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2022-08-08, 04:56 PM
Turn 1: Carneval


It is the thirteenth year of the interregnum - four nights, since the statues fell, since the end of Imperium. It used to be that the five days between years, the no-month, were the time of the great carneval of Vulpa, the trickster god - a time of music and feasting, where the rich and powerful mingled with the poor, all wearing masks.
But if it was our hope that the priests of Vulpa, in their red robes and painted fox masks, would defuse the cold tension we were all feeling in our stomachs with gentle pranks and music, we were waiting in vain. Their god has reverted to what she once was, wild and free and reckless. And her priests have followed suit, donned masks of wolves and jackals and snarling hounds, stalking the nights in packs. She is no longer confined to five nights a year, all time is her time now, the time of chaos, bloodshed and the overturning of the world order.

Disorder always draws the ambitious and the greedy and they circle the city like sharks scenting blood. Barbarians and heroes, cultists and sages, lost sons and noble scions, demons and slayers. Mad would-be kings are tearing at the corpse of the empire in the name of rebuilding it.


The last winter mists have lifted with the first days of the new year. Winter was hard, the poor huddled together five or ten to a room, as much for warmth as lack of space. Corpses drifting in the canals of the western city are not a rare sight anymore. Some had still hoped that Spring would show a brighter picture.
The patrols returning show a bleak picture: villages abandoned, as far as the rukh-eagles can fly. The rangers, too, confirm: within three days' travel of Ardakand, no one is left. The villages have been burned, or sunk into the rivers, those peasants who have not fled have been slaughtered by ghouls and manticores, or enslaved, or joined the roaming bandit kings. The fields are swamped, or overgrown, or poisoned.
The storehouses are not yet empty, the poor can yet get a grain ration, as is the custom. But what farms we have directly outside the walls, an the few fishing boats that still brave the sea will not feed ten percent of the city, when the stores run out in a few months.

Expedition: securing the countryside
The Legio Aquila is mustering forces to clear the countryside within at least one day’s march of the city of bandits and monsters and then step up patrols, so that villages can be resettled and grains sown to feed the city.
They estimate that they will need [20 mil] and [10 eco] to accomplish this, and are asking all powers of the city to contribute.

Mechanics: If the countryside is secured, grain will be harvested in the countryside by turn four. This will result in an unknown (partially random) payout of t.economy, which will be divided proportionally between all contributors. If the land is not secured, and the harvest not brought in, the city will suffer a famine, with disastrous effects on the population.

We were all waiting with dark resignation for the omens to be pronounced by the Pontifex. It is said the first omen of the year is the most significant. All expected doom and darkness, the Fallen King, the Stalking Wolf or the Black Sun, for what else could follow on the fall of empires? And yet, what the Eye of Heaven saw and pronounced was the Honored Warrior, the Triumph, the laurel wreath proudly set upon the head of the victor. The omen rang hollow. It declares a month of joy and games. Whether we are starving, or orphaned or crippled, praying for vengeance or for salvation, we will be joyful. Must be joyful.

It had been years since that omen was last proclaimed and there is still much to do. The drums and trumpets to be brought out from the cellars in the temples of the small gods. The priests bickering for days, over which among them will be Consecrator of the Arena, Banner bearer, Sweeper of the Sands, whatever meaningless titles they can find in the archives and dedicate to the glory of their gods. The wards are electing the judges, the stands have been erected, the banners sown. The irony of the Fates is bloody and bitter and they do not care for the will of mortals.


It is the month of great games, which only comes, on average, once every eight years. It is where the city’s greatest compete in the three traditional disciplines - sports, rhetoric and art - to win the crowns of body, mind and soul. Already, arenas have been opened for the qualifying rounds, and the great stadium will be opened for the triple - finale.

Mechanics: each faction may nominate up to one VIP for every discipline. Winners will be chosen by the GM with a level-based dice roll. Bonuses will be given if the VIP’s background, as described OOC at the time of posting, fits the discipline, and for writing appropriate fluff-posts of the VIPs competing. What exactly constitutes each discipline will be relatively open for fluff posts: sport can include any kind of non-team physical contest (running, wrestling, martial arts, riding, javelins, swimming, whatever else you can think of), rhetoric is anything involving speech, but mainly focusing on logic, facts and debate, while art includes poetry, sculpture, painting,
Winners in each discipline will earn one victory point and one permanent point of morale. Second and third places will gain 3 and 2 temporary morale, respectively. All participating VIPs will gain bonus XP, with the number of XP earned dependent on the number of contest participants and their level.

Midturn 1 is due Saturday the 13th at Midnight (American Time)/Sunday the 14th in the Morning (European Time)

2022-08-08, 05:27 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

2022-08-08, 05:47 PM

Barbaric - Mercantile - Inhuman

Crude chimneys had been speared through the rooftops of the ancient courthouse. Two days later acrid smoke poured into the air from countless forges stuffed into previously hallowed halls. Within the confines of the compound, tireless laborers tore through wood and iron, turning the maze of hallways into a factory floor. Behind them, skilled builders ensured that the structure didn’t shatter and ruin their hard work.

Outside the gates tensions were high. Hemminghock security stood across from local Ardakandans. From nobility to peasants, they were all there for the shared purpose, to express that the Barbarians from another land shouldn’t be defiling the honored tradition of the Courthouse.

It didn’t seem to matter how many times the Company tried to explain that they’d bought the place. They were too far out of line with local tradition and paper only meant so much. So, tempers flared, and every few hours a new body would need to get dragged out of the street after stepping too far forward.

The cost of doing business.

Cecelia was on the balcony of the previous head office, staring out at the crowd as it broke apart to the sound of gunshots. They’d be back, but ammunition had bought her a moment’s peace. Now she was just stuck here, because she’d been told that leavin the compound at the moment would be reckless and ‘inciting violence.’

Nobody here could really tell her what to do, but if everyone in the street was stupid enough to try and attack her, she’d have less people to hire once heads cooled, and that just wouldn’t do.

The door in the office proper slid across the floor and the familiar sound of talons on bamboo filled the room.


“It’d better be good news Helle,” Cecelia called back without turning around. She could see that one of the men in the crowd was considering something stupid. “Or whiskey,” she finished, just loud enough for her sister to hear.

“Whiskey ain’t in town yet,” Helle stopped walking forward for a moment, “found some’a that local wine.”

“I ain’t drinking that water on a workday,” Cecelia pointed out.

“‘Right,” Helle answered, “Got the reports from the locals we hired here,” Helle walked at double pace to be holding a scroll out of her sister as she finished the sentence.

“The **** is this?”

“Prints took all the paper,” Helle said, “bought this off some locals.”

“By the Gods,” Cecelia sighed before snatching the scroll away from Helle. “Who put you on this? Ain’t ya su-”

“Vic thought it’d be safer if I walked in instead-o-him.”

Cecelia frowned at the list in her hands, “Not wrong.” She took a moment to read it, taking several attempts to pronounce some of the names that were more foregin to her tongue. “How long ‘till we have proper paper?”

“Few days.”

“G-” Cecelia cut herself off. “Ya got more of these then?”


“Bring some, guess I’m gonna have to write on one of these damn things.”

Helle made her exit and Cecelia strode over to the counter on the side that they’d brought up from another room to act as the bar. There was nothing worth drinking here, but she could at least consider it.

It was going to be a long haul in Ardakand, and it was time to get to work.

Good Morning, Evening and Night to All of Y’all. I’m Cecelia Hemminghock, heiress to the Hemminghock Family Company and the leader of our generous expedition into this recently Godless Land.

The Hemminghock Family Company is a tradin’ company that holds strong family values first and foremost in our hearts. For most o’yall, that’s gonna translate into some major cash in your pocket. I’ve always been a shoppin’ Gal with an eye for quality, and from what I can tell some of you have wondrous services.

That said, let me be clear. To any o’yall that are considering stepping up to the Family, we are always going to defend our own. This city ain’t kind to travelers and we’re settling ourselves into our space. So I’m gonna set up some ground rules for doing business. The first is:

Moving into the Imperial Court or Diashir will be considered an act of aggression against the Hemminghock Family Company and will be responded accordingly.

Now we’d love to be an engine of trade as opposed to violence, so I hope we’ve reached an understanding y’all. Have a lovely day.

They say your heroes are for hire. I did just say that I was a shopping Gal. Mind sending over a price list?

Thank ‘ya kindly.

I’ll be honest, I’m interested in the applications of your Golems. They wouldn’t be out of place in our ranks and I’d be curious about getting some of them for our factories.

Though admittedly, we need to establish ourselves a touch first. But we’re interested.

OOC: Basically I’m going to be kissing the stat cap at some point and might want to buy some guardians, setting seeds.

2022-08-08, 06:33 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus


Two dozen more men and women lounged in the small warehouse that the Cerberus banner was currently using as south Barracks. More volunteers for sowing the fields and fighting the bandits of the countryside. The 28th and the Aquilla had already been in talks to assist with the harvest and bandits even before the general call went out, and the volunteers had already swelled to the hundreds. Many thirsting as much for an escape from the claustrophobic streets and a return to the saddle as were hoping for a healthy harvest.

“Ready your ponies cohort,” Orbei spoke with a firm command, seldom shouting, but with authority earned from more than just her horse hair helm. “See to your centuria, you will be riding alongside the Aquilla to Caustwood, the bandit Crownbreaker is there. Destroy him, and recapture Caustilibad.” The soldiers had quietly mustered to attention while she was issuing orders, their Houndcrest clearly embarrassed to have been caught relaxing by the Legate.

“Legate Orbei, we will be ready to depart by the hour, the ponies are fresh and ready, will we have a baggage train to deliver?” Orbei had a brief moment of pride mixed with shame in the Houndcrest, Timo or Tamo, she couldn’t recall. Ten years ago, he would have likely been flogged for distracting the commander with tedious questions, and stripped of his rank for the barest implication that the Legio would be delivering imperial baggage to hollow eyed villagers struggling through plague and disaster. The civil war had opened they eyes of the legion, at first it was merely frustration at the quiet incompetence of the Imperial administration, letting fields rot and people starve, then it was bitterness at the devastation wrought by the civil war, and then at last, resolve to do better. A better world for the future of the Imperium.

“Yes, Houndcrest, you will have supplies to deliver as well.”


Morale 8
Imperial, Heroic, Hierarchical


Slayers of the Silent Saints

Your order deserves much more recognition that it has earned for your criticism of the Throne of Earth and Sky. Our beliefs may not match exactly regarding the future of the Mandate of Heaven, but we also wish for the next to take up the Mandate should be of better quality than the villainous princes who’s incompetence has cost the Empire so much.

Alas, compliments and pleasantries are not all I write for today. The Shaitan are here, the shadow of devastation and my legion have both arrived in the city, but the devils are far out of my immediate reach. I am of the firm belief that they represent both a threat to the Empire, and to the people of Ardakand, but for now all I can truly do is prepare for their expansion. If you happen to come across and messages from those otherworldly beings currently ravaging Tarbent, if indeed such creatures are capable of sending messages, do let me know, I aim to at least be prepared for their coming.

Also, given the Greenseers may very well be welcoming to your troops, a penchant for spiritualism and the proximity of the Shaitan, would your august order be able to spare some troops to assist with the harvest? The Cerberus banner has no intention of letting ANYONE starve, but we will be hard pressed to do it alone.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Kindly Cousins,

I understand your people are some of the wealthiest who yet remain in the city, and your body of research may be perfectly suited to restoring a devastated landscape in the countryside to productive use. I am working on building a network of people who may be able to aid in seeing that the harvest comes to fruit and that we don’t starve in our walls this winter. Would your folk be willing to help in such an endeavor?

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

The Witch-Doctors
Ardents of the Loa,

Your folk are some of the wealthiest who yet remain in the city, I am working on building a network of people who may be able to aid in seeing that the harvest comes to fruit and that we don’t starve in our walls this winter. Would your folk be willing to help in such an endeavor?

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei


Legio Aquila

I’ll be frank, while I think the city can assemble the necessary troops to solve the issues ravaging the countryside, the civil war has left the city desperately poor in comparison to how it once was. Are there alternatives to economy that could be worked? Or even just used to offset the steep cost of repairing and repopulating the outlying towns?

Regardless I’ll be moving most of my legion to your aid, and whatever meager funds we can spare. The first cohorts should be arriving to muster soon.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

Legio Minotarus

I understand that your legion is busy with your tasks in the artefactory, but the harvest will likely fail without our aid. What can I do to convince you to lend your legions military strength to helping clear out bandits from the countryside?

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

2022-08-09, 02:23 PM
Legio Aquila to the Legio Cerberus [8]

Hail, Legate

We are glad to hear of your support, which we had dearly hoped for. The fact of the matter is, we are going to have to rebuild villages, procure seed, pay workers, plow the land. Some of it can perhaps be replaced with other means, automata or magic, if we can procure it, but that is outside our field.

Legate Aurelius

Note: They estimate that Art could also be a help ful stat.

Legio Minotaurus to the Legio Cerberus [6]

Hail, Legate

Our troops are exceedingly busy and mostly unfit for patrolling open countryside. As such, we don't think we have much to contribute there. However, I think we could be convinced to help with some of the rebuilding. Of course, as fellow masters of legions who served the Empire together, we are all on the same side, and we are sure we can count on you in the future in exchange for our help.

The Dominus Fabricator

Note: they would contribute some Art (replacing some of the eco cost) in exchange for a future favour.

2022-08-09, 03:01 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Minoo stomped down the palatial corridor in a huff. She passed elaborate sculptures and full length portraits of past emperors without even noticing them. Finally she exited the palace into a garden courtyard that was clearly supposed to an elegant and refined statement of wealth and power, but was now getting a little overgrown and weedy. "Hormoz! Hormoz! What happened to the Crimson Peacock that was in the west gardens. I wanted to get some feathers, and it was gone."

She stopped short as she took in the scene before her. The merrily crackling bonfire set up on, and undoubtedly ruining, a tiled plaza. The muscled warriors sprawled out across various couches and cushions that had been hauled out of the palace. The now unidentifiable carcass slowly turning above the bonfire. The massive Hormoz sprawled across two entire couches and rather unsuccessfully trying to hide a drumstick behind his back.

Minoo's eyes grew wide, and then she exploded. "You ate it! You ate the Crimson Peacock! Do you know how rare those things are! Do you know what kind of spirit boons I can get for its feathers alone! Look at this!" She marched up to the roasting bird and jabbed it with her knife. "You didn't even save its heart for later. I bet you fed its entrails to your hounds! I won't even be able to make an augury! You imbecile. You oaf!"

Hormoz raised his massive hands placatingly until he realized he was still holding the drumstick and tossed it in the bushes behind him. "Now Minoo. I know that bird meant a lot to you. I know it was some kind of special spirit bird, but hear me out."

Minoo ceased her rant and gazed at the giant expectantly. "We roasted it to see how it tasted. And I can report it was delicious. Best bird I've ever eaten. You can write tasty in that file you keep."

"Hormoz!!" Minoo's screams became inarticulate cries of fury and Hormoz wisely chose to take off running as fast he could. He might outweigh Minoo five to one, but he didn't like his chances. Just in case the remaining warriors waited until they couldn't hear Minoo's raging any more and then burst out laughing. Just another day with the Heron and Hippo.

And he was right. That bird had been delicious.

To all of Ardakand know that the great and powerful Hormoz has laid claim to the palace of the emperor. Seeing as he isn't using it anymore. Let friends enter gladly, and foes venture here at their own peril.

We are of course at the service of anyone able to pay with coin, but sadly the state of the city is somewhat prohibitive for trade at the moment. And we find ourselves with some need to set our own house in order before we venture out on behalf of others. Which is to say you can hire us, but our prices may be higher than you would desire. (1 mil for 2 of any other stat. We'll cover guarding the trade.)

That said these are only initial prices. Circumstances may change (at midturn) and once we are closer to one another it will certainly make such trading easier. We are certainly interested to hear any offers you may have in mind.

We don't want the city starving anymore than anyone else. We can't promise what exactly we'll send, but we'll definitly put together a team to help clear out the surrounding bandits.

Most Righteous Flamen Caelestis protector of the pantheon, we would like to ask if there is anything we can do to aid you in your most holy duties. In return we ask that you intercede for us with the greater gods.

2022-08-09, 04:03 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

"Hence if at any time rumours of war are noised, let confidence be placed not so much in the strength of bodily arms as reposed in the Silent Saints, with assiduous prayers; and let the help of god be implored, in Whose hand salvation, peace and victory rest, Who, if called upon in godly manner, never leave the calling, but assist them as a merciful helper in tribulation. For when your chosen ones' hands and voices are raised toward the Merciless Martyrs, the ferocity of the enemy is annihilated; and, sometimes, sudden disgrace and the dangers are set for them. And, while pious men enter upon the road to safety of which they had despaired, the impious enter the pitfall of unforeseen death."

- Canticle of Aspidum Sanctus, Verse 3:14

The Hunt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxQ4dD6IA5Y&ab_channel=UbisoftMusic)

The cellar reeked of vinegar, oil, and stale wine. Moonlight peeked in through the tiny barred windows near the ceiling, and the pall of torch-smoke suffused the air. Against the two far walls were stacked dozens of barrels, breaking only where the secret door had been opened to the tunnels below. From the darkness emerged a figure. Alone. To anyone on the street, he would appear as just another traveler; clad in woolen robes, wearing sandal wraps, with close-shorn dark hair and unexpressive brown eyes. He could not be more than nineteen. The young man surveyed his surroundings slowly, his gaze betraying no deeper thought but taking in each detail methodically. They settled on the cellar's only other inhabitant: a merchant woman, busy sweeping and organizing the shelves.

"Arash," said the Slayer. A name; a target. From the folds of his clothing, he produced a coin and placed it in the woman's hand.

"He hides among the people as a black-market dealer, so you should start in the port." The merchant, apparently unconcerned, barely turned from her task. Her fingers closed around the coin as she raised it to her face, inspecting it. Barely a thumb span across, it was made of beaten copper, and of poor quality; she could see the imperfections in the metal even under the dim torchlight. A featureless skull had been beaten into the center of the mold.

"Your marker is accepted in the spirit it was given, initiate. It shall be returned to you in this life or the next." She paused to bow her head. "Let Death be the Fairest Arbiter."

The Slayer threw up his hood and departed without another word, for he still had much to do.

Seen from above, the night market was like a wide crescent hole that had been stamped into the city's rooftops so it was easy to find. The biggest trading hub in Ardakand, it lay in the center of the city's Port Ward in the south-east and was bordered on all sides by low stone buildings and warehouses of timber – the better for storing and unloading goods – and was a patchwork of carts, stands and merchants' tables. There would be few other places in the city so active at this time. Sweet scents rose to the assassin on his perch high above: perfumes and oils, spices and pastries. Everywhere customers and traders were chattering or moving quickly through the crowds. The city's people either stood and talked or hurried from one place to the next. There was no in-between, it seemed – not here, anyway. He watched them for a while, then clambered down from the rooftop and, blending into the crowds, listened.

Listening for one word.


The three merchants were huddled in the shade, talking quietly but with all kinds of wild hand movements. It was they who had said the name, and he sidled over towards them, turning his back and hearing Confessor Jerall's tutelage in his head as he did so: 'Never make eye contact, always look occupied, stay relaxed.'

"He's called another meeting," heard the Slayer, unable to place which of the men was speaking. Who was the 'he' they mentioned? Arash, presumably. He listened, making a mental note of the meeting place.

"What is it this time? Another warning? Another execution?"

"No. He has work for us."

"Which means we won't be paid."

"He's abandoned the ways of the Merchant Navy. Does as he pleases now..."

They began discussing a large deal – the biggest ever, said one, in hushed tones – when suddenly they stopped. Not far away an orator with a close-trimmed black beard had taken his place at his stand and was now staring at the merchants with dark, hooded eyes. Threatening eyes.

The Slayer stole a glance from beneath his cowl. The three men had gone pale. One scuffed at the dirt with his sandal; the other two drifted away, as though suddenly remembering an important task at hand. Their meeting was at an end.

The orator. One of Arash's men, most likely. Evidently, the black marketeer controlled these streets with a firm hand. He drifted over as the man began to speak, drumming up an audience.

"None knows Arash better than I," he announced loudly. "Come close. Hear the tale I have to tell. Of a merchant prince without peer…" Just the tale he wanted to hear. He drifted closer, able to play the part of an interested observer. The market swirled around him.

"It was just before the Battle of Intri," continued the speaker. "The Emperor's forces were low on food, and in desperate need of resupply. But there was no relief in sight. Arash drove a caravan in those days between Ardakand and Nakh Perel. But recent business had been poor. It seemed there were none in Nakh Perel who wanted what he had: fruits and vegetables from nearby farms. And so Arash left, riding north and wondering what would become of his supplies. Soon they would surely spoil. That should have been the end of this tale and the poor man's life... but the gods of Earth and Sky intended otherwise." There were easily two-score listeners now, drawn in by the telling.

"As Arash drove his caravan north, he came across the Great Khan and his starving men. Most fortunate for them both – each having something the other wanted. So Arash gave the man his food. And when the battle was finished, our Most Gracious Emperor saw to it that the merchant was repaid a thousand times." At this the orator paused, letting the last of his words hit home. "Some say, were it not for Arash, the Great Khan's men would have turned on him. It could be that we won the battle because of that man..."

He finished his speech and let his audience drift away. On his face was a thin smile as he stepped away from the stand and moved deeper into the market. Off, perhaps, to another stand to make the same speech exalting Arash. The Slayer followed, keeping a safe distance, once again hearing his tutor's words in his head: 'Put obstacles between yourself and your quarry. Never be found by a backward glance.'

As the orator turned off onto a street, he made sure to follow. They were in a narrow, almost empty lane, dark mud walls pressing in on them. A shortcut, presumably, to the next stand. The Slayer made sure there were no windows or passers-by in his sightlines, then took a few quick steps forward, grasped the speaker by the shoulder, spun him around, and jammed the tips of his fingers beneath his ribcage.

Instantly the orator was doubled up, stumbling back and gasping for breath, his mouth working like that of a grounded fish. The Slayer shot another look to make sure nobody had heard, then stepped forward, pivoted on one foot, and kicked the orator in the throat. He fell back messily, his robe twisted around his legs. Now his hands went to where the Slayer and kicked him and he rolled in the dust. Grim-faced, the Slayer stood over him. Easy, he thought. It had been too -

The orator moved at inhuman speed. He shot up and kicked out, catching him square in the chest. Surprised, the Slayer staggered back as the other came forward, mouth set and fists swinging. There was an emerald gleam in his eyes, which had changed to take on a slitted ophidian countenance. A naga-kin, the Slayer realized. The orator's teeth had already grown, a transparent liquid too viscous to be saliva dribbling out over his chin. Depending on the breed, a naga's venom could burn through stone or even metal. He would need to incapacitate it quickly.

The Slayer dodged the next flailing punch only to realize it was a feint as the naga-kin caught him across the jaw with its other fist. He almost fell, tasting blood and cursing himself. He had underestimated his opponent. Worse, he had mistaken it for human. A novice mistake. The naga-kin's eyes narrowed and it hissed, lower jaw distending as its shoulders coiled, ready to spring. The Slayer shook the pain from his face and came forward, holding his fists high and catching the monster on the temple before it could come in for the kill.

For some moments the two traded blows in the alley. The naga-kin was smaller and faster, grazing the Slayer with an elbow high on the bridge of his nose. He stumbled, blinking away tears that split his vision. Sensing victory, the creature encroached, throwing wild punches and trying to get under his guard. The Slayer stepped to the side, went low, and swept the naga-kin's feet from beneath it, sending it crashing to the dirt. The Slayer spun and dropped, sinking his knee directly into the speaker's groin. Naga-kin tended to stay as close to human-like anatomy as possible while shapeshifted. He was gratified to hear an agonized gurgle from his opponent as he stood, his shoulders rising and falling heavily as he collected himself. The naga-kin writhed soundlessly on the ground, mouth wide in a silent scream, blood and venom mixing together. After managing a few gasping breaths, the Slayer put the weight of his foot on the monster's chest.

"Tell me where I can find Arash."

All Messages at Morale 7

The messenger that crosses the bridge into Coralward is plainly dressed, but has the features of a killer. They are too watchful, too well armed, and they move as a shadow amongst the populace. They wait politely among the outer reaches of First Bloom, where the fantastic living reefwalls recede and join with the existing stonework. They make no secret of handing a sealed scroll with a skull seal to the Gardeners' representative.

To the Cousins of the First Bloom,

Well met, and welcome to Ardakand. The City of Cities has grown wretched and full of weeds, many of which are in imminent need of plucking. The Orders have seen the beauty that your arts can bring, and while some of the more close-minded members of my faith have expressed concerns about the longevity of your salutary regimes, I have assured them that it is no different than many of the creeds our Slayers have adopted. To combat sickness, sometimes one must lance a wound; other times, apply a poultice. I believe that we are the former and you are the latter. For the time being, the Slayer-Confessors hold that your organization is one to keep close, for I believe we can aid one another.

The Orders of the Silent Saints, like the rest of the claimants crawling over this city, will soon expand. There is more room needed to house the faithful, and we have so many that would fight for the right causes. Your own flock will surely grow as well, for there are many patients that need healing and only so much room for hospices. Surely you will see the benefits of working side by side and maintaining our demesnes. Being kind neighbors will allow our corner of Ardakand to remain free of the taint of evil and disease.

Meanwhile, we are well aware that Legio XXIIX Cerberus has reached out to you regarding the upcoming harvest, as they have us. We were wondering whether you intended to donate to the common cause and if so what the extent of your generosity would be. The Confessors are somewhat split on the issue; several of us believe it is our duty to ensure that the people do not starve, while others believe in paying the hard price for keeping our warrior-priests fit and healthy to fight against the wicked and the monstrous.

May your gardens flourish,

Slayer-Confessor Kantus, Sancta Ichoria

My proposition is that we each keep to our islands; you to Coralward, me to Marble Ward. Next turn, I would be interested in trading some permanent stat points and keeping an ongoing arrangement with you to do the same. That should trigger your faction ability several times (there is no upper limit on how many times your faction ability procs, so I see no reason why we can't get you as much Art as possible). In trade, I may ask you to help me speed up an LTP of my own by sending me some temp Art on future turns.
The response comes by messenger pigeon, in a letter with a seal stamped with a skull. The missive finds its way into the hands of the very same officer who reached out to the Orders on Marble Ward.

To Legate Orbei,

Our thanks for reaching out to us; had you not done so, we would have sought you out. We have also received petitions for aid in the city's plight. The other Slayer-Confessors and I are of several minds on the matter, truth be told. Some among our councils believe that it is in the best interest of the Orders to stay our hand, retaining our food for our own to keep them in fighting shape against the many threats that now face Ardakand, both in the Material and Spirit Worlds. However, some of us are moved by the idea of mass starvations after such a difficult winter. How much is the Legio intending to pledge to this cause?

Regarding the Shaitan, you are correct that they are a danger. When the nights are calm, our spies can hear the screams from over the water. They are a threat to the entire city and will need to be dealt with, no matter the cost. There is no such thing as fighting evil with evil. Any means bared against those who would defy death is always justified by its own ends. However, our Slayers are not equipped to deal with them right away. To do so would come at the expense of our ability to fight other evils which take root elsewhere.

However, the Shaitan are prone to destruction. We believe that patience is the key to defeating them. They will soon have many enemies, and once that happens we can move together to strike as one to drive the dead out of Ardakand entirely.

Fight the corrupt in all things,

Slayer-Confessor Jurall, Sancta Finalis

I will see how much I can spare for the event. I've only got 5 Mil and 1 Eco, and on Turn 1 both of those are super valuable stats. The Eco I may be able to part with right now seeing as I have the discount on the 1 territory, but we will see.
The woman who delivers the letter into the heart of the Allotments does not pretend to be anything other than she is: armed and armored with a bevy of weapons and poisons under a thick grey-and-navy cloak. The lower half of her face is covered in a mask, and her kohl-rimmed gaze takes in everything she sees.

Dear Albatross,

We are aware that you likely had our messenger followed, that you knew what she had for breakfast this morning, and who she went to bed with last night. There are no secrets between us, nor should there be. Those of our role and station often go unseen, but in such a time of turmoil and upset we are thrust out of the darkness. What were once games of intrigue now have higher stakes, and will shape the course of the Empire for generations to come. We cannot afford to be at odds, not when a single mistake could cast down

Although our Orders do not always agree with your methods, we believe that our ends are not so incompatible. Your Carnival seeks to cast down the corrupt and the cruel. Our Slayers hunt down evil-doers and the unworthy, eliminating them where they sleep. Why not coordinate, and work together to rid Ardakand of all those who would corrupt it? There is certainly no shortage of targets; the Witch Doctors, Clan Fuxi, and of course the Bloodsworn Shaitan are all clear and present dangers. They would plunge the City of Cities into an age of iniquitous sorceries and craven injustices, and in the latter case of open slaughter.

You may not trust our Order enough to ally with us in the open. Therefore, what I am proposing is an unofficial understanding, one where we keep one another appraised of information and opportunities that would allow us to truly wipe the slate clean. What say you?

May you witness the voices in the shadows,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

So we could compete for the Esp niche this game, but I have no interest in that when it seems like our factions are incredibly well aligned. The Carnival wants justice. The Slayers want to fight evil. I'd very much like a friend or two, and if we quietly work together our factions will be crazy powerful; the last game I ran with this ruleset, the two Esp factions fought each other and lost, so I'm advocating against that.
An urchin - a child, no older than ten - makes their way into one of the Hippo's camps. They find their way to one of Hasan's soldiers, whispering a message in his ear and repeated enough times to be memorized, recited directly to the hero of Klem.

To Hormoz Hasan and Minoo Shirin, heroes for hire,

We are aware that both of our enterprises are relatively new to Arkadand, and we have no wish to cause any unnecessary discord. You are, as best as we can tell, not a threat to the city nor the Throne's inheritance, while there are a great many other dangers that need tending to. The coming shortage in grain may prove to fell many, and there is no shortage of true Evil that lies lurking in the shadows and streets. The Slayers would rather count on you if not as allies, then at least as cordial neighbors.

One of our Orders has extant business with the Temple of the Sky, yet we are not blind to the fact that both of our organizations will need room to grow. You will call forth your soldiers and sorcerers, and us a great many more faithful eyes and mouths. The High Fane and the Pantheon are of some interest to the Mortalists, and although I do not speak for them, some of them fear an attempt at improper governance from the many would-be princes in our ranks.

Walk always in the light,

Slayer-Confessor Jurall, Sancta Finalis

Proposing that we clarify our borders early. You get your island, I get mine, and we each take one of [61] and [63]. The High Fane at [61] grants Mor, which I want a lot more than Inv, but will need to deal with the Temple directly to get. I'm also going to see about confederating the Temple at some point, though I would be open to working with you on that since it seems like you're also working towards that.
A single scroll is delivered by a carrier pigeon to Cecelia Hemminghock's headquarters. It bears only scant instructions and no signature, but the wax seal is that of a skull.

We may have common cause to do business soon. Post a man to the southern end of Compass Street in the Marble Ward each day. If he sees two women walking north wearing red sashes at the noon bell, you will know that the Slayers seek to do business with the Hemminghock Company.

Just saying hi. I may want to do some trading with you later, especially if the Gardeners don't have good prices for services. Nothing like a little healthy competition!
The scribe who passes on the missive of the Orders is a man of middle age in clerical vestments, approaching the great bastion of the Pantheon flanked by two cloaked figures with long blades at their belts. White powder stains the priest's hands and cheeks, and he wears no shoes on his feet.

Greetings, honored hierophants,

The passing of the Emperor and the interregnum has threatened the stability of all of his former territories, and the sanctity of your hegemony over these lands. While the Orders of the Silent Saints have had our disagreements with your councils over the years, it brings us no pleasure to see an institution of order, stability, and good government subverted by corruption. As an honorary lay member of the Temple of the Sky myself, I confess a great deal of dismay at the prospect of a faithless future.

It is for that reason that I wish to be among the first to offer my services. The Temple will need true friends if it is to weather the coming storm.

May your gods keep you close,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

The Slayers are interested in eventually confederating the Temple of the Sky. What does the Temple require?

2022-08-09, 05:38 PM
Gudite warcamp

The Gudite Warband, lacked in spirit on arrival, too many were lost in the sea, and then a bumbling mess of skirmishes and uncoordinated landing before a measure of control was reestablished, intelligence gathered and the ancient "fortress" they now called Eirniash chosen as their new base on the base of "Known factors" and strategic location.

The simple homes they had leased bought and "acquired" had been a great boon to morale, and it was not only the priests of the empire who learned from gods of the days to come. Eirn's festival was in full swing, and the ritual dances, concerts and hanging lights of the Warcamp contrasted with the grim city that surrounded them. Divinations had been mostly unclear but most Gudite priests felt there was something in the air, for Solyom, who preached in song upon the festive street it was an omen of victory, of proper unity so far away from home and the well deserved high spirits of his kin, for Daghir who looked down from atop the battlements, it was gunpowder.

Not the smell of a battlefield by any means, but the hint of it hidden under the various "unorthodox" ingredients added to the formula, emanating from the barrels lined behind her and (to a somehow larger degree) from the handler just arriving to her side, twirling a set of long wicks as she greeted.

"heeey, Shouldn't you be down there?"

"I did my part this morning, better followers of Eirn can take the night" her eyes kept downwards, seemingly intent on guiding Delilah's attention to the dancers and musicians that made up those better followers.

She paid attention for a moment or two, twirling the wicks to a nearby tune, then lighting one of them, "sooo, what of my request?" a notorious fwish and a explotion of colour made Dhagir dawdle before her reply

"Uh, sure, go as you please, you don't really need to ask permission" she managed, more intent on watching the crowd react to the fireworks.

The mage, looked back with the sort of surprise reserved for stupid comments made by people who should know better, replying and only looking a little bit less so when attention was turned back to her "Alone? through unknown streets?"

"I'll send a pair of guards"

"A pair? I'll die!!"

"...5 Then"

''Have you seen me??? I scream valuable" Delilah lit a further two wicks and pointed at her entire self as if to prove a point, Daghir couldn't help but raise an eyebrow quizzically, for one thing, the wiry geomancer hardly kept appearances even when off duty and thanks to today's occasion looked like a chimney sweep who just happened to find a nice pair of goggles, for another, she seemed too concerned for someone who routinely caused explosions underwater while sharing an air bubble with the exploding object.


Nothing but a frown for her reply.

Daghir in turn grabbed her own furrowing brow "These people have jobs Delilah, I'm not asking a dozen soldiers to drop their livelihood because you want to meet a geomancer regularly" a bit of a standoff ensued, interspersed with further lit wicks and an arriving courier with a set of scrolls that called for the wolf's attention.

Decided to pay the scrolls her undivided attention, Daghir interjected an "I'll see what can be done" which seemingly was honest enough to get Delilah in a whistling mood while she walked back to her fireworks.

That done with, she inspected the messages, they were encrypted copies, written in a battle tongue no one they knew could or would transcribe for them but the mimicry of the seals and dates made by the copier were just enough for her.

Mor 4

In fine calligraphy from an imperial merchant script, a note arrives to the many powers of the city

Legio Aquila have done their job properly and deserve praise for it. The city, while nowhere near a triumph, should be given a reason to celebrate even if it has to be such a low one as an averted crisis.

The other legions may be silent on the issue, but our people will not be so callous. I pledge to aid in bringing back the supplies, through your gods' strength or our own, with the help of Aquila, and urge you all to provide your help as well.

With more than thoughts for the famished,
-Daghir "The wolf", organizer of the Gudite relief force.


The very picture of an everyman, save for his ancestry, attempts to call the attention of the carnival by walking near the scenes of the latest executions in broad daylight.

The walls that see and floors that hear would quickly recognize the figure as Solyom of the Gudite Warcamp, whether they reveal themselves is entirely another matter.


in exquisite claigraphy and noble manner, the letter arrives through a well dressed messenger, if not following imperial etiquette

Esteemed wardens of the honoured dead, keepers of House Aranea, we hope our presence so near you is not to your dislike, and assure you that any further growth in our influence will not inhibit the locals from working as they have always done, please, do let us know if you would have anything from us.

With the utmost respect,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

Esteemed members of the triumvir, and the council by extension,

Have you decided on how much you will contribute to relieve the current crisis? not to rush the council's choice, by all means, take your time, but vocal and material support from such an important organization would do wonders to move others into action.

Gulldr's might,
Solyom, Leviathan.

2022-08-09, 07:07 PM

It was still early into the month that Hemminghock had set aside to quell the crowds but they were starting to abate. The people of the city might have been turning their noses up at the idea of these 'barbarians' stepping into the courthouse and 'ruining' the history there, but they'd at least been somewhat cool about the appearance of the Hemminghock people. Perhaps it was due to the casusal existance of spirits in this land, but some of the citizens barely offered a second glace to the winged backs of the ladies.

Instead they balked at the accent they spoke the local language with. Maybe it wasn't much better than comments on their appearance, but it was at least different from the descrimination that typcially landed on their doorstep before Hemminghock bought their way into the ruling class.

Which is what made it so funny when the request for funds for the city landed on Hemminghock desks. The gates needed to stay closed to keep a small riot out, but they were expected to be one of the powers that would help feed those same people in three months when Winter came round.

Cecelia had dissmissed it out of hand in the first place, but she'd been in a bad mood since the libations wagon had been set on fire on the way into the city. Halle as too busy trying to keep Cecelia from starting a war against the person who decided that Rice wine should have a lower alcohol content than Whiskey. Which meant it was up to Tess to look for solutions to the citie's probelms, at least if Hemminghock was going to paticipate in keeping everyone well fed.

Maybe she needed to pitch them as potential employees.

Across from Tess, Mithina checked balance booked and schedules, holding books in her hands and shifting sheets with four of her eight legs. The Drider's skin was pale from being stuck inside within the walls. The people of Ardakand might have been welcoming to someone with wings, but a half spider tended to be one of the harder sells within any city.

"I think we can make it work but-" Mithina bent down to pick up a paper and put it on the table, "it's going to cost us a lot."

"More than the numbers I reckon?"

"Lot'sa oppotunity cost," she pointed out drawing a black fingernail to a scale of projected profits based on current assigned working hours. "It'd be better if we could help next month."

"Ain't how farmin' works."

Mithina frowned at that comment. Sure she was from the caves beneath the old world but half of her family had been ranchers, "I know how the farming works, but my point is that this is objectively damaging to Hemminghock."

"Not helpin' would be."

"In terms of repute as opposed to profits," Mithina pointed out, "and the money could buy some good articles in a local paper anyway."

"Might for some but if people die-" Tess sighed, "issue is we're rich."

"I know."

"We ain't gonna starve."


"We're gonna need assurances from the other people in charge if we're putting our necks out like that."

Mithina nodded, "That would be your job."

"I know," Tess sighed, it was going to be a long time in Ardakand wasn't it?

The Hamminghock Family Company is writing to let you know about a potential commitment of resoruces regarding the current grain situation.

The resources brought to Ardakand were meant to exclusively bring Hemminghock up to our production standards and kickstart company growth. Any change in resource allocation will be potentially devastating to our bottom line. This is doubly true for the resources that are being requested, namely ECO and MIL.

If other resources can be allocated, they are more flexible. Otheriwse we will likely need to wait until we endevour into the spirit realm and see what we are able to pull from those uncharted lands.

If needed, we can submit a large retinue of soldiers, but this will require oaths from several nearby factions that they will not encroach upon Hemminghock territory and block our ability to secure more living space for our migrant employees.

Thank you, terms below:

I can submit 2 ART for sure

Any eco from the spirit realm can go to this. I'm sending 5 INV in.

My stat line is pretty optimized. I might as well send 5 or 0 MIL. I would need a lot of promises of non-intervention to give up 5 MIL on turn 1 (It's basiclaly suicide) but I can swing it if the city is going to starve otherwise.

That said, my ECO from the realm + the ART is my share if it works soo.

We seem to be aligned on the price issue here. We understand the need to establish ourselves in the area. We're facing down the same issue in relation to The Legio Aquila's request.

We look forward to hiring you in the future when we have too much money and your men need a fight.

St. Justicar
2022-08-09, 11:11 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman - Spiritual - Heroic

The boatman’s skiff was large, flat-bottomed, and designed and piloted by men more concerned with transporting crates of grain and casks of liquor than crippled and starving refugees. But by the new year the latter had long since become easier to find, and in these uncertain days only a fool would turn away steady business.

Besides, new arrivals didn’t have a hope of finding their way through the city’s labyrinth of islands and bridges on their own, and the Guild’s boatyards were the only place anyone sane would even thinking of pulling into Coralward. As poor as the battered masses seeking the Garden were, it added up quite nicely when you could fleece them of everything they had.

Arik had arrived at the Peacock Gate alone, but by the time he limped onto the swaying, unsteady pier he felt a deep companionship with the two dozen other refugees he had shared the trip with. None owned anything but the rags on their backs and the makeshift crutches and splints they couldn’t do without, and he doubted any of them understood the boatmen’s harsh words announcing their arrival any better than he did.

He doubted any of the rest had eaten in the last few days either. Even the ones without an obvious injury had hollow eyes and sunken cheeks, looking down to avoid the morning’s glare as they limped across the swaying docks and toward the only salvation anyone had offered them.

By the time they left the boatyards and entered the Coralward proper, there were some murmuring that it wasn’t salvation at all. Just a convenient lie to trick them into going somewhere remote before they died. The ‘road’ was a thin causway, broken masonry and dead coral piled on top of each other until the result was wide and steady enough to run a cart on,rising above the archipelago of jagged rocks and shattered ruins on either side. When he looked up, the only promised change was the dark clouds that ate the horizon, the howling Everstorm that, he’d heard, would grow and consume the City if it lost the gods favor for a year and a day.

It was easy to believe that the storm was all the road led to, to just give up and lay down and rest until the waves took him. It wouldn’t even have been the first time he was conned - though the white-masked stranger had been the first he’d met to give him bread as well as hope. He’d come to a stop and just about picked out a likely rock to collapse onto when the family at the front of their little crowd began to yell.

There were plants on the road. Growing between the cracks in the masonry and beginning to flower despite the lack of soil. It was as if they’d crossed an invisible border, and suddenly life was everywhere. A few more paces, and a layer of living coral had grown over the entire path, warm and colorful and soft to the touch. Soon after, real buildings were rising out of the water, multistory monoliths of the same living coral, windows and doors seeming to have been naturally grown and thick vines running between them to support all manner of paths and bridges. The water beneath them was shallow, warm, and clouded, constantly disturbed by schools of unseen fish flitting this way and that.

It took them another ten minutes to reach their destination, but only because they kept stopping to gawk.

The road ended with a shallow slope downward, spilling out into a massive plaza barely above the water line - as the omnipresent puddles near the edges demonstrated. The ground was soft and yielding, and there was a faint scent of decaying seaweed - but it was totally overpowered by something far more important.

Stew. Thick, hearty, meaty stew, in a dozen cauldrons near the far end of the plaza, each attended by a monk in a brown robe and porcelain mask, and several more mundane looking helpers ladling full wooden bowls and handing them with a thick slice of bread to the next of the unwashed masses waiting in line.

If it could be called a line - the whole place was so packed it was closer to one undifferentiated mass. Arik would have called it a mob, except that no one seemed to have any interest in fighting each other or causing a scene. Hard to believe - was everyone that sure there would be enough for them?

Come to think of it, why did he think there would be enough for him?

He had the thought a few vital seconds before any of his companions, and before any of them knew what was happening he’d shoved them aside and barreled into the crowd. Even after the last few weeks he wasn’t exactly a small man, and the tightly packed crowd clearly weren’t expecting to be hit from behind by someone willing to push and kick and elbow to get through.

He made it about ten feet before people started fighting back, and five past that before he was pinned to the ground and someone was yelling and waving their hands to draw attention to him. Between the ringing in his ears and the pangs in his stomach, he didn’t even have the presence of mind to be properly scared until a massive, roughly gloved hand grabbed him by the shoulder and hauled him into the air.

If Arik was a big man, then the monk holding him was gargantuan, a giant walking among humankind. The refugees around him barely reach his broad shoulders, and the heavy brown robes couldn’t conceal a belly that, minutes ago, would have left Arik sick with envy. His mask was an expressionless glossy white, but his voice had more than enough personality to make up for it - warm and booming, full of good humor despite the circumstances.

“My friend! Did no one ever teach you to wait your turn?”

The sickly-sweet smell of cheap incense rolled off of him in waves, so strong it left Arik’s eyes watering. Still, Arik managed to give his best pitiful beggar impression. “Please, mercy. I haven’t eaten in days. I don’t have a coin to my name. If there’s nothing left for me I’ll starve-”

The monk’s laughter was loud enough to fill the plaza, and certainly enough to completelly derail his train of thought. “You can walk! Speak! My friend, you will not starve for waiting an hour.”

With Arik’s shoulder in his hand, it was easy to spin him around, leave him facing the massive structure at the far end of the plaza - the broken ruins of some grand temple, entirely overgrown with the strange coral, dozens of vein-like protrustions running across their surface and occasionally pulsing as something flowed through them. Flowers and weeds of every variety adorned it like a veil, and the whole edifice seemed to shift infitesimally with the waves, almost as if it breathed.

“This is Garden! Harvest’s first Bloom in our soil!” As he spoke, anothe rmasqued monk walked out of a doorway hidden by trailing vines, somewhat absurdly carrying another of the cauldrons - nearly as large as they were - as took their position, acolytes trailing after and setting up to begin serving. “There is plenty for all! None go hungry! None go mad! None fight for scraps!”

He dropped Arik to the ground and followed it up with a friendly slap on the back that left him collapsing to his knees. “None fight each other for anything else either, yeah? We can help everyone because people are good, so be good. Say Cousin Arsat likes you, maybe you get extra bread.”

By the time Arik was back on his feat, ‘Cousin Arsat’ had set up a cauldron even bigger than the rest, and the other refugees he’d arrived with had already moved past him. But Arsat was as good as his word - he ate that day, and the next. Somewhere to sleep was harder, but he and some other provincials found a little islet with a basement that was only half-flooded.

Nothing was ever asked of him, but when a rumor went around that they needed help to bring food to the villages outside the City - dirty, dangerous work, right back into the horrors he’d run away from - he was right there volunteering with everyone else.

Morale 7

Famine is first among the demons of this age. A grand beast once barely caged, now freed by the folly of spoiled blood.

We are helpless before the cruelty of men, but against that beast of nature we would offer up our own blood and bone before we let it taste another. We offer all that we are, and only wish there were more of us who might lay upon the altar in others’ stead.

We demand no recompense, but beg that our other work be allowed to grow untroubled, and the broken temples of Coralward be left in our trust to nurture.

-Cousin Hylah

[OOC: Offering to commit 7 Eco to the event, if the rest of the stats needed can be figured out]

You speak good sense! City is beautiful beast, sick and rotting. If you stop the monsters bringing princes’ folly here, you’re worth supporting. Better than angry ghosts killing us all in our beds, yeah?

Deal is good, borders are good. We offer all we can to stop famine and say you should do same, but if you think monsters inside city are more important, we don’t argue.

-Cousin Arsat

2022-08-10, 01:03 AM
Clan Fuxi
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Greetings Western Wolves,

I see that while we may share differences we both have an in depth fascination with the spiritual. Our clan has wandered the spirit world for centuries and our heritage gives us some unique advantages in that regard. While our stance as friends may be... difficult I hope that we can at least come to terms as neighbors in a mutually beneficial relationship.

We wish to stay on our island and leave you unbothered, possibly even aid in your claims beyond your own Charkand. We would be willing to trade any artifacts we find in our own travels in the spirit realm or aid in the creation or portals. On our end we would pay for the location of spirits you do not wish to bind or worship or artifacts you have no use for. Our progenitor is very eager to continue her hunt.

What are your stances on the games? We see them as a barbaric necessity for the masses but the it cannot be argued that the winner do well for themselves. Of course the only category we would even consider would be Rhetoric. Sports are for the plebian while Art brings no value to the world other then the subjective.

Tamachi of Clan Fuxi

Greetings Generous Gardeners,

We can see that you are deeply capable, able to grow all under your hand. Yet we see you play with your penniless huddled masses, imagine the benefit to be made if you offered your skills to the nobles and merchants of the city. Most families have a relative with some deformity or problem they would like fixed on the secret. If you like we could put put you in touch with the right sort of people, spread your garden to the highest tiers of this city rather then just the sewers.

While I see little immediate use we may be able to do for each other we could be of great use down the line. We wish to stay on our island and leave you unbothered, possibly even aid in your claims beyond your own Coralward. We would be willing to trade any artifacts we find in our own travels in the spirit realm or aid in the creation of portals. On our end we would pay for the location of spirits you do not wish to bind or worship or artifacts you have no use for. Our progenitor is very eager to continue her hunt.

Tamachi of Clan Fuxi

2022-08-10, 05:22 AM
Legio Aquila to the Heron and the Hippo [8]

Hail, Heroes

We are grateful for any help at all. The city will thank you.

The Temple of the Sky to the Slayers of the Silent Saints [10]

Hail, Slayer-Confessor

What strange times we find ourselves in. Disorder reigns under the Sky, and the wolves are loosened to wreak havoc. And we must turn to those we once thought dangerously heterodox, and now considers perhaps some of the only ones left in the city who will truly understand.

This is what we know of order:The Sky is perfect, eternal and unchanging, and covers all on Earth. From the sky flow all principles of nature, in their cycles: day and night, summer and winter. On Earth, through acts of Man, there is sometimes chaos, from which new order is born.

The Sky enacts order upon the Earth both directly and indirectly, and men may learn righteousness from both.

The first way to righteousness is contemplation. Men may look at the Sky, as a perfect example, and through meditation and contemplation of nature, themselves, and their place in nature find rightness of mind and of action within themselves.

The second way of righteousness is piety. The Sky can not touch the Earth, for it is perfect, and Earth is impure. But there are the Gods, aspects of the Sky, sent to Earth to order aspects of nature, and guide men towards correct action, through rituals and laws.

The first part to righteousness is hard. Men can not be forced to contemplate, or feel serenity. In time, the truly righteous may come to the city, or they may not. Only the Sky knows.

The second way is easier. Ritual and Law are instructions, made to be easy to follow by simple men. And if the Gods themselves have become corrupted by their interaction with Earth, if they have ambitions above their stations, then Laws can be made that apply even to the gods, and guide them back to right action, as well.

In the Name of the Sky,
The Flamen Caelestis

OOC: The Temple is not ready to reveal all the details yet, but they are working on a project to bring the gods back in line. Though technically, the Sky's authority rested in the Emperor, and the Gods owed fealty to the Emprie, not the Sky or its temple directly, they think with enough investment, they can restore the Sky's authority under their control. This would allow them to make or break pacts directly, even withdraw the favor of the gods from those factions who resist proper authority.

By the nature of their religion, this will mainly be a legalistic and religious undertaking, requiring enormous amounts of Morale. Some Invocation may help.

2022-08-10, 10:32 AM
Gudite Warcamp

From House Aranea [6]

Esteemed Hierarch,

The Eternal House of the Spider always welcomes new neighbors, especially those who show such respect and politeness. Currently, we must assure you that the Spider is well equipped and the needs of the dead are met, but if we are ever need support, be it military or spiritual, we will be glad to inquire about your aid.

Sinchi Aklasumaq Aranea

From the Merchant Navy [5]

Greetings, Hierarch

Though the current state of the city saddens us deeply and we would of course love to help, our resources are entirely tied up dealing with unseasonal, likely divinely caused weather, the leviathans and other concerns outside the city. Once these problems are aresolved, we will gladly engage contribute once again to Ardakand's upkeep.

Best regards,
Captain Lonan Caratacus

2022-08-10, 10:37 AM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The elders, the chosen vessels of the most powerful Loa allow themselves to be ridden to address the mortals of the group known as The Witch-Doctors.

A back-lit dais of a stage in the auditorium that was once a warehouse sees the convocation of mortal vessels, below the followers watch at tables, sipping strange liquors and eating strange foods. They are distributed based on which of the Loa those seated have had the honor to host, not by their mortal affiliations. Here, all are sisters and brothers!

There is a hush. The holy ones will address their loyal agents in the physical world.

The Baron speaks through his champion. We are strangers in this land. Our ancestors came from far away, under a different sky. But this land is rudderless. Their gods have abandoned them. They require a Lord.

The Trickster speaks This is no concern of our loyal followers. As long as the money flows, and their needs are met, what care us for this land? We came here with nothing, we can leave with much and set up elsewhere.

The Vessel of the Baron chuckles. He was set up by his occasional rival with a soft question. To say they rehearsed would imply things about the nature of spirits that would make a priest do a spit-take, but it was close enough to the truth.

I am not speaking of altruism! When we give guidance to the land, it shall be as Loa rides a vessel. And when I am Emperor, all our priests shall be Barons in their own right! All our loyal retainers shall be Knights

The taciturn vessel of the Knight spoke up.
And we shall be respected! Though we are wealthy and have powerful magic, we are relegated to slums and the natives view us with disdain. No longer. Even should we not take the top prize, we shall arise stronger and covered in glory!

The mortals cheered!

We are always happy to provide aide to the common people and see to the needs of all who seek our benevolence. It is right that the people rely on us, as we rely on them. We will commit as much of our wealth to secure the harvest as is necessary, should adequate security be available.

Dictated by: The Baron
Writted by His Vessel, Antoine duLac

2022-08-10, 03:46 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 4
Rep: Spiritual, Martial, Barbarian

And to you, sidewinders

Not a rare sight in the religious capital of the Khans, but still a welcome one, specially with the intent to cooperate.

I'm don't mind the games, but the gods must be called, new holdings secured, famine averted, not a lot is left for revelry. I must disagree with your reasons though, either reject all that was ever made as subjective, all the way from the gods to us, or abandon the truth of betterment (which your greatest kin still strives for) shown in the objective manner of defeating those who follow the same path, if you leave both as beneath you, why even be?

Now, on the subject of even being, I'm afraid unless your island refers to Khudara or somewhere further still, it is not. Access to the great library and its leylines is imperative and is unlikely we can keep it properly secure if the nearby magisters remain unrestricted in their radical research.

In the interest of our mutual benefit, we can allow free passage through our districts, so long as we know the destination, and will fully keep out of Khudara/help you take it, which should serve you just as well.

Eirn's keen eye,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf.

2022-08-11, 08:32 AM
Golden Guards
Mor 6

A golden clad being surrounded by many shaped golden beings walked down the street. Despite being masked a feeling of joy can be felt as they survey the clean streets. The bums and thugs that lived in the area having long since left for less golden pastures.

From there it wasn't difficult to remove the rest of the scum and trash that plagued the area. Now the area sparkled with gold, the cleansing rust long since removed. Those that remained smiled and nodded at the golden figure as they rushed by. As was proper, loitering was a crime after all and crime would be cleansed even if they would have to be tossed out of the district.

We don't sell our golems lightly but if you wish to rent them we are more than happy to help!

2022-08-11, 10:57 AM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan


Hundreds flee the previously immutable safety of Tarbent in the wake of the Shaitan's occupation of the easternmost portion of the ward. The screams and flames have largely died down, leaving ash and silence in their wake. Few who have ventured into the ruins of what was once a prosperous and established district have returned to tell the tale. The rest of Tarbent seems to be holding its breath; those who have not fled for greener pastures pray fervently that the Shaitan will grow bored of their quiet, respectable ward and strike elsewhere.

In the quiet that follows, lone Shaitan slip out, seeking other powers in Sethennai. Whether they act of their own accord or in service to a collective will is yet to be determined.

Morale 7

The Shaitan that drags itself into the Allotments is a twisted, hooded creature, embedded with spikes and dragging chains that bleed red-black onto the cobblestones. It waits, twitching erratically, until a representative of the Carnival finds it.

The voice that eminates from its maw is a nightmarish as it is, full of malice and anguish. Its message is simple - the establishment broken, and a corrupt city punished for its sins. It does not ask for cooperation or trust - just an acknowledgement of shared purpose.

The Shaitan are under no illusions as to their long-term survival. They want to cause as much damage to Ardakand and its establishments as they can on their way out. They merely point out that the Carnival could benefit significantly from the chaos caused by the Shaitan.

What I'm essentially offering here is non-interference. The Shaitan, by virtue of their fluff and playstyle, are not a strategic threat to the Carnival unless you specifically want to pick a fight. By contrast, an otherwise attack-heavy Esp-heavy nation could benefit significantly by someone drawing significantly more aggro. After all, once the Shaitan are gone, you're the next biggest threat to the other players.

While we're negotiating, the Shaitan would also be willing to offer 35 in exchange for 47.

The Shaitan that comes to the Gardeners is a slow, ponderous thing, a creature of pestilence, seeping pus from hundreds of half-scabbed wounds. Any who get too close break out in pustules. It waits patiently for a Gardener to find it.

When it speaks, it is a croaking boom, filled with resentment and hunger. Its message is simple - the Shaitan would like to take advantage of what the Gardeners can produce, in exchange for a promise to steer clear of Coralward.

Simply put, the Shaitan have precious few allies, and would be willing to offload any useless stats to the Gardeners in exchange for Military and Invocation, starting next turn. They're offering mutual non-interference otherwise to sweeten the deal - the Gardeners have much less to lose from such an arrangement, after all.

The Shaitan that comes to the University Ward is a thin, elegant creature, wrapped in robes of grey with three sets of angelic wings and a staff of gold, which it uses to support its weight. Any who get too close are filled with an unnatural sense of calm and peace. It waits patiently for a member of the Clan to appear, leaning on its staff, giving the distinct impression of sadness and weariness.

When it speaks, it is a refined whisper, filled with hope and admiration. Its message is simple - the Clan has no interest in the status quo, not do the Shaitan. They offer cooperation and collaboration, at least for the next sixmonth.

Your faction clearly has no love lost for the city. Thoughts on a mutually beneficial partnership?

2022-08-12, 10:26 AM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

To Slayer-Confessor Jurall,

I am pleased that you reached out to me for surely words are the best source of resolution. I would be glad to call you friends as your words echo many of my own thoughts. I consider myself to be something of an accomplished theologian, and would like to try my hand at currying the favor of the greater gods, but many of my companions worship the minor gods of the world. And as such I find your proposal agreeable.

By the Graces of the Gods,
Minoo Shirin

OOC: 63 for me. 61 for you. We can cooperate on the confederation unless the GM says no.

2022-08-12, 02:28 PM
Temple of the Sky to the Heron and the Hippo [10]

Honored Heroes,

We thank you for your offer. The Temple has only one goal: to restore order on Earth as it is in Heaven. To remind men and gods of their duties, towards themselves, each other, and the Empire.

As the Sky is above the Earth, so the Sky is above the Gods. As the Empire falls, so nature falls out of balance, and we must restore it. The Sky has put in place Gods to oversee nature and keep it ordered, and those Gods have abandoned their duties. We must invoke and strengthen the Old Pacts, not in the name of Khan or Emperor, but in the name of the Sky and the Celestial Order.

This is what you can do to help: restore order in the city, and keep it, so we can invest the resources to restore order in Heaven. And help us find the Gods, and bind them, to restore the celestial order.

With regards,
The Flamen Caelestis

OOC: The Temple needs on the one hand to be kept alive, they fear for their safety, as they could be conquered at any time. On the other hand, they want to restore the Celestial Order, where all Gods are bound in pacts to the Temple. For this, they will need very large quantities of Mor and Inv.

2022-08-12, 02:56 PM
Clan Fuxi
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

So to be clear are you demanding we leave the University Ward for no further reason then because you wish to take it over?

If your concerns are purely based on concerns about the research of radical scholars then you can be assured we shall be curtailing any drastic leanings of them to more specific purposes, focusing on the spirits of the other world. We have the learning of many varied artificers, including our own Tomor, and even more powerful invocation specialists.

Tamachi looks at the creature interestingly, until the aura hits her. She lets out a low hiss like a snake as it washes over and her pupils contract and sharpen before she settles down. She looks at the creature and nods her head slightly. One of her snake companions curls languidly around her neck as she leans forward to respond.

"You are not wrong, we look at the city as a chance for our progenitor not necessarily as a way to take over the Empire. However we will not be bullied by our neighbors in the city who wish to put themselves on the throne."

We are very interested, though fair warning we are already getting pushback from neighbors.

Clan Fuxi sends Tamachi (Tier 2 Inv), Borte Saran (Tier 2 Inv), and 8 Inv into the Spirit World. Clan Fuxi enthusiastically begins their otherworldly hunt as they look for prey.

2022-08-12, 03:21 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 4
Rep: Spiritual, Martial, Barbarian

You misunderstand me,

We seek not to kick you out, but to share, specifically, we would have the easternmost faculties. Of course if you insists on tempering the research of Magister Catenis (51), we may have use for the imperial ranger corps (58) too, regardless of the patchwork that would make of our areas.

Only the need for the geomancer and his control of the leylines is set in stone.

Greetings, kind grafters,

Common word precedes your generosity to those in plight and while we wouldn't imply anything of others. We thought it for the best that those who have in the past acted as riot quellers and back breakers are not the only ones in charge of feeding us all.

We will set our own expedition, it will cooperate with theirs to an extent but without making the legions the only source of food for us and we would be honored if you joined us.

Destia's wisdom,
Solyom, Leviathan.

Here is the scoop: I'm making my own expedition, they will be sort of cumulative (so we will hit the target together just the same, not screw over the entire city for our sake) but this will help us hedge our bets since the Legion can die/be convinced to turn against one of us before turn 4.

No cost to trade either, you just say at EoT that you are coming with the Gudite expedition and we are golden, interested?

Most esteemed Chemosh,

Your and Pyrom's contributions are truly inspiring, and I've loved those treatises I could find (unsurprisingly anything you don't keep completely secret is on high demand).

Anyway, for official business, we are uncertain if you have the interest to help with the food crisis, but if you will, please consider supporting our expedition, which is parallel but not hostile to that of the Legio Aquila. As we figure separate commands could help us achieve our goals when dealing with bandits more easily than a single overbearing comand structure.

Destia's wisdom (not that you need it),
Delilah fairway.

attached are some papers on Delilah's own findings, primarily related to the refinement of various explosives and the nourishment of cold everlit fires for lighting.

Here is the scoop: I'm making my own expedition, they will be sort of cumulative (so we will hit the target together just the same, not screw over the entire city for our sake) but this will help us hedge our bets since the Legion can die/be convinced to turn against one of us before turn 4.

No cost to trade either, you just say at EoT that you are coming with the Gudite expedition and we are golden, interested?

2022-08-12, 03:52 PM
Clan Fuxi
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Hmmm well that's different. Well we have little use for the Imperial Corp so that would be fine and while we are interested in the Geomancer we can survive without him. However if you so insist on spreading to our little island then you would need to guarantee us two districts close by. Preferably in your own Charkand or Khudara. I've noted that there are several in both areas that seem they would fit Clan Fuxi fairly well.

2022-08-12, 06:01 PM
Legio Aquila To Hemminghock [Public]

Hail, Honored Members of house Hemminghock

We, and the entire city, would be thankful for any offer. While it is not our specialty at all, we do estimate that both some of the military needs and the agriculture itself could be handled by mechanical or magical means.

The Legate

OOC: Yes, Art works too, at least partially.

2022-08-12, 07:26 PM

Then we reaffirm our commitment to the city and its thriving. Expect confirmation of our numbers when our siritualists return from their explorations.

A Naga, a long coiling body topped with a torso similar to a humans drips the blood from her palm onto the mound of incense at her feet. She whispers something, a mix between Ardakandan prayer and her old world tongue. Smoke coils around the droplets of blood as it drips from her. She traces a sigil in the end, and the smoke changes from a key, to a door, to a portal.

Armed with a mixture of tradition and firepower, Hemminghock heads into the spirit realm-

SENDING 5 INV into the Spirit Realm.

St. Justicar
2022-08-12, 11:11 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman - Spiritual – Heroic

Hail, disciples of the God-Eater

Your offer is generous, though the princes of the earth have reviled us in the past.

Your terms are acceptable. I dare not dream more grandly than the Coralward in these unsettled nights but who can say what the future holds?

I doubt we shall have much of what you desire – the spirit world is quite alien to us, the immortal flesh anathema to certain factions of the beyond. But what we have we shall offer.

And if you should find a path to some oasis in the shadow which might be fertile ground, know that we would pay quite handsomely for the privilege of setting down roots.

May your patron find good hunting in the shadow beyond.

The Shaitan is met by a Cousin scarcely less monstrous than it is. Walking unsteadily, skin roiling beneath their heavy cloak and robes, Cousin Rao grows more agitated each moment that the spirit spent spreading its taint. When they speak, the voice is eerie, a chorus of chattering rats whose squeaking and squealing forms an approximation of human words, as if by freak happenstance.

“Stay away let others flee give what you take and you shall be clothed in flesh restored freed you monsters of grief and wind live again we hope but do not dare pray”

Having said their piece – quite an exertion, from the way they increasingly huddle over with each word, hugging themselves to keep their skin from tearing and falling like a threadbare shirt – they simply wait, watching the Shaitan through dozens of gleaming eyes pressing against the Gardeners skin. They seem quite content to wait until the spirit leaves, or does something to justify expelling it.

Friend Solyom, best tidings!

Logistics not a Gardeners’ strong suit. Usually starving people come to us!

Legate Parsatus is good man, everyone say so. Do you really think he might betray us? It grieves my heart to think such a thing!

And, not to be giving offence, but why should we be expecting you to be more trustworthy guards than the Aquillas?

-Cousin Arsat

[OOC: So not oppossed to the idea but like

a-is that a thing that can happen/would

b-to be IC about it – the Legio is Heroic. Your warcamp is, well, not. Very open to an argument for closer ties here, but at a glance they seem less likely to backstab me here?


2022-08-13, 09:39 AM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 4
Rep: Spiritual, Martial, Barbarian

I have perhaps let some of my biases seep in friend, while I would safeguard against those evil and those good, for both at times will spurn the different; the reason of our expedition is not a mistrust of Legio Aquila nor their steemed leader but of fate and whimsy.

if a plague befalls the grain, wouldn't it better that there be two locations to store it? if one malicious wishes to cause famine, won't it better if there are two defenses? and the Legions pay lip service to the gods, but that may not abate their wrath.

You'll forgive me for doomsaying cousin Arsat, but as I do know logistics, now so far from Gulldr's heat I feel tragedy in the air.

-Solyom, Leviatan.

[OOC: checks tags guess they are.

1) Is a thing that can happen (and will), and according to Eldan I just need 5 for my own expedition, though it gets more efficient the more we have which is why I'm looking for more.

2) Fair point, but as a counterpoint that's true both IC and OOC, let me read you an average Esp faction EoT for turn 3: "I send (insane ammount of esp) to steal all the t.eco that's coming into the Legio Aquila's coffers", but if you are taking that kind of gamble and there is two loot stacks you are unlikely to hit the smallest one (ours).]

A fair request, agreed. We can discuss the specifics when the university is fully in our mutual control.

Publically announcing the mustering of troops towards the university ward.

The lot of Gudite priests and diviners (6 Inv) and Solyom, Leviathan (tier 2 Inv) will head into the spirit world to learn of their local needs and attemt to keep at least their area of the city on the good side of it all. (that's 10 floors cleared)

2022-08-13, 02:28 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

Morale 8
Imperial, Heroic, Hierarchical


Slayers of the Silent Saints
Slayer Confessor Jurall,

The battle against corruption is a long and ardous one, it is good to know we do not fight it alone. I agree with your assessment that the Shaitan will soon make many enemies, and while my heart shudders at the cost of innocent blood to wait for such a favourable position, the harvest failing will perhaps prove even more deadly, so that is where I will focus for now. If your network discovers anything you think worthy of my attention regarding the Shaitan and other such threats, I will listen.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Kindly Cousin,

Your generosity warms the hearts of all, and soon will feed the belly as well. Thank you for your commitments, I have reached out to a few others to secure the remaining funds, and perhaps even ease your financial burden for this substantial undertaking.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei


Your aid is sorely needed and greatly appreciated, with your aid and the Gardeners, the people of the countryside will not die from exposure, and be able to secure the harvest, and thus we in the city will not starve.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

Your willingness to contribute to the harvest even as foreigners to the city implies that I may have judged your folk to quickly and to harshly. For that I can only apologize. I have been attempting to organize a network of those willing to respond to the crisis in the countryside and your company is one of the few others who have considered contributing military support. I will support your garuntee of claims at least for this month if you are willing to contribute the military support. I am also attempting to ply the Minotarus and Slayers for further support, if you have any other contacts who may be willing to offer further military aid, I will happily add my voice to your requests.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei


Legio Aquila
My legionnaires look forward to marching alongside the Aquila.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

Legio Minotaurus

With the contributions of others, the financial, and therefore artifice contribution will likely be covered. Perhaps another option is before us however. If I commit to sending you the full compliment of Cerberus’s artifice production over then next four months, it would total to [8 art] minimum, my legion will be moving to the Forum this month allowing secure trade between us. In exchange, send your forces to the Aquila under my banner and the artifice is yours.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

OOC: I’ll be adjacent next turn, so I’m promising to send all of my art production from turn 2-5 to Minotaurus in exchange for them sending their [4 mil] as though it were mine to the grain harvest.

Create a Portal to [5] from [16] for 4 INV

2022-08-13, 04:34 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The Baron has loudly announced his involvement in the relief efforts, his vessel personally being seen overseeing harvests.

The Knight has not been seen recently, he is presumed dealing with business on the Other Side

The Witch-Doctors commit The Baron's 3 Econ and the organization commits 7 more to give 10 Economy to the famine relief efforts.

The Knight goes adventuring on The Other Side. 2 points of Art are commited to the delving in the form of sacrifices of goods and votive objects.
resources spent delving:
2 Art
3 Mil (VIP)

2022-08-13, 05:46 PM
Golden Guards
Mor 6

It's a pleasure to hear from you and we are glad you enjoy our writing! I have included a treatsie on some of the more interesting alchemical changes to alchemical gold you might be interested in if you enjoy our other works.

We would like more detail on how it works, particularly on how the division of resources would go. With the amount of force in this city, we would be quite surprised if the bandits aren't roundly defeated and we are concerned that this expedition will take away from us helping the backbone of the city without a proper reward.

May your days be golden and your enemies rust,

Attached is a book on some of the more uncommon transformations of Alchemical gold. Some of the more interesting include a strange sugar, arsenic, lead and water mixture that transforms the gold into an extremely durable flesh like substance, an oil based solution that causes the substance to catch on fire but remain undamaged and an extremely expensive solution made of glowing rocks that when applied to the gold causes those around the creature to get sick currently theorized to be a sickness of the spirit.

My whole 2 inv goes exploring

2022-08-13, 06:50 PM
To the Righteous Flamen Caelestis,

Yours is a noble and honorable. We do not want the world to fall out of balance. So we offer our services to protect you from the tribulations of the city while you bind the gods. To do so we would fortify the district of small gods if you would allow us passage through your holy grounds.

By the Graces of the Gods,
Minoo Shirin

Send Minoo (Inv 3) and 7 Inv delving.

2022-08-14, 08:05 AM
Midturn 1

Clan Fuxi [5]

The Spirit World resists the advance of the White Snake Clan, fighting back with more ardour than it has shown in a long time. Stepping between worlds feels like pushing through a thorny hedge, and the astral projections of the noble chosen arrive scratched and bleeding. A maze awaits them, twisting corridors between thorny hedges, the black thorns long and curved as daggers. It takes what feels like days, and one by one, the minds of explorers would flicker out, their bodies in the real world exhausted and passing out.
Then, the hedges open, into a beautiful garden. An orchard of mulberry trees provides gentle shade. Draped over the branches are the most beautiful silken gowns, robes, dresses, shawls. White, furry silk moths flutter between them, lazy in the sun.
If there is a spirit here, it is well hidden.
Tamachi is the first to approach. Carefully, with gloved hands, she touches a long silk shawl, white with pearl embroidery. Looking deeper, she begins to notice the pattern of the silk threads... geometric patterns, like formulae. Circles, bindings, leylines, they are all there, so tantalizingly close. Fascinated against her better judgement, she runs her finger over it.
That's when the shawl strikes. Like a snake, it shoots out, wraps itself around Tamachi's neck. But she is not so easily defeated, and especially not by a... thing using her own powers against her. At the last moment, she gets an arm under the strangling silk, protecting her windpipe. Trashing and grunting, she goes to the floor, vanishing from the spirit world before her attendants can reach her.

Borte is more careful. Touching nothing, she stands in the middle of the glade, looking for patterns. It takes half an hour, before she is sure. Yes, there. One of the moths moves differently from the others, heavily. And something dark hangs from its abdomen. A key. Slowly, carefully, so to not spook the spirit, she lifts a blowpipe to her mouth, a tiny dart already loaded. One puff of air, and the moth is nailed to a tree. For a few seconds, it still trashes, then falls limp. Seconds later, the other moths fall from the sky, crumbling to white dust before they reach the ground. The only thing that remains is a small key of heavy, black metal, surrounded by a tiny core of fluttering white energy.

Careful examination of the garden reveals a way forward: under a trapdoor, hidden under sod and living grass, is a tunnel, cramped, slippery and dark, leading into the living Earth.

It is not a triumphant expedition that returns to the waking world. Yes, they come laden with priceless silks, and a new core of energy, already devoured and reformed by Fuxi, ready to be implanted. But Mistress Tamachi lies motionless in the waking world, trashing in a raging fever.


