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View Full Version : How does the value of a class feature vs. feat vs. spell vs. invocation compare?

2022-08-18, 05:14 PM
I'm not actually asking from the perspective of a player wanting to swap one for the other, but rather from the perspective of a designer curious about the underlying design principles. None of these would necessarily need to be balanced against each other, since they don't really have to compete for build resources. Although... that's not entirely true. Some feats give spells or invocations, and you might be in a position where you need to choose between taking an ASI level in one class to grab a feat vs. taking a non-ASI level in a different class to gain class features.

Not all class features are equal, but it should be simple enough to compare one level's worth of class features. Most levels will only give you one feature anyway, except for early levels which tend to front load. Generally, ASI levels only give you an ASI, indicating that a feat has approximately the same value as a level's worth of class features. A feat can give you a single invocation, implying the two are of equal value. A feat can also give you one 1st level spell and one 2nd level spell, indicating that a feat is worth about two leveled spells, or one 1st level spell and two cantrips. A lot of invocations also give access to spells, sometimes at-will, sometimes once per long rest, and sometimes you just learn the spell and have to spend slots to cast it. And class features are actually the normal way to get spells.

There's a lot of nuance that mucks up the comparison. But let's say you did have a player who wanted to swap one for the other. Or maybe you were writing homebrew and were thinking about swapping these around (e.g. a warlock who gets feats instead of invocations). Now, not all class features have the same value as one another, ditto for the other three, but we can assume the game is balanced around class features having roughly the same value as other class features, and likewise for the others. So if we were to assign some average value to class features, feats, spells, and invocations, how would those values compare to one another?

2022-08-18, 05:40 PM
The designers have said they view feats as roughly equal to class features in one of the UA devblogs that talked about feats in backgrounds (I think the Dragonlance one?) This also explains why in the last few UAs including the PHB revision, they're putting level requirements on the feats they deem as being more powerful.

2022-08-18, 06:27 PM
A class feature should be about 75% of a feat, an invocation about 66% of a feat and a ribbon about 33% of a feat.
A feat should roughly equate to a +2 to your primary stat or +3 to secondary stat.

Beware, these numbers have been pulled from my butt.

2022-08-18, 06:33 PM
Duplicate post

2022-08-18, 09:06 PM
In my mind, Eldritch Invocations are a class feature. They're what makes you want to play a Warlock and not a Sorcerer or a Wizard. If anything, Invocations should be more powerful. They should give advantages other classes can't have.

And they should not be accessible through a feat. If you want power, pay the price.

2022-08-19, 04:57 AM
Worth is best judged on how readily it can be crossed with other features. Class features are based on linear growth so they can only be taken by a single path and locks others out and are level locked.
Features that are universal by nature have the potential to be much more impactful because they don't have this restriction. that's why feats and level based multiclassing is such a mess. It's nearly impossible to accurately predict the countless possible combinations that can crop up.