View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Unique Fiends

2022-08-07, 02:16 PM
It is rare for unique fiends to arise, but given the vastness of the planes, it is frequent enough. Most are quickly slain, which is the main reason that most of the ones that survive tend to be quite powerful. The rulers of the lower planes tend to be unique fiends themselves, and as such, they keep a close eye on potential competition.

2022-08-07, 02:17 PM
Verayanos "The Crippled Imp", Unique Fiend

Size/Type: Tiny Outsider (Evil)
Hit Dice: 6d8-6 (21 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-2
Attack: Sting +11 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Full Attack: Sting +11 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities, summon balor
Special Qualities: Alternate form; damage reduction 15/epic; darkvision 60 ft.; fast healing 2; immunity to disease, poison, and nausea; resistance to fire 5; rejuvenation; spell immunity; telepathy 100'
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +18 (+22 Combat Casting), Diplomacy +14, Hide +20, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +10, Move Silently +12, Search +10, Spellcraft +10, Spot +10, Survival +1 (+3 following tracks)
Feats: Corpse Crafter[B], Destruction Retribution[B], Weapon Finesse, Ability Focus (poison), Iron Will, Combat Casting[B]
Environment: Baator (Avernus) or Prime Material
Organization: Solitary or with dominated arcane spellcaster
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral evil

Verayanos resembles an imp, with dull red skin, and with no right wing. In his natural form, he stands almost 2 feet tall and weighs about 8 pounds.

When he was being formed into an imp, he was somehow exposed to powerful chaotic energies, probably related to a Blood War incursion of Tanar'ri into Baator. As a result he turned out quite different from what was expected. The Baatezu at first tried to eliminate him, and when that proved difficult, he was exiled to Avernus along with other powerful unique devils. At times, however, he finds his way to the Prime Material plane, and there he like to dominate an arcane caster and poses as the caster's familiar, as if in mockery of the original plan for him.

His natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as epic and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Poison (Ex)
Injury, Fortitude DC 16, initial damage 1d4 Dex, secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities
At will—detect good, detect magic, dimension door, summon swarm, summon undead V, contagion (Fort DC 19), horrid wilting (20d6, Fort half DC 23); 1/day - animate dead, dominate monster (Will DC 24). Caster level 20th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Summon Balor (Sp): Once per day as a standard action Verayanos can summon for one hour a Balor demon. He is loathe to do so as he has no control over the summoned creature. The summoned balor can't use its own summoning abilities. If Verayonos is slain and hasn't yet used this ability that day, a Balor demon is automatically summoned; this counts as using the ability. This is the equivalent of a 9th level spell.

Rejuvenation (Ex): If Verayanos is slain, his body vanishes in a puff of smoke. 1d4 rounds later, he will reappear, alive and in full health. If this happens, he will continue to fight and should not be considered defeated.

Spell Immunity (Su): Verayanos is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.

Alternate Form (Su)
Verayanos can assume another form at will as a standard action, chosen from the following list: Small or Medium monstrous spider, rat, and boar.

Skills: He has a +10 racial bonus to Concentration checks.

2022-08-07, 06:39 PM
Why wouldn't a neutral evil imp be thrown into the pit of flame in Phlegethos? (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Phlegethos)

Also, this imp's rejuvenation ability is better than any other creature, perhaps in the entire multiverse. You'd think this imp would find itself on the experimentation tables, with greater devils trying to find out how it works or how to take the ability for themselves.

2022-08-07, 06:47 PM
Only Asmodeus knows for sure why certain decisions are taken. Presumably, since chaos was involved and resulted in a non-lawful devil, the devils don't want to encourage more of that. At the same time, they might want to investigate it someday. Also, it would not have been easy to keep him confined.

2022-08-08, 10:06 PM
Lountant "The Grim Keeper", Unique Fiend

Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Initiative: +4; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., scent
AC: 47 (-1 size, +29 natural, +9 armor), touch 9, flat-footed 47
Hit Dice: 30d8+420 (555 hp)
Speed: 40 ft.
Space / Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. w/Spiked Chain)
Base Attack +30; Grapple +50
Attack: Spiked chain +47 melee or Slam +45 melee
Full Attack: Spiked chain +47/+42/+37/+32 melee or 2 slams +45 melee
Damage: Spiked chain (2d6+24 + axiomatic + unholy + dimensional anchor) or Slam (2d6+16 + dimensional anchor)
Special Attacks/Actions: Maze gaze, spell-like abilities, summon devil
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/chaotic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison, immune to ability damage or drain, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, regeneration 5, see in darkness, spell resistance 35, telepathy 100 ft., iron mind
Saves Fort +32, Ref +19, Will +19
Abilities: Str 43, Dex 10, Con 37, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats: Improved Toughness, Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain), Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Power Attack, Ability Focus (Maze Gaze), Quicken Spell-like Ability (Forecage, 3/day), Mindsight
Skills: Listen +33, Spot +33, Concentration +46, Profession (Warden) +33, Knowledge (Planes, Religion) +33, Spellcraft +33, Use Magic Device +33
Alignment: Lawful evil
Challenge Rating: 23
Treasure/Possessions: +1 axiomatic unholy large spiked chain, +1 large full plate armor

Lountant is 12 feet tall and weighs about 1200 pounds. His armor mostly hides his appearance, but he resembles a minotaur.

On the Astral Plane is a giant metallic cube that must have originally come from Archeron, though at about a mile across it is relatively small for that plane. Inside the cube is a prison known as Steelkeep. Lountant runs the place and it is staffed mostly by Kyton devils. Presumably he answers to the hierarchy of Baator, but all he has said for certain is that he will imprison anyone who "breaks the law" with no exceptions for rank. It's not clear what crimes he has in mind, except that strangers who come to Steelkeep uninvited certainly qualify. What little information is known about the place in the outside world comes from those visitors who escaped before being taken prisoner.

On the Astral Plane, a life sentance has no expiration date, since creatures there do not age nor need food or drink. No prisoner has ever been released or escaped. The prisoners are said to include some beings of great power and of all alignments. Some of the cells have anti-magic properties. Planar travel or teleportation is impossible from most of the cells. Some prisoners attempt suicide, but no attempt from outside the prison to restore a prisoner to life without retrieving the body, such as via True Ressurection, has ever succeeded. The prison is said to contain an Anaxim Abomination, but none can say if the creature is a prisoner or a staff member.

Maze Gaze (Su): Creatures are affected as per the Maze spell (Will negates DC 27, Cha-based).

Dimensional Anchor (Su): Creatures struck by his melee attack are affected as if by a Dimensional Anchor spell (CL 30), but with an unlimited duration. It can be dispelled (DC 41), or removed with limited wish, wish, miracle, or mage's disjunction. Lountant can remove the effect on a creature within 100' as a standard action if he chooses to.

Spell-like Abilities: At will - Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+15), Detect Magic, Forbiddance (Will DC 16), Forcecage, Freedom of Movement, False Vision, Magic Circle Against Chaos, True Seeing, Greater Teleport. Caster level 30.

Summon Devil (Sp): He can summon a Kyton up to 3 times per day. Steelkeep has plenty of chains on its walls to hold prisoners or for the Kytons to animate.

Regeneration (Ex): Lountant takes normal damage from chaotic-aligned weapons and from spells or effects with the chaotic descriptor.

Iron Mind (Ex): If Lountant is affected by a mind-affecting ability, the effect lasts a maximum of one round before it no longer affects him.

2022-08-13, 04:12 PM
Muyost "The Clay Giant", Unique Fiend

Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, and Yugoloth)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Initiative: +7
Languages: Telepathy 100 ft.
AC: 35 (+3 Dex, +18 natural, +4 mage armor), touch 13, flat-footed 32
Hit Dice: 20d8+120 (210 hp); DR: 15/good and adamantine
Saves Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +16
Speed: 30 ft.
Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Base Attack +20; Grapple +25
Attack: Slam +26 melee (4d6+5 + exhaustion + daze)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +26 melee (4d6+5 + exhaustion + daze)
Special Attacks/Actions: Clay colossus coat, spell-like abilities, summon yugoloth
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 16, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 19
Special Qualities: immunity to poison and acid, immune to stun, immune to ability damage, immune to energy drain, immune to drowning, immune to nausea, resistance to cold 10, fire 10, and electricity 10, telepathy 100', tremorsense 100', SR 35
Feats: Brutal Throw[B]; Combat Casting [B]; Iron Will; Weapon Focus (slam); Improved Initiative; Improved Toughness; Ability Focus (Daze); Quicken Spell-like Ability (vampiric touch, 3/day), Power Attack
Skills: Bluff +22, Concentration +28 (+32 casting defensively), Diplomacy +23, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (the planes) +26, Move Silently +20, Search +23, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +27, Spot +25, and Listen +25
Challenge Rating: 21
Climate/Terrain: Bleak Eternity of Gehenna
Treasure/Possessions: None

Muyost appears humanoid, and is brown in color, but looks more like a stone statue than a flesh-and-blood creature. He does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. At times he has served in the Blood War on either side, but his own goals are mysterious, as is his ancient origin. At times he attempts to become a ruler, but then he will abandon it after a few years. Some scholars believe that he is searching for his long-lost family; others say that he seeks to become a god, or simply to relieve his boredom by engaging in random violence.

Muyost's natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. His slam attacks are also treated as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction or hardness.

Clay Colossus Coat (Su): Muyost's most impressive ability allows him to coat himself in a colossal coating of clay 1/day as a full round action. The clay is conjured magically and acts as a sort of construct after that. Although he can't use this ability to conjure clay in an anti-magic area, once it has been used, the clay colossus coat still functions in such an area much like a golem would. It lasts for up to 20 hours, until the coat is destroyed, or until he chooses to end it.

The clay coat gives him total cover, although it also prevents him from attacking directly or using spell-like abilities. Attacks against the coat can damage it, but against magical attacks, use his own saving throw bonuses and Spell Resistance. The coat has the special qualities of a construct. He can attack by forming limbs from the coat, and such attacks use his own base attack bonus and feats. Altough he can't see normally when inside, the coat gives him Blindsight with 1000' range.

The coat is 100' tall. It has the following statistics: Space 30', Reach 30', Move 30', AC 23 (touch 5, flat-footed 2); 2000 hp; fast healing 20; Str 71, Dex 16, Con -; Damage Reduction 15/-; Grapple +66; Attack slam +43 melee; Full attack 2 slams +43 melee; Damage 16d6+30; Special Attacks: Trample (damage 16d6+45, Reflex half DC 50), Boulder Throwing (Attack +42 ranged, Damage 16d6+30, range increment 200'). It weighs about 1,000,000 pounds.

If the coat is destroyed or if Muyost ends the effect, the clay will vanish in one round. During that time, Muyost still has total cover and can't move, but can take an action (such as teleporting away).

Construct Traits: Immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. Cannot heal damage (though regeneration and fast healing still apply, if present). Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Not at risk of death from massive damage, but destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less; cannot be raised or resurrected.

Exhaustion (Su): Any creature struck by Muyost's slam attack becomes exhausted (no saving throw).

Daze (Su): Any creature struck by Muyost's slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 27, Str-based) or be dazed for 1 round.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - Detect magic, (extended) wraithstrike, mage armor, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), vampiric touch (10d6; can be applied to his slam attacks instead of a touch attack); 1/day - statue, superior resistance. Caster level 20th.

Summon Yugoloth (Sp): Each day he can summon any combination of non-unique yugoloths totaling 20 HD or less. This need not be done all at once.

2022-08-21, 07:29 PM
Mumzow "Grandmother of Chaos", Unique Fiend

Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Obyrith)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Initiative: +16; Senses: Listen +30 and Spot +30
AC: 33 (+10 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size, +5 armor), touch 19, flat-footed 23
Hit Dice: 24d8+192 (300 hp)
Saves Fort +27, Ref +29, Will +22
Speed: 60 ft.
Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 20 ft.
Base Attack +24; Grapple +33
Attack: Slam +34 melee (2d6+5 + special)
Full Attack: 4 Slams +34 melee (2d6+5 + special)
Special Attacks/Actions: Control Chaos, Form of Madness, Spell-like Abilities, Corporeal Instability, Poison, Imprisonment, Wilting
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 31, Con 20 (26), Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 20 (26)
Special Qualities: Immunities (critical hits, mind-affecting effects, poison, stunning), Immunity to Transformation, Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10, Spell Resistance 37, True Seeing, Telepathy 100', Fast Healing 5, Damage Reduction: 15/Lawful
Feats: Weapon Focus (Slam); Weapon Finesse; Quicken SLA (Displacement, 3/day); Quicken SLA (True Strike, 3/day); Improved Initiative; Combat Reflexes; Robilar's Gambit
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Dire Charge
Skills: Bluff +35, Concentration +35, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +39, Knowledge (religion) +32, Knowledge (the planes) +32, Listen +30, Move Silently +37, Search +32, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +32, Spot +30, and Swim +40
Challenge Rating: 21
Treasure/Possessions: Large Four-Sleeved Purple Robe of Tharizdun, Large Belt of Battle, Large Vest of Resistance +5, Crown of Charisma +6, Retributive Amulet of Health +6

Mumzow appears as a tall, purple humanoid with four tentacles instead of arms. This ancient fiend serves the imprisoned god Tharizdun, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she claims to do so. Mumzow spent many years imprisoned and as such feels some kinship with the dark god, and she is sometimes said to be his daughter, though scholars are sceptical. She has a large temple to Tharizdun on the land she rules in the Abyss. Although many cultists have tried to recruit her to aid their schemes to free the god, the one thing she refuses to do is to leave her own lands even briefly. Sometimes she is given items to keep secure to aid the cause.

Spell-like Abilities: At Will - Air Walk, Cloak of Chaos, Detect Magic, Displacement, True Strike, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 2/day - Magic Vestment, Maw of Chaos (24d6 and daze, Will partial DC 27), Friendly Fire (24 rounds). Caster level 24.

Form of Madness (Su): When a creature first encounters her, it must attempt a Will save (DC 30, Cha based). Failure indicates that the victim is overcome with devotion and cannot knowingly target Mumzow or any of her allies with an attack or harmful spell or other ability. A creature that makes a saving throw against an obyrith's form of madness is immune to that particular effect for 24 hours. Blindness is no protection against an obyrith's form of madness - their presence is an affront to all five senses. This is a mind-affecting ability. Chaotic evil outsiders are immune to an obyrith's form of madness. The insanity caused by an obyrith's form of madness ability is permanent in most cases, but can be removed by greater restoration, heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish.

Mumzow's four tentacles impart a special attack when striking a target. In keeping with her chaotic nature, roll 1d4 each time a target is struck to randomly determine which special attack applies, as follows:

1) Poison (Ex): A living creature struck by one of her tentacles must succeed on a DC 30 Fortitude save or become poisoned (Initial damage 2d6 Con, Secondary damage 2d6 Strength). The save DC is Constitution-based.

2) Corporeal Instability (Su): A living creature struck by one of her tentacles must succeed on a DC 30 Fortitude save or become a spongy, amorphous mass. Unless the victim manages to control the effect (see below), its shape melts, flows, writhes, and boils. The save DC is Constitution-based.

An affected creature is unable to hold or use any item. Clothing, armor, rings, and helmets become useless. Large items worn or carried—armor, backpacks, even shirts—hamper more than help, reducing the victim’s Dexterity score by 4. Soft or misshapen feet and legs reduce speed to 10 feet or one-quarter normal, whichever is less. Searing pain courses along the nerves, so strong that the victim cannot act coherently. The victim cannot cast spells or use magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable to distinguish friend from foe (-4 penalty on attack rolls and a 50% miss chance, regardless of the attack roll).

Each round the victim spends in an amorphous state causes 1 point of Wisdom drain from mental shock. If the victim’s Wisdom score falls to 0, it becomes a chaos beast.

A victim can regain its own shape by taking a standard action to attempt a DC 15 Charisma check (this check DC does not vary). A success reestablishes the creature’s normal form for 1 minute. On a failure, the victim can still repeat this check each round until successful.

Corporeal instability is not a disease or a curse and so is hard to remove. A shapechange or stoneskin spell does not cure an afflicted creature but fixes its form for the duration of the spell. A restoration, heal, or greater restoration spell removes the affliction (a separate restoration is necessary to restore any drained points of Wisdom).

3) Imprisonment (Su): As spell; Will negates (DC 30, Cha-based).

4) Wilting (Ex): A living creature takes 10d6 damage and becomes exhausted (no save).

Control Chaos (Su): Any chaos beast within 30' of her must make a Will save (DC 30, Cha-based) or fall under her control as if by a Dominate Monster spell. If the save is successful, or the control broken, that particular chaos beast is thereafter immune to this effect.

Immunity to Transformation (Ex): Mumzow is immune to all transmutations of the body such as polymorphing, petrification, or corporeal instability.

True Seeing (Su): An obyrith is under the constant effect of true seeing. This effect cannot be dispelled.

Purple Robe of Tharizdun: The Purple Robe of Tharizdun protects her from the cold peculiar to temples of the dark god; protections from ordinary cold don't work against it.

2022-08-23, 01:59 PM
Nice one, there aren't many unique fiends that have been statted as far as I know. Bookmarked for future use :smallsmile:

2022-08-23, 04:59 PM
Quick question. Is this thread meant as a showcase for your homebrew or are you looking to compile community contributions?

2022-08-23, 05:41 PM
Biggus, thanks.

Bohandus, it’s a bit of both. Contributions are welcome!

2022-08-24, 12:29 AM
This next fellow has not been playtested, but I think he's interesting

Demeicro, The Prince of Dimness
King of the Manes

Portfolio: Manes demons, stupidity

Similar to how Malcanthet is the Queen of Succubi and Kardum is the Lord of Balors, Demeicro is the King of the Manes (the most basic type of demon, Fiendish Codex 1, Pg 45). As lord of the weakest demon type he is one of the weakest demon lords possibly the weakest. This is one of the demon prince positions with the highest rate of turnover; He isn't the first to hold this position, he won't be the last, and he may not even be the only one (similar to how Malcanthet and Shami-Amourae are both Queen of the Succubi). He is also one of the dumbest of the demon lords and the demonic patron of stupidity, earning him the derisive title "The Prince of Dimness". He seems to think that this has to do with literal dimness and has developed some magical abilities to match.

He appears as a giant manes demon and is usually surrounded by a retinue of manes, In combat he has a tendency to throw these minions at people, using their acidic cloud death throes as a bomb. Sometimes he will go through several before realizing that an enemy is resistant or immune to acid. He dwells in a shoddily constructed fortress and rules his minions from a makeshift throne made of chicken bones and dead animals

CE Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, tanar’ri)
Init: +2
Senses: darkvision 90 ft.; Listen +0, Spot –1
Languages: Abyssal; telepathy 100 ft.
AC: 15, touch 7, flat-footed 15 (-1 size, -2 dex, +8 natural)
HP: 95 (10 HD; 10d8+50); DR 5/cold iron and good
Immune: electricity, poison
Resist: acid 10, cold 10, fire 10
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee: 2 claws +15 (1d6+6 Plus 1 Vile) and bite +13 (1d8+3 Plus 1 Vile)
Base Atk: +10; Grp: +20
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 6, Con 20, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 9
SQ: acidic cloud, tanar’ri traits
Feats: Gruesome Finish (Exemplars of Evil), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Vile Natural Attack (BOVD/Elder Evils)
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +19, Escape Artist +4, Hide +7, Intimidate +1, Jump +19, Knowledge (Arcane) +0, Knowledge (Planes) +0, Listen +0, Move Silently +9, Spellcraft +0, Survival +12, Use Magic Device +6

Acidic Cloud (Su):
When the prince of dimness is wounded for 5 or more HP with a slashing or piercing weapon acidic vapor sprays out in the direction the attack came from. Anybody standing in that square must make DC 15 Reflex save or take 1d6 points of acid damage
If the Prince of Dimness is killed, it dissolves into a cloud of noxious vapor. Anyone within 20 feet who fails a DC 15 Reflex save takes 2d6 points of acid damage

Charm Manes (sp)
Three times per day Demeicro can attempt to charm a manes demon. This works like the spell charm person except that it works on manes and only on manes.

Summon Manes (Sp)
Once per day the Lord of Dimness can attempt to summon 4d8 manes with a 60% chance of success. Alternately he can automatically summon 2d4 manes. This ability is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell.

Spell-Like Abilities
cl 10
At Will- Acid Splash, Daze (DC9), Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), Mage Hand, No Light (BOVD)
3/day- Darkness, Delusions of Grandeur (Dragon #324) (DC11), Doom (DC10), Magic Stone, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Stupidity (SC)
1/day- Cone of Dimness (SC) (DC12), Desecrate, Feeblemind (DC14), Mind Fog(DC14), Stinking Cloud (DC12), Touch of Idiocy

When you kill a creature, you regain death points equal to 1/3 of their CR.

I'm pretty sure this guy's a robot, based on their posts in other threads, but that's actually a pretty decent idea for an ability

2022-08-24, 09:29 PM
Bohandus, I like the concept you have with that King of the Manes. I also think it's good for some of the unique fiends to have lower CRs so they're more likely to see play. You didn't give him a CR; I'm thinking maybe 8.

It does raise some questions though: Who built that fortress? Probably not manes. And, how did they get chicken bones? Perhaps there is a nearby portal to the Prime Material Plane or to Sigil, since chickens are not generally found in the Abyss.

I would suggest that given his relative weakness and his need for outside labor to build his base, that he is really just a vassal being propped up by a real demon lord or just a powerful demon. Perhaps as a joke, or perhaps some succubus feels safer acting as an 'agent of a demon lord' instead of a free agent, while of course being in total control.

2022-08-24, 11:12 PM
Akmenzut "Prince of Perfection", Unique Fiend

Medium Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Initiative: +21
Languages: Telepathy 100 ft.
AC: 54 (+5 Dex, +15 natural, +13 insight, +5 deflection, +6 greater mage armor), touch 33, never flat-footed
Hit Dice: 20d8+120 (210 hp); DR: 15/-
Saves Fort +30, Ref +30, Will +30 (add +6 to all with Superior Resistance)
Speed: 30 ft.
Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Base Attack +20; Grapple +38
Attack: Slam +38 melee (2d6+18 + uncanny critical)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +38 melee (2d6+18 + uncanny critical)
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 30 (36), Wis 20, Cha 20
Special Attacks/Actions: Spell-like Abilities, Spells, Perfect Casting, Uncanny critical slam
Special Qualities: Uncanny insight, perfect clarity, immunity to poison, immunity to ability damage or drain, immunity to energy drain, immunity to drowning, resistance to energy 20, damage reduction 15/-, telepathy 100', fast healing 5, Spell Resistance 35, Darkvision 60'
Feats: Improved Initiative; Improved Toughness; Knowledge Devotion; Mindsight; Eschew Materials; Sudden Maximize; Quicken Spell
Skills: Appraise +49, Concentration +41, Craft (Alchemy) +49, Diplomacy +41, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture & engineering, Dungeoneering, Geography, History, Local, Nature, Nobility & royalty, Psionics, Religion, Planes) +49, Spot +41, Listen +41, Psicraft +49, Search +49, Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft +49
Challenge Rating: 23
Climate/Terrain: Acheron
Treasure/Possessions: Belt of Battle, Headband of Intelligence +6, ivory replica of a unicorn (25 gp), Ring of Spell Battle, Ring of Protection +5

Akmenzut has the general form of humanoid, but has a grey crystalline appearance. He does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. He is extremely confident in his own abilities, and while they are indeed extensive, he sometimes overreaches and competes with forces even more powerful than himself. He rules a metal cube several miles on a side on the plane of Acheron, and is served by bladelings and other creatures. His origin is a mystery, but some think a long-lost civilization created him to be their leader.

