View Full Version : Hero High: First Year IC

2022-10-03, 11:48 AM
You could hear it all around you. "Students, please go to your classrooms now." It was your first day of class and you had already been divided into teams. You were doing the usual introducing yourselves awkwardly to each other and they expected you to work together. It was going to be training for a little while but eventually there would be field work for some and training on defending the school for others. "Alpha Squad this way" a voice said. "Beta Group come with me" said another.

It was time for class. You knew the names wouldn't stay but for now that was how you were going to be called.

2022-10-03, 12:22 PM
(Continuing from where we left off...) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25598130&postcount=10)

https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Oh thank goodness. Saved by the bell, instead of just being startled by it.

"I guess we're going to find out now," Chance finished lamely, his feet automatically taking him towards the correct door. Picking out where the voice was coming from wasn't hard for him - it was something he'd easily been able to do since he was a child. Which was a good reason why he was here today. And a good reason why he was so twitchy.

First time with classmates hadn't gone so well. Hopefully, their meeting with their teacher-to-be wouldn't be as awkward.

2022-10-03, 12:41 PM
Sunako chatters with some of the other students, finally heading to class once it truly was just stragglers left.

Without much surprise due to his hearing, Chance gets a sudden tap on the shoulder. ”So Usagi, looks like we’re gonna be on the same team, yeah? Couple of weirdo hybrid heroes. You excited?”

2022-10-03, 01:28 PM
Hood up and headphones on, Nathan was making it ostentatiously clear to his surroundings how little he cared for them, even if he was quite busy taking in what was going on and the headphones' volume was low enough that he could hear the voice guiding him.

As he passed through the door he pulled the headphones down around his neck – before some teacher got any ideas about taking them – and headed for the back of the room.

2022-10-03, 02:20 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu blushed at Chance as he was stuttering all over himself. "Ah, the screaming.. sometimes a natural response. Sorry for scaring you.." she said sheepishly. In any case, she was far more receptive to being around someone who had screamed in surprise and apologized for it, rather than someone who leered at her, mocked her, or avoided her all together.

But then even Akumu was surprised by the loud announcement all around them.

Oh, yes.. Today was going to be their first day of classes, but where was it again? What was it? Admittedly, Akumu was very new to this whole school thing. She had grown up in a tiny village, and everything she had learned, she learned from her parents or picked up through her friends and neighbors. So to be in an environment like this now was confusing.

As Akumu pieced it together, she followed the direction Chance and Nathan were walking, which also coincided with the sound of a teacher's voice. Making very little use of her incorporeal form, she politely floated through the open door.

2022-10-03, 04:00 PM
Cy casually gets out of his seat and walks out of the auditorim, following the person leading the Beta group. He watches the other students grouping together and chatting with each other, All the while hearing a second cacophony of voices around him, coming from the thoughts of each student in the school. "Honestly, I thought being able to read minds would be way more annoying." He said as he looked around for other students hopping onto the Beta Team. "Guess I'm just used to it after....however the hell many lifetimes. Can I be used to something that I've only experienced in a past life? I guess this is proof..." Cy started to get lost in his own thoughts as he walked down the halls to his first class.

2022-10-03, 09:00 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

When it was all over, Hexen was seated towards the back of the auditorium, her fingers steepled and smirk across her features. Dismissed and shuffled off, the kids broke away from their seated uniformity into smaller granules of 2 or 3 as they went about their designated areas, while Hexen waited, sitting there, getting up at the time of her choosing. Which was now.

Drawing her bag over one shoulder, her chin up, Hexen stroked a lock of black-and-tan hair behind her ear as she fell in behind the 'Beta' group.

Beta. Pfft, she'd show them who was 'beta'.

Hexen shuffled along with her mind flooding over everyone in her immediate vicinity. She wasn't probing or receiving, instead she had her 'mental senses' turned on; she could detect every mind within a kilometer with no effort and though this might seem...overwhelming, for Hexen it was strangely therapeutic. Humans were social creatures, even moody ones like her, and being able to detect clusters of warm minds all around her was oddly reassuring on an instinctual level.

2022-10-03, 10:13 PM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Chance still flinched a bit as Shrimp Girl's hand landed on his shoulder, even though she had made no effort to hide her approach.

"Gah!" he exclaimed as he turned around, coming face to face with Thumb Splitter's...visage. Not the most comforting of views, up close. And not the person he wanted to deal with right now.

No. No. Calm. He had to work with his team. Be nice, be polite, and maaaaybe she won't drag him into trouble.

"Er, yes. S-same team. And I do use some gadgets along with my powers. Don't know about 'weird', though." You're the weird hybrid hero was something he didn't say. Polite, remember? "Wait, what did you call me before the 'hybrid' bit? Us-agi?"

2022-10-03, 10:42 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

"It means rabbit, or hare. Usagi," Akumu says, repeating the Japanese word again.

Her sudden interjection may have spooked the skittish boy again, to which she can only offer an apologetic look and float a few feet away to keep her distance.

Akumu takes stock of this room... some strange-looking tables and chairs, raised quite high off the ground and looking far too small to do anything useful or comfortably; some colorful pictures with text on them adorning the walls; shelves containing a number of manuscripts; a large window overlooking the outside courtyard with a fountain; ...and more objects and things she wasn't familiar with. Hmm...

2022-10-03, 11:26 PM
Chance still flinched a bit as Shrimp Girl's hand landed on his shoulder, even though she had made no effort to hide her approach.

"Gah!" he exclaimed as he turned around, coming face to face with Thumb Splitter's...visage. Not the most comforting of views, up close. And not the person he wanted to deal with right now.

No. No. Calm. He had to work with his team. Be nice, be polite, and maaaaybe she won't drag him into trouble.

"Er, yes. S-same team. And I do use some gadgets along with my powers. Don't know about 'weird', though." You're the weird hybrid hero was something he didn't say. Polite, remember? "Wait, what did you call me before the 'hybrid' bit? Us-agi?"

"It means rabbit, or hare. Usagi," Akumu says, repeating the Japanese word again.

Her sudden interjection may have spooked the skittish boy again, to which she can only offer an apologetic look and float a few feet away to keep her distance.

Akumu takes stock of this room... some strange-looking tables and chairs, raised quite high off the ground and looking far too small to do anything useful or comfortably; some colorful pictures with text on them adorning the walls; shelves containing a number of manuscripts; a large window overlooking the outside courtyard with a fountain; ...and more objects and things she wasn't familiar with. Hmm...

"Yep yep, a bunny, like your supe name," she says, still grinning. "And because you flinch like a hare that just heard a rustle in the grass. Relax, I'm only mean to people who have it coming. Or who need it."

Her attention drifts more to the ghost-girl though. She was visually quite curious - incorporeal and yet light still apparently decided that she was real. The light from her was... polarized? Like it was bouncing off of water. But not a photon of heat, not a particle of matter. High energy light from behind her passed through, while lower energy ones seemed to stop and... what? Be absorbed?

To the others, Sunako seems to stop and stare at Akamu, tilt her head to one side, then to the other. Her eyelids squint and widen as she stares at the ghostly girl. "Mechakucha hen..." she mumbles to herself. Her focus seems to return and she shakes her head. "Sorry. Your light. It's fascinating."
Fricking weird...

2022-10-04, 02:51 AM
Nathan sat down in the back of the room, practically lying down in the chair as he tried finding the most comfortable position. "Yeah, that's what I always notice when I run into ghosts." He stretched out his face tentacles in an approximation of air quotes. "The fascinating light."