Gain: 3 t.eco, 3 t.art, 3 t.esp, 1 t.inv, 2 bonus XP on Tamachi
Lose: Tamachi is injured and can not act next turn, lose 1 permanent inv as careless dwellers lose their lives to thorns and exhaustion.
From Faction Ability: The Silkmoth Spirit knows how to disguise its energy, until it can barely be seen. Moths swarm around the bearer, bringing words and images from afar. The bearer also has the ability to weave keys out of thin air, so that no lock can resist them. Gain a +2 Esp VIP.
Progress: 6/10 on next delve

Hemminghock [5]
Hemminghock Shamans are not like those of other explorers. Theirs is not a way of mysticism and dreamwalking. No, they begin their exploration with a wedge of armored, shotgun-carrying bull-men, inscribed with the runes that open the ways for them and turn away danger. A perimeter is established, the situation assessed, signals relayed. Only then, behind this protection, come the naga-shamans.

What they find is... confusing. There is a marble palace, with hundreds of colums, the white turned golden in the light of the setting sun. Fountains burble pleasantly and the air is cool and fragrant. A cloth banner hangs in an elegant arc between two of the pillars. "WELCOME EXPLORERS", say the friendly letters.

There is a table set and on it, there are... bowls of pearls, each gently glowing with a blue light. The shamans recognize them: Ghostwise Pearls, the greatest treasure of distant Riadra, now all the more valuable that the colonies have been lost. Each carries a spark of pure magical essence in it, ready to be used by artificers or invokers.

Next to the pearls on the table is a small card, thick cream-colored paper and on it elegant penmanship.
"A welcome gift. Freely given, no strings attached, no favours owed, just for goodwill, totally not trapped, I swear it thrice by my name and my power."

No one would trust that, of course. There are hours of investigation, scanning the pearls for curses, espionage hexes. The shamans find none. There are also no poisons, magical or otherwise, hostile spirits, not even a dark fate waiting for the finder in a distant future of the wyrd.

Finally, one of the shamans has enough, and just grabs one. Nothing happens. They really just... seem to be gifts.

Gains: 2 t.art, 2 t.inv.
Losses: nothing
Weird side effects: none at all
Progress: 5/10

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [7]

Gudite Warcamp [4]

The Spirits of Ardakand, of this barbaric continent, do not seem inclined to deal with foreigners today. Instead of whatever test or obstacles they would expect the spirits to throw at them, the explorers find only desolation. The ground stretches to infinity in all directions, grey-brown sand, baked and hardened by the unreleting sun into a perfect, flat plain, undisturbed by any wind. The sun never sets in the bronze sky and the heat is unimagineable. One by one, the explorers begin to pass out, their spiritual bodies fading as their will falters. Some will wake up again, in the waking world, some will never return.

But the Leviathan does not falter. Words fail, as the heat beats down on him, but he grips the nearest acolytes by the shoulders, reassuring, and they nod. This is not real heat, they know, not real sun, not real thirst. It is a test of will.

Slowly, step by halting step, they stumble forward, across the featureless plain. It might be hours, or it might be weeks, there is no way to tell under the unmoving, merciless sun, and the featureless landscape. Just one step, after another. There is nothing to find here. They should give up, return while they still can.

Until they find... a ripple in the landscape. Not even a dune, not even knee high, just a depression and a small rise, curving across the land. They follow it, for there is no other direction here. Then they find another, cutting across the first, and then more, and more.

Thinking is hard, but they know what they have found, eventually. There are petroglyphs, in this sand, unimaginably huge pictures, carved into the landscape. As Solyom realizes, his perspective shifts. He is now the sun, looking down on the landscape and the immense glyphs. He stretches out a hand, and grabs the land itself, holding it up, the flat sand transformed into a tablet of stone.

Yes. It is all there. It had hurt the Gudites for a long time, that there were so few scholars among them, exiled to these barbarian lands. But this... this ancient stone. It would be the foundation of a new kind of scholarship, a tradition of their own.


Gains: 1 t.eco, 2 t.art, 3 t.inv
Losses: 1 permanent inv
Special Reward: Artefact: Ar-Rashada

The Ar-Rashada is a series of tablets, inscribed with hieroglyphs so ancient that only a few scholars can still read them. They are said to percede humanity, to be words of the cthonic deities who shaped the world, and then went to sleep deep beneath it.
Whatever the truth, whether they truly contain the secrets of the gods, or just the magical writings of some forgotten civilization, they contain powerful geomantic rituals. By performing the same steps of a magical ritual or artifice simultaneously in several locations, one can induce resonance through the Earth, which massively amplifies the effects. The only problem is that the ritual nodes have to distributed far apart, for the effect to work...

The holder of Ar-Rashada gains 1 t.artifice at the beginning of each turn per ward in which they hold a district. (I.e. 1 for holding one district, 2 for holding a district each in two different wards, and so on.)

Legio XXIIX Cerberus [8]

Portal (5-16) successfully created.

The Witch-Doctors [2]
The spirit world, today, is perfectly calm. Green water, mirror-flat, perfect azure, cloudless sky. Stalks of bamboo stand, perfectly straight like columns, between the sky and the water. Nothing moves, not a drop of water, not a wave, not a fish. It is perfect serenity. No one here, to great the Knight. No one here, to take the votive offerings.
Hours pass, and nothing happens, as the Knight makes his way through the bamboo. This is not a place for a warrior. He bellows challenges, and no one answers. He slashes out at the bamboo, and it falls silently over into the water, casting perfect circular waves, that vanish again.
Finally, at the end of his patience, the Knight takes the offerings to the spirits of this place, and throws them into the water. Some smash, on impact, expensive essences spilling out. With a quick strain of effort, he grabs the air, and the water, and the bamboo, and takes some of the magic of this place, so at least, he will not return with empty hands.


Gains: 2 t.eco, 2 t.art
Losses: 1 permanent artifice
Progress: 5/10

Golden Guard [6]

The spirit world is a sideshow, and everyone of the great alchemists knows it. They barely achieve more than tearing a brief window into the spirit world, to study what awaits them there. It is a beach, colossal waves crashing on the shore. It does not, they think, look extraordinarily dangerous. Some searching of the sand reveals at least one tiny gift: a perfect pearl, almost the size of a fist, pulsing with gentle magical essence.

Gain: 1 t.art
Losses: None
Progress: 2/10

The Heron and the Hippo [4]

Minoo's shamans begin to open portals, plotting out promising routes, evalulating traps and dangers. They find two that are promising: a set of gates that reveal a tunnel, leading deep into the underworld, and what seems to be a labyrinth of twisting, changing, mirrors, casting a million confusing reflections.

After some scouting in both directions, it is decided that the mirrors are too treacherous for now, though one sorcerer brings back a large silver mirror pane that should sell for a pretty amount of money. The expedition is assembled, and begins to descend past the gates, into the Underworld.

The expedition winds its way down, into the Earth, deeper and deeper. What starts as claustrophobic earthen tunnels soon becomes stone, then cyclopean obsidian hallways. More and more, the hallways become crowded: pale shapes, only vaguely humanoid, join the march, first dozens, then hundreds and thousands. As they walk, they scatter behind them the refuse of their lives, grave goods and votives. The dead don't need treasures, but the expedition greedily snatches them up. There is one item, especially, that gains their attention: a tiny hammer, made entirely of silver, that hums with magical energies.

The Hall of Judgement is impossibly huge, containing seemingly millions of spirits. The judge looms large over all, clad in black and gold, masked face impassive, the implements of his office raised in one hand. Even he is dwarfed by the gates behind him, monstrous monoliths of iron that seem to span from horizon to horizon.
The judge’s gaze wanders slowly over the crowd as his mask turns, and one by one, the countless ghosts begin moving towards the gates, or simply vanish. Then, after what seem hours, his gaze falls on the expedition.
“Mortals”, he speaks, with a voice like bells the size of worlds. “We know the time has come again. When the Mandate falls, it is the time for truly great souls to arise. Some of them will die, and pass in my domain. Tradition dictates that there must be advocates for them. Mortals, who speak in their defence, or accuse them.
You are not the mortals I would have chosen. I would appreciate principled men, not mercenaries. But then, perhaps only flawed mortals can understand all the facets of a mortal life, and I must work with the tools Fate has given me. Would you take this burden on you?"

Before more than a few words can be spoken, to agree or disagree, an unearthly cold grasps Minoo's heart. She has spent too long, here, past the gates of death and her spirit is violently torn back to the living world. Gasping and weak, she lies on the floor, shaking with a cold that will not leave her.

Gain:2 t.eco, 3 t.art, 1 t.inv. Minor Artefact (Forgemaster's Hammer): +1 Art*
Lose: 1 permanent inv. Minoo is injured and may not take any actions next turn.
Special: Minoo gains 9 bonus XP from her adventures.
Pact Offered: Lagamal, Judge of the Underworld
Progress: 3/10

*Minor artefacts are equipment that can be given to a VIP and give them a +1 bonus to a certain stat. In this case, +1 Art.

Legend: Lagamal is the impartial judge of the dead. Though all known he can not be swayed or bribed, offerings are still made in his name to the dead, for the sake of propriety, and in the hope that the dying can take them with them. He has an order of funerary priests, who take care of burials and exorcisms.

Offering: you must pronounce judgement on every VIP who died (see below). If you don’t, the pact is broken. Additionally, the judge demands that you help giving proper burials to the city’s poor, costing you one t.eco every turn.
Blessing: The Judge offers you the blessing of the Last Moment and a word in the Final Judgement. Whenever a VIP is successfully assassinated or dies in any other way, you are immediately told all the facts of their recent life. Specifically, you are told all actions the VIP took part in and their results and are given a copy of each PM the VIP was used to send or receive. After that, you must Judge the VIP: you may either grant them Eternal Rest, which gives the faction the VIP belonged to a number of t.morale points equal to twice the VIP’s tier, or you may Exile them from the underworld, which makes them return as a ghost to haunt their faction. This costs the faction one point of t.mor each turn per tier of the VIP, until they exorcize the ghost by spending one t.inv per tier of the VIP at midturn.
All judgements must be made in a public message.

The Gudite Warcamps are preparing their troops. Soon, they will march into the university ward.

EOTs are due Saturday 20th of August, at Midnight (American Time)/Sunday the 21st in the Morning (European Time)

2022-08-14, 05:58 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan


Mustering Forces to the Outworks.

Mustering Forces to Khudara.

4 Inv to create a portal from 36-20.

Tempted to spend 1 Art on the Securing the Countryside Expedition just to rub it in Cultist's face when he doesn't contribute anything... but no. Fluff prevails.

2022-08-15, 02:34 PM
The Weaver

Nasira hummed to herself, as she began to string her warp. This new silk was amazing. Undyed and raw, yet a deep, glossy black in color. No one quite knew where it had come from, and even the weaver's guild was only able to buy a dozen skeins of it. She was itching to use it, knew exactly what she was going to do, but guild law dictated that any new skein had to be used to weave a wyrd, first. So in it went, white on the warp, black on the weft. She snickered to herself. The future was very black and white.
A stick slammed on the ground to accentuate the pointed cough, and Nasira nearly jumped out of her chair. Nearly tore the irreplaceable thread. Old Gökse was, as always, standing right behind her shoulder.
"Is fate amusing, threader?"
"No, Mother Weavress." She looked down.
The old woman nodded, staring off somewhere over Nasira's shoulder.
"When you are ready, threader."
"Yes, Mother Weavress."

She began tapping, shuttling. Four times, then pause. "Frayed, Mother Weavress, second by fifth. Uhm, it's... beige on the inside." Tap, shuttle, tap, shuttle, tap, shuttle, tap, shuttle.
"Torn, Mother Weavress, sixth by fifth and eight by fifth."
"Tsk", the old woman said. "Heavyhanded, that."
Tap, shuttle, tap, shuttle, tap shuttle, tap shuttle.
"Missed the warp, Mother Weavress, ninth by second."
Gökse nodded.
"Tie it there, child, and cut it. They won't tell us any more."
Nasira did so. The wyrd was barely half a finger wide, the silk was so fine. "What does it say, Mother Weavress?"
"You know I can't tell you that, yet. Hmm."
Nasira looked down, with tears almost in her eyes. A minute passed, as the old woman fingered the threads.
"No need to despair yet, child. Yes, we are surrounded, but they say we have another month, before we must choose. And they might have left us a way out."
She dropped the threads on a table, slammed her stick down again.
"Very well. Burn the black silk. We shan't use it."
"But... it went for eight and eleven!"
"Burn it. It's from the otherworld. And it's dead now. Devoured. Nothing good can come from using it."
Nasira nodded, touching the silk only gingerly now.
"Then, send out runners. I'll need Suhail, from the Righting Loom. And... who bought that wool shipment from the golden isle last week?"
"Luciana Mother Weavress."
"Hrm. No, she's right-handed. Tell Sarifal to cast lots and send me a random apprentice, then. And Caracal, get him too. Then I'm going to need jute. A lot of it, the coarsest you can find. And oxblood. And the masks. This will not be pleasant."

Midturn 1 Addendum:

Bloodsworn Shaitan [7]
Portal successfully opened from 36 to 20.

The Shaitan are marching for Khudara and the Outworks.

2022-08-16, 06:03 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Messages at Morale 7

To Cousin Arsat,

Your agreement in the matter has been made known to all of the Orders currently residing in Ardakand. After a conclave, we have all convened and agreed that moving forward with mutual growth is in all of our interests. The Slayers and the Gardeners would make fast friends, and perhaps more in time. As you have deftly said, this city is sick and rotting. All we wish is to plunge our knives into that disease and carve it out.

This brings us to the matter of the Bloodsworn Shaitan. The Slayers have been monitoring them closely since they settled in Tarbent, and are greatly concerned about their boldness. On calm nights, we can hear the screams of agony and smell the burning flesh from across the canal. The people of our Ward are frightened, and surely they are not the only ones. The other Confessors and I have concluded after some deliberation that they are likely the chief calamity and greatest evil to face this city. We plan to exterminate them.

Would you aid us in such an endeavor? This will take time - several months, at least - and cannot be done properly without friends. We know that they have reached out to you. If you seek to help, feel free to accept their aid but give them nothing but empty promises. Falsehood may not be in your nature, but rest assured: any means bared against those who would Defy Death is always Justified by its own Ends.

May your gardens flourish,

Slayer-Confessor Kantus, Sancta Ichoria

I'm glad you agree that our cooperation is in our best interest. Please don't give the Shaitan stat points. I know you're smarter than that.
To Flamen Caelestis,

Your reasoning is as astute as your piety. The rules of law and order, while not always unnatural to mankind, are of a higher power and purpose. The Orders of the Silent Saints - in particular my own - believe strongly in the strength of mortals to choose their own fate, while still recognizing the absolute necessity of binding free will to the strengths of orderly government. Men should be made to learn humility, faith, and reason in the bedrock of common laws. Why should the celestial bureaucracy be any different?

Our Orders are interested in providing the aid you have requested, but unfortunately, our efforts are tied up in dealing with the famine and expunging the most overt threats to Ardakand. Charlatans, rogue spirits, and avatars of destruction and despair are running rampant across our most sacred city, a prospect that our believers find distressing. Surely you share our rancor of those such as the Bloodsworn Shaitan? They are perhaps the purest form of evil our Slayers have encountered in years.

There can be no law, if those that are bending the knee are being slaughtered by those whose time has passed. Whenever possible, one should always strive to Deny the Deathless.

May you find succor in prayer,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

I'd love to help them, but don't have the stat points right now. Would they be open to lending me some stat points over the upcoming few turns to help deal with the Shaitan, provided I settle near adjacent to them for trade?
To Legate Orbei,

The candor of your reply is appreciated in these dark times. Another member of my church has already sent out word to the more eminently reasonable organizations in Ardakand, with several promises and words of wisdom. I will allow him the honor of giving pleasantries.

After more consideration, we agree that the Shaitan are the greatest danger facing the city. Our Slayers will be working with the Gardeners in the coming months to eradicate them - can we count on your aid? Feeding the people comes first of course, but we will be striking out at them soon.

May you walk in the light,

Slayer-Confessor Jurall, Sancta Finalis

I'm willing to throw into this event (see below), but I'm pretty afraid that it won't be worth our giving up territory claims on Turn 1 while the Shaitan expand fully. We're going to have to coordinate some plans to deal with them soon.
To our friends throughout Ardakand,

It is a grim day that we face. Even while some prepare for the games, the failing harvest will surely take its toll on the civilians of Ardakand, many of whom have already suffered through the last bleak winter. Our Orders give thanks to Legio Cerberus for bringing the matter to our attention and Legio Aquila for organizing the efforts of feeding the hungry. Without our brave soldiers, we would not be in a position to save Ardakand from this plight. Salutem imperator!

The informants and Slayers of our respective Orders have been watching the bevy of commitments, promises, vows, and assorted pacts all across the city. We will make no secret of it, nor will we hoard valuable information that could prove damaging to the civil balance upon which we all now rest. Attached to this missive are the administrative and military costs that the Orders of the Silent Saints will be pledging to help the common cause of seeing our people fed. The other Confessors and I only hope that you will all be equally transparent in your dealings.

May you find virtue in all things,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

While the opportunity cost of this event on the first turn of the game (thanks, Eldan :smalltongue:) really can't be overstated, the Slayers trust that each of your factions will do the right thing and step up to stop this event from literally starving us all. I am watching each and every IC message this turn, and am volunteering to make a list of the pledges of stat points promised. I won't share the list publicly if folks don't want me to, but I'm happy to tell you all that I am pledging 5 Mil this turn towards the event (so basically costing myself 1 full territory's worth of expansion).

In the interest of fairness, I hope that each of the player factions commits at least 5 points of Mil or Eco. That should get us to 30 without any issues, and provide an equal payout on Turn 4 when the actual event pays us in t. Eco. It's better than the inevitable global stat loss or other penalty we get for failing, even if we are conceding a dramatic lead to the Shaitan.

2022-08-17, 08:32 AM
The Slayers of the Silent Saints

From the Temple of the Sky [10]
Honored Slayer Confessor,

We appreciate what you are doing, of course, but you must realize that what you are proposing is fighting the symptoms, not the cause of the disease: important to keep the patient alive until more final measures can be taken, but ultimately not the cure.

Why are the Shaitan here? They respond to despair and catastrophe. And what brings despair? Bad governance, the fall of the state, imbalance. The people despair because their needs are not met. What brings catastrophe? The will of Heaven, showing its displeasure at the same imbalance and bad governance.

By restoring balance, bringing order and restructuring society, we institute the will of Heaven. An ordered society will overcome war, famine and despair, a placated heaven will remove catastrophe. And without those, no Shaitan, no rogue spirits, no false gods or bandits.

While we cure the city and the Empire, you will keep it alive, by fighting these infections. And we will honour you for it, but we will each need all our resources to make it happen.

The Flamen Caelestis

2022-08-17, 10:10 AM
Legio Minotaurus to the Legio Cerberus [6]

Hail, Legate

A very intriguing offer, and one that I think would benefit us both. We will gladly accept.

The Dominus Fabricator

2022-08-17, 10:28 AM
Gudite Warcamp

Festivities were past, and the warcamp settled into the city as if it was born there, which is to say, as a somber realm constantly anxious about dropping shoes. The laughing priests of snarling masks seemingly all the more ready to disturb Gudite peace over that of others, howling where the lights were poorly lit.

In a modest house of ancient build, the energy was one of… well, it existed, cause of or caused by strewn papers, runes, and magical trinkets with a set of tablets at the center and a lithe mage moving from one to the other, all the while setting the expectation of a coming Eureka.

But the exclamation took its time, and a man in armor walked inside before it, a censer was hanged by the door with a sigh universally recognized for its meaning of “day done”. Some of the relaxation slipped out as he saw the… decoration (and the decorator) on his floor.

He took the armor off to reveal auster robes underneath and sat cross legged in one of the endangered empty spaces in the floor. Calling out to the “guest”

-I told you not to touch them without me here.

-My bad, though you really shouldn’t have let me see them then.

The priest almost granted the point, they may still be dangerous without contact, after all. But it was clear the engineer, not yet lifting her eyes from the notes enough to make eye contact, meant it to discourage temptation. This softened his brow, the gods did appreciate an honest flock… some did anyway.

The pair continued on their own worlds, Solyom meditated, with any chance of Nirvana (were there such a thing in such tumultuous times) chased away by casual comments from Delilah, who queried about the tablets and at times rambled theories about their function, currently they caused targeted earthquakes, though she couldn’t yet tell if they were centered on the caster or on premade nodes.

Solyom straddled the line, managing to take and chip in to the conversation while treating it like background noise for his own thoughts. That is until an unusual question

-All well? you seem down.

A single inquisitive eye opened to reveal both eyes looking back at him, with nary an attempt to divert themselves to the arcane symbols on the floor, mildly unsettling.

-It's been a few hard days since we got those.

-Huh, what happened?

Solyom was taken aback, a hint of anger slipped in, there were pyres with no bodies, sure they may not be dead, but lost in the other they may as well be…

-You don’t know?

He caught some fidgeting, but her eyes remained unmoved from him.

-I know some six people Sol, and Daghir is two of them - a small pause, and then a hand raised above her head as if to explain.

You didn’t know them so it’s fine, then? came the initial idea, but he had never been so careless, there was thought, even if his stare turned harsh while it happened, and the seconds passed and silence reigned.

-Sol? - Solyom, caught a moving eye, almost slipping to the nearby mess, he caught again the fidgeting, and how they were there before his wrong conclusions, and the eyes that remained fixed on him, if slightly more worried. He thought of who they were, that his job was to know them, and he almost failed right there, then thanked no one in particular that she too was trying. A sigh followed and when his voice came again it was calm, truly.

-Some of ours are gone, sorry I didn’t share it when we spoke of the tablets.

Delilah seemed still worried, a tinge of sadness mixed in, he stood up and broke any silence before it had time to settle, or she had time to break it herself, walking towards a pair of shelves lined up behind him.

-Have you eaten?

Delilah’s worried expression turned into an apologetic smile.

-Haven’t had the time really - Solyom stared with the feigned disappointment of someone who hears that often enough.

- I’ll make you something, can’t shake the earth dead.

Delilah had turned back to the papers when Solyom went again, but looked up again, pleasantly surprised by the subtle prodding and eager to encourage it.

-Funny you say that, you see, in the 18th year of Lacast’s reign, 625 of the grand calendar or 312th spring of the Sarts, contact was made with a tribe of myconids deep within the cold call mountains…

The pair continued to talk, the exciting idiosyncrasies of myconid geomancy interjected by a fine meal and other subjects, and at some point an Eureka.

Mor: 4
Reputation: Martial - Spiritual - Barbaric

The secondary force is meant to support Aquila's, while making sure that any tampering on the individual forces is unable to disturb the flow of grain. As we would be working together until the point of return, no one's ability to trounce bandits and develop land should be affected.

The book is much appreciated, master Chemosh.

A hint of inspiration,
Delilah Fairway.

[OOC: Just in case, this is essentially a parallel expedition to theirs, according to Eldan they will work together so the overall goal is reached together, but in case someone conquers Aquila/attempts to steal the coming Grain/forcibly changes one of their traits our group gets to not have to deal with that.

As for mechanics, you just see what you want to add (art and mil are preferable) and put in your EoT "sending this with the Gudite grain expedition"]

Hail, saints to be.

You can rest assured that our public call was true.

Now, as you are so well informed, surely you know of the secondary force we gather, and as surely the legions will march with enough strength for their own column, we would like to offer you a place within our own, if you would have it.

Ase's Joy,
-Daghir, The Wolf.

2022-08-17, 06:05 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus


The Bankhar Akita is a working dog originating from Bankhar province in the northern Empire, and is a distinct branch of the Bankhar Shepherd breed. Believed to have been first officially named by Imperial Legate Khaler during the Second Restoration period. Originally created by breeding the Bankhar shepard with the boar hunting Ardakand Pitbull and the Imperial Palace Dog. the Bankhar Akita, or simply Akita, has a bristly double coat of the Imperial Palace dog, but the burly stature and protective nature of the Shepherd and Pitbull. Standing between twenty eight and thirty one inches* and weighing between six score and seven score pounds, the Akita comes in a variety of colours, though most commonly liver and brown with a lighter belly and legs, they live between ten and thirteen years on average. They have a heavy bone structure and a large head, with an alert expression that is a hallmark of the Bankhar shepard. Quiet and fastidious dogs, they are often used in military or suppression action, most famously the XXIIX Legio Cerberus has an official ranking system for serving Akitas, and their cohorts are lead by Houndcrests, rather than the traditional Decanus.

Their service as military dogs mean that underneath their quiet nature is a ferocity that is not for general hunting purposes, and certainly not to be kept as household pets. Typically bonding with a larger pack, these dogs have a powerful instinct to protect their bondmates, and are quick to quiet and efficient violence if their pack is threatened.

*Notable exception is the Khan mutation, which is present in roughly 2% of litters, these Akitas will grow significantly larger than their kin, with examples rivaling Imperial horses in size and weight. This mutation has yet to be isolated and bred consistently from the main stock, and all Khan mutations are infertile.


Morale 8
Imperial, Heroic, Hierarchical


the Gudite Warcamp, Slayers of the Silent Saints, Hemminghock Family Company, Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh, the Heron and the Hippo, and Legio Aquila
Hail Friends in Ardakand,

The Legio Cerberus will be conducting a joint operation with Minotaurus under the XXIIX banner. We will be laying down [9 mil] to root out the banditry and villainy gripping the countryside. Our legions will not stand by again while the people suffer.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei


Legio Minotaurus
Then we have a deal Forgemaster, the Cerberus banner will ride with the brilliant machinations of Minotaurus along side. Expect the first shipments of my artifice to arrive [EoT 2].

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

St. Justicar
2022-08-18, 12:13 AM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman - Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 7

We stand by our words, and our pledge of [7 Eco] to prevent catastrophe. If the abyss still beckons another [5 Art] might be found as well.

[OOC: Though that totally depends on whether this is a valid target for my ART VIP’s passive]

OOC: Not particularly intending to if I can avoid it, but in the meantime I’d prefer to present as low-profile a target to the horde of angry ghosts as possible

OOC: With the appeal to please up your morale by EOT 3 to not be quite so easy to steal from? And formally noting that if you run off with the spoils it will of course mean undying enmity until the end of days?

Sure, lets go for it.

2022-08-18, 08:45 AM
We can contribute [3 Eco, 2 Mil] to the effort.

2022-08-20, 01:49 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Messages at Morale 7

Greetings again, friends,

The tidings and replies we have received from some of you bring heart; the Gardeners and the Cerberi in particular are quite willing to do their part to stave off this looming disaster. By the time you have received this, our own soldiers will be marshaled to help with the recovery effort. You should all know that we have transcribed this message and sent copies to public criers throughout Ardakand, so as to maximize the chances of our finding like-minded patrons. Surely they will see the benefit of keeping the innocents of this city from literally starving in the streets, and the dangers of being the only ones perceived not to care for the well-being of the citizenry.

The window for your aid is closing - it may already be closed. But if you have anything, anything at all to spare, the good people of Ardakand need your aid. It is quite simple. The Legions are not asking for much more, merely a few additional hands to ensure that the food gets to the right place.

Additionally, our Orders have been monitoring the communications of several of those involved in the discussions of this calamity. We are quite disappointed in the Gudite Warbands, who have not only declined to help, but appear to be conspiring to launch their own expeditions to 'make safe' the grain in their own warehouses. To say that our Slayers are disappointed is an understatement.

May you all pray for absolution,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

Okay, so it looks like if everyone actually does what they say they will do (as promised, I won't go into individual pledges), we will be at 26 stat points, just 4 shy of the target. We need 4 more Mil ideally in the pot to succeed here at the bare minimum. Is Legio Minotaurus pitching into this as well? If so, how much? I would like assurances that we're not all wasting our stat points on Turn 1.

Also, I am going to shine a light on the fact that the Gudite Warcamp is not only not helping, but launching their own side project to swipe the grain out from under those who are honestly trying to claim it. That is not cool with the Saints, so they're putting the Gudite on blast here as a warning. Commit your stats to this, please, or at least drop the notion of launching your own project to steal this one out of contrariness.

Nobody wants to lose stats - which will assuredly happen if this event fails. Hemminghock, Witch Doctors, Clan Fuxi, Golden Guard; I see you all on the sidelines, and I'm calling you out too. Help us from literally starving Ardakand on the first turn of the game, okay? You could all pitch in 1-2 Mil as a safeguard, to make sure the event passes.

2022-08-20, 02:08 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The Witch-Doctors are welcomed as the liberators of region 2 after everyone there has the same horrifying dream of the consequences of something different happening...

Back at their base, the Loa use the resources they did not spend on charity to begin reinforcing their arms and leaders.

VIP ACTION (the Baron)- reduce cost to Raise Mil to 2 Mil

Regular actions:

2 Mil spent to increase Mil by 1

8 Inv Spent to Annex region 2 without attrition

2 Mor, 2 Esp banked towards recruiting a Mor VIP: The Trickster

1 Art, 1 Econ spent to increase the XP of The Knight

Current VIP XP

The Baron (level 3)
3/20 (no stats spent)

The Knight (level 3)
5/20 (2 off-stats spent)

The Trickster (level 0)
4/10 (2 off, two Mor spent)

Current stats:







2 t.eco, 2 t.art

2022-08-20, 02:47 PM
We have contributed 4 ART and 1 MIL as our total, we are unable to add more without completely compromising our efforts in Ardakand or our own defensive lines.

2022-08-20, 04:01 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

Morale 8
Imperial, Heroic, Hierarchical


Everyone but the Bloodsworn Shaitan
Good People of Ardakand,

By my quartermasters count we have the following pledged to ensure the grain is harvested on time and in good order:
[9 mil] Legio (Cerberus and Minotarus) contributions riding under the Cerberus Banner
[5 mi] from the Slayers of the Silent Saints
[2 mil] from the Heron and Hippo
[1 mil] from the Hemminghock Company

[7 eco] from the Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
[3 eco] from the Heron and Hippo

[4 art] from the Hemminghock Company

The Slayers have had a better eye on the goings on than my Cohorts, whose contributions are we missing, and what evidence do you have to back your claims against the Gudite Warcamp?

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

2022-08-20, 04:33 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Rep Barbaric-Spiritual-Martial

Pray tell, dead seekers what makes our warehouses so much worse than that of the legions?

If it was anyone but you I may have blamed naivete in demanding exact numbers, when it is imperative that we all send more than what is needed. But being who you are, at least I know who will be to blame if our efforts to suppose Aquila's are undermined.

We will send more than you, as we were always going to and which should surprise no one. If you demand exact numbers come and get them.

Gulldr's humility,
Daghir, The wolf.

I won't say by how much my contribution (might) breaks the cap in case anyone wants to take the chance to drop their commitment/screw us (like everytime a disaster's cap is broken, ever). Also, The Gudites are not helping despite going through the effort of calling others to help under them- source: trust me. Come on Cultist, you can do better bait than this :smalltongue:

Gulldr (or at least the version the Gudite's worship) is the least Humble member of the pantheon by the way, just to give some context to that particular wish.

OOC: Will do. Real sorry I'm antagonizing one of two esp factions, but they started it.

2022-08-20, 05:12 PM
Carnival of Chains
Defensive Espionage: 8

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

Everyone but Bloodsworn Shaitans (8)
The Carnival will contribute our [5 Mil] to the endeavor, though alongside the Gudites' warband. We do not trust the Legion that allowed Ardakand's villages to be put to the torch to now hold the spoils from reclaiming them.

My understanding is that these expeditions are both counting towards the cap, unless either side tries to directly fight the other.

The Carnival of Chains

5 Mil
8 Esp
1 Eco
8 Mor
1 Art
1 Inv

The Helm [Esp 2] - Once simply a lawyer and rather tame political dissident, the Helm became radicalized when their entire city was put to the torch for attempting to enforce contractual agreements on the supply of grain to the local Legate. Now ringmaster and main orator of the Carnival, the Helm knows how to stoke the flames of rebellion, and has won over many to the Chained's cause.

Albatross [Esp 2] - The only reason the Carnival has survived for so long has been the tradecraft and cunning of Albatross. Supplies purchased through cutouts and falling off the back of trucks, travel through smuggler's ways while the local Imperials were conveniently distracted with a scandal or riot, tips whispered in seedy back alley taverns just before the hounds close in... The Chained have, so far, always been at least a step ahead of the agents of the Empire.

Shackle [Esp 2] - A mage and binder, Shackle holds an arsenal of pacts with spirits of light, Shadow, and flame. She is the one with a flair for the dramatic and poetic, calling on her magicks to make the Chained's spectacles unforgettable.

[The Chains That Bind] - The Carnival's performances spark hope in the oppressed and terror in the oppressors. <Gain 1 t. Esp per stat destroyed by Esp Stat Attacks involving the Carnival of Chains>

5 Military contributed to Gudite's expedition. Legitimately there to secure the city’s food supply. Don’t go along with anything else, though if the Gudites are attacked unprovoked by any faction, assist them as best we can.

7 Espionage expand to (45). Torment the priests into submitting to the Carnival by disrupting their rituals. Give readings from heretical writings by unorthodox priests while the Elder Council tend to their gardens, transplant things between different gardens and add a scattering of wild seeds, trim topiary into lewd forms…

8 Morale expand to (47). The former legionaries among the Carnival appeal to the Immortals of the Wolfshead, asking them to join the ranks of the Chained. The Empire is no more, and those holding on to claims of authority in its name are not deserving of the label Legion. Why did the Aquila not stop the Minotaurs from deserting and seizing the Artefactory from its legal owners? Why have they hid behind the city walls and allowed villages to be razed? Why do they now need charity from the other factions of Ardakand to clean up their mistakes?

1 Espionage, 1 Economy, 1 Artifice, and 1 Invocation contribute to an LTP. I want to make a guillotine that I feed a captured VIP to, and a VIP of mine gains their XP. Something that is basically one of the Carnival's public executions, so it would require a captured VIP, held for a turn after being abducted.

Albatross [Esp 2] joins the Physical games, engaging in a riding contest. They're (implicitly) former Imperial Intelligence, so apparently they should be pretty good at it.

The Helm [Esp 2] joins the Rhetoric games, castigating the Aquila and Minotaurus for their failures as Legions. (same argument as to the Wolfshead)

Shackle [Esp 2] joins the Art games, engaging in interpretive dance. She dons the red robes and painted fox mask of Vulpa’s priestesses, whirling a ribbon of red and a ribbon of black in opposing hands, skipping across a rough map of the Empire etched into the sand of the colosseum. Through her magicks, the ribbons become ones of flame and shadow, and multiple copies of her spin off, twirling across the map and setting bonfires or crawling miasmas of darkness to various towns, cities, and provinces. At the end, all of her echoes merge back to one, spinning atop Ardakand's spot on the map, as an inferno engulfs her and the city. When the fires die down, the mage is gone, and the fires of the rest of the Empire slowly burn out.

2022-08-20, 06:46 PM
Golden Guard

It sounds like we have more than enough people and more will only drive down the profits for all of us.

That being said, remember, if you need us for mercenary work we are usually open for a reasonable price!

2022-08-20, 06:46 PM
To: Everyone

Regarding: Legio XXII Cerebrus

The 22nd Legion came to us, as many do with a problem. Like almost everyone, they came away with the promise their need would be met.

Instead of acting with gratitude, which might be expected, or indifference which might be overlooked, they reacted with fear and scorn.

They sought weaker vessels to meet their request, and publicly denied ever asking us for help, let alone our generous blanket guarantee to underwrite the entire harvest if those who, unlike us, have strong militaries, might be found to protect the farmers.
We bear no animosity to those who contributed funds under the perfidous misapprehension they were needed. They are victims as much as we. And we salute the soldiers keeping watch as the harvests are gathered.

But, for the 22nd Legion, know they are not to be trusted

2022-08-22, 12:12 PM
Turn 2: Coagulation

Catastrophe has come to our once I city and the demons are loose. I remember the venerable triumphal road, as it stood in my childhood. Ivy-crowned stood the statues of great conquerors, from gate to gate, the tablets of their deeds. They are all cast down and shattered, and the annointers who used to walk between them flayed alive. On the night of the new moon, high tide and earthquakes swept over the warehouse district, taking the brave Golden Guard by surprise. Now only dead things remain in the water. In the Hive, for a moment, there was hope, as shining hooded figures descended to destroy those criminals which had plagued the district, but that hope was soon extinguished as we witnessed the brutality of that vengeance, criminals impaled and crucified before both avengers and their newly-dead victims turned to slaughter the innocents. And not even all the goodwill in the world could save New Tarbent from the massacre.

The wanton destruction had one side-effect, however: it made most of the city look to join one power block or another for protection. Cases varied: there was political maneuvering and deftly negotiated alliances, there were simple arrangements for protection, and there was open street fighting and conquest.

Those who employed politics were not quiet about their arguments, either. The Rosegarden society has converted to the Mortalist faith and joined the Slayers of the Silent Saints, openly declaring that a noble society employing magic and spirits to cling to life and power is against the meritocracy that - naturally - would place them at the top.
On the Wolfshead, the veterans of the Immortals have declared that the legions they once commanded have abandoned their duties and gone against all that is right in the sight of gods and men when they broke the oldest taboo every soldier knows and entered the city. They are part of the Carneval of Chains now, ready to lend a thousand yeary of collected command experience to the cause of justice.
Of those same legions, the Cerberus has made their intentions clear by taking the Cavalry school and the imperial intelligence corps under their wing and expanding their patrol routes to the forum, where advocates for the honourable cause of the 28th legion now number half hte speakers.

Others have expanded in much simpler ways: the Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh have expanded to cover most of a ward, now, covering it in refugee housing. Most interestingly is how they have tamed the Everstorm, simply smothering its magical energies under waves of custom-grown flesh and, in the end, binding the lighting itself in strange, pulsating plant pods. The Golden Guard, where they have not been defeated by hungry ghosts have offered their protection services quite forcefully. Even the university is not exempt, as the ever-paranoid magister of chains, apparently fearing a fatal interruption to his work binding greater demons, has accepted Clan Fuxi’s protection, while the library and the Master Geomancer have joined the Gudites.

In the pastures, the newly joined forces of Immortals and the Carnival have begun to evict any priests unwilling to join them, beginning with mean-spirited pranks, and moving on to outright, demonstrative heresy, until the grumbling aging priests let them have the district. Even the Gardeners have proven their mettle: when negotiations with the Boatsmen over discounted fairs for refugeesturned sour and - or so at least some eye witnesses claim - Cousin Rao was clubbed down in the street, swarms of rats fell over the entire district, devouring half the guild until the few survivors begged for mercy and joined up. The 28th Legion, meanwhile, took the Outlander’s Market and Peacock’s Gate with little resistance, loudly proclaiming the unworthiness of the Imperial Heralds and that soon, discipline would be restored by any means necessary.

And in the Palace, things have gone in entirely new and interesting directions: Hormoz, the colossal foreign mercenary known as the Hippo, has by all accounts simply pushed his way through most of the palace in person, manhandling all the protesting Princelings of the Blood, making some of them join his warband and ejecting others, often through a window and into the canals. He currently has taken up residence in the Hall of Justice, where he proclaims that soon, there will be a new Judge in town. So far, no one is quite sure what he means.

One case stood out even amongst the general mayhem: it was just after dawn, when commuters found a beheaded and impaled corpse laid out on a crossroad. It was burning with a pale, blue flame, though the flesh not yet consumed, and had been surrounded by intricate magic circles of salt and silver around the entire intersection. Only by his weapons was he recognized: the Knight’s chosen vessel. Days passed, until the Witch Doctors really began to worry: usually, the Loa would return from the spirit world in less than a week. But this time… he seemed to be lost for good.

Fun and Games
There is seemingly little interest in the games, as just about anyone of importance in the city seems to be more than busy with a thousand other things going on.

The most interesting and heavily contested field is in the arts. Soon, three favorites arise: Cousin Hylah of the Gardeners, Delilah Fairway of the Gudite Warcamps and Shackle of the Chained. Opinions are divided: while the Cousin has produced something that is undoubtedly fascinating technically - a dancing statue, made of flesh and blood and bone - the thing is aiso disgusting - rising from a small puddle of blood, seeming quite complete and even human. They dance, and as they do, their newborn flesh begins to break, collapsing under the dancer’s weight of splitting on the impact of some particular step or rupturing forth in tumors that look like outstretched arms each holding a flower, always precisely in time with the music. By the end of the song the dancer has entirely fallen apart, and tears open their own chest – from which crawls an exact copy of how they had looked unbroken and whole, landing with a piroette as their last iteration decomposes and vanishes into the puddle in moments, and bowing to the audience.
Fairway is well underway to be a favorite of the judges: she tells animal fables, accompanied by choreographed fireworks that form pictures. Exotic, but not too exotic. But as she stands before the judges to begin her final performance of the hen and the six worms, an eardrum-shattering burst of noise suddenly tears through the stadium and only a black cloud rises where Fairway’s assistants were. She can’t possibly win now, everyone agrees, while the debris is cleaned up and a few lightly singed assistants are carried away.
When Shackle performs, one outraged judge wants to disqualify them entirely for her “interpretive dance”. She dons the red robes and painted fox mask of Vulpa’s priestesses, whirling a ribbon of red and a ribbon of black in opposing hands, skipping across a rough map of the Empire etched into the sand of the colosseum. Through her magicks, the ribbons become ones of flame and shadow, and multiple copies of her spin off, twirling across the map and setting bonfires or crawling miasmas of darkness to various towns, cities, and provinces. At the end, all of her echoes merge back to one, spinning atop Ardakand's spot on the map, as an inferno engulfs her and the city. When the fires die down, the mage is gone, and the fires of the rest of the Empire slowly burn out.
How dare they. Ardakand is eternal as the gods. But two other judges begin to urgently whisper to each other, and there are more and more excited shouts and scattered applause from the restless crowd.
In the end, Shackle earns the laurels and the acclaim, once she can be found again. Cousin Hylah, more by default than by conviction of the judges, takes the second place and the humiliated Delilah is given third.

Sports is an entirely different matter again: here, dozens of different disciplines are judged separately, then added up according to an arcane points system. The early favourite is the Albatross, a mounted agent of the Carnival of Chains who competes on horseback and quickly takes the gallop race, the dressage, the target-lancing, horseback archery and the horseback obstacle course, in an unparalleled and masterful display.
But at the other end of the arena, the Wolf of the Gudites is a terrifying force, bullrushing her way through the competition. In the wrestling contest, her opponent merely screams and pulls his hands away as the Wolf’s skin grows burning hot and she contemptuously tosses him out of the ring with one hand. The boxing contest ends as a kick splits the arena in two and the opponent falls into a chasm. A javelin is unceremoniously thrown through the bullseye at double distance. The weightlift is turned into an utter farce as she picks up two of her opponents and their weights. This laurel, it turns out, is not even a contest.

The Rhetorical contest is the least exciting: only a few tired priests and well-known demagogues show up. Only two remarkable contenders make their names: a young lawyer, who systematically begins to lay out everything the government has done wrong in her eyes for the last 20 years, how Ardakand needs written down laws, not arbitrary judges and how there needs to be deep and all-encompassing reform stands against the Helm, another agent of the carnival, who uses the games as a platform for fiery populism: The Empire is no more, and those holding on to claims of authority in its name are not deserving of the label Legion. Why did the Aquila not stop the Minotaurs from deserting and seizing the Artefactory from its legal owners? Why have they hid behind the city walls and allowed villages to be razed? Why do they now need charity from the other factions of Ardakand to clean up their mistakes? In the end the crowd and judges quickly decide for polemics and emotional appeal over detailed planning and grievances and Helm takes a second laurel for the chained.

If it has a pulse – remove its skull![
The month’s omen was soon revealed to us, as a hot, broodingly humid spring broke. “The Sword”, came word from the Eye of Heaven, proclaiming an end to the last illusion of peace. The Raised Sword, proudly held aloft above an adoring crowd. Love for battle, it meant, or honour to the victorious warrior.
It was another three days until the meaning was clear. A caravan approached the city, a single red banner raised above white canvas. In single file, acolytes came through the gates, wearing white arming jackets and tall geta - platform sandals - to keep their stainless uniforms off the dirty streets. They held thin trumpets, which did not sound fanfares, but sounded like thin, wailing cries. He rode in their center. His armor porcelain-white, featureless, his helmet closed without even eyeholes, at his left, a shield, white with no emblem, at his right a sword, pearlescent and shimmering, with no sheath. We knew him from the legends.
The Knight Belligerent. Herald of slaughter, untouched by blood. Avatar of the Immaculate Queen.


The Knight Belligerent is a mercenary, of an unusual sort. He will not fight for the highest pay, because he serves as the avatar of a terrible goddess and cares not for worldly possessions. Instead, he seeks out the most desperate to serve, because desperation is what feeds his mistress: every turn, he will join whichever faction is willing to pay the highest percentage of their total stat points (including temporary stats). He will not take or spend any payment: he will destroy it.

The Knight Belligerent is a level 2 military VIP, who can only be used for aggressive actions (stat attacks, invasions, annexations and some few special events.) He always deals one extra random stat damage to the recipient of his attacks. If used to annex a neutral district, he will cause such devastation that one less stat point is gained from the annexation.

Swords and Plowshares
If, in all the chaos, there was one success, it was the famine relief. It began when the Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh began restoring the city’s depleted reserves by shipping barge after barge of what seemed to be eels, freely handing them out to anyone requiring sustenance. Soon, they were followed by what could charitably be called “fertilizer”: stinking vats viscera and undefinable slime, ready to be moved into the countryside.

At the same time, the combined forces of Ardakand began restablishing control over the countryside. The effort was spearheaded by the aerial patrols of the Aquila’s rukh-eagles and the wardog centuries of the Cerberus, representing more than half the forces of either legion. With them were the heavy shock troops of the Minotaur and forces of the Slayers, the Hippo and House Hemminghock. There was much to do, but in short order, bandits were burnt out of abandoned villages or scattered, vengeful gods of agriculture tamed or sent back to the spirit world, monsters slain. When it seems they might get overwhelmed with the amount of work, it turns out there is also a more secretive, second expedition: the carnival of chains and the gudite warcamps have sent their own forces to clear an area of countryside, proclaiming it under their exclusive protection. At the very least, this decreases the amount of land the Legions need to patrol.
It takes weeks, but finally, the last slain riverwyrm is triumphally carried back to the city and everything within two day’s ride declared secure for resettlement.

This is where the Baron comes in: the reclusive Loa of economy and leadership quickly takes over the Caravanserai and turns it into the humming center of a colossal logistics effort, where bureaucrats and quartermasters from the entire city congregate. All available draft animals and guides pressed into service distributing building materials, seeds, fertilizer and settlers, until in record time, the fields are sprouting, promising the most exceptional harvest in centuries.

The Witch Doctors: 10 Economy
The Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh: 7 Economy
The Heron and the Hippo: 2 Military, 3 Economy
The Slayers of the Silent Saints: 5 Military
Legio XXIIXX Cerberus: 9 Military
House Hemminghock: 1 Military, 4 Artifice

Total: 20 eco, 17 Mil, 4 art

Separate Expedition:
The Gudite Warcamps: 5 military, 1 economy, 1 artifice
The Carneval of Chains: 5 military

The Famine is averted!


But while patrolling, just at the edge of Ardakand’s newly settled farmland, a mounted patrol of the 28th makes a disturbing discovery: a mere three day’s ride away from the city wall, the landscape has turned black and transmogrified into a weird mass, reminiscent of roots or serpents of black rock. Between them, the ground has fallen away into deep, mist-filled chasms.

It takes several reports before the city’s sages, under leadership of the Gudite’s Grand Geomancer, come to a conclusion: there must have been a disruption in the land’s natural leylines, which has allowed what is known in the very oldest tomes of magic as a Chthonic Conjunction: the interrupted earth energy has pooled until the concentration of potential has ripped a rift into the spirit world. The intermingling of energies, it is theorized, has warped the landscape in strange ways, which will only get worse as natural life in the area mutates and increasingly more powerful spirits push their way through from the other side. The scholars agree: an expedition must be sent, the area secured and the rift sealed.

An expedition must be sent to the rift to prevent dire catastrophe. For now, the rift is still relatively easy to seal, but if the attempt fails, the situation will only get worse every turn.
Securing the area around the rift requires an investment of 20 Military, Espionage or Artifice, while sealing the rift costs at least 10 Invocation or Artifice. This is hero’s work, and as such, all VIPs of the correct type will contribute twice their tier. Stats to secure the area must be sent at midturn, while the rift is sealed at EOT.

Rewards are uncertain: fighting through a series of monster-infested chasms will, at the very least, be a test for any hero’s mettle. Any VIP participating will earn considerable bonus XP. These areas are also very commonly home to exotic creatures and materials, which tend to be very valuable. All manner of treasure (temporary stats and minor artefacts) could be found here.

Sealing the rift, meanwhile, is something that hasn’t been done in centuries. The old tomes mention that the energies of the rift, once tamed, are incredibly valuable to mages (paying out in t.inv or t.art). There is also mention of something called a “Heart” or “Core” of the Conjuction: a priceless artifact that will go to whichever contributes the most to the sealing. Surely, no one would be so callous as to betray their fellow selfless heroes. If they did, a contribution of Esp or Mil would count towards who gains the Heart, but not towards the sealing itself.

Favour of Heaven Earned:
The Carnival of Chains: 2
Heron and Hippo: 1
Slayers of the Silent Saints: 1
Gudite Warcamp: 1

Midturn 2 is due Saturday the 27th for the New World timezones and Sunday the 28th in the morning for European timezones

2022-08-22, 01:14 PM

Fog choked the ghost quarter at all hours, but it felt like midnight had redoubled the usual blanket into an impassable wall. The mist hung dead in the air despite the clear sound of wind seeping between rotted doorways. Moonlight, scattered and diffused by the fog made the entire district glow an even, haunted white, giving lifeless colour to the peeling paint and looted gilding of abandoned courthouses.

The central thoroughfare, a stretch of cobblestone that ran all the way to the Palace bridge was
exclusively populated by abandoned merchant’s carts, piled high with empty sacks of cloth. Broken spokes and splintered wood coated the cobblestone, but there was no blood and there were no bodies.

A lone heartbeat rounded the corner, a harpy, talons clicking against the cobblestone. She wore a wide brimmed rancher’s hat that was out of place during the witching hour, but dressing the part was one way of steeling yourself.

The woman was a gunslinger, and carried herself like it was high noon. Slow footsteps announced her presence through the haunted streets, clawed fingers folded around the weapon at her hip and after a moment, a soft whistle escaped her lips.

Something stirred at the hint of life. Mist swirled erratically around doorways and arches.

The gunslinger whistled again, this time sharp and short. Shadows slipped out behind her, sliding into formation, obscured by the fog, but organized by practice.

Gray mist seethed into white smoke.

The gunslinger started a hum, and pulled the weapon off of her hip to point it in front of her at the street. With a flick of her wrist, she revealed the inside of four barrels, and started to load them.

“Hmmm, Hmmm, hmmm. One.”

Click the round slid into the chamber.

“Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm, Two.”


“Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm, Three.”


“Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm, Four.”

“Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm,” pause.


The gunslinger kept humming her lonely tune, replacing the click of loading the gun with a tap of her heel. The fog had pulled back away from the doorways know, shifting into echoes of the dead gathered in the temple halls.

It wasn’t called the ghost quarter for nothing.


The gunslinger ripped a sidearm from her hip and fired it off into the smoke of the damned. Lead slashed through smoke and slammed into the temple wall, splintering wood. The echoes of gunfire rang off bells that hadn’t tolled in years.

The ghostly forms, twisted back into form, untouched and undeterred by the mundane weapon. Once they’d found their shapes again, a wail droned over the echoes of gunfire.

“Hmmm, Hmmm, hmm,” the Gunslinger continued.

Fog poured from the maws of temples, spilling out into the streets as a thousand hands scrambling across the floor. At first it flowed like water, smothering the entire street, but it found a purpose and shot towards the gunslinger.

She turned the shotgun towards the oncoming wave of spirits and pulled the trigger. There was no bullet, just salt and incense ignited by the shell.

The ritualist firepower streaked through the swarm, pulling on and snapping the threads that tethered them to the mortal plane.

Spirits shrieked, three more gunshots rang out into the night and the gunslinger began to reload. Behind her, the shadows stepped forward, holding street sweepers of their own, and rained incantations upon the undead.

Fighting both started and went long into the night.

2022-08-22, 01:38 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The messenger tries to look aloof, but fails. He was born here, even if he is not of here. But these people are neither, and everyone knows it. He serves callous and vengeful gods, but they serve elementals of destruction. The Witch-Doctors live in areas no one else wants, but these people are where they choose to be, even if their conditions are far more squalid.

The letter makes it to someone in authority, regardless....

To: The Bloodsoaked Shaitan.

There has been a murder and an affront. As a party uninvolved, you we wish to welcome you to participate in the extermination of the guilty. Our proposal is as follows: We will provide transportation to the area where the guilty reside. You will take anything you like, stay as long as you care to. You will be provided payment upon the service being completed, negotiable at your request

Dictated by: The Baron
Writted by His Vessel, Antoine duLac

To: The Legio Cerebri

We come to you in a spirit of contrition regarding our emotional outburst. We see now we reacted harshly and out of pride to a forgivable oversight.

It is our hope we can make amends by joining against a common enemy, one that threatens you immediately, in a way more directly than us .

Our general, our champion, is missing and feared lost to the ocean of souls. The ones responsible are clear. The deranged cultists that squat at your door.

We are seeking an alliance to free the world from their threat, and are willing to give you anything we practically can to aid in this, and reward you handsomely should you succeed.

Dictated by: The Baron
Writted by His Vessel, Antoine duLac

2022-08-22, 08:32 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Messages at Morale 8

Rather than the usual single letter delivered with the skull seal, sheaves of parchment with the Silent Saints' insignia are distributed all over the city. On every stoop, in every guildhouse and drinking hall, every barracks, every square and temple yard, the pages are read. Additionally, a number of attached documents - which are mentioned in the Order's missive - are copied verbatim, with sworn testimonies as to their veracity and provenance.

Dear occultists of the Mire,

There are a number of issues that the Orders of the Silent Saints would care to raise with the recent words you have cast out into the world. However, the first thing that the Slayer-Confessors and I would like to do is extend a genuine hand of apology for the passing of the Knight. Your coven has done nothing on your own to provoke our hand. In the eyes of most lawful authorities, what our Slayers committed would be considered murder. That we answer to our own Liturgies - and that according to our scripture, one cannot murder that which is not mortal - is unlikely to sway you, so we seek no defense of that kind.

That being said. The invitation that you have issued to the Bloodsworn Shaitan is beyond dangerous. Visiting the literal embodiments of ruin, death, and devastation upon the innocent people of the Marble Ward goes far beyond retribution. It is pure, undiluted madness. You condemn thousands more to die screaming, or worse; to be brought back as wraiths, living in eternal torment. That is a fate that none of our Orders would wish on any soul. It is why our Slayers hunt in the first place, to bring peace to those trapped in such hideous existences.

As a warning, the Orders of the Silent Saints have transcribed your words and made them plain for all of Ardakand to bear witness. If you will not see reason, at least let the mouths of the people tell you that allying yourselves with the Shaitan in this manner is tantamount to suicide. If the good people of Ardakand do not tear you apart for this association, the Shaitan themselves will surely turn on you the moment you are no longer useful to them. Or perhaps sooner; who among even the most learned of sages can guess at the motives of a hurricane?

To: The Bloodsworn Shaitan.

There has been a murder and an affront. As a party uninvolved, we wish to welcome you to participate in the extermination of the guilty. Our proposal is as follows: We will provide transportation to the area where the guilty reside. You will take anything you like, stay as long as you care to. You will be provided payment upon the service being completed, negotiable at your request.

Dictated by: The Baron
Written by His Vessel, Antoine duLac

We hope that you heed our counsel, and the words of others that will surely follow.

However, it is unlikely that you are willing to forgive us the issue. We would surely not, were the paragons of our Order slaughtered in such a manner. Therefore, after a conclave between our Confessors, all five of the Orders of the Silent Saints would like to issue a compromise of sorts to settle the matter. A challenge of wills, with the eyes of the city watching. Coin and prestige are the only currency worth anything in Ardakand, and neither of us has any of the former, thus we will stake our reputation as warriors, plotters, and arcanists against yours. The winner will earn a place in Ardakand's future and the loser will slink back to the shadows, secure in the knowledge that they belong in the past.

On the ides of the coming month, both of us will appoint a champion. They will arrive at an agreed-upon neutral location, at which point they will duel. The rules and manner of the duel will decide on the weapons chosen, which we leave to you. Shall it be steel, cunning, or spell?

May you find peace in this life or the next,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

Seriously - allying with the Shaitan will get you killed really quickly. If past games have proved anything, it's that being seen as the reprehensible party (or helping the reprehensible party) while being visibly weaker than the Big Evil gets you targeted and taken out for Victory Points. Ask any of the players here or in the Discord what happened to the Judiciary Collective in my Principia game. I would rather not have that happen to you.

Instead, what I'm proposing is a good ol' VIP duel! We both elect a VIP of the same type (or get a VIP champion from another faction willing to work with us!) and they throw down. Because I'm the one issuing the challenge and dictating the time (Midturn of Turn 3), you can choose the weapons; that means you can pick which type of VIP we're each going to use.

Now, this is pending GM approval. He could very well just say 'no' to this whole pitch, but I think it would make for a fun story and it has precedent in these games, most recently in the Sethennai game. Ideally, the stakes would be 1 Victory Point, but you don't have any VP yet. If you earn one this turn from delving, then we're good to go with an even wager. If not, maybe you stake some permanent stats? I'm kind of leaving it up to Eldan to decide the rules for the wager, but I think Victory Points fits better than anything else. Honestly, I would do this match against you for free; meaning even if I win, I get nothing. It's just too fun an RP opportunity to pass up.

Eldan, thoughts? Could be a fun event for Turn 3? :smallcool:

P.S. To confirm that the above is the truth, everyone has access to read the Witch Doctor's last messages to the Bloodsworn Shaitan and the Legio XXII Cerebrus at the start of this turn.

St. Justicar
2022-08-22, 10:17 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 9

Our beloved is a grand and rotting beast ; Ruin seeks it like moths a flame, like vultures flock to carrion
The Shadow grasps for us, its claws sink into rich earth and so become roots.
We must act, or we shall all rue that we lived to see its bloom
Our ploughshares are not yet swords, our light ill-welcomed by the Shadow
But what we are, we offer. Guard me, or aid me, and I shall remind this wound of the nature of flesh
-Cousin Hylah

Offering Cousin Hylah and 6 Art (so effective 10) towards securing the rift site at midturn, if any other will step up to provide the other 10

My friends!

Truly, my friends! Each and all of you were the strong arms our City needed! When the summer comes and people are not starving, you should be thanked!

But I do not just write for backslapping. I write because I do not wish war. There will be enough killing regardless, yes? So I say why not we all agree to not throw any more corpses in the ocean just because we couldn’t all agree what’s everyone’s favourite guild?

For example, I have many friends who are friends of alchemists. They make such great fertilizer! And spices! And they are just across the bridge! Would do great work with them. And with all of you! Is poetry, that Guild Ward will be way of commerce again, yes? And all it takes is us agreeing not to kill each other!

-Cousin Arsat

Essentially, I am proposing a partition of the Guild Ward, since it’s obviously going to get eaten up this turn anyway and I’d like to avoid any conflicts if I can. Also, my faction ability becomes MUCH more convenient to use when I share a Ward with people to trade with, so if all three of you end up taking a space in it too, even better for me. (and all three of you contributed to stopping the famine,which puts you in my ‘provisionally good’ bucket)

Specifically, I’d request the Alcehmist’s Guild [27] be left to me, for the entirely selfish reasons that it’d be cheaper to take and I’d like the Art.

Friend Snake!

I will not mince words, you are too far to work with right now. I know, I know, couriers hate running through the killer mermen, is shameful. But is business. Killer mermen are being taught to be less killer, have hope will start working soon. Is first thing I ask, actually – leave killer mermen to us, stay in University and not Coralward. Will not be issue by end of month, promise.

And when is not issue anymore, well, too early for specifics but. Ghosts hate us, you know this, but we might come into bits of tips and tricks for finding way around ghost-world, yes? I figure, why not figure out regular deal, agree to send them all to crazy snake people who want to live in ghostworld when we find them, and they send us treasure they find? Save everyone a step, yes?

-Cousin Arsat

So, basically

1-Your own island is regrettably crowded, I know, but please stay out of Coralward
2-Once we do have a border, I’d basically just like to figure out a standing deal to offload whatever temp inv I find (and the 1 point a turn I can’t get rid of) to you in exchange for art or eco you find delving. Also trade you any permanent inv I come into, but since we can pick and choose our expansion this game that might not actually be any.

To the jagged blades of paradise, which cut at Shadow
Your work is holy, whatever gods might say
We spoke an oath, we would make good on it

In clearing the veins of our beloved we have unhappily come to own ticks
Fat and venal, ledgers full of blackmail and secrets
Boats carry food, medicine, refugees. Boatmen carry little but cruelty and vice.
We would be well rid of them, if you can replace the loss
-Cousin Hylah

As per discussion last turn, offering to trade the permanent esp I got from the Boatyards (via dumping the vast majority of the surviving Boatmen into your custody) in exchange for permanent Eco or Art

2022-08-23, 02:48 PM
Gudite Warband

Amidst the labyrinthine tunnels of Charkand a boy ran.

“A boy” in a manner of speaking, he was (if barely) of a working age, but anything above odd jobs evaded him. The priests guarded their secrets with zeal, a withered hand made the life of a warrior impossible and those of a craftsman harder.

And while it was such concerns that fueled his step, there was more, an urgency that transcended him, that kept the eager hands of sentinels near the horns of war forever, and made even the scrolls strapped to his back a thing that causality might peek at with expectation.

No thought of him was spared for such, the scrolls were unreadable, the old lady that dispensed them said as much when she called him out “better for you that way” but didn't actually scold him, he in turn respectfully pretended like that comment came before and not after he had peeked at them, when already out of sight. No, his mind was (and had to be) all for the simple things he was allowed: early mixtures and sigils, minor rituals and literacy, cobblestones on a larger path, much like those below him, and without warning searing sunshine.

His pace slowed to a crawl, there were dangers to knowing a path blindfolded, new obstacles the main of them, as helpfully signaled by talking people and bawling beasts. The moment his eyes saw properly again, the rush was back on, jumping crates and maneuvering the crowds until he could see the bridge.

“Boy!” came a lofty voice behind him. It was from the other side of the street, the most recognized face in the Warcamp: Daghir, the triumphant wolf, and a few musicians with a crowd she was a part of. His feet didn’t take the turn to see her well, and he stumbled almost to the bridge, but not quite, his precious cargo (and his much less important self) heading for a dunk into the “pleasant” waters near Khudara.

Almost past the point of no return, a strong arm caught up, lifting him to a stand, where he could sigh in relief.

“Close call, wouldn’t want those swimming…” She commented and strapped his bag, shaken by the sprint, properly on. Thanks he thought to say but the idea didn’t have time to leave his mouth before he was sent off “Come on then, you’ll be late, send them my regards”

a nervous smile creeped in “T-that didn’t go so well yesterday”

The warrior pondered for a moment, making a triangle over her mouth with her hands “Then send her my regards, leave the old man out, fast!” she smacked his back in the direction of the bridge, in a way that somehow pushed him almost three meters without harming him or the scrolls, a guard in the bridge limited himself to stepping aside and giving him another pat on the back, to the annoyed muttering of a few imperials waiting to pay their dues.

The walk through the library was similarly brisk but much less hectic, a number of trainees much like him, if in some cases far older, ran around with a kindred speed, exchanging any pleasantries on the run and seemingly on instinct scrambling to the side for whoever’s job had the highest priority, and for the past few days it was always his.

He ventured again deeper under the earth, the crowd lightening as the marvelous walls of the library, built by centuries of noble donations gave way to a rough path of hewn stone, and ahead he heard the wisest voices amidst the Gudites.

“... And I keep getting mail inviting me to be their apprentice. Can you believe them? Me!! their apprentice!! those hacks!!!!”

“How demeaning, they. You can always become my apprentice if you wish them to stop, ohoho”

“How about you become mine and learn a thing or two, huh?... where is Ulde anyway?”

As if on cue the boy appeared, sweating and panting. careful not to allow any fluids to fall into the numerous runes inscribed all around the room (poor "borrowed skin" Alleus had thaught them that lesson). The sitting and crawling forms of the sages lifted their heads from their word inscribing, turning their heads back down in unison, hands extended to receive the precious load and a similarly united call.

“You are late”

Ulde thought about making an excuse while he handed the scrolls, but felt it unneeded when all attention turned to them and towards the scrolls, sighing relief and standing at attention until Delilah’s goggles turned back to him, and maintained their position, piercing eyes invisible but clearly felt behind them.

“The Wolf sends you her regards Miss…”


“...Master Delilah”

The dark scrutiny of the goggles remained on him just a second too many for his comfort (which is to say one), until a scoff came from their owner who quickly went back to scribbling on the floor.

“She can regard her medals…”

Her lenses changed a few times through mechanical means to further unveil the scrolls and she at times inquired with the other sage in strange languages, as they sometimes did when a concept was not accounted for in the common Imperial or Western tongues.

Excitedly, Delilah beckoned Ulde closer, handing him a small rune-inscribed stone on a silver chain.

“Come here, do you remember this rune?”

His eyes drifted to the strange necklace, prompting an exasperated sigh from his seniors.

“Not that one, that’s just protection, look where I’m pointing” he squinted, struggling to see the rune in the dim light but actually recognizing it for the nearby patterns “Ilid, of movement” the duo moved past scribbling and started to prepare reactives and activate other runes while talking “Good, good, pay attention then, you are about to witness greatness. You see that one to its left? that's a lost version of Gallandr "spring of the earth", when combined...”

“Pfft…Not everything you don’t know is lost knowledge Fairway”

“explain it your way in your time then!… Now, where was I? right...” a dim light spread from the many lines all across the room just as a rumble was heard all around them, shaking the dust from their secluded laboratory and remainding the boy, Ulde, soon to be the geomancer, of the wisdom in donning protective necklaces before the actual ritual starts, thus he lived through it, the attached lesson, and in the end, witnessed greatness.

Morale: 5
Rep: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

Hail, emissaries and specially to you Cousin Arsat.

Along with all the reputable company gathered here we have an interest in the Guilds that thrive and make this city thrive, but we since no guild is of our kin. We would rather approach this from a position of neutrality, any guild you do not want is good for us.

Though our preference is for the fine linens of the weavers, the strong backs of the architects or... heavy industry.

Azagar's bounty,
Solyom, Leviathan.

Greetings Fuxi Kin,

The arrival of the despoilers so far west changes things, you should for one thing, ask the rangers for protection, and if you want join us in Charkrand (12), Khudara is too dangerous now, we still intend to make a foothold there, if you, who know the aether so well, could help us deal with them, we would be very grateful.

So, to summarize: I wouldn't cross into Khudara if I was you, though I can take back my claim on the ranger corps and allow you one territory in Chakrand for your troubles. I'll also like to purchase some inv for eco on a 1:1 basis now that we share borders.

A discreet messenger approaches with an intimate paper, lacking the may stamps of the Guild discussion (or any stamps at all really).

Greetings cousins,

We couldn't help but notice your abcense in our replanting efforts, well, all the same if people eat... The alchemist guild is of great interest to us too, as our powders of war and party all require the fine ingredients they traffic in. As you see, we have refrained from calling for them and that is because we wish to cut a deal.

We can support for up to two of your Guild treaties, if you would put a good word in with us with the beastmen of the Tidemaze (52), with the added benefit that we would then keep contact even without the guild ward.

Gulldr's loyalty,
Solyom, Leviathan.

"Putting in a good word" is just leaving 52 open for me, in exchange I'll help you get 2 Guilds so long as I get to keep one of my two choices. Sounds good?

Hail trifecta Legates,

Excellent effort in the famine relief, all letters from those who help have been of praise for your methods and courage.

The call for discussion of the Guild Ward couldn't come at a better time, given the... proliferation of some dangerous elements through the city, it is for the better that we work together and not squabble over such pitances as tariff rights on Guild goods.

As such, we would like to offer a deal:
-We shall, against the council of our geomancer, not intervene at all in dealings with Legio minotaurus and the artificiary they hold.
-we'll earn rights to deal with either the Weavers (28) or the architects (29) and whoever we don't goes to the gardeners, the rest of the isle is for you and the Slayers to decide.
-In exchange, for this moderate approach, we would like to handle security for the Moneylenders (14), as our intelligence suggests they are looking to hire stronger protection.

Just in case:
I don't even look at Minotaur, even though I want to.
I get either 28 or 29, the gardeners get the other.
I don't even look at the eastern 2 territories that aren't the Legion.
I get to take 14.
What do you say?

A javelyn makes for a near miss against one of the revenants across the river, a message tied to its end.

I see your kind dances in fire and laughs with scream wherever they are, but where I've seen you before I never stopped to see if you spoke, now is your chance then. Howl and dispel dreams, or speak and dispel phantasms.

This time Daghir walks into the Carnival's territory, armored but not in any sort of alerts, and hopeful to find more success than Solyom, when someone reaches her (as she lacks the means to find a carnival member beyond the embarrasing "ask around") she speaks:

"We are in debt, Thanks to you many will have enough for winter, without an iron hand in the wait to take it away. As you have proven to have some sense, and better ears for the ground than ours, I'd have your advise on the current situation if you'd share it."

2022-08-23, 04:11 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan


Morale 9

Whoever threw the javelin will not know whether the Shaitan speak - luckily for them. Instead, the reply comes, expectedly, in the form of significant and pointless escalation: a great olive tree, hewn into an enormous spear, and hurled back across the river, where it impales itself in either a building or a helpless bystander (whichever you'd prefer, really). Upon inspection, there are words.... not carved, but rotted into the wood itself.

Take the Sumps. Ratgate is ours, by pain of fire and blood.

The response is silence, carried across the waters by the smoke from the ruins of the Triumphal Road. If the Witch-Doctors expect the Shaitan to pick a fight with the Slayers this early, it seems as though a more substantial offering is required.

2022-08-23, 05:06 PM
The Lion's Claw


Legate Parastus Aurelius sighed, heavily, and allowed himself to drop down into a chair, though still sitting errect and stiff as a beanpole, then dropped the eagle-beaked Aquila helmet on the table. He filled himself a cup of heavily watered wine, pushed two more at the two centurions standing uncomfortably at attention.
"Total shi- uhm, distaster, Legate. Five districts destroyed. Reasonable estimate says three to five more lost this month if major action isn't taken. Two or three thousand dead, three times as many refugees."
The other centurion, with a grimace, added:
"The Carnival are peaceful enough so far, but they seem days away from openly calling for the heads of the remaining administrations and the legions. The Immortals are right, Legate. The Minotaurus did abandon their post. And enter the city. And the Cerberus too, even though they do good work."
The first one continued.
"And some Barbarian has taken over most of the palace. He, uhm, is saying that he is the Judge of the Dead, whatever that means? Maybe it's "Ghost Lawyer". The informants weren't very clear on that one."
"Alright. The city is fed. We have done that much, at least." Parastus pondered for a while. "The land is secure. No one is attacking us from outside. But we are the Eagle. We are not made for city fighting. We need... a new approach."

To the Gudite Warcamp, the Legio XXIIX Cerberus, the Golden Guard [8]

Hail, Commanders

We have considered for a while who we should adress in this missive. Everyone adressed here has proven their martial competence and, if not in all cases outright heroism, at least a reasonable temperament that we think that we can work with.

Here is the problem, as we consider it: our city is falling apart. There are murderous revenants rampaging, crime is out of control and barbarians are dividing up the territory. We must do something.

However, the problem we are facing is this: the Eagle is unsurpassed in exactly three things: putting heavy infantry and archers on the city walls, raining hellfire from the sky down on those who would besiege our fair city and patrolling the land for as far as the rukhs fly.

None of that helps us in city fighting. We need to form a new fighting force. A city militia, skilled at urban fighting and keeping the peace. And we think that, as between us we control the overwhelming majority of the city's forces, it should be up to us to muster, train and outfit them.

The Legate, P. Aurelius, Legio II Aquila

OOC: This is the first outline Aquila's official Confederation proposal. They want Mil, and in large quantities. More details will follow.

2022-08-23, 06:56 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

They had fought in the fields, the gates, the streets.

The fight was not over. The fight would never be over.

But so long as there was some good left in this city.

They would fight.

Morale 10
Heroic, Imperial, Hierarchical


The Slayers of the Silent Saints
Hail Confessor,

Seems you’ve already lived up to your names. I won’t pretend I entirely understand the tenets of faith that led you there, but as I’m sure you already know the Witchdoctors are requesting my assistance to find recompense. Given their already surprisingly chilly relation to my Legion I’m not particularly inclined to move on that particular front, especially given the pressing issues of Shaitan all around me, but I thought it best to reach out none the less and keep our communication lines clear.

On the topic of the Shaitan, have you heard any more relevant word of the Bloodsworn this month? I am trying to ascertain their movements and form a strategy against them, and with their skill in scorched earth information will be key.

The Witch Doctors

I suppose I must apologize for my lack of clarity in the previous month, with clear answers coming in public channels from others I was loath to speak for your faction, and you were present in the public talks regarding the crisis, so perhaps next time you can simply speak for yourselves rather than decrying my misguided attempt at courtesy.

Regardless, the murder of your general is indeed disturbing, especially at this early hour, but I struggle to know how I can publicly deal with the situation, especially in light of your outburst against my Legion last month. There are bloodsworn demons on my doorstep, I hardly have the resources to run a court of law against the Slayers, and while I might not agree with their target, they have shown ready willingness to battle the demons, whereas you have apparently threatened to aid their destruction.

