View Full Version : [EMPIRE! 7] Oliver's Ball

2022-08-23, 08:55 PM
This is an event for the on-going - always recruiting - world-building game, Empire 7 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644333-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-IC-Thread). If interested, please check out our OOC thread here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643060-Empire!7-Into-the-Depths-Out-of-Character-Thread-(CWBG)).

Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RunGdcXuncM)

The marriage of a noble is always an occasion for celebration among the Middish, and the recent double wedding of the Grand Master, to the daughters of local magnates among the sea cow herders of [Region 118] and the recently contacted Anuran warriors of the Order Of The Violet Crown of [Region 116], demanded a great celebration to match the marriages' great political import. For Oliver, it was at once a chance to expand the Order's influence and his own personal power over new territories. For his major supporters in the dynastic factions, it was all but an outright recognition of their role in his election and a guarantee of an heir to place in the position of Grand Master after his death. For the electoral factions, it was a reminder of the Grand Master's abuse of his station for his own personal goals, akin to the rumors of illicit Mud Diamond trading that swirled about him some years ago. But for all of the Middish, and for the foreign invitees, Oliver's Ball was a chance to dance, sing, and perhaps even find love for themselves.

Any attendees who were present at the King's Conference fifteen years ago would recognize the hall chosen to host the ball: made of red seagrass woven into a basketlike structure, suspended by entanglement in the roots of a small Giantsbane plant, itself now entangled with the Ironkelp to prevent it drifting away. The circular entrance to the hall opens on a kaleidoscope of color, each strand of seagrass having been dyed a different color on the interior side - red, yellow, blue, and green twist about each other to overwhelming effect. Inside, Middish servants swim about bearing appetizers of various sliced cattlefish, and a choir floats about the hall, filling the room with rhythmic singing, and nobles twist about the center, photophores flashing, in a traditional Middish dance.

The Grand Master and his new wives are not yet present, but the Middish attendants are more than happy to welcome foreign guests as they arrive and answer any questions they may have - and there are other nobles here, with their own goals....

Among the many nobles present at Oliver's Ball are the Middish King Carlton Carrington of Dupiopólisol, a major power player in Ektalithiades [Region 113], and the Tomelã King Fafali of Ke Yi Ade, ruler of the rump state left after the conquest of the region [127]. Both are seeking prestigious wives, and Oliver's marriages have inspired them to turn their eyes outward beyond their own realms. Attendees seeking to court one or both of them should roll 2d6 plus Diplomacy plus Prestige reputation level by the second Thursday of the round; the highest roll for each King wins his hand in marriage, arrangements for which will be finalized later but will involve characters moving between the winning countries and the Order. The successful suitors may also be gifted marriage claims to Ektalithiades or Ke Yi Ade, respectively, at an indeterminate point in the future (but no promises, since I have no idea if or when I will get claims to those regions).

Mechanical attendance is not required, but doing so will give you an additional +1 to the courtship roll(s).

2022-08-24, 10:06 PM
Marriage was an alien concept to the Pepsin, who found the whole "Mating" thing as cringe-worthy and unpleasant-sounding as most vertibrates considered the idea of budding. Even on a more societal level, the concept of a family that involved such a small number of individuals sounded socially stifling. But, distasteful as the Pepsin found it, they recognized the sanctity and importance of the event for mammals. This wedding was an opportunity to meet Seatide's new, northern neighbors, seek out new opportunities, and identify potential competitors. Judge Flash of Green had come with a full entourage of assistants and Elders, some of whom were already drifting away, mingling with other guests to discuss other opportunities.

"I have been told that it is customary to offer a gift to the newly married individuals." The Mer translator behind him spoke as his body flickered with light and patterns. "Please take this as a sign of our regard."

A group of six attendants delivered the gifts: bolts of fine leather, glassware and jars filled with oils and perfumes, and books illuminated with colorful, illuminated calligraphy. A small treasure trove for the newly married trio.

[OOC: I'm providing 1 wealth as a wedding gift, so my ostentation can be backed up mechanically].