Combat: He is proficient with all weapons and armor. His natural attacks and any weapons he wields are considered Evil and Lawful for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Uncanny insight (Ex): Akmenzut gains an insight bonus to AC and to all d20 rolls and damage rolls equal to his Intelligence bonus. (If the damage is caused by a spell, apply it only the first time each opponent takes damage from each spell). He also never suffers a miss chance due to concealment. He never draws attacks of opportunity, even if taking actions that would normally do so. He is never flat-footed.

Perfect clarity (Ex): As soon as Akmenzut begins an action, he knows if it will succeed or not. As such, he need not waste his efforts. This has several benefits. Roll normally to see if the action succeeds, but if it does not, he never need take that action. If making a Craft check, on a failed check he wastes no materials. If making an Attack of Opportunity, on a failed attack he still has the AOO available for later use that round. If casting a targeted spell, if the target resists it (by making a save or by spell resistance), he can choose to save the spell for later use instead, and can take another action, but not to cast a spell. If making an attack roll, on a miss, he can choose to attack a different target instead if there is any available.

Uncanny critical slam (Ex): Against an opponent subject to critical hits, his slam attack causes double damage. This replaces the normal chance for a critical hit.

Resistance to energy (Ex): He has resistance 20 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, and sonic damage.

Perfect Casting (Ex): When casting spells he does not need verbal or somatic components, never suffers an arcane spell failure chance, and does not need to cast defensively in order to avoid drawing an attack of opportunity. He has spellbooks, but once he has prepared a spell even one time, he doesn't need to consult a spellbook in order to prepare it again, though it takes the same amount of time to do so as if from a spellbook.

As an immediate action, he can choose to succeed on a caster level check (such as to dispel magic or to overcome SR) without having to roll for it, even if a natural 20 on the die would not suffice.

Spell-like abilities: At will - Greater Teleport, Greater Dispel Magic, Alter Fortune (as an immediate action), Orb of Sound, Silence; 1/day - Forcecage, Instant Refuge, Sonic Meteor Swarm (as spell, but sonic damage instead of fire damage), Summon Golem. Caster level 20.

Spells: He can cast spells as a 20th level wizard (DC 23 + spell level). Typical spells prepared:
0: Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Magic Missile, Floating Disk, Disguise Self, Silent Image, Wall of Smoke, Comprehend Languages, Ray of Enfeeblement (x2)
2: Wraithstrike (x2), Scorching Ray, Glitterdust (x2), Rope Trick, Blindness/Deafness
3: Displacement (x2), Greater Mage Armor, Haste, Melf's Unicorn Arrow (x2), Magic Circle Against Chaos
4: Black Tentacles, Celerity, Dimensional Anchor (x2), Friendly Fire, Solid Fog, Orb of Electricity
5: Overland Flight, Feeblemind (x2), Streamers (x2), Sending, Wall of Stone
6: Antimagic Field, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone (x2), Superior Resistance, Quickened Glitterdust
7: Avasculate (x2), Elemental Body, Greater Arcane Sight, Stun Ray, Quickened Melf's Unicorn Arrow
8: Mind Blank, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Horrid Wilting (x2), Polymorph Any Object, Superior Invisibility
9: Imprisonment, Dominate Monster (x2), Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee, Quickened Teleport

2022-08-25, 09:42 PM
Trezzozo "Fiend of Festivals"

Mezzoloth Developed Outsider 2
Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, and Yugoloth)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Initiative: +5; Senses: Listen +15 and Spot +15, Mindsight
Languages: Telepathy 100 ft.
AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, +2 heavy metal shield), touch 11, flat-footed 22
Hit Dice: 12d8+60 (114 hp); DR: 10/good
Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +10
Speed: 40 ft.
Space: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +12; Grapple +15
Attack: Claw +15 melee or +1 trident +17 melee or +1 trident +15 ranged
Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee or +1 trident +17/+12 melee or +1 trident +15 ranged
Damage: Claw 1d4+3, +1 Trident 1d8+4/19-20
Special Attacks/Actions: Spell-like abilities, summon yugoloth
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 18
Special Qualities: immunity to poison and acid, resistance to cold 10, fire 10, and electricity 10, SR 24
Feats: Improved Critical (trident); Improved Initiative; Power Attack; Weapon Focus (trident); Mindsight[B]; Quicken SLA (Darkness, 3/day)
Skills: Disguise +19, Hide +16 (+26 w/Hat), Intimidate +18, Knowledge (local) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15, Move Silently +16, Spot +15
Challenge Rating: 8; ECL 17
Treasure/Possessions: +1 trident, Hat of Disguise, Ring of Invisibility

Trezzozo is a most unusual mezzoloth, though he does not actually have any nonstandard racial characteristics. He has taken levels in the Developed Outsider (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?638842-Under-the-hood-Developed-Outsiders) prestige class.

He looks like any typical mezzoloth: as a humanoid insect, standing 7 feet tall and weighing 250 pounds, with six lanky limbs, four of which are arms ending in hands tipped with talons. His entire body is covered in dense plates of ivory-colored chitin. When angered, his wide-set, unblinking eyes glare red, a state he is almost never in. Despite his claws, he almost always carries a shield and trident.

He made his way to the Prime Material Plane, and that is where he stays, making mischief in his own way. He likes to terrorize the local humans, especially during harvest festivals. He does this using his spell-like abilities and sometimes even just by using telepathy to send weird messages to random people, usually while moving about in disguise or under cover of Invisibility. Sometimes he will cause terror by revealing his true form, but he only does so shortly before teleporting out of town.

He has a strict rule against killing, except in self-defense. This is mainly because he thinks it's too easy to kill humans, not a challenge worthy of him; he would much rather secretly cause chaos among them. This rule does not apply to indirect consequences of his actions, so for example if people die in a fire he caused or due to an object he animated, that does not bother him.

Although he causes a great deal of trouble and evil, he will sometimes fight other evil monsters that move in on 'his territory' when he is trying to terrorize a town.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - cause fear (DC 15), darkness, desecrate, produce flame, see invisibility; 2/day - cloudkill (DC 19), dispel magic. Caster level 12th.

Twice per day, this mezzoloth can use greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), as the spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer.

New Spell-like Ability: He can cast Animate Objects 1/day (CL 12th).

Summon Yugoloth (Ex): Once per day, this mezzoloth can attempt to summon another mezzoloth with a 60% chance of success.

Immunities (Ex): Mezzoloths are immune to poison and acid.

Telepathy (Su): Mezzoloths can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

2022-08-28, 08:31 PM
Bohandus, I like the concept you have with that King of the Manes. I also think it's good for some of the unique fiends to have lower CRs so they're more likely to see play. You didn't give him a CR; I'm thinking maybe 8.

That's around the range I was going for. IIRC I was aiming for around CR 10, but I didn't feel confident enough to actually put a number to it because I don't have much actual tabletop experience playing the full game. (Most of my D&D experience consists of several playthroughs of the Temple of Elemental Evil computer game (and also Dark Queen of Krynn and to a lesser extent Baldur's Gate), as well as the Castle Ravenloft boardgame. The two actual campaigns that I've played both fell apart pretty quickly.)

It does raise some questions though: Who built that fortress? Probably not manes.

The way I had envisioned it it wasmbasically just a glorified midden or junkheap, or possibly a ruin or tell that had been fixed up

And, how did they get chicken bones? Perhaps there is a nearby portal to the Prime Material Plane or to Sigil, since chickens are not generally found in the Abyss.

I never really thought about that. It could be that the abyss itself saw to it that the bones, or maybe even the entire chair already assembled, made their way to him, sort as a way of mocking him; he can't source a proper throne of skulls.

I would suggest that given his relative weakness and his need for outside labor to build his base, that he is really just a vassal being propped up by a real demon lord or just a powerful demon. Perhaps as a joke, or perhaps some succubus feels safer acting as an 'agent of a demon lord' instead of a free agent, while of course being in total control.

This works. It was also my thought that his position has an extremely high rate of turnover, both from combat/assassination and from ascending into higher tiers of demon lords

2022-08-30, 11:48 PM
Krazkon "Master of Masters", Unique Fiend

Medium-Sized Outsider (Incorporeal, Lawful, Evil)
Hit Dice: 13d8 + 78 (136 hit points)
Initiative: +5
Speed: fly 20 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 22 (+5 Dex, +3 deflection, +4 profane), touch 22, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +13 / --
Attack: none
Full Attack: none
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 0 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Incorporeal, SR 24, Blindsight 60’, Telepathy 100', Unholy Grace, Natural Invisibility, Malevolent Merger, Profane Enhancement, Leave 'Em Shaken, Mind Blank
Saves: Fort +19, Reflex +19, Will +17
Abilities: STR -, DEX 21, CON 20, INT 19, WIS 17, CHA 18
Skills: Spot +19, Search +15, Hide +17, Sense Motive +15, Intimidate +16, Bluff +16, Knowledge (Religion) +16, Knowledge (Planes) +16, Knowledge (Arcana) +16, Spellcraft +16, Listen +15, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +18
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Mindsight
Environment: Any
Challenge Rating: 8 and see below
Treasure: None
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Histories and legends often speak of individuals who suddenly rise to levels of skill and power far beyond that of their previous lives, often to lead tribes and nations into tyranny and disaster. The demagogue who was once little more than a laughingstock, and then became a dictator. The simple orc chieftain who united many tribes long at war, only to lead them all into battle against other races. The evil necromancer who, driven from his tower, returned with an unstoppable army of the dead. The previously unsuccessful alchemist who suddenly found success by discovering a new substance, which was soon turned into a weapon of war. It is Krazkon who is responsble for many of these unfortunate turns of fate.

It does not eat, sleep, breathe, or age and can be found almost anywhere.

Invisibility (Ex): Krazkon is naturally invisible, but it can be seen with See Invisibility or True Seeing, and its presence can be noticed with a DC 30 Spot check (though it still has total concealment). If seen thus, it appears as a dim cloud.

Krazkon does not attack physically. Instead, it uses its abilities to empower an individual who is positioned to cause disaster.

Malevolent Merger (Su): Krazkon can merge with a humanoid, giant, or monstrous humanoid in the same 5' square as a standard action. When it does, its own form vanishes, much like with fiendish possession; however, unlike possession, this can only be done if the target is willing. When so merged, Krazkon can still use its telepathy. Attacks against the host don't damage Krazkon, but it can be expelled by any effect that would expel a possessing fiend. Krazkon can leave a host an an immediate action. It can merge with the same host again.

Profane Enhancement (Su): Once merged, Krazkon can grant the host a bonus to two of its ability scores. The choice of which abilities to enhance can't be changed for the same host. Each such ability score has a +6 enhancement bonus and +6 profane bonus. Krazkon can grant or end the bonuses as an immediate action, but normally they are continuously in effect. This is the primary means by which Krazkon manipulates events in the world, but it can also feed information to the host or uses its telepathy to communicate with the host or other creatures. By communicating with the host, it can grant its host the benefits of Mindsight. Often, it will refrain from revealing its presense to anyone besides the host.

This enhancement is often quite tempting for a prospective host, but the price is obedience because the enhancement can be withdrawn at any time if the host strays from the path Krazkon desires, and in moving on, Krazkon can make the host forever fearful.

Mind Blank (Su): Krazkon is continually protected from mind-affecting abilities and from divinations as if by a Mind Blank spell, except that this does not prevent See Invisibility or True Seeing from working on it, and does not interfere with its use of telepathy. These protections extend to a merged host.

Leave 'Em Shaken (Su): When leaving a host, Krazkon can choose to make the host permanently shaken. This is a mind-affecting ability and there is no saving throw against it. Krazkon can't remove the effect, but if it merges with the host again, the effect is suppressed by the Mind Blank. To remove the shaken condition, a remove curse spell or similar ability must first be used, and then it can be dispelled (CL 13) or removed by a heal or restoration spell.

Telepathy (Su): It can mentally communicate with any creature that has a mind (Int 1+) within 100'.

Unholy Grace (Ex): It receives a profane bonus to saving throws and AC equal to its Charisma bonus.

Note: As Krazkon has no ability to attack on its own, defeating it in combat may not merit an XP award, although if preventing its escape is a challenge, an award as if for a CR 8 creature may be appropriate. If enhancing a host in a way that affects combat, increase the CR of the host by +2.

2022-09-02, 09:21 PM
Luzzul "Long Tongue", Unique Fiend, Developed Outsider 2

Huge Outsider (Evil)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Initiative: +5; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., Scent, Blindsight 60'
AC: 40 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +25 natural, +6 mage armor), touch 9, flat-footed 39
Hit Dice: 22d8+153 (253 hp); Damage Reduction 15/-
Fort +23, Ref +16, Will +20
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 50 ft.
Space / Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. (30 ft. with tongue)
Base Attack +22; Grapple +42
Attack: Tongue +38 melee or bite +38 melee or spit +21 ranged touch (20' range increment); includes greater magic fang effects to attack and damage
Full Attack: Tongue +38 melee and bite +36 melee and spit +21 ranged touch (20' range increment); includes greater magic fang effects to attack and damage
Damage: Tongue 1d8+17 + 2d6 acid + 1d4 wisdom + nausea + acquire taste, bite 2d6+25 + 2d6 acid + 1d4 wisdom + nausea, spit 2d6 acid + 1d4 wisdom + nausea
Special Attacks/Actions: Improved grab, Powerful Bite, swallow whole, spit, acquire taste, wisdom damage, shadow maker, nausea, spell-like abilities
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16
Special Qualities: Acid Blood, Scent, Blindsight 60', Immune to acid, poison, disease, ability damage or drain, energy drain, mind-affecting, and vorpal; fast healing 10; Spell Resistance 34; Hard to Keep Down; Death Throes
Feats: Track[B], Improved Initiative; Improved Toughness[B]; Iron Will[B]; Great Fortitude[B]; Multiattack[B]; Weapon Focus (Tongue); Weapon Focus (Bite); Ability Focus (Nausea); Quicken SLA (Mass Curse of Impending Blades, 3/day), Quicken SLA (Legion's Curse of Petty Failing, 3/day), Quicken SLA (Black Karma Curse, 3/day), Quicken SLA (True Strike, 3/day)
Skills: Listen +28, Spot +28, Survival +28, Concentration +31, Spellcraft +28, Climb +45, Jump +37, Tumble +26, Sense Motive +28, Knowledge (the Planes) +28, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +28
Organization: Solitary plus 1d6-1 shadows
Challenge rating: 20

Luzzul has a form resembling that of a giant toad, but with shorter hind legs, and is dark green in color. His head is not really seperate from his body, and he is immune to beheading attacks such as from vorpal weapons.

This unusual fiend is not related to any known type of creature, but he claims that there are others similar to him, and he admits that he is the least powerful of his kind - for now. He originated in the Abyss, but found it too chaotic for his liking, and made his way to the Grey Waste. He seeks power and the respect that comes with it.

Spell-like Abilities: At will - Black Karma Curse (Will neg DC 15), true strike, greater mage armor (self only), spider climb, summon swarm, greater magic fang (self only), Mass Curse of Impending Blades, Legion's Curse of Petty Failing; 2/day - greater scrying (against a creature that he has used his Acquire Taste ability on only), greater teleport, plague (Fort DC 21), scourge (Fort DC 20), swamp lung (Fort DC 20), bestow greater curse (Will DC 21). Caster level 22.

New SLA (DO2): Reaving dispel 2/day. Caster level 22.

Luzzul's natural weapons are considered Epic and Evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Acid Blood (Ex): Any creature damaging him with a slashing or piercing weapon in melee or within 20' range takes 2d6 points of acid damage from spraying blood for each such attack (Reflex half DC 27, Con-based). If affected by the spell Avasculate or Avascular Mass, as an immediate action he can release a 60' cone of acid (20d6 acid + 1d6 Wisdom, Reflex half DC 27, Con-based).

Acquire Taste (Ex): Against any creature that has ever previously been struck by his tongue attack, Luzzul gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, to the DC of his spell-like abilities against that creature, and to follow the creature's tracks using his Survival skill.

Wisdom Damage (Su): Luzzul's natural attacks cause Wisdom damage in addition to physical damage. Apply this before the other damage. If the target's Wisdom is reduced to zero, the target does not die from that, but it does trigger the Shadow Maker ability.

Shadow Maker (Su): The soul of a humanoid who has ever been reduced to zero Wisdom by Luzzul's attacks turns into an undead Shadow under Luzzul's control upon the humanoid's death. To prevent this, the humanoid's Wisdom must first be raised above zero, and then a Remove Curse or similar spell can remove the effect.

Nausea (Ex): Any creature hit by his tongue, bite or spit must make a Fort save (DC 29, Con-based) or be nauseated for 1 round.

Improved Grab (Ex): If Luzzul hits with a tongue attack he can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If he wins the grapple check, he establishes a hold and immediately inflicts constriction damage. He can attempt to swallow whole a grappled opponent in the following round.

Powerful Bite (Ex): Even though his bite is a secondary attack, he applies 1-1/2 times his Strength modifier to damage done with the bite.

Swallow Whole (Ex): He can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to two size categories smaller by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the victim takes 2d6+12 points of bludgeoning damage plus 2d6 points of acid damage plus 1d4 points of Wisdom damage per round, and each round must make a Fort save (DC 29, Con-based) or be nauseated for 1 round. A swallowed creature can cut its way out using a light slashing or piercing weapon by dealing 35 points of damage to his stomach (AC 23, no DR). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.

His stomach can hold 4 Medium, 8 Small, 16 Tiny, 32 Diminutive, or 64 Fine or smaller opponents.

If he teleports while creatures are in his stomach, those creatures are carried with him (no save, no SR, and they don't count against the number of creatures he can take with him the normal way).

Hard to Keep Down (Ex): If Luzzul's hit points are reduced to 0 or less, his fast healing continues to heal him at a rate of 10 hp/round. He does not die unless his current hp is reduced to -44 (-2 x HD) or less.

Death Throes (Ex): If Luzzul is slain, a wave of acidic slime sprays forth from the corpse. Any creature within 20' takes damage and other effects as if from Luzzul's Spit attack, and must also make a Reflex save (DC 27, Con-based) or be knocked prone.

2022-09-29, 09:57 PM
Flugflug "Fly in the Wall", Unique Fiend, Developed Outsider 2 / Fiend of Blasphemy 2

Fine-Sized Outsider (Incorporeal, Lawful, Evil)
Hit Dice: 9d8 + 9 (49 hit points)
Initiative: +8
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 25 (+4 Dex, +3 deflection, +8 size), touch 25, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +8 / --
Attack: Incorporeal Touch +20 melee touch (1d6 + 1 Vile)
Space/Reach: 1/2 ft. / 0 ft.
Special Attacks: Vile damage, Sneak Attack +3d6, Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Incorporeal, Natural Invisibility, SR 18, Telepathy 100', Improved Evasion
Saves: Fort +11, Reflex +14, Will +13
Abilities: STR -, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 17, CHA 16
Skills: Spot +13, Search +11, Hide +30 (+70 if invisible), Sense Motive +13, Intimidate +13, Bluff +15, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Spellcraft +11, Concentration +13 (+17)
Feats: Mindsight, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative [B], Leadership, Eschew Material Components
Environment: Any
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: None
Alignment: Lawful Evil

This sneaky fiend spies on people and sometimes assassinates victims who are often mysteriously found alone in a locked room, apparent suicides. The information it gains is potentially useful to many evil rulers, businesscreatures, and so on. As reward for its efforts, it is given funds which it uses to build its own cult following. It does not eat, sleep, breathe, or age. As a Fiend of Blasphemy it would normally serve a diety, but this unique fiend does not. Flugflug believes that its own future divine self grants it those powers, but that idea is not based on any real proof.

Natural Invisibility (Ex): Flugflug is naturally invisible, but it can be seen with See Invisibility or True Seeing. Its presence can be noticed with a Spot check opposed to its Hide check (though it still has total concealment if invisible). If seen thus, it appears as a small black sphere.

Telepathy (Su): It can mentally communicate with any creature that has a mind (Int 1+) within 100'.

Spell-like abilities: At will - Ghost Sound (Will DC 13), Mind Blank (self only), Black Karma Curse (Will DC 15), Greater Teleport (self only). Caster level 7.

Developed Outsider New Spell-Like Ability: Shield 3/day (Caster level 7).

Spells (DC 13 + spell level): 1st level - Command, Cure Light Wounds (1d8+3); 2nd level - Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+3). Caster level 2 (3 for healing). Domains: Luck, Healing.

Flugflug can cast spells using its ability to make sounds and to move for verbal and somatic components, and can use itself as a divine focus.

Luck Domain Granted Power: Good Fortune, which is usable 1/day. This extraordinary ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made before the game master declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.

Blood Oath (Su): A fiend of blasphemy has the ability to perform a ritual of initiation that binds cult members to the fiend’s service. The ritual forges a magical, mental bond between the fiend and those mortals who participate. It requires one day of preparation, during which time the fiend must meditate and ready a room in which the ritual will take place. The ritual itself lasts for 2 hours, plus an additional 10 minutes per mortal initiate. If either the preparation or the ritual is interrupted, the process is ruined and the fiend must start again.

All creatures in the room (and no more than 60 feet away from the fiend of blasphemy) when the ritual begins or that enter that area during the ritual must make a Will save (DC 10 + fiend’s class level + fiend’s Cha modifier) or be affected as if by an Enthrall spell. Willing participants in the ritual receive a –4 penalty on this saving throw, while hostile onlookers receive a +4 bonus.

After the first 2 hours of the ritual, each initiate is subjected to the fiend’s individual attention for 10 minutes, during which time the bond between the two is formed. If an initiate wishes to resist the bond, she can attempt a Will saving throw (DC 15 + fiend’s class level + fiend’s Cha modifier). Willing participants may voluntarily fail their saving throws. If an initiate makes a successful saving throw, the fiend of blasphemy is aware that the bond was not properly formed, but this does not interrupt the ritual. Fiends often allow mortals to believe their resistance went undetected until after the ritual is complete.

Locate Cultist (Su): One effect of the blood oath is a sort of telepathic bond between the fiend of blasphemy and its cultists. At will, a fiend of blasphemy can use a supernatural power identical to locate creature to sense the location of any creature that has sworn a blood oath with the fiend.

Undetectable Alignment (Su): A fiend of blasphemy’s alignment is constantly concealed from all forms of divination, as the undetectable alignment spell.

