, the life he saw earlier! It could do that here.

The first creature was one it was quite happy with - covered in...what were these things? It decided to call them feathers. A small, feathery quadruped, it strode along the warped terrain on clawed feet, delighting Haspet when it saw its feathers and the scales underneath changing colour to match the varied colours of rock and soil it was passing over. That was fascinating, and Haspet decoded that everything else it made would do something like that. Maybe not the same, but similar. Before long, it had filled the warped landscape with life, and gone a little further to spread it into the unaffected areas. In its excitement, it didn't notice that one of the species it had created was quite aware of the god and its works, its members carefully watching everything from hidden positions.

Creation (10 AP): Haspet creates an ecosystem centered around the site of the Uurt Ore meteorite, but one not dependent on it, capable of spreading further out than the area it affects (an important detail given the effect the ore will soon have on his creations - the ones further out, created in lands unaffected, will continue the original species though).

The basic element of the ecosystem is the plant life Haspet creates. They're not fundamentally too different from real-world plants, with the usual variety of form and function seen, with the exception of their colouration and energy source. These plants don't get their energy entirely from the light of the sun, instead drawing from the mystical aspects of the bodies orbiting Lishon. When the sun is closest to the plant, its colouration takes on warmer colours as it draws on its mystical power, while the moon becoming more prominent causes a change to cooler colours. It's a gradual process, and not every species changes colour in the exact same way or rate, giving a decent variety at any given time. These plants also have to deal with the potential of the landscape slowly changing around them, and typically have strong anchoring roots to keep themselves connected to the ground, snaking around the earth in search of the nutrients the plants still need.

The animal life Haspet creates has a few elements in common - they're typically something of a mixture between reptiles and birds, quadrupedal (one pair of limbs sometimes made into wings) and with scaled bodies adorned with feathers, and all display some degree of colour changing ability, whether proper camouflage for hunting or hiding, or for courtship. Given this fact, there's something of an evolutionary arms race going on as predatory species develop new ways of finding hidden prey and prey develop new ways of fooling those additional senses, something Haspet enjoys keeping tabs on. They're all quite mobile animals, adept at navigating irregular terrain (given the affects of Uurt Ore on their original habitat), and tend towards being omnivores.

At the apex of the food chain here, one finds the Chrotalans. Capable of bipedal movement, but often returning to four legs when speed is required, they look fairly similar to the rest of the life here - their bodies covered in feathers, with sharp claws on their hands and feet, and four seperately-moving eyes that scan the landscape and figure out if anything is hidden there. Sentient and possessing a cunning that Haspet does not, they're adept hunters and scouts, living in nomadic families that roam the ecosystem and beyond. They're capable of tool use, eschewing weapons (not finding the weapons they try much better than their claws for the issues they present when it comes to locomotion) but making anything else they can figure out that'll be useful and is easily portable. They're adept climbers, and are often found in trees if any are around, and have the same cameleonic abilities of most animals here (which does have the side effect of clothing being slow to catch on, and limiting the amout of things they bring with them as they can't hide tools as easily as themselves).

2022-08-25, 07:30 PM
While the primary mind-essence rested deep in the uurt cloud and close to the foretelling stars, the cast-off portion slowly made its way towards Lishon through time, if not always through space, as it rode the orbits of the meteoroids in their ancient dance. Soon it would arrive, and reveal the form of its desire.

2022-08-26, 10:45 AM
God of Flow, Thunder, Inspiration/Dreams
AP: 12 »» 2

Aahthaa seemed to get more distinct as time passed, more himself, more of what he should be, more of what he was.

And as the thunder struck, once and once again, life started to bloom. First beneath soil, the ground, emerging, small spores, green, blue, violet, a kaleidoscope of colors tinting it. Then, as lightning struck, clouds and clouds lifted, spreading all over the planet.
And from each spore small bulbous mushrooms and fungus sprouted, mycorrhiza interconnecting to each other, all becoming part of the One.
As lightning struck again and again, and on each of the metallic towers a giant fungus tree was formed, slowly and steadily growing. Gaining brilliance, with each thunderstrike, glowing. And as one glowed, as they were all one, all the fungus shone the light.

But he wasn’t done. Aahthaa moved for the first time and extended his hand and touched each of the life trees, one by one, transforming them into a realm where experiences were collected and imagination and inspiration, thoughts and ideas, and dreams were made.
And lastly as the flow of spores continued, from the giant life trees, with each thunder strike a humanoid mushroom fell. A new lifeform, a new form of the whole, of the One. They had large limbs and a strong mushroom cap with a myriad of colors.

These new lifeforms, despite free and moving, could connect with the mycorrhiza of the One gaining electric energy (food) and giving them access to the dream realm, downloading and uploading experiences, becoming again part of the One, changing, and enhancing the oneness. As time would pass, as the experiences on the life trees would bin and grow, so would the intelligence and sentience of these humanoids. They would grow till they died, and had long lifespans, making, with time, small and giant people exist.

And then Aahthaa looks at other creations appearing and thought they would add to the knowledge and helped it, making the species need to sleep, connecting them, in that state to the realm of dreams, to the realm of the Life trees.

Fungus are all connected to mother fungus – the life trees. They use the lightning energy to live and decompose other beings or use inorganic mineral for material. They glow with each thunder strike.

The Shroomen will eventually become sentients and retain personality while apart and getting it diffused when connected with the one. So not quite the hive mind but have the possibility of seeing others experiences and learning from them. They have the advantage of connecting to the realm when they want and in a more conscious form.

As a fun fact, as the appearance of the Shroomen is due to the strike of lightning on the trees, the growth of the population is arithmetic, as opposed to the exponential growth of sex drive species. As so it might have a fast growth in the start, but after a certain point is much lower.

Reaction to the creation of the cephalids and dinosaur ecosystem: Making them need to sleep and in that state dream (getting info/inspiration and leaving experiences)
The eating of a mushroom by any species gives a small access to the realm, making it hallucinogenic.

2022-08-26, 05:21 PM
While the primary mind-essence rested deep in the uurt cloud and close to the foretelling stars, the cast-off portion slowly made its way towards Lishon through time, if not always through space, as it rode the orbits of the meteoroids in their ancient dance. Soon it would arrive, and reveal the form of its desire.

The Monarch noticed this warped example of divine power lessened to the importance of mortality. Very curious, and somewhat frightful to gaze upon; not because of the flimsy power a single mortal being might hold, but for the pride of gods it holds.

Through the hand of the Lord the Monarch pushed the silver mortal far beyond the stars, to have a better grasp as to it's design, and to redesign it in their own image. It's form was undefined, it's mind pitiable, and so the Lord said to it. "You wayward design, cast off without shape or purpose, by my words shall you obey and by my touch shall you change." as the Lord spoke the silver entity began to coalesce into a distinct and solid shape. "Never shall you walk the surface of the world, nor sail the skies above, for I cast ye into the empty seas of flames and ice to trouble naught but lower life. Begone." And so with those final words the silver creature was pushed again by the Lord, cast down into the seas of Lishon.

The Monarch gives the creature an aquatic body, the creature being unable to live without being submersed in either natural water or lava. The shape it holds is largely serpentine in nature with a hexagonal head (which is harder than Uurt metal) with eyes peering in eight directions. Its many powerful limbs may adapt as it grows overtime. The thing also get's a boost to Lishon.

2022-08-27, 10:32 PM
A lonely metal form assessed its new situation.

Heavy pressure. Non-lethal? Analyzing. Loss of stars. Loss of guidance. Conclusion: Change of scene. Seeking spatial anomalies. One found, distant. Source of scene transition? Unlikely. Mission analysis? Food available? The heavy atmosphere occludes sight. Limited detection reveals a lack of food. Analyzing energy requirements to reach spatial anomaly. Form altered. Flavor: Hexagonal. New form: inflexible and unfamiliar. Energy requirements: unknown. Solution: Enter hibernation and await arrival of food source.

Far away, in a place where the stars were clearly visible, the source-mind pondered the loss of the emissary. The stars were not yet right to send another, so it would wait and consider an alternative path.

2022-08-28, 07:40 PM
Cedrum found a flying life form that looked like they had fallen out of the sky when they went over his land of barren stone, thrown around by the winds and end up choked in the volcanic ash of the volcanic middle belt of Lishon. "Oh, do you need water, friend?" Cedrum grabbed a handful of water with his gigantic molten hands from the boiling lakes and poured it onto the creature. It died a quick, but agonizing death. "These other gods have made things so... Fragile. Needing this water, and food, and other such nonsense."

Cedrum being next to the boiling lakes made one of his fingers into a blade and cut his arm, letting it bleed into the water and turn into stone. He took the stone out of water, magically it had already shaped itself into a roughly humanoid shape. As he trundled downwards from the mountains, past the hallowed flows of Bupkiss, he trips while climbing past them, breaking the stone in two. "Oh, oh, ****. I can fix this, I can fix this. Just get my hammer and a bit of lava."

Cedrum shaped the rock back into two people, one with a great fiery mustache and the other with a sort of fiery braid going down their back. They were held together by what appeared to be a thin silver chain, but that which possessed great strength. Finally, he breathes from his fiery lungs, the breath of life into these two new creatures. Who looked up to their creator expectantly.

"Oh, good, good. You're awake, and everything. You see, all these other gods have people dying cause they're so weak and fragile, they have to live off these scarce resources. It's awful, terrible. So you make the things they need to live by using abundant things. Rocks, and the dirt, and other such. Oh, and you'll feed and water all of them when doom comes... And... Uh, yeah, I don't think they need anything else."

Cedrum trundled off back to his forge to set off making a new creation.

"Hey, Frank."

"Yeah, Jane?"

"Why didn't he just make life able to eat rocks?"

"... I don't know, Jane."

