View Full Version : Was "Fanfare" from Song and Silence ever reprinted?

2022-09-13, 04:14 AM
Hi Playgrounders,

I just had a quick question for you all. Was the spell "Fanfare" ever reprinted anywhere and if not is it really as strong as I think it is for "Crowd Controll" especially for anyone who could access Bard level 6 spells faster than a regular Bard, looking at Chameleon, Sublime Chord and Artificer?

2022-09-13, 02:51 PM
It has not been reprinted, no. And yes, it is quite strong as an AoE no-save-just-suck effect.

Silva Stormrage
2022-09-13, 08:54 PM
Huh, quite a good spell, a 1d4 stun no save in an aoe. Useful to pick up via runestaff or STP or some way of getting it off the bard list.

Also the spell is a bit weird being a fortitude negates effect that has an effect on a successful fort save?

2022-09-13, 09:30 PM
Thanks for confirming Troacctid.

And yes Silva, I was thinking something along similar lines and believe that maybe the fastest one could access the spell would be with an Artificer, going off the assumption that an Archivist can access a divine bard version of the spell and add it to their prayer book by level 11 and as such this would be a valid target for an Artificer to craft into a an item by level 9.

Obviously a bit over the top but a fun idea nontheless.