View Full Version : Please help a DM... describe your Level 9 party

2022-11-03, 11:49 AM
I have a plan, and I need some help... specifically a selection of level 9 parties (3.5e).

My players' party recently defeated a serious threat to the region, but no one was around to see the event, no one knows who to credit with this victory.
A local Baron wants to reward whoever-done-it, and he put out the word to report to his castle for some boon.
LOTs of adventuring parties will turn out, hoping to bluff their way into getting the reward.
The good-natured Baron will host a feast and a game of Convince Me, where parties will tell their version of how they defeated the threat. Rolls will be made to debunk other story-tellers' tales, and my players' party will have to make performance rolls to 'sell' their version. Of course, there's an element of 'something else is going on here,' too. The parties will be jockeying to claim sleeping space, too, so interactions will abound.

I want these other parties to be as 'realistic' and organic as possible, so I ask for your help.

Please describe your group's level 9 (3.5e) party (or your higher-level party when it was level 9, as best as you can remember):

Character Name / Race / Class / favored weapon / just enough personality insight for me to RP this character

2022-11-03, 01:09 PM
LOTs of adventuring parties will turn out, hoping to bluff their way into getting the reward.

Character Name / Race / Class / favored weapon / just enough personality insight for me to RP this character

A party that would actually try to Bluff something like that? I’m not sure I’ve been in one. But… sure, let’s pretend.

0) the party / all masters of stealth 🥷 whom you never see (“would happily come to tea polymorphed into giant tortoises” level of disconcern for social conventions)
1) Tat / (Dark?) Whisper Gnome Rogue / Kasuri-Gama (I think 3e called it a “whip dagger” / Ninja Assassin w/ Ring of Blinking
2) Min / (Dark?) Whisper Gnome Rogue / short bow / silent but vengeful?
3) … just add more of the same, as I can’t remember names or builds. One was focused on theft from enemies, even mid-fight. One could Cleric a little. Technically, one was a robot (Warforged), who didn’t seem to get the memo about hiding, but let’s not talk about that.

Dang. It doesn’t matter the party, there’s always at least one character in drawing a blank on. If you’re lacking replies, I might dig through notes to at least give you sample parties to work with.

Kol Korran
2022-11-03, 01:44 PM
Let's see... From various campaigns:

Group 1:
# Red:
A Kalashtar (An Eberron race, but an elf would do nixely as well), Wizard/ Sorcerer/ The PRC that combines both. High intelligence but also charisma, the "aesthetic beautiful magical dancer" kind, who eas both the face and the magic might of the party. Confident, optimistic, loves humor and deciousness, and really likes outsmarting her foes. She loved taunting back and forth against enemy casters, and was always up for a challenge.

# Rapture:
An Aasimar cleric, who changed faith form The Sovereign Host to The Silver Flame (Eberrong faiths, but assume from a very "catch all generic" faith, to a very "righteous crusader" type of faith. And don't sue me! I know both religions are far more complex and rich, but the player played it so). The dependable one in the team. Very cautious, had an abundent of "emergency" items, and put heavy emphasis on protection buffs, and being able to support the team. She was usually both sceptic and full of faith (very depending on whom she was dealing with) emotional and dramatic. Would willingly charge into hell's mouth if she could save a friend.

# Google:
Based on the "We're google, and we could kill you" joke-add that ran at the time. A half giant Psionic Warrior. Very much the Silent type, wiedling a hige sword. Point him at the target and let loose! Many times he would endure a freat deal of damage, and inflict much in return.

# Danves:
A half elf duskblade, cynical and sceptic, paritally cursed due to cowardice, but ending up being the hero, despite himself. Think like old cop movies "I"m getting too old for this sh*t" attitude. Played sneaky- smart, and disliked all the heroic drama he ended up entangled in.

Group 2:
# Dellien Ul'mattey:
A wild elf rogue/ranger/ skirmisher:
Began as snobish to non elves, but learned the value of the newer races. Extremely cautious, prepared, likes to investigate, make contingencies, and play smart. Easily annoyed by the more impulsive members. She developed strong bonds with Elaine, after incidently causing her death by a miscalated risk, and adhers to her judgment. She is very loyal.

