View Full Version : Creating "new" spells from meta-spell effects

2022-08-31, 08:35 PM
I have had fun lately theory crafting "new" spells by taking existing spells and applying various meta effects to create something interesting, effective, and/or distinct. I am curious if anyone else has done anything similar and/or know of any fun spell builds. I primarily intend to use these while dming am using the following template. If anyone has any ideas for interesting combinations, I would love to hear them.

Fluffy Description
Base Spell:
Level Adjust:
Mitigated Level Adjust: (I assume that a dedicated caster cam get one metamagic feat for free and can reduce the level of all others by one)
Rule Issues:

The spells I have thus far are:

Name: Dance Macabre
The cultist raises his arms in a spell that is as much dance as invocation. As he does, a wave of demonic energy spreads through the town square, killing the villagers and raising their corpses to join the cultist in his dance.
Base Spell: Dance of Ruin (2/BoVD)
Modifiers: Enlarge Spell (+1/PHB), Fell Animate (+3/LM).
Level Adjust: +4
Mitigated Level Adjust: +0
Explanation: This is a "spell" that villains can use against the heroes. Dance of Ruin does damage in large AoE defined by its range. Enlarge Sell (+1 PHB) increases the range, and thus the area. The damage is enough to kill low level foes (villagers etc). As such, this is an ideal spell to kill and raise large numbers of zombies through Fell Animate. Note, Dance of Ruin takes a round to cast. As such, Rapid Spell (+1/CD) would make Dance Macabre significantly better. However, I like the idea of giving the PCs a little time to respond to this spell.
Rule Issues: relies on 3.0 material. DM may rule that increasing the area requires Widen Spell (as opposed to enlarge).

Name: Storm Shout
The caster shouts a storm and all before him fall to their knees.
Base Spell: Frost Breath (2/SC)
Modifiers: Energy Substitution, Electricity (+0 CA), Stormcaster 5, Born of the Three Thunders (+0, CA), Stun Immunity, Spellstrike (Dragon Compendium)
Level Adjust: +0
Mitigated Level Adjust: +0
Explanation: AoE does small electrical and sonic damage and requires everyone to: 1- ref save versus daze, 2- stuns on a failed fort save, 3- stuns again on a failed fort save, 4- knocks prone on a second ref save, and 5- knocks prone on a failed balance check. Note, Frostbreath is arguably breath weapon so your DM may let you use meta breath spells and feats on it.
Rule Issues:

Name: Howling Sandstorm
A whirling cloud of scouring sand blocks all sight and sound.
Base Spell: Haboob (3rd/SaSt)
Modifiers: Deafening Spell (+1 DotU)
Level Adjust: +1
Mitigated Level Adjust: +0
Explanation: Haboob is a cool AoE DOT spell that blocks sight. Adding Deafening Spell deafens creatures in the area for 1 round, no save. In other words, no one can see or hear for a round. This would be great for players to use if the DM role played the lack of communication properly and the party's enemies go in all different directions. This would also be cool to use against players, especially on an online platform with dynamic lighting where you could instruct players not to communicate with each other and each player must there independently decide where to go.
Rule Issues:

Name: Wall Destroying Harmonic Wall
The casters voice takes the form of a shimmering line of white buzzing energy that stretches to the distance.
Base Spell: Wall of Fire (4/PHB)
Modifiers: Energy Substitution, Sonic (+0 CA), Empower (+2 PHB).
Level Adjust: +2
Mitigated Level Adjust: +0
Explanation: This is a castle killer. By way of explanation, the heat waves from Wall of Fire affects a huge area and last as long as the caster concentrates. However, they do too little damage to harm most objects. Changing the damage type to sonic lets the heat (now sound) waves do full damage to objects. Empower increases the damage within 10' of the wall to 3d4. This lets the damage from the sound waves overcome the hardness of stone about ⅓ of the time. I estimate that it would take about ½ hour to carve through 1' of stone. As such, in 5 hours the spell could destroy a (20'/CL) length X 20' height X 10' depth of stone. This would be enough to carve through or topple most historical castle walls.
Rule Issues:

Name: Truth is Blind
To those whose eyes see lies, thus spell appears to do nothing but for those who see true, this spell blocks all vision.
Base Spell: Obscuring Snow
Modifiers: Invisible Spell (+0, Cs), Extend Spell (+1, PHB)
Level Adjust: +1
Mitigated Level Adjust: +0
Explanation: This spell is an illusionist's friend. Obscuring Snow blocks creates an area that follows you that blocks all vision. Invisible Spell makes the effect invisible. This means that creatures without detect Invisibility, true sight etc., are not effected. However, creatures that see invisible things (in this case the snow) have their vision blocked.
Rule Issues: WoTC did not explain I. Detail how invisible spell applies in some situations. Therefore, some DMs may nerf it.

