View Full Version : Pathfinder [1E] Smaller Themed Spell Lists (PEACH)

2022-11-02, 04:02 PM
This is a project I've been working on for the last... two months or so, maybe three. The aim was to trim the hundreds of spells used by the casting classes in my Ebonwood setting down to much smaller, more flavorful selections of around 90 per class. While the idiosyncrasies of the spell lists I was trimming down ultimately resulted in no spell list being 100% "full" by my original metric, I still managed to produce a selection I was satisfied with.

Some things to note:
- My setting only uses 6-level spellcasting classes. I might add a few half-casters later, but for now the list is limited to Bard, Alchemist, Inquisitor, Mesmerist, Occultist, and Spiritualist.
- Each class was given three themes that I felt summed up the overall vibes of the class, in a way that was evocative rather than cleanly defined. Occultist is the exception, since as a generalist caster I simply used the eight spell schools.
- My priorities were, in rough order: flavor, creative potential, understatement and flexibility. Spells that just made numbers go up or shot a laser at something were usually dismissed, with preference given to spells that had a sort of esoteric or evocative feel to them over ones that were simply efficient. Spells with a high "special effects budget," particularly at low levels, were rated below ones that were easy to imagine having little visible effect at all.
- For cleanliness, each theme has either 5, 3 or 1 spell per level. If I had to choose between adding mediocre spells just to fill the roster or missing out on a few promising ones, I went with the latter.

Anyway, with those explanations as to my thought process aside, allow me to present the reduced spell lists as they currently stand:

- Dancing LightsCore: Creates torches or other lights.
- Mage HandCore: 5-pound telekinesis.
- PrestidigitationCore: Performs minor tricks.

- DazeCore: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
- LullabyCore: Makes subject drowsy; -5 Perception, -2 Will vs. sleep.
- Unwitting AllyAPG: Subject is considered ally for 1 round.

- Detect MagicCore: Detect spells and magic items within 60 ft.
- Ghost SoundCore: Figment sounds.
- MessageCore: Whisper conversation at distance.

Level 1
- Animate RopeCore: Makes a rope move at your command.
- Unseen ServantCore: Invisible force obeys your commands.
- VanishAPG: As invisibility for 1 round/level (5 max).
- Youthful AppearanceUM: Target appears younger.
- Wizened AppearanceUI: Make a target appear as an older version of itself.

- Charm PersonCore: Makes one person your friend.
- SleepCore: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
- Share LanguageAPG: Subject understands chosen language.
- FumbletongueUM: Target cannot speak intelligently.
- Compulsive LiarUI: Prevent target from speaking the truth.

- EraseCore: Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
- VentriloquismCore: Throws voice for 1 min/level.
- Forced QuietUM: Target cannot make loud noises.
- Horn of PursuitUM: Create three notes heard miles away.
- Auditory HallucinationUI: Create a phantom with auditory effects.

Level 2
- GlitterdustCore: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible objects.
- PyrotechnicsCore: Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
- Dust of TwilightAPG: Black particles extinguish light sources.
- Silk to SteelUM: Use a scarf as a shield or whip.
- Urban StepUI: Step into one doorway and out another.

- Animal MessengerCore: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
- Calm EmotionsCore: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
- SuggestionCore: Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
- Conditional FavorUI: Another spell's effects reverse if target breaks a restriction.
- AversionOA: Cause target to avoid an object or location.

- EnthrallCore: Captivates all within 100 ft +10 ft/level.
- ShatterCore: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
- Whispering WindCore: Sends a message 1 mile/level.
- Create Treasure MapAPG: Creates a treasure map out of a creature's corpse.
- RumormongerUI: Follow a rumor to see where it spreads.

Level 3
- BlinkCore: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
- Phantom SteedCore: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
- Campfire WallAPG: Creates shelter around a campfire.
- Audiovisual HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with auditory and visual effects.
- Aura of the UnremarkableUI: Makes actions seem mundane to nearby creatures.

- Charm MonsterCore: Makes monster believe it is your ally.
- Deep SlumberCore: Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
- Speak with AnimalsCore: You can communicate with animals.
- Elemental SpeechAPG: Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Demanding MessageUI: Sends message with suggestion for one creature.

- Illusory ScriptCore: Only select creatures can read text.
- ScryingCore: Spies on subject from a distance.
- Sculpt SoundCore: Creates new sounds or changes existing ones into new sounds.
- See InvisibilityCore: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
- Seek ThoughtsAPG: Detects thinking creatures' thoughts.

Level 4
- Treasure StitchingAPG: Objects on cloth become embroidered.
- Wandering Star MotesAPG: Outlines subject, produces light.
- Shadow StepUM: Teleport from one shadow to another.
- Bountiful BanquetUI: Create a luxurious feast for two creatures/level.
- Complex HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with effects for all senses.