# Killian Edmund:
A half elf noble, who was the general boisterous swindle charmer rich guy, but with a hidden desire to do good. Upon learning of hidden crimes close members of his house were commiting, he faced them, caused quite a lot of embarrasment, and a huge schism. That event awoke the paladin call in him, and he took to traveling. A sort of "accidental paladin/ paladin by call", he is an odd combination of "the good guy/ moral compass" of the party (played it well, not like a stick in the mud, an actual good guy), but also one who learns to become accustomed to a far less... Lavish life style, and he still yearns ( and look for) their comforts. His usuall easy and casually charming attitude changes when faced with an actual evil, where he becomes like hot steel of fury.

# Elaine:
A harper agent, bard by class, but plays like an infiltrator spy. She is very curious, and quite manipulative and secretive, but with a good heart. She is usually the face of the party, and their heart and leader. She got killed once due to a mistake Dellien made, and got ressurected, but witha possible ice hell influence on her. She is struggling with the Whispers.

# Canis:
Another wild elf, but a druid. Played by a new player new to the rules, it took her a time to get into character. As her name might imply, ahe is VERY wold focused (wilf shapes wolf summoning, companion and such). Having witnessed quite a few horrific things on their travels, the first fairly timid and gentle druid started losing herself a bit to savagry, and as the game progressed, she became more and more brutal, and seeking solace and salvation for her soul.

# Crom:
A goliath barbarian/ fighter, came from the frozen wilds, a hunter on a vision quest, saved by the party he feels he ows them a debt. Plays as the "wildman in society, outsider and alien to it, but at home in the wild" type. Very KEEN on collecting trophies from wortht opponets and crafing those as mementos/ keep sakes.

Group 3:
(In a game with LOTS of house rules, who very much changed how the game worked, which led to some....odd choices. I'm Paraphrasing).
# Lynn Ardent:
A human fighter/ spontaneous caster (I'll explain later) who once belonged to a major peace- keeping army force, but who was discharged from service due to some... Look, she doesn't want to talk about it, right? She plays a bit like Roy- Tries to be the leader for a bunch of miafits, often gets angry at them, but os very loyal, determined, and on the whole hwr heart ia in the right place.
She focused fighting with a heavy flail, and took feat chains focused on that. Later on in ghe campaign due to some strange occurance with ghe ghost of a dragon, some inner magic awoke in her (Was due to the houae rules. But I think Favorued soul may work nicely).

# Killpi:
Halfling Rogue. If Lynn was the Roy, than Killpi is the Belkar. A criminal halfling, masquareding as "an honset business man", he is actually a ruthless oportunistic and murderer on the run. Fought with a specially concealed razor chain (stats of a spiked chain, but made to look like part of his outfit).
Loved practical jokes, and would go the extra mile for them.

# Glimji:
A gnome beguiler, and an ex sky-pirate onuthe run! Unlike Killpi, he wasn't sadistic, just highly paranoid and dsitristing. Tried to conceal his magic, and often played as a poor misshappen "oh please don't kill me!" Depressed but lovable bugger.

# Aaliyah:
A Human priestess of some sort of love/ seduction goddes? Started of sane and timid enough, but once another party mamber died, as she failed to save him (she played very much to the devouted healer trope) she started acting wierder and weirder, unhinged. The DM and the player had some plan for this off screen, but the game petered out before that.

Enoufh for now... If I think of others, I'll add some later

2022-11-03, 04:20 PM
1. Gardin, elven bard (8) and favoured soul (1) (green hair, very handsome, fine and stylish but ancient clothing with glass jewelry, very tall, anorexic)/ a flaming banjo, works like an axe/ Gardin used to be a diplomat, but the last years adventuring have been hard on him. He is very charming, worldly and friendly, but deep beneath he's really a bundle of anxiety. One of the faces of the party.

