View Full Version : [Spheres of Power] A question for the group about the Blaster archetype...

2022-09-15, 10:05 PM
I've been playing one of these for a while and I'm still not 100% sure I grasp the mechanics of how the Arm Cannon works. I can't link the page for it yet but you can find the archetype page by typing "Armorist Blaster Pathfinder Spheres" into Google.

At 1st level as her first bound weapon, the blaster binds a unique weapon known as the arm cannon, which counts in all ways as a bound weapon. This arcane construct covers most of one arm and could appear as anything from a cluster of levitating silk ribbons to a glimmering tube of metal or an oblong block of crystal (although whatever an arm cannon appears as, its appearance does not change). When summoned, the arm cannon occupies one hand and cannot be disarmed. The arm cannon is an exotic ranged weapon the blaster is proficient with that makes ranged touch attacks, and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage +1d6 at 5th level and every four levels beyond 5th, regardless of size. The weapon has no range penalties, but has a maximum range of close. In all other ways, the arm cannon counts as a destructive blast from the Destruction sphere with a caster level equal to the blaster’s level, but also as a one-handed firearm that can be augmented by feats and abilities as usual such as Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot, etc.

That last bit is where I'm confused, in particular these questions:

1. Does spell resistance apply against arm cannon attacks?
2. Does using the arm cannon cause spell manifestations?
3. Can the arm cannon attack be counterspelled?

Super curious how other folks would interpret that!

2022-09-15, 10:41 PM
1. Does spell resistance apply against arm cannon attacks?
2. Does using the arm cannon cause spell manifestations?
3. Can the arm cannon attack be counterspelled?

Super curious how other folks would interpret that!

So, all three of your questions can pretty much be answered with one answer: the Arm Cannon is not a spell, it just pulls text from one.

It's a Supernatural ability, which means it can't be Counterspelled and is not subject to SR (but does not function in an Antimagic Field). Basically what that text means is that the Arm Cannon is an exotic ranged weapon (meaning it can benefit from things that augment ranged weapons, like Feats), but you pull its damage and properties from the Destruction Sphere's base Sphere functionality.

This means it deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage per odd level of your character, crits on a 20, etc. The line about it counting as the Destructive Blast is essentially just describing the weapon's properties as they would normally be laid out in the weapons table.

2022-09-16, 09:33 AM
Technically it deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage +1d6 at 5th level and every four levels beyond 5th but otherwise what was said above is accurate