View Full Version : Old age shall claim me! ;)

2007-11-29, 03:42 AM
B-day is today, I am now 19, huzzah! Uno mas years of teenagerdom.

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-29, 03:44 AM
* grumble *

The Orange Zergling
2007-11-29, 03:45 AM
In before the "Today's my birthday!" comic.

Happy birthday!

2007-11-29, 03:46 AM
Happy birthday, person I don't know!

2007-11-29, 03:54 AM
congratulations on another year of stinkin' existence. best of wishes for your next year of same.


2007-11-29, 04:13 AM
Congratulations! (http://pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF032-Todays_My_Birthday.gif)

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-29, 04:37 AM
Happy legal age dude :wink: If you're in Canada that is

2007-11-29, 09:28 AM
Where I come from when someone turns 19 their son-in-law gets to throw them into a tar pit....or maybe it was 72, can't remember. Either way, watch your back, he's coming....

2007-11-29, 09:38 AM
* grumble *
*seconds the grumble*
*goes to look for hose*

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-29, 09:42 AM
Congratulations! (http://pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF032-Todays_My_Birthday.gif)

You stole my thunder. For that, you must die. En garde!

Em Blackleaf
2007-11-29, 10:09 AM
Happy Birthday! :smile:

2007-11-29, 10:54 AM
Happy Birthday!!

2007-11-29, 11:41 AM
Congratulations matey! (Although you are now even closer to senility)

2007-11-29, 11:44 AM
Congratulations matey! (Although you are now even closer to senility)

And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm only twenty, but I look forward to the day when I can do whatever I want and blame it on "senility." :smallbiggrin:

Oh, and happy birthday.

Thes Hunter
2007-11-29, 12:24 PM
*smacks forehead*

*hands Trog the hoseTM*

The HoseTM is +4 vs. young peoples

2007-11-29, 01:08 PM
*Shakes his happy birthday stick at the kids on his lawn*

2007-11-29, 01:25 PM
And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm only twenty, but I look forward to the day when I can do whatever I want and blame it on "senility." :smallbiggrin:

Oh, and happy birthday.

I'm eighteen, and I pretty much do that already :smalleek:

Anyways, happy birthday from Amotis, kid.

2007-11-29, 03:03 PM
Yer doing it wrong! :smalleek:

Happy AFONAL day +Seer+. May you have all the fun you want, and none of the hideous alcohol-induced vorpal hangover from hell +5. :smalltongue:

2007-11-29, 03:13 PM
Many AFONAL days to you. Don't get to drunk OK?:smallwink:

2007-11-29, 03:40 PM
congrats on being older than you were yesterday
teenagers scare me

2007-11-29, 04:34 PM
Have some cookies!


A Rainy Knight
2007-11-29, 04:50 PM
Good wishes for another AFONAL day! :smallsmile:

2007-12-02, 01:22 AM
Congratulations! (http://pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF032-Todays_My_Birthday.gif)

Is there anything the PBF CAN'T do? (Other than not be demented of course)

2007-12-02, 03:44 AM
In after the "today is my birthday" comic.

You waited a long time for old age. I had decided that my youth was gone by the time I reached 13 years.

The Extinguisher
2007-12-02, 03:46 AM
Level Up!

Don't spend all those skill points in one place.

2007-12-02, 04:35 AM
Oh yeah? Well it's a very merry unbirthday to me.