2. Albina, human cleric (8) and Paladin (1) of a god of law and nobility (very muscular, wears a pristne habit over mismatched heavy armor, bright smile)/ has a bunch of weapons: one really heavy warhammer, one longsword/ a champion of her god, Albina views herself as the group's leader. She is cautious and stern, but also self-sacrificing and always willing to help those of lesser means.

3. Farah, sylph wizard 9 (witch in pathfinder) (white skin, some furs and brightly colored ball gown that is just an illusion)/ a kukri. She cannot really use it, but will not give it away/ Very smart, flighty and overly curious, loves to tell people new things or learn new things herself. Has an improved familiar, a cat of sorts (really a minor angel) that is just as curious as her.

4. Murdehew, aasimar paladin 9 (angelic looks, shiny armor over somple worker's clothes, reeks of animals) / a longsword/ Self-assured and fearless, Murdehew has clear perceptions of right or wrong. He learned from a somewhat unorthodox master and is convinced that whatever done in the fight against evil is just - lying and stealing included. Taking advantage of his good and trustworthy aasimar looks, he is a great lier.

Now, even though they are all good aligned, they are in dire financial straits after resolving their last adventure and just hoped to swindle a corrupt nobleman... only to realize that the noble wasn't really as corrupt as they had hoped. Now they want to use the hospitality to get a breather and make some connections at the feast. (especially Gardin and Farah). If they have to swindle to do that... fine. Murdehew and Gardin will take care of the lying, Farah will add facts for credibilty, and in the end, Albina will clear everything up and make sure no harm was done.

2022-11-04, 03:39 AM
Our party where most neutral or evil

Character Name / Race / Class / favored weapon / just enough personality insight for me to RP this character
1. Elidor, Half Elf, Ranger/Shadow Caster/ Composite long bow.
Spent most of his time in the wilderness before joining this party. Not because he loves the wilderness so much. But also because he was not welcome in some places due to being a petty thief or always getting into trouble. Got teleported to the shadow realm and was tortured there for a year. To prepare his body for the gift of shadow and thus became a shadow caster
2. Wagawin / Wizard, evoker/ Fire
Is known to set everything within sight on fire, arsonist. Hates that people think he is an Illusionist just because he’s a Gnome. He is a greedy bastard who doesn’t mind setting people on fire when they attack him, even when they are trying to escape.
3. Gruff / Hexblade / Lizardfolk /Bastard Sword
Views himself as the leader. Leads by strength, doesn’t tolerate the weak or fools. He wants to be a ruler of his own “Kingdom” Is willing to negotiate with anyone if it strengthens his role as “king”.
4. Kuro / Bard-Swiftblade / Catfolk/ a whip-dagger in each hand
Loves herself, loves comfort, loves getting attention, hates responsibilities. Has a temper that can be fatal for others. Nearly whipped a prisoner to death to set an example. Was kicked out of a town once because of she mistreated the son of the local ruler, according to the ruler. Flirts with everyone in a position of power regardless of race or sex. Has a Slaanesh/Dark Eldar vibe.

2022-11-04, 04:26 AM
Please describe your group's level 9 (3.5e) party (or your higher-level party when it was level 9, as best as you can remember):

Character Name / Race / Class / favored weapon / just enough personality insight for me to RP this character
1. Karnex / wood elf / Cleric- dread knight or something like that / 2 handed ax
Cleric of a good of slaughter. Performs ritual killing to appease his Deity. Doesn’t like attention to much. Is a force to be reckoned with in close combat. He is rather secretive about his past. Was cursed by a Drow to look like a Drow for a while. Works together with a Necromancer to increase their mutual power.
2. Loretta / Human /Warlock /Accolyte of the skinn / Claws
Psycho bitch/ Dr Jekyll-Mr Hyde. She was imprisoned while she was very young for killing a fieldworker who looked at her the wrong way. In day-to-day life she is very easy going but can transform into the “devil” when in combat. Uses her claws to rip enemies apart
3. Mara / Human /Bard-Mindbender / Light Crossbow
Loves getting things done her way, the leader of the group. Manipulative. No one can say no to her. The few people that do say no to her as either convinced to agree with her or disappear. Is quickly becoming a powerhouse. Always finds the people who are in power and not the people who claim to be in power
4. Nora / human / wizard necro/ food
Cooking is her hobby, cooking her victims, turning them into meat pies and selling these pies to the public. Thinks highly of herself. Isn’t as beautiful as she thinks she is. Unreliable, tends to disappear for periods (the player often isn’t able the come)
5. Arby & Kontie / Gnome / Rogue- Swashbuckler / daggers
Two rogues who love getting into trouble together. They don’t mind assassinating people. They try to avoid getting into fair fights. Loving doing things that you should not do in daylight

