View Full Version : Super Powered Legends IC

2022-08-03, 02:52 AM
On June 3rd, 2016, New York City, the big apple, the largest city in the United States is the cultural, financial, and media capital of the world. This is where our Heroes will begin their first issue. There are five boroughs in New York: Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island. It has become also the city with the most superhuman beings in the country.

On this beautiful morning, your character is minding their own business as usual or even doing their routine, when it began with a rumble at first, then a full-on shake, an earthquake. You would see the buildings shake and crack, fissures opening on the road, and vehicles crashing into each other. The tremors go on for a solid minute, electricity is down, and gas lines are leaking. New York City is in a state of emergency, people are panicking and only brave heroes can help the men, women, and children victims of the disaster.

We will begin with where your character is in New York City when the earthquake happens, and how the tremors even caused damage to your surroundings, or maybe your pet ends up being stuck somewhere. After the description of your situation, would need a Dodge check DC 15 for the Earthquake. Then we will get to save people.

2022-08-03, 09:42 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/XY7RgvrC/wfwe.jpg Storm

New York City was not exactly known for its beach bars, sunshine and tropical decorum but good fun was where you found it! And Rosie had done exactly that. To the south-east of Brooklyn and east of the lower bay, a few beach clubs dotted the sandy landscape, and at this very point in time the out-of-towner Midwesterner found herself seated on the porch, a rum-and-coke in one hand and reflective silver aviators on her smiling face, her shoulders moving back and forth gently to the music.

'From a logical point of view...always marry a woman uglier than you...' Rosie sung along softly with the music, giggling at the cheeky lyrics as she took a sip of her drink.

Brrrr! Brrrr!

Rosie's attention was drawn to her phone that was vibrating upon the table. Picking the device up and answering, the screen filled with the image of her mother, Amanda, with Magnus next to her.

"Aloha!" Rosie grinned.

"Working hard, I see?"

Rosie shrugged, tilting her head to look away as if to hide her guilt.

"Conference starts tomorrow, I'm just...getting the lay of the land!"

"Lay of the land, right," Amanda narrowed her eyes into suspicious slits.

"Mom!" Magnus, unable to restrain himself, shoved himself forward in attention.

"Hey sweetie!"

"Nana says that you'd bring something back - are you near the ocean?"

"I am! Look!" Rosie then tilted the phone, turning it so that the beach and the sea beyond was visible via the forward camera, as Rosie looked in from the side, giving a grin.

"I might bring something back for you...I might not...that depends if Nana says you're behaving. Are you behaving?"

Magnus' eyes swiveled in his head, looking from side to side, his little mouth curling up into a grin as he brought his hands up to cover it.

"Yeaaah I thought so! Behave for Nana, okay?"

Rosie's smile cut off as she felt the first tremors ripple through the build, her vision shaking as the walls seemed to vibrate lightly.

"Rose, you alright?" Amanda asked, her voice serious.

Then the stronger impact hit. The building groaned under torturous pressures as dozens of bottles were shaken from shelves to crash upon the floor - Rosie's drink stammering from her table-top to join them.

"I have to go! I'll call you back!" Rosie hung up, the world around her shaking heavily. She could already hear the yelps and screams around her as people went for cover or vacated the building. Knowing the effect an earth-quake would have on a building and people dense place like New York City, Rosie grabbed her bag and darted out of the beach bar, stumbling down an alley offshoot and out of sight.

Moment later, blue-and-white colorations flashed from within as Storm levitated out of the avenue, her image wreathed with electricity and flew into the sky to assess the situation...

2022-08-04, 07:34 AM
Miss Moment

Jane had visited New York before several times. Of course it had been different, and not just because she had been Johnathan at the the time. The dialects had changed, horses had almost disappeared in favour of automobiles, the buildings had mushroomed and it was now all but impossible for a civilised lady to find a decent milliner. As for the American conception of tea, well, the mind boggled...

It was all so different and yet all so similar. For all the changes a hundred and thirty years had delivered New York was still a place of vibrancy and life, full of dreamers and entrepreneurs, the best and worst of humanity.