AP 7 --> 2 AP
Cedrum makes the twin demigods, Frank Sysco and Jane McLane, the twin chefs of the apocalypse. They reside within the most habitable land that's closest to the hallowed flows of Bupkiss. By the nature of their existence, any creature that approaches them, they most give enough sustenance for a day plus enough food to reach wherever they are going and only that amount. If those gifted with the food sell or give away any of this food, the food will instantly rot. The food only exists as edible until they reach their destination and will instantly rot once they reach there. They may however take as long as they want reaching their destination and it will seem as if they have exactly the right amount of food regardless of pace. You can ask for any food, but it most be digestible by the person asking personally. This includes any form of sustenance such as sunlight for plants, electricity for fungus, certain chemicals for chemosynthetic creatures, etc. Even if the substance would normally be unable to be carried, a small clay pot given to those who ask will be able to hold and give out the substance.
Because of this, a large grove around the twin chefs will grow around from them forging rocks into sunlight, where animals peacefully frolic.

Eventually, when the end of the world comes, the chains binding Frank and Jane will break, unlocking their true potentials and allowing them to make as much food as they desire, which is all of it.

Cedrum takes a belamorph to his forge and turns it into the Vulcanomorphs. Slow and ponderous creatures whose bodies are made of a hot lava and their shells out of a denser, and cooler rock. Their shells tend to reflect the volcanoes where they are formed, striped and conical for composite volcanoes, basaltic and smooth for shield volcanoes, and a softer (In comparison) shell for cinder ash volcanoes, etc. They are chemosynethic and drift in the lava very slowly, gaining sustenance from the chemicals within. There are no carnivores in the species because Cedrum finds carnivorous animals to be very sad, but some vulcanomorphs are found to fight for dominance over particularly rich flows of lava. They are also able to burrow into the ground in the chance that they are trapped in a cooling lava flow, and go into a dormant state until a certain amount of heat returns. Though if a flow does not come in time, they will cool down and die.

2022-09-07, 04:42 AM
Creation (10 AP):

Laton creates an ecosystem in the dark seas of Turadum. This ecosystem is a complex construct which exists more as a cycle than as a clear food chain.

At the bottom of the cold sea lies the great system of producers, vast quantities of autotrophic microorganisms, that join together in huge microbial mats. These survive in the dark by reducing nitrogen and sulfur, and the mats form the edible matter that most of the more complex organisms consume. The consumers here are both microbes and invertebrate creatures, adapted to life in what is essentially a giant dark cave. The creatures are entirely eyeless, since light cannot reach Turadum, and most are white because color doesn’t exist in a dark world. In the lower levels, there are countless marine worms, and a few eyeless fish feeding on them, representing the only vertebrates there. In the upper portion, connected to land, there are spiders, scorpions, insects, and annelids, that thrive on the cave walls and feed on the sea creatures that live close to the surface. It is dark and cold, but these creatures call it home, and they struggle on to survive in their strange little world.

An ecosystem like this would not be extremely productive, supporting only so many living things, but Laton saw the belamorphs of Lishon. It fell in love with them, and used bits and pieces inspired by them to add extra sources of nutrients to Turadum. Through this, the ocean is filled with much more life than it would otherwise have. There are countless small belamorphs, those given the power to feed on the dark itself by Ylinu. In a dark world, they can thrive, and add extra energy to the system. But that alone is not enough, and so Laton created something special.

Sentients - Tenebrids: (name pending)

Laton saw the minds of the Archteuthons, intelligent, almost like itself, and began to create copies of them. But a mind without a body is nothing, so it created a new organism. Laton created great masses of a colonial cells, eukaryotic, and laced those minds over them. These were the first Tenebrids, and they were the pattern that would contain all other patterns.

Tenebrids exist as huge swaths of cells, able to exist on land, but only really move in water. Each individual Tenebrid may be countless cells, but there is only one mind, one psychic film that covers and unites them all. In water, they look very strange, like strange masses colored green or blue, waves of plant like stuff, much a like a moving microbial mat. They can control their cells with great precision, and enjoy contorting the mat in strange unusual ways. They continue to make more cells as needed, and only really die if the vast majority of their cells are killed, so they can no longer maintain their psychic film. Tenebrids can split themselves up into smaller units, but if any group of cells gets too far away from the rest it will end up cut off from the psychic film, and either die, or become a new Tenebrid.

Since their minds were copied from the archteuthons, the Tenebrids are psychic creatures, and Laton made sure to focus this power. Each Tenebrid can use its psychic film both to control itself, and to communicate with other intelligent creatures. This also allows them to protect themselves from the other sea life. The Tenebrids can detect the presence of other cells with their psychic film, and since the other creatures of Turadum lack intelligence, the Tenebrids can easily influence them to swim away. This means the Tenebrids are very rarely attacked, and if they are, they are more than able to consume their attackers.

Tenebrids are mixotrophs, that is, both producers and consumers. They can consume nearly any organic matter, but they will only do so in a pinch, usually if they need to kill something that’s trying to eat them as well. They don’t get many calories out of this, so their main way of survival is through chemosynthesis. However, they give back to the ecosystem much more than they take. As they consume nutrients, and grow more cells, their psychic presence grows larger. Essentially, as they grow older and wiser, they produce a type of psychic energy, that can passively feed nearly any other microorganism. This way, the Tenebrids feed the rest of Turadum, without needing to be eaten themselves. This is much more efficient than raw physical digestion in terms of calories delivered. Normal animals can’t consume this energy, but they can still feel its presence, whether it is pleasant or overwhelming depends on the individual.

The more the Tenebrids communicate with each other, come up with new ideas, and learn, the more energy can be produced, so as time passes they may be able to feed more and more of Turadum. Tenebrids recognize each other purely by their psychic film, which is unique to each individual. Tenebrids reproduce by making a large group of new cells, and separating them from their psychic film. If the new clump of cells gets enough food to not immediately starve, it can start creating a new film, and become a new individual. Tenebrids reproduce simply out of necessity for the species, feeling no real parental affection.

If a clump of new cells, that doesn’t have a mind yet, consumes an intelligent creature, the mind of that creature will slot into place and become a psychic film, taking over the cells. These individuals are no different than normal Tenebrids once they are reborn. This can occur even with a dead individual, so long as they are consumed shortly after death. (For the sake of the future, if souls end up becoming a thing, they’ll just incorporate the soul of the dead, which would just become a psychic film. Otherwise, consider the mind absorbed directly).

Tenebrids can only really survive in the environment of Turadum, and small bits of Lishon that are right outside the portal. Newly born Tenebrids can live a little bit in other environments, but this is temporary, and if they don’t get to Turadum in time, their psychic film can’t stabilize, and the mind dies. Great groups of elder Tenebrids control the opening and closing of the portal, for now at least, to ensure that any of them born in Lishon can enter Turadum when they need to.

2022-09-07, 06:23 PM
A millennium of sitting around on his small little planet, watching the tiny gods do nothing with their insignificant existence. It was infuriating, having to waste time watching microscopic speck and the smaller parasites upon. Finally he noticed them but what they were doing shook him to his very core. “SMALL BEING!” Earth yelled out in rage. “THEY WOULD USE THEIR POWER TO CREATE TINY BEINGS!” His rage shaking the very planet earth. He looked down upon those insignificant mortals, “I WILL PUNISH FOR THEIR MINUSCULE EXISTENCE!”

The curse of giants had begun

The Curse of Giants Is a curse placed on all life. All of them will give birth to a Kaiju. These Kaiju will be similar to the species that gave birth to them. Besides that there are no rules to what exactly they look like or what powers they can have. Smaller beings will see them as gods and worship them into giving Earth power. When one dies another one will take its place.

All Kaiju will be tempted by the mighty Earth to enforce their will upon the little ones but they are still either animals or in case of the ones born from sapient races still have free will and not inherently evil creatures.

2022-09-09, 07:04 PM
Cedrum sat at his forge wiping away his sweat while he admired his creation swim ponderously in their lava pools. "Bah, that wasn't that hard. Now that you've got the basics down, it will be easy." Cedrum plucked another creature from the cosmos and placed it upon the anvil.

Cedrum takes one of the plants, a beautiful tree that typically has orange blooms in the sun belts and turns it into a sun loving lava colonizer. Knowing that some day the great volcanoes will dry up, he decides to create a species that will allow the "Lesser species" able to live a habitable life over them quicker. A small seed that wedges itself into the cracks of cooled lava and breaks apart the soft rock and is even able to close it's stomata to prevent itself from breathing in the toxic fumes of the volcanoes. These trees go by many names in a variety of languages that typically mean something like "Life bringer", or "Lava breaker", but to any mortal species that comes to rely on the lava they are known more often as "The Death of a Nation".

Cedrum held up a tenebrid mat "Well, I don't understand it, but I'm sure I can make something out of this."

Cedrum turns a tenebrid into a new species known as lavabrids. A sort of lava algae mat that has their cell walls made out of a crystalline structure that makes them impervious to lava. However, they have traded the increased size and durability of their cell walls to have very limited psychic capabilities. Their psychic capabilities mostly extend to setting off signals to species of vulcanomorphs to either eat or not eat them. This is because lavabrids find difficulty moving within the lava, so to spread their genes as far as possible, they will create a sort of fruit that contains many of it's new cells and have the vulcanomorphs devour it. The young collection of cells will take up residence within the vulcanomorphs body in a symbiotic relationship, helping speed up the chemosynthetic process within their body as a sort of gut bacteria. When the time comes where they have matured, the interior collection of lavabrids will put a signal in the vulcanomorphs brain to expel the algae-like substance onto a different collection of lavabrids, which will typically have a new fruit waiting for the vulcanomorphs to eat.
Over time though, some lavabrids would trick vulcanomorphs into thinking they are the same beneficial microbes but are in fact has a much more parasitic relationship and cause illness in the communities which would spread from one vulcanomorph to another. However the beneficial lavabrids created a defense signal to this, being able to sense the different psychic patterns in a vulcanomorph and will send out a fake eating signal to lure them in and then devour the creature, ridding the vulcanmorph community of their illness. With the vulcanomorphs developing ways to differentiate the two. Right now, all three forms of life have started an intense evolutionary arms race to trick one another.