2022-10-04, 08:17 AM
”Well yeah. Her light, her spectrum. She’s so colorful in ways that other people aren’t and colorless in the way other people are,” she says of the pale girl.

2022-10-04, 11:14 AM
Space: The Final Frontier These are the voyages of the Starship Claremont. It's five-year mission to explore strange new worlds. To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To Boldly go where no man has gone before.

"Captain Anderson a non-federation vessel is hailing at us." said an officer looking suspiciously like one of the students.
"What does the scanner say about the vessel? Wait...I'm not supposed to be here" As Eli snapped out of it.

With practice, he is able to pay attention to dreams in his head and also what's going on in the real world at the same time while trying to not get too captivated by his dreams, he heard some of the conversations. Picking up where he left off, focuses back his attention on going to the classroom with Alpha Squad.

2022-10-04, 11:35 AM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu doesn't feel comfortable as this center of attention. She slowly twirls about, looking at the observers and commentators alike. Speaking of colors, her cheeks slightly flush, and with but a thought, from just not wanting to be seen and looked at so much, she completely disappears from view.

However, as it turns out, Sunako could still probably see her, only the "light" she sees concerning Akumu may have subtly shifted.

Activating Akumu's 4 ranks of vision concealment. Descriptors are incorporeal and cursed.

Doubt that makes a difference to Sunako though. :smallsmile:

Also queuing an action: if the teacher makes an issue of this invisibility, either wondering where everyone is or complaining about use of powers, Akumu will immediately cancel it and apologize.

2022-10-04, 01:07 PM
Indeed, Sunako’s gaze remains fixed on Akumu, though her eyes widen, and the girl grins like a mad scientist. ”Subarashii…” Where once only high energies of light passed through, now they all did. Meanwhile, something in the shades of the girl’s appearance changed in a way that neither English nor Japanese had definite words for. She takes in the new sight, mesmerized, before remembering where she is. “Gomen. I’m sorry, I’m putting you in the spot, Sasaki-san.”

2022-10-04, 05:29 PM
A young woman walked into the room. "Students, please sit down. I am your teacher Ms. Melissa Gibson. You may remember me as Mindwarp. I retired a bit ago to teach. This will serve both as your homeroom as well as Introduction to Superheroes 101. I would like you to all introduce yourself and something special about you."

2022-10-04, 06:27 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

After Ms. Gibson walked into the room and gave her instruction, Akumu willed herself to appear again - and trying to abide by the teacher's instructions, looked awkwardly at the little desks in the room. Akumu couldn't really sit in them, but moved into the relative position of a vacant desk and bent her legs some. Getting into a more or less upright position also took some work. It was probably similar to astronauts working in zero gravity.

In any case, now that Akumu had "seated" herself, she was very quiet and looking around. Gosh, she really hoped she didn't have to go up first. Then again, going last might not be good either? She just couldn't decide!

2022-10-04, 07:13 PM
Sunako meanwhile has no such reservations!

The brightly colored girl strides to the front of the class, and writes out the kanji for her name, and then the Latin character spelling. ”I’m Youko Sunako! Or Sunako Youko for the four folks here who do given name last name order. For hero names, I like Thumb Splitter! And aside from my powers, I found out last year that I really like chemistry and physics!” The girl gives a polite bow. “Looking forward to working with all of ya!”

2022-10-04, 07:44 PM
Eli walks to one of the tables and pulls a chair, sitting down and taking a look around the room before deciding to follow the example.

"I'm Elijah Anderson, alias Hypnos, nice to meet you all, I'm a mutant and my favorite food truck is the Fatmobile, you have to see all the ways they can make food with bacon. My first job was at Ocean Heights Amusement Park and it was a very hot summer in the costume."

2022-10-05, 01:16 AM
Nathan didn't walk to the front or even stand up, but he did sit up a little straighter in his chair. "Nathan Nixon. Cthul-Lad. I'm what you might call an ideal cautionary tale for parents warning their kids about screwing around with magic."

2022-10-05, 01:23 AM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

With Nathan having spoken up next, that left just Akumu and Chance. She looked over awkwardly at the timid boy before deciding it was her turn. Someone had to go next, or they would just be extending that awkwardness more. Akumu drifted through her desk and floated to the front of the classroom where the others had briefly introduced themselves. Trying to follow Sunako's lead, she reaches for a piece of chalk, but her hand passes right through it. That wasn't going to work.

Akumu sighs and nervously turns around. "I am Sasaki Akumu.. Pleased meet every one," she says with a bow.

But now what? Ms. Gibson also asked for everyone to say something special about themselves. Well, there was the whole ghost thing... too obvious. The beautiful village she grew up in.. the origins of her name, her mother? She didn't want to talk about it. "Ah.." she looks down and hesitates, wondering what to say now.

Come now. There had to be something she wanted to say. Something she would want everyone to know? "I am alive, like you all," she says. And she adds, "Before I become like this, I help grow food.. turnip, pepper.. ah.. kibi...."

Having run out of things to say, Akumu goes back to her seat.

Tranlation: kibi was Millet

Considering, should I shuffle some skill points into Expertise (ancient farming)? Seriously, would that EVER come up???

2022-10-05, 02:23 AM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

"Yep yep, a bunny, like your supe name," she says, still grinning. "And because you flinch like a hare that just heard a rustle in the grass. Relax, I'm only mean to people who have it coming. Or who need it."

"Oh, I see," So that was what that word meant? "Well, I figured that if everyone saw me as a twitchy rabbit, I might as well try jumping to the moon..." Wait, did they know about Yùtù in Japan?

Yùtù (玉兔) is Chinese for Jade Rabbit. It's one of the names for the rabbit that lives on the Moon - basically the equivalent of tsuki no usagi​.

"Captain Anderson a non-federation vessel is hailing at us." said an officer looking suspiciously like one of the students.
"What does the scanner say about the vessel? Wait...I'm not supposed to be here" As Eli snapped out of it.

Indeed, Sunako’s gaze remains fixed on Akumu, though her eyes widen, and the girl grins like a mad scientist. ”Subarashii…” Where once only high energies of light passed through, now they all did. Meanwhile, something in the shades of the girl’s appearance changed in a way that neither English nor Japanese had definite words for. She takes in the new sight, mesmerized, before remembering where she is. “Gomen. I’m sorry, I’m putting you in the spot, Sasaki-san.”

Chance looked back and forth between Thumb Splitter and where Akumu had been, with a side glance at the muttering Hypnos. Was his head literally stuck in space right now?

"Aaand you made it awkward."

A young woman walked into the room. "Students, please sit down. I am your teacher Ms. Melissa Gibson. You may remember me as Mindwarp. I retired a bit ago to teach. This will serve both as your homeroom as well as Introduction to Superheroes 101. I would like you to all introduce yourself and something special about you."

Thankfully, the teacher's arrival broke the tension. Chance had heard Ms. Gibson's approach a few seconds in advance, and had headed over to one of the desks by the time she entered.

Trying his best not to fidget in his chair - good impressions, remember? - he listened as the rest of his classmates - teammates? - introduced themselves. At least Akumu was no longer hiding, and even Hypnos had come back down to Earth.

With a start, Chance realized that he was the only one left unintroduced! "Ah, yes! H-hello, everyone," he said, quickly standing to (quivery) attention. "I'm Chance. Chance Cheung. AKA Moon Rabbit."