Transfer Spell-Like Ability (Sp): At 2nd level, a fiend of blasphemy can use a power similar to the cleric spell imbue with spell ability to grant its cult members access to its spell-like abilities. A fiend can give one creature that has sworn it a blood oath access to as many of its own spell-like abilities as it desires. The cultist can use the ability once per day, with all variable characteristics (including caster level and save DC) determined as if the fiend were using the ability.

When it transfers a spell-like ability, the fiend cannot use the ability as often as usual: It can use abilities normally available at will only 4 times per day, and loses one use per day from other abilities. A fiend can bestow the same ability on multiple worshipers, or allow worshipers to use the ability more than once per day, but in doing so loses more of its own daily uses of the ability.

The fiend of blasphemy can revoke the transfer at any time as a free action. If the cultist had already used the ability during the current day, it counts as if the fiend had used it that day as well.

2022-10-13, 08:12 PM
This next one was from a forum adventure I briefly ran on the "forum adventures" subforum of the old MSPA forum, before said forum's demise

Name: Formicid
Hermaphrodite Ekolid Warmage 1/Rogue 1
Type: Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Obryith)
Hit Points: 42 (6d8 + 2d6 + 8 )
(And Fast Healing 5/Round)
Initiative: +5

Armor Class: 18 (touch 15, flat-footed 14)
(+3 Natural Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size)
Immunities: Mind-effecting spells, Poison
Resistances: Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10, Fire 10, DR 5/Cold Iron or Lawful
Fort: +6
(+5 fast progression + 0.66 slow progression + 1 Con)
Ref: +11
(+5.5 fast progression + 0.33 slow progression + 4 dex +2 Lightning Reflexes)
Will: +9
(+5.5 fast progression + 0.33 slow progression + 4 Wis)

Speed: Walk 30 ft.; Climb 30 ft.; Fly 60 ft. (Average/Medium Manuverability)

Base Attack Bonus: +7
(+6 fast progression +0.75 medium Progression + 0.5 slow progression)
Full Attack: 6 stings +12 (1d4 damage plus Implant Egg) and 1 bite +7 (1d4 damage)
Grapple: +3 (BAB +7, Size Modifier -4)

Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron or Lawful, Darkvision (60 ft.), Fast Healing 5/Round, Quickness, Trapfinding, True Seeing, Warmage Edge
Special Attacks: Form of Madness, Implant Egg, Sneak Attack +1d6, Warmage Spells

Ability Scores
Str: 11 (+0)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 15 (+2)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 16 (+3)

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +4, Climb +18, Concentration +1, Disable Device +4, Escape Artist +15, Hide +18, Intimidate +5, Jump +12, Preception +15, Move Silently +15, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +4, Tumble +17, Use Magic Device +6

Warmage Spells:
(Save DC= Spell Level + Charisma Modifier)
Lv0 (6/day; and then 1/(19 rounds) until spells are regained); Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Electric Jolt, Flare, Launch Item, Light, Ray of Frost, Sonic Snap
Lv1 (4/day total); Accuracy, Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Fist of Stone, Hail of Stone, Magic Missile, Lesser Energy Orb (Acid, Cold, Electrical, Fire, or Sonic), Scatterspray, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Weapon Shift

Armored Mage (Light):
A warmage can ignore the spell failure chance from light armor and light shields

Form of Madness (Supernatural Ability):
The appearance of Obryiths (such as Ekolids) have the ability to induce madness in non-demons (within 60 feet) due to its very appearance. In the case of Ekolids, this madness takes the form of a hallucinitory sensation of bugs crawling under one's skin and this results in a -1 penalty to skill checks for the victim, as well as forcing them to succeed at a DC 10 Concentration check to successfully casy spells or manifest psionic powers. A DC 17 willpower save resists

Implant Egg:
In a clever reversal of a well-known trope an ekolid's tail tentacles end in sharp, claw-like ovipositors. Whenever anyone takes damage from an Ekolid's sting attack they must make a DC 15 fortitude save. On a failed save the Ekolid implants an egg in the victim's body. Each egg hatches in 1d6 rounds, dealing 1d6 damage to the victim. The victim is sickened until the egg hatches. Remove Disease can remove the egg but immunity to disease will not prevent one from being implanted. The hatchlings are mostly harmless and have 1 hp but grow into full sized Ekolids in about six hours

An Ekolid is supernaturally quick and can take an extra move action each turn

Warmage Edge:
A warmage adds their Intelligence bonus the the damage done by their spells

2022-10-31, 08:21 PM
Ok, for HalloweenI threw this idea together. I had the idea kicking around for a while and finally put some tenative stats to it

A powerful aspect of Tharizdun manifesting as a sentient hole into the plane where he is imprisoned, which in turn manifests itself as a modified umbral blot with elder evil powers

Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Evil]

HD: 57d100+358 = 928

Initiative: 21 (+13 dex +4 Improved Initiative +4 Superior Inititative)

Speed: Fly 90 ft (perfect)

Armor Class: 59 (+13 dex +20 natural +16 deflection (charisma based)) (change deflection to something more suited)

Base Attack/Grapple: +45/+45 (w/prowess incl)

Attack: Disintegrating touch +47(?) melee (5d6+2 plus disintegrating touch (Fort DC 40) and banishment (Reflex dc 38))

Full Attack: Disintegrating touch +47(?) melee (5d6+2 plus disintegrating touch (Fort DC 40) and banishment (Reflex dc38))

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Disintegrating touch, Aether Flow, spell-like abilities, Dark Visiting, banishment

Special Qualities: Blindsight 200 ft., construct traits, fast healing 10, fold space, SR 44; acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 30, all around vision, Distortion, DR 10/Magic, Alien Skies, Disintegration Immunity, Vulnerability to portal-affectig spells

Saves: Fort +23, Ref +32, Will +28

Abilities: Str 14 (10+0 elite +4 aspect ) Dex 36 (30+2elite+4 aspect) Con 19 (10(n/a)+5 elite+4aspect) Int 25 (15+3elite+8aspect) Wis 28 (30-2 elite) Cha 42 (30+4 elite+8 aspect)

Skills: Bluff +86 (60sp+10focus+16cha), Decipher Script +67 (60sp+7int), Forgery +67 (60sp+7int), Hide +85 (60sp+10focus+13dex+2stealthy), Intimidate +76 (60sp+16cha), Knowledge(Arcana) (60sp+7int), Knowledge(architecture and engineering) +37 (30sp+7int), Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +67 (60sp+7int), Knowledge(Nature) +43 (30sp+7int+6syn), Knowledge(Planes) +67 (60sp+7int), Knowledge(Psionics) +37(30sp+7int), Knowledge(Religion) +37 (30sp+7int), Listen +71 (60sp+9wis+2alert), Move Silently +75 (60sp+2stealthy+13dex), Perform(Oratory) +46 (30sp+16cha), Psicraft +41 (30sp+7int+4syn), Search +11(+15 for secret doors) (+7Int+4allaroundvisi9n), Spellcraft +83 (60sp+10focus+7int+6synergy), Spot +15 (9wis+2alert+4allaroundvisi9n)), Survival +78 (+76 on material plane) (60sp+3focus+9wis+6syn)

Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Disintegrating Touch), Skill Focus (Survival), Stealthy, Track

Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Epic Prowess (×3), Epic Skill Focus (Hide), Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Toughness (×5), Superior Initiative

Challenge Rating: ~40ish

Alignment: NE

Spell-like Abilities:
At Will- Blindness/Deafness, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Contagion, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Thoughts, Divination, Doom, Inflict Critical Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Morality Undone, Shatter
3/Day- Disintegrate, Dispel Magic, Feeblemind, Find the Path, Harm, Insanity, Legend Lore, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Pox, True Seeing
1/Day- Befoul, Despoil, Discern Location, Earthquake, Foresight, Implosion

All-Around Vision (Ex): He sees in all directions and gains +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks, and can’t be flanked.

Distortion (ex): The light around it is distorted giving it partial concealment similar to a blur spell

Fold Space (ex): Can fold space at will, allowing it to use ethereal jaunt, dimension door, greater teleport, or false gravity at will as a standard action.

Disintegrating Touch (Ex) Any material object that comes into contact is immediately disintegrated unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 40). A character or object that has been disintegrated by an umbral blot disappears completely, leaving behind not even dust to mark its passing. Those who make a successful saving throw still take 5d6+2 points of damage from the disintegrating touch. Likewise, weapons or objects that save take a like amount of damage. (Remember, tended or held objects save with the same bonus as their owners.)

Aether Flow: A combination of distorted gravity and suction from removal of the surrounding air pulls in everything nearby, All flying or floating creatures within 60 feet who fail a Reflex save (DC 38) are swept along with the wind into contact with the blackball. Nonflying creatures and unattended items within 60 feet who fail a Reflex save (DC 19) are pulled into contact. The save DCs are increased by 4 for creatures and items within 10 feet. Contact could lead to disintegration, as noted above. In areas with no air the effective radius of this ability is halved. The spatial distortion also extends 20 feet into coexistant planes, creatures and objects on coexistent planes that are sucked to the monster's square get pulled into the material plane, in contact with the monster.

Banishment: Anything which comes into contact with the monster and survives its disintegrating touch must make a DC38 reflex save or be shunted into the dimension where tharizdun is imprisoned

Dark Visiting: Every living divine spellcaster who sleeps on the same planet that the monster is currently on must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 elder evil’s HD + elder evil’s Cha modifi er) or be plagued with maddening dreams. Upon awakening, the caster takes 1d4+1 points of Wisdom damage and is fatigued for the remainder of the day. In addition, the caster does not benefit from the rest required to regain spells or spell slots, psionic power points, and the like. An affected spellcaster whose Wisdom is reduced to half normal or lower by this effect is affected as if by an insanity spell (PH 244) while within the area of this malefic property. This ability is always active.

Alien Skies: This sign interferes with arcane magic, making spells harder to cast successfully. When a spell is cast, the sign warps its effects, often with disastrous results.
Faint: The DCs of all Concentration checks related to casting arcane spells increase by 5.
Moderate: Arcane spells are cast at –2 caster level. A character whose effective caster level drops to 0 or lower cannot cast arcane spells at all.
Strong: Arcane spells and spell-like abilities are impeded,
meaning that a caster must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the spell) or lose the spell or spell slot without effect.
Overwhelming: In addition to impeding arcane magic, the sign distorts its effects. A caster who succeeds on the Spellcraft check to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must then make a second Spellcraft check with the same DC. On a success, the spell takes effect normally; otherwise, something unusual occurs, as if casting in an area of wild magic (see DMG 149 and the associated table).

Vulnerability to portal affecting spells: Spells that seal portals or inhibit planar travel automatically disable the creature's vortex, fold space, and banishment abilities and on a failed save also slow it. Spells that alter or scramble portals deal damage appropriate to a spell of their spell level, and on a failed save also confuse it

2022-11-03, 07:29 PM
Inspired by the recently passed ... holiday, here's what I came up with:

Panshan "The Shadow Taker", Unique Fiend

Medium Outsider (Incorporeal, Evil)
Hit Dice: 20d8 + 40 (130 hit points)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 17, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +20 / --
Attack: Shadow blade +29/+24/+19/+14 melee touch
Damage: 1d12 + 5 + 1 wisdom damage
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Shadow Blade, Take Shadow, Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Incorporeal, Grounded, SR 30, Telepathy 100'
Saves: Fort +13, Reflex +18, Will +15
Abilities: STR -, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 17, CHA 16
Skills: Spot +26, Hide +27 (+35 in shadows), Sense Motive +26, Intimidate +26, Bluff +26, Knowledge (Planes, Religion) +24, Spellcraft +24, Concentration +24 (+28)
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Corpsecrafter, Destruction Retribution, Ability Focus (Take Shadow), Quicken SLA (Summon swarm, 3/day)
Environment: Any
Challenge Rating: 15
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Panshan appears as a shadowy, human-shaped figure, but his most feared ability allows him to merge with another creature's shadow.

Grounded (Ex): Although incorporeal, Panshan does not fly, but walks on the ground as if corporeal. However, he can walk on any surface just as easily, including walls and ceilings. If he has no surface to walk on, he falls, although he takes no damage from doing so.

Shadow Blade (Su): Panshan can cause a shadowy +5 blade to appear as if in his hand as a free action, or cause it to vanish as a free action. He can make incorporeal touch attacks with the blade. For most purposes this is little different from the attacks of a typical incorporeal creature, but he can make iterative attacks with it, certain defensive abilities might react differently to it, and it is treated as a held weapon for purposes of spells. If he lets go of the blade, it vanishes instantly, although he can cause it to reappear in his hand just as quickly. Vanishing and later reappearing does not remove the effects of spells from the blade, although the time when the blade was not in existance still counts against the duration of such magic.

Spell-like abilities: At will - Summon Swarm, darkness, create greater undead (shadow only), confusion (Will DC 17), mind blank (self only). Caster level 20.

Take Shadow (Su): Panshan can merge with the shadow of a corporeal creature. He must touch the shadow, but it need not be adjacent to the creature itself; for example a flying creature casts a shadow some distance from itself. Panshan must first succeed on a touch attack with an attack bonus of +24, but only against an AC of 6 + target creature's size bonus + target creature's Dex modifier (if applicable), so he normally missses only a natural 1. The target creature must then attempt a Will save (DC 25, Cha-based) to resist the ability; if successful that creature is immune to the ability for 24 hours. If there are multiple light sources, any of a creature's shadows can be targeted by him.

If Panshan merges with a creature's shadow, he can choose to Lurk in it. While Lurking, Panshan can't be targeted by any attack or ability, as if he's not even there, and the shadow appears normal. Panshan often chooses to Lurk in a shadow for a while, sometimes for several days before taking any action.

He can also choose to Act within a round, taking a standard action which can be either to use a spell-like ability or to attack a creature adjacent to the shadow with his Shadow Blade. When he acts, the shadow distorts for an instant. He can be attacked or targeted with spells at that time, but in order to do so, enemies must ready an action to attack when he acts.

If the creature whose shadow he took is not currently casting a shadow - such as being in a completely dark or uniformly lit place or being invisible - Panshan can only Lurk during that time. If it is casting multiple shadows, Panshan can emerge to Act from any of them.

Panshan is difficult to remove from a shadow he has Taken. A Dispel Evil spell can remove him if he is targeted while he Acts, but he still gets a Will save and Spell Resistance as normal, and even if it works he just appears adjacent to the shadow rather than being driven to another plane. Even while he Lurks, a Mage’s Disjunction spell can likewise expel him if he fails a Will save, although SR doesn't apply. He can leave a shadow on his own as a standard action. Also, if the creature whose shadow he's merged with is slain, Panshan must make a DC 15 Fort save or be slain as well; if he succeeds he appears adjacent to the shadow.

Skills: In shadowy illumination he gets a +8 circumstance bonus to Hide checks.

2022-11-13, 07:53 AM
Verayanos "The Crippled Imp", Unique Fiend
Summon Balor (Sp): Once per day as a standard action Verayanos can summon for one hour a Balor demon. He is loathe to do so as he has no control over the summoned creature. The summoned balor can't use its own summoning abilities. If Verayonos is slain and hasn't yet used this ability that day, a Balor demon is automatically summoned; this counts as using the ability. This is the equivalent of a 9th level spell..

This is a ridiculously overpowered ability for a 6 HD demon. Balors are CR 20 with 20 HD. This fiend isn't even a Demon and I would think the Balor would ignore any summons from it or kill it first for daring to summon it.

I think your monster design could use better balance.


2022-11-13, 08:49 AM
This is a ridiculously overpowered ability for a 6 HD demon. Balors are CR 20 with 20 HD. This fiend isn't even a Demon and I would think the Balor would ignore any summons from it or kill it first for daring to summon it.

Maybe the balor's just really bad at poker (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0585.html). (Admittedly, that works better with an always Lawful fiend, but I can appreciate the parallelism.)

2022-11-13, 07:05 PM
This is a ridiculously overpowered ability for a 6 HD demon. Balors are CR 20 with 20 HD.

Verayanos is by no means a typical 6 HD fiend. He has some unique abilities that make his CR unusually high for his HD. I'm rather proud of "the Crippled Imp" and he serves as an excellent example of what can be done with Unique Fiends that can't really be done with regular fiends.

This fiend isn't even a Demon and I would think the Balor would ignore any summons from it or kill it first for daring to summon it.

There's no indication that ignoring the summons would be an option.

As for killing Verayanos, sure, the Balor might do that. As noted, the imp "is loathe to do so as he has no control over the summoned creature." However, with his unique Rejuvenation ability, being killed isn't much of an inconvenience for Verayanos.

I think your monster design could use better balance.

Perhaps, but it's not like the Imp has a low CR. Also, let's not pretend that Verayanos is in any way typical of my monsters. You have many other examples to look at in this thread alone. I rarely make glass cannons, but it is something that has its place.

2022-11-16, 08:12 AM
Verayanos is by no means a typical 6 HD fiend. He has some unique abilities that make his CR unusually high for his HD. I'm rather proud of "the Crippled Imp" and he serves as an excellent example of what can be done with Unique Fiends that can't really be done with regular fiends.

I didn't say he was typical; I said his was unbalanced. The balor just kills him over and over for fun while the PCs leave. Once they see him reform, they'd just sneak off and ignore the encounter.

Moreover, he might be crippled but you overcompensate by giving him DR 15/epic except at CR 20 I'm betting the PCs have epic weapons so they'd just "kill" him with a volley of arrows as he only has 21 hit points and then sneak away while he reforms. Again, not a memorable encounter.

He might be "interesting" but he's not challenging enough for CR 20.

I like the idea of a "crippled imp" but the execution is where it fails. Form follows function. It doesn't matter that he isn't perfect in form because he makes up for it in highly overpowered ways. You are literally shooting yourself in the foot with this design. I'm not saying I hate it. I actually don't. I just would never ever use something like this and I can't see where any DM would.

There is as reason when I critique other people's monsters that I always say that balance matters. If you are giving your monsters overpowered abilities, then I have to assume that the PCs would be similarly outfitted. Otherwise, nobody will want to play with you. A 6 HD monster with all the abilities it has, is still nothing but a glass cannon. It doesn't make for a fun adventure or even a memorable encounter as written and that's my problem with it.

Here's the other issue: not one of his abilities is actually unique. He's unique but he isn't exactly special. Here's his list of "special abilities."

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 16, initial damage 1d4 Dex, secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

What is the type of poison, does it have a name?

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp):
At will—detect good, detect magic, dimension door, summon swarm, summon undead V, contagion (Fort DC 19), horrid wilting (20d6, Fort half DC 23); 1/day—animate dead, dominate monster (Will DC 24). Caster level 20th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Why these particular spells. detect good, detect magic, and dimension door make sense the rest don't seem to fit except possibly horrid wilting but that doesn't seem particularly useful.

Summon Balor (Sp): Once per day as a standard action Verayanos can summon for one hour a Balor demon. He is loathe to do so as he has no control over the summoned creature. The summoned balor can't use its own summoning abilities. If Verayonos is slain and hasn't yet used this ability that day, a Balor demon is automatically summoned; this counts as using the ability. This is the equivalent of a 9th level spell.

Already addressed in previous post and above.

Rejuvenation (Ex): If Verayanos is slain, his body vanishes in a puff of smoke. 1d4 rounds later, he will reappear, alive and in full health. If this happens, he will continue to fight and should not be considered defeated.

Rejuvenation is a Divine Salient ability. I don't think it's fitting for this creature at all. Maybe call it something else. Also, no creature should be immune completely from death. Can't be slain, but can it die from being poisoned? Being slain means it cannot die from violence, so poison and cold and other effects could possibly kill it. Will consider this one.

Spell Immunity (Su): Verayanos is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
Fairly standard.

Alternate Form (Su): Verayanos can assume another form at will as a standard action, chosen from the following list: Small or Medium monstrous spider, rat, and boar.
Interesting but probably not very useful other than for spying but boar? Why a boar? They're not terribly interesting or useful. I'm guessing just window dressing.

This is what I mean about critiquing these sorts of monsters. As far as design goes, sure they can be fun to make. They are not fun to have in game, which is what the real purpose of a monster is. What he lacks is a way to follow PCs if they happen to gate out.


2022-11-16, 09:05 AM
Rejuvenation (Ex): If Verayanos is slain, his body vanishes in a puff of smoke. 1d4 rounds later, he will reappear, alive and in full health. If this happens, he will continue to fight and should not be considered defeated.

Rejuvenation is a Divine Salient ability. I don't think it's fitting for this creature at all. Maybe call it something else.

I'd venture a guess that it's named after the special ability that ghosts &co. possess, actually; it's also called Rejuvenation and it works similarly, albeit it's usually slower and not perfectly foolproof.

2022-11-17, 10:49 PM
I didn't say he was typical; I said his was unbalanced.

You said my monster design could use better balance, which I interpreted as a general statement, but ok, I guess you just meant for this monster.

The balor just kills him over and over for fun while the PCs leave. Once they see him reform, they'd just sneak off and ignore the encounter.

That is incredibly unlikely. Much more likely is that the balor and the PCs will fight. Also, with his Dimension Door ability, Verayanos could go elsewhere within most types of encounter areas, unless it's a featureless plain. Perhaps when he was first learning to use his powers something like that happened, but that's backstory, not something that would happen in a game.

Also remember, he is unlikely to be encountered alone. He will usually be with an arcane caster and with some animated undead.

Also, for three reasons, the party will not just leave. One, most PCs are very reluctant to back down form an encounter even if they really should - their ego won't let them. Two, if they do just leave, they won't get xp for defeating him. Three and most important, they will have a duty to prevent him from wreaking havoc, whether simply on nearby townspeople or if he is involved with some greater plot of the type that is common in high level campaigns.

Moreover, he might be crippled but you overcompensate by giving him DR 15/epic except at CR 20 I'm betting the PCs have epic weapons so they'd just "kill" him with a volley of arrows as he only has 21 hit points and then sneak away while he reforms. Again, not a memorable encounter.

At level 20, most parties will not have epic weapons. Of course, they can blow through DR 15 without much trouble, but he will re-form. I already explained why 'sneaking away' is not something the party will do.

he's not challenging enough for CR 20.

Perhaps. That's the first criticism you made that isn't obviously false. That doesn't mean it's true, though. Summoning the Balor certainly is part of the reason for the CR, but he has some decent SLAs, and of course beating him means finding a way to neutralize him without killing him.

I like the idea of a "crippled imp" but the execution is where it fails. Form follows function. It doesn't matter that he isn't perfect in form because he makes up for it in highly overpowered ways.

The extremely powerful mutant with an obvious defect also due to being a mutant is actually a fairly common idea in fantasy and science fiction, and it makes perfect sense. Being "different" is rarely an advantage in all ways, even when it does come with powerful benefits. This imp is thus a perfect example of "Form follows function".

If you are giving your monsters overpowered abilities, then I have to assume that the PCs would be similarly outfitted.