Cedrum got up to stretch, taking a jog around his beloved volcanoes and perhaps get something to eat in the process. When he saw a great creature, nearly as large as him in this diminished form that mortals could comprehend. It was this new thing known as a kaiju, some sort of terrible abomination based off the belamorphs but no longer appearing anything like them. Having wrapped it's shell in on itself, creating this ghastly wide appearance, and having these little beady eyes on stalks sticking up from it. The tentacles having been wrapped in it's shell as well, walking across the land with these giant legs and these two terrible giant claws. Blunt weapons of destruction. Cedrum was taken aback, seeing some abomination unto the gods walking free and was taken over by a bestial rage. Throwing himself at the beast.

Yet this arrogant creature was not one to balk at anyone, even the gods. It throws the flow of lava into the ocean, and descends upon the blind opponent unable to see past the boiling water of his environment, forcing Cedrum to fight at but a fraction of his heat. The two titans fight, neither able to admit defeat against such a great foe, locked in a great wrestling battle. It is said that they fight for 14 days and 14 nights. Tumbling across the entire planet, through the oceans, through the lakes, through the forests, through mountains. Destroying the land, leaving scars upon the environment as they pass. It is said that they divert rivers, create mountains, break apart glaciers, throw rocks, dirt, trees, miles from whence they came. And then finally, as the sun rises on the 14th night, there is a victor decided in a barren gulch with great pillars of ash in the landscape. Cedrum stands triumphant, exhausted as he looks upon his defeated opponent.

But something changes in Cedrum's mind. The battlelust leaving him as quickly as it came. He now looks upon his opponent not in fear, but in a profound respect. The kind of respect that only comes from two who have stopped at nothing to defeat one another. Now features that once frightened him, he came to admire for their qualities of strength, and adaptability. Beady eyes that he once read as cold and unloving now came across as full of happiness. The happiness of a man who would stop at nothing to follow his own rules. "C'mon. Get up, get up. Good fight, good fight." Cedrum reached deep into the gulch, breaking apart the earth around a lava pool, and drinking from it as if it were a bowl of wine.

Cedrum seemed to sense in his mind some sort of strange tingling sensation. This monster's massive size had also given it a massive brain, it was communicating telepathically with a god. Injecting it's emotions into his head. He could sense that they had grown mutual feelings for the other even if the monster had a momentary cowed sense of resentment.

"Good man, good man." There was a moment of silence as Cedrum drank again, deep in a rising though. "This kaiju nonsense, sounds like a lot of trouble. Somebody ought to put 'em in line. Stop 'em from hurting the little ones. The little ones are our future, yunno."

Cedrum sat as he comprehended the thoughts beamed into his head. "Oh, you can't have little ones. Awful, terrible, I could help with that, but... I can't make something from nothing." The creature offered one of it's legs. "Aye, I can work with that."

To put the other kaiju in line, Cedrum creates the Monarchy of Crabs started from the King of All Monsters, Crabagon, and his created bride, Crabaroness. The Monarchy of Crabs has the tittle of King and Queen of the Monsters passed down throughout the generations, usually the Crab Monarchy only ever having one brood in their lifetime and as such are doggedly protective parents. This race is tasked with protecting smaller races from kaiju who are less well-intentioned than them, particularly tasked with protecting children and have an instinctual urge to do so. Though they often roam the planets to protect others, they may be summoned with a complex ritual known as "The Crab Dance of Great Destruction To Your Enemies" each mortal species having a different variety to accommodate their unique biologies, but this dance will always take several hours to complete.

2022-09-09, 09:45 PM
Domains: Change, Land, Camouflage
Action Points: 2

Tenebrids (Laton)
Haspet creates the Synebrids and scatters colonies around Lishon. Much like normal tenebrids, they are colonies of cells united by a single psychic film, but unlike them they don't stay alone if they can help it. Instead, they're driven to seek out life, preferably sapient, and form a symbiotic relationship with it (although in the case of animal partners, the synebrid is firmly in control). They consume the food the host eats to provide more efficient psychic energy, changing their host to be able to live off it like the life of Turadum, and use the difference to grow and integrate further with the host, enhancing its body and allowing it to perform greater physical feats than normal members of its species and allowing it access to the synebrid's telepathic communication. Meanwhile, the host allows the synebrid to survive outside of Turadum on a long-term basis (young synebrids have a degree of resistance against the hazards of Lishon, but once a synebrid has found a host it sheds many of those defences, making an alone adult synebrid very vulnerable), and provides them with the companionship they desire - as such, most synebrids prefer a willing host if possile (and animal hosts, while sometimes necessary and often having their own advantages, are typically disliked as an option due to the solitude involved), using the strength they can provide as a bargaining chip.

When the synebrid grows large enough to reproduce, it keeps the divided cells within the host for long enough for it to develop its own minded, guided and influenced by the host and parent synebrid, before releasing it to find its own host (one the synebrid has chosen if possible).

Curse of Giants (Earth)
Kaiju are capable of significant adaptation and evolution according to three major factors.

The first factor is that of the mind, of will, a source of constant change. For sapient kaiju, this makes them change to better fit their temperament, preferred way of doing things, self-identity and beliefs (sometimes in very straightforward ways, a warlike Chrotalan kaiju perhaps developing nastier natural weapons and thicker armour, other times in quite abstract ways, some kaiju changing to emulate certain legends and stories of their race that they - consciously or otherwise - believe fits them). Meanwhile for animalistic kaiju this factor is more rooted in the beliefs of others, a worshipped kaiju changing to suit the beliefs of its followers or a wilder one changing to suit the attitudes of the people around it towards the kaiju - truly unknown animalistic kaiju change little from this factor, often simply favouring optimising changes to better fit whatever niche it finds itself in as its mind and will focuses on survival.

The second factor is the world outside the kaiju itself, a source of change that's less constant but quite strong and rapid when it does apply. One major aspect of this is environmental adaptations - a kaiju that finds itself in an environment unlike what it's adapted to may change to survive in the new environment, leading to amphibious kaiju arising from the seas if they need to go onto land, while kaiju that find themselves in the lava ecosystems either adapt or die (the process isn't reliable enough, or always fast enough, to guarantee the former). Another aspect is a response to trauma, a kaiju that was nearly slain changing itself in a way that will allow it to better survive a similar experience (along with the effects of the experience on the kaiju's mindset potentially causing changes through the first factor).

The third factor is magic. Kaiju are very reactive to magic and the power of the divine - kaiju that spend a lot of time in a region a god has invested in may find itself changing to fit that god's domains, the mutagenic nature of Oort Ore has an enhanced effect on them, and when mortal magic comes into existence kaiju may be particularly vulnerable or resistant to certain kinds of magic, and powerful magical attacks may cause an extreme reactive mutation.

The JoJo
2022-09-11, 05:26 AM
Domains: Chaos, Outer Space
Action Points: 2

Cranom saw the other gods making their own lifeforms -- some, like the vulcanomorphs, moulded directly from his creatures, while others were merely inspired by his designs. Outwardly, he pretended to be peeved at this, but privately, he was quite pleased that his brother and sister deities were joining in with the fun. Leaping across the worlds in a few bounds, he took to picking up any new creature he found, squashing and stretching them between his fiery fingers until they were more interesting shapes. Many would not survive this, but those who did would in time become species in their own right.

Assist Haspet by forming the following varient organisms of his non-sentient feathered quadrupedals:

Saurisans: Larger than most quadrupedals at 3 to 10 metres from nose to tail, Saurisans have given up a life of climbing and instead walk across the ground on all fours, most often using their camouflage abilities to act as ambush predators. Good sprinters but poor endurance runners, these animals will wait for days in the undergrowth for an unfortunate creature -- or sentient -- to wander close enough to their snapping jaws make a decent meal. They have relatively few feathers, mainly concentrated around their head and upper back.

Aquadromes: Adapted for life in the oceans of Lithon, these quadrupedals are generally sleek, fast swimming animals with four equally-sized flippers, waterproof feathers and razor sharp teeth. Aquadromes remain airbreathers, but are natural divers, able to remain under the surface for over an hour at a time. They hold an intermediary place in the food web, feeding on belamorphs, but are generally prey for medium-sized krakenites. Adult size ranges from 1 to 3 metres in length.

Assist Aahthaa by forming the following varient non-sentient organisms of his fungus:

Ice caps: So-called because of the pure white colour of the mushrooms produced by this fungus. And also because their insides explode upon contact with air, spreading their spores far and wide. Watch out!

Shrouls: This group of fungi are known for growing mushrooms that mimic the designs of edible fungi, close enough that they can be easily mistaken for each other. Once injested, the spores come to life, travelling to the brain of the unfortunate creature and slowly invading the organ, subtly changing the behaviour of its victim so they engage in increasingly risky behaviour without any apparent concern for their own safety. This typically ends in the predation of the individual. This way, the fungal spores will move up the food chain until they reach a creature with no natural predators. Once the spores have been inside an animal for a period of three months, phase two will be activated and the creature will be forced to climb to the highest point possible, exhausting themselves in the process. There, larger mushrooms will grow from their bodies and finally distribute countless spores to the wind, starting the cycle once again.

Assist Laton by forming the following varient non-sentient organism:

Sessilmorphs: Unique to the dark seas of Turadum, this species of belamorphs are free-swimming as juveniles, feeding off the blackness along with the rest of their kin. As they approach maturity, though, sessilmorphs will fix themselves by their shells onto any available rock, becoming nearly completely encased except for a small hole at the front of the shell, through which they stick their tentacles in order to catch passing prey. Sessilmorphs grow larger than any free-swimming belamorph, reaching up to a couple of metres in diameter at adulthood.

2022-09-11, 06:17 PM
After long ages traveling through the inky void, another carrier of the silvery mind-threads finally approached Lishon, a warm planet full of life. As the rock carrying the mind-threads entered the atmosphere of Lishon, the heat of orbital entry activated the mind-threads and their hunger. They fell across the surface of Lishon like a great cloud of filaments, and where they encountered life they devoured it. Able to subtlety shift their edges to catch the wind, the falling threads angled themselves towards the minds of sentient life below, although not all threads could find such and many ended up falling into the mushroom forests, or the molten seas.

