View Full Version : So Apprently Someone Already Converted D20 Modern to 5E?

2022-10-10, 01:34 AM
D20 Modern 5e Conversion (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Byx44op3KqQ2flhIV1pKSzRIbFBtbjk4T0xOTlNzVi0yTEpRR EV4ZnZCNjJWd25GOFR5VW8?resourcekey=0-Y6s3F2pCrwpOkc3q8D0gMQ)

Should someone go tell that one group that is running a D20 Modern PbP game on here? I'm looking over the stuff in the links and it looks very approachable, not that bad either.

It tweaks enough things that maybe the classes are balanced now? Maybe?

2022-10-10, 01:47 AM
This is awesome, thanks. I don't know that I'll have much criticism to provide any time soon, but I'll look into it more depth when I have time.

2022-10-10, 01:52 AM
I'm tempted to compare it to what's been released for Everyday Heroes. Perhaps both of them have elements that are better than the other.