View Full Version : Savage Tides: The Bullywug Gambit

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2022-08-31, 07:38 PM

When an attempt to arrange an early inheritance backfires, a man of lesser ambition than Vanthus Vanderboren would no doubt withdraw into his sister's manse to hide under her skirts and pray that the truth of his patricide remains hidden. Fortunately for Vanthus, lack of ambition has never been a problem. Now the Vanderboren's prodigal son slinks east along the coast to Blood Bay, lured by rumors of an incredible prize kept in a smuggler's hideout called Kraken's Cove.

However, Vanthus is pursued by a quartet of brave adventurers employed by both his erstwhile lover - the murderously ambitious Lady Rowyn Kellani - and his disillusioned sister - Lady Lavinia Vanderboren. The unlikely party has already encountered Vanthus before when he abandoned them in undead-infested tunnels beneath Parrot Island (spoilers 2 and 3 here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24882558&postcount=21)). This time they hope to flip the script and capture (or kill) him as they catch up to him in the Crimson Fleet treasure trove.

Spurred on by the discovery of Vanthus' plans in the Lotus Dragon guildhall, the PCs expect to find a secret pirate hideout, a viciously evil nobleman, and perhaps no small amount of ill-gotten wealth. But how will all of this tie into the Savage Tides preparing to wash over the world of Oerth and the PCs' home city of Sasserine? Will the PCs be able to overcome the secret abyssal influences that are preparing to plunge their world into chaos and darkness...?
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/whOtHDWNBc6Q6c7btz97eObYqSQI9-WF-jgpvw2QBF3oae9jy-Y_DPrzeF9i-HT7aVkyPDcUCu6mpcqyQjyPoLsJQpWqhKj6W9QJV3Z6McylEOW QU2uLsnqSbPncdKDpOSBwcNcvUg=w2400
The party has two ways to get to Kraken's Cove from Sasserine - overland or via a boat. Overland will have some challenges and threats, while sailing up the coastline and across Blood Bay (named for the blood-red plankton that blossoms there throughout the tropical "seasons") has others.

Securing a guide is likely only a partial solution, as the swampy jungle is both dangerous and not generally profitable for outdoorsmen or trackers. While there are numerous beasts and monsters, most avoid Sasserine and are dangerous in their home territories. It's likely you could find someone to help you get most of the way there over land, but they won't keep camp and wait to guide you back home after you're done.

Hiring a fishing vessel to get to the Blood Bay is easy - fishers go out much further all the time. However, the fishing in the bay tends to be poor, so any hired boats will likely drop you off on their way out to better fishing waters.

Renting a boat for you to sail there is also easy - there are tons available of all sizes and shapes in the port city of Sasserine.

If there are other ways you'd like to travel there I am open to discussion.

2022-09-01, 06:12 AM
Lady Kellani nods as the PCs discuss their priorities. "Good, good. Had you asked me about connections at the harbor several days ago I might have been able to help you, but someone did a very thorough job of removing the influences of the 'Lady Lotus' from the harbor recently," she says, looking meaningfully at Firi'Sar as she answers his question. "I've no longer the leverage there that I had when I ran an illicit thieves guild. That said, bygones will be bygones and we've agreed to leave that water under the bridge, haven't we? Besides, in a port city there should be plenty of options available. Perhaps one of you can sail a rental boat, make a holiday out of it?"

Rowyn Kellani's teethy smile is both stunningly beautiful and laden with well-controlled emotion - a potent combination that leaves Firi'Sar profoundly aware that this woman is both lovely and dangerous...and perhaps attracted to challenging men? Probably best not to dwell on that too much...

Cordelia looks away as Rowyn flashes her smile at Firi'Sar, trying hard to contain a sudden breathlessness. That smile hadn't even been aimed at her, and she doesn't even like Lady Kellani! This is going to be so inconvenient. Sat by her side, Kitten looks up at her master with a deep appraisal that Cordelia finds both new and mortifying.

"I could guide us overland," Cordelia manages a little crossly, brushing off Kitten's accusatory look. "But I wouldn't recommend it. I've been as far as Hungry Fish River before, but it's nothing but sticky heat and biting insects the whole way. And we're talking at least 60 miles on the trail. A boat would definitely be a more pleasant option. We should ask around in the port to see if there's anyone willing to take us out that way."

2022-09-01, 08:12 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

After the cult was dead he had been more or less silent as he looked at Lady Kellani, only adding "Do not cross us again Lady Kellani before joining the others as they head back into town. Standing tall and proud he breathes deeply of the sea air as they leave the mansion and head back to the shore side.

We must find a boat that an take us across to Kraken's Cove. If we head down to the harbour there should be plenty there." He nods to the others, "If we hire a small pilot boat we can sail ourselves and keep things more secret"

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 2 // 2, Init 4,
HP 13 /20(24),
Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15,
CMD 18, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 6, CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Unarmed +7 (+5/5) (1d6+5, x2)
MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +8 (1d8+6, x3) [Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy ]
Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +7 (touch) (Entangled, CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str,)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P)
MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8

Martial Flexibility (3/4 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 3/4 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light

2022-09-01, 12:04 PM
"I'm also in favour of getting a small boat ourselves," Tillandi said, "not only is it more secret, we can leave it somewhere and be reasonably sure to be able to get back home. If fishermen put us off, there's no certainty they will be there when we come back, unless we pay them to wait."

2022-09-05, 10:45 AM
Lady Kellani nods as the PCs discuss their priorities. "Good, good. Had you asked me about connections at the harbor several days ago I might have been able to help you, but someone did a very thorough job of removing the influences of the 'Lady Lotus' from the harbor recently," she says, looking meaningfully at Firi'Sar as she answers his question. "I've no longer the leverage there that I had when I ran an illicit thieves guild. That said, bygones will be bygones and we've agreed to leave that water under the bridge, haven't we? Besides, in a port city there should be plenty of options available. Perhaps one of you can sail a rental boat, make a holiday out of it?"

Firi'Sar actually snorts quietly. He inclines his head with a bit of an embarrassed expression. "Indeed, that was a foolish question. My apologies, mistress. Errr... sort of," he adds, struggling to contain apparent mirth. Utterly unawares of his companion's concerns, the lithe and canny Elf gladly returns Lady Kellani's grin. Deeply enjoying this unlikely engagement, his keen eyes glitter at the thought of continued joint endeavors.

"I could guide us overland," Cordelia manages a little crossly, brushing off Kitten's accusatory look. "But I wouldn't recommend it. I've been as far as Hungry Fish River before, but it's nothing but sticky heat and biting insects the whole way. And we're talking at least 60 miles on the trail. A boat would definitely be a more pleasant option. We should ask around in the port to see if there's anyone willing to take us out that way."Firi'Sar's head whips around to his ally as she voices her thoughts. "You may not be surprised that among my many skills, jungle survival never made much of an appearance. I'm somewhat keen on the creature comforts of not being consumed by insects as well, so you've convinced me. Boat it is." Chuckling, he adds. "I've done a fair bit of reading on sail management, tacking, and jibe and so forth. I'd love to put it into practice."

"Do not cross us again Lady Kellani"Come now, my large and aggressive friend. We play for the same team... at least mostly. At least for now." Once more, amusement twinkles in his eyes as Firi'Sar offers Lady Kellani a cursory attempt at a placating bow. "It seems our course is settled, and I fully agree. We'll rent a small ship- perhaps more of a skiff than anything else, and should push come to metaphorical shove, Cordelia can likely lead us home? Gods, what an awful 'plan b'..."

He turns back to their matron. "Having no other business to discuss, I hope to report our success within the week- two at most. Is there anything else before we go, Lady Kellani?"
The timeline is mostly a guess. Without a better understanding of the speed of a prospective ship, I don't know what else to expect. Looks like about 50 miles? I would imagine less than 2 days travel, since the boat is unlikely to fatigue.

2022-09-05, 01:44 PM
"Do not cross us again Lady Kellani.
Lady Kellani turns and smirks at the Darfellan but says nothing, her eyes twinkling in a way that could be either mischievous or excited or both.

"Having no other business to discuss, I hope to report our success within the week- two at most. Is there anything else before we go, Lady Kellani?"
"No, that will be all from me. If Lady Vanderboren has nothing more for you then I suggest you get started," answers the noblewoman without taking her eyes off Akula. As the party leaves her smile and her gaze never falters. The butler escorts the party out of the manor house and bows formally as they leave, presumably to secure a boat.

(Lady Vanderboren doesn't have anything new for you - she also wants Vanthus captured and has nothing new to offer.)

"It seems our course is settled, and I fully agree. We'll rent a small ship- perhaps more of a skiff than anything else, and should push come to metaphorical shove, Cordelia can likely lead us home?"
If you'd like we can RP getting a boat. Otherwise you can rent a ship at the prices found in the SRD or Archives of Nethys and move along to skill checks. Survival = navigation and Profession (Sailor) handles the ship. If you want to hire a crew or anything let me know.

2022-09-07, 03:04 PM
"I'll just let a few people know I'll be out of the city for a few days, and then I'll meet you all at the docks," Cordelia says. "It's hard to grow up in Sasserine and not learn at least a little about boats, especially when your father curates an aquarium."

Happy to skip ahead to the cove.

Navigation [roll0]

2022-09-07, 04:00 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

The darfellan is happy to head down to the docks looking for a fisherman with torn nets who'd be willing to part with his boat for a day whilst they tend to their nets. Once the boat is secure he is happy to tend to the sails and enjoy being back out on the waves

assisting Cordelia
[roll0] sailing
[roll1] survival

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 2 // 2, Init 4,
HP 13 /20(24),
Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15,
CMD 18, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 6, CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Unarmed +7 (+5/5) (1d6+5, x2)
MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +8 (1d8+6, x3) [Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy ]
Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +7 (touch) (Entangled, CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str,)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P)
MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8

Martial Flexibility (3/4 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 3/4 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light

2022-09-08, 11:53 AM
Firi'Sar follows along, surprisingly obviously out of his element. It quickly becomes apparent that despite being an avid reader and generally competent individual, the Elf has never dedicated any but the most meager efforts at becoming familiar with ship craft. Though he accurately names the parts of the vessel, describing port, starboard, stern, and bow correctly, he's clearly unfamiliar with the actual mechanics of operation, much less going rates and acquiring crew. "Yes, well.... Ahhh... I think with some guidance, I can serve as a reasonably adept hand, but little more than that at best. And if we're being totally honest, I'd be keen to sleep with a roof and walls. It drives me absolutely to distraction when my journals get wet. It's absolutely days of copying, every time!"

Perhaps ironically, his companions would certainly note the pair of oiled, watertight bags in which Firi'Sar keeps his journals- even while striding about the docks. "I'll leave most of this business up to you two, if you don't mind..." he begrudgingly admits.

2022-09-08, 02:46 PM
The party spends a day handling their own, individual needs (leveling up, buying supplies, etc...), and resting at the Vanderboren estate in the clean, simple rooms Lady Vanderboren set aside for them. Lavinia Vanderboren is obviously busy, but makes about ten minutes to listen to the party tell her about their assault on the demonic cult beneath the Kellani manor house. "...And you say that Rowyn - I mean, Lady Kellani - wasn't a part of this cult, but more like a prisoner? The Kellani family has always been aggressive, even resorting to hostile take-overs of businesses before, but I wouldn't have thought they were demoniacs. I'm glad the young Lady isn't so far gone...perhaps if we can't redeem my erstwhile brother we can at least have a good influence on her. Though she was in charge of the Lotus Dragons...I just don't know..." she muses, trying to think through the convoluted situation and relationships developing. "I don't trust her, at least not yet, but for now we are aligned towards the same goal. I am proud of you all for doing the dangerous and grisly work of freeing her from the threat of that cult. No one should suffer that sort of thing..."

In the morning the party makes their way to one of the nearby docks, looking for a suitable vessel to rent or buy. While a rowboat would be the cheapest option, taking turns rowing the forty miles oversea to Kraken Cove would be miserable and take about five days. A ship's boat, complete with a single small sail, oars, and anchor, is more expensive but also much more comfortable. It is still entirely open to the elements, but safer and faster - setting sail in the morning you would arrive later that same evening. The salty old boat-seller seems content to sell or not (no haggling), but is willing to consider taking the sale price as a deposit and returning half of that upon the return of his boat.

Give me a final decision on how you want to travel and then subtract the appropriate amount of gold from your character sheets. I'm going to move the story along in the meantime.

Taking advantage of natural winds and currents, the party stays relatively close to the coastline as they make their way to Blood Bay. The natural geography of the area ensures that the entire greater area of Jeklea Bay has a counter-clockwise rotation to it, helping the party along as they go. There's not much to see along the way, though.

Passing Fort Fendawor, a thick-walled coastal fortress dedicated to protecting the area from pirates, the party sees only briny saltmarshes, mazes of hummocks, and the occasional beach. It is obvious when they reach Blood Bay, though. As they approach a heavily-wooded, rocky outcropping the water noticeably changes color from the mostly blue-green of the ocean to a distinctly ruddy hue.

There are many stories behind the color of Blood Bay. Some old salts hold that the waves run scarlet with the blood of Gulrotha, a kraken too wounded by sailors to return to the open ocean. Others think it a pirate plot, the entire bay dyed red in an effort to scare the curious away from their underhanded dealings. Sages scoff at both ideas, claiming that the bay's unique coloring comes from the iron run off from the Hungry Fish River that then feeds the unusual algae blooms in the region.

Whatever the reason, the party continues to ride the winds and currents around the bay until they catch sight of what must be Kraken's Cove. Once again named for the legendary kraken Gulrotha, this cove is shrouded in mystery, both literally and figuratively. Barely visible as a dark patch among rocky cliffs. Any safe port here is walled off from the rest of the bay by a wide swath of reeks, rocks, and the occasional scuttled ship, their lead-tipped masts just inches below the waves in some places. Only sailors (pirates) who know the region or possess detailed charts date approach the cliffs here. The rough waters, frequent shark fin, and reputation leave the PCs feeling very nervous about making their way to the Cove directly from open water...

Perhaps fortunately, you can see a small, sandy beach several miles further north. No larger than a mile across, the approach looks much easier to navigate. The dense jungle and stony cliffs surrounding it may prove dangerous, though.

If you wish to make the most direct approach, it requires a dozen DC 30 Profession (Sailor) checks to wind through the maze of reefs and other obstacles. Failure by too much risks scuttling your little craft and forcing a swim through shark-infested waters.

Alternatively, you can land at the beach and approach the Cove by land, risking an encounter with wildlife along the way.

To make matters worse, or at least more urgent, you can see black smoke billowing up from several ships deep inside Kraken's Cove. It appears that things are not at all well inside the pirate hideout, and you remember that Vanthus Vanderboren has used ship-fires at least once before (to kill his parents). Has he struck again, this time at the Scarlet Brotherhood pirates using Kraken's Cove as a safe haven?


2022-09-12, 02:06 PM
Firi'Sar muddles along with something vaguely resembling competence, at best, following guidance amicably if not especially adeptly. He peers curiously at the water as it slowly fades from blue/green to red. "Even knowing it's coming, that's a bothersome sight," he murmurs, to no one in particular.

As they approach the cove, he notes the billowing, suspicious "clouds." "Huh," he grunts. "Vanthus up to his old tricks, you think? Either way, I don't care one whit for the idea of avoiding reefs I can't even see. Let's take the beach, just there." He points off the port side, eager to encourage his companions to avoid swimming in the bay.

2022-09-13, 04:59 AM


Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula lets his hand brush the reddish waters and stares at the rust hue. "THe kraken still lives " he offers before being distracted by the flames and smoke on the horizon. Looking at the bay with the mouth crammed full of sharp teeths of rocks he nods to Firi'Sar. "The beach, lest we rip the bottom out of this one. Those flames look fierce we can do nothing to help now anyway..."

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 37/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-09-13, 03:47 PM
"Fire is a sailor's worst nightmare," Cordelia laments as the party takes in the scene. "May their gods have mercy."

"All right, the beach definitely looks safest," she agrees, not liking the look of the underwater wrecks or circling sharks either. She goes forward and loosens off one of the lines connected to the jib sail to reduce power. "I'll finish taking this one in Tillandi, if you steer us towards the beach," she says.

2022-09-17, 05:45 PM
The unusual band of heroes beaches their little boat on the sandy outcropping and look around. A short hike later they climb some low sea-cliffs nearby and see that they're not too far from their goal, maybe an hour or two trek through the jungle. With Cordelia, Kitten, and Akula in the front they begin making their way south-south-east towards Kraken's Cove.

It doesn't take long for them to realize that something is very, very wrong. The jungle is quieter than it should be, except for sudden, isolated animal cries. Regardless of the animals, these sounds do not sound natural - instead they are tortured, savage, or panic-stricken. As the PCs walk further towards their goal they start to find brutally killed animals of all kinds and sizes - torn apart and killed, but not eaten, as if they were killed out of rage or insanity and left untouched once dead. The foliage looks wrong too, at least sporadically. While some of the plants look normal and healthy, about half look sickly or mutated with puss flowing from broken stems instead of sap. The game trails look normal, though there are strange, asymmetric tracks crisscrossing everywhere...

All of this leaves the party on edge, so when the sound of a band of...monkeys?...begins to approach they aren't surprised. However, when they see the first of the primates swoop in through the trees it's clear they aren't healthy. Boney protrusions, open sores, and sharp, irregular teeth make it clear that something [evil] has befallen this troop en masse. Of course, their obviously hostile attitude towards the PCs as they approach makes that clear too...

No one is surprised as you spot eight mutated monkeys frantically charging towards the party. Roll initiative and if you beat a 12 give me Round 1 actions, please.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5XV2KSNu_H2Ec_S-zqeWlup6dX5tEpeu_V4aGFmrQn8FmzwAIf6FnRzDIDcNT8UEdN RfXQN38_gppUXbxy_pDaxgC9Z1oM_5qo6OH1Eg1Q3D_uTNSjPe LezlQC3nEAK45egC9ckUlw=w2400

The arrows indicate the general direction that the party was going when the monkeys arrived on the scene.

2022-09-18, 02:12 PM
"Those poor monkeys," Cordelia laments, but only for a moment. When an animal is suffering there can be only one response.

"Stone call!" she casts, catching five of them in a shower of stones, and gesturing kitten in the direction of the other three. In a moment the leopard is up among them, biting down and attempting to tear the malformed monkey from the canopy.
Assume top row is 1.

Stone Call to catch the 5 to the north and east. 40ft radius centered on the corner of W/X 3/4. Should catch 5 monkeys whilst ending just short of the party. Anyone wanting to move that way will be in difficult terrain.
Difficult Terrain and [roll0] no save no spell resistance.

Kitten move and climb to L7. Bite [roll1] damage [roll2] plus trip [roll3]

Cordelia Beck (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377420)
F NG Human Druid//Sorcerer (Psychic), Level 4, Init 6, HP 21/21, DR -, Speed 30ft
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, CMD 17, Fort 5, Ref 4, Will 7, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3
Masterwork Leather Lamellar Armour, Masterwork Heavy Darkwood Shield (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16

Kitten (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377462)
F NG Small Cat (White Leopard) Animal Companion, Level 4, Init 5, HP 30/30, DR -, Speed 50ft/Climb/Swim
AC 18, Touch 15, Flat-footed 13, CMD 21, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 2, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 3
Bite R (1d6+3+trip, 20/x2)
Claws x2 R-2/R-2 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
(+5 Dex, +3 Deflect)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition None

2022-09-20, 10:09 PM
"Poor monkeys!?" Firi'Sar stammers, incredulously. He steps between Cordelia and the approaching troop, blade held in a low ready. He frowns thoughtfully for only a moment, taking quick measure of the trees and frantic simians. "This will do, I think," he murmurs, before an arcane word conjures a thick mass of webs between the creatures and the party.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 6/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 4/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

I see no numbers?

Cast web (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/web/) on the trio to the left. :smallcool: DC 17

2022-09-24, 05:25 PM
The battle with the cultists over, Tillandi nearly immediately realizes something is wrong (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25538101&postcount=186). About a minute after being bitten (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25538001&postcount=531) her skin suddenly breaks out in a terrible black rash. At the same time bony protrusions painfully break out at each of the rash sites! It's clear this isn't a natural disease, as her head is also wracked with immediate and distracting pain (1d6 Intelligence damage, can be rolled retroactively and managed as noted below).

A quick effort to hide the effects from the PCs' patronesses allows her to finish the conversations without the disease being a distraction, but it's clear this must be addressed, now! (The other PCs have noticed the impact of the disease and can aid if they have resources/abilities).

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0y2yE4sQb3UAGzR_GnNL-VCVG5cEeX7uG5GFjAgHBbflTRzjAWRZzRbMDgGwLMpdwG29DSU vpt9ESjW89AAGn_8hZmdkEdcmE8aZUgW_UuF3uZBHHPCVQZpLP a1hBn1Fy5a3Ue-GVw=w2400
Cordelia casts Stone Call, damaging five monkeys and making lots of rough terrain.
Kitten moves, climbs a tree, and misses a monkey.
Firi'Sar tries to Web three monkeys: only one passes the saving throw. The other two become grappled.

Monkeys: the five in the Stone Call advance towards the nearest PCs (Firi'Sar and Akula). Two bite at each PC (the last one cannot get there fast enough). Each PC is bitten once (both take 1 damage) and must save vs. Disease, DC 12 Fortitude to resist.

The two grappled monkeys try to get free - the one deepest in the web succeeds and moves towards Firi'Sar.
The un-grappled monkey bites at Kitten and connects, dealing 1 damage and threatening disease, DC 12 Fortitude to resist.
The party preemptively attacks and hinders the charging troop with stone, web, and claw. Some damage is done and several are slowed, but they still swarm towards the PCs, with several making it to melee! Akula, Firi'Sar, and Kitten all receive a bite from the misshapen primates as they get close enough!

Please address the "quoted" portion simultaneously in a quote/flashback. The disease Tillandi contracted is important to the story and I meant to address it before moving on. Handling it this way we can address the disease with the full breadth of resources of both the party and Sasserine, prior to the party leaving town. This also allows you to buy supplies to deal with disease, if you like, prior to leaving Sasserine. If any of this instruction is confusing, ask me about it in Discord, please.

I need saving throws from Akula, Firi'Sar, and Kitten to avoid contracting a disease! /insert-"Duh-duh-duh!"

Begin round 2!

2022-09-24, 06:17 PM
Tillandi headed to one of the higher ups in her church and explained that she had been clearing out some undead and demons, but she had been bitten by one of them and apparently had caught something nasty and if he or someone else could call on Procan to remove said nasty disease.

She would also cast a lesser restoration to deal with the symptoms.

And when they were asked to go into the jungle, she requested a scroll of remove disease, just to be sure

int loss: [roll0]
lesser restoration: [roll1]
I'll remove 375gp for the scroll if approved.

As soon as the monkeys attacked, Tillandi moved to support Fri'Sar. She was sure Akula could handle himself in combat, but Fri'Sar wasn't a primary combatter.

move to O22
attack: [roll2] for damage: [roll3]

2022-09-25, 09:44 PM
"Gah! Blasted vile primates!" Firi'Sar complains, more annoyed than hurt. He lashes out with his blade at the nearest injured monkey, careful to keep them in the uneasy terrain.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 24/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 6/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 4/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

fort DC 12: [roll0]. I'm prepared to use inspiration on this, if the result is 9-11: [roll1]]

[roll2] rapier
[roll3] CC (27, x2)
[roll4] damage
[roll5] crit bonus

2022-09-27, 05:57 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula is slow to respond as the monkeys leapt at them all, grunting as his leg and arm are nibbled lightly. "Ah, get away you little beast" he snarls as he tries to stamp on their tony monkey heads.

flurry on monkeys
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-10-01, 07:41 AM
"Entangle!" Cordelia commands, catching the original five monkeys in a suddenly writhing mass of undergrowth.

Meanwhile Kitten doesn't feel to good, but does her best to eviscerate the creatures in front of her nevertheless.

Entangle Reflex DC14 or entangled, same area as Stone Call

Kitten Full attack
Bite damage [roll1] plus trip [roll] 1d20+6
Claw [roll2] damage [roll3]
Claw [roll4] damage [roll5]

2022-10-12, 11:34 AM

Imagine this in BLUE and Teal instead of red, please. Maybe if RCgothic feels like using some graphic-editing software we can get a better picture for this NPC...? :smallbiggrin:
Tillandi leads the party to the Azure Cathedral, the citadel containing the three (often competing) sea-faiths of Osprem, Procan, and Xerbo. Tillandi knows that, though the three faiths share a building, it is wisest for her to approach the high priest of the Cathedral, Belrain Daskeral, first. As a fellow worshiper of Procan he is the most likely to help her without argument. The man is often soft-spoken, at least in public, and relies on his twelve acolytes to handle much of the daily work around the temple. However, when an insult to his god or disrespect is shown to the sea his temper has been known to literally sink ships...

As she is led to the mercurial old cleric Tillandi notes the disgust and shock directed at her boney, diseased wounds. "By the Storm Lord's beard! What has happened to you, Sea-Daughter? These sores - they're not natural!" says the old man, momentarily surprised by the sight of Tillandi and her obviously-otherworldly illness. "Luromey - go get the large crate with the coral-pink trident from the vault. The one resting in blessed sea water, quickly boy!" he says as his speech grows quieter and he inspects the wounds. Sea-Father Daskeral looks at Tillandi, obviously expecting an explanation...

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Hw7KW2fbwUc5Zf71EIX3PtC6Dz5wFSOZj_inzd23_YmuswvCPW PI-ycn25tVa1inc3mvGBcVymb5pQZm9Xc_9kCasBmgqx3J7rj0GtZ 6Y72HTu5cwIp7KB2QDL12s2dXnVBg8Rnow=w2400
Tillandi moves and hits one of the monkeys, dealing some damage but not as much as she would expect (damage reduction).
Akula misses twice.
Firi'Sar hits once, also dealing damage but not overcoming DR.
Kitten bites and overcomes DR a little, but does not trip.
Cordelia casts Entangle on the five most-injured monkeys. They all initially pass their saves, but two fail at the end of their turn, taking damage each.