Where the threads encountered organic life, they burned through it, catalyzing the organics into a silvery metal material which continued a catalytic chain reaction, devouring life; body, mind, and soul. The size of the kaiju was no defense, the threads catalyzing through their large bodies. Once a particular thread could find no more life to devour, it cooled into a hard metallic form and died, casting the devoured minds and souls across space to join with the first-mind deep in the Uurt cloud. The mind-threads left wide swathes of devoured life and mirror-reflective silver metal in their wake. In time, smiths might find this metal strong, light, flexible, and relatively easy to work, with the downside that if too much spirit and energy were poured into it, the metal might come alive to devour the smith.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the coming of sentience awakened the silver dragon. Without stars to guide it, the dragon's soul was trapped and could not return to the first mind. It also was in a more durable body, given to it by the Lover of Hexagons. Yet still, it followed its instincts, devouring small colonies of the tenebrids and alloying their minds and souls with its own, becoming a filter feeder of those sunless depths.

In the uurt cloud, the first-mind had already set spores for the third pass when the first batch of minds and souls arrived. The first-mind would process these in time.

(I don't know if this needs to be a separate divine act of mass murder, but if so it's a reaction to the creation of all these life forms on Lishon. It doesn't cause extinction on its own, but kills many individuals, deforests areas, and coats the earth in metal which makes it hard for new life to grow for a while.)

2022-09-13, 11:32 PM
Domains: Communing, Stars, Language
Action Points: 12

Resting in the darkness, the Storyteller heard the whispers of creation from the universe around her. Her peers were hard at work, no doubt, making little mortals in their image. Well, maybe not quite their image, she corrected herself after taking a closer look. She felt little desire to add to the mortal spawn herself. Forming the flesh was not her role.

Still... there were a few things that had peeked her interest. After standing up and wrapping herself in stars and darkness, the Storyteller went for a stroll in creation.

First, she sat down at the bottom of great ocean, next to the giant shape of a resting Krakenite. She looked curiously at the enormous creature, gently petting it with her not-quite-hand. "You and your kind have been given a magnificent gift for communing with one another", she said, surprisingly audible for being said underwater but low enough not to wake the sleeping giant. "Everyone should get a taste of your gift, I think."

Thanks to the Storyteller's blessing, any living creature near one of the teuthons (including Archteuthons) temporarily shares their psychic abilities, not only enabling them to communicate with the teuthons but any mortals nearby. The strength of the ability depends on both the proximity to the teuthons and the number of them. Being near a lone teuthon or somewhat close to a larger group of them basically only means increased empathy and instinctive understanding of others, but being close to a large enough group means being able to communicate psychically just as the teuthons themselves.
After a silent goodbye, she continued walking until she reached a great rock had struck the planet an age earlier. She remembered the area being quite crushed, but it seemed to have recovered quite nicely in the untold years since.

Impulsively, she grabbed a handful of the things that grew on the ground and buried her face in it. Mmmmm. Smell was a fairly new experience for someone who had spent most of her existence amongst the stars and metaphors, but not an unpleasant one.

Looking down, she was barely able to make out a pack of... somethings that had gathered around her, blended into the plants around them.

"Well, hello there", she said as she sat down on the ground, letting one of the bird-lizard-things climb into her lap. Changing its color, it turned from the color of the ground to the best approximation of the night sky its scales could manage. "Oh, aren't you clever? Let's see what we can do with that", she said as she stroked the creature's back.

In addition to camouflage, Haspet's creatures will be able to instinctively use their color changing ability for communication. What color represent what emotion will be imprinted in all of them, allowing a form of basic communication between different species. More intelligent creatures, such as Chrotalans, will be nudged towards using it in more advanced ways, either in combination with, or as a replacement for, other forms of communication.

She gently put the creature down on the ground again and walked onward.

I might add more reactions if I find the time during the day, but no need to wait for me if that isn't the case.

2022-09-14, 11:14 AM
After long ages traveling through the inky void, another carrier of the silvery mind-threads finally approached Lishon, a warm planet full of life. As the rock carrying the mind-threads entered the atmosphere of Lishon, the heat of orbital entry activated the mind-threads and their hunger. They fell across the surface of Lishon like a great cloud of filaments, and where they encountered life they devoured it. Able to subtlety shift their edges to catch the wind, the falling threads angled themselves towards the minds of sentient life below, although not all threads could find such and many ended up falling into the mushroom forests, or the molten seas.

Where the threads encountered organic life, they burned through it, catalyzing the organics into a silvery metal material which continued a catalytic chain reaction, devouring life; body, mind, and soul. The size of the kaiju was no defense, the threads catalyzing through their large bodies. Once a particular thread could find no more life to devour, it cooled into a hard metallic form and died, casting the devoured minds and souls across space to join with the first-mind deep in the Uurt cloud. The mind-threads left wide swathes of devoured life and mirror-reflective silver metal in their wake. In time, smiths might find this metal strong, light, flexible, and relatively easy to work, with the downside that if too much spirit and energy were poured into it, the metal might come alive to devour the smith.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the coming of sentience awakened the silver dragon. Without stars to guide it, the dragon's soul was trapped and could not return to the first mind. It also was in a more durable body, given to it by the Lover of Hexagons. Yet still, it followed its instincts, devouring small colonies of the tenebrids and alloying their minds and souls with its own, becoming a filter feeder of those sunless depths.

In the uurt cloud, the first-mind had already set spores for the third pass when the first batch of minds and souls arrived. The first-mind would process these in time.

(I don't know if this needs to be a separate divine act of mass murder, but if so it's a reaction to the creation of all these life forms on Lishon. It doesn't cause extinction on its own, but kills many individuals, deforests areas, and coats the earth in metal which makes it hard for new life to grow for a while.)

OOC: mass murder would actually gain you AP, if you check the actions list, so you might as well make it a separate action. It's free real estate!

Also, in your post you mention the silver dragon being on Earth. I'm not sure how he ended up there, I thought he was going to Lishon, so I assume there's been a mistake. We can discuss this further, but otherwise I will probably say that the silver dragon is on Lishon instead in the age resolution.

2022-09-15, 01:43 AM
The Monarch
Our Lord and Lady
Domains: Order and Heavens
AP: 17 -4 = 13

The Monarch watched through the eyes of the Lord and Lady the creatures that came into being, small and fragile to colossal and mighty; and more curiously the cunning and cooperative. It moved the Monarch’s heart to see such creatures cooperate at the best of times, and pained them dearly when they fell to internal strife or abominable mutation. As time went on the Monarch observed something even stranger, the creatures reproducing, replicating their patterns in a (mostly) acceptable manner.

The Monarch both curious and believing that they might gain another vessel for their uses, thought to try this; yet the Lord and Lady who were to enact it could not do so without care and proper procedure. For mortals courted to one extent or another with each other; and it would be improper for any mortal to have an equal, or unthinkably, greater show of courting than the Lord and Lady.

Many beasts, both cunning and mighty, fell to the harsh judgment of the Lord in his quest to make an assortment of worthy gifts for his Lady; while she in turn turned thoughts and the light of both celestial sources into a variety of works to surround the grand stage that was to be the pair’s gather place for procreation. When they reconvened together under twilight it was in a far more splendid abode that appeared as the many hued sky above. An uncountable number of gifts presented, words and promises made, rituals of romance that would be repeated many times throughout history. It was only when the Monarch deemed that no mortal would be able to compare to its performance that it attempted to make the new vessel.

After one lunar passing it was complete, a small vessel made through the mortals' methods by the divine will of the Monarch was completed. Yet its form was weak, a small frail thing that stared out at the world through hollow eye sockets. The Monarch nor its aspects knew if this was to be expected, for mortal children started small and weak so it might be natural; yet they began searching for how to vitalize the child vessel.

First the Lady tried to care for the child. She took it under her bright light and showed it the wondrous world of Lishon the gods had created from above, praising and giving comment on a great many of the creatures that lived by the light of the sun. Yet while her light grew the child’s body, its hollow eyes just stared at the world in silence.

With a sorrow she did not know the Lady handed the child over to the Lord for him to care for the child. He took it up in the heavens, to see the forms of life that clung to both the darkness and radiance of the night that was his cloak. The Lord showed the child the hidden places and some of the first secrets, how to spot the hidden and how to hide, and lastly the cycle of life and death that nearly all life that moved under the night sky’s glow followed.

It was at this last lesson that the Lord saw the child take real notice, if only a small interest. Yet seeing progress the Lord decided to begin a hunt with the child, whose thin framed body was already stronger than most mortal’s by the radiant blessing of the Lady. Thus did they hunt lesser beings for sport, the Lord noticing the child having an uncanny knack for hunting the teuthons on Lishon beyond even his own.

The child quickly grew animated by the hunt, their hollow eyes gaining blue hued orbs that appeared bright when looked upon yet shed no light that could cast a shadow or be seen when not gazing upon the child’s face. Its mind raced with the psychic power of those it had slain, and with each kill its frame began to glow with the same strange light for a few moments.

The Monarch noticed a disturbance here, a disconnect forming between them and this new vessel they wished to use. Yet this disturbance did not grow, and with it animate the Monarch deemed it appropriate to name the vessel. Dormens was what it would be called.

-4 AP (use the Lord and Lady to reduce cost)
The Monarch forms Dormens, demi-god of psychic powers. His form resembles that of a starving human, near skeletal besides a thin layer of skin and flesh wrapped around him. He has no eyes but instead two glowing blue orbs of light that cannot be seen unless you're looking at Dormenses face.

He is silent at all times but can communicate through telepathy, either giving direct memories/visual information or in the form of a voice in one’s head. No psychic being can hide from him, and he can feed off of nearby psychic energy. Those who die within his presence have their psychic energy completely devoured, with any previous psychic abilities of the creature now being usable by Dormens.