- Dominate PersonCore: Controls humanoid telepathically.
- Speak with PlantsCore: You can talk to plants and plant creatures.
- Animal AmbassadorUI: Grant an animal messenger sentience to deliver your message.
- Mass Charm PersonUI: As charm person, but affects multiple creatures within 30 ft.
- Lesser Entice FeyUI: Entice service from a fey of 6 HD or fewer.

- Legend LoreCore: Lets you learn tales about a person, place or thing.
- Zone of SilenceCore: Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing you.
- Virtuoso PerformanceUM: Start a second bardic performance, maintaining the first.
- Wall of SoundUM: Sonic wall deflects and damages creatures.
- Quieting WeaponsUI: Weapons make no sound and quiet their victims.

Level 5
- MisleadCore: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
- Shadow WalkCore: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
- Bard's EscapeAPG: You and allies escape an emergency by teleporting to safety.
- Phantasmal WebAPG: Catches subjects in illusory web.
- Scripted HallucinationUI: As complex hallucination, but without concentration.

- DreamCore: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
- Mass SuggestionCore: As suggestion, affects subject/level.
- Cloak of DreamsAPG: Living creatures within 5 ft fall asleep.

- False VisionCore: Fools scrying with an illusion.
- Frozen NoteAPG: Paralyzes creatures listening to your song.
- Resonating WordUM: Target is damaged, staggered, and stunned.
- ShadowbardUM: Shadowy duplicate starts a bardic performance.
- Mage's DecreeUI: Sends a message to creatures within miles.

Level 6
- Animate ObjectCore: Objects attack your foes.
- Heroes' FeastCore: Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses.
- Project ImageCore: Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
- GetawayAPG: Teleports specific allies and creatures to predetermined location.
- Triggered HallucinationUI: As scripted hallucination, but appears when triggered.

- Mass Charm MonsterCore: As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
- Euphoric TranquilityAPG: Make a single creature peaceful and friendly.
- Overwhelming PresenceUM: Creatures bow before you as if you were divine.
- Mass Demanding MessageUI: Sends messages with one suggestion for each creature.
- Entice FeyUI: Entice service from a fey of 12 HD or fewer.

- Find the PathCore: Shows most direct way to a location.
- Sympathetic VibrationCore: Deals 2d10 damage/round to freestanding structure.
- Pied PipingAPG: Compel similar creatures to follow you.
- Dream CouncilOA: Communicate with multiple sleeping creatures.
- Dream ScanOA: Read a dreaming creature's thoughts.
Level 1
- Cure Light WoundsCore: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Disguise SelfCore: Changes your appearance.
- Enlarge PersonCore: Humanoid creature doubles in size.
- Reduce PersonCore: Humanoid creature halves in size.
- Touch of the SeaAPG: Swim speed becomes 30 ft.

- Detect UndeadCore: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
- IdentifyCore: +10 bonus to identify magic items.
- Keen SensesAPG: Gain +2 Perception and low-light vision.
- See AlignmentUC: Creatures and items with selected alignment glow in your vision.
- Polypurpose PanaceaUM: Gain a relaxing or entertaining effect.

- Obscure PoisonUI: Make it harder to detect poison or venomous creature.

Level 2
- Cure Moderate WoundsCore: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Resist EnergyCore: Gain Resist 10 (or more) against specified energy type.
- Lesser RestorationCore: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
- Animal AspectUC: Gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal.
- CatatoniaOA: Make willing target appear dead.

- DarkvisionCore: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
- Detect ThoughtsCore: Allows 'listening' to surface thoughts.
- See InvisibilityCore: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
- SkinsendUM: Animate and possess your own skin as if it were a separate creature.
- Enshroud ThoughtsOA: Ward against thought detection and memory alteration.

- Fire BreathAPG: Exhale a cone of flame at will.
- Vomit SwarmAPG: Produces a spider swarm that fights for you.
- Touch InjectionUC: Deliver an infusion, elixir, poison or potion with touch attack.
- Defensive ShockUM: Electricity damages your attackers.
- Languid VenomUI: Delay poison's onset and hide its presence.

Level 3
- Cure Serious WoundsCore: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Gaseous FormCore: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
- Water BreathingCore: Subject can breathe underwater.
- Greater Animal AspectUC: As animal aspect, but you gain two animal qualities.
- BurrowUM: Target gains burrow speed of 15 ft.

- Arcane SightCore: Magical auras become visible to you.
- BloodhoundAPG: Enhances sense of smell and grants the scent special ability.
- Seek ThoughtsAPG: Detect thinking creatures' thoughts.
- Marionette PossessionUM: As magic jar, but limited to line of sight.
- HypercognitionOA: Rapidly recall everything you know about a subject.