Two monkey bites at Kitten - one hits for another 1 damage. No saving throw needed, since Kitten is already sick.
One monkey misses Tillandi.
Two monkeys bite at Firi'Sar - both miss.
Three monkeys bite at Akula - he takes two hits for a total of 2 damage and must make saving throws as before.
As the monkeys battered by Cordelia's first spell get to melee the party notes their wounds - apparently fatal, though they haven't collapsed yet. The boney protrusions and insane frenzy remind the party of the mutants you fought below the Kellani manor. The PCs wonder how else these monkey-mutants might be similar...

Neither side of the battle make enormous strides, as the monkeys deal minor damage to Akula and Kitten with their bites. Tillandi, Firi'Sar, and Kitten each connect with their attacks, though none deal the damage they would expect. Cordelia's effort to entangle the monkeys has mixed results - at first it slows down none of them, but after the mutant-monkeys attack two find themselves lashed by spiked, thorny, mutant vines!

Two more saving throws from Akula, as before, please.

Begin round 3!

2022-10-12, 12:16 PM
"That's a second reason to come here," Tillandi said, "I have not yet enough power to cure diseases myself, but I was hoping to get a scroll or more to counter such should we encounter it again."
She then described the demons they had encountered.

Even though the monkeys sprayed acid, she didn't really have any long-range attack spells, so she kept chopping at the monkey, hoping to take it down this round.

attack: 1d20+8 for damage: 1d8+4

2022-10-12, 06:14 PM
Kitten continues to tear at the more-injured of the two monkeys she faces, whilst Cordelia begins to cast Enlarge Person on Akula.

Bite [roll0] damage [roll1] plus trip [roll2]
Claw [roll3] damage [roll4]
Claw [roll5] damage [roll6]

Cordelia begins to cast Enlarge Person on Akula

2022-10-14, 09:18 PM
"What in the nine hells is this?!" Firi'Sar blurts, surprised by the severity of the monkey's injuries. "They must be undead, or like it!"

He steps away from most of the monkeys, keeping his blade carefully raised between him and the nearest. With his other hand, he begins the necessary gestures, in an attempt to cover the area in front of him in unsteadying grease.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 24/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 6/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 4/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

IF I CAN use opportune parry and riposte against an attack of opportunity while casting a spell, I will 5-foot step south and cast grease under the trio nearest me, trusting my AC and parry to keep me safe and get the spell off:
[roll0] parry attempt

[roll1] riposte
[roll2] CC (27+, x2)
[roll3] damage
[roll4] crit bonus

IF I CAN'T, 5-foot step and attempt to cast defensively, doing largely the same.
[roll5] vs DC 17 else lose the spell.

Use the parry & riposte regardless, if/when an attack comes

2022-10-18, 12:01 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula snarls angrily as the monkeys leap and snarl around him, two of them leaving tiny scratches on his leg before he spins round to trying to crush them. "Strange beasts, what has happened to them" he bellows looking at Firi'Sar

flurry on monkeys
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-10-21, 02:41 PM
"Indeed...I think I can cure you here, but this disease is not familiar to me. Describe the demons you fought - did you recognize them? Especially the ones who spread this disease. If you see anything like them again, you need to be ready to counter this plague before it gets out of hand..."

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rihD63dJ090VAFXjmvr_xefAL5bDGde7eraRwPjtlmz4GaqXdI xvKLw6aai_2vIUYEgiZoQyEMm7Y66gJUDTS1abErqFO9J2x5J9 uFybPnFY1MPeuGgqX5y1v56A4LGb1McmNqEJLQ=w2400

The red outline is Firi'Sar's Grease spell. The black outline w/orange fill is the acid pool left behind by the dead monkey.
Tillandi 5-ft steps and stabs a monkey to what would normally be disabled.
Kitten misses with all of her attacks.
Cordelia begins casting Enlarge Person on Akula.
One monkey falls - the other passes its saving throw.
Firi'Sar takes a 5-ft step and casts Grease. The monkey's AoO is parried and Firi'Sar stabbed it.
Akula flurries the monkey who attacked Firi'Sar, killing it outright.

The killed monkey makes one last snapping-bite attack during its death throes before exploding in a spray of acid. Firi'Sar and Akula need DC 15 Reflex saves to avoid taking 5 acid damage. It also leaves a puddle of acid, sizzling as it eats away at the vegetation in the spot.

The remaining monkeys move (if necessary) and attack!
Two on Kitten - both bites miss.
One on Tillandi - miss.
The prone monkey stands and moves adjacent to Firi'Sar and Akula. The Grease is effectively difficult terrain, so it cannot 5-ft step, so it gets no attack this round.
The other monkey moves and attacks Firi'Sar - miss.
The party has a (mostly) good round, as none of them are bitten by the attacking simians. However, when Firi'Sar and Akula kill one monkey it snaps at the Darfellan and then bursts in a spray of acid at the two men adjacent. Tillandi connects with her attacked as Cordelia begins enlarging Akula and his deadly fists. Kitten can't get a handle on any of the monkeys next to her.

Firi'Sar spent a Panache Point when he used Opportune Parry and Riposte.

I need a DC 15 Reflex save from Firi'Sar and Akula or they take 5 acid damage.

Unfortunately, all Firi'Sar can recognize from his Knowledge (Nature) check is that these were natural monkeys once, but have recently mutated violently (and painfully) and are now mad with anguish, rage, and bloodlust.

Begin round 4!

2022-10-21, 10:01 PM
Firi'Sar dodges nimbly, fully aware that his life might well hinge on it. With the opening given, he steps away from the front line and conjures a magical bolt of force.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 24/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 5/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 4/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

5-foot step south and magic missile the most obviously hurt mono
[roll0] damage

2022-10-23, 12:25 PM
"That's a second reason to come here," Tillandi said, "I have not yet enough power to cure diseases myself, but I was hoping to get a scroll or more to counter such should we encounter it again."
She then described the demons they had encountered.

Even though the monkeys sprayed acid, she didn't really have any long-range attack spells, so she kept chopping at the monkey, hoping to take it down this round.

attack: [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

2022-10-24, 02:58 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula jupms backwards as the acid splashes as he shout in alarm. "Beware, they explode when they die, keep your distance!" he moves away, pulling his harpoon and hurling it at one of the monkey planning to use the rope to pull it back to him afterwards.

5ft Step to Q24
Draw Harpoon
Throw at monkey S23 Dam [roll1d8+6

Reflex save vs the acid monkey [roll1]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-10-29, 06:09 PM
Cordelia finishes casting Enlarge Person on Akula, and Kitten tears into the two monkeys she's fighting, starting with the more-injured of the two. Cordelia no action this turn - saving spells.

Kitten Full Attack Bite [roll0] damage [roll1] trip [roll2]
[roll3] damage [roll4]
[roll5] damage [roll6]

2022-10-29, 09:07 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/dVeaSP0ES-dZO2IAogBesGX8cqoGXvVznFGDRfw4KcIlYadliw-eDzE2O-zJ0d8KLjDu9-aMa7ZeYWn8evgKcuX3be76ze76pDpF88eEV1QSEuaXOJj6QGjw Z6-FzDRJK763etFaYg=w2400

The red outline is Firi'Sar's Grease spell. The black outlines w/orange fill are the acid pools left behind by the dead monkeys.
Cordelia takes a 5-ft step (not included in post, but I'm confident RCGothic would prefer it) and takes Full Defense.
Kitten trips a monkey (but doesn't deal damage).
Firi'Sar 5-ft steps back and casts Magic Missile, killing a monkey.
Akula gets enlarged, 5-ft steps, and throws a harpoon, killing another monkey.
Tillandi attacks, dealing 7 damage to a monkey.

The two dying monkeys make bite attacks at other monkeys - it appears their mad death throes include them lashing out at something, even if it is an "ally." Neither bite connects, though. Each dying monkey then explodes, but all the PCs are too far away to be hit with acid splashing from their deaths.

The remaining monkeys all move in (if necessary) and attack some more.
Two attack Akula - one hits, dealing 2 damage and exposing him to its disease. As he's already contracted it, there is no additional impact.
One attacks Tillandi - miss.
Two attack Kitten - none hit, as they struggle with the entangle and starting the turn prone.
As the explosive nature of the mutated-monkey death throes becomes apparent the party largely backs off, trying to attack from range when they can. Kitten trips a monkey and dodges two bites as the simians struggle in the grasping vines and grasses. Tillandi attacks, not killing her monkey but connecting solidly.

Both Firi'Sar and the now-ogre-sized Akula kill monkeys, each with ranged efforts. The elf uses a spell evoking magical force while the Darfellan spears another with an enlarged harpoon! The two apes lash out at their fellows with snapping jaws and acid explosions, but don't hurt the PCs at all as they leave puddles of acid sizzling behind.

The remaining five monkeys continue to grapple and bite at the party. Only Akula takes a bite this round, though.

@DrK - please note Akula's Enlarge Person effect on your stats until it expires. Thanks!

Begin round 5!

2022-10-31, 12:09 PM
"Make space!" Firi'Sar barks, eyeing the remaining monsters. After a moment, he chooses a target- the most apparently injured simian, and unleashes another blast of arcane force.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 24/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 5/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 3/5 (4 if no use this turn?)
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Move action to identify the most injured enemy: [roll0] perception

Another magic Missile [roll1] damage
RELEVANT QUESTION (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25623161&postcount=231)
I'm going to deduct the point assuming you're OK with it.

2022-10-31, 01:20 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula bellos happily as he expands to a towering 12ft tall giant, over reaching all of the others around him. Stepping back he goes to stamp on the nearby monkeys seeking to crush them.

5ft backwards
Stemp (flurry) on the monkeys to the North with power attack
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-10-31, 04:33 PM
Tillandi was getting fed up with this thing. Normally it would have been down for some time by now, but these were not normal monkeys. Well, normally they didn't attack, so that was a first problem. She tried to stab it again to take it out.

attack: [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

2022-10-31, 05:14 PM
Alarmed by the monkey shrugging off her attacks, Kitten goes defensive.

Cordelia too holds back her spells. If these things are going to be defeated, it's going to have to be by someone who can hit harder.

Total defence, both

2022-11-01, 12:35 AM
"Well, I'm sure you recognized the quasit and the dretches from your studies. The worm wearing a man's skin was a Vermlek - nasty bit of work, those. They've as much in common with ghouls as other demons. Since it got away I will have someone look into the graveyards in town...Vermleks sometimes replace gravediggers and desecrate the recent dead with their unholy appetites!" exclaims Sea-Father Daskeral in obvious disgust. "Much better to die at sea and be given back to the waters, if you ask me...but the diseased ones with the swords, they don't sound like any demons I know. Could they be victims of the disease they carry? You said they had bony spurs and misshapen limbs, right? Well, you're growing a spur right there..." he says seriously, gently pointing to a painful sore with a growth bursting through Tillandi's skin.

"If these mutants were once humans, then we must get you healed at once! Then we will need to be preparing for this disease to spread, just in case. You will have as many scrolls as you need - I will demand the other priests help this evening with the scribing. How many can you afford now, and do you think you will need to buy some on credit, Sister?"

(You can purchase as many scrolls to fight disease as you want prior to leaving, including getting a reasonable amount on credit from the Cathedral, if desired.)
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QUulMoNzOKhjHP2IKKGKZAPugJ3DgSnS4aQX8JGpQRrKboG-dkOboIehM7RsXgVrA8qIP3ldgPjGpMz2Un1JLDYu2qUVCSTWcA aozDxSUYC8xc45grkvUUg0BCEBT0kvUdcm1ztllg=w2400

The red outline is Firi'Sar's Grease spell. The black outlines w/orange fill are the acid pools left behind by the dead monkeys.
Akula kills another with his unarmed strike after taking a 5-ft step.
Firi'Sar casts Magic Missile again, killing one of the two monkeys near Akula.
Tillandi stabs her monkey with her trident, killing it.
Both Kitten and Cordelia take Full Defense for their actions.

Tillandi is adjacent when her monkey dies - during it's death throes it bites at her (missing) and then explodes. To avoid taking 4 acid damage she needs to pass a DC 15 Reflex save.

Both the monkeys attacking Kitten miss.
The party's efforts finally seem to be paying off, as three of the savage simians die explosively this round to Firi'Sar's magic, Akula's fists, and Tillandi's trident. Only Tillandi is close to any when they do, putting her at risk of acid splashing on her as the foe dissolves into a hissing puddle at her feet.

The last two monkeys maintain their mindlessly focused attack on Kitten, in spite of the absurdity of the idea that two monkeys would lash out at one of their natural predators like this. Neither connects with the cat as Kitten dutifully holds her ground.

Farothel, please place use Mythweavers to place a current status statblock of Tillandi in your posts - it saves me time when looking for her stats. I also need a DC 15 Reflex save from her to avoid taking 4 acid damage.

Nice tactics this round! Begin round 6!

2022-11-01, 08:23 PM
"Dee! Can you bring her back? Akula, get in there!" Firi'Sar prowls carefully to the side, making space for his enlarged companion even as he hopes for an opening. When Kitten makes one, he unleashes another trio of arcane bolts.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 24/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 5/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Move to the left to clear a path for Akula to charge?

Another boosted magic Missile [roll0] damage

2022-11-02, 03:28 PM
"I can buy two, but I have no more funds," Tillandi said, "Maybe the rest of the group can scrounge together some more, but I'm not sure as they have their own expenses. And I'm the only one who can even attempt to use them."

I have 1 and I have 500 something gp left, so that's 1 more as they cost 375 gp each, unless I get them at cost, which probably is less (I never play crafters, so I'm not familiar with the crafting rules)

Forewarned, Tillandi managed to jump away when the monkey exploded, before taking a step and helping Kitten dispose of the left over monkeys.

reflex save: [roll0]
step to N20
attack monkey on M20: [roll1] for damage: [roll2]

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12

2022-11-05, 02:34 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

As the monkey is stamped upon by his massive boot Akula grins again and then spins to see kitten under attack. Hearing Firi'Sar he nods, "Cordelia, get out of the way." he shouts to the young woman readying a massive running flying kick at the monkeys as Tillandi slashes at one and more missiles of pure magic streak from Firi'Sar.

Wait till Cordelia moves out the way
Charge up to attack a monkey using 10ft reach [roll0] dam [roll1]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-11-05, 02:22 PM
"I will cast a spell to cure your infection personally and you can have as many as you can afford - at cost. I'm afraid we can't just give you more, so be careful. Do you need restoration (https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Restoration,%20Lesser) too? Many diseases weaken your faculties - by now you can pray for this blessing yourself, right?" asks Daskeral as he moves to invoke healing magic on Tillandi gently. It's clear he is concerned, but can only afford to help so far. "Wish I could do more, but the other sea-faiths demand some concessions from us. Maintaining the peace around here is difficult at times..." he grumbles with an annoyed look at the other wings of the Azure Cathedral and the (other) faithful worshippers there.
With Kitten and Cordelia making way for Akula and Firi'Sar to attack the party has no difficulty killing the remaining two monkeys. The PCs avoid the mutated primates' death throes and explosions, taking only incidental damage for the rest of the fight.

Combat ends with at least Kitten and Akula suffering from the unnatural disease the monkeys carried. Has anyone else failed a Fortitude save and contracted the disease?
As magic force missiles and an oversized Darfellan begins stomping on them the two remaining mutated/diseased simians fall and explode into acid puddles. The jungle is suddenly slightly quieter as their insane whooping ends and the party catches their breaths...

(End of combat)

...only for about a minute later both Akula and Kitten to suffer the first symptoms of "Savage Fever." Both of them writhe in pain as their flesh breaks out in a terrible black rash, complete with short, bony protrusions in the effected areas. At the same time they have skull-splitting headaches as with a sharp, piercing agony they take 1d6 Intelligence damage.

If Kitten's Intelligence reaches 0 from this damage she will fall comatose immediately. If the "0" Intelligence score is not addressed she won't wake up as an animal companion, so I recommend doing something about that if at all possible.
How does the party handle things immediately? Please go about healing injuries and addressing disease now. The party can purchase scrolls and/or potions from the Azure Cathedral at cost, and I recommend being prepared to deal with the Savage Fever that literally plagues this area...

I will move the story along so you don't have to wait on me for more.

After binding their wounds and treating the symptoms of Savage Fever the party begins walking again, now a bit more cautious as they go. The jungle has taken on a much more sinister look - gone are the beautiful flowers and birds of paradise they expected to see. In their place are spiney, oozing growths on the plants. No more animals approach or are seen - they have all either fled or are hiding from the violent insanity that plagued the late-monkey troop. It's quite a sobering thing to see.

The party reaches a set of cliffs overlooking Kraken's Cove about thirty minutes later and are greeted with a horrific sight. In the sheltered cove below an inferno rages atop the water. Several ships, including a two-masted caravel, a sizeable frigate, a long barge, and what might have once been a schooner are all ablaze. Up against the beach a three-master caravel seems to have escaped the fire - for now. A shiny slick on the surface of the water itself burns as well, creating a wall of wood and flame. The heat rises in searing sheets and the roar of the flaming maelstrom mixed with the crashing surf masks any other sounds that might be issuing up from below. Through periodic gaps in the smoke, however, movement on the beach is visible...something still lives in the inferno below...

There look to be three ways down. The cliffs that surround the cove are sheer but feature numerous handholds. These cliffs are about forty feet high and can be navigated with DC 15 Climb checks. The second route is a rickety-looking wooden walkway descending from the eastern cliff, over the shallow bay water, and down to the beach below. The fire has not yet reached the walkway, but it doesn't look like it has been used in some time and the ships on fire are close enough to make the heat uncomfortable. The last option is a cliff-dive into the bay-waters below. Akula can see that the water looks to be about twenty feet deep below the cliff, a relatively safe dive...if the party can avoid the fiery oil slick and burning detritus floating between this point and the beach.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/YTWz-u7PEAq0zDb4tcOqhVoYxS56TdLffBQwpgf_KIXR-GSFtKRhjd4fez4RWm3Xru8hDXe3o24TaDmP0xC_RYmbdWP3e9X Ow5t-eSh_vjIaJ3nwJuFtxRg5nNCMdTrW9xh1PBYZGg=w2400

The cliffs you can climb are around the top-left of the map, going from left to right to the beach. The walkway is from C55 up and right to E42. Cliff-diving would essentially take place slightly below the map with a swim up from there.
My descriptions cover the obvious stuff - there is more you can learn (most of the time, this isn't unique) with directed Perception checks. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask!

2022-11-06, 12:59 PM
"I understand, sir," Tillandi said, "I can get about five now and I'll check with my party members to see if we can some more. And yes, I can cast some restoration."

She will check with the others to see if they had some money to buy more scrolls.

"Interesting," Tillandi said, "and we're clearly on the right way as we see the same type of stuff as we saw in the city. Now, everybody gather here."
With everybody around her, she quickly cast a channel energy to heal everybody at once. And when the disease started, she grabbed her supply of scrolls and started casting to halt the disease before it could spread further. As Kitten had fallen unconscious and she knew from her own case that this was probably due to weakened faculties. So she added a restoration spell. Unfortunately she had only prepared one, so Akula would have to wait. She had some problems getting the spell cast on Akula, but a second try did work as it should and the diseases should be gone.

===at the cove===

"Oh ****," Tillandi said when she saw the ships burning, "we have to get down quickly. As far as I can see we can either use our ropes to climb down or use the walkway. I think I can make it down the walkway fairly quickly. Swimming is not an option for me with my armour I think."

channel energy: [roll0] for everybody within 30ft (which should be everybody)

scroll on Kitten: caster level check: [roll1] (DC 6)
scroll on Akula: caster level check: [roll2] (DC 6)

lesser restoration on Kitten: [roll3] int restored

Perception in OOC topic.

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12

2022-11-08, 01:32 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula shouts and drops to the ground crying out in pain as the savage fever hits him, pain shooting through his body as he curls up in foetal position on the muddy ground, hands clenched trying not lash out at his allies and friends. As Tilandi uses the scroll to remove the burning fever he relaxes slightly, his mind still burning and eyes blurred from the stabbing headache that sends daggers of pain in his skull.

Slowly rising he nods to Tilandi, "Wise to purchase those scrolls, certainly something that has saved my life. Know that I owe you"

As they reach the cliff edge he looks at the walkway and the cliffs, "I have much rope" he says, patting the 100ft of coiled silk rope atop his back, "Shall I lower each of you down to the walkway or the beach? I can then dive into the water. I've done cliff diving since I was but a boy and can swim well."

Int Damage [roll0]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-11-08, 12:10 PM
Firi'Sar watches with empathy as Akula and Kitten suffer the immediate effects of their infection. "If this is going to be a regular occurrence, we may be glad to have these scrolls," he muses, as Cordeila and Akula tend the injuries. He whistles tunelessly as they travel the rest of the way to the cove, surveying the wreckage left by the disease with an impassive, keen gaze.

At the sight of the still-raging blaze, the Elf's eyes widen. "We better get down there! That's a good idea, Akula!" Firi'Sar responds to his friend. "Don't take any chances until we're back together on the shore, though!" Without further discussion, he hurries forward, retrieving a vial from his waistband. As soon as the rope is bound, he begins to climb, taking care use the rope more than the handholds.

Climb check(s): [roll0] Each success (at +2 vs DC 5?) should get Firi'Sar roughly 7.5 feet closer to the bottom. It'll take at least 6 rounds to get down- more if he fails one or two of the checks.

Assuming he reaches the bottom unmolested (crosses fingers), he'll first look for a place to hide. [roll1] stealth, and retrieve his shield of faith potion. (Held in off-hand, for now)

2022-11-08, 03:13 PM
Tillandi looks at the climb and then at the walkway.
"I'll go over that," she said, pointing to the walkway, "I'm not really a good climber, especially with my armour, but I can walk on narrow ledges much easier. Don't go on it until I'm down, okay, as I'm not sure it will hold more than one person."
Slowly and carefully she will walk down over the walkway.

walk (athletics): [roll0]

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12

2022-11-09, 01:10 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks at the others and unwinds the rope happy to tie it around anyones waist and lowers them down to the edge of the beach for them to avoid the need for climbing down the cliff. That done he looks down over the edge to see how best he should get down before tieing the rope to a tree and climbing down the cliff to join the others

Lower the others down and then take 10 to climb down

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-11-09, 01:57 AM
The PCs all begin making their ways down to the beach, with several of them climbing/rappelling down and Tillandi taking a stroll along the walkway.

Immediately Tillandi sees that the pirates who have used Kraken's Cove must not be using this walkway anymore - it is slick, in poor repair, and with a rather dizzying drop off the side into the water. Still, she begins making her way down easily enough, one arm on the cliff wall for balance and watching her steps carefully. Luckily for her the other PCs call out as they see the largest of the burning ships come loose from its mooring and begin drifting towards the walkway! With the ship still on fire and moving somewhat quickly, Tillandi realizes that she needs to move fast and does so, making it to the beach in just enough time to dodge out of the way and avoid the entire walkway collapsing.

(Tillandi's Acrobatics check and move speed are enough to get all the way down quickly solo. Had more than one PC tried, or had anyone been going slower the event described above could have been much worse...)

With the way back limited to just a rope-assisted climb, the party looks towards Kraken's Cove (the pirate hideout/caves, not the water) as they try to get a feel for where to begin...

The smuggler's caves in Kraken's Cover are the brainchild of a retired pirate named Kigante Valeros. He discovered the caves about two decades ago and saw an opportunity. The Crimson Fleet needed a place to stage their many illicit operations in the area, as their homeport of Scuttlecove is too far south to manage it. Valeros took a small group of smugglers and guards and began to provide aid to visiting pirates and safeguarded the hideout when it wasn't in use.
The cave walls look to be smooth, wet stone with many small stalactites all around. The tunnels look tall - about ten feet high - and the floors look to be well-cleared of tripping hazards like stalagmites. There is sand spread throughout the entire area, leaving an even floor for the most part. There are cheap hooded lanterns hanging from hooks in the walls periodically - these are still burning steadily.

However, there are many signs that all is not well here. First are the sounds - a veritable symphony of howls, shrieks, maniacal laughter, clanging of metal on metal, and other discordant sounds ring in the air. It sounds like an insane asylum where the prisoners are running things. It is difficult to tell where all the noise is coming from, with the cave walls causing echoes and masking the source of sounds and the constant noise of fires burning onboard the ships in the harbor.

The second sign that things are not well are the swaths of blood and ragged body parts strewn across the beach testifying to a terrible and recent battle upon the sands here. Broken crates and bamboo cages litter the area, blood and bits of bone sprayed across bolts of silk and cracked barrels of ambergris seeping into the coarse, rocky sand. A number of mangled corpses, each stripped nearly clean of flesh and bones cracked open, lie strewn about the beach. The casualties are staggering, with a quick count putting the dead at nearly twenty.

A thorough search of this area could take a while, but if you wish to perform such a survey you can. Describe your actions, including mechanical checks and how far from your locations you move, and I will go from there. You can also approach any of the cave entrances, try to check out the ships, or even swim in the water some. As this area was a pirate hideout, it's likely that there is stuff of interest (treasure) most everywhere...

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/i5ZZd2aw4MVQiOKRecCFwywUB2aZbCdB8CG21lFku6xRlR5AQC k5KC_KXmK4fR3pTZx6GsdAYbIhHNyvLKkdYL5cefBRPLV-yOAwUOwfXFeN8sIgKdbdCSxDgVs1ASSynfC8JTmoDQ=w2400

The beach is fifty-feet-wide and separates the burning waters of Kraken's Cover from the cliffs to the north. A ten-foot-wide cave opens at the base of the cliff to the northwest, while to the northeast several planks provide a crude bridge across a tide pool to a second, smaller cave entrance.

