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2022-08-07, 07:12 PM
Prologue; A Dream Forgotten

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!”
― Robert Chambers, The King In Yellow

“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.”
― Neil Gaiman, Dream Country

Laura found herself in the court of the Yellow King. The lanterns flickered green, casting strange shadows across the blood red polished stone floors. Outside the windows, the sickle shaped moon cast a blue glow blotting out the shining black stars. Laura had stood in this hall many times, though she could not remember its beauty during her waking hours. The great hall was filled with the clatter of silverware, the din of conversation held through a throng of congregants.

Once, Laura had served here, had lived here, had been someone and something else. Of course, before that Laura had been another someone else, and now... well who was she now? How had Laura gotten here.

Roused from her musings, Laura casts her gaze across the great hall, only to realize that it is empty. No tables, no courtiers of impossible beauty, no source for the raucous chorus of voices. Though the smell of smoked meats, sugared meats, and smokey lanterns hung thick in the air, the walls of the great hall were baren, the lanterns nearly gutted. The great amber carpet that had once led to the towering throne was stained, tattered and moth-eaten. Laura's eyes followed the carpet up and up and up, to the throne, and she realized she was not alone.

A figure in tattered robes sat on the throne of antlers and thorns, a towering and familiar figure. Its eyes... all Laura could see were its eyes. Did the King have a face? Did he wear a mask? Laura could not see, or her mind would not let her. Round, white, bovine eyes stared down at Laura unblinking and full of judgement. Something shifted from deep within its billowing tattered yellow robes, maybe an arm, or a squirming animal, or something else, as The King in Yellow leaned forward to address Laura from his throne. "You left me servant. You betrayed me," the King's voice booms throughout the hallway, or maybe simply echoed within Laura's skull, "You can expect no mercy for your desertion human... but I am curious... why?"

2022-08-08, 06:56 AM
For a moment it was like she'd never left. This thought had worried her more in the early days of her escape even if it became harder to believe with time. How did she know what she was seeing was the truth? How did she know that she had ever returned through the Hedge or made it back to New Orleans? Perhaps the whole thing had been a lie sent to make her complient while her body continued to serve.

Laura is nothing if not practical and so will check to see what she looked like now. Even when she had been obliged to dress up here she was usually armed. Whether this was really happening or not she would escape again if she had to. Do it enough times and perhaps it would take. What other choice did she have?

The King did make her breath catch in her throat. The sight of him like this had been a big part of why she ran in the first place. If she doesn't have a knife or her sword on her she'll look around for something sharp or heavy. Perhaps she could jam it in the King's eye if he got close enough. Would she even be allowed to do that?

Laura doesn't like to look directly at the King but will address him in his general direction while she looks for a weapon. 'Betrayed you? For leaving? Of course I left. Look at you. It's hard to forget what this place really looks like once you've seen it.'

2022-08-09, 01:53 PM
Laura looks down at her arms to see her familiar pale skin, her thin long forearms and thin long fingers. Had she been wearing any jewelry or nail polish before, they were still there now. She had not always looked like that. Before, when she had lived within these halls, she had been taller with powerful muscles and the body of a warrior, or so she thought. And before that? Hadn't she had another form before that too? But it was too hard to remember; too much had been taken from her! And she had no weapons, no armor, none of her old battle garb. A moment of reflection more and Laura realized she was however garbed in her old courtly robes of crimson red.

The King throws its head back in a fit of laughter at Laura's exclamation. The sound was rough and mechanical, and seemed to shake the very foundation of the throne room. "Look at me?" The King asked, suddenly leaning forward in its throne of thorns, arms body and neck seeming to stretch impossibly in the tattered yellow robes. The motion reminded Laura of a viper stretching its head towards its prey so that it could swiftly strike. The King repeats itself, "Look at me? Look at you! I am not the one wearing a mask!" The accusation was so wicked, so confident that Laura could not help herself but look down again at her attire, only to realize that now her flesh was pink, her limbs that of a mortals, her clothing something she would wear in the streets of New Orleans when trying to blend in with those untouched by The Fae!

2022-08-09, 10:31 PM
For a moment, the sight of her old robes seemed to confirm Laura's worst fears. It was something that she would wear on an average day when she wasn't expected to dress up or to fight. The weight of them still felt familiar. She was fairly sure she never wore nail polish back then though. In fact she could remember the day she applied it in her apartment. Laura had half expected the colour to fade away to match the rest of her body. Laura will take a deep breath to steady herself before looking directly at the King for the first time. It was hard not to flinch as he leaned forward towards her.

Aiming to confidence she didn't really feel, 'A mask? Yeah, well it's not like I can turn this off. There's not much call for everything I had to do here in the real world.' That she didn't look like this to most people back in New Orleans was a blessing. Then the sudden change in her appearance registered. Even if she was happy to see herself like this it didn't mean anything. The King was clearly playing with her. Laura wasn't sure if getting angry was a good idea here, but she couldn't help herself. 'Is that it? You're just going to give me back my body after all this time. Are you going to apologise as well?' Whatever she looked like, she was herself, wasn't she? Otherwise she never would have left Carcosa.

2022-08-11, 09:03 AM
The King in Yellow rises from his chair swiftly as Laura speaks, before she has even gotten to asking for a request. Stretching out a robe garbed arm the King shrieks, "Silence! Such insolence shall not be tolerated!!!" The entire hall seems to shake, as if the King's outburst had triggered an outburst. Trickles of dust and dirt come free from the ceiling and the ghost chatter within the hall silences. "The King of Carcosa shall not be spoken to by a servant like this," The Yellow King continues, though now his temper is controlled, the screaming anger replaced with a white hot seriousness, "a servant that fled and betrayed her king no less. No, you must misunderstand what is happening here... knight! I have brought you back. You are mine and shall serve me as you once have, though this time... I shall not be so generous with your freedoms."

The King steps forward, reaching edge of the dais and the steps that lead down to Laura. Towering over Laura, The King appears far taller than she remembered, maybe double the height of the tallest human. And now the King is clutching a long rusted chain. The metal links of the chain (was it iron?) was woven with long barbed vines, the same wicked Hedge thorns that had ripped Laura asunder during her escape. Hanging heavy from one end of the chain was a large rusted manacle, except this was wide enough in diameter to fasten tightly around some one's neck like a dog collar. Though Laura could not force herself to remember the King's face, if it was even present or visible, there was somehow the impression of a wicked wicked grin.

2022-08-11, 10:33 PM
Laura will flinch at the sound of the King's shriek. Any thought of trying to fight had gone away at the sight of the manacle. She will back away from the King if only to keep some distance between them. Whatever else happened she did not want that thing around her neck. She had heard what had happened to other Changelings during their durrance. Everything could always get worse.

'Then... what do you want from me your majesty?' She is playing for time. If neccessary Laura will back herself all the way out of the room. She remembered the layout well enough.

2022-08-14, 09:41 AM
As Laura begins to back away, the throne room explodes in raucous laughter that threatens to drown out her words. The Yellow King continues his approach, gliding forward on something other than legs. The robed figure moves closer at an impossible speed, growing larger and larger till it seems like the Yellow King might expand and fill the entire court. "Your never ending servitude," The King hisses in reply, voice booming so that it shakes the entire castle. Larger clods of dust and dirt, and even a few stones come loose from the ceiling. "You shall be mine forever," The King says, calling Laura by another name that she once went by but now cannot seem to remember, "You are my servant and shall stay here in Carcosa for ever, and with your help, I shall conquer Arcadia!" The King was raving madly, bovine eyes round and wild though still Laura could not perceive any face.

As the throne room continues to shake with the King's thundering voice and growing frame, the massive wooden doors of the hall's entrance blow open, their blood red paint shimmering in a near blinding yellow light that was pouring in through the arched doorframe.

2022-08-14, 07:12 PM
The laughter causes Laura to look around in case there was anyone else here. Perhaps the King was messing with her perceptions, but she wouldn't put it past him to suddenly have guards ready to block her exit. Not that he needed the help. 'Why don't you just snap your fingers then?' Laura spat out defiantly. If he wanted her back why did she need to listen to him? 'I'm not going back.'

Laura is too focused on the sight of the manacle to just turn and run. As long as she could keep it away from her neck maybe things weren't completely lost. She will try to back out of the room as quickly as she could. Once she was out of the hallway perhaps she could find a weapon. If nothing else it would make her feel better.

2022-08-20, 07:03 PM
Laura gazes across the throne room. Though there are no guards, suddenly the place seems to be filled with guests; towering lithe figures garbed in tattered robes and hoods of dirty blue. They had not been here before! Laura was certain the throne room had been nearly empty, hadn't it!" These robed figures were standing around their tables, staring and laughing at Laura, their faces hidden by the most garish, monstrous Venetian masks.

'Why don't you just snap your fingers then?' Laura spat out defiantly. If he wanted her back why did she need to listen to him? 'I'm not going back.'

Slowly, The King raises his free arm, dirty yellow robes clinging flaccidly around a skeletal limb. His fingers pressed together, the King does snap his fingers, and sure enough the manacles appear around Laura's wrists. The metal presses to Laura's flesh, searing with red-heat. The manacles were iron, and they were causing Laura's wrists to bubble and blacken!

The unbearable pain! It was too much, and as Laura collapsed to her knees her vision tunneling, she could hear The King's wicket triumphant laughter, in that far away land of Carcosa, across the Lake of Hali, and the tearing thorns of the Hedge.

************************************************** *****

Laura awoke with a start. The memory of her dream escaped her almost immediately, but she knew it had been alarming, and had almost certainly involved her captor, The Yellow King!

Please describe where Laura is waking up. Is it her Hollow or her home in reality, and what does it look like?

2022-08-21, 11:00 AM
Laura wakes up with a scream of pain that is quickly cut off when she realises that she's still in her apartment. The worst part about the nightmares was always not knowing how to take them. Dreaming about her Keeper was inevitable but there was no way of knowing how seriously to take the dreams. Supposedly she was safe in New Orleans but she wouldn't put it past the King to be able to send her messages in her sleep anyway. And there was always the chance that what she had been told about the arrangement in New Orleans was all bull**** anyway. How did she know for certain that the King couldn't come for her whenever he felt like it. Was she living on borrowed time? Once Laura has got herself under control, if reality seemed to be behaving itself she'll get up. She wasn't comfortable trying to sleep after that.

Laura lived in a cramped top floor apartment in a building near Frenchman street. Her friends in the Court of Barter had made her aware of it shortly after she came back. It was sparsely furnished and only a little bigger then a hotel room but the rent was cheap and the mortal landlord downstairs mostly stayed out of her way so she was content. The small balcony was by far the best part of living there.

For the moment Laura will get a drink and slump down on her sofa where she could channel surf. If it was still dark there was a chance that she'd pass out here eventually anyway. Otherwise she'll work on waking herself up with coffee.

2022-08-21, 06:09 PM
It's coming back from the kitchen with her drink (alcoholic?) that Laura checks her phone. It was almost 4:00AM. Tough time to go to sleep and tough time to try to stay awake. But there was also a text on Laura's phone, a message that came in around 2AM, after she had gone to sleep.

If Laura flips on the TV, there's nothing worth watching on; infomercials, and BS adds, and midnight preachers.

The message was from Giant, one of a handful of Laura's friends in the Night Revelers. Though his mask showed most a smiling and good looking man of 5'7" with a scraggly sand colored beard and thinning hair, Laura really knew him as a towering tree-man with a voice like gravel echoing as it rumbled down the hillside.

The text reads, "You up? Gotta ask a favor of you. Meet in person?" Giant was a musician, a guitar player who performed at a lot of the local bars on Frenchman near where Laura had lived. It was Laura's musical background... or at least what she remembered, that had knitted the fabric of their friendship. Giant was often up at all sorts of odd hours; it was pretty likely he was still up.

2022-08-21, 08:23 PM
If it was still dark Laura is drinking a beer. She keeps her fridge well stocked for this sort of occasion and has gradually been working her way through every brand she can find in the local shop. Alcohol was not something that had been easily available in the Hedge.

'I am now. Where are you?' She was happy to see Giant's text. If she could get out of the apartment for a while she could have somthing to take her mind off of whatever she had been dreaming about.

2022-08-27, 05:12 PM
It was still dark, and maybe would be for another couple of hours. The apartment was hot. It wasn't yet summer, but New Orleans started heating up soon after March, and the window unit Laura had installed was only so powerful at fighting off the humidity. The cool air of the fridge was welcome, the beer even more so. Condensation started forming on the glass only minutes after she had retrieved the bottle from the fridge and popped the top. It was from a local brewery, walking distance from Laura's neighborhood, and one of her favorites. It was called Brieux Carre Brewing Co., and while Laura had made it a goal to try all the local breweries, she always had some of BC's bottles in her fridge (though never their cans... which had a propensity to explode if it was too warm).

It takes a couple of minutes for Giant's reply, enough time to take a good couple swigs. It reads, "****. You just wake up?" This is of course followed by another that reads, "Sure. I'm not far off of Bourbon. Could be up your way in maybe ten fifteen... unless there's somewhere you want to meet." Giant knew where Laura lived roughly, though she'd never invited him up...

(OOC: Brieux Carre does exist, they are awesome, and their cans do explode)

2022-08-28, 11:40 AM
Laura will alternate between sipping the beer and pressing the cold glass to her forehead. She would need to get more of these soon if only to help with the heat.

To Giant, 'Bad dreams.' She won't elaborate. 'I should get breakfast anyway. I'm not getting back to sleep. I'll meet you somewhere. I'm buying.' Laura will leave it up to Giant to decide where they meet, even if was at a bar that was still open. She could always find a store afterwards.

2022-08-28, 02:44 PM
"Bad dreams? ****! I think everyone of Us knows about that!" comes the first text, followed by a second, "Not much open at this hour. But if ur hungry, Mary's is still open." Mary's Bar and Grill was a a hole in the wall dive-of-a diner on the East side of the Marigny, mostly frequented by drunks and musicians. The food wasn't great, and neither was the atmosphere. But Mary was a Changeling, an Ogre from the Cayoodle Krew Freehold... most actually called her Bloody Mary because of her appearance and temperament.

2022-08-28, 07:18 PM
'Mary's will be fine. See you in a bit.' Laura quite liked Mary's. It was a place to eat where she could usually expect peace and quiet and she found Mary's temprement and directness appealing. Laura will go and find some clean clothes before leaving the house. She will dress lightly because of the heat but wears a baldric with her sword over her shoulder. The Mask typically meant that people's eyes slid right off it.

2022-08-30, 11:14 AM
Laura heads downstairs and outside. It's actually a little cooler in the open than it was inside the apartment; though the air is humid and thick. At this hour, the streets are much less crowded, though still the odd drunk and burnout wander the streets. Music still plays from a few of the local clubs on Frenchman, but the street gets quieter, a whistful sort of lonesome as you get away from the main drag. Laura keeps her wits about her on the few block trek. These were the hours when the city was most dangerous, though the Marigny was less prone to crime than some of it's neighborhoods to the North and West.

Fortunately, Laura arrives at Mary's without event. The bar wasn't much more than the squat first floor of a rickety Victorian, the purple paint long faded and peeled from the exposed bone colored wood. A sputtering neon sign in the blacked out window reads "Mary's", and below it an electric martini glass; the only indication this was a commercial joint.

It's almost darker inside than it is on the street, and the bar's almost empty except for Mary, Laura's date, and a foul smelling drunk whose collapsed and snoring on the bar. Mary's behind the bar, clutching a yellowed romance novel in her watermelon sized claws. Keeping her sharp feline teeth clenched around her cigarette, Mary says, "Welcome hon'," without looking up from the book, "Let me know if you need somethin'." Though her Mask is that of an overweight and greasy haired woman whose been on hard times, Mary appears as a massive and grizzled fur covered monster. Her short black snout was a mess of knotted scars, her maw filled with fangs, and her eyes forever pouring a river of blood tears.

Giant is sitting at a small table in the corner of the bar. It's impressive to see his long limbs folded under the table. As the name might imply, Giant appeared as a towering anthropomorphic tree-man. His voice was like gravel rolling down a canyon, and seemed to shake the bar even though he was trying to whisper. "Thanks for coming. Have a seat," he says, gesturing Laura toward the chair across from him. He turns his long frame toward the bar and says, "Mary, we're gonna need a bit of privacy if you don't mind."

Mary grunts, gives a small nod of her head, but makes no attempt to move, or even look away from her novel. Giant shrugs, and gives Laura a roguish grin.

2022-08-31, 12:35 PM
On the way to Mary's Laura was careful to stay alert. To have someone attempt to mug her would be mostly inconvenient but it was easier to avoid the possibility altogether.

Inside she had to grin at the sight of Giant folding up under the table. He didn't seem to be uncomfortable at least. 'Can I get a beer Mary?' Since she had asked. If Giant doesn't have one she'll motion to him to imply that she'll get him one as well.

Laura will take a seat across from Giant. 'Privacy? Sounds serious.'

2022-09-01, 11:51 AM
In response to Laura's request, Mary mutters, "Sure kid," still biting down on the cigarette clenched between her teeth. Giant has an empty shot glass and a a half empty mug of flat cheap beer, but when he catches Laura looking he chimes in and says he'll have another one. Eyes still glued to her book, Bloody Mary uses her free hand to fill up two tall glasses of Abita and passes them to Laura. She then mutters, "I'll be in the back," before trudging off on squat legs through a door behind the bar into the back room.

In the time it takes Laura to bring the two glasses over, Giant takes down his incomplete beer in a series of gulps. He accepts the fresh one from Laura while simultaneously wiping his mouth with a slender branch of a forearm, bark rubbing coarsely against bark. "Thanks," he says, placing the fresh glass down on the table and moving the spent mug and shot over to the side. In reply to Laura's remark he says, "Well, Mary's trustworthy to be honest. But figured a little privacy wouldn't hurt. Look Laura... I, I mean we need your help."

2022-09-02, 08:31 PM
Once she's sat down Laura will sip the beer as much as for the cold as for the taste. 'So if Mary's trustworthy who do you not want to hear about this, whatever it is? I take it it's something that the Revellers might need help with?'

2022-09-05, 03:15 PM
Giant sighs, deep and long, the sound like a strong wind rushing through branches. He shakes his head side to side, the movement requiring him to twist his entire trunk back and forth in his cramped seat. "No, I want privacy for this is a personal matter," he replies. There is a solemnity to his words, his big round eyes staring sadly at Laura, adding, "More than personal... private."

Giant lifts the mug of beer to his face, and downs the entire glass, though some of the straw colored liquid goes astray and darkens the bark under his mouth. "It's... my sister," he says, though Giant has never talked about any sister to Laura's knowledge.

2022-09-07, 08:47 PM
Laura looks sympathetic. It wasn't as if she had talked much about her own family. She will talk quietly so that Mary definately couldn't overhear. 'Is she ...ok? How long was it.' That Giant's sister was apparently still around was something. Laura had heard the stories about those who had come back to find their friends and family aged or dead.

2022-09-10, 12:55 PM
Giant opens his mouth as if to reply, but instead closes it and purses his lips. He sighs then says, "No, that's not it." He leans forward, his massive trunk of a body bowing like a tree in a hurricane. "She's gone missing," he says, "for about a week now. I... I think she was taken," His deep voice breaks as he says this last part, his already rheumy eyes widening with fear, "by the Gentry!"

