View Full Version : spell side effects source?

2022-10-28, 07:24 PM
pretty simple question, I've seen a few threads mention spell side effect from dragon magazine but none of the have a citation and my google Fu has failed me. could someone kindly share which issue there from? :smalltongue:

2022-10-29, 03:09 PM
The "Occult Mutations" article (Dragon #356)?

2022-10-29, 04:07 PM
The "Occult Mutations" article (Dragon #356)?

no that's not it. the one's I've seen mentioned imply that they effect the spells themselves, sorta like the template for the war spells, for instance here (http://https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?578581-Most-Broken-Dragon-Magazine-Content) Ruethgar mentions them

2022-10-29, 04:16 PM
The "60 Unstable Arcana Magical Side Effects" (Dragon #302)?

2022-10-29, 11:21 PM
The "60 Unstable Arcana Magical Side Effects" (Dragon #302)?

still not quite... all the mentions I've seen of these "spell side effects" talked about them as though they affected spells that were being cast not potions or the like. and unfortunately the only one of the few threads that I've seen mention them that I can re-fined is the one I've already linked.

I'm starting to wonder if they exist at all cause I've spent a few spare hours looking through PDF's and haven't found anything... :smallconfused:

well tell me if you do find anything, and much thanks for the help. :smalltongue:

2022-10-30, 10:01 AM
still not quite... all the mentions I've seen of these "spell side effects" talked about them as though they affected spells that were being cast not potions or the like.
The "60 Unstable Arcana Magical Side Effects":

Side Effects
If you decide to include magical side effects in your game, roll 1d20. On a roll of 1, the potion, item, or spell in question have a side effect.

2022-10-30, 10:47 AM
Side Effects
If you decide to include magical side effects in your game, roll 1d20. On a roll of 1, the potion, item, or spell in question have a side effect.

oops missed that part, probably sliped my mind when I was reading the entries and they were all clearly designed for potions.

but if these are the ones I've seen people talking about then people have really been talking out the arse, these seem to be almost entirely flavor alone and everyone I've seen mention them has called them OP.

well, thanks for the help. to bad it just turned out to be more of the whole "ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING FROM DRAGON MAGOZINE OP" mass derangement that seems all to common on some of these boards.