View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Custom Lizardfolk/Argonian

2022-09-02, 05:37 PM
I would appreciate y'all's thoughts on this, especially what the LA/CR modifiers should be.

Size: Medium
Type(Subtype): Humanoid(Reptilian)
Automatic Languages: Racial/Regional language
Bonus Languages: Any adjacent Regional language, Sylvan, Common, Draconic
Skill Bonuses: Swim+3, Balance+3, Climb+3, Tumble-1, Listen-1.
Saves: +4 bonus on Fortitude saves vs disease
Other:+1 Natural Armor per 3 HD (racial or class)

Semi-Aquatic(Ex): If total carried items weigh less than 5lbs, can tread water indefinitely. I.e. they need not make a check to avoid non-lethal damage from prolonged "swimming" if they haven't moved, and can intersperse such non-movement periods with regular swimming as a form of rest. Can also sleep in this manner.

Watchful Rest(Ex): A [race name] can make Spot and Listen checks while asleep, though at a -5 penalty (this replaces the usual -10 penalty to Listen checks made while asleep).

Natural Weapons(Ex): The [race name] can deal lethal damage when making an unarmed strike without taking the usual -4 penalty on attack rolls. Attacking with it's claws deals slashing damage; Bites deal Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage; tail slaps and other strikes deal Bludgeoning damage. These are not Natural Weapons in the traditional sense; instead it's sorta like half the Improved Unarmed Strike feat (you still aren't considered Armed).

Ectotherm(Ex): Requires 1/5 as much food & water as normal for a creature of its size, and can go twice as long as normal without food or water before taking non-lethal damage. A [race name] takes half as long to begin suffering from the effects of environmental heat & cold dangers, and must make Fortitude saves at a -4 penalty twice as often. Additionally, any time a [race name] takes lethal Fire or Cold damage, they take an additional 25% of that damage as non-lethal damage (non-recursive for lethal environmental damage).

Histkin(Ex): In Marsh Terrain (or any other environment with similarly organic-material rich bodies of water), a [race name] can recover hit points and ability damage via rest at twice the normal rate by mostly submerging themselves in water (see Semi-Aquatic).

Optional Additions to Hiskin: Progressively gain plant-like qualities as HD increases, as follows:

Plant Trait Gained

Low-Light Vision

+4 on Saves against Poison, +1 per additional 3HD

+5 on Saves against Sleep & Stun effects, +1/3HD>11.
No longer need sleep to rest

25% Fortification
+6 on saves against Paralysis, +1/3HD>14

50% Fortification
+7 on saves against Polymorph effects, +1/3HD>17

75% Fortification
+8 on saves against Mind-Affecting spells and abilities, +1/3HD>20

2022-09-24, 08:26 AM
A LIZARD that's gradually growing up to be a PLANTY? How did I miss this?

I would appreciate y'all's thoughts on this, especially what the LA/CR modifiers should be.

Size: Medium
Type(Subtype): Humanoid(Reptilian)
Automatic Languages: Racial/Regional language
Bonus Languages: Any adjacent Regional language, Sylvan, Common, Draconic
Skill Bonuses: Swim+3, Balance+3, Climb+3, Tumble-1, Listen-1.
Saves: +4 bonus on Fortitude saves vs disease
Other:+1 Natural Armor per 3 HD (racial or class)

An actual statblock would be really useful. How many RHD do these start with? What are their ability modifiers and good saves?

Semi-Aquatic(Ex): If total carried items weigh less than 5lbs, can tread water indefinitely. I.e. they need not make a check to avoid non-lethal damage from prolonged "swimming" if they haven't moved, and can intersperse such non-movement periods with regular swimming as a form of rest. Can also sleep in this manner.

Watchful Rest(Ex): A [race name] can make Spot and Listen checks while asleep, though at a -5 penalty (this replaces the usual -10 penalty to Listen checks made while asleep).

Really nice, on both counts!

Natural Weapons(Ex): The [race name] can deal lethal damage when making an unarmed strike without taking the usual -4 penalty on attack rolls. Attacking with it's claws deals slashing damage; Bites deal Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage; tail slaps and other strikes deal Bludgeoning damage. These are not Natural Weapons in the traditional sense; instead it's sorta like half the Improved Unarmed Strike feat (you still aren't considered Armed).

This is interesting, but headache-inducingly so. "It has natural weapons, but they aren't really so much natural weapons as they are a system for delivering versatile unarmed strikes which the creature is proficient with, but they do not count as weapons and it cannot threaten adjacent squares with them" is way too complicated and clunky and I don't quite see the payoff.

Ectotherm(Ex): Requires 1/5 as much food & water as normal for a creature of its size, and can go twice as long as normal without food or water before taking non-lethal damage. A [race name] takes half as long to begin suffering from the effects of environmental heat & cold dangers, and must make Fortitude saves at a -4 penalty twice as often. Additionally, any time a [race name] takes lethal Fire or Cold damage, they take an additional 25% of that damage as non-lethal damage (non-recursive for lethal environmental damage).

Histkin(Ex): In Marsh Terrain (or any other environment with similarly organic-material rich bodies of water), a [race name] can recover hit points and ability damage via rest at twice the normal rate by mostly submerging themselves in water (see Semi-Aquatic).

Very nice again!

Optional Additions to Hiskin: Progressively gain plant-like qualities as HD increases, as follows:

Plant Trait Gained

Low-Light Vision

+4 on Saves against Poison, +1 per additional 3HD

+5 on Saves against Sleep & Stun effects, +1/3HD>11.
No longer need sleep to rest

25% Fortification
+6 on saves against Paralysis, +1/3HD>14

50% Fortification
+7 on saves against Polymorph effects, +1/3HD>17

75% Fortification
+8 on saves against Mind-Affecting spells and abilities, +1/3HD>20

I'd probably make this a racial feat or even a short chain of such feats (with the Histkin ability as a prerequisite). "Optional racial traits" is a weird concept and off the top of my head, I'm not sure I could name an official published creature with stuff like that.