2022-08-25, 07:12 PM
The Cyphiri delegation, while it has its usual host of odds and ends from various Houses and families, primarily is made up of three families. Firstly, of course, are those from House Hallus, the first among the Union Houses, which seems to be in two parts - first are the usual diplomats and ranking family members you'd expect to come to a diplomatic occasion and politically significant event such as this, led by Lanit, while the other are more scientifically-minded, led by an aging Pelir Hallus with an eye towards making certain arrangements with the other powers attending. Next are the Belar, a small family and one that still has most of its people in the south, but one that has been attracting attention recently given the construction of the Wayfinder and the Steward-provided enhancements to it - the head of the family, Retak, appears to have made the time to attend, along with the captain of the aforementioned vessel, Rendal. Very few Tellan seem to be in the delegation, in stark contrast to their strong presence in previous Middish events - it seems their shift in focus after losing business in Orope isn't changing any time soon - but the Kelad family, part of their House, has a respectable presence, albeit one that likely makes many attendees hope that they're not going to cause trouble about the Black Pearls yet again.

The concepts behind the celebration, of political marraige and the importance of direct progeny to many countries, weren't the way the Cyphiri did things (the family being the main political unit, and marriages between families being less a matter of ties and inheritance and more just trading assets for either the family's good or to enable the relationship - hell, it wasn't unheard of for such cross-family affairs to simply form a new family, with both original families investing in them and forming ties of obligation both ways) but it was understandable enough, and Lanit in particular seemed very curious as to the details of such matters whenever she talked to the Middish or about whether they had similar traditions when talking to a representative of another country. Pelir, meanwhile, did her usual rounds around those people who she thought could enable the kind of deals she wanted - increasing the technological knowledge of the Cyphiri by learning what others had knew. She had the influence back home to get what she needed for her end, and recently the Cyphiri had focused elsewhere enough that she was feeling them lose their edge. They couldn't even follow the Nacres north on their expedition out of Cyph-Arel, after all, lacking the understanding of the filter grafts involved. That wouldn't do. And surely some of these southerners may have something of interest too...

The Belar here simply mingle for the time being. Rendal, a devout follower of the Flowing Way, tries to find his way to the like-minded among the ball - his family were good people, and his crew was shaping up well, but they didn't hold the Way in as much esteem as him. Meanwhile, Retak tries to look interesting and to strike up a conversation with any of their guests from the far south, curious as to what they'd be like.

As for the Kelad, thus far it was all quiet. Nalrin, who may have attracted some notice back in the Builder's Union celebration for her challenge of Petrix, the Sakura-Jin clone of the Black Pearls' enigmatic leader, and her winning of Korasoon's challenge, was biding her time for now, watching and waiting. Whether she had something planned or not was something nobody was quite sure about, and she was happy with that.

To summarise Cyphiri organisation, families are groups (usually a core that's actually blood-related and others brought in that aren't related, may not even be Cyphiri, but are a part of the family - adoption, even of adults, is big here particlarly given the intertwining of the family and business) that share holdings and businesses, while Houses are big groups of families lead by one of the strongest families (the ones on the Council that determines the direction of the Union).

House Hallus
The ruling family of the Cyphiri Union, who have been pushing through a campaign of reforms and restructuring to ensure their power and make the Union stronger for modern times. They're also the biggest research power in the Union, having pushed the boundaries of the Cyphiri's technological progress (ie they made their starting tech and my civ tech) and been at the forefront of integrating new discoveries and techniques with those of the Cyphiri.

Pelir Hallus: The pioneer of Hallus biotech research, and an influential member of the family. Getting quite old these days.

Lanit Hallus: One of the family's main diplomatic agents, currently riding high from successes in the Emerald Tidelands that have somewhat mitigated past failings in Orope.

A small family, under the banner of House Hallus, who've been charged with exploring in their name. They mapped out the rest of the nearby brackish waters some time ago, and more recently have been focused around preparing for expeditions into the wastes.

Retak Belar: The head of the family, and one more focused around the ecoomics of their operations than the actual work - hence why he can come here rather than staying down south with his family.

Rendal Belar: The soon-to-be captain of Wayfinder, pulled north on the orders of Retak. He's a devout follower of the Flowing Way who believes that uncovering the mysteries of the wastes may provide some kind of hidden insight to the secrets of the Way.

A family (part of House Tellan) that owns several varied businesses in the water nearby to Middish waters - in Ke Yi Ade, they have ownership of a significant amount of the seaweed farms in the region, seliing the spices made from the roots on to other Cyphiri families for their own trade deals, and in the north in [117] they have a supply of biolumiscent tunicates that supplies the herders of [118] with the light they need. Both regions are under the heel of the Black Pearls, and the family is suffering for it, making them the biggest advocates for action against the criminal syndicate, albeit one that has thus far failed to get much through the Union Council.