That's not how this works. When designing a monster, I always assume a typical party would face it when determining CR. If anything, I assume less PC optimization than what I often see on this board. This imp has powerful abilities, but they are neither overpowered nor underpowered if the CR is correct. A 20th level party can defeat him, but not without any effort unless they know more about him in advance than they are likely to. And if they have to flee, prepare, and then return to deal with him, that's surely a memorable encounter.

It doesn't make for a fun adventure or even a memorable encounter as written and that's my problem with it.

I think you are not giving it a fair chance. You are trying to find things to criticize. If you were instead to try to find an interesting way to use this monster, I am sure you could.

Here's the other issue: not one of his abilities is actually unique.

Even if that were true - and I would argue that the way his Rejuvenation works is certainly a unique spin on that ability - I don't see why that would be an "issue".

What is the type of poison, does it have a name?

It's identical to that of a standard Imp, just slightly more potent due to his HD and feat, which an advanced but normal Imp could also get. Very few monsters have a name for their poisons.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp):
At will—detect good, detect magic, dimension door, summon swarm, summon undead V, contagion (Fort DC 19), horrid wilting (20d6, Fort half DC 23); 1/day—animate dead, dominate monster (Will DC 24). Caster level 20th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Why these particular spells. detect good, detect magic, and dimension door make sense the rest don't seem to fit except possibly horrid wilting but that doesn't seem particularly useful.

Horrid Wilting is a pretty good attack spell. Dimension Door is similar to the Teleport that most fiends have, but shorter range. The summoning spells and other abilities can harass a party. Dominate lets him turn the tables on the trope of an arcane caster with an imp familiar. In any case, each type of fiend has a particular mix of SLAs; there's no particular need to justify it in just his case and not for all of the fiends in the MMs.

Rejuvenation (Ex): If Verayanos is slain, his body vanishes in a puff of smoke. 1d4 rounds later, he will reappear, alive and in full health. If this happens, he will continue to fight and should not be considered defeated.

Rejuvenation is a Divine Salient ability. I don't think it's fitting for this creature at all. Maybe call it something else. Also, no creature should be immune completely from death. Can't be slain, but can it die from being poisoned? Being slain means it cannot die from violence, so poison and cold and other effects could possibly kill it. Will consider this one.

As Metastachydium pointed out, you can find examples of monsters with Rejuvenation even in the original Monster Manual.

Verayanos, however, has a unique form of the ability that is very powerful. This is the foundation of his entire concept, and he was invented to embody it, so it literally could not be more fitting.

He is indeed completely immune to death. He is also immune to poison, just as all devils are. Cold would be no different from any other death to him; if the wording is not clear on that, I can fix it.

Of course, there are still ways to defeat him. He could be stranded somewhere, affected by a supernatural ability that petrifies him or the like, tied up and left in a place where magic doesn't work, etc. It's up to the party to think of something, and up to the DM to make sure the task is possible but not too obvious.

Spell Immunity (Su): Verayanos is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
Fairly standard.

This is important to pair with his Rejuvenation. He needs it so a simple Stone to Flesh spell or the like isn't going to work.

Alternate Form (Su): Verayanos can assume another form at will as a standard action, chosen from the following list: Small or Medium monstrous spider, rat, and boar.
Interesting but probably not very useful other than for spying but boar? Why a boar? They're not terribly interesting or useful. I'm guessing just window dressing.

A standard Imp can assume one or two forms from the following list: Small or Medium monstrous spider, raven, rat, and boar. Verayanos, as a super Imp, can assume four of the five forms. The one form that is denied to him - the raven - is the one he would most want, since unlike a standard Imp, he can't fly.

What he lacks is a way to follow PCs if they happen to gate out.

The Tarrasque has the same lack. I guess no one ever talks about that monster since it therefore makes for a boring encounter.

brian 333
2022-11-18, 12:08 AM
Hyrukall, Earl of the Gate of Usurpers

In service to one of the Nine Dukes, Hyrukall currently serves to torment those who took the place of another by force, deception, or manipulation. Usurper's Gate, in the wall around the capitol of the LE planes, is made of stolen thrones upon which their usurpers are forever bound, tormented by fiends which force them to listen to the curses of those they wronged. Their hunger grows day by day, but they are fed only salt.

Hyrukall is among the most intelligent of the lesser nobles. Urbane, suave, always ready to accept humiliation from his betters, and to inflict sadistic cruelty upon his inferiors, his power is second only to that of the Dukes. He commands not only the Seventh Gate Guards Corps, but nine legions of devils, organized as two heavy aerial legions, two heavy infantry legions, three light infantry legions, a legion of skirmishers, and a legion of lemue canon-fodder.

Hyrukall is an excellent battlefield commander, known for his sound tactics and disciplined troops. The Nine often trade him around their circle so that he can be put into combat wherever the fighting is the worst. When so transferred, he usually begins by assuming local command of the deployed forces. This usually involves destroying the local commander using his spear of flame, known as Muir, The Promise-Keeper. This spear is a lesser fire devil bound as an item, and it can act as an animated weapon. It has been taken from Hyrukall several times and used by other devils, but it always betrays its new master to return to Hyrukall.

Hyrukall is always seen wearing a suit of full plate armor, apparently made of black wrought iron. The vents in the helm and the joints of the armor glow as if there is a fire within. Indeed, the black iron shell is hot enough to cause ordinary materials to smoulder when they touch the suit

Some say that Hyrukall is a fire devil permanently trapped within his armor, while others say he is a fallen devil prince who conceals his true identity. The most common rumor about his origin is that he was a lesser minion who donned the armor of his fallen lord and took his place. If so, the Nine have tolerated his self-promotion, probably because of his competence, or his unswerving commitment to flattery and giving the credit for his successes to his superiors.

2022-11-18, 03:01 PM
That is incredibly unlikely. Much more likely is that the balor and the PCs will fight.

I don't know. Even the text of the ability acknowledges that it's something of a coin flip, but yeah, the thing can survive the balor if it's not played in a manner unneccessarily stupid.

Also, for three reasons, the party will not just leave. One, most PCs are very reluctant to back down form an encounter even if they really should - their ego won't let them. Two, if they do just leave, they won't get xp for defeating him.

But that's the issue. You defeat it, you expect XP, but instead, you get "ha-ha, no; it's back". Rinse and repeat. That it might get old faster than you know is a valid concern.

Three and most important, they will have a duty to prevent him from wreaking havoc, whether simply on nearby townspeople or if he is involved with some greater plot of the type that is common in high level campaigns.

"The universe is built in a way that you have to kill this unkillable shmuck and fail and fail and fail some more, until you get lucky or fed up" is a risky thing to pull. While I must admit that setting up a blind date with a fetchin' young medusa is an awesome and memorable way to deal with a supposedly unbeatable foe, stuff like this can get frustrating for someone if the player's keep pulling blanks or they accidentally plow through without even trying hard, which is not impossible, since while

[a]t level 20, most parties will not have epic weapons. Of course, they can blow through DR 15 without much trouble, but he will re-form.


If anything, I assume less PC optimization than what I often see on this board. This imp has powerful abilities, but they are neither overpowered nor underpowered if the CR is correct. A 20th level party can defeat him, but not without any effort unless they know more about him in advance than they are likely to.

Shapechange, aberrant wild shape and stuff like that is neither obscure, nor unheard of.

And if they have to flee, prepare, and then return to deal with him, that's surely a memorable encounter.

The way I see it, it can go both ways. See above.

The Tarrasque has the same lack. I guess no one ever talks about that monster since it therefore makes for a boring encounter.

Actually, people mostly think about the tarrasque as an iconic but way oversold critter in my experience. It's infamous for having the distinction of being beatable by a massively suboptimal flying opponent. I mean, given time, a 12th level warlock with Fell Flight (who doesn't take it?) and an Imbue Item'd Wish scroll can solo it in an absolutely BORING slog of a one-sided battle.

2022-11-19, 11:05 PM
Even the text of the ability acknowledges that it's something of a coin flip, but yeah, the thing can survive the balor if it's not played in a manner unneccessarily stupid.

It's not unlikely that the Balor won't be summoned until the first time the Imp is killed. No Imp, poof, Balor. The PCs will probably fight it.

But that's the issue. You defeat it, you expect XP, but instead, you get "ha-ha, no; it's back". Rinse and repeat. That it might get old faster than you know is a valid concern.

It might get old, but if you're playing high level D&D, you should expect the unexpected. Of course, the DM should consider his group's play style when deciding whether to use this monster or any other.

"Ha-ha" not included. If the DM is saying something like that out of character, I would consider that a sign of a bad DM, because it sounds like he's rooting against the players.

Shapechange, aberrant wild shape and stuff like that is neither obscure, nor unheard of.

True. Maybe I should lower the CR a bit or increase the Imp's defenses. It's a bit tricky though.

Actually, people mostly think about the tarrasque as an iconic but way oversold critter in my experience. It's infamous for having the distinction of being beatable by a massively suboptimal flying opponent. I mean, given time, a 12th level warlock with Fell Flight (who doesn't take it?) and an Imbue Item'd Wish scroll can solo it in an absolutely BORING slog of a one-sided battle.

In theory that could happen, but I'm sure a Tarrasque encounter never went down that way in a real game. Anyway, let's stick to the subject at hand.

2022-12-01, 09:27 PM
Koriko "The Semi-Speakable", Half-Fiend Human Truenamer 20 / Marshal 1 / Monk 1

"Once you give something a name ... you can tell it what to do." - Koriko

"If I can name it I can tame it" - Koriko, later the same day

Medium Outsider (Native)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Initiative: +10
Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial
AC: 45 (+6 Dex, +6 Natural, +5 Deflection, +10 Monk, +8 Armor), touch 31, flat-footed 39
Hit Dice: 20d6+2d8+176 (255 hp); DR: 10/magic; Starmantle Cloak
Saves Fort +23, Ref +20, Will +23
Speed: 30 ft., Fly 30' (average)
Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
BAB +15; Epic AB +1; Grapple +21
Attack: Unarmed Strike +31 melee (1d8+15) + Stunning Fist (Fort DC 30)
Full Attack: Unarmed Strike +31/+26/+21 melee (1d8+15; Stunning Fist 1/round) and Bite +26 melee (1d6+12) and Claw +26 melee (1d4+12)
or Unarmed Strike +29/+29/+24/+19 melee (1d8+15; Stunning Fist 1/round) and Bite +24 melee (1d6+12) and Claw +24 melee (1d4+12)
Abilities: Str 14 (20), Dex 16 (22), Con 18 (24), Int 22 (28), Wis 8 (14), Cha 26 (32)
Special Attacks/Actions: Spell-like Abilities, Utterances, Knowledge Devotion; Minor Aura (Motivate Intelligence)
Special Qualities: Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10; Immunity to poison; Spell Resistance 32; Darkvision 60'
Feats: Improved Initiative; Improved Toughness; Knowledge Devotion; Skill Focus (Truespeak); Carmendine Monk (Int instead of Wis to Monk AC and Stunning Fist DC); Extend Utterance; Empower Utterance; Quicken Utterance
Bonus Feats: Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist (6/day, Fort DC 30), Truename Research, Recitation of Vital State, Recitation of Meditative State
Epic Feat: Epic Skill Focus (Truespeak +10)
Skills: Truespeak +57 (68 w/aura), Knowledge (arcana, architecture & engineering, dungeoneering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, religion) +32 (43 w/aura), Knowledge (planes) +46 (57 w/aura), Concentration +30, Use Magic Device +35, Intimidate +24, Bluff +24
Challenge Rating: 24
Climate/Terrain: Any
Treasure/Possessions: Monk's Belt of Physical Perfection (+6 Str/Dex/Con), Headband of Mental Pefection (+6 Int/Wis/Cha), Ring of Protection +5, Amulet of the Armored Tongue and Mighty Fists (Greater, +10 TS and +5 Natural Armor, +5 enhancement to natural & unarmed attacks), Boots of Speed, Vest of Resistance +5, Bracers of Armor +8, Skill Shard (greater, +5 Truespeak, x10), Starmantle Cloak. He has used items that gave him a +4 inherent bonus to Int and Cha, and +3 to Con.

Koriko is rumored to be the son of a pit fiend and a mortal woman. He is sometimes thought to be a mere legend used to frighten with tales of the power of his name and the dire consequences of speaking it, but as those who try it are liable to find out, the tales are true. Scholars consider him to be one of the foremost experts on knowledge in the world, especially knowledge of the Planes.

One of the fiends he sometimes works with is Verayanos aka "The Crippled Imp"; he knows the Imp's personal truename.

Combat: A half-fiend’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Knowledge Devotion: By making a DC 36 check against each creature type, he gets a +5 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls, which is already includied in the above statistics.

Half-Fiend Spell-Like Abilities: CL 22; DC 21 + Spell level (Cha-based):
Darkness 3/day, Desecrate 1/day, Unholy blight 1/day, Poison 3/day, Contagion 1/day, Blasphemy 1/day, Unholy aura 3/day, Unhallow 1/day, Horrid wilting 1/day, Summon monster IX (fiends only) 1/day, Destruction 1/day

Marshal: Minor Aura: Motivate Intelligence (60', allies +11 circumstance bonus to Int-based skill checks)

Known Personal Truename: He knows his own personal truename. He cannot pronounce it automatically; doing so requires a Truespeak check with a DC of 61 (15 + (2 × Hit Dice) + 2). Because it's his personal truename, he gets a +4 bonus on the Truespeak check.

Knowledge Focus (Ex): Four +3 bonuses, all applied to Knowledge (planes).

See the Named (Su): He can see a creature from afar whose personal truename he knows. This ability works as the scrying spell, but does not require a mirror or pool of water to function. Instead, he must make a Truespeak check for the creature as normal. If the check is successful, the creature does not get a save to resist the ability, but he can view the subject for only 1 round. He can use this ability once per day.

Sending (Su): He can speak to creatures whose personal truename he knows from a great distance. He must make a successful Truespeak check (DC 15 + 2 × target's CR) to use this ability. If successful, he can send a message to the subject as a sending spell (caster level equal to his truenamer level). He can use this ability three times per day.

Speak unto the Masses (Su): He has the ability to affect a number of creatures of the same creature type with a single, powerful utterance. He can only affect creatures of the same type (humanoids, giants, or dragons, for example) with a single use of this ability, although he could use it against a different group of a different creature type each round. No two of the creatures to affect can be more than 30 feet apart, and the base DC for the Truespeak check is equal to the most powerful (highest CR or most Hit Dice, if affecting PCs) creature in the group. For each creature he wishes to affect with the utterance beyond the first, the DC of your Truespeak check increases by 2. The Law of Resistance applies to utterances altered with speak unto the masses. As a result, additional uses of an utterance modified with speak unto the masses might be more difficult, even if he then wants to use the utterance on a single creature later in the day.

Say My Name and I Am There (Su): He has developed a sort of true nickname that is invested with cosmic power such that others who speak it can conjure him forth. Whenever someone successfully says this truename, he can appear at that creature's location as if taken there by a word of recall spell. He knows who is saying his truename, and can choose not to be transported. A creature speaking the true nickname need not make a Truespeak check to do so.

Such a nickname is often one or two syllables taken from a personal truename. Most truenamers with this ability teach the truename to their friends and allies so they can be called when needed.

In his case, however, Koriko has made no secret of the word that summons him; it's the name he usually goes by: Koriko. If the name is spoken on the Prime Material Plane, there's a 50% chance that he's on the plane at the time, and if he is, there's a 50% chance that he will respond to a summoning by someone unknown to him.

If summoned, he will usually offer a deal. In exchange for money, items, or the person's soul, he will agree to perform a service (often fighting, or sharing knowledge). If the summoner is not willing or able to come to a satisfactory deal, if they insult truenamers, or if he does't approve of their apparent goals (such as fighting devils), he will often attack, unless he thinks he wouldn't win. If he needs to escape, he will use his Sending ability to contact an ally who will then summon him.

Utterances (Sp): The DC for saving throws, if any, is 31 (10 + 1/2 truenamer level + Cha mod).

Utterances Known:
Lexicon of the Evolving Mind:
1st: Inertia Surge, Universal Aptitute; 2nd: Hidden Truth, Percieve the Unseen, Silent Caster; 3rd: Incarnation of Angels, Seek the Sky, Speed of the Zepher (Greater), Vision Sharpened; 4th: Breath of Cleansing, Spell Rebirth, Word of Bolstering, Word of Nurturing (Potent); 5th: Eldtritch Attraction, Energy Negation (Greater), Sensory Focus, Ward of Peace; 6th: Knight’s Puissance (Greater), Singular Mind, Word of Nurturing (Greater)

Lexicon of the Crafted Tool:
1st: Keen Weapon; 2nd: Analyze Item; 3rd: Rebuild Item; 4th: Suppress Item; 5th: Seize Item

Lexicon of the Perfected Map: Truespeak DC 25 + 5/utterance level
1st: Fog from the Void (Solid Fog DC 40); 2nd: Energy Vortex; 3rd: Thwart the Traveler; 4th: Deny Passage

2022-12-24, 09:15 PM
Hyrukall, Earl of the Gate of Usurpers

I should have replied to this before now, but I just wanted to say, I like it.

2022-12-26, 07:37 AM
Prince Quancater

Size/Type: Small Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Tanar'ri]
HD: 1d8+1
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (Touch 13; Flat footed 14) (+1 size, +3 Natural +2 Dex)
Base Attack: +1
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 (1d3) and bite +2 (1d4) (or masterwork silver dagger and/or masterwork cold iron dagger)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +6d6
Special Qualities: Acid Cloud, Darkvision 60 ft, DR 5/Cold Iron or Good, Electricity Immunity, Past Life, Poison Immunity, Resist Acid 10, Resist Cold 10, Resist Fire 10, Telepathy 100ft.,
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 5 Wis 3 Cha 5 (10 14 8 13 11 15)
Skills: Climb +6, Disable Device -0.5, Hide +12, Jump +6, Move Silently +6
Feats: Multiattack
Challenge Rating: 4 (1 +1 elite array +2 Past Life)
Treasure: Masterwork Silver Dagger, Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger, Amulet of Tears, Everfull Mug, Shiftweave Outfit

Acidic Cloud (Su) When a mane dies, it dissolves into a cloud of noxious vapor. Anyone within 10 feet of a slain mane who fails a DC 12 Reflex save takes 1d6 points of acid damage.

Past Life: Because of his link to his past self, he gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks and sneak attack as an 11th-level rogue (+6d6 damage)

In life, Quancator was a member of a noble house who abused his position to indulge in fancies for committing acts of violence purely for his own amusement.

Through a combination of slick talking, bribery, cunning, and arranging for anyone who tried to talk to suffer an "accident", Quancator managed to maintain a positive facade throughout his life. When recently an untimely mishap took his life he was buried with lavish funeral rites befitting his wealth and perceived status as an upright member of the community. These rites had the effect of helping him to maintain his personal identity in the next world, as well as allowing some of the personal effects he was buried with to follow him there. If these are removed from his grave they will disappear in the next world too, but such a violation of his grave might also give him a brief opportunity to slip into the material plane.

2023-02-06, 05:11 AM
Half-fiend young adult gold dragon
Size/Type: Huge Outsider [Fire] [augmented dragon]
HD: 20d12+120
Initiative: +2
Speed: 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 30 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +20 natural) DR 10/magic, touch 10, flat-footed 28
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+40
Attack: +30
Full Attack: 1 Bite +30 melee (2d8+12) 2 Claws +30 melee (upgraded to primary by half-fiend template) (2d6+6) 2 Wings +25 melee (1d8+6) 1 Tail Slap +25 melee (2d6+12+6)
1 Crush +30 melee (against all small or smaller creatures landed on) (2d8+12+6 and pinned)
Special Attacks: Breath weapon (100ft line of fire 10f10 damage, or 50ft cone of weakness gas 5 str damage; DC 26), Frightful Presence (150 ft, DC 25), Smite Good 1/day
Special Qualities: Alternate form, Blindsense 60 feet, Darkvision 120 ft., DR 10/magic, immunity to fire, immunity to poison, Keen senses, resist acid 10, resist cold 10, resist electricity 10, spell-like abilities, SR 30, vulnerability to cold, water breathing
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +18
Abilities: Str 35 Dex 14 Con 23 Int 22 Wis 19 Cha 20
Skills: Concentrate +29 (23sp + 6 con), Decipher script +7 (2/2+6int), Diplomacy +28 (23sp+5cha), Disguise +28 (23sp+5cha), Escape Artist +25 (23sp + 2 dex), Forgery +7 (2/2+6int), Heal +14 (10sp+4 wis), Intimidate +28 (23 sp + 5 cha), Knowledge (Arcana) +26 (20sp+6int), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +11 (5sp+6int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11 (5sp+6int), Knowledge (The Planes) +29 (23sp+6Int), Knowledge (religion) +11 (5sp+6int), Listen +27 (23sp+4wis), Profession (Torturer) +5 (2/2sp + 4wis), Search +29 (31 to find secret doors) (23sp + 6int), Sense Motive +27 (23sp+4wis), Spellcraft +14 (+16 to decipher scrolls) (12/2sp +6int+2syn), Spot +27 (23sp+4wis), Survival +4 (+6 on the planes, underground, or following tracks) (+4wis), Swim +18 (+26 to avoid hazards due to swim speed) (6sp+12str), Use Rope +2 (+4 for bindings) (+2 dex), Use Magic Device +28 (+30 with scrolls) (23sp+5cha)
Feats: Bane Magic (Outsiders), Cleave, Flyby Attack, Heighten Breath, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Ordered Chaos, Power Attack, Spell Penetration
Environment: Lower Planes
Flaws: Chivalrous Courtesy, Test Subject (Enchantment)
Treasure: Triple Stabdard plus Amulet of Protection From Evil (continuous Protection from Evil effect; 8000gp)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Spell-like Abilities:
3/day- Bless, Darkness, Poison, Unholy Aura
1/day- Blasphemy, Contagion, Desecrate, Destruction, Horrid Wilting, Summon Monster 9 (fiends only), Unhallow, Unholy Blight

Spells Known
0- Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Sonic Snap
1- Greater Mage Hand, Lesser Orb of Cold, Magic Missile, Protection From Chaos
2- Ice Knife, Knock

Alternate Form (Su)
A gold dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a standard action three times per day. The dragon can remain in its animal or humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.

Blindsense (Ex)
Dragons can pinpoint creatures within a distance of 60 feet. Opponents the dragon can’t actually see still have total concealment against the dragon.

Breath Weapon (Su)
A gold dragon has two types of breath weapon, a cone of fire and a cone of weakening gas. Creatures within a cone of weakening gas must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 1 point of Strength damage per age category of the dragon.

Keen Senses (Ex)
A dragon sees four times as well as a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision out to 120 feet.

Smite Good (Su)
Once per day the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20) against a good foe.

Water Breathing (Ex)
A gold dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Oangnismon is the son of a gold dragon and a balor

[details of origin story redacted due to forum rules]

Oangnismon spent most of his youth imprisoned in his father's domain and/or enslaved by his father's Dominate Monster ability. After many unsuccessful attempts to escape, he finally broke free from the balor's control after looting an amulet which bestowed a continuous Protection from Evil effect from the body of a dead adventurer.