While he can be murderus to new species with psychic powers, having a strong urge to slay at least one of most species to gain their powers (unique beings being an exception), it is otherwise very passive unless a great psychic disturbance occurs. Those that come to it for aid are likely to receive it so long as they have orderly intentions, while those of a more chaotic nature will find it only hostile if it is provoked.

2022-09-16, 06:30 PM
A Horizon Chronicle: The Silver Dragon Returns to Reality

The Silver Dragon was disturbed from feeding on psudo-sentient beings in the lightless, starless depths by the feeling of a strange pressure. An alien, watchful pressure which slowly squeezed and constrained the fluid-bound being. Stitched hexagonal chains ensnaring the dragon, preventing its escape into the open void or safer potentialities. Finally ensnaring the being like a stinging coat of nettles, the dragon felts its essence pulled from the potential reality in which it had tried to hide, and shunted into a brighter, deadlier reality containing a semi-divine hunter of psychic beings.

The Silver dragon found itself in another dark sea, but one with a different taste and much less weight. For a moment, the dragon nearly exploded from the lack of pressure before adjusting to its new reality. This place was different. There was a mind-presence of Food, but far away and more cohesive than the lonely isolates that had been fed on before. Dangerous Food. Thinking Food. Corpse-binding Food. But there were other thoughts in this sea. New foods? Perhaps this new reality would offer a way home which had not existed in the sunless, starless seas of the before times.

2022-09-16, 10:00 PM
((I'm still here. I lost access to my account, sort of-ish))
((Just posting here so i have easy access to the thread.))

2022-09-18, 06:24 AM
Domains: Change, Land, Camouflage
Action Points: 2

Haspet was busy looking at some of Lishon's new life when the silver thread came, and it watched happily as it killed everything around the god, seeing as it was all sent back out into space. It was fascinated for a while, but the whole thing soon lost its charm. As it turned out, death was kind of boring. Sure, the initial act was quite interesting, and eventually something would turn up and replace it, but until then there was just this metal around - a little interesting, Haspet supposed, but it's not going to do anything until one of the smarter things they'd made found it and started messing with it. No, this wouldn't do. There had to be something to work with here...the ground. Haspet had made the ground, and it remembered a little of what had gone on. Perhaps if it was a little louder about it, so more than their creator knew that, then it wouldn't be quite as boring here.

Threads (Horizon)
Areas devastated by the threads aren't completely lifeless, a little of the essence and memories of the destroyed people and animals being retained in the ground below them. This essence is allowed to be released back into the world by Haspet, leading to strange phenomena somewhat similar to those associated with haunted places in real life - echoing voices of the people annihilated by the thread, insubstantial fleeting images of now-dead animals running through what once were forests, and so on.

2022-09-19, 04:38 PM
Domains: Communing, Stars, Language
Action Points: 12 (-5)

Tired from her long walk across the universe, the Storyteller sat down by a small spring. Looking at her – or possibly the night sky's – reflection in the water, she hummed along with the Song of the Worlds. Much had happened, much was happening and even more was still to happen. The stars told of the past, the song told of the present, but what was to tell of the future?

She looked into the water again, meeting the gaze of her reflection but finding it no longer mirrored her movements. Instead, it was lying down and reaching into the water, before suddenly standing up and walking away, until the reflection of the goddess could no longer be seen in the water.

For a moment, the Storyteller was tempted to do anything but touching the water, just to see what would happen. But instead, she laid down and reached into the water. As she did, she could suddenly see the reflections of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people, living out their stories that were yet to be.

Once the water had become clear once more, the Storyteller stood up and walked away.

The Storyteller creates the Spring of Stories Yet Untold, a hallowed place that can be found anywhere but not by anyone. Only the greatest story tellers can find it (though how, to who and about what they tell their stories matter less) but when someone has earned it, it can show up almost wherever they look. Regardless of where it is, it stays mostly the same. A small spring (or, should the surroundings not allow for a spring, whatever the closest equivalent is) in a beautiful and serene place. If someone looks into the spring, they are able to see pieces of the future, whether their own or someone else's. Sometimes it is a very literal depiction of what is to come, sometimes it is entirely metaphorical, but there is always some truth to it, even if it may not be easily interpreted.

2022-09-21, 02:35 AM
The Monarch
Our Lord and Lady
Domains: Order, Heavens, Zehipho
AP: 13 -8 -0 +7 = 12

The Monarch considered Dormens to be a rough proto-type, full of flaws, yet ultimately a successful proof of concept. Thus after another lunar cycle did the Monarch attempt to have the Lord and Lady produce a new improved vessel design for it.

So it was under twilight that the pair once again went through the same rituals as before, and again they once more worked to create a child. With the Monarch full of confidence they let put far more of themselves into the process than before, so sure that they knew how to create superior life now and that adding more of themselves would only enhance the process.

Yet they had made an error, using the genesis method a second time so soon only made it unstable; and with the unprecedented amount of the Monarch’s will infused into this project solidified that there was no possibility for another child for a great deal of time, be they Dormenses superior or otherwise. By the time the Monarch realized the truth it was too late, the creation process was well underway, and all they could do was have Dormens take some of the resulting burden upon himself.

For a brief moment the world felt quite off as the Monarch’s failure spilled across creation. The sun grew dim for a moment as endless skies of white fire and living flames danced with newly found purpose above it, the moon turned white for a moment as it’s surface sprouted lush crimson jungles full of hidden wonders and dangers, while across the worlds and the space between azure things of little substance began to take some vague shape among other mortals. All magic and psychic power was gone, but just as quickly as it was taken it returned.

This process was not kind to the Monarch or its three vessels, each of whom suffered mightily for its overconfidence. For the first time in its existence the Monarch felt shame. Through the voice of the Lady it spoke to the divine, though with a sadness that it did not know “My equals and fellow creators of the world, I-I failed them. My child- my project has ended in failure. The resulting lifeforms that have strewn across creation are the byproducts of this, you have permission to do with these… it would be appreciated if they were not terminated.”

The Monarch was disturbed by the sorrow the Lady was showing, that they themselves were; for the Lady was mostly a part of them personified. It made it hard to give out information to the other powers using a vessel in such a state. Luckily the Lord took the Lady’s crowned head upon his shoulders as she was in grief, looking down at the moon in thought.

Turning away from failure and worse, the Monarch’s attention was drawn to Dormens who was exploring the moon’s surface. It was a dark place; a land full of life that was drawn more towards the hidden, the lonely; with life that reached ever deeper into the moon’s surface. Giant beings already hid amidst the crimson woods, waiting for smaller prey to come by (which included shining Dormens, though the beasts were quick to learn that he was not food). One time Dormens found one of the crimson ‘trees’ dead, rotting and making a path to its roots where ever stranger creatures were seen digging or spitting boiling liquid or some other mystical means of travel the further down Dormens went. While certain exceptions stood out, there were none more so than those that lived near the ocean that faced Lishon; who’s coast and creatures were often of shining white hue with open skies gazing down at Lishon.

Curious, the Monarch had Dormens explore the illuminate beings upon the shining jewel of the Lady’s crown. There shadowy Dormens stood out amid the blinding light of the sun’s ever shifting and expressive creatures, who openly engaged in all activities with a sense of urgency that left the demi-god standing still in confusion for quite some time as he processed the order in the seemingly chaotic landscape. Few of the sun’s creature’s seemed to actually stay close to the orb, with most rising high above it. Shoals of white sparks would sweep down close to the surface for a brief moment before ascending, where they were eaten by large eight faced stars which held leaves that acted like nets, and these creatures were in turn eaten by ever stranger beasts the higher one was from the sun’s surface.

Yet when the Monarch began to have Dormens search for and examine the new azure life, it found that he was uncontrollable for quite some time. The azure beings were varied and exotic forms of psychic life, each species of which drew the demi-god’s attention for a time as it hunted them. Unlike the other two sub-categories of life that were made, these ones were the rarest. Drawn to places and creatures of psychic power they rarely took root, instead they are primarily hunters in the wider ecosystems of the teuthons and tenebrids.

As the Monarch examined these creatures it was drawn to one exceptional species that arose on the moon above the two worlds, shaped so similar to the Lord and Lady that when Dormens pointed them out to the pair they were stunned. These creatures who’s divine birthright was stripped from them began to be overseen by the pair immediately. Dormens found many to have psychic gifts which varied, thus he hunted a great many of them before the Monarch forbade any more slaughter of these siblings of the heavens.

Perhaps to assuage their grief or guilt, the Monarch let the Lord and Lady teach these mortals of arcane energies many things. The Lady gave her wisdom on how to make things grow so that there was always bounty beneath her light, and the Lord taught them how to organize themselves so that they would never be lost. Finally the Monarch through Dormens gave them a name to know themselves, Zehipho.

-8 AP (using the Lord/Lady and Dormens)

The Monarch creates the Zehipho, both the name for the creatures as a whole as well as the sentient species of this kind of life. They are primarily found beyond the worlds of both Lishon and Earth, though some species (mostly the Pho) have a presence on both planets. Despite being incredibly diverse a few things can be said about all of them:

- Zehipho survive using one or two of the following sources of power: the moon’s magical energy, the sun’s magical energy, or psychic energy. Matter is still needed so behaviors such as hunting non-Zehiphoic life can be observed on occasion (like watching goats lick rocks, gotta get those minerals).

-Multiples of eight are almost universally seen in at least one physical feature of zehiphos. Eight arms, eight spots, eight eyes, eight faces; something that with only a bit of thought can be recognized. Microscopic life and some very small visible organisms are exceptions since they use six.

-Magical or psychic abilities are seen among each and every zehipho; however, this is often not a very spectacular attribute as many species use these powers to teak physical requirements. An example of this would be a crimson tree’s roots ignoring depth pressure, or certain flowers having impossibly thin stems to support their blooming flower.

There are three kinds of zehipho, categorized by the main source of energy they use.

Ze - Solar Beasts of the Flaming Skies:

Ze are the zehipho that primarily gain energy through the sun’s mystical light. Flaming, fast, and often loud. The most basic of ze are little more than mystical white flames that fly in shoals near the surface of the sun, risking being killed by getting too close yet also gaining more mystical power the closer they get. These white flames are eaten by more complex creatures above the sun who fly ever higher the larger and more complex they are.