- Draconic ResevoirAPG: Subject can absorb energy damage to enhance melee attacks.
- Elemental AuraAPG: Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Absorb ToxicityUC: Gain immunity to diseases/toxins, absorb one, spread to others.

Level 4
- Air WalkCore: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle).
- Cure Critical WoundsCore: Cure 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- RestorationCore: Restores level and ability squre drains.
- Fluid FormAPG: Gain DR 10/slashing, increase reach 10 ft., and breathe water.
- Vermin Shape IUM: Take the form and some powers of a Small or Medium vermin.

- Discern LiesCore: Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
- Greater DarkvisionUM: See 120 ft. in total darkness.
- EcholocationUM: Sonic sense gives you blindsight 40 ft.

- Elemental Body ICore: Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Fire ShieldCore: Attackers take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold.
- Neutralize PoisonCore: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom.
- Dragon's BreathAPG: Gives you a dragon's breath weapon.
- Mutagenic TouchUC: Pass a weaker version of your mutagen to another creature.

Level 5
- Plant Shape ICore: Turns you into a Small or Medium Plant.
- Elude TimeAPG: Puts you in temporary suspended animation.
- Resurgent TransformationAPG: Gain second wind when close to death.
- Dust FormUC: Become an incorporeal creature of dust for a short period.
- Vermin Shape IIUM: As vermin shape, but Tiny or Large.

- Contact Other PlaneCore: Lets your ask question of extraplanar entity.
- DreamCore: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
- Glimpse of TruthUI: Gain true seeing for 1 round.

- Elemental Body IICore: Turns you into a Medium elemental.
- Delayed ConsumptionAPG: Extract doesn't come into effect until you want it to.
- Swallow PoisonUI: Protect yourself from ingested poison, then spit it out in a cone.

Level 6
- Giant Form ICore: Turns you into a Large giant.
- HealCore: Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions.
- Plant Shape IICore: Turns you into a Large plant creature.
- Wind WalkCore: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.
- Twin FormAPG: Creates controllable duplicate of you.

- Analyze DweomerCore: Reveals magical aspects of an object.
- EyebiteCore: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
- True SeeingCore: Lets you see all things as they really are.

- Elemental Body IIICore: Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Create WaterCore: Create 2 gallons/level of pure water.
- LightCore: Object shines like a torch.
- StabilizeCore: Cause a dying creature to stabilize.

- BleedCore: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
- DazeCore: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
- Disrupt UndeadCore: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.

- Detect MagicCore: Detect spells and magic item within 60 ft.
- Detect PoisonCore: Detect poison in one creature or object.
- BrandAPG: Creates permanent brand on target creature.

Level 1
- Cure Light WoundsCore: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Protection from AlignmentCore: +2 to AC and saves, additional protections v. alignment.
- SanctuaryCore: Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack.
- PeacebondUC: Lock a weapon into place on the target's body.
- Sanctify CorpseUM: Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead.

- Cause FearCore: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
- Inflict Light WoundsCore: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Magic WeaponCore: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
- Tireless PursuitAPG: Ignore fatigue while hustling.
- Wartrain MountUM: Animal gains combat training.

- Detect UndeadCore: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
- Lock GazeUC: Compels target to look only at you for duration of spell.
- Forced QuietUM: Target cannot make loud noises.
- InterrogationUM: Target answers questions or suffers pain.
- Detect the FaithfulUI: Find others of the same faith.

Level 2
- Calm EmotionsCore: Calm creatures, negating emotion effects.
- ConsecrateCore: Fills an area with positive energy, weakening undead.
- Cure Moderate WoundsCore: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Conditional FavorUI: Another spell's effects reverse if the target breaks a restriction.
- Enshroud ThoughtsOA: Ward yourself against thought detection/memory alteration.

- DarknessCore: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
- DesecrateCore: Fills an area with negative energy, making undead stronger.
- Inflict Moderate WoundsCore: Touch attack, 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Flames of the FaithfulAPG: Gives weapon flaming property.
- Ghost WhipOA: Create ghost touch whip that passes through objects.

- See InvisibilityCore: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
- BloodhoundAPG: Gives caster the scent special ability.
- ConfessAPG: Creature answers truthfully or takes 1d6 damage/two levels (max 5d6).
- RumormongerUI: Follow a rumor to see where it spreads.
- Psychic ReadingOA: Read surface thoughts to learn information about a subject.

Level 3
- Cure Serious WoundsCore: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15)
- DaylightCore: 60 ft. radius of bright light.
- Glyph of WardingCore: Inscription harms those who pass it.
- Magic Circle vs. AlignmentCore: As protection, but 10 ft. radius and 10 min/level.
- Pack EmpathyUI: Create an empathic bond with allies.

- Deeper DarknessCore: Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.
- Inflict Serious WoundsCore: Touch attack, 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Greater Magic WeaponCore: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
- Searing LightCore: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage (more against undead).
- Daybreak ArrowUC: Targeted ammunition exudes radiant energy.