2022-09-10, 10:09 PM
Laura's breath catches in her throat and she just stares at Giant for a few seconds before she can recover herself, 'Are you sure? I thought we were supposed to be safe here.' There was an obvious way to check, 'Where does your sister live?' Had she been replaced already.

2022-09-11, 09:43 AM
"Not in New Orleans," he replies hastily, but stopping there. He gives Laura a warning stare that suggests that perhaps he does not want to divulge where his mortal family live, but then adds, "Anyways, a goblin was selling this in the Tumble Down Market," and pulls from his jacket an iphone with a cracked screen. "It was hers," he says, "and I had to pay the goblin an unfortunate amount once it saw how badly I wanted it. Wouldn't give me any information where it was found or when."

2022-09-11, 01:10 PM
Laura will acknowledge Giant's implied warning with a nod. She had been suddenly worried about her own families safety. 'Do you know the Goblin's name?' Maybe she had met them already. 'Maybe he only found it in the Hedge somewhere but it'd be a start.'

She wasn't going to be the one to say it and assumed that Giant already knew. There was every chance that it was already too late. Still, it would be better to be sure.

2022-09-11, 04:10 PM
"The thing called itself Snigglebutt," he replies with a straight face, adding, "Damn wretched creature. Definitely didn't seem like the sort to be working directly for the Fae, but its stall was out on the fringes of the market... where some of the less savory goblins peddle." He briefly describes the location of Snigglebutt's stall so that Laura would be able to find it without too much difficulty if she chose. She'd never heard of Snigglelbutt, though the Tumbledown Market just kept growing and there were many goblins and strange folk that she hadn't met yet, being relatively knew to the Freehold.

2022-09-11, 06:25 PM
'I'll talk to him...or maybe lean on him. If he's working in the Market he's bound to be up for trading for the information.'

2022-09-14, 03:45 PM
Giant's lips purse with discomfort again. "There's more...," he says, "that I could use your help with." He studies Laura's face, and it is clear he is fighting with himself in an attempt to get the words out. He says, "I was hoping you could help me find her... since you are so good in the Hedge." His big round eyes, the color of moss, and wet like morning grass, stare deep into Laura's.

2022-09-15, 10:44 PM
Laura replies immediately, 'Giant it'd be the least I could do. All of us might have been a lot better off if we had had someone who would have come looking for us.'

2022-09-17, 12:48 PM
Immediately, almost reflexively, Giant reaches out a big four fingered hand covered in moss and vines, and squeezes Laura's arm. "Thank you," he says fighting back a sob, "Thank you so much." He pulls out his phone, the small black rectangle dwarfed in his giant hand, and after a little pecking and swiping pulls up a picture to show Laura, saying, "This is her, this is Sarah."

The picture shows a teenage girl, maybe just a little younger than Monica, with wiry yellow blond hair, and freckled cheeks on skin burned a few shades darker than it's natural pale complexion. She smiles awkwardly around a mouth full of braces, wearing an oversized grey Florida University sweater, holding up a piece sign, with a pink and yellow plastic ring around her index finger.

2022-09-17, 08:33 PM
Laura will pat Giant on the bark of his hand as he reached out. The picture will make her freeze up a little. 'Jesus, she's just a kid.' There was Sarah and Monica, but how many children of about that age had the Gentry taken before? How many were they taking tonight even? It wasn't something that Laura wanted to dwell on for too long. 'Giant...if she can be found I'll find her.'

2022-09-18, 09:32 AM
The bluest, clearest spring water begins to flow from Giant's eyes, suddenly filling the bar with the cool smell of fresh grass and earth. "Thank you," he says again between blubbering drunken sobs, "Please let me know if there is anything I can do! I will gladly join you into the Hedge if it would be helpful."

2022-09-21, 06:23 PM
The bluest, clearest spring water begins to flow from Giant's eyes, suddenly filling the bar with the cool smell of fresh grass and earth. "Thank you," he says again between blubbering drunken sobs, "Please let me know if there is anything I can do! I will gladly join you into the Hedge if it would be helpful."

Laura assesses Giant's size, 'You remember what it's like? Away from the market I mean. You're welcome to come along but there's no garuntee it'd be safe. I've got more experience of the Hedge then most but that doesn't mean I understand it.'

2022-09-23, 11:23 AM
Giant shakes his big head, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm not worried about danger he says," his words sounding slightly more slurred by the beer now, "I would face down an army of hunters, and my Keeper, if it meant saving my sister." He gives Laura stony eyed stare to show he means business.

2022-09-23, 07:32 PM
Laura grimaces at that comment, 'I don't want it to come to that. There's no point in either of us dying if we can help it.' Or worse. Somehow running into the King out there would be bad enough, she couldn't say how another Fae might react to them.

There were some things that Giant clearly didn't want to talk about, but under the circumstances she had to ask. 'You don't have to show me, but does Sarah have a Facebook or an Instagram account? I can talk to this Goblin but it might be good to find out if there was anything going on in her life lately.'

2022-09-25, 02:14 PM
Giant nods his head in reply. "Of course," he says, "I think she had all those things, Tik Tok as well." He pulls out his phone and shows Laura his sister's Instagram feed, adding, "I think Sarah used this more." It's mostly just awkward photos with friends and short video attempts at what might be called a Vine. Sure enough, the posts seem to have stopped about eight days ago.

2022-09-25, 08:43 PM
Laura will examine Giant's phone intently before responding. 'Maybe it's good news. Something happened last week but it's not like what happened to us. There'd be something else there posting for her wouldn't there?'

2022-09-28, 08:11 PM
Giant shakes his head again. "I've heard of others taken, their Keeper failing to leave behind a facsimile. I... I'm afraid of the worst," he says, almost pleading with Laura.

2022-09-29, 08:46 PM
Laura will reach out and take Giant's hand. 'Then let's make sure it doesn't come to that. I think we should pay this Snigglebutt a visit.'

2022-10-02, 06:02 PM
Giant squeezes back, his gnarled fingers rough against Laura's skin. He nods his head and replies, "That sounds like a good start... though I think I might need to sleep some of this off first." He looks down at the empty beer mug before grinning knowingly at Laura. He shrugs then after a thought and adds, "Though maybe it's best that wretched hob doesn't see me with you? Maybe he'd be more helpful then."

2022-10-05, 08:14 PM
'Probably true. I don't want him raising whatever price he's going to try and charge me.' Laura grins. She assumed the Goblin might get greedy if they believed this was personal. 'I'm probably not going to sleep much for a while so I might as well head over to the market and look into the hob. He's bound to accept something for telling me where he got the phone. I'll ask around first and see who knows him.' Laura will pause to finish her beer. 'Might try and pick up some supplies while I'm there.'

Before she departs Laura will make sure she has details of roughly where she can find this Snigglebutt in the market and will make arrangements to meet up somewhere once Giant had slept.

2022-10-08, 05:13 PM
Before she can leave, Bloody Mary steps back through the kitchen door into the bar to get Laura's tab. As she accepts Laura's card she says in a voice filled with smoke and gravel, "You take care of yourself now dear. Don't go rushing into the Hedge looking for danger, just because you can." She gives Laura a grin before taking a puff of a fresh cigarette.

By the time that Laura steps out of the bar, it is almost 5 in the morning. The sky isn't out yet, but the streets have gone from abandoned to simply sparsely haunted. Cars roll through the narrow streets following their headlights, and crunching over discarded trash in the street. Laura passes a lone resident, out for an early morning jog or a walk with their dog. Mortals just starting to get ready for their normal lives. Laura slips past all this like a ghost, or a creature of another dimension. Their eyes slip right off of her.

Laura moves back toward the Marigny to portal she knew would take her where she needed to go. Spending the point of Glamour, and stepping through the door of a port-a-potty off of Frenchman, Laura finds herself on one of the wider streets of The Tumble Down Market. Despite the hour, the market is already getting busy. No one even notices as Laura walks through the door of a shop into the Hedge. Laura is almost jostled by a pair of Pumpkin Heads, carrying bags of goblin fruit as they push through the crowd.

(OOC: So is Laura going right for Scuttlebutt or is there something she is doing first?)

2022-10-09, 07:38 PM
Before she can leave, Bloody Mary steps back through the kitchen door into the bar to get Laura's tab. As she accepts Laura's card she says in a voice filled with smoke and gravel, "You take care of yourself now dear. Don't go rushing into the Hedge looking for danger, just because you can." She gives Laura a grin before taking a puff of a fresh cigarette.

'Thanks Mary. I'll be careful.' Laura smiles back. She's grateful for her concern but will avoid mentioning what she's just agreed to do for Giant. Better me then someone who doesn't know what they're doing. Outside, Laura tries to ignore the few mortals that are up this early. She's never entirely gotten over the suspicion that someone might be capable of seeing what she really looked like behind her Mask.

Once Laura has entered the market she intends to go looking for information on Snigglebutt from one of the other merchants before she went looking for him. Perhaps there was something specific that he wanted that she could bring with her. Or at least she could do her research before she approached him.

Looking for any extra background that Giant doesn't know.

Laura has Allies (Tumbledown) and Hob Kin for the record

2022-10-11, 08:50 AM
Knowing many that might aid her, Laura first goes to her old associate, The Horned Toad to get more information about where she can find Scuttlebutt. Stuffed into a frilly Regency erra tailcoat of red velvet and lace, The Horned Toad was a giant and warted hobgoblin who helped delegate where vendors were allowed to set up in the market. As his name implied, The Horned Toad had two black curled ram's horns protruding from around a powdered white wig on his crown. Speaking in a croaking French accent, he describes the northern fringe of the market, how Laura can get there, and where she can find Scuttlebutt's stall.

(OOC: Allies used)

She would have to do some more "snooping" though, if she wanted to learn more about the hobgoblin, and that might take a little more effort.

(OOC: With Market Sense and Hobkin, please roll Presence + Persuasion/Socialize at +3)

2022-10-17, 07:10 PM
Laura had always found the Horned Toad's accent deeply entertaining to be around but hadn't yet got round to finding out where he'd acquired it. Perhaps the Hedge in France was full of Goblins who sounded like that.

Presence 3 + Persuasion 1 + Bonus 3
Any 10s

2022-10-21, 06:43 PM
After asking around some of the side streets and less frequented alleys of the Tumbledown Market, Laura is able to find and corner a feral little hobgoblin named Mud. Despite its name, Mud is an albino white rodent thing, with bat like ears and a hairless body (except for the long curls sprouting from it's elongated nose). Mud was a scavenger of the market, and a known thief, scurrying around the shadows in a stooped posture, or on all fours till it found a cart or basket to pilfer from. But, because of its prolific exploration of the Tumbledown, Mud was generally good for a tasty morsel of information or gossip.

Once Laura had Mud cornered in a vine covered dead end, it hissed and whined. "Pleeeez! No hurt, no hurt! I help you yes?" it spoke in a terrified and shrill voice, it's long nose twitching.

(OOC: Two successes, so I'll let Laura get two pieces of information on her mark)

2022-10-23, 09:30 PM
Laura will approach Mud carefully. She's fully prepared for him to try to rush past her if he felt threatened enough. 'Mud' she says levelly. 'I'm not going to hurt you as long as you help me out. Give me good information and maybe I'll owe you a favour at some point.'

If Mud doesn't try to get away she'll lean down a little. 'You must know a lot of people in the market. There's a hob called Snigglebutt. He found something I'd like to hear more about. What sort of business does he do and where does he get his stock?' Even with someone like Mud she'll try to be careful over what she says.

2022-10-25, 06:10 PM
Mud takes a small and trembling step back from Laura, inching into the shadowy back of the alley. Hands still up the little hobgoblin says with guarded curiosity, "Favor? You do favor for Mud? What favor?" It's voice is like a squawking parrot.

In reply to Laura's first question, Mud replies, "Snigglebutt is no good! No no good! He takes things from The Hedge to sell at the market. He works with the Gentry! He takes bribes and sells information to them!"

2022-10-26, 09:12 PM
Laura will stop to consider what someone like Mud would actually want for a favour. 'I don't know. What do you need? I could get you some decent food I suppose. What do you eat anyway?'

On Snigglebutt, 'What kind of information does he sell to them.' Hobs dealing with the Gentry wasn't unheard of, but it was hard not to take offence at those who did.

2022-10-30, 09:13 AM
For just a moment Mud's eyes widen with a desperate sort of hope. "Goblin fruits," the pathetic thing hisses, "I eats goblin fruits." As it says this, saliva begins to dribble out of the corner of Mud's lips.

In reply to Laura's real question, Mud replies hastily, "I not know. I not know; it only rumors!" Mud eyes the changeling nervously, then says, "But the rumors is that Snigglebutt helps The Gentry with their captures. But Mud never said these. Is rumors, yes?" It shakes its bony hands up before it's face in a gesture of caution.

2022-11-02, 07:28 PM
Connecting Snigglebutt to the Gentry would only confirm Laura's worst fears. 'Meaning that he might be the type to lure mortals into the Hedge and steal their stuff? If it's true I can understand why he'd keep that quiet. I'd say it's not just me who might have a problem with that.' Whatever Mud might be doing at least he didn't seem to be working with the gentry

'I'm looking for someone Mud. If anything comes of it I'll definately owe you one, but otherwise maybe I'll see what I can pick up when I'm next in the Hedge.'

2022-11-03, 05:25 PM
Mud nods its head nervously, giving Laura a very forced grin. The hobgoblin says, "Yes sure. What would you promise Mud in return?" It's rheumy eyes seem to flash, or maybe even glow orange for a split second, and a true and greedy grin spreads across its face. For the first time, it takes a curious step towards the Changeling.

2022-11-07, 12:18 PM
Laura doesn't step back as Mud moves closer. 'Goblin Fruit. Sometimes I can find it growing out there in the Hedge.' She'll watch his reaction closely. 'I'm heading out there again soon. If I find anything good out there maybe I can trade you for it when I get back.'

2022-11-10, 03:24 PM
The pathetic Hobgoblin nods its head with excitement. It replies, "Yes, yes! I find anything out about Snigglebutt, and you give Mud goblin fruits! Yes!" It lashes a veiny pink tongue across it's long yellow needle teeth.

2022-11-18, 10:18 PM
Laura can't help but focus on Mudd's teeth but doesn't take it personally. She had seen worse.'I can't say how long I'll be, but if you need to find me ask around at the Exchange. Someone will be able to get in contact.' Laura had had a lot of reason to use the Exchange in the past and knew a fair few people who dealt there regularly. 'Otherwise I'll look you up.'

If there was nothing else Laura will go looking for Snigglebutt.

2022-11-19, 02:29 PM
Following the directions provided by The Horned Toad, and by Giant, Laura makes her way toward the outskirts of the Tumbledown Market. By the time she had parted ways with Mud, the streets were beginning to swell with opened stalls and the bustle of patrons; Lost and Hob alike. Laura pushes her way through throngs of busy shoppers, past strange barkers advertising stranger wares.

At one point The Tumbledown Players lead a procession that blocks Laura's progress towards the outskirts. Their boisterous brass instruments honking an upbeat blues inspired rhythm that would make any Second Line proud, playing call and response to the dark skinned singer crooning about the rocky love between a Fox and a Leather clad rocker. The music drowns out the frenetic chorus of the market vendors. At another point, Laura is grabbed by the wrist and pulled into the stall of a towering portly fish monger, whose face was that of a red speckled carp.

Escaping this, Laura finally reaches the fringes where the market streets are quieter, and the rare shopper sticks to shadows trying best not to be recognized.

Snigglebutt's stall is a spread out mess, seemingly made of old sneaker boxes and plywood. A folding table is covered in all sorts of odds and ends; tarnished pieces of jewelry, baskets of withered goblin fruit, a fine looking umbrella, a number of sad looking stuffed animals, and the like. Hunched over in the stall, chewing hot gristle off of a long charred bone (lord knows from what creature), stands Snigglebutt. The hobgoblin is maybe just under five feet tall; a bipedal dog-lizard covered in a mix of soft green scales and shaggy brown fur, and dressed in a pair of tattered and dirty denim overalls. It eyes Laura warily as she approaches, its nostrils flaring as it scents her. Only when she is near enough does Snigglebutt say in a gruff voice, "Want something?"

(OOC: Please also give me an Int + Streetwise roll)

2022-11-21, 10:40 PM
On another day Laura might try to take what enjoyment she could out of the market, but her dreams and her business here made that difficult at the moment. When the fishmonger pulls her towards his stall she'll poilitely but firmly leaver it's fingers off her wrist.

Once she reaches Snigglebutt's stall Laura can't help but notice the stuffed animals. Had they had owners until fairly recently? 'Window shopping' she'll reply. Laura will try to assess how much of Snigglebutt's wares might have plausibly been recently taken from a mortal kidnap victim. She'll also be on the look out for anything that Snigglebutt might use to defend himself in an emergency. He didn't seem like the type to have flunkies to protect himself but who could tell.

Laura awkwardly has no streetwise so I think that's minus 1 for the lack of a social skill
Int 2 (-1 penalty)
Any 10

Wits 3 + Composure 3
Any 10s

2022-11-22, 05:47 PM
Laura can feel Snigglebutt's eyes following her as she studies the wares on the cart. The stuffed animals on the cart are matted, tattered and dirty. A stuffed octopus missing a button eye smiles up at Laura, despite its grievous injury. A floppy eared rabbit in overalls eerily similar to the Hobgoblins, sits with its head bowed heavy as if in tired mourning. They are mundane objects mostly, nothing clearly made of magic fabrics or carrying some overt sign of coming from Arcadia. However, a frowning lion doll with broken yellow crown catches Laura's eyes. This carries the shimmer of Glamour. Closer look confirms for Laura that this is likely a Token, a piece of shredded soul, torn from a mortal as they crossed through the thorns of The Hedge.

"Ah, you have a good eye," Snigglebutt's low voice interrupts Laura's studies, his hot breath reeking of smoked meat. "I found that Lion during one of my journeys through the Hedge. That is no ordinary doll!" the hobgoblin says proudly.

(OOC: Laura gains no additional knowledge on Snigglebutt from the failed Streetwise roll)

2022-11-23, 09:43 PM
Laura will force herself to ignore the Hob's gaze as she browses his wares. Getting angry might make her feel better but it wouldn't neccessarily help. 'You opening a toystore?' After he admits to the lion doll being a Token, 'That's obvious. You know, you don't usually find something like this just lying around. Did you happen to find anything similar close to where you found it? Something like that should be quite valuable to the right person.'

2022-11-24, 05:17 PM
The hobgoblin chuckles at Laura's remark about opening a toy store, a throaty grinding laugh. "Just things I find in The Hedge," it replies, breath still hot on Laura's face and neck. To the rest, Snigglebutt adds, "I find things here, and I find things there. Some things maybe ain't so valuable, but others are. Sock that disappear into the drawer, old childhood toys, all sorts of things fall through the cracks and end up in The Hedge. Sometimes they are left behind by wanderers like yourself, personal belongings that get caught by the thorns or fall out of a pocket. Lost things, you know... to someone they are all worth something." There could be a terrible implication in the last words the hobgoblin had said, though of course it was impossible to say what any hobgoblin ever meant, they and the Fae were always so used to speaking in riddles and half truths.

As Snigglebutt rambles, Laura's eyes are drawn to a small wallet; more duct tape then leather. Opening the wallet almost instinctively, Laura finds a Driver's License belonging to none other than Monica, her headshot a scowl. "Oh, that one I found in The Market actually," Snigglebutt says with pride, seeing Laura's interest in the wallet, adding, "All things out on the tables are for sale... for a price."