On Lishon ze can be seen near places with lava, the middle of deserts, or even mountaintops; so long as there is enough sunlight. They tend to take the form of plants.

On the moon and other orbital surfaces near Lishon ze are rare but animal forms of ze are relatively more common than on Lishon.

Upon the distant world of Earth the only ze species is a small clover-like shrub that grows upon the icy surface.While they do not glow they burst into tiny flames when they die, something that could hypothetically work even in a vacuum.

Hi (he) - Those of the Endless Crimson Depths:

Hi are the zehipho species that live on the crimson moon’s mystical energy. Hidden, solitary creatures make their way across the moon; the majority of this ecosystem being under the surface of the world as the mystical energies are more easy to absorb there. Upon the surface crimson trees hide the sky above, except for the lands near the moon’s ocean.

The Hi upon other celestial objects or the planets are notable for almost never having deep roots or subterranean features due to not gaining any benefit from it. They appear wherever there are clear nights and the earth (substance not planet) is otherwise too inhospitable for other life.

Like the ze the hi have very little presence on Earth, only a thin species of flower whose appearance is similar to a dandelion grows there. Its many seeds reflect the light of distant celestial objects very well.

Pho - Azure Hunters:

Pho are zehipho that use psychic energy to sustain themselves, taken for the most part from other creatures. More than any other zehipho these creatures live upon the two planets, hunting and scavenging psychic energy from other psychic creatures. Parasitism is frequently seen compared to the other two categories, though there is also an increased number of symbiotes.

Sentient Species - Zehipho:

These beings whose humanoid bodies hold the capacity to metabolize all three forms of energy the lesser zehipho use have risen to the point of using basic tools and organize themselves into tribes of fifty individuals. They can be found upon the moon and other celestial bodies orbiting Lishon besides the sun.

Zehipho appear different depending on the kind of energy they can absorb most readily, a balance that is different for each individual. Though they can only speculate for now on how genetics and diet mix to create the results they see. The end result is that zehiphos can appear to have all manner of skin tones and even minor body changes.

Similarly genetics and diet shape what kind of power young Zehipho may inherit, something that individual tribes take very seriously. Though few of these magical abilities could be considered particularly useful in combat or even survival in this age, they inform other Zehipho what affiliation they have (children growing up in a tribe that can make green sparks but cannot do so themselves by a certain age could be considered bastards or worse).

Highly cooperative, so long as resources are plentiful Zehipho will often work together with members of other tribes in grand hunts or joint festivals. They see truthfulness as a given, lying being seen as rude and lying to deceive as criminal.

-0 AP (-2 from demi-gods)

The Monarch plants the seeds for the first civilization upon the moon, through the spreading of farming and mass organization the first urban center begins its slow but inevitable development on the coast of the moon’s ocean. For now though it’s a gathering place for foodstuff and festivals of the twenty nearby tribes.

+7 AP (+2 from demi-gods)

Many of the early on psychic Zehipho are destroyed by Dormens, a few of the most vile mutants made from Uurt Ore are destroyed by the Lord.

2022-09-27, 07:10 PM
Age 1: Life resolution

Bubbling - seething - teeming - rearing - crawling - pouncing - eating, sleeping, dying, f**king - life! It's happening. Was it a good idea? We'll leave that for the living to debate once they're done rutting their way up the foodchain! The main forms of life are summarised below...

Ecological interplay
- This will describe how the player created lifeforms interact. Much of it will be GM embellishment, let me know if anything oversteps.
- First of all, barely anything lives on Earth's surface. Only the Ze and the Hi were explicitly put there.
- Lishon's land mostly hosts a mix between teuthons, Chrotalans, fungus, and Pho.
- The lava ecosystem is quite complex, involving multiple different kingdoms of life, which Demon has described earlier in this page.
- The oceans of Lishon are almost entirely inhabited by teuthons, though I think we can say that some Turadum creatures will make it over there and evolve into more conventional sighted fish, and there's also that one liopleurodon fella. The moon ocean will have some Hi of some kind.
- Uurt ore sites will be overwhelmingly dominated by Chrotalans due to their adaptation to the ore's mutagenic effects and terrain.
- The moon is almost entirely inhabited by Hi and Zehipho. This place also has the most advanced civilisation in existence so far.
- Turadum is the most pristine ecology around due to the careful portal monitoring.

- Psychic, seven-limbed beings that have found niches all over Lishon. They communicate using their psychic abilities (not just among themselves but with non-psychic beings too) and even use them to mate. They also possess an odd affinity for darkness that allows them to perform umbrasynthesis (shadow photosynthesis).
- Belamorphs are shelled teuthons that live in and around the oceans. Can be found in the moon ocean as well as the Pondiruss belt, and even in the depths of Turadum.
- Krakenites are larger, shell-less oceanic teuthons, which get even larger in the lower gravity moon ocean.
- Terrestripods are shell-less teuthons that live and walk upon the land. They tend to die shortly after mating.
- Avesimorphs are teuthons that have wing-like tentacles, enabling flight.
- Archteuthons are bipedal terrestripods that have gained sentience during the creation of life, and currently live in small tribes on Lishon.
- Vulcanomorphs are dense, shelled teuthons that live in the lava. Since there's not a lot of darkness around a big glowing lava pool, they have adapted chemosynthesis instead.
- Sessilmorphs are barnacles.

The Silver Dragon
- A bizarre, ominous being that was formed in the Uurt cloud. Though it is one sentient mind, it is capable of dividing its metallic thread-like essence into multiple mentally connected beings.
- The Silver Dragon can send its probes travelling through space between planets, where it then harvests life essence by turning living beings into reflective silvery metal statues. They then return to the main body with their harvest. The sites of these harvests are haunted by the voices and visions of the annihilated.
- One particular part of the Silver Dragon in in the form of a giant fish-like animal with a hexagonal head and eight eyes. It currently lurks in the oceans of Lishon, and is restricted to the water.

- The Chrotalans are just one species in a diverse and complex ecosystem of plants and animals. They are sentient, bipedal feathered beings with colour-shifting skin, that occupy the top of the food chain through predation and inventive tool use.
- Plantlife in these ecosystems gain energy from astrologosynthesis (the proximity and mystical significance of current celestial objects), causing them to vary constantly in colour.
- Most animals in these ecosystems are avian or reptilian in nature, with colour-changing scales and feathers used for camouflage and communication.
- These ecosystems will tend to thrive around Uurt ore, as that is where they originated, but they may exist elsewhere across Lishon as well.
- A small variety of plants from this ecosystem are capable of growing in lava.
- A small variety of animals from this ecosystem have adapted to live aquatic lives.

- This fungal ecosystem tends to grow around lighting pillars, where the strikes impart energy to massive interconnected fungus growths. They get bigger with each strike, but still rely on the decay of other life for nutrition.
- The largest lightning pillar growths, called Life Trees, connect to a psychic entity known as the Mother Fungus. This entity networks the Life Trees and stores the memory and dreams of other living beings. Sleeping animals gain access to the Mother Fungus, or they may do so by eating some of the fungus and hallucinating.
- There will be Shroomen.
- Some strange varieties of the fungus exist, including types that explode and types that infect animals' brains.

- The dark sea of Turadum contains mostly very simple, blind, pale creatures, living off of chemosynthetic microbes, small belamorphs, and each other.
- However, the Tenebrids make life here very strange indeed. They are sentient microbial mats enveloped in a psychic film that grows as the mats grow, and reproduce through fission. In addition to communication, their psychic nature nourishes beings around them, making them a cornerstone species of Turadum.
- It is the Tenebrids that control the Turadum Horizon portal. Presumably through this access, varieties of Tenebrid have appeared in the ecosystems on Lishon, with varying degrees of devolution. This includes the lavabrid, which lives in lava and is thus lava resistant, and the synebrid, which forms symbiotic relationships with other animals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgFKovwE88Y&ab_channel=gayshipsandanxiety

The Curse of the Giants
- All lifeforms will give birth to one giant version of themselves. When that one dies, another will be born to replace it. Called kaiju, they will live a long time and evolve rapidly throughout their lifetimes.
- Two particularly notable giants, the Crab Monarchs, breed separately to this law. They make up an extremely small and unique species of sentient beings that try to assert order over other kaiju.

The Zehipho
- Intriguing creatures that tend to live beyond the planets, and will usually exhibit features that conform to the number eight (there is not much info on their form beyond that). They also live off of astrologosynthesis of several kinds.
- The Ze live and feed around the Thumb. The most basic organisms get in closest to the sun, and are then eaten by larger organisms further out. Ze can be found on other planets as well (more stunted on Earth), either near lava or in very sunny locations.
- The Hi live on the moon, harvesting its magical energy. Much of the life here is subterranean, but crimson treelike beings also cover much of the surface. They'll appear on other planets where there are clear nights (more stunted on Earth).
- The Pho are terrestrial beings that hunt psychic creatures, consuming their psychic energy. Sometimes this relationship can be more symbiotic than predatory.
- The sentient humanoid Zehipho are able to live off of solar, lunar, and psychic energy, though they tend to live on the moon mostly. Their appearance will depend on their diet, and will be passed down to their children. There are also magical powers involved which I would like to hear some elaboration on.

Below I have reposted the rules for convenience.

In this game, each player controls a god who may create and interact with the game world in collaboration with the other players. The game is divided into seven ages (turns) which last for in-game time lengths ranging from generations to millennia. Each age the gods may take actions to alter the game world, following the rules for actions.

There are three kinds of actions; creation actions, influence actions, and reactions. They use a resource called action points (AP) that each gods possesses in limited supply. Some actions require spending AP, and some gain AP (each age players will also receive a small AP increase, like passing Go in Monopoly).

To maintain game balance, some actions may be resolved by the GM instead of simply occurring as stated by the player, but ideally this will be an uncommon practice. Usually actions will be resolved as soon as they are posted, but in the case of conflicting narratives they may be resolved at the end of the age.