- Speak with DeadCore: Corpse answers one question/two levels.
- Banish SeemingAPG: Dispels touched illusion or a creature's change in form.
- Blood BiographyAPG: Learn about target and how it became wounded by studying blood.
- Cast OutAPG: Does 2d8 damage +1/level (max +15) to creature and dispels an effect.
- WitnessUM: See through the target's eyes and ears.

Level 4
- Cure Critical WoundsCore: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20)
- Death WardCore: Grant bonuses against death spells and negative energy.
- Judgement LightUC: You gain an additional effect while a judgement is active.
- Greater PeacebondUI: As peacebond, but on multiple weapons, even if unsheathed.
- Thaumaturgic CircleOA: Magic circle, but affecting non-alignment subtype/outsider.

- FearCore: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
- Inflict Critical WoundsCore: Touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- Tireless PursuersAPG: As tireless pursuit, but affects multiple creatures.
- Fleshworm InfestationUM: Worms deal HP and DEX damage.
- Quieting WeaponsUI: Weapons make no sound and quiet their victims.

- Detect ScryingCore: Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.
- DivinationCore: Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.
- Greater BrandAPG: As brand, but brand glows when near your holy symbol.
- Greater InterrogationUM: As interrogation, except with more pain and more questions.
- Red Hand of the KillerUI: Stain the hand of a creature's killer red.

Level 5
- CommuneCore: Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level.
- Mass Cure Light WoundsCore: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
- HallowCore: Designates location as holy.
- Telepathic BondCore: Link lets allies communicate.
- Mage's DecreeUI: Send a message to creatures within miles.

- Flame StrikeCore: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
- Mass Inflict Light WoundsCore: Deals 1d8 damage +1/level. affects 1 subject/level.
- Righteous MightCore: Your size increases and you gain bonuses in combat.
- UnhallowCore: Designate a location as unholy.
- Unwilling ShieldAPG: Subject shares wounds you receive.

- Dispel AlignmentCore: +4 bonus against attacks.
- True SeeingCore: Lets you see all things as they truly are.
- Foster HatredOA: Cause creatures to hate one type of creature.

Level 6
- Mass Cure Moderate WoundsCore: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
- ForbiddanceCore: Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.
- Greater Glyph of WardingCore: As glyph of warding, more powerful.
- Heroes' FeastCore: Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses.
- PrognosticationUI: Gain cryptic information from further in the future than divination.

- BlasphemyCore: Kills, paralyzes, weakens or dazes nonevil subjects.
- DictumCore: Kills, paralyzes, staggers or deafens nonlawful targets.
- Holy WordCore: Kills, paralyzes, blinds or deafens nongood subjects.
- Mass Inflict Moderate WoundsCore: Deals 2d8 damage +1/level to 1 subject/level.
- Word of ChaosCore: Kills, confuses, stuns or deafens nonchaotic subjects.

- Legend LoreCore: Lets you learn tales about a person, place or thing.
Evidently I've hit the post cap, so I'm splitting the list in half and moving the second one to another post.

2022-11-02, 04:16 PM
What does Stage, Court and Stage means here?

2022-11-02, 04:22 PM
What does Stage, Court and Stage means here?

Stage is, as one might infer, a reference to stage magic. 'Practical illusions,' I suppose you could say. Vanishing acts, sleight of hand, pyrotechnics, ect.

Court is court magic, stuff for diplomacy or manipulation. For that one I was partially inspired by the idea from LotR of "the elves wanted to talk to everything," so it's mostly either spells that aid communication, or mental manipulation.

Song is, well, music-magic. In my earlier draft it was "Lore," but the Stage theme was overstuffed and the Lore theme was undersupplied, so I changed it to "Song" and moved all the music/sound/sonic-based spells in with it. So it's magic that's based on either music or storytelling. Divinations or information-related spells.

2022-11-02, 05:16 PM
Yes I got that. Let me rephrase: What mechanical impact does this grouping have? Can one specialize in one? Is one required to take a certain number of spells in one of them? Will there be feats to get better at using one of them? Or is just a thematically convenient grouping?

And same question for the groupings in the other spell list.

2022-11-02, 05:22 PM
Yes I got that. Let me rephrase: What mechanical impact does this grouping have? Can one specialize in one? Is one required to take a certain number of spells in one of them? Will there be feats to get better at using one of them? Or is just a thematically convenient grouping?

The last one. It's organizational, not mechanical.

2022-11-02, 06:29 PM
Second half of the spell lists, since I hit the character limit on the OP:

- Dancing LightsCore: Creates torches or other lights.
- MessageCore: Whisper conversation at a distance.
- PrestidigitationCore: Performs minor tricks.