Nalrin Kelad: An influential family member in the wake of the disruption brought by the Pearls, and very outspoken about her views of the syndicate - she confronted the Sakura-Jin clone of the Pearls' leader last event.

2022-08-27, 07:53 PM
From the deep south, the Doflein arrive. They are nine, of course, and they are here in various levels of political officiality. Most importantly, without question, is Prince Telian. His hooks are polished to a fine sheen and his flesh is dotted with fine grains of sand making him sparkle in the dappled light from above. Telian is the nominal delegate from the Ennead and has been invested with bargaining power by the King himself. With him are two Doflein, each serving as courtiers, assistants, and eyes - Alisinio, nephew to Antenius, and Soaemias, daughter of Telian. His children, Aulerus, arrive as well, alongside a minor noble attendant mostly content to float in the gestalt's shadow. Basimone, daughter of Balelia, initially arrives alongside Prince Telian, but swiftly moves to make her own arrangements.

This larger group moves slowly into the space, politely admiring the venue and offering friendly acknowledgements to anyone worth engaging with. Their Nautilite guards, pages, and scribes follow closely behind, always close enough to be of swift aid but far enough away to give the illusion of privacy. Prince Telian himself finds a suitable space to claim as his own and begins using his various hangers on as messengers to others in the hall as though this is all some great game. He is sure to send friendly greetings to the representatives from the Confederacy, longtime allies of the Ennead.

Shortly thereafter, the young general arrives. Tulticius is in what might generously be called light armor and has more than one open or recently healed wound visible, as do his two companions. He swims in rapidly, casting a critical eye over the gathering. A muttered comment, apparently about freedom and something to do with mud farming, to one of his companions earns a quick bark of laughter before the son of Antenius raises his voice - and a tentacle.

"I, Prince and General, hear there's a northern king looking for a good time. Where are you, that I might present my weapon of choice? These contracts are lifelong, after all, and I will not have it said that the greatest warrior in Danabae has forbidden his future spouse an inspection of goods like some back-water huckster hawking dirty glass!"

Telian fixes Tulticius with a stare for several seconds, before deliberately returning to his business.

Prince Telian - Main diplomat of the Ennead. He is very old and is only distantly related to the king
Alisinio - Nephew to the previous ruler of the Ennead, Prince Antenius. Not of particular importance to the Ennead.
Soaemias - Daughter of Prince Telian. Not of particular importance to the Ennead.
Aulerus - Children of Prince Telian and his heir. Aulerus was the son and daughter of the great diplomat, but they adopted the techniques of some melding crabs to the south and have gestalted themselves. One potential marriage prospect.
Basimone - Daughter of the Ennead's most successful general, Balelia. The primary marriage prospect of the evening.
Tulticius - Son of the former ruler of the Ennead, and a new general. Infamous for being utterly fearless and preferring to get his own tentacles dirty in a fight (a very un-Doflein trait). A third potential spouse for the kings.

2022-08-29, 07:30 PM
The delegation from Costa Sereia to the ball consists of 5 merfolk, though the traveling caravan that arrived in Orope consisted of many more once merchants and pathfinders were counted. It is quickly clear they are all five related, both from their similarity of features (as much as other species recognize those sereian distinguishments) and from their interactions. All are a rich brown of skin, and though their fins vary in colors, there are undertones of teal and aqua to each.

The head of those present is Tiago, the head of smaller Peixoto Costa. While they have strong investments, the Peixotos are much smaller in number and limited in the reach of their wealth. It is no great secret that Tiago has been looking for political matches for his children. While he is seeking someone of high standing to marry in, his wife Felixa Peixoto is more interested that a potential match has worthy capital to help bolster the family's financing potential rather than simply status. The two argue constantly over this, and while they attempt to keep them discreet, their voices carry as they become heated and lose focus on maintaining decorum.

Behind them, both rather more dignified and somewhat embarrassed at their parents squabbling, are Levi and Karlota Peixoto. Levi, a few years older, floats protectively near his sister. Both are eligible, but at this particular event it seems a wife is more sought than a husband, and the athletically built sereia is more concerned for his sibling than his own prospects. Well enough for him, as he hopes to find a match through love that will meet his parents approval, rather than purely through the interests of the family businesses. Karlota, for her own perspective, is actually excited about the potential of an arrangement such as the kings here. She has a reputation as a burgeoning author and sculptor, and is eager to spend more time in countries abroad to provide experiences. Most importantly, a match such as this - to a different species entirely - would free her from such concerns of childbearing and mothering, in which she has no interest, and hopefully allot her more time to work on her artistry.