Okay, name down, he hadn't messed that up. What next, what next? "I-I'm a mutant. Enhanced hearing and reflexes. I also have some talent in mechanical engineering, so I make my own gadgets. W-well, with some help - my elder brother works at ASTRO Labs. So you can say it runs in the family!"

Was that it? That was it. "Um. Nice to meet all of you," he finished, before sitting back down in his chair. Introductions were stressful. But at least that was settled.

2022-10-05, 06:32 PM
"Looks like we may have a new student or two." Ms. Gibson reports to the class. "I hope you will welcome them to this group and then we can start our first lesson."

2022-10-05, 07:42 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Round and round the school she goes, where she went - nobody knows!

That's how Hexen felt as as was moved about the grounds, shuffled from room to room, her guides muttering to each other and repeatedly checking their phones and ipads for updates. It didn't take a telepath to tell they were unsure of something. However, the confusion did not last long as Hexen was brought back to the main hallways and towards a room she...

Hexen narrowed her eyes as her mind reached out and perceived the motes of mentality within the room.

Yup, it was Team Alpha.

The doors opened and Hexen was shuffled in, her bag over one shoulder, her black-and-tan hair drawn behind her head in a loose ponytail.

2022-10-05, 08:53 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

News of a few new students brought some curiosity to Akumu's face. She had no problems welcoming someone. At least, that is what she told herself. Though she still felt pretty shy.

Soon enough another teen with black and tan hair walked through the door. Akumu thought maybe she recognized her? At least, she was sure she saw her before...

Akumu nodded slightly, half a shy bow. She spoke up and said, "Ah, Ms. Melissa.. should we make introduction again?" Though it had only been about a minute or two since introducing herself in front of the class, she wasn't sure if she wanted to just do it all over again... But she would! Or at least she would try, if instructed to.

2022-10-06, 06:14 AM
"I think just telling her your name after she introduces herself will do." Ms. Gibson will let introductions occur before starting the lesson which involves a trust session. "To work as a team you must trust each other."

2022-10-06, 09:57 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

At hearing the prompt from the teacher, Hexen put her chin up and moved towards the centre of the front of the class.

"Hello all, I am Hexen!" she announced with a nod.

2022-10-07, 05:12 AM
Nathan sank back into his chair, but raised one face tentacle in a wave. "Welcome to Superfreaks Anonymous." He held back the second half of the comment, something about fitting right in. Probably a good idea not to burn all bridges before the first class was over.

2022-10-07, 12:48 PM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Chance's face fell as the new student he'd heard coming from the hallway turned out to be Hexen. They really were putting all the "problem kids" in the same class. He was sooooo doomed.

No. Wait. Akumu and Ms. Gibson had the right idea. A brief, polite introduction. It'd worked with Thumb Splitter earlier. Sort of.

Before he could say anything, however, Nathan spoke up first. And then proceeded to poison the well for everyone else.

Chance just stared at the lounging Cthul-Lad and his face-tentacle greeting for a moment, before turning back to the newest member of Superfreaks Anonymous.

"Erm. H-hi. I'm Chance," he said, a sickly grin forming on his face.

Yep. He was sooooo doomed.

2022-10-07, 01:27 PM
”Hey, Sunako Youko. Or Thumbsplitter if you want to do the whole super name thing.”

2022-10-07, 03:18 PM
Akumu dips her head, "Hello.. Sasaki Akumu."

"Pleased meet you.. Hexen." People around here sure had strange names!

2022-10-08, 05:18 AM
"Trust building exercises will begin. Thumb Splitter with Akumu, Moon Rabbit wake up Hypnos and Hexen you'll be with CthuluLad." She then leads you to a room filled with many obstacles and traps. "One person will be the "victim." The other will have to rescue him or her. You will be timed. Let's start with Hexen and CthuluLad."

(This is pure roleplaying. Succeed, fail, there won't be actual consequences beyond a possible lecture, but it's a chance to build your characters and relationships.)

2022-10-09, 12:57 PM
"Alright, sounds good", Nathan said, happy to be doing something more practical and not entirely unhappy to be paired with Hexen. "So who should play what part?" He turned to his new partner. "Damsel in distress or tentacles in trouble?"

2022-10-09, 04:26 PM
”Alright. Akumu, you want to go first? I already kinda showed off a little of what I can do.”

2022-10-09, 05:07 PM
The room was large and looked like something between a kid's play area and a paintball arena. Walls and floors were covered in mats, and most objects were comprised of that plastic foam stuff that wasn't too hard. There were lots of pulleys on the ceiling and ample amounts of rope and hooks on the walls. Red foam cylinders hung from some ropes, obviously meant for swinging.

"Red is hazardous, like spikes, saws, bullets, et cetera," the teacher explains.

Almost entirely dividing the room in half, save for about a half-foot ledge on the sides of the room, was an enormous plastic ball pit. The floor ramped up before coming to it, and it seemed deeper than the ground level. All the balls were blue, so they were probably meant to signify water. A narrow path zig-zagged across it, as well as a few pillars one could likely hop across.

It all seemed pretty harmless at first. Then Ms. Gibson pressed a button and the whole room lurched to life. Stuff started moving around, red nerf bullets were firing, once-innocuous-looking slits in the floors and objects suddenly had red disks poking out of them. And all the red pillars were moving and swinging around now.

"Level one," she says with a smile, before turning it all off. "I could also activate a count-down. How about, two minutes for now?"

Anyway, it seemed pretty clear that maybe the people playing the "victim" should just go over to the other side and wait? Then again, there was also plenty of rope around here if one really wanted to get into it.

2022-10-09, 05:22 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki and Thumb Splitter

"Ah.. okay..?" Akumu said quite reluctantly. She was not sure how any of this was going to work. There was still the whole complication of, you know, not being able to interact with anything.

The ghostly girl floated over to the other side of the room and waited. She could not be tied up or even threatened by any of the objects around here, even if they were real, but in any case, she thought that in order to give Sunako a bit more challenge, she would wait atop a particularly big and steep cone-shaped obstacle.

2022-10-09, 09:56 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen looked over the obstacle course with a perked eyebrow. The school was serious about this 'create a team of teenagers and send them into the world to do stuff'' angle.

What if one of them died? What if she got a broken arm in the 'line of duty' ? Would she be compensated? I mean, Hexen herself could regenerate so she'd probably be fine, but what about others?

"One person will be the "victim." The other will have to rescue him or her. You will be timed. Let's start with Hexen and CthuluLad."

Hexen perked an eyebrow. She was with tentacle man?

Said Ocean Boy turned to Hexen and spoke to her through his...'face'.

"So who should play what part? Damsel in distress or tentacles in trouble?"

Hexen looked at her compatriot, her mind going over several scenarios that all ended in one less-than-favourable situation: he'd touch her with his slimy tentacles. Ew.

"Let's go damsel in distress..." Hexen answered sceptically, offering a lemon-sweet smile as she reached her right hand up and snapped her fingers.

Behind her the air simmered and rippled as a black-purple-blue tear pulled open the fabric of reality. Thinking nothing of it, Hexen stepped backwards and seemingly melted into the fissure before it winked out of existence.

A distance away, the distorted disc reappeared above an elevated platform that was surrounded by blue plastic balls, with a variety of foam saws, swinging chains and other assorted non-lethal hazards impeding ones advance. Duly, Hexen stepped forth, hands by her side, black-and-tan hair drawn back into a loose pony tail as she looked around, spotted C'thulu boy and gave a wave.