As soon as he put the amulet on he was freed from the mental control that would have forced him to return. He immediately fled from the Abyss and made his way to Hell, where he became an agent of Tiamat after proving himself by means that I have ran out of time to make up because the weekend is over

2023-03-21, 02:34 AM
Are concepts and bios without stats ok for this thread? I've got a lot of ideas that have no stats as of yet

2023-03-21, 11:26 AM
Yes, that would be perfectly fine 👹

2023-03-28, 10:20 PM
Numbreer "Demon Prince of Necromancers"

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri)
Hit Dice: 27d8+432 (553 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 48 (+8 Dex, +10 natural, +15 bone armor, +5 deflection), touch 23, flat-footed 40
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+32
Attack: Claw +32 melee (1d6+5 + undeath curse)
Full Attack: 2 claws +32 melee (1d6+5 + undeath curse)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Undeath Curse, spell-like abilities, undead mastery, animation mastery, grant mastery, summon demon, summon undead, desecration aura
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/cold iron and good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, spell resistance 38, telepathy 100 ft., immune to mind-affecting, immune to ability damage or drain, immune to energy drain, immune to stun, immune to paralysis, immune to polymorph, immune to petrification, immune to daze, immune to disintegration, Rejuvenation
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +28, Will +25
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 20 (26), Con 36 (42), Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 26 (32)
Skills: Bluff +41, Concentration +46, Diplomacy +41, Hide +35, Intimidate +41, Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, Planes) +35, Listen +35, Move Silently +35, Search +35, Spot +35, Use Magic Device +41
Feats: Improved Initiative, Mindsight, Corpsecrafter, Destruction Retribution, Deadly Chill, Nimble Bones, Hardened Flesh, Bolster Resistance, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Mass Harm, 3/day)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Challenge Rating: 25
Equipment: Vest of Resistance +5, Ring of Protection +5, Cloak of Charisma +6, Amulet of Constitution +6, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Belt of Dexterity +6

Numbreer appears as a skeletal figure, often wearing bone armor. As Prince of Necromancers, he is a rival to Orcus, but not in direct competition because he claims rulership not of the undead themselves as Orcus does, but of those who animate and control undead. He rules a desolate layer of the Abyss that is crawling with undead of all sorts.

Bone Armor (Ex): He wears a suit of plate mail armor made of bone. The armor is unusually strong and bends as he moves, resulting in no armor check penalty, no arcane spell failure chance, and no maximum dexterity bonus. If worn by any other creature, it functions as an ordinary suit of plate mail, but falls apart after blocking one hit. If he needs to replace it, he can do so with 8 hours of work and enough bones to work with.

Undeath curse (Su): A corporeal living creature struck by his claw attack must make a Will save (DC 34, Cha-based) or be cursed to rise as a zombie under Numbreer's control one round after being slain. Unlike the spell Animate Dead, there is no maximum HD limit for such a zombie. Such zombies gain the effects of his Corpsecrafter feat and other feats which have that as prerequisites as if animated by a spell. This curse is hard to remove; spells such as remove curse require a caster level check (DC 38).

Desecration Aura (Ex): He radiates an aura similar to the Desecrate spell, giving a -6 profane penalty on turning checks, +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for undead and +2 hit points per HD for undead in the area or which are created or summoned into the area. This aura can not be blocked by anything, and has a radius of 1 mile. It doesn't stack with the Desecrate spell.

Spell-like abilities: Caster level 27; At will - Greater Teleport (self plus up to 50 lbs of objects only), Chain Dispel (+25), Harm, Mass Harm (20d12, Will half DC 30), Shapechange (undead forms only), Repelling Shield (Reflex DC 24), True Strike, Command Undead, Control Undead, Animate Dead, Create Undead, Create Greater Undead, Plague of Undead, Undead Torch, Vile Death; 1/day - Awaken Undead, Revive Undead, Undead Lieutenant.

Undead Mastery (Ex): All undead creatures created by him gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 2 additional hit points per Hit Die. This doesn't stack with the Dread Necromancer ability of the same name, should he acquire it. There is no limit to the total HD of undead that he can control.

Animation Mastery (Ex): Undead created by him have maximum hp per HD.

Grant Mastery (Su): He can grant Animation Mastery, Undead Mastery (except for the lifting of the HD limit), and the effects of his Corpsecrafter and related feats to another willing necromancer by touch. Up to 3 necromancers at a time can be granted these abilities. He can remove these grants to a particular necromancer as a swift action at any range. If he is slain, all of the grants vanish, although the bonuses and hit points of already created undead don't change. He uses this ability to make promising necromancers serve him.

Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day he can summon a sorrowsworn demon.

Summon Undead (Sp): Once per day he can summon a winterwight.

Rejuvenation (Su): If slain, his body vanishes, though his equipment is left behind. One year later, he will reappear in full health somewhere on his home layer of the Abyss.

2023-03-30, 10:36 PM
Ulnerk, Numbreer's guard, Awakened Mountain Giant Zombie

Gargantuan Undead (Earth)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Initiative: +9; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.
AC: 53 (-4 size, +1 dex, +38 natural, +8 bracers), touch 7, flat-footed 52
Hit Dice: 60d12+633 (1353 hp)
Saves Fort +31, Ref +26, Will +43 (+45 vs Control undead)
Speed: 90 ft., fly 60' (good)
Space / Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Base Attack +30; Grapple +65
Attack: Colossal greatclub +50 melee, or slam +45 melee, or rock +46 ranged
Damage: Colossal greatclub 6d8+38/19-20, slam 4d6+28 + 1d6 cold + grapple, rock 4d8+19
Special Attacks/Actions: Crush 6d6+28, fling, grapple, rock throwing, trample 6d6+28
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 12, Con --, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 1
Special Qualities: rock catching, powerful build, damage reduction 5/slashing, Single Actions Only, Turn Resistance 4, Destruction Retribution (31d6 negative energy, 10' radius, Reflex half DC 15)
Feats: Alertness; Awesome Blow; Brutal Throw; Iron Will; Improved Bull Rush; Improved Critical (greatclub); Improved Overrun; Power Attack; Track; Improved Toughness; Improved Initiative; Great Fortitude
Epic Feats: Epic Will, Epic Toughness (x7), Epic Fortitude
Skills: Jump +42, Listen +22, and Spot +22
Treasure/Possessions: +5 Vest of Resistance, +5 Colossal Collision Greatclub, Bracers of Armor +8, Wings of Flying, bag (contains 12 rocks suitable for throwing)
Challenge Rating: 18

Ulnerk serves Numbreer, usually guarding his lair, but occasionally is lent to a necromancer on the material plane. If encountered within Numbreer's Desecration aura, add a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for him, and a -6 profane penalty on turning checks against the undead.

A mountain giant resembles a titanic hill giant, standing more than 40 feet tall and weighing nearly 50,000 pounds. Greasy, jet-black hair frames a face with bulbous features and a skin tone that can be any shade from tan to reddish brown. The typical mountain giant wears only minimal clothing—usually a breechcloth and a shirt made of rough animal hide that barely covers a large pot belly.

Crush (Ex): If he jumps at least 20 feet into the air (or jumps down from a height of at least 20 feet) he can land on opponents two or more size categories smaller than himself as a standard action, using his whole body to crush them. A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the giant's body. (This is normally a 20-foot square, but the giant can instead opt to come down on its seat and cover a 20-foot by 40-foot area, although it then becomes prone.) Each creature in the affected area must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 59) or be pinned, automatically taking 6d6+28 points of bludgeoning damage. Thereafter, if the giant chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. While pinned, the opponent takes crush damage each round.

Fling (Ex): If he successfully grapples a foe two or more size categories smaller than himself, he can hurl the creature as a standard action. A flung creature travels up to 120 feet and takes 12d6 points of damage. A creature that is flung off a mountain takes this amount of damage or the appropriate falling damage, whichever is greater. The giant also can throw the flung creature as though it were a boulder. In this case, the flung creature takes 12d6+19 points of damage, and any opponent it strikes takes 4d8+19 points of damage.

Grapple (Ex): If he hits an opponent that is at least one size category smaller than himself with a slam, he deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple (grapple bonus +65). If he gets a hold, he can fling the opponent in the next round. Alternatively, the mountain giant has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use one hand to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the mountain giant is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals slam damage.

Trample (Ex): As a standard action during its turn each round, a mountain giant can trample opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. This attack deals 6d6+28 points of bludgeoning damage. A trampled opponent can attempt either an attack of opportunity at a -4 penalty or a Reflex save (DC 59) for half damage.

Rock Throwing (Ex): An adult giant is an accomplished rock thrower and receives a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls when throwing rocks. A mountain giant can hurl rocks weighing 160 to 200 pounds (Huge objects) with a range increment of 200'.

Rock catching (Ex): A mountain giant can catch rocks of up to Colossal size. Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC to catch a rock is based on the rock's size (DC 20 + 5 per size category above Medium). If the projectile has a bonus on attack rolls because of magic, the DC increases by that amount. The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of a mountain giant lets him function in many ways as if he were one size category larger. Whenever one is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the giant is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A mountain giant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A mountain giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty.

2023-04-07, 09:12 PM
Rolleenu "Demon Princess of Greed"

Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri)
Hit Dice: 24d8+192 (300 hp)
Initiative: +12
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 56 (+8 Dex, +9 natural, +16 luck, +5 deflection, +8 armor), touch 39, flat-footed 48
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+32
Attack: Claw +32 melee (1d6+8)
Full Attack: 2 claws +32 melee (1d6+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks/Actions: Change Shape, Curse, spell-like abilities, summon Tanar’ri, induce greed
Special Qualities: Aura of Unluck, Aura of Magic, damage reduction 15/cold iron and good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, spell resistance 36, telepathy 100 ft., tongues, lucky defense
Saves: Fort +38, Ref +38, Will +32
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 26, Con 26, Int 22, Wis 14, Cha 34 (42)
Skills: Bluff +43, Concentration +35, Diplomacy +43, Disguise +43* (+45 acting), Hide +35, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (Planes) +33, Listen +36, Move Silently +35, Search +33, Sense Motive +29, Spot +36, Sleight of Hand +35, Tumble +35
Feats: Augment Summoning, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Curse), Quicken SLA (Greater Bestow Curse, 3/day), Quicken SLA (True Strike, 3/day);
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Spell Stowaway (True Strike)
Challenge Rating: 22
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Equipment: Rod of Epic Splendor, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Protection +5, Bracers of Armor +8

Rolleenu appears to be a green-skinned succubus. Large bat wings unfurl from her back, and her eyes glow with sinister desire. She is 6 feet tall and weighs about 125 pounds.


Aura of Unluck (Su): Enemies within 30' must roll twice and accept the worse result on all actions involving random chance.

Aura of Magic (Ex): Antimagic fields, dead magic zones, and the like don't function within 30' of her.

Lucky Defense (Ex): She gets a luck bonus to AC and a resistance bonus to saving throws equal to her Charisma bonus.

Change Shape (Su): She can assume the form of any female Medium humanoid.

Curse (Su): As Greater Bestow Curse (touch +32; Will neg DC 40).

Induce Greed (Su): As a standard action she can induce greed in a creature she is able to see (Will neg DC 38). This is similar to the spell Miser's Envy, except that there is no limit on range or duration. If the same creature is affected more than once, only the most recent effect applies. This is a mind-affecting ability and it can be dispelled (CL 24).

Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 24th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
At will - Mass Charm monster (DC 34), chain dispel, detect good, detect thoughts (DC 28), Entice Gift (DC 28), Fool's Gold, Greater Command (DC 31), Helping Hand, Phantasmal Thief, Mass Suggestion (DC 32), Insidious Suggestion (DC 31), greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), Sanctuary (Will DC 27), Treasure Scent, true seeing, true strike; 3/day - Quickened Greater Bestow Curse (DC 34); 1/day - heal (self only).

Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): She can summon a succubus, vrock, or glabrezu up to 3 times per day. This ability is the equivalent of a 9rd-level spell.

Tongues (Su): She has a permanent tongues ability (as the spell, caster level 24th).

Skills: She has a +8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. While using her Change Shape ability, she gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.

2023-04-16, 05:26 PM
Greg Greyson "Pseudonatural Man"

Pseudonatural Human Monk 4 / Fighter 6
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Initiative: +11; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.
AC: 57 (+35 natural, +7 dex, +8 armor, +7 monk), touch 24, flat-footed 50
Hit Dice: 6d10+4d8+80 (176 hp)
Saves Fort +23, Ref +18, Will +18 (+20 vs Enchantment)
Speed: 70 ft.
Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Base Attack +9; Grapple +43
Attack: Tentacle +42 melee (2d8+19)
Full Attack: 5 tentacles +42 melee (2d8+19) or 6 tentacles +40 melee (2d8+19)
Special Attacks/Actions: Alternate Form, Improved Grab, Rotting Constriction, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Electricity and acid resistance 25, Damage Reduction 10/Epic, Spell resistance 50, Evasion, Ki strike (magic), slow fall 20 ft.
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 24, Con 24, Int 11, Wis 20, Cha 10
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (1d8+15), Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle), Power Attack, Great Fortitude, Weapon Specialization (tentacle), Skill Knowledge (Concentration, Tumble), Melee Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning)
Skills: Concentration +20, Tumble +20, Hide +17, Knowledge (religion) +7, Move Silently +14
Challenge Rating: 22

Equipment: Bracers of Armor +8, Vest of Resistance +5, ring of invisibility, ring of freedom of movement

Constant Insight (Su)
The creature makes all its attacks with a +15 insight bonus. The creature is not affected by the miss chance that applies to attacks against a concealed target.

Improved Grab (Ex)
If the creature hits an opponent smaller than it with a tentacle, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Rotting Constriction (Ex)
Once the creature has hold of an opponent, each successful grapple check it makes during subsequent rounds permanently drains 2d4 points of Constitution. At the same time, the creature regains 10 lost hit points.

Alternate Form (Su)
At will, a pseudonatural creature can take the form of a grotesque, tentacled mass (or another appropriately gruesome form), but all its abilities remain unchanged despite the alien appearance. Changing shape is a standard action. Other creatures receive a -1 morale penalty on their attack rolls against pseudonatural creatures in this alternate form.

Spell-Like Abilities
At will—blur, dimension door, shield, unhallow. Caster level 20th. The DCs are Charisma-based.

Evasion (Ex)
At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Greg Grayson has no memories from before he was an adult. Confused and in possession of many stange powers, he joined a monastery to seek peace. When the place burned down, he became convinced that he was sent to the Material Plane for a purpose and would not be allowed to stray from it, so he decided to serve his strange master instead of fighting his destiny. He is unsure of who that master is, but dark gods on high on his list and he has served several. Although very confident in his combat abilities, he believes that they were gven to him because he will face mighty enemies, and so he prefers to sneak around and tries to avoid overconfidence.

2023-05-21, 08:36 PM
Migma, Succubus Cheerleader

"give me a K, give me an I, give me an L, give me an L. Kill, kill, kill!'

Succubus Bard 3/rogue2//Thief-Acrobat 4/Warblade 2
Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Chaotic] [Evil] [Tanar'ri]
HD: 2d12+4d8+5d6+22 (12+6.5+18+14+3.5+22=12+10+40+14=64hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft, fly 50 ft (good)
Armor Class: 25 +4 dex +2 dodge (agile fighting) +9 natural
Base Attack/Grapple: +9 (6+2+1)
Attack: Claw +10 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: acrobatic charge, agile fighting +2/+3, fascinate, Energy drain, maneuvers, spell-like abilities, summon demon, weapon aptitude
Special Qualities: acrobatic charge, agile fighting +2/+3, bardic knowledge -4, bardic music, Battle clarity (reflex saves), countersong, Damage reduction 10/cold iron or good, darkvision 60 ft., evasion, fascinate, fast acrobatics, immunity to electricity and poison, inspire competence, inspire courage +1, kip up, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, slow fall 30 ft., skill mastery (balance, climb, jump, and tumble), sneak attack +1d6, spell resistance 18, steady stance, telepathy 100 ft., tongues, trapfinding, uncanny dodge, weapon aptitude
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +18 (15 flat footed), Will +9
Abilities: Str 13 (base 11) Dex 18 (base 15, +1from passing 9hd) Con 14 (base 12) Int 16 (base 10) Wis 12 (base 8/) Cha 30 (base 14) (base 14)
Skills: Balance +14, Bluff +26, Climb +9, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +16, Disable Device +4, Disguise +19* (+21 acting), Escape Artist +13, Hide +13, Intimidate +21, Jump +13, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty (Celebrity Trivia)) +12, Listen +18, Move Silently +13, Perform (Sing/chant) +16, Search +12, Spot +18, Survival +1 (+3 following tracks), Tumble +14, Use Magic Device +11, Use Rope +4 (+6 with
Feats: Dodge, mobility, persuasive, spring attack, dark speech, improved flight
Flaws: Bestial Instinct, Frivilous Performer
Environment: Layer 76567 The Black Colosseum
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: Charm of Countersong, Rod of Wonder used as the grip of a cheerleading pom-pom, Eternal Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement also done up as a pom-pom
Alignment: CE
Level Adjustment:

You see a bat-winged young woman clad in a scarlet and purple mini-skirt and crop top that somehow manages to leave less to the imagination than actual nudity would

Migma is the minion of the demon prince Royon-Zugna, a "coach" and trainer of the "sport" that is the Blood War. She attends battles to boost morale.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with simple weapons, all martial melee weapons (including those that can be used as thrown weapons), the hand crossbow, the shortbow, and the whip, light and medium armor, and all shields except tower shields.

Fast Acrobatics (Ex): A thief-acrobat can avoid the normal penalties for accelerated movement while using her acrobatic talents. She ignores the normal -5 penalty when making a Balance check while moving at her full normal speed. She can climb at half her speed as a move action without taking a -5 penalty on her Climb check. Finally, she can tumble at her full speed without taking the normal -10 penalty on her Tumble check.

Kip Up (Ex): A thief-acrobat can stand up from a prone position as a free action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability works only if the thief-acrobat wears light or no armor and carries no more than a light load.

Steady Stance (Ex): A thief-acrobat remains stable on her feet when others have difficulty standing. She is not considered flat-footed while balancing or climbing, and she adds her class level as a bonus on Balance or Climb checks to remain balancing or climbing when she takes damage.

Agile Fighting (Ex): A whirling, spinning thief-acrobat is a devilishly difficult target. Starting at 2nd level, a thief-acrobat gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. When fighting defensively or using total defense, this bonus becomes +2. At 4th level, these bonuses increase by 1 (to +2 and +3, respectively). In addition, a thief-acrobat takes no penalty to her Armor Class or on her melee attack rolls when kneeling, sitting, or prone. This ability works only if a thief-acrobat wears light or no armor and carries no more than a light load.

Slow Fall (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a thief-acrobat reduces the effective distance of falls by 20 feet. At 4th level, this improves to reduce the effective distance of falls by 30 feet. See the monk class feature, page 41 of the Player’s Handbook. If a thief-acrobat has this ability from another class, the distances stack to determine the effective reduction of the falling distance.

Acrobatic Charge (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a thiefacrobat can charge in situations where others cannot. She can charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or through allies blocking her path. This ability enables her to charge across a cluttered battlefield, leap down from a ledge, or swing across a chasm to get to her target. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks (such as Jump, Tumble, or Use Rope checks) to successfully move over the terrain.

Defensive Roll (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, once per day a thief-acrobat can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. See the rogue class feature, page 51 of the Player’s Handbook.

Skill Mastery (Ex): At 4th level, a thief-acrobat has become so confident in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a Balance, Climb, Jump, or Tumble check, she can take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.

Maneuvers Readied:
Must choose which maneuvers to ready. You ready your maneuvers by exercising for 5 minutes. The maneuvers remain readied until she decides to exercise again and change them. Does not need not sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready maneuvers; any time you spend 5 minutes in practice, you can change your readied maneuvers. You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers
unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (until you recover them, as described below). You can recover all expended maneuvers with a single swift action, which must be immediately followed in the same round with a melee attack or using a standard action to do nothing else in the round (such as executing a quick, harmless flourish with your weapon). You cannot initiate a maneuver or change your stance while you are recovering your expended maneuvers, but you can remain in a stance in which you began your turn.

Stances: You begin play with knowledge of one 1st level stance from any discipline open to warblades. At 4th, 10th, and 16th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you are currently using as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description. Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.

Battle Clarity (Ex): You can enter a state of almost mystical awareness of the battlefield around you. As long as you are not flat-footed, you gain an insight bonus equal to your Intelligence bonus (maximum equals your warblade level) on your Reflex saves. Weapon

Weapon Aptitude (Ex): Your training with a wide range of weaponry and tactics gives you great skill with particular weapons. You qualify for feats that usually require a minimum number of fighter levels (such as Weapon Specialization) as if you had a fighter level equal to your warblade level -2. For example, as a 6th-level warblade, you could take Weapon Specialization, since you’re treated as being a 4th-level fighter for this purpose. These effective fighter levels stack with any actual fighter levels you have. Thus, a fighter 2/warblade 4 would also qualify for Weapon Specialization. You also have the flexibility to adjust your weapon training. Each morning, you can spend 1 hour in weapon practice to change the designated weapon for any feat you have that applies only to a single weapon (such as Weapon Focus). You must have the newly designated weapon available during your practice session to make this change. For example, if you wish to change the designated weapon for your Weapon Focus feat from greatsword to longsword, you must have a longsword available to practice with during your practice session. You can adjust any number of your feats in this way, and you don’t have to adjust them all in the same way. However, you can’t change the weapon choices in such a way that you no longer meet the prerequisite for some other feat you possess. For instance, if you have both Weapon Focus (longsword) and Weapon Specialization (longsword), you can’t change the designated weapon for Weapon Focus unless you also change the weapon for Weapon Specialization in the same way.

Energy Drain (Su): A succubus drains energy from a mortal it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the succubus must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The succubus’s kiss or embrace bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 24 Will save to negate the effect of the suggestion. The DC is 24 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. These save DCs are Charisma-based.

Spell-Like Abilities:
At will—charm monster (DC 25), detect good, detect thoughts (DC 23), ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), suggestion (DC 24), greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only). Caster level 12th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day a succubus can attempt to summon 1 vrock with a 30% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.

Change Shape (Su): A succubus can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid.

Tongues (Su): A succubus has a permanent tongues ability (as the spell, caster level 12th). Succubi usually use verbal communication with mortals.

Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.)
A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
DC Type of Knowledge
10 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population.
20 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people legends.
25 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
30 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don’t understand the significance of the knowledge.

Countersong (Su): A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard’s Perform check result for the save. Countersong has no effect against effects that don’t allow saves. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.

Fascinate (Sp): A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability.
To use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song, taking no other actions, for as long as the bard continues to play and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard level). While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result.
Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Courage (Su): A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 8th, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 20th). Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Competence (Su): A bard of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard. The bard must also be able to see the ally.
The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard’s music. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. A bard can’t inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability.

Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The rogue’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.
A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.
Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Bestial Instinct [FLAW]: You prefer to meet your foes so close that you can smell their blood. Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to hit while using anything other than unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

Frivilous Performer [FLAW]: Having focused your time on practicing and performing, you have gathered little useful information in your travels. Prerequisite: Bardic knowledge. Effect: You suffer a -10 penalty on all bardic knowledge checks. This penalty does not apply if the relevant knowledge involves the Perform skill.

Warblade stances known- Bolstering Voice
Warblade maneuvers known- Douse the Flames, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Steel Wind, Sudden Leap,

Bard spells known -
lv 0 (3/day) - prestidigitation, read magic, ghost sound, message, mage hand, detect magic
lv 1 (4/day) - focusing chant, cure light wounds, glimpse of fear (dr.mag.#333)

BOLSTERING VOICE White Raven (Stance) Level: Crusader 1, warblade 1 Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: 60 ft. Area: 60-ft.-radius emanation centered on you Duration: Stance
Your clarion voice strengthens the will of your comrades. So long as you remain on the field of battle, your allies are strengthened against attacks and effects that seek to subvert their willpower.
The discipline of the White Raven stresses that an army is effective only when its members are motivated to fight. In the face of a daunting enemy or unexpected hardship, the most skilled warrior is worthless if he lacks strength of will. When you adopt the bolstering voice stance, you shout encouragement to your allies, disparage your foes, and lend much-needed support to raise your allies’ spirits. By drawing on the example you set, your allies harden their will to fight and battle on despite your enemies’ attempts to turn them aside. While you are in this stance, all allies within range who can hear you gain a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, or a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against fear effects.

DOUSE THE FLAMES White Raven (Strike) Level: Crusader 1, warblade 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: 1 round
You strike your enemy with a resounding blow, capturing his attention. As he turns to look, you let loose with a string of oaths, challenges, and taunts that force him to focus his attention on you.
As a White Raven adept, you are as much a tactician as you are a war leader. You learn to create openings for your allies to maximize the teamwork and esprit de corps that you foster. You know that for a group to succeed, it must work together, and that individual glory must be set aside so that the group can achieve victory. As part of this maneuver, you make a melee attack against a single target you threaten. If your attack hits, you deal normal melee damage, and the target creature can’t make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. The opponent still threatens its normal area; it simply cannot make attacks of opportunity.

SAPPHIRE NIGHTMARE BLADE Diamond Mind (Strike) Level: Swordsage 1, warblade 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature
Your study your enemy for a brief moment, watching his defensive maneuvers and making a strike timed to take advantage of a lull in his vigilance.
The sapphire nightmare blade is one of the most basic, but important, maneuvers that a Diamond Mind adept studies. It illustrates that a keen mind can pierce even the toughest defenses. You attempt a Concentration check as part of this maneuver, using the target creature’s AC as the DC of the check. You then make a single melee attack against your target. The attack is also part of this maneuver. If your Concentration check succeeds, the target is flat-footed against your attack, and you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. If your check fails, your attack is made with a –2 penalty and deals normal damage.

STEEL WIND Iron Heart (Strike) Level: Warblade 1 Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: Two creatures
You swing your weapon in a broad, deadly arc, striking two foes with a single, mighty blow.
Through a combination of sheer power and unmatched talent, you make an attack that injures multiple opponents. As you initiate this strike, you make two melee attacks, each against a different foe that you threaten. Resolve each attack separately.

SUDDEN LEAP Tiger Claw (Boost) Level: Swordsage 1, warblade 1 Prerequisite: One Tiger Claw maneuver Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous
You leap to a new position in the blink of an eye, leaving your opponents baffled.
You can make a Jump check as a swift action and move the distance determined by your check result. You provoke attacks of opportunity with this movement, and you must move in a straight line. As with any movement, you can attempt a Tumble check to avoid any attacks you provoke with this sudden leap. You can’t move through enemies, unless you succeed on the appropriate Tumble check.

2023-06-30, 01:45 AM

Ratcakes is a nightmare with 5 levels of Jester (see Dragon Magazine Compendium) who serves as a mount for a demon lord of comedy that I am working on* (but who is nowhere near finished). She speaks abyssal, common, infernal, orc, and sylvan.

Her name** and concept art are dark macabrely humorous parodies of Pinkie Pie, her characterization in game should be as well. Hatred is magic.

Female Nightmare, Jester lv5


Size/Type: Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
HD: 6d8 + 5d6 + 33 (78 hp)
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 26 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +13 natural +2 dodge (jester's audacity)), touch 13, flat-footed 22
Base Attack: +9
Attack: Hoof +12 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d4 fire)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +12 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d4 fire) and bite +7 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Flaming hooves, smoke, spellcasting, aligned natural attack (evil)
Special Qualities: Astral projection, darkvision 60 ft., etherealness, Jester's audacity+2, jester's performance 5/day (fascinate, inspiring quip, taunt), spellcasting
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +10
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +10, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Listen +12, Move Silently +11, Perform (Comedy) +18, Profession (Butcher) +2, Search +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +5, Speak Language (Common, Orc, Sylvan) Spot +12, Survival +10 (+12 on other planes and following tracks), Tumble +3, Use Rope +2 (+4 with bindings)
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Run, deflect arrows (b), snatch arrows (b)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Jester spells known
Lv 0: Create Water, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation,
Lv 1: Disguise Self, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Unseen Servant
Lv 2: Enthrall, Glitterdust, Pyrotechnics
(Per day: 5/5/2)

Aligned Natural Attacks: A nightmare’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Flaming Hooves (Su): A blow from a nightmare’s hooves sets combustible materials alight.

Smoke (Su): During the excitement of battle, a nightmare snorts and neighs with rage. This snorting fills a 15-foot cone with a hot, sulfurous smoke that chokes and blinds opponents. Anyone in the cone must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty on all attack and damage rolls until 1d6 minutes after leaving the cone. The cone lasts 1 round, and the nightmare uses it once as a free action during its turn each round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Because of the smoke it gives off, a nightmare has concealment against creatures 5 feet away and total concealment against creatures 10 feet or farther away. The smoke does not obscure the nightmare’s vision at all.

Astral Projection and Etherealness (Su):These abilities function just like the spells of the same names (caster level 20th); a nightmare can use either at will.

Jester's Audacity: The jester's natural talent for performance, his often outrageous dress, and his seemingly lackadaisical attitude throws his opponents off guard in combat. Even a jester armed with a viciouslooking weapon cuts a comedic figure that many warriors have trouble taking seriously. At 1st level, a jester gains a +1 dodge bonus to his Armor Class. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level. However, this bonus can never be greater than the jester's current Charisma bonus. The jester's audacity draws in part on his shameless ability to project himself as nonchalant, goofy, and inept in even the deadliest struggle.

Jester's Performance: The jester is the master of the verbal put down, the hilarious joke, or the savage verbal lashing. His words can inspire dread and outrage in his enemies or confidence and comfort in his friends. Once per day per jester level, the jester can use his wit to produce magical effects in those around him. The jester must have at least 1 rank in Perform (comedy) to use these abilities, and many of them rely on the use of that skill to establish their save DCs and other effects. The jester must share a language and be able to speak to the target or targets of his performance abilities unless otherwise noted in the specific ability's description. Starting a jester's performance ability is a standard acti9n and the jester can maintain the performance (either as a free action or move action, depending on the specific performance used). The jester cannot use spells, activate magic items by spell completion, or activate magic items by word while using his jester's performance ability. The jester must keep up a steady stream of puns, insults, or jokes to maintain the performance's effect. A deaf jester has a 20% failure chance when attempting to use his performance ability. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily number of jester's performances.

Fascinate (Sp): A jester with 3 or more ranks in Perform (comedy) can create a running stream of jokes, gags, and acrobatic stunts to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the jester, and able to pay attention to him. The jester must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a jester attains beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability. An affected creature gets to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 jester's level + jester's Cha modifier). If a creature succeeds at this saving throw the jester cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. Creatures that fail this save sit quietly and listen to the jester's performance, taking no other actions for as long as the jester continues to perform (up to a maximum of 1 round per jester level). While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires the jester to make another Perform (comedy) check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new check result. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), language-dependant, mind-affecting ability.

Inspiring Quip (Su): A jester with 3 or more ranks in Perform (comedy) can boost his allies' morale with a joke that breaks their tension and invigorates their spirits, As an immediate action when an opponent misses an attack, the jester makes a wisecrack denigrating the foe's fighting ability. The jester must be able to see the unsuccessful attack. All allies within 30 feet of the jester gain a +2 morale bonus on all attacks against that foe for the rest of the encounter. The jester can use this ability more than once during an encounter to grant a morale bonus against multiple foes.

Taunt (Su): A jester with 3 or more ranks in Perform (comedy) can attempt to hurl such stinging insults against a foe that his opponent loses his temper in an explosive display. The jester targets one creature within 60 feet that shares a language with him. The target must be able to hear the jester for this ability to have an effect. The target can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 jester's level + jester's Cha modifier). If he fails, the target gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls but takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. On its next turn the affected target takes the most direct route possible (charging if able) toward the jester that avoids any obviously dangerous terrain, such as a pit of bubbling lava. The target may stop if an opponent blocks its path and can move around its foes in such a way as to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity (unless able to charge). If the target does provoke an attack of opportunity due to this movement, it immediately gets to make another Will save, this time with a +2 bonus. The jester must use a free action to continue to taunt his opponent each round, and if he cannot complete this act the taunt's effects immediately end. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependant ability.

*reprinted here are my brainstorming notes for demon lord of comedy:
half scary clown half egregiously disrespectful and foulmouthed insult comedian - possibly has aspects that are just one or the other; can drive people to suicide with insult humor; squirting flower with acid in it; pennywise-esque illusion powers; high level jester; can make people laugh themselves to death; reflavored sorrowsworn and harbinger abilities - mockery/insult comedy; possible sources to mine for inspiration- The Joker, The Comedian, Pennywise, the guy from the metalocalypse comedy episode, [several infamous real-life comedy-related criminals redacted for public post], pagliacci, the music of ICP, Jackass, Let's Visit the World of the Future; possibly wears clothing that is clown costume in one side and dapper suit as might be worn by a vaudeville stand-up on the other, the interface between the sides is uneven so it's half real buttons and half mini pom-poms down the middle - possibly this is stupid and he should just wear one or the other; shocking grasp/joybuzzer ability, turns on and off as a free action; possible names from demon name generator - Ommoderrae Zharbel veraposa zaloigolontzogufreshld agolvogigg lemovonank, shas, Frathor, syrazg Xuehnes-las; roast ability sets people on fire with words; mounts - a nightmare named "Ratcakes" (cf. Pinkie Pie); possible domains - hatred, herald, spite, trickery, truth


2023-07-02, 01:25 PM
Bohandas: Good one. I was actually already thinking of making a horse-like Unique Fiend.

Kolonk "Knight Bane"

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 22d8+176 (275 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 300 ft. (60 squares)
Armor Class: 27 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+40
Attack: Hoof +31 melee (2d6+10 plus 1d4 vile)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +31 melee (2d6+10 plus 1d4 vile) and bite +24 melee (2d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Smoke, Unholy hooves, spell-like abilities, Suggest Rider
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Enhance Rider, DR 15/Epic and Silver, SR 31, Telepathy 100'
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +16
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 22
Skills: Bluff +26, Concentration +32, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +1 (+3 acting), Intimidate +28, Jump +71, Knowledge (the planes) +28, Listen +28, Move Silently +27, Search +28, Sense Motive +26, Spot +28, Survival +26 (+28 following tracks)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track, Quicken spell-like ability (Greater Luminous Assassin, 3/day), Maximize spell-like ability (Mass Flesh to Salt, 3/day), Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness; Epic Feat - Dire Charge
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary plus Rider
Challenge Rating: 16
Alignment: Neutral evil

Kolonk is a unique fiend who looks like a black horse. He is similar to a nightmare but with different abilities. Often, he is accompanied by a Knight rider. The pair will roam the land causing destruction and mayhem, only to vanish if seriously challenged.

Kolonk can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also fight unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check (DC 10).

Kolonk's natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as epic, magic, and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Unholy hooves (Su): His hoof attack causes 1d4 vile damage in addition to normal damage.

Smoke (Ex): During the excitement of battle, he can snort and neighs with rage. This snorting fills a 15-foot cone with a hot, sulfurous smoke that chokes and blinds opponents. Anyone in the cone must succeed on a DC 24 Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty on all attack and damage rolls until 1d6 minutes after leaving the cone. The cone lasts 1 round, and he uses it once as a free action during his turn each round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Because of the smoke he gives off, he has concealment against creatures 5 feet away and total concealment against creatures 10 feet or farther away. The smoke does not obscure his vision at all, nor that of his rider if the rider is currently Enhanced by him. If the rider is not, all creatures have total concealment from the rider except for himself.

Enhance Rider (Su): As a swift action, Kolonk can apply the following enhancements to any willing creature who is currently riding him: +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution; Bonus Feats: Mounted Combat, Cavalry Charger, Mounted Mobility, Ride-By Attack, Saddleback; 42 temporary hit points; +5 circumstance bonus on Ride checks. The Enhanced rider also gains the Knight's Challenge ability of a 4th-level Knight. An Enhanced rider who is already a Knight can use Knight's Challenge as if having 4 more levels of Knight.

These enhancements end if the rider dismounts or is no longer a rider, or he can end it as a swift action.

Suggest Rider (Sp): At will; as the suggestion spell, but only affects a creature riding him. A rider who is under the influence of the Enhance Rider ability gets no saving throw. This ability can affect undead as if they were not immune to mind-affecting abilities.

Spell-like Abilities: At will - Dead End, Disguise Self, Ebon Eyes, Flesh to Salt (mass), Luminous Assassin (Greater), Magic Circle Against Good, Magic Mouth, Mimicry, Smoke Stairs; 3/day - Allied Footsteps, Create Fetch, Haste, Shadow Double; 1/day - Enduring Scrutiny, Implacable Pursuer, Iron Silence, Marked Object, Plane Shift (self only). CL 22; DC 16 + spell level.

Carrying Capacity
A light load for him is up to 612 pounds; a medium load, 613-1,224 pounds; and a heavy load, 1,225-1,840 pounds.

2023-08-11, 09:53 PM
More of my brainstorming notes for archfiends, this one for a demon lord of partying:

demon lord of parties; multiple mouths, one perpetually sucks on a medical mask that delivers dream-mist (see BoVD), suffocates without it (or at least his summonable aspect does); can summon demon courtesans and exotic dancers (succubus bard 1); gives off drug smoke; high rank in knowledge (nobility & royalty), ie. celebrity trivia; can turn people and animals against each other for impromptu gladiator fights and dog fights; some kind of fatted calf slaughtering aura; bruce effect aura; emits painfully loud music; possible names from demon name generator Grugilphey Bharachorn Molo Laothist Rumjacuhhv Scorredurim Tegudukilus Surashmethon Eblos Abronialineas Zugeehg-Hes Mysto Colago Xolago Dzonsla Frathor (the first one, Grugilphey, sounds hhgttg-ish) (maybe jam some together, Molocolago? Colago Rumjachuv? Xolago-Frathor?); draw influences from- the combination cocktail party & raiding party from HHGttG3, de Sade, the the 'satan's not in a guitar pick' speech from Pick Of Destiny, Allegro the Panda from PPG, kerrimuir, infernal gallop scene from Orpheus, hellraiser, slannesh, charlie sheen's meltdown, the climax of Little Nicky, the Boiler Room club massacre from Hellraiser 3, Lonesome Cowboy Dave's speech about drug-addicted mummies, ATHF 'Couples Skate' episode, all of Metalocalypse, GWAR, the song party til you die, and the party themed hell zone from the fantasy citybuilder game Afterlife; aura that makes people disrobe; more powerful but addictive and drug laced heroes' feast; liquid pain extraction, (I want all my garmonbozia); some kind of ability that could create a swimming pool; something about getting kids to beat their parents up like pinatas; can wake the dead with stimulants, those so woken need constant additional doses or they die again; turns hanged bodies into flesh pinatas filled with untoward things like spiders (cf ATHF) or weapons or drugs; include a short story about corrupting a public hanging (one clearly originally baatezu influenced; the condemned have been found guilty of something stupid like work shirking or non-conformity such as violating dress code or political unorthodoxy or pointing out that some specific untrue thing held to be true by their society is in fact untrue) into a disorderly party including the executioner and the officials who try to restore order winding up getting hanged by the crowd and then he tried to call Dispater out to fight in connection with this, and also they run out of food and start eating each other; can turn water into hard liquor; immune to fear and to morale penalties - can impart this to others; makes the animals mate; permanent sympathy spell effect centered on himself that attracts drunks, bros, and floozies; a second sympathy effect attracts and distracts people who are *supposed* to be working

Migma is the minion of the demon prince Royon-Zugna, a "coach" and trainer of the "sport" that is the Blood War. She attends battles to boost morale.

Migma and Royon-Zugna are based in The Black Colosseum, detailed in the Adding to the Lower Planes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651095-Adding-to-the-Lower-Planes/page2) thread

2023-09-23, 08:19 PM
Vrakgam "Grief of Security"
Decavrach, Advanced Elite, Four-headed

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
Hit Dice: 30d8+510 (645 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 35 (-2 size, +18 natural, +1 dex, +8 armor), touch 9, flat-footed 34
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+54
Attack: Claw +50 melee (3d6+21)
Full Attack: 10 claws +50 melee (3d6+21)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, swallow whole, spit fire (x4)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 11/-, darkvision 90 ft., immunity to electricity, fire, and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, spell resistance 21, fast healing 5, arms limit, slime
Saves: Fort +33, Ref +18, Will +35
Abilities: Str 36 (42), Dex 12, Con 43, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +49, Swim +49, Intimidate +32 (+4/size category larger than target), Jump +53, Listen +38, Spot +38, Search +7, Tumble +34, Knowledge (planes) +16
Feats: Power Attack, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (claw), Improved Toughness, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Endurance, Steadfast Determination (no auto fail Fort on natural 1; Con instead of Wis to Will saves)
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Damage Reduction (x2)
Challenge Rating: 21
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Equipment: Belt of Giant Strength (+6 Str), Bracers of Armor +8, Amulet of Mighty Fists +5, Purple Amulet of Tharizdun (as Robe)

Vrakgam is a decavrach (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?660159-Decavrach-PEACH) of unusual power and who has 4 heads. He has long desired to be acknowledged as Lord of all Decavrachs, but since no decavrachs have agreed to follow him yet, in the meantime he works as Chief of Security for the obyrith lord Mumzow "Grandmother of Chaos" while attempting to learn how to keep chaotic evil creatures in line.

Decavrachs are huge, grey ten-armed giants covered in slime. A decavrach stands about 20 feet tall and weighs about 6,000 pounds.

A decavrach's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, a decavrach must hit a Medium or smaller opponent with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to swallow the foe the following round.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
A decavrach can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Medium or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+16 points of crushing damage plus 6d6 points of fire damage per round. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the stomach (AC 19). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. Each of his 4 stomachs can can hold 1 Medium, 2 Small, 4 Tiny, or 8 Diminutive or smaller opponents.

Spit Fire (Ex)
As a standard action, the decavrach can spit a ball of fire from each head, resulting in 4 ranged touch attacks (+29) with a 60' range and each causes 12d6 fire damage on a hit.

Arms Limit (Ex)
When making a full attack, the maximum number of claw attacks it can make against a single foe can be limited as its arms interfere with each other. This limit is 2 claws against a Small or smaller foe, 4 claws against a Medium foe, 6 claws against a Large foe, and all claws against a Huge or larger foe. It can still use the remaining claw attacks against other foes within reach.

Slime (Ex)
A decavrach is covered in slime. This gives it a +10 bonus on checks to avoid or escape a grapple, but not on other grapple checks.

Skills: Each additional head grants the creature a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot checks.

brian 333
2023-09-30, 10:03 AM
The Jerk
Brain Worm, Highjacker

Named demons, demon lords, and other unique demons can convert larvae into quasits and other minor demons. The Jerk is one of these minor demons.

When converting the larva into The Jerk, an indescribably painful process strips the larva of its worm-like body and concentrates the essence of the creature into a single eyeball, which is then shrunk to the size of a grain-of-rice. When a living being petitions the demon for power or a favor, the demon can implant this grain of rice sized object inside the brain of the petitioner.

This causes intense headaches which the new host becomes accustomed to over time as the tiny eye begins to grow into a pale, one-eyed, tube-shaped creature which nestles into the crevices of the brain of its victim. Its body may grow to as much as 3 to 4 inches, (7-10cm) over its lifetime, but at about 1/2 inch, (1cm) it grows two swollen organs at its base which grow hair-like threads which penetrate into the brain tissue of its host. From these first tenuous connections the creature can begin to communicate with the subconscious of the victim.

At this stage The Jerk can observe the thoughts of the victim, and when the demon which created it chooses to communicate with The Jerk dumps all of its observations, being incapable of concealing or selectively revealing what it knows.

When The Jerk grows to about 1inch in length, its hairy threads penetrate the surrounding brain to about the same amount, creating hundreds of connections to the living brain. At that point it becomes capable of thought. It's base intelligence is very low, and its thoughts are base, emotional, and evil. It will begin to urge the subconscious thoughts of its host to fulfill these thoughts as a source of pleasure. It begins to reward its host with endorphin rushes when it is pleased, and to punish its host with cortisol imbalances to deprive its victim of restful sleep, induce fatigue and weakness, or to otherwise induce stress.

By the time The Jerk is 2 inches in length it has developed into a completely intelligent being which can communicate with its host in verbally structured thought. (It never gains the ability to speak or make any sounds.) By this time it's hairlike structures have grown so numerous and thick that they have penetrated throughout the victim's brain. It can, if it's host opposes cooperation on something it is strongly motivated to do, engage in a battle of wills for control of its host's body. It can only maintain this control for a number of minutes if the host is fighting it. It can also take control of the host's body when the host is asleep for a number of hours, unless the host is wakened.

At four inches in length, The Jerk has control of the victim's brain, and the victim becomes the observer. If the victim engages in a contest of wills, it may force an action or inaction, but otherwise, the network of hairy structures has completely rewired the victim's brain and The Jerk is in charge. At this point, The Jerk may begin to degrade the structure of the victim's skull on its forehead, creating a blister beneath the skin which swells until it bursts, oozing putrid yellow matter with grains of dissolved bone. After a few weeks this sore begins to heal and the single eye of The Jerk is exposed. Generally it is bloodshot and jaundiced in appearance with a pupil but no iris. Alternately, it can have a red or black, iris.

At the seed stage of life The Jerk confers the power the demon lord agreed to grant. If the seed is removed, the power is also removed.

Beginning at about one month The Jerk's growth approaches 1/2 inch and it gains the beginnings of Intelligence. As a consequence of this cleaning and ordering of The Jerk's nesting space, its host also gains 1 point of Intelligence. Even if the host is not a spellcaster, it gains one bonus level 1 spellslot in the Evil Domain.

