View Full Version : Free Games?

2007-11-29, 03:12 PM
Does anyone here know of any free online games with good graphics and mechanics? Please do not mention Runescape, and a link to the game would be helpful but I don't actually know how to make them so just providing the web address would work.

Thanks! :smile:

Mr. Friendly
2007-11-29, 03:15 PM
I liked Dungeon Runners for a while. Reasonably good graphics, amusing "plot".

2007-11-29, 03:20 PM
I wouldn't advise Dungeon Runners. It has good graphics, true, but it's basically just a hack 'n slasher. And plotwise? It's just one dungeon crawl after another, without any particularly good reason for them.

Nah, I'd advise Archlord. It's a freeroaming MMORPG that's free! Free!
Up until recently, you even had to pay for it, but that's changed now. It has pretty darn good graphics too.

2007-11-29, 03:35 PM
i am going to take a wild guess that Nigma reads a magazine called Kijk.

anyway, archlord is good enough, but in the end it just comes down to grinding and buying new stuff, not my cup of tea.

2007-11-29, 03:40 PM
Don't all MMORPGs? I mean, Dungeon Runners is even more like that, and even more linear.

Oh, and I don't read Kijk, I've just played both games.:smallsmile:

2007-11-29, 03:44 PM
ah, there was an article on archlord in the kijk some time ago, and that made for a huge wave of dutchies playing the game.
but your right, its the type of game i was describing, not the game it self i supose.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-29, 03:53 PM
Some I've enjoyed include:

http://www.soldat.pl (Soldat)
http://www.softnyx.net (GunBound)
http://9dragons.acclaim.com (9Dragons)

I still play them semi-regularly, though I wouldn't call any of them amazing, they are fairly entertaining nonetheless.

2007-11-29, 03:54 PM
Two good ones off the top of my head are AdventureQuest (http://www.battleon.com) and Mobile Weapon (http://www.mobileweapon.net, go to "Mobile Weapon: The Journey Begins" on the left).

There's also a lot of games at http://2flashgames.com...they mostly suck, but there's some decent ones in there if you poke around long enough.

2007-11-29, 04:08 PM
I have two games that I wholeheartedly suggest.

The first is Tremulous (http://tremulous.net/files/). It's an online FPS, with good graphics (for a free game, I mean c'mon), and very entertaining gameplay. Essentially, each match has two asymmetrical teams- the humans and the aliens.

If you want to play as humans, you either begin with a Rifle or a Construction Kit, because, that's right, you construct your own base! You can even deconstruct and move your base if you don't like where it is. Anyway, so, as you kill aliens, you get credits which you can buy weapons and other upgrades with, and every kill every member of the team gets goes into a single pool, which, when high enough, elevates you to the next technological stage. Each stage has different weapons and equipment available.

If you want to play as the aliens, you either begin as a Dretch or a Granger. Dretchs are tiny little skittering aliens that can climb on any surface. It's super disorienting at first, but you get used to it. Anyway, so Grangers are the building unit. As you kill humans, you get evolution points which let you evolve into various forms and advanced forms of original ones. You also progress in tech levels like the humans do, with each tech level having different evolutions.

The match is won when the opposing team has no more spawn points, and no more living members.

The second is The Battle for Wesnoth (http://www.wesnoth.org/). It's a Turn-Based Strategy game. While it's graphics aren't super, they're acceptable for a Strategy game, and the game is very intense on strategy and boasts many different armies to play as that each encompass varying strategies within them. There is a story-driven campaign mode, a vs comps mode, and an online mode (and a build-your-own-map mode). Personally, I like the comps and online a lot more than the campaign, but that's me.

Not to mention if you're into coding whatnots, Wesnoth is apparently easy to code custom races, campaigns, and stuff for.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-29, 04:15 PM
The second is The Battle for Wesnoth (http://www.wesnoth.org/). It's a Turn-Based Strategy game. While it's graphics aren't super, they're acceptable for a Strategy game, and the game is very intense on strategy and boasts many different armies to play as that each encompass varying strategies within them. There is a story-driven campaign mode, a vs comps mode, and an online mode (and a build-your-own-map mode). Personally, I like the comps and online a lot more than the campaign, but that's me.

Not to mention if you're into coding whatnots, Wesnoth is apparently easy to code custom races, campaigns, and stuff for.