Additionally, some actions can directly affect other players in a negative way, so there are mechanics in place for players to counter other players' actions, causing them to fail (see the description for reactions). This is encouraged, as I believe that it make the game more interesting.

The three kinds of actions are described in more detail in the next section.

Creation actions: each age will introduce an opportunity for players to jointly contribute to the creation of the setting. These are powerful, pervasive actions, but they must conform to the given age's theme.
For example, the first age will allow players to create the primordial land in which the rest of the game takes place. As we go, the age themes will change in a logical progression. If Age 1 is the land, then Age 2 might be life, and so on. It costs 10 AP to perform a creation action, and each player can only do one per age. All creation actions are detectable by other players.

Influence actions: smaller scale actions that interact with things already present in the world, used to expand your god's religion and power. The list of possible actions and their AP cost/gain is given below (note that each god may do one of each action per age, and actions that cost/gain more than 5AP are detectable to other players):
- Inspire mortals: do something that expands your god's religion. AP cost = order of magnitude of affected mortals (1AP for up to 10 mortals, 2AP for up to 100 mortals, etc)
- Destroy mortals: have your god and their followers sacrifice or conquer another group of mortals. AP gain = order of magnitude of affected mortals if successful (1AP for up to 10 mortals, 2AP for up to 100 mortals, etc)
- Invest divinity: create a hallowed place, a divine relic, or a demigod. When making an action that uses this place/thing/person in the future, reduce the cost by 1AP, or increase the gain by 1AP. This may be used by other gods if the divine investment takes part in a help from your god. Costs 5AP.
- Destroy divinity: destroy a hallowed place, divine relic, or demigod. Costs 10AP - the amount the divine investment has saved its creator.

Reactions: when another player performs a detectable creation or influence action, your god may contribute to the outcome. These can either be a help or a hinder.
A help can be used to add details to the action that align with your god's goals/nature, adding variety and interconnectedness to the setting. Usually it costs/gains no AP to help, unless the help is being used to counter a hinder, in which case it costs however much AP the player would like to contribute to restoring the action (see example at end).
A hinder can be used to prevent another god's action from succeeding (to be used mainly against destroy mortals/destroy divinity actions that target you or an ally). Doing this costs AP equal to the AP cost/gain of the action being hindered. Note that if a player loses AP as a result of being hindered, but has already spent the AP on another action, they may end up with negative AP. A hinder can be undone if the other gods use help reactions to contribute AP equal to the original cost/gain (see example below).
An example for hinders and restoring helps: if an action costs 10AP and the hinder cost 10AP, the rest of the gods may spend 10AP to restore the action. Multiple gods may contribute AP up to the target amount.
Note that there is no limit to the number of reactions a god can do each age.

[B]Player Name:
Garjel_blah (0)
Darth (1)
Demonjazz (2)
Eurus (3)
Fleem Q Swipes (4)
Alexander (5)
Volthawk (6)
Darkstorm (7)
Red Lenses (8)
The JoJo (9)
flyinglemur (10)
Godzillarich (11)
Batcathat (12)
canjowolf (13)
+5 Vorpal Bunny (14)


Character Name:
Seven-fingered Doom
Cedrum Lantana
The Monarch
The Storyteller


Abstract Domain:


Land Domain:
Outer Space


Life Domain:

Shelled life




Legend Domain:


Action Points:


Religion Rating:



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Age 3: Legend

We had thought the universe a canvas to be painted over; a blank, pristine thing to be flicked at with the brush of life. But now that life has come, we see now that this was never quite the trush. This is a board, and now the pieces are set. The games are ready to begin!

Life was ready to unleash itself against... Well, for lack of anything better, itself. Certainly not the gods, who would sit back and enjoy the show undoubtedly. Right? Wrong! Now had come the time for them to define the rules of the mortal game, and to make their opening moves. Their actions now would feed the Legends of the future civilisation.

Legend is the theme of this age, and while it may sound a bit abstract there are some specific sorts of things you'll be able to do. Creation actions will focus on two main things; either the religious/mystical laws of mortalkind like magic, morality, and metaphysics; or they will focus on further advancing life, either by raising more sentients, or by developing the life already present with newfound magics. Now would be a great time for influence actions as well, to boost your religion rating and get some cool ancient deeds out into the mythos! New domains will be Legend related, such as religious concepts, magical concepts, and other cultural concepts appropriate to the current age.

Try to keep an air of mystery about it, this is supposed to be like the beginning of history. Think the Epic of Gilgamesh, or Conan the Barbarian (don't fight me Demon), or if you saw 3000 Years of Longing recently, like the first few flashbacks. Great movie.

What to do this age:
- Domains: all gods must take a fourth domain related to Legend.
- Creation actions: all gods may spend 10AP to create a Legend.
- Influence actions: inspire and destroy mortals actions can be performed this age and are encouraged, in addition to invest or destroy divinity.
- Reactions: react to as many other players' actions as you like, but remember that you may only do this if the action spends over 5AP.

Bear in mind:
- You will all regenerate [7+RR]AP next age.
- I'm keeping RR (religion rating) a relative quantity for now, with influence actions giving you the highest standing, followed by creation actions, then good divine investments.
- Gods who have divine investments may use them to reduce the cost of their actions, or other actions that they react to. I encourage you all to check the rules for this, as they're a little bit complex.

Now let's be Legends together!


The Seven-Fingered Doom lowers a third finger.

2022-10-01, 07:01 AM
AP 9 --> AP 1

The Tempering of Heat and the Long Burning Races of Fire and Brimstone
As Recorded in the Book of Iron by Malthus Firebeard of Clan Urdon, transcribed from the speeches of Aidrum Axebeard, also of Clan Urdon.

It is said that upon the third age, The Great Burning One, the absolute strongest of the gods, woke from within his mountain. And he surveys the mortal races of Lishon, greatest and hottest of the planet and he sees barbarism. He is the first of the gods to see these races of cold blood, these desolate lands of pine and snow, these deadly lands lacking in sulfur and common sense; and he saw them for what they were. Debauched and lacking!

And it was so that the god upon his forge set down, and in one quick motion, took his toes from his body, and set about to crafting the caretakers of the lands of civilized races. The first to be made were from the largest toe, containing the most essence of the god, and as such were closest to his invaluable heat. The mightest of the races, the lavacrabs made in the image of the mightiest creature to ever walk the ground, the Crab Monarchy. As the crabs police the kaiju, the lavacrabs must dominate the stores of lava around the world. It is through them, and only through them that these lands remain holy! That the divine heat still flows through them!

Yet in their closeness to the divine, they could not tarry far from these holy pools of rock and stone. It is in his holy grace, that our lord saw to set about to creating races that would allow these snowclad barbarians to hear our words! Yes, it is the holy duty of every dwarf to teach the world the ways of civilization. The ways of metallurgy, the ways of creating slag, the ways of the blast furnace, and the truest ways of the molten rock and stone! Why, it is said that no race had even invented the likes of astronomy before the lavacrabs, which of course dutifully taught it to the dwarves

Yes, while we make lack in the divinity of the crab, that makes us no lesser. Yet unlike the other races we may still bask in pools of lava, and sup dinner from the vulcanomorph. We are not lesser than the crabs, for how could a hammer be lesser than the anvil when both are required for the job. While the anvil may be less replaceable, do not dread, do not despair as if you were as low as those creatures of pine and snow! Nor should you enact cruelty on those lower creatures for they have as much say as us in their positions of life! Instead, we must lift up these poor races by teaching them the greater sciences of fire and forge! To trade with them so that they may one day learn from us! As I tell this tale, it is important that you keep these lessons handed down on high from the divine.

The first to be created was Clan Urgona. They were gifted with the caretaking of the upper mountains, the thin air, the sulfur and ash, breathing into their lungs to create a higher process in them. While they may talk to the lesser creatures without inflicting harm, it is best for the clan to stay high, high upon their mountains so that they may ascertain truths higher than ours. It is imperative that we do not disturb their higher processes, that they be left free to contemplate these truths, to learn of the sky, stone, and the flames of the furnance. That we give to them what they need as if it were a duty… Nay, a privilege to do so. Each and every dwarf should hand tribute to these great thinkers even before the lavacrabs, who are but second in their resources for their closeness to the divine means that they need little.

Then were created the people of Clan Urdon, which I am happy and hale to report from. Tasked with protecting the most bountiful reserves of ore in the middle of the mountains. We are hard workers, if you may permit me minor arrogance that is unbecoming of one of my station. But when we are not tarrying endlessly in the mines, we are working at the forge to create tools, and all manner of instrument for the rest of the clans. It is only through happenstance that I come here to talk as priest. For in my time on the forge, I had reached a higher truth through mastery. A mastery any of us may reach if we become perfect in our god-given tasks. Let it never be said that any creature is too low to spread the word of heat, and ash! Yes, even the blasted barbarians of pine and snow may through peerless study may reach this truth, if and only if they come to practice our ways, and see the truth, the heat of Cedrum that they may know the goodness of the heat and be purified in its glory.

Then were created the people of Clan Urteen. Tasked with protecting the grazing lands that we hunt and the fertile valleys that we farm. For in exchange for the blessing of travel and speaking to the lesser peoples, we are cursed with the need to consume like the races of snow and pine even if we may still eat from the races of the lava flows and gain sustenance. If Clan Urteen is to ever fall, than it is sure that our society shall collapse even if the lavacrabs may for a time continue their existence, they will descend into barbarians without the help of the dwarves.

Then in the plateaus, mesas, and plains is the last clan of Uryona. They share the most common with these barbaric race, but let it never be said that they come even close to that of barbarians! We shall not allow the discrimination against our own peoples to ever enter our communities! This is the ways of pine and snow, followers! Those are the races of division and bloodlust! Even if we are too folly, it is the end of our peoples if we are to ever fall that low! That is what brings the cursed flowers! What dries the lands of lava, and causes the fires to belch no more! [There is a blank page after this point. It is unknown whether this was intentional on behalf of the scribe.] This clan is set to travel farther than the rest of us, do trade with the barbarians, and to try and spread our ways better than other clan.