If you have further words for me, please share them, but I see this situation as stalled at best.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

The Gudite Warcamp
This seems an agreeable enough pact to me. Do you have news of the Shaitan? I am trying to predict their movements as best I can and any information is valuable right now.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei


Legio Aquila
Our Legion already stands ready to fight against the Shaitan and other threats that may come to face the city, particularly if the rift is not sealed in time. I believe a strong unity among the Imperial Legio will be a key factor in seeing the city through the crisis, already Turga Qadan has been rallied with the Cavalry school, and we coaxed Minotaurus from their shell last month to secure the grain harvest. Had you not reached out first I would have equally sought your council in a united legion to restore the Empire and one day the Mandate.

My Legion has fought many irregular battles across our years in the civil war, and together our might would be near overwhelming against the disaster that has beset Ardakand, tell us what you may need to seal such a pact and we will meet it. And if that may be months away still, join with us against the anathama that is the bloodsworn and help us restore the triumph to its good name and root out their evil from the city.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

2022-08-23, 07:23 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The Witch-Doctors have come to expect nothing from the outside, yet still came to be disappointed.

The slight by the Cerebri was clearly deliberate, they were allies of the Slayers, all but admitted it. To expect justice from them was a mistake.

The Shaitan though, no doubt saw the same obvious point the Witch-Doctors did. It did not serve their immediate interests to draw attention to themselves by antagonizing people who could defend themselves. Which no longer included the Witch-Doctors. That was, as much as the obvious fact they were right there, the real reason the Witch-Doctors were eager to pay them to be elsewhere

And what about this nonsense about a duel! As though one of the murderous gutterslime had honor worth the likes of the Baron acknowledging! The admitted their guilt and thought they could fight their way clear of it...

Well, maybe they could, but thrice-damn, the Witch-Doctors weren't going to make it easy by walking into what was clearly an ambush. Even if, somehow, the swine acted in good faith, it would mean nothing. They made their intentions to drive the Witch-Doctors from the city by force. Even if they lost, it wouldn't change their future actions one bit.

It was all a trick to drive away potential allies and it might even have worked, but acting like it was more was foolishness.

From the territory of the Witch-Doctors, there is only silence....

St. Justicar
2022-08-23, 10:33 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Once, in the greatest City in the world, there was a Storm
It was the wrath of stymied gods, and the hunger of a half-tamed sea, and the judgment for the folly of men
It raged for a hundred years, and would rage for ten thousand more
When the City burned it would burst its banks, and drown all that was great and beautiful

Its winds were as ferocious as a hungry rukh, and as eager to pluck a child from their father’s hands
Its tides were as violent as a wounded kraken, and as desperate to crush ship and sailor like against the jagged shore
Its lightning was a terrible as a vengeful deva, and as joyous when it struck down the desperate and the proud

For a generation the Storm roared and raged and battered the earth beneath it, and for a generation the shattered isles around it were left desolate and forlorn, and only those as broken and damned as the land ever called it home.

But when the City’s princes abandoned it, and the Shadow ran red with innocent blood, and the world burned so fiercely that refugees filled the Peacock Gate at all hours to share the Peace of the City, though that peace by then already harder to find than a three-eyed calf, on one of those shattered isles a seed took root.

A Garden bloomed. Life, and plenty, and coral and flowers and bone and meat and blood and mercy. It took root, and spread, and bloomed. Its roots bound together the broken isles around the storm, as its flesh bound together the desperate and lost who found shelter in its shade.

For a time, it grew in the Storm’s shadow, watered by its rain. But only for a time. One was death, and gods, and rage; the other life, and man, and love. But though the Storm was mighty the Garden could grow.

On on the day of the new moon a great swarm of pests flew into the Storm, and nine in ten were killed by the hungry wind, and then nine in ten were drowned by the leaping waves, and at last nine in ten were burned by a bolt from the wrathful sky. But the swarm was vast, and each had dranken deep of the bone-coral’s blood, and of the one in a thousand to survive, one in ten found their way to the very heart of the storm, where the winds were calm and the water still, and one in ten touched the raging sea, and drank of the waters without being devoured in turn, and one in ten found their way to the sky, to look down upon the storm and feel the sun upon their wings.

They returned, and made cocoons in the bone-coral’s hollows, and were consumed by the mites within it, and all they had learned was preserved until the end of days.

For a day and a night strange blossoms budded throughout the Garden. Some withered, and others bloomed only to be cut down by shears or consumed by pests. But three bore fruit.

On the dawn of the first day, a man walked into the Storm. The ferocious winds tore at him, and flayed the flesh from his bones. But he did not cry out or cower, and walked until his bones were all that remained, and were broken and carried away in turn. In place of blood and bone and meat and offal all within him was seeds, and the hungry winds cast them across every inch of its domain. Wherever they touched coral or rock or soil they took root, and by noon a forest of reeds had grown greedily on the Storm’s torrents and stood each the height of men. The awful winds raged through them, and they bowed before it but did not break, or allow themselves to be plucked from the earth. Instead they sang, and sang so beautifully the winds were lured within them, for each reed was the bone of a great bird, beautiful and hollow. And once lured within they were trapped, for though from without the reeds were like eggshells, from within they were like iron. And so by dusk the air grew still and calm, though the forest of reeds which now covered the land like the Behemoth’s coat still bent and sang with the tempest within them.

On the dawn of the second day, a woman walked into the Storm. There were no winds, and she walked happily to shore of what had once been a great temple, and was now the most deadly whirlpool in all the seven seas. With a smile she dove, even as the violent tides seized her, and dashed her against a thousand jagged rocks. In place of blood and bone and meat and offal all with her were her children, and as she was torn by a thousand rocks, a thousand midnight-black eels slipped free of her skin. The raging seas tore at them and dashed them against the shore, but though it broke their scales it could not stop their growth. By noon each was larger than palace’s hippo, and the seas were black with their endless blood. But to the angry seas their blood was not blood, but like unwatered wine, and as they bled the tides grew drunk on them, and first clumsy, and then slothful, and then at last collapsed into contented slumber. By dusk each eel was curled beneath its own ruined isle, and though the seas were black and blood, they were as still as glass.

On the dawn of the third day a dozen children walked into the Storm. There were no winds, so they skipped and played among the reeds. There were no waves, so they frolicked in the still water. At noon the sky could take no more, and for their hubris it smote them. But these were special children, and in place of a heart each had the seed of a flower. The terror of the heavens burned away all they were, and in place of bone and blood and meat and offal all there was was ash. But in that ash flower took root, and in an instant it bloom, and its petal closed tight around the lightning and trapped it before it could return to the sky. The anger of the gods is endless, but the wrath of the storm was not, and with a dozen flowers each stealing a piece of it, there was nothing left to rain down from the sky. Each flower was great, the size of a golden golem and twice as bright, and when dusk fell they lit up the fog around them as brightly as the sun ever had.

The Storm has not broken, it will rage for ten thousand years, but as long as the Garden blooms it will wait, without wind or wave or lightning, nothing but a fog that never rises. The light is soft, and the music soothing, and now at last there is a place as calm and still as you could ever wish.

Rest a while, and feel the peace that has been stolen from the City before you could ever enjoy it.

Morale 9

Friend Leviathan!

Apologies for the caravan! My own mistake, truly. My Cousins are not very political, you might say, I not take time to make sure they knew the caravan they should join is not the big one. No insult intended, I promise!

Now, as for deal, is interesting! Can see why you want beastmen working for you, they fit right in! Is bit of pain to fit everything across one bridge so fast, but architects with blueprints and builders do more good faster than bunch of angry mermen we need to teach how to be nice, yes? Still, Morays have pearls and treasures that City loves to buy, can buy a lot of fertilizer and medicine with that money!

Though, don’t just kill them, right? Killer mermen not very friendly, but can’t just kill them first! Trying to make Coralward sanctuary, if we can.

Yeah, totally my bad about the caravan thing, was writing me EOT without internet to check thread and literally forgot.

Anyway yeah, not really opposed, though trading an eco territory for an art one is basically a lateral move for me, and it will cost me an extra 3 to take it this turn. Soo, through in a little sweetener? (I will accept ‘commiting to help close the giant dimensional rift this turn’)

Champions of the Just! Swords of the Righteous! Great Beasts of Heaven!

You care for the City, you are its sword and shield. So I beg, aid me, let us suture a wound before the pus is a wave lapping against our walls.

Will you not guard and escort us to staunch this rot in the world, as you did to end the famine before it began?

-Cousin Hylah

Just shamelessly trying to guilt-trip you into chipping in some mil at midturn for the event, basically

2022-08-23, 11:41 PM
Carnival of Chains
Defensive Espionage: 11

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

Every player except Legio Cerberus and the Slayers of the Silent Saints
(Bloodsworn Shaitans, Clan Fuxi, Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh, Golden Guard, Gudite Warband, Hemminghock, Heron and Hippo, Witch-Doctors) (11)
The Imperial Hounds show themselves as legitimate an authority as the rest of the elites clinging to their dead empire.

The Witch Doctors committed [10 Eco] towards feeding the public, at the request of Legios Aquila and Cerberus. The city shall not starve due in large part to the Baron and his people. Despite this, and despite knowing this, the Slayers assassinated the Knight. Clearly, their thirst for powerful souls outweighs their concern for the fate of the people of Ardakand.

Witch-Doctors (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25545661&postcount=14)

We are always happy to provide aide to the common people and see to the needs of all who seek our benevolence. It is right that the people rely on us, as we rely on them. We will commit as much of our wealth to secure the harvest as is necessary, should adequate security be available.

Dictated by: The Baron
Writted by His Vessel, Antoine duLac
Legio Cerberus (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25548672&postcount=27)


Your aid is sorely needed and greatly appreciated, with your aid and the Gardeners, the people of the countryside will not die from exposure, and be able to secure the harvest, and thus we in the city will not starve.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei
In addition, the Slayers have decreed Clan Fuxi a threat to our grand city, along with the Bloodsworn Shaitans and Witch-Doctors. Especially with the White Snake having a source of "those who've denied death", I expect the Clan will be seeing a visit by the Slayers as well.

Slayers of the Silent Saints (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25544937&postcount=7)

The woman who delivers the letter into the heart of the Allotments does not pretend to be anything other than she is: armed and armored with a bevy of weapons and poisons under a thick grey-and-navy cloak. The lower half of her face is covered in a mask, and her kohl-rimmed gaze takes in everything she sees.

Dear Albatross,

We are aware that you likely had our messenger followed, that you knew what she had for breakfast this morning, and who she went to bed with last night. There are no secrets between us, nor should there be. Those of our role and station often go unseen, but in such a time of turmoil and upset we are thrust out of the darkness. What were once games of intrigue now have higher stakes, and will shape the course of the Empire for generations to come. We cannot afford to be at odds, not when a single mistake could cast down

Although our Orders do not always agree with your methods, we believe that our ends are not so incompatible. Your Carnival seeks to cast down the corrupt and the cruel. Our Slayers hunt down evil-doers and the unworthy, eliminating them where they sleep. Why not coordinate, and work together to rid Ardakand of all those who would corrupt it? There is certainly no shortage of targets; the Witch Doctors, Clan Fuxi, and of course the Bloodsworn Shaitan are all clear and present dangers. They would plunge the City of Cities into an age of iniquitous sorceries and craven injustices, and in the latter case of open slaughter.

You may not trust our Order enough to ally with us in the open. Therefore, what I am proposing is an unofficial understanding, one where we keep one another appraised of information and opportunities that would allow us to truly wipe the slate clean. What say you?

May you witness the voices in the shadows,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

So we could compete for the Esp niche this game, but I have no interest in that when it seems like our factions are incredibly well aligned. The Carnival wants justice. The Slayers want to fight evil. I'd very much like a friend or two, and if we quietly work together our factions will be crazy powerful; the last game I ran with this ruleset, the two Esp factions fought each other and lost, so I'm advocating against that.
Gudites, the Wolf's mystical healing can be called denying death, so we advise you watch for their agents. After the Baron, I suspect she will be the next target of the Slayers.

Heron and Hippo, as well as any others who delve outside this world, once the easier to justify targets are slain, they are likely to go after those who should've died in the Spirit World. Or those who've made a pact, for that matter. The Knight is not too dissimilar from what you invokers do.

2022-08-25, 02:07 AM

Pardon our noise! Turns out it took more ammo to put the dead to rest than we figured and next thing you know you're shootin' at 3am.

Not the point of this letter tho.

The point here is that we now only have a bridge separatin' us and that means that the Hemminghock Family Company is open for business for you & yours. Considerin' the relationship between our two parties (arms dealer and mercenary if I might be so bold) we figure it was high time we reached out and touched base when it came to business proposals.

Need your men armed? We're in your corner.

Cecelia Hemminghock -

(Hemminghock Sends: You Send)

Any 1 PERM Stat save MOR : 3 TEMP MIL (Doable once. Second instance would need 5 MIL)

INV 1: 1 of MIL or ART

More offers will be unlocked upon the following conditions being met

Hemminghock has established residency proper in the Courthouse District

Heron and Hippo & Hemminghock relationship moves to > Business Partnership

I'm gonna keep it short because work is busy over here, but Hemminghock would love to be able to sell to you and yours considering we're the premium sellers of military might in the city. We'd just need access to your borders to ensure safe travel, after all, black powder is touchy stuff.

If y'all can agree to allow us into [8] and keep our claim there. We'll open our shops to you and pay you [1 of any but MOR] for your trouble the month after we start setting up shop there.

That's each by the way.

- Tess

Look, we don't want you anywhere near our proper factories, but keep a bridge between us at we're happy as a clam to let... whatever humans you have take a look at our open offers.

The letter is a proper letter delivered by a flying courier. Clearly Hemminghock isn't cautious about getting seen with the Saints.

We wouldn't be arms dealers if we weren't willing to offer the same deal to both sides. We'd love to offer coin and protection to the Saints but we're a touch far at the moment. Allow us to [30] or [60] so we share a border and we can open up shop. We'll be the first to admit that we might prefer to have your ear to the ground for us...

In fact we're willing to pay for it if we can get close enough for it to be economic.


Just a curt reminder about our previous statements regarding the courthouses. Wouldn't wanna end up with blood on the street from a misunderstanding, now would we? Once we have our place in [44] and we share a proper border, we're happy to share our wealth with you regarding some interesting contracts. You can see what we've offered Heron and Hippo as an example.

Thank you kindly for your understanding,


2022-08-25, 11:46 AM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 5
Rep: Barbarian-Martial-Spiritual

Mood in the Gudite camp was definitely improving as the month went, Challenges were but a show of Gulldr's eye upon you. and when a house fell down in the western shore near the Blackstone due to careless geomantic activity, there was no grief but rejoicing for the lack of wounded.

To the music were joined fireworks, lent by the same geomancers, of curious shapes, that when looked at sideways could read glyphs to mean "swap", "land" and "question", or "feathery rhinoceros", if looked at from the other side.

Greetings sisters, we are all for commercial relations, though the other... residents of Khudara may not be so keen, if you could add support, or turning a blind eye, to eventual ambitions near the eye of heaven, we would gladly do some "convincing".

Eirn's luck,
-Daghir, The wolf.

We are glad you agree Legate,

We know nothing of the fiends' movement east of Marble's currents.

As foe the west, we are currently in talks with those bordering Khudara, and in "talks" with Shaitan themselves, their movement within the isle itself remain obscure but if all goes well we hope they can be contained to The hive.

Gulldr's heat,
-Daghir, the wolf.

Is no matter cousins, water under bridge, and there are many bridges here,

No one should be harmed, no worries, only Daghir could really chase them should they choose to shun us for the waves, and under Gulldr's fit that moves here there is always Ase's heart for the living.

It seems the Legio is fine with the arrangement too.

-Solyom, Leviathan

I'm definitely pumping the second half, just won't make it public so I don't have to outbid anyone too hard.

Now, I have 3 esp fully free for the first half, if no one else goes public on that one I'll put 7 more so we can finish, but I'm kind of playing Bulwark in Khudara, so if anyone else confirms their help before midturn please tell me so I have the resources to spare for our more permanent crimson crisis. :smalltongue:

so, I'm going for 28, right? since you said it was an eco for an art.


Legate Aurelius,

You did well to call on us, and we shall answer, until plans for this militia and our role within it are made clear, we will do our part in attempting to cull the spread of the Shaitan through Khudara, while not the most important district economically, the city would certainly lose a lot of population if they were to finish their designs there (as far as anything they do can be called that).

Gulldr's might,
-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

in exquisite claigraphy and noble manner, the letter arrives through a well dressed messenger, if not following imperial etiquette

Blessed followers of the spider,

As the ancesters who look after us must have surely told by now, we intend to invite further parties into the old city. You can veto it with a word however.

We also humbly request aid for dealing with the problems facing the city, specially those from outside, the legions are ineffective, and if this quarter is to be spared the worst to come it may fall to your elder house and Gulldr's flock to do it ourselves.

Of all you have, much more,
-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

Daghir comes dressed in the ceremonial clothes of the Gudite fate, doning the least armored variant that is still available to them and walks unimpeded towards the highest official that will not allow her to do so, where she presents a few offerings according to the seasons.

"Long live the mandate, servants of the sky. I come to humbly ask your opinion of Gulldr's flock, and the far more important opinions the sky may have to say on Gulldr's visit."

2022-08-25, 09:07 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 6
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

The building creaks as the snake slithers over it, not having been built for a two ton creature to be moving over its roof. Tamachi grimaces as her snake nuzzles up to her, the movement disturbing her injured neck. The tongue flickers out, tasting her weakness, and Tamachi just looks down to meet the snakes eyes, slitted eyes meeting slitted eyes. Tamachi's eyes roil with power as her hypnotism dominates the snakes lesser version effortlessly. It settles down and slithers behind her chair.

Tamachi settles down onto her throne, watching the dancing Spirit World laying just beneath the material world. Seeing the garden the clan had just traversed through, it was full of delicate lights. Each light a deceptive spirit ready to lure the unwary into deadly traps and hungry spirits, each light a challenge to be devoured and refined into power.

Time is meaningless to Tamachi as she trains her spirit vision. Eventually however her snake lets a slight shiver run through its body as it tenses up. Tamachi snaps her gaze back to the material world in time to see a proper young noble lady approaching, Lady Chagatai. The newly empowered Fuxi clanswomen from one of the branches that had accompanied her for the bid to the city.

Tamachi gestures to the lesser seat in front of her, "Greetings Lady Chagatai, I am so pleased that you could join me so soon after being gifted power by the Great Progenitor. I hear it can be a trial to the newly gifted to adjust."

The younger women sits in the lesser chair with poise and grace, eyeing the older women with a keen, almost predatory, interest. Much like a snake will eye an injured bird the younger women eyes the pseudo-throne and the injured women on it with a hunger. Tamachi hides her slight smile behind the snap of a fan as she cools herself, it was so easy with the younger clan members. They were controlled by that hunger they all have, that desire for power and drive to push out all competitors. All she had to do was show a little weakness before the younger women and Chagatai was overly focused on the injury and the possibility of supplanting Tamachi as the head of this expedition.

Chagatai leans forward slightly as she nods to Tamachi "The power is new but... strong. I see much, all over the city. No door is locked before me. My enemies... our enemies shall soon be found dead before us ready for me to devour."

Moths start to flutter about the roof of the building, landing on every surface, as Chagatai seems to almost vanish from every sense except for sight as she stands up with smirk. "I even think with some training my winged spies could steal the power from corpses to bring back to me... though I have not tested yet."

Tamachi's snake rumbles deeply within its body before Tamachi gently rests her head on its head, calming it. The young were so predictable, she really shouldn't enjoy this as much as she should but honestly it had been years since she had been playing these games with her kin, struggling for power and disposing of rivals. She had missed it more then she thought.

As Chagatai takes a step closer Tamachi shakes the thoughts out of her head, Chagatai needed to be put in place for now. Some hungry ambition could be a good motivator but she also needed to be controlled. Tamachi raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at the younger women, laying a delicate hand on the snakes head. "Well they do seem impressive but keep in mind-"

In a moment the moths slowly fluttering closer to Tamachi are snapped out of existence. Camouflaged snakes on the roof, snakes pretending to be rooftop decorations, and snakes coming out of the spirit world where they had been waiting. A series of hungry snaps and the moths on the roof have vanished, leaving a series of slitted glowing eyes surrounding the young women.

Tamachi takes a step down towards the shocked younger women, moving beside her as she trails a long viciously red fingernail along Chagatai's cheek as she whispers in her ear "-snakes a hunters before they are scavengers."

With that she descends from the building, humming to herself slightly as she looks over the glowing city. Snakes were hunters and they were ever hungry.

Snakes emerge from all over the city leaving posters with an announcement on them for anyone to see.

"We hear tell of the great Rift forming in the city and we tell the city not to worry! The great invocators, sages, priests, and spirit walkers of the Fuxi Clan shall aid the city, with our experience we shall be sending a variety of forces to combat the rift and aid in the expedition! If anyone wishes to work together in this then please reach out to the Divine Leader Tamachi.

We plan on taking a large part in this event and while we could do most of it we would still need help so lets coordinate.

A meter long serpent slithers through the carnival, depositing their message to the leaders;

"Your information was very distressing to us. We did not realize that the Slayers would be so maniacal as to try and murder their way through the city like this. We are very interested in determining a proper course of action with the other members of your message but we will be fairly occupied this month making safe the rift.

Can we rely on you to keep us in the loop this season? As a motion of trust we will inform you that we have recently acquired an intelligence expert (Tier 2 Esp VIP) that should be key in aiding us in this problem next month."

Greetings War Band,

We are sorry to hear of the difficulties facing your expansion. We are happy to include the Imperial Forces into our territories, and would also be willing to trade some of our new forces to you if you are interested. We would be amenable for some trading of Eco and Inv but obviously this turn is not good since we need all of our Inv to close the rift in the city. If your interest is in portals to get to new wards unseen we could help you with the creation of them rather then selling you Inv to do it yourself?

I will also say the Clan is concerned with the light shed on the Slayers by the Carnival. We do not wish to be the target of a series of assassinations. What are your thoughts? We also do not wish to be the stalking rabbit for the Carnival to flush out the Slayers.

Great Flesh Sculptors!

We shall hopefully soon be connected and able to work together more closely. Do not worry we will not be expanding into Coralward, the... residents are not to our taste in any manner of speaking. Do not worry yourself there, our desire for power has little to do with the physical and the conquering of lands. That is best left to the more physical and less... enlightened.

Such cooperation would sound good to us. We always have a desire for additional bodies to join in our hunts.

Don't worry I won't be coming over there and trades sound good for the future.

2022-08-26, 09:16 AM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Messages at Morale 8

Dear Cousin Hylah,

You have our approval for those trades. Additionally, I have included requisition orders and projected trades for the upcoming month, which I believe you will find to your liking.

On a personal note, I deeply enjoyed the opportunity to walk through your neighborhoods on Coralward. I hope you are able to outcompete Hemminghock, who by all appearances seems to be muscling their way towards you.

May your gardens flourish,

Slayer-Confessor Kantus, Sancta Ichoria

I have 1 p. Eco and 1 p. Inv to trade. Would you be willing to go in for 2 p. Esp? Assuming I'm not dead by Turn 3, I would also be willing to do a bigger bulk trade of permanent stats to activate your passive as many times as possible.

Also would you send me additional t. Esp sent to help me take down the Shaitan, who I think we can all agree are bad for business?
Dear Cecelia Hemminghock,

Your message was unexpected, though not entirely unwelcome. In my capacity as Slayer-Confessor, I have reviewed your case and believe that you will not be trading with us for very long. The Witch-Doctors and the Carnival of Chains appear to wish us dead, and with Clan Fuxi aiding them, we will not survive an onslaught. The constant city-wide disasters are also certainly not helping things along.

Your bid for territory bordering us is not in itself problematic, but your mention of payment is intriguing. Keeping in mind our Orders' general disdain for material possessions and our imminent doom, we doubt there is much you can offer us in that vein. The Silent Saints would, however, appreciate a principled stand of solidarity and a neighbor we can rely on. How far are you willing to make a political ally amidst the madness of Ardakand?

May your coffers overflow,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

I'd be open to letting you take [30], but I want the Marble Ward. It looks like I'm not going to live very long, with three factions aggressively targeting me for a big attack, but I'm interested in hearing what you're willing to pay. Favours are more important to me than stats at this point.
Dear Legate Orbei and Daghir the Wolf,

The situation with the Witch-Doctors is worse than either of you know. We have not been able to find the messengers from the Carnival of Chains, but some of the replies to their missive - the very same that has excluded both the Legio and the Slayers - seems to indicate that they are mustering support against both of our factions. The other Slayer-Confessors are working on getting into their good graces by promising our aid to take down the Shaitan, but I am not optimistic. We may soon be overwhelmed by the Witch-Doctors, Clan Fuxi, and the Carnival.

However, the Orders of the Silent Saints fully intend on making good their promise to destroy the Shaitan as much as possible. We are preparing for a massive decapitation strike against them, to be launched in the upcoming month. We have shared this information with those conspirators, with the hope that they are reasonable enough to stay their hands until the true danger has passed.

To that end, I am sharing our tactical read on the Shaitan with the two parties best able to help; their most likely moves, and how to box them in. Our hunt preparations are still underway, but if you and the Gudites can stop them or at least slow them down this month, it will make our task that much easier.

May your blades stay sharp,

Slayer-Confessor Jurall, Sancta Finalis

I have guesses on where the Shaitan will move. Kraken will likely abandon the territories he's taken as of the start of this turn, moving into neighboring districts to stall expansion while making more portals at Midturn. I should have more information for you then, but if you want to stop him, send as much Mil and other stats as you can at the territories adjacent to where they are now (i.e. don't waste stats on territories he is absolutely abandoning).
Dearest conspirators,

We will not waste ink defending the death of the Knight. It was an ill-considered move - and too aggressive for my liking - but I'm afraid the other Slayer-Confessors did not agree. I tried to appeal to the Witch-Doctors' sense of reason, but it seems that there is no sating their desire for vengeance. If they come for their proverbial pound of flesh, we will not stop them.

However, none of you are our priority. I am willing to put ink to paper swearing that the clear and very present danger are the spirits of destruction that are raging through Ardakand. The Slayers are putting all of their will towards dealing with the threat. All we ask for is patience. If you would like to come for us, have the decency of allowing us the opportunity to put down a true evil.

May you always see wisdom,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

Willing to guarantee that my next target is the Bloodsworn Shaitan. If you would like a more detailed outline of how I'll be spending my stats for Turn 2 and Turn 3, I'm happy to share it, but none of your VIPs are in any danger from my faction.

If you're going to band together and steel chair me out of this game, all I ask is that you wait a turn or two. Let me wipe out all of the Shaitan's VIPs before you gut me. Also, if you want to kill me you probably want a turn to bank some points, right? :smalltongue:

2022-08-26, 12:50 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Just another cave full of twisted beasts. Sounds fun I'm in.

The Hippo and 2 Art will come to help with the clearing. I can send more if we haven't hit 20 yet. I would like to send a bunch of Inv to snag the heart too, but I'm willing to negotiate.

A sound start to a solid partnership. We can send some of our warriors in to assist in your endeavors.

Minoo Shirin

1 Permanent Eco for 3 t. Mil.

Most Righteous Flamen Caelesti,

Hopefully we have shown our commitment to your cause. Please allow us to intercede in the temples of small gods so that we can shield your work from the fires of destruction.

Minoo Shirin

2022-08-26, 01:35 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan


Morale 9

The Shaitan note the Carnival's message with satisfaction, and an offering is a sent. A corrupt and decadent shipping administrator from the Warehouse District, half-drowned, unnaturally thin and weak, trussed and left for the Carnival to find. Seared into his flesh are the words "We look elsewhere".

Just reiterating that I have no desire to mess with you, and that the Shaitan committed to non-interference with the Carnival or, if willing, unofficial partnership.

It is a trembling emissary indeed who emerges from Hive and makes their way first to he Gudites and then Clan Fuxi. The hollow-eyed woman is clearly shaken to her core, traumatized by the violence she has seen, but she delivers a message nonetheless.

"The Shaitan have set their sights on Ratgate, but they see no reason to make enemies of those who bear no allegiance to this city. The Legion expands, and when they find the Shaitan to be elusive and troublesome prey and they tire of conquering ash, they will turn their sights to a less mobile feast.

They offer a... mutually beneficial partitioning of Khudara and the University Ward. It seems to them, Clan Fuxi would benefit strongly from the acquisition of the Sump, where they will find trinkets and information to be used, and a god to be fed to their patron. To the Ghudites, Ratgate could offer them a stronger connection to the spirit world... and a launching pad to easy prey, should they wish it. And the Shaitan would benefit most from the strength of the monsters kept in the Imperial Menagerie. Once taken, the Shaitan will leave the Imperial Menagerie barren and empty, and Clan Fuxi may do with it what they will. And both of you will have guarantees that the Shaitan will look elsewhere for prey."

When she has delivered her message, she stops, and then pleads for sanctuary. She begs you to send another in her place.

Neither of you are lawful factions, and I have little interest in fighting you. Proposing that I take 48, GoC takes 6, and Neri takes 8. This way we all get a stat that is beneficial to ourselves, and we avoid any potential conflict. Then, once taken, the Shaitan shall retreat from 48. Thoughts? Would appreciate a response before midturn, and would prefer if the response doesn't mention territories by name/number. You never know who could be listening.

There is no response from the Shaitan, which Tess Hemminghock astutely observes is much better than most of the replies they could have received. It seems the Shaitan did not respond to this offer with hostility, at least.

2022-08-26, 02:44 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

This speech was first given by His Vessel, Antoine duLac, on behalf of The Baron. It was then transcribed and posted throughout the capitol.









Current stats:
Mil 4
Econ 8
Invocation 9
Espionage 2
Artifice 1
Morale 2

2 temp Economy
1 Temporary Artifce


Delve the spirit world-
Commit 5 Inv

Offer 2 ESP to scouting the rift

2022-08-26, 02:48 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 6
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

We are not opposed to that deal but we are focused on the Rift this turn and not expanding. We would be willing to take 48 after you are done with it and 6. However we will need to talk it over with tye Gudites as we have our own talks regarding property in the city.

In regards to the Securing of the Rift we will be sending various forces to aid in that. A various amount of Spirit Walkers, Sages, and infiltrators.

As for the Core. There are obviously multiple parties that wish to gain it, including myself, but I doubt anyone would back down. We too do plan on sending a lot of Spirit Walkers into the Rift in an attempt to secure the core.

Will be sending a total amount of stats equal to 10 to the Securing. So that'll be 18 total i believe. We need 2 more to properly secure the Rift.

We are still looking for more forces to join us and Hippo & Heron in securing the Rift. We hope at least a few more forces will join us.

Tier 2 Esp VIP, 5 Art, 1 Mil to Securing Rift. 10 total sent.

2022-08-26, 03:08 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan


The response from the Shaitan to the proclamations of the Witch-Doctors is swift and, as expected, gratuitous. Painted in enormous letters in blood on the bridge connecting the Mire and the Outworks is the Shaitan's reply:


Morale 9

OOC: Acceptable. We will muster to the Menagerie this season and leave 6 and 8 unclaimed for you two to divide as you wish.

St. Justicar
2022-08-26, 03:14 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 9

Friend Leviathan,

If works for soldier and soldier-priest, will work for us! Will speak with Architects, have issues with really impressive things collapsing under our weight, maybe can help! Cousins who bring food to morays too hurt to fish will put in good work, like you ask.

Now, you can help with shadow making hole in world, yes? Hippo from palace will send all support we need to secure rift, almost. [2 Mil or Esp] to make sure people not near him not get killed is all needed. Or maybe snakes will do it? I am guessing that you and heron and snake will all have huge fight over who gets fancy heart once rift is secure, also, but is up to you.

If you can help with other bunch of horrible monsters who want kill city also, when have better access can definitely make deal to help with that.

Only, are you planning on killing snake? If not, would like promise that we can move through you to trade for treasures they might find, Tidemaze much easier to get through than going around.

Master of Ravages,

Vultures flock to carrion, but vanish when there is no easy meal.
To overcome your bestial nature is what most call virtue, though few achieve it.

When the leeches arrive, there shall be mites in their blood. Harmless, but take care to harvest them. Crushed and pulped they will be useful for your spells and scourges. They sup on the blood of life far better than any vampire, and their essence is anathema to the dead.
-Cousin Hylah

2 Esp it is. I have 1 temp esp to send as well, if it’s going towards the city not getting consumed by angry ghosts, but not quite sure if I need it to cover trade costs here?

Mustering to enter the Guild Ward

Sending Cousin Hylah and 6 Art to help secure the rift site for the event

2022-08-26, 11:38 PM
Gudite Warband

Mor 5
Rep: Barbarian-Martial-Spiritual

The Gudites will send a company of scouts [2 esp] to pave the way for those who seek to secure the rift's surrounding, given who the others in our party are, this should be sufficient.

Cousins of the Flesh,

We will send some skirmishers ahead of your group, anything heavier than that can't leave the city right now, though we have no doubt the Hippo and your kin will deal with anything the scouts can find.

And oh, do hope there is no fighting, I intend to see it sealed personally and "Leviathan" was a name I earned after the gods acknowledged me, not before.

We hope all three of us can be great friends, so long as we are you can pass, if we can't all it'll have to be just the both of us.

Azagar's bounty,
Solyom, Leviatan.

The Gudites aren't particularly opposed to this arrangement.

When the messenger is to leave and pleads, Daghir and a few more warriors volunteer to take her place.

A brief discussion in the Western tongue ensues, and eventually an elderly woman with many a scar on her goes out in the traditional scales of the Gudites, with a long poleaxe for reach in the abscense of a formation to stick to and a few more blades to her side should the reach be closed.

The ex-messenger is provided accomodations.

The messenger does not come back.

We are helping clear out your path, though the Gardeners have, as always, pulled through for the city.

As for the aid , It [I]was for portal, to solve a small dispute with the Legio Cerberus without ruining our ability to commute with Gulldr.

But we seem to have reached an agreement without anything as crass.

Do you intend to take our offer of expansion? if so we'll allow you passage as promised and please do likewise, since we intend to join the Gardeners in their District. As for the politicking... I see a lot of shaking hands, so time should be on our side for now, don't blink though, or you'll miss it.

Azagar's silent step,
-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

The advice is appreciated and noted.

As for your other concerns, any reasonable party would hesitate to do anything as crass as political decapitations during such times of crisis. I like to believe all involved are reasonable parties.

Gulldr's Warmth,
-Daghir, The wolf.

We straddle lands
the suns that burn
would have us
there is the sky,
who'd live there?
not the birds
they'd never
I'd rest in Ase's lap one day
Oh yes, she'd drag me there
she'd try, and die, one might, again

That's Aaseghooth, the daunting beetle; is a rough translation, since he was Nephtorian, but I do like his work.

Azagar's silent step,
-Daghir, The wolf.

2022-08-27, 09:45 AM
Hemminghock - MOR 6

We have no interest the 'so called' Eye of Heaven. Most of the smaller folk in Ardakand don't have the gold to buy anythin' worth sellin' on our scale. They can buy at the local shops and we'll handle invoices.

We will need to start arming people soon to march to Khudara and... convince the Twistrunners to join our cause. There is more money in it than criminality afterall.

Respond to this letter posthaste, we need to muster soon to make it in time.

This is mostly in response to the Saints but we figured that the Gardeners should be privy to the information as well. Hemminghock has put ouyr eyes towards [30], in the Guild ward to help establish commerce in the area. If you're amicable to this we can march this month, if there needs to be more debate, we're fine with that as well.

As for the favor, Saints, this is part of it. I beleive that the Gardeners and ourselves here at Hemminghock have the same humble purpose and benefit from a glut of powers within Ardakand as opposed to a select few.

What we can offer for you Saints is our guns as a sorta insurance policy. A statement that attackin' the Saints with the intent to kill before we sned those bloody bastards to the grave will be like declaring war against Ardakand's best interests and thatHemminghock is gonna bring all the guns of the city's biggest army against them.

If the Gardeners can join us with a similar statement, we're happy to make it before prepping the boys.

Done and done, we'll build and make some of our custom tinkerin' to ensure that you can make more armor for your boys in the future.

Hemminghock can also send scouts as insurance to the rift. It's not a lot but we're a busy people and already helped with one emergency to almost no thanks.

*Promising 1 ESP*

2022-08-27, 09:58 AM
Gudite Warband

Morale: 5
Rep: Barbarian-Spiritual-Martial

Excellent, reasonable as you are, we have already worked out a deal with the Shaitan, so please go ahead. If the witch doctors are in favour too of course.

2022-08-27, 10:44 AM
Despite increasingly erratic behavior from their leaders, the Loa send a few investigators to help deal with the immediate fallout of the rift.

They aren't shy about pointing out they had a specialist who could have helped in closing the rift, may he rest and come back in due time...

OoC: The Witch-Doctors commit 2 ESP to securing the rift.

We are not entirely sure what you mean, but we certainly won't stop you or ask follow up questions until our security can be reviewed and improved.

2022-08-27, 12:51 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

Spending 4 Inv to create a portal from 34-61.

Mustering to the Central Ward.
Mustering to the University Ward.
Mustering to the Guild Ward.

The deal made, the Shaitan's aggressiveness on the borders of Khudara abates. They have enemies enough in the city.

The Gudite respresentative is brought to some of the only remaining accommodations in a livable state, the ward having been largely demolished. A constant stream of refugees - largely unharmed - flows south, unheeded by the Shaitan. Indeed, she is surprised at the comparative lack of casualties, before she learns that this is the Warband of Betrayal that occupies the ward - and having eviscerated the slumlords and the Nightwatch, they have little interest in tormenting peasants. The Hive itself has been burned to the ground and the power structures demolished, with which the Shaitan appear to be content - for now.

Just a bit of fluff.

GoC has agreed to it implicitly, but I would like formal permission to march through 49 to reach 48.

2022-08-27, 01:56 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 6
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

You have permission to travel through our lands to the Imperial Corps.

2022-08-27, 02:47 PM
To the Gudite Warcamp

From the Legio Aquila [8]
Hail, Wolf

That is more than we can ask for, all that we hope for. That while we man the walls, someone keeps the city from being burned from the inside.

Legate Aurelius

From the House of the Spider [6]
Esteemed Hierarch,

We understand how important you think the problems facing the mortal city, but our concerns are for the immortal souls of our honored dead and we can not spare what you seek. We have, however, no concerns about new parties entering the old city, unless they were to bethe Mortalists or the Shaitan.

Sinchi Aklasumaq Aranea

From the Pontifex [8]
Esteemed Wolf, servant of the manifolded lord of war:
The Sky is ultimate and eternal. The Sky sees all and is above all. All that is on Earth is merely a reflection of the Sky. As such, we do not see this as a visit by Gulldr. You are merely moving from one part of the Sky's domain to another. Gods come, and Gods go, and the sky remains.

These are the Words of the Pontifex

The Heron and the Hippo
From the Temple of the Sky [10]
Honored Lady Shirin,

In these uncertain times, when evil spirits walk abroad and the hearts of men darken, there is no better protector we could wish for than one who has proven her piety as much as you have, Lady Advocate, and who commands such strength as Lord Hormoz. We would gladly see you extend your protection over the Lesser Gods.

In the Name of the Sky,
The Flamen Caelestis

2022-08-27, 02:52 PM
Heron and Hippo

Pay 1 eco for the Lord Lagamal's pact.
Send Hormoz with the Forgemaster's Hammer to go secure the rift. Should be 6Mil, 1Art effectively.
Muster an army to secure the Temple of Small Gods (63).

2022-08-27, 04:02 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale 5
Reputation: Barbarian-Spiritual-Martial

Sending 2 Esp to secure the area around the rift.

4 Mor is to be spent on calling the Belligerent Knight to our side.

The Gudites Muster for Coralward and The Guild Ward.

2022-08-27, 04:12 PM
From the Legio Aquila to the Legio Cerberus [8]

Honored Legate,

We prize your work, and all you have done for the city. Yes, if it can be done, we would unite the righteous of this city against what threatens it.

Here is what we think we must do: our legion are scouts, to see threats coming to the city, and aerial fighters, who rain thunder and lightning on all enemies who approach. Yours is a legion of irregular fighters, hounds and archers. Neither of us are ideal for the work inside the city, unless the evils here should decide to form up in neat ranks, perhaps just in bowshot range.

What we intend to do is found a new fighting force of city fighters. Lightly armed and armored, able to patrol the entire city, maintain outposts in all the wards and move quickly to strike anywhere at a moment's notice, so they can help the defence of any district under attack. Perhaps not enough to repulse all dangers, but enough to buy time. More than that: this irregular force, as I imagine them, would know the city better than anyone, know what is going on, and how to move through it.

We ask for your help, and that of likeminded individuals, to help found this force.

In the Light of the Empire,
The Legate Aurelius

OOC: They are mainly asking for more points of Mil to make this happen. Once this is done, they will be ready to confederate.

2022-08-27, 04:17 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Nothing from me!

2022-08-27, 11:33 PM
Legio Cerberus

Midturn PM
Create a gate from 16 to 36 using 4 inv

Muster for Shield Isle

2022-08-28, 12:52 AM
Golden Guard

2 inv exploring the spirit realm as they continue trying to find something of value in that place.

1 econ offered to the killy man trying to hire them (just on the off chance no on made an offer)

2022-08-28, 07:31 AM
Mustering to KHUDARA

Sending a small set of Hemminghock game trackers to the outskirts of the rift to secure it.

Sending 6 INV and 1 TEMP INV into the spirit world using the old world magics established previously. The gifted beads from the previous venture are worn by shaman duirng their calls out into the world of spirits, a sign of previous acceptance in their attempt to get a favorable outcome again.

GHosts from the Ghost Quarter that moved over to Hemminghock surround the outskirts of the rift to secure against incursions, letting the shaman focus on getting their people as far in as they can.

2022-08-28, 08:53 AM
Midturn 2

The Rift
In the end, it is a small party that sallies forth to seal the rift: Hormoz the Hippo and a minor noble from the Fuxi named Lady Chagatai leave almost entirely on their own, just accompanied by a few scouts of the Gudies and Witch Doctors and the Lady's personal bodyguards. But appearances, here, are deceiving. What is sent with them is a concentration of power that likely hasn't been seen in the hands of so few in decades. Hormoz the Hippo and the Lady Chagatai walk clad in white snake scales shed from the great Fuxi itself, carefully inscribed with impenetrable wards. And all around them is the newest creation of Cousin Hylah of the flesh gardeners: wherever they step, a deep carpet of red and brown algae and slime crawls across the landscape, a scout, emergency camp, provisions and warrior all in one.
When they leave on their journey, it is slowly, carefully, painfully so for a direct man like the Hippo, maybe. The Lady Chagatai scatters scores of furry white silkmoths from her hands, letting them flutter out over the landscape, seemingly talking to them. Together with the witch-doctor scout corps, she chooses a circuitous route, curving around unseen obstacles.
The land itself is treacherous here. In a wide circle around the rift, the vegetation is dying, in sharp contrast to the vibrant green new farmland. The trees are black, bent and twisted almost double, and the grass is scraggly and brown, yet still covering unseen rifts in the landscape. The animals, too, have changed. On the second day, the party finds what seem to be a flock of crows on the ground, their eyes white and blind, their limbs feebly twitching.
On a good day, the journey should take two days, to where the center of the rift sits. It takes a week for the party to see the new mountain in the distance, shimmering oily black against an ominously clouded sky. This far in, there is no vegetation anymore, just the misty chasms and the oily black tendrils that cover the land, thick as tree trunks and faintly pulsating.
One of the scouts soon proves how dangerous the endeavour is: with one careful step, he puts his foot down on one of the tendrils and sinks in to the ankle, screaming in pain. In the end, there is nothing else to do: Hormoz severs the woman's foot at the ankle with a single swing of his blade.
From then on, the party stays close together, leaving the scouting entirely to Chagatai's moths. The Gardener's creation really gets to work now: where the black oily tendrils meet the fleshy pulsating mass of the algae carpet, there is a hissing sound and bubbles of foul smelling gasses escape into the air, but in the end, the algae win. Inch by inch, the party moves forward, leaving behind a trail of barren, but save ground.
Another day passes, until they finally reach the flanks of the mountain that has formed around the rift, unsure of how to proceed. Hormoz proposes climbing, because that is what mountains are here for. Or delving into one of the rifts, finding the heart of this foul dungeon.
The decision is taking from them. In front of the party the ground splits open, disgorging a wall of pale flesh, an eyeless white worm with a head the size of a house. Its flanks gape open into mouths, running the entire length of its body, studded with coiling tendrils that snap at the Hippo.
The godblooded mercenary merely laughs, hefting a gigantic warhammer. "FINALLY!", seem to be his last words, as the action-deprived warrior throws himself into the worm's maw, shoulder first. The flesh bursts at his assault, bleeding hissing, waterly liquid, but the warded snakeskin armor turns all harm aside. Barely stopping, the Hippo's hammer bursts out the other side of the creature, leaving a tunnel of bleeding flesh. Before the creature can turn around, he leaps atop it and, blow after blow, breaks for whatever passes as the monster's spine, making his way towards the head. It still takes minutes of thrashing and hammering, until the creature lies dead, its flesh already slowly melting. The Gardener's algae carpet hungrily devours the remaining slime.
In the silence that follows, they can all hear it, from the tunnel in the Earth: the beating of a colossal heart.


Total stats invested in rift: 33
Witch Doctors: 2 Esp
Clan Fuxi: Lady Chagatai (Esp 2 VIP), 5 Art, 1 Mil
Gardeners: Cousin Hylah (Art 2 VIP) and 6 Art
The Heron and the Hippo: Hippo (Mil 3 VIP), 1 Art
Gudite Warcamp: 2 Esp

A path to the rift is opened and secured, it can now be sealed. There are no conventional treasures to be found here, it seems, but samples of the various unique ichors and materials found here should prove very valuable to the city's alchemists, mages and poisoners.

The Witch Doctors [2]

Your part of the loot is small: you merely gain 1 t.eco from the selling of some body parts and weird liquids, for the services of your scouts.

The spirit world, however, is another matter entirely. What awaits the Loa and their servants this day is near absolute darkness. Deepest, starless night, the sky covered in low-hanging stormclouds. No light seems to work, lanterns and torches failing to light. Investigation shows that this is an ancient battlefield. There are ancient, skeletal corpses here, scattered over the field. They still wear their weapons, and armor, all gleaming like new, some engraved with spells of protection. A valuable find, if one does not hesitate to plunder the dead.

Then you see it: A candle flickers, lighting a distant path. It leads the expedition, over storm-swept ridges in absolute darkness, over raging oceans under unfriendly stars and through labyrinthine forests. Unfailingly, the tiny light guides you, safely, until you come to a tiny hut, built on a cliff-face overlooking a valley, deep below.
“Welcome”, says the hooded old man on the bench outside the hut. “Please, have a seat. I wish to tell you a story.”
He has put the lantern down beside him, and it is still flickering, though the night is still and warm.
“Once, before the coming of the sky, there lived in the mountains of Iossau a people of simple shepherds. Their mountains were barren, and they were a hardy folk. They knew their land, and they knew their gods. Life was hard, but in death, they knew the candle of Chouvrian, the Kindly One, would guide them to a gentler land, in paradise.
They never feared invaders, because the land fought for them, the moors and the cliffs swallowed all flatlanders who came to take it. Until the Sky came.
They had heard of the Great Khan, of course, even in Iossau, how he swept across the continent and conquered all. The Khan’s Gods were simple, brutal Gods of nature. The Sky above All, who sees everything. The Wolf, who can not be bent or broken. The Eagle and the Leopard, his brutal conquerors. And the Spider, who ensnared the dead and would not let them rest.
The brave people of Iossau fought until the end, when all other lands under the sky were conquered. The Eagle and the Leopard painted the moors red with the blood of shepherd-folk, but in the end, they broke against the mountainside.
And so, the Khan sent instead the spider. It skittered sideways across the world, like spiders do, and watched the people of Iossau from the other side. And it saw what must be done to conquer them: breaking their God would break the people, too.
It began to spin a web, across the gates of paradise. Single threads, at first, finer than hairs, so they could not be seen. But in the end, the web, stronger than steel, closed the gates, and the spider sent its half-dead guardians to man the gates, so that none might pass, trapping the Kindly One on one side, and the dead on the other.
The people saw that in death, they would no longer be able to rest. Like all others, they would be ensnared in the spider’s web, unable to pass on. And they could no longer hear the voice of Chouvrian, to guide them.
It broke their spirit, and the Khan broke them. Like all others, they were conquered, and in time, their god was thought to be nothing more than a minor spirit in the spider’s domain.”

The old man pauses.

“I am a Kind God. Merciful and Wise. But I see my people, whom I love, suffer, unable to rest. I saw the Tyranny of the Sky, that has crushed mortal and spirit both. For five hundred years, this wrath has grown in my heart. And so, I think, it must have grown in yours, as the noble warrior in your midst has fallen. They speak noble words and suffer killers in their midst, who slay both mortal and spirit for daring to speak against the Tyranny of Heaven.”

He lifts his lantern and steps to the cliff face, and the light illuminates what lies below. Rank after rank of soldiers. Thousands of them, millions perhaps. Their weapons are broken and rusted, their faces skeletal and decayed, but from their eyes shines a fanatical flame and they cheer, as the

“Loas, behold my army. They are the Abominous, those without omen, who have died, and can not rest. And now, that the sky has fallen, we will storm the gates of paradise, and cleanse heaven of the taint of the vile spider.”

Found: 2 t.art, 3 t.mil
Offered: Pact with Chouvrian
Losses: None

Chouvrian, Kindly Father Death


Legend: This is a new face of an old god. Chouvrian was barely known in the Empire before, a minor guide of the dead from a minor province. Iossau is barren and inhospitable, known traditionally as a haven of bandits and savages, though after their conquest also shrewd merchants, well able to leverage their geographical position on a vital caravan route.

Offering: Publicly, serving Chouvrian means caring for the sick and comforting the dying. This costs you 1 t.mor every turn. Secretly, Chouvrian needs killers to add select souls to his army, which costs you 1 t.esp every turn. Finally, you may not cooperate with the House of the Spider in any way. No trade, no confederation, no combined actions or alliances.

Blessing: Chouvrian offers you three secrets.
The first is the secret of accepting death with an open heart. All chouvriantes know they will die, and what will await them when they do. Whenever you lose stat points to invasion or stat attack, you gain +1 t.morale for every stat point lost.
The second is the secret of not dying. Chouvrian shares special meditation techniques with his worshippers that make them incredibly hard to kill, if they are prepared. This increases all damage rates of military and espionage stat attacks against you by 1, making them less effective, and increases all thresholds to be either wounded or assassinated by the VIP’s tier.
The third is the collection of souls: Chouvrian needs special souls to form his army to assault the gates of paradise, the stronger the better. If you would wound a VIP, they are killed instead.
Successfully assassinating a VIP of Tier 2 or higher earns you a second, bonus VP.

Clan Fuxi [6]
Lady Chagatai is instrumental in finding a save path to the rift's heart, and learns much along the way about her newfound powers, using them in some entirely unexpected ways. In the end, not much of material wealth is brought back, though the Venom Mistress will surely appreciate the vials of exctingly lethal liquids brought back.

Gained: 10 bonus XP for Chagatai, 3 t.esp, 1 t.art

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [9]
The question of how to help a party across a lethal landscape full of unknown dangers is inspiring to a mind like that of Cousin Hylah. The new "algae", in truth much closer to a slime mold, is a brilliant modification of the flesh carpet that is slowly covering all of Coralward: mobile, with limited self-awareness, imbued with a tiny spark of the divine power of the Flesh itself, able to feed and provide food, to find dangers and even to fight, in its own way. Surely, this will very soon be of great use in the city, too.

Gained: 3 t.art, 3 t.eco, 1 t.inv, 4 bonus XP for Cousin Hylah

The Bloodsworn Shaitan [9]
Portal from 34-61 created.

The Heron and the Hippo [5]
The Hippo has quite enjoyed his adventure, even if, in the end, the monster had no bones or hide to make a trophy from. He instead grabs a few of the more valuable looking chunks of landscape, to bring to some alchemists to analyze, who are quite happy to pay a handful sum for it.

12 bonus XP (from rolled treasure and faction ability), 3 t.eco, 1 t.art, 3 t.esp. Damage negated by additional stats paid to make expedition safer.

Gudite Warcamp [5]
Sadly, the expedition does not prove very profitable. In the end, all your scouts bring home is some observations on the magical nature of the place, worth 1 t.inv.

Slayers of the Silent Saint [8]
No portals are constructed.

Legio Cerberus [10]
Portal opened from 16 to 36.

The Knight Belligerent
The Gudites understand the Knight very well, indeed. If the Queen Immaculate feeds on despair, then despair he shall have.
The white, faceless helmet gazes impassive at the spectacle before him: a firepit has been dug, right into a public square, five feet white, filled with coal and kindling. In the biting smoke, one by one, approach a long line of crying children, each clutching a beloved toy, a puppet, a stuffed bear, a board game. One by one, under the gaze of the impassive knight, they throw it into the fire.

The Gudite warcamps have hired the Knight Belligerent for this month.

The Golden Guard [6]
The Spirit World is still as it was a month ago, a quiet beach. Something has to be here, the artificers know, but for now, it seems to be mostly just a nice vacation spot, away from the war in the city. It becomes easier to step over: merely closing ones eyes and thinking of the beach delivers them here. The quiet atmosphere and rest are good for thinking, and new ideas soon bubble in the artificer's minds, even if they have no idea how to proceed in finding a spirit here.

Gained: 1 t. art
Exploration: 4/10

Rumours of War
The Gardeners are mustering to enter the Guild Ward. The Shaitan are mustering to the Central Ward, the University Ward and the Guild Ward. The Heron and the Hippo are mustering to the Temple Ward. The Legio Cerberus is mustering to Shield Isle. Hemminghock is mustering to Khudara. The Gudites Muster for Coralward and The Guild Ward.

2022-08-28, 09:05 AM
Hemminghock Midturn [6]

The gates of the palace simply swing wide, and then there is Gold. Everything is golden, the floors, the curtains, the pillars, even the lions that pace lazily around the throne room in the golden light falling through the windows in their golden frames. There are display cabinets along the walls, each showing a single gem, a piece of jewelry, or some small artwork. All are, as far as you can tell, of exquisite quality.
There is an empty throne, on a pedestal, overlooking the entire room.
“Welcome, welcome”, a jolly voice greets you as you enter.
“I heard there’s some restructuring going on in the mortal world these days, you’re looking for a patron god? Well, I thought I’d throw my name into the ring so to speak, haha. Maybe we could have a look at each other. Well, not me, of course, I’m the invisible hand of the market and all that, so a bit hard to see right now, haha. But I've been looking at what you've been doing, and it's very high concept. Mass production. Love it. Unprecedented. Total pivot in the paradigm. You are proper thought leaders. What I'm saying is, we should have great synergy.
Anyway, I’ve had a bit of a design meeting, a brainstorm if you will, and considered how we can best go forward to maximize some outputs. Return on investment, that’s what the God game is all about these days. Some seed money may way, and then we make some investments together, and voila! A rising tide lifts all boats and once we're lifted, we really don't have to reach for low-hanging fruit anymore! Sign here please.”

Gained: 2 t.eco, 1 t.inv
Offered: Pact with Andvari, Lord of wealth
Lost: nothing
Progress on next find: 2/10


Legend: Andvari is a very modern god. While there have of course been gods of wealth and riches since forever, Andvari is rumoured to have been promoted from a minor god of scribes and functionaries to what he is now only decades ago, though his priests ardently deny it. He is, above all, the god of modern "banking", of stock exchanges, futures, double legders and long-term options, things only recently invented at all by the most foreward thinking moneylenders.

Offering: Anvari is very simple. He wants exactly 3 t.eco every midturn, that’s enough. Build him some ostentatious temples.

Blessing: Every EOT, you gain 1 t.eco for every 4 stats that are invested into stat growth by the other factions across the city.

St. Justicar
2022-08-30, 10:31 AM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Once, it had been a sanctum, a dark and holy place buried beneath the waves, with a grand temple built atop it. It was sacred again now, at least from a certain point of view, but the years between hadn’t been kind. Even after months of work, the leathery membranes stretched across the gaps in the ancient stone invariably leaked somewhere, and the whole structure shuddered and gasped with every breath like some great beached leviathan.

But a dying leviathan wasn’t yet dead, and in all the City this half-drowned sanctum came the closest to being fully and truly alive. A thick red moss coated every surface, soft and moist to the touch, and thick veins ran across the walls and floor, keeping the skins alive and the whole sanctum as hot and humid as a greenhouse. Some of the veins connected to the small pools which dotted the floor, and provided breeds of life not yet ready to brave the cruelties of nature a kind and nurturing home. Patches of something like grass had sprouted out of the moss in places, each knee-high blade swaying in tune with the whole structure’s breath, emitting a soft light in deference to those crippled by a reliance on conventional sight.

Cousin Hylah had no such disability – anyone who expected to find eyes underneath her polished mask of bone would be disappointed, on several levels. Left to her own devices, she would probably never leave. Everything here was alive, their breathes a song and their heartbeats a caress. She could lose herself for days, neglecting her own body to contemplate the fractals of life, forgetting whether she was immersed in the budding of a patient’s nascent tumour or the enveloping mass of a behemoth who might yet be born, if it were not too vast and vital for the world to sustain.

Her cousins worried about her. Even if they quietly revered her for it, too. A dozen of them dotted the vaulted chamber, observing their own experiments and adjusting the flow of various veins into their pools, or cutting themselves open to feed their children on their own blood and pus, and they would all be at her side in an instant if there weren’t a trio of – rather queasy seeming – acolytes already attending her.

They needn’t have worried. Here and now, the sharp taste of rot kept her grounded. The Shadow had fallen heavily on a mountain outside the City and, like any carcass, the dead bones of the world had provided nutrition to all manner of interesting scavangers. Painful to the touch and distasteful to work with, but part of her almost wished she could have seen what horror might be born of the rift if it was left to fester.

After all, the ichor of a certain worm that had attacked the party sent to clear it had been exactly what she needed. Imagining what she could do with whatever monstrosity was weighty enough to tear a wound in the world, well-

...Better to focus on what she had. Her minders got agitated when she didn’t move for more than a few minutes. Even if the moss beneath her feet was more than happy to do all the breathing and maintenance for her. Unfair, really.

Sighing, she lightly shook each foot until the tendrils of moss had safely pulled out of her veins, and walked over to the pool she had come to inspect. After a moment of confusion her little retinue stumbled after her, struggling slightly with their loads. One – a burly former refugee, not-so-subtly doing double duty as her bodyguard – almost stumbled into the pool as she stopped at the edge. He came even closer to retching up his lunch as he caught himself and looked down on her newest attempt at coaxing the fruits of the Garden into being.

They were pallid, eyeless, amorphous. Simple enough join together into one great lattice or break apart into dozens of individuals, as required – and simple enough that the red loam was all they needed to sustain them. They were something like a squid, or an eel, depending on one’s perspective. And they were constantly, desperately, active, churning through the water of their tiny home like a moment’s stillness would mean surest death.

They had grown as much as they were going to – at least until she separated some out and fed them the proper catalysts to incite maturity, and started breeding the next generation – and gave every indication that they’d turned out perfectly. The only thing left to do was start testing them. She motioned to the unfortunate acolytes, and one of the less imposing pair hurriedly pulled a half-sedated cat from the box she had been struggling with.

The cats had been a surprise. There had been whole colonies of them running feral in the Boatyard. They’d been left without a food supply, once Cousin Rao had helped themselves to the native rat population. Just letting them starve had seemed unconscionably cruel.

Not that this wasn’t.

She turned and ran a hand across the cat’s face, scratching its chin as she felt it stir awake. She kept her voice soft enough to avoid spooking it. “I am sorry, little one. May your pain be a shield for those who come after. May your sacrifice be meaningful, and your memory honoured. Know that suffering is transient, and reach beyond it.”

The cat had no idea what she was saying, of course. The words were an anaesthetic for her own guilt, just as picking out the mostly sickly and cripple and worm-ridden cats for this and nursing them back to health herself beforehand had been. In the moment, neither method seemed particularly effective.

She stepped back, nodding to the acolyte.

“Arik? Begin, please.”

He didn’t move for a moment, beyond taking a deep, uncomfortable breath. Good – if he had been sanguine about profaning himself, she couldn’t have tolerated his presence. Still, once he had gathered himself, he obeyed. He was strong enough to break each limb on the first attempt, and had a steady hand as he dragged the knife across screeching, scratching flesh. Good qualities in a bodyguard, she supposed.

The subject needed to be on the brink of death as it hit the water – a rushing stream of untreated, parasite-filled ocean water – and Arik obliged. In the same instant, she opened the channel, letting her experiments out into the same stream.

The blood didn’t have a heartbeat to spill out into the water before they had its scent. They were every bit as fast as she could have hoped, even swimming against the current – by the time her acolytes had realized they were moving, they had already reached the subject. It vanished beneath the frenzied, churning mass swarming through the water, and for a long minute there was no sign of it. The great mass of her creation eventually became slower and more sedate with its thrashing, letting the current push it back toward the pool it knew as home.

Arik seemed quite certain he had just fed the tentacled swarm a midday meal, and ended up spilling his own lunch all over the ground after all – he managed to avoid the water, at least, which was the important thing. The other two acolytes were no less discomforted, though they managed to maintain their composure.

All three were shocked when the subject finally floated to the surface, intertwined with a detached mass of her creation. A thick membrane of mucus acted as an artificial clot, sealing each bleeding wound, thin tentacles had wrapped around each broken limb before going rigid, acting as makeshift splints, and the greater mass of the squid-like body was wrapped around the subject’s head, visibly growing and deflating in a steady rhythm as it pumped the water from its lungs and took over breathing.

Arik still needing a moment to recover, she motioned toward the other acolytes. “Noemi? The pulse, please.”

To her credit, she barely hesitated, and anyone relying on sight wouldn’t have noticed her flinching at the texture. “It’s alive, Auntie. The heart is strong. Do you want me to bleed it?”

“If it lives we will restore it. There is no longer a need for it to be kept distant and half dead, anything broken beyond repair can be replaced. Take it to my clinic, all the remains is to study how the mind endured.”

She waited for the girl to run off before sighing. “And now we see how it divides its attention. Arik, Navin? Two, these time. We move up from there, until we find its limit.”

This was growth, unpleasant as it was.

She just had to hope there was time left to see it truly bloom.

Morale 9

Friend Leviathan!

Many thanks for help with cutting path to cut in world. Is good to be safe about these things and send more than need. And is good to have strong arm willing to help City to work with. In next month when you are in Tide Maze and we are both friends with Guilds, we can help each other for real!

Will have supply of charms and tricks for ghost-hunting, anyway. Am guessing you would want to trade for [permanent Inv]?

But also, am needing to ask – what are you needing war-goddesses knight for, anyway? Not wanting to be paranoid, but some of my cousins worry.

Or, better question, what are Leviathan and Wolf and Fairway actually wanting? Conquer City? Be new emperor? Take gold and sailing home?

-Cousin Arsat

Oh Blades of Paradise,

A boon, if you would? You hear every whisper the City has to offer.

I find myself doubtful of where the wolf intends to snap her jaws, and as fearful of the wraiths as anyone should be. Might you have learned some secret to settle my resolve, one way or another?

-Cousin Hylah

Just, running with the assumption that you can read everyone’s mail, am wondering if you happen to have any insight on whether the Gudite’s intend to backstab me here, and/or what territories the Shaitan are going for.

Cousin Rao arrived in the warehouse district without fanfare. Well, properly speaking they didn’t arrive at all, but a dozen different particularly massive and cancer-ridden rats would be gnawing on someof the more dramatic corpses the Shaitan had left in their wake, waiting peaceably to be snatched up and slaughtered, a slip of parchment wrapped tightly around each of their stomachs. The message is identical, and identically incoherent, on each.

bones are marble the ribs of the unborn leviathan shall be the foundation that breaks the heavens and lets all grow within its shade fertilizer and fires to burn away the world until what is true and real and grow in its ashes quicksilver and clay we shall need and we shall ask and we shall guard if you will bring your slaughter to the guilds leave our soon new friends be else we shall have no deal at all.

Essentially, I plan to take the Red and Quicksilver Quarters (27 and 29) this turn. So if you want to maintain the possibility of ceasefire trade then, uh, murder everyone somewhere else?

2022-08-30, 01:15 PM
Gudite Warband

Azag’s shop was in a bit of a lull, as most places were during drill time. The people deferred to him as a cartographer and astrologist. The star maps of such a static and ancient city were far too commonplace, so he leaned on the mapmaking, crafting improved copies of whatever topography he could get his hands on and walking around the safish lanes to properly map the city.

When bustling the shop was a patchwork of foreign Merchantmen and community leaders, Gudites that hadn’t quite got used to certain districts and cloak and dagger types that tried a bit to not look the part (Azag figured any who tried their best were probably amidst the merchants, properly unnoticed by him).

All this to say, they were enough to keep him entertained, he was on his second copy of Gundiver’s Trail of the Reverent Span, a recent addition to his wares, when he heard a couple of steps past where his warning bell should have sounded, prompting him to reach toward a concealed pistol below the desk, raise his eyes and put it back, the face that mocked his security cheerful, tired, but known.

“Slow day, is it?” Nephi initiated the conversation and poked at some of his most mobile equipment, Back during the long voyages Azag’s talent for stargazing and reading maps often forced him into the Crow’s nest, where one too many experiences alone against hordes of flying beasties convinced him to stay away from fighting, it was thus not odd for old fighting pals to come to the store for no particular reason, it was odd for them to come on drill day…

“Not for you, right?” he raised an eyebrow quizzically.

Nephi raised a finger up, as if expecting such a prompt
“I’m on leave, you see…” She walked a bit back, and swung her left "leg" up and down, calling attention to it “...I lost a leg”

Azag saw the mottled gray thing, then his plume and inks and quickly decided on which was more interesting, grabbing a stool for himself and one to prop the leg up “You know, Urn came spouting about your new leg and I thought he was pulling mine” “Heh, Shows what you know”

Azag inspected the leg more with morbid curiosity than with any scientific leanings, all he could really gleam was it was bulky, scaly and icky (the only technical terminology he knew to heart) to the touch.

“See what you are missing out on out there?” Nephi shot, taking advantage of the unusually impressed cartographer.

“Ha, yeah, Why wouldn’t I want to lose my leg?”

This seemed to lower Nephi’s mood, or at least bring back some silence while he prodded, she looked around the store like one is wont to do, regardless of how many times she had been there before, the process lasted until a question left out of its own volition “So, how is the little one?”

Azag had ignored the silence for the sake of his curiosity, but the question brought him back, it was their good climate, huh?. Nephi said it when she was desperate for him to talk and Azag obliged, pretending to ignore how clearly uncomfortable his son made her, still, he needed to vent. “How do you think he is? unconsolable, like most of them”

Nephi frowned, clearly not getting what she expected. “What?”

“Looks like you missed a few things too. Anyone too young to pick up a shield was made to throw their favorite toys to fire, it was the old toy horse for him, easy to tell…” there was no attempt to hide the bile

“What? Why??”

“See any new faces in the drill?” Nephi pondered, she hadn’t really gotten too far before someone told her getting a new leg right away didn’t mean she was clear for training, what new faces were there? faces… She lifted a nearby metal sheet meant for a hardened map and raised it to her face, tapping twice with a clank.


“And you just went ahead with it??”

“Well, you know how it is, I hear Osull’s fellows were near mutiny at the order, since almost all had families, but Daghir talked the rattling shields down to grumbles”

Nephi’s face reeked of anger, and she moved her stool closer to his side, signaling a steer in the conversation to this anger, though knowing the cartographer raised the misshapen limb on his lap, it was what started the chat after all.

“We go out to save a bunch of ungrateful grays and this is what I come back to!?”

Azag sighs “Gets better, heard Butterfly is dropping the chip in for defense pretense, anyone on his area is getting “minimum donations” next month”

“And the others are just letting him get away with it!!??”

“You know the guy’s spine, if he is doing it, they approve”

Nephi was positively fuming now, a slew of insults bolting forth to solemn nods from the cartographer who was much too busy looking behind the scales, though he could tell the anger reshaping as she caught her breath…

“...Let’s leave”

Azag smiled “I know the place is dead at this hour, but I can’t leave the shop willy nilly, a gray or two does come and if I leave the gun in sight they don’t haggle, figure your leg should do the trick too”

“I don’t mean the store, I mean here”

Eyes widened “You can’t be serious”

“never been more serious”

“Doesn’t sound it to me”

“Why not? next ship you sell a map to…” “The currents are crazy these days, I never expect them to come back…” “We don’t want to be back… somewhere else in the city?” “To the ungrateful Grays?” “The countryside then, we can manage…” “The countryside left you like that already” “That’s right! the gardeners!” “... No” “...Just no?” “have you seen your leg? No” a pair of dams could be heard cracking

“What happened to you Azag!!?? we used to brave the world, you and me… Talia… Are you so cowed to leave your neck forever a carpet to step on? we can handle what’s out there!!”

“Its never just the two of us, anywhere but here is too dangerous for Tall”

“I meant us three… I know it’ll be three now, but It’ll work out”

“We have always been three”

“Yeah… yeah, I know that…” She lowered the leg and started shuffling out “I’ll leave you to work, place looks busy…”

“Heh, being the best mapmaker in the city does that to you”

“Sure you are…” She said in a mockery of mockery and left. Silence clung to the store as it hadn’t before the visit, the stools heavy as he moved them to place. Eyes heavy as he struggled to care about the maps. Crying wasn’t a matter of concern for his western kin, but it was to him, he had cried enough. Talia was gone, Nephi (in his eyes) hated the kid, who looked too much like her sister… And he thought Nephi looked like her too… It’ll be simpler if he could hate her, really… a few salty drops joined to make the sloppy map even worse, it was never enough.

Morale: 5


Greetings wronged ones,

We have heard that you are in talks with Chouvrian of the dead, if you would let us pact with him instead, we would be open to many things, just name them.

Gulldr's Warmth,
-Solyom, Leviatan.

What it says on the the tin, I want to start getting some use of my passive and haven't been able to find a god of my own.

Cousin of the flesh,

As we are glad of your crafts cousin, though hopefully such danger avoid us as we struggle to avoid them.

Big question, that of want. I have no secrets, I want unity of my kin, and then perhaps for you easterners to know the gods that showed me such a path. I can't speak for the rest, the business with the knight is dreary. But I trust my fellows, and I ask you trust them too.

Azagar's thought,
Solyom, Leviatan.

The Gudite representative is far more at ease when she finds herself able to come and go, though she always has her weapons up, she is no longer jumping at shadows, and she actually went out of her way to apologize to the shadow that suffered that, she still didn't like having to return and it was clear, but she delivered her message in a note

"I suggest the eastern Guilds (30+), if you really care to avoid more enemies."


Daghir makes a small vow in the direction of the eye when she hears the reply, and returns her own "In that case, he and his own will now move closer to their servants in this realm"

Esteemed Sinchi Aklasumaq,

As you can see, no such others dare disturb the dead's peace. Only the Clan Fuxi, whose trifling god the spider has nothing to fear from.

We were wondering what the appropiate donations to Aranea's coffers would be to allow for your ruinwalkers to join us.

Azagar's Thought,
-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

so, do they take anything below 1:1? :smalltongue:

2022-08-30, 01:34 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual


We mean you no disrespect, and do not wish to turn away your offer without due consideration.

But the Elder in question has offered us protection when we are most exposed and asks that of which we hold in little value in return. It is unlikely you can make a suitable counter-offer, though we are willing to hear you out.

The Baron,
Dictated to His Vessel, Antoine duLac.

I really like this spirit pact thematically and mechanically and hadn't considered trading it away. But, if you want to negotiate, that's The Witch-Doctors' thing, so go for it.

2022-08-30, 09:25 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Minoo walks through the corridors o the Hall of Judgement slowly. Leaning most of her weight on the cane, and stopping every so often to rest. Even in her heavy grey robes she felt so cold.Finally she reaches the main hall and slowly takes her place at the main desk. She starts when she realizes the statue of justice overseeing the proceedings is actually of her. Where had Hormoz, it must have been Hormoz, gotten that.

Well no matter. She had more important things to attend to. She clears her throat and begins speaking. She does not raise her voice, but every judge, clerk, and petitioner hears her, and they turn almost involuntarily.

"Lagamal, we call on you now. Hear now the case of the Knight, champion of the witch doctors."

The hall trembles and suddenly it is far far bigger than before. The witnesses shudder as their bones ache with cold and they see a vast figure looming in the distance though they cannot make out its features.

"I give you the Knight, spirit and mortal bound as one. Their souls linked in death." The ghostly form of the dead knight appears looking much as they did in life. A towering turtle figure limmed in blue flame. "I bring this case today as the Advocate for the Dead. I have heard their tales and weighed their soul. I see no great crimes and no great virtues. This spirit sought only to help the city, but their time was ended before they could accomplish their goals."

"Still an early death is no crime. Great Lagamal, I ask that you grant this soul clemency. Allow them to go to their final rest."

The great figure looks at Minoo, and the Knight, and the witnesses. Something that they will be forever scarred into their minds. It considers for long moments, and then finally "GRANTED"

A great wind blows through the Hall carrying the form of the Knight away, and scattering the legal documents on every desk. By the time the judges and clerks have looked back from grabbing their papers the massive figure is gone and Minoo is carefully walking out of the Hall with only the tapping of her cane to accompany her.

