View Full Version : Elan School

2022-09-06, 02:30 PM
This webcomic is quite a bit different than most others that I've read but it's one I wanted to post because it's an interesting tale.

I'm going to provide a bit of backstory first - this is to serve as a trigger warning for the content as well. It's about intense psychological abuse geared towards children and its based off of true events. The comic is not overtly graphic in its depictions of anything but it still carries a powerful weight with how it presents things.

Elan School was a real place that functioned for 45 years. It was presented as a school for 'troubled youths' but was more like an abusive prison than any sort of educational facility. They had an exceptionally high tuition rate and hid their abuses with a combination of brainwashing, abuse, and deceit. Kids were forced to emotionally abuse each other, spend time (days, weeks, months) in isolation, and even to beat the crap out of each other. Kids who tried to 'out' the system to their parents had their lives turned into living hells and the parents were convinced that the kids were simply trying to manipulate them. They relied on the fractured relationship to control the flow of information to great effect.

You can read about it online or watch a documentary called, "The Last Stop," for more information. If, rather than either of those options, you want to read a comic providing first hand accounts of what the place was like you can read this comic.

Elan School (https://elan.school/chapters/)

I don't usually have a strong emotional reaction to content but something about the content of this comic and the presentation through the art really hooked me. I remember discovering this in the middle of the night a few years back and staying up half the night reading through it on my phone. I couldn't stop until I had read the entire comic and then I spent a couple more hours reading about the place online.