2022-11-04, 04:29 AM
Which characters do I play in the the 2 posts above?

2022-11-04, 08:24 AM
4. Murdehew, aasimar paladin

Is your Paladin’s name really a homophone for “murder you”? :smallamused:

2022-11-04, 08:42 AM
Is your Paladin’s name really a homophone for “murder you”? :smallamused:
Apparently! It wasn't completely intentional, but it fits: the original name in german was "Mordhau" (Mord= murder, Hau = to hew), so I transliterated it to Murdehew to get the joke across. (I don't know whatever the player was thinking...)

2022-11-04, 08:47 AM
I'm currently dming a custom world starring 5 players.

Wiz/Beguiler/Ultimate Magus, currently under a feeblemind spell. He is the "I got a spell for this" guy of the group. Middle aged man that spent his youth in prison and has a tendency to carve the spells he likes on his own skin (cf tattoo spell book in CM)

Orion :
Wildshape Mystic Ranger/Master of Many Forms. Melee pouncer usually, some healing ability and sentinel (Wis SAD). He is of good alignment and tries to prevent murder hoboing as much as he can.

Jean-Marie, le Menhir:
Hits stuff with maneuvers, he is the group's decision taker even though his charisma is dumped. He resolves most RP situations I throw at them with his sword.

Jean (aka Beni-Kujaku on these forums):
Shadowcaster (Nosferatu's unofficial update of the class) that takes advantage of the Creeping Darkness to advance as a wiz and then turn those levels into shadowcasting when he has dead levels. Mostly using the touch attack tree of mysteries.
He is good too, curious about the world and likes to unveil secrets and such.

Monk/Ardent Tashalatora.
Using the practiced Manifester he is a full caster with scaling monk abilities. He is Evil even though he values the group's friendship so this creates a lot of interesting conundrums.

2022-11-04, 02:33 PM
Thanks, all. Your parties will be put to good use!!

2022-11-06, 05:13 AM
Thanks, all. Your parties will be put to good use!!

Let us know how things went. I'm curious if you used any of these parties.

2022-11-07, 01:57 AM
Here's some characters played by my wife and myself to those levels. They could form a party in an alternate universe where we didn't play them all.

Female Human NG cleric of a LG deity of inflexibility (most of whose priesthood was LN)
L7 cleric/Sacred Exorcist 2.
Str 12 Dex 8 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 16+2 statbumps=18, cha14
Sun and Knowledge domains, plus Exorcism domain from PRC.
Feats: Improved Turning, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Divine Vigor, Divine Spellpower
Mithril Breastplate, masterwork cold iron longspear (not intended for use, but loaned to others or made to look like her AOO might be dangerous), Heward Handy Haversack with a bunch of potions, scrolls and random adventuring junk, something of a packrat. Vest Resistance+2

Max concentration, all kn at minimal skills, with Planes and Religion maxxed.

Prepared spells more like a wizard than a cleric. Never used any spells with a touch attack. Always prepared Dismissal, some attack spells (sound burst, calm emotions, greater command, flame strike, doomtide come to mind, but maybe not all at L9) and enough buff spells to prebuff a party once before kicking down a door (think Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Recitation, + Legions's Aid from Miniatures Handbook) She also used insignia of healing, for anybody who would carry holy symbols of her deity on their person, would prep that a couple times, along with one Close Wounds spell. Would leave a single 5th level slot open to fill with emergency things like Restoration, Break Enchantment or Raise Dead, which can not be done in combat anyway and you don't know you will need until you do.