2022-08-30, 09:54 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

Morale 9

The Shaitan, wrapped in a gray cloak and sporting great wings of brilliant alabaster and a golden halo, received her message wordlessly. She interprets its silence as an invitation to keep talking - at least, it hasn't killed her yet. That has to be a good sign, right?

I didn't see a particular claim to the Guild Ward anywhere. If you're claiming three of the five unoccupied territories there, you'd best be offering something more concrete than simply not making enemies, not when the Shaitan have already been cooperative with the Gudites.

Though no Shaitan emerges, Rao can feel their eyes upon him.

It begins as a breeze. The air, still heavy with smoke and the coppery tang of blood, stirs slowly, building in intensity until Rao stands in the middle of whirlwind. While it does not displace his prodigious bulk, the gale buffets his surroundings, throwing the rubble this way and that and tossing splinters of driftwood erratically. And then, suddenly, it stops. The whirlwind abates as if it never was. Rao observes the evidence it leaves behind, though, and finds something unexpected: a message carved of devastation.



So, here's the deal. You get total immunity from the Shaitan (barring any obvious attempts to undermine or work against me) and the two territories you claimed uncontested by the Shaitan. In exchange, you give me permission to read all messages you send or receive in perpetuity. Attempt to work around this with PMs with factions that oppose me - like the Slayers, who I notice you've been messaging quite a bit - and I'll treat this as breaking the deal.

You get left alone, and I am assured that you're not providing aid to the Legion, Golden Guard, or the Slayers to my detriment.

Do we have a deal?

2022-08-31, 10:04 AM
Gudite Warband

Morale: 5
Reputation: Martial-Barbarian-Spiritual

Blessed Baron,

I understand how useful the god's protection could seem, but I doubt you will be targeted as the Knight was, and your people are shrewd and capable when coarsing the world of spirits, other gods will come to your aid there, while in the physical realm we are all stuck with those already here.

As such, we will offer tangible rewards: land will soon be at a premium, as such, we will leave the two territories in Charkand open for when you choose to take them (10 and 12), and offer what bounties of the Harvest arrive for us separate from yours. (ceding whatever temp eco I get turn 4 from my side expedition, obviously not counting that of those who came with).

Do tell if this at least piques your interest.

Gulldr's might,
-Solyom, Leviatan.

The messenger considers her orders for a moment, thinking of what could possibly get her the best response for hers

It is only the weavers (28) that we care about, but all other western guilds are of the Gardeners, calling it out is common courtesy.

Every warrior who can afford bronze is to secure that prize. she added impassive

2022-09-01, 04:33 AM
Gudite Warcamp

From House Aranea [6]

Honored Hierarch,

The honored dead are rich beyond measure, and well protected. All they desire is to hear word from the mortal world, to know everything that is going on. We are certain that even in the areas you control, there are goings on that would interest them and in exchange, they would be more than happy to lend some troops.

Sinchi Aklasumaq Aranea

OOC: Really, the only trade they are interested in is espionage, and they are trading 1:1.

The Witch Doctors [PM]

The Knight has been judged by Minoo the Heron, Advocate for the Dead, in the name of Lagamal, Judge of the Underworld. He has been granted blessed rest among the honored dead. The Witch Doctors feel blessed relief that at least in his death, the Knight will know rest.

OOC: The Heron and the Hippo (Arcane Stomper) used a divine pact they have made to judge your dead VIP. Their judgement is positive, and you gain 6 t.morale, which you can use immediately in this EOT.

2022-09-01, 08:53 AM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

We find your offer intriguing. Assuming The Elder in question is amenable, we will recommend him to you.

The Baron, dictated to His Vessel, Antoine duLac

Honored ones,

We owe you a debt. Know our friendship in these times is a rare and precious coin.

The Baron, dictated to His Vessel, Antoine duLac

St. Justicar
2022-09-01, 09:38 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 9

My friend Confessors!

We have issues, am sure you know them. If not, have attached all letters that matter. If you have advice to avoid dying, we would all be appreciating it.

Anyway, bridge is narrow, barges annoying. Have worked out logistics for trade. Take a look?
-Cousin Arsat


1-You can read my mail with the Shaitan (and if you can’t, have permission). I would like to avoid a war with them, thoughts?
2-As per Eldan sending a permanent stat counts as 5 for trade cost purposes (so 1 point of temp stats escorting each). As such I can’t spare the 1 temp esp I’ve got – though if you have a stat point (literally any) to send (wouldn’t cost any extra points, still in the 10-14 band) I can use that to cover the cost instead and trade you the esp back.

Rao stopped to consider the message as they walked back toward the canals, and safety. They stared for seconds, and then minutes, more and more pairs of gleaming murine eyes peaking through their leathery skin and heavy, ragged robes. After nearly any hour, they simply spoke, trusting some spirit or another to hear them.

“slaughter and battle and strife you bring massacre they make war war war if you must if you wish you wish secrets jesters and confessors know everything now ghosts know as well but we shall take no part we speak with all we meet with all we aid all all will be one and one shall be all we shall not fight against you but if priests turn away from shadow for life why should we not take their alms and offer our heart?”

They stop speaking as suddenly as they started, rats spilling from gashes in their skin and pooling at their feet in one squeaking, crawling mass. For a time they are still, waiting patiently for a response.

So this comes down to a definition of ‘aid’. My entire build relies on a high volume of trade. This turn, the Slayers are the only ones capable of beginning to provide that, and next they will still beone of a few.

I can certainly commit to not providing aid free of charge or actually contributing to any offensive actions, but if you want me to not take advantageous deals being offered then you’ll need to provide something other than threats.

2022-09-01, 09:59 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

All Messages at Morale 8

Dear friends of our Orders,

The hour grows late, and I apologize if my message is blunt rather than engaging in colourful metaphors.

Our messengers have been watchful and patient, gathering information around all of the players moving throughout Ardakand this month. The Shaitan have escaped our sight directly, but their choice of communication partners is curious... and quite disturbing. The Gudites are certainly cooperating with them, and we see that Clan Fuxi is also open to working alongside them.

The Orders are preparing a decisive strike against these horrors, but we need time to see it through. In the meantime, we risk the Shaitan moving against any one of us, or the Carnival working with the Witch Doctors striking down our people from afar. We have set aside a countermeasure or two against that this month, but next month we will be wide open to their machinations.

The Slayers will not conscience any deals made with personifications of death and disaster. They must be given no quarter and repelled in all areas. Though they are powerful, they cannot attack all of us at once. Legate Orbei, do you have troops at your disposal to deal with the Shaitan? Cecilia Hemminghock and Cousin Arsat, we should establish a trading network once the Company settles in the Guild Ward. Once we are all neighbours, we should be able to coordinate much more effectively.

May your preparations be prudent,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

So I'm pretty sure that Clan Fuxi and the Gudites are cooperating with the Bloodsworn Shaitan. I can't actually read the latter's messages this turn. However, I can read Fuxi and the Gudites, and it sounds to me like they're splitting up territory with them. The precise claims definitely clash with your own - the Guild Ward is going to be full of armies colliding if nobody does anything about it - so I would double-check everything.

To Hemminghock, the terms of your deal are solid. I will take all of the friends I can get right now, and some solidarity with trading relationships to come next turn will be wonderful. A public announcement before EoT would be preferable.

To Gardeners, I'll send along 1 t. Mor so that our trade deal can go through this turn. Just to confirm, that's 1 p. Eco, 1 p. Inv, and 1 t. Mor for 2 p. Esp?

One more thing you should all know. I am putting the finishing touches on my preparations to wipe out all three Shaitan Mil VIPs this turn. The strike should go through on EoT 3, which will hopefully disrupt their momentum. I can't stop them right now though, which might be problematic. They almost certainly opened at least one portal to move as of this Midturn, but I'd grab up as many of the territories adjacent to the ones they will certainly abandon.

All of you can have effective 8 Esp to read all messages this turn.

2022-09-02, 04:20 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 5
Rep: Barbarian-Spiritual-martial


Esteemed Sinchi Aklasumaq,

What happens and what reaches our ears are very much apart, we do hope the second will be useful nonetheless.

-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

1 esp for 1 Mil then


Great Baron,

The deal is sealed then, hopefully not the last one between us, now that we are set share the Charkrand ward.

Destia's bounty,
Solyom, Leviathan.

I asked Eldan and all you need to do is say at EoT that you are recommending to Chouvrian that he pacts with us or some other clear message of the same meaning. If you take one of the districts in Charkrand next turn we should be able to trade the spoils with no penalties.

2022-09-02, 04:51 PM

Current stats:
Mil 4
Econ 8
Invocation 9 (4 spent)
Espionage 2 (2 spent)
Artifice 1
Morale 2

Midturn actions:
Invest 5 in delving
Invest 2 ESP in helping the rift incident

Find a spirit pact offer.


Recommend spirit pact to the Gudite Warcamp

These barbarians made a compelling offer, and the God of the Dead's help would have been more useful earlier than it is with our new defenses

VIP action: the Baron reduces cost to buy morale with Econ by 3

Spend 2 Econ to increase morale.

Spend 6 Econ, 1 temp Econ, 3 Econ from the Baron to raise Morale by an additional 2

The assassination of The Knight was an embarrassment as well as a tragedy. New security protocols will ensure such a thing does not happen again!

Commit 4 Inv, 1 art, 1 temp art, 4 mil to LTP:

Crossroads bargain: The Witch-Doctors can trade exactly 4 INV to other players for the express purpose of making a portal, and receive payments, without distance or security concerns.

After the further embarrassing inability to effectively bargain with other factions, the Loa were asked to find a way to market their wares by delivery.

Commit 2 morale, 4 temp morale to recruit The Trickster, a rank 1 Mor VIP

Our Brother was being summoned, but the outcry from the death of The Knight hastened his approach.


3 temp mil
3temp Economy -> 2 temp economy
3Temp artifice -> 2 temp artifice
6 Temp Morale-> 2 Temp morale


The Trickster (level 0-> level 1)
(4(2)/10)-> 10/10 -> level 1 (0/10)

The Baron (level 3)
6/20 (no stats spent)

2022-09-03, 03:32 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

Morale 9

The messenger receives nothing but a slow nod from the cloaked figure before her. It seems the Shaitan will not contest the claim to 28.

I'll edit in fluff for this later (probably?), so this is only OOC for now.

Terms are being amended - you get your two territories in the Guild district as discussed, and in exchange I get to read any messages to/from you starting now. You cannot build the Slayers any Esp, or trade them any temporary ESP to use, and the same applies to the Legion and Golden Guardians for Mil. And if I think shenanigans with some sort of code is happening I'm considering you breaking the deal. Same with PMs.

2022-09-03, 09:05 PM
Carnival of Chains

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

End of Turn 2
The Carnival of Chains

6 Mil
9 Esp
1 Eco
11 Mor + 3 t. Mor
1 Art
2 Inv

2 VP

The Helm [Esp 2] (4 / 20)

Albatross [Esp 2] (2 / 20)

Shackle [Esp 2] (7 / 20)

[The Chains That Bind] - The Carnival's performances spark hope in the oppressed and terror in the oppressors. <Gain 1 t. Esp per stat destroyed by Esp Stat Attacks involving the Carnival of Chains>

[The Blade of the People] (4 / X) - A guillotine that binds the soul of the executed into one of the ringmasters of the Carnival. <Execute a captured VIP to add their XP to a VIP of the Carnival of Chains>
2 Inv to remove distance penalty on stat attack.

9 Esp, 12 VIP Esp, 6 Mil, 3 t. Mor destroy the Slayers of the Silent Saints Morale.

(30 Esp attack, 8 Mor possibly boosted to 12, at least 9 damage, so reduce to Morale to 0 with 1 overkill)

Call out the Slayers for their assassination of the Knight, as the Witch-Doctors contributed a quarter of the stats to averting famine. Their doctrine allows them to murder with impunity, simply claiming that a target has "cheated death". Anything from a spirit pact, to magic, to simple luck can be cited as evidence.

They serve to perpetuate the status quo and the subjugation of the people, while paying the barest lip service to a hope for change.

The Carnival is allowing the city to judge the Slayers. Their defenses are now the weakest in Ardakand, and we'll see how much goodwill they truly have.

1 Eco, 1 Art works on [The Blade of the People].

5 Mor boosts Passive Stat Attack Defense.

6 Mor builds 1 Mor.

St. Justicar
2022-09-03, 11:26 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 9


2022-09-04, 04:56 PM
Golden Guards
Mor 6

Good Day, Legate

Apologies for taking so long to respond. We agree that work needs to be done to keep the city orderly and in laws enforced. We are more than happy to listen to your proposal, though we specialize in city combat we admittedly are not much for training others. A lot of what we do is not easily replicable unless you are being supported by something big and heavy. That being said, we are more than happy to provide the big and heavy if we are able to get a proper budget put into place to support our costs.

Leader of the guardians, Chemosh

2022-09-06, 12:21 PM
TURN 3: Ruin

As the wrath of the Bloodsworn falleth on the city, there are only screams, and fire. As they pass, there shall remain only ashes and silence. There is no surcease, no mercy, no escape.
Behold! Five is their number, as fingers on one hand that hath grasped our city, and they are each endless, as waves that wear away the rock.
Behold, the diligent, who thinketh himself creator of beauty, how he is fallen! His tools that once engraved gold now engrave his bones, and his wounds number seven and seventy!
Behold, the brave, who thinketh himself a protector of men, how he is fallen! Neither shield nor blade, raised against the tempest, shall aid thee. The conflagration divideth brother from brother and only ashes remain.
Behold, the poet, who thinketh himself an inspiration, how he is fallen! As time marcheth on, so decayeth all works of man and the wind carries away his words, and their eyes shall be blind, and their ears shall be deaf.
Behold, the keeper, who thinketh himself master of beasts, how he is fallen! For as the lion devours the lamb, so the ravenous beasts of the earth shall devour all, innocent and guilty alike.
Behold the priest, who thinketh himself high in the esteem of the gods, how he is fallen! For he who hath spilled blood in the name of the gods, so shall his blood be spilt in turn. Defiled is the innermost sanctum and all under the eye of heaven is made profane.
-Street preacher in the forum

They say the city is saved. And we all felt the Earth tremble, as that faraway rift closed, by the Heron’s acolytes, the Fuxi Clan, the Gudite Leviathan and the Knight Belligerent. Perhaps they should have stayed and protected their city instead. The Cerberus Legion is trying, at least, to encircle the vengeful undead, but their troops seem to be striking at shadows, only reconquering ruins already abandoned.
Inside the walls, there is only chaos and warlords. A fiery chasm is all that remains of Lower Tarbent. The entire theatre district is veiled in darkness, night and day, and we can see the buildings inside slowly crumble to dust. In the menagerie, the monsters are growing and twisting, devouring their keepers with shrill cries that are heard over the entire city. And in the High Fane… the high priests have been hung and bled over their own altars. Ashen glyphs have been burnt into the temple walls. The streets agree: the gods have judged us wanting and sent their scourge, and all the petty new warlords who are snatching up district after district will know the folly of their hybris when the scourge falls on them. Disturbing new cults have sprung up in the city, as panic spreads, and the smell of the burnt offerings lies heavily over the rich and poor districts alike.
Still, some stand out among the would-be conquerors that have divided our once-fair Ardakand between them.
In Coralward, the spires of flesh and bone grow ever higher, as the architect’s guild has thrown in their lot with the Gardeners, who have taken in thousands of refugees and are somehow managing to feed them all.
The entire palace has now fallen under the sway of the Heron and the Hippo, and with it the entire extended Imperial Bloodline. The Dowager Empress Enkthuya herself seems to have taken a shine to the god-blooded giant mercenary, or at least his muscles. The otherwise so abrasive Iron Widow has been seen smiling, so her servants say, for the first time in over thirty years and has made them carry her palanquin to the Hall of Judgement, where she has once again begun directly overseeing some of the bureaucracy. The priests of the small gods, too, have gladly accepted their protection, now that their former betters in the High Fane have been slaughtered.
In the east, meanwhile, the Hemminghock Company is revolutionizing the city. Their factory complex is the size of a ward now, churning out thousands of firearms that have found their way everywhere in the city, into the hands of private guards, militias, mercenaries and criminals, and making the company fabulously rich. And, judging by how their shock troops have conquered an area at the extreme opposite of the city at lightning speed, barely encountering any opposition, they must also have one of the largest and best equipped armies in the city, now.

Interestingly, the population of the city seems quick to cast blame in an unexpected direction: the Slayers. The witch doctors, word on the street says, have done nothing but good for the city. They have organized the resettling and planting of the countryside, ensuring food safety for months to come. And, just when the city needed a hero, to protect against the Shaitan, what did the Slayers do? Did they slay those monstrosities? No! They went against one of the city’s greatest warrior heroes and protectors, who could perhaps have solved this problem, the Knight, and slew him.

Who even are these cultists, they ask, who would appoint themselves judge, jury and executioner? Religious fanatics, who hide in the mansions of nobles, their own island, up in marble ward, while the rest of the city starve. They only serve the status quo, enforce the subjugation of those who suffer. Who could claim that anyone, for any reason, could be “cheating death” and worthy of their blades. Is it magic, a religious pact, simply luck and suspicious old age? No one’s life is save.

It is not just word on the street. The Carnival of Chains is not subtle about their dislike, clearly fanning the flames. Puppeteers on street corners now show the Crucifixion of the Knight in bloody detail. Printed posters and leaflets decry their deeds, describing their bloody and violent history, their opposition to proper imperial religion, their blasphemous rites.

No one can carry the symbols of the Slayers in the open anymore, without being hounded by a mob, any building associated with them has its windows smashed, more than one catches fire. Protests blockade the bridges out of the Marble Ward. It spreads further from there: no one trades with the Slayers anymore, no one wants to know them. Just mentioning them is now dangerous.

When, in that tense climate, the omens are read once again, they are frustratingly ambiguous. The sun, in the hidden aspect, the eclipse. It means a time of change, where the usual rules are reversed, but also a time of hidden motives and secret plans. A literal eclipse is coming, and it falls on the solstice, the last day of spring and the night of summer. Where the two worlds meld together and spirits walk the Earth freely, but peacefully.

Event Mechanics

The eclipse is a time of masks and riddles, where disguised gods are said to walk the Earth, as mortals would normally walk into the spirit world to petition them. It is said that those who can find these errant, masked gods will be greatly rewarded.

At midturn, every faction will be offered a random divine pact, as the gods contact mortals in their dreams. On the other hand, the spirits can no longer be discovered in the spirit world, this turn. Exploration takes more time, costing 50% more to finish an expedition, and will never discover a god, instead finding an artifact or nexus point. As the spirits are absent, the chance of danger is reduced.

Favour of Heaven Earned:
The Carnival of Chains: 3
Heron and Hippo: 2
Slayers of the Silent Saints: 1
Gudite Warcamp: 1

Midturn 3 is Midnight, Saturday the 10th of September in the New World Timezones and Morning of Sunday the 11th in the European timezones.

2022-09-06, 06:43 PM
Clockwork was a long and arduous process. Lots of tweezers, magnifying glasses and steady hands to lock everything in the right place. In most cases it was a tedious task that required years of training and patience to complete. That was why watches and clockwork were generally a sign of wealth, a sign that someone could pay for a master to pause their art, and work on something that would simply remind them of the time.

Tess wasn't a master, nor did she have a lot of time to spare. The half-built watch sitting cleanly on a white cloth was waste of the time that it was supposed to be tracking. A pet project that at this point could have been a full grown dog at her side in the evenings. Instead it was a mostly functional minute hand and an hour hand that wouldn't stick. In fact, by any reasonable measure Tess understood that she was never going to finish this watch unless she spent a lifetime on it or asked a master for help. Tess knew masters, she'd hired masters, but they were busy with the company.

No, this was the splinter stuck in her talons and she was going to be the one who finished it. Afterall, one of the things that everyone in the family knew was that Hemminghock was generational. They were new money by any measure but lifespan, but they were generational for the harpies. She was putting in work to a city that she'd never lived in, to try and see what could come out of it for her clutch and the clutch after that. She wasn't in it just to see what would happen in her lifetime, if that were the case, she would have stayed back home in the old world.

Tess held the tweezers between careful fingers, doing her best not to breathe too deep as she slotted the gear into the place she believed it belonged. See, much like Ardakand this watch had once been whole, a piece of functioning clockwork for someone to use. Fate and death had taken Ardakand apart, Tess had taken the watch apart. At this point in the process, she was sure that she'd put the watch back together different, that the gears were now locked in different places.

Of course, if this was a metaphor, her lack of time and the struggle to find patience were the Bloodsworn taking an axe to every refugee in the city that wouldn't stop making such a damn rakcet on the edge of Hemminghock territory.

The company had gone to Khudara and Tess was there overseeing factory setup alongside prepping to sell to the new neighbors, but she hadn't gotten a good night's sleep since the Hemminghock had gotten everything under control. They'd expected to set up a tenuious shop alongisde the Bloodsworn, but instead they'd found the echoing silence of a ward that the blood spirits were finished with. Cobblestones that weren't bloodstained as much as it looked like they'd never been anything but red since they'd been wretched from the earth.

The people living in Khudara within the new Hemminghock walls called the ward cursed, not haunted, but cursed. Stepping close to it made you feel cold, not becuase of a spirits embrace, but becuase of the freezing realization of how lucky you were in time. A month earlier, walking those streets would have had you dragged into the darkness. What happened after the ****an had you was based on rumors, some people suggested that victims were flayed, but that seemed too simple. Stories would just get more and more fantastical as the months went on. Before long people would suggest that the ****an had access to some sort of eternal spirit torture realm.

It would have explained a lot, the screams were chillingly constant if you walked too close to their marked land.

All of the chaos of the ****an was why it was so frustrating to pass down the orders to the boots on the ground that the territories that they'd ravaged, lands so soaked in death that they'd forgotten life, needed to be the next targets of the family company. They wanted to move in for trading opportunities, set up machines on piles of bones and turn marrow into weapons.

Would the weapons turn against the ****an? Or would they just be used the enforce the laws within protected borders. Everyone in Ardakand was asking that question, but it wasn't Tess' call to make alone.


On the other side of the city, Cecelia was still in her main office, but in a small twist of fate she'd re-adopted her hobby at the same time that Tess had been working on hers. While Tess had been constantly pecking away at the water on her desk, the haphazard shards of metal were shaoved into drawers and chests as Cecelia moved from Sethannai to home and then out to the wilds of Ardakand. Like Gunpower, Cecelia worked on her passion in brilliant flashes that were sometimes more destructive than useful. To match the pacing of her work ethic, Ceclia was building guns.

Or at least attempting to. It had been months since she'd produced anything of note, and it was getting to her. Each time she worked backward instead of forward toward the next streetsweeper. She'd been the one to solve the puzzle of study enough rotating barrels to withstand the kick of a shotgun, but there hadn't been a revelation like that in a while.

Sure, there was progress. There were ways to make things smaller, how to make them load faster. There was progress, like the factory below her, it was growing towards something great but there was nothing revelutionary about what she was doing, she was just doing well.

Not good enough, not by any measure.

Making anyhting but guns had always looked like a waste of time to Cecelia, maybe it was why she sneered at Tess' habits, but then again she'd been raised different. Since she'd hatched first in her clutch with her Mom doting over the heiress, she'd been raised to run the show. Once she could read she was put toward knowing the history of the family. Once she'd been able to do math she was helping her father with the books. There wasn't much that she hadn't touched before the age of 13 in the Hemminghock books.

Then she'd gone to Sethannai and the lack of Gods had brought the entire city down on her head before she could build something worth going home over. She was the first out of the egg. She was supposed to win, she wasn't supposed to need second chances. The Gods had stolen that from her by running off into the spirit realm once they'd been stabbed once or twice.

Gods didn't live and die, they didn't have fighting spirit. They were bastards, but they were useful bastards. The game of Gods was a game that Hemminghock needed to play. Pacts and offerings were required to thrive in this land, and they needed to play by those rules. Which meant they would need things to offer.

Outside, a member of the Carnival was on the street corner, carrying a large mockery of a man on a cross to denounce the saints and push public opinion against them. Not that they needed to be doing that anymore. It was beating a dead horse. If it wasn't for previous interactions with the Saints, Cecelia would have been pushing for Hemminghock to turn the guns against them second.

That said, it was obvious that the first strokes of the Saint's daggers had been a business decision and it didn't take a genius to see that. At this point though, it was also getting obvious that genius' were of short supply in Ardakand. This place was going to go the same was as Sethannai at this rate.

That or Cecelia would manage to tear down every palace and hovel and outline one beautiful factory floor that could stretch from wall to shining wall. Each thing in place. So dense that nothing could move out o-

Cecelia held onto that thought and wrote it down on one of the damned scrolls that this city was so insistent on. She didn't have time to sketch anything out, never did, she'd just need to assume that the future version of her that came back to 'everything in place' would know what she meant, or get a good idea based off of it.

No, right now she needed to be writing a message, and doing it with all the stupid formal trappings that the people of Ardakand would want.

The message is sent out to the people of the city soon and plastered whereever a runner isn't going to get jailed for plastering. Half of it is written in a fancy scrawl, clearly penned by an assistant in both the Hemminghock tongue and native Ardakandan, the second half is written by Cecelia herself, with the Ardakandian using clearly rehearsed but still unnatural strokes for the lettering.

People of Ardakand,

We haven't been welcomed here. There wasn't a red carpet or a feast for us when we arrived. Instead we at the Hemminghock Family Company have found our place by providing jobs and honorable work to the people around us. We like to think that we have become part of the community and thought we might be 'barbarians' from the lands beyond, we'er now part of the heart of a modern Ardakand. With this belief we are reaching out to the public to ask them to stave off their hatred of the Saints and point it toward a more constructive soruce.

We should have spoken out ealirer, but whether you agree with the Saint's initial actions, it remains that they are experts at killing those outside of the cycle of life and that we should be looking to them as part of the solution to the blood getting spilled in Ardakand, not the problem.

As it stands, without the avenues of neutralization that the Saints offer alongside the Carnival, the Bloodsworn will continue to spiral out of control. The scale of military might it would take to eject them from the city is difficult to ask of anyone, which is why the Hemminghock family company is coming forward. Not to offer bodies to fall upon the swords of the Bloodsworn, as we, like others, will require a collaboration and united sentiment before commiting to that action, but coming forward to protect the Silent Saints.

With the recent proporganda, the Witch Doctors have crippled the Saints alongside the carnival and if we continue to act against them they won't be able to fufill their purpose in Ardakand by helping quell the fury of the Bloodsworn. We need them able and willing on our side.

To drop the formalities for the moment. If y'all keep going after the Saint's becuase they're a scapegoat for problems you don't wanna start solvin' we'll meet you at high noon on any street you own and show you how you're supposed to settle things. The Silent Saints are under Hemminghock protection, whether they wanna be or not.

Hope that's crystal clear,

Cecelia Hemminghock.

2022-09-06, 07:56 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic


The address comes from three figures clad in grey. The Slayer-Confessors have few intermediaries to hide behind, but when they call for an audience at the heart of the Mills - one of the only neutral districts left in Ardakand - hundreds come to listen. Many members of the crowd jeer at the trio, call out vague obscenities, or even throw detritus such as garbage or broken bottles. But the leaders of the Orders of the Silent Saints, diminished as they are, stand tall and wait for a semblance of quiet. At that moment, the largest among them, a well-built figure with golden eyes bedecked in blades, steps forward. Their voice rings out true and clear.

"People of Ardakand, of the City of Cities, hearken! We will not speak long, for your patience has proven thin and we shall not test it.

As many of you are well aware, the Orders of the Silent Saints have been attacked. Not with blades or sorceries, but with words. I see scores of glowers writ upon your faces even now, and the scarcity of our retinue speaks for itself. You have, it seems, turned on us. Our own agents abandon us across our districts, many terrified to worship at our altars for fear of reprisals in the forms of mob lynchings. Yet we stand, the representatives of the faithful to our liturgies, in hopes that at least some of you will see reason before it is too late.

I must ask for your forgiveness as I speak directly to those who will hear these words at a later time.

To the Witch-Doctors of the Mire: we apologize once again for the murder of the Knight. I will take personal responsibility, for it was my thought to go after an easy target in order to bolster recruitment before turning on the greater threat. This was an error, not only from a strategic point of view but also from a spiritual one. Although it was an immortal, your protector did not offend the City the way the Bloodsworn Shaitan do with their every undying breath. We hope that the destruction wrought upon our house of prayer can satisfy your thirst for vengeance, for we have nothing left to give as recompense save our very lives, which will presently be snuffed out. Beware the Carnival, for they are a false friend to you.

To the Cousins of the Gardeners, the Hemminghock Sisters, and the Officers of Legio Cerberus: you have our sincere thanks. All of you have proven willing to take up the banner of reason and righteousness. Your vision of Ardakand is true and good, a place where peaceful security meets innovation. On behalf of the Orders of the Silent Saints, we regret that we will not be able to join you there. Although the three of us will provide as much aid as we can, we know that the fight we leave in our wake will be difficult. Ardakand will need heroes like you before the end.

To the Carnival of Chains: we would ask you why you thought this measure was necessary. Our Orders are beyond crippled; we will surely not survive your imminent final blow, in which you will wipe us out to become the sole source of so-called 'intelligence' in Ardakand. The Shaitan are sure to capitalize on this opportunity as well, as they wait just across the bridges for the opportunity to strike. By denying us a place in this City, you have provided direct aid to the forces of death and destruction - forces who we have been preparing to destroy. Is fire your justice? Is blood your better society? Is torment unending the future you envisioned? If so, bravo. You have been silent so far, save to conspire nakedly against us to your gain. But when we are gone and have struck at Evil as we promised others we would do, who will you whisper about then?

To the Bloodsworn Shaitan: have at us, vultures. But our Slayers have died many times before, and never have we gone to a grave unaccompanied."

The second the Slayer-Confessor has finished their speech, a strange billowing mist fills the area. When it clears, the figures are gone.

The Slayers are providing permission to go back and see all messages between the Carnival and the Slayers. Let each of your factions judge the course of events for yourselves.

Also confirming that my Morale is 1. Shaitan, come and get me. Let's see how many of your VIPs I can kill before I die.

2022-09-06, 08:46 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004562213379518475/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_shaitan_demon_spirit_warr ior_samurai_b_6221df50-1b67-4f52-924f-8233e43851e1.png

There is no response to the Saint-Slayers' announcement from the ruins of Tarbent, nor from the ashes of the Warehouse District. No movement from the smoking rubble of Silver Street, where the pampered and privileged have been tortured and twisted beyond recognition. There are no divine proclamations from High Fane, where the temples have been razed and the priests profaned. No mummers cry from the darkness over the Theatre District, where the living have fled and the buildings lie corroded and broken. No roars of protest from the the Menagerie, where beasts have risen up against their captors and left only carcasses behind.

Only silence and death on the wind.


2022-09-07, 06:06 AM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 7
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

Tamachi looks at the scuttling clansmen below her, the various priests and sages preparing the Core they had worked so hard to claim among the armies and beings that had lined up before them. They were preparing the core for the great Fuxi, hoping the powerful otherworldly artifact could be fed to their progenitor, the whole point of their trip here after all was to empower their powerful ancestor. However it wasn't the simple matter of merely tossing it down Fuxi's gullet and seeing what pops out.

There were rules, they did not want to understate the magnificence of Fuxi if someone happened to be watching their offering. So they always had to make a large deal for every interaction. The second was that she was always the one to run the ceremony, giving away some of the authority she derives from being Fuxi's link to this expedition. The appearance of authority was just as important as actual authority when dealing with the den of treacherous snakes that was her clan.

So she stood there in her best robes, done up and strong as could be after recovering from her injury. Her personal snakes writhed in a coiling mass below her, hissing at any clansmen getting too close. Her fellow lords and gifted waited from afar having been given no roll other then too watch. Tomor barely watching, too engrossed in his current research project. Borte was tinkering with a new venom she was making from some weird ingredients from the rift while keeping an eye on her friend and ward. Finally Chagatai was once again giving her the reaction that fed those small petty flames in her heart, the newly made lady was glaring at Tamachi with a blatant jealousy.

As the sun started to tint the very beginning of the sky she began her ceremony.

"Fuxi! Your spawn call to you!

Fuxi! Your hunters bring you bounty!

Fuxi! Your priests bring you faith!

Tamachi gestures to the clansmen on heavy snake skin drums to beat louder and the snakes start to hiss rapidly, getting louder and louder.

Fuxi! We call for you!"

Tamachi raises her hands as the snakes writhe behind her. Thunder and lightning crash and flash in the background despite the clouds being white as snow. During the flash a massive shadow can be seen among the clouds, sinuous and powerful.

"Fuxi! We have brought you bounty!"

Tamachi gestures to the glowing heart on the pedestal in front of her and it pulses. Lightning cracks again beside thunders boom and the shadow has moved closer, moving during the brief flash of light.

"Fuxi! We have brought you faith!"

Tamachi gestures to the surrounding clansmen, all praying, chanting, or observing with hunger. Lightning cracks for the third time and this time the shadow slowly comes into being, a head the size of a building and as white as the clouds emerge. A snakes head, tongue flickering out, with eyes gleaming hungrily.

The heads slowly slithers through the sky as easily as it would on the ground, coming down to look upon the heart. The great snakes tongue flicks out once more to give it a gentle caress, yet that is enough to set the heart pulsing madly. creation fluctuating madly in an aura around it. The great snake looks at it hungrily and considers it. The Fuxi clan watches in anticipation, excited to see their progenitor take yet another step down the journey to true divinity.

Then the snake huffs, its breath almost blowing Tamachi and the drummers over. A sibilant smooth voice slithers through the minds of all present. ''It was a good thought little one but unfortunately I cannot consume its power from another world. It would be wasted, keep it as a token of my favor to be used as you see fit.'

As slowly as it arrived the great snake vanishes with speed. Head drawing back into the clouds and the presence it exuded disappearing.

The clansmen all look around confused as the pile of random things from the heart grows. Tamachi kicks one as she calls her lords and ladies over, looking slightly confused "... what the hell do we do with it now?"

Tomor looks at it curiously and pokes it with his staff, watching as the end turns to some unknown gem, while shrugging at Tamachi "... use it I guess?"

St. Justicar
2022-09-07, 12:26 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

The Gardeners had, in the main, two types of acolytes. Those who earnestly desired to join their number, and tried to match their elder cousins in all their strict taboo against violence of any kind, and those who were acolytes precisely because they had no intention of doing any such thing.

The gangs of them which now patrolled the Quicksilver District were uniformly of the second type. Hulking figures beneath their undyed sackcloth robes, each towered at least a head over the crowds around them, and were more than capable of lifting a brawling apprentice in each hand. Unlike the Gardeners themselves, they wore no mask but the one they were born with, which is the only reason that most believed they were human.

Not that the Gardener’s influence was limited to truncheon-wielding thugs. A deal had been struck with the Alchemist’s Guild, and in a matter of weeks the district was already being transformed. The bridge over the canal to Coralward had nearly trippled in width, great branches of green, flowering wood sprouting from the banks on either side and running alongside and beneath the old, neglected stone.The extra lanes were needed, too – every morning saw apprentices carefully loading dozens upon dozens of carts full of sealed casks, each full of some new reagent or catalyst Cousin Hylah or her fellows thought had potential.

A Gardener was occasionally visible in the flesh, too – or if not the flesh, then at least the distinctive loam-dark robes and gleaming white mask. Some came to speak with the alchemists, others to look at the experimental gardens already flowering flowering into a thousand different colors, so sweet and fragrant they had begun to overpower the stench the district was infamous for (though still far from bearing fruit). A few all but made their home in the Guild Ward, tending to the ash white saplings which now lined major streets, skeletal branches already reaching up to the sky and out to each other.

And some, of course, tended to the refugees.

Weeks after the wraiths had poured into Silver Street, the flow of survivors had slowed to a trickle – anyone who the Shaitan had allowed to live this long wasn’t likely to be capable of moving under their own power, let alone running – but some few still managed each day. Every one of them needed some degree of healing, so a half dozen public houses and plazas had been repurposed as clinics.

The white flesh and vermilion flowers of the bone-coral marked each one for any who might need aid, the living flesh growing over and reinforcing whatever structures were already there. Creating shrines to life, where the Gardeners tending them nurtured cysts and blisters of every remedy someone might require. Soon they were tending to the sprains and burns of apprentices and labourers as well, and giving meals and succor to the destitute before a home could be found for them in the ever-rising tenements over the bridge in Coralward.

Many, especially those who’d just escaped the Shaitan’s wrath, looked at the burly, club-bearing acolytes and saw in a moment that if the revanents truly attacked they would be butchered in minutes. A rumor quickly started spreading – spreading even faster, when it wasn’t denied – that some pact had been struck, that the Gardeners had sold their soul and agreed not to oppose the tide of death, if they were allowed to tend to the survivors in peace.

Some were outraged, betrayed, went on to the Forum to hear the Legion’s recruiters and take their coin.

Most just looked to the High Fane, and considered themselves lucky in their choice of refuge.


Across Ardakand – or at least the districts that don’t violently turn them away – the Gardeners dole out meals to the needy, working tirelessly to prevent a famine until the harvest arrives.

On this day they are accompanied by criers, setting up on crates or the back of carts and yelling to the city at large as it eats.

“Oh people of Beloved Ardakand!

You have heard what the jagged knives of paradise have done, the knight of shadows they butchered beneath the dawning son. You have turned your face from them, as is your right.

You have heard what the raptors of industry say, their demand that the great and good among you let that be justice enough, and not fall upon the hunters of the dead like scavengers.

We have no sword or canon to back our words, but if you hold us in any esteem, we beg of you to hear the harpies’ words. War is butchery, the City ill needs more of it. If the Mortalists have erred in their aim, it does not mean the City has no need of them. Who, after all, could take their place?”

Morale 9

Hunters of Ash,

You have seen the pact we have struck with the hungry dead, and know that they see with our eyes. Do not speak your aims, and know that we can not arm you.

But I would still aid you, however I might. If you intend to carry on, we can provide.

You could presumably read my messages last turn, so you’re aware of the deal I agreed to with the Shaitan to, well, not die. As such I’m afraid I can’t provide any esp. But if you’re looking to trade for permanent or temporary morale or military, I can absolutely help with that, and provide some temp mor to cover trade costs as required.

Friend Leviathan!

Welcome to Coralward! Am hoping Tidemaze was friendly?

Welcome to Guild Ward too, but we are all newcomers there. Still, are neighbours twice over now, makes proper helping each other much easier! Have included deals, tell me if any would work?

But also, two things.

First is, would like to make deal with Fuxi snakes, go through Tidemaze with shipments back and forth. Is alright with you?

Second, does your Wolf have plans for Mills? Had thought priests or soldiers would have taken it, but mostly cannot just abandon them for wraiths to butcher.
-Cousin Arsat

So, deals
For 3 Eco I can provide 1 point of any permanent stat
For 1 permanent point of Eco, Esp or Art I will provide a matching point of any stat, and 1 point of temporary morale to cover the trade transaction code on your end
If you’re short on eco but want to buy more stats, for 4 points instead of 3 can accept art or esp, or at significantly worse rates other stats as well.

2022-09-07, 03:27 PM
Semper aeternus
Time vanished, in the labyrinth. Somewhere, many levels above them, the sun might shine, or it might be night, but down here, there was only the small brazier and the shifting mist that rose from the vents in the chamber’s corner, almost alive in the shifting flames. They each knelt under the ancestor’s thrones,
Kukuyu’s knees still hurt, though she had been doing this for many years. Briefly, she glanced over at Umaq. Kukuyu, at least, was granted a pillow to kneel on, because her ancestor was honoured. Umaq’s… was not, and so he knelt on the floor. And because he was dutiful and did not want to burden another with his bond, he was old, stick-thin, with shaking limbs.
Days must have passed. She no longer felt hungry and finally, the light-headedness was coming on that promised the presence of the ancestors. She leaned towards the brazier, took one last breath of the smoke and let the ancestor enter her.
Four of them had gathered today. The dead rarely moved out of their chambers, where they could be surrounded by their servants, their mementoes of past life, four of them in the same chamber at once was a momentous occasion, and these were four of the greatest.


As always, Quri was the first to speak. “This one is Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, the blinding bright jewel, the false leader, speaking through her chosen vessel, Yupanqui Kukuyu.” Her pose erect, her veil pure white and slightly translucent, showing her ribs. For once, her jewels were few and tasteful. Here, she did not have to wear the ostentatious royal mask and crown that the outsiders would see. Dutifully, the other three vessels bowed to her.
Next spoke Kun. “This one is Sinchi Pachakunya Age of Thunder, whose foot only threads on ruins, the warmaster, speaking through his chosen vessel, Yupanqui Usqullu.” As always, Kun had his head bent forward, glowering out from under a helmet in the style of the Khan-Conqueror’s legions, hands balled into fists over the blade that had been laid across his knees. Dutifully, the other three vessels saluted him.
Next spoke Illari. “This one is Sinchi Illari Qispi, the radiant dawn of freedom, who speaks to the spider at dawn and dusk, who alone shall remain in the new world when all else is ash, speaking through her chosen vessel, Yupanqui Khallwa.” Illari had been garlanded in dried red and blue flowers, across her shoulders and through her eye sockets, her bones and teeth polished by her descendants. She had always been the most popular of all of them, and just getting her away from her worshippers for a few days for a meeting was a minor miracle. Dutifully, the other three vessels sang a syllable of praise.
Chas was the last to speak, his voice the tremulous whisper of an old man. “This one is Chasnakawi, who was blind, who bent to the Khan. This one has no titles. This one speaks through his condemned vessel, Umaq.” Chas was unadorned, wrapped in simple cloth, his eyes deep and sad, his face resigned. Dutifully, the other three vessels spat at his feet.

Minutes passed, as the vessels breathed heavily and the ancestors sat, patiently. Then, Illari made to speak:
“Honored Spider has spoken to Elder Mother Earth. She has been lonely ever since the sky smote her Ghostwise Children. She is willing to keep this one safe and cherished.”
The others nodded, and more minutes passed.
Kun made to speak: “Brother Honour has departed these lands, and with him, the Mandate of Heaven has passed. The Supay walk the land, and the city burns. Already, they have desecrated the High Fane. The rest of the city will soon follow, as the outsiders tear each other apart.”
Chas did not speak.
Quri spoke last. “This one is ready to don the Pretender Crown and speak to the outsiders. This one has drawn up a list of candidates.”


The messages which are sent out are unreadable at first. Thick ropes of spider silk, with series of knots and bifurcations. Clearly some kind of code, but one none can read. Then, hours later, old priests of the spider arrive, separately, to read out the messages to their recipients.

Morale [6]

The Gudite Warcamp
We would speak to you, but we should do so in a safer place. If you would send an ambassador to speak to us, we would make it worth your time. Know that we are watching your progress in this city favourably. We know that you have read the Founding Stone, and that you hold Ar-Rashada. We know more about both, for we saw the founding of this city.

-Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea

OOC: They are willing to pay you esp, mil or mor, if you are willing to send a VIP for a PM.

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Hail, Cousins and Hail the Immortal Flesh
We remember the one you serve from old times, and would speak to you, but we must do it away from prying eyes and years. If you would send an ambassador to speak to us, we would make it worth your time. Know that we look favourably upon all you have done for this city and its inhabitants and would aid you in your further endeavours.

-Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea

OOC: They are willing to pay you esp, mil or mor, if you are willing to send a VIP for a PM.

Slayers of the Silent Saints
Hail, Confessors!

We know that by your religion, you hold us as abominations, but we would still speak to you, though it must be in private. For a word, we would trade you a secret greater than many, perhaps: the means of our final death. Know that we think this city has done you wrong, and we would help you right these wrongs, and help you defeat the evil that plagues our city.

-Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea

OOC: They are willing to pay you esp, mil or mor, if you are willing to send a VIP for a PM.

The Witch Doctors
Hail, Vessels of the Loa and hail, the Great Baron!

As you do, we know how it is to serve merely as the vessel of a greater spirit. Would you come speak to us in private, so that the Spider may have word with the Baron, the oldest spirit in the city to its newest arrival? We would make it worth your while.

-Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea
OOC: They are willing to pay you esp, mil or mor, if you are willing to send a VIP for a PM.

The Bloodsworn Shaitan

Clouds darken the sky,
The stars rain down,
The warriors stagger,
The bones of the hell-hounds tremble,
The porters are silent,
When they see vengeance,
Dawning in fire,
Feeding on its mothers.

We call, by the vengeance for wrongful death,
We call, by the vengeance of an innocent life cut short,
We call, by the vengeance of the betrayed,
Thrice we call you.
Open are the doors, undone are the bolts, the messengers are come for thee.

The spiders would have words, we bind you to answer.

-Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea
OOC: They are willing to pay you esp, mil or mor, if you are willing to send a VIP for a PM

2022-09-07, 04:03 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The Trickster has only a vague foothold on the city at this time, but he is one of the Eldest Loa. He goes forth in secret to meet with the God, trusting in audacity and anonymity to shield him, if not the fact the Witch-Doctors' only current enemy were on the verge of a deserved death brought on on part by the ire of those whose lives The Baron had helped....

The Trickster agrees to negotiate on behalf of The Baron in exchange for Mil

Concerned Parties,
While we cannot truthfully claim to regret the fall of The Silent Saints, it is true that they theoretically represented a bulwark against other dangerous elements that were more of an immediate threat to the citizens of this city.

To that end, we feel a responsibility to help fill in the gap they left, even if it was not our hands that felled them, nor was it our shared enemies that chose to target first.

So we give you an exclusive offer. We have an ability to, occasionally, open portals anywhere in the city and then move them, effectively connecting any two spots. This would multiply the purchaser's ability to attack from unexpected angles. Normally, we would expect comeasurate pay for this effort, at least.

But, for now, we will offer this service for half of our usual rate or less if it is used against The Shaitan.

The Baron,
Signed by His Vessel, Antoine duLac

I completed this LTP, which is usable once per round. I am offering it to you because three of you were called out by the SS and I owe a favor to H&H so they get the offer, too.

I am offering it for 4 of any combination of resources or 2 of any combination of resources if it is used against the Shaitan.

Crossroads bargain: The Witch-Doctors can trade exactly 4 INV to other players for the express purpose of making a portal, and receive payments, without distance or security concerns.

2022-09-07, 06:39 PM
Hemminghock Family Company

Mercantile - Inhuman - Barbarian


The men and women sent over to the Hemminghock lines come back significantly more drunk than they left (which is an acheivement in it's own right) and mostly complaining about being bored during the job until the 'post signing' celebrations took place. As it turned out, there hadn't been a battle at all, instead the men had been fitted with Hemminghock Insignias and made to escourt notarys to signings all across the district. Simply a show of force to let everyone know that turning down previously agreed deals at the last minute would be ill-advised.

Whatever leader was sent over to Hemminghock comes back with a small barrel of moonshine with a letter affixed on top.

Howdy Heron & Hippo

Thanks for lendin' us some of your folks to back up the pen pushers. Lord knows our initial move in was a little rocky so we're leanin' on the side of caution for the time bein'.

Hope the factory parts we sent ya are workin' on getting your boys armed. If ya have any questions about how it works, we're just across the bridge. Give us a literal shout.

As for the comin' month. We're gonna have some deals set up again if you're so inclined. Though our needs will be determined by some conversations we're about to be having with the people around us. Afterall, we can't get many place anymore without a lot of permission. Or some spirit realm bull****.

Which brings up the first question: Are y'all gonna be offended if we fly over your territory on the way to somewhere this month? Should be able to swing you a friends and family discount if it's the case,

Sally McMonahan, Hemminghock Notary

Howdy and thanks for welcomin' us to y'alls neck of the woods. Now that we're across town it looks like there is some payment in order. Like we mentioned before, it's anything you want in terms of resources, we can make anything at this point with little to no change to our current production methods.

To help keep our promise from before, y'all have permission to trade and move through Hemminghock territory for the express purpose of talkin' to the Eye of Heaven. Let us know if they give ya too much trouble, ya hear?

Once we've decided how we're settling up, we can shre our offers for this season.

Tess Hemminghock

OOC: What stat you want? I owe you a perm point from our deal to get me over here.

Interestin' offer you got there. That said, we ahve our first business here which is to reach out to you and remind ya that we owe you some money.. or some guns or whatever you wanted. Pretty sure you were distracted last month with the funeral rites but we did offer to pay for our expansion into Khudara. So we're here to pay.

Once we've paid, we can talk other business.

OOC: What stat do you want? I promised you a perm point.

Now that we're all cleared up on our borders, it's time for us to open for business. We have whatever you want if it's pointed in the right direction. What are you buyin?


St. Justicar
2022-09-07, 08:25 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 10

Cousin Rao can certainly journey to the Sempiterne tombs, accompanied by an interpreter. We look forward to hearing what you have in mind.

Just what sort of compensation would be most helpful is as yet unclear, but I’m sure you will know as soon as we do.

Legion of the bull man!

Will not be long-winded, is plenty of time to talk now that we are almost neighbours. You have some grand working hidden away in Artefactory , yes? Will not lie and say I am not curious, or that my Cousins do not dream of engines and foundires you have sealed away. If you are looking for cooperation or trade, we would love to hear, yes?

But mostly I write to ask if you are safe. The wraiths are not joking matter! Are you prepared for invasion of evil ghosts?

-Cousin Arsat

Legions of the Dog!

Am writing with gratitude for your work, the City is not starving for you soldiers, and is seeming that you are only ones to fight against wraiths.

Cannot help with fight against wraiths, sorry to say. Is matter of our life or their death, have promised not to arm you. But for anything else, if you have need, would be happy to provide.

Also, does legate have plans for Mills? My Cousins see machinary and greedy, but mostly cannot just abandon them for wraiths to butcher. Had thought priests or your would have taken it already, am not sure if you intend to?

-Cousin Arsat

So, offering the following deals for, unfortunately, every stat except Mil (blame the Shaitan)

1. For 1 permanent point of Art, Eco or Esp, can provide a permanent point of another stat, plus 1 morale to cover transaction costs on your end
2. For 3 Eco, or 4 Art or Esp (or theoretically worse rates on other stats which I don’t really have anything to use for) will make a permanent stat point for you. If you’re buying multiple and there would be a transaction cost on your end, can probably throw you a point of mor to cover it still.

Any interest?

2022-09-08, 09:23 AM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

No formal response is given to the Emissary, but they are allowed to leave unharmed. In the days that follow, observant attendants – of which there are many – notice that no Shaitan have been spotted in Charkand. It seems that while the Shaitan’s attention is occupied elsewhere, the invitation itself – and the respect it conveys - has afforded the House of the Spider a degree of goodwill that will not be easily forgotten.

The Menagerie is still utter chaos, but the Shaitan have been… mostly careful in containing their mess so that it does not bleed into the rest of the University Ward. This time, it is not a human who bears a message, but a small, exotic lizard-like creature, with a scroll tied upon its back. Written in trembling hand – almost certainly under duress – the recipients wonder idly if transcribing the Shaitan’s message was enough to save the author’s life.



Looking for Mor and Inv, preferably the former. I am likely willing to trade my god at midturn to either of you who wants it, and I have 3 ECO I’m willing to part with that would buy you a permanent stat point with the Gardeners. I’m also willing to cede claims on neutral territory, if both of you are willing to cryptically indicate where your ambitions lie, I am willing to work around what you want (ie not accidentally snipe a territory from either of you when I expand again in future turns).

I’m also looking for information, as my enemies move against me, and I count neither of you on that list. Do let me know if I’m wrong.

The response from the Shaitan who occupy the Theatre District, separated only from the Imperial Court by a few bridges, is swift. In the dead of night, lights are extinguished and a cloying shadow spills forth across the gap. When it recedes, a surprisingly articulate message has been gouged into the walls of the closest countinghouse to the border:


The Shaitan continue to keep a respectful distance from the Allottments, and a massive influx of refugees flow in from the Theatre District – it seems that a massacre was largely averted and the Carnival’s holdings designated as a safe place for those not holding status or authority. One of these refugees, clearly a skilled orator who cannot seem to stop trembling, brings a message for the Carnival’s agents – an offer made in gratitude for laying low those who would have seen the Shaitan laid low. The Carnival presumably wishes to grow and strike down the privileged, and the Shaitan can assist in this.

Prior non-interference stands, but as a thank-you for hitting the Saints, I’m offering you Territory 37 uncontested by me… assuming the Legion doesn’t take it. I’ll lean on the Golden Guards and promise destruction if they take it, and I’ll leave it up to you to negotiate mustering through the Golden Guards.

I may even have another offer for expansion for you… but I’m waiting on a response from the GM there, that would be something for next turn.

I’m also promising not to mess with the House of Spider, if you have any interest in confederating them.

The Legion’s soldiers find only ruins and corpses in East Tarbent, once a seat of privilege and prosperity. In the violent red light of the rift that has consumed Lower Tarbent, mocking laughter can be heard echoing over the ward.

2022-09-08, 11:03 AM
Early in the morning, a small set of workers from Hemminghock venture out to the side of the courthouse and deftly cut out the wood that the message has been scrawled out on. By an hour before noon it's been replaced with a new section of wall, and by noon itself the seams where the cuts were made on each side are covered with tasteful comissioned banners showing some of the history of Hemminghock. Rolling fields of wheat and mesas unlike any around Ardakand.

A small boat is sent into the river between distrcts and a messenger throws up a package onto the street controlled by the Bloodsworn, butrefuses to go up to deliver by hand.

Fancy tricks, but please avoid leaving marks on the archetecture. Anyhting y'all do freaks everyone out and it's bad for productivity to have everyone stopping for a prayer the second they walk past a side street.

As for your point, I don't reckon the Saints have a problem with the wings but I'll ask. Aside from that, the main issue is that you might be misunderstandin' our point. We ain't completely neutral, we're in the market of keeping people around. If you end up as desperate as the Saintswe'll tell the city that you've been banished and that there ain't no point in crushing something when another threat is looming it's head.

Defunct covens, clans and legions don't buy things afterall.

Are the Saints good for Ardakand? Probably. Only thing that should be immortal is a well-built business, but stepping in to prevent the Carnival from swingin' for round 2 is more about keepin' a client happy. Ya know?

Speakin' of which, we imagine you're in the market for some marchandise. If you're interested we can push things over the bridge if you make us a decent offer. Usually looking for arms and armaments this early on in the process.

OOC: Mostly interested in building stats in exchange for temp mil at the moment, but if you have a different idea I'm all ears.

2022-09-08, 10:43 PM
Gudite Warband

Solyom had been having a rough day, for a rough week that almost made it up to a rough month, if one was particularly poised to look at things poorly. And it had started off so well too, the people of the city were receptive to the Pantheon, or at least to the handouts that came to those with open ears, and it was his version that they seemed the most attentive to.

That much would have been fine if he was just a demagogue, as he was just 2 decades ago, so much of his time was spent ranting in a theater or a temple’s hall, because if enough people heard him all would be well or so he expected, but those days were long past…

He was now an “adventurer” and his prize was lost, he was a gardener, yet the cave fungus he was keeping seemed like they didn’t really need him, growing healthy and strong even when he left for the “adventure”. Above this he was a head of church for all intent and purposes, no faction was as united as his, but so many problems came with it. For the gods were just as far here as in their land (which is to say, not that much) and right as the dead feuded in his dreams he had lost contact.

Today he sat and meditated in an attempt to regain it, to no avail. And he knew there'll be none, he had chosen these lodgings for the fragile veil he found there, but now wasn't even capable of feeling the beyond, at least not whitout great rituals.

He felt steps outside though, a reminder that he had other, more mundane roles in his life… Alright, maybe no more mundane than gardening.


Delilah was having a mediocre day, which was a hefty downgrade from her excellent last month, The speed of her and Jahangir’s research thanks to the black stone only barely outpaced the quick learning of their students, who arduously devoured the basics and -Delilah remembered with a proud smile- had to be restricted in their purchases after a few accidents from their independent experiments.

The family was doing well in their new quarters sun side of Eirniash’s market, and as they (or anyone else for that matter) used the bridge, the usual Toll keepers were accompanied by hulking (if rough) sentinel golems, her sentinel golems.

She found herself miffed though, and by a sort of inertia soon walked through Solyom’s door, who pretended to not hear her as she made her way in front of him, waving a hand in front of unblinking eyes and disappointedly sitting down to thinker with a few bits and pieces.

Solyom thought of scaring her, but unable to really see the object properly decided to not risk the harm to his house a wrong movement of her hand may cause. With that in mind, he changed postures and awaited patiently for a suitable time to call her attention. Luckily it didn't take too long for her to notice his movement.

-Sol! Finally awake, what are we eating?

It took some restraint for the priest’s eyes to not reach back around from below.

-Running out of food with your responsabilities is a little too careless.

-Not out of it, just don’t feel like cooking.

-Buy some bread then.

-...Lone bread?

- Is what you’ll get here… Could be eating at Daghir's too, another fight?

-No, no, not this time, just busy, thinks she can teach the beastmen some of her secret punching. That skinny bodyguard…

-Dorian, and you are skinnier, but do go on.

-Right, Dorian told me it’s not really going well, so you know, she may as well be unreachable until there are results or there is an emergency.

Solyom nodded, while many said he embodied the pantheon in some ways, and he denied, there was no question Daghir was a paragon of Gulldr’s values… the good and the bad.

He stood up to the kitchen and moved the conversation away from the topic before any rants (on his part) about the othodox Western religion (in comparison to the teachings brought with them).

- What’s that?

- Ughh, don’t get me started

- Well…

- You know this Hemmingcock people?

Solyom smiled -never heard of them

- Really?... oh right, ha...ha, I’m being serious here, this right here - She waved at the set of steel bits and pieces she had been fiddling with- Is a gun, well, it used to be one anyway, one of the bridge guards from the library had it, and I kept my eye out, on the way here, several more did too.

- So? one of the leaders probably bought in bulk, what’s the issue?

-What’s the issue? look, the gun is decent enough, I’ll grant, not my specialty, but my artillery guy seemed to like it, but after having inspected it, I can say with full confidence that's because it has to be good to amazing, because of this! -She raised a small bit of dust with her hand, about half falling off due to the sudden motion- This powder is horrible, abyssmal, may as well be dirt! Here I am, refining the best gunpowder in the city, if not in the empire! and some ungrateful wannabe Daghir goes and buys this crap!!?? not to mention all the others buying this travesty.

-Mmm… I can imagine how you’d be annoyed, so let me take your mind off it, how do you feel about house Arannea?

-Never heard of them -...- Just kidding, creepy, don’t really like spiders for a start, nor the undead for an end, they were quite chummy with the alchemist’s guild in Rialta, at least here I get to ignore them.

Solyom stepped away from the cooking pot and reached for a couple of scrolls engraved with the heraldry of two very particular families. With a bit of self satisfaction he threw them Delilah’s way.

-Daghir is busy, but she trusts you, so I’ll let you pick one, and I'll get the other.

Delilah didn’t quite catch on with just the heraldry, but quickly grimaced when she read the names of those who wrote them, and after much pondering chose House Aranea.

-Excellent choice... I forgot to mention, that one constitutes a visit to the honored dead halls.- Delilah gulped- And we’ll be having stew.

Most of the rest of Delilah’s afternoon was spent mulling over her choice, tinkering with the “borrowed” firearm, and prodding Solyom for which option he disliked (he had to dislike one, terrible people they were). At the end of the day Delilah had her choice, and incidentally was fully convinced someone’s god had it out for her. Solyom, for his part, could at least begin to tolerate how bad the week had been so far.

Morale: 6
Rep: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian


Greetings Miss Heminghock,

Please, given some of the neighbours around, we couldn't ask for anyone better than your kin. I'll even reciprocate the offer if anyone causes you trouble. As for the payment, we'll take some workforce to build shrines with(Inv) then, and please do let us hear your offers.

Destia's bounty,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Greetings snake-kin,

Congratulations on your bounty, and thanks for the help sealing the rift, Charkrand has become a hotspot of sorts between us and the Witch doctors, but we'd be open to helping you find things further east, at the very least we can tell anyone who may need to know of it.

We intend to take the ruins in Khudara (7), as our geomancers benefit from distance. In the same way, we need your own craft to head east, in particular near the eye of heaven, so do let us know if it is available.

Gulldr's warmth,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

OOC: taking over the Shaitan's old turf in Khudar, you still get the top though, troops on the ground is 90% of ownership if you want some land in Charkrand (though let me know so I can have you not crash with the witch doctors). And I'll like to buy some midturn art for portals, since I want to do a full 15 inv clear and that kind of puts a damber on them, do let me know what you want out of it.

Warm greetings cousin Arsat,

Although our reception by the weaver's could have been better, once we started talking all is good, and the beastmen have been nearly as kind as you.

Be our guest, we would not impede you to reach a friend, same for the mills, our eye goes further east, even if it has the same concerns. As for any deals, you'll have to excuse us until I can commute, I don't know if you share the god of the sky cousin but ours are far and I wouldn't make such without at least a bit of their input.

Songs born of Eirn,
Solyom, Leviatan.

OOC: Totally interested in buying the permanent stats, but I'll get back to you after midturn.

A falcon is sent back, dropping a paper tied to a stone, with a single phrase "We will consider it."


High lords of the Aranea,

Your kind words and gaze honour us, and one of the best amongst our number will join you, let such a step guide us to further cooperation.

Songs born of Eirn,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

OOC: PM approved, Delilah to be sent.

2022-09-09, 05:11 AM
House Aranea [PM]

The Witch-Doctors

The Trickster's Vessel is lead into Sempiterne with some secrecy, through a quiet side door, and then down an increasingly complex system of barely-lit corridors, into the underground. Finally, there is an open chamber in the maze: two figures are here: one quite obviously a skeleton, with only scraps of skin clinging to it, but wrapped in white, almost translucent silk, and decorated with a dazzling amount of golden jewelry and a crown with eight thin points, made to resemble spider legs. The other is a young woman, perhaps twenty years old, kneeling at the skeleton's feet.
"This one is Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea, speaking through her chosen vessel, Yupanqui Kukuyu. We welcome you, Trickster, and your chosen vessel.”
After greetings are exchanged, the young woman continues to speak, though so far as can be told, the skeleton above her has not moved, spoken, communicated in any way.
"We have invited you here to talk to you about the Sky, and the Empire. The great Khan founded the Empire on the principle that all, whether they are humans, gods or spirits, should bow to him, and his Sky God. One of the first to be conquered by him was the Honoured Spider, our God, who once ruled this city. And for hundreds of years, that's how it was: we were conquered, and our god had to serve the Sky. Now, the Empire has lost the Mandate of Heaven. This is our chance: we would break the Sky's hold on the Empire entirely. Free men and gods and spirits from his tyranny.
Your spirits are powerful, and they are free, or they have been so far. If the Mandate of Heaven is restored, then the Sky will return to full power, if the Sky returns to full power and once again acts through an Emperor with his favour, he would once again be an immortal tyrant enslaving all other spirits. Including yours. The Baron, the Trickster... they would be enslaved by the Sky. So we wish to ask you directly: would you help us fight for freedom?"

OOC: You receive a free 2 t.mil for use this turn, for agreeing to meet them. This is a unit of Ruinwalkers, silent, heavily armed, masked soldiers who are rumoured to be undead.

Tthe Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Cousin Rao is lead into Sempiterne with some secrecy, through a quiet side door, and then down an increasingly complex system of barely-lit corridors, into the underground. Finally, there is an open chamber in the maze: two figures are here: one quite obviously a skeleton, with only scraps of skin clinging to it, but wrapped in white, almost translucent silk, and decorated with a dazzling amount of golden jewelry and a crown with eight thin points, made to resemble spider legs. The other is a young woman, perhaps twenty years old, kneeling at the skeleton's feet.
"This one is Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea, speaking through her chosen vessel, Yupanqui Kukuyu. We welcome you, Cousin Rao, vessel of the Flesh."
After greetings are exchanged, the young woman continues to speak, though so far as can be told, the skeleton above her has not moved, spoken, communicated in any way.
"We have invited you here to talk to you about the Sky, and the Empire. The great Khan founded the Empire on the principle that all, whether they are humans, gods or spirits, should bow to him, and his Sky God. One of the first to be conquered by him was the Honoured Spider, our God, who once ruled this city. And for hundreds of years, that's how it was: we were conquered, and our god had to serve the Sky. Now, the Empire has lost the Mandate of Heaven. This is our chance: we would break the Sky's hold on the Empire entirely. Free men and gods and spirits from his tyranny.
You, Cousins, represent a puzzle to us. Even with our collected experience, we Ancients do not know exactly whom you serve, though we have some ideas. Until now, you have managed to keep free of the Sky's attention, but if the Mandate is reinstated, if the Sky returns to full power and once again acts through an Emperor with his favour, you, too, would have to serve, now that you are acting in the open. Serve an immortal, divine tyrant. We think that, like the Spider, you would not wish to see yourself and your God enslaved again to the Sky. So we wish to ask you directly: would you help us fight for freedom? "

Gudite Warcamp

Delilah is lead into Sempiterne with some secrecy, through a quiet side door, and then down an increasingly complex system of barely-lit corridors, into the underground. Finally, there is an open chamber in the maze: two figures are here: one quite obviously a skeleton, with only scraps of skin clinging to it, but wrapped in white, almost translucent silk, and decorated with a dazzling amount of golden jewelry and a crown with eight thin points, made to resemble spider legs. The other is a young woman, perhaps twenty years old, kneeling at the skeleton's feet.
"This one is Sinchi Quirquylur Goldenstar, High Lord of the Aranea, speaking through her chosen vessel, Yupanqui Kukuyu. We welcome you, Delilah Fairweather, Geomancer of the Gudites."
After greetings are exchanged, the young woman continues to speak, though so far as can be told, the skeleton above her has not moved, spoken, communicated in any way.
"We have invited you here to talk to you about the Sky, and the Empire. The great Khan founded the Empire on the principle that all, whether they are humans, gods or spirits, should bow to him, and his Sky God. One of the first to be conquered by him was the Honoured Spider, our God, who once ruled this city. And for hundreds of years, that's how it was: we were conquered, and our god had to serve the Sky. Now, the Empire has lost the Mandate of Heaven. This is our chance: we would break the Sky's hold on the Empire entirely. Free men and gods and spirits from his tyranny.
You are foreigners, and newcomers to this city. You have not seen it under the Mandate, and your gods have never been servants. But if the Mandate is reinstated by those who are loyal to the Sky... then the Sky will once again have a Vessel-Emperor to enact his will upon Earth. We will once again have an immortal, eternal, divine tyrant, who rules over all other gods and spirits. And now that you are here, he would not spare your Gods. He would try to extend his domain over Gulldr, too, as he has over the Gods of so many other peoples before.
So we wish to ask you directly: Would you fight with us, for our freedom and that of our gods? To prevent the return of the Tyrant Sky?"

St. Justicar
2022-09-09, 10:11 AM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

Inhuman – Spiritual – Heroic

Morale 10

Friend Snake!

Have asked wolf-priests, and they have agreed to let us pass through their territory for trade and peace. So, I am wondering if you are in need of aid or help in becoming establish properly, given the angry ghosts in university with you. If you think we can make deal, I would be happy to, take look?

-Cousin Arsat

So, offering the following

-1 point of permanent Eco or Art from you; 1 permanent point of anything from me + 1 temp morale to cover your transaction costs
-3 points of Eco, or 4 points of Art or Esp from your ; 1 permanent point of anything from me
-If you come across a god you think I’d find useful, depending on how good the pact would probably be willing to give you 1-3 permanent stat points for the chance to take it
-If you find any nexuses, would be willing to pay extremely well for the route to them.

Better deals potentially available for long-term trading partners and those who do good for the City


An uneducated observer might have thought that Cousin Rao’s attendant was their bodyguard – certainly, the acolyte was a broader, taller and more surefooted than his charge. (Of course, anything Rao needed protection from wouldn’t be much phased by one burly former dockworker.)

When the two of them were led into the audience chamber, the acolyte rather froze up for a moment taking in his surrondings. When he recovered, he gave a hurried and awkward bow to the skeleton. Rao, for their party, just swayed slightly where they stood.

When Yupanqui Kukuyu finished speaking there was a pause, just long enough to be awkward, and then Rao began to reply, a human voice overlaid with the chattering of a dozen dozen squirming rodents, their chorus somehow matching and amplifying its words.

“a garden burned and butchered life slain and bound within its rotting corpse tyrants of shadow and sky enemies of the bloom we would not see them return we would be free to grow and build and you to hunt and weave”

After a moment of silence, the acolyte supplied “Cousin Rao is intrigued by what you might have planned, and probably willing to help, honoured Elder”

Passing, beyond being super curious to find out what god I’ll get

2022-09-09, 11:38 AM
Gudite Warcamp

Rep: barbarian-spiritual-Martial

Delilah followed along with a reasonable facade of confidence, carrying a small puzzle box on her hands as she was led in, in the hopes that they'll be left supiscious of it if she didn't pull it out midway through.

She got far more antsy when she caught sight of the skeleton, and began working the puzzle in her hands, making sure to look at the pair (in the middle of them, she wasn't quite sure who to make eye contact with), and bowing slightly at the introduction.

"That'd be Fairway... Your highness" She put much thought on what Daghir would do while the representative of Aranea spoke, she came prepared for a trade agreement, a recognition of vassaldom if Aranea knew their place not something like this, she didn't really have gods, beyond a prayer here and there for good luck or blending in, and to make things worst her puzzle was nearly done (or at least it felt that way). Nearly at the same time as they finished speaking and after two repeats on her mind to get them right, she replied "We would oppose a rising hegemon of course, and would appreciate your help while doing it. But given that the warbands lean so far from the sky anyway, I assume you didn't call us just for something so reactive..."*

*Dunno if you are doing the LTPs before confederation thing, but this is me trying to get them to spill it if we are.

2022-09-09, 05:01 PM
The Baron would see himself as Emperor, but that is a fool's dream. And truly he is a fool, for he trusted me to bargain on his behalf. And so I shall:

He will stand by my word. And my word is:

The Loa stand with you!

If you feel a debt to us, we will accept payment in the form of military aide, should that medium be acceptable. We appreciate your attitude of rectitude, it is a credit to your house.

2022-09-09, 05:51 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

To the Baron,

We apreciate the offer. But sadly lack the ability to make use of it now. As much as the Shaitan are a scourge on the city they are also very powerful, and we lack the numbers to assault them alone.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Dear Sally McMonahan,

We would be happy to provide you access through our neiborhoods as our cooperation last month was quite gratifiying. In fact we are in need of some additional coin this month. So please let us know if you require our services.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Most righteous Flamen Caelestis,

Our shamans have reported that progress on the project is proceeding well. We are glad of that. However we find the events in the High Fane most unfortunate. Truly we did not expect the Shaitan to be able to traverse the Spirit World like that. We would move to rectify the situation if you would allow it.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

2022-09-09, 08:03 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Targeting the Bloodsworn Shaitan this turn, obviously.

Very curious what god I end up getting.

2022-09-10, 01:15 AM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 7
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Greetings Rift Sealers,

We are sorry about the mix up in communications. If we knew you would be contesting the rift we could have coordinated.

However things seem to be working out for us at least in this section of the city. Are we still good to take (12) and (6)? We do not wish to impose and we understand things have changed since last month.

Also, as our public message states, if you find the attentions of a god you do not wish. As for our priests they will most likely be sent out in return for gods to feed Fuxi, Contact us.

Greetings my Earthy Friends,

Your deal is very enticing. We would take advantage of that at any other time but are very strapped this month for resources. We would counter with another offer that if you find the attentions of a god that does not fit your style we will willingly pay for its attention.

We will be interested in your deals next month?


As you can see with our public message we are looking for gods and willing to make deals so we are open to this. We would be willing to make you a portal or send you priests to use. We could also offer the knowledge of your enemies to you for several months if you wish.

Also we would like to confirm that you are indeed leaving our ward this month for more fertile lands?

Greetings Residents of the Great City,

It has come to our attention that a great eclipse is coming to the city! While we are excited about the opportunities this may bring the Great Fuxi we know there are many that come to the unwilling attention of the gods. We descendants of the Great Fuxi are very skilled in the ways of making the most of unwanted gods!

If you have a gods attention that you do not wish for then contact us and we will offer a tidy sum or another deal in return!

If you don't want your god this midturn then contact us. We want it.

2022-09-10, 01:57 PM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

Not doing anything this midturn.

2022-09-10, 03:07 PM
House Aranea

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [PM]
Yupanqui Kukuyu pauses for a second, closing her eyes, before replying.
"The honoured High Lord Goldenstar says that it is not feasible to strike at the Sky itself. The gods are too distant and that particular one too strong. And even those gods who have been slain always return, in time.

No, what we must do is remove their servants, the Flamen and the Pontifex, preferably before they join any of the rising factions in the city. Of course, openly striking at these servants of the divine and the empire would be unwise. The Sky still commands the largest religion in the city, and the population would likely rise up and lynch us, if they saw as strike at the heart of all that is pure and right in the city.

We have, however, developed an alternative plan. Clan Fuxi has recently demonstrated a very interesting new technique, which we think could be combined with some traditions of the Weaver's Guild..."

OOC: House Aranea has an ambitious plan for an LTP that would allow them to replace certain NPCs with copies, instead of just assassinating them. This would have the effect of keeping the assassination secret, for a while (though not forever, there is an increasing chance the deception would be spotted) and weakening any actions the doppelgänger is part of, as well as providing leverage for infiltration.
They will need mainly ESP for this. A lot of ESP. ART would work too.

Also, they are offering you two temporary stat points of your choice between Mil, Esp or Mor this turn for the PM. Please indicate your choice.
Alternatively, they can offer you access to their 10 ESP to read messages of one faction of your choice.