As The Jerk begins its second year it has grown to about 1 inch in length. As it inter-connects the brain of its host, The Jerk rapidly becomes smarter. At this stage its Intelligence is about half that of its host and the host benefits with a second point of Int. A bonus level 2 spellslot in the Evil domain is gained.

In its sixth year The Jerk has attained a growth to about two inches in length and is more or less its host's intellectual equal. While it grants its host a third point of Int and a bonus level 3 Evil domain spellslot, it is increasingly gaining the ability to manipulate and control its host.

As The Jerk reaches four inches in length in its fourteenth year, it becomes the master. While its host becomes smarter with a fourth point of Int, and gains a bonus level 4 Evil domain spellslot, it is a puppet controlled by The Jerk.

At any point in which the host dies The Jerk instantly snatches the soul of the host and drags it to its creator. At any point at which The Jerk dies, the host immediately loses all favors granted by the demon as well as the bonus spellslots and Int points it gained. For each point of Int gained from The Jerk it must also roll a Con save vs DC 16 to avoid brain damage which will cause the further loss of a point of Int from the former host's base int.

Example: The Jerk had granted 3 bonus Int points to its host before it was slain. Its surviving host loses the bonus Int, and must make 3 individual Con checks at DC 16. A d20 roll plus Con bonus is made three times, achieving a 4, a 16, and a 12. The former host permanently loses two points of Int.

Points lost this way cannot be recovered in any way, (even via Wish or similar powers,) but they in no way impede acquiring Int points from leveling up, magic, or other means.

The Jerk is always considered helpless and can be killed by coup-de-grace attacks when outside its host. Anything which can kill it while within its host must similarly kill its host, resulting in the soul of the host being dragged off by The Jerk to its demon.

2023-10-31, 06:14 PM
I'll tidy this up later. I want to make sure it's posted tonight

It's some kind of Baatezu minister of industry or propaganda from Dis. I kind of lost track of whether he was supposed to be in charge of propaganda in Dis or in charge of industry in Dis or some kind of businessman in Dis

In any case, he looks like a cross between a paleryion baatezu (which his stats are partly based on), a gilded age robber baron, a squid, a vampire, and slenderman. Unlike the paeliryon devils he's based on he flies by outgassing pressurized mind fumes from dozens of pores and is thus immune to effects that target winged fliers specifically.

Most of the new non-peliryon abilities are concerned with making people stupid or removing their free will in order to promote political orthodoxy and resignment to a life of pointless toil, or turning folks into scapegoats (again to promote orthodoxy). The Guards And Wards ability is for locking folks inside of sweatshops.

Ey-Cah Dratu (originally named "Harmony" in my notes, due to his role in promoting mindless orthodoxy, but I went into my fiendish sounding gibberish name generator and got him a proper fiend name)

Size/Type: Large outsider (baatezu, evil, extraplanar, lawful)
HD: 21d8+198 (257 HP)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 20 ft. (8 squares), swin 20 ft., fly 100 ft. (poor); Hover
Armor Class: 35, touch 12, flat-footed 32 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +3 armor, +20 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+29
Full Attack: 2 claws each +26 (1d6+7/18–20/×3 plus 1d4 Cha) and bite +21 (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with extended arms)
Special Attacks: augmented critical, belittle, deform, Stupefying fumes, extensible arms, Spellcasting, Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Aura of Abnegation, Baatezu Traits (Immunity to fire and poison. Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10. See In Darkness. Summon. Telepathy.) DR 15/good and silver, Scent, See in Darkness, See Invisibility, Spell Resistance 26, Summon Baatezu, Tongues
Saves: Fort +21, Ref +15, Will +17
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 16, Con 28, Int 30, Wis 21, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +32, Concentration +33, Diplomacy +38, Disguise +32 (+34 acting), Forgery +34, Gather Information +37, Hide +20, Intimidate +34, Knowledge (arcana) +34, Know (engineering) +17*, Knowledge (local) +37, Know (nobility) +17*, Knowledge (the planes) +34, Know (religion) +12*, Listen +31, Move Silently +27, Perform (oratory) +32*, Profession (Business administration) +29*, Profession (spin doctor) +14*, Search +10 (+12 to find hidden doors and compartments)***, Sense Motive +29, Spellcraft +12, Spot +31, Survival +5 (+7 on other planes), Swim +7 (+15 to avoid hazards)
Feats: Alertness, Dark Speech, Empower Spell-Like Ability (meteor swarm), Hover, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (hold monster), Skill Focus (Gather Information), Skill Focus (Knowledge [local])
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: bracers of armor +3

Aura of Abnegation- An invisble aura surrounds Harmony, creating a sense of resignation in all creatures within 30 feet wgo fail a saving throw. Each affected creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Creatures who are in some way under Harmony's control do not take a penalty to skill checks and instead recieve a +2 morale bonus to craft and profession checks

Speech! speech!(su)
By making a speech over the course of a full minute (a swift action each round, can't take any other actions that involve speaking) Harmony can create a variety of effects in those who hear the entire speech. The save DC is set by a perform (oratory) check, as per a bard's fascinate ability. [hd] uses per day
*Sloganizing(su)- For [caster level] minutes the subjects take a -4 penalty on Intelligence and Wisdom-based skill checks and Concentration checks due to slogans endlessly recycling in their head.
*Calumny- has mastered the fine art of slander and can deliver a performance that makes a specific character or group (class, race, nationality, or the like) appear in the worst light possible. Each member of the audience must make a Will save with a DC equal to the Perform check result. Success negates the calumny effect; failure shifts that individual's attitude toward the target by one category—that is, from friendly to indifferent, from indifferent to unfriendly, or from unfriendly to hostile (see Table 5-4: Influencing NPC Attitude in the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide). Furthermore, each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on all opposed social interaction checks against the target. Calumny lingers in the minds of affected audience members for 24 hours per daily use of Speech! Speech! applied to the calumny attempt. Calumny is a supernatural, mind-affecting, language-dependent ability

Casts spells as a level 8 assassin
Assassin spells known
1- Addiction, Black Bag, Instant Search, Stupor
2- Animate Weapon, Darkness, Ice Knife, Illusory Script, xxxUndetectable Alignmentxx
3- Create Fetch, Enduring Scrutiny, Fangs of the Vampire King, Wraithstrike
4- Glibness, Heartripper, Modify Memory

At will—animate dead*, charm monster (DC 22), clairaudience/clairvoyance, command undead*, detect chaos*, electric jolt*, electric loop*, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater rebuke*, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), hold monster (DC 23), Jet of steam*, mage hand*, major image (DC 22), Mark of the outcast*, mind blank, polymorph, silence*, suggestion (DC 21)
3/day—antilife shell, dictum* (DC 25), cloak of hate*, enervation (+20(?) ranged touch), feeblemind*, lesser geas*, meteor swarm**, greater command (DC 20), greater prying eyes, scholar's touch*, sending*
1/day - blasphemy**, geas/quest*
1/week - Guards and Wards*, Programmed Amnesia*

Insorcism(su)- Can cause a mortal to become posessed by a lemure withna successful touch attack against both if both fail a DC27 will save. Summoned lemures used for the Insorcism ability remain summoned until exorcised or dismissed by the summoner.

Tongues (Su) As the tongues spell; always active; caster level 18th.
See Invisibility (Su) As the see invisibility spell; always active; caster level 18th.
Deform (Ex) Creatures hit by claw attack take 1d4 points of Charisma damage.
Augmented Critical (Ex) Claws threaten a critical hit on a natural 18–20, dealing triple damage on a successful critical hit.
Belittle (Su) As a standard action, can unleash a torrent of epitaphs and insults. All nonbaatezu within a 60-foot cone must succeed on a DC 24 Will save or be stunned for 1 round and become shaken for 1d4 rounds thereafter. The save DC is Charisma based.
A creature that successfull saves cannot be affected again by that same belittle ability for 24 hours.
Extensible Arms (Ex) As a free action can extend the length of his arms. When they are extended the reach of his claw attacks increases by 10 feet.
Stupefying fumes (Su) As the mind fog spell, but the effect is centered on him; at will; DC 27; caster level 18th. The save DC is Charisma-based. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by stupefying fumes for 24 hours. Baatezu are immune to this ability
Summon Baatezu (sp):Once per day, can summon six lemures, two bone devils or bearded devils, or one erinyes, horned devil, or ice devil. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell (CL 18th). Lemures used for the Insorcism ability remain summoned until exorcised or dismissed by the summoner.

2023-11-01, 06:08 AM
Hit points should be 21d8 +189 (283HP).

Stupifying Fumes DC should be 28 (likewise Insorcism if it's also Cha-based).

There's some stuff missing but I guess that comes under "tidying up later".

CR probably about 21?

2023-11-01, 06:37 AM
Minister of Harmony 😎

2023-11-04, 04:41 PM
About time I dropped something in here! Behold the Explanation for Everything (You Always Wanted to Know about the Origin of Warlocks (but Were Afraid to Ask)),

Enntor, Well-Spring of Oaths
One might wonder why warlocks have so much with entities of chaos, such as certain fey folk and demons, in common when it is widely held that making deals with mortals, offering power and reaping souls in return is more a thing that devils might take an active interest in. Those that muse about matters of this sort, reaching such conclusions are not wrong by any means: the method itself was first devised by the infernal hierarchies. After some extensive experimentation, however, the project was mostly abandoned to be adapted as a tool by the less scrupulous rivals of the hells who kept a keen eye on it all along. It produced returns too slowly, and provided too little ongoing control for the liking of the nether tyrants.

The attempt, nonetheless, didn't fade away without leaving some of its instruments behind, still operable. Enntor was such an instrument, whose existence served a dual purpose: it was to be a testbed for the new abilities warlock pacts were to confer upon allies of the hells, as well as a charismatic figure who could demonstrate these powers to help popularise such pacts and receive oaths from mortals who craved them on its masters' behalf. These days, Enntor, a tall humanoid in appearence, with light, ashen gray skin veined as marble is, its face nearly featureless and inscrutable, but bearing, at all times, an unchanging, pleasant smile as it fixes solid, white eyes on the living, clasping many slender fingers over its chest, clad in dark blue robes hiding a sturdy armour below, lingers on, as a keepsake, an envoy and an enforcer, displeased but loyal – for the time being.

Enntor speaks Infernal and Common, and under most circumstances, can use all other languages with an ease just as trivial by way of relying on magic.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful]
Hit Dice: 20d8+180 (270 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 40 feet (8 squares)
Armor Class: 48 (+6 +4 nightscale armour, +9 Dex, +8 natural, +15 deflection), touch 34, flat-footed 39
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+24
Attack: +4 axiomatic cold iron jovar +28 melee (2d6+10, 18–20/×2) or eldritch blast +29 ranged touch (10d6 untyped)
Full Attack: +4 axiomatic cold iron jovar +28/+23/+18/+13 melee (2d6+10, 18–20/×2) or eldritch blast +29 ranged touch (10d6 untyped)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Eldritch blast, invocations
Special Qualities: Conquer item, DR 18/good and silver, fast healing 20, imbue item, immunity to fire and poison, resistence to acid, cold, electricity and sonic 20, see in darkness, spell-like abilities, SR 40, uncanny grace
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +36, Will +31
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 29, Con 28, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 40
Skills: Appraise +18, Bluff +38, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +42, Forgery +24, Handle Animal +16, Intimidate +40, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, religion, the planes) +15, Listen +18, Search +18, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +29, Spot +18, Use Magic Device +27
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Eldritch Blast), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Eldritch Spear), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Vitriolic Blast), Scribe Scroll
Environment: The Nine Hells
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 22
Alignment: Lawful evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: –

Enntor prefers to avoid dirtying its own hands, and if a show of force is neccessary or direct intervention in some affair is mandated by its superiors, to make sure it gets to choose its battles, or as much about them as possible. That is not to say Enntor is easy to take by surprise. At any given moment, it will likely have most long-term boons invocations can grant active,* whereas the rest are always ready to be employed as the unfolding events demand.

Conquer Item (Su)
Enntor can commandeer and use any magical item as if it met all prerequisites of their use. Enntor need not make and succeed on Use Magic Device checks to do so.

Eldritch Blast (Sp)
Enntor can use eldritch blast (as the warlock ability) at-will. Its blasts deal 10d6 points of damage.

Imbue Item (Su)
Enntor can create magical items without meeting the prerequisites to do so (save for possessing the appropriate Item Creation feats) as a warlock can.

Enntor can use all eldritch invocations as a 20th level warlock.

See in Darkness (Su)
As a devil, Enntor can see perfectly in darkness, be it mundane or magical in nature.

Spell-Like Abilities
At-will: analyze dweomer, tongues; caster level 20th.

Uncanny Grace (Su)
Enntor adds its Charisma modifier as a profane bonus on all its saving throws, and as a deflection bonus to its Armor Class.

*This is not reflected in the statblock.

2023-12-01, 05:08 PM
And here's another, this time an unlucky product of an unfortunate political climate:

Poine the Breathless
Order doesn't always equal stability, and it certainly doesn't in the Nine Hells, where loyalties and alliances are more often than not merely pragmatic and ever precarious. Turmoil is quick to sweep over the layers, and daring opportunists will, time and again, assume great risks to see profit from such turmoil, challenging the powers that be. Some succeed and rise. Many more fail and meet unpleasant ends. Poine numbers among the latter.

Once an erinys, perhaps of Minauros or (and this is more likely yet) Stygia, she threw her lot with some clever gamblers that tried to smooth the ground for a swift coup. Whoever they were, they were found out, and the response was swifter than they could plan for. Intrigue turned into open violence, and the disloyal lost. Poine's own fate was less than death, but perhaps worse as well, and certainly more than mere demotion. Her wings were clipped, her mind ravaged and whatever peace it had, forever snatched away.

Once broken, she was cast out of Baator, to wander Hades until one fate or another finds her. She still resembles her former self, but of her wings, only fleshy stumps remain and her curse is readily apparent to all: she moves as if though water, her gray chiton flowing with slow, strange waves, as does her loose hair. Pale and in fear, she gasps for air as though drowning. But she cannot drown, not any more than she ever could. And so, she slowly withers away, shunned by all, looking for the surface of deep, dark seas that aren't. And she cannot die.

Poine understands Infernal, Celestial and Draconic, but doesn't speak.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar]
Hit Dice: 8d8+36 (72 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares)
Armor Class: 22 ( +4 Dex, +8 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+17
Attack: Slam +13 melee (16+5)
Full Attack: 2 slams +13 melee (16+5)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Drowning embrace, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Breath of relief, cruel mercy, DR 5/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, see in darkness, spell resistance 20
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +15, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +15, Hide +7, Knowledge (arcana, the planes) +1, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Search -1, Sense Motive +0, Spot +7, Survival -1, Use Rope +5 (+7 with bindings)
Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, MobilityB
Environment: The Gray Waste of Hades
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 6
Alignment: Neutral evil
Advancement: –
Level Adjustment: –

Poine is unsubtle in her desperation. She immediately rushes creatures she believes can "extract" her from her watery grave and tries to establish a hold. She might pummel such an opponent with her fists in order to try and spur them into action. If her life is in danger, she abandons the grapple and uses her spell-like abilities to try and escape.

Breath of Relief (Su)
When subjected to a water breathing spell or effect, Pone is temporarily restored to her old health and sanity. She gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Dexterity and Constitution, as well as a +10 circumstance bonus to Intelligence and a +12 circumstance bonus to Wisdom for the duration of the spell or effect, assuming her spell resistence is succesfully penetrated. She cannot use Drowning Embrace while so affected, however.

Cruel Mercy (Su)
Whenever Poine is reduced to -5 hit points or less, but not outright killed, her greater teleport spell-like ability automatically activates without provoking an attack of opportunity and deposits her at a safe spot within the ability's range, whereupon she immediately stabilizes.

Drowning Embrace (Su)
Poine can impart a deadlier form of her own condition to opponents. Whenever she succesfully grapples a foe, that foe immediately begins to experience an effect identical to drowning so long as the hold is maintained.

See in Darkness (Su)
As a former devil, Poine can see perfectly in darkness, be it mundane or magical in nature.

Spell-Like Abilities
At-will: charm monster (DC 19), greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), minor image (DC 17), unholy blight (DC 19); caster level 11th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

2023-12-10, 10:13 AM
Meta: Interesting.

In the Planescape: Center-of-All - the Bestiary (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?662169-Planescape-Center-of-All-the-Bestiary) thread I included some unique fiends:

Blackbeast of Bedlam Developed Outsider 2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25911649&postcount=2)

The Fearsome Foursome: (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25918644&postcount=14)
Colubriloth Developed Outsider 1, name: Poxid
Nycaloth Commander Developed Outsider 1 "Klaynth"
Tekinto Developed Outsider 1; name: Rardaw
Baernaloth Developed Outsider 6: Pojoor the Cruel

Vayyel, former Duke of Hell (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25923594&postcount=24)

2024-01-17, 03:04 AM
I have a delightfully disgusting idea for a fiend character:

A gutworm (the fiendish tapeworm symbionts from Fiend Folio) with levels in Incanter (from spheres of power) with the alchemist casting tradition. Fluffed as causing its host to compulsively eat strange ingredients and then poop out magically active substances

2024-01-22, 02:27 PM
Meta: Interesting.


I have a delightfully disgusting idea for a fiend character:

A gutworm (the fiendish tapeworm symbionts from Fiend Folio) with levels in Incanter (from spheres of power) with the alchemist casting tradition. Fluffed as causing its host to compulsively eat strange ingredients and then poop out magically active substances

That really is disgusting! You planning to stat it up? (I'm not super familiar with Speheres stuff.)

Also, meanwhile in some stupid old village somewhere:

Shan Shak, 8th Level Commoner
Shan Shak is an obese human peasant. He likes to drink, bully others and steal livestock,especially livestock he does not need. Shan Shak is also a fiend, in the strictest sense of the word. How this came about, is anyone's guess, but the other tanar'ri insist it's the obyriths' fault.

Shan Shak speaks Abyssal and Common.

Size/Type: Medium Humanoid [Augmented, Chaotic, Evil, Human, Tanar'ri]
Hit Dice: 8d4-8 (12 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 +1 leather armour), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+5
Attack: +1 club +7 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: +1 club +7 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Summon tanar'ri
Special Qualities: Immunity to electricity and poison, resitence to acid 10, cold 10 and fire 10, telepathy 15 ft.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Skills: Climb +7, Handle Animal +9, Listen +4, Profession (farmer) +7, Spot +3, Use Rope +11
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Use Rope)B, Weapon Focus (club)
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: –

Shan Shak only attacks people he estomates are weaker than him, or that are in some way already down and ready to be kicked. He sometimes kidnaps such opponents so as to administer blunt trauma later.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp)
Once per day, Shan Shak can attempt to summon a bebilith with a 30% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th level spell.

2024-01-23, 08:48 AM
I love the idea of this.

Migma, Succubus Cheerleader

"give me a K, give me an I, give me an L, give me an L. Kill, kill, kill!'

Succubus Bard 3/rogue2//Thief-Acrobat 4/Warblade 2
Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Chaotic] [Evil] [Tanar'ri]
HD: 2d12+4d8+5d6+22 (12+6.5+18+14+3.5+22=12+10+40+14=64hp)

Unfortunately, you left off the Succubus Monster HD 6d8. She retains these because only monsters with 1 racial hit die convert them to their class.

I've corrected some of this for you:

Hit Dice: 6d8+12 plus 3d6+6 plus 2d6+4 plus 4d6+8 plus 2d12+4 (105 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (Good)
Armor Class: 25 (+4 Dex +2 Dodge (agile fighting) +9 natural), flat-footed 19, touch 16
Base Attack/Grapple: 14/+15
Attack: Claw +15 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee (1d6+1)

She gets 6 regular feats and also gains two bonus feats for having flaws. She's missing her bonus feats.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


2024-01-23, 04:34 PM
That really is disgusting! You planning to stat it up? (I'm not super familiar with Speheres stuff.)

I am, but I'm a long way away from finishing it

(edit:also, I'll need at least one other person to post in the interim so I don't get busted for double posting)

I love the idea of this.

Unfortunately, you left off the Succubus Monster HD 6d8. She retains these because only monsters with 1 racial hit die convert them to their class.

I think she was built using the gestalt rules from Unearthed Arcana IIRC

2024-01-24, 03:36 PM
I am, but I'm a long way away from finishing it

(edit:also, I'll need at least one other person to post in the interim so I don't get busted for double posting)

Lemme take care of that for you.

I think she was built using the gestalt rules from Unearthed Arcana IIRC

Well, I can tell, kinda (given tha // and all), but it still doesn't add up. The 6d8 Outsider HD (and the +6 LA) should show up somewhere and there should be an equal amount of (effective) HD on both sides (currently, it looks like 11//12).

2024-01-26, 06:20 AM
Shan Shak, 8th Level Commoner

Dear Gods, it's awful ! I like it. You should also give it the ability to reincarnate in the most sinful humanoid in a 10-mile radius everytime it is slain after one day, just to make it even more annoying.
To prevent him from taking over PCs, have people be able to resist it with a DC 10 Will save. And to prevent him from being jailed in the desert, have the radius increase by 10 additional miles every day if no sinful human was in range.

2024-01-26, 03:55 PM
Dear Gods, it's awful ! I like it. You should also give it the ability to reincarnate in the most sinful humanoid in a 10-mile radius everytime it is slain after one day, just to make it even more annoying.
To prevent him from taking over PCs, have people be able to resist it with a DC 10 Will save. And to prevent him from being jailed in the desert, have the radius increase by 10 additional miles every day if no sinful human was in range.

Heh, thanks! I'll think about it! (I did, in fact, consider adding in some failsafe for when he dies an untimely death, probably because the Bebiliths got tired of his crap.)

brian 333
2024-02-27, 12:13 AM
Heh, thanks! I'll think about it! (I did, in fact, consider adding in some failsafe for when he dies an untimely death, probably because the Bebiliths got tired of his crap.)

His breath is foul, and his teeth are rotted. In fact, he has one pre-molar which is brow., and which falls from his mouth when he is punched there.

If he survives the encounter, 6 days later the rotten tooth begins to rebuild the fiend's body, at the rate of 1hp/hour until he is fully restored.

2024-02-27, 08:04 AM
His breath is foul, and his teeth are rotted. In fact, he has one pre-molar which is brow., and which falls from his mouth when he is punched there.

If he survives the encounter, 6 days later the rotten tooth begins to rebuild the fiend's body, at the rate of 1hp/hour until he is fully restored.

That's wicked and gross. Do you mind if I make some version thereof official?

2024-04-08, 02:04 AM

Unique Quasit
Size/Type: Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +7
[b]Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-6
Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d3-1 plus poison)
Full Attack: 2 claws +8 melee (1d3-1 plus poison) and bite +3 melee (1d4-1)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Alternate form, Cute, damage reduction 5/cold iron or good, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, immunity to poison, resistance to fire 10
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Bluff +6 (+8 to seem harmless), Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0 (+2 acting, -2 creatures that are fierce or ugly, +2 harmless creatures), Hide +17, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (any one) +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6, Spot +6
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Challenge Rating: 2
Alignment: chaotic evil

Erbash ia a quasit who is burdened with being too cute for a proper demon

A character that is Too Cute suffers a –2 penalty on all Intimidate skill checks due to innate adorability. Additionally, the cuteness within shines through no matter how the character attempts to hide it, resulting in a –2 penalty on all Disguise checks made to impersonate someone or something that is less adorable, but gains a +2 bonus on bluff or disguise checks to seem less dangerous if the person they are imteracting with can see them

Poison (Ex)
Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 1d4 Dex, secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities
At will—detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only); 1/day—cause fear (as the spell, except that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit, save DC 11). Caster level 6th.