Please note that the walkway has collapsed and one of the ships is now listing against the cliff walls where the walkway was. The beach is not very clear, but the sand is well-packed and in spite of the mess not difficult terrain or anything.

2022-11-09, 01:07 PM
"That was close," Tillandi said, "and who or what is making that ruckus. At least now I don't have to worry about making noise. Nobody will hear us with that noise."
She moved carefully closer to the main cavern entrance to see (or hear) if she could get a better idea of what is in the caves.

perception: [roll0]

2022-11-09, 03:27 PM
"Safely" on the shore, Firi'Sar immediately casts his eyes to the wreckage, primarily concerned for living (or not) threats. He then prowls quickly to the nearest cave opening (I/36), and peers cautiously inside.
[roll0] perception.

"One slight blessing that," he murmurs to Tillandi as he tries to help figure out what exactly is going on.

2022-11-12, 09:51 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula claps Tilandi on the shoulder, “lucky, you did well there. Maybe the rope next time?” Looking at the slaughtered remains he shakes his head. “This doesn’t bode well, do you think this could be related to the savage fever the monkeys had?”

Looking at the wreckage in the water he nods and starts to wade out, ”keep an eye on the cave, I’ll check the sea bed and the wreck.” if they agree he splashes into the surf throwing out his sense onto the deck and above water bits of the wreck and then diving underwater clicking and hissing as he uses his echolocation to search the sunken wrecks

Survival for tracks [roll0]
Search the shore [roll1]
Sift the burning ship perception [roll2]

Swim in the shores and the wreckage, take 10 swim = 26
Underwater perception [roll3]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-11-15, 06:11 PM
"Why is there no-one outside?" Cordelia wonders aloud. "Have more of those infected creatures driven them all inside?" She wanders over to the nearest wreck with kitten to peer inside.

2022-11-16, 01:27 AM
The party keeps in sight of each other (mostly) as they look around the beach for signs of what happened. The first conclusion everyone comes to is that the vicious battle that took place here was between pirates and other pirates - there are no signs of monsters or invaders. Instead you find pirate bodies in all conditions - some broken by what you are beginning to recognize as the Savage Fever and warped into mutants, others broken and partially eaten (presumably by the savage pirates), and still others who died of weapon damage. It is a mess of chaos and butchery.

Second, the fight looks to have happened recently, within the last several hours. Nothing has had time to decay, though the flies have begun to swarm, especially around the larger groups of the dead. Based on the condition of the burning ships and the still-filled oil lamps, it seems that if you had been here as early as this morning that you might have seen it firsthand for yourselves. If Vanthus Vanderboren is involved with this - and you have no reason to believe he isn't, given the ship fires and his history - then he has brought ruin to this place, somehow.

As they search Tillandi and Firi'Sar both find some valuable goods that somehow avoided the worst of the disaster. Tillandi finds a large leather satchel of saffron, worth about 600 GP by her estimate, amongst some broken crates and ruined pallets. These look to have been staged for loading on one of the ships burning in the harbor. Firi'Sar finds a crate of fine chine and silverware, likely worth about 200 GP, in a similar collection nearer the caves.

In the water Akula finds something strange, though. About forty feet from shore is a large circular area completely devoid of life. Akula is familiar with the ocean in this area, and the warm, temperate waters tend to be teeming with life - seaweed, urchins, coral, etc... - even if there aren't any fish to be found. Instead of living creatures at this spot all he finds are five jagged chunks of what looks to have been a fist-sized black pearl. The parts may be worth something, even with the gemstone itself being ruined.

Akula gathers the pieces and makes his way back to the shore just as Cordelia and Kitten - who haven't found anything particularly noteworthy - notice two savage pirates skulking near the cave entrance where Firi'Sar has been searching. They raise the alarm as the pair move towards the elf with snapping, oversized jaws!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/brdq9VMNt9gnBG7vUUtAJ5NdghRxSt2det35ACxL7CKtdc2yW_ W1rOostp7S6g9Epgcaka69bdQzCaNXksm4-YlDuIgAIFGV6cZxAYAVm2jBI0rXYtIfhg3ybxL8SsBPW9SIpnF QMQ=w2400

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/sfyvFHt708l0o9vUzz2elywwAEZ0Aqt4kfH2VnxJPDdR4DsqJX fD-fXyvTpMMVWw6z5KTghrzzLagzK0vnmlmwod0HXVFVHXq82HC7L hSsl6_-qxZQzv7L5bYGFcqahFnVs7NWW16w=w2400
Roll Initiative! If you beat a 16 you can act in Round 1 before the savage pirates. No one is surprised - they were looking for more to eat, and you saw them coming.

2022-11-16, 05:23 PM
Firi'Sar isn't the slightest bit surprise when the monstrous... humanoids begin plodding forward. Without missing a beat, he calls back. "Got 'em! About to get fun over here!" He begins stepping slowly away, performing a new (to his companions) arcane ritual. A moment later, his nose extends, even as his frame decreases rapidly. In only an instant, short, coarse whiskers erupt from the tip of his newly-pointed snout, and a murine biped scampers backwards where Firi'Sar previously stood.

As he mocks the monsters, a surprisingly familiar voice calls out. "Let's dance, uglies!"

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 15, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 5/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Cast Alter self to Ratfolk form. Immediately relevant details: small size, +2 dex, 60' dark vision, and scent. I believe the size and dex are included above.

Move to J/39

2022-11-23, 01:52 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula emerges from the water clutching the strange fragments of the pearl and is about to shout to Firi’Sar and the others when the pirates emerge. “Ware the teeth!” he shouts to the others as he starts to splash out of the surf harpoon in hand. Glass shards dropped onto the beach for later.
He strides forward focusing on the nearest one

Move to H40 drawing harpoon
Studied target on J8

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (5/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-11-29, 04:26 AM
"Kitten, stay close," Cordelia commands, worried about her companion's ability to sustain sickening injuries from these creatures. Instead she reaches out with her mind to probe the mutants' psychic defences.

Psychic Strike WILL DC15 or [roll0] damage and shaken.

2022-11-29, 10:02 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AL9nZEXgsi-tosDFNS8-LKwUsRnA82DMw6GJOL-SjYnW9xF6hTVbF11-Mgcd1nZL-FXRpaiZEAGGlS_JFWTNaKUq1F6AIU1Oj44sYRc72nnOcUrTa_5 66qQ=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.
Firi'Sar casts Alter Self to transform into a Ratfolk and then moves to J39.
Akula moves to J8, draws a harpoon, and studies a target.
Cordelia uses Psychic Strike against the nearest Savage Pirate. The enemy fails its saving throw and takes 3 damage but appears unaffected by any form of [fear].

Both Savage Pirates charge at Rat-Firi'Sar: one hits with it's scimitar for 6 damage.

Edit: Firi'Sar Parries and Ripostes, dealing 1 damage after DR.
The party prepares for battle with magic, study, and a psychic attack. While Cordelia's strike causes the nearest enemy to wince in pain, it does not seem slowed by fear at all.

Quite the contrary, both mutant pirates charge at Rat-Firi'Sar, their scimitars slashing down with insane fervor! One strikes the shrunken, hairy rat-man, drawing blood but not leaving him too badly wounded, yet. Edit: Firi'Sar parries a slashing strike that would have connected, instead poking the attacker and drawing a little blood through its unusually resistant-to-damage hide.

All PCs to act. Begin round 2!

2022-11-30, 01:26 PM
Tillandi was looking the other way when the two critters appeared. Looking closely she decided that now was not a bad moment to take out the bigger guns. She pointed at one and casts a spell, trying to keep it in place. Then she stepped in to start chopping.

cast hold person on K38 (it's still humanoid so it should work). Will save DC16 to negate
5ft step to L39

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12

2022-11-30, 04:07 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

THe Darfellan grunts angrily exhaling and breathing heavily as he barks a "Away from my friend" and steps forward seeking to skewer the nearest of the mutant pirates on the end of the harpoon before spinning around with a savage elbow from the shark scale armour raking the spikes down its face.

Free: 5ft step to I39
Standard: Stab w/studied target and power attack [roll0] dam [roll1]
and TWF with the shark skin spiks [roll]1d20+6[roll] dam [roll2]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Enlarge person -1 atk/AC, +2 Str, -2 Dex, reach

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-12-01, 01:39 AM
Shark spikes attack [roll0]

2022-12-01, 04:54 AM
"Flank them," Cordelia suggests to Kitten, seeing them attack with scimitars instead of anything more infectious. The leopard quickly runs to obey, looping around to attack the pirates from behind.
Bite [roll0] damage [roll1] plus trip [roll2]

Meanwhile, satisfied that her mental assault inflicted since damage she steps it up to the next level with a mind thrust!

Mind Thrust [roll3] WILL DC14 for half

2022-12-01, 11:23 PM
In moments, the situation gets dicey, and Firi'Sar shuffles deliberately in the sands. Moving away from Akula, he begins to try to draw the enemies into a flank, flicking his rapier deliberately around legs and hips.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 15, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 4/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

5-foot step to K/39

Attack the mutant in K/38:
[roll0] rapier
[roll1] CC (29, x2)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus?

2022-12-03, 09:26 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QHg_pkPkPX-Qtz35IgOCAAdQx3FeDqfEzHz5UmfcLnvQtsGan6gpnA1CkNsOt VW7Z_-wUqZ2MvNH-qFCbhQ80dQwi7l_E6zfFy5bqFxClIgOna60UituTwm2n8TNoAn Rs9p2jHavDQ=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.
Tillandi casts Hold Person on a Savage Pirate. It is immune...
Akula 5-ft steps and then misses with two unarmed strikes.
Kitten moves to flank with Firi'Sar, attacks, hits, deals 1 damage after DR, and trips a Savage Pirate.
Cordelia uses Mind Thrust and deals 12 damage to the prone enemy. The Savage Pirate should be dying but continues to fight on anyway.
Firi'Sar hits the prone Savage Pirate, dealing 4 damage after DR.

The uninjured Savage Pirate slashes at Tillandi with it's cutlass and bites at her, hitting with both attacks (two natural 20s...sorry! Neither confirm, though!) for a total of 14 damage and threat of infection with Savage Fever (DC 14 Fortitude to resist).
The prone and should-be-dying Savage Pirate stands, incurring AoOs from Kitten, Akula, and Firi'Sar. It then slashes at Firi'Sar with it's cutlass, missing.
Tillandi makes a calculated (and somewhat reasonable) risk and casts a spell to paralyze the mind of one of the Savage Pirates. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to phase the insane humanoid at all. Something about the madness that has possessed them protects them from such influence entirely.

Kitten has a much better time, tripping the other monster as Cordelia assaults it with psychic powers. Unlike the magic that attempted to grapple with the Savage Pirate's diseased mind, this thrust simply tries to hurt it, and works. The creature writhes in pain but doesn't collapse from what should have been lethal brain damage.

Akula can't connect with his attack as he trips over some sand, but Firi'Sar manages another stab, bringing the prone enemy closer to total organ destruction.

The overwhelmingly wounded Savage Pirate stands and slashes at Firi'Sar missing as it exposes itself to attacks on three sides. The other turns to Tillandi with a manic grimace, both slashing and biting with cutlass and over-sized mouth! She takes both strikes, learning a painful lesson in the process.

I had to make a couple of decisions here for the sake of both balance and future gameplay.

I am ruling that psychic damage (usually from Cordelia, but not always) does real, lethal damage and is not prevented by immunity to [Mind-Affecting]. However, any [Mind-Affecting] "riders" to such powers/spell/effects (such as a fear-effect) do not work against enemies immune to [Mind-Affecting]. It is likely that there are cleric spells that deal psychic damage - if Tillandi casts these they have the standard chance of doing damage, just like Cordelia's psychic damage options.

This decision was made and looks pretty unpleasant for Tillandi but less so for Cordelia currently. Hold Person is definitely a [Mind-Affecting] spell, though, and the Savage Creature Template (applied to creatures who succumb to the Savage Fever disease completely) results in them having several strong defenses, including immunity to [Mind-Effecting] stuff. It seems somewhat self-evident that "Psychic" would also be [Mind-Effecting], but I have not confirmed this in rulings elsewhere and am pretty sure that this would be a near-crippling hindrance right now, as these enemies also have DR 5/Magic and none of you have magic weapons yet. (I recommend using the Magic Weapon and Magic Fang spells if you can get them!)

I am 100% aware that this may be the wrong call and that I may need to change this ruling later. However, I think for now this is the best decision I can make to keep things going in a good direction. Please let me know how you feel about this either in OoC or Discord. I welcome your thoughts.
I need AoOs from Kitten, Akula, and Firi'Sar.

All PCs to act. Begin round 3!

2022-12-06, 01:41 PM
Tillandi grunted and took a step back before calling upon the power of Procan to heal herself.

5ft step back to M39, then remove doom to cast cure light wounds on herself: [roll0]

fortitude save: [roll1] (that's a success, luckily)

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/22, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2022-12-06, 04:59 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula tries to skewer the beast on the ground as it tries to rise, the harpoon plunging deep into its wounded form. Assuming its dead and seeing the other threatening poor Tilandi he vaults forward and tries to impale that one as well. "Get back Tilandi, leave it to us" he bellows.

If its dead, 5ft over the dead one to J38, studied target and stab w/power attack [roll0] dam [roll1]
(If it wasn't dead, walk around to K39 and subtract 1 from the hit and damage

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-12-08, 05:01 PM
"Get back here, you freak!" Firi'Sar cries, deeply concerned for Tillandi's health.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 15, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 4/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

If J/38 survived this far, try to fix that: (includes flanking)
[roll0] rapier
[roll1] CC (31+, x2)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

If he's already dead, -2 from the attack roll for K/38.

In either case, 5-foot step to K/39 to give Tillandi an out.

2022-12-13, 07:10 PM
Kitten savages the injured pirate as it tries to stand, and follows up by savaging it some more. Cordelia users the same of view light wounds to heal style of Tilandi's injuries.
Kitten AoO: [roll0] [roll1] confirmed for 10 total, and trip [roll2]

Kitten Bite: [roll3] [roll4] and trip [roll5]
Kitten Claw: [roll6] [roll7]
Kitten Claw: [roll8] [roll9]

Cute light wounds: [roll10]

2022-12-14, 01:56 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wXyzkiyPeAgQXCljfAn1BqqK56omea05Ao5iJvAjg8flAUCYkw 5bMM-Ssv86QCJ7B6QrNY8iCkx3ydnaR1U7QLLNRfrgzNIr6sgpYhoDp 5sbpXs4lDXUdvuULIs4MDjlcHnx8uNbBg=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.
The AoOs kill the heavily-injured Savage Pirate, which takes its "Death Throes" actions: first it bites at an adjacent enemy - Akula - and misses. Then it explodes into a spray of acid, dealing 4 acid damage to all adjacent creatures unless they pass a DC 15 Reflex save. It leaves a pool of acid behind, soaking the sand and threatening to injure anyone who steps into/through it.

Tillandi moves away and heals.
Akula moves around Firi'Sar (to avoid the acid) and misses the remaining Savage Pirate with his attack.
Firi'Sar hits the remaining enemy, dealing 3 damage after its DR.
Kitten attacks and hits, only dealing 1 damage after DR and failing to trip the Savage Pirate.
Cordelia moves and heals Tillandi.

The Savage Pirate full attacks Firi'Sar (who has dealt the most damage to it so far), missing twice.
The party makes quick work of the Savage Pirate as it tries to stand, with Akula and Kitten both dealing particularly effective strikes to the mutant. Unfortunately, as it dies it explodes, splashing acid at everyone in reach and threatening them with some painful chemical burns. It leaves behind a foul-smelling pool of acid, burning the sand and producing an acrid smell.

As they shift to the remaining enemy Firi'Sar and Kitten both deal some damage as the ladies work to heal Tillandi. The Savage Pirate seems content to attack someone immediately adjacent, striking and biting at Firi'Sar and missing twice.

I need Reflex Saves (DC 15) from everyone except Cordelia and Tillandi or they take 4 acid damage, as noted in "Mechanics" above.

All PCs to act. Begin round 4!

2022-12-14, 02:39 PM
Feeling better, Tillandi stepped back in and making sure the critter had to divide its attention, she tried to gut it with her trident.

5ft step back to L39, then attack the critter (flanking with Kitten)
attack [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/25, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2022-12-14, 10:46 PM
"That's more like it," Firi'Sar smirks, nodding in satisfaction as the acid (mostly) harmlessly burns into the sands. He turns his attention fully to the remaining mutant, dodging both swipes and responding in kind.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 15, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 4/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Poke poke
[roll0] rapier
[roll1] CC (31+, x2)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

2022-12-15, 05:10 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula goes to move sideways to flank the beast and take advantage of his sneaky attacks but Tilandi beats him to it. Instead he just thrusts the harpoon at it, a grimace on his face at the strange savagery of the creatures

Stab [roll0] dam [roll1]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2022-12-20, 10:44 PM
The party moves about, flanking and hitting. Kitten attacks and does some damage too.

The well-below-zero-HPs savage pirate continues to attack, biting and slashing at Akula - it connects with it's scimitar for 5 damage.

In the next round the party will do enough damage to finish it off. It will get a last bite attack, against Akula again, and connect for 7 and possible infection with Savage Fever (DC 14 Fortitude to avoid). When it explodes it deals 3 acid damage unless the surrounding characters pass DC 15 Reflex saves.
The party surrounds the remaining enemy, and over the next several seconds kills it. Like its companion it ends its life violently, biting Akula and then exploding in a spray of acid.

See mechanics for saving throw requirements, please. Damage and possible infection.

End of combat!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jdwqQFFekvMDlhY9h_Y30eECqoXTWtBnvEkzuBcI0Tsn1O8WPT aUAxuxnqzi-CU0BLg_L29Y59f5pnwjLKGv3xiRRtv102_WZ10OERDzwQM0TSJ GdIsXQurRAdCanKzNDRD2MnrjzQ=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.
Again the beach is...well, not peaceful, but not the site of a battle. Do you continue searching the beach or the water? You can also explore further to the Northeast where the rope bridge over the water is. Or do you intend to enter one of the cave entrances?

2022-12-21, 12:42 AM
Tillandi knew what was coming and managed to step aside in time to avoid the acid. Before people moved too far, she called upon her powers and gave a burst of healing energy so everybody at least was feeling better. Then she checked everybody who had been bitten or clawed for disease, knowing what to look for.

reflex save done in OOC
channel energy for everybody within 30ft: [roll0]
then heal check to check for disease: [roll1]

2022-12-21, 03:51 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula hisses in pain as the crearure bite shim again, angry red veins popping up on his arm. "Damn you." he growls kicking sand and pebbles over the where it had been. Looking at Tillanid he kneels down, grimacing, "Priestess, can you help me?"

As (hopefully) wounds are seen to and tending is happening he will also look at Firi'Sar. "I had seen something strange in the water, an area of dead sea bed and fragments of strange glass."
He points to where he had dropped the strange black glassy shards. "What do you think they could be?"

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 24/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Savage Fever

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-01-02, 11:12 PM
Firi'Sar hisses quietly at the acidic burns, grateful for Tillandi's aid. "Huh. That does sound strange," he wonders- his voice oddly nasal and higher pitched than usual. "Give me a few moments to check it out?"

After taking the time to ensure no one is in immediate danger, he begins inspecting the shards.

Various knowledge possibilities, including detect magic and such.

The vast majority of probably relevant knowledge skills are at +10:
[roll0] free inspiration rolled in OOC for: 20 total result
Spellcraft would be 11 instead. (or 21)

2023-01-04, 08:55 AM
"I really hate those things," Cordelia curses as the final pirate explodes. "Abominable corruptions of life. I really need to pick up some spells that would be more effective against them. I think we should explore further up the beach before venturing into the caves."

2023-01-06, 09:02 PM
Knowing what to look for, it is clear that Akula has contracted the Savage Fever (again). There is time to address it prior to any mechanical impact (1d6 INT damage today), if Tillandi moves quickly. The healing wave is certainly welcome, bringing some relief to the party's wounds and closing them from further injury, for now.

Firi'Sar and the others inspect the shards of glass carefully. It has the appearance of a broken sphere of pearl-like material, though putting the pieces together would be both time consuming and prohibitively difficult. It certainly was magical, though it's not clear to what purpose. There is a lingering aura, intense and sickening, that is detected with divination magic, but it appears to be both expended and to have much of it's residual taint washed away by the salt water of the cove.

The party continues to look around and finds a crate of flasks. Only three of the glass bottles remain intact, each with a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds inside.

Exploring further down the beach, the party finds a tide pool. Deep, rushing water separates a cave entrance from the beachhead. Two wide, wooden planks serve as a crude bridge to cross the surging waters of the pool. Akula wades into the water and immediately can tell that there is a tunnel, below the surface, leading further into the cave complex. If it can be navigated it might get the party deep inside the pirate hideout, but it may not be worth the risk. He's confident he could do it and could help the others, but the party doesn't know what to expect in any of the entrances, so...

There are two other cave entrances. From the one on the west (out of which the two savage pirates appeared) can be heard the cacophony of sounds of already mentioned, but closer to the entrance there is a rhythmic sound, as if fists were pounding on heavy wood to a slow, steady beat, with grunts, snarls, and yells mixed into the noise. Poking your head inside you can see that the passageway forks nearly immediately to the east and west, but you cannot see anything distinctive about either way without going further inside.

From the eastern entrance you hear less noise, as if the zoo of savagery were somehow muted and a bit more distant.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Ji2xx2LVuhx5i5chn-OOWKuo5hBU5-2XvsIIutuEpr7BAtaZeyy2M5cbObEZZ4eKrPbQwxJ0CcFflAfM-sHmRlDmUYdmTjXmHXgk0qOA51c01XJ95MBxYDxjBcrQkw_zwvY 1bQHgdA=w2400
Which way do you go? I placed the PC icons about the map, but it doesn't really matter - there are no further ambushes.

You essentially have three entrances - one underwater, and two from the beach. Managing the underwater tunnel will require a DC 15 Swim check every round. The other ways are all on stone ground with some sand that has blown into the rough rocky floors.

2023-01-07, 11:39 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula raises a hand to his brow, the fever burning and hot on his skin as he shakes his head. Approaching Tilandi he breathes heavily. "Tilandi, I can feel the fever burning within me. Can you help me, or will I be okay for a day or so and we can finsih these horrific caves?" Looking at the water he shakes his head slightly, "I can swim it easily enough but I'm not sure for the rest of you. Shall we look to the quieter tunnel?""

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 24/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Savage Fever

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-01-07, 11:52 AM
"Sure, no problem," Tillandi said, taking out another scroll and using it to burn the disease away from Akula.
"I'm not going to swim in my armour," she said when she was done, "I can probably walk along the bottom with it, but holding my breath for so long would be tricky. I prefer another entrance."

attempting to read a scroll: [roll0] DC6
if I fail: [roll1] wisdom check DC5
EDIT: I can read the scroll and cure Akula's disease.

2023-01-07, 07:56 PM
"Kitten can swim as well as you probably, Akula! And I can swim ok, but it sounds like we're not all suited for that entrance. Perhaps we should try the quiet one as you suggest?"

2023-01-08, 05:51 PM
The party creeps into the tunnel, with Firi'Sar in the lead in his ratfolk form scouting a bit ahead. After several yards he finds the tunnel opens into a cavern with dozens of bolts of once-fine brocaded silk hanging from lines of rope stretched lengthwise across the ceiling. This makes it difficult to accurately judge the size of the sandy-floored cavern, but it's certainly large enough for a ton of booty. There are crates and other previously waterlogged items that appear to have been placed in this cave to dry.

All of the hanging silks provide cover for anything that might stand behind them (including the PCs). The silks cast long shadows on the walls from the numerous lanterns still flickering along the walls and the occasional one hanging from the ceiling.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/EppWAkBha3oeUcS0z2lWjSNpfAd9rGpaLAlhswF96rPb_3yLEO fuuHpxLFwpqAOgplDi6ZfSXUnwM2XMKHtNFgY3X9WikqbLPREQ ITkJF687hlQ-XZXJSgC6RhgD_xvLCA8gnBeYAw=w2400
I've placed the PCs on the map, probably a bit closer than they would be. You haven't seen anything in the room yet other than inanimate objects. Please describe (mechanically, in detail, with skill checks) how you explore from here. Many of the enemies are looking to ambush any meals coming their way, so your stealth results matter. Also, they would be hiding, so if you want to catch them unaware I need your Perception checks.

Assume that every ten to fifteen feet or so there are silks hanging from ceiling to floor. Line of sight for ranged spells/attacks will be hindered accordingly, though I don't expect melee to be too badly impacted. If you need more details (because your PC is going to creep along the lines of silk or something) let me know.

2023-01-14, 07:23 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks at the host of hanging silks and shakes his head. “Strange pirates these to have a laundry.” He closes his eyes and over the course of 30 or so seconds casts his senses out around the nearby part of the room sifting for clues in the nearby space before advancing cautiously.

Casting sift to search some nearby 10 ft squares to look behind the silks
[roll0] with +5 modifier as needed

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 24/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Savage Fever

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 4/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-01-15, 11:47 AM
Tillandi would wait until the party members who had 'da sneaky' would have done so before she would move around in the room, as she wasn't stealthy at all. For now she would stay near the entrance, ready to help out should they be discovered and looking out (and keeping the backdoor open should they have to retreat). She did have a look at the nearest silks to see if there was something she could recognise about them (like emblems on them showing who they belonged to before they arrived here).

perception: [roll0]
I'll add knowledge rolls as needed.