2022-11-26, 11:19 PM
The sight of Monica's licence made Laura feel sick. When had she last seen her anyway? Techically she had met her the first time when the girl had wandered into the market so perhaps the licence had been dropped then. But mortals often made it into the Hedge, and sometimes something lured them in.

Laura will hold onto the wallet and turn towards Snigglebutt with a fixed smile on her face. She is taller then the Hob and will stand over the creature. From what she understood of it now the universe would respond to her if she approached it in the right way and she meant to claim some authority here. 'And yet sometimes it's easier to take a more active role in making acquisitions isn't it? Finding things lying around is all very well, but it'll only get you so far.'

Should check before I roll it. Can I use Mask of Superiority (p.128) to pose as a representative of Arcadia who might be a potential customer? If it makes more sense to have used the contract before the scene started then I'll rethink.

Otherwise, what would be the consequences of just taking Monica's wallet? I feel like robbing Goblins might cause Wyrd related problems.

2022-12-03, 02:25 PM
Laura is down to 8 Glamour. She gets two successes. So if Laura is posing as a member of Arcadia, we will have to pretend/assume that Snigglebutt has been much more obsequious, attempting to appease her any way possible.

The hobgoblin stiffens at Laura's words. It hastily bows its shaggy head and blurts, "My Lady, I swear I would never steal from any of mortals that I have led to... to our Lord." Snigglebutt is trembling, but it keeps its head lowered, perhaps anxiously awaiting some sort of physical punishment. The hobgoblin adds, "I took this off of a human in The French Quarter. She was alone on the streets at night. She said she had no family. She... she would be an excellent subject of our Lord's Court! Please, take the wallet, it is yours for free."

2022-12-05, 11:15 PM
Laura dismissively looks down her nose at the Hob. It wasn't hard to act this way. She only had to channel her memories of the Yellow King and let Snigglebut draw his own conclusions. 'That would be sensible. He doesn't take well to being disrespected. Best you don't do anything you wouldn't want him hearing about.'

She'll hold up Monica's wallet, 'I appreciate your work ethic, but I have a personal interest in this one. She has much to learn, but she is mine.' Laura will emphasise the last word. A Fae would be possessive about the people that they considered to be their property wouldn't they? It wasn't pleasant for her to think like that. 'Where is my squire at the moment?'

2022-12-10, 06:28 PM
"I don't know," the Hobgoblin says in reply. Something crosses Snigglebutt's lips like a smile, but far uglier; lips curling up and back to expose gapped hook teeth, and it says, "But I can find her for you if you like. Was waiting till I got the word from the big boss. But you give me a day and I'll git her for you. Would be even easier if you let me use that wallet."

2022-12-11, 09:17 PM
Laura frowns and looks levelly at the Hob. After a moment, 'Oh I don't think that's neccessary. I feel like you would upset her in a way that would make her less useful to his majesty. When the time comes I will deal with her myself.' She'll put Monica's wallet away. 'Of course if the word comes down to pay her a visit and you decide to go and see her without me ..' Laura glares at Snigglebutt with all the hatred she feels for someone who was willingly involved in taking people to Arcadia. 'I will be upset with you. The King is powerful and dangerous but he is far away. I come to Tumbledown all the time and you will not be able to hide from me.'

Presence 3 + Intimidation 2 + Wp 3
Any 10s

Really want a way of judging if he's lying with his response

Wits 3 + Empathy 1
Any 10s

2022-12-17, 10:42 AM
The hobgoblin's eyes narrow, and he does not recoil from Laura or her words. "I bow to your master My Lady," he hisses, forked tongue darting out from fanged teeth, "not you."

(OOC: Laura is down to 4 WP)

2022-12-21, 12:45 AM
While she was talking Laura had reached over her shoulder to draw her sword from it's scabbard. She does this with the ease of much practice. Once she had drawn the sword she'll reverse the blade towards the ground but it is clear that she can handle it very easily in spite of it's weight.

That Snigglebutt appeared immune to her threats wasn't the end of the world. 'That's the way it should be, but I'd say you might want to consider being politer to his majesty's representives in the future, if only to keep yourself alive. Perhaps I should reconsider and we should both pay my squire a visit while I'm here to oversee things.' Perhaps he would appreciate the offer to show off his skills at finding people?

Have to try to balance obligations to Giant and Sarah and the need to protect Monica from possibly getting kidnapped while Laura is distracted.

2022-12-22, 08:41 PM
Snigglebutt raises a single hand, palm out in the gesture of "stop". Forked tongue flicks between lizard lips several times before the hobgoblin says, "As you wish My Lady... I will let you know if I hear anything else." The creature's voice is flat, and its round yellow eyes dart from Laura to her sword and back again.

(Successes added due to the drawn sword)

2022-12-31, 06:45 AM
'Oh, when the time comes I'll likely come looking for you.' Laura doesn't put her sword away but she doesn't make any obviously threatening moves with it either. 'When you take the new recruits, whereabouts do you normally meet my colleagues to hand them over? I'll find out eventually but it'll save me some time if you tell me now. I heard there was a new one taken just recently? Tell me about her.' Laura is fairly sure that he was responsible for the disapearance of Giant's sister but would like to hear details.

2023-01-01, 03:51 PM
Snigglebutt’s head tilts to the side, confusion and maybe even suspicion crossing its snouted face. “Nah nah,” the hobgoblin says raising an arm, “It’s not like that. I don’t work for The King, like you know. I justs… help out every now and then, if the opportunity strikes; yah know what I mean?”

Snigglebutt seemed to be studying Laura and her response, like the hobgoblin was starting to pick up on the fact that Laura wasn’t whatever she was pretending to be. Laura can feel the threads of the glamour bound mask she had woven stretching and starting to come undone.

2023-01-04, 06:43 PM
'Well lets hope that you're rewarded for that.' Laura mostly looks angry. For a moment she thought about letting the glamour collapse by itself just to see how he would deal with it. Perhaps it was more useful though to have this one alive where she could find him again if she needed to. 'I'm sure I will be in touch.' She'll sheathe her sword and leave without looking back. A true member of the Fae wouldn't have thought anything more about acting that way, so if nothing else it might help to maintain the glamour for a while longer.

Initially Laura will seek to lose herself in the market but she is paranoid enough to be curious if Snigglebutt had chosen to follow her.

Wits 3 + Composure 3
any 10s

2023-01-04, 06:59 PM
To Laura’s relief, she sees no signs of being followed. Without thought, she returns deep into the heart of the tumbledown, which has only grown more busy and alive. Barkers call and reach out to grab her attention, and the throng of people has become a near current of pressed bodies of all different shapes and sizes.

2023-01-28, 11:36 PM
That hadn't gone as well as Laura had hoped. Snigglebutt was absolutely the type of person to have been involved with taking Sarah but he had not mentioned anything concrete about the matter. It wasn't as if her and Giant could keep watch over him to see where he might lead them. Sarah did not have that kind of time. And now she had to worry about Monica while she was distracted. Laura needed to find someone who might be able to help her out. She'll start by looking for anyone she recognised as a fellow member of the Court of Barter in the Tumbledown. If they weren't willing to help her out for the sake of getting in the gentry's way it was always possible that she could find someone who was willing to make a deal.

2023-01-31, 04:13 PM
Laura starts to wander back the way she came, her mind racing for ideas about who might best be able to help her. She knew most of the main streets in The Tumbledown Market, and once she got out of these northern back alleys, she would be able to find most of her fellow Courtiers. First Laura's mind goes to the old crone, Wren Lamontaigne. Wren was a fellow courtier, an ancient changeling bent and gnarled like an old tree. She knew everything there was to know, and some Lost even thought she could predict a Changeling's future; you just had to offer her tea and honey to soothe her raspy and ragged voice. She might not be able to physically help Laura, but Wren would likely be able to provide more answers, if that was what she sought.

Old Shadow ran a stall not too far away called Finder's Keeper. He was a Darkling who liked to wander The Hedge, collecting all sorts of odds and ends, which he sold to interested hobs and Changelings. Nothing was too strange to sell, and he bartered for all sorts of favors or payments. He had a good view of the open market, and would likely no more about anything happening within the Tumbledown. He might also know a way around Snigglebutt.

Lastly, though Laura would hate to do it, she could always turn to Lupus. He was a wolfy Beast and member of the Barter Court. He was a Hunter Heart, and one of the few Changelings who could travel these parts of the Hedge as well as Laura... maybe even a little better, though she hated to admit it. He spent his time helping to enforce bargain in The Tumbledown, as well as running challenging errands in The Hedge, like Laura did. While he might be the most helpful, he was the last person Laura wanted to ask a favor from... for reasons it was often best not to think about.

2023-02-19, 11:37 AM
In some ways Lupus would have been the ideal person to turn to for help. Someone who she could rely on to tear Snigglebutt's throat out the second he went anywhere near Monica. But what would she need to do in return? If she was going to go that way she might as well have done her own dirty work.

Laura will instead go looking for Old Shadow. Darklings made the best spies after all.

2023-02-19, 01:28 PM
Laura makes her way back through the market towards Finders Keepers. The stall is a relatively prominent one in the more traveled parts of the Northern Tumbledown, its three walls made of oakwood shelving, covered in trinkets and odds and ends. The stall is already quiet busy and it's owner, Old Shadow, is busy hawking and entertaining the gathered Changelings and Hobgoblins alike. The Darkling was an aged man with a bald egg round head and bushy grey mustache. He was tall and thin, long of arm and leg in a way that reminded Laura of a spider. His height meant Laura could see Old Shadow over the crowd that was gathered around his stall. He hollered over the din of the market in his creaky sandpaper voice, cackling at his own jokes merrily as he worked. He wore a dark navy button down shirt with large floppy collar points that was buttoned all the way to the top and a pair of black flannel trousers held up by crimson suspenders. When he caught Laura's eye, Old Shadow raised a massive hand up to fix the pair of black round spectacles that always seemed to perfectly obscure his eyes, from over his long hooked nose. Shadow gestures for Laura to approach, and when she can get through the crowd to get within ear shot, he hollers, "Laura my dear. Welcome, welcome. Can I interest you in my latest finds? I picked up a pretty pearl necklace from a thicket of thorns just the other day. I bet it would look lovely on you." His lips spread into a smile that show beautifully aligned white teeth. It was the loving grin shared by one's cheeky old grandpa.

2023-02-20, 12:20 AM
'Hey Shadow. I might take you up on that.' Laura was a believer in liberating things from the Hedge even if they weren't useful or pretty. 'Listen. I need a favour for when you're off work.'

I like him

2023-02-20, 03:21 PM
Old Shadow's grin widens, showing off more of his impressive teeth. He chuckles, a low "ho ho ho" at Laura's statement and replies, "A favor? Is that not the slogan of our court?" Laura catches a whiff of cloves and mint; though it was not his breath or his cologne, but simply the calming strength of his Mantle. He reaches a long arm over the crowd, somehow extending far enough to grab hold of Laura and pull her forward. Hobgoblins and changelings alike move out of the way without a peep or complaint. Old Shadow pulls Laura in close, the scent growing stronger, almost intoxicating. Whispering so that the gathered crowd cannot overhear, he says, "What is it you need little one?"

2023-02-21, 10:32 AM
Laura returns the whisper,'You know Snigglebutt?' She'll check to see that no seemed to be paying attention. 'I think he's taking people for the Gentry, and he seems to be interested in a friend of mine. I need someone to watch him in case he tries anything.' Laura will leave it up to Shadow to interpret what she means by that. 'I'd do it myself but I've got a job in the Hedge that won't wait.'

2023-02-21, 11:35 AM
"Well, I see," Old Shadow says, the smile never diminishing, though there is now something sad in the expression, "that is quiet serious." He looks out over the crowd for a moment before whispering, "I am unfortunately busy with the shop at the moment, but I know someone who can help. I would be happy to introduce you," he trails off, and of course the implication he is preparing to barter. This was the way of their Court. Nothing was given for free, and actual currency was rarely traded hands. The warm and comforting aroma seems to grow stronger on Shadow. "Go and get me a fresh syrup melon from Giuseppe's, and when you come back, I will introduce you to just the friend you need."

Laura can feel the Glamour gathering around Old Shadow, swelling in anticipation of her acceptance.

2023-02-21, 01:49 PM
"Well, I see," Old Shadow says, the smile never diminishing, though there is now something sad in the expression, "that is quiet serious."

'Yeah, tell me about it.' Laura agrees. She had expected something like Shadow's response and was used to the ways of the Court. 'I appreciate it Shadow.' Laura will formally accept the bargain with a handshake. The Glamour was the price of doing business, but it was good to maintain a reputation as someone who could meet their obligations. 'I'll be right back.'

2023-02-25, 05:58 PM
Old Shadow's grin widens as he shakes Laura's hand. As their grasps separate, Laura finds her hand covered in quickly drying wax; the Wyrd's seal on the two's agreement. "See you soon," he says as Laura begins to walk away. The crowd presses past her to get to Shadow and peruse his wares, their voices drowning out his "goodbye".

Giuseppe's is a goblin fruit cart, just about a five minutes walk away from Old Shadow's. The cart is owned by a hobgoblin who of course goes by Guiseppe; a gangly three foot tall creature with leathery yellow skin, and a round protuberant head that reminds Laura of a thumb. His round eyes are reminiscent of those on a Henson Muppet, and his long black whiskers are waxed into a foppish bike-handle mustache. Guiseppe greets Laura with his simian grin and creaky voice. When Laura tells him what she has come for, he twists an arm of his mustache between two fingers and says, "That will cost you... a lock of your hair." He raises his eyebrows like Groucho and retrieves from his cart a pair of scissors.

2023-02-26, 04:00 PM
"That will cost you... a lock of your hair." He raises his eyebrows like Groucho and retrieves from his cart a pair of scissors.

Laura is not opposed to this on principle but is curious what he might want with it. 'You making a wig Guiseppe?' She'll retrieve a jagged knife from the sheaf at her belt. If she doesn't see any reason not to Laura will briefly saw off a lock of white hair.

Does Laura know anything specific about what he might want with that

Int 2 + Occult 1
Any 10s

2023-02-26, 04:39 PM
Giuseppe shrugs and says coyly, "My price is my price; take it or leave it." Laura can't see any reason why the hob would want her hair, but can't see any reason not to make the trade. She did need the melon after all.

When Laura hands the hobgoblin a lock of her hair, Giuseppe will bring it greedily to its face, snuffling lustily at the lock, before placing it on the table. "Very good," the hobgoblin will exclaim before over a syrup melon, "here, as promised." The goblin fruit is about the size of a Giuseppe's head, nearly spherical in shape and with a waxy rind of pink and yellow. Giuseppe will reach out an arm to touch Laura and say, "Is there anything else I can get you?"

2023-02-27, 02:56 PM
Laura glances across Giuseppe's wares. 'Maybe. What's good at the moment?'

2023-03-04, 04:09 PM
Guiseppe twists his mustache between long stick fingers, as he grins up at Laura. "Oh, the usual," he says slowly, watching his mark as he tries to build tension and interest. He leans forward as if to tell a secret, and his grin deepens as he says, "But I managed to find a couple of Faerie Peaches. I could sell you one, but the price would be... far steeper."

Laura had been up and down the Hedge and knew her Goblin Fruit well enough. She had never ever seen a Faerie Peach, though she had heard just what they could do. Rumor was that if you ate a Faerie Peach, your Mein twisted becoming beautiful and powerful; enough so that the Thorns and the Hedge themselves were fooled into thinking you were True Fae. Even some hobgoblins might be fooled by the magic, though most Changelings were supposed to be able to see through it.

(OOC: See page 208 for the rules breakdown)

2023-03-08, 12:08 PM
Laura had intended to let it go but the value of something like that was obvious. 'Now where did you find a thing like that? Did you happen to see the one who grew it?' And the matter of the price. 'Let's say I was interested. What would you want for it?'

2023-03-08, 02:44 PM
The hobgoblin's already bulbous eyes go wide, almost seeming to push out of their sockets. Its leathery yellow cheeks flush, turning almost orange. Guiseppe leans forward, going up on its toes to bring its long head closer to Laura's. In a breathy and excited voice, it says, "Well, it would be an honor to go for dinner with a woman as beautiful as yourself, Ms. Laura." It reflexively twists its curled mustache, anxiously anticipating Laura's answer, and completely ignoring her prior question.

2023-03-08, 09:47 PM
Laura is briefly at a loss for words. 'You want a date?' Her opinion of people's appearances had long since been broadened by her time in Arcadia but a Hobgoblin was different wasn't it? On the other hand it was only dinner. 'In the Tumbledown? I don't think I've ever eaten out over here.' She is considering it.

2023-03-09, 09:16 PM
Giuseppe's long fingers free themselves from his mustache so that he can excitedly clasp his hands together. "I can get us a lovely table at Belletuaxe's," the hobgoblin says hastily, "They have the best escargot this side of the Tumble Down Market. You like escargot?"

2023-03-10, 05:06 PM
Laura nods. She liked escargot. 'Ok, what the hell.' If she came back unharmed from the Hedge she could handle Giuseppe. 'I'm a little rusty at dates though. And I'm going into the Hedge shortly. How long can you wait?'

2023-03-12, 12:41 PM
"Oh don't worry," Giuseppe says excitedly, stepping around the cart to place a somehow clammy and clawed hand on Laura's arm, "I'll take care of everything. All you will have to do is show up." He gives her arm a squeeze, with his other hand waving away her second comment. "Oh, it is still early morning. I will get us a reservation for dinner tonight. Belletuaxe's is very sought after, but I will get us a table at 7! I can do that sort of thing for you love. Shall I pick you up at your place around 6:45?" he says, rushing back behind the cart where he bends down and disappears behind the counter top. There is the sound of rummaging before he reappears, clutching the most perfect looking peach that Laura has ever seen. It was too large, too round, its flesh pink and fuzzy but almost fragile to the point of transparency. Guiuseppe holds the fruit forward with both hands for Laura, and says, "So, if I give you this, you will meet me tonight for dinner?" Laura can feel the shifting of Glamour in the air again, coalescing at the promise of a new Bargain.

2023-03-13, 10:43 PM
Laura tries not to flinch too much at the feel of Giuseppe's hand on her arm but will look levelly back at the Hobgoblin. 'Ok... I can give you the day.' She had assumed Giuseppe might have been willing to wait for her but being paid sooner then that was hardly unreasonable. 'It'll give me some time to buy supplies and I can leave first thing tomorrow.' For the peach perhaps she could justify the diversion to Giant.

As Giuseppe goes to get the peach. 'Getting a table at short notice. I didn't expect you to be so well connected.' She will reach out to shake his hand as she makes the bargain. 'Give me the peach and I'll have dinner with you tonight.'

2023-03-18, 05:49 PM
"Very good," Giuseppe replies excitedly. His hand wraps around Laura's, and she can feel the electric tingle of of the Wyrd binding their agreement. He hands her the peach, grinning from ear to ear. He says, "I can't wait! I really can't wait. See you tonight." He watches Rachel to depart (unless she has anything more to say), the ear to ear grin still plastered on his mustachioed face.

(OOC: Don't want to assume you are going back to Shadow... but I assume Laura is going back to Shadow with the promised goblin fruit?)