OMG! I can't believe I forgot Wesnoth! Wesnoth is a BADASS game! Seriously, get it! The customisability and awesome win and ... *drools...*

I even started making my own campaign with custom races and everything in it. It was fun. For the one day I could be asked to learn how to code and draw in it. Now I've mostly forgotten.

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/SaithisBladewing/Axeman.png Axeman of the Mercenary Armies
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/SaithisBladewing/tanas.jpg Tanas, Rebel Hero

^ Spoils of my work.

2007-11-29, 06:15 PM
I like Rappelz (http://rappelz.gpotato.com/), if only because of the skill system.

Mr. Mud
2007-11-29, 06:36 PM
IMAO (no order)

•Mount & Blade: A whole lot like Elder Scrolls IV, but instead of 10 Gigs, its about 104 megs :smallbiggrin: Great Graphics, decent controls, lacks a little story but all around good game. (Can only paly the Downloaded Version for... 30 game days, [plenty of time] OR until your character reachers level 8. After this, you can buy the liscense to it, and with the liscense you can download loads of free mods, and some are worth it :smallbiggrin: )

•Puzzle Pirates: Great MMO, but not nessescarily an MMO-RPG. Your a pirate, and play oh, around 20ish differnt puzzle to either become a master of the seas(Bilging, Carpentry, Gunnery, Sailing, Navigating and Battle Navigting), a landlubbin' Merchant (More puzzles under production but current ones are: Black Smithing, Alcemistry, Distillery, And Shipwrighty), or play away the nights in an Inn. (Loads of Parlor Games including: POKER Swordfighting, which is a hybird tetris, Rumble, and MANY more)

•Sumotori Dreams: What can I say about this? You are a BIG Sumo Wrestler made out of blocks, and its either against a good AI, or a 2nd player. not great of... anything but GREAT game... somehow :smallbiggrin:


•http://taleworlds.com - Mount & Blade
•http://www.puzzlepirates.com - Puzzle pirates
•:smallfrown: Sorry but for all 94 killabites of sumotori dreams, your gonna have to google it.

-- Anyone going on puzzle pirates,Well First forum-mail me, and Create a pirate on the virdian ocean (Myself and A few others play there, and will be happy to help you out :smallamused: )

Crispy Dave
2007-11-29, 07:01 PM
a few here (http://www.maidmarian.com/)Chat rooms,tanks is fun,Sheridan dungeon is a mmo

and here (http://www.pawngame.com/)this is a pretty fun shooter

here (http://www.addictinggames.com/)this has lots of fun games(warning some have some mature content)

2007-12-01, 10:17 AM
Dungeon runners for the win, the perfect blend of fantasy and humor and its very easy to play.

2007-12-01, 12:09 PM
I'm downloading termulous. Just to see if it is good.

2007-12-01, 12:51 PM
RF-Online (http://www.rf-onlinegame.com).

Seriusly, noone mentioned this?

MMORPG with giant robots. And elves...because they're always elves.


2007-12-03, 05:31 AM
If you are games lovers and you are facing the problems...Like:
you have no money to buy games........
you dont go out to get the enjoyment........
then you have a choice connect to Net and chhose a site which is iveing you the facility to download the free games..........then do it must...

2007-12-03, 06:54 AM
I'd like to add a third voice in suport of the Battle for Wesnoth, if you are into strategy, that is. It is a superb game. (even though the random element can be somewhat frustrating now and then. I still have trouble convincing my friends that the computer doesn't cheat - which would be easier if I was certain myself that it does not... :smallbiggrin: )

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-03, 09:15 AM
I'd like to add a third voice in suport of the Battle for Wesnoth, if you are into strategy, that is. It is a superb game. (even though the random element can be somewhat frustrating now and then. I still have trouble convincing my friends that the computer doesn't cheat - which would be easier if I was certain myself that it does not... :smallbiggrin: )

The computer TOTALLY cheats, are you joking?! 70% chance of that mage hitting with 4 blasts and every one misses?! Then the 40% chance of retaliation hits three times and kills my mage?! CHEATS!

2007-12-03, 09:50 AM
RF-Online (http://www.rf-onlinegame.com).

Seriusly, noone mentioned this?

MMORPG with giant robots. And elves...because they're always elves.


You play RF? God, such a fun game... I need to get back into Chip War...

If I can ever remember my password.