Finally, floating aloof from the rest is Lauca Peixoto. A widow several years older than her brother Tiago, she remains haughtily critical of the whole scenario. Her sharp eyes follow every movement and conversation, picking apart any flaw or faux pas as evidence that the entire event is a waste of their time, firmly ensconced in the idea that her niece and nephew should find sereian spouses to homebuild and produce grand-nephews and nieces to carry on the family business. She is not above sticking her fins in where they are not welcomed to share a pointed opinion or contemptuous expression.

Of the two kings presented, the Ektalithiades region intrigues Karlota more, so while her parents nitpick which of the matches is more suitable, she makes efforts to engage King Carlton Carrington in conversation, using the pearlescent shimmer of her scales to catch the lights in what she hopes will match the appealing display of photophores among attractive middish.

Pexioto Costa:
Tiago - Father, Head of household, 44
Felixa - Tiago's wife, 44
Lauca - Tiago's sister, 50
Levi - Tiago's son, 26
Karlota - Tiago's daughter, 20

Karlota Peixoto inspiration

2022-08-29, 11:05 PM
The Flash of Treasure

Marriage was an alien concept to the Pepsin, who found the whole "Mating" thing as cringe-worthy and unpleasant-sounding as most vertibrates considered the idea of budding. Even on a more societal level, the concept of a family that involved such a small number of individuals sounded socially stifling. But, distasteful as the Pepsin found it, they recognized the sanctity and importance of the event for mammals. This wedding was an opportunity to meet Seatide's new, northern neighbors, seek out new opportunities, and identify potential competitors. Judge Flash of Green had come with a full entourage of assistants and Elders, some of whom were already drifting away, mingling with other guests to discuss other opportunities.

"I have been told that it is customary to offer a gift to the newly married individuals." The Mer translator behind him spoke as his body flickered with light and patterns. "Please take this as a sign of our regard."

A group of six attendants delivered the gifts: bolts of fine leather, glassware and jars filled with oils and perfumes, and books illuminated with colorful, illuminated calligraphy. A small treasure trove for the newly married trio.

[OOC: I'm providing 1 wealth as a wedding gift, so my ostentation can be backed up mechanically].

The Middish who greeted the Pepsin nodded as the translator spoke before raising one fin and swimming off. A moment later, the attendant returned, swimming alongside the Grand Master. Oliver bowed in appreciation and addressed the translator.

"I thank you, far travelers, for your great generosity. My wives are still preparing to take to the dance sphere, but they will love all these things." He darted back and forth around the gifts, twisting to focus on each object in turn. "Are all these wonderful things products of your own seas? We Middish have heard only the barest of details of the icy ocean."

Family Delegations

The Cyphiri delegation, while it has its usual host of odds and ends from various Houses and families, primarily is made up of three families. Firstly, of course, are those from House Hallus, the first among the Union Houses, which seems to be in two parts - first are the usual diplomats and ranking family members you'd expect to come to a diplomatic occasion and politically significant event such as this, led by Lanit, while the other are more scientifically-minded, led by an aging Pelir Hallus with an eye towards making certain arrangements with the other powers attending. Next are the Belar, a small family and one that still has most of its people in the south, but one that has been attracting attention recently given the construction of the Wayfinder and the Steward-provided enhancements to it - the head of the family, Retak, appears to have made the time to attend, along with the captain of the aforementioned vessel, Rendal. Very few Tellan seem to be in the delegation, in stark contrast to their strong presence in previous Middish events - it seems their shift in focus after losing business in Orope isn't changing any time soon - but the Kelad family, part of their House, has a respectable presence, albeit one that likely makes many attendees hope that they're not going to cause trouble about the Black Pearls yet again.