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-01-19, 02:42 PM
With a snort, Firi'Sar responds to Akula, "Too valuable, and not enough needlework," he murmurs as he steps out, almost silently. He carefully sniffs, listens, and peers around each silk before stepping quickly from one to the next.

Let's check in clockwise order: the hallway at "N" leading south, "K" leading west, "L" leading north, if not interrupted.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception
Dunno how scent interacts with those?

2023-01-19, 09:32 PM
Akula's spell doesn't help him detect any traps or oddities, but both Tillandi and Firi'Sar immediately sense that there is something predatory in this cavern, using the silk sheets to conceal its presence. Whatever is out there, it is quiet, smart, and deadly but unable to hide its distinctly reptilian smell from Firi'Sar. Tillandi notes several large scratches gouged into the stone ground, as if with a large blade or claw.

Finally, through that instinct that many animals have for danger, it's clear they are being actively hunted now. Kitten's low, rumbling growl is one of the first cues of that...

You have one round to prepare. The enemy knows where you are, though you haven't had a chance to see it yet. Firi'Sar can smell it's presence all over, but most intensely from the northwest somewhere...

No change to the map, but please state where you would like your tokens specifically. You can be up to ten feet into the chamber or as far back down the tunnel as you want.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XgBsPvRQa_K0Jxjoix15OUOmf-sIBfcJmtCePvLBWSDtEeZrGqmTzNopT3fhXAyaHaGUR9HvBXuG 4nDoz9fvq7Ua6v_LyXsU764D1gjfJRw5yoAd9eH846bYrc8eAU oHQwzLO6sqQw=w2400

2023-01-21, 03:59 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks to the others, “into the room, let us meet it head on where we are not trapped in this tunnel.” . Praying to Procan his harpoon glows blue as he advances carefully into the room hugging the wall.

Casting divine favour (+2)
Move to R27

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 32/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 3/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-01-21, 08:10 AM
Tillandi didn't see anything from the back, but she was sure there was something, so she took the few moments to prepare as much as possible. Quickly she cast a blessing on everybody so they would have it easier with whatever it was in there.

cast bless on everybody: Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-01-22, 08:25 PM
Firi'Sar nods, following Akula into the chamber, and drinking an extract.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 24, Touch 16, Flat-footed 19, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 4/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Bless:+1 to-hit and saves vs fear (10 rounds)

drink shield extract
move to Q/27

2023-01-23, 06:16 PM
"What is it girl?" Cordelia and her growing companion. "What do you hear?" Cordelia stays to the rear of the group, on her guard.

2023-01-28, 07:56 PM
As the party creeps into the cavern several of you notice a nasty yellow smear on several of the silken sheets, smeared as if something was oozing and brushed up against them in passing. The source of the puss doesn't stay hidden for more than a moment, though, as out of the darkness comes screaming a reptilian monstrosity! It leaps up at the last moment and pounces at Akula with murder the only possible motive...

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/H_pEQRrzqq8DKumX7XPdq5GVZxVDLX258zXm2j21XJ1EaDZ18I axvVTIAZMY3oyKgtU7ox3xExPEUkK3Ccjj81MK6wPJ_6lXKV_3 Hf_NGoOtpiCyfuYLc1ygoq6HlUqkATH3si1x0Q=w2400
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a91QZTTLwYLZovdLCOWFX7Z80Bkuztr5LVOA2Nxvr9OAHcJdKH FiCW7V2XuV5wjYsjTBNHZf0jFrahzWiahrkzPqIYUS8JmgS2OE _oT1GcPFFpdLjnkMSD2CXN967vhkjshlPQlO0A=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.
If the PCs can kill Ripclaw mid-air then he won't get off a full attack. Since that seems unlikely I am going to go ahead and roll the attacks so that Akula can act accordingly stabilize in your next post, @DrK. To kill him you need to deal 42 damage through DR 5/magic...

Ripclaw crits with his talons, and hits with both foreclaws and a bite for a total of 33 damage to Akula. He gets to attack before going down, but then it's time to stabilize or heal him!
As the party tries to attack the monstrous dinosaur the beast literally rips into Akula, doing devastating damage in the blink of an eye! Will the Darfellan survive?

Everyone except Tillandi beat Ripclaw in initiative, but he is literally pouncing, so what I'm going to do is have Firi'Sar, Akula, and Cordelia take a single action. Then Ripclaw will lay into Akula with a charging-full-attack. After that, we will have initiative as normal, with all the PCs acting.

Begin round "1!"

2023-01-29, 04:50 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks up as the curtains flicker and flap, the movement getting closer before the savage apparation of scales and claws is upon him! He feels flesh tearing and claws ripping into his belly as he lashes out with harpoon once before the blood purs from his ravaged frame and he topples forwards

stab with harpoon and PA [roll0] dam [roll1]

Stabilise DC 11 [roll2]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP -1/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 9/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 3/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-01-30, 02:40 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks up as the curtains flicker and flap, the movement getting closer before the savage apparation of scales and claws is upon him! He feels flesh tearing and claws ripping into his belly as he lashes out with harpoon once before the blood purs from his ravaged frame and he topples forwards

stab with harpoon and PA [roll0] dam [roll1]

Stabilise DC 11 [roll2]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP -1/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 9/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 3/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

Before ripclaw can lay into Akula, Cordelia determines its target and steps forward to cast Invisibility on Akula!

5ft step to S26. Cast invisibility on Akula

2023-02-01, 07:58 PM
Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 24, Touch 16, Flat-footed 19, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 4/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Shield extract: 29 rounds: +4 AC

Bless:+1 to-hit and saves vs fear (10 rounds)

[roll0] rapier
[roll1] CC (30+)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus damage

2023-02-01, 08:11 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a91QZTTLwYLZovdLCOWFX7Z80Bkuztr5LVOA2Nxvr9OAHcJdKH FiCW7V2XuV5wjYsjTBNHZf0jFrahzWiahrkzPqIYUS8JmgS2OE _oT1GcPFFpdLjnkMSD2CXN967vhkjshlPQlO0A=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.
Akula hits Ripclaw, dealing 11 damage after DR.
Firi'Sar also hits Ripclaw, dealing 3 damage after DR.
Cordelia casts Invisibility on Akula, protecting him from the attacking savage dinosaur!

Ripclaw misses twice, dealing 16 total damage instead of the 33 - much better for our heroes!
As the tentacled dinosaur leaps out of the darkness and silken sheets the party strikes out violently. Akula and Firi'Sar both get off hits, but it is Cordelia who (likely) saves her friend's life with a well selected spell. A moment before the monster lands Akula vanishes from sight and the creature slashes clumsily near where the Darfellan stands. He still takes a talon and claw, but is not at risk of infection from the infectious bite and takes dramatically less damage than he might have.

With a scream of insane fury the beast turns its head and looks at the other PCs as if sizing them up for its next attack...

The map is unchanged except that Akula is invisible. Begin round 2!

2023-02-01, 10:57 PM
The lithe Elf-turned-Ratfolk steps behind the raptor, making an opening for Akula. Once more, the rapier flickers out in the dim room.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 24, Touch 16, Flat-footed 19, CMD 13, Fort 5, Ref 8, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2) Small: +11 (1d4+5, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2) Small: +10 (1d4+5) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2) Small: +9 (1d6, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, 20, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 4/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Shield extract: 28 rounds: +4 AC

Bless:+1 to-hit and saves vs fear (8 rounds)

5-foot step to P/26, hopefully enabling a flank:
All d20 rolls are +6 more than intended -_-

[roll0] rapier (does not include flanking)
[roll1] CC (30+)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus damage

If it attacks Firi'Sar, attempt a parry and riposte:
[roll4] Parry

[roll5] rapier riposte (does not include flanking)
[roll6] CC (30+)
[roll7] damage
[roll8] crit bonus damage

2023-02-02, 12:46 PM
With Akula invisible, there was little she could do to heal him, so Tillandi concentrated on Ripclaw. Seeing that the weapons didn't do as much damage as they were supposed to, she quickly called forth a trident of force to distract Ripclaw while they could concentrate on other things. She then moved in, shield and trident ready to protect the others.

cast spiritual weapon on Ripclaw. get's 1 attack immediately (BAB+wis mod): [roll0] for damage: [roll1] (strikes as a spell and does force damage)
5ft step to R26

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-02-03, 10:06 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Toppling forward as the claw bites him he looks down and see's that can't see his feet, wincing from the pain he steps up, revelling in the strange shadowy feeling of invisibility before he spins launching a paid of devasting round house kicks into the beasts' head.

5ft step to R26 to flank with Firi-Sar
Full attack with fists (and PA)
[roll0] dam [roll1]+[roll2] sneak - invisble so extra +2 to hit and Vs flatfooted
[roll3] dam [roll4]+[roll5] sneak

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 15/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 8/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 3/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-02-10, 04:18 AM
"Kitten, go help them!" Cordelia commands, trying to work out what to do next. In lieu of any better ideas, she makes a psychic strike at the creature's mind!

Psychic Strike DC15 will or [roll0] psychic damage plus shaken for 1 round.

Kitten move & bite [roll1] [roll2] damage plus trip [roll3]

2023-02-10, 04:38 PM
Firi'Sar 5-ft steps and attacks Ripclaw, connecting and dealing 4 damage.
Akula 5-ft steps and attacks from invisibility, hitting twice for 17 and 13 damage respectively, killing Ripclaw.
Tillandi casts Spiritual Weapon, which attacks and hits Ripclaw for 6 damage.
Cordelia uses Psychic Strike, but Ripclaw resists it.
Kitten moves to attack, biting Ripclaw and doing the killing blow.

Ripclaw enters it's death throes and, seeing its original target reappear (and striking it!), it turns to bite savagely at Akula! It hits with for 11 damage and (again) threatens to infect him with Savage Fever (DC 18 Fortitude save). It then bursts into acid, dealing 3 damage to anyone adjacent (not Cordelia) who fails a DC 15 Reflex save.
The party surrounds Ripclaw and do their best to lay on the damage, successfully. After all of the PCs strike the savage dinosaur (in one way or another) it screams as it spasms and dies, lashing out at Akula with a painful bite laced with contagious spittle. Then it bursts in a spray of acid, possibly dealing damage to everyone except Cordelia.

End of combat. Please roll saving throws as appropriate. There is a pool of acid where Ripclaw fell - I assume none of you will stand in it.

In the suddenly slightly-less loud cavern the party breathes heavily as they assess their wounds. There are four other exits from this cave. One likely leads back towards the beach while the other three lead deeper into the cave complex in one way or another. Going around the room clockwise, the party sees light coming from the outside out of the tunnel to the south and hears the sound of...pounding fists on a table(?) from the west. To the northwest they hear a cacophony of yelling and shrieking, as well as the clang of metal on metal. To the northeast there isn't any sound, but it does smell of some kind of animal, like a kennel or pen of some sort might be that direction.

I recommend healing up - that was very nearly deadly for Akula. The savage creatures hit hard and mercilessly, especially those with multiple attacks per round.

Now, which way do you go?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GHSZ6cSEcBYYIn-7rGDJ4C4iHtBFMW1Uha1hkhhf3cyZwm4f-1zJvE2rsttd46v2Pz9d4qS6Dcqt8qeJdJhCn1JuLUd9cwRbv33 8MwYyBw5uKxFP9stOofPzO4eme6DxsZ_04OgS0w=w2400

Firi'Sar is now represented by a "Ratfolk Rogue" token to note his altered-self form.

2023-02-11, 03:24 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula drops to one knee, rolling to try and avoid the acid as the beast explodes in acid. His body is a mass of pain and agony from the multiple lacerations. Reaching down he offers a prayer to Procan, pouring a tiny bit of water onto his damaged frame. "A nasty beast, let us hope there are not more like him" he mentions to the others. As they hear sounds nearby he shakes, his head, " A moment, please, I must recover some of these wounds"

Fort save [roll0]
Ref save [roll1] or take 3 damage dropping to 1 HP :smalleek:

Over the next two rounds Cure light and Cure light [roll2] and [roll3]
EDIT: 28 hps post these bad biys

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 6/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-02-11, 06:30 AM
Tillandi yelped when the acid splashed over her and she could dodge fast enough. Noticing that others had also not managed to dodge quickly enough and that Akula was still hurting, she called everybody close and calling on the power of Procan gave out a blast of healing power.
"I would suggest doing this methodically," she said, "we stay on the right and explore that system first before heading to the next one.

After everybody has been splashed with acid: channel energy: [roll0] HP restored to everybody (I assume everybody will stay within 30ft). EDIT: this should be enough for everybody who gets hit by the acid and it will bring Akula close to max.

suggest to first take the tunnel at Q19.

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-02-14, 11:11 AM
As Firi'Sar suddenly reverts to his normal form, he nods slowly. "I'm less excited without the keen nose of the Ratfolk, but I'm happy enough to take a peek before I argue too much." He glances at Akula. "You good to go, big guy?"

Once the group is prepared, Firi'Sar turns to the North-eastern tunnel, sniffs quietly, and frowns.

that 60' dark vision is still pretty clutch.
[roll0] perception
[roll1] stealth

2023-02-14, 12:22 PM
Cordelia gets her wand of cure light wounds ready, but it seems like everyone has healed already?

"It sounds like there's fighting down that tunnel! If there's still anyone alive here who could tell us what happened or where to find Vanthus, we should help them!"

2023-02-14, 12:26 PM
"Good idea," Tillandi supported Cordelia, "it would give us allies and we might ambush the attackers as well. Let's go there."

2023-02-14, 12:58 PM
"I don't precisely disagree, but I wonder how easily we'll tell friend from foe...." He glances towards the northwest unhappily, before ultimately deciding it's a valid point.

"Only one way to find out," he murmurs, as he begins prowling towards the sounds of combat.

I'm certainly content with the rolls from above XD

2023-02-14, 01:51 PM
Firi'Sar hasn't gone more than about ten feet into the northwest tunnel before he stops. He's heard something sneaking up behind the party, quietly climbing up the walls of the cavern with all the silk from the western tunnel.

About ten feet further down the northwest tunnel, on the left, is a barricade of shelves and tables blocking the entrance to another cavern. Further down this passageway the sounds of savage screams and rage can be heard mingled with what Firi'Sar more clearly hears as the sound of jail or prison bars clanging against each other as their inhabitants struggle against them. There isn't a fight happening further down - there are savage creatures in cages trying to get free...

Firi'Sar hears the creature sneaking up on the party, so it isn't visible on the map yet. If he warns the other PCs they can attempt an active Perception check to try and find it, DC 28. If you intend violence you may roll initiative and/or prepare some buffs too.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/VOPyhQtkj7WKj1zqsY_cqkt93avUR_SwJ-Yovf6w6l9QQ8-kiCt8e9Lx0v8NAq2v8DGjhY7mJx4NDqu_Zl-Cs7HcDn1lSK8xSrLRvzBXVlaRRUrc5buaeFIb_frM77193Dtvj 7XTVw=w2400

2023-02-16, 05:36 PM
"We're being followed," Firi'Sar whispers into the message connecting him to his allies. "I hear something... on the walls?"

Does Firi'Sar get (another?) perception? To locate it more specifically? [roll0]

2023-02-18, 09:26 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula glances around. "I hope whatever we face ne is not as hostile as that dinosaur was. I'm not sure my body has the space for those scars." As he looks out for the danger he mutters another blessing under his breath to call down Procan's guidance upon himself.

Perception [roll0]
Casts guidance on self

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 5/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-02-18, 10:32 AM
Tillandi also tried to see what was coming and quickly cast a blessing to see and hear better, while prepping for combat should it be necessary.

cast guidance
perception: [roll0]

if needed: initiative: [roll1]

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-02-18, 02:57 PM
When Firi'Sar warns of someone sneaking up, Cordelia vanishes. Kitten turns around and growls, her hackles raised attempting to locate the sneaker.cast Vanish
Kitten perception [roll0]

2023-02-19, 04:17 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/nHv55fMv6PBzXeCKRFvYU7sRSW2C67yVceERUF_ob83cUXAdNm 9hcE6ypkx_hMs2kyujilKHm6-Pkx22A7lBzfZ_wCcmT6sUAXxODVAYub6EjUUIV7MBRQbS51pxu xUyuc2MkC30yA=w2400
Firi'Sar's warning is enough to prevent a surprise round. However, due to dice the enemy goes first, after the party spends a moment buffing and looking for him (all spells cast in your previous posts are completed).

Navesh (the enemy) - 27 (Natural 20 +7)

Cordelia/Kitten - 17
Firi'Sar - 12
AKula - 12
Tillandi -12
Several PCs cast spells while everyone looks for the enemy. Firi'Sar sees the attacker before it can successfully ambush anyone.

Navesh leaps from the wall (he was at L24), using his "Gliding" ability to charge and attack Tillandi from above. He slashes with his kukri, dealing Sneak Attack damage and threatening a critical strike (which didn't confirm, barely), dealing 10 total damage to Tillandi.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/eg67AQf05ybxXupulrGwKC4Y3oDT3lJ-xpjYcdwHel-TfFTmqXeLsHrx-gXv9Ccds85cb6UNqIYmLrFT4etycE-Fc8NAcqQXpzvveQu5_GEx7N8aqS6FZIUFJucB_WWZnGInJqECb w=w2400
Firi'Sar quickly turns back, returning to the previous cavern and immediately seeing a strange and misshapen creature. Something like a cross between a flying squirrel and a lemur, this obviously-nocturnal humanoid has been corrupted by Savage Fever and is now a slavering, drooling, fanged hunter. Though he is able to warn the party the little creature is fast and has leapt into a gliding charge before the party can fully react. "Come to Navesh, meatbags! Just give me a mouthful of your tasty pink flesh!" it snarls from between jagged, irregular teeth! It's kukri is keenly sharp and cuts deep into Tillandi as the creature targets a vital artery, connecting but barely missing the blood vessel.

Prior to succumbing to the Savage Fever this was a phanaton (see here (https://realmofadventure.fandom.com/wiki/Phanaton) and here (https://thecreaturechronicle.tumblr.com/post/112988885929/phanaton) for an idea of what they can do). You can also tell from the way it attacked that it has levels of Rogue.
Tillandi was flat-footed before she could act, so she took Sneak Attack damage (but not a critical hit). All PCs to act - begin (your portion of) Round 1!

2023-02-19, 12:23 PM
Cordelia steps back from the creature to the northeast, and taps Tillandi with her wand of CLW, healing her for [roll0].

Kitten neatly sidesteps round the creature to flank with Tillandi, ferociously tearing into it with teeth and claws!

Kitten full attack with flank:

Bite [roll1] damage [roll2] plus trip [roll3]

Claw:[roll4] damage [roll5]

Claw:[roll6] damage [roll7]

2023-02-19, 12:30 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

As the flying squirrel flies out to attack them Akula hakes his head, "A diseased squirrel, we should eat it were it not so diseased." before he moves forward to skewer it

5ft Step to M21
move: Studied target +1
Stab with power attack [roll0] dam [roll1]
- if flanking then add +2 to hit and [roll2] sneak

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 3/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-02-19, 12:34 PM
Tillandi didn't speak, but a quick nod to Cordelia before she tried to take full advantage of Kitten's distraction, she tried to skewer the critter before it could get away.

attack: [roll0] (with flanking) for damage: [roll1]

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/23, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-02-20, 12:21 PM
"Akula, see if you can bring him down with your net!" Firi'Sar cries out, carefully stepping in to attack the creature from the rear.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Move to M/23 with acrobatics (and derring-do): [roll0] plus [roll1] Total modified is 16
Attack with the rapier: non-lethal damage (roll includes -4 penalty)
[roll2] rapier nonlethal
[roll3] crit? (25+, x2)
[roll4] damage
[roll5] crit bonus

2023-02-21, 03:36 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XDK_csPHChc2pO4pqJuhRxGk24XeZ0zYkasY80imyowLoTiwDe zDOEZg-IE0uWsDA5FUO8hN5kcs0qvOqpmGXk4jDnoTS2X_gvpBas-EKKUXnqMUjlPwb2reHKk00HCs9pPCCuPsBw=w2400
Cordelia heals Tillandi while Kitten hits twice (but fails to pierce Navesh's damage resistance).
Akula steps into melee and stabs him with his harpoon, dealing 17 damage after DR.
Tillandi misses with her attack.
Firi'Sar misses with his attack after moving to flank (incurring no AoO due to Acrobatics).

Navesh turns to stab and bite at Akula: he misses with his bite but critically hits with his kukri, dealing 4 damage to the darfellan.
"Ow, that hurt!" cries the deformed phanaton as Akula stabs him with his harpoon while the rest of the party moves to surround the little creature. The phanaton's wound is deep as the powerful blow cuts through skin that is clearly hardened against (non-magical) attacks. The creature doesn't even seem to notice when Kitten slashes at it, instead focusing on the orca-man and biting and slashing with his own cruelly curved little knife. He connects, and well, but the knife and attacker are both so small that it doesn't deal as much damage as it might have otherwise.

All PCs to act - begin Round 2!

2023-02-22, 11:42 AM
Tillandi keeps at it, trying to skewer it on her trident so it would be distracted and hopefully Akula could use his net.

attack: [roll0] (with flanking) for damage: [roll1]

2023-02-24, 08:37 AM
Cordelia, remaining invisible, taps Akula with her wand for [roll0] healing.

Kitten continues to flank, and tear at the creature with her claws and teeth!

Bite [roll1] damage [roll2] plus trip [roll3]
Claw [roll4][roll5]
Claw [roll6][roll7]

2023-02-25, 04:39 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula grunts as the knife slashes across his leg before pulling out the net and casting over the squirrel, a shake of his head "I do not think its possible to save this one Firi'Sar. Its mind is afire." But he tries to entangle it in the snagged wire net regardless.

Net it [roll0] (no penalty using it in melee due to net adept)
- If hit its entangled. DC22 escape artist or DC 25 Str check

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 3/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-02-28, 11:16 PM
Firi'Sar grins as Akula nets the thing, and lashes out fiercely with his rapier pommel, hopeful to stun the creature.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Attack with the rapier: non-lethal damage (roll includes -4 penalty for NL, and +2 for flanking)
[roll0] rapier nonlethal
[roll1] crit? (25+, x2)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

2023-03-04, 02:10 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XDK_csPHChc2pO4pqJuhRxGk24XeZ0zYkasY80imyowLoTiwDe zDOEZg-IE0uWsDA5FUO8hN5kcs0qvOqpmGXk4jDnoTS2X_gvpBas-EKKUXnqMUjlPwb2reHKk00HCs9pPCCuPsBw=w2400
Tillandi misses with her attack.
Cordelia heals Akula.
Kitten claws at Navesh ineffectually (DR).
Akula entangles Navesh in a net.
Firi'Sar deals 5 non-lethal damage to Navesh.

Navesh uses a full-round action to get free of the net (passed the Escape Artist check). This incurs AoOs from all the PCs and Kitten.
Only Firi'Sar and Akula seem to be able to impact the savage phanaton, as one entangles him and the other clubs him with the handle of his rapier. "No, no, no! Get this off me! I'm hungry!" patters the strange attacker as he twists and squirms, ignoring the threat of attacks from the party as he gets free of Akula's net.

Everyone gets AoOs against the enemy in addition to your actions next turn.

Begin Round 3.

2023-03-05, 05:20 AM
Cordelia declines to attack the creature, choosing instead to keep her invisibility intact. Kitten continues to bite and claw at the tiny creature, however ineffective it's been so far!

Step to N20
Tap Akula for [roll0] healing

Kitten AoO
Bite [roll1] Damage [roll2] Trip [roll3]

Kitten Full Attack
Bite [roll4] Damage [roll5] Trip [roll6]
Claw[roll7] Damage [roll8]
Claw[roll9] Damage [roll10]

2023-03-05, 12:59 PM
"Why don't... you stay... down," Tillandi grunted, while she kept stabbing at the critter, "I'll give you hunger."

attack of opportunity: [roll0] (with flanking) for damage: [roll]1d8+4[roll]

attack: [roll1] (with flanking) for damage: [roll]1d8+4[roll] (5 damage in OOC topic)

2023-03-08, 01:52 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula grins as the net lands atop it and lashes out with his massive heavy boots stamping up and don on it repeatedly to try and knock the senses out of it

All for non-lethal

AoO unarmed as he stamps on it (non-lethal, PA, flanking) [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] sneak

Full flurry:
[roll3] dam [roll4] + [roll5] sneak
[roll6] dam [roll7] + [roll8] sneak

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 2/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)
Studie target (angry squirrel)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-03-08, 11:03 PM
Firi'Sars rapier flashes repeatedly in the odd arcane light as he punishes the netted creature.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

[roll0] rapier nonlethal
[roll1] crit? (25+, x2)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

Attack with the rapier: non-lethal damage (roll includes -4 penalty for NL, and +2 for flanking)
[roll4] rapier nonlethal
[roll5] crit? (25+, x2)
[roll6] damage
[roll7] crit bonus

2023-03-12, 03:58 AM
Tillandi hits but does not pierce Navesh's DR.
Cordelia heals Akula.
Kitten deals 4 total damage and trips Navesh.
Akula deals 23 total nonlethal damage.
Firi'Sar deals 9 total nonlethal damage.

Navesh is unconscious but not dying.
As the little creature tries to rise and continue fighting the PCs knock him back down and beat him unconscious, ending combat. In the sudden, relative calm they have time to look closely at savage phanaton and try to determine what they are going to do now...

End combat.

Let's go with some open-ended skill checks. You guys tell me what you want to try and do with Navesh and what you want to learn and I will handle it as we go.

When you are ready you can continue exploring, using the previous maps and DM posts for directions.

2023-03-13, 02:45 PM
"Let's have a look as to what exactly this thing is and if we can get rid of the disease without the scrolls," Tillandi said, "keep the net over it, just in case."
She would try to investigate the critter.

