View Full Version : Less obvious subclasses that you want to see added?

Ulsan Krow
2022-08-24, 05:43 AM
What (if only slightly) less obvious subclasses if any, do you want to see added to the game, perhaps in One D&D? What inspires those for you and what mechanically do you want them to look like?

So perhaps not the usual 'Strength/thug/enforcer Rogue', 'dragon Warlock' or 'brawler Monk/Fighter' suggestions that run rampant in homebrew discussions but something that is equally deserving of its own little subclass design space, without treading on existing toes too much, but doesn't spring to mind as immediately.

I'd like to see

Warshaper/Mutation Warrior - as a Fighter subclass. Fills the niche to represent characters like Alex Mercer and James Heller from the Prototype games, the Terminator, the Parasytes from the manga/anime series, Carnage/Venom/other Marvel Comic symbiotes, Twelve from Street Fighter and so on. Could be focused as a Fighter subclass because the Warshaper in particular is focused on manifesting weapons like blades, whips, axes etc which is the domain of the Fighter, rather than general mutations and transformations. Leaving other metamorphosis heavy concepts like animal shapeshifting still in the realm of the Druid, or straight up lycanthropy or more primal focused transformation to the Path of the Beast Barbarian

Sawbones - as a Rogue subclass. The sketchy back alley doctor and makeshift surgeon sort. Fill the support niche, but I don't like subclasses to be boxed exclusively into healing roles so perhaps features that allowing debilitating status effects on sneak attacks also amongst other debuffing and supportive features would be nice. Fills niche for characters like the TF2 Medic, Black Jack from the manga of the same name, Dr Grossman from Bioshock, Jonas Harrow from Marvel, medieval plague doctors etc.

Mentalist - as a Rogue subclass also. Non magical means of psychological warfare, (auto)hypnosis, persuasion, mind reading and so on. Inspired by characters like Johan Liebert from Monster, Hannibal Lecter, Kaa from the Jungle Book, Dr. Gregory House, the Scarecrow from DC Comics, John Doe from Se7en, Nurse Ratched and so on. Therapists, psychologists, hypnotists, manipulative types, Actually a very populated niche, and the Bard and the Mastermind rogue archetype don't represent alot of these well I feel (especially non magically)

What slightly obscure subclasses have been brewing in your minds? Inspirations/characters they are modelled after, how might they mechanically play/what core features should they have, do they deserve their own design space as a fully fledged subclass?

2022-08-24, 09:36 AM
Mentalist - as a Rogue subclass also. Non magical means of psychological warfare, (auto)hypnosis, persuasion, mind reading and so on.I think the mastermind already covers that. At high level, you can even block mindreaders or, better yet, feed them false thoughts, which is quite a feat for a nonmagical subclass.

2022-08-24, 09:47 AM
Alchemist based barbarian, they make potions that make them crazy.

Rune/Calligraphy based artificer.

Gish sorcerer that gets extra attack, not sure about theme though. Planetouched war/combat?

Ranger that creates and places traps. Either to anticipate being ambushed or to create ambushes.

Paladin oath of freedom

Ulsan Krow
2022-08-24, 10:15 AM
I think the mastermind already covers that. At high level, you can even block mindreaders or, better yet, feed them false thoughts, which is quite a feat for a nonmagical subclass.

Mastermind reads more as the behind the scenes plotter to me than a psychological guy. Its like the difference between the Warlord archetype that leads primarily through strategy and/or tactical acumen (Mastermind) versus morale and inspiration (Mentalist) - directly altering the mindstate of creatures/allies/foes.

for example, take their flavor text and suggested backgrounds/professions: Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. Many spies, courtiers, and schemers follow this archetype, leading lives of intrigue. Words are your weapons as often as knives or poison, and secrets and favors are some of your favorite treasures.

