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View Full Version : Emulation and Specialization (replacing multiclassing)

2022-10-06, 05:34 PM
Full document (with all the formatting) here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJYgwu0AFJxf1UvnGweQgjVp-yr_nR6vKOXOty0xRYI/edit?usp=sharing

The goal is to remove level-by-level multiclassing in its entirety, replacing it with something more controllable. While also giving those who don't decide to branch out something nice. Each class defines two sets of features in four "ranks" each. The first, Emulation features, are what someone of a different class can pick up at level 3, 8, 13, and 18. The second, Specialization features, are additional features you get at each of those points if you don't pick an Emulation feature. Each set of ranks is a chain--if you took a Rank 1 (aka Regular) Emulation at level 3 and then picked a different class to Emulate at level 8, you'd have the Regular Emulation features of both classes. If then at 13 you chose to take a second Emulation feature from one of those, you'd have the Regular and Greater features from that one and the Regular from the other. Thus, to get to the Rank 4 feature you have to pick only that option at each step.

Known--this is a boost in power across the board, because you're not giving up levels to get these new features, they're just added.

Spellcasting (including pact magic) is special--you always get spells known, spellcasting ability, ritual casting (and a spellbook/focus/etc) and a "caster level" (which determines how scrolls and spells known/prepared work) for the class you're emulating, but you only get spell slots IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE THEM. If you have spell slots of any type from your own class, you don't get any new spell slots from the emulation. You can use your existing slots to cast the spells, however, but use the other class's spellcasting ability to do so. Each Emulation feature set that grants spellcasting defines exactly what you get at each rank; do not expect uniformity (because some emulation features give more spellcasting than others in exchange for not giving much else). Cantrips always use your full character level.

If a feature would naturally progress if taken as part of your actual class, it only progresses if and when the Emulation feature says it does when taken via Emulation. Generally, the progression is such that if you take the Emulation at each rank you'll have features comparable to those of a 10th level member of that Emulated class by level 18. So roughly half-progression, but not all the features.

I'm not going to try to transcribe the spellcasting tables here. They're in the google doc.

Regular: Spellcasting (including Tool Requirements)
Greater: Infuse Item, Spellcasting
Superior: Flash of Genius, Spellcasting
Supreme: Magic Item Adept, Spellcasting

Regular: 2 uses of rage as a 1st level barbarian.
Greater: Reckless Attack OR Danger Sense, +1 rage
Superior: Fast Movement, +1 rage
Supreme: Brutal Critical (lol), +1 rage damage

Regular: Bardic Inspiration (d6), Spellcasting
Greater: Jack of all Trades, Spellcasting
Superior: BI (d8), Font of Inspiration, Spellcasting
Supreme: BI (d10), Expertise (as 3rd level), Spellcasting

Regular: Domain feature (1st level, no proficiencies), Spellcasting
Greater: Channel Divinity (1x/rest, from domain), Spellcasting
Superior: 6th level domain feature, Spellcasting
Supreme: Divine Intervention (as 10th level cleric), Spellcasting

Regular: Wild Shape, Spellcasting
Greater: Wild Shape Improvement (4th), Spellcasting
Superior: Wild Shape Improvement (8th), Spellcasting
Supreme: Spellcasting

Regular: Second Wind (1d10 + Proficiency), Armor Proficiency +1 (none -> light -> medium -> heavy), Weapon proficiency +1 (limited -> simple -> martial)
Greater: Fighting Style, Extra Attack
Superior: ASI
Supreme: Indomitable x2,

Regular: Ki (2), Martial Arts (d4), Unarmored Defense
Greater: Ki (4), Deflect Arrows, Unarmored Movement (+10)
Superior: Ki (7), Martial Arts (d6), Ki-Empowered Strikes, Evasion
Supreme: Ki (10), Stunning Strike, Purity of Body

Regular: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands (5)
Greater: Divine Smite (2x 1st level/day, does not use spell slots), Lay on Hands (20)
Superior: Aura of Protection, Lay on Hands (35), Additional Smites (2x 2nd level/day)
Supreme: Aura of Courage, Lay on Hands (50), Additional Smites (1x 3rd level/day)