The concepts behind the celebration, of political marraige and the importance of direct progeny to many countries, weren't the way the Cyphiri did things (the family being the main political unit, and marriages between families being less a matter of ties and inheritance and more just trading assets for either the family's good or to enable the relationship - hell, it wasn't unheard of for such cross-family affairs to simply form a new family, with both original families investing in them and forming ties of obligation both ways) but it was understandable enough, and Lanit in particular seemed very curious as to the details of such matters whenever she talked to the Middish or about whether they had similar traditions when talking to a representative of another country. Pelir, meanwhile, did her usual rounds around those people who she thought could enable the kind of deals she wanted - increasing the technological knowledge of the Cyphiri by learning what others had knew. She had the influence back home to get what she needed for her end, and recently the Cyphiri had focused elsewhere enough that she was feeling them lose their edge. They couldn't even follow the Nacres north on their expedition out of Cyph-Arel, after all, lacking the understanding of the filter grafts involved. That wouldn't do. And surely some of these southerners may have something of interest too...

The Belar here simply mingle for the time being. Rendal, a devout follower of the Flowing Way, tries to find his way to the like-minded among the ball - his family were good people, and his crew was shaping up well, but they didn't hold the Way in as much esteem as him. Meanwhile, Retak tries to look interesting and to strike up a conversation with any of their guests from the far south, curious as to what they'd be like.

As for the Kelad, thus far it was all quiet. Nalrin, who may have attracted some notice back in the Builder's Union celebration for her challenge of Petrix, the Sakura-Jin clone of the Black Pearls' enigmatic leader, and her winning of Korasoon's challenge, was biding her time for now, watching and waiting. Whether she had something planned or not was something nobody was quite sure about, and she was happy with that.

To summarise Cyphiri organisation, families are groups (usually a core that's actually blood-related and others brought in that aren't related, may not even be Cyphiri, but are a part of the family - adoption, even of adults, is big here particlarly given the intertwining of the family and business) that share holdings and businesses, while Houses are big groups of families lead by one of the strongest families (the ones on the Council that determines the direction of the Union).

House Hallus
The ruling family of the Cyphiri Union, who have been pushing through a campaign of reforms and restructuring to ensure their power and make the Union stronger for modern times. They're also the biggest research power in the Union, having pushed the boundaries of the Cyphiri's technological progress (ie they made their starting tech and my civ tech) and been at the forefront of integrating new discoveries and techniques with those of the Cyphiri.

Pelir Hallus: The pioneer of Hallus biotech research, and an influential member of the family. Getting quite old these days.

Lanit Hallus: One of the family's main diplomatic agents, currently riding high from successes in the Emerald Tidelands that have somewhat mitigated past failings in Orope.

A small family, under the banner of House Hallus, who've been charged with exploring in their name. They mapped out the rest of the nearby brackish waters some time ago, and more recently have been focused around preparing for expeditions into the wastes.

Retak Belar: The head of the family, and one more focused around the ecoomics of their operations than the actual work - hence why he can come here rather than staying down south with his family.

Rendal Belar: The soon-to-be captain of Wayfinder, pulled north on the orders of Retak. He's a devout follower of the Flowing Way who believes that uncovering the mysteries of the wastes may provide some kind of hidden insight to the secrets of the Way.

A family (part of House Tellan) that owns several varied businesses in the water nearby to Middish waters - in Ke Yi Ade, they have ownership of a significant amount of the seaweed farms in the region, seliing the spices made from the roots on to other Cyphiri families for their own trade deals, and in the north in [117] they have a supply of biolumiscent tunicates that supplies the herders of [118] with the light they need. Both regions are under the heel of the Black Pearls, and the family is suffering for it, making them the biggest advocates for action against the criminal syndicate, albeit one that has thus far failed to get much through the Union Council.

Nalrin Kelad: An influential family member in the wake of the disruption brought by the Pearls, and very outspoken about her views of the syndicate - she confronted the Sakura-Jin clone of the Pearls' leader last event.

As Rendal drifts about the hall, he bumps into one Hismiddish Chaplain Manuel Nápoles, who, after introducing himself, took a particular interest in the Wayfinder's mission. His photophores flashed as he spoke.

"Secrets of the gods among the wastes! Captain, it's genius. Have they granted you any conception of what you might find there? A dream perhaps?"

A Matter of... well, not "arms"....

From the deep south, the Doflein arrive. They are nine, of course, and they are here in various levels of political officiality. Most importantly, without question, is Prince Telian. His hooks are polished to a fine sheen and his flesh is dotted with fine grains of sand making him sparkle in the dappled light from above. Telian is the nominal delegate from the Ennead and has been invested with bargaining power by the King himself. With him are two Doflein, each serving as courtiers, assistants, and eyes - Alisinio, nephew to Antenius, and Soaemias, daughter of Telian. His children, Aulerus, arrive as well, alongside a minor noble attendant mostly content to float in the gestalt's shadow. Basimone, daughter of Balelia, initially arrives alongside Prince Telian, but swiftly moves to make her own arrangements.