2022-10-09, 11:22 PM
Cyrus made his way into the training room, casually walking up to the group waiting for their turn to run the training course. He whistled as the course came to life in preparation for Cthul-Lad's run.

"Duncan always talked about building something like this back in the day. I didn't think it would end up looking this smooth...." He said aloud to no one in particular, even as he silently cursed himself for commenting on a memory that wasn't his. Alexander Rhodes had been friends with Duncan Summers when the Freedom League first formed decades ago.

"Hey," He says, giving Moon Rabbit a gentle jab with his elbow to get his attention, "Five bucks says Squid-head bites it on his way back through the obstacle course."

2022-10-10, 12:34 PM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Okay, so at least Chance didn't have to work with the new girl right away. Or Monster Shrimp Girl. Or Cthul-Lad, who was quickly proving to be just as good at causing problems. Him being paired with Hexen was probably some kind of karma.

Even better - he wasn't going first. Which meant he'd get to watch the others and figure out what not to do when it was...his turn...

Wait. He'd been fretting so much about Nathan messing up everyone's introductions that he'd forgotten to make sure Hypnos had followed them here! Where had he wandered off to?

As Chance twisted around, frantically scanning the room for the missing Elijah, he nearly walked into the arm of the other newcomer.

"Gah!", he exclaimed, reflexively clutching at his side. He'd heard Cyrus enter the room, but hadn't really registered that he was there, being more worried about their missing classmate. And the elbow nudge certainly wasn't expected.

"Ow...I'm sorry, but we're short a guy now. Have you seen him? Er, um...dark skinned, dreads on one side, looks half asleep?"

2022-10-11, 12:22 AM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki and Thumb Splitter

"Ah.. okay..?" Akumu said quite reluctantly. She was not sure how any of this was going to work. There was still the whole complication of, you know, not being able to interact with anything.

The ghostly girl floated over to the other side of the room and waited. She could not be tied up or even threatened by any of the objects around here, even if they were real, but in any case, she thought that in order to give Sunako a bit more challenge, she would wait atop a particularly big and steep cone-shaped obstacle.

Sunako watches the whole course spring to life, wide eyed. Nothing particularly interesting in regards to the materials used - standard hard plastics for all of the red “danger” materials, softer plastic material over what was likely padding for the rest. The water pit with balls did ripple and wave slightly, signs of water underneath it, though it was likely shallow enough to not be a significant drowning hazard. That did slightly annoy her. How were aquatic heroes supposed to show off? You can’t see crap from under the pit!

Sunako watches the course move, trying to get a feel for the flow of the parts. She probably shouldn’t be jumping to or from anything, and the ball pit seemed more like a return path than a way forward, so that left the corridor of “saws” and moving barriers.

The brightly colored girl watches the timer count down to the top of a minute, and then charges inward! Almost immediately, she steps on a pressure plate, and a barrage of plastic darts fly out at her, but loudly clatter off the carapace of her back. ”That count, teach?”

”Hm… not with the sound they made. But let’s pretend the rest of the bullets are armor piercing. Some criminals will have steel core bullets, and even a high caliber FMJ’s won’t be stopped by your shell just yet. And if you have a villain that knows your basic power set, you’ll be in real trouble.” The teacher’s words make her frown, but they’re probably true.

Sunako runs forward, slightly more cautious now than before. The plates were painted the same ostensible color as the padded floor, but one was paint on metal and the other is plastic polymer liner. To her, they were as different as purple and yellow. Dodging them becomes rote.

Suddenly from beside her, a motion! Barrier, coming to push her off the ledge! The girl reacts in an instant, slamming the mechatronics with a fist that was coated in boney material. There is a loud *CRACK* as something snaps and the barrier comes to a halt. The teacher rather visibly to the other students note something down on a notepad in response to this. A mark down? A mark up? It was anyone’s guess. Sunako continues her path of violence up to a large gap, the last obstacle before Akumu could be “rescued.” Sunako backs up, psyches herself up, and goes for it. The short girl goes for it, leaping… and getting most of the way across the 20ft gap, catching herself on the ledge. With some strain, she pulls herself up to Akumu.

”Akumu-oujosama, ikimashou ka?” she says teasingly, offering her hand to the spectral girl.
”Lady Akumu, shall we go?”

2022-10-11, 01:02 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen was standing on her little, elevated platform, her image periodically hidden behind the whirring motion of swinging axes, dangling chains and saw blades scything through hidden gashes in the floor, walls and ceiling.

She seemed to watch with as much interest as the others as to what exactly Squidward would do, and how he would traverse the veritable obstacle course between himself and her in order to 'rescue' her and win the round.

Then that shrimp thing stepped forward instead.

Hexen's eyes swiveled in her sockets to focus on Sunako, an abrupt hint of displeasure across her demeanor.

"Hey!" the words were heard clearly, though Hexen's mouth didn't move. Only Sunako and the ghost-lady could "hear" her speaking directly into their minds. The language barrier was non-existent, they could understand her perfectly.

"We're first! Wait 'till Squidward finishes, he's probably nervous!"

2022-10-11, 01:34 AM
Nathan rolled his shoulders to loosen them up and stepped to the edge of the starting area. Clearly parts of the equipment was meant for swinging, but why bother when you already came fully equipped? With a whipping motion, Nathan extended his main tentacle to the ceiling in the middle of the room. The suction cups immediately locked on and the tentacle shortened as quickly as it had grown, sending Nathan flying through the room as if shot from a giant slingshot.

For the amount of control he had, Nathan managed to avoid a surprising amount of obstacles, only slamming straight through a foam saw while whipping his face tentacles around wildly — thrashing anything that came near, before landing next to Hexen with his tentacle still firmly attached to the ceiling.

He turned back towards the teacher and spoke loudly. "For the record, if I had taken a real saw to the face, I'd take a snack about here." He gestured towards Shrimp Girl with his mouth tentacles. He put his human arm around Hexen and lowered his voice. "This might feel weird."

Nathan's tentacles once more shortened, sending them flying back through the room.

2022-10-11, 02:12 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen pursed her lips when she watched Squidward reach out and 'shoot' his tentacle to the ceiling, using it as a make-shift swing.

Now, Hexen had been in the minds of lots and lots of people. She'd seen things in all those memories. But few things made her stomach churn as watching that slimy extend-o tentacle spitting forward and being used as a rope to traverse a chasm. It was one of the most disgusting things she had ever seen.

Hexen shuddered.

But soon he put his human arm around her shoulder, Hexen visibly flinching, her face a tad confused before - "Wheee!" they swung across the chasm.

2022-10-11, 02:39 AM
Reactions to Hexen/Cthulad

It was pretty amazing to see Hexen snap her fingers, summon a portal of some sort, and just disappear like that. For a brief instant, Akumu felt somewhat fearful, wondering if this was some kind of black magic happening.

Soon enough the Cthulad had whipped out his arm tentacle, which extended to such a huge degree that it reached the ceiling - and then it stuck to it. Within a brief instant, he had launched himself clear to the other side of the room, and before Akumu had even begun to process what happened, he had grabbed onto Hexen with his human arm and bounded back with her in tow.

The ghostly girl just dumbly floated there and blinked a few times, gaping in awe.

- - - - - - - - -

for Chance and ??? (seriously, who is this poor kid's partner?)

Akumu had heard Cyrus walking up, although it was momentarily in the back of her mind, watching the spectacles ((guessing this happened somewhere between Hexen teleporting with her portals and Cthulad swinging)). There he was, talking about something that didn't make sense again.. He knew Mr. Duncan?