The Gudite Warcamp [PM]

Yupanqui Kukuyu pauses for a second, closing her eyes, before replying.
"Nothing reactive, no. We have a plan prepared. Now, you must first understand that we aren't talking about a new Hegemon rising. Merely a new name on an old tradition, a new vessel for a tyrannical sky god who has been doing this for centuries. But the God itself can not be removed. Such a thing has been tried, and it has proven impossible. Someone will take the title of Emperor of the Sky, ruling from the Throne of Heaven and Earth, and it would be the Sky ruling things once again, as it always has.

No, what we must do is remove their servants, the Flamen and the Pontifex, preferably before they join any of the rising factions in the city. Of course, openly striking at these servants of the divine and the empire would be unwise. The Sky still commands the largest religion in the city, and the population would likely rise up and lynch us, if they saw as strike at the heart of all that is pure and right in the city.

We have, however, developed an alternative plan. Clan Fuxi has recently demonstrated a very interesting new technique, which we think could be combined with some traditions of the Weaver's Guild..."

OOC: House Aranea has an ambitious plan for an LTP that would allow them to replace certain NPCs with copies, instead of just assassinating them. This would have the effect of keeping the assassination secret, for a while (though not forever, there is an increasing chance the deception would be spotted) and weakening any actions the doppelgänger is part of, as well as providing leverage for infiltration.
They will need mainly ESP for this. A lot of ESP. ART would work too.

Also, they are offering you two temporary stat points of your choice between Mil, Esp or Mor this turn for the PM. Please indicate your choice. Alternatively, they can offer you access to their 10 ESP to read messages of one faction of your choice.

The Witch Doctors [PM]

Yupanqui Kukuyu pauses for a second, closing her eyes, before replying.

"The High Lord Goldenstar is amused and delighted at your assent, before you even know the plan. Let us tell you, then.

You must be aware how exceptionally difficult it is to permanently remove even a minor spirit. Nevermind a god as major as the Sky. The High Lords have contemplated this for centuries, and discarded such plans. The Sky itself can not be touched.

What we must do is remove their servants, the Flamen and the Pontifex, preferably before they join any of the rising factions in the city. Of course, openly striking at these servants of the divine and the empire would be unwise. The Sky still commands the largest religion in the city, and the population would likely rise up and lynch us, if they saw as strike at the heart of all that is pure and right in the city.

We have, however, developed an alternative plan. Clan Fuxi has recently demonstrated a very interesting new technique, which we think could be combined with some traditions of the Weaver's Guild..."

OOC: House Aranea has an ambitious plan for an LTP that would allow them to replace certain NPCs with copies, instead of just assassinating them. This would have the effect of keeping the assassination secret, for a while (though not forever, there is an increasing chance the deception would be spotted) and weakening any actions the doppelgänger is part of, as well as providing leverage for infiltration.
They will need mainly ESP for this. A lot of ESP. ART would work too.

Also, they are offering you two temporary stat points of your choice between Mil, Esp or Mor this turn for the PM. Please indicate your choice. Alternatively, they can offer you access to their 10 ESP to read messages of one faction of your choice.

The Temple of the Sky to the Heron [10]
Honored Adovate Minoo

There is nothing we would more wish to see. Of course we are granting you any access you need. We do not allow you to pass through, we beg you to do so and cleanse the Fane.

Your servant,
The Flamen Caelestis

2022-09-10, 03:30 PM
The Witch-Doctors would like Mil from House Aranea in exchange for the private message.

Midturn actions-

The Witch-Doctors start raising a portal to map area 12 in Charkand, across the bay from the Mire. This area was set aside for them by the Gudites and they intend to use it as a staging ground for future actions. This action costs 4 INV.

The Baron commits his 3 ECO to delving, as well as an additional 2 MIL and 5 INV.

2022-09-10, 03:33 PM
The Legio Aquila to the Golden Guard [8]

Hail, Chemosh, Leader of the Guardians

Of course. Perhaps, instead of assisting with a training, we should work out a way for some of your golems to join the patrolling units as heavy support. Details, I am sure, that can be worked out.

Let us instead come to the other point of your message, that being a proper budget, and the exact plan of what we are trying to put in place.

We intend to revive an old tradition in the city that has not been in effect for centuries, that of a dedicated internal city militia. Reclaiming the rights of the city militia would not only allow us to have forces that patrol all districts without violating the prohibition against legion troops entering the city, it would also allow us to set up watch stations at regular intervals in the city, at least one in every ward. While we would not have troops present everywhere, of course, and not a full force, it would still allow us to much more quickly to various emergencies. Please find more detailed plans attached.

Your Servant and the City's,
legate Aurelius

OOC: The LTP they are proposing would allow the Legion (and whoever confederates with them) to largely ignore distance penalties for straight military attacks, due to both having experience in rapidly moving through the city and advance troops already in place. Additionally, it should allow them to move forces through the city much more stealthily, if necessary, allowing them to hide the fact that they are mustering.

To finalize this, they would need an additional 30 MIL, though as with all LTPs, ART can be substituted. Upon completion, they would be willing to Confederate.

2022-09-10, 05:01 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

That is acceptable, we will discuss your compensation later.

Using the 4 Inv now and the information, will either compensate you with a god or by other means of your choice, to be determined later.

Reminder that passive defense has been boosted to 14, so midturn results should come as that (I think?).

Mustering to the Marble Ward.

Opening a portal from 48-2.

Opening a portal from 30-68 using the Inv provided by Clan Fuxi.

2022-09-10, 07:49 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Delve with 8 Inv, 1 t Inv, and Minoo T3 Inv VIP. Should be a total of 15.

Edit: Almost forgot. Spend 1 eco for the pact.

2022-09-10, 10:55 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 6

Reputation: Barbarian-Spiritual-Martial


Is hi...our bad, really, when we heard about your intent it was thought you'd send a small expedition to support the Hippo's forces, no one but Solyom feels strongly about the matter.

I personally appreciate the clever preparations. We are good for 6 and 12, as our previous deal delineated, we'll be sure to brief the other interested parties, hopefully there is no problem.

We'll be very skeptical of Imperial gods once your aid for our portals comes, be sure of it.

Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

noting on thread 4 Inv for a portal in exchange for a god or 4 stats, as agreed


Delilah took the chance to "surreptitiously" (she managed to avoid whistling), change her completed puzzle for a new one from her pocket during the tirade about the spider's powerlessness against the sky... She wasn't really liking the odds here, but her endgame was Daghir's so it really didn't matter what these gods were capable of, so long as it fit into less than Gulldr "You have our interest, if I lack the understanding Clan Fuxi may have on the details... We actually lack a lot of the understanding Clan Fuxi may have, if you could grant that for my visit"

OOC: taking the look at Clan Fuxi, I'd help make that LTP, so long as I know the cost and didn't know how to add this but if other factions don't just all want mil I'd like to buy the service of the leftover ruinwalkers for esp.


4 Mor to be sacrificed for the Belligerent Knight again, since Cultist is low and I half expect him to get cutesy and try to take it away. (will try to think of something interesting so we don't end up repeating)

Solyom (lvl 2 Inv) (4/15), 5 Inv (9/15) and 6 T.Inv (15/15, hit something).

Solyom is troubled, the loss of the heart, and the separation from the spiritual energy that so easily comes to him have weighted heavily on him, but as he has ever done, the Leviatan wanders on, the collection of Schisms generously called a clergy for the Warband right behind him in body, ritual and spirit, the only good thing they acquired from the heart endeavour (as far as he is concerned) travelling right behind him, in the form of the wretched spirits either born of that rift or molded into chaotic form by its energies, and in that malleable state easily used by the Gudite priests, accostumed to dealing with spirits with the subtlety of a hammer.

Opening a portal from 52 to 69 with 4 Inv that GoC is supposedly sending (paying with either the god or 4 stats).

The Gudites Muster to Khudara.

2022-09-11, 12:13 AM
Legio Cerberus

Morale 12

5 Inv to open a portal between 16 and 30

OOC: More messages and responses to come along tomorrow!

2022-09-11, 12:38 AM
Spending 3 ECO on the pact with LORD BUSINESS

Additionally mustering to DASHIR

2022-09-11, 05:22 AM
Midturn 3

Witch Doctors [2]
Portal opened from 2-12

With all major spirits absent from the Spirit world, the Baron takes the time to instead carefully map out some of the major pathways and connections between its many separate lands, which are well known to him, but shift and distort in respose to events in the real world. Nailing down exactly where the Hedge, the Mirror Lakes, the Long River or the Labyrinth are will make future exploration much easier.

Gain: 3 t.eco, 4 t.inv, 3t.art, 2 XP for the Baron
Progress on next major treasure: 7/10

The Bloodsworn Shaitan [14]
Portal locations not specified?

The Heron and the Hippo [5]


As the sun turns black in the Eclipse and invisible spirits pour out into the world of the living, Minoo takes the opportunity to try and map a part of the spirit world that is usually too dangerous to explore, but is now uniquely open. The border between the two worlds is described in many ways, as impressions of the spirit world are always personal and shifting. Some compare it to the still surface of a pond, a mirror, or a membrane. But most commonly, it is called the Hedge. Experienced travellers pass through it as quickly as possible, in less than a second, to reach the deeper reaches of the spirit world. It is a place of thorns and twisting, confusing corridors, that traps and weakens unprepared travellers until the roaming predator spirits find them.
These predator spirits are absent, haunting the mortal world instead. And so, with enough power to armour herself, Minoo plunges into the maze, through thorns, roots and branches, corridor after corridor, until she can map out the circular patterns that form shape of the labyrinth and lead her towards the center. It takes a weak, but finally, she finds it: a seemingly unremarkable knot of smooth roots, that forms the very heart of the Hedge, the one point in the labyrinth that is stable and never changes.
Holding this point could make it much easier to travel between the worlds in the future.

Gain 9 bonus XP on Minoo, 6 t.art, 2 t.eco, 1 t.inv
All danger negated by event, but still get bonus XP from one negated danger
Discovered: Heart of the Hedge, the Nexus of Invocation

Gudite Warcamp [6]


The spirit world is eerily silent. Empty landscapes where nothing moves, where even the trees are still and no wind stirs, all under the black sun of the eclipse. The Gudites and their spirit attendants move for what feels like weeks, encountering no one and nothing except empty forests, empty hills, empty grey beaches, even empty city streets. They pick up useful bits and pieces, anyway, but there is nothing major, nothing that seems to justify the expense.
Until, at the height of the eclipse, the party sees a distant light through the trees of an underwise unremarkable forest, red and yellow, flickering like firelight. There is a plant, growing in a beam of sunlight that falls through the canopy. A plant seemingly made of pure gold, wreathed in flame, carrying at its top a single, golden seed.

Gain: 4 t.inv, 5 t.art, 4 t.eco
Gain the Phoenix Seed (artifact):

The Phoenix Seed is a tiny, hard, golden kernel, not unlike a hazelnut in shape. It is permanently surrounded an orange-golden flame, which feels warm, but not painful to the touch. When put on a person's chest, the seed slowly, painlessly, merges into their flesh, until it finds their heart. From then on, the person with the heart is protected from injury and disease. And even more significantly: if the person carrying the seed should die, they will instead explode in a burst of white-hot fire, then be reborn from the ashes.
The seed is the subject of many legends, as the plant on which it grows bears fruit less than once a century. It has been carried by some of the most famous heroes of past centuries.

The Phoenix Seed is a piece of equipment that can be given to any VIP. While they have it, that VIP can not be injured in any way. Additionally, if that VIP is assassinated or otherwise dies, they are immediately reborn, negating the assassination, gain bonus XP equal to twice their tier and deal 2 points of attrition damage to whatever attacked them. This destroys the seed.

Legio Cerberus [12]

Portal Opened 16-30

The Shaitan are mustering to Marble Ward.
The Gudites are mustering to Khudara.
Hemminghock is mustering to Dashir.

EOT 3 is on Saturday, 17th of September, Midnight, American timezones, Sunday 18th of September late morning European timezones

2022-09-11, 08:41 AM

It is the day of the eclipse and the summer solstice, the longest day of year. For over fourteen hours, sunrise to sunset, a black sun hangs in the sky, the thin fiery circle of its corona barely illuminating Ardakand.
And as night falls, come the dreams.

The Witch Doctors [PM]
For once, the Baron finds himself exploring the spirit world as a mortal would, struggling against its dangers without any of his powers.
There is swampy ground, the mud knee-deep. Briar and bramble hedges form impenetrable walls, leaving only thin corridors, that wind and bend and seem to lead back in on themselves. Sometimes, when no one is watching, they seem to shimmer and divide or retreat, forming new walls and pathways.
It seems to take subjective weeks, struggling against the darkness and the clinging mud. But finally, the hedges open up, into a forest clearing.
A dark figure sits on the ground, between the trees. Its head is the skull of a gigantic stag, illuminated from within.
For a few minutes, it sits silently, then, finally, it speaks:
“Well. This is fortuitous. I would have expected a mortal to stumble in here, but then, they would hopefully have given up before reaching me.
Baron. I know you. You are one of us. You know the paths, here in the spirit world. Let me explain to you my problem.
This world is not made for mortals, as their world is not made for us spirits. And yet, they keep coming here, back and forth, back and forth, tearing holes through the veil to enter here. They are weakening the barriers between worlds too much, and it is my responsibility to prevent that from happening. You have found a way to exist on both sides, peacefully, without tearing more ho”


Feochadáin the Hedge-Keeper
Offering: while in a pact with the Hedge-Keeper, you must be more careful while delving into the spirit world. New, more complex rituals must be used, opening gates instead of just tearing the veil and stepping through, like most mortals would. Delving into the veil costs you an additional 2 inv or art every time.

Blessing: the Hedge-Keeper can choose to trap expeditions into the spirit world in his labyrinth when they cross over. Every midturn, you can give the Keeper a list of factions. If those factions send an expedition to delve the spirit world this midturn and they roll any danger, they will be trapped. The stats will be unusable until the next turn’s midturn, and any rewards or dangers will only be brought back then. The Hedge-Keeper can also tell when mortals use the spirit world to travel: you are informed of all portals that are opened at midturn.

The Golden Guard [PM]

The mountainside is barren and scorching hot, so that even with the gentle slope, the climb is exhausting. Black clouds reflect the fires that smoulder on the peaks, and behind them, the sky is a metallic, burnished bronze. Weird echoes haunt the dreamer at every step: the turning of wheels, the clanging of unseen hammers, distant shouts and breaking rocks.
Between the peaks, there is a calmer oasis. Cool water collects in pools, occasionally hissing as white-hot metal is quenched. There it stands, the nexus of all activity, a hundred metal arms holding a hundred tools, each forging, quenching, melting, hammering, engraving, writing, never resting, around a body like a living fortress.

“The united Empire has divided. In time, it will reunite. You must know that there is joy in destruction, for it clears the way for a new creation to follow. Now, the board is cleared, and it is time to rebuild, greater than ever. There are a thousand things we must do, and no time for any of them. You are a creator, and we will act together, to build something grander than ever before."


Nuska Hundred-Hands [PM]
Legend: Hundred-handed Nuska, Lord of the Forge, is the patron of craftsmen and scholars of all kinds, especially engineers, architects and traveling journeymen, but more generally anyone who invents and tinkers. He is often said to hold a different tool in each of his hands, and with each hand to engage in a different project, never resting and his priests and followers, likewise, are encouraged to always engage in many projects, and to only ever lay down one project to start a new one.
Nuska is one of the oldest known gods and his worship goes back further than written history and has endured many regime changes and conquests, likely because his religion is eminently pragmatic, useful and apolitical. In many cultures it is regarded as a benevolent deity that taught a number of abilities to humans when in truth it just spread what was learned in its travels around. Trading a new fishing technique for the construction of terraces, paving roads to properly make a rare wine and leaving as the stories told by whoever received it inevitaby brought its interest elsewhere.

Offering: Nuska, Lord of the Forge requires excellence in all things, efficiency and perfection. Every turn, you must spend 1 art and 1 eco on maintenance of your existing possessions.

Blessing: while you have a pact with Nuska, for every three stat points you invest in an LTP, generate one extra temporary stat point, which must be invested in a different LTP immediately. This LTP must be one that was started this turn, as Nuska for ever has a thousand new ideas, many of which never get finished. However, he is also an excellent master of fortifications and fortresses and lets you invest your artifice into passive defense as if it was morale.

The Heron and the Hippo [PM]
The landscape here is flat. Incredibly flat., certainly flatter than anything in the mortal world could ever be. More than that. The ground is flat, made of up squares of black and white, some thirty feet long on a side, giving the impression of an enormous chessboard. There are trees, but they, too, are perfectly regular: each of the same size, each at the same position in a square. The sky, too, is an uninterrupted blue with no sun or moon, making it impossible to tell the time. However, the God does not let you wait long: Two colossal shapes, one black, one white, appear in the sky, mere minutes after your arrival. In shape they are somewhat reminiscent of chess figures: featureless warriors, all smooth surfaces.
“Ah, adventurers”, they speak, in unison. “I must say, I do have a certain interest, in your kind. Always heading into danger, barely prepared, struggling against impossible odds… very intriguing. These are very opposite to my own nature. But you have not come to hear me talk. You have come for a contract. I already have terms prepared.”


Kives, the Planner
Legend: Kives is most commonly revered as the god of planning and logistics. He has no fervent believers, but his blessing is said to be indispensable for the smooth operation of any complicated project. He is the Remover of Obstacles, the Opener of the Ways, worshipped by middle manager and planners of all kinds: architects, engineers, traders, supply officers all make sure to leave offerings for Kives before any major operation.

Offering: Kives’ rituals are deliberate, regular and well-planned. His priests require one 1 t.eco and 1 t.morale every turn.

Blessing: With Kives’ help, everything goes just a bit more smoothly, especially long-term operations. Whenever you plan an action over several turns by banking stats, you ignore distance penalties on that action. Additionally, whenever you would suffer stat damage while exploring, delving or helping with an out-of-city event, ignore the first such damage. Finally, all your contributions to events outside the city count as 33% more stat points.

The Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [PM]

The air is cool and fragrant, smelling of fresh leaves and healthy earth and the odour of the lilacs that cascade down from the branches in waves. The roots are covered in deep moss, soft and yielding like pillows. The canopy is open to the blue sky, warm sunlight dappling the ground between the trees. It is a perfect summer afternoon and soon, the dreamer is yawning, fighting the urge to lie down in the soft vegetation.
Then, the largest of the trunks opens eyes in a motherly face and smiles down at the dreamer, who can hear a deep, kindly voice resonating in their heads.
“Ah, it has been a long time since we had guests, here in the green heart. We barely remember when it was that mortals did not dare to walk in the deep woods, without the fire of the lords and ladies on their brow to light the way. But you, you are ambassadors yourself. We can see our distant cousin in you, and you have nothing to fear from us.”
For minutes, she says nothing.
“We have felt ages come, and go. Almost all is dark and silence, to us now, in the other world. Our kindred no longer speak to us. Tell, Cousin, what has become of them? Where are Pachamana, and Herkynia, Berstoc and Arayavi? Even kind Eithne has been silent for years, the last who spoke to us.”
A long silence, again.
“Perhaps the language of fire and water is no longer spoken, in the world. Perhaps the Ghostwise no longer stride the sky, and the wild hunt has failed. All the Earth is mankind’s now, and their god’s, and all our kin are dead.
Cousin, we must know. We must know if any of our kind remain, hidden or sleeping. You must bear one of our children. We know you, you are kind, and careful, you can nurture it, that it may grow, and seek them out, and speak to us of what has happened, in this age and the last.”

https://www.pinterest.de/pin/AUz_LgMS9b4vdcmGTY0updFp4OdbZmIMuSKK595vN25Rgzbr7U aii44/

Offering: The Mothergreen expects regular reports on what her child has learned in the mortal world. These cost 1 inv per turn to move, and 1 art or 1 esp to compile.

Blessing: You are give a seed, that, when planted in any district you control, will grow into a new genius loci in short time. Every turn, its roots will spread further, covering more districts, unseen under the ground. The number of covered districts doubles every turn, spreading to neighboring districts at random, so that in about six turns, the entire city will be covered. The roots are a vast sensory network, gathering information for you. You gain one infiltration point for every district controlled by another faction that has roots spreading through it. Additionally, portals you open from any infested district to another have their cost halved (rounded down, minimum 0.)
Every turn, there is a small, but increasing chance that the infested factions will notice the weird root network growing in their districts, at which point, they can choose to remove them by spending 1 mil or art per district.

The Bloodsworn Shaitan
The mangroves are alive with the chirping and buzzing of insects and the warbling cries of birds. Crabs scuttle over the roots and snakes slither across the brown and green surface. It is early morning, with the sun rising blood-red in the distance, and the last wisps of mist burning away over the waters. Between them, perfectly still like a green mountain rising over the lazy currents, rests the toad. It snores, heavily, perfectly unaware of the dreaming spirits.
Hours pass, until the noonday sun warms the air, unpleasantly damp, filled with mosquitoes and stinging flies. Then, only, it stirs, opening black and golden eyes, themselves deep as ponds.
“Ah”, it finally croaks. “You have come to bother me. Or slay me, perhaps? Go away. You have nothing I want, and you won’t listen to my advice anyway. You are single-minded, you know what you want, there is no introspection in one such as you. You will not change your minds, or yourself, and there are no fairy tales told about spirits of vengeance talking to wise old animals.”
The eyes close and it sinks deeper into the mud.
Hours more pass, the sun setting and a cold moon rising. Again the eyes open.
“If you won’t leave me alone, at least take some of my children. There’s far too many of them already, and they can bother you for a while, instead.”


Legend: Old Toad is a very minor spirit, who features almost exclusively in parables for children, where it dispenses advice to passing heroes about where to go, or which mystical items to search. On some brave fairy tale heroes, it bestows the ability to breathe underwater, to find mystical kingdoms at the bottom of seemingly small ponds.

Offering: Old Toad is very humble, desiring only the digging of calm, shaded ponds for its many children. This costs one eco per turn in upkeep.

Blessing: Old Toad is a spirit of liminal spaces, where water and air, light and dark meet. The surface of its ponds are gateways into the spirit world. The cost of delving is reduced by 1 per 10 points invested. Additionally, it has the power of metamorphosis. At midturn, with an investment of 2 inv per tier, a VIP can change the paths of their lives and their learned skills, changing their associated stat. (Ex. a Mil 2 VIP could become an Eco 2 VIP for an investment of 4 inv.)

Slayers of the Silent Saints [PM]
Murky green water stretches to the horizon. Most of it is barely knee-deep, but it only takes a few unexpected muddy holes to make the dreamers wary anduntil they build a raft from the drifting logs. Life is abundant, the brackish water teeming with frogs and tortoises, water fowl and serpents in myriad colours that stand out all the brighter against the drab landscape.
Even after what feel like several days of poling the rafts along, no spirit appears. On the fifth day, though, an island appears, rising from the swamp: a round, steep, densely forested hill, the only feature so far that stands out anywhere in the otherwise featureless green landscape.
But before the expedition can set foot on the island, it begins to shake, and rises from the water. Birds explode into the air and the frogs protest the sudden wave that sweeps outwards.
An eye opens, larger than a man, filmy white with cataracts, likely blind.
A deep voice issues forth from the head:
“My Khan? Is that you? Has the time come again? Have you need of my children?”


Legend: When the Khan came to Ardakand, it was not the city it is today. There was the lone spire with the Eye of Heaven, there was the old districts and Sempiterne, but it was not yet a capital to rule the world from. The Khan transformed the city, building new, artificial islands around the old, to expand the city. There are some legends that say that he did this by summoning gigantic turtles from the deep waters, that carry the islands on their back, but this is of course pure peasant superstition.

Blessing: The World turtle offers you one of her children. Upon signing the pact, you may place a new ward on the city map. The ward consists of two empty districts, connected at one point to an outlying district of your choice. Since these districts are empty, they are extremely easy to settle, but also provide minimal rewards. They can be taken with an investment of only one point in any stat, but doing so gives no benefit except higher stat caps. These districts also feature no minor NPCs. Once per turn, at midturn, you may move the entire ward: move it to any location in the ocean around the city, then choose a new district it connects to (subject to DM approval, it has to fit on the map.) This can of course be used to change distance penalties for invasions or stat attacks. Alternatively, you can leave the ward unconnected, making the territories on it impossible to attack except by portal.

Offering: giant city-bearing turtles are very hungry. It costs two eco or artifice to feed the turtle every turn. Warning: fail to feed the turtle and it will move off to seek greener pastures, taking the entire ward on its back with it.

The Gudite Warcamp [PM]
The forest is ashen grey and dead, under a cloudy, sun- and moonless sky. The floor between the withered, twisted roots is made of sharp, white fragments, impossible to tell if rock or splintered bone. The god of this domain is seen and heard, long before it refuses to answer. A black shadow, somewhat less than mansized, it swoops down from the branches, to pick and dig at the hard ground, pulling out red scraps of meat, or shiny treasures, before retreating up into the sky with a hoarse cry. A dozen times it refuses the dreamer’s greetings, before it becomes apparent where its nest lies: a colossal tree, made easy to climb by the knots and twists in its ancient trunk.
The nest is colossal: the size of a plaza, or a temple. It is pure bone, but not grotesque: carefully, artfully woven together into spirals and arches, polished to a sheen. There are niches between the arches, each lit by a single candle, and bearing a single treasure: pearls and diamonds, amulets and rings of silver and gold, each carefully arranged.
The crow’s eyes are milky-white and blind, as it bobs its head at the approaching expedition, sitting on an elevated perch of ivory tusks and the colossal skull of some kind of sea mammal. When it speaks, its voice is hoarse and shrill:
“Ah. Mortals. Come to trade. Crow knows things. Lost things. Crow knows you. You found old stone. Was once Crow's stone. Is yours now, finder's keepers. We can trade more things."


Legend: Crow is a minor tribal spirit of the taigas and tundras, who follows in the wake of more powerful, warlike spirits like wolf or eagle and scavenges what they leave behind. Often despised as a coward and opportunist by warriors and rulers, crow is said to also possess shrewd intelligence and to know about all things lost or broken, so prayers to crow are often to help find lost things, be they travellers or treasures. Dedicated followers of Crow are few and far between, and a rather eclectic bunch: archaeologists, grave robbers and treasure hunters, thieves and travelers. As far as is known, no one has ever earned special glory in the name of the crow.

Offering: Crow loves anything shiny or secretive, and demands tribute in the form of 1 eco and either 1 art, esp or inv per turn.

Blessing: Factions that have a pact with crow gain 1 temporary stat point of the same kind whenever they take stat damage. Additionally, they gain the magical ability of ruin sifting: once per turn, the faction can survey the site of any previous action that resulted in stat loss, the death or injury of a VIP, or the sabotage or theft of an LTP or artifact. This surveying tells them the exact kind and number of all stats, VIPs, artifacts, LTPs and other relevant abilities that participated in that action. Finally, whenever an artifact is lost or destroyed, Crow takes possession of them, rewarding any faction it has a pact with with a number of temporary points of art or inv as appropriate to the status of the artifact, whether they were responsible for the loss or destruction or not.

Legio Cerberus [PM]

Waves tower to sky racing with radiant green clouds. Ships are torn asunder and islands slip into the waves. Stars streak across the sky and fall.
Then, there is a crash, and all stands still. A bolt of lightning has cleft the sea apart, two blue-black walls on either side. The lightning is a ladder, leading up, into the clouds, which are parting.
For just a second, everything becomes clear. The stars themselves are a pattern, woven into the firmament, the bolts of lightning fiery brushstrokes.

Legend: Theshera Stormweaver, the nine-eyed strategist, who dowses the tempest, queen of the heavens and the waters, whose sword cleaves the fog of war, is one of the highest and most respected goddesses in the empire. In her name, many wars had been won, and kingdoms forged. When the Khan came, bearing the name of the sky, she saw only bloody futures and surrendered.
Theshera is not a goddess of warriors, or soldiers, she is a goddess of leaders and strategists and her temples are not armories or arenas, but libraries. Her rituals are exclusive and secret, only attended by her priests and those her omens have declared worthy to be invited. She turns the weather in favour of her worshippers, and shows them the path to victory.


Offering: Theshera takes only the best. One VIP must be dedicated to her worship, exclusively, and may take no other actions. If that VIP is level one, they must study and improve themselves all the harder to please her, which costs an additional 1 art.

Blessing: Once per midturn, when you prepare an invasion, either by preparing an army to march, or by opening a portal, you gain 2 infiltration points against one of the factions about to be invaded, as Theshera lifts the fog of war and allows you to prepare.
Theshera also rewards careful preparation and strategy: when launching a stat attack or invasion, you gain a bonus on those actions equal to the number of infiltration points spent against that enemy the turn before or gained this midturn.
Additionally, every midturn, you may declare up to three districts you control as being under the influence of Theshera’s storms. These storms will be made public at midturn as roiling clouds, though it will not be announced what these do. You may declare any number of enemies. If those enemies engage in a stat attack or invasion that passes through or ends in one of the designated territories, they immediately (before the action is resolved) suffer 2 random stat points of attrition from the stats invested. Anyone not designated an enemy is spared.

Clan Fuxi [PM]
There is no ground here, only calm water, perfectly reflecting a cloudless sky, though under the dreamer’s feet, it seems as solid as rock. Bamboo stalks grow to just above head height, giving pleasant, dark green shade from the sun, which stands in the sky with the moon just beside it. The only sound are drops of dew falling from the leaves, casting ripples across the surface.
The goddess moves in the ripples and between them, sleek curves surrounding the party, before her head rises far above them, hood spread wide, blocking out the sun.

“Ah”, she says, her voice melodious, with only the faintest hint of a hiss.
“I was wondering when seekers would arrive. I know you. You serve my hungry cousin. It is that time, again, then the world sheds its skin, and grows a new one, when mortals seek answers in mysticism. Come, then, if you would learn, or serve me up to be devoured, if you must. The path is open to all.”


Legend: Yusamta, the white cobra, is the patron goddess of an order of errant mystics, oracles and healers, easily recognized by their broad, white hoods and their copious consumption of mystical herbs and smokes, which help them achieve deep trances.

Offering: Yusamta lives in the dreams of mortals, and that is where she takes her worshippers. Her priests spend hours in meditation under the influence of mystical herbs. This costs you 1 mor and 1 inv per turn.

Blessing: Yusamata grants the gift of dreamwalking, moving unseen through the city as an astral projection in sleep. You may add an equal amount of inv to any esp action. Yusamta also grants powers of healing: you may spend 1 point of art per two VIP tiers (rounded up) to cure an injured VIP at midturn, your own or someone else’s (with trade penalties). Finally, astral projection is a far safer way to explore the spirit world, as well: when a danger is rolled while delving, all damage is reduced by 1.

The Carnival of Chains [PM]

The land changes continually. As the dreamer watches, saplings burst from the soil, grow to fields, bushes, then forests, that grow dense and humid, before the trees begin to choke each other, then wither and dry out. Through the dying vegetation walks a colossal beast, made of flames, part stag, part bull, part horse. Where it walks, flames of fire consume the dying vegetation, leaving choking, white ash. But in its footsteps, amidst the flames, new saplings emerge, and the cycle changes again.

It watches the expedition, for a time that feels like days. Then, it speaks.
“Many would see only the chaos and devastation, now that the Mandate of Heaven has passed, and Imperium has fallen.The Empire was rotten, now it burns, but from the ashes, something new always arises. You have seen the rot, been part of it, fought against it. Now you can be fire, in my name, that burns the last vestiges of the old corruption, and clears space for the new growth.”


Offering: Ruairidh the God of Wildfire demands 1 t.morale and 1 t.eco every turn. An eternal fire must be lit in its name, and brought out into the city, constantly moving, as a torch relay, or a wagon, as long as it is sufficiently grand.

Blessing: You may convert up to 1 point of permanent stats to temporary stats every midturn, at a rate of 1:5 of the same stat. Additionally, whenever you destroy any enemy stat points, you gain 2 temporary stat point of the same kind the next turn.

The Hemminghock Company [PM]
The forest is freezing cold, with snow piling yards deep around the boles. Limbs become numb, and eyes and mouths freeze almost shut as rime builds up. But there is a light in the distance, a flickering flame promising warmth and safety.
It is a hide tent, almost buckling under the load of snow, but steaming hot between the fire and the piles of furs.
A creature sits in the middle, near the fire, hard to make out in the flickering light. Part woman, gravid and heavy on the furs, part furred and antlered animal.
“Be welcome.”, she says, as the expedition enters.
“It is good that you have come, you are not human, and, I hope, more open-minded to my offer. Warm yourself by my fire, and eat of my flesh.”
As she casts off the heavy furs and leathers, you see the truth of her: the furs, and the tent itself, are part of her. Underneath, fresh meat and dripping bone, as she grips handfuls with red claws, handing them over the fire.
“Eat, so I may enter you, and we become one.”


Legend: A goddess of the farthest North, the cannibalistic followers of Eanhauma the Caribou mother are both shunned by a disgusted society and invoked by mystery cultists who flock to her for lurid tales of bloodshed and taboo-breaking. The actual nature of her ceremonies is considerably less exciting, as she teaches the respectful and highly ritualized consumption of selected organs of the fallen, both respected enemies and honoured brothers. She simply teaches that killing is a necessary part of survival, and that it should be done with consideration and respect, and all parts of the kill should be used.

Offering: Ritualistic cannibalism is not popular. This costs 2 t.mor per turn, for the ceremonies.

Blessing: Your faction may eat the bones and organs of the dead, and gain insight in their lives. Whenever you deal stat damage to another faction or assassinate a VIP, gain that many infiltration points against that faction. Whenever you take stat damage, gain that much t.art.

2022-09-11, 08:48 AM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 7
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

Clan Fuxi is mustering to Khudara district and Charkrand District. Tamachi (Tier 2 Inv VIP) and Borte (Tier 2 Inv VIP) gp to the sprit world looking for opportunities this turn.

4 t. Inv is sent to Shaitan this turn for their use. Another 4 t. Inv sent to Gudites for their use.

1 t. Mor and 1t. Econ to the Heart for randomization.

Clan Fuxi will be making a Pact with Yusamta and not eating her.

St. Justicar
2022-09-11, 11:39 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Rao was silent for a long while. Well, not silent – the sound of scurrying and faint chattering within their robes was clear to everyone. Eventually, as a dozen pairs of murine eyes poked around the edges of their glossy bone mask, fur tangling with long and unwashed hair in the confines of their hood, they spoke again. They seemed positively agitated now, or maybe just enthusiastic. Words slurred and overlapped each other, rushing out in one great torrent.

”intrigues and conspiracies and schemes hierarchy suborned and the great chain unbound this is good the sun shrouded and silenced slaveless and starved but what but why but how will your shadow of death weave its lovely webs among life or ruin with princes and marionettes alike on its strings what will be the play”

The acolyte kneeling next to them took almost as long before he spoke, and he seemed less than entirely certain when he did. “Cousin Rao would very much like to support that project, Honored Elder. They would like some assurances as what you intend to do with the Flamen and Hierarch once they have been suborned, though. They want real cooperation, working together and making sure no one else ends up on top and calling the sun down. But they also want to know if whatever you’re doing will be, well, will we be able to doit again if we have to? And do you have any idea what it’s going to take?”

He looked at Rao again, intuiting some sign from the shifting of their heavy robe, and shrugged. “But they’re probably in. We can contribute [5 Art] this month, possibly more depending on how certain deals come through. Cousin Hylah is finishing an important project at the moment – next month we’ll be able to offer three or four times that at least.”

So, just looking for details, mostly

1-This project would be done in combination with an assassination on Aranea’s part on the Hierarch and Flamen?
2-would that grant any special influence over the respective NPCs? Or, well, what do they plan to do with/to them?
3-Would the House be willing to confederate afterwards?
4-Would this be a one-use project, or usable for future assassinations?
5-Any ideas on cost?


Friend snake!

Am sorry, but cannot offer any god to feed snake. Still, deals will still be deals next month! Look forward to hearing you then, or if you are changing mind in next week or two
-Cousin Arsat

Friend Leviathan!

Excellent! Now that Eclipse has passed, are you knowing what you have to use?

Also, depending on what you are finding in the Shadow, my Cousins want you to know they might pay very very well for guides and introductions, just so you know.
-Cousin Arsat

Just following up if you’re interested in buying/trading for stats post-midturn.

Also, if you found any gods that I could use (so growth and production or LTP focused ones, mostly) I’d be willing to offer 1-3 permanent stat points to have them pointed my way,depending on how useful they are.

And if you find any sort of Nexus, I’d really pay for the route.

OOC: just bumping my previous message post-midturn to make sure it doesn’t get lost, your response iskind of important :smalltongue:

Legions of the Dog!

Am writing with gratitude for your work, the City is not starving for you soldiers, and is seeming that you are only ones to fight against wraiths.

Cannot help with fight against wraiths, sorry to say. Is matter of our life or their death, have promised not to arm you. But for anything else, if you have need, would be happy to provide.

Also, does legate have plans for Mills? My Cousins see machinary and greedy, but mostly cannot just abandon them for wraiths to butcher. Had thought priests or your would have taken it already, am not sure if you intend to?

-Cousin Arsat

So, offering the following deals for, unfortunately, every stat except Mil (blame the Shaitan)

1. For 1 permanent point of Art, Eco or Esp, can provide a permanent point of another stat, plus 1 morale to cover transaction costs on your end
2. For 3 Eco, or 4 Art or Esp (or theoretically worse rates on other stats which I don’t really have anything to use for) will make a permanent stat point for you. If you’re buying multiple and there would be a transaction cost on your end, can probably throw you a point of mor to cover it still.

Any interest?

2022-09-12, 02:49 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary


We are concerned over where the Shaitan might be planning to make their move this month. Are you able to determine their intentions? We would be willing to pay.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Can you read their midturn to see where they opened a portal?

2022-09-12, 03:11 PM
Midturn Clan Fuxi [6]

With the spirit world becalmed and empty of spirits, Tamachi and Borte go on what is almost more like a holiday than an expedition. Everything is exceedingly pleasant, in fact. They travel through gently rolling hills under pleasantly warm, blue skies, alongside sandy seashores with rolling waves, through pleasantly shady forests. With all spirits gone, there are not even insects or fish in the sea, even some of the plants seem to be missing, adding to the unreal atmosphere.

While the journey is not arduous, it is still long. It takes weeks for any significant thing to happen: in a shallow and still lake floats a palace, seemingly slowly rotating around its own axis. It is difficult to say where the water ends and the sky begins, as both stretch to the horizon, giving the appearance that the palace sits in the clouds.

As the two Ladies of the Fuxi approach it, a bridge, elegantly curved and carved from lacquered wood, rises from the water and welcoming lanterns flicker on one by one. Inside, there is just a single room, the cavernous roof held up by many carved and gilded pillars. In the middle is a fountain, slowly bubbling. Merely touching or smelling the water shows what it is: a thousand flickering images, smells, sounds, feelings.

This is the well of dreams, where all that mortals imagine is made.

Exploration results: Gain 5 t.inv, 1 t.eco
Find: the Well of Dreams, Nexus of Morale


The heart begins to pour out a stream of extraordinarily beautiful, if tiny, black pearls, each a perfect, mirror-polished spear.
Gain 1 t.mor and one 3 t.eco from the Heart.

Pact signed.

Clan Fuxi is mustering to Khudara and Charkand

2022-09-12, 04:42 PM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

Greetings Legate Aurelius,

Very good, our Golden Guards will be able to provide great support once people are properly trained in handling of golems.

We have also been working on constructing siege class golden guards capable of taking out large groups of lawbreakers and dissidents all at once. Currently, they have just been of use in putting down lesser threats but we hope to put them to good use. If you need them just let us know, we are not sure how budgeting will work with the recent turmoil but hopefully something could be worked out.

Your militia plan sounds feasible to us, we will start investing in it. We are not sure how far we will be able to get this month as we do have some personal training plans but we will attempt to get it done as quick as possible.

We have to admit, we are not one for spirits usually. We explore the spirit world but rarely go too deep but we are perhaps the perfect fit together. Innovation and constant growth is vital.

We would very much agree to this deal. Maybe we will make a golem in your image while making our next project. We have a crafter who specializes in many legs, we think they would enjoy the challenge of many arms.

2022-09-13, 09:39 PM
Gudite Warband

Solyom Leviatan, Daghir The Wolf, and Delilah Fairway, arguable wielders of the most soft and hard power in the Warcamp, with a sort sliding scale between Solyom’s mere presence acting as a binding glue to Delilah’s practical “I make things, you get them if you do well”; On this here morning they sat around a table, Solyom and Daghir exchanging glances at each other and at a particularly shiny stone hanging from an otherwise unremarkable locket, the tense air only momentarily broken by a few caws and Delilah’s praise towards her new pet crow.

“This is ridiculous” Daghir finally broke the silence. “She is the obvious choice”

“She hardly ever leaves the lab” “Heard that” “... while I’ve seen you intentionally attempt to catch swords with your teeth”

“And she caught them everytime Sol, what’s your excuse?”

“Leviatan fits him well enough… you should take it, you will take it”

“Pffft, “You Will”, isn’t she cute Rey?” Delilah asked the crow, feeding it a few grains as a reward when its movements seemed enough like a nod. “It is true that I live in my lab though”

“Danger finds those who are important”

“... And it gets worst if you look for it" “And then worse again if you are powerless to stop it when you find it.”

“Ughhhh” Daghir pressed her eyebrows, as the conversation’s circled back again as it had done for the last hour of discussion.

“Alright, Gulldr’s way then, Let’s fight…”The Pantheon’s priest perked up, a subtle shift in the local energy as the world he was so attuned took the cue, gathering ever more as he stood up, stretched and cracked joints here and there “Figures it would come to this, you are getting too cocky anyway” “Ha!” “...Loser gets to keep it” Daghir added, her stare fixed on Delilah, who in turn spooked Rey by slamming the table, holding their stares for a few seconds before seemingly walking away from the whole ting “...Fight is in half an hour, I need to pick up some… stuff that I’d have if attacked on my lab”

After reluctant agreement from Daghir that it was an entirely reasonable move, the pair of priests shuffled awkwardly in place for the called half an hour, thena large bag (that happened to be attached to Delilah) arrived, and Solyom added just in case “This is a spar of course, do nothing that would stop the opponent from even yielding” “Heard you guys were pretty tough, though…” “As did I” with that an explosive rune hit the field between them and the bets were off.

Morale: 6
Reputation: Martial-spiritual-barbarian

Greetings Cousin Arsat,

We'd be interested in buying whatever liquid happiness keeps your people as they are, so we can better serve our previous pact, and we will pay for the materials. (2 P.mor for 6 eco)

As for the other matter, I'm afraid the gods watched us before trying their luck, and those that seek us Gudites are a little bit more fighty that what would suit your kind souls. As for the nexus... What exactly for its location? and I must warn, though you should imagine it already, that many others should know of it by now.

Ase's Longing,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Respected snake Kin,

A deity has approached us since our previous dealings, but we believe it too ragged to suit Your ancestor's taste, we hope monetary compensation (4 Eco) is enough to cover our previous deal.

Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

Just my official "The god was too cool, sorry pal" :smalltongue:

Greetings sisters,

I've heard you make weapons of war, do you also have those who can wield them? between getting real state before the price goes up, and some training maneuvers to keep up with the legions, ours alone can't manage.

Destia's bounty,
Solyom, Leviatan.

OOC: Buying mil (or art for that matter) if you are selling.

2022-09-14, 05:13 AM
House Aranea

Gudite Warcamp
OOC: Specifically, the LTP they are developing would allow to replace a VIP with a magically disguised body double. That would make the assassination more difficult, but would also mean it would take a turn or two for the affected faction to notice the VIP is gone. The deception would not hold for long, however, because as soon as the VIP is committed to an action, it would be noticeable that the action is insufficiently effective. The LTP costs 40 points.

For this turn, they can offer just 2 t.mil.

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
OOC: They would use their own espionage to assassinate the Flamen and the Hierarch, then confederate, yes. It's a full LTP, that means it can be used for later assassinations.

Specifically, the LTP they are developing would allow to replace a VIP with a magically disguised body double. That would make the assassination more difficult, but would also mean it would take a turn or two for the affected faction to notice the VIP is gone. The deception would not hold for long, however, because as soon as the VIP is committed to an action, it would be noticeable that the action is insufficiently effective. There would be no noticeable influence over the exchanged VIP otherwise, but of course one could develop further replacement-based LTPs with espionage.

Cost is 40 points.

St. Justicar
2022-09-14, 11:23 AM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

The neighbourhood had been known as the Red Quarter for generations, filled as it was by architects and similar guildsmen who were by tradition obliged to paint their doorways and facades some shade of the color.

Since the Gardeners arrived, the name has been much more literal. In every empty lot and plaza, rich, heavy red soil is poured into newly dug garden beds, cartloads arriving from Coralward seemingly on the hour. The whole district stinks of rotting seaweed and sickly-sweet incense, almost but not quite covering the hint of something fouler. It was only a matter of days before things began to sprout from that fertile clay – spears of living bone bursting from the ground, as thirsty as any weed and as tall as any sapling. Gardeners tended to them every sunrise, feeding blood and bile into their roots, tempering them with hot ash and seawater.

After one week, they began to weep a thick red-orange sap, and the local children were strictly banned from continuing to climb them

After two, the bones cracked and opened to allow flesh to flower, ligaments and tendons reaching out, webs of translucent skin connecting them, and the children began to listen

After three, the growth in the smaller plots were entirely joined together, great living structures of interlacing flesh and bone, and the Gardeners invited every master architect in the district to join them in surveying each one, determining which which mix of fertilizer and enchantment had created the most structurally sound home.

Experiments complete, the most favoured were invited to the Bloom, where plans were being made and measurements taken, while the largest plot yet was cleared near the very centre of the Guild Ward, and enough panes of fine glass ordered to keep every blower in the city busy day and night.

The city being what it was, there was no shortage of tenants willing to put up with the heat and dampness and smell, if it meant shelter and safety and meals that could simply be cut from the walls. Comfortable as they were with the messy stuff of life, most became acolytes before long.


Sending 5 Art this turn and, well, lots starting next turn, then.

And yes 2 mil please.


Friend Leviathan!

Fine food and medicine for you people is easy! Healers to see to all that ails them! seeds to plant wherever you wish whose trees will bear rich and beautiful fruit! Cows whose milk is sweet ambrosia! May not look like trees or cows you are used to, but Gudites are not strangers to new things, yes?

For oasis in Shadow, would depend on it still being empty, of course. Probably not able to properly pay or use until next month, but take look at offer?

Exact amounts depend on the stat it’s for – may need to include a bit of trading to get what I need to take it – and wouldn’t really be able to take advantage until next turn, so dependent on it still being unclaimed at that point, but basic offer is

1 Permanent Invocation, 1 Permanent Mor (or other stats of your choice)
The right to buy 6 permanent points of any other stat that isn’t inv or mor (so ones that eco builds at 4:1) from me for 2 eco or 3 art apiece, redeemable at any time

2022-09-14, 08:02 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 7
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Greetings Wolven Warriors,

While our ever hungry ancestor would eat any soirit around we will respect your wishes. Your payment sounds acceptable to us. We would add an addendum that if you wish to increase the amount paid we could keep you informed of the city gossip for the next few months."

A Snake slithers through the Otherworld to the CURRENT Shaitan districts. A great grey Snake the size of an old tree bearing a curious circlet on its head that speaks in the presence of the Shaitan.


We trust you have made your plans to your liking. We would like to inquire about the spirits you have come across? If you do not wish for their attentions we will take it as payment. Otherwise Clan Fuxi can come to another arrangement with the great Shaitan."

A reminder to our fellow haunted. We can handle the attentions of any unwanted spirits that may have found you.

We look forward to doing so even. Contact us for the rights to your spirits and we will pay handsomly.

2022-09-15, 03:50 AM
Legio Minotaurus to the Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [6]
Salutations, Cousin Arsat,

We do not have much we can trade, these days, I am said to say. What we have we need either to defend ourselves, or to continue our work.

Should the Shaitan concentrate in force, there is probably very little that could withstand them. But at least they will not find us an easy target. Though we have diversified from purely martial matters, we are still a legion.

The Dominus Fabricator

2022-09-15, 02:19 PM
Afternoon, Mornin' and Night to whoever reads this at whatever time of day ya get around to it.

Nice to hear that you're looking to make a purchase. As it so happens we do have some tinkerin' tools that we aren't using this month. Of course, we could also always just make you some of your own tools. We can make things pretty quickly, trade secrets and all that fancy stuff.

As for the guns, I don't think we can swing any. Someone probably told ya that we're marching for Dashir, and we do intend to take both spaces there. Eye of Heaven is still yours as promised in our previous deal of course. You can talk to them, incorperate them, whatever. That said Dashir is coming under Hemminghock control this turn, we need somewhere to put all this gold people are spending.

Attached are some values, let me know if they are of interest.

OOC: Selling up to 6 ART at a ratio of 4:3 (So 1 extra for each set of 3. Meaning 4 would cost 6, 3 would cost 4, etc, etc.)

You're eatin' Gods? Do we have some irony for you.

Unsure of how to transfer all of this stuff to ya, but we do have a God that the snake can have. Right now our main interest is holding more land in Ardakand but you seem hard up on that arleady. Instead we'd like some of your spirit callers, access for a short while, we have plans to do a large expidition into the spirit realm this coming month and extra hands make light work.

OOC: Asking 7 INV for access to the Pact we recevied. You may also read the details of the pact as part of this proposition.

How many men could you provide in theory? We're setting up for something a touch more agressive than last month and need to know how much firepower we can buy from ya.

Hope the men enjoy this more,


2022-09-15, 03:07 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Most righteous Flamen Caelestis,

We have considered the Shaitan's defenses, and we have come to the unfortuante conclusion that we cannot retake the High Fane as things stand. Instead we can send forces to protect your temple, and we will prepare for a future effort to retake the High Fane.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Dear Cecelia,

As many as (10 Mil) if you can pay a premium for their time. Unfortuantely the presence of the Shaitain so close to us has made us somewhat hesitant to part with all of our warriors. A more reasonable number would be (5 Mil).

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead


I am inquiring as to whether you can penetrate the shroud of secrecy surrounding the Shaitan. We know you did not fare well this month, but we do not know who else might be able to do so. If you can tell us what their intentions are we would be willing to aid you in your efforts.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Can you read their midturn to see where they opened a portal?

2022-09-15, 06:58 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

All messages Mor 12

In the ruins of an imperial building on the edge of the district, a Clan Fuxi scouts finds a message on what looks disturbingly like human skin.



Formally recommending my god to you, for eating or consumption. You may read my second midturn message to see its details. In exchange, we keep to the previous deal.

The Shaitan are also request Morale. Anything you can provide will be paid back at a 2:1 ratio, in any stats of your choice.

The Gudite Warrior is paid a visit - but in her nightmares, not in-person. There, a black-clad Shaitan leaves a message in blood-red ink, one she hurriedly conveys:


Willing to trade 3 Eco for 3 Mor.

This time, the same message is painted in what looks like blood on seven or eight businesses in Hemminhock territory, just across the bridge.


Offering up to 3 ECO for 3 MOR.

2022-09-16, 10:49 AM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 6
Reputation: Barbarian-Martial-Spiritual


The Gudites ponder exactly how to return the message, their usual delegate mighty troubled by the implication of easy access to their mind, though for the leadership it presented the opportunity to reply peacefully, as they were asked to repeat a the reply multiple times on their head before sleeping, it took them a looong time to sleep though:

"We care for quantity this season, let you find a use for what you have"

LTPs are (mostly) stat agnostic, -1 penalty, not worth :smalltongue:

Ah, I should have imagined that'd be the case. As for the tinker's tools, something of other partners came along that'll keep us from such spending, perhaps at a later date.

Destia's bounty,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Cousin Arsat,

All is stranger here in a sense, livestock that will thrive within the city is worth ignoring an extra limb or two.

As for the Oasis, sounds mighty fair, and as we know you'll know:

Heart of the Hedge, the Nexus of Invocation

“through thorns, roots and branches, corridor after corridor, until she can map out the circular patterns that form the shape of the labyrinth and lead her towards the center. It takes a week, but finally, she finds it: a seemingly unremarkable knot of smooth roots, that forms the very heart of the Hedge, the one point in the labyrinth that is stable and never changes.”

Holding this point could make it much easier to travel between the worlds in the future.

Godspeed, to make it yours before others do,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Sounds fair enough, though I reserve the right to muscle out whoever muscled you out if your claim doesn't land.


OOC:Alright, are they investing on it themselves since today is their free turn? sign me up for the 2 mil for 2 esp btw

2022-09-16, 01:16 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 7
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360


Unfortunately our resources in that regard are stretched thin after the recent events. We have some priests and spirit Walkers free but not enough for what you wish.

However if you are willing we could send more next month to even out of the cost. Or we can pay you in more material focused ways this month if you desire.

Sorry but we dont have 7 Inv to offer. We have 4 Inv that we can send. Then if you want we can send another 4 next turn. Or we can send 4 Exon this turn with the 4 Inv instead.

A storm of happy hissing accompanies the proclamation before the snake speaks again.

"We are sorry to say we do not have the protection you seek this month. We will however be able to provide a large amount next month if you still desire it."

2022-09-17, 02:18 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

All messages Mor 12

Insert appropriately ominous and inefficient messaging medium here.


I will pay the 1 to cover the costs. I will provide 3 Eco, and will receive 3 Mor. I've asked GoC to allow us to trade through him.

Insert vaguely threatening/evil messaging medium here.


Asking permission to trade with the Gudites through you. You'll need to give it to us both here.

2022-09-17, 02:24 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 6
Rep: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

Something about how no one wants to speak with the Shaitan

"None who can, anyway"

Dandy then, I'll deliver when I see a "yes, go ahead"

2022-09-17, 02:39 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 7
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

We shall allow passage to you and the Gudites for trade.

We will be allowing you anf the Shaitan access to our lands to travel through for trade.

We ask for the same boon. To send our trade caravans through your lands?

2022-09-17, 02:47 PM
Gudite Warband

Mor: 6
Rep: Spiritual-Martial-Barbarian

Greetings snake kin,

Always allowed, as per our initial thoughts on sharing the University Ward, you are free to move as you wish.

Azagar's Flight,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

2022-09-17, 03:08 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

The Witch-Doctors form a pact with Feochadáin the Hedge-Keeper!!

The Witch-Doctors invade region 12, spending 2 mil and 3 temp mil to conquer without attrition!

5 morale, 2 temp morale, 2 temp mil spent to upgrade The Trickster to level 2!

2 Espionage, 1 Artifice donated to House Aranea for a secret project!

The Baron reduces the cost to increase Artifice by 3

1 temp econ spent to increase Artifice by 1

8 econ spent to increase mil by 2
4 temp econ spent to increase ESP by 1!

Current stats:
Mil 4 (2 spent at Midturn) -> mil 6
Econ 8
Invocation 9 (9 spent at Midturn)
Espionage 2 -> espionage 3
Artifice 1 -> Artifice 2
Morale 5


5 temp mil -> 1 temp mil
5 temp economy -> 0 temp econ
5 temp artifice
2 Temp morale -> 0 Temp Morale
4 temp inv


The Trickster
level 1 (0/10)-> level 2 (0/10)

The Baron (level 3)
6/20 (no stats spent)-> 11/20 (no stats spent)

2022-09-18, 01:21 AM
Carnival of Chains
Morale: 12

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

Ruairidh, God of Wildfire (12)
We will sign your pact, with a proper spectacle.

End of Turn 3
The Carnival of Chains

6 Mil
9 Esp + 8 t. Esp
1 Eco
12 Mor
1 Art
2 Inv

3 VP

The Helm [Esp 2] (4 / 20)

Albatross [Esp 2] (2 / 20)

Shackle [Esp 2] (7 / 20)

[The Chains That Bind] - The Carnival's performances spark hope in the oppressed and terror in the oppressors. <Gain 1 t. Esp per stat destroyed by Esp Stat Attacks involving the Carnival of Chains>

[The Blade of the People] (4 / X) - A guillotine that binds the soul of the executed into one of the ringmasters of the Carnival. <Execute a captured VIP to add their XP to a VIP of the Carnival of Chains>
2 Inv to remove distance penalty on stat attack.

9 Esp, 8 t. Esp, 12 VIP Esp, 5 Mor, 1 Mil, 1 Art, destroy the Eye of Heaven's Invocation, eliminating the NPC.

<36 Esp attack, 8 Mor probably boosted to 12, at least 12 damage, so reduce to Invocation to 0 with at least 2 overkill>

Chained wearing antlers laced with burning wreaths bear torches and set alight the lower levels of the Eye of Heaven. Smoke and ash to choke the purity from the Pontifex and his lake. White Priests are added to the growing pyre as they are hunted down.

(I'm not entirely certain how Inv is represented, so I'm assuming both the White Priests and their purity rituals as well)

1 Mor, 1 Eco pays for a Pact with Ruairidh. An eternal bonfire borne on a wagon cycling through the Allotments is arranged, with icons of the Slayers of the Silent Saints and the Eye of Heaven used as fuel.

6 Mor boosts Passive Stat Attack Defense.

5 Mil builds 1 Mil.

2022-09-20, 03:24 PM
Turn 4: The Tide Turns

The first battle of the summer is fought in the Sump. The Knight Belligerent, faceless and silent, begins his conquest. AT first, it is unclear if he is fighting anything, or merely willfully destroying the entire district, leaping from boat to boat and sinking them, setting buildings aflame or merely ripping their foundation piles out of the ground and toppling them into the morass. But as the days go on, it becomes clear that someone more subtle had already tried to take control of the district, as hidden agents begin to fight a guerilla campaign against the lone warrior. There are traps and hidden ambushes and boats that suddenly topple and sink when he sets foot on them, but at the end, the chosen warrior is unstoppable. The fighting will take weeks, but in the end, the only things remaining in the former district are rubble, the Knight Belligerent and a single Gudite Banner.


The Gudites march in full force for the first time since arriving in the city. The phalanx in gleaming bronze and red, a forest of spears held high, rifles loaded, banners flattering, trumpets blaring, they cross the bridge into the university district, marching straight for the Fuxi palaces. The noble’s house guards must be outnumbered ten to one, and the Gudites are superior in experience, equipment and discipline, but the snakes fight like demons, not just in the name of their house and god, but also their homes and families and they seem to have magic on their side, as their troops slide in and out of the spirit world to find weaknesses in the enemy lines, throwing clay globes of alchemical poisons to scatter the Gudites’ tight formations.

But as the battle line falters, the Wolf takes to battle, the Earth shaking at her steps, the sun in her hand, Gulldr in her heart as she calmly steps in front of her soldiers, taking the bridge by herself, contemptuously striding through a rain of arrows. A sweep of her arm scatters the enemy soldiers, a sweeping kick tumbles walls and towers, the light shining from her dispersing ward after ward. Bellowing warcries, her soldiers fall into a run and hours later, the Fuxi headquarters are in ruin, the Gudite banner waving on the highest mansion.

Elsewhere, however: they hold out: Gudite geomancers are seen attempting to take the library, but the ancient building’s wards must be too strong and their energy is harmlessly grounded away, so that the remaining Fuxi soldiers can drive them back, leaving the serpent a foothold in the city.



After months of study, stalking their prey to learn all their weaknesses, the Slayers of the Silent Saints finally spring into action. This would be their great achievement, for which they have suffered all the indignities of the last months. They were almost shattered, many almost lost their faith,but even that sacrifice is worth it to rid the world of the vengeful wraiths once and for all.
The Shaitan are unpredictable, appearing and disappearing seemingly at will, walking between two worlds depending on where blood and the emotions of mortals call them. But there are patterns, confirmed by weeks of observation and the sacred writings of those who have slain Shaitan before.
First, of course, the right countermeasures must be amassed. The ancient relics are brought forth, the oils and poisons of Sancta Ichoria, blades of sacred puresilver, harvested from the moon’s reflection in the spirit world. Each Slayer Confessor is anointed with a single drop of water from the eye of heaven, their weapons blessed with salt from the shores of the farmost unpoluted ocean. All who take part in the operation must meditate alone for three days and three nights, ridding themselves of all impure feelings, all hatred, anger, greed, envy, to achieve a final, total state of purity.
They know every trick, every prayer, every formula to defeat different kinds of spirits, and they know exactly where to find them. Under the light of the full moon and the rising sun, they keep coming, slaying and scattering spirit after spirit, wreaking righteous havoc on the revenants. In their blessed sight, no Betrayer can hide, no monster stands against their blades, fire and darkness may not touch them.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1021865783439142992/Eldan_roman_legion_fighting_the_army_of_hell_8a7f2 d36-6a8c-4ff4-a2c8-bda932a8d2d8.png


And so the tide turns as the liberation of Ardakand from the vengeful dead begins. The power of the Shaitan finally seems broken, the undead hordes dispersed, their hold on the world weakened. The Legion finally strikes, this time not finding empty ruins, but hundreds of twisted monstrosities, as they take the battle to Silver Street. The fighting is fierce and bloody, as slavering hounds large as horses tear into undead flesh, as mounted archers gallop through alleys barely wider than their mounts shoulders. Each of them who falls takes a monster or a dozen with them. The infantry takes street by street, slaying, cleansing, burning corpses and blasphemous inscriptions, trampling still-twitching flesh and bones under their sandals.


But there is one last great victory for the Shaitan at the great port, where the council-ships of the Merchant Navy still lie, planning this summer’s expeditions. Sailors are superstitious, and when the whispers begin, they quickly take root in their hearts and minds. Words fly over old grievances, then fists, then knives are drawn. Within hours, mates and officers are swinging from the yardarms and the crews are turning on each other. The quartermaster of the Dawn Sky can be seen laughing maniacally with a torch held aloft, before throwing it in the ship’s magazine. The explosion, as the flagship’s powder ignites can be heard across the entire city and burning debris sets half the fleet ablaze as wild-eyed sailors begin fighting each other, even before the pale and bloated dead begin to crawl from the water and the waves begin to suck down the smaller vessels. Within hours, only burnt-out hulks and islands of burning oil and tar remain of the might of the Imperial Merchant Navy.

As the bodies fall, the water begins to wriggle as white eels, each half as long as a worm, begin to swarm around those still alive, but bleeding. But they are not here to feed, but to heal: the eels meld into the flesh of the dying, sealing their wounds, others dragging them ashore. When the madness passes, many more sailors have survived than one might have expected.

Another hammerblow against the Shaitan falls in the white city. It is midnight when dozens of buildings spontaneously burst into flame, their burning roofs writing an enormous summoning rune against the steep slope for all the city to see. Soon, refugees by the hundreds come swarming over the bridge into Hemminghock territory, pilgrims, priests, even the guard abandoning their post in the face of bloody horrors to come.
The forces of Hemminghock already wait at the bridge, dozens and dozens of ranks of riflemen, accompanied by Fuxi mages and the Heron’s hero-warriors. The fight starts conventional, the attackers fighting uphill into the burning city, smoke in their faces. It very quickly becomes clear that this is a fool’s errand: the Shaitan have the high ground and prepared defences, each house a trap waiting to collapse on the attackers.
So the Hemminghock generals don’t play that game. Their harpies have aerial superiority and a clear view of every street and their cannons are in place and no living soul remains in the ward after the Shaitan chased out all they haven’t slaughtered. There is only one thing to do, then: for days, the explosions rumble over the city as the artillery reduces street by street to rubble, until no building below the walls of the Eye of Heaven is left standing.


But at the Eye waits another dark surprise. They came at night, under the cover of artillery fire, climbed the cliffs from the sea below. Dozens of them, clad only in loincloths and headdresses of stag’s antlers and dry branches, runes and and sigils inscribed on their skins in red paint. As they approach the walls, they light torches, set the wreaths on their heads aflame, quietly chanting. Then, the torches are thrown over the walls, followed by bottles of oil and flaming rags, until the entire ancient temple complex is alight. As the priests and remaining guards flee the flames, wicked daggers are drawn and one by one, their throats are cut, their corpses thrown in the sacred lake.

In the morning, nothing remains other than ashes and a lake the colour of blood.

Heaven is blind. There is nothing pure left, now, on Earth. And if Heaven has no Eye on Earth, how can the gods watch the fates of men? Are we now rudderless, fateless?
It is on everyone’s mind, this month. Without the Pontifex, who will read the omens?

At first, it was simple accidents. A simple carpenter, greeting his wife when returning from work in the evening, wished her a good evening and pronounced the balancing of the scales. While rehearsing, an actor playing the Khan’s first priest forgot his lines and instead proclaimed wealth and good fortune for all, coming in with the harvest. From there, it was more and more. A legion patrol, at the gates, shouting themselves hoarse, proclaiming how justice had finally fallen on the false White Priests, how Heaven had sent death to them for their crimes. A class of children in the inner city, falling down and shaking and speaking in unison, calling for the last vestiges of the old empire to be burned. And between them the accounts began to circulate: small pamphlets written in the old Pontifex’ own hand, how the White Priests had imprisoned him, had falsified the omens to their own gain for years and years, had tried to interfere in the imperial succession.

We all dreamed of scales, carefully balanced, raised high, grain and gold on one side, sword on the other, of the dreadful balance between wealth and vengeance. We all saw the eye of heaven, bones and blood marring its once absolute purity.



Summer has arrived and in the warm hours of the long-lingering dusk, the scent of flowers and spices lies heavy on the sea wind. There are whispers, carried on that wind, not the maddening murmurs of the Shaitan, this time, but a tense feeling of excitement has taken hold of everyone’s imagination.
Then, the posters appear overnight. In bright blue and red and gold, they promise:
“The most exquisite collection of curiosities! Find all you desire and more! Amir Nahid awaits your visit!” The designs are very abstract,with no clear indication of what, exactly, is for sale.
There is no address provided.
Over the next week, excited stories spread like wildfire: there are doors, suddenly appearing in unexpected locations as soon as the sun sets, leading from all over the city to a marvelous shop that sells the most inexplicable treasures. It does not take long for agents from the city’s most powerful factions to find these entrances and visit what lies beyond.
The shopkeeper is an old man, tall and lanky, with sharp eyes, a shrewd smile and a long, thin beard. He greets each visitor personally (for there is somehow never more than one in the shop at once) and after some pleasantries and an offer of tea introduces them to his most exquisite wares:
“The Lion’s Cloak of Khan Jahangir! This enchanted garment, made from the pelt of the golden lion which terrorized Zephyrah, not only turns away blades and arrows, but also gives the wearer the strength of five, no, ten men!”

“The Shaman’s bells! These bells of bone and mother of pearl come from far Rialta, where they were used in ages past by the Ghostwise Tyrants to unlock the veil between worlds and open gates to distant lands!”

“The Binder’s Anvil! Wielded by Saint-smith Istefanos in ages long past to imprison the Titans of Erdekret in the sound of his hammer and forge the first waystones, it can concentrate unimaginable energies into the smallest space to craft marvelous artifacts.”

“The twin-quills! These amber feathers were taken from the wings of the thunderbird by the unnamed chosen of Vulpa. They are alive, still and whenever one moves, so does the other, allowing the sending of perfectly secret messages over any distance.”

“The Dragons of Zheng! Behold the jade dragon, and his pearl! As disturbances move through the veil between worlds, the dragon will drop the pearl. With some training, anyone can use it to read the nature of the disturbance, and predict what will come through from the other world!”

“The City of Daffodils! Once this city was the capital of Yellowbloom Province, in the far north of the empire, until they blasphemed against the chthonian gods, and their entire city was swallowed by a great chasm. But a kind and powerful spirit heard their cries and scooped up the as many streets and their inhabitants as she could and stored them in a bottle. Here you can still see the magnificent blooming towers, just waiting for the spell to be broken and the city to be released.”

“And the greatest and rarest of all… the Yearning Stone! The Lapis Voluntatis of legend appears only once every five hundred years. In this seemingly ordinary piece of granite lies all the power of a long-forgotten empire of Djinn and it becomes whatever the buyer most desires.”

“But these, well these are not for sale”, the old man smiles. “These will go up for auction, on the night of the full moon.”

The Full Moon Auction (Event mechanics)

At midturn, all players may bid any amount of t.eco on these artifacts. They go to the highest bidder. Who actually bought them will be secret (except for the bottle, that won’t stay secret for long.) The seller may reject any offers they deem too low.

List of Artifacts:
Shaman’s Bells, Lion’s Cloak, Binder’s Anvil: These are equippable items for inv, mil and art, respectively. Giving them to a VIP gives +1 to actions involving that VIP and that stat.

Paired Quills
The owner of these quills can give one of them to another faction. The two holders can then send secret messages to one another. This does not allow for a full PM conversation, but only for one single message from each quill of up to 200words each.

The Dragons of Zheng
The owner of the Dragons of Zheng is always informed at midturn when a portal is opened into a district they currently occupy, or any neighboring district. They know where the portal opens and where it originates from.

City of Daffodils
The holder of this bottle can open it to release the City of Daffodils in a new location of their choice. This creates a new ward of one district, connected to any other district on the outside of the city, which must be held by the owner. This new ward will join the bottle’s holder without conflict or annexation and give them +1 Eco and +1 Art.

The Yearning Stone
Upon receiving the yearning stone, the GM will turn it into a custom artifact appropriate to the buyers faction, likely related to their backstory or some problem they are currently facing. Suggestions are welcome, but will not necessarily be implemented.

Factions may try to steal these artifacts or take them by force, but should be aware that Djinn are known as exceptionally fearsome and not easily tricked or beaten.


Season of Serpents

Trade should flow again, between cities, with the sea calm for summer, but only few ships arrive in port, and those that do with ragged sails and sailors. Leviathans, they say, have risen from the deep. Without the Emperor and the Mandate, they are no longer bound in the palaces of the sea gods and once again devour all in their way. Their stories are frightening, of serpentine beasts large enough to crush ships in their coils, poison breath to melt through hulls and sailors, scales that turn away even cannonfire.
Quickly, the trading families get together to find a solution. Normally, the Navy would take care of any errant sea monster, but there is no Navy anymore. Someone else will have to take care of this.
They promise a substantial bounty, for any Leviathan’s head, and will provide ships and supplies for the hunt. Still, this is a risky endeavor, one that will need either powerful heroes or substantial military forces, and the sea, and its monsters, are always treacherous. But the rewards are great: not only are the funds promised for keeping the sea lanes open substantial, the Leviathan is a powerful magical beast. Like the dragon, its blood is said to bring immortality, its poison breath instant death and its scales are impervious to all weapons.

Leviathan Hunt (Event Mechanics)

The Leviathan hunt is an uncertain event. All players together can send any amount of military at midturn, plus artifice and invocation, which count half. VIPs can also be sent and do count double, as for military actions.
The Leviathans have an unknown and random strength, against which the stat total sent will be compared. Likely, at least 30 stat points will be needed for a solid chance at success.
Failure will mean an amount of stat damage distributed to the expedition and no rewards.
On success, 30 t.eco will be proportionally distributed among the expedition. There will also be a payout of t.mil, t.art and t.inv or minor artifacts of these stats, from the Leviathan’s corpse.
Any VIP sent will additionally earn bonus XP (even on a failure) and has a chance to earn a unique ability on success.

Favour of Heaven Earned:
The Carnival of Chains: 4
Slayers of the Silent Saints: 4
Gudite Warcamp: 3
Heron and Hippo: 2
Bloodsworn Shaitan 1
Legio Cerberus 1

Midturn 4 is Midnight, Saturday the 24 th of September in the New World Timezones and Morning of Sunday the 25th in the European timezones.

2022-09-20, 03:32 PM
Gudite Warband

Gudite lands had not been quiet, there was a lull, for while warriors had to rest, and the actions of agents and informants were by design silent, there was now always the bustle of industry, forge-manufactoriums in Eirniash and The Weft, their acrid smoke heading straight to the sky, they produced the instruments of war or for the maintenance of peace, depending on who you asked.

For their proper function a network of merchants and suppliers was carefully selected, the collective wealth of the mercenaries and merchantmen put together to keep a constant stream of barges and carts coming, usually asked to arrive through the Khudara acquisition due to the foul smell.

Across the river, in some noble manor or another within the old Fuxi lands, there was a similarly Pungent smell, yet its strength was not of gruesome violence but instead smelled of foreign lands and royalty. A number of attendants flitted about The Wolf, 3 for the face paint, in the manner of the nobles from her particular region, 4 for the hair, who were blessedly done tying the reddish crest into a tight bun flowing with a curtain of braids around it and held together by a single floral pin.

4 More handled the dress, with consisted of several layered clothes, each embroidered with patterns of elemental grace, the long skirt of the earth, an uniting ribbon across the stomach for the fallen leaves of autumn, a dark overshirt vibrant with tiny embers and white long sleeves with a tiny strip of light blue underneath; which allowed the wearer to hide their hands when put together. The proper work of the attendants allowed the seemingly flamboyant outfit to seem positively humble and The Wolf to look lithe or even delicate.

Daghir wasn’t one to escape thought, especially when her every move was met by a complaint, it was annoying but she certainly appreciated the chance to clean the dust off of some of her oldest possessions, regardless of how… bitter the new perfume (for any she had from the Adarates had been spent when she headed a merchant fleet) smelled, she didn’t really remember when it ran out, life moved faster everyday, the Adarates were only a distant memory that helped her rally others, her exile but an interlude, Rialta was rapidly becoming another such chapter, and Delilah (sitting in the bed with a book while the attendants worked) who followed her from the colony may as well have been there forever, that may not be such a bad thing, she thought, stealing a glance through the mirror in front of her.