This larger group moves slowly into the space, politely admiring the venue and offering friendly acknowledgements to anyone worth engaging with. Their Nautilite guards, pages, and scribes follow closely behind, always close enough to be of swift aid but far enough away to give the illusion of privacy. Prince Telian himself finds a suitable space to claim as his own and begins using his various hangers on as messengers to others in the hall as though this is all some great game. He is sure to send friendly greetings to the representatives from the Confederacy, longtime allies of the Ennead.

Shortly thereafter, the young general arrives. Tulticius is in what might generously be called light armor and has more than one open or recently healed wound visible, as do his two companions. He swims in rapidly, casting a critical eye over the gathering. A muttered comment, apparently about freedom and something to do with mud farming, to one of his companions earns a quick bark of laughter before the son of Antenius raises his voice - and a tentacle.

"I, Prince and General, hear there's a northern king looking for a good time. Where are you, that I might present my weapon of choice? These contracts are lifelong, after all, and I will not have it said that the greatest warrior in Danabae has forbidden his future spouse an inspection of goods like some back-water huckster hawking dirty glass!"

Telian fixes Tulticius with a stare for several seconds, before deliberately returning to his business.

Prince Telian - Main diplomat of the Ennead. He is very old and is only distantly related to the king
Alisinio - Nephew to the previous ruler of the Ennead, Prince Antenius. Not of particular importance to the Ennead.
Soaemias - Daughter of Prince Telian. Not of particular importance to the Ennead.
Aulerus - Children of Prince Telian and his heir. Aulerus was the son and daughter of the great diplomat, but they adopted the techniques of some melding crabs to the south and have gestalted themselves. One potential marriage prospect.
Basimone - Daughter of the Ennead's most successful general, Balelia. The primary marriage prospect of the evening.
Tulticius - Son of the former ruler of the Ennead, and a new general. Infamous for being utterly fearless and preferring to get his own tentacles dirty in a fight (a very un-Doflein trait). A third potential spouse for the kings.

Tulticius's disturbance caught the attention of King Fafali. He circled at a distance alongside his attendants (the only other Tomelã present), assessing the stranger, before moving in to approach from behind.

"Hail, Prince," Fafali boomed. He waited for Tulticius to turn around before continuing. "You look upon the figure of a king, one who seeks a wife - even this very King Fafali who floats before you. Though you call yourself by the title of Prince - I know little of your people's biology, but I am sure discussions are sure to be productive if they begin with weapons!" He nodded to one of his attendants, who produced a long curved sword, fashioned from a saber seagoat horn covered in geometric carvings. "If you desire a test of 'goodness,' let us step outside!" He wrapped himself around the hilt of the sword, blue-dappled skin shifting as he improved his grip.

Shimmering Scales

The delegation from Costa Sereia to the ball consists of 5 merfolk, though the traveling caravan that arrived in Orope consisted of many more once merchants and pathfinders were counted. It is quickly clear they are all five related, both from their similarity of features (as much as other species recognize those sereian distinguishments) and from their interactions. All are a rich brown of skin, and though their fins vary in colors, there are undertones of teal and aqua to each.

The head of those present is Tiago, the head of smaller Peixoto Costa. While they have strong investments, the Peixotos are much smaller in number and limited in the reach of their wealth. It is no great secret that Tiago has been looking for political matches for his children. While he is seeking someone of high standing to marry in, his wife Felixa Peixoto is more interested that a potential match has worthy capital to help bolster the family's financing potential rather than simply status. The two argue constantly over this, and while they attempt to keep them discreet, their voices carry as they become heated and lose focus on maintaining decorum.

Behind them, both rather more dignified and somewhat embarrassed at their parents squabbling, are Levi and Karlota Peixoto. Levi, a few years older, floats protectively near his sister. Both are eligible, but at this particular event it seems a wife is more sought than a husband, and the athletically built sereia is more concerned for his sibling than his own prospects. Well enough for him, as he hopes to find a match through love that will meet his parents approval, rather than purely through the interests of the family businesses. Karlota, for her own perspective, is actually excited about the potential of an arrangement such as the kings here. She has a reputation as a burgeoning author and sculptor, and is eager to spend more time in countries abroad to provide experiences. Most importantly, a match such as this - to a different species entirely - would free her from such concerns of childbearing and mothering, in which she has no interest, and hopefully allot her more time to work on her artistry.