Spies, courtiers and schemers. The 'Mentalist' I am describing is not focused on the weaponisation of words through indirect deception and plotting, but through direct psychotherapy and persuasion, with results like hypnosis or 'vicious mockery' (but without the magical component). The features of Mastermind too - language, disguise, forgery kit proficiencies, can blend in as a native speaker, you can offer tactical advice in the heat of battle to Help, you can gather information during social encounters, misdirect attacks, even Soul of Deceit are not so much psychological warfare as I feel this archetype I am alluding to could entirely fill on its own.

Alchemist based barbarian, they make potions that make them crazy.

Rune/Calligraphy based artificer.

Gish sorcerer that gets extra attack, not sure about theme though. Planetouched war/combat?

Ranger that creates and places traps. Either to anticipate being ambushed or to create ambushes.

Paladin oath of freedom

Traps as a PC subclass feature and playstyle is something that has always intrigued me also, but its just something that feels incredibly difficult to get right mechanically. Balanced finite traps and options that can see reasonable use in encounters that last such few rounds and as a feature where you don't have immediate agency over their activation clause. But if someone could pull it off I'd play it in a heartbeat. A trapsmith/trapper ranger is well in line thematically and a fictionally well represented archetype of the class.

Commensurately I have always favored the idea of a 'saboteur' rogue along the same lines. But less hunter/nature flavor heavy on the traps, moreso focused on the classic, more mechanical traps as the ones that litter dungeons and artificially constructed places. Most likely with an increased capacity to deal with traps on top of making her own.

2022-08-24, 10:58 AM
Traps as a PC subclass feature and playstyle is something that has always intrigued me also, but its just something that feels incredibly difficult to get right mechanically. Balanced finite traps and options that can see reasonable use in encounters that last such few rounds and as a feature where you don't have immediate agency over their activation clause. But if someone could pull it off I'd play it in a heartbeat. A trapsmith/trapper ranger is well in line thematically and a fictionally well represented archetype of the class.

Commensurately I have always favored the idea of a 'saboteur' rogue along the same lines. But less hunter/nature flavor heavy on the traps, moreso focused on the classic, more mechanical traps as the ones that litter dungeons and artificially constructed places. Most likely with an increased capacity to deal with traps on top of making her own.

Traps are definitely hard to make feel good because the standard PC approach to fighting isn't people basing in your door, it's you bashing in their door.

I did try my hand at a trapper ranger. No idea if it's good since I've not had a chance to test it on actual play: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/cyiECcqnIxrF

2022-08-24, 11:30 AM
Weaponsmith (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25512360&postcount=3) is something that we need official.

I think it would be really nice to have more elemental focused subclasses better incorporated. Air, Earth, Fire, Water. Then maybe Dark and Light.

2022-08-24, 11:40 AM
A monk gish with spell slots.

Rune/Calligraphy based artificer.

You can do that today FYI

Gish sorcerer that gets extra attack, not sure about theme though. Planetouched war/combat?

Draconic should be the gish one imo

Agreed with the rest

2022-08-24, 12:49 PM
I'd love a Thunder based bard who plays so well or loudly that they summon thunder

2022-08-24, 01:05 PM
I'd love a Thunder based bard who plays so well or loudly that they summon thunder

I created the Bard College of Rock (https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MwAQp5hvalEcsHMn3EV). It's still a first draft and needs A LOT of work to be playable, but there it is.

2022-08-24, 01:11 PM
I'd like to see a village defender. A fighter specialized in fighting supernatural opponents without the support of magical toys.

I think a fighter subclass that taps into an elemental plane for power could be fun.