I assume knowledge (nature) to know about the critter: [roll0]
and heal to assess the disease: [roll1]

If I need another knowledge roll, please do let me know (I have most of them).

2023-03-15, 02:28 PM
Firi'Sar joins Tillandi with intense focus. "Regardless, this fellow is not just some animal. If we can cure him, it could turn into an invaluable ally- certainly the first thing we've met that has the capability of telling us what in the nine hells is going on here. It might well be worth the use of a scroll or two..."

Loads of knowledge possibility, [roll0] heal, and plenty of room for HP healing.

2023-03-19, 05:53 AM
The party mills about the unconscious savage phanaton. Kitten, Cordelia, and Akula first ensure it won't come back to consciousness suddenly, and even if it does they tie it down so it won't be able to threaten Tillandi and Firi'Sar as they inspect the little creature. Then they watch for other ambushes or threats while their two companions inspect Navesh.

Navesh appears to have advanced stages of the same disease the party has already witnessed, though how he became infected is unclear.

“Savage” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid with an Intelligence of 4 or more (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A savage creature uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

Challenge Rating: +1.
Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Type: A savage creature gains the chaotic subtype.
Senses: A savage creature gains darkvision 60 feet.

Armor Class: A savage creature’s natural armor increases by +2.
Defensive Abilities: A savage creature gains DR 5/magic; immunity to disease, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting effects, and stunning; resistance to acid 10; and the ferocity special quality. It also gains the following defensive ability.
Death Throes (Su): When a savage creature dies, it can immediately make a bite attack, snapping at any one creature in reach just before it succumbs. A savage creature can make this bite attack only after an attack kills it outright. Once this bite attack is resolved, the savage creature’s body melts into a puddle of acidic goo, leaving behind only its gear and its skeleton. Any living creature within a five foot radius of a melting savage creature takes 1d6 points of acid damage (Reflex DC 15 negates) - this acid only affects living flesh. A pool of acid remains on the ground, taking up a space equal to the creature’s space while living - it deals 1d6 acid damage to any creature that moves through the area. The acid dries to a harmless green powder over the course of one minute.
Weakness: A savage creature gains the following weakness.
Afflicted (Ex): Once transformed into a savage creature, a greater restoration spell causes the victim to revert to normal, provided the caster succeeds on a caster level check (DC 10 + ½ the savage creature’s Hit Dice + the savage creature’s Charisma modifier). A miracle or wish spell automatically restores a savage creature to normal. A savage creature that is killed and then brought back to life loses the effects of this template.
Speed: A savage creature’s land speed increases by 10 feet.
Melee: A savage creature gains a bite attack that deals damage as for a creature one size category larger (see Table 3-1: Natural Attacks by Size, Bestiary pg. 302).
Special Attacks: A savage creature gains the following special attack.
Disease (Su): Savage Fever: Bite - injury; save Fort DC 10 + ½ the savage creature’s Hit Dice + the savage creature’s Constitution modifier; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Int damage; cure 1 save. A victim’s flesh breaks out into a terrible black rash that causes short bony protrusions to extrude from the affected area and its mind grows more bestial. Once a victim’s Intelligence score becomes 0, it collapses into a coma-like state and transforms into a savage creature. Its Intelligence score now heals (up to its new maximum adjusted by the savage creature template) at the normal rate; when it awakens, it immediately seeks out fresh prey.
Ability Scores: Strength +4, Constitution +4, Intelligence -6 (minimum 1). A savage creature whose Intelligence is reduced below 3 can no longer understand any languages, nor can it cast spells or use spell-like abilities of any kind.
Skills: A savage creature gains a +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Perception checks, and a -4 penalty on Disguise and Diplomacy checks.


Small jungle-dwelling humanoids, phanatons are seldom seen, but they are a boon to those who find them.

No larger than a domestic cat, a phanaton is a tiny brown-furred creature that resembles a cross between a raccoon and a monkey, with dextrous hands, prehensile feet, and a highly expressive face. Phanatons have long tails with black and white rings, and large flaps of skin between their arms and legs allow them to glide long distances. They rarely wear clothing, and when not using tools they can easily be mistaken for simple animals until they speak.

Phanatons consider themselves the guardians of their jungle homes. They cultivate helpful herbs, clear away dead plant matter, and drive off unnatural monsters. Phanatons avoid outsiders, but if travelers can prove their good will, they may find the phanatons' aid as guides indispensable. Phanatons love the company of elves, fey, and benevolent plant creatures such as treants. However, they are often preyed upon by giant spiders, and as such despise all arachnids, especially the intelligent araneas, whose shapechanging abilities make them particularly deadly.

CR: 1/2
XP: 200
Phanaton rogue 1
CG Small humanoid (phanaton)
Init: +3; Senses: Low-light vision; Perception +6
AC: 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)
hp: 10 (1 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed: 20 ft.
Melee: Shortsword +4 (1d4/19-20), bite -1 (1d3); or bite +4 (1d3)
Ranged: Javelin +4 (1d4/30 ft.)
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +1d6
Combat Gear: 10 javelins
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk: +0; CMB: -1; CMD: 12
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Climb +4, Escape Artist +7, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +15, Survival +2; Racial Modifiers: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Perception, +4 Stealth
Languages: Sylvan
SQ: Awareness, glide, trapfinding +1
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Hunting party (4-9), warband (10-16 plus 1 2nd-level brave), or clan (30-300 plus 25% noncombatants; 1 5th-level warchief per 30 adults with 2-12 braves as guards; and 1 8th-level leader)
Treasure: NPC gear
Awareness (Ex): Phanatons have an empathic awareness in of their surroundings, which gives them a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Glide (Ex): Phanatons have flaps of skin between their arms and legs that allow them to glide. Phanatons take no damage from falling (as if subject to a constant nonmagical feather fall spell). While in midair, phanatons can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot they fall, at a speed of 60 feet per round. A phanaton cannot gain height with these wings alone; she merely coasts in other directions as she falls. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes the phanaton to rise, she can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance she can glide.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -4 Strength (-1 RP)
Small (0 RP): Phanatons are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Low-Light Vision (1 RP): Phanatons can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Awareness (2 RP): See above.
Bite (2 RP): Phanatons have a natural bite attack, dealing 1d3 points of damage. The bite is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the phanaton is wielding manufactured weapons.
Glide (3 RP): See above.
Jumpy (4 RP): Phanatons receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Perception checks.
Sneaky (5 RP): Phanatons receive a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
Languages (0 RP): Phanatons begin play speaking Sylvan. Phanatons with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common, Elven, Goblin, and Orc.
Of note, for Navesh to be healed of the Savage Fever completely, now that he has fully succumbed and been transformed, will require a Greater Restoration spell.

Once transformed into a savage creature, a Greater Restoration spell causes the victim to revert to normal, provided the caster succeeds on a caster level check (DC 10 + ½ the savage creature’s Hit Dice + the savage creature’s Charisma modifier). A miracle or wish spell automatically restores a savage creature to normal. A savage creature that is killed and then brought back to life loses the effects of this template.
The PCs do not know a caster capable of casting such powerful magic at this time.

How do you proceed from here?

2023-03-20, 06:26 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks down sadly at the enraged fevered squirrel at their feet. With it unconcious he makes an effort to tie the net around like a sack and hosts the creature up onto one of the washing lines dangling in the "bag". If the others explain the nature of the magic needed Akula will shake his head, "It seems there is no hope for this beast. If I were to be like this," he pauses to look at the wounds on his body, "Then I would rather be sent to my ancestors and face death with my wits still near me."

Looking sadly around the cavern he shakes hi head, "This is a vile savagery that has been released here that steals you mind."

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 2/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)
Studie target (angry squirrel)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-03-21, 04:11 PM
"I agree," Cordelia response to Akula. "It'd be kinder to quicken its end. There's nothing we can do to help him. We can wrap him in my bedroll to contain the acid when we do it. I'll buy a new one when we get back to Sasserine and cuddle with Kitten if necessary in the mean time."

2023-03-21, 09:11 PM
"Agreed," Tillandi said, "I'll say a few prayers so Procan can guide him on his way across teh eternal Ocean."
She would be willing to perform the Mercy, should it be necesary.

2023-03-23, 01:37 PM
Several moments later the party has done the grizzly deed, with Firi'Sar performing the lethal blow and dodging away easily.

Navesh had a small masterwork kukri, Slippers of Spider Climbing (https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=006680642033474972217:6zo0hx_wle8&q=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/slippers-of-spider-climbing/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi_np7-2PL9AhWHZMAKHf3JDvIQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3SAyCNH7IBPREN5Pu7wkhR), and some jewelry (a gold nose ring and silver chain to a hoop earing) worth 100 GP and a ruby ring worth 120 GP.
Once again the party is left with several paths they can take.

There are four other exits from this cave. One likely leads back towards the beach while the other three lead deeper into the cave complex in one way or another. Going around the room clockwise, the party sees light coming from the outside out of the tunnel to the south and hears the sound of...pounding fists on a table(?) from the west. To the northwest they hear a cacophony of yelling and shrieking, as well as the clang of metal on metal. To the northeast there isn't any sound, but it does smell of some kind of animal, like a kennel or pen of some sort might be that direction.

About ten feet further down the northwest tunnel, on the left, is a barricade of shelves and tables blocking the entrance to another cavern. Further down this passageway the sounds of savage screams and rage can be heard mingled with what Firi'Sar more clearly hears as the sound of jail or prison bars clanging against each other as their inhabitants struggle against them. There isn't a fight happening further down - there are savage creatures in cages trying to get free...
The map below is close enough for now. The blockaded off-shoot is up the northwest tunnel.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GHSZ6cSEcBYYIn-7rGDJ4C4iHtBFMW1Uha1hkhhf3cyZwm4f-1zJvE2rsttd46v2Pz9d4qS6Dcqt8qeJdJhCn1JuLUd9cwRbv33 8MwYyBw5uKxFP9stOofPzO4eme6DxsZ_04OgS0w=w2400

2023-03-23, 10:12 PM
Firi'Sar frowns sadly as he makes sense of the little creature's affliction. "Let this be a warning to all of us," he murmurs sadly. "It was my suggestion that brought him here. I'll see him to the beyond." With an unhappy frown, but deliberate movements and keen awareness, he thrusts his rapier through the tiny fellow's throat.

A few moments later, he retrieves the slippers. "If none of you objects, I'll put these to good use."

"I don't like trusting our safety to this blockade and unseen bars beyond, but it seems imprudent to consider it a primary concern at this point," Firi'Sar muses, frowning as he gestures to the shelves and tables obstructing further passage.

"Let's go this way for now, with luck we'll find more answers than questions for once." He begins prowling to the northeast, careful to mask his steps.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception

2023-03-25, 08:24 AM
"Maybe we best first check out those things caged," Tillandi suggests, "if they're friendly, we can free them and they can maybe help. And if they're not, we can take them out so nobody can open the cages to let them rush us."

2023-03-26, 05:46 AM
The party creeps past the barricade and into the next room. Dozens of 5-ft wide iron cages are built into the walls of this large cavern. Some are empty, while others contain the partially eaten remains of dead men and women. Yet most horrible are those cages that contain thrashing, wailing figures. Each of these seems more deformed than the last - twisting legs, writhing arms, vestigial heads, and jaws agape with too many teeth - all on display as the mad prisoners howl and slobber and throw themselves against the walls of their cages in a cacophonous attempt to break free.

At one time each of these eleven creatures was likely an unfortunate prisoner bound for a life of toil and misery. Now, however, they are all savage humanoids who have eaten a fair portion of other (less?) fortunate prisoners. They don't appear strong enough, even in their savagely mutated forms, to break free, though they lunge violently at the sight of the party. It's probably not safe to get within five feet of them.

To be heard in here the PCs have to yell or use some other communication method. Please take that into account in your posts.

There is another exit to the northeast. You have also skipped at least two areas further west, if you wish to double back and check them out.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XjKZrt_9Vd_D-yHTtByozXCIuU_MR9FhWvwgv7l4LL7av3IOEo5MNz1aNQsSu_a wSuRzqifsFfKKpbfhC0hcZ1Qi__Jm0ye714Hs60hZGJChdcHeh ttoNfNg7kckHiOCAFTW3r4ktA=w2400

2023-03-26, 07:13 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula shivers as he passes the cages and stays clear of the grasping hands and claws. “Procan take them to the depths.” he mutters, inaudible to the others under the screaming and maddening howling. Pointing with the harpoon bellowing loudly this time “We can do nothing for these ones, let us pass through. Keep clear of the cages.”

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):
Divine Favour 2/10 rounds (+2 atk/dam)
Studie target (angry squirrel)

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-03-29, 12:45 AM
"We will have to give them mercy," Tillandi said, looking if there was a possibility to do so without getting sprayed with the acid they all seemed to get when infected.

2023-03-30, 09:39 PM
"I'm all for granting a merciful death," Firi'Sar calls, eying the cages and their occupants warily. He retrieves his crossbow, to assess the efficacy of it.

Dunno if/what kind of check would apply, but the crossbow is specifically a ranged weapon with which you can CdG. These things aren't... mechanically helpless, though if they can't bust loose it's a matter of time/formality/enough ammo anyway. Mostly brainstorming.

On second thought, he shakes his head to the negative. "Shutting them up right now would alert everyone in the caves to our presence. We'll do it on the way out."

If it's applicable, message (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/message/) is basically always active during scouting/exploration. There's just no good reason to not. If it's not applicable, I guess we're all yelling. XD

2023-03-31, 01:58 PM
The party moves along, keeping clear of the grasping, lunging claws of the mutated savages as they exit the slave pens to the northeast. Down a 15-ft tunnel they find a sandy-floored cavern that seems to be some sort of trophy hall. The centerpiece display is an enormous reptilian skull, nearly six feet in length, mounted on a wooden display. Other trophies line the walls - nameplates from ships, battered sea chests, mounted heads of sea monsters, and weathered figureheads, each doubtless carrying a sordid history of theft or betrayal.

As everyone looks about carefully no threats appear and they begin looking more closely at the assortment of oddities. They find several sets of shark jaws, the skull of a sahuagin (Akula recognizes his species' ancient enemy immediately), jars of tentacle fragments, and what looks like a complete set of dragon turtle teeth.

The largest skull is that of a Tyrannosaurus (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/dinosaur/tyrannosaurus/).
Among the nameplates of the ships are St. Asmod's Hope, Wavereaper, and a barnacle encrusted mast with only a few letters still clearly visible - "T...M...AUT." There is also a heavily rusted ship's bell bearing the name Sea Ghost.

While each of these might be interesting to the right buyer, they are all either so esoteric or large that they are prohibitively difficult to take with you. However there is a leather-bound collection of nautical charts dated over 300 years ago that look to be of exceptional quality - both in terms of artistic value and accuracy. Using them to chart courses and navigate on an ocean-going ship will grant a +4 circumstance bonus to Profession (Sailor) checks.

There are also three locked sea chests (DC 30 Disable Device) in one corner of the room full of assorted coins and gems. Upon opening the chests you find 120 GP, 448 SP, 683 CP, three garnets (20 GP each), an emerald brooch (50 GP), and five pearls (100 GP each).

To the south lies a small alcove filled with piles of blankets, clothing, cases of crossbow bolts, and a collection of swords, pole arms, axes, and other weaponry. (120 crossbow bolts, 3 short swords, 5 rapiers, 2 long swords, 2 scimitars, a glaive, 2 guisarmes, a halberd, 2 light crossbows, a heavy crossbow, 2 battle axes, 9 throwing axes, and a greataxe.)

To the east and south appear to be essentially three paths. One sharply to the right (south west, back towards the cave with the hanging silks where you fought the savage deinonychus and Navesh), on directly forward, and a collection of paths through columns to the northeast. Directly forward you can hear the sound of waves against stone and sand. To the left, through the columns, you hear no sound except the wind.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/SnytlK2I4VV-9_NrsUijDPO2u7UN6tvQ5OhOzzg3ORQitTEGJ_-t8zpsmiXeKioljTUyOJ5QDLJEBxCZaBrrn-cC-uZ0tbFTYOSw9EbagvuxqnahjvkvX23Q4vPVPT1E6yn68kI20w= w2400

2023-03-31, 02:06 PM
"I think we found their stash," Tillandi remarked as she cast detect magic on the lot to see if there was something even more interesting in there. She was still a bit shaken from the critters they had seen in the cage, but she managed to concentrate to cast the spell.

detect magic on all the loot to see if there's anything magical.

2023-03-31, 03:15 PM
Firi'Sar lets out a low whistle, probably lost in the din of the savage creatures behind them. "Gods above and below, that thing was a monster," he breathes, obviously appreciative of the massive reptilian skull. Despite his best efforts, his eyes remain drawn to the massive trophy much longer than is safe, but fortunately nothing ill immediately comes of it. The man spends several long moments openly appreciating it after it becomes apparent they aren't going to face immediate resistance in this chamber. Turning to Akula, he gawks wide-eyed. "Can you imagine what that fight must have been!? I wonder if it's some sort of kraken's skull, or a land-bound terror." He snorts. "It must have been 10 or 20 feet long, just to carry that size of a head!"

His amateur eye glances over the maps and charts with an appreciative frown. "Sailing will never be my forte, but given time to study these charts, I imagine even a complete neophyte would find his course fairly easily. This detail is uncanny!" He offers them to Tillandi. "Would you keep track of these?" he asks.

When his attention is called to the lockboxes, he hurries over, drawing his keys with near-unconscious efficacy. He tests the lock briefly before beginning to ply the tumblers. "Ooh, this will be a bit of a challenge," he purrs, as the first lock rebuffs his initial efforts. With time and focus, all three of the locks fall to his expert fingers, and a quite pleased Elf retrieves the contents thereof. "I suppose this will make the trip worthwhile all by itself," he murmurs with a smirk.

Has anyone been tracking party loot? Firi'Sar is not strong enough to carry much, but I don't mind throwing together a quick spreadsheet if no one else already has.

2023-04-01, 05:21 AM
"Nothing magical," Tillandi said as she concluded her investigations, "sure, I can keep those. Quite interesting, I agree. Maybe we can come back later to get all this stuff, as we can't carry all those weapons and still fight effectively. But if you want an extra weapon, or stock up on bolts, now is the chance."

forgot last post: knowledge nature: [roll0]

2023-04-01, 08:52 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Glad to be through the cages of lost souls Akula circles the massive skull, a low whistle coming from him. "It is as you say Firi'Sar. A truly impressive beast, I would have liked to see the whole thing..." he pauses and grins "From a safe distance.". Looking over the rest of the stuff he grabs out the sahguain skull and seconds later there is a large cracking sound as he repeatedly stamps upon it until its fragmented and truly smashed.

Looking around he offers his backpack to Firi'Sar, "I can bear the weight of the coins, it will not slow me." Before he stops gazing at the columns, "Shall we press on, I think the others will lead us back to where we started."

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility


2023-04-07, 02:25 PM
"I don't know what that is," Cordelia admits, curiously studying the skull. "Some kind of large dinosaur? I don't think I've encountered it before, and I'm not sure I'd want to!"

"I don't mind which route we pick next, so long as we explore these caves thoroughly. This stash was a nice find."

2023-04-08, 09:10 AM
"Let's move forward so we don't have to go back through that cavern with the cages," Tillandi suggested, "doesn't really matter where forward, we have to check everything anyway. Keep it logical I would say."

2023-04-08, 10:38 AM
The party takes the path to the right, heading roughly towards the room where they fought the savage dinosaur earlier. As they move forward two smells are overwhelming - that of a kennel and the sickly-iron smell of spilt blood. As Firi'Sar looks into the room he sees three strange creatures lying in a mangled heap in the center of this cave, their bodies torn apart and gnawed down to the bone. It's difficult to tell what manner of wolf- or hyena-like creatures they once were. Spiked collars lie empty beside the decapitated bodies, chains running from each to iron hooks in the walls.

Firi'Sar has no difficulty seeing the remaining two creatures, as they both move to attack him! They still wear the chained collars they likely had prior to being turned, but should be able to reach the edge of the cave to attack anyone as near as Akula before the chains hold them back.


The ones attacking have large, misshapen jaws, large patches of mangy fur, and leprous skin covered with writhing tendrils in all he bare spots.
These are savage krenshars (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/krenshar/), fully taken by the Savage Fever.
Both of the monsters pull back the skin around their faces, revealing their skulls and screeching loudly! Firi'Sar feels the fearsome threats hit him like a physical blow, though he may be able to resist their power...

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/uTACiVG67yEFJ2dHUtAnzCMUkLjTMvWpanb3OakEkTKzvRsM6t 8qIWI4Q550MZLDkiSyJTl0Rg3xz8HKUliwhF4v0sK2MAk8Y3fs H0BNRjhd7mvu_tu3Z2eskhYu7BHkXceb4Kop7g=w2400
The enemies beat Firi'Sar's initiative, but have done their entire action, so it is now the PCs' turns. I need two DC 12 Will saves from Firi'Sar or he is frightened (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Frightened) for 1d4 rounds.

2023-04-09, 03:02 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Hearing the growling and howling and seeing Firi'sar shivering Akula seeks to bolster his friends courage before retreating, a look down the tunnel, and a suggestion to the others, "Maybe the more northern tunnel?"

Cast Remove fear on Firi'Sar (either stops the fear or gives a bonus on saves)
Retreat 10ft away from chained and leashed weird monsters

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 2/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-04-09, 10:11 PM
With a short yelp, Firi'Sar turns tail and dashes past Akula and the others, his thoughts having left himself entirely.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

round 1 of 3 frightened.

2023-04-10, 05:20 AM
As Fri'sar tried to run past, Tillandi tried to trip him as he was just past her, as she didn't want him screaming through the tunnels and alerting the bad guys that they were here and in the process get himself killed.

trip attack on Fri'sar: [roll0] vs his CMD. Technically he has an attack of opportunity on Tillandi.
If I read his character sheet correct, that's a trip.

2023-04-14, 06:46 AM
Cordelia throws herself on Firi'Sar to prevent him getting lost in his fright.

"I've got this Tillandi! See to those beasts!" She calls at him and Kitten. In response, Kitten bounces up the walls and ceiling to drop to the floor behind the northernmost creature to savage it.

Cordelia grapple [roll0]

Kitten move to R15 and Bite [roll1] damage [roll2] plus trip [roll3]

2023-04-15, 12:38 PM
The noise is fearsome, and though Tillandi and Cordelia are able to stop Firi'Sar's flight it is possible that there will be more to follow, shortly. Akula helps calm the elf's nerves while they retreat. The beasts cannot seem to get free of their chains as the party backs up, but from both of the other paths come voices...if you can call them that.

From the darkness between the stone columns come loud, insane screams of fury and hunger - wordless cries of once-humans now more demon than men. From the path leading to water comes a shrieking, hoarse, female voice. "Where are you, my love? Is that you, Vanthus? I knew you wouldn't leave me! Sooooo hungry...please, feed me!"

Both sets of voices are coming closer - you have perhaps a round to prepare and move before you are set upon from two sides...

Cordelia is grappling Firi'Sar, who is also prone and frightened (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Frightened) for two more rounds resistant to [Fear] effects. For ease of play you all have "won initiative" and have a full round before any new enemies come into sight.

Please post two rounds of actions - one for "free" and one addressing incoming enemies. There are a total of three Savage Pirates coming form the maze of columns and one unique, Savage Human coming from the "tributary chamber" to the southeast.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/og1vx6i0HlMYWy195ePBNNoMASs4k7t92AtZAi7CSxqYmAlWDF E6FtD2s8KfSVTD8JBc6L24vK6LBfr4F9nBbnCzH7-CTfrS_4xYyn92KSD9AA3BpH2LEgfvhR8dCTQAxqLf02KIww=w2 400

2023-04-15, 03:45 PM
Tillandi felt she had some time before the others joined in the combat and she quickly cast a blessing of Procan on everybody before getting ready to start hitting people, moving to take those three pirates.

cast Bless on everybody: 4 minutes, +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

2023-04-17, 10:45 PM
Firi'Sar rises, shaking off the metaphorical cobwebs and his eyes immediately open in recognition. "Oh my. Thank you for the assist, but it seems our situation just became much more precarious. If I may make a suggestion, let the spurned lover come and let's step back into the trophy hall, yes?"

He's already moving that direction well before waiting for confirmation, though he pauses to glance to the northeast. "I'll try to buy us some time..."

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Rise from prone
move to T/11

prepare to cast Web (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/web/) in the area to the NE (perhaps centered at 9/W or 10/X), ideally in such a way that at least a few of the incoming figures are trapped, but with the bulk of the web in front of them- so they at least have to move either through it or around it. We will absolutely use a point from the reservoir to increase the DC to 18.

2023-04-23, 03:46 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula claps Firi'Sar on the shoulder as the fear is supressed. "Come back to us. This is not the place to run off on your own." . He taps the wizard again, "Hide yourself and take them by surprise" he adds as the elf vanishes from view. Following that he nods and retreats towrads the trophy room, a second spell coating him in a ward against evil.

Follow the others back to the Trophy room
Cast invisibility on Firi'Sar
Cats Protection from Evil on self

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-04-30, 07:02 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_mrWn_fPGJEYQYVrR8LZROS60mlFvgu-BjWXl1PQeV9wGT86Gn-58-8Jy4KDWaaWio-ST5uCIXgzT1dTTHEm0jXSeUltfsV3O2FM5_KsiR39A4n9fjRW8 n1cAAcDNnm7f1M_jKKNaw=w2400
(Preparatory Round)
The party generally moves to the Trophy Cave or further.
Tillandi casts Bless on the party.
Akula casts Protection from Evil on himself - @DrK, once Firi'Sar casts Web he would immediately become visible again (assuming enemies were in the area of effect). To avoid wasting an action of yours I am swapping the buff order. You can make Firi'Sar invisible during Round 1 if you like.
Firi'Sar prepares to cast Web - I'm going to let you see the enemies before you cast, @FarmerBink.
The party moves backwards to the natural choke point, the raucous noise from the savage-prisoners in their cages to their backs as howling from the kennel and oncoming savage pirates assault them from the front. Both Tillandi and Akula invoke divine protection and power upon the party and Firi'Sar gazes into the maze to his left intently. As three savage pirates appear from between the pillars he sees his opportunity to catch them in a mass of sticky webbing.