Finally, floating aloof from the rest is Lauca Peixoto. A widow several years older than her brother Tiago, she remains haughtily critical of the whole scenario. Her sharp eyes follow every movement and conversation, picking apart any flaw or faux pas as evidence that the entire event is a waste of their time, firmly ensconced in the idea that her niece and nephew should find sereian spouses to homebuild and produce grand-nephews and nieces to carry on the family business. She is not above sticking her fins in where they are not welcomed to share a pointed opinion or contemptuous expression.

Of the two kings presented, the Ektalithiades region intrigues Karlota more, so while her parents nitpick which of the matches is more suitable, she makes efforts to engage King Carlton Carrington in conversation, using the pearlescent shimmer of her scales to catch the lights in what she hopes will match the appealing display of photophores among attractive middish.

Pexioto Costa:
Tiago - Father, Head of household, 44
Felixa - Tiago's wife, 44
Lauca - Tiago's sister, 50
Levi - Tiago's son, 26
Karlota - Tiago's daughter, 20

Karlota Peixoto inspiration

Karlota's scales succeeded in attracting King Carrington's attention: in fact, he seemed completely captivated by the shimmer, staring for a somewhat uncomfortably long time before approaching.

"Greetings, pearlescent beauty...." The king kept his voice low, giving it a buzzing, humming quality. "I am King Carlton Carrington of Dupiopólisol, master of the Petrified Plains. I know not your family, but it must be of great nobility to produce such resplendent scales as yours. What is your name?"

2022-08-29, 11:31 PM
The Mer and Lysimia from Lux-Glossia are clearly not here in a particularly official capacity, lacking the political power to make deals or trades on the Grand Conclave's behalf. Grand Matriarch Rialta of the Blue Shade cites her advanced age as reason for not attending in person. She sends three of her daughters to convey her well-wishes to the newlyweds with a gift of three small luminescent crystal pendants delicately wrought with metal filigree. A letter with formal congratulations is delivered by the head of the delegation, Matriarch Lera of the newly formed Celadon Shade, when the newlyweds arrive.

Forming or joining a Shade is the Lux-Glossian equivalent of a marriage. The cultural norm is for most members of a Shade beyond the age of transition to be involved in a complex web of romantic endeavors and equally strong friendships with the other members of their Shade, though it's highly unusual for everyone to be involved with everyone, especially in the larger Shades. Thus while new members are often recruited by a single charismatic individual, it's important that prospectives are compatible with the majority of the current members.

Nearly the entire Celadon Shade is in attendance tonight, and each of the Shade's members is careful to introduce herself and dance with King Carrington at some point during the night. It's clear that the women of the Celadon Shade are sessing out compatibility, and offering a chance for Carrington to do the same to them. King Fafali is offered all the courtesies awarded to a foreign diplomat, but is too young for the ambitious Lux-Glossians' tastes.

The Celadon Shade made a splash in Leriander politics with a wildly successful first expedition west of Narcis's Rest (173) a year ago. Lera is clearly the charismatic powerhouse here, having convinced two other sons of the Blue Shade to join her when she left the Shade to form her own. Since then she's added a few other rising stars of a similar age from other Shades, including a son of the Yellow Shade attached to Ellain and a go-getter stoneworker from the rural Carmine Shade. Lera is poised to become a substantial political force in the coming decades if she can continue to recruit young talents, and she certainly has the ambition to rise to the task.

Lera, wearing two luminescent crystals of celadon green pierced through the cartilage of her prehensile flippers and many white seed-crystals sewn onto her gown, approaches Carrington with a formal offer of polyamorous alliance with the Celadon Shade partway through the night.

-- Attending --

Lera, Mer, female, 41, formerly of the Blue Shade - current Matriarch of the Celadon Shade, although that's ... negociable, should Carrington prove competent enough in the eyes of the group. Charismatic and ambitious.

Roana, Mer, female, 38, formerly of the Blue Shade - Microbiologist with a passion for exploration. Bit of a nerd.

Jsaro, Lysimia, female, 38, formerly of the Blue Shade - Sharp eyed and quick-witted accountant who keeps the ledgers in the black.

Louin, Mer, female, 40, formerly of the Magenta Shade - Animal handler with far too many pets.