- DazeCore: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
- LullabyCore: Makes subject drowsy: -5 on Perception, -2 on Will vs. sleep.
- Unwitting AllyAPG: Subject is considered ally for 1 round.

- Detect MagicCore: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.

Level 1
- Polypurpose PanaceaUM: Gain a relaxing or entertaining effect.
- Auditory HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with auditory effects.
- Decrepit DisguiseOA: Make an object seem worthless.
- MindlinkOA: Communicate a great deal of information in an instant.
- QuinessenceOA: Mask any flaws or damage to a creature or object.

- Charm PersonCore: Makes one person your friend.
- Memory LapseAPG: Subject forgets events back to last turn.
- Lock GazeUC: Compels target to look only at you for duration of spell.
- AphasiaUI: Prevent a target from understanding language.
- Compulsive LiarUI: Prevent target from speaking the truth.

- Psychic ReadingOA: Read surface thoughts to learn information about a subject.

Level 2
- GlitterdustCore: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
- PyrotechnicsCore: Turns fire into blinding light or thick smoke.
- Hidden PresenceUI: Prevents creatures from noticing your presence.
- Shifted StepsUI: Make a target sound as if elsewhere.
- Enshroud ThoughtsOA: Ward yourself against thought detection/memory alteration.

- Calm EmotionsCore: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
- EnthrallCore: Captivates all within 100 ft + 10 ft/level.
- SuggestionCore: Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
- False BeliefUI: Temporarily implant a false memory.
- CatatoniaOA: Make a willing target appear to be dead.

- Detect ThoughtsCore: Allows 'listening' to surface thoughts.
- Locate ObjectCore: Senses direction towards object (specific or type).
- Enter ImageAPG: Transfers your consciousness into an object bearing your likeness.
- Greater Detect MagicUI: As detect magic, but learn more information.
- RumormongerUI: Follow a rumor to see where it spreads.

Level 3
- Illusory ScriptCore: Only select creatures can read text.
- Audiovisual HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with auditory and visual effects.
- False FutureUI: Cause divinations of the future to reveal the result you choose.
- Aura AlterationOA: Masks creature/object's alignment/emotion/health/magic auras.
- Mindscape DoorOA: Create a portal allowing entry to and exit from a mindscape.

- Charm MonsterCore: Makes monster believe it is your ally.
- Marionette PosessionUM: As magic jar, but limited to line of sight.
- Aura of the UnremarkableUI: Make actions seem mundane to nearby creatures.
- Demanding MessageUI: Send messages per message with suggestion for one creature.
- Synaptic ScrambleOA: Target can't communicate and acts randomly.

- ScryingCore: Spies on subject from a distance.
- SendingCore: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
- Seek ThoughtsAPG: Detects thinking creatures' thoughts.
- WitnessUM: See through the target's eyes and ears.
- Lesser Object PossessionOA: Project your soul into an object, animating it.

Level 4
- DreamCore: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
- Shadow ConjurationCore: Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real.
- Zone of SilenceCore: Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing you.
- Complex HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with effects for all senses.
- Create MindscapeOA: Form an immersive mindscape.

- Dominate PersonCore: Controls humanoid telepathically.
- Modify MemoryCore: Changes 5 minutes of subject's memories.
- Telepathic BondCore: Link lets allies communicate.
- SleepwalkAPG: Causes creature to move while asleep.
- Mass Charm PersonUI: As charm person, but affects multiple creatures within 30 ft.

- Arcane EyeCore: Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft/round.
- Detect ScryingCore: Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.
- Locate CreatureCore: Indicates direction to familiar creature.
- Mind ProbeOA: Learn answers from subject's memories.
- ThoughtsenseOA: Automatically detect nearby conscious creatures.

Level 5
- False VisionCore: Fools scrying with an illusion.
- Shadow WalkCore: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
- Scripted HallucinationUI: As complex hallucination, but without concentration.
- Dream CouncilOA: Communicate with multiple dreaming creatures.
- Pychic AsylumOA: Perform a lengthy mental task in a private mindscape.

- Mass SuggestionCore: As suggestion, affects 1 subject/level.
- Cloak of DreamsAPG: Causes living creatures within 5 ft. to fall asleep.
- PossessionOA: Project your soul into a creature's body.
- Psychic SurgeryOA: Cure all mental afflictions and conditions.
- Repress MemoryOA: Remove a piece of knowledge from your mind.

- Prying EyesCore: 1d4+1 floating eyes scout for you.
- Dream ScanOA: Read a dreaming creature's thoughts.
- Object PossessionOA: As lesser object possession, but with a larger object.

Level 6
- Phantasmal RevengeAPG: Ghost from corpse hunts killer.
- Greater False VisionUI: As false vision, but moves with the target.
- Triggered HallucinationUI: As scripted hallucination, but only appears when triggered.
- Greater Create MindscapeOA: As create mindscape, but more control.
- Dream TravelOA: Travel through dreams to target dreamer's body.