2023-03-19, 02:23 PM
'Thankyou.' Laura replies wondering what she let herself in for.

She'll go back to find Shadow.

2023-03-19, 05:06 PM
The crowd has thinned out just a little when Laura makes her way through the busy streets, back to Old Shadow's stall. The Darkling towered over the hobgoblins and changelings gathered around his shop, and as Laura approached, he turned his bald and bespectacled head her way. A wide and toothy grin spreads across Shadow's face. As Laura pushes her way to the front, he eyes the bag she is holding and says, "I see you have been busy. Would it be too presumptive of me to assume you have got a syrup melon for me?" He clasps his hands together with anticipation, his smile somehow finding space across his cheeks to grow even larger.

2023-03-20, 11:28 PM
'Easy enough.' Laura will retrieve the melon from her bag with a smile and hand it over. 'Hair I'm happy to give up. The dinner I agreed to go on with Giuseppe later might be another matter, but I'll deal with that tonight.'

2023-03-26, 01:12 PM
Old Shadow takes the melon from Laura, grinning at her. He doesn't even bother to inspect the fruit, simply reaching down to store it on some shelf under the stall. "Thank you Laura," he says beaming. He chuckles at the comment about the promised dinner date and replies with a chuckle, "You promised Giuseppe a date, did you? Oh my, I knew that hob was a hopeless romantic, but I didn't know he was going after Changelings now." He shakes his head and pats Laura on the shoulder in a fatherly sort of gesture. The grin slightly faded he says, "I hope it won't be too much of a problem. I'm sure Giuseppe is harmless... but please do be on your guard."

Finally, Old Shadow will nod his head and say, "Very well. I am sure you are ready for me to hold up my end of the deal. Just one second." He reaches down under the stall again to retrieve a sign made of a plank of wood and string. Painted on the sign reads "Out on business. Be back soon!" in a chicken-scratch of brush strokes.

A number of gathered Hobgoblin and Changeling alike voice their complaints, but Old Shadow waves them away a grin and some mumbled cheery promises. He leads Laura across the market street, passing from oppressive bright sunlight into the cool shade of an alley, created by the space between a bakery and an ancient looking bookshop. Old Shadow ignores the smell of garbage as he shuffles over to a door which presumably leads into the back of the bake shop. He sighs, as he reaches for the door handle, and again Laura can feel the gathering electric buzz of glamour. The door opens with a creak as Shadow announces, "I would like to introduce you to an old acquaintance of mine; a master of tracking and disguise." The smell of river water pours forth from entrance.

Standing in the doorway on hind-legs is a hobgoblin in the shape of a humanoid turtle, of about three feet in height. The crown of its head is intendent like a shallow bowl, and filled what Laura immediately assumes is rain water. But to Laura's bemusement, the creature is dressed in the black robes of an action movie Ninja. The hobgoblin gives a short bow, careful not to spill any of the water from its crown and says, "Leonardo at your service," in an accent that reminds Laura of the Nintendo Mario.

2023-03-28, 07:25 PM
Old Shadow takes the melon from Laura, grinning at her. He doesn't even bother to inspect the fruit, simply reaching down to store it on some shelf under the stall. "Thank you Laura," he says beaming. He chuckles at the comment about the promised dinner date and replies with a chuckle, "You promised Giuseppe a date, did you? Oh my, I knew that hob was a hopeless romantic, but I didn't know he was going after Changelings now." He shakes his head and pats Laura on the shoulder in a fatherly sort of gesture. The grin slightly faded he says, "I hope it won't be too much of a problem. I'm sure Giuseppe is harmless... but please do be on your guard."

'Meaning I'm the first he's tried that with? Should I take that as a compliment?'

Standing in the doorway on hind-legs is a hobgoblin in the shape of a humanoid turtle, of about three feet in height. The crown of its head is intendent like a shallow bowl, and filled what Laura immediately assumes is rain water. But to Laura's bemusement, the creature is dressed in the black robes of an action movie Ninja. The hobgoblin gives a short bow, careful not to spill any of the water from its crown and says, "Leonardo at your service," in an accent that reminds Laura of the Nintendo Mario.

Laura is too used to the Tumbledown by now to react to a turtle with an Italian accent. Perhaps he had literally picked up the accent from Nintendo. But the outfit did give her pause. 'Good to meet you Leonardo. How sneaky are you anyway?'

2023-04-01, 03:16 PM
Old Shadow chuckles at the questions and says, "Oh, I'm sure you're not the first. But take the compliment anyways."

Leonardo rises from its bow to stare up at Laura with its round reptile eyes. It's lipless mouth curls up into a smile, and it replies, "I am no assassin, but if you need someone watched, if you need something stolen, then I'm your Hob!" The ninja turns its attention to Shadow and says, "You need me to do something for her?" before turning back to Laura and asking, "how can I help?"

2023-04-04, 07:04 AM
'Yeah I wouldn't ask you to do anything you don't want to do. If I did I might as well have done it myself.' Laura will launch into an explanation. 'There's a trader named Snigglebutt in the Tumbledown who is paying too much attention to a mortal that's important to me. I think there's a decent chance that he might just decide to take her when my back is turned. I don't have the time to deal with him now but I'd like someone to keep an eye on him while I'm away. If he does try something it would be better to know exactly where the both of them are.'

2023-04-09, 07:00 PM
"It will be a pleasure to serve you my lady," the frog man says, bowing again and not spilling a drop. As he comes up from his bow, Leonardo says, "You can count on me to keep an eye on this Snigglebutt. He will have no idea I am there. I will be like his shadow." Then a thought appears to occur to the hobgoblin. It raises a finger and adds, "How shall I reach you my lady?"

2023-04-15, 06:43 PM
"How shall I reach you my lady?"

'You have a phone?' Laura asked with honest curiosity. 'Otherwise do you know Mary's in New Orleans?'

2023-04-17, 08:53 PM
Leonardo chuckles and replies, "Of course I have a cellphone." He reaches into his ninja costume and retrieves the newest model iPhone. His lipless turtle mouth pulls back into the facsimile of a smile, before offering Laura his number. "I'll be off," the hobgoblin says merrily, bowing one more time, before bending down into a deep squat and jumping. Like in a Japanese anime, Leonardo's jump volts him high into the sky, where he lands on the roof of the building, disappearing from view.

Old Shadow stands smiling at Laura. "I hope this has been helpful my dear," he says proudly.

2023-05-07, 07:53 PM
Laura will gratefully hand over her number to Leonardo before watching him leave. To Shadow, 'He's very handy to have around isn't he.' On the second point, 'If you say he's trustworthy that's good enough for me. Thanks Shadow. Let me know if I can ever return the favour.'

Assuming that there was nothing else, Laura will accompany Shadow back to his stall before finding somewhere more private where she could call to check in with Giant.

2023-05-13, 04:31 PM
Old Shadow chuckles and shakes his head. "You just payed for this favor," he says with a toothy smile. Once back at his stall, he gives Laura a coy wink before getting back to his work, instantly charming the gathered customers with a warm greeting.

A few minutes later, Laura has found a more quiet corner of The Market and is calling Giant. It is still rather noisy despite her distance from the throng, and the reception on this side of reality was never too reliable, causing the audio to drift in and out. Occasionally, the cell picks up a stray laugh or the sound of bells, like an old hand-radio going between stations. Giant's smokey voice sounds half underwater. "Oh hey," he says eagerly, "you already find something?" Or at least, that's what it sounds like he's said.

2023-05-14, 07:42 PM
Laura grinned back at Shadow, 'Yeah, and if all this pans out maybe I'll do something for you out of the kindness of my heart.'

When she's alone she'll find somewhere to sit down. 'Maybe.' Whenever Laura has made a call like this she has to wonder if anyone else might be listening. 'I don't know if our friend took Sarah but he's definately taking people. He seems way too interested in a friend of mine too.'

2023-05-15, 08:23 AM
There is a pause, but when Giant tries to speak up his voice is drowned out by the raucous clamber of a passing brass band in The Market, and he is forced to repeat himself. Once audible, he says loudly, "So what are we gonna do next?"

2023-05-21, 02:58 PM
There is a pause, but when Giant tries to speak up his voice is drowned out by the raucous clamber of a passing brass band in The Market, and he is forced to repeat himself. Once audible, he says loudly, "So what are we gonna do next?"

Laura will try to speak up in turn. 'Got to prepare for a trip into the Hedge. I've picked something up that might make things a little easier but we need the basics as well. I take it you remember something of what it was like coming through the first time?' From what Laura had heard not everyone did. 'Maybe I can get you a horse?' She was uncertain if even the Tumbledown had a horse large enough to carry Giant.

I'm assuming that going into the Hedge is something like preparing for a camping trip except there's a lot of things you can never actually prepare for. Let me know if it's worth an Int + Occult + Hedge Lore specialisation roll to see if I'm wrong. Maybe there's something I'm forgetting. Otherwise I'd expect we need things like a tent and water bottles.

Laura has Fae Mount so I should take her horse with her.

2023-05-25, 07:23 PM
"I do," Giant replies resolutely to the question, adding, "and I've been back again. I may not be a famed Hedge wanderer like you, but I can hold my own." He chuckles at the mention of the horse, his deep voice booming like thunder rolling through a canyon (despite the terrible connection). "Will we need to make haste then?" he asks eagerly. There is a desperation in Giant's voice. Of course there is. He is after something he loves! "Tell me," he repeats, "what is it you are planning Laura?" Somewhere on the other side of the line is the distant sound of what might me a stray cat hissing, though Laura can't tell if its coming from Giant's side.

2023-05-26, 02:36 PM
'Famed is pushing it. I just lasted longer then most out there.' Other then in the broadest sense it was hard to believe that anyone was capable of being truely knowledgable about the Hedge. 'I really just need something to find the trail of whoever took Sarah. You know what a Faerie Peach is?'

2023-05-28, 03:14 PM
Laura knows enough to surmise they probably won't be traveling for more than a few hours. Basic gear should be enough; good boots, maybe some rope, a flashlight and the like. You could never predict what you'd run into in the Hedge, but part of the fun was figuring it out on the fly! I don't think a roll is really necessary here.

There is a pause on the other line, and Laura can almost imaging the man's eyes going wide with amazement. "Of course I have. How much did you have to pay for one of those?"

2023-05-28, 06:27 PM
'Not much, but I'm having dinner with the guy I got it from tonight.' Laura replies sounding amused. 'Normally I'd try not to waste any time on those sorts of deals but I'd say this is important. I'm hoping that the peach will get us started in picking up Sarah's trail.'

2023-05-29, 02:27 PM
"Well, hope it's not roofied... or cursed," Giant says in an off-handed way that is meant to be funny, but probably just comes off as incredibly insensitive, all things considered. He pauses for a moment then says, "Well, if we have to be back by night, we should probably head out soon. Where and when should I meet you?" though the "you" is drowned out by the sudden clanging of a church bell that rings five times, each gong growing more and more distorted.

2023-05-29, 09:32 PM
'And go back on his side of the deal? He'd know better.' As far as Laura understood it a bargain was supposed to have weight behind it. 'The Sans Merci is fairly close. How soon can you meet me?'

2023-05-31, 01:42 PM
"Eh, give me a half hour, and I can be at the French Market," Giant replies, "just let me know where you want me to meet you. And uh, let me know if there's anything you want me to bring."

2023-06-02, 02:12 PM
'You'll want the sort of things you'll miss for not having them. Decent boots if you got them and a flashlight should be enough. Maybe spare batteries just in case. I'll see if I can find us some rope but if we need anything more complicated we can always come back here for supplies.'

2023-06-04, 01:48 PM
"Can do," Giant says, adding "see ya soon," before hanging up.

Thirty minutes later, Giant's arrived at the French Market. His massive tree legs are stuffed into a pair of hard-worn blue jeans, rolled up around a pair of hiking boots. Ironically, Giant's got a red and black checked flannel overshirt on, making the Changeling appear half-tree, and half-lumberjack. To boot, strapped onto his faded yellow Jansport is a well used woodchopping hatchet. It's dark metal head is slick with a layer of blade oil. He's got a stern expression on his face, and he keeps opening and closing his hands in a way that belies his anxious eagerness. "I'm ready when you are," his voice booms over the sound of the market.

There were many paths that led out of The French Market and onto various trods that wound through The Hedge. Of course, Laura knew all the best ones.

So let's start with a Hedge Navigation roll. For review in case necessary, this counts as a Chase with Laura and Giant rolling against The Hedge itself. I will have Giant act as an assistant to Laura for the purposes of this Chase. Our first roll will be Wits + Survival, of course + whatever successes Giant gets. The goal successes is 8 -1 for wyrd, +1 for mild time limit= 8 successes goal.

Giant's assist roll [roll0]

The Hedge's pool is 5-2+2 [roll1]

Edit: So Giant offers no additional dice, and the Hedge gets 1 success

2023-06-08, 11:00 AM
Laura had dressed lightly when she had left her apartment this morning but she has her rucksack with her. Since returning to New Orleans and joining the Court of Barter she has become practiced at carrying a bag full of small items that she could use to trade for whatever she might need at short notice. In this case she'll exchange a battered first edition copy of 'IT', a necklace and a couple of DVDs for some non perishable food, a water bottle and some rope. Everything else she carried on her at all times by habit.

She's dressed in jeans and a Saints t-shirt worn under a dark green jacket and the scabbard containing her sword. The original boots that she had worn in the Hedge had long since fallen apart but she has picked up replacements that she tends to wear most of the time anyway.

2023-06-09, 09:04 AM
The two set off their journey, stepping out from the ever growing goblin market, and out onto a rather desolate strip of "land". As the two follow the main trod, the terrain quickly changes from that of desolate urban decay to rolling hills of marshy forest. The remnants of Katrina's storm have still left large sections of The Hedge flooded, and it was not uncommon for a trod to simply end at a newly formed lake of unimaginable expanse. Laura new most of those trods and thus avoided them, picking her way through crossroads and forks to the best of her ability; Giant offering almost no help.

However, within less than a half hour of navigating, The Hedge already seemed to be closing in on them. The trod Laura had chosen was narrowing, its borders surrounded by patches of unfriendly brush and the occasional section of thorny vines. Trees like cypresses and willows loomed over the path, darkening the area, and making it hard to find the sources of the occasional chittering creature or far away footfalls.

Laura had been in far worse sections of the Hedge, but this didn't seem to be where she was trying to lead them. And Giant could tell something was up. He remained silent, perhaps polite enough not to question Laura's prowess.

(OOC: Let's have a Resolve + Survival roll her. Note that Laura gains one additional dice from Giant this round... see OOC thread)

2023-06-09, 07:03 PM
'Something's different.' Laura was annoyed with herself but this sort of thing couldn't be helped. From habit she'll slow her breathing and try to listen to the sounds of the Hedge. Sometimes it was possible to anticipate what it was going to do before it did it. She just had to go to wherever it was quieter. Of course that didn't always work.

Going to throw a second willpower at this because there's a chance I'll get some back for Protector and Family

Resolve 2 + Survival 2 + Giant 1 + Willpower 3
Any 10s

2023-06-17, 08:05 PM
As Laura leads on the path slowly starts to clear. The trod grows wider, and the clods of Hedge thorn grow more sparse and farther away from the path. The trail leads away from the marshes but instead starts to follow a steep hill, up and up and up. The air starts to thin, and your legs start to burn and grow heavy. The winds pick up, howling and ripping through your clothes.

(OOC: Next, lets do a Stamina + Str)

2023-06-17, 10:44 PM
Laura will put her head down and concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. As long as she kept on her feet she could get through everything eventually.

Str 3 + Stam 3
Any 10s

2023-06-19, 11:00 AM
The path starts a slow and steady winding up through the hills, forking repeatedly. But every time Laura thinks she's recognized the way, and picks a path, things seem to worsen. After another twenty minutes or so, she and Giant find themselves following a thinning trail that transitions to mud and loose stones. The Hedge vines begin to creep in closer, and as if on command the sky starts to darken. The winds pick up, howling and creating a din so hard that the two Changelings have to practically scream to be heard.

Giant refuses to complain or question Laura's choices as the two carry on and up, but his expression betrays his growing concern. Soon enough the two are traveling by flashlight under a starless sky. Checking one's watch shows the hands moving in unison backwards, and checking one's phone just shows four crying emojis where the digital time would normally be shown. Even by flashlight, the path is treacherous, with ground giving way to muddy holes that sink halfway up the calf and fill one's boots with cold water. Loose stones give out from under the foot, attempting to take the Changelings over or at the very least force a rolled ankle. Finally Laura is brought to a knee by the terrain, and silently Giant just walks past her, an agitated expression on his face. He doesn't wait to see if she is okay, nor check with her about how much further, instead gripping his backpack with both hands squeezing tight, eyes focused forward.

One moment, Laura's flashlight catches a glimpse of Giant ahead as she struggles back to her feet, and the next he suddenly screams, his voice ahead of her maybe five yards. But when Laura brings her flashlight around again, he's gone. Instead, it falls upon two pairs of red eyes, revealing two twisted hideous faces with pug noses and prominent under-tusks. "Got un," one Hill Ogre says to the next as they stand on the path before a pitfall trap. Their eyes fixate on Laura and ugly grins spread across both of their faces.

Immediately Laura is seized with terror and guilt. Giant had trusted her to navigate him to safety, and now they were both in mortal danger, and he was trapped in a pit built by flesh eating Ogres!

(OOC: Okay, so the Changelings have lost their navigation roll to The Hedge, and now find themselves in a bit of danger. As a result we are in a somewhat dangerous encounter, though I think there should be several ways of resolving this. However, this will result in Laura taking some clarity damage as a Fairest she takes damage every time she lets someone down and puts them in harm's way)

2023-06-22, 10:48 PM
How could this have gone so wrong so quickly? Laura had to wonder if something about the Hedge had it in for one or both of them. Perhaps the weather had left her too distracted to notice the obvious trap. Perhaps she was just out of practice. Perhaps she had already missed something important out here.

The sight of the Ogres wasn't exactly helping. It was too familar. Laura was pretty sure had been involved with massed hunts of such creatures back on the other side. Back then it wasn't just her hunting them. There had been horses and dogs and backup to assist her in bringing them down. Could she be absolutely certain she wasn't still back there? Best deal with the Ogres in front of you first. Giant's counting on you.

Even as Laura takes a few moments to panic internally she'll reach over her shoulder and draw the heavy sword from it's scabbard before holding it at rest in front of her. With a confidence she doesn't really feel she'll call out, 'What is the meaning of this?' As before it wasn't about how she fealt inside it was about how she presented herself. Do it properly and the universe would help her out. Surely she was owed a bit of good luck at some point.

Attempting Mask of Superiority again for 1 Glamour

Presence 3 + Subterfuge 1 + Wyrd 1
Any 10s

2023-06-24, 03:05 PM
The two ogres suddenly stumble back, their glowing eyes going wide. The first hill ogre, whose skin was sickly green and hued with yellows, stomps its feet and says, "Oy. We's just huntin'. Got ourselves a nice lil' changelin'. Lots o' bark, but the flesh is still likely soft. But we ain't sharin'. We caughts it fair an' square."

The second hill ogre nods its head, recovering from the shock of seeing another hill ogre it didn't expect. It crosses its gangly arms and adds, "Yeah, fair an' square." This one's skin was ice blue, run through with purplish veins.