It is from the southeast that a new - and unique - enemy approaches. "You're not Vanthus! Ugh - smell like food, though! Come here! Brissa (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25457089&postcount=477) will eat you instead!"

Though she's horribly mutated, presumably by the Savage Fever, Brissa Santos was one of your leads, described by Lady Rowyn Kellani during one of your last interviews with her. If there was a savage-creature you might want to capture alive and find a way to heal, she would likely be a good choice for that...

PC action in Round 1, go!

2023-05-01, 08:30 AM
Tillandi deciced to get the ranged attacks out of the way before the bad guys moved in. So she did a step forward and then did a special channel to get them all in.

step to T12
alignment channel (harm evil): [roll0] (will save DC15 for half damage) (30ft burst should get everyone in)

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/23, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-05-01, 10:43 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula see's the crowd of savage looking enemies approaching and fees some trepidation. "Be brave my friends he says" as he taps Firi'sar on the shoulder rendering the elf invisble and then ooks at this brissa studying her for weakness

Move: Studied target on Brissa
Standard; The invisibilty from last round on Firi'sar

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-05-05, 09:42 PM
"What's it worth to bring her in alive?" Firi'sar's quiet voice asks from where he stood moments ago. Without a sound, he activates the recently-procured slippers and begins walking up the wall, well away from the incoming "woman."

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

As I understand, the web has been cast and Firi'Sar is now invisible (with Akula's spell this round).
Let's activate the slippers of spider climb and move to V/12, at least 10' up.

Correction, we'll cast web to catch the ugly trio and then move (quietly) towards the wall. Stealth is at +31 with invisibility.

2023-05-08, 02:52 PM
"Possibly a fair bit if we can get information out of her," Cordelia replies to Firi'Sar, casting Magic Fang on Kitten.

"Flank them when they advance," Cordelia advises Kitten, the unnaturally-good-at-climbing-leopard springing up onto the ceiling ready to move beyond the advancing enemies.

2023-05-15, 03:10 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GRzWfkMWJ3WBw_zTKYi24s9OxdgSng4TeM-THRHV_AF_v0WzDzPFVaiYu-CCfN7X3UTyLwsHAlVYpbs1etlziOWpW4UMlaqDYGymDFsoidB5 vZO_hItNj_kYCG_3L7FUk8KWEg6hBg=w2400
Tillandi steps forward and channels energy to harm [Evil] creatures. The burst doesn't go around the corner to the savage krenshars, but does hit every other attacker.
Only one of the Savage Pirates saves, taking 2 damage, while the others all take 4.
Firi'Sar casts Web and then sneaks to...?
Two of the three Savage Pirates get grappled by the thick webbing immediately.
Akula studies Brissa Santos while casting Invisibility on Firi'Sar.
Cordelia casts Magic Fang on Kitten who then readies an action to attack the first enemy to get close enough...?

The Savage Pirates try to get free and move, with only one able to move meaningfully at all. It exits the maze of columns near Brissa.

Brissa tries to approach the party and gets stuck in the first bit of webbing she encounters.

The Savage Krenshars are not able to get free of their chains.
The party begins the battle solidly on their terms. Tillandi does some damage to all the Savage Pirates (including Brissa Santos), before Firi'Sar's webbing seems to effectively hold them all fast. Akula makes Firi'Sar invisible as he and Cordelia ready for melee with the first enemy to make it to them...next round...

Brissa moans in obvious frustration as she struggles vainly in the webbing. "Noooo! Let me freee to bite youuuu..."

Thank you again for your patience with my lack of posts this past week. I appreciate it.

More specificity in some of your posts would be helpful, however. It is difficult for me to know exactly what you want to do if you don't tell me. That said, you have some flexibility this round as a result of very effective crowd control. Please answer the questions I asked in Discord and we can move forward with combat.

Begin Round 2!

2023-05-17, 05:45 PM
"Hold! Wait for them to come to us..." Cordelia instructs Kitten, reluctant for any of the party to get caught in the webbing. She considers making a psychic strike against their opponents sanity, but given how far gone they are she considers it wouldn't be worth the effort. So instead she follows her own instructions and holds back, hoping the enemies break their way free in dribs and drabs.

2023-05-17, 06:12 PM
If they wanted the woman to live, she would have to concentrate on the others at this moment, to take them out as quickly as possible. So she took a step forward and seeing another of the savage pirates, she called upon the power of water and threw an icicle at him.

step to T13
Icicle (water domain ability) on W14: [roll0] (ranged touch attack) for damage: [roll1]

Tillandi Borgrem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2378849)
Female N Half-elf Cleric/Fighter, Level 4/4, Init 2, HP 28/23, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, CMD 18, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
MC, brace Trident +8 (1d8+4, x2)
Silvered dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron dagger +6 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2023-05-20, 05:43 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

“I’m happy to stay away from their claws.” he shouts over the screams to Cordelia as he steps fractionally closer, hefts the harpoon and hurls it at Brissa.

Free: 5ft step to T13
Throw harpoon at Brissa [roll0] dam [roll1]
Move: retrieve harpoon with attached rope

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None
Studie target Vs Brissa

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-05-21, 07:57 PM
Firi'Sar pouts, though no one can see it. "Bah, didn't mean to catch her. Apologies, everyone."

Invisibly and near soundlessly, he begins to scale the wall.
Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 2/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Given where the web ended up (does it go around walls also, or is it mostly trapped behind U/11 to V/13?), well have Firi'Sar use the slippers and climb up the wall at T/13. My intention is at least to achieve high ground and perhaps flanking

2023-05-22, 02:15 PM
Tillandi steps and misses with her icicle.
Firi'Sar climbs the walls to prepare to flank.
Akula steps and skewers Brissa, dealing 7 damage after her DR.
Cordelia and Kitten wait for an enemy to get through, readying an attack for when one gets in melee?

The Savage Pirates and Brissa all try to get to the PCs, with Brissa and one pirate getting to melee range (but lacking the actions to attack this round).

The Savage Krenshars are not able to get free of their chains.
Everyone shifts about, carefully, jockeying for the best position to meet the enemies when they get through the webbing. Tillandi and Akula try to attack the savage woman, but only Akula's harpoon finds purchase on Brissa Santos. "Argh! That's not what Brissa likes! Come here!" she exclaims as she and one of the two savage pirates make their way to melee with the party, their crazed eyes hungry, weapons flailing, and sharp teeth clacking!

I'm going to have to start penalizing non-actions at some point here. That said, I think it reasonable that Kitten would get a readied attack last turn but I cannot adjudicate that without attack and damage rolls. Go ahead and roll attacks, but please start putting them in your posts for each round so I can fully adjudicate turns in one post!

Begin Round 3!

2023-05-23, 05:29 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula jumps back as the snarling pirate leaps at him. "Back you shark's anus" he snarls as he jabs his recovered harpoon back at the creature to drive it back

Stab the savage pirate in T11 w/power attack [roll0] dam [roll1]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None
Studie target Vs Brissa

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-05-26, 05:16 PM
Tillandi steps back to take out the pirate that Akula was stabbing at.

5ft step to S12
stab T11: [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

2023-05-27, 09:37 AM
Invisible and stickier than a spider, Firi'Sar crawls higher on the wall. "Deal with the other one! I'll give you some space!"

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 3/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Move to ~~~ T/13 + 15' up
cast grease (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grease/) on the floor at T/13-U/14, using an arcane reservoir point to increase the DC to 17 reflex else prone.

2023-05-29, 06:39 PM
"Get him girl!" Cordelia urges as the pirate claws free of the webbing, and Kitten drops from the ceiling, biting and raking the pirate with her claws!

Kitten flanking with Akula

Readied attack:
Bite [roll]1d20+11[/roll 22 Damage [roll0] plus trip [roll1] magic for DR

Full attack:
Bite [roll]1d20+11[/roll 30 Damage [roll2] plus trip [roll3] magic for DR
Claw [roll]1d20+8[/roll 17 Damage [roll4]
Claw [roll]1d20+8[/roll 27 Damage [roll5]

Bad rolls re-rolled OOC

2023-06-11, 07:26 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LbBcVujjFiiKQQTyak0iD3TJAfbqwlkFMWaiwYMRl1LDWfBk44 U-RWCSyctYRbTwwlJKeVBF2XbTEHpzaR-mI2dJH2eewvAUjd5LLhdLs-DwjyC5lJEkKwjh7ymjTzWSnpFmmqBmw=w2400
Kitten moves to flank with Akula, attacking the savage pirate and hitting a total of three times, dealing a total of 16 damage and tripping it.
Akula stabs at and misses the savage pirate adjacent to him. Then he 5-ft steps (based on your description of actions).
Tillandi 5-ft steps and then connects with the savage pirate, but doesn't pierce it's DR.
Firi'Sar climbs up out of reach and casts Grease, DC 17, becoming visible since the spell effect includes Brissa in its AoE.
Brissa falls prone.

The Savage Pirates: One cannot get free of the webbing, another can but doesn't have enough actions to move and attack (it just moves to T12, incurring AoOs from Kitten, Akula, and Tillandi). The prone savage pirate tries to stand, incurring an AoO from Akula and Kitten. It then attacks Kitten with its cutlass and misses the cat.

Brissa tries to stand up from the Grease, failing and getting entangled (grappled, mechanically) by the Web.

The Savage Krenshars are not able to get free of their chains.
The party continues their slow, controlled assault on the savage pirates. Kitten does severe damage to one, tripping it and leaving it dying (though the unholy powers that have transformed it don't appear to be done, as it continues to snap and struggle). Tillandi and Akula don't make much of a difference with their attacks, though Firi'Sar trips the moaning Brissa with magic as he appears upside down hanging from the ceiling!

Fortunately for our heroes the pirates cannot get purchase as spells and circumstances continue to hinder them. One pirate seems hopelessly stuck in the webbing, Brissa gets entangled as she tries (and fails) to stand from the grease-slick beneath her, and the dying pirate cannot hit with its sword swing. Only one enemy makes headway, as it breaks free of the webbing and approaches the party.

The cacophony of the fight echoes much of the rest of the sea caves, with the additional howls of the krenshar in the kennel and the captive savage pirates behind the party. You also hear what sounds like steel on steel coming from the maze of columns to the northeast, though it is difficult to say confidently what is down that way past the webbing.

Two of the Savage Pirates incur AoOs. If you have Combat Reflexes you may attack them both, @DrK and @RCgothic (with Kitten). Otherwise you need to choose which you attack and how.

Firi'Sar is high enough to avoid any real threats at the moment. If the enemies are left alone to try and leap upwards at him they might be able to hit, with significant penalties to their attack rolls.

Begin Round 4!

2023-06-11, 02:38 PM
When one of them moved out of the webbing and came closer she gave him a stab and then tried to finish him off.

attack of opportunity on T12: [roll0] for damage: [roll1]
stab T12 (unless he's dead, then T11): [roll2] for damage: [roll3]

2023-06-12, 05:52 PM
Kitten focusses on the prone pirate standing up, only moving on to the next page once the first one stops moving or explodes!

Cordelia waits on the sidelines ready to heal if necessary.

Kitten AoO prone pirate:
Bite [roll0] damage [roll1] plus trip [roll2] damage is magic for DR.
(No combat reflexes).

Full attack Vs prone pirate or next pirate using 5ft step if 1st dies
Bite [roll3] damage [roll4] plus trip [roll5] damage is magic for DR.
Claw [roll6] damage [roll7]
Claw [roll8] damage [roll]1d3+1[/roll 2

2023-06-13, 02:14 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula breathes in ragged breaths as the wave of savage pirates and mangled flesh and claws charges at them. "Procan keep me sheltered in your waves" he prays to himself before he lashes out with the harpoon at the one rush past before spinning and seeking to pin the one by kitten to the floor.

AoO on T11 (or T12 if T11 T12 dies) [roll0] dam [roll1]
Study T11
Stab T11 [roll2] dam [roll3]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 28/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 14 AC currently due to large
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None
Studied target Vs T11

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 1/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-06-14, 09:27 PM
Still perched strangely high on the uneven wall, Firi'Sar smiles as the greasy floors and sticky webs serve to greatly hinder the savage onslaught. With a curious expression, he dashes nimbly across the... ceiling? He takes up a fighting stance above and behind one of the foes, doing his best to capitalize on his bizarre height advantage.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 2/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Move to U/12 + 15' up, with acrobatics to avoid AoOs: using panache: [roll0] +[roll1] (*up to 4 d6, as long as I roll 6s XD)
Acrobatics modified is 23
Attack T/12, fighting defensively:
[roll2] rapier (DOES NOT INCLUDE FLANKING? Does include+1 for high ground)
[roll3] CC (24+, x2)
[roll4] damage
[roll5] crit bonus

AC is temporarily 20.

2023-07-02, 02:09 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AJFCJaXM_8yOsEzVl30msTuSbYYx1n364-TJZ1HpmhMnsKSNlvfWqjKH433pKNS1xQpLnvISOLchrMqhQran MbdAOzc-EOTot_12EvpN_7ndQ7BqGFSp7HA=w2400
Tillandi stabs and hits one of the Savage Pirates twice (one AoO, one regular attack). It is still going, but now it should be dying, based on its wounds.
Kitten misses with her AoO but connects in the next round, destroying the Savage Pirate. It bites at Kitten, missing, and then explodes, exposing Kitten, Akula, and Tillandi to acid splash - 1d6 Acid Damage, Reflex save vs DC 15 to avoid.
Kitten misses with her claw attacks.
Akula attacks twice (one AoO, one a studied regular attack) and kills another Savage Pirate. It bites at him and misses before exploding, exposing Akula and Tillandi to its acid splash - 1d6 Acid Damage, Reflex save vs DC 15 to avoid.
Firi'Sar moves and attacks Brissa Santos, hitting but not piercing her DR.

The remaining Savage Pirate attempts to get free of the webbing and fails.

Brissa attempts to stand from prone, incurring an AoO from Firi'Sar. She fails to stand the first time but stands the second time. She doesn't have enough actions to do anything more, though.

The Savage Krenshars are not able to get free of their chains.
Slow and steady wins the race, as our heroes systematically strike down the Savage Pirates and continue to let Brissa Santos, the remaining Savage Pirate behind her, and the Savage Krenshar languish where they are. Firi'Sar seems to enjoy the best position as he remains out of reach of the enemies, but the others are able to cut down two attackers without injury until their explosions splash towards the party.

"Why won't you come and let me bite you?" mewls Brissa from the floor as she tries to rise, falls once, and then succeeds the second time. "The floor is slippery!"

Firi'Sar gets one AoO vs Brissa Santos.

Several Saving Throws are needed (one for Kitten, and two for Akula and Tillandi each). Please check the Mechanics spoiler for details and make the rolls (and damage notations) as appropriate.

There is a pool where the two explosive enemies died. Standing in it or moving through it will deal 1d6 acid damage every round. They will last for one minute, so I recommend you act as if they weren't going away until the end of combat.

Begin Round 5!

2023-07-02, 10:00 PM
Firi'Sar's blade flickers again in the subterranean melee. Somewhat thoroughly isolated from his companions, he then saunters back up the ceiling to a high point, content to wait for his allies to help

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Panache: 2/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

AoO: 13
Damage? 7

another fighting defensively attack:
[roll1] CC
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus.

5-foot step up the wall?

AC is temporarily 20.

2023-07-05, 05:43 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula grunts as the acid sprays on his legs nd thighs, "I do not like these beasts that sting even as they die." He looks across the acid pond staring a Brissa and inviting her to try her hand with him as he summons Procan power to guide his hands

Move: Study target vs Brissa
Standard: Cast Divine Favour

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 26/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Studied target Vs Brissa
Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-07-05, 11:57 AM
Tillandi felt the acid burn through her, so she did a quick healing spell on herself now she was out of the immediate combat.

cure light wounds (remove Shield of faith): [roll0]

2023-07-06, 03:52 AM
"I've got you Akula," Cordelia says, tapping him with a charge of cure light wounds from her wand. "I'll get to you next Tillandi!"

Meanwhile kitten scrambles up and over the ceiling, dropping down between her and the other entangled pirate and biting at her leg.

Cute light wounds 41->40 charges [roll0]

Kitten to U14, attacking Brissa [roll1] damage [roll2] P/B/S/magic plus trip [roll3]

2023-07-06, 02:39 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AIL4fc93T6n2-GC2l9r0JCvJVC4ZU_kenzPpcuK1VUS3lnXbu5jIib6Vny04FOa BPLyRziMCVpFyaVCV7HOtKO54FUZRUNvF1at9mKDvbRp5jRjyX fEUJUk=w2400
Tillandi, Akula, and Kitten all take some damage from acid splashing.
Firi'Sar misses with AoO and regular attacks.
Akula studies Brissa Santos and casts Divine Favor.
Tillandi casts CLW.
Cordelia activates the wand of CLW, healing Akula.
Kitten attacks Brissa Santos, dealing 2 damage and tripping her (again)

The remaining Savage Pirate continues to fail to get free of the webbing.

Brissa crawls into the acid pool and attacks (from prone), trying to hit Tillandi with her rapier and missing. Her crawling incurs AoOs from Kitten, Tillandi, and Akula, but not Firi'Sar (as he's too high up).

The Savage Krenshars are not able to get free of their chains.
The party shrugs off (or heals) the acid burns as Kitten scrambles up and over the grease to land and trip the mewling, cannibal, savage woman. "Nooooo!" Brissa Santos cries as she falls, only to clumsily splash into the acid (which doesn't appear to bother her at all) and jab awkwardly at Tillandi, leaving herself open to attacks from most of the party.

AoOs for Kitten, Tillandi, and Akula.

@RCgothic - With Kitten in the Grease (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grease/) effect she will need to pass a DC 16 Saving throw to avoid falling prone.

There is a pool where the two explosive enemies died (Brissa Santos is wallowing in one square of it). Standing in it or moving through it will deal 1d6 acid damage every round. They will last for nine more rounds, so I recommend you act as if they weren't going away until the end of combat.

Begin Round 6!

2023-07-06, 03:56 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula grins as Brissa stumbles and slips haphazardly towards them. Jabbing with the harpoon he tries to pin her to the ground, "Be still eh" he grunts as he stamps down repeatedly on her seeking to kick her in the head to knock her out

AoO with harpoon [roll0] +4 if she is still prone Dam [roll1] (if from the grease and the prone she is flat footed then + [roll2] sneak)

Full attack with power attack unarmed kicks for non lethal
[roll3] +4 if still prone dam [roll4] (if from the grease and the prone she is flat footed then + [roll5] sneak)
[roll6] +4 if still prone dam [roll7] (if from the grease and the prone she is flat footed then + [roll8] sneak)

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 26/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Studied target Vs Brissa
Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-07-06, 03:57 PM
To confirm critical [roll0] +4 if prone; extra [roll1] damage

2023-07-07, 02:16 PM
Firi'Sar slinks around on the wall, now more behind Brissa than above. Aiming to capitalize on her incapacitation, his rapier flicks out once more.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Slippers of Spiderclimb: 9/10 minutes
Panache: 2/6
Inspiration: 5/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Mutagen: 1/1
Spontaneous Healing
Trap sense +1
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Move to U/12, on the wall, but like head height? Wherever he needs to be for +1 to hit from high ground XD
Poke poke
[roll0] rapier attack (counts flanking and high ground)
[roll1] crit (30+, x2)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

2023-07-08, 05:18 AM
As Brissa splashes around, Tillandi tries to stab her a few times, hoping that her moving around would give her some weak spots where she could stab her.

AoO: [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

attack: [roll2] for damage: [roll3]

2023-07-16, 04:11 AM
Kitten keeps step with Brissa, skidding a little as she moves but managing to keep upright on her paws. She savages Brissa in her prone state. Cordelia taps Akula with a charge of healing from her wand.

Kitten 5ft step to T-13. Acrobatics DC10 check passed OOC.
Bite damage [roll1] trip [roll2]
Claw [roll3] damage [roll4]
Claw [roll]1d20+ó damage [roll5]

Cordelia CLW [roll6]

2023-07-16, 02:15 PM
Akula attacks Brissa several times, doing enough non-lethal damage to knock her unconscious.

The remaining Savage Pirate is not a great enough threat to warrant going round-by-round. The party defeats him with no significant injuries.

The Savage Krenshars are not able to get free of their chains.
With several violent, and well-aimed, kicks, Akula knocks Brissa Santos unconscious, eliciting a feminine groan of pain strangely at odds with her savage appearance. The remaining savage pirate struggles insanely, but is so badly hindered by the webbing and grease that the party has little difficulty in finishing him off and dodging back as he explodes in the now familiar death throes of the poor, infected brutes.

From around the corner the sound of the diseased krenshars continue to assault the party, their hostile screams and grunts as they strain against their chains unsettling, but not threatening. The mad screams of other savage humanoids come from behind as well, but for a moment the PCs are safe.

End of combat. How do you want to try and handle Brissa Santos?

Good job, by the way! This is interesting and a little off-book - the source material doesn't expect you to be able to subdue any of the infected! I'm excited to see how this works out.

As the spells expire the party faintly, but clearly, hears the sound of clanging metal, as if a swordfight were ongoing, to the northeast through the natural sea-cave maze. If you wish to intervene you will need to deal with Brissa Santos quickly.


2023-07-17, 10:05 AM
Firi'Sar glances down at Brissa with an expression of concern mingled with opportunism. "You have a scroll, yes?" he confirms with Tillandi. He nods, and then peers into the caves to the northeast for only a moment. "Watch over her and the beasts down there. I'm going to investigate this noise." He drinks an extract and slinks towards the sound, moving with almost terrifying speed despite his near silence.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Slippers of Spiderclimb: 9/10 minutes
Panache: 2/6
Inspiration: 4/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Mutagen: 1/1
Spontaneous Healing
Trap sense +1
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)Firi'Sar will drink an extract of expeditious retreat for +30' movement speed. A somewhat polite reading of the skill suggests that he can do a move action of 55' while using stealth at -5 for "faster than half but less than full speed." If that's too cheesy, we'll go 30' and take no penalty.

[roll0] stealth + [roll1] inspiration (if the modified result is less than 22)

2023-07-17, 11:10 AM
"I have only two more of those," Tillandi said as she quickly stabilized the woman so she wouldn't die on her own. She watched Fri'Sar go and looked at the others, "we best get ready to receive visitors. A bit of an ambush should be possible here without too much trouble. Or we can follow our companion."

2023-07-19, 05:02 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula wraps Brissa in the heavy net and secures her hands, leg and arms to it with heavy knots, "She will sleep for many hours. Follow I think?" he suggests after spending a couple of rounds securing her he'll take off after Fir'Sar, though considerably slower!

AoO with harpoon [roll0] +4 if she is still prone Dam [roll1] (if from the grease and the prone she is flat footed then + [roll2] sneak)

Full attack with power attack unarmed kicks for non lethal
[roll3] +4 if still prone dam [roll4] (if from the grease and the prone she is flat footed then + [roll5] sneak)
[roll6] +4 if still prone dam [roll7] (if from the grease and the prone she is flat footed then + [roll8] sneak)

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 26/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Studied target Vs Brissa
Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-07-23, 02:04 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AIL4fc90g3osmLjdixqKIRKOHGguE5LdB_bBXgxV7j-XEfiAHG73M7WKgcHZV_Dk4zCWTF3aZXTD92wxZXvQSjLQLtaxg bWjZoE0gO3tg9iwPigZfEZ60kA=w2400
The party leaves the bound Brissa Santos behind and begins moving through a small labyrinth of tunnels. With many turns and switchbacks, this area would have made a good defensive position for someone familiar with it.

Past the short maze they pass a cavern on the right that looks to have been outfitted with fine (likely stolen) furniture. Thick rugs cover the floor and fine tapestries and seascape paintings hang from the walls. The place has a nearly regal feel to it. There is a four-post bed taking up much of a large nook to the south with a matching oak desk and armoire. Alas, much of this furniture is ruined, spattered and stained with gore and deeply scarred by swordplay. A skeletal body dressed in the ruins of a once-fine suit of studded leather lies in a heap at the foot of the bed. Five more bodies lie about the room, horribly deformed men and women who seem to have perished on a rapier's point.

However, the sound of fighting can be clearly heard coming from deeper inside the tunnels, so the party keeps moving past the room until they find the source of the noise. The floor of the tunnels begins to slope downward to the southeast, finally ending in a sandy cavern with a large tide pool. The waters seem to be surging from a submerged passageway leading to the southwest. A hammock strung between two stalagmites sways gently to the south, next to an overturned table and broken chair. In different circumstances this room would be a peaceful place where one could enjoy some quiet and solitude.

Now, however, a battle rages between a lone swordswoman and six savage pirates! The striking woman seems to be capably holding her own against the tide of mutants, using the overturned table and cave walls to funnel the attackers and prevent them from swarming her. At least a dozen more dead lay on the ground of this chamber, a testament to this woman's prowess, but she is breathing heavily and bleeds from several wounds. "Oi! Get in the fight or stay outta me way, buckos! These things are lookin' to die, and I plan on obliging!" she cries when she sees the party turn the corner into the room.

The savage pirates seem fixated as they attack this raven-haired beauty. Her deeply tanned skin speaks of a life spent largely outdoors, though she wears tight leather armor studded with fire opals and pearls. She wields a curved rapier and dagger with skill well beyond that of even the most skilled of the PCs - this is an adventurer in her own right, and an experienced one at that.