Ranger -- needs rework because this is just sad
Regular: Favored Foe
Greater: Fighting Style, Hunter’s Prey
Superior: Defensive Tactics
Supreme: Nature’s Veil

Regular: Sneak Attack (1d6), Expertise (1 skill)
Greater: Sneak Attack (2d6), Uncanny Dodge
Superior: Sneak Attack (3d6), Evasion, +1 expertise
Supreme: Sneak Attack (4d6), Reliable Talent

Regular: Spellcasting
Greater: Spellcasting, Metamagic (x2), Font of Magic (4)
Superior: Spellcasting, Font of Magic (7)
Supreme: Spellcasting, Font of Magic (10)

Regular: Invocation (x1), Bonus Spells from chosen patron. If no spell slots, can cast one of them once per long rest (choosing which one on use).
Greater: Pact Boon, Invocation +1, Spellcasting
Superior: Invocation +1, Spellcasting
Supreme: Invocation +1, Spellcasting

Regular: Spellcasting
Greater: Spellcasting
Superior: Spellcasting
Supreme: Spellcasting

If calibrated correctly (which these likely aren't), staying in-class for these should be more direct power (but less versatility) than splashing out on an Emulation feature.

Regular: +1 Infusion known
Greater: Recover a Flash of Genius on SR
Superior: Spell Storing item can hold 3rd level spells
Supreme: +1 Infusion known

Regular: +1 rage
Greater: Wisdom saves vs loss-of-control have a minimum roll of 10 while raging.
Superior: Increased crit threat range (+1)
Supreme: Increased crit threat range (+2)

Regular: +1 Bardic Inspiration
Greater: +1 die size for Bardic Inspiration
Superior: +1 Magical Secrets
Supreme: Can Bardic Inspire self

Regular: Extra use of Channel Divinity
Greater: +1 spell prepared
Superior: Threshold for Divine Intervention goes up by 2
Supreme: +1 spell prepared

Regular: Non-moon: +1 step on max CR (so ½ at 2, 1 at 4, and 2 at 8). Moon: Free use of wildshape healing (counts as biggest unlocked slot)
Greater: + 1 spell prepared
Superior: Wildshape can also do monstrosities??
Supreme: + 1 spell prepared

Regular: Roll 2d10 + level for Second Wind instead.
Greater: Action surge gives you an extra bonus action and movement as well
Superior: Expertise in Athletics and Acrobatics.
Supreme: Indomitable becomes Legendary Resistance.

Regular: +1 die size for martial arts (1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 2d6)
Greater: +WIS ki
Superior: Flurry no longer costs ki
Supreme: Diamond Soul also gives you expertise in one saving throw of your choice.

Regular: 5 extra points in your Lay on Hands pool.
Greater: Aura goes to 15’
Superior: Reroll smite damage 1x/SR
Supreme: Apply the extra smite damage to a creature type of your choice as well as usuals (ie the extra anti-undead/fiend/whatever damage).

Regular: Gain Favored Foe (if you don’t have it). If you do, increase die size by one at each step (1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10)
Greater: Gain a choice from Hunter’s Prey, even if you already have that feature (but must choose a different option).
Superior: Favored Foe no longer requires concentration.
Supreme: Gain a choice from Superior Hunter’s Defense, even if you already have that feature (but must choose a different option).

Regular: Limited Reliable Talent–count any die roll on proficient Ability Check under a 5 as a 5.
Greater: +1 expertise
Superior: +Uncanny Dodge now can be used 2x/round (1x/turn) but doesn’t cost your reaction.
Supreme: Sneak attack can trigger 2x on your turn(?)

Regular: +1 metamagic choice, +CHA sorcery points
Greater: +2 spells known (any arcane list)
Superior: +1 metamagic choice, +1 spell known (sorcerer list)
Supreme: +2 spells known (any arcane list)

Regular: +1 invocation
Greater: +1 spell slot
Superior: Mystic Arcana can be upcast (act as regular slots)
Supreme: +1 6+th level spell known

Regular: +1 spell level restored on Arcane Recovery
Greater: If you have a <School> Savant feature, spells of that school cost no gold to scribe in. If you don’t, pick one and get its regular benefit.
Superior: Expertise in Arcana and one INT skill of your choice.
Supreme: +1 Spell Mastery