Daghir wasn’t one to escape thought, but she was really thrilled when the face painters gave the ok for speaking, taking the release from that final group as a chance to inspect their work and loudly praise them, Eirn’s streak of stealing voices that spent too long unused was not a canonical danger according the othodox scriptures, but one could never be too sure and Gudites (especially priests) didn’t take the gods lightly.

“Finally done?” Delilah asked, looking up to see what all the praise was worth, the crow on her shoulder looking up in turn.

“Finally” The Wolf replied with complete sincerity behind it, walking through the door and pausing while Delilah got her bearings, addressing her when they had just begun to walk to their vehicle “You can always come if you want, we are not exactly invited so a few hours for your own clothes would be just fine”

“Thanks, but Aranea’s visit was more than enough for me, and I didn’t have to stay still a few hours for that, plus wouldn’t the guards be a little cramped?”

"No guards today, this isn’t some merchant guild I’m meeting.” Delilah nodded, but it was clear her choice to stay didn’t hinge on the matter of the guards at all “Suit yourself, can I drop you off at the library at least?”

“If you would ma’am” Delilah replied with a joking half vow, and was helped up to The chariot:

A resplendent bronze piece with just the most basic bearings of war separating it from the oxymoron that is a common noble carriage, with a long cloud like seat for its occupants, the sides were decorated with pictures of gold and menaced with spykes of smoky quartz, the work of art pulled by two giant mongooses. these animals had costed Daghir much of her private earnings for the last month and weren’t even a native Adarate species (while the rest of her image was very much meant to evoke her land) but she had heard a thing or two about mongoose that she thought would make them worth it. These sort of meetings were all about image after all.

After a farewell at the library, in which Daghir offhandedly asked for Delilah’s pet. The ceremonial drivers, imperial hires that were clearly afraid, (though whether from the journey ahead or the driver’s driver behind them was probably a mixed thing) got their exact directions, every street and every corner to be taken on their way, onwards, to the last clan stronghold.

Espionage defense: 10
Rep: Spiritual-Martial-Barbarian


A trained hawk had arrived requesting a meeting, it had a date, but the Hawk had left before any reply would be delivered through it and if any response was delivered through other means it was not acknowledged.

At the appointed date, a certain influential lady within the Warband arrived, leaving her carriage and drivers at the prudent distance and walking in, a hawk and crow following along as if to complement the natural calmness she radiated, with a regal smile that proved almost disarming enough to make one forget she had torn down Fuxi walls and toppled their thrones just a few days prior.

She waited patiently, but persistently and did not leave until someone she knew to have the authority to deal with her came to do just that, and when they did she greeted them with a Gudite reverence, pulling her skirt with the left, to show how close it stuck to the leg and how ineffective it could make her in combat, while opening the right arm wide, not for a hug, but to expose the vulnerable, unarmored chest.

She did her very best to cut whoever was sent without any aggression, trying to be the first to speak, and making it so “There are reasons, and good and malice in every action, but we are not so crass as to silence the voice of your emotion with our reason. So, let us hear every grievance here, as leaders, and in exchange hear our reasons, so we can discuss peace first and then perhaps never discuss war among us again.”

I.E: let's discuss this a bit before we hear the horns of War.

A note arrives inviting all the factions to a rendezvous, where they can attest to the honestly average physic of Solyom, Leviatan, in light ceremonial armor which being Gudite ceremonial armor was above all practical

"Gathered peoples of Adarkand, and our fellows who have walked as long as I did to get here, I've gathered you here because you are mighty, you are driven, some of you are wealthy, and above all, you are trustworthy.

I'm still not settled on whether to make or hire the ships, but it is far more important to know, who will help me brave the beasts we find with them?"

2022-09-20, 04:32 PM
Golden Guards

Chemosh sips his drink as he sits in a lounge chair before spitting it out. So far attempts to make alchemical gold into a suitable food replacement had been a failure. Thankfully, the harvest had came in well. He almost regretted not going for it but progress was required.

A quiet man dressed all on gold walks up and hands over a notice. Looking at it, Chemosh's smile widens. Getting up he rushes over to Pyrom's lab as the lawn chair shifts and stands to follow him. The man in the middle of some delicate work in the latest golem. Waiting for the work to finish, Chemosh shoves the letter to the man. I think it is time to contribute to the city's defence don't you?

Good day, everyone! We will get straight to the point, we plan to solo the leviathan this season. Others may join but we do ask only elites join the killing. Anyone else we would prefer to be sidelined to guard against any animals that seek to eat the pieces of the beast.

2022-09-20, 04:54 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

The Battle of Silver Ashes
A failure to surprise the enemy is a crushing defeat only if you let the enemy surprise you in turn.

Legate Orbei of the XXIIX Legio Cerberus

Arrows sang through the air ahead of the charging Cerberus Cohort, a dozen skirmishes already fought and likely a dozen more before the riches of Silver Street could be restored. The dead had been waiting, every alleyway an ambush, every building a charnel house. Emerging though the portals and twist streets had saved many lives at the bridges and other choke points, but the dead legionnaires were hardly few in number. Khergit, one of the few Khan strain Bakharan Akita’s young enough to serve, bounded ahead of the host, encased in heavy leather llamelar and scattering the undead horrors as though they were little more than hens, he was a monster to match any the Shaitan had thus far thrown at the attacking legionnaires. Where the beast rode, the legion lances followed, crashing into infantry pinned flanks of Shaitan strong points and shattering ethereal flesh with silver blessed lance and cold iron blade.

The Shaitan were driven from silver street. But the City was far from saved.

There are always more horrors for the heroic to face.

Morale 14


Slayers of the Silent Saints, The Witchdoctors, Hemminghock
We represent the main forces still combating the Shaitan right now, and while the true fangs they once had are somewhat dulled, the threat still remains, I would like to open this channel to discuss the future of operations against the Bloodsworn Terror and the threat they still pose to the people of the city.

Our planned operations against the Shaitan consist of protecting the districts still vulnerable to them, and the Cerberus Banner will be moving to secure House Cladius and Upper Tarbent this month, as well as an attack against one of their other remaining territories, though where our spears are best pointed has yet to be decided. If you have your own operations that need legion backing, or simply want to coordinate targets so as to draw the net ever tighter, please consider using this channel.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

The Golden Guards, Heron and Hippo
Greetings Mercenaries,

Continuing the Imperial tradition of Auxiliaries, I am seeking to hire a significant compliment of soldiers in the coming months to support our continued operations against the Shaitan. I would ask both of your prices and conditions, as I have a budget of roughly [8 eco], assuming the deals presented are fair.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

The Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Apologies for the late reply Kindly Cousin,

The nature of our operations against the Shaitan saw necessity for a degree of public passiveness, I hope we gave no cause for offense. We would be interested in your services now, double so that we have close borders and may trade more freely. Do your deals with the Bloodsword hold true? You are unable to build weapons of war for the Legion?

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei


Legio Aquila
Wardens of the First Gate,

We grow close to the completion of the City Watch, I only hope that we may complete its construction in time for the next calamity that may threaten Ardakand. This project in no small part has been an effort by our Banner to unify the Legions, and Minotarus has been quietly accepting our end of the deal during the Harvest Events of a few months prior. Do you know what it may be that the Forgemaster is interested in? I wish to begin making overtures and present the idea to him, as a legion Unification would lend great credence to the idea of Imperial Restoration to both the people of Ardakand and the scattered loyalists beyond the cities walls.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

2022-09-20, 05:43 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Do not trust the Gudites. They promised us land in return to lands in our sphere and instead met us on the battlefield to trap and destroy our forces.

They promised us payment for services rendered and did not follow through. Instead they conquered our already owned lands they had no claim to.

If you would work with them then think twice. They cannot be trusted and all can see their actions again those they work with.

Many our the atrocities in this city and yet the Gudites are the onrs to betray, steal, and murder without warning. Will everyone let this stand.


As you can see the Gudites have betrayed us and left us surrounded and in danger. We know you had dealings with them as well. What has come of that.

Would you be willing to deal? We also desperately need lands to move our people to if you have ideas.


We know you and the Gudites are working closely together. We would ask if you would be willing to speak on our behalf for mercy. They have unfairly betrayed us and murdered many of our people.

We desperately need lands to move our people to if you have ideas.

Our problem is that you are untrustworthy betrayers who decided they would rather go back on their word and betray their allies rather then work with them.

We cannot trust any deal you would be willing to make with us. So we shall make our deals and find our small ways to inconvenience you.

2022-09-20, 06:33 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Espionage defense 10
Rep: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

The Heron can act as our witness, that the Clan pulled none of their weight to help this city when the rift threatened it, as they have always failed to do. And instead infiltrated and murdered their way into our ranks, to steal the only hint of succour those who paid life and limb may have, rubbing it in at the first chance they got.

If anyone believes such treachery is not to be repaid in kind they may reproach us, but it was already so, If you care at all for this city let the cycle be sealed, instead of joining it.
-Daghir, The Wolf.

P.S: I don't know how you easterners handle reverence, but i'll expect an eaten god to be of higher importance.

The regal smile turns a bit sour, then resigned, disappointed "That's astonishingly foolish, or maybe, I haven't quite grasped the eastern mindset... We fought, and through deceit you won the heart. We tried to get it back through the same methods, you held us back, and I respect you for it."

"It could end here, with repaid debts, returned land, and an union with an equal. Yet, if you wish to cling to pride, to that belief of superiority kids abandon in adulthood, and to your tiny spec of coast, I will respect that too, but choose wisely, honest citizens will suffer in the deathrattle, whoever's it may be."

2022-09-20, 08:16 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Let the other factions fhat took part stand up. We assisted throughout the month. Securing the site and then Sealing the Rift. The Gudites March an army down to make sure no others can lay claim to the heart then have the temerity to accuse us of deceit? We spent the resources of our entire clan on the Rift that threatened the city yet are accused of not pulling our weight.

We are accused of deceit when with, no warning, we were marched upon in our lands. Our deals made were broken and we were not paid and their word not kept with.

You talk of superiority but exude a breathtaking arrogance. You talk of repaid debts yet steal services we offer and you don't pay. You accuse us of stealing when you march an army in to take what we all worked for. We make deals where we agree not to take lands immediately beside us for nothing more then your desire yet when we move to take what you offered in return we find ourselves rebuffed violently.

You did not come to us to deal for the heart. You did not declare your frustration or intent. You came upon us with deceit in your heart. Yet you accuse us of it?

You ask for the matter to be left as it stands yet how can we trust you to stand by that when we were expecting our trusted neighbors last turn to hold up the deals we had made? What guarantees can you offer when you break your word so easily? If we make a deal how can we know we will not be marched upon the second the deal is decided.

2022-09-20, 08:32 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004807391864438784/LetsGetKraken_undead_warrior_spirir_red_mists_fire _burning_slau_3ccb0ddb-44bf-4991-adb4-137140fbab62.png

The Shaitan screams, a cry of agony that causes its assailants’ ears to bleed and their resolve to falter. The other warbands have fared better – Disaster and Betrayal were prepared. Pain was left as a sacrifice, to lure the Saints’ forces. And the Saints suffer for it indeed. Their offensive stalled, the tide turns, and it is as if the Shaitan’s careful preparation and unending fury might be enough.

Then Jurall arrives.

Two Shaitan meet their end almost immediately, their hosts’ bodies irrevocably damaged. Perhaps they will return to the city, should a new host be found. Perhaps not. It is immaterial. Jurall strikes in a flurry of fury and fervor, and the tide turns.

She finds herself facing a creature of nightmares. Red, blistered skin, glistening with blood and dark vitriol. Spikes driven through it at intervals, bones showing through crimson rotting flesh. Two gaping holes where its eyes should be. Each wound she inflicts on it closes instantly, transferred to one of the acolytes that accompany her, as they mirror its suffering.
And, for the first time since their arrival in Ardakand, a Shaitan speaks where the living may listen.


Her blade finds purchase at last. The Shaitan's ceaseless cries are ended as she slams her consecrated sword through its mouth. The foul red light that animates the corpse begins to leech away, but not before it screams around her sword, its words ringing across the district, across all of Ardakand:



This time, the words painted on the bridge are painted in the blood of the Whitefangs, adopted and integrated into the Witch-Doctors. Similar words are found carved into the stone amidst the rubble of Diashir, where the Shaitan's offensive cost Hemminghock much of what they would have gained from their conquest.



In the sole refuge of Clan Fuxi, a battered Shaitan, scarred from holy blades and faith, approaches. When it speaks, blood bursts from its skeletal body, pooling into words on the stone.


Looking for access to your Esp (however much you have, for reading the messages of others), and I want Mil and Art. Offering to let you take my abandoned territories, of which there will soon be quite a few. You won’t get stats, of course, but you’ll get something much more valuable – continued existence.

That night, the old woman of the Gudites – the appointed messenger – is approached once more in her dreams. It is a bleeding and broken figure this time, covered in wounds, its cloak torn and its wings bloodied and ragged. And yet it lives.

When she wakes, she finds words carved into the wall of her domicile:



2022-09-20, 09:37 PM
Gudite Warband

Espionage Defense: 10
Reputation: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

"You are asking questions, good, that's the spirit" Daghir called in the hawk and quickly wrote a letter for it as she had done throughout " the blather outside is meaningless for now, it would not help Fuxi if they believe your words and it may hurt me if they believe mine"

There is prancing about the room now, agile circling, whatever impediment the skirt was meant to have on the legs either fictitious or wholly insuficiente "you'll have to excuse the order of my answers: Deceit we did, just like you, beating you where you Excell is the whole point."

"Pride is a Gudite sin, sir, not because it isn't approved by Gulldr, he loves it as much as he does himself. No, it is a sin because we priests are not Gulldr, and if we were that'd be a threat, I'll let you mull on that.

"As for repaid debts... Well, you are clearly not listening, I ask you not to leave things as they are, but to grow beyond them, with us"

She pulls out a paper from amidst her sleeves, and let's it be seen by the delegates.

I will leave you your starting territory and the sumps, plus renegotiate with the Witch doctors so you get 10.

I will repay 4 inv, 5 mil for one of your conquests and 3 permanent stats Of your choice next turn (or perhaps some delving if you still think the alliance is a long con after I've already paid into it)

It has to be next turn because what I suggest is an alliance, and a proper one at that, and I need to see the both of us spend those 5 points before I buy you'll be into it (shocker here, but I don't trust you that much either) After that, we go ahead and win this game.

"I'm ready to announce it right now, but the only guarantee I can grant for you is if you deny it." Daghir lifted a pinky, red and smoking, molten metal falling off from where a ring had been, and with a scorching ray from it drew a line on the floor, parallel to the door behind her "Say no, and I will cross this line by month's end, and I won't be happy."

The old woman wrote her answer in the dirt outside, hoping it'll encourage them to not damage their walls.

"We have our own troubles"

2022-09-21, 10:31 AM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

"Who are we, to watch the threshold?"

- Final Prayer of the Mortalists

The Vigil (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8_a088jKck)

They met under the cover of dusk, for their churches and temples had been abandoned. Cleaved away by their hosts as they were politely but firmly asked to leave most of their residences in the Marble Ward, the faithful took to the back alleys and gutters they had always known. They were far fewer now, yet no less fervent for their number. Tonight, the meeting place was an old warehouse near the outer city docks, loaned by a lone sympathetic noble with family ties to Sancta Ichoria. Out of generosity, he had provided some rations of bread and tea, incense and ingots for their rituals. They had made do with the rest, as was their way; barely scraping by, surviving.

Yet here the candles burned bright, for they were not alone.

The slaying of a monster was no easy thing. It took preparation, training, and knowledge. Each one was different, requiring new strategies and tools. No one assassin would be perfect for every job, and so the Silent Slayers always endeavoured to hone many different blades. Even then, the first lesson taught to every Slayer was simple: expect death. Those who devoted their lives to the profession never lived for very long, for sacrifice was often the final requirement of any devout hunter.

So it was tonight. For every flame set among the host was another who had fallen. The panoply got larger and larger, as more reports trickled in from across the water. He still had eyes in Tarbent, in the Port Ward, in Charkand and the Merchants' Isle, hearing from those who had kept their piety close even under darknest nightfall. Whenever a harried-looking runner appeared at his door, he would listen for the names.

"... Laeren..."

"... Kyrios..."

"... Sanusar..."

The candles grew, and the faithful sang. There were hymns innumerable to the Silent Saints, scribed over centuries of devotion, but in the hearts of those who remained they thought not of their icons but of their friends and neighbours, of those who had made the only choice worth making. Vorin alone did not weep, for he knew it would do them no good where they were. Instead, his mind was awhirl with calculations, speculations, and other ever-fraying thoughts. If this Slayer had passed. If that had dealt a crippling blow. In the corner of the warehouse, his ink-stained fingers pored over scrolls and maps of Ardakand.

They would be enough. They would have to be enough.

The side door to the warehouse swung open definitively, and a single cloaked silhouette stepped through. This was no runner, Vorin noted at once, but his own peer. Confessor Jurall appeared much as they had for as long as he'd known them; pauldrons and vambraces of blessed steel beneath a light cloak and flowing robes, with blade hilts visible at every join and angle of their body. He knew that there were as many - likely more - weapons hidden on their person. As they drew back their hood, golden eyes held his with a fixed gaze.

"The Shaitan of Pain are dead." The Slayer-Confessor of the Order of True Death strode into the center of the space, interrupting the latest chant as drew the stares of all those present. They tossed a canvas bag onto a nearby crate, which landed with a soft squelch. There was no need to anyone to guess at its contents. Even as Vorin knew that those within were not their quarry's true form - merely temporary hosts, the desperate and the lost who had bartered themselves for petty vengeance - it would matter little to the masses.

"Show them. Show all the deniers that our swords are still sharp."

All Messages Public

We are confirming to all that will listen: the Slayers of the Silent Saints have struck a blow against the Bloodsworn Shaitan. Their Shaitan of Pain are dead, and the Shaitan of Disaster and Betrayal are wounded for the time being. Although our blades were not quite enough to entirely eliminate the latter, we hope that the good people of Ardakand can use this chance to strike decisively while the Enemy is weakened.

- The Slayer-Confessors of the Silent Saints
Dear Legate Orbei and Cousin Hylah,

The good officer speaks sensibly, and we concur with their strategy. The Slayers, though still diminished, have regained some of their strength with the returns of the harvest and swelling of our ranks with the fall of the Shaitan. Moreover, it seems as though the Carnival has stayed their hand despite our worst predictions. This offers us an unprecedented window of opportunity.

This month, our Slayers intend to finish what they started. The remaining Shaitan will die. If this is to be our end, then we would have it be such an end as to be worthy of remembrance. They have terrorized this city for long enough. However, open-ground campaigns are hardly our specialty. The Legio has had recent success in driving out the monsters, so we would consign all of our new initiates and volunteers to you to fashion into a terrible sword. Given our recent troubles at the hands of intercessors, the Enemy certainly has means of reading our missives, so we will allow you to come to your own conclusions about the number of men you are to receive.

Additionally, the other Slayer-Confessors and I will be adding to the Legio's war chest by pooling our resources.

May your sword arms never falter,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

I can confirm that I've got a hearty surplus of Military this turn. If either of you intends to wage war on the Shaitan, I recommend spending 4 Inv this Midturn to make a portal to any of my territories in the Marble Ward and I will funnel you all of the Mil at my disposal.

Since my Morale is still low enough that I can't guarantee security, I will not confirm strike targets in the thread. I'm pretty sure that nobody can crack the Legio's 14 message encryption and I can't risk the Carnival spilling everything to the Shaitan, so I recommend that all concrete tactical information is kept on their end as much as possible. The Legio is welcome to make guesses in the thread as to how much Mil I'm sending (which I will confirm or deny in vague terms).

Also, I'm adding a bunch of Eco to the bid to get the mercenaries on board. Here's hoping it encourages a bit more bidding.
Dear Witch-Doctors of the Mire,

We were saddened to hear of the conquest of your lands at the hands of the Bloodsworn Shaitan. Although we have had our differences, that is a far cry from wishing torture and undeath on those living in your neighborhoods. Your people deserve vengeance, and we intend on helping you attain it - because it is the right thing to do, not only for Ardakand, but now to make amends for our past short-sightedness.

Our messages with Legio Cerberus should give you some indication as to our plan. If you wish to aid in the fight, we would recommend coming to a similar arrangement with them; they have fought the Shaitan successfully, and if you have the men to spare, they could surely be used. The irony that the Knight would have been a great champion is not lost on us, either; they would have been an excellent champion against the howling dark. It only deepens our regret to have drawn blades in haste.

May you find some manner of peace,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira
Dear mercenaries,

The time has come for a proper bid for your services. The Shaitan are a worthy foe, and one that has been hounding this city for too long. Some of you have taken up the fight, but you have largely sat on the sidelines and watched. Now, at this late hour, we have coin and means of hiring you to prove yourselves worthy of your so-called titles.

The Legio Cerberus and the Slayers are as one in this. We have assumed that they contacted you with an offer; consider that offer enhanced by our own recent windfalls from the harvest. Whichever one of you can promise the Legio the most for our cause will be responsible for making at least one portal to a staging ground of Legate Orbei's choice. Through Legio grounds, we intend to establish a network of temporary portals that will allow for rapid coordination across Ardakand's various Wards. Using these gateways, we can ferry money and men to where they need to be at the right moment.

You did not stand for righteousness, but will you stand for fortune?

May you find solace in gold,

Slayer-Confessor Jurall, Sancta Finalis

If any of you are willing to spend some Inv to open a portal at Midturn, I am putting forward 13 t. Eco to hire troops for Legio Cerberus this turn. Not sure if they've already reached out for a bid - I assume they have, considering the recipients of their last message and the harvest payout from last turn - but if they have, go ahead and add 13 to that pool.

I'm effectively asking the Legio to be the staging ground for this. If they make a portal to me and one of you - presumably whoever wins the bid with the most net Mil - makes a portal to them, I can use them as a middleman with no penalties on either end. Presumably, you would have had to spend the Inv to make a portal anyway; I'm just sweetening the deal.

If you're going to comment on total Mil and Eco, please keep me uninvolved. I can probably read most of your messages, but my own message security is low enough that I suspect the Shaitan can read it.

2022-09-21, 11:37 AM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)

Before they are displayed, the heads of the slain Shaitan glow with a furious purple-black energy, and they speak in an unnatural voice:



Fair's fair. I needed to be taken down a peg, and you've succeeded. My ability to spread and destroy has been severely curtailed.

That said, you've now been warned. Kill or disable any more VIPs, and I will destroy you even if it costs me everything I've got. Leave me to the Legion to hunt, and you can continue to wage your futile crusade against the rest of the city.

The message is scrawled on paper in what looks disturbingly like blood, written in a trembling hand. The recipient wonders idly if the author survived its transcription.



You've both been spared the Shaitan's attention. This can change. Send no messages to the Legion or to the Slayers, or our wrath will fall upon you as well. You saw what happened to the Witch-Doctors when they tried to scheme against us.

There are other uses for your Mil this season, no doubt.

The message is discovered on the border of the Witch-Doctors' remaining territory. Bodies, twisted and mangled, are laid out in patterns - words for all to see.




Last turn, the Witch-Doctors offered to create a portal to allow another to strike us. As such, they've lost a territory. This is the price.

Hemminghock publicly promised to take up arms against any who hurt the Saints, knowing they had already declared and attack on the Shaitan. The battle in Diashir was the consequence.

This is their warning. And to anyone else who stands in the Shaitan's way - more consequences will follow. Neutrality is safety, and the Shaitan's grudges linger.

2022-09-21, 11:37 AM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

This cannot be borne. People accepted the protection of the Loa and died despite it! Vengeance was called for, at the very least...

The Trickster wanders the city at war once more, in their unpresupposing mortal vessel. This time, they find themselves at the headquarters of the Legio Cerebri....

We heard your message and, sadly, could not trust our channels to reply in such a manner as to not be intercepted, so I was sent directly to coordinate with you for the eradication of the Shaitan. We can promise to destroy the foothold in the Mire and additionally offer two portals and some degree of support besides.
We are willing to follow your lead in this, as you are the more experienced military organization.

St. Justicar
2022-09-21, 02:24 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Homered elders, marionettes of silk and chitin,

Another hand has swung its blade, and the sun is half-blind.

Does your great work shift with the world, or shall we weave on as before?

-Cousin Hylah

Friend Leviathan!

I am hoping you found the tree and calves help for warming the spirits of your people. As I pledged, you can be expecting [1 Inv] and [1 Mor] this month at least. But if your share of harvest was as good as ours, I am thinking you might want more?

Prices are same, except for that if you do not want to pay with coin or treasure, my cousins could use [5 inv] or [1 mil], would take at same rate as secret tricks and alchemy (so 4:1 for a permanent stat, can be paid with any of those four stats, to the maximum of my only needing the 1 point of mil or 5 of inv]

Also, about snakes- if you intend to massacre them, I would beg you to reconsider. Whatever vendetta you have, the City is seeing enough of helpless slaughtered, no?

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Legate!

Is nothing worth apologizing for. Driving wraiths from Guild Ward excuses many things anyway.

As for services, am sad to say for know we keep word with monsters. They are gone from Guild War, but could come back very easy yeah? My cousins are looking after too many refugees to risk Shaitan raiding. Even with real warbands dead, lesser dead they have made slaughtering so much of city are real threat yet. Hope you can forgive. With luck Shaitan will be beaten back more, and threat gone.

But if you are needing anything except warmaking help, my cousins are happy to help! Can give [permanent point of any non-mil permanent stat] in exchange for [a permanent point of eco, art, esp, or 3 Eco, or 4 of any combination of Art, Esp, Inv, Mil)*

Will help as much as we can.
-Cousin Arsat

*note that demand for mil and to a lesser extent eco is SHARPLY limited

We have begged for the safety of your persons and of the virtues of peace, though I cannot say if their ears will be open to our pleas.

Strong Men of Gold!

Will be blunt – I am hearing you may be flush with coin soon. Logistics are issue, will need permission from dog-soldiers, but if can be fixed then I would like to offer use for all the coin you can spare.

My cousins garden is growing, its fruits ripe and its meat hearty. They are needing alchemy and fertilizer and dozen other things money can buy, and challenges to make think outside box. Maybe you can give both?

-Cousin Arsat


Contingent on getting permission for trade from Legio Cerberus, I would like to offer some trade deals.

1-You give: 1 permanent point of Eco, Art, Esp ; You get: a permanent stat point of your choice, plus 1 temporary morale to cover your trade fees
2-You give: 3 points of Eco ; You get: a permanent point of [Mil, Eco, Esp, Art]
3-You give: 4 points of Eco ; You get: a permanent point of [Mor, Inv]
4-You give: 4 points of [Art, Esp, Inv, Mil] ; You get: a permanent point of whatever (Note, demand for these stats is sharply limited. I literally only need/want 1 point of mil, increasing quantities of the rest but there are limits to what I can use of all of them)


Unrelated, but asking for permission to trade through you to reach Heron and Hippo

Great Hippo! Wise Heron!

Will be blunt – I am hearing you may be flush with coin soon. Logistics are issue, will need permission from dog-soldiers and gold-men, but if can be fixed then I would like to offer use for all the coin you can spare.

My cousins garden is growing, its fruits ripe and its meat hearty. They are needing alchemy and fertilizer and dozen other things money can buy, and challenges to make think outside box. Maybe you can give both?

-Cousin Arsat


Contingent on getting permission for trade from Legio Cerberus and Golden Guard, I would like to offer some trade deals.

1-You give: 1 permanent point of Eco, Art, Esp ; You get: a permanent stat point of your choice, plus 1 temporary morale to cover your trade fees
2-You give: 3 points of Eco ; You get: a permanent point of [Mil, Eco, Esp, Art]
3-You give: 4 points of Eco ; You get: a permanent point of [Mor, Inv]
4-You give: 4 points of [Art, Esp, Inv, Mil] ; You get: a permanent point of whatever (Note, demand for these stats is sharply limited. I literally only need/want 1 point of mil, increasing quantities of the rest but there are limits to what I can use of all of them)


Oh Jagged Knives of Paradise,

Your survival is a treasure, your victory another.

Your last blow needn’t be the blaze of glory to engulf you. If you wish to restore the peoples faith and your own security, we would be overjoyed to aid you.

-Cousin Hylah

That is, if you plan on being not-dead for the foreseeable future, did you want to trade for some permanent morale?

Oh Shadow-ridden,

I write to beg forgiveness – your offer of last month passed unreturned, for feat of enraging the wraiths who loomed so near us. I weep that they have turned their wraith upon you instead.

We would aid your reconstruction if we could, but the distance between your holdings and the Garden is chaos and blood. Should a peaceable route be established in the next month, I very much hope we might do business with you.
-Cousin Hylah


Cousin Hylah attended, with two acolytes who looked more like gorillas in robes than any sort of religious seeker walking behind her with heavy clubs and protective expressions. The Cousin herself was as slight as always, almost vanishing in the mass of her loam-black robes and gleaming white mask.

“We have made our Garden in the wreckage of a sea-gods wrath. It is only right I see to the butchering of another.

It pains me to leave my Beloved, but if ships are chartered, I will find passage with one, and see those who fight have the health and might the require. Others might company me, though their decision is yet to be made.”

[OOC: Can pledge my Art3 VIP, barring anything massive changing. Other commitments vary based on trades and current events

2022-09-21, 02:41 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Minoo presides over the Hall of Judgement once again. On her desk are three stacks papers that reach up to the ceiling and sway ominously. Before her is a horde of ghostly red figures with all manner of wounds. She clears her throat and summons the Judge of the dead.

"Lagamal, we call on you. Hear now the case of the Shaitan of Pain, champions of the Shaitan."

Once more the hall trembles and expands to be far bigger than it should. A cold wind blows and a vast figure gazes across an immense distance.

"I give you the Shaitan of Pain, spirits of pain and blood." The ghostly form horde glows a bit brighter as they wait for judgement. "I bring this case today as the Advocate for the Dead. I have heard their tales and weighed their soul. They have committed grave crimes among the living and painted the city with the blood of the innocent."

"I see no righteousness here. There are not shades of vengeance or regret who punish their murderers for justice. The shaitan seek only to spread their suffering to as many possible no matter their innocence or crimes. They are a self perpetuating cycle of undeath. I would grant them peace to end the cycle, but these shades do not deserve that mercy."

"Oh great Judge Lagamal, I ask for Exile. Cast them out to haunt their fellow wraiths in a taste of what justice should be."

The great figure slowly nods and raises its hands, "GRANTED." A swirl of wind blows across the Hall of Justice sweeping the shades of the Shaitan back out into the city.

In the wake of the departure two more ghostly figures step forward. But nobody is really paying attention as Minoo asks for clemency for the Pontifex and Captain of the fleet.

Cousin Arsat,

We are interested in trading and as more than just a one time thing. Of course we are not close, but we have ways to walk the spirit world and close the distance between us. If you would allow my shamans access to your district we would set up a gateway that would allow our two people to freely walk across the city in but a few steps.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

I would like to trade three t. stats for one p. stat on an ongoing basis. I would also like to build a portal from one of your districts to my nexus so that we could avoid the distance penalties.

Current offer:
1 Esp for 1 Eco.

Possibly eco for other stats, but it'll depend on how the auction goes.


I'll be blunt. I was going to offer you my standard rates for warband work. But then the Shaitan sent me a little note. Said I'd get hurt if I helped you. Well the way I see it leaving them alone just means I'll have to fight them once they're done with the rest of the city. Now, I'm never one to back down from a fight, but I don't like those odds. I haven't been able to crack the High Fane and that's just one outpost of theirs.

So here's what I'll do. I'll give you a bargain rate and just charge you for wear and tear on our armor (1:1 Mil:Eco). If you can clear the High Fane for me I'll even throw in an extra squad for no extra charge.

Hormoz, the Hippo

PS. Tell the Slayers of the Silent Saints we're all booked up for sorcerers. But if you can toss some artificers our way we can see about a portal. (4 Art for 4 Inv)

I need to chop something. I'll be there.

Hormoz, the Hippo

2022-09-21, 07:52 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

The last month had been disturbing to say the least, territories lost, soldiers murdered by 'allies', and promises betrayed. The clan and been forced to fight for their lives as Gudite barbarians attempted to erase every piece left of the Clan from the city. So it was more important then ever that the clan uphold their traditions, and their most important tradition was the bestowal of new powers granted by Fuxi was their greatest tradition.

The last month had been devastating in many ways but not in regards to their powerful snake god. Fuxi had found meals among the glut of spirits emerging forth during the eclipse, the spirits not expecting to find themselves prey as they travelled to the mortal world. Fuxi had found a blood drenched women spreading the blight and corruption of cannibalism, she put up a worthy fight but in the end spoiled the fight by begging to be devoured as the ultimate expression of her beliefs. Next the White Snake came upon a prey that reminded her of the old days when she slithered through the brush, a regular snake. A great toad among the mangroves spreading its offspring through the mortal realm for them to grow. The great snake had lost none of its old skill as it slithered through the swamp to devour the great toad, glutting herself on the mass of toad and its offspring.

The Great Fuxi bestowed the remnants of power upon its representative in the city, showing solidarity behind Lady Tamachi despite the twists and turns of its clan in the city. Tamachi built off that gift from Fuxi to reassert her domination over the clan expedition, a great ceremony among the university with the powers strategically granted to those that will bring more power to her corner. Chagatai was a concession she had made to gain her families support in the expedition but the young lady was not Tamachi's creature in any sense.

Lord Jochii and Lady Ogeda'ai were her picks this time. Jochii's family had been granted a power generations ago and it was weakening. Now their powers holder, Jochii's older brother, was currently fighting in the civil war leaving Jochii here to try and gather power for his family. This gift would be what Jochii needs to become the next patriarch of his family and eclipse his brother. While the brother was still alive and trying to gether power Jochii needed another faction to do likewise in. While Jochii was a powerful spirit hunter and trained warrior he had been purposefully kept away from the upper echelons of the his families politics and needed a backer.

Lady Ogeda'ai was from a family that had no power and they were currently attempting to marry her to another distant branch in order to move up the ladder in waiting for a gift of power. Since Tamachi was granted leave to make her own order in the city she chose Ogeda'ai for her head for numbers and the fact that Odeda'ais family would be attempting to bring her back for a marriage and Tamachi's influence would be the only one standing in the way of that.

The pair show off their new powers to the delight and envy of the watching clan. Jochii turned into a horrifying creature, half serpent and half ghoul, granted speed, power, and regeneration while he held the form. The newly empowered clansmen cuts apart several spirit beasts while shrugging off wounds that would have debilitated a normal warrior. Ogeda'ai has the watching clan drooling with greed and desire as she walks among common blocks of stone and wood, turning them into precious metals and rare materials. The clanswomen was already thinking of ways to use their newly acquired goods, finding what the market wanted most.

Tamachi watches the two new prospects and thinks of ways to show off the still vibrant power of the clan.

We understand there is an expedition heading out to hunt these serpents. We have those among us capable of long hunts and who are familiar with the tactics of great serpents. We will allow none to come close to the grandeur of our great Fuxi and will show our skill on the hunt.

We offer some of the more martial of our new nobility to join you. Specifically the Lady of a Thousand Eyes, Holder of Hidden Coin, and the Lord of the Red Fang.
If its VIPs only we would like to send three of our VIPs, Tier 3 and two Tier 2s, to join the hunt.

The Fuxi representatives look suspiciously at the noble women.

"What would bring you to offer an alliance of these terms. What do you gain at this point to offer these generous terms to a clan you just invaded and attempted to take all land from?

Of course a public announcement of alliance would calm some doubts and your... guarantee is of course a consideration. We will get back to you after the Leviathen hunt with our answer. We will however make sure to keep the resources available for an alliance if needed"

While we can offer access to our intelligence (6 Esp) we cannot offer Mil or Art. We are too desperate for both of those resources this turn and the creation of trades too difficult. However we have heard that your Shaitan are injured and we have... a solution. We can offer healing to your injured leaders in replace of any stats for access to your ravaged lands.

2022-09-21, 09:55 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Espionage defense: 10
Reputation: martial-spiritual-barbarian


Daghir smiles "Why, because you survived of course, the offer of alliance is a recognition, the offer of aid is less an acceptance of guilt, for you know what you were getting into, and more a matter of making sure you can carry your weight when conflict does arrive"

She mimicked the suspiscious expression of the Fuxi representative, though with a bit more mirth behind it "Very well" she walked to the door and made another Gudite Vow towards the delegate, the skirt looking as restrictive when pulled as it had done in the first instance "a representative will return when the ships do, may your warriors have a good hunt" then she left the building, though her chariot lingered in the district for a few more hours, as if lost or on a tour.

Cousin Arsat,

Cousin Hylah's support is very much welcome on the coming hunt, as are your offers.

It is a shame that we indeed needed more spiritual support this season, rather than less, given that I'll be unavailable due to the hunt. We may instead redeem the other part of our deal, though we'll have to see what wares we can acquire first and if there is even any money remaining afterwards.

Massacres and helpless? is that what you think of us cousin? the Fuxi can put up a fight and indeed they do yet we wish it not to continue. Daghir is currently negotiating, unarmed and unarmored as a show of our good intentions, whatever happens next is on their hands.

The Crow's keen eye,
-Solyom, Leviatan.

Yeeaaah, Inv and Mil are kind of at a premium right now for me :smalltongue: Though I might make the 2 for 1's this turn if my bids don't go well.

Hey souls sisters,

As I will venture to sea this month, we would like to know if spiritualists or shamans from your lands would join us, and what they'll part for.

Crow's keen eye,
Solyom, Leviatan.

need 3 INV this midturn for delving, and I figure 3 Eco this midturn is a fair trade, given the practical uses it has this time around.


Greetings keeper of ancestors,

It seems the city is stirring, am I correct in assuming your last callings are still what should be aimed for, regardless of what has changed?

Gulldr's Might,
-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

Really just checking in to see if the LTP is all the same, if they did invest when active or something

Esteemed Legate,

It does seem the battle against the Shaitan is reaching a turning point, now that we have almost fully chased them out of the western districts and Cerberus with the eastern mercs are in a good position to chase them from the east. We would gladly help you continue the training project so that the city may be ready to deal with the next threat.

Gulldr's Might,
Daghir, The Wolf.

Hoping to pry the LTP out of them.

2022-09-22, 12:42 PM
The bridge crossing to Dashir was walled by two massive gates. One, on the Hemminghock factories of the former Courthouses, and one blocking off the White Washed district of Dashir. Even through the last three months of turmoil, Dashir had managed its appearance, maintaining the pearl perfection they used to represent connection to the Eye of Heaven that overlooked the city.

Hemminghock representatives had crossed the bridge before. In fact, the gates were rarely closed considering the deluge of refugees looking for the blessing of the eye recently. Whether it was the Shaitan, or the brigands outside of Ardakand, there had been a litany of reasons to pray in the past months.

Today though, the gates were shut, massive doors of iron and oak blocking the advance of the Hemminghock troops that had been mustered over the past week. Gunmen, now a healthy mix of Hemminghock immigrants and local hires, waited on the bridge with guns in hand. They'd been told the gate would be opened for them, and that they weren't to fire a shot without a command, under penalty of non-payment.

It wasn't court marshalling, but it was how Hemminghock operated.

On the Dashir side of the gate, three dozen Hemminghock representatives stood at the ready, with pistols on their hip instead of rifles in their hands. At the front of the gathering was Bridget Fortner, the battalion manager and the harpy in charge of bringing half the Courthouses under Hemminghock control. At the moment, Fortner had her chestnut wings squeezed behind her back and her talons tapping on the street. Across from her stood a small legion clad in brilliant silver platinum plate, the defenders of the Eye of Heaven. Fortner stared at their voids in their helmets where eyes were covered in shadow. Unlike the Hemminghock side, there wasn't a single representative at the front as a clear leader, instead it was a wall of warriors, one stance away from a trained shield wall.

Fortner glanced up at the moon. Hemminghock missives had given the Praesidium until midnight to make up their mind about the Hemminghock purchase offer. Midnight was was less specific than anything that coudld get tracked with a sundial, but at this point they were dangerously close to it being obvious that Hemminghock didn't want to follow through on their announcement of taking the district by force. Pulling a gun on the Preasidium guards was the worst case scenario and would cost Fortner their bonus.

One of the guards on the other side looked to the rooftops as the standoff continued. Much like the group with Fortner, Hemminghock harpy sharpshooters could leverage their flight to get wherever they wanted. The guard adjusted their shield after looking back at the assembled crowd. They couldn't truly stop Hemminghock from taking over most of Dashir, but they would at least die before the company got their hands on the Eye of Heaven. Hemminghock had said that they had no interest in the eye, but the Praesidium Guards had heard that song and dance before, and it had never stopped someone from taking a battering ram to the gates.

"Alright," Fortner began, pulling her pistol off of her hip but leaving her arm hanging lazily at her side, "have y'all reached a consensus or am I gonna need to get nasty?"

"The Praesidium has never fallen to foreign invaders," one of the guards announced.

"Fer the last time," Fortner sighed, "we're not invaders, we're an Ardakandian business with a writ of ownership from the Courthouse 'cross the river an-"

"We know that the Courthouses have been captured by Hemminghock forces," the guard answered, "your paper means nothing within Dashir's walls."

"God d-" Fortner cut herself off, "Look, do ya want me to get one from the Palace? Heron and Hippo are just on the other side o' that gate and I could-"

"The invasive mercenar-"

"This ain't your Ardakand anymore," Fortner hissed, "if y'all want something signed by a dead man, then I'm happy to help ya cross over to the spirits."

Her threat was met with silence.

"Open the gate," Fortner commanded to the harpies behind her. Half a dozen moved to each gatehouse, walking up to the Presidum guards in front of each door and shoving them out of the way.

"You will not open that gate!" the same guard commanded, taking a step forward and putting their hand on their blade, the scratching sound of metal on scabbard rang out through the streets.

The harpies looked back for a moment but continued into the gatehouses once they saw Fortner's nod. As the guard went to take another step forward, Fortner matched him, walking forward until they met in the middle of the two factions, and then taking another step forward so the wide brim of her hat pressed against his helm. The clinking of uncomfortable plate armor filled the street.

"Ya gonna stop me?" Fortner asked, as she did, she pressed the barrel of her gun against his chest plate, and then slowly moved it up along his sternum, locking it just in the slot between his neck guard and the core armor. She still couldn't see the guards eyes, but she couldn't imagine anything other than steel resolve.

There was a telltale click from a nearby rooftop as another harpy landed. None of the Presidium guards flinched and the Hemminghock forces were still awaiting commands.

The massive gate began to swing open, moved inch by inch with groaning wood and screeching steel. The first crack between the gargantuan doors revealed Hemminghock guns, legions deep, trained to fire and prepared to march on the district if the order was given. Should the gate lock open, there was nothing that the Praesidum could do to stop their advance. The white walls of Dashir that had prevented invasions of the Eye of Heaven for a thousand years would finally lose to a march. The march of progress.

A scream echoed out from further in the city, catching every corner and wall until it raked its claws over the assembled forces, threatening both of them to fire upon the other. The scream began to peter out, falling back and returning the dead to the night, but gate seemed quiet compared to the screech the Praesidum had just ignored. The inches of the opening turned into feet as the standoff continued.

Dashir was built on the side of the mountain, leading up to the Eye of Heaven, the streets were a mix of cobblestone slopes and granite stairs, marking the end of the pilgrimage for those looking to worship at the Eye. The unique structure of the town would have made it almost impossible to fight through, considering those marching inward would always be facing the high ground, but there was something else novel about it. It let Fortner see the first buildings, those closest to the eye, burst into deep red flame. Then, seconds later, the moon hanging overhead washed over with blood, smothering the cool light and plunging the night into scarlet. The final marker was a scream of arrival, the scream of something dead so long that it had forgotten it was alive.

Fortner took a step back from the Praesidum guard she'd been leaning into. She watched the white buildings of Dashir erupt as the spirit realm erupted into the physical and unleashed the Shaitan into the district. The Praesidum guard didn't flinch until the first everlasting scream had become a cacophony of panic, fire and suffering.

The Praesidum guard spun to face the burning Dashir, looking toward the eye and watching scarlet flame kiss the fortress walls as the defender's bells started to ring, they turned back to Fortner, who had taken several steps back toward the Hemminghock lines. Once she felt the eyes of the guards back on her, she stopped.

"Looks like someone's movin' in general," she mused, "want it to be us or them?"

Screams drowned out the silence between the two.

"You wouldn't let the Eye of-"

"We're defendin' Hemminghock property," Fortner pointed out, "if Dashir we're suddenly Hemminghock property, why I'd be obligated to turn these guns t'ward stoppin' those spirits. Overwise," she trailed off. The first panicked citizens started arriving at the backline of the Praesidum, running away from the burning that had began at the top of the hill and was advancing down like a wave of fire and blood. "I'm gonna need a lot of guns to defend this bridge."

"Y-" the Praesidum guard began but stopped as Fortner held out her hand and offered a winner's smile. The guard waited as the screams climbed up into the air with the smoke. The fire started illuminating the Praesidum guards, changing their silver to ruby. Flames flickered across Fortner's eyes.

She held her hand out perfectly friendly, like they were agreeing to meeting on Thursday as opposed to the fate of a district.

There was a growl of frustration before the Praesidum guard stepped forward and locked hands with Fortner, shaking her hand too violently for polite society. He dropped her hand and motioned to the lines behind him, telling them to let the citizens through.

"Pleasure doin' business," Fortner thanked in a sing-song tone that clashed against the cacophany in the background. "Let em' through!" she called back to the Hemminghock forces as they started pouring through the gates, guns in hand and determination in their eyes. The ranks of Hemminghock split, allowing a funnel of refugees through as they marched up either side of the bridge. As they reached Dashir's streets, they formed up behind Fortner and the harpies that had joined her past the gate. As they filed in, Fortner turned to one of her aides, "Grab the Clan Invokers, we're gonna need em'."

Further up the hill toward the Eye of Heaven, the occasional fires and turned into a smothering wall of bloody flame. It might have been a trick of the eyes, but Fortner could swear that she could see screeching faces flashing through the flames. Past the wall of fire, the Praesidum itself stood strong against the invaders, keeping the Bloodsworn away from the Eye of Heaven, but stopping short of anything else.

Fortner frowned once she had enough troops of the right side of a birdge to form a proper line. The Harpies on the rooftops had been watching her for a while now, only occasionally glancing towards the advancing line of fire. Fortner pulled a cigar out of her breast pocket and held it between her teeth. She'd forgotten a match, but there was more than enoug fire coming her way to light it down the line.

Her pause was supposed to be matched with a breath of silence, but instead it was just a horrid mixture between the screams of the living and the damned.

A single gunshot rang out into the night as Fortner fired her pistol towards the bloody moon. "Hemminghock!" she called on the echoes. "Let's give em' hell."


Hemminghock didn't give the Shaitan hell, because they'd bought it with them.

Fortner wrapped one of her ash covered wings close around her face in an attempt to breathe anything other than smoke. It was impossible to tell if it had been minutes of hours since she'd dropped down with the other harpies into the wrath of the Bloodsworn, but not matter how long it'd been physically, it'd been too ****ing long.

On the roof in front of her, the viscous blood of the spirit pooled, it's sinew wrapped face locked in an eternal scream and seven shots buried in the back of its skull. There would be more, there were always more.

Hemminghock had rolled into the flames with full confidence in there usual methods. They had the firepower, they could sweep and clear the buildings saving everyone as they gunned down the rampant spirits in the streets. Hell, they'd done the same thing in the Ghost Quarter, but the Bloodsworn were something different. They slid between floorboards and doorframes, wriggling between seems to burst out of places nobody could defend from. Fighting them on the ground had been a fools errand, you can't make a formation around water, or blood.

The solution had been a long campaign, holding off the Shaitan as refugees escaped the fire and blood, but no matter how many people they got out the screams never stopped. The Harpies could stay in the air, and the Invokers of the Fuxi Clan could open small portals to keep the other Hemminghock soldiers off the ground but-

Too many voices in the screaming chorus were Hemminghock soldiers.

Fortner righted herself and stalked over to the ammo box that had been dropped off on her rooftop a while ago. It was mostly empty at this point. She'd started the night with over twenty harpies, but she'd sent them all away for communications, to reenforce others, or to escape when they were only injured. Right now she was alone, surrounded my smoke, and waiting for the damned signal that all of the citizens were out of the city.

Of course, by now she'd settle for most.

Fortner grabbed a handful of bullets and shoved them haphazardly in her pocket before snatching a specific six from the box and slotting them into her revolver. Reloading was a practiced motion, and for the first time since she'd given the call to give hell, her hands weren't shaking. Something normal.

The cacophony of screams nearly covered the scratching of scrabbling skeletal hands on the roof behind her. Fortner snapped the chamber of her revolver back in place and spun to face the creature. Smoke dripped from holes in its bloody skin, red ichor poured form its mouth, the wind whistling through its ribcage echoed out as screams.

Fortner fired the first shot towards the shambling curse, it slammed into the forehead of the creature and its skull snapped back on its neck, but it didn't stop its advance. The second and third shots buried deep in its chest.

The creature reached out to Fortner, blood sliding from its skin onto its arm to extend into terrible claws, giving it reach it never should have had. The scratched the air in front of the harpy.

Two shots rang out from the sky, the first breaking the arm and the second scattering the skull of the spirit across the rooftop. Its blood boiled and hissed for a moment before lying dormant.

"Manager Forter," a formerly white winged harpy greeted as she landed on the rooftop, smoke had stained every part about her. "Refugees ain't showin' up anymore."

Fortner didn't' respond for a moment, instead walking up to the crumbling remains of the spirit and kicking bone across the rooftop, "For how long?"

"Haven't seen anyone new for twenty minutes," the harpy clarified. To Fortner it sounded like she was far away, but she was simply looking down at one of Fortner's team that had been drained of blood earlier in the night. "Fight's done."

"Yeah," Fortner said, she looked up to the sky to see if the moon was still red but there was too much smoke between her and the stars. They couldn't keep this up. There was no telling how many Bloodsworn were going to arrive over the night. Right now it was unclear if they could have conquered the Praesidium, but every minute Hemminghock waited was waiting for a tide of scarlet to pour down from the Heavens. "Cannons in place?"


"Full retreat, defend the bridge," Fortner grabbed more bullets out of the box on the rooftop before motioning for her aide to take the rest. "Let's turn these ****ers to dust."


Cannons rang out across Ardakand for four days at the start of the month, constantly changing shifts loading and reloading massive guns on the Hemminghock side of the river, only taking a break when the barrels themselves started to give way.

By the time Hemminghock was done, the Bloodsworn were assuredly gone from Dashir, because Dashir was nothing more than a pile of rubble. There would be no retrofitted buildings on the island, no combination of Ardakand architecture and Hemminghock industry. The island was a blank slate of lives reduced to gravel, and bloody Shaitan reduced to paste.

At the top of the mountain, just before the eye of Heaven, the walls of the Praesidum fortress were stained red with blood and black with gunpowder. The fortress sat empty, having been raided during the days of artillery fire, the assault hidden by smoke and horror.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004933849492500521/1022559919859314749/Writteninsanity_oil_painting_of_a_gunslinger_with_ wings_fightin_004d428d-eaeb-4ea7-80d0-bc16c69f1acf.png
Hemminghock against the Bloodsworn - Purchased by by Cecelia from a Dashir refugee.


There are no messages coming out from Hemminghock in the aftermath of the battle of Dashir, but after several days Hemminghock shops around town display a message:

Will Be Open for Business Past the 15th.

Spending 19 (10 main stats and 9 saved from previous turns) INV on a massive journey into the spirit world.

Paying 3 Temp ECO for the Pact with Lord Business

Throwing 2 ECO at each item. To catch any forgotten ones and get ahead of the first person to think like that.

2022-09-22, 04:36 PM
Legio Aquila [8]
to the Legio Cerberus

Hail, Legate of the 28th

We are happy to report that the formation of the City Watch proceeds admirably. Between our joint training and the guardian statue concept provided by the Golden Guard, they should be a highly effective force.

Sadly, our own advances towards the Minotaurus have been entirely rebuffed, too. As far as we can tell, they have refused to talk to anyone.

The Legate of the Second

To the Gudite Warcamp
Hail, Wolf

Our program is proceeding well. We would be happy with any assistance that would hasten it, as we think we may be able to implement it within the next month. Due to your interest, plans are attached.

The Legate of the second

OOC: The goal of the Legion's LTP is that they would have guardhouses in every ward, or at least on the bridges into those wards. That would allow them to more quickly prepare forces anywhere in the city, without having to publicly muster. The LTP is almost finished.

House Aranea [6]
To the Gardeners
Honoured Cousin,

One blow has landed before we have struck, but we have two knives prepared and our work is not done.

The High Lord of the Spider

To the Gudite Warcamp

Honored Hierarch,

One blow has landed before we have struck, but we have two knives prepared and our work is not done. We are proceeding with the second part as planned.

The High Lord of the Spider

2022-09-22, 06:05 PM
Golden Guard
Morale 9

I hope our claim to solo the monster, is a good answer what we plan to brave the beasts. Honestly, you don't even need to bother with the ships. We can deal with it but we won't stop others if they really want to come.

We will definitely take you up on your offer. We will see what we have after this raid. Also of course you can travel through our territory. As for the beast hunting, help isn't needed but if you wish to join we are happy to have them!

Most of our military is tied up hunting the beast but we can sell 4 mil easily and we will see what we get from the beast.

St. Justicar
2022-09-23, 12:53 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh

After two months, the Boatyards were almost unrecognizable. A rich vermilion moss coated every inch of ground, hiding jagged rocks and coblestone paths and treated wood docks alike, blossoms of bone-white and royal purple and brilliant orange flowering in whatever corners no one hand tramped down on or dragged a crate across in the last few weeks. The warehouses by the docks had been greatly expanded – half-translucent skin stretched across scaffolding of bone to add second, third and fourth stories to the stone-and-wood structures, veins thicker than a man’s arm running up from the moss to the living components – to provide housing for the still-constant stream of refugees, and barges arrived day and night, carrying new arrivals into them and supplies out to the rest of the City.

Hylah would have avoided leaving her sprawling set of incubators and spawning pools beneath the caged Everstorm entirely, if she could, and feeling the morning sun warm her robes made the newest parts of her prickle with discomfort – she would give sun and rain their due, but peace was being surrounded and engulfed and entombed by Life, teeming in every direction, not this horrible infinity of nothing stretching above her – but there was a comfort to the motion. The beating of a hundred hearts, a grand circulatory system, spreading throughout her beloved city, bringing the desperate to salvation and salvation to the desperate. She had not paid that aspect of things much attention, and it was pleasing to see how smoothly her Cousins’ share of the work functioned.

She was so distracted considering it that she almost stumbled right into the water when she arrived at her actual destination – a dozen whip-like tendons shot out of the moss to steady her a heartbeat before she would walk off a ridge and down a steep slope into the frothing, churning waters below.

She would have been fine – that was the whole point, really – but it would have been cruel to give the acolytes who were supposed to be minding her a heart attack like that. She wanted them to enjoy the view.

It was an artificial lagoon, of course – scuttled barges and piled coral providing a foundation for the Garden to grow from, a dozen beating hearts and a hundred pairs of lungs sustaining hundreds of feet of flowing backs and limbs, flowering and chitinous and scaly in turn. Ten thousand little caverns providing the ideal home and spawning grounds for the first creation she could truly take pride in, flesh of the garden without analogue, midwifed from dream to reality.

And, with the shadow-wraiths most recent massacre, they were called to service the moment they were born.

There were dozens of channels and tunnels from the wider ocean into the lagoon, and every one of them was a packed thoroughfare – the Shaitan has slaughtered hundreds as the Merchant Navy burned in its docks, but hundreds more had fallen into the sea, burned or bleeding or bound and left to drown. Those, at least, could be saved.

The lightly pulsating flesh of the lagoon’s near edge shifted as she walked, forming a gentle stair out of what had been a sheer slope. Her senses expanded as she walked on ground more fully alive – dozens of her Alabaster Mercies pulling half-dead sailors onto the beaches of soft, cushioning algael flesh prepared to accept them, while Gardeners and acolytes rushed around to see to their wounds, carrying them into different clinics set up in different recesses and caverns on the lagoons edge to give them the treatment they required.

Her minder was saying something, but she didn’t pay him any mind as she walked down onto a beach where a half-dozen sailors had just been delivered. The pallid, squid-like Mercies carrying each had down what they could to keep them alive – mucus to seal wounds and treat burns, rigid limbs to act as splints, offering up their own beings as lungs and hearts for those in need – but all still needed urgent care. The surprising thing was that one was conscious.

Not so surprising that he was thrashing about in a mad struggle, given that he was. Base animal reflexes could be unhelpful in times like this. So she approached him, as he weakly clawed at the only thing keeping his intestines from spilling out. She tilted her head curiously as she spoke.

“Are you so eager for death? If there is pain, say and it might be ended.”

He jerked up as she spoke, half-rabid. Certainly not any calmer.

“Stay away you godsdammned demon! Knew you were too good to be true. You’re not going to feed me to your monsters or use me as fertilizer or, or, whatever you cancerous ****s want with me!”

“My Beloved already suffocates under dead and rotting meat. If we did not care for you, the ruin made of you would be simple to collect once it was fully broken.” He still didn’t seem particularly comforted, so she continued. “We want you to live, to grow, to thrive and flourish beyond the half-life and shadow which so entombs us all.. If you long to meet the spider I will not stop you, but I would help you, if you allow me.”

He tried to shift position, and in doing so overextended himself. He collapsed like so much dead weight, and was barely able to mouth his acceptance of her help. But he did.

She knelt over him, the Mercy shifting slightly to allow the worm-like tongue emerging from her palm access to his wound. From their they slithered through his body, tasting every wound and imperfection. There were too many to count – the basic flaws of the human body, the ravages of time, the scars of hard labour and poorly healed wounds – but even the newest were enough to make her stiffen in disgust. A nearly severed intestine, a shattered knee, the sharp, metallic taste of poison.

She brought her other hand up his mouth, a blister forming on her fingertip just in time for her to open it and let the milky pus drip between his lips. Her latest attempt at anaesthesia, as strong as opium without the accompanying loss of awareness.

“You will be saved, you will be more alive than you have ever been, all the pains of age and miseries of your past will be lifted. But you will be changed, might no longer be recognized by those you cared for. Do you accept?”

He looked nauseous, disgusted, like he might choose to die as the broken meat he had been born into.

But sailors are pragmatists, in the end. Will to take up any god who will have them. And so, valiantly trying not to retch, he nodded.

She spoke as she worked, mostly to keep him aware and awake. But she had an ulterior motive as well.

“You have sailed the high seas, have you not? Hunted the great shadowborne beasts that are whispered of? Tell me all you know.”


OOC- Figures, but thought I’d offer. And hey, it’s a great turn for me to actually have the capacity for you to cash in all 6 options at once! :smalltongue:

OOC – If you can make us adjacent for trade purposes, sure. Otherwise, trade costs mean that 3of any stat but eco for something just isn’t economical.

But that’s you give 1 p. Esp I give 1 p. Eco? Because absolutely done.

OOC - Looking forward to hearing from you


Pacts - Spending 1 Inv and 1 Esp – As the Mothergreen’s seed takes root and sprouts, its initial growth is obsessively monitored by the Gardeners who seem to call the Red Quarter home. The reports are carefully inscribed on purpose-grown bark skin with rare and holy inks, then burned in a smokeless fire as they are recited, the ashes mixed with the soil of the holy plants base.

Fishing Trip - Cousin Hylah (Art 3) and Cousin Rao (Mil 2) will accompany the Golden Guard on their grand leviathan hunt – though in both cases their contributions won’t really be of the ‘jump on the sea serpent with a harpoon’ variety.

Midnight Auction – Bidding
1- 3 Eco for the Binders Anvil
2- 10 Eco for the City of Dafodills
3- 10 Eco for the Yearning Stone

2022-09-23, 03:29 PM
Gudite Warband

Espionage defense :10
Rep: Barbarian-Spiritual-Martial.


Kindly blessed ones,

As it will soon become apparent, we intend to secure the Eye of Heaven before the hated Shaitan get a chance to, if you would please grant us passage so we can avoid the territory they hold entirely, we would be very grateful.

Ase's longing,
Solyom, Leviatan.

No worries cousin, that our needs are similar is only a testament to our closeness in spirit... I will sadly not be able to join the expedition, Delilah will take my place, for it is imperative that I commute with my gods before moving ahead to the most powerful spot in this land.

I hope you can let us through as we do with you, for the road to heaven is long and we trust you over others to safeguard our start towards it.

Ase's longing,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Honoured legates,

Excellent efforts so far and we are sorry that our own contributions to stop the Shaitan have been hampered by the Fuxi betrayal and their close colaboration with the fiends. We write to let you know we'll finally make good on our previous offer to join you in the Merchant's isle, less you confound our efforts with an invasion and bar our way.

Gulldr's warmth,
-Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

reminder to grant me safe passage in your EoT, message to minotaurus is that as well, no meddling as promised.

Master Chemosh,

Very well, I'm certainly glad now to have been appointed to this expedition if it'll help us get more properly acquainted.

With due respect,
Delilah Fairway.

*Cough* Well, regardless of who guides the trust, it is nice to see I chose wisely who to call, let us have a good hunt!


Honoured Legate,

We hope the fact we have spoken very little on our time sharing this ward is a testament for our lack of desire to disturb your operations, as of now, we will break this silence by asking you for passage through the Outskirts of the Autofactory and the bridge towards Tarbent that you control.

Gulldr's Warmth,
Daghir, The wolf.

2022-09-23, 03:59 PM
Golden Guards

Golden clad figures approach the leviathan hunter meeting point with a large troupe of golems trailing behind each one protectively. A massive amazon of gold with blade arms perfectly matching the movements of a golden armored women who happily cracks the road where ever she walks. Beside the golden Amazon is a walking suit of armor, various spikes covering the armor, a cart that fails to get out of its way in time is in for a surprise as the armor turns translucent gold for an instant revealing a hunched suit of iron armor within the golem as the golem walks through the cart as if it wasn't there before solidifying again. The unharmed cart and driver remain behind slightly soggy with a rapidly solidifying golden fluid. Next in line is a a relatively normal snake like golem. Riding upon it is a mousy girl covered in gold armor working on some sort of solution even while moving. In front of the 3 golems strides the six legged Mk2 with its 6 limbs, the two leaders of the Golden Guards in their own golden armor ride upon it talking as the odd group approach the meeting point. They appear to have not brought a ship and when it is time for the hunt all of them leap into the water.

Surprisingly, despite all the metal, the golems float relatively well as they generate large waves with them swimming. Golem and master swim in the water with surprising speed towards their target, untiringly and consistent.

Pyrom, Chemosh, Liah, Jenkins, Ilea

Mk2 V1.022, Ever Evolving, Golem of Protection, Mimic

are all sent to hunt the leviathan. 14 points of VIP for a total of 28 points invested.

Spending 1 art and 1 eco on upkeeping my golems making sure they are all in perfect condition for the fight. (Paying Nurska's cost)

Bidding 2 on Binder’s Anvil, 3 on Lion's Cloak, 1 on paired quills

2022-09-23, 06:05 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Lady Tamachi (Tier 2 Inv) and Borte Saran, The Venom Mistress (Tier 2 Inv) lead a large force of their Spirit Hunters, Priests, and Sages (8 Inv) into the Spirit World, emerging from their safe haven among the Well to the deadly wilds.

As their leading ladies of the clan hunt through the spirit wilds the newer leaders of the clan emerge from the city amid other heroes and leaders of the city. The trio go to hunt leviathens and show the might of Fuxi. Lady Chagatai uses her advanced power and ability to effect wide spread areas to prepare the area. Her moths spread through both the material plane and the spirit world until she is spread enough to merge the two partially. The powerful new Lady pulls over land from the spirit realm that exists in reality alongside the ocean, allowing those in the area to choose to swim or walk. Lady Ogeda'ai has a massive longbow with extra large steel arrow heads she will be transmitting to deadly rare poisons as well as transmitting large swathes of ocean to ice to freeze the leviathens in place. Finally Lord Jochii is armed to the extreme and prepares to bring the the fight directly to the leviathens, utilizing his regeneration and damage to hurt the large beasts. (Tier 3 Esp VIP, Tier 2 Mil VIP, and Tier 2 Exon VIP to the Hunt)

Gain 2 Random stats from Jeart and trade in 2 t. Mor and 1 t. Mil for 3 random stats.

The Clan holds up their deal and utilize their new God Yusamta to heal the injured Shaitan VIPs (2 Art to heal them)

2022-09-23, 09:53 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Hormoz stomped down to the Palace's private dock with cannon on one shoulder one shoulder and a massive crate on the other. He throws them both onto the deck of a small sloop and leaps after them. He takes a minute to stoy his supplies and then surveys the vast ocean before laughing, "Haha, time for some leviathan meat." He doesn't bother untieing the mooring ropes instead using a knife that would be a sword for any other man to simply cut the ropes. With a single tug the hippo pulls the anchor out of the water and sends it flying into his other hand. Humming a bawdy tavern sang Hormoz sets about getting the sloop under way.

1 eco for Lagamal
1 eco and 1 morale for Kives
Minoo, 1 banked Inv, and 1 Inv will Devle (10 Total)
Hormoz will go on the Leviathan Expedition (8 Mil, 1 Art, +Kives Bonus)

8 eco bid on The Dragons of Zheng

2022-09-24, 08:55 AM
Gudite Warband


A loud horn is heard from the river behind the party "Fellows, I'll be standing for Solyom today, do hope that's okay" greeted the foreign engineer from atop a repurposed Dhow, long for carrying cargo, with its most distinctive feature a mixture of religious symbols and prominent runes, granting it a gentle shine during nightime, with a few mastercraft cannons on the prow to dissuade any beasties that took a liking to the glowing craft.

Mustering for the Merchant's isle and Diashir

Solyom (lvl 2 Inv VIP) and 6 Inv will Delve into the spirit world (clear 10 levels).

Using 5 esp (that whole chariot show) to get into position within the Fuxi territory and learn about their defeat through Crow's ability (Expecting to get any extraneous defensive factors, what their passive mil defense was and info on whatever god or artifact protected them)

Last turn i won 3 Victories, so that sould cover for my two gods and either a spirit world threat (priority) or a new god (if I find one).

Sending Delilah (lvl 2 art VIP, so 4 points) to hunt leviatans with the crew.

Due to her chosen specialties Delilah has always had some problems fighting in the sea, as her usefulness will dwindle as do the reagents and power taken from the mainland, as such she came heavily prepared even for such a short trip. Her main contribution is the ship, hardened with resilience runes and armed with strong cannons with the best powder Ardakand has to offer.

She is armed with grenades for close combat (yes, for close combat) and prepared a host of useful runes to support the more experienced monster slayers (protection, sound to distract the monsters, honestly just use as a deus-ex-machina bag of tricks for whatever hunting fluff you write).

Vying 3 mor for the Knight Belligerent.

Vying 3 eco each for Shaman's Bell, Binder's Anvil, Lion's cloak.

11 eco for the The Dragons of Zheng

then 1 each for the paired quills, the city of daffodils and the yearning stone (Maybe all decide to ignore them because of the heacy competition, who knows? you'll note that this is exactly the opposite sentiment that lead me to throw 3 eco at the +1 items).

2022-09-24, 01:20 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

Morale 14


The Witch Doctors
If you could create a portal for my troops to 48, then together our hosts can drive the Shaitan completely from the west of the city.

The Guidite Warcamp
Agreed, thank you for contacting us again before launching your operations.

The Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Alas I understand your trepedations, and hope that we can be closer allies once the Shaitan threat has been quashed from the city. For now, I would be interested in purchasing economic development from your wares, perhaps 2 permanent eco for 6 t.eco? If that is an available trade? Otherwise artifice, as the Legions should really be expanding their capabilities in that field.

I will commit to that offer once the auction is over, as the economics left to us after said bids may change somewhat.

The Heron and Hippo
We will have the Cerberus Banner flying over High Fane within the month then, and afterwards can negotiate its release to your host, as Cerberus will no doubt be needed elsewhere. We are already adjacent to you in Tarbent, so no portals should be necessary for the transfer. How much do you have available to sell?

The Golden Guard
And how much will you be charging for said military aid?

The Slayers of the Silent Saints
No need to set up an portal, we seized silver street from the Shaitan the previous month, and thus it is a simple bridge away. Tragically I must agree with your assessment that this channel is not safe to discuss plans for the operation on, but trust that I will ensure the Shaitan’s route and aid you in restoring faith in the Slayers once the demon is driven from Ardakand.

Midturn PM

Bids in the Auction

3 t.eco for the mil item (lions cloak I think? If I read that right?)

7 t.eco for the City of Daffodils

4 t.eco for the Dragons of Zheng


Orbei Joins the Stormweaver in the study of tactics and strategy.
Storms in Tarbent, Shield isle, and the Outskirts, declaring Shaitan, the Carnival, and the Gudites enemies if that info is private, just the shaitan if its public.

4 invocation spent to create a portal to 61

Theoretically there is also an agreement potentially with the Witchdoctors? I’m not sure if they create the portal for me or I need to create the portal, but I’m hoping to have a portal to 48 as well.

2022-09-24, 03:42 PM
6 mil
7 Econ (7 bid)
4 Esp
3 Art (3 spent)
9 Inv (9 spent)


1 temp mil
25 temp econ (25 bid)
5 temp artifice (5 spent)
4 temp inv (spent)


5 inv, 4 temp Inv, 3 art, 5 temp art spent on delving (12 total pts after 2 art reduction for appeasing the Hedge-Keeper)

There is a crisis coming, and everything that would normally be invested slowly must be spent to seek more immediate power!

4 Inv gifted to Legio Cerebri with Crossroads Bargain.
The Shaitan must pay!

The Baron (level 3) goes on the Leviathan hunt! Antoine duLac is excited to join other nobles and heroes on this great quest!

The Hedge-Keeper is asked to hold back the Shaitan if they go Delving this round.

The Hedge-Keeper is asked to report on all portals built this round.

Our new ally is already providing valuable assistance and intelligence!


15 on the City of Daffodils
17 on the Yearning Stone

Money is for spending!

2022-09-24, 10:46 PM
Carnival of Chains
Morale: 12

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

Pay 1 t. Eco and 1 t. Mor for Pact with Ruairidh.

2022-09-25, 06:55 AM
Midturn 4

The expedition has left the city for over a week now, and no word has returned. The lighthouse pyromancers and the weather sages of the university predict that the sea is extraordinarily calm, further out, and the expedition may take a while yet to return.

Hemminghock Family Company [8]

A narrow, lacquered box is found one morning on Cecelia's desk, with a note attached: "Sometimes the minimum is enough. ~A.N.". Inside, carefully cushioned, are two old-fashioned writing quills, each a striking amber colour.

Won the auction for the paired quills for 2 t.eco

The size of the expedition quickly proves unwieldy and they split up when they find what are very clearly two paths, one leading up the size of a bare hill, the other leading downwards into a dark forest.

As they climb the hill, what at first started as a dirt path becomes first strewn with gravel, then cobbled, then slowly changes into an impossibly wide stair of black marble, which stretches up, to a distant light above. Treasures are strewn over the staircase, seemingly discarded without care. The expedition climbs for what seem like weeks, without pause or rest, until finally, they see the throne, far above, under a golden sun disk. A white bull reclines there, on a platform, its hide so blindingly bright that he outshines the sun above him.
“This is a profane age”, it rumbles. “Civilization has fallen. Mortals have no respect. The rituals are not maintained. Ever since the Khan set one God above another, all has been chaos and bloodshed.
And you, you are the most profane of all, with your mass-manufacture of soulless artefacts, your beastmen, your love for weapons. But gods must change with the time, and you are the strongest among them. Effectiveness must never be condemned. You will bring the law, and strength, and just rule, in my name, and all will hear my name, and yours, and weep in awe.”

Found Usherabi, the royal bull, gain 3 t.inv, 6 t.art, 2 t.eco.

Offering: Usherabi requires you to keep a sacred bull, to worship. The bull requires not only the highest respect, but also a fine temple and an honour guard, to keep it safe at all times. This costs 2 t.eco and 1 t.mil per turn.

Blessing: lesser mortals will not dare to even touch what belongs to a faction worshipping Usherabi, as anything connected to them exudes an aura of exalted awe. As long as you have more VP than a faction attacking you, you add the difference on all passive defenses against their attacks.

The other expedition climbs down into a dark forest, utterly lightless between the branches. The trees move closer and closer together, until they form black walls on either side, until the expedition is moving not in a forest, but a dark corridor. Soon, there are branches, and ramps leading up or down, making progress slow and confusing. There are now whispers in the air, telling secrets to those who would listen. Progress is slow, and exhausting, and the Labyrinth seems to do everything in its power to halt progress. Expedition members turn their heads to better catch a whisper and, when they turn their heads back, are alone. Others lean against walls, exhausted, only to be sucked into the blackness, screaming and struggling. In the end, it is a small, haggard group that arrives at the center of the Labyrinth, where all the whispers converge.

Lose two permanent invocation. Found the Night's Labyrinth, Nexus of Espionage

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [11]
The Sapling eagerly takes root and begins to grow, though for now, its roots are confined to where they are best-nourished. Roots spread to 31, now 2 districts covered.

Cousin Hylah is away on a fishing trip, but in her absence, an incredibly heavy crate is delivered for her. Inside is black, and rather plain-looking anvil, which, to the magically attuned, radiates an enormous amount of power. A note is attached: "I am sure whatever you do with this will be both revolutionary and disgusting, and I look very much forward to it. ~A.N."

Gained the Binder's Anvil for 3 t.eco

Clan Fuxi [7]

The Heart spews out a large amount of weapons made of black glass, among them some extraordinarily sharp daggers. Gain 3 t.mil, 2 t.esp.