Strai, Mer, female, 37, formerly of the Carmine Shade - Stoneworker with extreme work ethic.

-- Not Present --

Ellain, Lysimia, female, 43, formerly of the Yellow Shade - Historian, cook, and parent. Absent-minded, but caring.

Rua, Mer, male, 6, formerly of the Yellow Shade - Son of the Celadon Shade. Children of a Shade are raised communally, and exact parentage is not important.

Roll here. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643055-Empire-7-Into-the-Depths-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=25569618#post25569618) Result: 14 (Carrington)

2022-08-31, 10:20 PM
A Matter of... well, not "arms"....

Tulticius's disturbance caught the attention of King Fafali. He circled at a distance alongside his attendants (the only other Tomelã present), assessing the stranger, before moving in to approach from behind.

"Hail, Prince," Fafali boomed. He waited for Tulticius to turn around before continuing. "You look upon the figure of a king, one who seeks a wife - even this very King Fafali who floats before you. Though you call yourself by the title of Prince - I know little of your people's biology, but I am sure discussions are sure to be productive if they begin with weapons!" He nodded to one of his attendants, who produced a long curved sword, fashioned from a saber seagoat horn covered in geometric carvings. "If you desire a test of 'goodness,' let us step outside!" He wrapped himself around the hilt of the sword, blue-dappled skin shifting as he improved his grip.

The Prince spreads his arms and flexes his face in what passes for a Doflein grin.

"I trust you understand to what you're agreeing here, king? I am far from cowardly and near to my arms. I find myself honor-bound to warn you that, once enflamed, it takes much more than a simple honor duel to dull my passion. Let's have at it and see where the night takes us, shall we?"

As he begins to move toward the exit, Tulticius arms himself with a number of small bone knives, then positions himself to speak to King Fafali again. "Now, prior to this entanglement of ours, I would heap gratitude on your name if you would bend your ear in pursuit of a complicating wager. What say you to the following term: should this night lead to a knotting of our lines, so to speak, he who is bested here and now will submit himself to the biologists of Danabae with designs to gain child-bearing capacity. I have, fortunately, so far failed to undergo this procedure myself, and thus see us on a level arrangement from the start."

- - - - -

Basimone, while this is ongoing in the background of her perception, gathers her thin, clear tendrils like a gown and introduces herself to any and all who seem important. Her retinue distributes promises of gifts and favors liberally, while she takes strokes to speak with King Carlton Carrington. After introductions and niceties, she asks, "Why do you search so far afield for a mate, both geographically and politically? While the Ennead is happy to meet you and yours, we struggle to understand what you hope to gain here."

16 for Fafali, 18 for Carlton (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25568684&postcount=570)

2022-09-01, 09:51 AM
Family Delegations
Renal nods in response to Manuel, happy to find someone who understands. "Not exactly a dream, nothing that certain. More...a feeling. When we go out there in our test journeys, when I see the wastes through the senses of the Shero'ah Hakkol, when I take a swim out from our staging point and just look out at them...I can't shake the feeling that there's something worth knowing out there. After all, understanding the Way is understanding the stories of the world, yes? The wastes make up so much of it, as far as we can tell, but yet we know so little about them. And the more time I spend around them, the more I feel like I'm seeing small pieces of a wider truth." He fidgets his tentacles. "I can't wait until we can get out there and start searching for the details out there. The treasures and secrets of the wastes, that the initial exploration attempts may have passed over. I know what I want to find is out there - I can't precisely explain why, but I just know."

A Matter of... well, not "arms"....

The Doflein's attention-grabbing entrance, and King Fafali's response, gets many of the minor Cyphiri family members looking their way, as well as Nalrin Kelad. She had already been considering approaching Fafali - one of the larger Kelad operations was in Ke Yi Ade, selling on the ray-ear roots to various interested parties, and a prominent ally would be useful, particularly given their Black Pearl problems there - but this was particularly interesting. Swimming over, she passes by the Tomelã first, looking at his chosen weapon with some interest, before approaching the Doflein and nodding in approval at the sight of the bone knives. Similar to what she used to use when she was out scouting, which made sense given the ways that the Doflein and Cyphiri were similar (despite being very different in other ways). She then swims back to not obstruct the waters between the two, and chuckles. "Here I was hoping for some time to talk to the king, but this is far more interesting. With matters bringing my attention back to family business - particularly in your lands, my dear king - I haven't seen a good fight in a while."