(OOC: Three successes. The hill ogres assume that Laura is part of an "organization they belong to", in this case, another hill ogre)

2023-07-01, 09:54 PM
Laura will hunch herself over and pitch her voice lower in a bid to help keep the illusion going. She didn't look like an Ogre but who was she to argue with Wyrd. 'You lads ever try to eat a tree before? How do you know it isn't bark all the way down?' She'll get a little closer. 'But you can't eat him anyway. I need him for something for the boss.'

2023-07-02, 12:43 PM
The green ogre shakes its head in surprise at Laura's explanation, muttering, "Makes sense." But the second eyes her suspiciously, heavy brow furrowing. "What you mean, the boss?" the blue one asks, raising a long fingered hand to scratch at its chin.

Despite herself, Laura can hear Giant down in the pit, breathing heavily though he's smart enough not to call out while Laura tries to help.

2023-07-06, 07:26 PM
The green ogre shakes its head in surprise at Laura's explanation, muttering, "Makes sense." But the second eyes her suspiciously, heavy brow furrowing. "What you mean, the boss?" the blue one asks, raising a long fingered hand to scratch at its chin.

Despite herself, Laura can hear Giant down in the pit, breathing heavily though he's smart enough not to call out while Laura tries to help.

'You lads never been to Arcadia? One of them doesn't give their real name out to the likes of us. But you know they get very upset with people who get in their way.' Even here she'll avoid naming her Keeper. With any luck the Ogres would get the point.

Laura will continue to get closer in the hope of taking advantage of any confusion she might be able to cause. 'Don't think a meal is worth the trouble you'll be into with the boss for touching his stuff.'

2023-07-08, 07:14 PM
"You... you serve the Gentry," the blue one asks, eyes going wide with surprise and perhaps fear, the last word whispered in hushed voice. It steps back from Laura at the thought, but doesn't run or react to her trying to come closer. The green one looks from Laura to its companion, then back to the Changeling. "The Gentry," it asks, clearly very slow to come to the realization that its friend did. The green one doesn't step back at all, too busy overclocking its brain to follow along in the conversation, allowing Laura to get as close as she needs.

2023-07-13, 09:39 PM
The idea of even pretending to be a servant of the gentry was unpleasant, but Laura would prefer not to fight these too either if she could possibly avoid it. 'What you might want to think about is what I might be capable of doing if I was.' Laura will look the blue Ogre in the eye and smile. 'Now, do you want to help him out of the hole?'

Wasn't sure which outcome should be most unpleasant for her here, so let's try Intimidate first

Presence 3 + Intimidation 2
Any 10s

See ooc with 2 successes

2023-07-18, 05:17 PM
"Oh, uh, sure," Blue replies with a stammer. As it does, it's companion releases a slow "Ooooh". The blue ogre carefully steps back towards the hole, its eyes wide as they dart back and forth between the trap and Laura. It reaches into the hole with a massive hand, and Giant's voice carries up the hole with a grunt when its hand reach about the Changeling's torso. The ogre lifts Giant up and out of the trap, placing him on the ground across the hole from Laura, offering a half hearted "sorry".

Blue then takes a step behind Green, who is still putting some of the pieces together, and then asks, "Is... is there anything else we can do for you, or your Lord?"

In the meantime, Giant is brushing mud and dried leaves off of his clothing, eyes darting back and forth from the terrified ogres to over to Laura with relief and gratitude on his face.

2023-07-21, 07:59 PM
Laura will keep a close watch on the two Ogres until Giant was out of the pit. That's it. Don't get in my way. I'm way more scary then you. She'll avoid meeting Giant's eye while the Ogres were still here.

On needing any help, 'Not unless you can do something about this weather. My patience for it only goes so far.' Then a thought strikes her, 'And I'm always looking for mortals or anyone that might be travelling with them.'

2023-07-22, 04:01 PM
"Oh, mortals?" Blue stammers out in reply. The ogre raises a massive hand behind its bald leathery head to rub its scalp nervously. Flakes of icy blue dandruff rain down on its shoulders, adding timidly, "oh we haven't seen any mortals."

Green looks confusedly at its companion, its face scrunching up into a mess wrinkles and interrupts, "What are you talking about Tibbert? What about the one we ate..."

Blue reaches out and strikes Green, silencing the hill ogre with a forehanded fist. The impact actually makes the ground quake a little. "Shut up Gil," Blue shrieks.

2023-07-24, 07:42 PM
'And just who did you eat?' Laura didn't really want to know the details but felt obliged to check.

2023-07-26, 11:50 AM
Gil the green one looks at its companion, and whimpers. It gives Laura an apologetic shrug but says nothing. Tibbert, who was blue, scowls at the other Ogre before turning to the Changeling. "Who knows. We normally don't get to know our food before we eats it," Tibbert says defiantly. With a lick of pride though, it adds, "Pink one was stupid enough to fall into our trap... just like your tree friend here."

Giant shudders and glares at the hobgoblins but says nothing, instead reaching over and giving Laura's shoulder a squeeze. Under his breath he says, "Let's hurry up. I wanna get out of here."

2023-07-28, 10:27 AM
'Next time we'll be sure to look where we're going.' Laura replies drily 'But I would say you should tell me where the rest of your traps are, just in case. If I have to pull someone out of a another hole I will be very unhappy with both of you.'

Laura will put her hand on Giant's without taking her eyes off the Ogres. She'll respond equally quietly. 'Agreed.'

Assuming she gets directions she'll lead Giant away from the Ogres.

2023-07-28, 11:34 AM
"Other traps," asks Gil with impressed surprise, as if the thought had never occurred to them.

Tibbert gives its companion a glare, "This is our only trap." It pauses to stare curiously at Giant. Clicking its tongue against its tusks Tibbert adds, "You and your companion should be safe from here, assuming you stick to the raod."

2023-07-28, 08:28 PM
Laura's eyes flicked towards the pit for any obvious sign of human remains. Whoever it had been they couldn't do anything about it now. Better proceed as if it wasn't Sarah unless they had a reason to know better. To the Ogres, 'Then I'll leave you to get on with it, but if I were you I'd be careful about who I try to eat in the future.'

To Giant, 'Let's get out of here.' And assuming they managed to get out of earshot, 'I don't know if they definately bought it.'

2023-08-04, 06:01 PM
Laura's eyes flicked towards the pit for any obvious sign of human remains. Whoever it had been they couldn't do anything about it now. Better proceed as if it wasn't Sarah unless they had a reason to know better.

From here it's too dark down in the pit for Laura to see any remains, assuming there were any left in the trap. When Laura offers her fair wells, the two Hill Ogres each give awkward bows. Tibbert manages to mutter, "Uh, best wishes to ya' boss then." The two ogres step back to let Laura and her companion by.

Giant nods to Laura's suggestion and follows her back down the trail. He remains wordless, though he rubs intermittently at one of his shoulders. Soon enough, the trail is leading downhill, and as it does, sunlight begins to return. The trod leads down and down. Another twenty minutes of treading carefully downhill, and the pair are in a meadow of dried yellow grasses and bright purple flowers. The sun is shining, and the air is filled with the buzz of large fuzzy bumble bees. Low willow like trees dot the field here and there... but in the distance, maybe a hundred yards off, under one of the trees, appears to be a scattering of human clothing. It is easy enough to see for miles in every direction, given how flat it has become, and there are no signs of other changelings or hobgoblins. Could this be the sign of Sarah that they had been looking for in the Hedge?

2023-08-06, 01:39 PM
While walking away Laura is alert to any sign that they were being followed. As soon as they were out of earshot Laura will talk to Giant openly. 'Sorry about that. The thing about this place is all you need is to be unlucky once and you could be in a lot of trouble. You alright?'

In the meadow she'll go take a closer look at the clothes and see if she could find anything to identify the owner. 'Giant, you recognise these?'

2023-08-06, 04:42 PM
While walking away Laura is alert to any sign that they were being followed. As soon as they were out of earshot Laura will talk to Giant openly. 'Sorry about that. The thing about this place is all you need is to be unlucky once and you could be in a lot of trouble. You alright?'

When Laura finally speaks up, Giant stops walking, forcing her to turn around and face him. The man's eyes are hard and distant as he stares at Laura. After a long moment he will reply, "I'm okay. I just... I just want to find my sister, that's all." He reflexively brings an arm up to rub his shoulder. "Laura, promise me we will find her," he says as his voice begins to faulter, "or promise me we will be okay."

In the meadow she'll go take a closer look at the clothes and see if she could find anything to identify the owner. 'Giant, you recognise these?'

Giant follows, approaching the pile of clothing in the field. Strewn about in the yellow grass are an odd assortment of clothing; a forest green military style jacket, a single long knitted sock with cats on it, and a pair of blue converse. Giant's branches all sag as he stares down at the clothing, his big blue eyes searching over the scattering. "It's hers," he gasps, bringing massive arms up to the side of his towering head, "but where is she, and what happened to her?"

2023-08-08, 08:39 PM
When Laura finally speaks up, Giant stops walking, forcing her to turn around and face him. The man's eyes are hard and distant as he stares at Laura. After a long moment he will reply, "I'm okay. I just... I just want to find my sister, that's all." He reflexively brings an arm up to rub his shoulder. "Laura, promise me we will find her," he says as his voice begins to faulter, "or promise me we will be okay."

Laura isn't going to lie to him. 'Giant...I promise I'll do all I can...but you know what they're like.' The admission made her feel worse. What if they couldn't find anything? What if Sarah was merely gone? Or could they follow her to Arcadia. Aloud Laura will only say, 'We'll take it one step at a time.'

Giant follows, approaching the pile of clothing in the field. Strewn about in the yellow grass are an odd assortment of clothing; a forest green military style jacket, a single long knitted sock with cats on it, and a pair of blue converse. Giant's branches all sag as he stares down at the clothing, his big blue eyes searching over the scattering. "It's hers," he gasps, bringing massive arms up to the side of his towering head, "but where is she, and what happened to her?"

Laura can think of multiple explanations why Sarah might have been forced to leave her clothes behind. None of them were good. She'll take a closer look at the site to see if she could see tracks or anything else of note.

Wits 3 + Composure 3
Any 10s

2023-08-09, 02:06 PM
Laura isn't going to lie to him. 'Giant...I promise I'll do all I can...but you know what they're like.' The admission made her feel worse. What if they couldn't find anything? What if Sarah was merely gone? Or could they follow her to Arcadia. Aloud Laura will only say, 'We'll take it one step at a time.'

Giant remains there silent for a long moment, towering over Laura. Finally he nods his head slightly, long branches creaking with the motion, and says, "Yeah. Okay, one step at a time. I just... I just hope Sarah is okay.

************************************************** **********

(OOC: 4 successes)

The more Laura studies the scene, the more she is convinced that there was some sort of struggle and chase involved. Two pairs of footprints appear to lead up to the area with all the clothing. There is a pair of human shoe prints, which appear to match Sarah's, but the second trail looks to be that of a massive dog's feet. In areas the tracks appear to show bipedal walking and in others quadripedal, as if the creature was alternating between upright and all-fours during the chase. Even more concerning is that every here and there is a single or couple of green scales or fur, which reminds Laura immediately of Snigglebutt.

But Laura's investigation is cut short, when nearby Giant falls to his knees, the noise like the impact of a falling tree. "Oh god no," he cries, head bowed down at the ground, "Oh no!" When Laura comes over, he raises a hand wrapped around what appears to be a small hand shovel or maybe a spade. The item appears meticulously hand crafted, the metal blade reflecting an almost mirror finish that would only be possible as an item of the True Fae.

2023-08-11, 08:20 PM
Back in the world Laura would have expected there to be tracks going away from the pile of clothes, but here who could tell. Things didn't always work the same way and there was no garuntee that everyone passing through the Hedge always kept the same shape. At least, as far as Laura could make out, the tracks of a human and the tracks of the creature didn't seem to be one and the same. If there were no tracks leading away from the site, she'll take a look at the clothes themselves for any sign of blood or of them having been ripped. If Sarah had become something else at least there was a chance that she was still alive.

While she was doing all that she can't help but mutter angrily to herself about the likelihood that Snigglebutt might have been here for whatever had happened and what she ought to have done to him. 'Little ****. Should have dragged him along with us.'She had seen Lord of the Rings, and it was hard not to remember the Warg scene. Perhaps the Hob had a mount. She had never killed anyone since she returned to New Orleans, but perhaps she should make an exception.

Laura will regard the Fae spade as if it was a poisonous snake. 'Giant...I'm..' What could she say to that? I'm sorry? How would that help. 'It doesn't mean one of Them was actually here. Someone might have had it with them. This isn't over.' Laura will look around for any sign that anything had been dug up.

So Faerie Peaches are supposed to show up when a Fae has been through an area a lot. Are there any other ways of knowing whether a Fae has been through here or should I roll?

2023-08-15, 01:37 PM
The most obvious tracks were the ones leading up to the clothes. The pad and shoe prints were pushed deep into the dirt, possibly indicating running such as in a chase. But there was possibly less obvious foot prints leading away from the scene, if Laura were to look a little harder.

(OOC: Requires a Wits + Survival)

Giant seems almost deaf to Laura's words, though he shakes his head in a small gesture of non-acceptance. Instead he raises a fist up into the air, gnarled bark fingers knotted into a tangled ball the size of Laura's head, and thrusts it with a dull thump into the earth beside the pile of clothes. The blow flattens the yellowed grass below it and indents the dirt, creating a small crater. When he looks up, his big blue eyes are all water, and there are stains along the bark of his cheeks, where tears have begun streaming. He shakes his head again, but this time finally replies, "Over? They got her. They got her Laura! If they've taken her through the thorns, they've already got her, and changed her, and enslaved her! What do you mean its not over?" The question is thrown out with spite. The same fist that had flattened the earth rushes to the ground to clasp the impossibly perfect spade. "Look at this," Giant growls, "this is Fae made! And I know who it belongs to. The Bristle Crowned Gardener was my master too! They did this... they did this out of spite, or maybe to get me back!"

(OOC: I would suggest a Kenning roll would work here to detect magic and prior fae presence. Per the rules, if you wanted, you would spend a WP, and then I would roll d10 equal to your clarity in secret... only possible if less than half your clarity boxes have damage.)

2023-08-21, 09:13 PM
'I don't accept that.' Laura replied almost snapping out the words. It wasn't Giant she was angry at though. 'If I did I would have never have left Arcadia. It's not over while she's still alive' She'll fish the faerie peach out of her jacket pocket. 'Maybe I should see if this works as advertised for starters.'

2023-08-22, 10:51 AM
To activate a Kenning roll, Laura spends a WP, bringing her down to 2/5. However, I did kind of lie to you, as I'm supposed to roll secretly for your Kenning roll. However, however, after reading your reply, I was going to ask for a Presence + Expression/Persuasion roll to see if Laura could snap Giant out of it. So I'm going to use the roll for that instead. I rolled separately for you Kenning. See below

'I don't accept that.' Laura replied almost snapping out the words. It wasn't Giant she was angry at though. 'If I did I would have never have left Arcadia. It's not over while she's still alive' She'll fish the faerie peach out of her jacket pocket

Giant's eyes go wide as if Laura had just reached out and slapped him. He stares down at her, mouth agape. His fists open and close three times before Giant finally speaks. "Alright," the massive tree says with a nod of his head, "maybe you are right and it isn't time to give up then. But... but what do you propose we do then?" He looks down at the goblin fruit, perfectly round and pink in Laura's hand. Pointing at the peach he says, "You aren't proposing we go into Arcadia now, are you?"

The peach is warm in Laura's hand, like it were almost a living moving thing. It's flesh is soft but firm, and for a moment Laura's mouth begins to water as the idea of taking a bite invades her thoughts.

Before she replies, Laura performs a quick Kenning. (OOC: I am going to let you describe exactly what/how Laura does this). Her eyes are drawn to the small and perfect hand-spade. Through her vision, Laura sees that indeed the object was from Arcadia. The handle was not made of wood, nor the head of steel or any other sort of metal. The entirety of the shovel was made of the same magic stuff that all things in Arcadia were made of; it was a homogenous mass of Faerie magic shaped like a shovel.

But as Laura looked closer, she saw that drawn from the base of the shovel was a long thread of magic that trailed off across the field. The Kenning revealed something like a web, or maybe a chain. When Laura followed the glowing thread with her eyes, away from this scene and across the grasses, she saw that continued and disappeared into a distant bramble of thorns.

2023-08-24, 08:14 PM
Giant's eyes go wide as if Laura had just reached out and slapped him. He stares down at her, mouth agape. His fists open and close three times before Giant finally speaks. "Alright," the massive tree says with a nod of his head, "maybe you are right and it isn't time to give up then. But... but what do you propose we do then?" He looks down at the goblin fruit, perfectly round and pink in Laura's hand. Pointing at the peach he says, "You aren't proposing we go into Arcadia now, are you?"

'If it comes to it.' Laura replies after a moment. She wondered if she could have avoided this if she had moved quicker. 'But in that case I might want to ask around a bit first. There's no point in even trying if it just gets more people stuck there. For now we follow the trail and see where it takes us.' Had any of the Lost ever been back to Arcadia on purpose? Even the idea felt like sneaking into Mordor. But, even now, the hope was that that wouldn't be necessary and they could catch up to Sarah first.

Laura will fish out a small pouch from her bag that she had carried since her original time in the Hedge. The bag was a lot less full then it used to be, but what was inside it still seemed to work for all that she had no idea why. Inside was a pound or so of yellow flecks that she had been told were actual gold. Maybe it would.have been worth something back in the world if she cared about that anymore. Laura will sprinkle some of that on the spade and nod in satisfaction as the gold dust seemed to respond to the presence of magic in the air. A thin chain of dust will spread out and direct her towards the tangle of thorns. The dust was barely visible but there was more then enough light here that she could make out the faint glitter in the air.

Thorns is kind of suggestive. Which raises the question of whether they would be able to recognise a border to Arcadia when they saw it?

2023-08-24, 10:10 PM
Giant doesn't say anything in reply. What was there to say? But he watches her sprinkle the gold dust out with growing concern, especially when she gestures to the thorns. "What, what are you doing? Do you see something?" he asks. But Laura can see in his eyes that he knows exactly what she is doing, and what she is seeing.

Yes, those types of thorns, so yes, a border towards Arcadia

2023-08-27, 06:40 PM
Giant doesn't say anything in reply. What was there to say? But he watches her sprinkle the gold dust out with growing concern, especially when she gestures to the thorns. "What, what are you doing? Do you see something?" he asks. But Laura can see in his eyes that he knows exactly what she is doing, and what she is seeing.

Laura's face visibly fell at the sight of the thorns. 'There's a trail. Can you see it. Whoever was here left through there.' She'll point towards the cluster of thorns before turning back towards Giant. 'I meant what I said before. Maybe we could share this peach. I don't want to bring anyone with me but I don't want to leave you here alone either.'

This is me wondering if even trying this now is a terrible idea. On the other hand it does say that the Peach lets you travel the thorns as if they were the Hedge.

2023-08-28, 06:07 PM
"Through... through the thorns," the words stutter and stumble out of Giant's mouth. His eyes go wide as he follows Laura's gesture towards the tangle of barbed vines, which seem to shift or almost writhe like a tangle of snakes or tentacles. He shakes his head violently side to side, and says, "You do mean it! You want to walk through the thorns, back to Arcadia!" His voice is a mix of incredulousness, fear and rage. He was almost screaming, but not at Laura, he just was no longer in control of his voice. But all this dies suddenly, the rising mania suddenly receding. Giant looks down at his feet, bowed over with shame. "For Sarah," he says in a low voice, "If it means getting her back, I'll do anything."

