View Full Version : Immortal Pets?

Emperor Ing
2007-11-30, 05:20 PM
I have a fish at my head, 7 years old. Im not kidding. He has survived being attacked by other fish (who are dead now), several apparent afflictions, and, no joke, it has a growth on one of his gills. And yet, after several days of apparent dying, he is swimming around again as if nothing ever happened. THAT FISH WONT DIE!!! :eek:

Do you have any such pets that seem immortal?

2007-11-30, 05:29 PM
We have an immortal fish as well. She belongs to my sister. As an exotic breed, they told us that, unfortunately, the fish would only live about two years (but that they'd charge us twice the price of a normal goldfish anyway). Six years on, it still won't bloody die. It seems to be in perfect health.

This quite upsets my sister, whos not allowed to get a new pet until the fish dies.

2007-11-30, 05:36 PM
Ive got a Goldfish.. Very very old indeed, We aren't sure exacly how old but hes younger than my brother, but older than me, which means hes about 17-21 years old.

Worlds Oldest Goldfish was 43 years old.. Wow :smallsmile:

Also had an Old hamster, 3-4 years old he died, poor thing, During his twilight he looked..

Well if you could imagine a 120 year old man, hunched over, wrinkled like no-bodys business, complatley bald apart from a few tufts of whispy white hair, his eyebrows so low he barley has eyes.... and then put it in hamster form. :smallcool:

2007-11-30, 06:04 PM
@^ Ahh just like me then...:smallsmile:

Crispy Dave
2007-11-30, 06:07 PM
i once had a beta that lived threw 3 fights and 6 years of only gettign his bowl cleaned about once a mounth(HE DIED LAST MAY)

Edit:it was 3 fights sorry

2007-11-30, 06:39 PM
OK little off subject but I got a Gecko when I was about 11 I'm now 19, was wondering how long I'm going to have him for. Looked it up they live 18-22 years on average. Why did my parents let me get a pet that will live till I'm in my 30's.

2007-11-30, 06:49 PM
All my cats die within 2 years of getting them, except for my first, Oreo.
This cat was 18ish years years old (my parents got him about a year before my older sister was born, and he died when I was 13, so 1ish+4ish+13ish=18ish) and he survived 3 large dogs, 2 cases of cancer, 6 traffic accidents, 2 burnings, a house being wrecking-balled around him, and what finally got him was a stray bullet from a elephant gun.
The best part was when after he died, the current dog (a big Doberman- German Shepard mix named Ally with more muscle than brains) ran away for a night and brought back a stuffed animal that looked exactly like Oreo.:smallfrown:
*goes to hug stuffed cat and look at ashes*

2007-11-30, 07:12 PM
The best part was when after he died, the current dog (a big Doberman- German Shepard mix named Ally with more muscle than brains) ran away for a night and brought back a stuffed animal that looked exactly like Oreo.:smallfrown:
*goes to hug stuffed cat and look at ashes*

Oh geez. That made me make a sound. An "aw" sound.

2007-11-30, 07:46 PM
I'm currently caring for a pair of cats who are both 17 years old. They both look so old and frail, it makes sad to look at them. In fact one looks a little old man.

2007-11-30, 08:10 PM
i adopted a dog my freshmen year of high school. she died during my senior year january 29th, 2005. i think about her when ever i see another german shepherd. the trailers for i am legend where robert neville is walking around with the dog break my heart.

so no. i've never had an immortal pet.

Ego Slayer
2007-11-30, 08:18 PM
My family's dog, who we finally had to put down a couple springs back, lived to be about ~18 years. She was a Labrador mix... so that's quite old in dog years. o.o

2007-11-30, 08:39 PM
a buddy of mine from grade school and i won fish at the fair, my dad always has extra fish tanks around so he helped us set it up at my freinds house. he never changed the water, barely fed them, and let his cat try to catch them. they didn't die untill i offered to do the waterchange and scrub the glass if he agreed to watch and figure out how to clean the tank better.

so forgetting his family had bottled water delivered because when digging thier well they hit salt, i turn on the tap and get some water for the fish figuring well waters been sitting so it should work ok, like pond water.

well goldfish don't do so well in salt water.

