View Full Version : Evil, evil everywhere...

2007-11-30, 03:14 AM
Now we have so many apparent main teams of evil, and each one of them appears to have possible fracture lines within it, how do we feel Rich will have them interact in the future?

Xykon + Redcloak + Tsukiko + Hobgoblins

Nale + Sabine and demon/devil types + Thog + others?

Kubota + Imp(?) + Therkla

More to the point, will they work together, against each other, form new groupings or remain as they are, accidentally tread on each others' toes or actively conspire for each others' downfall?

When you look into your crystal ball, what do you see - what would you LIKE to see?

2007-11-30, 03:37 AM
Not that this is on topic, but the Imp's name is 'Qarr.' Kabuto says it in Panel 9.

2007-11-30, 03:54 AM
Not that this is on topic, but the Imp's name is 'Qarr.' Kabuto says it in Panel 9.

True, I just wasn't thinking - I was wondering about his actual nature and forgot that there are actually other ways to refer to people than just as a 4th level Male Human Fighter, etc :smalltongue:

I am hoping that the Kubota/Qarr (KQ) and LG groups get together, thus reducing the number of major groups) and that Thog and Therkla get together and break free of evil. Then the showdown can be between the OotS and Xykon with unexpected competition from the LG+KQ group and last minute intervention s from Thog+Therkla and Redcloak somehow.

2007-11-30, 05:28 AM
you forgot :belkar: :wink:

Nale has already stated that he's out for himself, so I doubt that he'll be joining forces with anyone.

I'm sure that all the evil factions will work against each other as much as they will against The OotS, for 'tis the nature of evil... Plus I can't see any of those guys wanting to share anything!

2007-11-30, 05:52 AM
you forgot :belkar: :wink:

Nale has already stated that he's out for himself, so I doubt that he'll be joining forces with anyone.

I'm sure that all the evil factions will work against each other as much as they will against The OotS, for 'tis the nature of evil... Plus I can't see any of those guys wanting to share anything!

I think you could well be right. That said, if Qarr is of the same group that Sabine's bosses are, then they may well have aligned agendas... (No pun intended).

2007-11-30, 06:16 AM
I want to see Xykon and Redcloak smashing stupid Nale.

2007-11-30, 06:53 AM
I want to see Xykon and Redcloak smashing stupid Nale.

Ah, but stupid Nale has cunning Sabine... Maybe her connections will even the fight...

That said, Xykon wouldn't be impressed by Sabine physically... so it would have to be gated demons (or whatever) or nothing...

2007-11-30, 07:14 AM
That said, Xykon wouldn't be impressed by Sabine physically...

Why not? Maybe she morphs onto a great female skeleton :smalltongue:

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-11-30, 07:21 AM
Nale has already stated that he's out for himself, so I doubt that he'll be joining forces with anyone.
The great thing about only being out for yourself is you can make any alliance as long as there's an obvious major benefit for you (that is: more than the usual quid pro quo of any alliance).

Of course, such alliances tend to reach an abrupt end once they no longer provide that benefit.

2007-11-30, 07:31 AM
Ah, but stupid Nale has cunning Sabine... Maybe her connections will even the fight...

That said, Xykon wouldn't be impressed by Sabine physically... so it would have to be gated demons (or whatever) or nothing...

Well, her connections never helped her against the OotS? If the LG confronts Xykon&co, it will just be *splat*.

2007-11-30, 07:36 AM
The evil groups want very different things.
Kubota for one just wants to rule Azure city (strange goal since it's gone and all, but still). Xykon wants to open the gates and Nale, well, I'm not sure what Nale wants but I'm guessing it'll involve causing pain to Elan somehow.

So, I'm not thinking they'll be working together any time soon. The whole Thog and Therkla working together thing does seem likely though. they both don't have a real good reason to be teamed up with evil, they're both halforcs and their names start with Th! Yeah, that's all I got...

2007-11-30, 08:19 AM
The evil groups want very different things.
Kubota for one just wants to rule Azure city (strange goal since it's gone and all, but still). Xykon wants to open the gates and Nale, well, I'm not sure what Nale wants but I'm guessing it'll involve causing pain to Elan somehow.

Xykon dont want to open the gate, thats Redcloak. Xykon just want the power of the Snarl and Nale want exactly the same thing


But after he get the power of the Snarl, I bet the first things he'll do with it is to torture Elan.

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-11-30, 08:52 AM
Kubota for one just wants to rule Azure city (strange goal since it's gone and all, but still).
Just goes to show Kubota's an idiot.

Especially since he, y'know, did nothing to ensure there was an Azure City left to rule during the whole battle. He's preoccupied with taking down Hinjo to acknowledge what will happen after he succeeds.

Xykon dont want to open the gate, thats Redcloak. Xykon just want the power of the Snarl and Nale want exactly the same thing
But Xykon is under the impression he has to open the gate to get that power. Remember, his whole goal in the Dungeon of Durokan was to get the Order to open the gate for him.