(OOC: I am not saying you shouldn't but this would be a very bold and possibly very dangerous maneuver. I will say if Laura is sharing the peach, I have to mitigate it's effects somehow. I could either limit it's benefit, or limit the length of time it is beneficial for. The latter seems to make the most sense, but let me know what you think)

2023-09-07, 09:48 PM
The sight of the thorns made Laura's skin crawl, but they and all they represented mostly made her angry. What would it take to burn them all down? She was silent for a moment before responding, 'Maybe someone's tried this before. I'm sure one of us has at some point, but if it worked out for them it's not like people are talking about it.' If she made it back maybe she could ask around. 'Even if it works we don't know how long it'll work for and it's not like there's a timer telling us to get the hell out. Not sure anyone living there won't be able to know us for what we are either. So if we go in it's for scouting only. I'm not going back there but it'd be a lot worse if I lose you as well.'

She'll turn back to Giant with a look of sympathy. 'You know what they say about the way that time works over there. Maybe eating the Peach will make it different for us...' That was a gigantic 'maybe'. How much time would be likely to pass for them back in New Orleans if she was wrong. '...but it won't be the same for Sarah. I'm sorry but the time to catch up to her and maybe make it easy was before she passed through there. For all I know we might only get one chance at this. Do we go now or do we go back and see if we can find out something to make sure we do it properly?' Laura wasn't sure she would be able to live with herself if she didn't offer.

Feel like I've written myself into a position that it's difficult to walk back. Changeling seems like it's about terrible things happening to people but Laura is someone who might try to mitigate them if she can. If not this I do have to ask about the social consequences for murdering Snigglebutt because I'm not sure what else to do. The flavour text for Beasts in the book suggests that that sort of thing happens ocasionally.

The time thing might be the best argument against going in now beyond it being dangerous, but I don't think that's going to stop Giant. Going to let him decide because Laura's guilty for not stopping this and because she has Protector and Family as Needle and Thread. I suppose I should ask about Wp for either especially if we're going in now.

The limiting the time the peach is effective for makes the most sense.

2023-09-09, 05:28 PM
Giant stands there frozen, his wooden face a mask of pain as he listens to Laura. When she finishes he shakes his head. "I promised myself I would never go back to The Bristle Crowned Gardener's greenhouse," he says through gritted teeth, "I fought so hard to escape... so hard." The changeling's fists open and close, the sound of branches scraping against each other. His gaze shifts from his feet up to Laura, the pain in his eyes now transformed into red hot anger, "But for my sister... I'd do anything." Giant's fists close for the last time, and Laura can hear the grating sound of his teeth grinding together as he adds, "But not now. It's probably too late for Sarah. If they have her across the thorns... if she's been taken like it sounds, then it's probably too late; she's been... changed. Like us. I don't want her to endure any more torture than necessary, but we only have one peach. So if we're gonna go back for her, we should go back with a plan, and a bigger team. I know you can do it, but I think we need more hands."

2023-09-14, 06:11 PM
The reference to the greenhouse made Laura feel vaguely sick. She had been back long enough to realise that many changelings had had worse durrances then she had. Gently, 'We made it out. So did a lot of people. They can't control us as well as they think they can.' On the Peach, 'Back home we live next to the largest markets of stuff in the whole Hedge. Whats the betting we can find another of these things.'

2023-09-15, 07:23 PM
Giant nods his head, the pain receding just slightly from his eyes. "Fair, though I can't imagine it will be cheap. Do you think you can get us back in one piece? Anything else you want to check out before we try?"

(OOC: Happy to close things out here, unless there's anything you want to do before we do)

2023-09-17, 07:15 PM
'Everything has it's price.' Laura responded. 'And for that reason I'm taking the spade back with us. Maybe we can something for it.'

Ok to move on otherwise

2023-09-22, 11:39 AM
Act 1 Scene ii

"When the moon hits your eye
Like a big pizza pie
That's amore!
-Dean Martin

"So your name's Chihiro? What a pretty name! And it belongs to me now!"
-Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi)

"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
-Alice in Wonderland

Laura had agreed to meet Giuseppe for dinner that night at a fancy restaurant in the Southern Tumbledown Market known as Belletuaxe's. How the strange little hobgoblin had managed a last-minute reservation, Laura would never know, and she had accepted the date begrudgingly as a means to obtaining her much cherished peach. Though Giuseppe had offered to pick Laura up at her home, she had thought a hobgoblin marching through the mortal streets of New Orleans might be a bad idea and had agreed to meet it at the restaurant.

When Laura arrives, Giuseppe is standing outside, the hob's short frame draped in a heavy oversized tweed jacket that might have been handsome on a human twice the size, and a pair of charcoal flannel dress pants. The hobgoblin stands in front of the restaurant, eyes nervously scanning the street for Laura. The building was painted a faded red, and its overhanging balcony shielded Giuseppe from a light humid rain. Clutched in one of Giuseppe's hands was a lavish if not beleaguered looking bouquet of flowers. When Giuseppe sees the Changeling approach, its lips curl up in a big grin, causing it's handlebar mustache to flutter. "Ah, bonjour bonjour madame," Giuseppe calls while Laura is still a quarter block a way. Laura could hear the pitter patter of the rain, and the din of customers inside the warm looking restaurant.

2023-09-24, 07:22 PM
After what has just happened Laura is in no mood for a date, especially when it was with someone that she wouldn't neccessarily have willingly chosen to have dinner with, but a deal was a deal. Since her return she had been led to understand the importance of keeping a reputation for fair dealing if only because it made it easier to deal with the inhabitants of the Tumbledown. Worse was the prospect that Wyrd might extract a cost for breaking her word. It had not happened to her yet but Laura had heard stories.

As such she's obliged to honour the spirit of the agreement and get showered and dressed up. Laura typically dresses for comfort but she has one dark blue dress that she picked up in a moment of optimism and will wear under her coat. She'll leave her sword at home but she still wears a sheathed dagger openly at her belt. She is not prepared enough to have brought an umbrella with her.

Despite herself Laura will smile at the sight of Giuseppe, who seemed to be putting in the effort. 'Hello Giuseppe. Sorry I'm running late.'

2023-09-27, 04:27 PM
"Ah, no apologies. No apologies madame!" Giuseppe replies, stepping towards Laura to push the bouquet of flowers into her hands. Spurred by chivalry, the hobgoblin removes its tweed jacket to throw over Laura's shoulders, chiding, "My dear, you are soaking wet. Come come, let's get inside where it is warm and the food is delicious." The jacket smells of raw onions, of wet wool, and sea salt. Giuseppe guides her towards the restaurant entrance, and notices the weapon on her belt. "I hope you are not planning on using that tonight," the hobgoblin says, offering a buffoonish grin that causes its mustache to curl up and around its nose.

2023-09-29, 09:12 AM
Laura will allow herself to be covered. The smell wasn't that bad. 'Oh, you've been here before have you? Is that how you managed to get a table so easily?' On her dagger, 'That's just for emergencies. Or if I need it to cut my food.' She wasn't especially worried about Giuseppe, but she had no reason to trust him either.

2023-10-02, 06:44 PM
"Oh yes, oh yes," Giuseppe says answering the question, "the head chef is an old friend of mine. I had to, uh, make a little agreement to get this reservation." The hobgoblin offers its big dopy smile before turning and opening the door and saying, "Well, shall we?"

The two are seated promptly. While Laura could imagine fancier restaurants, this was a white table cloth full service establishment. The staff were a group of red scaled kobalds, less than three feet high, and dressed in black tie uniforms. The food too was delicious. The first course was snails boiled in butter. The second a faerie berry salad and spring greens salad, and Giuseppe even ordered a roast beast for an entrée. But as the dinner went on, the magic of the evening quickly dissolved. Giuseppe soon ran out of things to talk about; charming and kind demeanor crumbling till the hobgoblin was stuttering and sweating. At one point Laura's date reached over to pour her some water and knocked the plate of roast beast all over the table, and her lap and the floor. By the end of the night, it was clear that Laura and Giuseppe would not be going on a second date.

(OOC: Will allow you to react to this, and then we will move things forward. Poor Giuseppe)

2023-10-05, 05:46 PM
Laura will take the opportunity to relax and enjoy the food. Maybe this would take her mind off things. Even if the company was perhaps not ideal it was better then the Hedge. Besides, given that Giuseppe looked like he was trying she was inclined to be nice. Or to try anyway.

After Giuseppe's accident she'll do her best to wipe the food off of her dress with a napkin. 'Giuseppe relax. You haven't been on many dates lately have you?'

Soothing Nerves
Empathy 1 + Manipulation 1
Any 10s

2023-10-06, 01:01 PM
There is something very sweet about this, and that your character is going out of her way to make a hobgoblin feel relaxed and understood, despite things not going well. I'm going to give Laura a beat just for her kindness in a world of darkness game where it usually isn't necessary or good to do so.

Laura can see that the hobgoblin is practically trembling, its head bowed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," Giuseppe says, and when the creature looks up, Laura can see its eyes are filled with tears. The hobgoblin pulls the white linen napkin from its lap and plunges it into a its water glass, before offering it to Laura. "Here, take this," Giuseppe blubbers, "it will help minimize the staining. I'm so sorry Laura. I'm so embarrassed. I know you didn't even want to go on a date with me. I'm so stupid!" Despite the hobgoblin's self-hating remarks, Giuseppe does everything it can to help Laura clean herself off, even offering to let her use its tweed coat as a blanket to hide any remaining stain. After things are a little more settled, Giuseppe will say, "You are so kind Laura, as well as beautiful. May I do something to help you? Can I offer you a favor of some sort?"

2023-10-07, 10:23 PM
'It's ok. It'll come right out.' Laura will take the wet napkin and dab at the worst of the mess. She felt bad for the guy, even as she was a little exasperated by him. She hadn't had a date like this since she was a teenager, and mortal.

Might as well be honest, where was the harm. 'Giuseppe, I had some bad news today so given the way my head is at the moment I have to say I appreciate the distraction. Not to mention the food.' The comment on her looks stung even as she knew he meant well. How much of her appearance was a product of the King in Yellow? On the favour, 'You don't owe me anything Giuseppe, but on the other hand, if you happen to hear anything about anyone trading in mortal slaves I would appreciate hearing about it.'

I'm just surprised I got a success there

2023-10-08, 06:06 PM
Giuseppe's eyebrow raises at the request, concern suddenly carved deeply into the lines of its face. "Trafficking in mortals?" the hob asks, a hand reflexively coming up to stroke the long blades of its mustache, "Is there anyone in particular you are suspecting?" The way the hobgoblin asked the question seemed to imply that it might already know Laura's answer.

2023-10-12, 08:25 PM
'That one I already know about.' Laura smiles. 'It's anyone he might be working with that I'm interested in. But if you happen to hear about something like that from anyone else ... I would like to hear about it.'

2023-10-14, 01:54 PM
The hobgoblin nods its head with grave agreement, its ears flopping up and down with the movement. "Absolutely," Giuseppe says, its voice hushed, "anything for you Ms. Laura!"

(OOC: Happy to allow this to play out further, or to move on based on what you want to do)

2023-10-22, 05:40 PM
Laura will suggest getting dessert. 'Whatever else might happen I think we should stay in touch. There's a decent chance I'm going to have to do something very dangerous soon and I'd like to be prepared.'

Sorry. Stuck working out if there was something I could get from him besides the obvious.

2023-10-26, 11:58 AM
Giuseppe dutifully requests the dessert menu, and makes a grand show of making sure to order Laura whatever she wants. The hobgoblin appears more relaxed through the rest of the dinner. As Giuseppe escorts Laura out of the restaurant, it offers a sheepish grin and says, "Thank you for a lovely evening. This might have been one of the best nights of Giuseppe's life." The three foot tall hobgoblin bows at the waist, its leathery ears flapping like bat wings, and grabs Laura's hand to plant a dutiful kiss. Rising Giuseppe adds, "I will keep my eyes out as promised." Grinning from nearly ear to ear, the hobgoblin trots away, leaving Laura under the awning.

The rain had died down at this point, but the air was filled with the scent of ozone and wet cobblestone. Dark grey clouds obscured the stars in the night's sky, and Laura left the restaurant to go find Old Shadow. This time of night, she knew his shop was likely closed in the Tumbledown Market, but that she could instead find him at Idlewild, a small hole in the wall pub off of Bourbon Street where Changelings often mingled with "normals". It wasn't a bad place to pick up a little glamour, but Old Shadow seemed to just like the anonimity, the bland beer, and the company of the bartender, Skydog.

It was about a fifteen minute walk out of the Tumbledown, and Laura used a door that took her just a block or so away from Idlewild. The long storm windows of the bar were open, and something akin to Southern Rock, or maybe an old school country was pouring onto the street from the stereos inside. From outside, Laura could see Old Shadow curled over on the far side of the bar, nursing a beer.

2023-11-09, 11:02 PM
Laura will allow her hand to be kissed with a slight smile. 'Glad to hear it Giuseppe.'

She's not really dressed for Idlewild, but needs must. There was always the chance that if she attracted too much attention some drunk would decide to bother her but at least she was with someone. She'll pull up a chair next to the other Changeling, 'Evening Shadow, you got time to talk?'

2023-11-10, 01:12 PM
Old Shadow looks up from his glass and gives Laura a big wide yellow toothed grin. "Well don't you look nice Laura," he says with a small chuckle, adding, "I hope your date went alright." He pats the bar stool next to him, inviting Laura to sit, and says, "What is it you would like to talk about?"

For a moment he glances furtively over at a group of college aged boys sitting together at a nearby makeshift table, made out of an old beer cask.

2023-11-11, 11:53 PM
On the date, 'Better then I was expecting. I thought he'd have some sort of angle but he just wanted to buy me dinner.' Laura sounded incredulous. 'It was quite sweet really.'

She'll order a beer for herself and will buy Shadow one if he was running low. 'I think I'm going to do something dangerous. So I need to be prepared.' It was easier to talk about the idea if she had something to drink. 'You've been back longer then I have, and you know people....Has anyone ever gone back into the thorns on purpose?'

2023-11-12, 06:59 PM
Shadow chuckles at Laura's description of the date. But after, he sighs and his expression becomes serious. "Just don't forget, Giuseppe is a Hobgoblin. Perhaps it will prove to be a loyal friend, but it is not a person and does not have the ability to think like one," he says with a caring sort of sternness.

Shadow accepts the drink gratefully, though with a laugh says, "I'll have to be careful though to make sure I don't stumble home." He listens intently, his expression growing ever more concerned, till his big bushy eyebrows are practically riding up on his bald and wrinkled head. He replies to her question in a hushed voice, "Brave Changelings have gone across the Thorns every now and then. It... generally doesn't go well for them. The Others have so much power in Arcadia, but it has been done, and a good handful of our kind have received their freedom thanks to such bravery, or foolishness." He sighs again and shakes his head. "You aren't think... what is it you are planning on doing dear?"

2023-11-12, 08:35 PM
Laura takes the comment on Hobgoblins seriously. 'As in if he gets attached he might show up at my appartment unannounced?' She'll would prefer to avoid that but she had other things to worry about. 'I'll have to deal with that if it happens. For the most part I'm pretty sure I can take him.'

On her plans. 'You know Giant?' If he doesn't Laura will take a moment to explain who he was. 'They took his sister. That's where I was today. Maybe if I had been quicker we could have tracked her down in the Hedge before they passed over.' Laura looks stricken.

2023-11-19, 05:22 PM
Old Shadow shrugs at Laura's questions and with a thoughtful hmmm, he replies, "Perhaps, though that wasn't necessarily what I was referring to. Hobgoblins are things of The Wyrd; they are concepts and not humans. No matter how much like a person a hob might behave, it is ultimately a construct... like a computer AI. You just don't know how it might behave, because it just isn't human." This all comes out matter-of-factly, Shadow finishes with another tired sigh.

Shadow nods his head slowly, indicating that he does indeed know Giant. His expression grows concerned as Laura continues, the heavy wrinkles in his brow deepening. Before he speaks, Shadow takes a long drink from the beer Laura bought him, adams apple bobbing with each lusty gulp. He puts the glass down nearly half empty. Then he says, "You are very kind Laura, but I don't think you can blame yourself." He studies her with his cold grey eyes, one hand stroking at his long mustache. "But I take it you are planning to try to rescue her then," Shadow says, rather than asks, his voice low and serious.

2023-11-21, 10:48 PM
Old Shadow shrugs at Laura's questions and with a thoughtful hmmm, he replies, "Perhaps, though that wasn't necessarily what I was referring to. Hobgoblins are things of The Wyrd; they are concepts and not humans. No matter how much like a person a hob might behave, it is ultimately a construct... like a computer AI. You just don't know how it might behave, because it just isn't human." This all comes out matter-of-factly, Shadow finishes with another tired sigh.

Laura takes Shadow's words seriously. 'Maybe you're right, but I guess if we followed through with that it'd be easier to stay away from New Orleans and the Market altogether. I don't know if I can stand to do that yet.' Laura's understanding was that at least they might be safer from the Gentry in New Orleans. 'But if a Hob's like a computer program isn't there a way to deal with them on that basis? Like an anti-virus?' Laura asks the question rhetorically but is suddenly curious if Shadow has an answer to that.

Laura will take a long drink before answering the second point. In part so she can hold her nerve. 'Maybe. But I think that depends on finding out whether it's even possible first. No point in even trying if I end up lost in the Hedge.' That brought up a lot of unwelcome memories. 'Still more so if someone comes looking for me the second I cross over. I realise this is a big ask Shadow.'

2023-11-23, 11:35 AM
Laura takes Shadow's words seriously. 'Maybe you're right, but I guess if we followed through with that it'd be easier to stay away from New Orleans and the Market altogether. I don't know if I can stand to do that yet.' Laura's understanding was that at least they might be safer from the Gentry in New Orleans. 'But if a Hob's like a computer program isn't there a way to deal with them on that basis? Like an anti-virus?' Laura asks the question rhetorically but is suddenly curious if Shadow has an answer to that.

Old Shadow shrugs at the question, pausing to take another gulp of his drink before replying, "Possibly. Not my area of expertise, if you know what I mean." He chuckles at this, though it is a little wet with drink.

Laura will take a long drink before answering the second point. In part so she can hold her nerve. 'Maybe. But I think that depends on finding out whether it's even possible first. No point in even trying if I end up lost in the Hedge.' That brought up a lot of unwelcome memories. 'Still more so if someone comes looking for me the second I cross over. I realise this is a big ask Shadow.'

"It's possible, just very dangerous," Shadow replies, shaking his head. He adds solemnly, "You will need help," letting the statement hang in the air between the two of them.

2023-11-26, 10:23 PM
Old Shadow shrugs at the question, pausing to take another gulp of his drink before replying, "Possibly. Not my area of expertise, if you know what I mean." He chuckles at this, though it is a little wet with drink.

'Something to look into maybe.' Laura says thoughtfully as she sips her own drink. She's disappointed to hear that but not surprised. 'Unless you happen to know any wizards around here. Maybe one who might need a hand with something.'

