View Full Version : Player Help Trying to find a golem class (focused on the flesh golem)

Star Dragon
2022-08-04, 03:04 PM
Hiya folks! First time poster, and I registered just to try to get an answer to this question:

I'm trying to find something I came across recently but I cannot remember the source material it's located in. I believe it is a prestige class that when you get to level (10): you gain the ability to transfer your soul into one of your improved flesh golems.

This may just be a normal alternate base class, I don't recall. However google has proven uncooperative with the keywords I've tried.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
(Note I've searched the forums before I posted and found nothing relevant unfortunately)

2022-08-04, 03:29 PM
Maybe Effigy Master from Complete Arcane.

Its capstone is a form of link to one of your constructs even though it's only 5 levels long and not at all flesh golem oriented but maybe your memory has it mixed up with some other class.

On the homebrew side I found this (https://www.enworld.org/threads/golem-master-prc-brand-spankin-new.31269/) from ENworld

Akal Saris
2022-08-05, 04:56 PM
I'm fairly well-versed in the game and not familiar with such a prestige class, so it's likely from Dragon Magazine or a homebrew class. Seems like a great concept though.

In addition to Effigy Master, there's Renegade Mastermaker and Green Star Adept, which are both prestige classes where the capstone is turning oneself into a construct?

2022-08-05, 05:21 PM
If Kingdoms of Kalamar sources allowed, Player's Guide to the Sovereign Lands have Golem Master PrC

Star Dragon
2022-08-05, 06:16 PM
Ty! I will check that link out sat at the library, as my kaios phone wont let me connect.

And for more clarafication, an earlier class ability had something like: Improve Flesh Golem.

I had just found the entry a few days ago, but had less than one min till the system would boot me off. No time to figure out printing.

I know it will turn up again, but it might take me a month or two.