- Mass Charm MonsterCore: As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
- DemandCore: As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
- EyebiteCore: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and/or comatose.
- Overwhelming PresenceUM: Creatures bow before you as if you were divine.
- Mass Demanding MessageUI: Send message with one suggestion for each creature.

-True SeeingCore: Lets you see all things as they really are.
- ResistanceCore: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
- StabilizeCore: Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
- Detect MagicCore: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
- DazeCore: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
- Telekinetic ProjectileOA: Telekinetically hurl object, dealing 1d6 damage.
- Ghost SoundCore: Figment sounds.
- Grave WordsOA: Force a corpse to babble.
- Mage HandCore: 5-pound telekinesis.

Level 1
- AlarmCore: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
- Hold PortalCore: Holds door shut.
- PeacebondUC: Locks a weapon in place on a target's body.

- Cure Light WoundsCore: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Unseen ServantCore: Invisible force obeys your commands.
- Icicle DaggerUM: Masterwork ice dagger deals +1 cold damage.

- MindlinkOA: Communicate a great deal of information in an instant.
- Object ReadingOA: Read psychic impressions left on an object.
- Psychic ReadingOA: Read surface thoughts to learn information about a subject.

- HypnotismCore: Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
- SleepCore: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
- Memory LapseAPG: Subject forgets events back to last turn.

- Floating DiskCore: Creates 3-ft-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lbs/level.

- Mask DweomerAPG: Hides presence of a spell from detect magic.
- Shadow WeaponUM: Create a quasi-real masterwork weapon.
- Auditory HallucinationUI: Creates a phantasm with auditory effects.

- Sculpt CorpseAPG: Makes corpse look like another creature.
- Decompose CorpseUM: Turn a corpse into a clean skeleton.
- Restore CorpseUM: Skeletal corpse grows flesh.

- EraseCore: Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
- Feather FallCore: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
- Magic WeaponCore: Weapon gains +1 bonus.

Level 2
- Arcane LockCore: Magically locks a portal or chest.
- Conditional FavorUI: Another spell's effects reverse if target breaks restriction.
- Node of BlastingOA: Place a trap on an object to mentally damage whoever touches it.

- Cure Moderate WoundsCore: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- GlitterdustCore: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
- Apport ObjectOA: Send or receive a small object via teleportation.

- Blood BiographyAPG: Learn about a creature with its blood.
- Create Treasure MapAPG: Creates treasure map out of a creature's corpse.
- Residual TrackingAPG: Tell creature's appearance by footprint.

- Calm EmotionsCore: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
- Daze MonsterCore: Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action.
- AversionOA: Cause the target to avoid an object or location.

- Gust of WindCore: Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
- Campfire WallAPG: Creates shelter around a campfire.
- Ghost WhipOA: Create a ghost touch whip that passes through objects.

- Magic MouthCore: Object speaks once when triggered.
- MisdirectionCore: Misleads divinations for 1 creature or object.
- Symbol of MirroringUM: Triggered rune creates mirror images.

- Lesser Animate DeadUM: Create one skeleton or zombie.
- SkinsendUM: Animate and possess your own skin as if it were a separate creature.
- Purge SpiritOA: Deal 1d6 points of damage/level to one haunt or spirit and stagger it.

- LevitateCore: Subject moves up and down at your direction.
- Enter ImageAPG: Transfers your consciousness to an object bearing your likeness.
- Silk to SteelUM: Use a scarf as a shield or whip.

Level 3
- Explosive RunesCore: Deals 6d6 damage when read.
- Magic Circle against AlignmentCore: As protection, but 10-ft radius and 10 min/level.
- Thaumaturgic CircleOA: As magic circle, but affecting non-alignment entities.

- Cure Serious WoundsCore: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Phantom SteedCore: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
- Sepia Snake SigilCore: Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader.

- Arcane SightCore: Magical auras become visible to you.
- Symbol of RevelationUM: Triggered symbol reveals illusions.
- RetrocognitionOA: Gain psychic impressions from past events in a location.

- SuggestionCore: Compels a subject to follow stated course of action.

- Call LightningCore: Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
- Wind WallCore: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
- Talismanic ImplementOA: As contingency, but invests spell into your implement.

- Illusory ScriptCore: Only select creatures can read text.
- Audiovisual HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with auditory and visual effects.
- Aura AlterationOA: Masks a creature/object's alignment/emotion/health/magic auras.

- Animate DeadCore: Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
- Riding PossessionOA: As possession, but you observe instead of control the subject.
- Sessile SpiritOA: Cause a spirit inhabiting a creature or an object to go dormant.