"It's possible, just very dangerous," Shadow replies, shaking his head. He adds solemnly, "You will need help," letting the statement hang in the air between the two of them.

'No doubt.' Laura replied watching Shadow closely. 'Otherwise I might as well give up this idea now. Would you happen to know anyone crazy enough that they might want to come with me?'

2023-11-27, 05:41 PM
'Something to look into maybe.' Laura says thoughtfully as she sips her own drink. She's disappointed to hear that but not surprised. 'Unless you happen to know any wizards around here. Maybe one who might need a hand with something.'

...'No doubt.' Laura replied watching Shadow closely. 'Otherwise I might as well give up this idea now. Would you happen to know anyone crazy enough that they might want to come with me?'

Laura's statement brings a wry smirk to the man's face. He clears his throat, and then with a less wet chuckle replies, "You know the rules of our Court. I might no someone, but you'll have to make me the right offer." The smirk spreads into a wide grin, showing old yellow teeth. He lowers his head in expectation, a nod that says, 'make me your best offer'.

Nearby, the college boys suddenly holler with excitement. They are gathered around a cellphone that has been propped up on the table, and based on the exclamation, possibly watching some live sporting event. Laura can feel their emotions coalescing into glamour, filling the room with a sweet and almost spicy aroma; like molasses mixed with hot sauce.

2023-11-30, 01:07 PM
Laura's statement brings a wry smirk to the man's face. He clears his throat, and then with a less wet chuckle replies, "You know the rules of our Court. I might no someone, but you'll have to make me the right offer." The smirk spreads into a wide grin, showing old yellow teeth. He lowers his head in expectation, a nod that says, 'make me your best offer'.

Nearby, the college boys suddenly holler with excitement. They are gathered around a cellphone that has been propped up on the table, and based on the exclamation, possibly watching some live sporting event. Laura can feel their emotions coalescing into glamour, filling the room with a sweet and almost spicy aroma; like molasses mixed with hot sauce.

Laura had been expecting this and make Shadow an offer. 'Well you can take any fetching and carrying for granted, but I don't think you need me to that sort of thing.' She'll pause briefly to glance towards the college boys to better take in the delicious smell. It was nice when the glamour came to you.

'You need me to beat someone up?' Laura wasn't entirely opposed to the idea if it involved someone who seemed to deserve it. 'Or is there something specific you need from the Hedge? It depends what you need but I ought to have a better chance of bringing it back here then most.'

2023-12-02, 07:29 PM
Shadow watches how she repositions herself, and with a grin says, "Well, I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement, but this is my harvest kiddo. I'll have to ask you go somewhere else to catch yourself some glam." He winks at Laura, clearly proud of his use of "hip slang". The sweet smell of the glamour grows stronger in Laura's nostrils, as the conversation between the college boys seems to swell.

He'll lean back and sigh, raising a hand to rub at his balding skull. "How about this," Shadow says a little more seriously, "I don't need anyone beat up, but if you promise me the next Token you find, I will do whatever I can to help you prepare for this adventure of yours."

2023-12-03, 09:04 PM
Laura looked amused at Shadow's reaction. 'Yeah, yeah I know the drill. It just smelled nice is all. I'll have a look around for something later.'

She'll consider his proposal, 'I can see me regretting this when it turns out the token is something that I need...but I think I can live with that.' As far as Laura knew Tokens might be useful for a lot of different purposes. 'You looking for something in particular Shadow? Or is it more to have something to pass on if you find someone who wants it?'

2023-12-03, 10:41 PM
Laura's consideration of the offer brings a grin to Shadow's face. The grin spreads to a near ear-to-ear smile at the question and he replies, "Tokens are rare enough. If I was to specific about what I wanted, I'd probably be waiting forever to get it. It will be easier to just to claim whatever you find... if you are amenable to our bargain?"

2023-12-07, 08:10 PM
Laura didn't even have to think about it. 'Oh I'm ameanable.' She'll offer her hand to Shadow. 'That's why I came to see you first.'

2023-12-12, 06:53 PM
(OOC: We can run this as a "Sealing" oath, per pg 210 in which Laura promises up the Token if Shadow helps her. Shadow spends a point of glam to seal Laura to her word. If she keeps it, she gets a beat, and the Wyrd can react against her if she doesn't keep her word. Sound fair?)

Shadow's grin widens as he takes Laura's hand in hers. "We have a deal," he says with excitement. There is a warm almost electric ripple that spreads across their shared grip, sealing the promise. For a moment, Laura's entire body feels warm, and the smells and sounds of the room grow distant.

2023-12-14, 02:34 PM
Laura tried to ignore the feeling of the Wyrd pressing in. It always made her feel like she was being watched by something that was a lot more powerful then she was. At least Sealing allowed her to play an active roll. As least that was what she had been told anyway. 'Help me out Shadow and I promise to give you the next Token I find. Or let everything I drink turn to water for a month.' The lack of coffee alone would be a terrible punishment to face but Laura had no intention of backing out on a deal. 'That work for you?'

I take it I have some leeway here in interpreting the narrative part of the punishment for breaking the agreement? If you'd rather apply the consequences let me know and I'll edit.

I'll take the Willpower penalty anyway

2023-12-14, 06:30 PM
The electric charge buzzing between their hands grows, till the sensation is almost too much, and Shadow releases his grip. The air around the two Changelings is still left with the smell of singed sugar, and chocolate. Still grinning, Shadow says, "Very well. I suppose you will be wanting to start as soon as possible? Perhaps you let me contact a few friends, and you can meet me at my stall first thing tomorrow morning?"

He gazes over at the college students again, his eyes filled with a hunger... or maybe a longing.

(OOC: Technically, Shadow is sealing Laura's words, so she spends nothing. Because of this, let's say for a scene, as I don't think Shadow actually wishes to inflict punishments on Laura. However, she does gain a beat for allowing her word to be sealed, and can gain another when she follows through with her promise... if that works for you. I won't apply the beat yet, in case you would prefer Laura does the sealing, in which case, Shadow would need to make the swear)

2023-12-20, 11:01 PM
'Any help is appreciated Shadow.' Laura wondered what sort of person would be crazy enough to help her with this. 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

I wasn't sure if it was the Wyrd itself imposing the punishment, but I'm happy with that. Shadow can do the sealing.

2024-01-11, 05:39 PM
Laura leaves Old Shadow, walking out of Idlewild and onto Bourbon Street. By now the sun has set and the street has begun to fill up with its regular flood of drunk and overly loud tourists. The scent of stale beer mingles with the perfume of flowers hanging from the balconies above, and with the overly sweet smell of syrups coming from a nearby frozen cocktail stand. Music pours into the street from a number of nearby bars, all cover bands whose songs clash and mingle with the hollering and chatter of the sea of reveling pedestrians. But Laura isn't looking for Glamour here, and so she walks up Bourbon, cutting through the crowd on her way back North to the Marigny.

It's after 8PM when she slips onto Frenchman, a strip of live music venues that only local used to know about. It was still early, but if Laura wanted to find some mortal truly giving off fresh emotion that she could Harvest, it wasn't going to be on Bourbon, it was going to be at one of these local joints. And so Laura glides down Frenchman, stopping at DBA's a massive two room beerhall with a stage. She knows that the live music here is good, and there won't be a cover charge for almost another hour. It was a solid bet for her Harvest.

The bouncer recognizes Laura, letting her in without an ID check, and she moves over to the bar where she can order a drink and scan the crowd. It's quieter than she expected, only a handful of people gathered around the stage where a beautiful girl in a red dress is singing her heart out, backed by a hodge podge of musicians, playing an old jazz tune that might have been sung by Fitgerald originally. At the foot of the stage is a young man, maybe in his late teens, with a black leather biker jacket on and slicked hair. He's staring at the singer entranced, a wide almost bafoonish grin on his face. He's her mark. He's in love!

(OOC: WP taken. Down to 3/5. Let's RP this just a little)

2024-01-12, 08:11 PM
Laura had been disappointed in the state of town tonight. It was so much easier to find a large group of people and find a way to feed off the resulting opportunities for glamour. Still, there was always something if you looked for long enough.

After watching the boy for a moment she'll take her beer and stand closer to the stage. This was how she liked to listen anyway when she had the time. After the band finished a song or otherwise taken a break she'll lean over and get the boy's attention. 'They're pretty good. You know what they're called?'

2024-01-13, 05:43 PM
This close, Laura can smell the emotion coming off of him like a new cologne. The boy startles when he hears Laura's voice. "What? Oh!" he stammers, his revelry suddenly interrupted, his face turning flush with embarrassment. He manages a smile and says, "Yah, they're good," face still flushed. Then he points to to a sign with a metal paint can for tips in front of it, which agrees with him saying "I think they're called the Jessica Quinn Quartet."

The moment he says this, Laura realizes that she knows Jessica Quinn. She had sung for another band at another joint a couple of months ago, and afterwards had gotten a few drinks with Laura at one of the bars off Frenchman. It wasn't too much of a longshot to think that Quinn might remember Laura... if she wanted to pull a favor and help the boy out.

(OOC: Apologies, on further reading I realize the Changeling has to incite the emotion, so I'm trying to give you a tool by which Laura can have an effect on the young man. Maybe she can help him get her number, or maybe she can embarrass him in front of Quinn, or whatever other direction you want to go.

That said, we know she'll only get a little Glamour out of it.

That said that said, I am having trouble accessing your linked character sheet. Not sure if its temporary, or the link, or what, just FYI)

2024-01-18, 01:10 PM
Laura grins at the kid's reaction. 'You know, I met her once. It's nice to see her getting more gigs. She deserves it. If you want to hang out later I can probably introduce you.'

That said that said, I am having trouble accessing your linked character sheet. Not sure if its temporary, or the link, or what, just FYI)

I haven't noticed a problem in accessing the link but it sometimes appears as a little blurry for some reason.

I might just move all the info onto mythweavers instead.

2024-01-19, 12:59 PM
"You can?" the kid blurts, his eyes wide with excitement. But before Laura can answer, the beautiful girl in the red dress saunters over to the lip of the stage where the two are standing. She's still singing the Ella Fitzgerald tune as she bends over the two. Making eye contact with Laura, Jessica Quinn winks, then blows her a theatrical kiss. Standing next to her, the boy's eyes go even wider, turning practically into saucers. He manages to mumble something like "oh", his face bright red.

Laura can practically taste the Glamour that is starting to swirl around him, taking shape like the threads of sugar around a cone to form a puff of cotton candy.

(OOC: See OOC thread for further discussion)

2024-01-19, 05:41 PM
Laura nods and smiles at Jessica to return the wink. 'I can. I know lots of people.' The glamour was delicious and it was hard not to focus on it to the exclusion of everything else in the room.

2024-01-21, 05:13 PM
"Oh, wow," the boy says under his breath, before seeming to get a better hold of himself. He nods his head and says, "Thank you. I mean, that's... that would be really nice of you." He stretches out a hand, "I'm Ben, by the way."

Ben struggles to make small talk with Laura, during the show. Jessica every once in a while flashes a smile, or a gesture Laura's way, and at the end of the set as the band is packing up their gear, she makes her way to where the two are standing at the foot of the stage. "Hey girl," Jessica say, leaning over to give Laura a hug, before apologizing, "sorry if I'm a little sweaty. It's hot under those light!" She chuckles, giving a wide and beautiful smile. She barely even seems to notice Ben. "Did you enjoy the show," she asks.

2024-01-26, 12:40 AM
'Hey Ben, I'm Laura.' She'll reach out and shake the boy's hand. Laura is more then happy enough to make enough small talk so that Ben feels comfortable. The taste of the glamour was more then incentive enough.

She'll gladly return the hug. 'Hey. You know I always enjoy you singing. And yet I had no idea you had a gig tonight. My bad.' Maybe when she had time she should get out more. She make her introductions, 'Jess, this is my friend Ben. He was just telling me how much he liked that last one especially.'

2024-01-27, 07:00 PM
Perhaps to Laura's surprise, rather than wilting, greets the object of his affection with warmth and charm. Smiling coyly he says, "Jess? Nice to meet you. You guys were AMAZING!" He offers a hand to shake, shrugging as he acknowledges the awkwardness of the gesture. Blushing a little, he adds, "I hope it didn't throw you off, how I was staring while you performed. You really, oh, well you swept me off my feet I guess."

And perhaps to Laura's surprise, this really seems to work on Jess. Now it's her turn to blush, and the smile that spreads on her face is practically infectious. "Thank you," she says, placing a hand on Ben's shoulder. Laura allows herself a step back as the two begin talking, falling at a break neck pace into a comfortable almost familiar rhythm of conversation. Now there is Glamour enough for Laura to Harvest. The changeling inhales the sweet aroma, tastes the emotion rich with heat and excitement.

(OOC: Laura gains one glamour, added to her character sheet)

But as Laura floats back from the conversation, she catches sight of something out of the corner of her eye. Looking out the window, she glimpses as a young woman passes by the club. Though the girl was only visible for a split second before disappearing past, Laura is certain that it was Monica who she had seen, dressed in her oversized black leather jacket, and tattered jeans. The sight of the poor lost girl, immediately makes Laura's heart drop in her chest, makes it hard to breathe for just a second.

2024-01-28, 06:29 PM
'I'll be right back.' Laura says before turning and heading for the entrance without waiting for a response. She had been trying to keep an eye on Monica without getting too close. Given that she had met the girl while getting her out of the Tumbledown she had felt that there might be awkward questions to answer, but now she knew about Snigglebutt's interest in Monica perhaps that wasn't an option anymore.

Ideally she'll wait until they were both out of earshot of anyone who might be smoking outside the bar but otherwise she'll try to catch up to Monica.

2024-01-28, 07:50 PM
Poking her head through the bar's door, Laura sees the girl walking down the street as she is led by the hand by a figure walking before her. From about a half block away now, it looks to be a man (too old for Monica at least), wearing a black skeleton hoodie and a pair of tight black jeans that had to be full of stretch material and would have been popular on emo kids in the early 2000s. Monica has what appears to be a beer in a brown paper bag, clutched in her other hand, and though maybe it was how she was being pulled along, but her footsteps appeared clumsy and drunk.

2024-01-28, 10:24 PM
Laura is still wearing a knee length dress from her date earlier tonight so running to catch the pair is not an ideal choice but she's fairly sure she handle whoever this guy was, even without her sword. She'll break into a jog to get closer to the pair before annoucing herself.

2024-01-29, 04:48 PM
Laura catches up to the pair when the reach the end of the block. Traffic on the narrow street is already bad, and fortunately Monica and her escort are forced to wait at the curb for a slowly turning car. The girl is first to turn around, her eyes going wide immediately, her mouth hanging open and slightly slack. "It's... it's you," she says, her voice filled with sudden excitement, though her words are slightly slurred.

The man is slower to turn around. He's young, but too old for Monica; maybe in his mid-twenties. He's got black thick rimmed glasses and a scruffy brown beard. He doesn't speak yet, confused as to why Monica turned around and what she's getting at.

2024-01-29, 10:13 PM
Laura catches up to the pair when the reach the end of the block. Traffic on the narrow street is already bad, and fortunately Monica and her escort are forced to wait at the curb for a slowly turning car. The girl is first to turn around, her eyes going wide immediately, her mouth hanging open and slightly slack. "It's... it's you," she says, her voice filled with sudden excitement, though her words are slightly slurred.

Laura only winked at the girl. There was always the potential that there was an explanation for this that wasn't disgusting but Laura still had the sudden urge to push the man into oncoming traffic. She'll stand with her arms crossed and speak with an exaggerated cheeriness. 'Hi. Who are you exactly?'

2024-01-31, 03:14 PM
It's only when Laura speaks that the man really notices her. He pulls his head back a little with confusion, then eyes Laura up and down. Almost scoffing at Laura's question, he replies, "What? Who are you?" Still holding Monica's hand, he gives it a kind of violent tug and asks of her, "You know this woman?"

2024-01-31, 10:54 PM
'I'm her lawyer.' Technically Laura had a law degree, although it wasn't as if she had had any use for what she remembered of it since before Arcadia. 'And you seem to be a violent *******. I'm going to need you to take your hands off her right now. Unless you want to speak to the cops about whatever you might be doing with an under age girl.' Laura uncrosses her arms and readies herself to respond if the man tried anything physical.

Presence 3 + Intimidation 2
Any 10s

2024-02-02, 01:46 PM
The man releases his grasp, raising both hands up as if Laura was holding him at gunpoint. "Whoa man," he says with surprise, "I don't know what you're talking about lady!"

Lucy gives Laura a confused look but doesn't say anything. Her vision clears a little as she steps towards the Changeling. "I've been looking for you," she says in a hushed awed voice, "I was starting to think you weren't real!" She comes close enough that Laura can smell the beer on her breath, and how long its been since she's had her clothes washed, close enough to reach out and touch.

2024-02-02, 03:31 PM
The man releases his grasp, raising both hands up as if Laura was holding him at gunpoint. "Whoa man," he says with surprise, "I don't know what you're talking about lady!"

'Sure you don't.' Perhaps she was jumping to conclusions somehow, but he wasn't going to explain himself she had no reason to care.

To Monica, 'You want to get out of here? Maybe to get you a drink of water or something?'

2024-02-03, 04:15 PM
The man starts to protest, but the girl turns to him and says quietly, "Kevin, give us just a minute." Monica offers him a coy pleasant smile before turning back to the Changeling.

Her soft expression turns hard, almost shrewd. She leans towards Laura and in almost a whisper says, "Take me there." Monica stares with watchful and expectant eyes. She was talking about the Hedge, she was talking about The Tumble Down. She was talking about wanting to go somewhere Laura should never, maybe could never take her back to. But there was pleading in Monica's eyes, there was desperation.

2024-02-03, 08:12 PM
Laura watched the man to see if that was enough for him before she replies quietly to Monica. 'Take you where?' She'll wondered if the girl was willing to say it openly.

Monica had been lucky to make it out of the Tumbledown once. There was always the chance she would find a way in again without someone to look after her. On the other hand having to know for certain about everything that was really out there wouldn't do Monica any favours. How could anything compare to knowing about the Fae and what they might be capable of.

2024-02-04, 06:23 PM
Laura's question causes immediate distress to spread across the girl's face. "I mean... I don't," Monica fumbles, "You know what I am talking about, don't you? Take me back to that market!" The girl's eyes begin to go glassy as she starts to bat away tears.

Only the last part of what Monica said was audible to Kevin, but seeing the girl's distress he steps forward. "Hey, what is going on? What are you two talking about." There is a little anger in the man's voice, but mostly he just appears to be confused.

Monica sniffles and puts a hand up, warning him to stay back.

(OOC: Convincing Monica her experiences were not real will be a challenging Subterfuge roll if you want to roll for it)

2024-02-04, 09:55 PM
'Hey, it's ok. Whatever it is we can fix it.' Laura will move closer and is prepared to give the girl a hug if she seems to be breaking down further. 'I met you before remember? You were looking for directions in the French Market. You did seem kind of tired. It's Monica isn't it?'

Gaslighting roll
Manipulation 1 + Subterfuge 1 + Wp 3
Any 10s

Protector may or may not be relevent here for getting that Wp back. Your call

2024-02-06, 11:38 PM
Laura moves closer to offer a comforting hug, but her words don't seem to land as intended. The girl steps back, her lips pursed and eyes narrowed. "No," she hisses, and then again louder, "No!" Monica's face has turned red, her eyes shut closed, her body shaking. "I know what I saw," she screams, loud enough for people across the street to stop their conversation and stare.