Out of everything, however, it was Chance's surprised cry which made Akumu jump a bit and twitch. Again. He seemed nice and all, but Chance getting scared over nothing, and then scaring her because he yelled so loud was probably going to get old very quickly.

Akumu tried to calm her heart rate and breathing. Her annoyance quickly gave way to curiosity and concern. "Hypnos? Eli? Where he go??"

- - - - - - - - -

https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki and Thumb Splitter

Akumu watched as Sunako traversed the obstacle course room. The shrimp girl had a surprising amount of agility, strength, and of course the shell provided that toughness too. Some little red projectiles pelted Sunako, but seemed they'd overlook those ones for now. Sunako swiftly closed the rest of the distance and leaped across a gap to reach Akumu.

”Akumu-oujosama, ikimashou ka?” she says teasingly, offering her hand to the spectral girl.

If only briefly, Akumu flushed a bit with a shy smile and reached out a hand, only for there to be zero contact, as expected. "Arigatō Youko-san. Ima sugu watashi o tsuremodosubekida to omoimasu ka?"

"Thank you, Ms. Youko. Do you think you should bring me back now?"

2022-10-11, 08:51 AM
”Hai,” she says in agreement, leading the ghost back through the obstacle course. She wasn’t really sure whether she should account for her charge’s lack of physicality, but she nevertheless does her best to avoid putting Akumu in what would be danger for someone tangible.

2022-10-12, 11:52 AM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Out of everything, however, it was Chance's surprised cry which made Akumu jump a bit and twitch. Again. He seemed nice and all, but Chance getting scared over nothing, and then scaring her because he yelled so loud was probably going to get old very quickly.

Akumu tried to calm her heart rate and breathing. Her annoyance quickly gave way to curiosity and concern. "Hypnos? Eli? Where he go??"

"Sorry about that, Akumu." Chance replied, still rubbing at his side. "I kinda ran into his elbow."

Now that he'd recovered from his...mishap, he managed a closer look at the newcomer. "...wait, you're one of the other students, right?" That old-mannish, "back in the day" remark Cyrus'd opened with had thrown him. "Did the teachers call you here, too?" And had they called Hypnos elsewhere? Seeing no sleepy Elijah anywhere in the room, he added: "I think I'll need to do the course with you, if the other guy's not here."

2022-10-13, 03:02 AM
Barely avoiding a swarm of bullets and a chain that — if real — could have decapitated Hexen, Nathan landed by at the start with all the grace of a walrus on land and sat Hexen down on the ground. "Alright, your turn."

He swung back across the room, not even pretending to fear the foam weaponry, and took his place where Hexen had been standing. "Help. Help", he said and waved his tentacles in a halfhearted attempt to look distressed that ended up looking more like some sort of abominable jazz hands. "I'm ready to be rescued."

2022-10-13, 03:54 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen "Wheee!" giggled in the swing across, though at one point a foam saw caught her on the forehead and whipped her head back.

When she landed, Hexen had a large smile, though she noticeably stepped away from C'thulhu lad when he 'let go' of her. Nevertheless, she seemed in a happy disposition, as she turned around and watched as Squidward scurried off into a vulnerable position.

"Help! Help!" he yelped out, as Hexen stood upon the elevated ledge, thought to herself, and then just reached forward with her right hand splayed forth.

Seizing Squidward in a sheath of gravitrons, Hexen pulled him through the air back towards her position, yanking him this way and forth to avoid the hazardous objects...

2022-10-13, 04:54 AM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki and Thumb Splitter

Akumu followed Sunako back trying to be mindful of the various "hazards". She wasn't sure if avoiding them even mattered in her case for this exercise, but she figured she would humor the others and play along on this little game of pretend. At least physical activities like jumping or leaping were completely unnecessary, though perhaps one issue was, Akumu was significant slower than Sunako, floating along at her ghostly gait.

They make it back without issue. Following example from the other team, Akumu says, "Okay.. my turn rescue?" Once Sunako was into whatever position she wanted to be and all the traps were turned on again, Akumu decided to do something different after considering the situation a bit. She simply floated out of the room. A moment later, she descended through the ceiling about where Sunako was, circumventing as many traps as possible, if they were even real.

"Hontōni komattara dō shiyō mo nai to omoukedo, koko ni iru…"

"I don't know what to do if you're really in trouble, but here I am..."

She holds her translucent hand out as a token offering, along with a gentle smile.

2022-10-13, 10:02 AM
”Boku mo wakaranai,” the girl says as she kinda just… follows. “Out of curiosity, what can you do to interact with the world? It’s gonna be hard to be a hero if all you are able to do is watch what happens to others.”
“I dunno either.”

2022-10-13, 02:52 PM
Weird feeling. Bad feeling. Nathan quickly went from cocky to slightly freaked out as Hexen did... whatever it was. Suddenly he felt like was falling down, only down had somehow become the other side of the room, with occasional trips to either side, making him fall out of the way of any dangers.

He wanted to grab onto something, but managed to quell the instinct long enough to reach the starting area.

Afterwards, Nathan sat down on the floor, happy to have "down" back where it belonged. "You got squid-swung across the room", he said to his partner. "How am I still the one who's worse off?"

Since Hexen's power is gravity control, I'm assuming it would feel something like this (at least for someone unprepared and unused to it). If that's not the case, let's assume Nathan just has a very vivid imagination. :smallsmile:

Also, there's a tiny little time skip between the second and third paragraph, since I didn't know how Hexen would put him down. (I'm assuming unpleasantly).

2022-10-13, 09:15 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

As Hexen rapidly yanked Squidward off the platform and through the air, she brought him to a gentle halt once he was back over their ledge. A soft turn, an easy handling, and she set tentacle-boy down on his feet with a slow gesture from her fingers.

Hearing her colleagues complaint, Hexen perked an eyebrow as she watched him sit down.

"Oh? First time?" she asked, clearly curious as she watched him recover.

Her figure gently lifted off the ground, her feet hanging several inches above the platform as she silently and slowly floated over to Squidward, her eyes fixed upon him.

"You get used to it...but maybe..." she trailed off, pursing her lips in thought.

Abruptly, another blue-purple-black tear shimmered to life beside Squidward, its silent image roiling suspended in the air like a breach of the fabric of reality itself. Almost simultaneously, another one ripped open several feet away, near the entrance to the training area.

"Step through..." Hexen gestured to the portal beside him, "or jump, skip or swing. What-ever you'd like..." she smiled.

2022-10-13, 09:41 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

The ghostly girl shrugged at Sunako's question. "I.. not know. Nothing..."

It was a pretty sad state of affairs.

"But, I think I still help. For example. I can go inside places. No one see me. I tell you what inside."

2022-10-14, 12:31 PM
”Hm…” the girl frowns. “Well, this is the place to learn how to grow your powers. I doubt I have figured out everything I’m capable of.”

2022-10-14, 04:43 PM
"Oh? First time?"

"Of falling sideways?" Nathan raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, gravity's been kind of a constant, until now."

He looked around the room, taking in both the play-palace-on-steroids vibe of the room and the combined oddity of the people in it. "But I guess we should get used the weird, huh?" He stepped into the portal, emerging from the other one only a little bit disoriented. "At least it won't be boring."

2022-10-17, 12:42 PM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Chance looked back and forth between the two pairs who had just finished, and then at his own lack of a partner. First day and he'd already been picked last. Great. Wonderful. He should've stuck to Hypnos like glue.