- Gaseous FormCore: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
- Symbol of SlowingUM: Triggered rune slows creatures.
- Ghost BrandUI: Allow an item to transform into a brand and back.

Level 4
- Dimensional AnchorCore: Bars extradimensional movement.
- Lesser Globe of InvulnerabilityCore: Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.
- Symbol of SealingUM: Create triggered wall of force.

- Cure Critical WoundsCore: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- Dimension DoorCore: Teleports you a short distance.
- Phantom ChariotUC: Conjures a quasi-real heavy chariot pulled by four horses.

- Contact Other PlaneCore: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.
- Symbol of ScryingUM: Triggered rune activates scrying sensor.
- Mind ProbeOA: Learn answers from a subject's memories.

- Symbol of PersuasionCore: Triggered rune charms creatures.
- Symbol of SleepCore: Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
- Mind SwapOA: Switch minds with another creature for 1 hour per level.

- Resilient SphereCore: Force globe protects but traps one subject.
- Ball LightningAPG: Flying balls of lightning deal 3d6 electricity damage each.
- Etheric ShardsOA: Fills an area with invisible sharts that slow and damage creatures.

- Wandering Star MotesAPG: Outlines objects and produces light as a sunrod.
- Symbol of StrikingUC: As symbol of death, but fills a 5-foot square.
- Complex HallucinationUI: Create a phantasm with effects for all senses.

- Symbol of FearCore: Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
- Red Hand of the KillerUI: Stain the hand of a creature's killer red.
- PossessionOA: Project your soul into a creature's body.

- Treasure StitchingAPG: Objects on cloth become embroidered.
- Majestic ImageUI: As enter image, but also gain bonuses on social skills.
- Parchment SwarmOA: Shredded parchment deals 1d6 damage/level, can be scroll.

Level 5
- Spell ResistanceCore: Subject gains SR 12 + level.

- Mass Cure Light WoundsCore: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
- Lesser Planar BindingCore: Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less.
- Lesser Create DemiplaneUM: Create your own demiplane.

- CommuneCore: Deity answers one yes or no question/level.
- True SeeingCore: Lets you see all things as they really are.
- Remote ViewingOA: Gain psychic impressions from a distant location.

- Dominate PersonCore: Controls humanoid telepathically.
- Mass SuggestionCore: As suggestion, affects 1 subject/level.
- Symbol of StunningCore: Triggered rune stuns creatures.

- Call Lightning StormCore: As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt.
- Wall of ForceCore: Wall is immune to damage.
- Fire SnakeAPG: Path of fire 5 ft long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.

- False VisionCore: Fools scrying with an illusion.
- MisleadCore: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
- Scripted HallucinationUI: As complex hallucination, but without concentration.

- Symbol of WeaknessCore: Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures.
- SuffocationAPG: Target quickly suffocates to death.
- Entrap SpiritOA: Trap an incorporeal creature or a haunt in a mirror.

- Control WindsCore: Changes wind direction and speed.
- TelekinesisCore: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
- Awaken ConstructOA: Grant a construct humanlike sentience.

Level 6
- Antimagic FieldCore: Negates magic within 10 ft.
- ForbiddanceCore: Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.
- Globe of InvulnerabilityCore: As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spells.

- Mass Cure Moderate WoundsCore: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
- Planar BindingCore: As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Create DemiplaneUM: As lesser create demiplane, but larger and with planar traits.

- Legend LoreCore: Lets you learn tales about a person, place or thing.

- AntipathyCore: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
- SympathyCore: Object or location attracts certain creatures.
- Symbol of StrifeUM: Triggered rune makes creatures attack.

- Chain LightningCore: 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level.
- ContingencyCore: Sets trigger condition for another spell.
- SiroccoAPG: Hot wind does 4d6 damage, fatigues damaged, knocks creatures prone.

- Project ImageCore: Illusory double can talk and cast spells.

- Symbol of DeathCore: Triggered rune kills nearby creatures.
- Temporary ResurrectionUM: Resurrect target for 24 hours, after which it dies again.
- Greater PossessionOA: As possession, but your body vanishes.

- Animate ObjectsCore: Objects attack your foes.
- StatueCore: Subject can become a statue at will.
- Enemy HammerAPG: Allows you to telekinetically use a creature as a weapon.
- BleedCore: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
- DazeCore: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
- StabilizeCore: Cause a dying creature to stabilize.

- Mage HandCore: 5-pound telekinesis.
- MessageCore: Whisper conversation at distance.
- Telekinetic ProjectileOA: Telekinetically hurl an object, dealing 1d6 damage.

- Grave WordsOA: Force a corpse to babble.

Level 1
- Cure Light WoundsCore: Cure 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Inflict Light WoundsCore: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Decompose CorpseUM: Turn corpse into clean skeleton.

