View Full Version : Halloween Comics

2022-10-25, 07:00 PM
For your viewing pleasure, these are the Halloweeny comics I'm either currently reading or have finished.

Ava's Demon (https://www.avasdemon.com/) - It's hard to talk about the plot of this one without going into spoilers, so instead I'm going to rave about the formatting. The comic does some really cool stuff with the medium, often reading more like a flipbook than a traditionally paneled comic; it's unique enough to be worth checking out just for that. The art is also gorgeous, and the story is dramatic, with some surprisingly funny moments as well.

Boyfriend of the Dead (https://www.webtoons.com/en/comedy/boyfriend-of-the-dead/list?title_no=1102) - He's a gourmet zombie with a very particular palate. She's the city's most infamous zombie-slayer... and the only human he's encountered that actually smells tasty to him. But how to defeat her? What if he pretended to be in love with her as a way to get close enough? Now there's a plan with no chance of going hilariously wrong at every possible turn! I wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did; it's genuinely funny and genuinely sweet.

Charby the Vampirate (https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Charby_the_Vampirate/4773309/) - This one's a long-runner. Starts off mostly gag-a-day following the titular Charby and the monsters that live in the forest nearby, until he starts rooming with a couple of them. Gradually more and more overarching plots (and more characters) get introduced. Lots of dark humor in this one.

Erma (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/erma/list?title_no=170650) - She's a ghost girl with spooky abilities and reality-warping power for days. She's also mostly interested in making friends and having fun. Mostly adorable and wholesome, though there are a couple of genuine horrors in the story.

Love Me To Death (https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/love-me-to-death/list?title_no=3203) - Necromancy is reviled, a crime punishable by death. Which would be a lot less of a problem for the main character if it wasn't something you were born with, inherent to your blood. A wealthy patron offers to get him out of the city, out of the country... in exchange for one little favor. Use an old, forgotten spell to bring back his dead fiancé.

Next Town Over (https://nexttownover.net/comic/book01-lookback/lookback-page-1/) - A supernatural western, featuring pyromancy, demonic pacts, mad science, and more. A rogue mage has a bounty on his head, but the bounty hunter that dogs his heels is definitely not in it for the money. Chaos and collateral damage galore follow in their wake.

Rise From Ashes (https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/rise-from-ashes/list?title_no=959) - Another story about ghosts and mediums; this one finished last year. Follows the minor, nearly powerless ghost Winter as she gets dragged into the conflict between the living mediums and the ghost rebellion.

Soil That Binds Us (https://soilthatbindsus.com/pages/title-page) - Ghosts and mediums nearly destroyed the world, and since then mediums are kept locked away in "parafacilities" dedicated to studying them and teaching them control. The story follows a group of fugitive mediums as they try to live their own lives, and maybe fix things along the way.

Stand Still Stay Silent (https://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=1) - A (possibly supernatural) plague destroyed the modern world 90 years ago. The nordic countries managed to survive, through isolation and judicious use of flamethrowers. But people are starting to get curious about what's left of the 'silent world'. Forgotten technologies? Literature? A cure? The possibilities are endless... and expensive. A whole lot of corners are going to have to be cut if the expedition is going to meet the budgetary constraints, and so instead of a trained and professional team, they're sending a ragtag bunch of misfits. This is their story.

Sword Interval (https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/sword-interval/list?title_no=486) - The spiritual successor to Parallel Dementia (which would also absolutely be on this list if the site still worked). Fall Barros is done hiding from her demons; from this point forward she's taking them on with shotgun and legendary weapon in hand. And once she figures out how, she'll take down the biggest monster of them all, the undead warlock known as The Heirophant, who killed her family and marked her all those years ago.

Wilde Life (https://www.wildelifecomic.com/comic/1) - main character Oscar is literally just some guy... with the noteworthy exception that he is an absolute magnet for supernatural weirdness. That house he rented for surprisingly cheap? Super haunted. Injured dog on his doorstep? Werewolf. Neighbor? Witch. Other neighbor? Also super haunted. And that's just in the first few chapters. Luckily for him, a surprising number of supernatural threats are open to talking things out.

If any more occur to me, I'll add them; in the meantime, feel free to post your own recommendations!

2022-11-11, 01:25 AM
Unspeakable Vault of Doom (https://www.goominet.com/unspeakable-vault/) - The wacky hijinks of the Cthulhu Mythos

Undead Friend (http://undeadfriend.com/comic/undead-friend-prelude-page-01/) - A teenager and a ghost accidentally enter a high-stakes supernatural contest

2022-11-11, 04:21 AM
Monster Lands (https://monster-lands.com/comic/wood-you-please-be-nice/) features people trying to survive, well, a land of monsters. Currently on hiatus but there's a fair bit to read.

Also on hiatus but would fit the Halloween theme quite well is Rune Hunters (http://www.runehunters.com/comic/rune-hunters-ch-1-cover/) which is about witches.

In the What comic are you reading right now (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651291-What-comic-are-you-reading-right-now) thread I recommended both Phantomarine (https://www.phantomarine.com/) (which is about ghosts) and Magefront (https://www.magefrontcomic.com/comic) (which is about necromancers), they'd both be good fit for this Halloween list. But the crown goes to a third title I already recommended, namely Monster Soup (http://monstersoupcomic.com/?comic=chapter-1-cover) as you have the all-star cast of a ghost, a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, a zombie, and a mad scientist.

Bonus: Monstrously Cute (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/monstrously-cute/sisters/viewer?title_no=622801&episode_no=1) on Webtoons.

2022-11-11, 02:58 PM
Oh, just noticed this.
Kaylee Has A Slasher Boyfriend (https://slasherboyfriend.com/). I haven't read it, but from the title I presume it is about a girl, Kaylee, and her boyfriend, a slasher movie villain.

Also it looks like Daughter of the Lilies is soon gonna be out of hiatus. Because the author just got fired (https://www.daughterofthelilies.com/dotl/update-weeeeeeelp) from the job that forced her to go on hiatus. DotL is not especially Halloweeny, but it's by looking at this status update that I saw the Slasher Boyfriend thing, since that's the same author.

Daffy Dutch
2022-11-18, 05:48 PM
Camp Counselor Jason is an absolute gem. It's an alt-universe where Jason Vorhees became a camp counselor at crystal lake and is just a giant, mute, and utterly wholesome himbo who helps run the place. It also features cameos from other horror icons like Mike Meyers and Carrie.


Anarchic Fox
2022-11-24, 10:41 PM
A tad late, but Sluggy Freelance (https://www.sluggy.com) is a Halloween comic half the time. (And gonzo science fiction the other half.)

2022-11-24, 10:47 PM
The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu (http://www.hello-cthulhu.com/?date=2003-11-30)

There's also Optipess (https://www.optipess.com/comic/the-cereal-killer/) which is a halloween comic about two thirds of the time. Interestingly, when I looked it up to get the url for the link I noticed that one of the recent Optipess comics is titled "Cereal Killer" which coincidentally was the name of yet another webcomic that I was going to link to by an artist named Zarla, but the site no longer seems to exist.