"...erm, are any of you willing to go another round? I...don't have a partner, right now."

2022-10-17, 06:23 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen was grinning at Squidwards words when Moon Rabbit's voice came over her shoulder.

Pivoting her head, then turning around her whole body, Hexen was still hovering silently in the air when she beheld him.

"Sure, you can come with us if you'd like..."

2022-10-18, 12:03 PM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Chance...looked like he was sucking on a lemon as he considered Hexen's offer. Well, beggars couldn't be choosers.

"Ah, how do you wish to do this? D-do I rescue one of you first? Or should I wait over there" - he waved towards the "heart" of the obstacle course, where the sounds of churning hazards were the most concentrated - "to be rescued?"

2022-10-19, 03:42 PM
"As much as I'd love to rescue a bunny, though preferably a different kind, it probably won't do much to show you off." Once again, Nathan's inhuman arm extended with a whip-like sound and attached itself to the ceiling. "Look at me, being such a team player."

After another swing through the room, Nathan curled up his tentacle into what looked disturbingly like a bean bag made out of meat and took a seat.

2022-10-19, 04:34 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu smiled gently at the timid boy. "Go ahead, Chance. I think you do well if careful."

While she didn't know what Chance was fully capable of since she hadn't seen him in his rabbit suit yet, Akumu was not sure what special abilities he had. Perhaps all that twitchiness would prove useful in dodging the traps. And hopefully the boy would not scream every time a fake red obstacle popped out at him. Still, even Chance could accomplish far more than Akumu...

2022-10-20, 08:53 AM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

Chance watched as Nathan swung back into position and made himself comfortable.

"Alright, then...," he muttered as he adjusted his "gloves", shivering slightly as he felt the Rabbit Suit "wake up" from standby. A sharp observer like Thumb Splitter would probably notice his entire outfit appear to quiver from top to toe. To Chance, he heard as much as felt the Suit shift around him, artificial "muscles" molding themselves to support his own. Those sounds were nothing compared to the grinding "gears" and spinning "hazards" up ahead, though. The nerf bullets were getting on his nerves, and he hoped they wouldn't distract him too​ much.

Not an Activation flaw - just fluff on how the Suit works. Keeping it at full power all the time is wasteful.


"...here goes." Locking his mask into position, Chance gave Akumu a brief nod of acknowledgement, before dashing into the obstacle course.

The Rabbit Suit lent him speed as he bounded towards the center, weaving and juking around the various obstacles as they appeared. Spinning "gears", annoying "bullets"...a foam "pillar" popped up in his path as he took a wrong turn, and he had to punch it out of the way. Cursing at the delay, he steered around the bent "pillar", running up the ramp towards the ball pit.

Pausing in front of the ball pit, Chance quickly sized it up, noting the swirling water beneath with some dismay. Trying the center path would probably get him dunked. Especially with a "hostage" in tow. Instead, he tensed up, shifting his stance...and leapt across the ball pit, landing on one of the more stable "pillars". Another jump took him the rest of the way across.

"Are you...sitting on your own arm?" he asked Nathan as he landed in front of his classmate. "How does that even work?"

2022-10-21, 06:03 AM
"Nothing strange about it", Nathan said, standing up and pulling the tentacle back to normal arm lenght. "Well, maybe a little strange about it. It's weirdly comfortable though, even if my arm gets all tingly if I do it for too long."

Nathan looked around the room and back to Chance. "So how should we do this? Should I run after you like a good little escort mission NPC or do you wanna carry me?"

2022-10-23, 11:19 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen watched as Squidward did....something.

She visibly flinched and then shuddered, before looking away.

2022-10-24, 11:36 AM
https://i.imgur.com/CudFAk7.png Moon Rabbit

Chance winced behind his mask as Nathan pulled his arm back into place with a (to him) very visceral *squelch*.

"Eurgh, " he managed, before tearing his gaze away to size up the rest of Cthul-Lad. "...I don't think I can carry you. The Suit's more built for speed than power. Tradeoffs in the artificial 'muscles'...er, follow me?"

At least getting down from the "hostage" ledge seemed easier than climbing up had been. He'd have to stick to Nathan's running pace, though.

2022-10-25, 03:03 PM
"Alright, lead the way, Bunny Boy", Nathan said, ready to follow his 'rescuer' in a rather leisurely jog, channeling every annoyingly suicidal NPC in every video game escort mission he'd ever played. "Take me to safety."

2022-10-25, 05:16 PM
As the rescues are finishing up, a strange mist started to fill the room. Even the teacher seemed concerned by this. Something was wrong and everyone could tell it. Suddenly, Hexen and Cthulul-Lad could no longer see Moon Rabbit, Akumu or Thumb Splitter. Moon Rabbit and Thumb Splitter could see each other but not Akumu, Hexen or Cthulul-Lad and no one could see Ms. Gibson either. Akumu, you could see around but you saw two blocks of colors on either side of you. One black, one white, neither penetrable at the moment.

2022-10-25, 06:18 PM
”That’s… weird.” Sunako looks around, but the smoke is opaque. (What’s its composition?) “Hey teach, what’s going on?” The girl lowers her stance and puts up her fists. “You good, Usagi?” she asks Moon Rabbit.

2022-10-25, 09:56 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

The sudden turn of events was a bit concerning to Akumu. Was it all just part of these tests, or the features of this room? However, she realized that even Mrs. Gibson seemed worried, before the teacher completely disappeared from view.

There were now, apparently, also some walls that divided this large room. A black wall, and a white wall, somewhat translucent.. and Akumu was stuck between them. She floated over to investigate one, and quickly realized that she could not pass through. Amazing! There were very few things that she could touch anymore, but unfortunately, these walls were becoming quite an inconvenience for herself and the others.

Akumu tests to see if she can simply go under one of these walls. Normally, she could already float through the floor, or any type of ground. She holds her breath and attempts to descend through the floor to circumvent one of these walls.

2022-10-26, 05:50 AM
https://i.imgur.com/CudFAk7.png Moon Rabbit

Chance was rather peeved by the time he'd returned to the start point. Doubling back and forth to cover Nathan in the obstacle course had not helped his mood. He'd had to knock down three more pillars on his way back, and his hands were smarting even with the shock absorbers in the Suit.

...alright, that was being a bit unfair to his classmate. Smart mouth aside, Cthul-Lad had done the exercise exactly as intended...

And then the room suddenly exploded into fog. Chance had just enough time to spot Ms. Gibson's shocked expression - which told him this was probably not part of the plan - before everything was enveloped in gray mist.

"Nathan? Are you there?" he called out, trying to see if he could hear anyone else moving. "Ms. Gibson? Hexen? Akumu? H-hello?" For some reason, only Monster Shrimp Girl was visible to him. "Do you see anyone else?"

2022-10-26, 05:56 AM
"What the hell?" Nathan looked around at the fog, cautiously reaching towards it with one of his face tentacles, ready to yank it back at the first sign of trouble.

He turned to Hexen. "So how do your holes work? Not... well, you get what I mean. Could you open one from here to literally anywhere else?"

2022-10-26, 07:07 AM
As Moon Rabbit looks around, all the mist has vanished. They seem to be in a room that looked a lot like the one they had been in but much simpler. It looked rather like an obstacle course with no fancy technology around.

Akumu could not seem to penetrate either wall just by her normal self. She did sense that she might be able to pass into the areas but that might not necessarily find what she wanted.