Name: Time Shunt
The caster teleports the victims forward in time.
Base Spell: Scramble True Position (1/ToM)
Modifiers: Sculpt Spell (+1, Cs), Ways to boost your truespeak skill check, Anticipate Teleportation (3/SC)
Level Adjust: +1
Mitigated Level Adjust: +1
Explanation: Scramble True Position teleports targets a few squares in a random direction with no save but you must make a successful Truespeak skill check. Anticipate Teleportation creates a long duration AoE around you that lets you detect and delay incoming teleportation. Combined, this lets you use a low level spell slot to shunt enemies in the area outside reality for one round, no save. The Greater version of Anticipate Teleportation delays them even longer. In other words, this is like a 1st/2nd level, AoE maze.
Rule Issues: Truespeak.…

2022-09-01, 12:27 AM
I found this interesting. I was catching the same idea, when I saw delayed blast fireball.

2022-09-01, 01:07 PM
I found this interesting. I was catching the same idea, when I saw delayed blast fireball.

It is funny that you say that as I think Delayed Blast Fireball is what started me down this line of thought as well.

2022-09-01, 08:14 PM
There are a few more interesting combos with Energy Substitution using multiple spells:

Burn Heal:
Energy Substitution[Fire] Radiant Shield + Energy Substitution [Fire] Acid Sheath + Fire Shield[Cold] + Fireball = -50% fireball damage. Negative damage plausibly means healing.

Fire Vulnerability:
Energy Substitution[Fire] Waves of Cold + Energy Substitution[Fire] Creaking Cacophony = Vulnerability to fire

2022-09-02, 01:11 AM
Name: Landmine
Your foot steps onto an entirely-ordinary-looking patch of ground. There is a sudden thump and a miniaturised earthquake from right below your feet!
Base Spell: Magic Missile
Modifiers: Forceful Spell (Dragon #358) (+1), Earthbound Spell (PHB 2) (+2)
Level Adjust: +3 on original spell level, thus, a level 4 spell.
Mitigated Level Adjust: (I assume that a dedicated caster cam get one metamagic feat for free and can reduce the level of all others by one) +1?
Explanation: It's like Explosive Spell but doesn't have to apply to an area. Forceful Spell works just fine on Magic Missile, and Earthbound Spell casts the spell into a 5 foot patch of ground effectively laying it as a magic trap. It only lasts 1 hour, but given Forceful Spells knock the opponent off their feet and stun them for a round on a failed save it's a handy spell to put in place ahead of an ambush.
Rule Issues: Probably a bit high level for what it does.

2022-09-02, 07:35 AM
Name: Landmine
Your foot steps onto an entirely-ordinary-looking patch of ground. There is a sudden thump and a miniaturised earthquake from right below your feet!
Base Spell: Magic Missile
Modifiers: Forceful Spell (Dragon #358) (+1), Earthbound Spell (PHB 2) (+2)
Level Adjust: +3 on original spell level, thus, a level 4 spell.
Mitigated Level Adjust: (I assume that a dedicated caster cam get one metamagic feat for free and can reduce the level of all others by one) +1?
Explanation: It's like Explosive Spell but doesn't have to apply to an area. Forceful Spell works just fine on Magic Missile, and Earthbound Spell casts the spell into a 5 foot patch of ground effectively laying it as a magic trap. It only lasts 1 hour, but given Forceful Spells knock the opponent off their feet and stun them for a round on a failed save it's a handy spell to put in place ahead of an ambush.
Rule Issues: Probably a bit high level for what it does.

I like it. This seems like a good tool for a DM to set up an ambush. This also seems like it would be great on a steep incline or the top of a ladder.

2022-09-02, 02:36 PM
I kinda did this for a villain in my setting where he made a wand of Locate City Bomb that dealt a negative level to everyone in a massive area, which of course turned most 1hd commoners into wights. This villain in particular has the gimmick of being a TO PC, a optimized item crafter who has access to unmoderated custom item and spell creation rules along with a virtually limitless supply of liquid pain no less, in a much lower optimization world. As a result he just left horrifying magical war crimes in item form all over the place.

Anyway here’s mine

Name: Locate Doomed Soul
With a melancholic hum whispers from beyond the pale tell you the location of a creature whom you wish to slay.
Base Spell: Discern Location
Modifiers: Song of the Dead (+1 Dragon Compendium)
Level Adjust: +1
Mitigated Level Adjust: (+0)
Explanation: This has no effect besides changing Discern Location into a Necromancy spell, allowing it to bypass mind blank. This trick also works with (Greater) Scrying. Granted this particular spell without optimization would be a 9th level spell who’s only purpose to get around one specific spell so, eh.
Rule Issues: The metamagic seems mostly geared towards mind effecting but doesn’t say that it can only be applied to mind effecting spells. So there shouldn’t be an issue here.

2022-09-03, 11:20 PM
I like this thread, but the pool of potential spells seems limited.

Here's an idea.

Name: Find Destination.

With a gesture, the caster imagines a place and teleports to somewhere similar.

Base Spell: Teleport
Modifiers: Ghost-Touch Spell (+0)
Level Adjust: +0, total of 5
Explanation: Teleport to a false destination, Ghost-Touch Spell preventing the Mishap damage, thus leaving the passengers at the nearest similar location. Find dungeons, cities, phylacteries, bars, whatever you can imagine, there you are.
Rules Issues: Ghost-Touch Spell requires a spell that deals damage, Teleport may not qualify. Black lore of Moil shenanigans might work.