Healing the Shaitans is not accomplished in the same way as one would a mortal. There are no bodies to restore. Instead, the Fuxi invokers must find them new hosts, while Yusamata travels the darkest and most violent reaches of the spirit world to find their spirits and carry them back. Both Shaitans are healed.

The Ladies of Fuxi know how to trawl the spirit world by now and as they find themselves on a harsh landscape of cliffs and rock spires, they begin a systematic search. In the deep canyons, they find colossal heaps of flotsam, deposited here by ancient flash floods that must have filled these canyons to the rim. Among the broken wood are ancient coins, broken statues and even scrolls, seemingly dating to the time of the first Khan. The scrolls, waxed and sealed, are still readable, revealing ancient secrets of how Ardakand was built.

The local spirit is well hidden, until it becomes apparent that the highest of the rock spires seems unnaturally balanced, a huge rock standing on a narrow tip and even swaying in the wind, before righting itself again. The seemingly defensive rock is quickly toppled by magical assault and the shards fed to the great serpent.

Gain: 2 bonus XP for Lady Tamachi, 2 t.inv, 2 t.art, 3 t.eco, +1 esp artefact, 3 t.esp
Gain new VIP core: Standing Stone (Military 2). Whoever holds this core is outwardly unchanged, but can change the density, hardness and balance of their body, making them either incredibly hard to move and injure, or fast and agile.

Major Threat! While investigating, the Venom Mistress gets lost from the group for just a minute, but in that time, she is suddenly attacked by a vengeful wind spirit and though she struggles, she is finally overwhelmed.
Possession: for the next action the Venom Mistress is part of, she contributes no stats. At that point, the possession is discovered. (If she is not part of any action, there is no discovery). After that, the spirit can be exorcised for 2 inv or art, which returns the real Venom Mistress.

The Bloodsworn Shaitan 12
Both Shaitans are healed and ready for action this EOT, as Clan Fuxi summons them back to the material world.

The Heron and the Hippo [6]
The landscape is stark, but pristine. Knee-high Tufts of grass stretch across perfectly flat plains to an impossibly distant horizon, where barren mountains rise to snowy peaks. The sky is the palest blue and cloudless, the lake beneath a darker mirror. Far above, hawks circle the sun, in the distance, horses and cattle graze.
This place is known. All have heard the legends, know the stories of the Mandakh Khan, who conquered the Gods in the name of the Sky, forged the Mandate of Heaven and gained Imperium over the world and how, in death, he was laid to rest at Bolormaa, the sacred lake. These are those lands, or a greater version of them.
There is a yurt, standing by the lake, simple, white. The expedition approaches with some trepidation: the Khan, after all, was not a peaceful man. But the yurt is empty, long-deserted.

There is a chuckle. On a rock, by the lakeshore, lies a magnificent beast. A cloud leopard, white and silver, but also adorned with peacock feathers. Every child in the Empire knows him: this is Aq Bars, the totem spirit of the great Khan.
“Oh, you needn’t have worried so.He could never have stayed in one place, not even in death. He left these lands, not three days after his death. Me, I welcomed some rest. ”
Green eyes examine you for a long time.

“Yes, I think you will do. People go on and on about bloodlines and omens, but in the end, Tog himself earned his throne by deeds, not blood. He, of course, will forgive me for moving on, he was never sentimental. I will join you for a time, mortal.”

Found: Aq Bars, the Imperial Totem
Gained: 1 Victory point, 6 t.art, 1 t.eco, 6 bonus XP for Minoo. Kives prevents 1 stat damage due to complication.

Aq Bars, the the Khan's Totem

Legend: people first knew that the Khan was destined to rule the world when he went on a shamanistic journey at the advent of his manhood and came back with a mighty totem-beast, a white snow leopard that accomplished him until his death, when it vanished along with his body, which was never recovered. Aq Bars, the winged Leopard, is still carved into the Imperial Throne, to watch over all his descendants.

Special: you may only sign this pact if you have at least 2 VP already, and are in the top half of factions for number of VP. You immediately gain one bonus VP.

Offering: Aq Bars refuses to live in anything but extreme luxury. His living quarters must be spacious and adorned, his food extravagant, his entertainments varied. All in all, he costs 1 eco, 1 mor and 1 art.

Blessing: Aq Bars is a level 2 morale VIP at your service. Additionally, while you are bound to him, your faction gains your choice of the Imperial, Noble or Heroic values.

Gudite Warcamp [10]
Two carefully wrapped silk packages are found in Solyom's quarters, with a note attached: "With best wishes, show these conceited imperials what conquest looks like. ~ A.N."
Bought the Dragons of Zheng and the Shaman's Bells for 14.

The expedition descends, deeper and deeper again. First there are staircases and well shafts, but in time, they give way to tunnels of rock and loose soil that become narrower and narrower, until there is now way forward than to crawl. It is warm here, this deep in the Earth, far below the bones of the mountains, and the darkness is all-enveloping. But it is not smothering. It is comfortable, and sleep soon falls over the expedition members, one by one.
The voice is just as warm, and deep.
“I sent them out into the world”, it says. “One by one. My firstborn children, they became independent, and grew to cover the world, though their roots sometimes still find the way down, home. My second children, I held closer, and they slept in my embrace, while their minds wandered. They became foolish, and cruel, for they knew that nothing could hurt them. You are my third children, made to learn from the others, and finally, you have found my words and my heart, and opened a way back to me. Please, stay and never leave.”

Gain: 1 inv, 2 art, 3 eco, 2 bonus XP for Solyom. As the Earth closes around you to trap the expedition, Gulldr interferes and saves almost everyone. You still lose 1 p.inv. Found the Eldest Earth

Eldest Earth
Legend: The chthonic deities are only vague presences, even in mythology. Primordial figures that shaped the world, half-remembered names whispered by old priests. None of them are truly known and they are assumed to be either dead or sleeping after their labours.

Offering: There is no direct cost to pay. But everything is slower, more deliberate, in the depths of the Earth, and this spreads to infest your faction. There is a deep longing, to sit, and rest, and not leave home, ever again. You have a -1 on all actions taken against targets in non-adjacent districts, a -2 to all actions outside the city (not including spirit world exploration, but including attacking a nexus) and if you buy more than one stat point in a turn, the costs are increased by +1 for every stat after the first.

Blessing: all your passive defenses are increased by 2, and you have an additional +1 to defend against all attacks that use portals. Additionally, you are gifted the secret of the crystal sarcophagi, as the Ghostwise used them. Whenever a VIP you control would be killed, they are instead injured.

This is what the crow tells your geomancers about the battle around the library: when the battle was going on, the Fuxi had 7 morale and 1 military. None of their VIPs took part in the battle, and they had no LTPs with relevant effects. They have the Heart of the Deep, which has the power to absorb hostile magic used against Fuxi territory. This has the effect of absorbing negating up to 5 points of either Art or Inv used in an attack on them and producing that many random temporary instead for them to use.

Legion Cerberus [14]

One morning, a wooden wardrobe is found, standing in the middle of Legion's map room. No guard has seen it arrive or remembers any delivery. A note is attached: "May the empire be restored in your name. ~A.N."
Gained the Lion Cloak for 3 t.eco.

Portals are opened to 48 and 61. The Witch Doctor have gained the ability to open portals for their trade partners.

Witch Doctors [2]
The Legion is opening portals to 48 and 61, the Hedge-Keeper reports.

A package arrives on Antoine du Lac's desk, just as he prepares to leave for the expedition. Inside are a small bottle, containing an exquisite golden miniature city, and a large jar. A note is attached: "In memory of a fallen friend and comerade. The greatest spirits are never forgotten. ~A.N."

Gained the Yearning Stone and the City of Daffodils from the auction.

The Yearning Stone has become:
This deep, red salve, is made with the blood of the Knight's slain vessel and many bitter herbs. When used to paint the hands and faces of the Witch Doctor's warriors, they each feel within them a faint stirring of the Knight's power, as if he wasn't entirely gone. They fight with one mind, no matter how many of them there are, and blue flames burn around them.

The Knight's Blood can be used once per turn, on any military action where at least 3 mil are contributed. It adds +3 to the action's power and prevents up to 2 stat damage that would be suffered through to defences or attrition. For any LTPs, artefacts or other circumstances where that matters, the action would count as lead by a level 3 VIP, if that is beneficial. Unlike other artefacts, the Knight's Blood can not be stolen, as the Knight's power would not work with any other faction.

An enormous canyon cuts through the spirit world here. The walls are near-vertical, but jagged and broken enough that to attempt the climb is merely hard, not impossible. From the depth, an icy wind shrieks up, sharp as swords.
The climb takes days, every handhold a knife blade, no rest from the piercing gale. Finally, when the sky above is a tiny white sliver over the abyss, there is a bottom.
At first, it seems the very ground here is made of pitted, black iron, until it becomes clear what the expedition is walking on. Broken chains, each link the size of a building. Then, a distant rumbling, in the distance, and sickly green light.
“Mortals. It is my time. When the Mandate of Heaven falls, I am to be set free, to devour the Gods and end their time on the world. You know the signs, and you know how to let the gods ride you. If you break my chain, I would choose a vessel among you, and bring the end.”

Gain: 4 art, 2 inv, 2 eco, pact offer from Suroch, the Devourer

Suroch the Devourer


Offering: While bound to Suroch, you may not swear new pacts with any other gods. Instead, whenever you discover a new God through exploration in the spirit world, Suroch will devour it, making it unavailable for anyone to bind. Any turn when Suroch does not devour a God, either through warfare or exploration, it will instead devour a random permanent stat point from the faction bound to it.

Blessing: Nominate a VIP to become the avatar of Suroch. That VIP gains +1 military tier, to a maximum of 5. Alternatively, create a new level 0 (+1 virtual level) VIP. Whenever an action the avatar of Suroch is part of deals stat damage to a faction, you are told the names and domains (but not exact details) of any pact the faction has and you can choose to trade 2 stat points of damage dealt to instead devour one of the gods they are bound to. The faction immediately loses all benefits of that pact, without suffering wrath. Whenever devouring a God, the avatar gains substantial bonus XP.

The Gudites muster to the Merchant's Isle and Diashir


2022-09-27, 11:37 AM
Gudite Warband

[...]It was then, in a day before seasons but that would have felt like summer, that a young Azagar, jealous of the praise Eirn received for their music resolved to ask mother Ase what her favourite instrument was and practice only with that one from then on.

"Why, I enjoy your voices most of all" Said the giant godess as he picked him up and had him him sit somewhere on her titanic figure, fat with the bounty of the underworld which was only hers when all begun "They are the only instrument those who stay get to bring"

Azagar questioned, for the world was young and dead was a rumour known to Ase and not to him "But I always bring my Kithara, my aulos or my pipes"

"And I hope you always get to" she responded with warm smile, patting his head gently with a hand so big it pocketed him (as it would have anyone else) against the rest of her, shielding him from all discomfort for that moment.

Azagar's famous cunning was born of hardship and experience, for he is the learner and started dim so he could shine one day. This dimness served him well here and instead of its nuances all he got from the conversation was the most important lesson it carried, such that from that day he played whatever instrument he wanted regardless of Eirn or the eventual chorus of the dead [...]

-Opening pages of The Wounded's Strength, a Treatise on the Mind's Health.

Espionage defense: 10

Reputation: Barbarian-Spiritual-Martial

A letter comes in with little fanfare, carried by the same hawk that accompanied Daghir the day negotiations started, the redaction was similarly to the point.

"Greetings snake kin,

What is your choice?

Gulldr's Warmth,
Daghir, The Wolf."

Greetings Sisters,

We are making our move for the eye before whoever dethrones its occupants can make their own, Thus I remind you of our previous agreement and ask for passage.

We are also considering letting a god go and thought you may care for them, they are not precisely good for industry, but they should keep the family safe. If possible and if you wish to trade we would like another god or the location of an unoccupied Nexus for it.

Eldest earth (not yet pacted with):

Legend: The chthonic deities are only vague presences, even in mythology. Primordial figures that shaped the world, half-remembered names whispered by old priests. None of them are truly known and they are assumed to be either dead or sleeping after their labours.

Offering: There is no direct cost to pay. But everything is slower, more deliberate, in the depths of the Earth, and this spreads to infest your faction. There is a deep longing, to sit, and rest, and not leave home, ever again. You have a -1 on all actions taken against targets in non-adjacent districts, a -2 to all actions outside the city (not including spirit world exploration, but including attacking a nexus) and if you buy more than one stat point in a turn, the costs are increased by +1 for every stat after the first.

Blessing: all your passive defenses are increased by 2, and you have an additional +1 to defend against all attacks that use portals. Additionally, you are gifted the secret of the crystal sarcophagi, as the Ghostwise used them. Whenever a VIP you control would be killed, they are instead injured.

Destia's bounty,
Solyom Leviatan.

Greetings wronged traders,

We come to inform the coming payment of our earnings, as promised (amounting to 8 eco).

To ask for a renegotiation of our agreement for The silk Street (district 10), yours by right of trade and what you would want instead of the territory.

And to ask if you intend to pact with the devourer, who we would gladly take off your hands, as Gulldr can keep the beast sated without slowly destroying us, which we fear would happen to you if the gods stop manifesting once they hear of your allegiance.

Destia's bounty,
Daghir, The Wolf.

reminder that I need your EoT to read "letting the Gudite Warcamp through my territory" since I didn't get a reply to my previous message about it

reminder that I need your EoT to read "letting the Gudite Warcamp through my territory" since I didn't get a reply to my previous message about it

2022-09-27, 12:00 PM
Dear Fellow Travelers on The Road,

Thank you for the speedy and equitable conclusion of our previous business.

You are welcome to our most recent guest. I hope you can sate his hungers, and we would gladly accept payment of whatever kind is most convenient to you, though military aid is always at a premium to us.

As for the real estate in question, you are welcome to it, in exchange for a suitable votive offering to myself or my Brother, The Trickster.

The Baron, Written by his Vessel, Antoine duLac

OoC- I'll take any stats for payment, at basically any amount you think is fair. You have been generous so far in that regard. I prefer Mil, but I grind most if it into ViP XP because my faction ability benefits from that, so I'm not picky

2022-09-27, 12:34 PM
Gudite Warband

Espionage Defense: 10
Reputation: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

Your terms are generous and agreeable as always.

Many of our soldiers may be tied up, pending negotiations with Clan Fuxy but whoever is free will march for you.

Gulldr's might,
Daghir, The Wolf.

Alright, I'll let you know what I'll be sending once I get a clearer read on my EoT

A long stretch of parchment arrives at the gates of most factions, at times with a herald to read it, at times for them to read and for a couple particular factions through... unconventional means, it reads like so:


Your city has witnessed its first truly honourable conflict, it had its twists and turns, but both parties who suffered through it have now reached agreement and it is hoped, that they are lifted by the eventual results of it.

Clan Fuxi of the White Snake will serve my warband... And all warbands who rally behind a Gudite banner will serve them in turn. This will entail much for us, but for the rest of Ardakand you need only remember one thing: Harm to the Clan, is harm to our kin, and will be punished accordingly.

Gulldr's warmth,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

2022-09-29, 03:32 PM
The sea was still as a board, as it had been for the last week, the small fleet utterly becalmed. Antoine du Lac was standing at the railing, his back to the rising sun, a white porcelain cup in dark hands.
“Good morning, Lady Chagatai”, he said, not turning around, as next to him, a young woman in a white fur robe stepped up, yawning and rubbing her hands against the dawn chill.
“Good morning, honored vessel. Is the Baron back with us?”
Du Lac took a sip and replied “Not yet, he is still negotiating with the wind spirits. He tells me they are on strike, because the great serpent Fuxi ate one of them. Tea?”
“Please”, she said, and shook her arms. What had looked like a fur collar burst apart in a cloud of hairy wings, as hundreds of moths took to the morning air.
“Pure slander, by the way. No wind gods were eaten. They are just hoping for more sacrifices. Tell them they will get eaten if they don’t behave.” Taking a cup, she squinted into the morning light. “That is the Pride of Malki, isn’t it?”, nodding at a galley half a mile away, making good speed under oars.
“I think it is, yes. And I believe that is Hormoz?”
“Must be. He seems to be lifting half a ton of rusty blades over his head.”
“That’s one of the golems. Ever Evolving, I think. They got wet yesterday.”
“Ah, right”. A roar shook the boat under their feet.
“And right in the mouth. That looked painful. Hm. It seems stomach acid turns them back to gold again. How many is that now?”
A hooded figure stepped up next to them.
“Eight”, it whispered below the mask. “Double coil, crossed in the middle, infinite. Recklessly we slaughter one after another what is endlessly replenished. Death and death and death again and they are reborn from the abyssal waters below the Earth. And as they rise unnumbered and enormous the mother of serpents in her undreaming sleep cries black tears for her unbutchered children. Until the latter fire shall heat the deep, then in roaring shall she rise and on the surface end everything.”
“Good morning, Cousin Hylah. Tea?”
The hooded figure nodded wordlessly and took a cup. Lady Chagatai put hers down on the railing.
“If you would excuse me for a minute”. She turned to a younger noble Lady who was just stringing a steel bow about twice her size and bowed slightly.
“Lady Ogeda’ai. Three degrees west off north-west, nine hundred and sixty-three yards away and…” she closed her eyes for a second “nine feet above the ground.”
The other Lady Fuxi nodded and closed her eyes, nocked a yard-long arrow to the creaking bow and let fly. Three seconds later Lady Chagatai nodded in response, her eyes closed. “Yes, that was the eye. It landed on the island we made, too. Once Jochi wakes up, be a dear and tell him to row out and fetch it.”
Meanwhile, the Baron had prepared another cup of tea.
“Speaking off, does anyone know if Lady Fairway has succeeded on her project?”
Lady Chagatai shook her head, sadly.
“No… they still eat the sea mines, if they are covered in Cousin Hylah’s bait, but the yield is still hard to dial in.”
“Ah, shame. Is it still just purplish goo?”
“No, I think she mentioned fist-sized chunks. But still nothing worth taking home to the artificers.”
“Mm. Oh, look. Hormoz is trying to strangle one of them.”
“Impressive. Three talents of silver that he can’t do it because his arms are too short.”


Total adjusted stats invested in Leviathan hunt: 61
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh: 7
Golden Guard: 28
Clan Fuxi: 9
The Heron: 12
Gudites: 2
Witch Doctors: 3

The Leviathans are slain with no risk.
Bounty (t.eco) divided:
Gardeners: 4
Golden Guard: 15
Clan Fuxi: 5
Heron: 6
Gudites: 1
Witch Doctors: 2

Additional payouts [PM]

The Leviathan’s muscle and blood are extraordinarily potent and respond to the slightest touch of cousin Hylah, forming almost anything she can imagine. You also gain 1 t.mil, 3 t.art and 1 t.inv.

Both your VIPs earn 3 bonus XP.

Golden Guard:

The Leviathan’s blood is a potent alchemical ingredient, easily used as a power source or to draw powerful sigils. You gain 4 t.art, 7 t.inv, 3 t.mil. Additionally, you manage to pull an intact fang from one of the corpses, three feet long, curved and hollow like that of a viper and filled with deadly poison. It is a minor artifact that can be equipped to any VIP, adding +1 mil to any action that VIP is part of.

Each VIP also earns 3 bonus XP.

Clan FuxI:

The sea serpents are distant, if twisted cousins of great Fuxi, and their blood resonates with the spirit world. Ink made from that blood can be used to paint magical sigils to open gates between the worlds very easily. Gain +2 t.inv. With utmost care, the nobles also manage to carve a leviathan’s eye from its skull without damaging it. It is deep black, without a pupil. In the spirit world, it sees through illusions and hidden treacheries. It is a minor artifact which can be equipped to any VIP to add +1 inv to any action they are part of.

Each of your VIPs also earns 3 bonus XP.

The Heron:
Minoo gave Hormoz precise instructions on how to collect and preserve the Leviathans’ blood, which can be used to paint magical sigils to open gates between the worlds very easily. Altogether, Hormoz manages to fill several silver-hooped barrels of the stick liquid. Gain +6 t.inv. As a souvenir for himself, the Hippo also takes some of the beasts colossal scales, which can be fashioned into an impervious armour. It is a minor artifact which can be equipped to any VIP to add +1 mil to any action they are part of.

As the Hippo butchers the beasts, some of the blood’s magical essence passes over him. He is now Bathed in Dragonblood, making him incredibly hard to kill. If he would be injured, he instead simply counts as half his level for the next turn. The threshold to kill him is increased by his VIP level. The effect is likely not permanent and will fade in a few months.


Delilah gets what she came for, the valuable Leviathan blood which can be used in all manner of interesting explosives. Gain +1 t.mil. Delilah also gains 3 bonus XP.

The Witch Doctors:

The Baron keeps himself back from the bloody work of the hunt and instead stays in the spirit world, observing how the souls of the dead serpents pass over and travel deep into the underworld. This insight into the workings of the Otherworld earns him +2 t.inv. The baron also earns 3 bonus XP.

St. Justicar
2022-09-29, 03:48 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Leviathan!

Is now worry, you are welcome through Coralward to reach Eye of Heaven. Better to use as shrine for different gods than dump for harpy factory sludge, yes?

Given you have made peace with snakes, I hope is alright for us to trade with them also?

Anyways, now that my cousins have returned from Leviathan expedition, I am wondering if you are knowing if you are interested in our wares, this month.

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Legate!

[2 p. Eco for 6 t. Eco] is easy! Can give saplings to line bridge to Peacock Gate! Will flower with petals ever month, to sell to merchants and whatever nobles are not dead or running yet. Or grafts for wagmules, humps to fill with water like camel for longer journeys and less money on supplies. Not good for riding horses, but good for caravan merchants and wagoneers?

Otherwise, now that expedition from great ocean is back, is there any other thing you might wish to buy?

Also, put it writing, do we have permission to go through districts you guard to reach Golem-men and the palace Hippo?

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Chemosh!

Now that you have returned from great sea with my cousins, I am wondering if you are knowing if you are interested in our wares, this month.

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Hippo!

Now that you have returned from great sea with my cousins, I am wondering if you are knowing if you are interested in our wares, this month.

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Snake!

Gudites no longer want to kill you, which means can ship things through them to you, if you are looking for deals?


1-You give: 1 permanent point of Eco, Art, Esp ; You get: a permanent stat point of your choice
2-You give: 3 points of Eco ; You get: a permanent point of [Mil, Eco, Esp, Art]
3-You give: 4 points of Eco ; You get: a permanent point of [Mor, Inv]
4-You give: 4 points of [Art, Esp, Inv] ; You get: a permanent point of whatever (Note, demand for these stats is limited. Especially Inv)

2022-09-29, 05:24 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Cousin Arsat

We would like to make a very large trade indeed. However the distance we would have to go is somewhat limiting. If you are willing to cover the distance we would be willing to go through with it. If not then we will only make a smaller trade this month. We are however willing to open a portal linking our territories if you would simply specify where you wish said portal to be placed.

In addition in these times of chaos we feel some order might be needed in the city. Would you be willing to work with us to restore such order.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

As before I'm still willing to make the 1 p Esp for 1 p Eco trade. I would also like to trade 14 t. eco for 1 Eco, 1 Art, and 2 Mor, but if I am understanding the trade rules correctly that would put the total amount being traded up to 44. And at -1 per 3 we'd have to pay 15 stats to ensure everything went through, which is a little prohibitive.

Also proposing an alliance.

Greetings Solyom,

We would be happy to let your forces claim the Eye of Heaven before the Shaitan do.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

We would be willing to hire out (8 Mil) for your operations. In addition in these times of chaos we feel some order might be needed in the city. Would you be willing to work with us to restore such order.

Proposing an alliance.

We find ourselves with some additional wealth from the harvest of the leviathans. Would you be willing to make a similar trade as we have done in past months. In addition we find that the city is becoming more and more chaotic, and as feel that as neighbors it would be in our best interests to band together in these trying times.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Proposing an alliance.

St. Justicar
2022-09-29, 07:14 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


[ooc- It's -1 per 5, not 3, isn't it? We have full permission for trade so no need to pay security through neutral territory.

So if you send me 14 temp eco and 1 permanent stat that's an effective 19, which means you're just barely in 3-cost bucket. Sending you a total of 5 permanent stats, I'd be stuck paying 5 points. But eh, that's what morale is for.

Alliance - probably, depends on the exact details. More detailed/IC response tomorrow]

2022-09-29, 07:47 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Mor 10
Rep Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

Greetings Cousin Arsat,

Delilah's bits and pieces are hidden behind much gunpowder I'm afraid, we paid an owed debt and the merchant is sure to remember us fondly, as such, we'll take only a bit of what we previously dealt in (4 eco for 1 permanent mil and 1 permanent esp).

We may be able to pry some more from Delilah's factories, but I need to know first. You speak to the Aranea often, are you in and if so, what do you expect from it?

I will add, we trust you verily, and don't expect you to join us, for war follows Gulldr's kin and it is too ugly a thing for you. It took sometime to convince the warbands, but we can pledge to your defense with no commitments, but that you don't feel the need to seek protection elsewhere.

Chouvrian's resilience,
Solyom, Leviatan.

two things besides the trade:
are you in on the LTP?

If so, how much have you put in, and what's the split here? (might have some art and esp to buy stats with depending on how we solve this)

Also, I'm offering a more onesided statement of protection (Clan Fuxi's is an actual alliance) so you can keep to your pacifist ways instead of having to join one of the inevitable coalitions, no tribute or further strings attached, just hoping I never have to fight the Lawful good nurgle cultists.

Greetings Heron,

We appreciate it very much. I hope you can relay to your partner that Delilah is sorry she won't be part of the force, but Daghir will drop a new handcannon for him in her stead because, and I quote, "that'd be his part for the gambling money, and that way he can impress people by lifting a cannon that isn't trash with one hand"

Ase's Longing,
Solyom Leviatan.

P.S: Do hope we won't be such strangers as we've been so far once the sisters are the only ones between us.

Greetings spirit traders,

We have signed a peace with Clan Fuxi but our intel still points to some contention for the eye and some of our other expected acquisitions this month, we do hope this amount of soldiers, paired with other goods is enough.

can do 5 mil and 3 mor, hope that's enough given that mor should do equally well for VIP exp if used on the other half.

2022-09-29, 10:27 PM
Now see that's the kinda step we appreciate someone takin' for us. Just swingin' on our there and asking if you can add some Harpy to Heron & Hippo. Does have a nice ring to it.

That said, we're gonna have to cool yer forge a touch on the request there, much as the ladies' palace might have been impressed by your assets, we're some lovely Gods Fearin' chaste individuals and we're gonna need more than a flex.

How about we start it with somethin' small because the paperwork won't do much for us neighbors right now anyway. Defensive pact, publicly announced. Heron & Hippo guards on Hemminghock doorsteps and Hemminghock rations and ammunition keepin' the boys well fed. Simple terms added below.

Also, we're sending out a public message in the next few days, just know that any amount of shopping that you'd like to do, there is a frequent buyer discount.



Right now a direct alliance would basically give us the ability to combine an attack and defense. Honestly, I don't think we need that kind of firepower right now compared to the benefit of these 5 extra lovely stats it would cost. Publicly announced defensive pact would offer the same benefits for now and give us a steady relationship curve.

Gotta admit' love takin' the snakes under your wing, inspired strategy after putting some pressure on the door. We mostly do that in economics but we can admire the skill.

Bein' candid, not sure this was the intent of the original deal considering it was more of 'dealin' with the Eye of Heaven' but we're no strangers to the terms of a contract changin'

Our guns won't stop you from marching through to Dashir, but I swear to the Gods if someone tries to take as much as a pebble from one of our cobblestone streets, we'll fill'em with lead.


2022-09-30, 10:40 AM
6 mil
7 Econ
4 Esp
3 Art
9 Inv
5 mor


1 temp mil (spent)
4 temp inv
Temp 4 art (3 spent)
Temp 2 eco (1 spent)

Artifact: Knight's Blood

This deep, red salve, is made with the blood of the Knight's slain vessel and many bitter herbs. When used to paint the hands and faces of the Witch Doctor's warriors, they each feel within them a faint stirring of the Knight's power, as if he wasn't entirely gone. They fight with one mind, no matter how many of them there are, and blue flames burn around them.

The Knight's Blood can be used once per turn, on any military action where at least 3 mil are contributed. It adds +3 to the action's power and prevents up to 2 stat damage that would be suffered through to defences or attrition. For any LTPs, artefacts or other circumstances where that matters, the action would count as lead by a level 3 VIP, if that is beneficial. Unlike other artefacts, the Knight's Blood can not be stolen, as the Knight's power would not work with any other faction.


Win: The City of Daffodils!
Win: Knight's Blood!

Join the Leviathan hunt!

Get offer for a pact from a God!

Give a portal to the Legio Cerebri!

EoT actions:

Trade the pact offer and a claim on a region for 5 mil, 3 mor!

Free the City of Daffodils outside the walls near region 1

These people deserve fresh air! The scents of flowers must be driving them mad

Attack region 2!

6 mil, 1 temp mil, 4 Esp, 3 temp Art spent. The Knight's Blood Artifact is used for an additional +3
5 mil donated by the Gudites also added

Vengeance will be ours!

The Witch-Doctors start recruiting a new VIP, The Lady! She specializes in Inv

Other expenses:

The cost to buy econ is reduced by 3 by The Baron

Econ is increased by 1 by spending 1 temp econ


The Trickster (morale)
level 2 (0/20) no stats spent-> (5/20) 3 morale spent

The Baron (econ) (level 3)
11/30 (no stats spent)-> 16/30 (no stats spent)

The Lady (inv) (level 0)
5 morale Spent

St. Justicar
2022-09-30, 12:06 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Heron!

Sadly you are correct about a trade of such size being impractical over such distance. In future, I hope.

Still, can get some few barges to palace, to deliver Heatflower Vines. Creepers whose petals and sap are perfect for perfumes and spices, excellent way to flavor meat without changing look or texture! Can plant and have your people harvest and sell to palace court, yes? Flowers ever month, is worth [1 Permanent Economy], easy. In exchange, we will give home and food and work to Court Rats you find squatting in your new palaces [1 Esp].

As for alliance, am happy to pledge peace and friendship, but do not have anyone spare to do formal agreements and draft contracts this month. Would need to work out terms, anyway – no insult, but my cousins do not want to end up shedding blood on account of friends getting into feuds.

-Cousin Arsat.

Friend Legate!

Am simply writing to confirm – you are sending [6 eco], and we will provide grafts and flowers I mentioned [2 permanent Economy], yes?

Friend Leviathan!

Deal you propose is good, happy to accept. Wagons and barges will bring saplings and animals and such soon.

As for house of Spider, yes, my Cousins have heard their plan, likes it very much. And also mostly want Sempiterne and secrets inside it. Have started work, and can very nearly finish it this month. Do not want it to be cause of argument between us, so, here is deal.

I’d basically like to buy you out of your interest in the district. So, proposal

1. You send me 12 stats to finish House Aranea’s LTP this turn (Assuming you’ve got that much available? If not I can absolutely finish the project myself next turn, but point 3 will still apply)
2. I’ll provide 3 permanent stat points right now for your trouble (Esp, if that’s what your looking for from Aranea? Or more Mil, if you’re going a-conquering?)
3. You’ll allow me to confederate them without conflict, and depending on the stat payout, I’ll send 1-2 additional permanent points as compensation for the opportunity cost

This is assuming you haven’t already made any big investment in the project yourself.


Offer of protection is very kind, warms my hearts. If you pledge to defend my cousins and Garden, am overjoyed to accept.

-Cousin Arsat

2022-09-30, 12:25 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004443557735698533/1004796811908759602/LetsGetKraken_bloodsworn_03fc84f0-7709-4748-a1d9-c1647076ab80.png (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymW1emG_4Fw&t=8s)


Willing to trade 2 ECO for 2 MIL.

A human emissary is sent on behalf of the Shaitan to the Carnival. The emissary reiterates that the attack on the Witch-Doctors was retaliatory, as they had offered to create portals against the Shaitan, and that the Shaitan have no further interest in the Witch-Doctors now that the message is sent.

They also offer a prize to the Carnival, should they wish it - they can offer a territory for the Carnival to expand into, and can leave it without being destroyed (OOC: you would get stat points for taking it, from my understanding). You would just have to arrange access next turn).

2022-09-30, 01:00 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

Morale 14


Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Correct, thank you for your service, goodly cousin. And you may of course trade through Cerberus Territory this month. We will do our best to keep the routes secure.

Now that you are back from the Hunt, one thing that idly occurs to me is that your pact with the Shaitan may not cover Mercenary work. Would you be willing to hire out any military you have remaining to the Legion? I can even promise they will not be used to fight the bloodsworn, so as not to anger them.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

The Slayers of the Silent Saints
Earlier this month you said you would aid our war effort against the Shaitan with what military support you could spare. How much aid do you have available? We border eachother now, so there shouldn’t be a concern for trade penalty, but in order to finalize my plans it would be best if I had exact numbers.

Given your message security concerns, simply send three numbers in return, I will plan as though the second number was the military aid you will be providing.

Stay safe in the coming months, we will aid your restoration in the coming months.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

Heron and Hippo
An Alliance with an illustrious hero such as yourself would be more than welcome. I could secure the funds for such an endeavor immediately, and we could be public allies by the start of next month. Does that align with your intentions? Once we are so allied I would be happy to assist you in your delving of the spirit world, as beyond using the otherworld for travel the Cerberus banner has little need of contacting the spirits, at least in the near future. In exchange I hope that you might support our military operations, particularly against the Shaitan.

As to the generous offer of a mercenary price, we will happily accept and pay 8 t.eco for the full 8 t.mil.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei


Legio Aquila
Good Legate,

My commitment to completing the city militia project remains strong, and I will do my part in aiding its completion this month, but my battle against the Bloodsworn continues, and their morale is far from broken. If you can spare any forces from the walls, even a token force, it would be most appreciated. The militia will need a city to protect after all, and right now the Shaitan are the greatest immediate threat within the walls.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

OOC, leaning on our 3 shared traits that might hopefully secure some aid

Legio Minotaurus

Our deal is near up, with this month seeing the end of our dealings that made up our pact for the harvest crisis. But alas, the Shaitan continue to press their terror within the very city walls, not to mention the Gudites and their own questionable actions in the west of the city. To that end, I have secured a guarantee from the Warcamp that they will not assail you, as a favour to you and in appreciation to your aid during the Harvest. But I come once again asking for aid, my battle with the Shaitan grows to a fever pitch, and any forces you could spare, even as a token, would be of great assistance both in sheer power, as well as reassuring the city that the Legions are acting in some degree of unity. Divided, any of the three of us may be seen like the Triumph, weak and conquerable, but even if it simply looks like we are working together, it would dissuade even the foolish from interrupting your works.

Imperial Salutations
Legate Orbei

OOC, leaning on our shared traits that might hopefully secure some aid, as well as having worked with them honestly for the past few months

2022-09-30, 03:30 PM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

All Messages Public

Dear Legate Orbei,

The numbers we have are encoded as per your instructions: 9-15-21-18-9. We trust you to handle the rest of the arrangements.

Additionally, as a token of our favour you may find agents at your disposal to read the secrets of the city.

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

Confirmed. And consider your Esp to be at least 8 this turn for the sake of reading mail.
Willing to pay 13 Eco (9 after trade penalties) for 13 Mil (9 after trade penalties) Mil sent to Legio Cerberi against the Shaitan. As an additional cost, you must not sell any Mil or Mor to the Shaitan this turn.

2022-09-30, 03:48 PM

Unfortunately we're a touch sensitive to offers from you considering we're still scraping blood off our streets in Dashir. Sweeten the pot a little and we might consider a deal.

OOC: Need to wait on Heron and Hippo to see if I can do a full 12, but I can do a 1:1 for whatever amount. Consider it 12 unless I message again.

We are in the market for INV, if you have some to spare.

St. Justicar
2022-09-30, 04:11 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Orbei!

Unfortunately, all acolytes and friends we have who might be worth bringing to fight are needed for another project of my cousins. Best luck, though! Am sure you will not need little bit of help they might be anyway.

-Cousin Arsat

2022-09-30, 04:53 PM
A codex of the Gods of Ardakand at the time of the first Interregnum - Part I: the Barbaric practises
By the pen of Sivacus Arius Caudex, Historian to the Satrap

In the latter years of the interregnum, once-fair Ardakand became host to hundreds of new cults, as the once-ordered hierarchy of Gods and men fell apart and, just as the mortal warlords struggled for a place without an Emperor to keep them in check, without the Sky ruling over them, the Gods went to war.

We will begin this codex with some of the cults that arose among the many barbarians and provincials that had come to Ardakand in those years in order to wrest control from proper imperial authorities.

The Gudite Warcamp were foreign barbarians, recently arrived in the city from the heaven-forsaken edge of the Earth known as the Adarates, had made a living as pirates and mercenaries before setting their eyes on outright contest. Their religion was thoroughly primitive, steeped in blood sacrifice and warrior-oaths, dedicated to the barbaric wargod Gulldr and his followers, cruel gods of fate, death and the hunt. In their time in Ardakand, they only added few new gods to their Pantheon: the Crow, a scavenger spirit of the northern tundras, usually worshipped by graverobbers and other unclean professions, and an imperially unsanctioned psychopomp named Chouvrian, once worshipped about the rebellious mountain bandits of Iossau. They would pray to Great Gulldr for martial glory, Kindly Father Chouvrian for a clean death and quick passage to their death-god Ase, and the crow for plunder.
Lesser cults were said to arise among the Gudites, as well, worshipping a Rialtan aspect of Chouvrian as a guide to merchants and travellers against danger and the Crow as a guardian of lost knowledge. There were, even then, rumours of a third, mystery cult among them, dedicated to a figure called “The Dreadknight”, perhaps connected to the sacred Knight Belligerent which commonly fought on the Gudite’s side.
Geomancy was commonly practised among the Gudites and individual warriors commonly carried crude stone idols they had shaped themselves from the rocks of their urban battlefields and wore black feathers on their cloaks from the colossal swarms of crows that had gathered in the ruins to feast on the corpses their warmongering left behind.

Idols of Chouvrian, Crow, Gulldr

The Heron and the Hippo were at that time merely mercenaries, though especially the Hormoz the Hippo, by all accounts a bull of a man and rumoured even then to be a demigod, was quickly amassing followers and even the recognition of the Temple and the remaining Princes of the Blood for his deeds. In religious matters, Heron himself was known to be strictly pragmatic, choosing as the patron not a god of war or glory, but the formerly rather minor imperial god Kives, the Remover of Obstacles, a god of planning and logistics and commonly depicted as a faceless chess figurine, mainly worshipped by quartermasters and bureaucrats, proving the saying about amateurs talking tactics and experts talking logistics. His fame, however, rather substantially grew when in the summer of that year, he was spotted accompanied by Aq Bars, the peacock-winged snow leopard that had been the personal totem of the Great Khan during his conquests.
Minoo the Heron, meanwhile, dedicated herself to Lagamal, the judge of the underworld, becoming famous as the Advocate for the Dead who would ritualistically bless or doom famous citizens of the city on their death.

Sacred peacock-cloak of the khanate shamans, chess-idol of Kives, masked advocate of Lagamal

Curiously, as word of his deeds began to spread and he increasingly became to prove himself as one of the mightiest warriors on the city, the Hippo began to attract a small, but dedicated cult of his own. When the Great Khan’s personal totem began to follow him, they called him an incarnation, a dragon-blooded immortal warrior-demigod come to protect the city from all dangers.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1025505388809961563/Eldan_temple_carving_god_of_war_with_spear_61c0870 c-b44d-41bd-8edd-b803916d33e6.png?width=491&height=676

The Hemminghock Family Company had recently been founded in the years of the Interregnum by a cabal of beastmen from a bloodline that had long ago been cursed by the gods into the shape of harpies for their greed. They soon became the cities largest supplier of then-modern gunpowder weapons in all sizes and amassed enormous wealth through their shrewd business tactics and military expansionism. Religiously, the harpy sisters were ruthlessly transactional, taking as their patron Andvari, a deity that had originated as a patron of scribes and tax-collectors, but with the advent of banking and industry in that century became a powerful and well-respected god of wealth and influence, known as the Invisible Hand, able to steer and guide complex market forces. His symbol was a golden hand or harpy talon, richly decorated and his ceremonies incredibly lavish to embody the uncouth barbarian’s endless grasping for riches.


The Bloodsworn Shaitan, as mindless forces of corruption and devastation, did not, of course, have religion themselves, but inspired many cults among the superstitious lower classes. These vary from the pointless blood-sacrifices of those who sought to be spared by the revenants, to those who sought to become like them by murder and arson. Most insidious were those truly lost souls who sacrificed themselves to call and strengthen the hosts of hell, seeing nothing remain in their lives but vengeance.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1014307773632221284/1025158099834781757/Eldan_a_platform_carried_by_an_army_of_elves_on_wh ich_rests_the_53afb1e1-71ac-4d5a-87ca-81574fdb9f0f.png?width=488&height=676

2022-09-30, 05:03 PM
To the Legio Cerberus

From the Legio Aquila [8]
Hail, Legate Orbei

We understand, and are gladly willing to help. As there do not seem to be any kind of outside dangers currently threatening the city for as far as the Rukh flies, we are willing to coordinate some of our forces with yours, though we must keep the larger part back in case of attack by the Shaitan.

The Eagle Legate.

OOC: They are willing to lend you 3 t.mil this turn.

From the Legio Minotaurus [6]
The Cerberus is being utterly snubbed, no replies arrive from the Artefactory at all

2022-09-30, 05:07 PM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

Good day, with the Leviathan slayed we know how much we can offer. We have [8 t mil] for sale. Make an offer on it, we will also accept [24] and [39] under our protection if you plan to do a full clearance of them. We lay claim to these districts anyways and are more than happy to open our borders to go for them. That being said, if you don't plan to take those, we also accept [t econ] and [t art].

Good day!

With the Leviathan down we know how much we can look to buy now. Specifically, we want alchemical reagents you can grow. We would like to buy [5 P artifice] and [2 P morale] for [21 t eco] and [2 t inv]

2022-09-30, 05:18 PM
Legio Cerberus

Morale 14

The Golden Guard
We will attempt to Seize [24] and release it to you once the fighting has completed. Send your forces across the bridge to 17 and we will coordinate from there.

2022-09-30, 05:21 PM
Heron and Hippo
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

Cousin Arsat,

Then it is agreed. As a reminder we also need to know where you would like your side of the portal.

For clarity regarding the alliance we have also reached out to the Legio Cerberus and the Hemminghock Family as we regard both of them to be trustworthy.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

Legate Orbei,

Then we are agreed in both matters. Just so that you are informed we have also reached out to both the Gardeners and Hemminghock regarding an alliance. Though they have been more hesitant than you.

Hormoz, The Dragonblooded

We would be willing to trade (6 t. Inv) for (1 Eco, 1 Art) as we have done in the past with our warriors. If this isn't agreeable then we can spare (5 t. Inv) for (5 t. Eco).

We are fully willing to declare a public defensive pact. For your information we have also reached out to the Gardeners and the Legio Cerberus as they seem to be honorable people.

Also since you are agreeable we have been told that the Gudites are planning to capture the Eye of Heaven.

Minoo, Advocate for the Dead

2022-09-30, 05:34 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 5
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Fuxi has bestowed its great wisdom upon the clan. Directing them to make peace with the Barbarians from the West and help guide them to the light of Fuxi.

We declare an alliance is to be had with the Gudites.

2022-09-30, 05:44 PM
Gudite Warband

Morale: 10
Reputation: Barbarian-Spiritual-Martial

Cousin Arsat,

All is agreed then, we will make the pledge as soon as our partnership with Fuxi is running, wouldn't want anyone thinking that our attention is too divided to watch them.

Solyom, Leviatan.

all good, add 2 mil and 1 esp to my cart.

The praise means a lot, coming from the savyest merchant mistresses this side of Iossau's mountains. As for the other point, it is noted, nothing nailed, no nails and no dust specks out of order.

Destia's bounty,
Solyom Leviatan.

2022-10-01, 10:32 AM
Carnival of Chains
Morale: 12

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

End of Turn 4
The Carnival of Chains

7 Mil
9 Esp + 10 t. Esp
1 Eco + 12 t. Eco
12 Mor
1 Art
2 Inv

5 VP

The Helm [Esp 2] (8 / 20)

Albatross [Esp 2] (11 / 20)

Shackle [Esp 2] (11 / 20)

[The Chains That Bind] - The Carnival's performances spark hope in the oppressed and terror in the oppressors. <Gain 1 t. Esp per stat destroyed by Esp Stat Attacks involving the Carnival of Chains>

[The Blade of the People] (6 / X) - A guillotine that binds the soul of the executed into one of the ringmasters of the Carnival. <Execute a captured VIP to add their XP to a VIP of the Carnival of Chains>
2 Inv to remove distance penalty on stat attack.

6 Esp, 10 t. Esp, 12 VIP Esp, 2 Mil, 3 Mor destroy House Aranea's Espionage, eliminating the NPC.

Add the agents of the Spider to Ruaridh's pyre convoy.

<33 Esp attack, 6 Mor boosted to 9, 12 damage, so reduce Espionage to 0 unless they traded for 3+ Esp with their PMs last turn>

3 Esp boosts message interception by 6.

5 Mil builds 1 Mil.

8 Mor builds 1 Inv.

12 t. Eco builds 3 Esp.

1 Art works on [The Blade of the People].

2022-10-03, 08:39 AM
The old order is upset entirely, now. Of the old powers of the city, none remain. Just as the Flamen Caelestis was about make it public that the Temple of the Sky would bend to Hormoz the Hippo and declare him Ardakand's new emperor, by the grace of all the gods, ruler of earth and sky, men and gods, the Shaitan have finished what they started in the High Fane. The statues of the Pantheon, that toppled when the Mandate fell, are now dust. The priests are slain, where they stood, and the Flamen Caelestis found disemboweled and crucified upside down under the skylight of the main altar. The once pristine white walls are scrawled with a thousand blasphemies, written in filth, blood and ashes. This will never again be a holy place.
Elsewhere, too, the vestiges of old power are destroyed. It takes a long time, for anyone notice the difference, for the Sempiterne has always been quiet, especially in the last few months, when they have closed their gates to most ancestor-worshippers. But days go by, without anyone entering or leaving, with no movement and finally, some of the braver neighbors go to investigate. The gates are closed, but inside, there is only destruction. The bones of the honored ancestors have been torn from their niches and graves, tossed into piles and formed into primitive altars, to Ruairidh, the god of destruction and rebrith, who destroys the old and grows the new. The Ruinwalkers and the mortal acolytes of the spider lie dead on the altars, burned with their mummified charges. This month, the carnival has come to the Aranea, and has destroyed them.

The Temple of the Sky and House Aranea are destroyed.

The Legio Aquila has gone in the opposite direction, to prevent the destruction of the city, and possibly their own, and have confederated with the Legio Cerberus. Hormoz the Hippo, too, was spotted at the ceremony, among the legates, the three powers swearing an alliance to protect the city from all dangers, their joined soldiers drinking and cheering and swearing lesser oaths of brotherhood. The new alliance wastes no time to show their combined might and in a series of assaults, they secure most of the territories devastated by the Shaitan, though fighting is minimal.

The Hippo and the Heron and the Legio Cerberus swear an alliance. Legio Cerberus has confederated the Legio Aquila.

Elsewhere in the city, far stranger bedfellows than the three heroic protectors of the innocents are swearing alliances, too. Mere days after they were brutally fighting each other all across the west of the city, with mansions ablaze and geomancers lying screaming and dying in the streets, Solyom the Leviathan of the Gudites and the high nobles of the Fuxi are seen on the steps of the restored Fuxi mansion together, shaking hands. And equally, everyone can see just how cold the eyes of the Fuxi are, above their plastered-on smiles, and how strained the politeness of the Gudite warleaders, who are far too heavily armed for a political show of friendship. A respectful joining of forces between the city's best, and the might of the newcomers from the Adarates, they say. Cherry blossoms and fanfares for all.

Clan Fuxi and Gudite Warcamps swear an alliance.

But the grandest events of the season are not about the new alliances sworn between old powers. The citizens of Ardakand awake to blaring trumpets. The parade begins at the westernmost point of the city and makes its way through almost all the wards. Clad in bronze and red, with spears and muskets and gleaming shields, hundreds of ranks of warriors, the thunder of their perfectly synchronized steps shaking the buildings as they pass. They are clad in the pelts of the monsters they have slain and the idols they have conquered, the banners of their barbaric gods held high. At their front, holding the sacred flag of Gulldr, the supreme conqueror, is Daghir, the Wolf, the city's most terrifying warrior.
Everyone in the city sees their triumphant march, as they make their way into the devastated white quarter, up the hill, to the despoiled Eye of Heaven, where they plant their flags and the statues of their gods on the shore, to look out over the entire city. This is their message: the Sky and the Empire is gone, Conquest reigns supreme from Gulldr's bloodshot Eye.

On the coast, a miracle happens. Du Lac, the Baron's Vessel, uncorks the bottle holding the City of Daffodils, and in the new dawn, it blooms, growing in an eyeblink to full size. A flower-shaped tower, tall as any in the city, of gorgeous golden filigree, with chimes that gently swing in the wind, and arranged around it, six petal-shaped penninsulas, their houses painted in warm oranges and yellows, full of happy, well-fed, cheering citizens. There are feasts, dancing and music, and graceful smiling elders clapping hands with the Baron, through his vessel, swearing to do all they can to repay their debt.

There is one final piece of sad news. With his plans to take the palace and the temple destroyed, on the very evening when he signed an alliance with the united Legions, Hormoz is murdered. Not gloriously, slaying wyrms and gods, as he was known to, but in the streets, by a bravo with a knife, a drunk youth out to prove himself. The Hippo, seen by many as an immortal demigod, blessed by gods and dragonblood, slowly bleeds out from a gut wound.

Mages, shamans and invokers report that there is a strange feeling to all power drawn from the spirit world, now. Where before, the veil was just a thin barrier, separating the two worlds, it now feels more like a living skin, pulsating and alive, pushing ever so slightly back at any who try to call on the power or travel through it. And disturbing dreams increase in frequency, too. Thousands report that their dreams are full of pale, slithering shapes, and gaping maws, waiting to devour them. Something in the spirit world, or the veil between the worlds is fundamentally disturbed. This is the omen, too, that hundreds now speak from their dreams and waking trances: the stormtossed ocean, old laws and structures falling, new dangers arising, chaos, chaos everywhere.


Even the least farmer knows what comes when the world is stretched too far, from a hundred childhood stories. It grows thin, and in the secluded, numinous places, where since creation, the material and the spiritual were never properly separated, they begin to intermingle each other. It is how the fey are made, those beings not entirely human, nor entirely spirit, who can not live in either world, but can only live in the contaminated spaces between. Some say they are spirits, trying to be human, and failing. Others say that they are humans who peered too far into the spirit world, who got lost, and can no longer prevent the power from flowing through themselves. But they are wild, and cruel and without remorse, almost in human shape, but with the power of spirits.
For centuries, the land around Ardakand has been civilized, ruled by one authority. Strict rules, for men and spirits and nature, based on transaction, pacts, contracts, laws. But now, the mandate is fallen. Instead of one authority, competing mortal power blocks are scrambling to grab the power of the gods, and the spirit world nexuses. There is no longer one law, there are many competing laws, nature is out of order and at the margins, chaos is creeping in. And so, for the first time in three hundred years or more, the Fey have come to Ardakand. For now, there are only few stories, of dark hunters, slaying lonely travellers, dancing flower maidens, stealing brave young men away, old crones, changing the disrespectful into wild beasts. But the frequency is increasing.

Event Mechanics: the Wild Hunt
Three things must be done:
First, the fey must be found. 10 points of espionage, to track them or invocation, to feel them out. They are tricky, and hard to find, especially when there are, so far, only few of them. This must be done by midturn.
Second, the fey must be fought. They are weak, still, so with ten points of artifice or military, it should be possible to clear them out.
Third, and most importantly, the weak spots, where the worlds bleed into each other, must be sealed. This costs another 20 points of invocation or artifice.

There will, almost certainly, be no real reward for this. A handful of points of invocation, a few bonus XP. But if this is not done now, there will only be more of them, they will only get stronger, and eventually, they will come for the city-dwellers, too, attacking travellers in the spirit world, or nexus points, or the outlying districts. They are unpredictable, but always dangerous.

The celestial disorganization manifests in other ways, too. For now, the city's mortals have concentrated on the gods, the largest, most powerful spirits. But they have neglected the minor spirits, that are said to make everything work. The elementals, household deities, kobolds, kami, daemons, lares, known by a thousand names in a thousand cultures. Their displeasure is felt in a thousand ways, through the city. Minor spells take more energy, alchemy tends to either achieve nothing, or explode, constructs are sluggish, or prone to malfunction. Larger projects seem constantly on the edge of catastrophic malfunction. And everyone, everywhere, feels an increase in bad luck. Dishes break, doors stick, socks vanish.

And then, the bellringers appear. Tiny creatures, known only from very old legends, they are the Heralds of the minor spirits, tiny autonomous constructs, that begin to patrol the city at night, their loud ringing robbing everyone's sleep. They have demands. They, too, are due respect under the Mandate, little as it is. They demand respect, and offerings, just like the gods, because they are doing the ones all the work.


Event Mechanics: Revolt of the Minor Spirits
The minor spirits are unhappy. They demand sacrifices and worship, just like the larger gods. A festival, at least. All artifacts (even minor, stat-increasing equipment for VIPs) or artifice-based LTPs have a small chance not to work this turn, or, in the case of major artifacts or expensive LTPS, to even backfire.
To make sure everything works properly, offerings are called for. 1 morale, or invocation, or economy, for each minor artefact and LTP under 30 points, 2 for each major artefact or LTP for over 30 points. Or you could take the chance of failure.

However, the spirits know to negotiate: whoever invests the most in these offerings, this turn (including paying more than is strictly necessar), will be rewarded with a unique contract, gaining the aid of the minor spirits in the future. (This takes the form of a unique ability, likely one-use)

Favour of Heaven:
The Carnival of Chains: 5
Slayers of the Silent Saints: 5
Gudite Warcamp: 3
Legio Cerberus: 3
Heron and Hippo: 3
Clan Fuxi: 2
Bloodsworn Shaitan: 2
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh: 1
Golden Guard: 1
Witch Doctors: 1
Hemminghock: 1

2022-10-03, 10:38 AM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

Armies of golems over flow the streets as repairs are well under way of the destroyed district. It would be awhile before the actual population was back but for now they could rebuild it exactly how they wanted to in absolute perfection. If only there wasn't so many people in the other districts who would complain. They could have reorganized everything so easily. For now though they had to satisfy themselves with rebuilding logical infrastructure rather than the randomness that often results from unplanned growth.

Good day everyone!

With the increasing tensions we have been growing our repertoire of siege class golems. We would now like to rent them out. They come in groups worth about [5 t. Mil] and we are renting out 4 bundles as well as a minor bundle of an unoptimized golem that can be supported with many of our armored class golems. Make an offer if you wish to rent one or multiple bundles!

Offering to rent out several bundles of golems and artificers worth 5 military total. Make an offer if interested.

2022-10-03, 03:47 PM
Gudite Warband

Last week

Handling the truth

Blood, sweat, violence and screams are all things expected on a large majority of Gudite special occasions, their relative commonality clashing with the odd sight of an unarmored wolf, standing nearby, one of her hands gripped tight by the screamer, a robed Delilah, almost twice her usual size, if only from the massive increase in her abdominal area, with her intermittent screaming contrasting with the gentle words of Gudite midwives, the low chanting of priests, and the commentary of some of the best healers money could pay.

The scene could have been eternal (especially for the one being attended) a constant repeat, as whatever rituals and unguents the midwives and priests used seem to fardly make any progress in the steady coercion of the newborn. With the only major distraction from the struggle of life being a visit from Delilah’s pet crow, delivering a small shiny thread of silver, probably stolen from some careless weaver.

The bird didn’t see its usual reward, a nearby midwife attempting to shoo him away as even his owner called out “Screw your kind!!!” to a little smirk from the wolf, who interjected amidst calls to push a different whisper “Learned not to deal with Si'lat, have we?” “Screw you too!!” A customary attempt at a punch got nowhere, stopped physically as both of Delilah’s hands were already pressing her's hard enough to draw blood from anyone but Daghir, and mentally by renewed pain, causing gritted teeth and sobbing that made The Wolf feel shame about her previous snark. Delilah muttered a question as tears were wiped from her face “The hell is a Si’lat anyway?” and the struggle returned to routine with a gentle “It’s no matter”

After hours and hours the boy was healthy, huge and slapped back when he was spanked to make him cry. He growled without end during his first night in the world, nurses, priests and mages watching all through the night, with perfect records claiming, that by the time the sun came back (some would say slower than it should), The once bald baby had a mane dark like the night and twice as wild, had claws and fangs and eyes like Azagar’s when angered. And all those hired to care for him had a kinship, for they agreed that the child, who hadn’t even lived long enough to speak yet, was a terrible thing.

Present day

Gulldr’s grey goats

It hadn’t been a perfect move, for only the gods know such things, but it was a damn near thing. There were sacrifices, and not the proper kind either. She had worked hard to get control over the moneylenders and then whittled it all away to her grumbling kin, but kneeling as she was near the shining pool she knew it was worth it.

it had taken a while to clean the defacing, to consecrate again such a strong spot, days of chanting, of rituals only meant for closed doors, and a king’s ransom in molten lead poured in the eye, but they had done it, not only for their own delusions of grandeur, no. Locals on the street felt it even if they didn’t know how to describe it, the Pantheon, ever so far, was now a presence in the city. The sacred spots of the east were theirs, and nostalgic Gudites across all jobs took a day to visit that highest spot, whose energy reeked of home (incidentally causing a one day boon as nobles and merchants scrambled to hire last minute mercenary escorts).

“We did well” The Leviathan, had spent every last day since their arrival in the site, fasting, guiding rituals, praying and now allowed himself that little complacency, magnified by the temple of the sky seeing their downfall just a few days earlier.

“What do you suggest now?” The wolf was but another priest in the byzantine movements of renegade theology, despite her warband, her victories, she referred to Solyom for matters of spirituality, for guidance, even when she saw the pantheon unequal in footing to Gulldr and his priorities above theirs, it was harder to ignore the unifier when the Pantheon grew larger every day and is not like she wanted to.

Solyom pretended to ponder for a moment, or perhaps heard a whisper, or fell asleep, he was hard to read when infused with the sort of powers such locations would invest one with, eventually he uttered “Do better”

And without opening their eyes, for their reverence hadn’t ended, both priests shared a grin.


It had been enough since she was allowed to work, a thought she has had on long voyages or particularly tiresome dinners, this instance was closer to the last but had implications. Of course such implications escaped Delilah currently, a black feather on her hand as she inking a small treatise on underwater fluid propulsion, tectonic interference with reservoir and the effect upon local Leylines, she had missed the practical testing but Jahandir had given her enough notes that her own previous experiences could probably suffice for an educational pamphlet and then perhaps some independent research.

She had barely finished the current draft when a familiar pairing interrupted, prompting her to look at an hourglass she had neglected to turn around for gods know how long. A robed Ulde entered with child who looked 4, if tall for that age, with a wild blue mane that strained against leather hair ties, claws half polished for a better grip and fangs, with a look like Azagar when angered, if not for thick eyebrows that carried with their every gesture a gentle nature. And the boy walked crouched and in leaps, like a beast of awe.

“Rupeeeeert, how did you like your lessons?” Delilah asked the boy with a smile as he approached her chair, until he was close enough to pull on her lab coat and look up with a wide smile on his own and a nod. The Geomancer turned to Ulde inquisitively “He was extremely well behaved master Fairway”

“Of course you were” she spoke back to Rupert, patting his hair and changing almost nothing of importance to the naked eye when she tousled it. “Give me half an hour then and…” She felt a few more gentle pulls on her lab coat, the kid looking up with a tinge of sadness that Delilah was smart enough to immediately turn away, but not fast enough to not catch a glimpse, from. “Mmmm…” she mulled over it, moving her head to the sides but never looking down, the pulls and purring a gentle reminder and important part of the shameless (and successful) attempt to coerce a reward out of her.

“I Still have to test some of them *Fwssshh* piri piri piri… things, you like those, right?” She asked, mimicking a firework’s motion with her hands for good measure, the boy effusively nodded, beaming. “That a boy, I like them too” she winked and picked him up with some strain, placing him on her shoulders “Uff, you are getting heavy” A sad Hmmm was heard from above her “Ha! no worries, it’s not a bad thing, just means soon enough Daghir is gonna have to carry you twice as much” The boy seemed pleased, and purred happily the rest of the way to the open testing ground the fireworks awaited in.

St. Justicar
2022-10-04, 03:41 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Leviathan!

Is pleasure growing such wonders for you this last month. I am hoping you put them to good use.

Sadly my Cousin Hylah had less successful time of things. Project with spider-priests was nearly complete, when jesters killed them all! Or destroyed, whatever right word is.

Anyway, am writing for permission for acolytes to secure Sempterine, see what can be salvaged. Am also curious just what you intend with Death Street [10]? If you don’t care for funerals, would be happy to give [1 permanent military] for take rest of ward in full.

Otherwise, happy to continue trading as before, if there is anything you are in need of? Given what happened to spiders, I am also very curious about protection you have offered last month.

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Heron!

My sincere condolences on death of your friend warlord Hippo. Can trust you have some scheme in mind about it, but better not to speak of such things where others might listen, yes?

Last month you wrote of idea to establish extra port in Coralward and regular ferry for easy trade and mutual benefit and profit. Did you do so, in end? With easy logistics, am happy to arrange sale of [1 permanent stat point] for [3 Eco, or 3 of the stat being built].

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Slayer!

You did not reply to my cousin last month, so am unsure if you are interested, but will make offer one more time. I would be happy to see about winning back trust of people for you, if you would like to trade or contribute to effort?

[OOC- wondering if you want to trade for permanent morale, essentially]

Friend Orbei!

Was pleasure doing business with you, this past month. If you have anything else we might help with, am happy to on same terms as before.

-Cousin Arsat

The growths I nurtured these past months grew entwined around the spires of the Sempiterne, with House Aranea’s collapse the Garden must be tended to and stabilized with care. We can offer our fair share of the resources required to protect the City from this latest plague [3 Inv, 5 Art], but no more.

2022-10-04, 03:56 PM
The Heron
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

It was a racuous and rowdy party that saw the Hippo off. His warriors took turns raising a drink and boasting of the ever more dangerous situations that he had once saved them from. Beer and wine flowed freely and entire oxen roasted on spits as well as a few more exotic animals from the palace gardens.

In the end the massive body was hoisted with ropes and dunked in a bronze urn filled with poisons so vile every plant with a dozen feet of it had already withered from the fumes. With long sturdy poles the now extremely poisonous body was carefully moved onto a waiting sloop. The very same that the Hippo had once taken to fight the leviathans. A dozen volunteers manned the sails and lashed the helm in place before jumping into the water with cheerful farewells wishing the old warmaster well on his last hunt.

The party continued long after the sloop had vanished over the horizon. It would not end until every one of the Hippo's deeds had been recounted. And that would be a very long time indeed.

One person did participate. The Heron sat alone in the great hall of justice. Her robes were black and her face hooded as she invoked the pact. "Lagamal, we call on you. Hear now the case of the Hormoz, the one known as the Hippo."

The hall enlargens as the dread spirit's gaze once more on the world of the living.

"I give you the Hippo, mercenary and warrior." The massive form of the warrior shimmers into view and gives the Heron a little wave. "I bring this case today as the Advocate for the Dead. I have heard his tales and weighed his soul. He was a fool and a braggart. Too ambitious to know what was good for him. Too trusting by far. But he never backed down from a fight. He never let the monsters win."

"Oh great Judge Lagamal, I ask for Eternal Rest. Let the Hippo walk the halls of dead and enjoy peace in the spirit world. At least until he gets bored and tries to fight a god."

The great figure slowly nods and raises its hands, "GRANTED." And the transparent form of the Hippo walks forward. He pats the Heron on the shoulder before walking towards the great gates in the distance.

Between one breath and the next the hall of judgement is fully real once more. The Heron is alone once more as she bows her hooded head and mutters, "Wait for me Hormoz."


On the very night of our alliance the Hippo was killed. The slayers took great lengths to ensure it was a random thug who wielded the knife. Some irony of theirs I suppose. But the dead talk, and I know it was the Slayers of the Silent Saints who ensured that that thug had that knife at that time.

I know they promised to help with the Shaitan, but I cannot let this go. I would be grateful if you aided us in our retribution, but I know that the Shaitan are still the foremost threat to the city, and I also know that the Slayers will be reading all of my letters. So I ask that at least you do not interfere in our feud.

Minoo, the Advocate of the Dead

We have finished the portal and we had expected to trade this turn, but alas other things have come up. We might be able to take you up on your offer, but we will have to see how the spirit world treats us this month. Our offer for alliance still stands, though we understand that you would be leery at the moment.

Minoo, the Advocate of the Dead

Unfortunately it seems likely that I will not be able trade anything with you this turn, as my men will have other things occupying them. However I ask if you have anything to spare the other way. I am not rich, but I have some spare wealth with which to hire mercenaries or spies. (Eco for Mil or Esp)

Also know that my offer of alliance, whether in full or a defensive alliance, still stands. Though I understand if you wish to demure now that I am engaged in a feud.

Minoo, the Advocate of the Dead

I can offer (5 Eco) for (5 mil). Is this offer agreeable to you?

Minoo, the Advocate of the Dead

2022-10-04, 04:06 PM
The 20th Legion [6]

Mahan closed the door to the laboratory gingerly and walked away, almost on tiptoes. Sahaleh looked up from the diagrams she was working on and put her quill away. In an urgent whisper, she asked:
Mahan walked over, looked over his shoulder, as if he expected the Forgemaster to be standing the door he had just closed.
"It failed again. Of course it failed. That's 6 Fabricators now who have told him it can't work. He doesn't have the runes, he doesn't have enough power, he doesn't have the right location and anyway, it's preposterous start to finish."
Sahaleh nodded.
"How big this time?"
"Less than three sixteenths of an inch? Four seconds, four and a half, tops?"
"And the Fabricator?"
"His circle held, so he survived, but we lost three acolytes. Also, the Chief engineer is stepping down and all three centurions have pre-emptively denied the position. So..."
"So he has to stop with this idea. It's absolute madness. Frankly, even six months ago, the Inquisition would have lynched half the officers for even consider this."
"And... is he?"
She sighed.
"No, of course he isn't. And he still won the confidence vote. No, he wants me to bring him the dossiers."
"Huh. So now we're just going to drag the rest of the city into this?"
"Seems like it."
"Well, that explains why he was mumbling about "more power", "chthonian inversion", and "inter-nexus resonance"."
Sahaleh quickly scratched some notes on he slate.
"Well, the good news is if it goes wrong again, no one in the city will be alive to worry about it."


To Clan Fuxi
Honoured Daughters of the Great Serpent,

It has come to our attention that you have gained access to one of the nexuses. For a project of the utmost scale and importance, we need access to such a location. We are of course willing to trade our expertise or other forms of payment for access and permission to study the site. As we know that you also have in your possession a power source of considerable magnitude that seems directly attuned to chthonic and creative energies, we think that with your cooperation, we could make considerable advances in the fields of energy resonance an manipulation created to the nexuses, advances we would of course be willing to share and that should greatly benefit both you and your immortal patron.

Your hopeful servant,
-The Dominus Fabricator

The Hemminghock Family Corporation

Honoured Directors of the Hemminghock Corporation,

It has come to our attention that you have gained access to one of the nexuses. For a project of the utmost scale and importance, we need access to such a location. We are of course willing to trade our expertise or other forms of payment for access and permission to study the site and hope that we can come to a mutually profitable agreement.

Your hopeful servant,
-The Dominus Fabricator

The Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Dear Cousins,

We can't help but, recently, notice a certain familiar quality to the barrier between worlds, which leads us to believe that you have gained a permanent foothold in the spirit world. Congratulations! As fellow scientists who, like you, are working towards the improvement of the city, even if our methods are by some considered distasteful, we hope that you would let us share in your findings, so that we could study the Nexus together and perhaps find new ways to use its power. What do you say?

Your friend,
The Dominus Fabricator

The Golden Guard
Honoured Master Artificers,

We are impressed and astounded by the progress you have made in golemetry, especially in control technology. We have a problem, for which we think you might have the solution. Specifically, we are attempting to work with highly unstable energy fields, that are increasingly becoming too volatile to handle close-up by human artificers. We ask your help in developing a golem-based remote system that would allow us to control the experiments we are performing without putting our experts in harm's way. Such a system would of course have to be very sophisticated and incredibly resilient, but we would be more than happy to pay for it.

Your admiring colleague,
The Dominus Fabricator

2022-10-04, 10:36 PM
Gudite Warcamp

Morale: 11
Reputation: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

Greetings partners,

Before any substantial actions are taken, we would like to hear your needs, and most of all your thoughts on the state of the city. Opportunities, and who you favour for them as well.

Then we can bring up our thoughts.

Elder earth's care,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

Hail Heron,

I need not ramble on the meaning of tragedy to you, sister.

So I'll skip to the case, our pantheon has earned new members and power, and we can provide answers, lesser answers but useful nonetheless. With a little in (3 Inv) and permission to see the sites disturbed, we can learn all that there is too know about the murderer's tactic.

Azagar's cunning,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Give me 3 inv on midturn and put it in your midturn that I can enter your land and I can learn all LTPs, stats, VIPs, gods, etc. involved with the assasination of the Hippo.

Greetings slayers,

We hear you have been styled kingmakers, here is your chance then, destruction surely awaits you on the field. If you style us as you've done in the past, we can do much to delay or even stop this end, unless until your sacred mission is fullfiled.

Azagar's good sense,
Daghir, the wolf.

Lacking details, but let's start talks with this.

Greetings Master Chemosh,

While you may have heard some things about my new gun factories, buuut the warcamp does still have a numbers problem, so how does [4 eco] for every [5 mil] sound to let us borrow some of your wonderful constructs. I guarantee Daghir brings them back safe.

Much respect,
Delilah Fairway.

Cousin Arsat!

You can be sure we will, many wrongs to right for us.

(10) will be soon for the Fuxi, as per the terms of our new partnership, and I'm afraid that while we could freely give up the tangle, I'm afraid we cannot make such a call on our own, It would be the Aranea's choice to join you (and a mighty good one at that), but now that their catacombs are silent... Let us consult with the Fuxi and see if they don't think our over all strategic position is hurt too much.

Say the word and we'll say the word, as far as protecting you goes, as we said, the only caveat is no joining claw and limb with another's spear, lest we find ourselves fighting.

Elder earth's care,
Solyom, Leviatan.

I'm looking into Hamste's meatier trades currently so I'll get back to you on general trade and Aranea (though I'm willing to hear offers that'll make me disregard my ally easier).

Conditions are simple for the protection: pledge to never ally, and anyone who attacks you is my enemy, with hope that the deterrent of a second combatant on an already though nut is enough to keep anyone from trying you.

2022-10-05, 03:49 PM
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004933849492500521/1026514396861710456/Writteninsanity_a_gunslinger_sitting_on_top_of_a_p ile_of_gold_c_be3b284c-ed32-42d5-b017-ce1e38fe2585.png


Barbarians - Mercantile - Inhuman

"I've got fire in my soul
Rise up, ting ting, like glitter
Like glitter and gold"

All Messages Sent at MOR 15

In the start, Hemminghock hadn't been a place for banners. They were a company, and though they had a company pride, it had all be centered on the family and the logo of the company which was like most back home their name in a specific font. That had been how things worked back home, a place where companies had been starting up and taking over more than government had. Even in other ventures, the Hemminghock name had remained as a company you worked for.

Ardakand didn't work like that, maybe it was becuase they had spent so longer under a god emperor, but the people of Ardakand wanted something bigger than a paycheque to throw their weight behind. Gold was gold, but fealty was golden. A full fledged days long battle against the Bloodsworn had proven that the people or Ardakand were willing to fight, but they needed something to fight for. That time it had been the Eye of Heaven, next time the Hemminghock name wouldn't be enough.

At least not as it was currently branded.

The new statues, placed just below the Eye of Heaven in Dashir and over the main offices in the Courts were gargantuan golden structures that carved sunlight around Arkadand, making some streets unbearable during the day from the shine of their brilliance. The statues weighed dozens of tonnes, and the gold flags that flowed off their forms were woven of thread collected from the spirit realm, that would always show the shadow of a massive wing behind the statue, no matter which way the wind blew.

The female form in the statue was wrapped in the same golden spirit fabric as the flag behind her, but the winds up so high were usually strong enough to keep it wrapped taught against the gold of the statue proper. The fabirc was a detail for those who could get high enough to see the detail, whether that was from magic or wings.

People had given the statues a long list of names over the weeks it had taken to put together, most of them too pretentious, and some of which weren't that flattering. Hemminghock themselves had quietly pushe interest for 'The Golden Sisters' but they understood that attempting to control discourse was the most assured way to have it go completely and utterly south. As it currently stands, the twin statues are unnamed in Ardaknad, but each faction certainly has their likely opinion about them.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1004933849492500521/1027268185638064129/Writteninsanity_a_winged_woman_waving_a_golden_fla g_contrasted__62ae20d9-f1ea-4345-8fa9-332cb41cb0ba.png

I ain't gonna waste words on talkin' to ya 'bout loss. I lost sisters back in Sethannai and it sucks. Ya move on, keep the machines runnin'.