Now Kevin is at her side, putting a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly gaining the upper hand, he says to Laura, "Hey mam', I don't know who you really are, but I think you need to back off." He narrows his eyes and adds with vindication, "Lawyer or not!"

Protector may or may not be relevent here for getting that Wp back. Your call

Do you feel that Laura is ignoring her own needs to help Monica out in some way? Regardless, she gets a WP if she can do something to protect or strengthen her relationship with her Touchstone.

2024-02-08, 09:30 PM
It was hard for Laura not to feel sympathetic. If someone saw the Tumbledown even without knowing what it was it was likely that it would be hard for them to think of anything else. 'Then what was it exactly you saw?' Laura will ignore Kevin.

Ah, so here that would be only ignoring her own needs in the widest possible sense. I'll see if I can work out how to milk this.

2024-02-09, 05:23 PM
For a split second, Laura's sudden change of demeanor seems to have worked on the girl, whose face softens, her eyes going wide with sudden surprise. The girl even opens up her mouth to speak, but before she can, Kevin is in front of her, his arms crossed over his chest defiantly. "Hey, I said you need to back off," he says sternly. Laura could probably turn this kid into minced meat, but he didn't seem to realize this. Now Laura can feel eyes on her coming from all directions. This was getting out of hand, and they were clearly making a scene, not that Kevin noticed that yet either.

I think the application of Protector is simply dependent on what Laura is trying to achieve and how this aligns with the character's perspective. If she is tryin to keep Monica from the truth, despite wanting deep down to be honest, I think it would be appropriate, for example, as I would see this as a form of ignoring her own needs.

I was simply asking how you saw Laura's actions from your perspective.

2024-02-10, 11:37 PM
Now will regard Kevin briefly with a hard look. She ought to try and avoid hurting anyone who didn't seem to deserve it but sometimes it would be so easy. She'll only say, 'Don't' in a tone of obvious contempt before turning back to the girl.

If she's not interupted, 'Monica I'd give you my phone number if I thought you'd take it. If you need anything. Anything at all, there's a bar called Mary's in the Eastern Marigny. The lady who runs it knows how to get in touch with me and she may even feed you in the meantime. My name is Laura.'

In that case I'd say it'd be easier for Laura to just explain everything but it in no way does Monica any favours to know about the Tumbledown for certain. Not telling her might also leave Monica in a fairly bad situation depending on what might be going on with Kevin, so ignoring her own needs to protect her in favour of protecting her from something that might be worse might make sense.

2024-02-11, 05:18 PM
"Sure, I'll take it," Monica says, speaking up before her boyfriend can cut her off. She pulls out her own cellphone to put it in; the iphone has cracks running up and down the screen and has clearly seen better days. Even with Kevin standing between them, there is little he can do to stop the exchange. She will add, "I'm Monica. Maybe we could meet some time. Maybe you would be willing to tell me the truth?" She narrows her eyes and stares straight into Laura's.

The man standing between them will go from staring daggers at Laura to giving Monica a look of disdain, but he'll say nothing more. Still, Laura can feel the eyes of nearby pedestrians watching though perhaps public interest was waning slightly.

I think I follow. Happy to give back a WP. That brings you to 4/5. Also a beat for your third aspiration, which we can consider resolved, or you can keep it further if you want.

2024-02-11, 09:53 PM
Laura exhaled and regarded Monica in turn. 'Let me buy you dinner sometime and we can talk about anything you want.' She avoids confirming if there was any truth to talk about. 'I take it you've got a place to stay?' She said with a brief glance towards Kevin.

I think fufilling the aspiration depends on how we define saving here, but I'm not against it.

2024-02-13, 01:01 PM
"Deal, as long as you promise to tell the truth" Monica says, stepping around the man. She extends a hand to Laura, offering to shake on it (OOC: Do you want to seal this?). Kevin throws both hands up, and grumbles something nasty, but doesn't attempt to get in the way. Monica adds, "Just let me know when," ignoring her boyfriend.

To Laura's question she replies, "Yeah, I've got a place to stay." She looks back at Kevin and gives him a sympathetic, almost pitying smile.

2024-02-13, 10:39 PM
Laura watched Monica for a few moments and wondered how best to handle the situation. At least it would allow her to keep an eye on Monica if she was set on continuing with her quest. She'll shake the girl's hand, 'I promise not to lie to you.' Telling the truth and not lying were not quite the same thing. 'I'm expecting to be out of town for a bit, but perhaps when I get back.'

Let's seal that

2024-02-17, 08:30 PM
Monica's hand is warm, her handshake almost familiar. She smiles at Laura and says, "Deal. Do you have any idea when you'll be back. I guess just let me know when."

(OOC: As part of the sealing, is there anything you want to hold Monica to then?)

2024-02-18, 01:45 PM
'That's going to depend on other people, but I hope to be back by next week.' It was hardly an exact science in the Hedge. Either she would be back quickly or it might take her a very long time indeed. If she came back at all. 'I'll call you as soon as I can but in the meantime promise me you'll go speak to Mary if you need anything. Just give her my name.' Laura knew enough now to know what a promise was worth.

Let me know if that works. Laura will call her when she's back in exchange for Monica going to see Mary if she needs to

2024-02-18, 08:13 PM
Monica nods her head, her eyes fluttering. "I promise," she says, gravity in her voice, though she couldn't be aware of the Glamour that Laura was tying the promise with, could she?

She lets go of Laura's hand, just as Kevin steps forward again. He places a hand on each shoulder and says impatiently, "Can we go now?"

(OOC: Laura spends 1 glamour to seal the promise, bringing her to 8. But I'm going to give you a second WP, as rather than making Monica promise something beneficial to Laura, she spends the glamour just to help keep Monica safe. Happy to move on, maybe to the next day unless there is something else you want to accomplish.)

2024-02-19, 09:49 PM
Laura dismisses the idea that Monica was aware of the glamour as soon as she thinks of it. Laura looks less unusual then some of the Changelings she's seen in New Orleans, but she still doesn't look even slightly human.

She'll note the possessive gesture of Kevin but will say nothing. 'Then I will be seeing you around. Remember what I said.' She won't acknowledge Kevin and certainly won't apologise for intervening. The second Kevin is looking the other way she'll look Monica in the eye and mouth quietly 'You can do better.'

Given that she's not sure she'll have the opportunity again for a while Laura will go shopping for snacks and a bottle of wine before going home to watch a movie.

Yeah, ok to move on to tomorow

2024-02-24, 07:20 PM
The rest of the night passes rather uneventfully. Laura stops off at a corner store off of Frenchman for a bottle of wine and some snacks. The shopkeeper barely pays her any mind till she comes up to pay, and the rest of the night is spent ignoring the noise from nearby Frenchman street, and the heavy sticky heat.

Laura gets up early as planned and after her morning preparations, heads back to meet Old Shadow. She passes into The Tumbledown Market, squeezing herself between a pair of fence posts in what should be a blind back-alley, and finds herself walking onto a arterial that branches off of one of the larger stall lined streets. Most of the vendors are starting to set up, and there are a handful of stalls that have been busted down and left unattended. Laura had agreed to meet Shadow before he opened up for the morning, though of course she had some time if there was something else she wanted to do first.

(OOC: I think we'll get through Laura's meeting with Shadow, then call it a scene/game session and count up some beats. Laura would gain a WP for a night's rest, but is already full.)

2024-02-25, 09:17 PM
Laura is expecting it to be too early for there to be much stock on show or others browsing the market but she always keeps an eye out for both of those things anyway. In the Tumbledown you never knew what you might run into or how valuable it might turn out to be. If there's anyone around she'll look for a vendor who might owe her a favour.

Going to rely on Allies (Tumbledown) to find someone trustworthy if possible.

2024-02-27, 04:20 PM
As she begins to navigate the Tumbledown Market, Laura decides to stop off and say hello to The Horned Toad. Today the hobgoblin is dressed in a dove grey worsted three piece suit with peak lapels and a powder blue neckerchief. It stands on its bulbous hind legs on a podium, shiny warted green flesh exploding out from behind its tailored clothing. As Laura approaches, something akin to a smile spreads across its lipless face, as it stares down the Changeling from behind one round monaceled eye. "Looking for anything in particular this morning Lady Laura," the Horned Toad croaks, dipping its neckless head in a courteous bow.

2024-02-29, 09:02 PM
Sometimes being called 'Lady' back here made Laura uncomfortable, but she had long since given up asking people not to refer to her like that. She would just have to live like it meant something good. 'Morning Toad.' She'll return the bow with a nod and a smile. 'Only if you got something good, but I don't think I have the time to deal for it anyway. I'm looking for a failsafe, in case the thing I'm going to try to do doesn't work out. Outside of the Hedge I would have called it a Will.'

2024-03-01, 12:25 PM
The pouch of The Horned Toad's throat billows out then in again, as it ponders Laura's words. It raises a webbed hand to scratch at the massive curly cue horns sprouting from its temple and then says, "I apologize my Lady, I may not understand. Are you looking for someone who can take care of your businesses if you don't come back, or for a way back from The Hedge if the trail disappears and the thorns block your way back?"

2024-03-03, 08:50 PM
Laura hadn't expected that. 'Well I was looking for the first one, but since you asked. Is something like that even possible?' They did say you could find almost anything in the Tumbledown.

2024-03-04, 08:21 PM
A small smirk spreads across the horned toad's warty face. "Anything is possible when approached from the right perspective," it croaks, adding coyly, "and for the right price." The black slit pupils of its bulbous eyes shift slowly left then right, as if it were scanning the area for anyone listening in.

2024-03-04, 10:21 PM
'Might need to give me more to go on then.' Laura hadn't expected to be having this conversation, but at this point she ought to know how to play the game. 'Plus, time may be short. So if the price is too high for me at the moment maybe I won't waste your time, but hypothetically, what do you have in mind?'

2024-03-05, 10:16 PM
The grin fades from The Horned Toad's visage. Eyes narrowing it replies, "Your hesitance tells me you could not afford the price of such an agreement." A webbed hand comes up to scratch at a dry patch of skin under one of its horns, as it slowly closes (blinks?) its eyes. Then with a sigh, The Horned Toad says, "I will not waste either of our time. If you are looking for someone who can take care of your affairs, if you do not return... I can arrange this. If you will order a dish with rice in it, and give half of it to the first person you see, before noon, then I when you see me next, I will have this arranged for you." The hobgoblin's throat expands with a growling ribbit, and then it gives Laura a bow.

2024-03-07, 02:02 PM
'I appreciate it Toad, but about that other thing.' Laura had wondered if Toad's deflection had intended to be a ploy to drum up interest. It had worked, as Laura couldn't help but wonder what she might be missing out on. 'You telling me you don't have the time to explain the price. Maybe I won't have the time to pay it but I can guarantee if it I need it later I'll regret not taking you up on your offer now.' Laura will check to see if Toad had other likely customers. 'Come on, what's the harm in telling me.'

If it's helpful
Presence 3 + Persuasion 1
Any 10s

2024-03-08, 03:40 PM
Laura's response seems to tickle the hobgoblin deeply. It croaks out a deep bellowing laugh, slapping both of its webbed hands over its protuberant belly. It then waves a defensive hand and says, "Oh ho ho ho no, I did not mean to imply that I have not the time. I simply meant to that no deal or contract with The Wyrd comes without its cost... and your hesitance made led me to believe you would not e wiling to pay the price." The Horned Toad pauses here, studying Laura's face for sincerity, and then it leans forward conspiratorially. "I can introduce you to a friend who can teach you how, but simply put, it would require tying part of your soul to an object that you keep in... your realm. The act is, well it can be quiet jarring, and tends not to be so good for one's sanity, if you know what I mean." Despite there being no one nearby, Toad says this all in a dead whisper, absolute seriousness in its words and expression.

2024-03-09, 11:18 PM
Laura nods. That made sense to her. 'I'll pay the cost if it works Toad. You don't know what I did to get back here the first time.' Laura is very sincere. 'Whose this friend?'

2024-03-12, 04:41 PM
The hobgoblin's eyes go wide at Laura's response, thin filmy lids pulling back farther from the yellow orbs. "Very well," Horned Toad says, its breath reeking of swamp water, warm and wet on the side of Laura's face, "They're name is Odin. They were a Changeling once... though now I'm not sure if such a title still applies." The statement strikes Laura as odd. She can't immediately remember ever hearing of an Odin in New Orleans, nor in the surrounding Hedge. And The Horned Toad was still being very hush hush about all of this. She had no reason to suspect the Hobgoblin of lying to her; in fact, as far as Hobs went, Toad was probably the most reliable and honest. But still, Laura could feel her skin crawl a little trying to put it all together. "It will take me several days to reach Odin and set something up," The Hobgoblin adds in a whisper, stepping back just slightly to await Laura's reply.

2024-03-14, 01:41 PM
"They're name is Odin. They were a Changeling once... though now I'm not sure if such a title still applies."

'That's an...interesting name.' Did this Odin gain the name from their Keeper or did they claim it themselves. 'If he's not a Changeling anymore what is he?'

2024-03-14, 02:50 PM
The Horned Toad shrugs its bulbous shoulders and says, "Names can contain such power, and so many keep such information private." Whether this was the hobgoblin's way of saying that it didn't know, or whether it was being intentionally obtuse is hard to tell. To Laura's second question, it replies, "Something... more powerful and far less human."

2024-03-14, 06:44 PM
'Well the name thing just makes me wonder if I should follow suit.' After all, every Changeling had someone they needed to hide themselves from. 'The rest of it doesnt sound particularly attractive to me.'

2024-03-15, 12:13 PM
The Horned Toad shrugs. "I have noticed many of the Lost take a second name they prefer to use when not amongst mortals," it replies, the hobgoblin's voice no longer hushed and furtive, but instead perhaps a little bored, adding, "I suppose there are many reasons for this." It shrugs again. Laura catches as its bulbous eyes lock onto and follow a pair of hobgoblins coming up the road, pulling a wooden cart filled with what looks like a variety of ancient statues of various designs and influences. "Is there anything else I can help with then," The Horned Toad asks.

2024-03-15, 04:13 PM
'No thank you Toad, you've been more then helpful.' Laura will glance towards the party of Hobgoblins. 'I believe I need to go and get some rice. Feel free to call when you have something for me.' Laura will leave the Horned Toad to his business and will go looking for a rice dish to fufill the conditions of her first request.

2024-03-16, 01:22 PM
To this the Horned Toad raises a bulbous eye again. "So you wish for someone to settle your affairs for you as well," the hobgoblin croaks.

(OOC: The "order a dish with rice in it, and give half of it to the first person you see, before noon" was for the Horned Toad to have an executor of affairs if Laura does not return, and was not related to Odin... sorry if that wasn't clear)

2024-03-19, 08:46 PM
'Is that an option?' Laura asked. Perhaps it wasn't. Toad had said he had doubted her resolve. 'Let's say that I intend to come back...but if something happens to prevent it?' Better to die trying in that case. 'I don't know if anyone knows enough about what might happen beyond the Thorns, so I feel like I ought to be prepared for the worst. But of course, if I have to make a choice, your friend coming through for me would be preferred.'

I read that as both options being on the table. If I have to choose I'm going with Odin though.

2024-03-20, 02:17 PM
The Horned Toad waves a webbed hand at Laura in a casting away gesture. "That is alright, both are possible I suppose," the hobgoblin replies, "though the safeguard of one practically negates the need for the other." It makes a gesture that might be shrug, though the bulbous creature truly lacks shoulders and adds, "But if you wish, I shall know when the task is completed, and will keep my end of the bargain."

Of course, Laura had been on her way to follow up with Shadow, when she had decided to stop by The Horned Toad's stand in the market. And now more and more people (though not all human people) were beginning to trickle into the tumbledown. It was by no means "alive" like it would be in another hour or two, but Laura was not the only one walking the dusty street.

2024-03-21, 03:00 PM
'Maybe' Laura concedes 'But under the circumstances. If I don't need it we can laugh about it later. Thanks for your help Toad.' Laura will go looking for Shadow before everything got too busy.

2024-03-24, 02:34 PM
Laura departs from The Great Horned Toad's perch, and begins winding her way through the streets of the goblin market. Most of the stalls are set up now, and a hand full of shoppers are trickling through the streets. In a few hours the arteries and capillaries of The Tumble Down will be clocked with throngs of shoppers; hobgoblins and changelings alike, and navigating the area will be like swimming against a massive current.

Without such challenge, it takes Laura a little under 15 minutes to reach Shadow's stall. From about twenty yards away, Laura can see that a "Closed" posting still hangs on the stall's overhead sign. However, Shadow is there, accompanied by three other figures. As Laura approaches, the old man recognizes her and she can see a big grin spread across his face, as he gestures towards the others who stand about the stall.

Laura's eyes are drawn immediately to the massive ogre towering over the other three. His face is snouted like a lizards, his eyes yellow orbs with black slit pupils. The Ogre's skin is speckled with leathery green scales, and his long sinewy arms end in clawed talons, the black keratin split and marred with the scars of a brutal durance. Membranous bat's wings sprout from the changeling's shoulders. Laura has never seen this Ogre before, and it would be hard to forget such a monster.

Next, Laura recognizes a far more familiar changeling. Annie the Trickster Spider stood patiently next to Shadow, her "normal" arms resting over her abdomen, while one of her eight arachnid legs rested supportively on Shadow's shoulder. Annie was a member of the Lagniappe Tribune; a separate Freehold in New Orleans meant to cultivate the elite and wealthiest Changelings. She was known both for her ability to weave beautiful garments woven with Wyrd properties, but also as one of the great Hedge navigators, just like Laura. Perhaps it was the woman's quiet nature and cold expression, but Annie had always come off as aloof to Laura, her silence seeming to spill with disdain.

Shadow's third companion was not a Changeling at all but a short hobgoblin of sorts. Standing at maybe two and a half feet tall, the scruffy creature had a bulbous pocked nose and was covered in a main of coarse brown curly fur which hid most of its form. The thing was dressed in a button down shirt and slacks held by suspenders, but it's massive clawed feet were bare.

As Laura approaches, Shadow beams, "I have held up my end of our agreement!"

2024-03-25, 09:24 PM
The appearance of the Ogre didn't bother Laura. He might give her trouble if he wanted to, but he was probably safe enough. After encountering Changelings that had undergone similar durances she had made a point of being as normal as possible towards them. It wasn't his fault he looked like that. She didn't know what Shadow had told Annie to get her here but her reputation spoke for itself. The hobgoblin was a mystery.

Laura grinned at Shadow's enthusiasm. 'That you have. And they know what they're getting into?'

2024-03-26, 05:29 PM
Shadow nods his head, though it is Annie who speaks up, her words fast and sharp. "We do," she says, the cold expression still on her face.

The ogre nods his head in agreement, while the Hob simply shrugs, an anxious expression on the thing's face.

The Ogre speaks up now, his voice like gravel crunching under a boot, "You are Laura? You seek to rescue a human from the clutches of the Fae?" His voice booms at first, though with the second question, the Ogre lowers his voice to a hush, perhaps superstitious that even the mention of the Gentry might summon their presence.

2024-03-26, 09:13 PM
'Then the question is what's in it for all of you?' Laura assumed there must be some sort of catch. 'Aside from Annie I don't even know the rest of your names.'