As she strolled down the street Jane was dressed in the height of fashion, albeit fashion for 1896 rather 2016. With her parasol, flowered hat, dark cloak over lavender gown and buttoned up heeled boots she was a distinctive figure even in Manhattan but she ignored the glances (many of them appreciative and accompanied by commentary from the more coarse sort of men.) The chrononaut was just crossing the street enroute to the antiquities & rare bookstore she had established as a place of business when she heard the first rumbles.

For a moment Jane thought she'd heard an underground train or was even still feeling the aftereffects of the not yet perfected clockwork powered ear clearer she had invented recently which had worked a little too efficiently. A moment's reflection suggested that it was more serious - as did the rumbling of the ground!


With British aplomb Jane kept her footing without so much as leaving her hat askew. The chrononaut looked around the street in case anyone else less sure footed and/or British had be bowled over by the earthquake.

"Does anyone require assistance?"

2022-08-04, 02:29 PM
Austin Ayers - 1849 Broadway, Manhattan NYC - Metro Cafe

Austin looks somewhat deflated as he stands in line with a young couple at one of the Metro Cafe's various counters, craning his head down to survey the breakfast pastries as best he can while pulling out his phone. Professor Apanowicz had an early lecture this morning and had left her meal card in her office again. Since Austin needed to pass by both the offices and the cafe' on his way to her lab, she'd asked him to pick up her usual for her. Unfortunately, her usual did not appear to be available. "Professor, they don't have any the eclairs. I don't know, their just out. Well, they have cinnamon raisin bagels, apple fritters, and looks like some chocolate swirl biscotti with almonds. Alright. Not a problem."

As soon as the young couple ahead of him leave with their purchases, Austin takes a gingerly sidestep in front of the register while trying to simultaneously order, put his phone away, and retrieve the professor's meal card, "One large double shot mocha espresso and two of the bisc..."

The counter attendant is already somewhat mechanically flipping on the espresso machine when a sudden trembling starts, first mild and then increasingly violent, cutting off Austin mid-order. The barista reflexively jumps back from the sputtering machine while letting loose a random profanity that Austin doesn't quite catch as his own attention is more focused on shielding his server from various falling objects with his over-sized hand. His natural body weight apparently anchoring himself against the quaking fairly well, Austin eyes dart around the cafe and to the rest of the first floor of the SAC beyond it, as he sees other young people, as well as various staff and teachers try to bob out of the way of and/or find cover from falling pictures and other debris.

Zen Gypsy
2022-08-05, 05:25 AM
Paragon, aka Quentin Raleigh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25538235&postcount=4)
HERO POINTS: 1 | LUCK (Ultimate Will): 2
Active Effects: Solar powered Boost (Flight 7; Stacks with Maneuvering Flight 2) (1000mph;2miles/rnd)
Conditions: None.

Quentin was in Central Park, he'd started by coming in the Columbus Circle entrance, then turned northbound past the Pinebank Arch and had begun his run, 4 miles was nothing to him now, considering the events that had forever changed him, but it was the routine. Something he'd done when it would leave his chest tight, pushing through that fatigue, to meet the mark, but now it was just the constant routine, every morning, his legs hammering the soft dirt pathway, the other early morning joggers, each in their own world, ear buds in, lost to their thoughts, their rhythms.

He thought about his assignment, since he'd relocated to the NYC Film Institute his life had become increasingly hectic, his responsibilities as Paragon overshadowing his academic responsibilities, and balancing them was becoming increasingly difficult. He had an assignment in Mr. Bixby's production workshop, where he had to edit Sadie Thorpe's interview with city councilmen, that was due by end of day, otherwise Bixby would start docking his group marks. He just needed to get 4 miles in, half an hour, that's all he wanted, half an hour to himself. However, here he was, not ten minutes into his morning run, and his legs were shaking, wait ... what? He shook his head, pulling himself out of his own head, and he noted that a flock of birds had shot into the sky, dogs were barking, and the trees on either side of the path were shaking. An earthquake? He wouldn't be able to see much from central park, he looked around, no, he was alone on the path.