Anway, Yeah.
RF is good. But its ALL ABOUT THE GRIND. Be prepared to spend hours of your life in that game.
A Good starting server: Novus Sector. Its got better rates than the official servers, and better chip-wars.
If your looking for something a bit more... "Easier", then RO might be a better starting point. Not on the official servers, mind you: Always a private server. Surge and Anima come to mind.
Also, Gunbound. Not an RPG, but hilarious to watch people blow eachother up from atop giant ants.

2007-12-03, 12:04 PM
Dunno if it's been suggested, but Anarchy Online.

Free for a lot of it, although it has expansions you pay for.

Come to think of it...I haven't played AO in a while...Hmm...

Cristo Meyers
2007-12-03, 12:44 PM
Gunbound probably kept my attention the longest out of all the MMO's I've played (a whopping two months). I remember the very first time I logged into a battle, I ended up with the Dragon.

Maple Story came in a close second.

2007-12-03, 03:51 PM
I've been playing Battle for Wesnoth since I saw it mentioned here, and I gotta agree that it's a really good game.

2007-12-03, 03:51 PM
I suggest Urban Dead (http://www.urbandead.com) myself even though it doesn't have good graphics it is highly balanced. And free but you have a limit.

2007-12-03, 04:36 PM
I've been playing Battle for Wesnoth since I saw it mentioned here, and I gotta agree that it's a really good game.

Yeah. The system is intricate, the game has story, and theres enough strategy to keep me going. Single player+Multiplayer is very good, even if the computer does cheat a bit.

2007-12-03, 04:42 PM
Yeah. The system is intricate, the game has story, and theres enough strategy to keep me going. Single player+Multiplayer is very good, even if the computer does cheat a bit.

Yes...you can never trust computers... or accretians...

2007-12-03, 04:51 PM
Yes...you can never trust computers... or accretians...

Hence, my good man, why I prefer to play as a shortie Bell, instead of a toaster Accretian.

2007-12-03, 05:06 PM
Hence, my good man, why I prefer to play as a shortie Bell, instead of a toaster Accretian.

Who do you think I play? :P (Keep in mind i like the idea of my characters actually having pants, that should narrow it down a bit.)

I do hope guns will eventually do damage though...im kinda tired of my desperado doing half the damage of everyone else.

We need an RF thread....

2007-12-03, 06:07 PM
The computer TOTALLY cheats, are you joking?! 70% chance of that mage hitting with 4 blasts and every one misses?! Then the 40% chance of retaliation hits three times and kills my mage?! CHEATS!Yeah, well, the statistics usually claim you do and take almost exactly as much damage as was to be expected on average.
A friend of mine has the theory that, while not having supernatural luck, the computer knows the rolls in advance, and adjusts his moves accordingly, which is why he sometimes attacks when it should never work out, and it does.
Another just blames biased perception. So do I, usually, but sometimes... sometimes, it just seems a bit too much...

Saithis Bladewing
2007-12-03, 06:11 PM
Yeah, well, the statistics usually claim you do and take almost exactly as much damage as was to be expected on average.
A friend of mine has the theory that, while not having supernatural luck, the computer knows the rolls in advance, and adjusts his moves accordingly, which is why he sometimes attacks when it should never work out, and it does.
Another just blames biased perception. So do I, usually, but sometimes... sometimes, it just seems a bit too much...

That theory actually sounds really believable to me. It'd explain why the computer always seems to get so ridiculously lucky...

2007-12-04, 07:21 AM
Actually I can confirm that the Wesnoth AI cheats at rolls.

At one point in the main story line I had multiple slyphs, the elven hero guy, and the old mage surrounding a litch. Everyone was in a castle hex and it was morning. I saved the game, attacked with about 20 magic attacks and took the return attacks. After about ten reloads I had the actual percentages down, I was running about a 55% to 60% hit rate and the computer was at about 85%.

2007-12-04, 07:50 AM
Progress Quest (http://www.progressquest.com/) is hands down the most epic free online game ever created. Incredible 3-D graphics, a riveting storyline that seems to never end, exciting treasure, unrivaled customizability of your character.

But don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself!

2007-12-04, 12:38 PM
Progress Quest (http://www.progressquest.com/) is hands down the most epic free online game ever created. Incredible 3-D graphics, a riveting storyline that seems to never end, exciting treasure, unrivaled customizability of your character.

But don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself!

You will please pardon my spastic twitching here on the floor.