View Full Version : Ehyrf nf Jevggra [Setting]

Lord Tataraus
2007-11-29, 08:46 PM
WARNING: This is not intended to be a serious setting, rather, it is intended to create a setting that has built in rules to amend loopholes in the D&D 3.5 system.

Welcome to Ehyrf nf Jevggra, more commonly known as Ehyrf. It roughly translates from Ehyrfian into World of Splendor (Literally - Splendor of World). As it name implies, this is a world of great splendor and conquest, full of riches and adventure. The world is small, consisting only of 4 nations: the nations of the Qehaxra Qjnes Kingdom, Cenapl-cnagf Ryirf, Trarevp Uhzna City, and Gung Rivy Cynpr. The world is a happy place inside these nations, but danger lurks just outside the walls. Gung Rivy Cynpr is known as a source of great evil, lying at the base of the Fpnel Mountains in the Zbeqbe Plains where many foul creatures room. Despite the obvious excessive and powerful forces of EvilTM, it has not conquered or overcame the world because of a very important organization: Gurz.

Gurz is a powerful, overarching organization of Unknown PowersTM also commonly referred to as Gurl. This organization enforces the physics and laws of the world through divine and arcane might, blessing those few with the power to become Adventurers!TM

These selected individuals are skillfully manipulated and incited by Gurz into a Run-of-the-Mill TavernTM (which is chain of taverns throughout the entire world owned and operated by Gurz agents) where a powerful spell is cast upon them to instantly join them together in groups called "parties" (despite the complete lack of good times and merry-making normally associated with parties, in fact this is often times seen as a cruel joke by most Adventurers!TM). Each Adventurer!TM is given a piece of parchment, enchanted with powerful magics rendering it virtually indestructable as well as being able to display a variety of statistics and vague trems of Real WorldTM skills of the Adventurer!TM it was granted to. These parties are then given a quest by an Elderly ManTM, Mysterious StrangerTM, Rich and Powerful NobleTM, or some other Gurz agent. These quests are much less skillfully disguised journeys into Unknown RegionsTM to mindlessly slaughter weaker EvilTM creatures to gain Great TreasureTM which the Gurz had previously hand-picked and placed at the end. Their is much speculation as to the purpose of these "quests" though most assume that they are training exercises for actual missions. Depending on the LevelTM (a vague ranking system devised by the Gurz) of the Adventurer!TM's, the quests become harder and harder until eventually a VillianTM is revealled to them how has concocted a Devious PlotTM which they must stop. These "greater quests" then become the main focus of the Adventurer!TM's. This process repeats itself until the Adventurer!TM's die or excel into EpicTM ranks and join the Gurz as agents.

So, that's the begins of the setting. Basically the Gurz control all aspects of the world and everything conforms to their rules. Any comments, suggestions, or additions are welcome! I'm looking for anyone interested in helping create this system so fire away!

Do you realize this is a spoiler? If so, I must warn you that this contains a cryptic key that will unlock a secret code in the language of Ehyrf nf Jevggra. Are you sure?Are you completely positive?I'm warning you!Ner lbh trggvat veevgngrq?One word: ROT13