So both Xykon and Redcloak want to open the gate, but for different reasons.

The Extinguisher
2007-11-30, 09:04 AM
Don't forget, there's still Lord Tryinar in the west. He's slated to be a major villian.

2007-11-30, 09:24 AM
Don't forget, there's still Lord Tryinar in the west. He's slated to be a major villian.

Oh, yeah...I forgot Tyrinar...

Blimey, evil is everywhere!

[Oh, my...I'm becoming Miko :smalleek: help me someone... :smallfrown: )]

I wonder how Nale's overly complex plans will fit with Xykon's overly simple ones... Both would completely 'misunderestimate' the other as each would expect the other to behave as he himself would: Nale would refuse to believe that Xykon would do 'x' as 'x' is so obvious and transparent, whilst Xykon would assume Nale would simply do 'y' as that's what he would do...

When we add Lord Tyrinar and Kubota, it all becomes quite a mind boggle... :smalltongue:

2007-12-02, 03:22 PM
Villain battle royale anyone?

We put them all on an island somewhere, whoevers left at the end becomes the OOTS's nemesis.

Although putting the snarl in there is kinda mean....hmm ah well they're villins, they don't expect a fair fight.

2007-12-02, 03:29 PM
Thog and Therkla working together thing does seem likely though. they both don't have a real good reason to be teamed up with evil, they're both halforcs and their names start with Th! Yeah, that's all I got...

Therkla is a female half-orc. Thog would think she has cooties and not want to have anything to do with her.

2007-12-02, 04:43 PM
Xykon + Redcloak + Tsukiko + Hobgoblins

Nale + Sabine and demon/devil types + Thog + others?

Kubota + Imp(?) + Therkla

Better separate Nale from Sabine's bosses, and add Tyrinar. You thus get 5 evil groups against 5 living members in OOTS (by the way, one of them clearly evil).

2007-12-02, 04:53 PM
All we need now is for everyone's favourite dead [non-(yet)]recurring villain to return:


Okay, yes, I'm dreaming, what of it? :smalltongue:

It will be pretty tricky for Rich to manipulate so many stories and perspectives, and move them all along without the main storyline getting fragmented. I am really looking forward to seeing how these all tie up... :smallcool:

2007-12-02, 04:54 PM
Better separate Nale from Sabine's bosses, and add Tyrinar. You thus get 5 evil groups against 5 living members in OOTS (by the way, one of them clearly evil).

And of course, if you consider Miko, you've got a sixth antagonist for the DEAD member of OotS. :P

2007-12-02, 05:09 PM
And of course, if you consider Miko, you've got a sixth antagonist for the DEAD member of OotS. :P

Reading that I noticed that from all the antagonists so far Kubota is the only one not to get "fans" (although one of his team members seems to already have a large support base).

No one likes Kubota.

2007-12-02, 05:39 PM
Well, what do you expect? He's not very impressive. He's not even very evil: He's just an overly ambitious jerk. He wants to take over a ragtag group of survivors so that he'll eventually be able to lord over the reconstruction project. Compare that to Xykon, who wants to take over the world, or Nale, who wants to kill his twin brother and destroy everything he loves over an imagined slight. In fact, I wouldn't even bet that Kubota survives this arc.

Green Bean
2007-12-02, 05:45 PM
Well, what do you expect? He's not very impressive. He's not even very evil: He's just an overly ambitious jerk. He wants to take over a ragtag group of survivors so that he'll eventually be able to lord over the reconstruction project. Compare that to Xykon, who wants to take over the world, or Nale, who wants to kill his twin brother and destroy everything he loves over an imagined slight. In fact, I wouldn't even bet that Kubota survives this arc.

Or is that what he wants you to think? :smallamused:

2007-12-02, 05:55 PM
yeah he's a stage boss at best.

2007-12-02, 06:13 PM
That's a very good point about Kubota's popularity - I wonder if with him getting more stage time, he'll develop personality and thus a fan base?

He is, as has been said, a jerk, but some people like that. Mind you - Eugene isn't terribly popular either, and he's a GOOD jerk...

If he dies/is removed from the story arc somehow, where will that leave Qarr and Therkla? :smallconfused:

2007-12-02, 06:49 PM
If he dies/is removed from the story arc somehow, where will that leave Qarr and Therkla? :smallconfused:

Therkla will ...

... give her life to save Elan of course. Probably she'll be killed by Qarr or Kubota and she'll die in Elan's arms. It's her role, and part of the genre conventions.

David Argall
2007-12-02, 07:11 PM
Therkla is a female half-orc. Thog would think she has cooties and not want to have anything to do with her.

Thog has been "vaccinated" against cooties. -257-

However... Not being all that bright in the first place, and ninja outfits being rather conceiling, Thog doesn't even notice his new friend is female. Therkla is attracted by his being such a gentleman. Thog rescues her and finds she has strange lumps. Therkla invokes Dogpatch rules of courtship. [In this case, "If you cop a feel from an innocent girl, you got to marry her."]