View Full Version : Is there any way for a Wizard to learn Magus Only Spells?

2022-10-24, 01:19 AM
I noticed the Magus has two pretty cool spells that aren't on any other spell list.

Cosmic Ray

and Tactical Adaptation.

So is there any feat or ability that grants a Wizard Access to these spells?
They aren't on their spell list.

Kurald Galain
2022-10-24, 01:51 AM
Deivon's Parry is another good one. I'm not aware of any way to add these to the wizard list, although spending a feat (similar to Expanded Arcana) feels fitting.

Cosmic Ray, however, is magus 5 and sorcerer/wizard 6.

2022-10-24, 01:56 AM
I noticed the Magus has two pretty cool spells that aren't on any other spell list.

Cosmic Ray

and Tactical Adaptation.

So is there any feat or ability that grants a Wizard Access to these spells?
They aren't on their spell list.

Cosmic Ray is a wizard spell, only a level higher than on the magus list. A Ring of Spell Knowledge III should give you access to Tactical Adaptation.

The samsaran race's alternate trait Mystic Past Life allows you to add any arcane spell to your spell list. A page of spell knowledge (3 or 6) also works.

Alternatively, there's a handbook for this (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?296803-Pathfinder-mini-guide-Casting-spells-from-other-lists).

2022-10-24, 04:06 AM
The cheeky answer is you use True Name to bind a creature that knows those spells and summon them to cast them.

2022-10-24, 10:27 AM
Independent Research
A wizard also can research a spell independently, duplicating an existing spell or creating an entirely new one.
Work with your DM.

I'd allow Tactical Adaption at a level higher. (4th)
Devions/Duelists Parry I don't see any reason to raise a level, it's fine at 1st for Wizard too.

2022-10-24, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the responses fellas!
Ring of Spell Knowledge actually works for our group dynamic!

Also, glad to know about Cosmic Ray just being higher level! Didn't know that!