As for business, we're happy to announce the defensive pact with a small hole for the Saints. God love ya, give em' hell for Hippo, but we ain't getting tanlged with the idea that we previously mentioned we'd swing at anyone who took a swing at them. You're also gonna see us givin' ya public permission to gut some Saints out there.

Honestly for the military we've got our own venture to worry about, but we're happy to send you some eyes in the sky at a fair rate. Just made gold statues so.. we could use a little. (OOC: ECO>ESP 3 for 3.)

Send them to the spirit realm so Hippo can get a shot at em too,


Cordially, what the **** are you doin'? We offered you protection and you're out there picking fights with everyone in Ardakand? God there is devoted and then there is stupid, ya know?

We can help back you up against the wave of **** coming your way but Hemminghock people ain't marching against the Heron. How about we sell you some MOR to keep you from getting gutted by them and the Carnival? Payment can be in boots on the ground. We're working on a project.

We'd apprecaite if 'ya didn't blast our quiet acquisitions over the airwaves in the future, but we can't control your mail.

We'll be waiting in Dashir and bring you to the location you mentioned, nothing said about it. We'll get you in Hemminghock clothing on the way in.


Who's next. The sisters and I are takin' bets but nobody said it was against the rules to ask!


Pardon about the lack of sale last season. Something interesting came up on our offers table and we didn't hear back from ya' demons.

Are you shoppin'? Now that our communciatons are a touch less open and public we're more willing to sell at more agressive packages.

Talk to ya soon, please don't cover our walls in blood,


One of the most critical spaces in Ardakand is up for grabs and we'd love for you to have it as opposed to one of the more military inclied legions.

Tell me, what do you need to take that swing?


2022-10-05, 04:17 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

To Cecilia,
We are very interested in your offer. Crossroads, especially vital ones, are of great interest to us. And we are interested in expanding.
Please clarify further what you are willing to offer and what you would expect of us, and the exact goal in mind, and I'm sure we can work something out.

The Baron,
Written by His Vessel, Antoine duLac

I'm not clear on what exactly you are proposing, that you subsidize me taking a strategic territory? If so, I'd be willing to do it for a little help from you, say a few mil or inv, but it seems an odd offer.
If I completely misread you and that wasn't what you intended, I'd probably still be interested, but I'm not sure what in.

2022-10-05, 05:48 PM
OOC: Correct. They are basically offering to help you by only sending you stats, they would prefer to have you on that throne than anyone else.

Hemminghock isn't going to have non-payment, but they can promise not to pay your competitors.

St. Justicar
2022-10-05, 06:06 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Leviathan

Is far enough about Death Street, your business to give out to who you wish. Sempiterne though, that is important. Can’t let tombs go, with investment made in them. Unless you have path ot other nexus you want to trade instead, anyway.

So, new deal. For path to Sempiterne, can give [1 Military] this month, Once secured, can give out [2 Espionage] to you or to your snakes, whichever you like.

Fair enough regarding 10. In which case, let me rephrase my offer – I can offer a point of permanent military this turn, and once I’ve got access to the Sempeterne, can give the two points of eco I’ll be getting for it easily enough, either to you or to Fuxi, if you prefer. Or if you want something else, say it?

Friend Heron!

My cousins and I are happy to trade, and give help in project to make city safe and whole, if you have ideas? But for now will have to decline generous offer – my cousins are peaceful, and would not bloody hands if they can avoid it. You will seek vengeance, of course, but we will not be part of war, for as long as we can focus on peace and life and growth.

When your expedition returns, write if you have business to do, yes?

-Cousin Arsat

Oh Engineer of the Soul,

It is noble to seek enlightenment, and to turn your knowledge to useful ends. I admit my hands are burnt, and my heart wary of placing my trust in the security of another again. But if you believe you might learn the nature of the Shadow, and how it might be pruned and shaped, then my curiosity outweighs all other concerns. We will welcome your acolytes to Coralward, and through the eye we have opened and the maze yet half-grown.

-Cousin Hylah

Princes of the City,

I will not try your patience with needless poetics. The treasures of the Shadow are great, but its paths are closed and warded against those such as us.

Guide my cousins to an oasis, or provide an introduction to some spirit magnate who might aid our work, and we give you fruits and flowers to aid you in this world as you aid us in the other.

Basically – if you find a god focused on growth, production, protection, or anything at all you think I might be interested in, point it my way and if the pact’s worthwhile I’ll give you 1-3 permanent stat points, depending.

Find an Nexus and give me the route to take and, well, exact payment can be negotiated, but I will pay very well for it.

2022-10-06, 11:15 AM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan

The Shaitan's banner was left behind in an abandoned territory. Oops.

It is a conquest of titanic proportions. The rogue Legion, home to restore the empire to its glory, musters a force unlike any seen since the fighting began. They march to the Menagerie, banners held high in triumph, ready to slay the monsters that their compatriots had once bound. They march to High Fane, where the temples had been descrated and the priests slain, prepared to cleanse the holy district in the blood of the raging dead. They march to Grand Port, equipped to avenge the Merchant Navy and restore commerce and prosperity to Ardakand. Their victory over the Shaitan in the Guild Ward has made them confident. The monsters can be defeated. The Shaitan can be driven out from Ardakand and back to the outskirts of the empire, where there is no end to the unjustly slain and men will sell their souls to revenge themselves upon a world that failed them.

But when they arrive, all they find are corpses and ash and rubble. Even the most stubborn refugees - of whom there were few, in districts this prosperous or well-maintained - have fled. Buildings have been burned or broken, bodies lie twisted in the streets. Taunting messages are left scrawled in blood.

The Shaitan of Betrayal are gone from the Menagerie. The Shaitan of Desecration are gone from High Fane. The Shaitan of Disaster are gone from Grand Port.

The Legion have liberated only dust and decay.

Morale 14

The message is carved into the carcass of a dead hippopotamus, slain by the Imperial Ranger Corps when it was freed in the Menagerie. The corpse, months old, is left rotting on the steps of the palace for all to see.



The Shaitan are willing to comply. The words written on the side of townhouses aren't written in blood, but sticky black tar that proves almost impossible to remove.


Offering up to 7 Eco for 7 Mil.

2022-10-06, 03:19 PM
The Heron
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

The Heron writes a small public announcement to be distributed through the city. It describes the new defensive pact between the Heron's warband and the Hemminghock family. An attack on one will be taken as an attack on the other. With a small caveat for the Slayers of the Silent Saints given the current circumstances.

Greetings Solyom,

I am loath to part with my sorcerers, but information can be worth a thousand spells. I will send you a few invokers to aid you this month and show you where the Hippo was murdered.

Minoo, the Advocate for the Dead


Then I have announced my side of the defensive pact. As for the trade we will have to see what the spirit realm holds for us. And what the Golden Guards ask for the assistance of their golems.

Minoo, the Advocate for the Dead

I would ask why you would attack the Hippo when there is such a clear threat to the city, one that you yourselves asked us to fight last month. But the answer is irrelevant. I have ample reason for a grudge with you, but I will set it aside if you agree to actually purge the Shaitan with us and the Legio Cerberus this month. I ask this for the sake of the city, and admittedly because they have threatened my personally.

Minoo, the Advocate for the Dead

2022-10-06, 11:27 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 6
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360

Clan Fuxi would like to pledge to take the lead in this Fey incursion. We have long history with the spirits of the Otherworld and have long fought with the Fey as we traveled through the Spirit Wilds. The clan has plans to take care of the Fey though it would take a month to put them into play.

We will pledge to match stats sent to us for ridding the city of the Fey next month and the one after if we need more.


As far as our desires for the Clan we do wish to expand to an additional territory or two this turn as we discussed last month. The Legion making an appearance in our ward is not... a welcome change. We have plans for the Fey incursion as well that will be a slow play but should hopefully have a good payout.

The East of the city is a dangerous cesspool of traps and complications with the Shaitan, Carnival, Slayers, and Legion all killing and spreading as they can. A victor will rise from that fight possibly too strong for us to handle. The Heminghock Company shows a shocking amount of growth as well, possibly too much to keep up with.

The Gardeners seem like an easy stable source to connect to and we may try to trade with them over the months. The Shaitan are desperate and willing to bargain I believe.

What are your thoughts on the city?


First we do not appreciate the blatant message sent out that can be seen by many of the city. We would appreciate in the future you use a little more subtlety in your messages.

Now in regards to your message that would depend on what exactly you would be using them for and how that would effect the things in question. Finally what would you be offering to access our goods.

2022-10-07, 05:26 AM
A codex of the Gods of Ardakand at the time of the first Interregnum - Part II: Imperial Cults
By the pen of Sivacus Arius Caudex, Historian to the Satrap

Of course, even with the Mandate of Heaven fallen, the gods in disarray and heresy all around, there were still those who worshipped proper Imperial gods, some in the prescribed ways, some decidedly unorthodox.

The Legions, Aquila and Cerberus, emerged in those times as paragons of all that Imperial nobility should be: proper, deliberate, strong and heroic. Their legates, as was proper, took as their goddess Theshera Stormweaver, the nine-eyed seer and strategist, whose signs of office are the woven threads of fate, the storm and lightning representing the chaos of battle and the sword, which cleaves through them and brings clarity.
As a high goddess of the Empire, it was of course not the place of the common soldiers to worship her, her blessings and rituals reserved entirely for those of appropriate rank. And so, as has always been the case in the legions, the common soldiery followed many gods, including anything from ancestor-worship to foreign mystery cults, from protective spirits to hero demigods.

Temple images of Theshera

The Golden Guard were, for the early stretches of the heresy, quite isolationist, occasionally lending troops to other factions fighting for the throne of Ardakand, but otherwise mainly engaging in pushing the limits of golemetry. Of course, no god could have fit them better than hundred-handed Nuska, who brought all craftsmanship to the world and created something different with each of his many hands. He was worshipped through creation and taking care of ones tools and projects, and care they did. Rarely has there been a fit between god and worshipper this close, more like a friendship than a pact.

Sacred Nuskite tools

The rebels known as the Carnival remained in many ways a mystery throughout the Interregnum. Though they publicly denounced many of the power blocks of Ardakand and regularly made their opinions known through fire and murder, we have little insight into their internal politics. We do, however, know that they worshipped Ruairidh, a rather barbaric spirit of the seasons, representing death and renewal, hailing from the Golden Isles. Though there are many fine and respectable gods from that province who have come to integrate well into the celestial hierarchy, this was obviously not one of them, a bloodthirsty and destructive god of fire and sacrifice.


The Witch-Doctors represent an interesting outlier among the imperial religion. While many cults stress dedication and submission to the gods, few do so as thoroughly as the witch-doctors vessels, who give themselves entirely to the spirits they worship in mind and body, allowing those spirits to enter the mortal world and act more directly than any others. The only god they cooperated with in a more classical sense in those times was Feochadáin, the thorn-guardian said to watch over the passages between the worlds, that allowed shamans and spirits to cross and mingle through the veil.

2022-10-07, 07:17 AM
The 20th Legion [6]


That is all we can hope for, really. We will be ready to look at "the location", then, and thank you very much.

Ah, yes. Subtlety. Of course, we apologize. We would use "the thing" to try and set up a resonance with another version of "the thing" that is currently in the hands of another party in the city, to see if we can either increase the output of "the thing" or perhaps create some kind of stronger combined effect. We strongly believe that what is currently possible with "the things" is far from their full potential and the applications are endless.

2022-10-07, 11:01 AM

Spiritual - Informed - Heroic

Whistling to himself, Hormoz walks back through the inner city. More than a few people cheer on him from the street corner, as they recognize his physique, the gleaming leviathan-skin armour. He waves at them, distractedly. Leviathan hunting, that had been good, but now, he had spent the entire day in politics, signing the terms of their alliance. He wants to kill something, preferably…


The voice is rough, a bit slurred. A drunk, Hormoz decides. The man stands maybe six steps behind him, on the street. There's a knife in his hand, a dinky little thing, six inches long, slightly curved. Otherwise, he is unarmed, slightly swaying on his feet. An ugly scar all over his jaw and one cheek, though he can't be much older than 20.

"They… they tell me yer the toughest in this city!" He waves the knife around, rather clumsily. "WELL! I'm here now! And you're going down, so, so, so, they'll all know that I'm the greatest now!" A few steps closer, the knife still held up. He's obviously almost two full heads shorter than the Hippo, and a quarter as wide.

"Kid", grumbles the large mercenary. "Go home. You're too drunk for this, and too young."

"No! I'll… I'll show you!"

And his knife suddenly stabs forward. Goes through the dragonscale armour as if it was butter, finds the Hippo's guts, buries itself deep.
But… this shouldn't be possible. Hormoz feels his knees begin to tremble. A stab like that shouldn't even hurt him. But there is pain, radiating out from the wound, hot and cold in turns. He falls to his knees, topples to his side. His muscles seize up, he can't even speak.

"Oh my god! Someone call a healer!"

Someone is leaning over him. A young-looking man, radiantly pale, beautiful, with amber-coloured eyes. The face leans closer, whispers in his ear.

"In this city, we don't have demigods, or immortal heroes. Your armour, your dragonblood, your pacts and blessings, they mean nothing. In this city, you are just an old man, and you die like an old man. Goodbye."

And then, everything turns dark.

All Messages at Mor 1

Dear Cecilia,

Your message reaches our orders just in time. We have put some protections in place against interventions from the Carnival - and are not willing to speak more to those, as they are certainly reading this - but there are other sharks in these waters and you have been kind to us. It is also abundantly clear that working with the Legio Cerberi has not been working, as even in retreat the Bloodsworn Shaitan get the better of their foes. While we wish them no ill will, the establishment is failing to protect Ardakand. Perhaps innovation is what is required.

Provided that you can guarantee that our blades will not be pointed at certain factions - the Legio or the Gardeners come to mind first and foremost - then you may have access to our soldiery this month. You will also need to arrange any spirit portals to ensure fully robust trade.

May your endeavours be judicious,

Slayer-Confessor Kantus, Sancta Ichoria

I will take that bargain. If you can cover trade costs, I will get you 'boots on the ground' for some basic protection against aggression. Let's call it 8 Mil for 8 Mor?
No time for fluff at the moment; I'm thinking of buying a lot of permanent Mor from you. Other than Mil, what kinds of stats are you looking for this turn and in what quantity?
Dear Heron,

We hope you found our message clear. It is unfortunate that the Hippo had to die, but claims of becoming emperor atop his new immortality presented a clear and present threat to the ethos of mine own liturgy. An immortal emperor would be an absolute affront to our beliefs, and for that reason the Hippo needed to pass on to the afterlife before his popularity could reach its zenith. Whether you understand our position is of little consequence to us.

As to your call for help... the Shaitan are indeed a plague, and one that the Slayers have already dedicated significant resources to fighting. We can make no guarantees of outright aid, especially not in such an exposed forum as this. If you seek to destroy them, you will need to take to the field as best you can.

May you follow better leaders,

Slayer-Confessor Vorin, Sancta Exspira

We could be persuaded to help, but our Military is already going to Hemminghock. For the first time since Turn 2, we have some measure of protection so we can choose our targets more freely. What did you have in mind? Please keep the specifics to your end, and I will either confirm or deny them (or provide some vague suggestions).

Be aware also that I am courting the Gardeners for their trades this turn. If they and Hemminghock offer me better terms than you, you might be on your own.

Also a note: I've already spent over 100 stat points fighting the Shaitan this game. Ask Kraken or Eldan OOC after the game is done and they'll confirm that. So I don't feel too bad taking a turn or two off to focus on survival and growth.
Dear Shackle,

We understand you somewhat better now. You sought to enact change, and we joined the house on the hill; as such, we must have seemed a natural target for you. Our cooperation has since strayed beyond the legions, as we am sure you are aware.

Out of a sense of courtesy, we feel obliged to warn you: a second attempt to cut us down will be met with violence. Beyond that, we are sure the results would be quite as fruitful. If you wish to see the best version Ardakand, we recommend the Bloodsworn Shaitan as your next target, but of course you are free to do as you please.

May you choose your targets wisely,

The Slayer-Confessors of the Orders of the Silent Saints

2022-10-07, 02:45 PM
Gudite Warcamp


The dhow was quiet, and left from a smuggler’s port amidst coralward, its passengers a crew of simple clay constructs with off putting Gardener grafts for those who needed the dexterity to tie knots or other such tasks, the wind was still, a consequence of the minor gods perhaps but above all, it was as if nature itself was reluctant to lead the ships where they were going.

Delilah had taken great care for silence, but as they approached the funeral sloop Delilah decided she was far enough from those who might dislike her visit, Rupert staring attentively “Hey big Guy… Kinda sorry that was the last we saw of each other. I was too busy, mimicking with many days of work what you did with one hand and a rash thought… I’m glad I only ever bet for you, made me a lot of money… Your jokes were good. I won’t ever again make a poison, not like I ever do anyway even though I know how… Don’t really know what else to say, honestly…”

Curiosity eventually got the better of the youngling “Can he hear you?” Delilah caught herself before replying a simple yes “I… don’t really know, but when I’ve read of heroes dying, people always speak to the wind as if they did” undaunted by the direction of that answer Rupert pressed on “Were you close?” “Not really, but he made for a good reminder…” The silence lingered as they both stared at the Hippo's boat, downwind from them, so as not to catch even a whiff of the toxins, then Delilah turned back to him placing a hand on the mane of hair that made feeling his scalp directly near impossible “He is sort of your kin, actually, so lower your head, that's the way you show respect.”

The pair remained like so, Rupert didn’t really understand how they were related, but he did get the gist of death and what kin meant, allowing sadness a first inch into his heart.

“Alright, that’s enough of that” Delilah claimed with a clap, seemingly satisfied, and pressed her fingers to her ears, waiting for rupert to mimic her before she stepped a feet or two to the side, stepping on a rune and triggering a host of glowing symbols all along the deck, a flash of light behind them, followed by a bang their fingers were fully insufficient to keep from being heard. Rupert turned back with curiosity and Delilah propped his head up by the chin, directing his sight to a masterfully decorated flying hunk of smoking metal that soon crashed into The deck of the hippo’s ship.

The pair remained still again, Rupert unaware of what just happened while Delilah waited, a crow soon flew to her hair, “Any holes?” Delilah wondered aloud, and with a shaken head from the animal cheered “Alright big guy, there is the promised cannon, now go get them!”

“Let’s get back home… or do you want to sail a bit?” Rupert had learned to spot an uncommon chance, and as he only just got his first boat ride took it beaming “Sail! Let’s Sail!” “Alright, alright, closer to shore though” she returned the smile and all the constructs moved as one to stir the ship the other way around, letting the funeral barge float alone, It was after all, the Hippo’s last fight, not theirs.


The trik trak of the Chariot on well placed cobblestone would give a sense of urgency regardless of its speed, but this time there was one. Gudites were the only people using actual chariots in the city, first to prove a point, driving them on occupied district to prove how vulnerable they were to Gudite incursion, then eventually, when it was clear any interest the easterners had was out of curiosity and not realization of weakness, just as a particularly ornate and unwieldy method of transport. Soliom, who held the reins, was ever glad that Hemminghock factories' need for labor left their streets more or less clear to cross.

Rupert was, in fact, not very glad, as he loudly let Solyom know with a number of sighs. “What troubles you?”

“Nothing much, really” this time it was the aging priest who followed sighed “We’ll arrive soon, so you can either say it now, or when many more can hear you”

The boy considered the implied inevitability that he spoke and sat down, shrinking into the chariot “People have started calling me The Lion, only family seems to call me by my name now” “Heh, and that’s it? What's my name, Rupert?”

“... Uncle Sol?”

“I meant my actual name, but that’s perfect. For you and your mother I’m Sol, For those that care about the past and rank and birth I’m Solyom Aet Gallet, Redemptionist High acolyte of the pantheon. And for most I’m Solyom, but oftentime Leviatan. And the name picked me…”

Rupert seemed, less than satisfied, still moping in the chariot’s floor as they approached Tarbent.

“Look… Do you like the name?”

“I don’t really know, honestly“

“Then let it be, you are young, If you like it you earn it, if you hate it you make a new one”

“What if no one wants my new name, or I want to stick with Rupert?”

The bridges of the Guild ward were now visible in the distance, an unusually resplendent shine to them.

“Almost there… look, expectations are inevitable, and I’ll let you forget my actual name and keep to Sol, but don’t forget this: The only ones that matter are yours, and if I’m judging you correctly, they will never be satisfied”

“Why do you say that?” asked the boy, mildly hurt by what sounded like a threat.

“No one I found worth remembering was ever satisfied, and I’m sure you are worth remembering, Rupert.”

They arrived to meet a heavily armed escort, blocking a bridge to the Guild Ward was… unpopular, to say the least, but most people were now steering clear after a circle of priests had started glowing… a warning sign if there ever was one, Rupert steered clear to the side, escorted by two Gudite warriors that soon took their leave whispering of lions and sons.

Solyom for his part stood in the middle of the circle, chanting growing ever louder as he joined, the nearby city seemingly darkening instead as the bridge grew ever brighter then stopped, Neary busybodies almost fell in shock as a massive shape of water stormed forth from underneath the bridge, swallowing it at Solyom, their calm only returning when they saw the bridge undamaged in between the creature’s body, Solyom too was undamaged, raising above where the creature's head was if the lump of water could be called that, though the Merchants seemed to care less about the priest than their livelihood.

With a booming voice that could be heard all across the city, at exactly the same volume, he spoke “Hear hear!...”

"...It must be clear to all by now, that this city is in a stage of self division, and is yet to be put together. I only know of a few dividing powers who have honor, and of them, only one who wants not for violence.

As of now, the Gardeners are if not kin, then kindred spirits, and we will not have them harmed and an attack against them, is an attack to all those who follow the pantheon. Do not test this"

Gudite Warband guarantees the Gardeners of the Unwilling Flesh.

Morale: 11
Reputation: Barbarian-Martial-Spiritual

You are as clever as expected,

I don't think the Legion's interference will affect us right now, they are far more single-minded that the Shaitan are, and if they do divert so wildly, I think I can get an in to their alliance, we'll see.

So long as Hemminghock doesn't get any more nexuses we should be alright.

I suggest you don't understimate the Fey, and I personally intend to have as little to do with them as possible, unless you call for help. We are attempting to gently push some of the city's more neutral parties to our side, you saw some of that effort with the Gardeners already, so hopefully the others are swayed.

As for our previous dealings, I don't suppose you'll have a problem with staying from Khudara for the time being? And please, do let me know what you'll need for rebuilding.

Destia's bounty,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

got 3 permanent stats with your name on them

All agreeable cousin, make your way there,

We'll have to ask the larger amount (2) be brought right away, then the smallest. We may need passage later on and Cousin, I may encourage you not do business with the Slayers, at least until we have finished discussing an end to their rampant killing, hopefully this month. Your kin and mine have worked with Hormoz, and if such an upstanding fellow "deserved" death, well...

Passage may be needed too, should the discussion turn sour.

Ase's longing,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Friend Heron,

Very well we will await your sorcerers and I do hope your... placation of the Slayers buys you the time needed to make use of what we get.

Gulldr's warmth,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Let you know what I get afterwards.

*Stats to be received: From the Heron: 3 Inv saving for EoT.

*Solyom, Leviatan (lvl 2 Inv), sporting the Shaman's bells (+1 Inv), with support from (3 inv) the Heron's retinue, and some (2 inv) Gudite priests will delve into the spirit world, in the search of things to win a fight most difficult that seems ever unavoidable (10 total for spirit delving).

*Mustering for the marble ward.

*The Heron supposedly grants an in to their territory, as such, I'm using the crow's ruin sifting to learn all that can be known about the Hippo's assasination by the slayers.

*1 mor to secure the knight belligerent.

*5 mor, 2 inv to pay for VIPs/artifacts (2 major artifacts, 2 minor, 1 artifice LTP (minor))

*God paying:
Eldest earth: (winning in the eye of heaven)
The Devourer (winning in the Moneylender's Golden Guild)
Crow: 1 eco, 1 inv.
Chouvkrand: (Winning in the Sump) if there are no threats, if there are threats 1 mor and 1 esp instead.

2022-10-08, 10:29 AM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

Morale 15


The Heron
We need to know more of the situation of course, but you will have our support. To start with, I can grant you the [INV] of the Cerberus banner for this month, as we need not construct any portals for now. [5 inv] all together.

I will continue to battle the Shaitan, and your support will be appreciated where you can spare it, but given a lack of success last month, beyond crushing their stat cap, we will need to consider a different strategy in order to root out their evil. To that end, I’ll be contacting the Carnival to see if they are willing to work together against the shaitan.

The legates will of course attend the funeral of the Hippo when it occurs, he was a great man, and his death is a loss to the entire Era.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

The Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh
Goodly Cousin,

Thank you for your aid last month, the plants are… strange, but I cannot deny their productivity. I would love to know more, but for the moment I must carefully consider my resources, the Shaitan tragically remain quite strong despite their shrinking territory, and what coin the Legions have may be needed to purchase mercenaries.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

The Slayers of the Silent Saints

We stand at an awkward impass, given the timing of your latest operation and my new alliance with the operations target. I considered us allies to some degree, united at least in cause against the Shaitan, but you promised forces that never appeared last month, and were it not for some lucky gambles in our own operations, the attack against the Shaitan could have been disastrous. What happened last month, why did your forces never appear?

Also, is your network still able to break the Shaitan’s messages? I would like to know of the communication between them and the Carnival.

Imperial Salutations,
Legate Orbei

The Carnival of Chains

As far as I am aware, this is the first communication between our factions, now that our borders are close, I feel the need to reach out and establish relations formally. I understand your hatred for the old Dynasty, while we have had some emperors, the civil war showed just how devastating a bad emperor, or in this unlucky case, two bad emperors can be.

I have no desire to return to such a dynastic system, so in some ways I think our factions have little conflict, but one thing the Legions do believe in is the Empire itself, and a return of the Mandate of Heaven. What does the Carnival intend once all of the old offices of Empire are dead? For as you continue to break the offices of empire down, you continue to break down the systems we have in place to resist calamities such as the Harvest crisis and the Shaitan. I have seen the ruins of Tarbent, of the Portward, and the desolation of the once beautiful Palace. The shaitan may be on the run from my Legions, but they are growing in power with each ruin they leave, even now their military is on par with mine, even after unifying with the Aquila.

So my tactics are not working, still bound to codes older than Ardakand holding us back no doubt. Your offensive operations however, have met with aught but success after success. Would you be interested in turning those resources to saving the city from ruin? The Shaitan have slain hundreds every month, and it will take years before some of these districts are repaired. If left unchecked, they will simply outscale my legions, since we are unable to catch them.

Legate Orbei

GM Midturn
Orbei goes to The Stormweaver, naming Portlands, shield isle, and Merchants Isle as the Storms, and the Shaitan, Carnival, Gudites, and Slayers as foes.

Muster for marble ward, made secret due to city watch. Gain 2 infiltration against the Slayers.
Muster publicly for Central Ward.

Send 5 INV to the Heron for delving.

2022-10-08, 12:20 PM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

10 inv spent exploring the spirit world. Mostly of it comes from alchemical potions made from the remaining kraken bits and making use of the few exploratory golems that they have.

Paying 1 artifice and 1 econ to keep up pact with hundred handed one

2022-10-08, 12:43 PM
Minoo goes delving along with the 2 banked Inv.
I think the Legio is sending me 5 Inv for delving so include that as well.
Might as well throw in another 5 Inv to bring it to an even 20.

Lagamal Pact: 1 banked Eco
Kives Pact: 1 Eco, 1 Mor
Aq Bars Pact: 1 Eco, 1 Mor, 1 Art

Also 3 Inv for the Gudites as well as access to the murder site to investigate the specifics of the Hippo's murder.

St. Justicar
2022-10-08, 01:21 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Artifice, Economy, Espionage, mostly. Or potentially more or possibly invocation, but I somehow doubt you’ve got much of either to spare? :smalltongue:

Deal, provided the 2 stats aren’t morale. Military would be the most convenient for me to provide at this point, but I can make any of the other four work.

Sad but fair. Do reach out if anything changes.

In the next month we intend to secure the Sempiterne, clean the wreckage that have been made of it for any survivors or last testaments, and reconsecrate the ruins that have been made of the necropolis to the cause of life. We would ask that the princes of the city not oppose us in this.


Pacts – 1 Inv, 1 Esp spent tracking the spread of the Mothergreen’s roots through Guild Ward, and sending the report through the Shadow

Mustering – to Charkand

3 Inv, 2 Art to mark the borders of Gardener territory with lines of bone-white and blood-red flowers, salt and cold iron worked into the structure of their roots. [Anti-fey wards, for whenever they start eating people. Since no one else seems interested in stopping them].

2022-10-08, 02:30 PM
Clan Fuxi of the White Snake
Mor 6
Rep: Spiritual, Otherworldly, Ambitious

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004443557735698533/1007827703040331776/GameOfChampions_white_snake_in_fantasy_city_3bddbd 1e-0a3b-4ecc-b3df-e681b3130086.png?width=1440&height=360


We have no problems staying out of the Khudara district right now. We will expand into ours and yours for now.

As for Heminghock we know that they have a spiritual Nexus from the message the 20th Legion sent them. We will include you in the intelligence we recieve.

The resources we desire are a small infusion of Mil to upkeep our new lords and then any Sages or priests you may have that could work with us. More importantly we were wondering about the forces we could use to expand this month? The mil or inv?

We also have our Lady of the Thousand Eyes free this month. We were wondering if you possibly have a use for her abilities?

Staying iut of Khudara. As far as the stats go 1 Mil and 2 Inv. Dont know where we landed on the temp mil for invasions but ket me know. Also I can send you my Tier 3 Esp VIP with a +1 Esp item. I could also send a Mil one if i can get that mil from you for expanding.


From what we can tell you are the only other person who cares for the Fey incursions. However with the lack of city wide support I doubt that the Fey can be dealt with. However the sages of the Clan is working on a project to make the most of the contributions.

Would you be willing to work with us next month on this matter? We hope to funnel the resources of those in the city willing to aid us through our project.

Lady Tamachi (Tier 2 Inv VIP), and Borte, the Venom Mistress (Posessed Tier 2 Inv VIP) to adventure into the Spirit Wilds.

Recieve 2 random temp stats and trade 1 t.econ for random stat. Pay 1 t.Econ, and 1 t.Mor to Yusamta the White Cobra.

Muster to Charkand.

2022-10-08, 03:01 PM
6 mil
10 Econ
4 Esp
4 Art
9 Inv
5 mor

4 temp inv

2 artifice spent to help with the faerie incursion

We all must do our part

The Baron (econ) 3, The Trickster (morale) 2, 2 artifice sent delving with the 2 artifice penalty from The Hedge-Keeper.

The Spiritual world is full of riches, and we are going to grab them!

4 inv spent to build a portal to the former site of House Aranea based on suggestions from Hemminghock.

This alliance seems promising, and we could use more territory.

The Hedge-Keeper is asked to hold back rewards this round from The Shaitan.

We cannot afford to keep striking at shadows, but we can at least use spite as a weapon

2022-10-08, 09:19 PM
Carnival of Chains
Morale: 12

Artistic, Criminal, Egalitarian

Pay 1 t. Eco and 1 t. Mor for Pact with Ruairidh.

2022-10-08, 10:10 PM
The Bloodsworn Shaitan


A message is sent, painted in blood on a stolen Legion banner.





(it's a really long banner).



4 Inv spent making a portal from 23-32

Mustering to the Imperial Palace

2022-10-09, 08:14 AM

3 Temp Eco for Advari LORD OF BUISNESS' Pact

2 Temp Eco and 1 temp MIL to build and house the sacred bull. The bull is housed in Dashir, as close to the eye of heaven as Hemminghock owns. A pasture is build over the rubble of old dashir, and a temple surrounding it is maintained / guarded 24 hours a day. This is the pact for Usherabi, the royal

Spending 8 INV to open portals from Hemminghock territory into [46] and [45]

2022-10-09, 08:23 AM
Midturn 5

Armies are mustering once again for another season of war. The Gudites are mustering for the Marble Ward. The Gardeners and Clan Fuxi are mustering for Charkand. In the Imperial Palace, malicious whispers are heard, indicating that an incursion of Shaitan is imminent. The Legion is mustering for the Central Ward.

Ominous and strangely localized storms are massing over the city. The Portlands, Shield Isle and Merchant's Isle are under cover of dense, black clouds that don't seem to go away for weeks, accompanied by driving rain and flashes of lightning.

Gudite Warcamps [8]
The dragons of Zheng begin to wildly vibrate, their pearls indicating that the Witch Doctors have opened a portal to Sempiterne.

In the Spirit World
White. White and white and white, as far as the eye can see. Sky, bright and featureless, stone pillars, whiter than marble, reaching up until they vanish in the hazy brightness above. Even the floor is perfect white, perfectly flat and pointless, an apparently single slab of polished white stone stretching to infinity.
It is hard. Not to walk, but to even keep one’s eyes open. Everything is too bright, too featureless. Solyom, leading the expedition, feels unconciousness overwhelming him, as the expedition troops forward and forward, day after day. His willpower is holding up this expedition at this point, straining against the hostility of this place with all his might. As they reach the center of his place, it becomes too much for him, and he falls into a deep, deathlike sleep.
When the first red spots appear, they might be just another hallucination. But no. It’s blood, falling from the sky as rain. Gutters appear on the floor, which is now sloping down, ever so slightly and somehow, inexplicably, all the blood falls into them without staining the floors or pillars.
It takes another day, blood-soaked and smelling of copper, until the expedition finds the pool, where all the blood gathers. In its middle stands another white pillar, this one not featureless, but carved into a vaguely feminine shape. It is wrapped in heavy, rusted chains. It speaks, voice deep and sensuous. “Mortal. Will you see the blood flow unstaunched and unceasing. Will you unleash me?”

Gain: Pact offer from Manat, the Immaculate Queen, 2 t.inv, 1 t.eco
Solyom is injured and can not act next turn, but gains +4 bonus XP

Manat, he Immaculate queen sends you her Knight Belligerent, a 2 military VIP (if he has already appeared from an event, you may now control him for free). The Knight can only be used to annex neutral territory, perform stat attacks or invade territory held by another player. He always deals one extra random stat damage to the recipient of his attacks. If used to annex a neutral district, he will cause such devastation that one less stat point is gained from the annexation. While the Queen is bound, any action involving the knight also ignores attrition, as well as any other stat damage that may be caused by LTPs or similar effects on the defender. If the Knight was controlled by anyone else while you gained this pact, he will betray them. From now on, the Knight will gain XP like a normal VIP, and will gain 2 bonus XP for any stats he destroys.

The knight must be used every turn to annex or invade. If not given orders, he will instead attack a random territory on the map, including your own. Additionally, you must pay her 1 t.mil every turn.

Special: the pact with the Immaculate Queen can not be broken in any way, unless she is destroyed.

Ruin Sifting:
It seems the Slayers have not employed any unsual trickery. They were simply very well prepared and very experienced. They knew where the Hippo would be, and prepared a trap, and they knew spells, rituals and bindings to take most of his powers away for a time.

The Slayers invested all 3 confessors, each a level 2 Esp VIP into the assassination, plus another 10 espionage, 1 inv, 1 art and 1 mor, to pay off distance penalties.
The Heron and the Hippo had the Hippo, a tier 4 military VIP and 7 morale. The Hippo additionally had the Dragonblood ability, which made him especially hard to wound, adding his tier a third time to assassination defence.

The Heron [7]
Got 5 inv from the Legion, traded 3 inv to the Gudites.

Minoo is diving into the spirit world deeper than ever, deeper perhaps than anyone has delved in living memory. Beyond the normal paths of the Spirit World, into ever stranger places. Places where concepts become real, where colours talk and shapes have sound, where the normal rules of reality no longer apply. It tears at her soul and her mind, this strangeness, but she is strong, here, stronger than anyone, and at her side is the peacock-coloured spirit of Aq-Bars, guiding her.

She passes into the dream realms, or perhaps through time, finding herself floating above a battlefield. Vast cavalry units have formed up, in lines and wedges, some lancers, some archers, thousands on each side. You immediately see their leader. He is unmistakable, the Great Khan, another version of Aq Bars at his side. And above him, fluttering in the wind, is a red and golden banner, trailing flames as he charges, his warcry shaking the Earth. Minoo reaches out, and plucky the banner out of the air, its essence coming with her.

Deeper again, she goes. There is a darkness in her, with the Hippo's death. Perhaps it is rage, perhaps it is depression, or nihilism, but it resonates in the void around her. As she moves, the landscape around her turns grey, and dead. Cracks begin to forum, and behind them is only the void. Up and down become meaningless, and even the sky begins to crumble away.
And then, all is dust. The world has crumbled, with only a few last remaining rocks floating in the void. Gravity and time, light and darkness, all have ceased. Only one thing remains, among the ruins: a single, blazing eye, watching everything, eternally.
“Foolishness, to come, mortal. In time, all will rest here, but that time has not yet come, for you. As much as you seek Oblivion, you may not yet find it."

Minoo gains 18 bonus XP from delving and your faction ability.
Gain 4 t.inv, 2 t.art, 2 t.eco, 3 t.mor
Would have suffered dangers of the spirit world 3 times. Reduced to 0 by Kives and Aq Bars.
Found The Auriflame, Banner of the First Khan

Auriflame (Major Artefact)
The flaming banner of the first Khan inspires your through immensely. While controlling the Auriflame, you may add Morale to a territorial invasion, up to an amount equal to your military.
Additionally, your leadership is so unshakeable that if your morale would take damage from any source, you negate the first three points of damage to morale you would take.

Nightmaker, Eye of the Void


Legend: Before the first gods, the shapers and the chthonians, fashioned the world, there was already chaos, the void, from which they had been born. And when the aeons have passed, the works of the gods will crumble, as the works of mortals must, and all will return to the void. No priest dares worship the void, if it even has a name. There are claims, amongst the forbidden grimoires, that it has granted powers to some mad worshippers, but the inquisition strenuously denies any such attempt has ever happened.

Offering: 1 permanent stat point per turn, which falls to dust.

Blessing: designate a single district. It becomes the eye of the void, from which it will spread. At first, eternal darkness falls over the district, and anyone remaining feels increasingly uneasy. The faction controlling the district, if there is one, loses 1 permanent morale immediately. At this point, the eye can be closed by an investment of 5 t.inv or t.art, though this cost increases by 2 every turn. At the end of turn, a rift opens in the territory, and all inhabitants that have not fled begin to mutate or crumble to dust. The owner of the district loses control over it and any stats conquering that district originally produced. From there, any action that takes place along a route through the district suffers 1 permanent stat of attrition. Additionally, every midturn, the darkness spreads to a random district, connected to one already under the influence of the void.

The Golden Guard [8]
Others may have used leviathan blood in crude rituals, sigils drawn in blood and holes in the veil. But that is primitive magic, unworthy for the refined artificer. They are rendered down into their alchemical essences, instead. Water, of course, and fire, as in all dragons, but also another. Void, spirit, aether, the quintessence. The pure unfilitered energy of the spirit world and magic. And as below, so above, like calls to like and as drip by drip, the pure white glow is distilled down and then evaporates again, the veil wavers and opens. Not a crude rift, or a mystical dream, a clean opening, perpendicular to reality.

Into the rift marches the first golem exploratory unit, gleaming gold and white, with quintessence runes. And yet, for all their technological might, what awaits them on the other side of the rift is almost disappointingly mundane: a door.

The door is right there. It has always been right there, in the corner of everyone’s eye. They just never quite saw it. It is simple in design, dark wood polished to a sheen, with a small brass plaque on it: “Negeb - Scribe to Gods”.
The office inside is narrow, barely two steps wide, and filled with books and scrolls from floor to ceiling, stacked on shelves several levels deep. Behind a narrow desk barely crammed into the small space sits the only inhabitant, barely half the size of a human, slight and gnarled, clad apparently in lanterns that are the room’s only light and an assortment of scrolls.
“Ah”, it says, with a thin, reedy voice. “Please, sit down. I was hoping for a customer. Mandate of Heaven changing hands, big upheaval, lots of pacts to be signed, business is booming. Now, my terms are quite reasonable, and my services are diverse. I work on retainer, of course. Ahem.”

Gain: 2 t.eco, 2 t.art, 1 t.inv
Pact offer with Negeb, Scribe of the Gods

Negeb is a minor, but nevertheless quite popular deity, as he is responsible for many essential functions of the modern state. Beginning as a spirit of scribes, he has over the centuries developed into the god of all things written down: the census, taxes, laws and contracts, and by extension, also the patron of scribes, lawyers, assessors and orators. His worship is quiet and subdued, but his modest shrines are present in many households and certainly every public office, sometimes on every floor.

Pact Terms:
Offering: Negeb charges 2 eco per turn for his services. Cash only. However, Negeb is unique among the Gods that he sees every contract as a temporary arrangement for money: his contract can be cancelled during any midturn, which will incur no wrath.

Blessing: each turn, Negeb can offer one of four services:
Challenge a pact in court. Publicly declare that a known pact between a God and any mortal faction is in fact totally void. The faction loses the benefit of that pact for the rest of the turn, while the case is being argued in divine court, though they also do not have to pay. Every pact can only be challenged once.
Dissolve a pact amiably. Negeb can peacefully dissolve a pact already made between a faction and a God. This does not have to be the faction currently employing Neheb, but they must be willing. The pact is null and void and must no longer be paid, without the God being angered. A new faction can sign a pact with that God, if they discover it, but the faction that dissolved the pact can never sign it again.
Negotiate pact details. Negeb can change the details of a contract before it is signed. Any pact signed this turn that has an offering of stat points can have half its payment made in a different stat instead for the rest of the game.
Look up a pact in the files. Either choose a faction, and find out at least one god they signed a contract with, or for a given God, find out which faction they have signed with. Includes a name and general title of the God where applicable, but not any details.

Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh [12]
The roots grow to 15 and 32. Gain 1 infiltration point each on the Legio Cerberus and the Legio Minotaurus.

Clan Fuxi [6]
Lady Borte is not herself. That soon becomes clear. She has been unusually reclusive all month, keeping almost entirely to herself. As the two ladies begin their customary travels into the spirit world, Tamachi tries to subtly monitor her, see what is wrong with the Venom Mistress, watching her through the eyes of snakes in the underbrush. It turns out to save her life, when, as the two are climbing a steep, grassy ridge, the Venom Mistress suddenly pulls a knife out of her robes and leaps at Tamachi. Her face has almost melted, white and featureless. But the snakes to either side leap out, striking at her arms, her legs, tumbling her down the incline. As Borte turns around and runs after her, the corpse, already filled with poison, begins to dissolve and vanishes, leaving only her clothes behind.

Preturbed, but determined, Tamachi keeps climbing. At the very summit, she finds the spirit of this place. A flower, glowing a deep red, among the snow. But as she reaches out and pluck it, the defenceless thing it seems to be, her hand becomes stuck in place, mere inches from it. There is a powerful energy surrounding the plant, pressing against her. It takes what feels like a day to, inch by inch, push through and offer the spirit to Lord Fuxi.

Uncovered the Impostor.
Gain a new VIP: this power core enables to the caster to subtly manipulate powerful energy fields, making them a very adept artificer and ritual mage.

The Witch doctors [5]
Portal built to Sempiterne. Other portals are built by the Shaitan, who are building a portal between 23 and 32 and Hemminghock, who are building two portals, from 40 to 45 and 46.

In the Spirit World
They should not have a. There is no cover anywhere, but somehow, she is hiding. She has been stalking the Baron and the Trickster for days. All that could have gone wrong has gone wrong. The food is gone, and the water has turned foul. One by one, the expedition members have vanished, fallen into sudden crevasses under a thin crust of snow, or turned around in wisps of fog. There is the howling of wolves on the wind, and derisive laughter under cold and merciless stars. At the end, only the Baron and the Trickster themselves remain.

“Have you come to make a bargain? Have you come to presume upon your betters, you petty little spirits? To haggle and invoke old names of power? You have come to the wrong neighborhood. Beg for me, my prey. Run for me, my prey.”

At the carneval, she is a mischievous, smiling young woman in a fox mask, who plays pranks and gives sweets to children and wine to beggars. In her sacred groves, she is a snarling wolf, snapping at the heels of bulls and lions. Not here, Here, she is the darkness itself, grim and cold, with distant stars as her eyes. This is her age, a carrion age, when the empire has fallen, and she is vast and ancient as the night.

She is Vulpa the Trickster, Unruly and Unbound, Old Kingsbreaker, mother of thieves and bastards, Goddess of fools and swindlers; assassins and madmen, freedom and chaos. She never bent down to the Sky, and the Sky never tried to rule her, for any Empire needs an outlet, a chance for things to change. No one, not Baron nor Trickster nor Khan, can bind her to an agreement.


There are no pacts with Vulpa. She is unbound and she takes what she wants. The Trickster and the Baron are temporarily lost in the spirit world, and can not be used next turn.

If she is amused, she gives gifts. For now, you have her favour. You may disguise one action for free, every turn. You may break any magical contract or control placed upon your faction at will (these may come from LTPs, or artifacts, or pacts.) While you have her favour, you may sow discord, between gods and mortals: once per turn, you may perform a special variation of the assassination action, striking not at a VIP, but a pact. If you beat the target’s defense against espionage +2, one of their contracts is broken, and they suffer the wrath of that god.

No one knows how long Vulpa’s favour will last. At the end of every turn, the GM will roll if the favour will end or continue.

Hemminghock [15]

All pacts paid. Portals opened to 45 and 46.

The Bloodsworn Shaitan [15]
Portal opened from 23 to 32.

Prevailing opinion in the city at this point seems to be that everyone is thoroughly fed up with solving threat after threat. The only attempt, made by the witch doctors, is perfunctory at best, and doesn't seem to get any support by anyone else.

Total contributions to the Fey crisis:
Witch Doctors: 3 stat points
Everyone else: 0

Result: at the start of every turn, a random fey event will take place in addition to all other events. These will happen until someone finds and seals the fey's origin.

EOT 5 is on Saturday 15th of October in the morning, European times

2022-10-09, 09:12 AM

Barbarian, Mercantile, Inhuman

Well if it ain't the city's defenders. Though at this point that might just be because ya own half the city.

We imagine you ain't short on soldiers, but what about the rest of the resources that a nation needs to keep itself movin'? How are the coffers? Ya got enough tinkerers?

Long story short, we're workin' on a little project that should surprise the Bloodsworn and we're in need of soldiers to carry guns. Ya haven't worked with us before, but most of the time we take comissions for custom items and take payment in advance. I'll need to talk to our mutual buddy the heron about escourtin' our caravan through, but that won't be an issue if history's a teacher.

Let us know what you're shoppin' for,


PS: Mind if we slip through if we end up makin' a deal with the Golden Guard? Might need to block off a street to walk those things through. Either that or we just strike a deal.

OOC: I can make full stats for pretty cheap. I am selling full stats if you're buying them. Primarily looking for mil, and I can make anything but MOR.

Well if it ain't shinin' Soldiers. Gods I'm still dissapointed you weren't interested in sellin' me one.

We imagine you ain't short on soldiers, but what about the rest of the resources that a nation needs to keep itself movin'? How are the coffers? Ya got enough tinkerers?

Long story short, we're workin' on a little project that should surprise the Bloodsworn and we're in need of soldiers to carry guns. Ya haven't worked with us before, but most of the time we take comissions for custom items and take payment in advance. We're talkin' to the Legio right now to arrange passage should we need it. Let us know what you're shoppin' for

Let us know what you're shoppin' for,


OOC: Looking to buy some guards, I have full stats right now, not temp stats. Lemme know costs and if you're interested, I can make nything but MOR for you.

Hope your time in the spirit realm has done more for you than it did for us these past few days.

You mentioned knowing your financial state once you'd delved. You know the usual deal with us so I ain't gonna explain the offer. What do you need?

PS: We were wondering if we could get passage through your territory to ask the Legio about a similar offer. We wanna do business but respect your lands.

Is it bad to admit that it warms my heart to see both factions from outside of Ardakand settlin' in so well? They weren't the best to us when we arrived but we've made amends now so it feels kinda discriminatory to cheer for you just becuase we're both the away team.

Look, I'm workin' on a spicy surprise and we're in need of a few more hands to hold guns. If you're shoppin' we can make ya anything you need without it being as creepy as those flesh warpers (god love em keepin the people fed though). Whatever their rate is, we'll match it for MIL.


This is just lettin' ya know that we're talkin' to some people around ya, professional courtesy and all of that considerin' we tend to be sellin' in the same market. No hard feelins intended, we're just in a similar business, tryin' not to step on yer toes, however many there are.

Alright, you got yer look. What's the purpose of all o' this?

2022-10-09, 01:34 PM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

Good day, just reminding you about the plan for us to take the territory. Make sure to abandon it, we will be sending a rather large force in case the Saitan were listening and try to retake. If you are continuing the advance, we remind you we lay claim to any territory on our island but are glad to pay [5 t military] of invasion forces if you happen to get any of them.

Currently, we want [6 t art or econ] for [5 t mil] worth of siege golems. We assure you the latest alchemical research has went into them. You would find them much tougher than what their number suggests. We will, however accept [5 t econ] for [5 t mil] in the form of our lesser golems.

I should note these do have a bunch ltp backing them up and this does include the controllers needed as well (which is why they are sold in batches of 5). They are also selling 5 regular military but it isn't backed with any ltps helping it.

Sure, this sounds interesting to us. We will get started on the designs, we actually have already done some research into the field of remote interface so this should be quite doable.

I'm sorry but 4 is a bit low. Currently, we want [6 t art or econ] for [5 t mil] worth of siege golems. We assure you the latest alchemical research has went into them. You would find them much tougher than what their number suggests and much more capable of dealing with enemy elites.

I should note these do have a bunch ltp backing them up and this does include the controllers needed as well.

Currently, we want [6 t art or econ] for [5 t mil] worth of siege golems but if you are giving full on infrastructure we are interested in [1.5 points P Art or Mil] per group of [5 t mil for invasions] with [t art or econ] accepted if you want an odd number. We after all, always need more supply manufacturers for our alchemy or bodies for our lesser golems. We assure you the latest alchemical research has went into them. You would find them much tougher than what their number suggests.

We also note, due to your closeness we lay claim to 39, 23 and 24. If during your invasions you happen to get your hands on them, we offer an additional [5 t mil for invasions] as reparations for us taking them.

For the trade they have a bunch ltp backing them up which should still apply and this does include the controllers needed as well (which is why they are sold in batches of 5). They are also selling a regular 5 mil but no LTP back it up.

2022-10-09, 04:02 PM
The Witch-Doctors
Mercenary * Mercantile * Spiritual

While the dogs are away, the cat will play whispers the double voice of The Lady and Cassy....
The place is a mess, and The Baron's plans are amounting to less than might be hoped. Unfortunately for him, he got caught up in those plans, leaving His Sister in charge for a few weeks. Hopefully there is less of a mess when He gets back. The Lady so loves riding a body, and she hasn't been out for more than a few Rites since The Knight took his favored Chual years back. They were twins and bitter rivals when they did not act in tandem, locking her on The Other Side was his kind of nasty trick.

Dearest Cecilia,
We are moving forward as proposed. Please let us know what aid we can expect.
- The Lady,
Penned by Her Vessel, Cassy Rice

2022-10-11, 01:19 PM
The Heron
Otherwordly, Martial, Mercenary

My temper has cooled and I find that I am more open to sending my support to you than expected. However I have quite the web of trade deals worked out. So I need to consult with the Gardeners, Legio Cerberus, and Gold Guard before I can make any solid plans.

However you are more than free to pass through the palace on your way to the Legio.

Minoo, Advocate of the Dead

What exactly do these additional alchemical enhancements do to make the siege golems more worthwhile?

I am in need of as much (Morale) as possible. Would you be willing to accept other payments than (mor and eco) for this?

Legate Orbei,

Thank you for the support of your men in the spirit realms. They were most helpful. I have included a summary of our expedition. (You can read my Midturn) I think the most fair distribution would be half of the proceeds, or I can offer a suit of leviathan armor we crafted last month. (1 mil artifact). Please let me know your thoughts.

In regards to the Shaitain I suspect we may be better served by a more subtle attack. Tracing the spirits themselves rather than attempting to contest them block by block. Unfortunately they are likely planning to attack my forces this turn so I can not pursue such a plan this month. But I will send you whatever men that cannot bolster my defenses to aid in your plans this month. (Mil and Esp) As the foremost foe of the Shaitan I expect you have the best grasp of their capabilities. So I would appreciate if you could offer any information on what they might be sending to attack me.

In addition I would draw your attention to the Nightmaker. It is my attention to announce that I have located this dread god publicly and threaten to unleash the Void on anyone who would think my warband an easy target with the Hippo dead. I fully intend to contain the void so that it does not intrude on areas of the city that are not my target, but I feel as allies I should seek your input first.

Minoo, Advocate of the Dead

2022-10-11, 04:30 PM
Golden Guards
Morale 8

We won't go into too many specifics, but it is three separate projects. One is special training to artificers fighting with golems, second is focus on taking out high priority vip trying to defend territory and a bonus related to the golems being destroyed. Though we do expect recompense if they are destroyed. That is on top, of our general belief that there isn't many who could match our offer given you are the only other dedicated mercenaries.

2022-10-11, 05:17 PM
Legio XXIIX Cerberus

Morale 15


The Silence of the Slayers makes me nervous enough, but I generally agree, chasing shadows is not good for the city and does little to slow the Shaitan. Look to your defenses, send any forces you can and we will plan an operation for long term gain against the Shaitan.

As to the treasure you found in the delve. That banner would be a boon beyond measure to the legions, but I understand well that you may need it to defend yourself. So the leviathan armour would make for a plenty generous compensation.

As to that fell voice down there. The Nightmaker. Its a whispered legend I had hoped to never hear again. Should you choose to use it within the bounds of Ardakand, I could not sanction it. Keep it if you must, but I implore you to use it as the most desperate of last resort.

Legate Orbei

Gudite Warcamp
Greetings Warcamp,

I notice you have mustered for the Central Ward, as have I. Were you looking to drive the shaitan from there? For if so I would be more than happy to let your forces through, with both of us mustering they are more than likely to abandon it anyway.

Legate Orbei

Golden Guard
Of Course,

I wish your forces a safe and easy journey, lest the Shaitan do try anything untoward.

Legate Orbei

What discount can you offer? As I happen to be looking to build some economy, and your technological wonders are something the Legions would certainly be interested in.

I can offer a limited amount of military, though obviously the Ardakand Legions are actively involved in a war, our forces are meant far more for professional work than mercenary.

Legate Orbei

The Slayers of the Silent Saints,

Please respond, we had a good will between us, a rapport. But your actions last month have cast deep shadows on your commitment and motives towards the Legions. I only ask for clarification, that I may plan my next operations.

Legate Orbei

St. Justicar
2022-10-11, 06:00 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Orbei!

The middle of month is past, and you know what budget you have, if I am right? If so, am wondering if you are able to do business again. If you are need in need of [Artifice or Economy] as last month, rate is still [3 Eco or 4 Art/Esp/Inv]. For large project [2+ Stats] can maybe offer a secret sort of bonus, even.

-Cousin Arsat

Friend Heron,

Difficult to win hearts of the people with anything but good fortune or sincerity. Have worked out prices and attached, but would not blame if you balked.

-Cousin Arsat

So, Morale rates -

So, I don’t really need Mil or Inv, so it’s be 5 and 6:1 respectively, since I’d just be using them to make the stat point (still a 2-point discount for you)

Artifice and Espionage I’ve actually got plenty of use for though. I couldn’t trade that many points – 2-3, depending on some other replies – but for whatever capacity I have, I’ll take 3 of them per point of morale made? Beyond that I’d be using the traded stats to make the point, so it’d go up to base cost -2 (4 and 6, respectively)

The city grows through the thickness of its veins and the vitality of its blood. If you would mix your own with the clay and strengthen it, how could I object?

The cruel half-life of nature is this cursed world is vicious and exacting, and competition for the same place in its web leaves the victor leans and the vanquished starved. If you truly intend no offence, then shall we cooperate, and survive such a fate ourselves?

-Cousin Hylah
‘do you want to form a cartel and fix a price floor’, basically.

2022-10-11, 08:43 PM
Were you able to learn of the Hippo's killers?

2022-10-12, 01:23 PM
The XXth Legion [6]

Of course! We love to talk shop. And thank you for access, it was enlightening.
Nexus points are central to the spirit world, everyone seems to agree on that. And the spirit world contains unimaginable untapped energies. After all, according to many theories, the material world was quite literally created out of the spiritual one. And yet, for how important nexuses apparently are, their output is astoundingly limited. Yes, we can use them, but what we get from them is far from world-altering.

We want to know why. And how. How to make them work properly, how to properly tap into that power. See what they can really do.

2022-10-12, 01:43 PM
20th Legion [6]

To the Gardeners
Oh, I like that one, dear cousin. "Engineer of the Soul". I will tell one of my assistants to put some time on my schedule to try some experiments on souls. This is giving me ideas.

And yes, that is exactly what we want to do, and we'd gladly send a team to Coralward and through hte eye. It is our goal to learn what exactly the Nexuses are. After all, by all appearances, they seem to be the lynchpins of the spirit world, and yet, they produce only meagre amounts of benefit when we tap into them. They should contain all the endless energies of creation, but somehow, they locked away from our understanding.

2022-10-12, 03:28 PM

Mercantile - Barbarian - Inhuman

MOR 15

The aid will be military but how much depends on a bit of commerce here at the moment. Still waiting on some messages back from the powers that be.

It can be more if you can afford to trade us anything in return for more effective methods of taking territory.

We still need to get approval from those between us, but assumin' we can get our passage approved, we'd make ya 3 ART or MIL for some of those Golems to the tune of 10 MIL. Lemme know if that's effective for ya,


We can build ya ECO & ART, up to 3. We'd be asking for 4 MIL for each, so it's much less than it'd cost to try and make those knuckleheads scrounge that stuff up alone.

As an added fee, we would need passage through you to facilitate trade with the Golden Guard. Alternatively if our terms don't work for ya, we would request that passage as a favor, from one company tryin' to keep Ardakand safe to another.

And here we were thinknin' that being polite was gonna cost us a monopoly, now you're offerin' us a collaborative one.

Our floor so far has been 4/ stat made, with a discount to 10/3 if you're buyin in bulk. How's that sound?

If you're lookin' for Morale as the more expensive side of things we'd need ta ask for 5:1 MIL to each MOR taken. Simply put, it's a big hit on our personal coffers to make this for ya but we do want to work with you.

As to our messages with someone who might have drawn your ire these past months, you can read our messages to the Saints. We're offering them some protection in exchnage for MIL, same as you.

Everything should be good to go on our end, save for the fact that with some diplomacy we should have wiped the need for trade costs by shuffling through the Heron and then Legion Territory.

2022-10-12, 03:55 PM
To Hemminghock

Dearest Cecilia,
In light of your generosity, we are willing to offer you free use of our services bridging areas of the city via portal in the future. I am unclear what else we can offer on short notice.

The Lady, penned by Her Vessel, Cassy Rice

2022-10-12, 05:40 PM
Gudite Warband

It wasn’t often that Rupert got to play with kids his age, it could be argued he never did, timewise; it could even be argued he wasn’t playing, but it couldn’t be argued that he wasn’t having fun.

Whatever his actual age might be, he was getting old enough for sports and, as practiced by some old fashioned families, early drills. The second was impossible, as team cohesion was key and every day that passed Rupert outgrew any team he was in. Sports, Daghir decided, couldn’t be a casualty of this accelerated growth, she had been a champion of the Younglings disk toss 4 times by his age, and she found the events pivotal, fond if vague memories that he couldn’t deny him.

As such she went to look for the best all around athlete in that age range, and on that evening made it happen.

This was not Rupert’s first brush with any of the practices, Daghir got far more alone time with the kid since Delilah immersed herself on the task of placating Ardakand’s minor spirits, and this alone time was just perfect to get some Gudite notions into him.

Thus they ended as they were, with the young ones competing while two parents drank a terrible soldier’s brew whose every ingredient that made it palatable back home either wasn’t found or didn’t grow in imperial lands during such troubled times.

Wrestling and discus throw (much to Daghir’s delight) had gone to Rupert, whose upper core strength and unexpectedly good technique had done wonders. His opponent named Irdhit won in the long and short jumps. paving the way for the race as the decisive event, usually Gudite events were individually tallied, but as the odds looked so close, coins, goods and favors had been thrown around by the parents.

It had been no fault of Rupert really, Daghir simply didn’t have the time to train Rupert for everything with the pace he grew at, and as she had the highest station tradition allowed the other party to pick the games, if anything the jumps were common enough, precisely as a safeguard. Picking tricksy games you were good at and the other party may have never practiced was a thing rivals and enemies did, and while the kids may have grown to appreciate their competition, Rupert would soon outgrow Irdhit, and her father had no intention of garnering a personal rivalry with the wolf.

So it was that the horn was sounded, the flare was shot (a small treat from Delilah, juvenile events hardly wasted something of the sort) and both ran, for most of the first lap it was a close thing, with a slight lead by Rupert, a first few drops of sweat from this event dropping behind them as the lion boy found himself falling behind.

His breathing off, his steps heavier, he had ran at full speed and for a moment tasted victory, but Irdhit had paced herself, and Rupert’s poor understanding of races with any appreciable length did him wrong, falling further and further behind, the growing distance to the back ahead of him gnawing with disappointment at his heart, he thought it was that, anyway.

both parents enthusiastically screamed and played smallish bells to soothe their nerves, Daghir’s displays more frantic every lap, then at the last one, with about half the field between them, she caught her turning, not to talk to Irdhit’s father, but looking down, and Rupert, with his eyes like Azagar’s when wounded, was still able to catch the shine of coin there, were the wolf’s eyes went, followed by a forceful bite to that red center of emotion.

The wolf was mighty pleased with Rupert’s performance, she obviously wanted him to win in every event, but he did well in the jumps and race despite her… negligence, she gritted her teeth at the thought it was her fault but she knew it was unlikely for javelin throws and other of her favorite games they practiced to be included for juveniles, she was half sure discus throw was selected explicitly to appease her, but that was proper enough that she hadn’t pressed it.

He had won enough, and what she had lost was private enough that it didn’t matter. So she inspected her purse, to see if she was carrying enough coins to pay the monetary part of their bet and made dignified small talk in the meantime.

-Your girl sure is fast, did you train her yourself or did you pay?

No answer came, aside from frantic bell ringing and screams, she turned to see her counterpart looking straight at the race, where Daghir was pleased to find Rupert quickly catching up, polished claws enabling a galloping gait, unorthodox yes, but he was catching up.

-Woooooo!!!! Get them Rup-!!- That elation was short-lived however.

Irdhit was at her limit, she was almost indisputably the best athlete of his group but there were stories around already, tales of the lion, the wolf’s own blood that grew faster than a weed and knew more than any imperial scholar. Rumors that could have been myth, if she hadn’t been called to face them.

The pressure had been great, for those two days, no heavy training, only mental preparation but it was rough, 3 days of meeting athletes for conflicting advice, three days of constant indecision, not hers, but she caught on quick that if the thinking went that she should throw she would throw, they were already paid for the troubles of setting up a match on quick notice, but no one wanted enmity as part of the deal.

She had felt the pressure grow steadily, wrestling and discuss throw weren’t events she disdained, she didn’t know why her father had thrown them in, not one of the advisors she met had been for those games and predictably she lost, her sweat and blood had hit the sand, because damn she tried, and that just made the events all the more bitter.

She won the jumps, barely keeping her morale from faltering and it was off to the races, this was it, her main event, where she did shine and she shone bright, the pressure lifted for a moment as her opponent was so far behind.

Then she knew real pressure, she heard the steps, the timed steps, the slower steps, the steps she couldn’t hear now from the distance put between them, but now erratic, now faster, in greater number, and ever closer, she turned back and saw in the distance not the boy who arrived on his mother’s shoulders because he still liked being carried by her even at their age, and between matches shared the most innocuous facts that needed him to explain at least 5 words again so she could get them; no, she saw a snarling beast, running on all fours with eyes like Azagar’s when Gulldr won, and gleaming fangs she hadn’t even noticed when he smiled before.

She was done pacing herself, and ran with all she had, not in a straight line as one may have when they knew death but not where it lead you, she ran like she was taught to, she ran a race, curving with the field, gathering every step of energy to take her past the finish line as fast as possible, as if it would do something, as if the the steps weren’t growing exponentially louder behind her and if the dream was true that her run had bought her seconds without mili- attached.

She crossed at last, and instead of slumping to the ground with tired legs as she would normally, looked back, the beast had leaped, seemingly as she turned back, she caught sight of it breaking the wind towards her, a far longer distance than any of his previous leaps had managed, she was about to raise her hands to provide any resistance, when a blur passed by and he disappeared, her legs gave out now that the fight was gone and soon enough she noticed the wolf had grabbed the long maned boy in a tight hug.

-“Ruuuuupert!!!! great effort boy, you almost won!”

She was safe, her heart beat fast, she gulped when she noticed the kicking legs, struggling to break free, but whatever he was, he was not about to escape the wolf, so she was safe. She took the chance to calm herself as the struggle grew desperate then relaxed, then fully still, wincing as Rupert was finally dropped to the ground and The Wolf approached.

“I’m sure you will be one of the greats someday” Irdhit nodded halfheartedly, she was too preoccupied with how quickly Rupert rose up to mind the compliment, the boy winced in pain, looked around, then at her and quickly away as if avoiding it. “An internal style may help with that, once I’m done with our current problems I could teach you net breaker” “Would you?” she didn’t know what an internal style entailed but learning under the wolf was certainly something, and the warband leader smiled back to that answer.

-”Sure, you’ll make a fine disciple… I already fixed everything with your father, but here is a little something from me to you, all the trouble of running was yours after all.” she put a small bag of gold coins and an onyx necklace in her hand, before winking and putting three fingers to the wolf's own mouth, in the signal for silence.

The bag felt quite heavy, and amidst thoughts of what she’d spend it on she stood up and almost jumped back when the wolf and lion were already in front of her, Rupert looked elsewhere until a few quick shoves from Daghir.

“Terrible form, hand up, eyes ahead, and if you feel bad put your head down once they are already ahead” and so he followed, Irdhit took the proffered hand with some reluctance (the wolf looked far to eager for her not to take it) and walked to her father, thinking of what she’d buy with her very own bounty, and trying not to think of death.

Leaving the arena, in one of the many tunnels around Charkrand, Daghir lifted Rupert to her shoulders, one or two salty drops falling down behind them as she spoke

“you did great, no one can fault you for trying too hard”

A half-hearted nod was the reply.

“Let’s go see Delilah, okay? I… need you with me tomorrow too… and don’t mention this”

Rupert replied just the same.

Espionage defense: 11
Reputation: Martial-Spiritual-Barbarian

Of course, of course, that must have seemed terribly insulting, what with comparing them to common ground troops, we’ll take a team then.

-Delilah Fairway.

Placing a (6:5) order, let you know the exact spread of payment later

We would very much enjoy her presence, is she joining us as support or would you require anything in exchange?

The gardeners will arrive with beasts and spirits soon enough, whether those beasts are enough to show your might to charkrand or if we’d have to do it for you remains to be seen.

We appreciate the information, another nexus was found by the Heron, but we tipped off the gardeners when it happened and they took control of it, any others remain uncertain to us.

The lady’s indifference,
Daghir Aet Esharain, The Wolf, Redemptionist hierarch of Gulldr.

1 mil and 2 inv are to be delivered by Gardeners (guaranteed).
working on getting that 5 mil the same way (technically 3 mil and 2 anything else do the same thing, that may become relevant if they say no).
Would those VIPs be a ”we are allies now” lend lease? If they are, I may buy some extra esp from you to use them properly.

Greetings spirit walkers,

We come as we often do, to ask for favor and grant our own. Unless they back down we are soon to face the Slayers, if on a more even battlefield, if you would send anything of your own volition to aid this cause we would much appreciate it, if not, we would ask for a loan (mil, art, esp) to be repaid with interest in the trades of peace when the initial stage of fighting is done.

We can agree on the interest as we agree on the amount.

Destia’s bounty,
Solyom, Leviatan.

What it says on the tin, interested in a loan (or to receive, if you happen to hold a grudge) MIl, esp and art, for an upcoming campaign against the Slayers. Loan to be paid with some extra in eco, inv, art or mor (depending on which you want) next turn, inv can be paid during midturn for ease of delving.

Greetings Cousin,

we have spoken with our allies, and some of your more… Gudite creations(1 mil)(2 inv) would do them well, we’ll pay for the last one at the previous rate we agreed on (2 eco).

I’ll also venture to ask for a loan, Fuxi needs some strong hands to move back where they belong (5 mil) but all of ours are… tied up, we wish to pay for them after that ugly business is done.

Just in case such a delay seems too much, I’ll like to add a few reports that may be of interest to you, as collateral and further proof of the pay off working with us brings.



The witch doctors made a portal to aranea regardless of your intentions, beef up the force, warn them that you know or do what you will with it.

The lady’s indifference,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Everything we talked about would be for direct delivery to Fuxi.

Of course not, it brings me much the same joy to see you uplift your name with every movement and against imperial expectations.

Most of our hands are tied up with a little… punitive expedition, you can take a guess where. If you can match the rightly insane creations with your honest labor I may be able to send a couple warbands your way, especially if that little surprise involves more fighting than training.

Destia’s bounty,
Solyom Leviatan.

Are 3 mil for 1 permanent stat is the Gardener rate, may be able to do 3 or 6 at that rate, depending on some other trades and Cultist-kicking-calculus.

Also, please do let me through this EoT, two avenues of attack make it less likely no one gets through.

Hail Heron,

Sadly nothing we didn’t know before, we have exact numbers, but they do nothing special but to be many and obsessed with death.

The Slayers invested all 3 confessors, each a level 2 Esp VIP into the assassination, plus another 10 espionage, 1 inv, 1 art and 1 mor, to pay off distance penalties.
The Heron and the Hippo had the Hippo, a tier 4 military VIP and 7 morale. The Hippo additionally had the Dragonblood ability, which made him especially hard to wound, adding his tier a third time to assassination defence.

We hope our more… open efforts against them are more satisfactory, and if you have anything to spare from your fight with The Shaitan we would appreciate it.

The Lady's favor,
Solyom, Leviatan.

Please do let me through as well this turn, the more avenues of attack the better.

The next note is not nearly as well mannered no, it is stabbed at the very top of one of the buildings abandoned during the anti-slayer riots, but the dagger it was stuck with shone enough that it could not be ignored forever, and it read:

Last chance “Saints”, this can still be but a polite visit to an ally. -Daghir, the Wolf.

2022-10-12, 06:03 PM
The Hippo was our friend and the Knight was my brother. We have accepted a truce with the Saints these past months for the good of all, but, should our dear friends seek to avenge or defend themselves against the vile murderers, we are honored to aid them.

The Lady,
Penned by Her Vessel, Cassy Rice

St. Justicar
2022-10-12, 09:56 PM
Gardeners of the Immortal Flesh


Friend Leviathan!

Warning is appreciated, my cousin has reached out to witches. Can hope they are not so stupid as makes them seem. Is funny though – if not for warning could see about loan no problem, just depends on payment. With warning though, might need strong acolytes with big sticks to keep loa away! Acolytes with stingers or claws too, maybe. Will see how they respond, and if my cousin believes them?

They just wrote you, yes? If you could say word for us, would be appreciated.

Everything else is mostly no issue, except for delivery. Sending things to you is easy, just across street. Barges to university take [1 per 3 stat points]. With everything asked for, is [5 t. Stats] in logistics. Is bit steep, could your people help cover costs?

-Cousin Arsat

That accords with my cousin’s design, save that should they mix their own blood into the soil and fund the growth directly, he has taken [3 Eco] and offered them the profit as a boon for working to a higher end.

Certain pacts have been made offering greater economies in the past – to the Wolf God’s chosen for services rendered, largely, though a generous offer has been extended to the Heron in recognition of her grief. We will not make ourselves liars, but if we come to an accord then once the month is passed we will offer no more.

Whatever your answer, there are two other matters I might ask of you.

First, the Minotaurs. Their would-be Architect of Shadow has spoken to you as he has to me, and so I assume you have heard of his project. Have you any thoughts of it, if you would indulge an old woman’s curiosity?

Second, the Witch Doctors. Your couriers have flown to their great daffodil with such routine one might set a clock by it, and so I assume you have some manner of arrangement. Either friendly or, if not, then unfriendly on your terms and in your favour. My cousins have publicly staked their claim to the ruins of House Aranea, and they did not respond. But a friend has shown us that they have quite silently found a path through the Veil, and must intend to slaughter our acolytes and further desecrate the remains on our once-friends.

If you could ask them to reconsider, I would consider it a favour. My Beloved is stained with enough heartsblood.

-Cousin Hylah

Oh Shadowdancers,

My cousins have thought you ill-used by the city, and have no desire to quarrel with your, or add to your misfortunes. We both have worked to save the city from disaster, and I hoped you saw our own work with the same good grace.

So I write to ask for an explanation. We have staked our claim to the Sempiterne, announced our intent to recover what remnants of the Spider’s sworn remain and honour that which has been so cruelly destroyed [Post 229, public message]. You did not respond, nor raise any complaint with us. But now a friend has shown us a path through shadow you have drawn from your land to the Spider’s mausoleum.

And so I ask, why? If you intend to make war on us, do so openly. Else, the spider-sworn were friends to us, and we paid in blood as they fell. So leave us to tend to their ashes.

-Cousin Hylah

I await your report with baited breath, then. The Hedge is a foothold, but to unlock it fully would be something else entirely.