The area around Hexen and Nathan was dark, cold and in shambles. It looked familiar and yet totally destroyed.

2022-10-26, 07:43 AM
”Nothing more than what you see…” Sunako’s eyes focus and refocus. If this was all an illusion, it was all real in every way that mattered. Was it the same materials as before? We’re the sources of light the same? Had the been taken somewhere else without noticing?

Enhanced Vision - Youko's vision is beyond even acute: she can perceive specific details about anything she can see, such as chemical composition, exact dimensions, or mass. Her vision ignores the Concealment effect sensing the subject of the effect normally, as if the Concealment wasn’t even there, regardless of descriptor. Concealed subjects seem slightly “off,"" enough to know they are concealed to others. This trait does not affect concealment provided by opaque objects. Her vision ignores illusions. When Youko would normally be surprised in combat, she may make a Perception check (DC 10): One degree of success means she's not surprised, but can’t act during the surprise round, while two or more degrees of success means she's not surprised and may act during the surprise round (if any). Youko can see in the infrared portion of the spectrum, allowing her to see heat patterns. Darkness does not provide concealment for objects differing in temperature from their surroundings. She can see ultraviolet light, allowing her to see normally at night by the light of the stars or other UV light sources.

2022-10-26, 08:21 AM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu was having difficulty doing something that she had thought was quite possible. As things stood, she could not reunite with one group of teens nor the other. Furthermore, it seemed that she just had a really terrible feeling about trying to get out of this situation, trying to.. escape from her imprisonment. If that's what this was. She honestly wasn't sure. The whole situation was so sudden and strange.

"Everyone? Can hear me?" she asks aloud?

((However, since no one can see Akumu, I think no one can hear her.))

Then something occurred to Akumu. Someone had to be doing this, right? "Hello?" she asks, looking all around. "Who do this? Why?"

She tries in Japanese. "Wakarimasu ka? Hana$hitai dakedesu. Nandeshou?"

"Do you understand? I just want to talk. What do you want?"

2022-10-26, 08:50 AM
Akumu, you notice a beeping sound nearby.

2022-10-26, 08:54 AM
Akumu hears the beeping, and without any other idea of what to do, she immediately begins to follow the noise, trying to track its source.

perception: [roll0]

2022-10-26, 12:12 PM
https://i.imgur.com/CudFAk7.png Moon Rabbit

...none of their group seemed to be nearby. That was a problem.

As the smoke cleared, it revealed the same obstacle course. Well, one that appeared to have gone back several decades in time, if the simpler tech was anything to judge by. Also, he was still stuck with Thumb Splitter.

Chewing his lip nervously behind his mask, Chance cast about the room in agitation, as he tried to figure out - or find - what was going on. Who - or what - had brought them here? Were they - or it - still here with them? And was there a way out?

Going to try a Technology roll to figure out just how archaic our "new digs" are - [roll0].

Would Perception or Investigation be more applicable here?

2022-10-26, 02:00 PM
Sunako wanders around the obstacle course, trying to see if there was a door out or something.

2022-10-31, 08:59 AM
Akumu notices a tiny computer lodged in the wall. It's making the sounds.

Moon Rabbit, by your best estimation the equipment is probably from the early 1990s.

There is a door out of the place, two actually. One of them is starting to open in fact.

2022-10-31, 09:21 AM
Sunako readies for a fight, and calls over to the door. ”Who’s out there!”

2022-10-31, 09:46 AM
You hear a voice familiar and yet different say "Who is in there." You could see Duncan Summers entering but looking much younger.

2022-10-31, 10:38 AM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu examines the electronic device closely, but here's the problem: she doesn't have any idea of what she is looking at, aside from "one of those advanced things from this new land".

Not only 0 ranks in Technology, but also complications related to her being incompatible with technology.

If there is anything to read on this computer, she may attempt to read it, though her English was pretty bad too. Given all the strange things that were happening, Akumu wasn't even sure if she should attempt to touch this thing at all. As far as she as concerned, it was all black magic, and attempting to do so might make the situation worse.

2022-10-31, 12:41 PM
There was not much to read at least not to someone unfamiliar with technology but you did feel you were right..something about this computer and a demon. You just weren't quite sure. However, as you held the box you could make out your fellow students inside the walls. Two were in the black box two in the white box.

2022-10-31, 02:14 PM
As the mist disappeared, Nathan tried to ready himself. Which would've been easier if he'd had any idea of what to ready himself for. "Not to repeat myself, but... what the hell?"

Well, when in doubt... smash something. Without aiming for anything in particular, Nathan lashed out at the general area with his main tentacle.

I haven't really had a character with area attacks before, if I understand things correctly I don't need to roll for it. Is that correct?

In any case, Nathan is using Whip it to... well, whip a cone-shaped area ahead of him (and away from Hexen).

2022-10-31, 03:31 PM
Nathan crushes some crumbling desks and the like. The coldness begins to intensify.

2022-10-31, 04:09 PM
Sunako doesn’t drop her stance. ”What the hell is going on?”

2022-10-31, 04:42 PM
Akumu doesn't have a good feeling about this. She had no idea what she would be doing, and this was doubly so considering the strange happenings.

Instead of trying to worry about the black and white walls, she instead just tries to exit the gym and maybe find someone who did know what was happening.

"Miss Gibson?" she calls out.

2022-10-31, 09:50 PM
https://i.imgur.com/CudFAk7.png Moon Rabbit

"This stuff's old," Chance muttered, poking at a primitive version of the annoying pillars he'd just had to dodge - or knock over - by the score. No digital timers or motors, here - just a spring-loaded pulley system to extend and retract this obstacle. "Are we-?"

The sound of a door opening drew his attention - one he hadn't spotted earlier in the receding fog. Whirling around, he turned to see a familiar face walking in.

"Mr. Summers? Have you seen..." he began, then trailed off as he saw just how much younger the headmaster was - the man who'd just walked in could have been his son or nephew instead. Add in the archaic mechanisms of this danger room, and Chance could only come to one conclusion.

"A-are we in the past? What year is this?"

2022-11-01, 07:29 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexens' eyes narrowed as she looked around, her mouth slightly agape as her mind instinctively reached out into the world beyond to search for anyone, anything, that had a mental pulse.


Nothing except herself and Squidward.

Swallowing, looking around with her eyes, her nervousness was stymied for a second at Squidwards question, having spent enough time around the vulgar minded sort to roll her eyes.

"I..." she uttered, biting her bottom lip, "where are we?" she asked under her breath.

Their surroundings seemed dilapidated, destroyed almost, as if they were standing in the ruins of the school and its decaying skeleton rather than where they had been. But that was impossible, right?

Furrowing her brow, biting her bottom lip, Hexen opened another one of her portals. The air shimered into a blue-black ripple to her right and to her left, clearly a connection. Cautiously, she reached down, picked up a bit of broken masonry and gently tossed it through one of the entries, fully expecting it to pop out of the other.

2022-11-02, 10:42 AM
A: Duncan Summers stared at both students. "What are you doing here? Students should not be in here unsupervised. We haven't had a proper run through here yet." He was curiously looking at you. "I don't recall you at the assembly earlier."

B: Hexen's portal seems to be working properly. The chill was intensifying as a sudden wind seemed to be blowing. The two students thought they saw someone...something? approaching them.

C: As Akumu exited the gym, she saw some students milling around. They were wondering why the training room was inaccessible and where Ms. Gibson was.

