View Full Version : Barbarian: Trance Warrior

2022-09-25, 08:23 AM
Astral warrior
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage is a state of calm and tranquility, rather than a ferocious frenzy. During your rage, you gain a flying speed of 10 ft(Increses to 30 ft at level 6), you have resistance to psychic you can cast the misty step spell a number of times equal to your proficiency (con is your spell ability) and your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage.

Astral Magic
Beginning at 6th level, You may cast the nondetection spell as a ritual (increases to three times eachat 10th level) , and you must finish a long rest until you can do so again. Additionally, you may use your bonus action to gain a shroud of astral mist, which causes each creature that hits you with a weapon attack to suffer half of the damage you do, converted to psychic damage. This shroud lasts for 1 minute and recharges on a long rest, but you can use it one additional time each time you rage.

Astral Shield
At 10th level, you gain the ability to deflect attacks with your astral self. As a reaction when a creature makes an attack against you, you may add your wisdom score + your proficiency bonus to your AC.

The Astral master
At 14th level, you may cast the bigby's hand and plane shift spell once each without material components(con is your spellcasting ability). You can only plane shift to the astral plane and material plane, and once you use one of these spells you cannot do so until you finish a long rest.

2022-09-26, 04:08 AM
Astral warrior
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage is a state of calm and tranquility, rather than a ferocious frenzy. During your rage, you gain a flying speed of 10 ft(Increses to 30 ft at level 6), you have resistance to psychic you can cast the jump spell at will (con is your spell ability) and your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage.
•Why do I need to jump when I can fly?
•Barbarians cannot cast spells while raging.
•The extra damage should go to one creature hit not all attacks.

Astral Magic
Beginning at 6th level, You may cast the nondetection and misty step spell twice each (increases to three times eachat 10th level) , and you must finish a long rest until you can do so again. Additionally, you may use your bonus action to gain a shroud of astral mist, which causes each creature that hits you with a weapon attack to suffer half of the damage you do, converted to psychic damage. This shroud lasts for 1 minute and recharges on a long rest, but you can use it one additional time each time you rage.
•Make nondetection a spell the barbarian cast as a ritual on themselves without the need for spell components.
•Make Misty step spell castable a number of times per day equal to the barbarian’s proficiency bonus.
•Remove the astral mist or make it the level 14 ability.

Astral Shield
At 10th level, you gain the ability to deflect attacks with your astral self. As a reaction when a creature makes an attack against you, you may add your wisdom score + your proficiency bonus to your AC.
•I would copy the monk’s deflect arrows ability but just make it for all attacks.

Vengeful Ancestors
At 14th level, you may cast the bigby's hand and plane shift spell once each without material components(con is your spellcasting ability). You can only plane shift to the astral plane and material plane, and once you use one of these spells you cannot do so until you finish a long rest.
•Not sure what to do with this one doesn’t really seem vengefully to me

2022-09-28, 01:43 PM
General Notes:
I'd look for similar subclass features in existing subclasses, to tell where it would be reasonably balanced to include particular features, as well as to better tell how to balance them.

Additionally, it can be helpful to write a description of your idea, so its easier for other people to spot places it might not fit.

Astral warrior
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage is a state of calm and tranquility, rather than a ferocious frenzy. During your rage, you gain a flying speed of 10 ft(Increses to 30 ft at level 6), you have resistance to psychic you can cast the misty step spell a number of times equal to your proficiency (con is your spell ability) and your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage.The fly spell becomes available at 5th, and requires spell slots and concentration. Totem Barbarians can get what's mostly a downgrade of your flight as their 14th level feature. The entire feature.

The extra damage is higher than what the Zealot Barbarian gets at 3rd level (as your version lets you apply the damage twice from dual wielding). After the first round (when starting the rage eats up your bonus action) the Zealot passes the Astral warrior at 14th level.

I'd personally make the misty step once per short or long rest, but it isn't bad; good for a barbarian with a more rogue/monk feel to it.

Resistance to Psychic is fine, but this needs to be pared down, and likely needs a non-combat ribbon to go with it. For a ribbon, compare the Zealot's Warrior of the Gods and Totem Warrior's Spirit Seeker features.

Astral Magic
Beginning at 6th level, You may cast the nondetection spell as a ritual (increases to three times eachat 10th level) , and you must finish a long rest until you can do so again. Additionally, you may use your bonus action to gain a shroud of astral mist, which causes each creature that hits you with a weapon attack to suffer half of the damage you do, converted to psychic damage. This shroud lasts for 1 minute and recharges on a long rest, but you can use it one additional time each time you rage. Having things that don't require the barbarian to be raging it good, but the astral mist recharges oddly. Is there a reason not to make some of the subclass's effects recharge on a short rest? It would likely help consistency over longer adventuring days.