Do you engage and try to help this NPC fight off her attackers?

2023-07-23, 02:15 PM
Tillandi moves forward and throws an icicle at the nearest savage pirate.

move to AH10
throw icicle to AG12 (ranged touch attack): [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

2023-07-24, 08:11 PM
Firi'Sar doesn't wait for his companions, instead calling back through the message- "Come quickly, more fighting!"

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18 22, Touch 14 16, Flat-footed 14 16, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract, Mutagen bonus (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18 22, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Slippers of Spiderclimb: 9/10 minutes
Panache: 2/6
Inspiration: 4/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Mutagen: 0/1
Spontaneous Healing
Trap sense +1
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Firi'Sar will drink his mutagen and lead in. Move to AG/6 with more dex and natural armor.

2023-07-25, 06:05 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks at them all before nodding, "In Procan's name..." and stomps forward driving a savage thrust at the nearest one.

Move to AG11
Stab the pirate with power attck [roll0] dam [roll1]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 26/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (4/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-07-25, 04:12 PM
"Stabilise", Cordelia prays, touching the unconscious and bound Brissa before following the others.

On seeing the battle she immediately orders Kitten into the fray! The white leopard pounces on the back of one of the pirates assaulting the woman and attempts to bear him to the ground, but the cat uncharacteristically skids into the pirate's legs to no effect instead of savaging him.

Cordelia herself begins casting a spell whilst staying back from the melee.

Cantrip Stabilise on Brissa.

Kitten charge [roll0] Damage [roll1] plus trip [roll2]

Cordelia casting Summon Nature's Ally II (for Bull's Strength)

2023-08-05, 11:33 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AIL4fc-GiwCbKxMlJ3VHuPn53gYHE8r6DSywfE5QSvf5OlHHk5bZj8Mrs sQ3vKPDMbRyTzcIXTRt5XZ9E1FX7bq4DiI8dnQ8AP-JnYWWzgkWgr8oUYck0w8=w2400
The party acts, then Harliss Javell, then the savage pirates.

Tillandi moves and then hits the savage pirate at AG12 for 4 damage.
Firi'Sar drinks his mutagen and moves to AH11
Akula moves and then stabs the savage pirate at AG12 for 14 damage after DR.
Kitten moves (cannot charge due to non-straight line) and misses the attack.
Cordelia takes no action.

Harliss Javell strikes three times, with her rapier (not even using her daggers), killing two of the savage pirates outright. They both snap at her before exploding and miss. She dodges both of the acid sprays from their death throes explosions.

The savage pirates continue their assault, two moving to attack Harliss Javell and two moving to confront the PCs.

The two attacking Harliss miss with both of their attacks (scimitar and bites).

One savage pirate attacks Akula - miss with the scimitar, hit with the bite for 8 damage. I think Akula is fighting off the Savage Fever currently, so he cannot get more infected.

The other savage pirate looks to be going after Tillandi, but attacks Firi'Sar for getting in the way - missing with both attacks.
The party converges on the savage pirates, with Tillandi's ice magic doing some damage as Akula deals a serious blow to one of the abominations at the back of the group.

Meanwhile, Firi'Sar and Akula (especially) see a veritable blade-dance in action. The woman who has been fighting off so many of the savage pirates looks to be...just fine, really. With three deft stabs of her rapier, she disposes of two of the mutants, easily dodging their attacks and explosions both. "That trick is getting right old, don't you think?" she mocks the savages, before looking at the one attacking Firi'Sar sadly. "Be a good elf and put poor Jebidiah out of his misery - he looked much better this morning..." she says to the hero before turning back to the two savage pirates that turn on her.

While she casually avoids their attacks, Akula is not so lucky. One monster bites him, hard, with serrated shark-like teeth while another ("Jebediah?") tries to get past Firi'Sar to assault Tillandi, without success.

Firi'Sar has the opportunity to respond to a missed attack - do you want to use Opportune Parry and Riposte, @FarmerBink?

Begin Round 2!

2023-08-05, 12:02 PM
"Kitten, flank them!" Dee commands as she steps forward to heal Akula's bite with a charge from the wand. Kitten gives her a little bit of side-eye in response, but nevertheless slinks into a position between the two savage pirates, flanking them themselves with Harliss and Firi-Sar. She then attacks with tooth and claw.

Cordelia AG10 + Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

Kitten AF12 plus full attack
Bite [roll1] damage [roll2] trip [roll3]
Claw [roll4] damage [roll5]
Claw [roll6] damage [roll7]

2023-08-06, 01:32 PM
Seeing a savage pirate come at her, Tillandi shoots another icicle at it, even if it's stopped by Fri'Sar.

throw icicle to AI12 (ranged touch attack): [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

2023-08-15, 09:35 PM
"This morning?" Firi'Sar quips back. "This poor fellow was human as recently as this morning?" He easily turns aside a claw, but is sufficiently distracted by the developing conversation that he fails utterly to capitalize on the forced opening. "Bah, I need to focus!" he complains.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18 22, Touch 14 16, Flat-footed 14 16, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract, Mutagen bonus (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18 22, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Slippers of Spiderclimb: 9/10 minutes
Panache: 1/6
Inspiration: 4/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Mutagen: 0/1
Spontaneous Healing
Trap sense +1
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Opportune Parry: [roll0] I technically have to beat his *attack roll* to get a chance to riposte. I'm deducting Panache assuming it will apply.
If able, Riposte: [roll1] MW Rapier
[roll2] CC (27+, x2)
[roll3] damage
[roll4] crit bonus

Assuming the map remains largely unchanged, he will attack someone nearby. If that's not valid, he will instead move to flank (AG/14) and attack:
Rolls do not include potential flanking?
[roll5] MW Rapier
[roll6] CC (27+, x2)
[roll7] damage
[roll8] crit bonus

2023-08-18, 04:28 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks at the savage bite on his shoulder and grunts n pain. His mind is still slightly afire from the savage fever as he struggles to control the rising worry about being infected. Spinning the harpoon he lashes out with great force seeking to skewer the pirate as he steps in spinning at two of them

Free: 5ft step to AF12
Move: Gain cleave feat
Standard : attack AG12 [roll0] dam [roll1]
if hit cleave AE13 [roll2] dam [roll3]

Ref saves if needed [roll4] [roll5]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-08-19, 04:54 AM
Cordelia moves and heals Akula for 3 HPs.
Kitten 5-ft steps to attack, clawing and biting successfully but failing to pierce DR except for the first attack, which deals 3 damage. (I'm being a bit flexible on the flanking - it's not 100% clear that you get the flanks, but it's not a problem, IMO.)
Tillandi deals 6 damage with an icicle.
Firi'Sar parries but fails to connect with his riposte. His next attack (flanking with Kitten, sort of) hits and deals 1 damage after DR.
(Akula and Kitten both wanted to move to the same square...I'm flexing, again, to support...)
Akula 5-ft steps, gains Cleave, and then misses with his first attack...

Harliss Javell kills the savage pirates in AE13 and AF14 after missing (natural 1) with her first attack. Both enemies bite at her and explode - they each miss with their bites (two natural 1s) and she avoids their explosions. Akula and Kitten will need to try and dodge the acid too.

One of the remaining savage pirates recklessly moves to attack Harlis Javell, incurring AoOs from Firi'Sar, Akula, and Kitten. He then attacks Harliss Javell, missing with his scimitar.
The other 5-ft steps towards Tillandi and full attacks, missing with both bite and scimitar.
The party struggles a bit more this round, with Kitten clawing one savage pirate while Firi'Sar stabs the same one. Both do some damage, but less than usual due to the pirate's unusually rubbery flesh - it's like trying to cut into a thick layer of fat or blubber. Tillandi's magic ice seems to infuriate the other mutant, though, as they don't appear to be resistant to the magical cold. Cordelia heals Akula before he steps to try and strike at two of the savage pirates, though his strike misses and he cannot seem to carry through with the swing.

For her part, the graceful woman has a moment too. "Oof, that was clumsy of me!" she admits as her first attack misses badly. She recovers quickly and with blinding speed stabs both the attackers beside her, the fine rapier she wields piercing deep into the enemies' bodies and resulting in the now-familiar death-throes of the feverish foes. Both bite at her in their last moments, missing as badly as she did a moment before, before exploding in a burst of acid and viscera. "You all seem to be weathering their blows, but mind the spray!"

Perhaps there is some instinct driving the remaining enemies, but it is not one towards self-preservation. One moves to engage the woman, perhaps enraged by the death of its fellows, leaving itself vulnerable to attacks from several of the heroes. The other steps towards Tillandi but fails to strike the warrior-cleric.

Both Akula and Kitten need to roll one DC 15 Reflex Saving Throw to avoid 1d6 acid damage as one of the Savage Pirates killed by Harliss Javell explodes adjacent to them.

Firi'Sar, Akula, and Kitten get an AoO vs the southern-most Savage Pirate.

Begin Round 3!

2023-08-20, 03:34 AM
Kitten attempts to dodge the acid, takes a bite at the passing pirate, and then corals it up against Harliss. Cordelia keeps wary distance from the fighting.


Dodge REF [roll0] or [roll1] acid

AoO bite [roll2] damage[roll3] trip [roll4]

Move through AG12, AH13, AG14 to avoid any AoOs, then
Bite [roll5] damage[roll6] trip [roll7]

2023-08-20, 09:37 AM
Now the savage pirate was close, Tillandi switches to her trident, takes a step to the side and then stabs, getting ready for the acid explosion that might happen if she manages to kill it.

5ft step to AI10 (so Fri'sar can flank with a 5ft step to AI12)
attack AI11: [roll0] for damage: [roll1]

2023-08-21, 02:07 PM

Frustrated by the miss Akula jumps back as pirates explode around him before he jabs at the one running past.

Got 20+ on 2 Ref saves in previous post and rolling the AoO attack [roll0] dam [roll1]

2023-08-21, 02:09 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks at the pirate fighting with such skill and shakes his head for a second, "She fights with the tempest's fury..." before he lunges at the pirate fighting the strange pirate lady

Standard : attack [roll0] dam [roll1]

Ref saves if needed [roll2]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-08-25, 10:29 PM
Firi'Sar continues to parry and thrust, frustrated by the erstwhile pirate's unusual toughness. He dedicates his efforts to the task at hand, preferring to talk after dealing with the threat of imminent, violent death.

Firi'Sar Throshana (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)
Male NG Elf Swash 1, Empiricist 3//Arcanist 4, Level 4, Init 10, HP 25/25, Speed 30
AC 18 22, Touch 14 16, Flat-footed 14 16, CMD 14, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 3, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3
Rapier (MW) +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Rapier (cold iron) +8 (1d6+4) 18-20, x2)
Light crossbow (20 bolts) +7 (1d8, 19-20, x2)
Mage Armor, Shield Extract, Mutagen bonus (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18 22, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Lightbringer: +1 CL for light related spells
Slippers of Spiderclimb: 9/10 minutes
Panache: 1/6
Inspiration: 4/5
Arcane Reservoir: 1/5
Mutagen: 0/1
Spontaneous Healing
Trap sense +1
Extracts & Spells (See list https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377717)

Attack of opportunity:
[roll0] rapier
[roll1] CC (29+)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

Attack or move-and:
[roll4] rapier
[roll5] CC (29+)
[roll6] damage
[roll7] crit bonus

2023-08-30, 01:50 PM
The party shows their mettle, cutting down one savage pirate before it can reach the woman. All of the party members' strikes connect, leaving only one, mortally wounded mutant left.

After dodging exploding acid and gore, the swordswoman steps up and with a brief look of disappointment on her face stabs the remaining enemy, before again stepping out of the way of its death throes. With a flick of her rapier she salutes the four of you before stepping back and asking, "Well, that's all o' them, including poor Jebidiah. But what manner of driftwood do we have here, eh? Speak up! Your names, lubbers! Or are the bunch of us to fight each other now? If we're to cross blades, you'd best tell me your names for your tombstones! I be Captain Harliss Javell - 'Captain' or 'Miss Javell' will do. What's your business in this abyssal piece of rock?"

The woman is full of bluster, still, but wounded and breathing heavily. Based on the sheer number of body parts it's clear she's fought off well over a dozen savage pirates on this beach and has been bitten at least once. From her accent and way of speaking she's likely a buccaneer of some kind, and given your location she's likely a member of the Crimson Fleet. Perhaps she knows something of what happened here...

End of combat. The loot is inconsequential.

There are three remaining chambers you haven't explored yet - you can speak with Captain Javell (recommended) and/or explore them if desired. You also have the bound Brissa Santos to try and cure/heal.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AIL4fc9GgoQd0r2oBa-XhO-M9ingK8XUDxfbO9G0z_Dk9qcsxiYCNEb4fqPZ_4v778VVpmnFS fb-PEYl8ImHw1PTGgBGENl8IEAGZvL1vPEUPmvXNnmWouU=w2400

2023-08-30, 02:44 PM
"My name is Tillandi and I'm a priestess of Procan," Tillandi offered up her name, "We're here to find a missing person."
She decided to keep things vague for now, until they knew more.
"Here, let me heal everybody first," she continued, "and I best check to see if you are infected with the disease that turns people into... well, these."
She points to the dead pirates.

"Knowing we most likely would face disease, although we thought more the regular jungle kind, we stocked up on scrolls. So I can remove it before you turn into one of them, but we need some information. Like, what the hell is going on here?"

She will call upon Procan to channel some healing energy for everybody, taking care of the worst of the wounds. Extra healing can be done later, after some talking.

channel energy: [roll0] to everybody within 30ft (I assume I can make sure everybody of the party plus our 'captain' is within 30ft)

2023-08-30, 03:19 PM
"We're looking for Vanthus Vanderboren, Captain." Cordelia responds earnestly, not catching Tillandi's subtleness.

"Ladies Kellani and Vanderboren want him dead and alive and returned to Sasserine one way or the other. We weren't expecting anything like this," she gestures around generally, enawed by the carnage and destruction.

"Perhaps you could tell us what happened here? My name's Cordelia Beck, and this is Kitten."

2023-09-05, 02:35 PM
"I go by Firi'Sar, Miss Javell," the Elf offers with a gentle inclination of his head. "And some of us very much expected something like this," he chuckles. "The details, clearly, left something to be determined, but our Vanthus is a bit too well-known for his departure from Sasserine to be free of turmoil." He pointedly sheathes his blade, expecting it to be little use should the woman suddenly turn hostile, and approaches with perhaps forced calm.

"As my divinely-inspired colleague accurately alluded, we're of a mind to trade healing and the protection of numbers for information that proves useful. Seems the latter may be of less interest to you, but still, cards on the table as it were." He pauses, glancing back the way they've come. "By her words, it seems we've trapped the pour soul that once was Brissa Santos back in the previous chamber. 'Ounce of prevention,' and all, I'd rather help you than try to cure her..."

Firi'Sar will absolutely use one of his 4 remaining points of inspiration on the following Diplomacy roll. I don't figure there's such a thing as too much right now: [roll0] + [roll1] to... improve her attitude? Request help? The lines get blurry fast.

2023-09-06, 04:59 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

As the other 3 of his colleagues speak with her Akula lowers the harpoon slightly, walking around the acid pools on the floor. He bends down cleaning the ragged ends of the cloths the pirates wear to clean the blood off the harpoon. Then he offers a low bow, "You fight well. You are most impressive Captain. How did you come to be here if all places."

Standard : attack [roll0] dam [roll1]

Ref saves if needed [roll2]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Divine Favour +2

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-09-07, 01:14 PM
"Here, let me heal everybody first and I best check to see if you are infected with the disease that turns people into... well, these. Knowing we most likely would face disease, although we thought more the regular jungle kind, we stocked up on scrolls. So I can remove it before you turn into one of them, but we need some information. Like, what the hell is going on here?"
The Captain nods and accepts the healing and a brief inspection. It's clear she's feverish, and from her wounds it looks like she was bitten at least a couple of times. She's handling it well, but likely suffering some Intelligence damage.

"We're looking for Vanthus Vanderboren, Captain." Cordelia responds earnestly, not catching Tillandi's subtleness.
The explosion of profanity from Harliss Javell is as sudden as it is intense. "That son of a sea-sow, I'll cut his stones off and make him eat them raw! Mother rooting snobbish bloody f***ing cur, he and his b***h of a woman did this! What business is it ye have with them? Speak er I run ye all through!"

A moment later when Cordelia continues and makes it clear that the party are no friends of Vanthus Captain Javell seems to calm, a little, as she listens angrily to the others speak.

"And some of us very much expected something like this. The details, clearly, left something to be determined, but our Vanthus is a bit too well-known for his departure from Sasserine to be free of turmoil...

By her words, it seems we've trapped the pour soul that once was Brissa Santos back in the previous chamber. 'Ounce of prevention,' and all, I'd rather help you than try to cure her..."
"You have the gutter-tramp of a slut back there, eh? I'll slit her throat where she lies!" declares the woman as she begins to march purposefully in the direction the party came. A few steps into the caves she slows and sighs, turning back to the heroes. "By the Gods I'm tired. I'll kill her in a minute. First, help me right these chairs and tell you proper what happened. Seems the least you're owed...

All this ye see here," the flamboyant woman says as she waves her hand at the slaughtered deformities, "and what nightmares ye must have fought through t'get t'me; twas all Vanthus Vanderboren's doing! That vomitous pig came t'me with his hussy 'n asked t'see our wares; made like he were a black marketeer lookin' fer some fur or scale t'move. Told him we had a ship coming in today what were full of exotica for him ta' shop, so he stayed on a few nights.

Seemed a fine enough chap, but then not an hour ago, he dumped a hold full of whale oil into the cove and lit it up! I was on the'Slippery Eel at the time, and that's when I caught the two of them on board, fixin t'rob me! Thrice-damned fools, trying to rob a Captain of the Crimson Fleet! For less than that you'd be keel-hauled!" Harliss Javell spits violently into the sand for emphasis. "Anyway, I stuck the fool in the arm, he yelped, and then as he ducked aside he dropped what he were tryin' t'rob - a black pearl the size of a big-bloke's balled fist. Was going to make some fair coin off that bauble, but as it fell it cracked like an egg. Some o'Vanthus' blood from my blade spattered the pearl and it boiled and flashed with an unnatural light...like St. Elmo's fire at sunset. Then foul, choking green gas started spewin from it, burning through wood and flesh like acid. I grabbed th'thing, ran up topside and threw it inta' the water, but as it struck, BAM! - it exploded..."

Shaking her head the Captain stands and looks around for a moment. "Come on - Kigante always kept some wine hidden in his lil' cave..." Captain Harliss says as she walks back to the chamber the party skipped as they rushed to her aid before. After a moment of rooting around she finds what she's looking for and pulls the cork out of the bottle with her teeth. After taking a long swig she sits down on the edge of the ruined bed.

There is a fine rapier with a bronze hilt in the shape of a griffon underneath the bed. Upon further inspection it is obviously enchanted (+1 Rapier).
You have a moment to interject questions or commentary. You're doing well - I will need Aid Another checks on Firi'Sar's Diplomacy - you're working to improve a 24 right now.

2023-09-07, 10:42 PM
Firi'Sar rights the chairs and follows dutifully, jotting down reminders in shorthand on a simple notepad he retrieved from a pocket. "And was that when all these poor fellows starting acting very much not quite alive?" he asks candidly. "If this disease comes from that shattered pearl, it raises as many questions as answers. We've seen them before- in the cellar of the Kellani estate," he adds as a reminder to his allies.

"Though how they might have been involved with such a prize before..." He pauses, pursing his lips in thought. "You say Vanthus was trying to rob you of this black pearl?" he asks. "It would be quite unfortunate for the thing to have a twin..."

Not a lot but banter. Firi'Sar sees the blade and his interest is duly piqued, but he's not foolish enough to risk offending this woman- at least not yet.

Potential knowledge checks, if names are important or this shattered pearl is of planar/arcane make:
[roll0] with free [roll1] inspiration:
Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, and Local are all +10
Engineering, Geography, Nature, Nobility, Planes, and Religion are all +9

2023-09-09, 03:18 AM
"Here, let me get rid of the disease you have in you from those bites," Tillandi said, taking out one of the scrolls and using it on the captain.
"We'll have to be careful from now on," she said, "I have only one of them left."

caster level check: [roll0] DC6

I'm not sure if healing her with like half of our remaining resources we have for doing so counts as helping diplomacy, but if so, here's the roll:
aid another diplomacy: [roll1] DC10

2023-09-11, 05:42 AM
"You think he might not have been turned already?" Cordelia asks. "I somehow doubt he'd have had better fortune than you."

Diplomacy [roll0] aid other dc10

2023-09-11, 01:49 PM
"And was that when all these poor fellows starting acting very much not quite alive?"
Captain Javell nods as she sits and takes another drink straight from the bottle. She lets Firi'Sar continue with his questions as she offers everyone a swig.

It happens to be very fragrant, and strong, red wine. A pirate's treasure, with powerful fruity notes and a nutty finish. She also seems to take no notice of the rapier, as she appears to have one better...

"If this disease comes from that shattered pearl, it raises as many questions as answers. We've seen them before- in the cellar of the Rowani Kellani estate...Though how they might have been involved with such a prize before...You say Vanthus was trying to rob you of this black pearl? It would be quite unfortunate for the thing to have a twin..."
"Rowyn Kellani" is the name you meant to use, @FarmerBink. I'll assume that's what Firi'Sar said.

Also, those Knowledge rolls won't help - too low.
"Aye - lots a' questions. Ye mentioned this 'Kellani' before, and I've heard the name. Bunch of black-hearted scabs before one of 'em settled down, became a 'noblewoman'...just a less honorable form of larceny, really.

I don' know o' twins, but I had one, he broke it..."

"Here, let me get rid of the disease you have in you from those bites."
Healing her is specifically mentioned to give a sizable bonus to Diplomacy efforts!
The pirate captain sighs as her fever breaks, though she still looks like she could use some bedrest. "Thank ye. That's kinder than I expected of ye, seeing as you all fought well. Wouldn' make it long on me crew, but tha's another mark in yer favor..."

"You think he might not have been turned already?" Cordelia asks. "I somehow doubt he'd have had better fortune than you."
"Vanthus? Nah - the bastard has a demon's luck. He's still hale, at least until I find him...

After breaking the pearl things got a bit weird, mind ye. A green mist filled my vision, and I felt strange. Like someone else were in my head. Someone...hungry? And the rage! Rage lke I never felt 'afore. And then, just like that, it were gone. Vanthus were on deck too by then, but he and I were the only humans left. That pearl, it did somethin' to me crew. Ta' Vanthus' little girly too! Turned them bad, like something ye might find in a net and throw back on account the sun got no purpose lookin' upon it. These things!" She kicks the remains of one of the deformed pirates in distaste. "Whatever were in that damnable pearl turned over three score men into...into man-eating freaks!

Vanthus, he seen what his friend and the rest turned into. He dove into th'water t'get away. I did the same, only I swam for shore. Found me first mate Drevoraz there. He'd resisted the change too, as had some others here and there, yet they were nothin' but the banquet for those things. We fought our way into th'caves and managed to hole up here with Captain Kigante, who keeps these caves for us. Only he's freak food now too - he got jumped by a mob of them not twenty minutes ago. Tore him apart like they was sharks!

But hey, you fought yer way in here! That means there ain't much left of them out there, yeah?" Harliss Javell asks, looking a bit hopeful in spite of her gruff exterior.

2023-09-11, 02:06 PM
"I don't think we've cleared all of the cave system, but I think we've been through most of it. And unless they were hiding somewhere there weren't any live ones on the beach as we entered. What do you plan to do now? If we can't find Vanthus then I think we need to take Ms Santos back to Sasserine. If we can get her healed maybe we can convince her to give up some of Vanthus' bolt holes to help us in our search"

2023-09-12, 03:50 PM
"And we have to search for more of those pearls," Tillandi said, "it's too dangerous to let those hang around. If there are more, we need to find them."

2023-09-13, 08:26 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula listens to the tale, holding back a scowl as she speaks of the hated Crimson Fleet as he recalls the skill with which she used her weapons on the pirates. Through the swearing he shakes his head sadly and nods to Firi'Sar and Tilandi. "We shall have to hurry back to the city and let Lavinia know that her brother managed to slip through our clutches. But he has caused chaos here."

He gestures towards the walls of the cave, "Th pearl in the sea was shattered, am I glad I did ot know that, I would not have picked it up. Let us hope he has no more". Looking back to the Captain he asks her more directly, "With the crew and all the residents here dead Captain, we will be bound for Sasserine, yet I'm not sure that you will want to return there with us?"

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-09-14, 01:06 PM
Firi'Sar coughs quietly to interject, facing Akula. "We'll need to head back, but I don't see the hurry," the lithe man murmurs. "Besides, we still don't actually know where Vanthus went. One man can't sail a ship, and it seems like this incident with the pearl didn't care much for loyalties. Luck be damned, if Vanthus' crew survived and he sailed away, likelier than not he planned the whole thing from the outset- makes him more than just a little more dangerous than we might have thought..." He ponders for a few moments in silence before speaking again.

"At barest minimum, we need to thoroughly scour these caves. He's one to hole up until the danger's passed, I wager." He turns to Javell again. "Unless you've got insight into his plans better than we? One way or another, he's got crimes to answer for, and I'm not keen to return to Sasserine empty handed."

2023-09-17, 01:45 AM
There are several points where Captain Javell looks like she's about to interrupt, but at the end of Firi'Sar's question she explodes loudly. "That cur will learn what it is t'foul my business! Th'Vanderboren name is no secret to me! He's got family in Sasserine, that dunghill of a city! I already sent me right hand, Drevoraz, t'deal with Vanthus! He's on his way as we speak! Vanthus, and his whole foul family, will answer for what he did here! Cross the Crimson Fleet and we take everything in your life from ye - best not forget that!"