2022-11-02, 01:20 PM
“Dude, we don’t have time for this,” Youko says as she approaches the young man/boy. “Look, like Usagi asked, what year is it? It’s clearly our past because you’re younger than we last saw you. And clearly not headmaster.” And more importantly, how the hell did we get back here?

2022-11-02, 02:30 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu was looking around a little more frantically now. "Need teacher! Something bad happening there!" she says, pointing to the gym.

She'll fly around the school (somewhat faster than her usual ghostly float) looking for someone to come fiddle with this beeping computer thing and help her figure out what is going on.

So when the other students wonder why the gym is inaccessible, how is it inaccessible to them?

2022-11-02, 03:27 PM
the door seems locked and Ms. Gibson is the one with the passkey unless they can find Duncan himself who also has one or the janitor who does as well.

2022-11-03, 12:23 PM
"So..." Nathan crouched down, while his tentacles stretched out and rose up, ready to strike. "Do we try to get out of here or do check out whatever the hell this is?"

He didn't know what answer he was hoping for. Didn't know who was coming for them. Didn't know much at all, it seemed.

2022-11-04, 02:15 PM
A: Duncan replies. "It's 1992. Now please tell me how you got here. This room should not be accessible by others without the key."

B: One of the teachers has come by who also speaks Japanese and asks Akumu to tell her what had happened and to see if she can help.

C: Hexen and Nathan see some...things seem to be approaching while the wind starts to whip harder and rain begins to fall.

2022-11-04, 02:48 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5G8IVJF.png Akumu Sasaki

Akumu explains in Japanese, how she was in that training area with Mrs. Gibson. She was with 4 other students (or 6 if we count the 2 MIA players).

She says a strange mist filled the room, Mrs. Gibson disappeared, there are these weird barriers she cannot cross yet she could see the others, she thought, and there is an object making noises. She thinks it is one of their advanced technologies.

2022-11-04, 09:04 PM
Youko sighs. “Dunkkun, you’re a smart boy, or at least you’re going to be one day. Why do confused people in places they shouldn’t be ask what year it is? Especially people who you’ve never seen before but who seem to know who you are?” The brightly colored girl gives a look as though rolling her eyes, but the blank compound eyes don’t shift.

2022-11-04, 10:59 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen was unsure of anything.

Spotting the approaching figures, she took a step back, a look of worry over her face as her mind stretched forward...

Using her Mind Sense, it has Accurate (Minds), Counters all concealment, Counters Illusion, Extended 2 (x100), Penetrates concealment.

2022-11-05, 02:10 AM
https://i.imgur.com/CudFAk7.png Moon Rabbit

Chance's eyes widened behind his mask as the younger - and very suspicious - Mr. Summers confirmed when they had gone back to.

"Umm, er we were let in here. By another teacher. Ms. Gibson. Or rather, we will be in, umm - " he did some quick math " - twenty-five years. We will be - I mean, we were running this course, except more advanced than this - " he gestured vaguely at the nearest proto-annoying pillar obstacle " - and then this weird grey fog split us from the rest of our class and we ended up here."

2022-11-08, 02:01 AM
Nathan instinctively shielded his face from the rain with one of his tentacles, widening it into a makeshift umbrella. Rain in what should be indoors wasn't the weirdest thing in what was rapidly turning into the weirdest day of his life, but it certainly didn't help.

He looked sideways at Hexen, hoping she'd have any idea of what to do or expect.

2022-11-08, 05:40 AM
A: Dark shadows closed in on Hexen and Nathan. They did not seem to be tangible, but they seemed to be draining any warmth and your warm blooded bodies seemed to intrigue them.

B: Thanks to Akumu's instructions, maintenance were removing the section to get to the device to hopefully figure out how it was causing said trouble. Meanwhile, Akumu could see the walls were opaque again.

C: "Interesting. You've been moved to the past. I wonder if Tick Tock Doc was involved. Well, anyways, I can only request you leave the gym. We can put you up somewhere safely in the meantime. Hopefully your teacher and friends can rescue you as I don't think there is anything we can do here that would assist." He opens the door and tries to usher you out.

2022-11-08, 08:01 AM
Akumu was studying those strange walls again. Whereas before they were slightly see through and she could sort of see and hear the others, now they were just completely solid, and she couldn't?

She tries to reach out again and touch them.

2022-11-08, 03:29 PM
Sunako shrugs. ”Fair enough. I guess… remember that this happens in twenty to thirty years? So you can hopefully do something about it then.” She follows him out of the gym.

2022-11-09, 11:09 AM
https://i.imgur.com/CudFAk7.png Moon Rabbit

"Umm, okay. Was this place not ready yet? It seems - " Chance cut himself off before he could say "primitive"; they were in the past, after all - " - incomplete. T-the pillars need work."


As they left the gym, Chance belatedly realized that he was still masked up. Which had probably made them look reaaaally suspicious to this Mr. Summers. "So where should we be waiting?" he asked as he doffed the mask. "And w-who is this Tick Tock Doc?"

Chance doesn't have any benefits like Well-Informed, so he's stuck asking the hard/slow way. :smalltongue:

2022-11-09, 09:59 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

.Dark shadows closed in on Hexen and Nathan. They did not seem to be tangible, but they seemed to be draining any warmth and your warm blooded bodies seemed to intrigue them.

Hexens eyes widened.

"Dementors!" the teenager screached, labelling the shadows to what she understood to be the most equivilent.

"Come!" she yelped to Squidward, opening up a portal next to them and pushing him - via his human side - through it and following him.

Hexen is opening a portal to outside the school grounds and taking both herself and Squidward there.

2022-11-17, 05:25 PM
The walls were starting to fade. Akumu could push herself through them if she wished. Hexen's portal worked, as she and Nathan found themselves back outside the school. Meanwhile, Moon Rabbit got an explanation of Tick Tock Doc a person who had control of time and was an anti-hero who was still doing stuff around the time they were currently.

2022-11-22, 02:40 AM
Nathan let out a very macho yelp as he was pushed through the portal and tumbled to the ground on the other side of it, managing to roll into something resembling a battle-ready pose and looked around.

2022-11-22, 02:57 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4d5zdggd/eryeryh.jpg Hexen

Hexen followed Squidward, landing on her feet due to her experience with 'porting.

"Those were Dementors!" she exclaimed, eyes wide, mouth agape.

"Did you see'em? They didn't even have minds to read!"

2022-11-22, 08:54 AM
”Anti-hero. Just a label for jerks who incidentally save people,” Sunako scoffs.

2022-11-25, 01:29 PM
With the walls beginning to fade, Akumu tries pushing through the white ones, just to see what happens.

2022-11-30, 02:19 AM
https://i.imgur.com/SRHWzph.png Moon Rabbit

"Well, I don't feel very 'saved' right now. Unless there was some threat in our danger room that needed us to be pulled back twenty-five years."

Chance had calmed down a bit now that it was clear that the Mr. Summers of the past wasn't about to chew them out for appearing in a gym that wasn't yet open for use. Well, not entirely calm - he really didn't want to be stuck taking the long, slow route back to the "modern day". Assuming that talking with this Mr. Summers hadn't already messed irrevocably with causality and this line of thought wasn't leading anywhere good and he should stop.

"...h-how does this Tick Tock Doc control time, anyway? Is strange fog how they usually do things?"

2022-11-30, 04:26 PM
(I'll catch this up tonight or tomorrow hopefully. Everyone has done very well.)