He concentrated a moment, his eyes flared brilliantly, shifting, and everything came into focus, the park, the surrounding skyscrapers, glass shattering, raining down over busy Friday morning sidewalks, he sighed. Half an hour to himself, that's all he wanted, spotting a small knoll, he headed to it, pulling out a green and white suit from the courier bag he carried with him, he quickly changed, stowing his running gear, iphone, and ipods into it, he positioned the bag between his shoulders, it's contents sufficiently flattened to not be noticeable beneath the white cape. Looking around, he shot straight upwards, Friday morning commute, he thought to himself, Brooklyn bridge was where he could do the most good, he would stop by any fire crews, he spotted along the way, offering assistance as Paragon.

Half an hour, he thought to himself, maybe tomorrow.

OOC: Dodge Check vs DC 15, [roll0]. Paragon will move towards the Brooklyn Bridge, attempting to repair structural damage there, if required. However, if he spots emergency crews, he will drop by and see where he is most needed, or if there are more pressing emergencies that he can aid in.

2022-08-08, 09:36 AM
Minerva aka Valorie Magnus
HP: 1

Breathing hard, Val glanced a moment at the treadmill's readout. She was on pace for a new record, three minutes to go and her 10 miles would be finished. Her legs were burning and her face was coated in sweat. Every time she gulped in a lungful of oxygen it felt like a fire in her chest would come roaring up. She pushed those aside and kept at it, instead trying to focus her attention on keeping her legs pumping with a good form.

Early morning workouts like these were about the only way she even knew how to start her day. She'd been here since before the sun had come up, doing her lifting early so that she didn't have to deal with gawkers and gym-bros commenting on her bicep curls. On a good day, she'd finish most of her routine before anyone else even wandered in, allowing her to blend in to the scenery. Nothing worth noticing here, just some young lady looking to keep trim with a heavy cardio routine.

In all honest, she could have certainly afforded to get a private gym installed, but using the exercise room in her apartment building was honestly a more enjoyable experience, even if it meant catching catcalls from Tony Billings whenever he decided to try and swing in to show off. It was a more human experience this way.

Under a minute left on the clock, and Val kicked her engine into overdrive to try and make it to the finish line. Her efforts were cut off when the lights overhead flickered once, then went dead. The treadmills display did the same, erasing her progress and causing the motor to spin down. All of which was immediately overshadowed by the sudden tremor that shook through the building. Barbells tumbled off the rack and the floor buckled and lurched. Valorie managed to keep her footing, her brain shifting into emergency mode even as she had to fight to get her breath back.

Wasn't an explosion, the sound was wrong. Sustained vibrations, not an accident or impact. Earthquake? Maybe.

Another shockwave hit, and the glass windows shattered, spraying across the floor and down onto the street ten stories below.

It was morning, and Val wasn't the only person in the gym. She scanned the room, doing a headcount. 6 people, not counting herself. All adults, faces she recognized from the building but didn't have names to match with. Scared faces at that.

A different rumble started up through the floor, and the ground lurched to one side, tilting at an angle. The light coming through the now busted windows swung across the floor as the side of the apartment complex started tipping a few degrees, then a few more. It held at maybe 5 degrees, but for how long? That was going to be hard to say.

Valorie grabbed her duffle bag, feeling the weight of her costume within. She rarely went anywhere without having it on hand, but at the moment she had nowhere to change. She also didn't have time to spare. First thing was going to be getting everyone out of the building as fast as possible.

"We all need to evacuate" She stated to the room, pointing to the exit "Take the stairs, the elevators aren't going to be working. Head to street level as fast as you can" Her tone was commanding, not allowing room for any objection. She paused a moment, considering. To many floors, to many rooms to check. Even if she recruited help it'd take the better part of an hour to check everywhere. She needed to get people moving. With one casual swipe, Val pulled the firealarm and tripped the emergency sirins and flashing lights."Lets go!"