View Full Version : Will my Beast Barbarian/Soulknife Rogue be viable in a 1-20 campaign?

2022-08-17, 07:43 PM
I am starting a level 1-20 campaign and am very interested in this build, for its flexibility and flavor. I view it a bit like a Black Panther sort of build, combining stealth, strength, natural weapons, and reactive resistance. We are all starting with a feat.

The idea is a Beast Barbarian (6)/Soulknife Rogue (14) with the following build:

Race: Shadar-Kai Elf (for Blessing of the Raven Queen teleport abilities)

Starting Feat: Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, reflavored as a Gift of the Raven Queen.

Starting Attributes (Point Buy):
- STR: 17
- DEX: 14
- CON: 16
- INT: 8
- WIS: 10
- CHA: 8

I am excited for this build due the sheer number of at will weapon attacks he can make. Between Beast weapon Claws and Psychic Blades, he can make up to FOUR attacks per round. At level 9, each round could look like:
- Attack 1: Beast Claw (+ STR Mod + Rage)
- Free Attack: Beast Claw (+ STR Mod + Rage)
- Attack 2: Psy Blade (+ Sneak Attack + Rage)
- BA Attack: Psy Blade (+ STR Mod + Rage)

On top of this, I can use my Psy Blades to solve the Barbarian's ranged attack issue (also enabling Sneak Attack), plus the Chromatic Dragon 1d4 per LR. That feels like a high degree of sustained/low resource damage.

From a durability standpoint, the whole build revolves around on-demand resistance. Aside from the obvious Rage resistance, the Chromatic Dragon feat offers reaction elemental damage resistance on a hit and reaction uncanny dodge for attack damage resistance. In addition the Shadar Kai teleport offers resistance on ALL damage types until next turn, allowing me to dive into/around battle with added protection.

Lastly, from a utility standpoint, the climb speed, Psy Blade teleport, grappling god (with Athletics expertise), and a attack roll buff with Soul Blades: Homing Strike.

I know that this build has issues with Reaction AoO Sneak Attack, but something I think is easily solved for. Otherwise, this build looks really strong and fun to play. If anyone has experience with this build, would love to know if it panned out. But would also love anyone more experienced in D&D than I am whether this build would work across all tiers of gameplay or if I'm leaving myself exposed (especially in late game when magic weapons become more prominent).

Thanks for the feedback!

2022-08-17, 09:03 PM
I mean, we’re all quite familiar with how good the Chassis of the build is and Shadar-Kai is recently a top tier race so…

From personal experience, up to late T3 in the RAW rules + optimization, I-can-more-or-less-customise-my-equipment, free for all that is AL it performs superlatively.

T4 I suspect some *extreme magical horse puckey* is going to be tossed around on the regular, but you should still be in the top several percentile of the martial damage dealers and *gives certain conversations on this forum the stink eye* despite what some say, will still be a premier single target damage dealer.

2022-08-17, 09:18 PM
I mean, we’re all quite familiar with how good the Chassis of the build is and Shadar-Kai is recently a top tier race so…

From personal experience, up to late T3 in the RAW rules + optimization I-can-more-or-less-customise-my-equipment free for all that is AL it performs superlatively.

T4 I suspect some *extreme magical horse puckey* is going to be tossed around on the regular, but you should still be in the top several percentile of the martial damage dealers and *gives certain conversations on this forum the stink eye* despite what some say, will still be a premier single target damage dealer.

I figured this might not be all that novel to most on this board. I am relatively new to D&D so this was something I have very little expertise or exposure to. Thank you for the validation around its viability. I figured T4 may be difficult, but I also figure there would be potentially be plenty of other non-weapon magic items that would still be applicable.

But overall, I think the flavor of this build sounds really appealing.

2022-08-18, 04:21 AM
It's a very cool build. You are very good at grappling, thanks to Expertise, Reliable Talent, Rage, and multiple attacks.

One thing to note is that you will fight with the same natural weapons and psy blades throughout your career. While your Tier 4 party mates will be fighting with Vorpal Blades, Spellguard Shields, Armor of Invulnerability, and the like, you will still be doing the same as your first levels.

On the other hand, that will leave you free to use your Attunement slots for utility items - you'll most likely need Boots of Speed and Wings of Flying to increase your mobility at higher levels.

2022-08-18, 07:39 AM
5e: Where you have to really work hard to not have a Viable character no matter what you choose.

2022-08-18, 02:38 PM
I looked at this build before (used shifter to get a BA attack) to try and get a “natural” fighter but waiting until lvl 9 for it to start rocking was too long for me. You are racing to lvl 5 barbarian to get your second attack then 3 lvls of rogue for that sneak attack.

You said your campaign is from 1 to 20. Half of that time you’ll just be using your claws.