View Full Version : Making a Monster Slayer/Mage Hunter w/o using Ranger (Monster Slayer)

2022-09-27, 05:32 AM
Assuming all official resources, including Unearthed Arcana up to this point, and excluding the "allegedly official" Blood Hunter by Matt Mercer;

How would you build a Geralt of Rivia/Van Helsing/Constantine -esque Monster Slayer/Mage Hunter in 5th edition, without using Ranger (especially Monster Slayer).

For this purpose use these scores for stats: 18, 16, 15, 14, 13, 10

Preferably Variant Human, with Aberrant Dragonmark feat. I have an in-game reason for the feat. Not so much for the race, however. At the very least a medium-ish, human-like race.

Background is likewise already chosen.

2022-09-27, 06:10 AM
Rune Knight fighter X works fine just as a single classed thing. Grab expertise in survival via skill expert, runes work to represent Geralt's signs. Growing huge is a little weird but you can blame it on your alchemy. Can dip scout rogue for the nature+survival expertise instead depending on what level range you're looking at.

Vengeance or Ancients paladin would work too as single class. Again, skill expert feat for skills if you feel the need.

2022-09-27, 06:16 AM
It doesn't feel much like the witcher, but Oath of the watcher paladin is an excellent mage slayer.
Channel divinity gives advantage to saving throws in mental stats, at level 7 your aura gives bonus to initiative and at level 9 you have counterspell. Plus obviously the usual cha bonus on saving throws all paladins already get

Elric VIII
2022-09-27, 08:00 AM
Hexblade 2/Eldritch Knight gives you some nice focus fire ability. Focus Cha, and EK works just fine without Int if you choose your spells around that.

Alternatively, straight EK can fit this role. Maybe dip Wizard for some ritual spells.

Battlesmith artificer is a slightly more magical EK with some useful tools. Strip out the Eberron-esque magitech fluff and it fits really well, you've got the Int for knowledge about the monsters, mystical artifacts and weapons that you infuse, and some mild magic all on a melee-focused chassis. There's also no reason your Steel Defender can't be a normal wolf/hound with his own mystical protections and powers.

2022-09-27, 12:43 PM
Alchemist Artificer seems like a perfect fit fluff wise. Just ask your DM if you can choose which elixirs you make rather than determining them randomly, which seriously nerfs an otherwise balanced subclass. Also ask to replace the 5th level Savant ability (Int bonus to energy damage - actually quite a good ability) for Extra Attack, which is more fitting for a Witcher. And remember that you can craft common magic items (including potions) at a steep discount.

2022-09-27, 12:59 PM
What about a single classed Long Death or Kensai Monk?

With Dedicated weapon from Tasha's you can utilize a Longsword. You have unarmored AC (which just fits in my mind), you are quick and agile, and nothing shuts a mage down like Stunning Strike. The monk speed, catching arrows, and other monkiness can easily be attricuted to Witcher training and transformations.

14, 18, 15, 13, 16, 10

The Vhuman increases go into Dex and Wis, and Aberrant Dragonmark boosts Con. With Long Death and 16 Con, you can have some serious tankiness (especially if you use patient defense).

2022-10-02, 01:58 PM
I had a certain picture in mind to use for my character, even before I knew the stats, and I'd like to make the picture conform to the concept (picture in spoilers below)


I'd imagine him being strong and tough, not terribly agile, but enough so that I might use medium armor instead of heavy, even if I had the proficiency. I do like the idea of him being both intelligent and charismatic, especially because of his likely older age. Maybe like this: Str 18, Dex 13+1, Con 14+2, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 15, V.Human modifiers to Dex and Con, and the feat adding the other +1 con. Weapon of choice would be either a warhammer or a maul.

What would you say about this? Paladin (Watcher) 6+/Wizard (War Mage) 2+ (at most 10)/Fighter (Living Crucible (https://www.worldanvil.com/w/diabboru---grim-hollow-diabboru/a/living-crucible-article)) 7+, with a focus on abjuration (such as counterspell and dispel magic), but also access to as many rituals as possible, even going as far as taking the Ritual Caster feat to gather as many rituals otherwise unavailable.

War Mage mostly for Arcane Deflection because it feels like it would be great for mimicking Quen Sign. Benefiting most from having unlimited uses. Tactical Wit wouldn't hurt either.

2022-10-04, 10:48 AM
Mage slayer Feat will add to the wizard hunter theme. Being a feat you could use this with any build, unless you were looking to max out a MAD class abilities like paladin then it would be hard to fit it in till endgame which sucks.

2022-10-04, 02:02 PM
Mage slayer Feat will add to the wizard hunter theme. Being a feat you could use this with any build, unless you were looking to max out a MAD class abilities like paladin then it would be hard to fit it in till endgame which sucks.

TBH, I'd be fine with 14 to 16 across the board where it matters and only Str maxed to 20, so it's not entirely out of question.