2007-12-01, 10:54 AM
I had a fish that joined my aquarium just prior to some sort of infection getting in the water (no eveidence but i think he caused it!) anyway, needless to say nearly all my other fish died and so the tank was re-populated around him, the only remaining fish, i am sure it was his plan for tank dominion. Strange how most peoples stories involved fish though huh?

Tempest Fennac
2007-12-01, 10:57 AM
I had a goldfish who was over 10 when he died. I think he had a strange growth on his side when he got older as well.

2007-12-01, 11:10 AM
The growth in fact is an organ named "aittito oriano" or something like that in Greek. I had a turtle once. It was my great-grandpa's. not. But that would be cool.

Tempest Fennac
2007-12-01, 11:15 AM
I never knew it had a name (thanks for telling me). Why do they become exposed as fish get older?

2007-12-01, 11:16 AM
-cough- Only some fish have it. They grow it when they get really old.But the problem is that the organ doesn't exist. >_> <_<

Tempest Fennac
2007-12-01, 11:18 AM
Okay (I was just wondering due to how it looked quite painful, but I don't think fish can really be practically operated on).

2007-12-01, 01:27 PM
One of our fish is 15 or so, I think.

He's survived...

3 house moves. A cat. Quite a few tank moves. A certain little girl(<.< >.>) pouring asprin tablets into the tank. An electrical fault electrifying the whole tank.

So yeah. He's a survivor.

2007-12-01, 01:32 PM
I have a fish at my head, 7 years old. Im not kidding. He has survived being attacked by other fish (who are dead now), several apparent afflictions, and, no joke, it has a growth on one of his gills. And yet, after several days of apparent dying, he is swimming around again as if nothing ever happened. THAT FISH WONT DIE!!! :eek:

Do you have any such pets that seem immortal?

Actually, it's being replaced regularly by your parents, when you're not watching. Sorry to break that to you.
Also, Santa Claus does not exist and David Hasselhoff is not popular in Germany.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-12-01, 01:49 PM
I had a rooster, a red Transylvanian Naked-Neck (http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGP/Turkens/TurkenMale.JPEG), that was at least 8 years old. His name was Phillip but we called him the Assassin as he was the most cunning, sneaky bird I've ever seen. He'd hide just above head level in the trees or bushes and come out screaming and go for your eyes. He attacked everything that moved, and not only bit, but scratched, spurred and pecked the hand that fed him, and we raised him literally from an egg (hatched him in an incubator), and hand fed him. Totally insane fellow.

This dude lived through everything that killed off almost every other bird in the area and never had a scratch on him. Most of the flock disappeared because of hungry opossum but he lived. Owls and hawks came. He thumbed his beak at them. Many of them got some disease... he never had a sick day in his life.

We thought he was just too plain ornery to die, but we found him lying on the barn floor last month. No idea what he died of as he was completely healthy that morning and there was no sign of him having been attacked.


Currently living is Boots, my family's cat of 13-14 years. Found her barely old enough to be weaned in the bushes in front of some insurance agency building. She is now a great-great-great-great-grandmother (at the very least) and has outlived almost all her descendants (we did eventually get them fixed). She has survived three moves and who knows how many attacks by coyotes.

When we go to feed her it's a family joke to sometimes ask her, "You not dead yet?!"

She is still probably the healthiest of them all and we'd swear she's almost sentient. When we went hiking she used to follow us and wail if we went too far. Now she is getting tired, and whenever we begin to go hiking she'll go over to one of the younger cats and slaps them and wail. Whoever she does this to then follows us out hiking. It's exactly like she's telling them to keep an eye on us for her.

2007-12-01, 01:56 PM
I've had terrible luck with pets, but my family in general manages to keep pets for a long time.

My cousin's first pet was a dachshund named Hot Dog (she was about 4 at the time she got him, so creativity was not exactly priority one), and we had him for probably 14 years. And amazingly, he was still in good condition when we had to give him away when we moved to our new house. I haven't heard anything about him dying yet (and we gave him away about 5 years ago), so I'm just going to assumed he's still alive (even though I highly doubt it).