A moment after she finishes speaking it looks like Harliss Javell realizes all the PCs have been saying and she says, a bit quieter, "Wait a sec...ye say that Vanthus ain't in good with his sister? What about his folks? If I sent me crew to kill an innocent woman...well, we'll have to do something to stop that...damn it!" The pirate captain begins to remove one of her marilith earrings, handing it to Firi'Sar. "You're going to have to hurry - no time to clear out this hellhole. Get back to save the little lady. This earring is the only thing that will stop my men from trying to finish what I told them - Drevoraz is trustworthy, if a pirate...I'm sorry - I can't come with ye, but I'll clean out this mess. Will ye be leaving Vanthus' woman? If ye do, I'll be killing her - more of a mercy than letting her starve, and I won't be feeding her..."

2023-09-17, 04:23 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula looks at the Pirate Captain. "You sent a pirate to kill Lavinia!", he looks at the others and gestures back at the way they had come. "Back, we need to get back to the boat and sail back to the city to stop this Drevoraz." At mention of Brissa he shrugs and looks to the others. "We can drag her back with us if she needs be."

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-09-17, 11:33 AM
"If we're going to take her with us, we best cure her from that disease," Tillandi said, "that makes it a lot safer to put her on the ship. Oh, there's a room a bit further where there's three ... well, dogs with the same disease or something like it. They're chained, which is why we've ignored them for now, but they will need to be put down."

2023-09-17, 11:48 AM
"Our rented boat is on the beach overland," Cordelia points out.

"Whilst I'm inclined to be merciful to miss Santos if only for interrogation potential, unless there's an alternative option here in the bay I don't fancy dragging a prisoner back to it in a hurry. Even so we'd need to collect it if we don't want to pay a loss waiver, although given the urgency perhaps lady Vanderboren would not be too upset to cover us for that if we can reach her in time to save her from Drevoraz!"

2023-09-21, 09:51 AM
Firi'Sar murmurs quietly, eyes half closed as he considers the path here. "Hells, we may already be too late." He reaches out to take the earring, carefully sealing it in a buttoned pocket. "Is there a seaworthy vessel in the bay? It'll be hours overland to where we left ours that we don't have to spare. Brissa's of no value with you to share information. We've already learned more than I imagine she could share anyway...." He frowns deeply, obviously unhappy with the conclusions he's drawn.

"Hate to leave her to her fate, but we just can't afford to waste any time."

If Javell largely gets moving, Firi'Sar will attempt to steal the rapier without making her aware. If she doesn't, he'll ask her who's property it is by right, and if the person named is dead, he'll move to *ahem* repurpose it.

2023-09-21, 10:41 AM
"Healing her will only take a few moments," Tillandi said, "and I think there was one ship in the bay, but I'm not sure if we can run it with just our group. Some of us can sail, but there's a difference between that and being a good sailor. I think we best move to our own ship as quickly as possible. We have to bring that one back and we know we can handle it."

2023-09-21, 04:53 PM
"If there's a ship in the bay then I'd rather take Brissa than leave her," Cordelia agrees with Tillandi.

"I think I can get Kitten to understand the basics of sailing, or at least which ropes to haul and when. She's been picking things up really quickly recently and shouldn't have much trouble helping out under guidance. Proud of you girl!" Cordelia praises her companion with a scritch between the ears to appreciative noises from the large cat.

2023-09-23, 09:06 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula nods and looks at Harliss. "As you've helped cause this, can you help us sail back to the city. Once there go where you will if you wish. We will not mention to the port authorities about your affiliations." About Brissa he shrugs, "We may as well take her with us. If the fever is cured we can make sure she stays unconscious whilst we travel and then we can hand her over to the city watch." He motions to the exit hoping he can sail well enough to get them back,

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-09-24, 10:19 AM
Captain Javell looks a bit incredulous at the idea of the large cat helping to sail and shakes her head at Akula's suggestion. "I won't be sailing to Sasserine, but I will try to help you get the Sea Wyvern into shape to sail. Come on then!" she says definitively as she stomps forward, out of the ruined chamber.

When the pirate sees Brissa Santos, unconscious and bound on the floor of the nearby tunnel she scoffs, ignoring the woman and walking past. She goes into the chamber with the savage krenshars and casually kills all three with contemptuous swipes of her rapier - their fearsome visages apparently not enough to even impress the woman. From there she heads south through the hall of hanging, ruined silk and to the beach.

It's up to the PCs if you wish to collect any additional treasure from the trophy cave, which Harliss Javell passes without concern. Write it into your post, please.

At the sandy, secluded cove the groups finds the Sea Wyvern easily enough - it's the only ship still in one piece after the devastation, untouched by the oily fire that has largely consumed the others. The caravel has three masts and is decorated with stylized figures of a wyvern, the dragon-like creature's barbed tail raised over its back as though ready to strike its enemies. Sails, carvings along the hull, and the figurehead all match, with the powerful creature in various positions. The figurehead is a real piece of work, the wyvern's wings unfurled and crouching at the prow. It's clear the ship has seen some combat, with some scratches and dents visible. A single huge claw mark rakes across the starboard hull, deliberately left as a battle scar. Even the ship's wheel is designed to represent a dozen-headed wyvern-like beast.

It's a beautiful, well-built ship to have avoided the ravages of the last several hours, but it is also large enough to be intimidating. This is a serious sailing vessel, intended for seven sailors at a minimum. "I don't know what stories you've heard, but a ship this size would be tough to sail with five or six. We can see about securing the lines so that just the four of you can manage - if you don't run into any trouble on the way," Harliss Javell says as she climbs a rope ladder on the side of the ship. "Getting her free of the sand is just a matter of waiting for high tide - she'll float free enough if you draw up the anchors. I can help you get through the inlet to the Cove there," she points at the narrow break in the rocks that leads to the open sea of Blood Bay. "From there I will leave you to the seas and your own lucky grit. For now, let's see what we can do..."

To prepare the ship to sail with only four (five with Kitten) sailors will require four DC 30 Profession (Sailor) checks. You can try these multiple times and aid another on the efforts, but if you fail by more than ten five times before success you will have jammed something, causing a delay of several hours and missing high tide. A second round of checks is possible every twelve hours until you succeed or give up. Captain Harliss Javell will not perform the checks, but she automatically succeeds at Aid Another and adds +4 to your checks.

If you decide to move on and use your own, rented ship instead just let me know. Otherwise Captain Javell will likely pay you for it and use it to make her own escape from the area, leaving you all to carry on the adventure without her.

2023-09-25, 11:52 AM
Tillandi will take as much as possible from the trophy room and any other rooms they pass by. If they're going to take the big ship in the bay, they have some extra time to get all that stuff onboard and the ship should be able to handle it. She will tell Captain Javell where their own, smaller ship is, which can be sailed by one person if he/she knows what she's doing, which the captain does.

And then it's up to prepping stuff. She will take off her heavy armour as it's safer onboard without it and will try to get the ship underway, with Akula, whom she knows is a good sailor, as her second in command. Kitten can't do much, but even if holding a few ropes while the others are in the top of the ship setting the sails, it will be some help.

I'll do 10 rolls, just to have a back-up for the inevitable failure, but if we calculated correctly, I needed to roll a 10 if all the aid another checks came out correct. I'm not sure if we're allowed to take 10. If I am, I'll do that, if not, here are the rolls:

[roll0] with a few aid another checks, this is certainly not a critical failure)
[roll1] success without aid another
[roll2] success with the aid of the good captain
[roll3] with a few aid another checks, this is certainly not a critical failure)
[roll4] success with the aid of the good captain
[roll5] success with the aid of the good captain

2023-09-26, 01:35 PM
It takes the party about two hours to make ready, but the Sea Wyvern sets sail and somewhat clumsily heads towards Sasserine. It's clear to anyone with experience that the ship will handle quite well when properly manned, but that in the meanwhile the alterations they've made will have to do. The adventurers take turns in the crows nest, manning the helm, and handling the sails, but they make good time. As they arrive the western sky is beginning to show the approach of evening, leaving the party to see the entire city in the throes of what looks like a massive party!

After a moment of thought the PCs all realize that this must be the first annual "Wormfall" celebration - a gigantic affair involving troupes of trained acrobats, marching bands, garish costumes, and more in homage of a group of mighty heroes who fought off an apocalyptic cult a year ago. There are effigies of wormy monsters and undead enemies on floats constructed in the image of enormous segmented worms and shrouded skulls. Kits of green worms borne on sticks and strings dance in the air above the rooftops as green lanterns are lit to burn through the night. The streets are crowded with people, which will like make navigating a path to the Vanderboren manor a challenge.

You all realize that finding a dock during the festivities will be challenging. Your best bet may be to return to the merchant from whom your rented your little skiff ("It Still Floats!" in the Shadowshore district, very close to O4 or Shadowshore 23 on the Sasserine map) and rent a spot until you can find a better place to moor the Sea Wyvern. Unfortunately that isn't very close to your destination.

Check out the details and map here (https://paizo.com/dungeonissues/SavageTide/SavageTide_HR.pdf).
Please give me a rough idea of your route from wherever you wish to try and moor the ship - to include leaving it at anchor and swimming to the shore - that will take you to Vanderboren Manor (F8 or Merchant 79 on the big map).

2023-09-27, 01:25 PM
As they arrived in Sasserine, Tillandi, who had the wheel at the moment, looked at the others.
"Does anybody know where we can put the ship," she asked, "preferably as close as possible to the island we have to be on, even if we have to stay in the middle of the bay. It might even be safer to do that.

2023-09-28, 03:23 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula shrugs, "Drop anchor in the bay near the island. We can swim to shore. Near the Gondola station, we may be able to hail one to carry us from ship to shore or just swim..."" he suggest gazing ito the wdie bay of Sasserins harbour as the night is lit up by the lanterns and plumes of green smoke celebrating the Wormfall.

Suggesting dump the boat just north of the merchant distract near #43/67 and then we can run across the merchant district.
Saves us having to sail around the busy harbour to the south edge o the merchant district which would be slow and we may crash

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility


2023-10-01, 01:28 PM
"But we have a row boat," Cordelia points out as Akula suggests swimming. "If we leave the Sea Wyvern in the bay we can row to Blue Skink Lane and save having to organise a gondola. I'd be surprised if anyone bothered with harbour enforcement during the festival as long as we're back by morning. The watch and harbourmaster will have other things to worry about today. Not the least being the aftermath of a pirate attack on the Vanderboren estate!"

2023-10-03, 09:53 PM
As the party begins their departure, Firi'Sar makes a pointed effort of watching Javell's (dis)interest in the rapier before snatching it up. "Wouldn't do leaving such a beautiful thing here to rust. Wouldn't do at all," he murmurs, gently nestling it among his own belongings.

On board the Wyvern, it rapidly becomes apparent that Firi'Sar is at best... not very helpful. After a few moments where he finds himself wondering if it might actually be more valuable if he understood less of the words and thereby was less likely to be in the way of someone who knew what they were doing, he hops back ashore and helps to scrounge up all the valuables he can. Distinctly overburdened with a small chest of coin, he makes his way back aboard still several minutes before the tide looses the ship in earnest. "We'll have to buy that other ship when we reconcile the differences," he mutters, by way of explanation.

Fortunately, it takes no keen mastery of ropes, knots, sails, jibs, booms, or any other affair to climb a mast and keep watch from above. For most of the trip back to Sasserine, the lithe Elf peers into the distance, offering the first warning of the complications served by the festival. "It's imperative we reach Lavinia before our friend," he calls as he descends to the deck. "Let's row ashore from here in the harbor, and make our way across." Nodding to Cordelia, Firi'Sar essentially seconds her suggestion. "Akula, do you care to haul the chest or shall we try to hide it somewhere aboard?"

2023-10-08, 07:11 AM
Tillandi slowly steered the ship into the bay, going towards the island they had to be on, but staying out a little bit further just to be sure. There she had the sails reeved and the anchor dropped.
"We'll best take the chest with use, if we're going to leave the ship here."

2023-10-08, 08:49 AM
As the Arabani Manor - a well-known landmark in the Merchant District - becomes visible, the lighthouse on the northernmost shore of the private island clearly warning ships away from the rocky spit of land, the party scrambles to try and drop anchor safely. It takes several minutes, though they aren't accosted by any port-police for their unusual berthing location. Once the Sea Wyvern is secure and won't drift away, the party drops the ship's longboat into the water and makes for the shore.

While the idea of rowing all the way to the Vanderboren Manor would be nice, the bridges connecting the islands of the Merchant district are very low, with too little overhead to row beneath them. Knowing this, the party secures their craft to the docks near the Riverman's Guildhall, tosses a coin to the only poor soul watching the pier in during the festival, and begins to try and make their way through the crowds south towards their destination.

Up the street you can see a massive float-wagon shrouded in wriggling paper-mache worms bearing a huge humanoid form rolling slowly towards the PCs. There are nearby taverns with raucous, joyous people eating, drinking, dancing, and having a good time. The noise is distracting - between fireworks, music, and voices it's all but impossible to tell what is happening more than several yards away. The PCs can see a troop of acrobats, all walking on ten-foot high stilts and led by a lovely woman in a form-fitting, macabre black bodysuit decorated with a white skeleton. They are entertaining with some juggling, minor acrobatics, leaps, and so on as they drift in the direction of the PCs, slowly.

They've not gone more than about fifty feet before a loud, clearly drunken, high-pitched voice slurs at Akula, "Hey! Watch where you're going, you big lout! " A moment later a gnome bumps into the Darfellan, clearly intent on starting trouble. "What? You think you can run me over cause I'm small! I'll show you, you rude, oversized mongrels!" squeaks the little man as he begins rolling up his sleeves. Before either the gnome or Akula can act a half-orc slips between them, the large man's tusks bared in an embarrassed effort to smile.

"Please, excuse my friend here - he's had a bit too much ale..." starts the half-orc before the gnome yells again.

"Kurgol, get out of the way! They hit me! Don't defend them!"

With the crowds and the gnome, it looks like there could be trouble. While the gnome doesn't look frightening, the half-orc carries some scars, suggesting that he's seen his fair share of real fights. It's hard to tell with the lights and the noise, but it also wouldn't look good for the PCs to start a fight - the Watch would not appreciate that...

A quick, simple encounter - what do you do? If you intend some social skills, go ahead and roll them with your post!

2023-10-08, 01:03 PM

Typical festival nonsense. Cordelia adopts her best Cloudcrystal Academy haughtiness and peers down her nose at the insolent gnome.

"We're carrying an urgent message to the Vanderboren estate. Move aside this instant or I'll call the guards!" she bluffs with no intention of actually doing so.

Bluff [roll0]

2023-10-09, 12:30 PM
Tillandi made sure the symbol of Procan, a well known god around here, was very visible. She just stood next to Cordelia and just nodded, holding out a 'message', one of her scrolls (not that drunks would see the difference).

I'll do an aid another action on bluff to help Cordelia. I'm not sure if my 'message' will give a bonus, but I haven't added that in. Just add the appropriate modifiers where needed.

[roll0] DC10
EDIT: that's an extra +2 to Cordelia's roll

2023-10-10, 04:23 PM
Firi'Sar's eyes narrow suspiciously. Fully expecting the Gnome to be covering for either his own attempt to pickpocket Akula or the illicit plans of another petty thug nearby, he keeps his peace while trying to suss out the ploy.

Start with perception and sense motive, almost certainly with inspiration regardless:
Perception [roll0] + [roll1]
sense motive [roll2] +[roll3]

Could go for more depending results?

2023-10-13, 04:14 PM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula scowls as he pushes through the crowd, harpoon being used as a quarter staff to help clear a path. As the gnome and the half orc jostle and impede him he takes a step back, arm up to warn them away, the fins on the back of his head rising slightly in irritation. "I don't want trouble, but by the water lord we have a place to be" he adds, long orca-like grin baring his teeth to warn them away.

Sense motive [roll0]
Intimidate [roll1]

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-10-15, 04:12 AM
Firi'Sar sees no deception in either the drunken gnome or his half-orc friend - it looks like the little man gets belligerent when he drinks too much and that his friend is both used to this and embarrassed by it.

"Jilanth, come on - these folks aren't here for the Festival and you're drunk. Let's get out of their way..." says the half-orc placatingly, but to no avail...

"No! They started it and now they're threatening me!" yells Jilanth (presumably) as the little gnome tries to strike Akula with his tiny, balled-up fist. The strike is laughably ineffective, bouncing off the Darfellan's thick skin and armor. "Ow! That's assault! I'll have you arrested!" whines the gnome as he holds his hand, the bruised knuckles clearly visible.

"I'm so sorry for him...Please excuse us..." says the half-orc as he gets between his friend and Akula, forcibly separating the drunken festival-goer from further altercations. "He spent all of the last two days volunteering to help the parade...the heat and the ale, you know? Sorry..."

As the pair drift back into the crowd a couple of the PCs hear the sound of shouting from up the street near the massive float. Turning, Cordelia and Firi'Sar see the trundling cart rolling down the hill, apparently out of control! It's headed right for the party, with dozens of partying people both between the cart and the PCs and further down the street! If it's not stopped it will hit a busy tavern shortly after it passes the party!

Great job dealing with the drunken gnome!

Cordelia and Firi'Sar have three rounds to react to the cart, while Akula and Tillandi have two. Describe how you react, please - do you try to stop the cart or dodge it? Are you concerned with the innocent revelers on the street in the way? If you want to describe your action with a skill/ability check, go ahead - you can retry these checks either two or one more time, based on how many rounds you have to act. Spells could help or you could even attempt to destroy the cart, if that's your plan.

2023-10-15, 01:49 PM
Cordelia catches the half orc's eye as he leads his friend away and smiles appreciatively. But she barely has time to turn back towards the Vanderboren estate before chaos breaks loose again!

"Runaway Cart! Kitten, clear the crowd!" she yells to alert nearby revellers and her companions, then mumbles a quick cantrip lighting the float up with yellow and red faerie fire to make it more visible in the evening light.

"Akula, take these!" she calls, beginning to cast Enlarge Person and Bull's Strength on him.

Meanwhile Kitten leaps into the midst of the revellers in the path of the cart, hackles raised, growling and snarling at them to move out of the way!

2023-10-16, 02:30 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula steps into the path of the wagon, his muscles gleaming as he is blessed by Cordelia and swells up to some 12ft tall and massive in weight and strength. Bracing he bellows out a "Procan give me strength," as he tries to catch the wagon.

Strength check [roll0] (not including benefits from size)

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 18/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-10-16, 12:11 PM
Letting the others worry about the crowd, Tillandi gave a quick Guidance to Akula and herself before setting up next to him with her trident planted on the ground and pointed towards the approaching cart. As he tried to stop the cart, she used her trident to help him by sticking it between some moving parts to try and block the cart from moving that way.

guidance on Akula and myself before setting up the attack. I'll try to use the aid another (giving Akula a +2) by jamming the moving parts of the cart

attack: [roll0]
EDIT: that's a +2 to Akula if the GM allows this kind of aid action

2023-10-16, 09:07 PM
Firi'Sar's eyes roll as the drunkard is ushered away by his surprisingly well-intentioned friend. "Daft little man," he mutters, focusing on the retreating duo much longer than necessary.

At Cordelia's cry, he turns in surprise and makes a snap judgement. He leaps into action, grabbing a nearby pennant, pole and all, and sliding it from its sconce in one smooth motion. "Brace yourself, Akula!" he calls, dashing towards the cart. As it passes, he steps to the side and thrusts the pole through the rear wheel, knowing full well that he's applying a rather forceful brake to the rear of the vehicle.

Details are a bit fuzzy, but I imagine there are plenty of flags and streamers nearby, and therefore poles of sturdy make. I'm content to call it acrobatics or really anything short of a strength-based attack roll to shove the pike in the spokes. Kinda figure it's gonna whack Firi'Sar at least once or twice for his efforts.

+8 and [roll1] acrobatics
+15 disable device
+7 and [roll2] dex-based attack roll?

2023-10-17, 01:11 PM
The party's quick action leads to a spectacular sight - a massive orca-man colliding head first with the Wormgod float! Unfortunately for Akula, it hurts too, as he bodily slams into the float with his full weight and increased mass (he takes 5 lethal damage from the collision). Kitten's roar and Cordelia's words warn enough of the crowd that the explosion, which is certainly smaller than it would have been in a couple more rounds, doesn't burn any of the festival-goers, but all of the party are hit with flying, flaming debris (taking 5 fire damage). As the remains of the float collapse, falling somewhat over Akula and landing on the other side in a heap, there is a sudden lull in the noise of the crowd as everyone looks to see if the Darfellan is able to stand up and escape the flaming wreckage...

A moment later, when Akula makes it clear he survived the impact and fire, the crowd erupts in cries of joy and cheers at the party's bravery, many moving up to congratulate Akula and wish him well for his heroism. The heat from the ruined float begins to die down quickly, the oil and paper mache spent in the sudden burst of flames, leaving the celebration to continue again with the PCs in the middle of a thoroughly appreciative and grateful crowd, gathering around them and blocking the way to the Vanderboren estate.

From further down the road, the stilt-walkers and dancers continue to approach, now with more excitement and calls of, "What happened?" and "Was that an explosion?" and such as they get closer.

This entire encounter took less than a minute, and you are about five minutes from the manor grounds. However, the crowd is surging around the PCs and you need to get through. Please give me another set of posts with how you interact with the crowd to get moving again - tone of voice and what you say could influence your reputation!

2023-10-17, 03:36 PM
Tillandi looks at the float and then Akula and the rest and quickly she does a channel to heal everybody, following with a cure spell if there is still a need. As they want to move on, they are quickly surrounded by a crowd.
"People, please," she shouted, "We have a mission we need to complete. Please let us pass and certainly do continue your party. We might join in later, when we've finished our mission."

my last channel: [roll0] on the whole party (I assume everybody is within 30ft of me)
if needed: CLW on Akula: [roll1]

diplomacy roll to interact with the crowd: [roll2]

2023-10-20, 10:10 AM

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)

Akula grimaces as the wagon bounces off him with bot force and bits of flaming debris. Pausing he thanks Tilandi as the healing takes the sting from the burns. Then looking at the direction they need to go he bellows and starts striding that direction with stomping strides. A bellowed "Out of my, I am the storm..." as he tries to clear a path through sheer physical presence to surge towards the Mansion.

Akula N'Kuttik "Shark Splitter" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2377658)
M NG Darfellan Brawler (Beast Wrestler)// Inquisitor (Sanctified slayer / Keeper of the Current), Level 4 // 4, Init 4, HP 36/37, Speed 20ft Land / 40ft Swim
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, = 16
Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, CMB +8, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed +8 (+6/6) (1d8+5, x2)
Grapple on a critical, has rope to control enemy MW Harpoon (50ft Rope) +9 (1d8+6, x3)
CL DC17+SL, DC 22 escape or DC 25 Str, Snag Net (Trip (does 1+ damage)) +8 (touch) (Entangled, -)
Leather Lamellar w/Armour spikes (+7 1d6+4/19-20 x2 P) MW Shark scale Armour, In combat (+8 1d6+4/ 19-20 x 2 P) MW Klar (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Martial Flexibility (3/5 remaining):

Traits: +1 unarmed damage, +1 Dam vs [Aquatic], +1 hit [Aquatic]

Spells inf / 0/4 / 1/2 Remaining
0: Light, Detect Magic, Sift, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st: Divine Favour, Protection From Evil, Nature's Path, Cure Light
2nd: Tactical Acumen, Invisibility

2023-10-22, 06:11 PM
Firi'Sar shakes the cobwebs loose, brushing charred embers off his overcoat. He offers Tillandi a quick nod of thanks before turning to survey the carnage. "Well, that could have ended worse," he quips sardonically. "Let's be off, eh?" He starts as the crowd erupts, confused and a bit annoyed by all the attention.

"I- We- what?" He stammers briefly as Tillandi once more demonstrates astonishing acumen and presence of mind. "Even so! Do enjoy your festivities, friends. Duty calls!"

Diplomacy assist- I don't think I can fail? [roll0]

2023-10-29, 03:39 AM
It could, indeed, have been worse, and in spite of Akula's rough approach to making a path the crowd parts. It seems that Firi'Sar and Tillandi's words placate many of the revelers, and that the party largely receives smiles and cooperation from the people in the streets.

As the PCs focus on their destination, suddenly the acrobatic troupe of stilt-walkers, led by a shapely dancer in a black bodysuit decorated with a white skeleton, are in front and in the midst of them. The dancer approaches Firi'Sir, her sensual-if-macabre motions accentuated by the skull-headed grin of her mask, and she begins to gyrate in front of him, obviously attempting to get his attention.

The dancer and acrobats are up to no good. You get to act during the surprise round!
A moment later there is a burst of orange fire and heat as six of the flaming flasks being juggled by the stiltwalkers explode around the PCs, causing panic around them as people try to avoid the alchemical fire and run unpredictably around! You are under attack!

Roll Initiative. I usually don't use the theater of the mind, but for this fight I will.

If you passed the Sense Motive check you get to act during the surprise round. The Stiltwalkers act on 21, Diamondback on 11.

The fight is in the middle of a crowded street with six stiltwalkers and one Battle Dancer (a 3.5 base class that isn't very commonly used, from the Dragon Compendium). For the next [roll0] rounds the crowds are panicking, making the entire area difficult terrain...unless you are a stiltwalker or use some effect to avoid the crowd (it isn't the ground that is a problem - it's the people). Diamondback - the Battle Dancer - intends to go toe-to-toe with Firi'Sar while her companions deal with the (still-enlarged) Akula, Tillandi, Cordelia, and Kitten.

I will post Surprise Round actions once you all have rolled Initiative. If you beat a 21, please go ahead and post actions too!