Astral Shield
At 10th level, you gain the ability to deflect attacks with your astral self. As a reaction when a creature makes an attack against you, you may add your wisdom score + your proficiency bonus to your AC. Compare this to the Shield spell, which is most often used by classes that can't take a direct it very well. +proficiency to Ac is nearly as much at this level, and you want to add the barbarian's Wisdom score on top of that?

And at the time I write this you didn't include an limit to how many times you can use Astral Shield.

Also, usually 10th level barbarian features don't usually give a bonus to numbers (unless scaling up a previous feature). The Storm Herald's Shielding Storm grants resistacne to allies, but the Ancestral Guardian and Totem Warrior gain utility spells, while the Zealot gains a spell-like feature that grants advantage.

The Astral master
At 14th level, you may cast the bigby's hand and plane shift spell once each without material components(con is your spellcasting ability). You can only plane shift to the astral plane and material plane, and once you use one of these spells you cannot do so until you finish a long rest. Does "one of these spells" mean you can cast each spell once per long rest or does it mean you can cast either of the spells once but have to complete a long rest before you can cast the either spell again? Seems mechanically fine, actually, but its unclear to me.

2022-09-29, 07:59 AM
General Notes:
I'd look for similar subclass features in existing subclasses, to tell where it would be reasonably balanced to include particular features, as well as to better tell how to balance them.

Additionally, it can be helpful to write a description of your idea, so its easier for other people to spot places it might not fit.

The fly spell becomes available at 5th, and requires spell slots and concentration. Totem Barbarians can get what's mostly a downgrade of your flight as their 14th level feature. The entire feature.

The extra damage is higher than what the Zealot Barbarian gets at 3rd level (as your version lets you apply the damage twice from dual wielding). After the first round (when starting the rage eats up your bonus action) the Zealot passes the Astral warrior at 14th level.

I'd personally make the misty step once per short or long rest, but it isn't bad; good for a barbarian with a more rogue/monk feel to it.

Resistance to Psychic is fine, but this needs to be pared down, and likely needs a non-combat ribbon to go with it. For a ribbon, compare the Zealot's Warrior of the Gods and Totem Warrior's Spirit Seeker features.

Having things that don't require the barbarian to be raging it good, but the astral mist recharges oddly. Is there a reason not to make some of the subclass's effects recharge on a short rest? It would likely help consistency over longer adventuring days.

Compare this to the Shield spell, which is most often used by classes that can't take a direct it very well. +proficiency to Ac is nearly as much at this level, and you want to add the barbarian's Wisdom score on top of that?

And at the time I write this you didn't include an limit to how many times you can use Astral Shield.

Also, usually 10th level barbarian features don't usually give a bonus to numbers (unless scaling up a previous feature). The Storm Herald's Shielding Storm grants resistacne to allies, but the Ancestral Guardian and Totem Warrior gain utility spells, while the Zealot gains a spell-like feature that grants advantage.

Does "one of these spells" mean you can cast each spell once per long rest or does it mean you can cast either of the spells once but have to complete a long rest before you can cast the either spell again? Seems mechanically fine, actually, but its unclear to me.

I am working on a campaign right now. I will get back to fixing this in a bit.

2022-09-29, 09:46 AM
Here is a reedit attempt.

Astral Warrior is 1/turn damage, and loses misty step. I moved misty step to level 6.

Mist is merged with Shield at level 10, remains at-will, and is only 1 attack per turn not every attack.

Master gets a pseudo-Bigby's hand. I changed Plane Shift to 1/week Astral Projection. While Astral Projection is a 9th level spell, I don't care.

Astral Warrior
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage is a state of calm and tranquility, rather than a ferocious frenzy. While raging, you gain a flying speed during your turn; at the end of your turn you fall if you are not on solid ground. In addition, once during your turn you can add 1d8 psychic damage to a weapon attack

Astral Magic
Beginning at 6th level, you can cast the nondetection spell as a ritual without components. Once you have done this, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again. In addition, as a bonus action while raging you can cause the effects of the Misty Step spell to occur. You can do this once per rage.

Astral Shield
Beginning at 10th level, when hit by an attack you may expend a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC against the attack. If the attack still hits, the creature who hits you takes psychic damage equal to the damage you suffer from the attack.

The Astral Master
At 14th level, you may cast Astral Projection spell without material components. Once you have done so, you cannot do so again for 1 week.

In addition, when you rage you may choose to create an astral hand. Treat this as if you had cast the Bigby's Hand spell, but it does not require concentration or components. Use your strength score to determine the melee spell attack of the Bigby's hand. This had fades when your rage ends or 1 minute has passed, whichever comes first. Once you have done this, you cannot do it again until you have completed a short rest.