Ulsan Krow
2022-08-24, 01:18 PM
I'd love to see a Bladecaster, Bladeweaver or whatever in the game. A psionic fighter dedicated entirely (much more than psi warrior) to levitating swords whether they are constructs of energy or telekinetically suspended weapons

so many characters in so much different media have this sort of focus as their central combat schtick. Darth Traya from Star Wars, Byakuya Kuchiki from Bleach, Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night, Adele from Maplestory. As you level up you can wield more swords

A Skald barbarian would be lit. Or Skald bard. But the idea of one either way is just awesome to me. Cue angry rage anthems. Play as The Scotsman from Samurai Jack

A marionette wielding Puppeteer archetype for I don't know whom. But an archetype who fights with puppets and pulls strings around, flavorful, could be very fun, and is well represented in fiction. Naruto's Kankuro and Sasori, One Piece's Doflamingo, DC's Puppeteer, Final Fantasy's Puppetmasters

2022-08-24, 01:20 PM
How about an elemental Paladin that can change his smite energy type to whichever other energy type he wants? Could be useful to switch to flame smites if you're fighting trolls, and so on.

Ulsan Krow
2022-08-24, 01:30 PM
Ooh, a really flavorful subclass I've heard in passing is the idea of this Barbarian whose rage is induced by witnessing some Lovecraftian abomination or phenomenon and that incoherent rage stems from their inability to comprehend what they have seen

One of the coolest ideas from a purely thematic standpoint I have ever seen. Could just be a nice background story for alot of the paths... but you could totally cobble a bunch of cosmic horror inspired features for one kickass subclass

2022-08-24, 01:52 PM
Subclasses more suited to campaigns that don't wander about as much. Such as the Bonds Cleric who strengthens and manipulates the toes between people.

Also put me down for a Fighter who uses a mixture of taunts and wit to manipulate opponents into making mistakes. Ideally it finesse focused so that I can do it with a halberd. Not quite sure what I'd call it, Fighter (Smug Git) kind of feels wrong.

2022-08-24, 02:45 PM
Shadowcrafter, a subclass that specializes in making illusions of spells. It probably shouldn't be a Wizard sub since it would share a lot of space with illusionist (though if I had it my way, subs wouldn't be married to any parent class, but to requirements).

2022-08-24, 02:54 PM
A monk gish with spell slots.

Yep. It could fill two empty niches with one subclass: a viable spellcaster monk, and a 1/3 divine caster.

2022-08-24, 03:41 PM
While I believe there's enough design space for a Warlord class, making a warlord-like subclass for fighter would be nice. Well, one that works at least, unlike PDK.

2022-08-24, 06:27 PM
Spell thief (from 3.5)
sandman bard (from pathfinder)
Some type of gish character able to store and channel spells trough their weapon

2022-08-24, 07:09 PM
Subclasses more suited to campaigns that don't wander about as much. Such as the Bonds Cleric who strengthens and manipulates the toes between people.

Also put me down for a Fighter who uses a mixture of taunts and wit to manipulate opponents into making mistakes. Ideally it finesse focused so that I can do it with a halberd. Not quite sure what I'd call it, Fighter (Smug Git) kind of feels wrong.

Swashbuckl… huh.

Ulsan Krow
2022-08-24, 07:40 PM
Also put me down for a Fighter who uses a mixture of taunts and wit to manipulate opponents into making mistakes. Ideally it finesse focused so that I can do it with a halberd. Not quite sure what I'd call it, Fighter (Smug Git) kind of feels wrong.

The Scoundrel. Or the Vagabond

Another slightly esoteric subclass I'd love to see - a Vigilante Ranger Conclave. The city is your patrol, you are an immutable presence in any urban domain.

And another - another companion subclass, the Carnivalist/Pest Controller Rogue where you nonmagically manipulate tiny little creatures to do your bidding. Legerdemain with your pets similar to Arcane Trickster but with its own up and downsides, Sneak Attack/give yourself Sneak Attack with your pet, distractions and performance checks, perhaps some status effects considering you're handling a bunch of disease riddled vermin. Kind of like Mr Bobinsky from Coraline, Willard from Ratman's Notebooks, Bruno from Encanto, Linguini and Remy from Ratatouille, the OG Ratcatcher from DC Comics, the spider from Charlotte's Web, hell Squirrel Girl could be a high level version of this (though she is most probably more of a druid, her power seems supernatural and she has animal characteristics herself)

2022-08-24, 08:36 PM
The Scoundrel. Or the Vagabond

I think Scoundrel would be better, Vagabond feels more suited to some kind of scout Fighter.