My brother, on the other hand, has tried his hardest to NOT have his goldfish anymore. He got them several years ago, and decided about a month later that he didn't like them anymore. He cleans the tank maybe once every couple of months, forgets to feed them on occasion,a nd all that, but they still keep on keepin' on. Of course, it could be because they ate everything else cool that he introduced into the tank (shrimp, crabs, other fish, etc.)...

2007-12-02, 03:34 AM
My family currently have two fish that are about 9 years old, the other one is about a year or two younger. One in particular has changed his color from gold to white (the other was originally white and turned gold *shrug*) and he had this random episode where he wouldn't float right.. He was upside down and had weird buoyancy. He was still breathing and all, just couldn't do anything else properly. For a while I held him in a more right up position but if I let him go he'd flip back over... very odd... After the next day or so he was back to normal. In a small way I'm not use to fish living this long... I'm still surprised to find he's still around when I return home...

Other then that.. haven't had many immortal pets. I did have one dwarf hamster wait to die at 2 yrs old on the exact day of when I purchase him (which was like a couple days after my birthday.) He was one of my favorites and one of the original 3 hammies I had started with (and lead the chaos of which is 6 litters, 3 of which were definitely know as his and he even helped care for one of them.)

2007-12-02, 03:39 AM
Our family had a pair of terrapins (fresh water turtles) when i was pretty young, which had survived a fair while. They were pretty cool, but my dad hated them. They always tried to bite him.

One weekend when everyone but my dad was out, they apparently 'escaped'. We lived in the countryside with a river nearby, so the idea they only had to walk a little bit to escape seemed plausible at the time. Man, I was dumb as a kid.

The story now is that he released them (though we tease him that he released them 'ruby-ball style' with a good kick to get them airborn) :smallsmile:

The Extinguisher
2007-12-02, 03:42 AM
I had a Beta that survived a good 3 years. He survived a few fights and two family vacations, but succumbed to an infecton a few months ago.

Also, my cousins dog is about the same age I am. Which is kind of weird.

2007-12-02, 03:50 AM
Why do we people have so many cats, fishes and turtles?

2007-12-02, 05:15 AM
I have had about twenty different fish over my short life. My mother had managed to kill each and every one of them within two weeks. :smalleek:

2007-12-02, 05:17 AM
A certain little girl(<.< >.>) pouring asprin tablets into the tank.

WHY??? For the love of Pelor why???

2007-12-02, 05:26 AM
WHY??? For the love of Pelor why???

I was only 2 at the time! I can't remember what I was thinking that far back! Don't ask me why!

2007-12-02, 05:28 AM
I've said this about my fish, actually...

Basically, about a year or more ago I realized I didn't care about them at all. (It was the standard fish tank, with new fish replacing dead ones every once in a while).

As soon as I stopped caring, I basically stopped feeding them. I probably feed them like once a week, and my parents feed them maybe twice every three days or so...since this, none of them have died. Ever. The joke we make is that they actually are dying, and the rest of them are eating the bodies to survive :smalltongue:

2007-12-02, 05:39 AM
I was only 2 at the time! I can't remember what I was thinking that far back! Don't ask me why!

Ok I shall not ask why...

HOW??? For the love of Pelor how did you get hold of asprin at the age of two???

Don Julio Anejo
2007-12-02, 06:58 AM
My grandma's cat lived to be 25... It died when I was 6 or 7 and it was still catching rats (rats! not mice) a few months before it died. It also had a kitten when it was around 12ish (this cat lived to be 15 and died a few years after it's mother).

Nothing special otherwise... But it's weird - cats can live a very long time by cat standards, typical "oldest cats" in the world die around 30ish.

2007-12-02, 05:02 PM
Ok I shall not ask why...

HOW??? For the love of Pelor how did you get hold of asprin at the age of two???


I have no idea.

All I do know is the Child proof medicine pot things are not Cassie-proof. <.<