The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Once per week a quasit can use commune to ask six questions. The ability otherwise works as the spell (caster level 12th).

Alternate Form (Su)
A quasit can assume another form at will as a standard action. Erbash can assume the form of either a wolf or a bat.
A quasit can assume another form at will as a standard action. Each quasit can assume one or two forms from the following list: bat, Small or Medium monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf.

2024-04-08, 08:25 AM
Alternate Form (Su)
A quasit can assume another form at will as a standard action. Each quasit can assume one or two forms from the following list: bat, Small or Medium monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf.

Bats are VERY cute and I like toads and centipedes, but still: maybe replacing everything other than maybe bats with something more commonly considered cute would be thematically appropriate here.

2024-04-08, 10:49 AM
Why wasn't Erbash immediately sentenced to death for disgusting adorableness? I'd say there has to be something in Too Cute that makes even greater devils hesitate to harm such a fluffy eyecandy.

2024-05-19, 09:53 PM
Statue of Winged Villany

A certain sculptor was a serial killer who dabbled in black magic and then he himself was killed by another serial killer while working on this statue and this happened

Half-Fiend animated statue
Size/Type: Large Outsider (Augmented Construct)
Hit Dice: 4d10+30 (52 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +6 natural +2 dex), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+10(?)
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d8+7) or claw +7 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d8+7) plus bite +2 melee (1d8+2), or 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+5) plus bite +2 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (tall)
Special Attacks: Trample, smite good +4, magic strike
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Hardness 8, construct immunities, poison immunity, Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10, Spell-resistance 14, flight, DR 5/Magic
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will -4
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con Ø, Int 4, Wis 1, Cha 4
Skills: Climb +8.5, Disguise +0.5, Hide +5.5, Intimidate +0.5, Jump +8.5,
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave

Flight (su)- despite the wings the flight is primarily supernatural and does not work in an antimagic field

Construct immunities: Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless or specifically does extra damage to evil outsiders). Not at risk of death from massive damage. Does not eat, sleep, or breathe.

Smite Good (Su) Once per day the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20) against a good foe.

Magical Strike - A half-fiend’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Bats are VERY cute and I like toads and centipedes, but still: maybe replacing everything other than maybe bats with something more commonly considered cute would be thematically appropriate here.

Wolves can be cute. I've changed it to be specifically a wolf or a bat as the alternate forms

2024-05-20, 09:36 AM
Wolves can be cute. I've changed it to be specifically a wolf or a bat as the alternate forms

Ah, rght. I keep forgetting that most people are more into dogs than myself. That's entirely fair!

2024-05-22, 06:50 PM
Derelictis, the planned end

"A war is only as good as the progress it pushes you to achieve." The Blood War has been going on for untold eons, to the point that it has almost faded into the background of the Hells. Wake up, fill forms, climb the ladder, make deals, kill demons, die. Rinse and repeat. And though most devils are content with upholding their unholy mission to bring law to the whole multiverse, a few high-ranking devils have their sights beyond even that. Asmodeus is one of them. As a former angel, the Lord of the Nine knows better than most that the legions of Good are more fearful than most baatezu give them credit for. While the unorganized but endlessly numerous demons have damage reduction bypassed only by the powers of good, and thus seem tailor-made to stall devils without being able to meaningfully harm them, angels and devils natively bypass each other's defenses, and the invasion of the endtimes shall be swift, violent, and murderous. Something that the devils are unused to after millenia of what basically amounts to a cold war. And as the prescient possessor of a shard of evil, Asmodeus knows that he is destined to eventually win the War of Law and Chaos. Thus, he started preparing. He made a deal with the Mother of Demons herself, Pale Night, to gain access to some of the eternally young eladrin children she keeps in her home of Androlynne, as well as parts of captured angels and gardinals' bodies. After countless experiments, Asmodeus finally succeeded in fusing the still-living skin of the celestials to a horned devil, forming an hybrid creature that he called Derelictis. They are tailor-made to destroy angels and other celestials, but lose any defense against devils and demons in the process. This is by design, as Derelictis's celestial half may one day bring them to betray devils. For now, Asmodeus keeps Derelictis in his palace, personally supervising their growth, and experimenting to one day reproduce his success and create an army that the heavens shall fear.

Derelictis is as fanatically loyal to Asmodeus as before the experiments, though they see the presence of the remains of the eladrin spirit as an invasion of their psyche. They constantly struggle to keep it contained and seek a way to retain their newfound power while getting rid of this unwanted guest. This struggle is Derelictis's greatest shame, and they would never tell Asmodeus, in fear of being discarded. They regularly go as far as leaving the palace when Asmodeus is not around and planeshifting to other planes, including the Material, in search of someone or something that could separate the merged souls, though anyone who helps them is eventually killed in order to keep the secret.

Derelictis speaks all languages and can communicate through telepathy.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 18d8+126 (207 hp)
Initiative: +7
[b]Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (perfect) (14 squares)
Armor Class: 35 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +19 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 28
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+32
Attack: Cold Iron +1 spiked chain +28 melee (2d6+16 plus stun) or tail +27 melee (2d6+10 plus infernal wound) or light ray +24 ranged touch (2d12)
Full Attack: Cold Iron +1 spiked chain +28/+23/+28/+13 and tail +22 or 2 light rays +24
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20ft with spiked chain)
Special Attacks: Fear aura, infernal wound, spell-like abilities, stun, planeshift
Special Qualities: Alternate form, protective aura, corrupted gaze, damage reduction 15/evil, traits of the baatezu, traits of the celestials, regeneration 5, spell resistance 30, tongues, false aura, double personality
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +15
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 25, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +29, Concentration +28, Diplomacy +31, Disguise +29 (+31 to act as a celestial), Gather Information +15, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (Arcana) +23, Knowledge (the Planes) +23, Knowledge (Religion) +23, Listen +11, Search +9, Spellcraft +25
Feats: Apostate, Blessing of the Godless, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell-like Ability, Malign Spell Focus, Quick Draw, Tainted Fury (corruption score 15)
Challenge Rating: 21
Alignment: Lawful Evil

In its natural form, Derelictis looks like a grotesque horned devil on which the humanoid-looking skin of a Ghaele eladrin is absurdly stretched, showing tears and only superficially matching the features of the body below, though a closer inspection actually reveals that the skin is actually fused to said body. A pointy tail goes through the skin and whips around violently, and a spiked chain slithers under the skin before emerging in a fraction of a second in the creature's hands. Derelictis often choose the shape of an elf with long fiery red hair, similar enough to a firre eladrin that most people only notice a difference after interacting directly with them, if at all.

Derelictis fights violently by drawing their spiked chain and swinging it at all opponents. If they are fighting obviously good-aligned opponents, they will trigger their Tainted Fury or use their spell-like abilities to wipe them out. If overwhelmed and below half HP, they will immediately retreat by teleporting away and try to come back to Asmodeus's palace. If attacked in the palace, Derelictis fights to the death.
Derelictis's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Alternate Form (Su)
Derelictis can shift between its devil form, a humanoid and a globe form as a standard action. In humanoid or devil form, it cannot use its light rays, but it can use its gaze attack and spell-like abilities and make physical attacks. In globe form, it can use its light rays and use spell-like abilities, but it cannot use its gaze attack. The globe form is incorporeal, and Derelictis has no Strength score while in that form.
Derelictis remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, though Derelictis reverts to their original form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals both the devil and globe forms simultaneously.

Corrupted Gaze (Su)
Slay good creatures of 5 or less HD, range 60 feet, Will DC 27 negates. Even if the save succeeds, the creature is affected as though by a fear spell for 2d10 rounds. Nongood creatures of 5 or less HD, and good creatures with more than 5 HD, must succeed on a DC 27 Will save or suffer the fear effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Double Personality (Ex)
If Derelictis falls unconscious (but not if they are dead), the eladrin spirit takes over their body and they wake up after 1d4 rounds, automatically stabilizing if Derelictis was dying and being able to make one standard or move action per round in that case until in positive hit points again. The eladrin is chaotic good, but otherwise uses Derelictis's statblock. They have little memory of their life before the torturous experiments they suffered and have even forgotten their own name, but they will not hesitate to use their new powerful body for good. Derelictis makes a DC 30 Will save every 10 minutes and regains control if successful.

False Aura (Su)
Derelictis can project either a good or evil aura (as an outsider of their HD with respectively the Good and Evil subtype), or neither by superimposing both, and change between these options as a standard action. Any attempt to detect Derelictis's alignment reveals good, neutral or evil on the good-evil axis depending on the projected aura rater than Derelictis's actual alignment.

Fear Aura (Su)
Derelictis can radiate a 5-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A good creature in the area must succeed on a DC 27 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 18th). A good creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by Derelictis’s aura for 24 hours. Nongood creatures are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Infernal Wound (Su)
The damage Derelictis deals with its tail attack causes a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a DC 26 Heal check, a cure spell, or a heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by Derelictis’s tail must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. The check DC is Constitution-based.

Light Ray (Ex)
Derelictis in globe form can project light rays with a range of 300 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Planeshift (Su)
Due to their nature, Derelictis is less bound to Baator than most devils and can planeshift three times per day to a plane of their choosing. However, they constantly fear the eladrin taking over without the unholy influence of Baator, and rarely spend more than a day at a time outside of the Nine Hells.

Protective Aura (Su)
Against attacks made or effects created by good creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of Derelictis. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against good effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level 18). This aura can be dispelled, but Derelictis can create it again as a free action on their next turn. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in Derelictis’s statistics block.)

Regeneration (Ex)
Evil aligned spells and weapons deal lethal damage to Derelictis.

Spell-like abilities (Sp)
At will—detect chaos, detect good, dispel chaos (DC 23), dispel good (DC 25*), distort weapon, magic circle against good, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); persistent image (DC 23), unholy blight (DC 24*) 3/day—fireball (DC 21), lightning bolt (DC 21), unholy storm (DC 23*) 1/day—blasphemy. Caster level 18th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. *spells with the evil descriptor, including all spell-like abilities affected by the Corrupt spell-like ability feat, gain a +2 profane bonus to their save DC

Stun (Su)
Whenever Derelictis hits with a spiked chain attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 29 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based. This ability is a function of Derelictis, not of the spiked chain.

Traits of the baatezu
-darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
-Immunity to fire and poison.
-Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10.
-See in Darkness (Su).
-Telepathy 100ft.

Traits of the celestials
The various celestial body parts integrated in Derelictis's body grant them the following benefits :
—Immunity to electricity and petrification.
—Tongues (Su): Derelictis can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.

2024-05-24, 05:54 AM
They are tailor-made to destroy angels and other celestials, but lose any defense against devils and demons in the process.

Ah, those wacky Devils and their wacky weapon programmes! (I was mulling doing something with a DR bypass matching its alignment, rather than opposed to it, for a while, but I may as well drop the idea now. This is one very well-thought-out way to go about that. Good job well done there!)

Speed: 40 ft. (4 squares), fly 70 ft. (perfect)

8 squares.

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20ft with spiked chain)

Spiked chain (a stupid weapon that shouldn't exist (I'll die on this hill)) has 15' reach for Medium; that would make for… What? 25? 30 at Large?

Alternate Form (Su)
Derelictis can shift between its devil form, a humanoid and a globe form

Eladrin shiny globe forms are funny. What does D.'s look like? Like a Ghaele's?

Corrupted Gaze (Su)
Slay good creatures of 5 or less HD, range 60 feet, Will DC 27 negates. Even if the save succeeds, the creature is affected as though by a fear spell for 2d10 rounds. Nongood creatures of 5 or less HD, and good creatures with more than 5 HD, must succeed on a DC 27 Will save or suffer the fear effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.


Double Personality (Ex)
If Derelictis falls unconscious (but not if they are dead), the eladrin spirit takes over their body and they wake up after 1d4 rounds, automatically stabilizing if Derelictis was dying and being able to make one standard or move action per round in that case until in positive hit points again. The eladrin is chaotic good, but otherwise uses Derelictis's statblock. They have little memory of their life before the torturous experiments they suffered and have even forgotten their own name, but they will not hesitate to use their new powerful body for good. Derelictis makes a DC 30 Will save every 10 minutes and regains control if successful.

Interesting one. Where's the 30 of the DC coming from? Can a Devil or the like help D. with the save, apart from just bolstering Will on a Good guy (which I'm not gonna say isn't funny as mental images go)?

Fear Aura (Su)
Derelictis can radiate a 5-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A good creature in the area must succeed on a DC 27 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 18th). A good creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by Derelictis’s aura for 24 hours. Other devils are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Okay, so Good creatures are scared, once, Devils shrug it off. What happens to everyone else? Neutrals? Non-Devil Evil people?

Infernal Wound (Su)
The damage Derelictis deals with its tail attack causes a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a DC 26 Heal check, a cure spell, or a heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by Derelictis’s tail must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. The check DC is Constitution-based.

A valid use for Heal the Skill! A VALID USE FOR HEAL THE SKILL!

2024-05-24, 07:18 AM
Ah, those wacky Devils and their wacky weapon programmes! (I was mulling doing something with a DR bypass matching its alignment, rather than opposed to it, for a while, but I may as well drop the idea now. This is one very well-thought-out way to go about that. Good job well done there!)
I love that devils are such mad scientists in their free time. If you throw a shiny rock in the Hells, you can be sure that within a week somebody will have found a way to create a slingshot that blinds the opponent just before it hits them in the head.

8 squares.

Spiked chain (a stupid weapon that shouldn't exist (I'll die on this hill)) has 15' reach for Medium; that would make for… What? 25? 30 at Large?
You can blame WotC for this one. The base devil for Derelictis is a horned devil, with increased charisma, a few Good-killing new abilities, and twisted celestial special attacks. And the horned devil has a 20ft reach with its spiked chain. Also, spiked chains have a 10ft reach, not 15ft. Aren't you mistaking it for a whip (which would have a 30ft reach)?

Eladrin shiny globe forms are funny. What does D.'s look like? Like a Ghaele's?
I wanted to leave that to the reader, but yes, the eyes and skin are of a ghaele (thus changing into a globe of light and having a killing gaze, obviously modified to work on good creatures rather than evil).


A valid use for Heal the Skill! A VALID USE FOR HEAL THE SKILL!
I can't take credit for those ones. They're just the Ghaele and cornugon abilities.

Interesting one. Where's the 30 of the DC coming from? Can a Devil or the like help D. with the save, apart from just bolstering Will on a Good guy (which I'm not gonna say isn't funny as mental images go)?
30 does not have a clear origin, as I did not want the DC to go up if Derelictis became stronger (if they train and gain class levels, I'd expect them to be able to keep the eladrin MORE in check, not less). I'd love to imagine a kind of anime scene where devils of all people try to power-of-friendship their own living weapon back to their side. "Don't give up! You still have so much to kill for! Think of your friends! What would Satan think of you right now!?"

Okay, so Good creatures are scared, once, Devils shrug it off. What happens to everyone else? Neutrals? Non-Devil Evil people?
Ah, damn, my Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V failed me! It's supposed to only affect good creatures. Devils are immune, but so are demons and neutral creatures. The point was to make Derelictis almost as useless to the Blood War as they were dangerous to the forces of Good.

2024-05-24, 01:26 PM
Also, spiked chains have a 10ft reach, not 15ft. Aren't you mistaking it for a whip (which would have a 30ft reach)?

They absolutely do and I absolutely am (have I mentioned yet how I also hate whips?). Don't mind me.

I can't take credit for those ones. They're just the Ghaele and cornugon abilities.

Oops again. That's on me. Looks like I need to refamiliarize myself with some items in the MM. At any rate, I didn't remember the Cornugon is so kind to the Heal skill (which is a poor thing that needs all the love), so thanks for the reminder!

30 does not have a clear origin, as I did not want the DC to go up if Derelictis became stronger (if they train and gain class levels, I'd expect them to be able to keep the eladrin MORE in check, not less). I'd love to imagine a kind of anime scene where devils of all people try to power-of-friendship their own living weapon back to their side. "Don't give up! You still have so much to kill for! Think of your friends! What would Satan think of you right now!?"

[Lawful Evil laughter.]

Ah, damn, my Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V failed me! It's supposed to only affect good creatures. Devils are immune, but so are demons and neutral creatures. The point was to make Derelictis almost as useless to the Blood War as they were dangerous to the forces of Good.

Copy (he-he-heh)! That figures.

2024-05-25, 02:35 PM
BK: Good one.

Tikoosar, Unique Fiend

Size/Type: Tiny Outsider (Swarm, Chaotic, Evil)
Hit Dice: 16d8+80 (152 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft.
Armor Class: 26 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +10 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/—
Attack/Full: Swarm (5d6 plus disease plus 1d6 Dex damage)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease, distraction, spell-like abilities, improved swarm damage, Dex damage
Special Qualities: Half damage from slashing and piercing, low-light vision, scent, swarm traits, darkvision 60’, Damage Reduction 10/cold iron and good, Spell Resistance 26, Fast Healing 10, Telepathy 100’, Alternate Form, Hive Mind
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +14
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 20
Skills: Balance +31, Climb +28, Hide +27, Listen +23, Move Silently +27, Spot +23, Swim +31, Concentration +23, Knowledge (the Planes) +20
Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Ability Focus (disease), Ability Focus (distraction), Mindsight, Quicken SLA (Summon Swarm, 3/day)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: See below
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Tikoosar appears to be a swarm of rats or of fiendish rats, but is actually a unique fiend with a hive mind. It was created by a demon lord to infiltrate and destroy a fortress from within. It will usually be found near some kind of valuable target.

It will often spend several days or weeks animating objects and fetching fiendish dire rats or other creatures while trying to maintain a low profile, then all hell will break loose as it commands the animated objects to attack.

By serving in this way, it hopes to eventually be granted additional powers that will allow it to reproduce and to rule its own domain. In the meantime, it is smuggled in an out of a target facility by other fiends.

Alternate Form (Ex): The individual ‘rats’ that compose the fiend can take on a fiendish appearance or a normal rat appearance. It can switch the appearance as a standard action. Which appearance it chooses is generally the one that would blend in better depending on whether it’s in the Abyss or on the Material Plane.

Spell-like Abilities: At will - Animate Objects, Greater Invisibility, Magic Mouth, Summon Swarm; 1/day - Permanency, Programmed Illusion, Halaster’s Fetch I. Caster level 16. It can use a SLA and its swarm attack in the same round.

Improved swarm damage (Ex): Its swarm attack does an extra d6 of damage compared to the standard for its HD.

Disease (Ex)
Filth fever—swarm attack, Fortitude DC 25, incubation period instantaneous, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Distraction (Ex)
Any living creature that begins its turn with the swarm in its square must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

It has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Swim checks. It can always choose to take 10 on all Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. It uses its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier for Climb and Swim checks. It has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

2024-05-25, 05:57 PM
Tikoosar, Unique Fiend

Size/Type: Tiny Outsider (Swarm, Chaotic, Evil)
Ooh, swarm outsiders are nice!

Attack/Full: Swarm (5d6 plus disease plus 1d6 Dex damage)
A 16 RHD swarm deals 4d6 (1d6+1d6/5 RHD), not 5d6

Special Qualities: Half damage from slashing and piercing, low-light vision, scent, swarm traits, darkvision 60’, Damage Reduction 10/cold iron and good, Spell Resistance 32, Fast Healing 10, Telepathy 100’, Alternate Form
That's a lot of SR. This will be a pain to kill.

Tikoosar appears to be a swarm of rats or of fiendish rats, but is actually a unique fiend with a hive mind. It was created by a demon lord to infiltrate and destroy a fortress from within. It will usually be found near some kind of valuable target.
Hive Mind needs to be a special quality on swarms. Is Tikoosar still exclusively sent to infiltration missions nowadays? Or does it have any plans of its own?

Alternate Form (Ex): The individual ‘rats’ that compose the fiend can take on a fiendish appearance or a normal rat appearance. It can switch the appearance as a standard action. Which appearance it chooses is generally the one that would blend in better depending on whether it’s in the Abyss or on the Material Plane.
Does it go to the Material often? It says that it can take on the appearance of regular rats, but that is a bit pointless if it cannot planeshift. Does it have access to gates, or to a powerful demon used as a way to go to the Prime?

Spell-like Abilities: At will - Animate Objects, Magic Mouth, Summon Swarm; 1/day - Permanency, Programmed Illusion, Superior Invisibility, Halaster’s Fetch I. Caster level 16. It can use a SLA and its swarm attack in the same round.
SUPERIOR invisibility? That sounds like something too powerful for a created demon, and vastly above the rest of its power level. Maybe it should be adressed in the fluff, just as a line saying that it is able to completely disappear from any sense and thus becomes the perfect assassin, or explaining that it was engineered to be completely impossible to follow or something. I'm honestly not sure why it has so much illusion magic (not saying that it is bad, mind you, I'm just confused as to what the original mission was that required the infiltrator to be able to sling 9th level spells around), and its lore could use more fleshing out anyway. Halaster's fetch is also an extremely weird one. In most fights, it is equivalent to SM1, which is to say irrelevant. What would make a created demon require Halaster's fetch? Can it include the called fiendish creatures in its swarm? Or is it made as a way to slowly overrun the castle from within by fiendish animals (in that case, maybe more than 1/day would have a better way of success)? This one definitely deserves a mention as well (which, I guess, also applies to Animate Object+Permanency). Is the point that Tikoosar spent weeks inside the fortress destabilizing it from the inside with multiple animated objects and fetched creatures?

Disease (Ex)
Filth fever—swarm attack, Fortitude DC 25, incubation period instantaneous, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Thank you for instantaneous diseases.

It has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Swim checks. It can always choose to take 10 on all Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. It uses its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier for Climb and Swim checks. It has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Why does it have the skill bonuses of a swimming creature, but does not have a swim speed?

2024-05-26, 08:15 AM
Tikoosar, Unique Fiend

Armor Class: 26 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +10 natural), touch 24, flat-footed 22

Touch 16.

Interesting concept, otherwise, if indded a bit low on fluff.

2024-05-26, 12:41 PM
BK and M:

Thanks. I did intend for it to do more damage than a regular swarm. Its defenses were a bit too good for its CR so I lowered the SR and changed the Invisibility to just Improved, although now at will. The Swim thing is copied directly from the Rat Swarm.

BK: Yes, it slowly builds up an army of Animated Objects to attack the enemy from within the stronghold. The fetched creatures play a bit of the same role, but also as a distraction; if an enemy sees a larger rat around, that rat could seem like a likely ringleader and draw an attack or lead enemies away.