2022-08-25, 12:08 AM
Elemental Savant, hands down. A caster (potentially with a little gish?) than specializes heavily in one element, such that their spells always deal only that damage type, regardless of the normal type. Highly specialized, very good in their narrow slice, but can potentially run into major trouble if they don't have a way of dealing with an immune enemy.

Ulsan Krow
2022-08-25, 12:14 AM
I think Scoundrel would be better, Vagabond feels more suited to some kind of scout Fighter.

Scoundrel is the best name I can offer up in that case; any other names that come to my mind might either be too informal (as 'smug git' might tread) or dig too deep into narrating your character's broader background and profession(s) rather than a descriptor solely of their fighting archetype.

Witty Username
2022-08-25, 01:16 AM
A marauder rogue, that can sneak attack using non-finesse weapons and wear medium armor. Maybe with bonuses to setting stuff on fire. More Raider and bandit than thief. Something that would go nicely with Pirate background.

Forsaken barbarian, with rage through intense hatred of magic. Magic resistance, advantage on rolls to break magic items. Maybe an ability to pierce resistance/Immunity to weapons.

Frost domain cleric. Something themed around cold damage and darkness.

2022-08-25, 09:44 AM
A STR-based unarmed fighting Fighter subclass. Call it the Brawler. Uses unarmed strikes/natural weapons, and has manuevers/holds that apply effects similar to the Battlemaster, combined with the unarmed damage scaling and ability to overcome damage resistance like a Monk. Plus a means to have a decent AC while unarmored.

Could perhaps be a STR-centric Monk subclass, although I think the more "mundane/non-mystical" approach of the Fighter is probably better...

A marauder rogue, that can sneak attack using non-finesse weapons and wear medium armor. Maybe with bonuses to setting stuff on fire. More Raider and bandit than thief. Something that would go nicely with Pirate background.

Agreed. We could use a "STR Rogue" subclass.

There have been some unofficial attempts at this. Odyssey of the Dragonlords has a quasi-hoplite Rogue subclass, who can use a shield and can Sneak Attack with spears. Or there have been a few different homebrew attempts at a Thug subclass, some of which get stuff like proficiency with one-handed bludgeoning weapons and can Sneak Attack with those.

2022-08-25, 12:33 PM
A monk gish with spell slots.

Shadow and 4 elements and maybe ascendant dragon should be that.

2022-08-25, 01:26 PM
Subclasses more suited to campaigns that don't wander about as much. Such as the Bonds Cleric who strengthens and manipulates the toes between people. That sounds vaguely naughty. :smallcool:

Also put me down for a Fighter who uses a mixture of taunts and wit to manipulate opponents into making mistakes. Ideally it finesse focused so that I can do it with a halberd. Not quite sure what I'd call it, Fighter (Smug Git) kind of feels wrong. What about its utility against anything that isn't a person? There are a lot of monsters out there who would be immune to this. Also, Battlemaster Local Number 365 called; they want to know why you don't love them anymore? :smallfrown:

Hot take: gish, as a concept, is bad for the game. I shall now don my helmet. :smallcool:

2022-08-25, 02:56 PM
That sounds vaguely naughty. :smallcool:

I played a Bondage Cleric once, it was terrible. I couldn't cast spells on anything that didn't know the safeword.

What about its utility against anything that isn't a person? There are a lot of monsters out there who would be immune to this.

Charades Proficiency.

Also, Battlemaster Local Number 365 called; they want to know why you don't love them anymore? :smallfrown:

Simple, my GM banned hatters' tools. Can't make the concept work with a sensible hat.

2022-08-30, 01:08 PM
A marauder rogue, that can sneak attack using non-finesse weapons and wear medium armor. Maybe with bonuses to setting stuff on fire. More Raider and bandit than thief. Something that would go nicely with Pirate background.

Brigand more so than marauder. Marauder sounds more Fighter than Rogue to me.