Now, congregation, let us take time now to contemplate these teachings as we prepare for a ritual dance to be done by the three visiting lavacrabs. There are pamphlets for those less read in the body language of our lords to understand the story they tell

Cedrum creates the species of fire (Those of the lavacrabs) and brimstone (Those of the species of dwarves). I am using the reduction from both Bupkiss and Frank and Jane as they are the race closest to these resources and I would figure are currently in charge of them (Or at least during their early days)
Lavacrabs are a race entirely made of lava, kept alive by a hurt burning core of constantly swirling lava. Taking out or cooling this core so that it no longer moves is the only to kill these creatures, though it is known for lavacrabs once they reach a certain age to throw themselves into boiling seas to kill themselves though this is discriminated against as cold and weak in their society. They are chemosynethic creatures and spend much of their time sitting in pools and flows of lava soaking in the chemicals to get their sustenance for the day. Though, the high concentrations of chemicals in lavabrids and vulcanomorphs will more quickly gain them this sustenance, they are tasked with maintaining the ecosystem of these resources as a holy duty and as such to take them is considered a delicacy. Otherwise, they serve as a sort of holy king class, in charge of maintaining a complex series of holy rituals, acting as judges, solving conflicts, and other such necessities, but are otherwise a slow and ponderous race which may spend decades at a single activity when not called upon.Though, their culture has a propensity towards creating art.
The lavacrabs are incapable of normal reproduction, instead they may take one of their limbs and pound it down into a new core, creating a new lavacrab which will grow overtime as they take in more lava from the volcanoes around them.

The dwarves believe their castes and clans to be absolute, biological and completely rational. In truth, they are primarily culturally reinforced with constantly maintained etchings in their rocky skin displaying their clan, dwarves do differ in the color of their rock-like skin but this is simply from an adaptation to camouflage them better in the rocks of where they grew up. The dwarves are made of a thick, and rocky skin on the outside and a small fire burning within them making their organs, allowing them to spend up to a week within lava before taking permanent damage, though minor injuries are commonly had after after three days. A dwarf of a certain age after their first trips to the pools of lava will have their insides grow much hotter from eating a vulcanomorph and drinking from the pools. This is a natural activity and seen as a coming of age ritual in their culture, a dwarven body having a natural release valve on them in the form of expelling flames from where hair on a human’s head would grow. Leading to respected dwarves who can afford to go to the lavapools often to have great flaming beards. Otherwise, their bodies break down living material in a more complex but relatively similar way to a human body to maintain their heartiness.
This skin often looks and feels to be incredibly hard and unbreakable, but in reality, the dwarven body has fault lines in them and a well placed strike can easily kill them.
While the dwarves reproduce sexually, doing so is heavily regulated in dwarven society. For a dwarf to simply do the deed is seen to be a great dishonor onto their family, their community, and to themselves. The where, when, why, and how of dwarven sex must be brought before a counsel of elders before any may go forth as such, this has lead to dwarves rarely having more than two children across their relatively long lifetimes.

Due to a quirk of their lava-based biology, all races have a drug-like euphoria induced when eating a basaltic vulcanomorph with a helpful lavabrid residing in it. This creates a feeling of being overwhelmingly hot though actually reduces one’s body temperature creating the illusion of such. Despite this, the creatures have maintained an important use in both recreational and ritual purposes across their societies

2022-10-07, 07:23 PM
Domains: Darkness, Ice, Prey, Fading
Action Points: 19 - 10 = 9

It happens many times, in many places.

Here, an archteuthon flees from a hunting pho. There, a chrotalan hides under an overhang from a raging kaiju. All over the world -- over many worlds, now -- creatures fight, flee, and hide in the name of survival. It's the latter two responses that get Ylinu's attention, though. While the elusive god doesn't begrudge the more aggressive creatures of the universe, direct opposition is not in its nature... but it does feel sympathy.

The archteuthon, the chrotalan, and many more, they all see the same thing. When limbs pound the ground and churn the air in the drive to escape, when the heart freezes with fear as hunters prowl outside your hiding place, the shade of Ylinu appears. Always at a distance, or seen for only a moment, it resembles a horselike creature made from stone and water and moss, a faceless head and spindly legs that nevertheless carry it as swiftly as a shadow flees from light. Occasionally, the hunters see Ylinu as well -- but even if you could catch it, it's just an ephemeral image.

The fleeing or hiding creature, however, finds a new path open. An awareness of its surroundings, as though it could see and hear through every shadow... a lightness of body, letting it flit like a breeze over the roughest terrain... a hazy veil of darkness, muffling noise and making its movements difficult to see. This is Ylinu's gift, and in time, it will be called Fading.

Ylinu uses a major creation to create a magic called Fading.

-Fading is essentially shadow magic. It lets you create and control shadows, extend your perceptions through them, and become insubstantial. It's good at enhancing perceptions and mobility, and it's very good at stealth, but it can't directly cause harm (although it can certainly make it easier to sneak up on something and gank it).

-Fading can be unlocked by any creature during moments of mortal fear, but it's rare. A lot of creatures get eaten every day, but only a small number unlock Fading. It's a small, flat chance of unlocking for every eligible incident, so it pops up more often in places that are very dangerous and for creatures that get in life-threatening situations a lot.

-Unlocking Fading gives you an instinctive knowledge of how to use it, but it can be improved after that with practice. At high levels it can let you become totally invisible, turn partly or completely into shadowy mist, or protect yourself from psychic and magical attack.

-When a creature unlocks Fading, an illusion of Ylinu appears in the area for a bit, and creatures with Fading unlocked will occasionally have Ylinu appear in their dreams. Worshiping Ylinu doesn't improve Fading or make it more likely to unlock, but hey, that's hard to prove.

2022-10-10, 12:32 PM
Space, Fire, Patience, Inscrutability
Action: None (11 AP - 0 AP = 11 AP remaining)


Deep in the Oort cloud, an alien intelligence considered the fruits of the harvest of the Second Wave, the first having been tragically lost in a shipping accident. The knowledge recovered had been partial and imperfect, so the Third Wave had been sculped to fill the empty vessels and complete that which had been sundered. The Third Wave had also been miniaturized and diluted as much as possible given the limits on suitable orbital pathways to carry the threads from the Outer UUrt to thriving Lishon. Small packages, capable of more limited destruction, and more targeted in purpose, carrying the Echoes of the memory of the Second Wave.


Meanwhile, in the Oceans of Lishon, the Silver Dragon had found the surface of the ocean, but been repelled from leaving the waves. Some ancient magic held it there, beyond the Dragon's power to overcome. The stars were visible at those shallow depths, but blurred by air and water the Dragon could not read the stars to travel home. However, it had seen other beings above the waves. Creatures of air, and creatures of lava. Some it could communicate with through telepathy, but their souls remained tantalizingly out of reach beyond the air barrier. So the Dragon turned its attention towards the depths.

Coming to the 'base' of a volcano which rose above the waves, the Dragon began digging a lair. It carved out hexagonal rooms, in a formation consisting of two sets of six rooms in a hexagonal pattern forming 'wings' and a central connector room to serve as the spine for the wings. In this fashion the mercurial being burrowed into the subaquatic stone towards liquid flame far from forbidden air.

2022-10-23, 11:24 AM
Space, Fire, Patience, Inscrutability
Action: Create Life (11 AP - 10 AP = 1 AP remaining)

The Silver Mirrors

The Third Pass came, pools of silver unspooling into threads which rippled across the sky, a day-lit arura. Where they fell, left burned in a chemical transmutation; matter, life, and spirit drawn into the writhing silver webs. Where the threads fell upon the silvery remnants of the Second Pass, the awoke the remnants of the tattered spirits trapped within. This echoes which had wandered Lishon for an age without corpus found the power to make for themselves bodies of the living thread, replicating those that had come before them. Inhabited with a living spirit, these silver shells did not die as they cooled, but formed a living body, similar to the Silver Dragon of the depths, resembling the bodies that they had in life. These bodies resonated with the thoughts gathered in the Uurt cloud, and created copies of those stolen minds in these echoed bodies. The result was giving those devoured beings a second life.

The vivification was imperfect however, as though the echoes informed the shape of the body, the memories and the mind came from the Uurt. This left holes in the memory, the ragged bits that had been left behind to form the ghosts of the silver plains. These holes in the mind and spirit drew these new silver beings to seek out their ghosts. Upon finding the ghosts, these beings could fill in the holes in their memory, and complete their memories of their first life. Following their completion, these beings felt a compulsion to climb to a high place and gaze at the stars, whereupon the completed memories could be copied and transmitted into the Uurt, whereupon the echo-beings could go about their new lives, with only periodic urges to gaze at the stars.

Their bodies were formed of mutagenic silver, and when freshly created took on the same silver sheen as the Dragon and the Threads. However, once they awoke to their old lives, the living silver would change color and texture to match the appearance of their old form. This was likely to result in an imperfect replica, if people thought of themselves as taller, stronger, or uglier than they had been in their first lives. Some of those killed in the Third Pass would also be drawn into this harmonization and might feel the urge to return to their villages after they awoke, thinking that they had imagined the pain of being devoured by a being from the heavens.

In their converted state, these beings did not naturally devour all around them, but would instead eat as they had done in their first lives. However, when the stars were right and the path to the Mind in the Uurt was clear, the urge to find their missing part would swell, and this desire would awaken their silver shells, turning them into silvery monsters with a deep hunger, and an irrepressible desire to find their missing mind fragments. In this silvery state they would do whatever they could to find their wandering ghost, including devouring anyone who tried to stop them. Once a being had already found its ghost, they were much more lucid in their silver state. While the hunger came upon them, their skin shifted back to silver, and they had an urge to view the stars clearly, beings in this state could think logically and distinguish between friend and foe. A silvery being might also find a way to awaken its silver state intentionally, allowing it to use the destructive capabilities of the Silver for a time, combined with the risks of fatigue and possible madness if they were incomplete.