- Cause FearCore: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
- Obscuring MistCore: Fog surrounds you.
- Unseen ServantCore: Invisible force obeys your commands.

- AlarmCore: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
- Detect UndeadCore: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
- SanctuaryCore: Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack.
- Sanctify CorpseUM: Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead creature.
- Psychic ReadingOA: Read surface thoughts to learn information about a subject.

Level 2
- Cure Moderate WoundsCore: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Gentle ReposeCore: Preserves one corpse.
- Inflict Moderate WoundsCore: Touch attack, 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Lesser Animate DeadUM: Create one skeleton or zombie.
- CatatoniaOA: Make a willing target appear to be dead.

- BlurCore: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
- LevitateCore: Subject moves up and down at your direction.
- ScareCore: Frightens creatures of less than 6 HD.
- Shifted StepsUI: Make a target sound as if elsewhere.
- Ghost WhipOA: Create a ghost touch whip that passes through objects.

- AuguryCore: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
- MisdirectionCore: Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
- Protection from ArrowsCore: Subject gains DR 10/magic against ranged attacks.
- See InvisibilityCore: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
- Calm SpiritOA: Postpone hostile action by a haunt or incorporeal undead.

Level 3
- Animate DeadCore: Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
- Cure Serious WoundsCore: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Inflict Serious WoundsCore: Touch attack, 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Undead Anatomy IUM: Take the form of Small or Medium undead.
- Sealed LifeOA: Prevent a creature from transferring life force to or from others.

- Gaseous FormCore: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
- Helping HandCore: Ghostly hand leads subject to you.
- Phantom SteedCore: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
- Wind WallCore: Deflect arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
- Ectoplasmic SnareOA: Tendril of ectoplasm grapples creature and tethers you to it.

- Magic Circle against AlignmentCore: As protection, but 10-ft radius and 10 min/level.
- Speak with DeadCore: Corpse answers one question/two levels.
- Pack EmpathyUI: Create an empathic bond with allies.
- Sessile SpiritOA: Cause a spirit inhabiting a creature or object to go dormant.
- Spirit-Bound BladeOA: Give a weapon ghost touch + another ability tied to an emotion.

Level 4
- Cure Critical WoundsCore: Cure 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- Inflict Critical WoundsCore: Touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- RestorationCore: Restores level and ability score drains.

- Shadow ConjurationCore: Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real.
- Solid FogCore: Blocks vision and slows movement.
- Phantom ChariotUC: Conjures a quasi-real heavy chariot pulled by four horses.
- Shadow StepUM: Teleport from one shadow to another.
- Red Hand of the KillerUI: Stain the hand of a creature's killer red.

- DivinationCore: Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.
- False FutureUI: Cause divinations of the future to reveal the result you choose.
- Aura AlterationOA: Masks a creature/object's alignment/emotion/health/magic auras.
- Entrap SpiritOA: Trap an incorporeal creature or a haunt in a mirror.
- Ethereal EnvelopeOA: Shroud your unconscious self in a cocoon on the Ethereal Plane.

Level 5
- Breath of LifeCore: Cures 5d8 damage +1/level and restores life to recently slain.
- Raise DeadCore: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago.
- Slay LivingCore: Touch attack deals 12d6 +1/level.
- Undead Anatomy IIUM: Take the form of a Tiny or Large undead.
- Withdraw AfflictionOA: Remove an affliction and inflict it on another creature.

- DreamCore: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
- TelekinesisCore: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
- Ethereal EnvelopmentOA: As ethereal envelope, but able to affect unwilling creature.
- Shadow BodyOA: Turn your body into a living shadow.
- Wall of EctoplasmOA: Spirit wall blocks Material/Ethereal movement, causes fear.

- Contact Other PlaneCore: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.
- False VisionCore: Fools scrying with an illusion.
- Telepathic BondCore: Link lets allies communicate.
- Call SpiritOA: Make the spirit of one creature manifest.
- Remote ViewingOA: Gain psychic impressions from a distant location.

Level 6
- Circle of DeathCore: Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.
- Create UndeadCore: Raises ghouls, ghasts, mummies or mohrgs from physical remains.
- Undeath to DeathCore: Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead (max 20d4).
- Undead Anatomy IIIUM: Take the form of a Diminutive or Huge undead.
- Greater Sealed LifeOA: As sealed life + death ward, immunity to soul transference.

- Shadow WalkCore: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
- Enemy HammerAPG: Allows you to telekinetically use a creature as a weapon.
- Ectoplasmic EruptionOA: Deal 6d6 damage, entangle, and push ethereal to Material.

- Find the PathCore: Shows most direct way to a location.
- Legend LoreCore: Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
- True SeeingCore: Lets you see all things as they really are.
- PrognosticationUI: Gain cryptic information from further in the future than divination.
- TelepathyOA: Communicate telepathically with creatures within 100 ft.