She took the "Dismiss Fiends" part of sacred exorcist more seriously than the "destroy undead" part but with sun domain Greater turning and heightened turning, she could sometimes shift a battlefield even at L9 once a day on that front

Male Half-Orc Monk who followed same religion as Sacred Exorcist but was LN and served to keep her in line although she was his nominal superior.

Str18+2 statbump=20, Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 8 Cha 6

Feats: Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, EWP Spiked Chain, Improved Trip, Power Attack. Belt Strength+4, Amulet Health+2, vest resistance+2, adamantine Kama, MW Cold Iron and MW Silver Siangham and shuriken, efficient quiver (javelins, plus storage for spiked chain), various potions that are obviously helpful (fly, enlarge person, bless weapon etc). Usually had GMW2 on a foot from Sacred Exorcist if they were expecting trouble in the next 9 hours.

Had mobility skills (tumble, climb, jump, swim enough to take 10 on most normal challenges to get outcomes of 15-20), by level 9 was starting to work on sense motive but wasn't very good yet.

This guy is a very low AC light infantry who can get to and lock down and kill enemy targets pretty easily if they aren't melee brutes. His flurry does serious damage, as does just power attacking with spiked chain. If fighting only melee brutes he focuses on making sure he's never fighting more than one at a time and on killing them before they can return fire, possibly spending a round drinking a potion of enlarge to increase his reach options and his trip check.

F NG (formerly CG until she met some obnoxious CG outsiders) Sorcerer8/Fatespinner1
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha16+2statbumps = 18
eschew materials, quicken spell, sculpt spell, chain spell, rapid metamagic
Amulet health+2, cloak charisma+2, gloves of arrow snaring, vest resistance+2, at this point most of her random crap lived in a cart that she could move with her spells as needed. She carried healing potions and smokestick+tindertwigs enough for the entire party and made them carry those items outside any extradimensional spaces, where her unseen servants could get at them. By L9 she did not carry many scrolls, although I think she did still have a holdout glitterdust scroll for use on suspicious illusory magic that arcane sight spotted.

The was a telekenetic themed sorceress who is also something of a spellcraft geek. Her spellcraft is maxxed, she has the fatespinner prerequisites and concentration is maxxed. Other skills scattered around a bit, I believe she did have 5 bluff by L9. At this level Quicken only works on cantrips and Chain on level 1 spells, but they are still useful at times.

Spells known, with normal metamagic uses in parentheses
L0 message, open/close(chain, quicken), mage hand, prestidigitation (sculpted clean cantrip),
read magic, light, dancing lights
L1 magic missile, grease (sculpted or chained), guided shot, feather fall, floating disk
L2 False Life, levitate, gust of wind, swift fly
L3 Arcane Sight, Servant Horde, Phantom Steed
L4 Black Tentacles, Resilient Sphere

She routinely had a tenser disk floating behind her and a servant horde about her and often used them to aid party members (restore weapons to hand, or carry party members over tough terrain following her swift fly or similar). She would position disks at axle positions of her cart and levitate it onto the disks, then move the cart around at disk speed (which is same as a light warhorse overland speed, she owned one of those too, saving phantom steeds for special situations). At L9 this is primarily a battlefield control/party support character with magic missile used to finish off badly wounded enemies. False Life is sort of a self-heal in a pinch. She does not carry weapons beyond an eating dagger, and will try to stay out of melee range (she doesn't bother with mage armor etc even on scrolls, having found air barrier plus doing support instead of raw offense makes her a low priority target)

Male Wood Elf Ranger2/Fighter4/Wizard1 (diviner)/Arcane Archer2
Str18, Dex17+2=19 at L9, Con12 Int 12 wis 8 cha 8
Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Quickdraw, WF Longbow, W Spec Longbow, Woodland Archer, Ranged Weapon Mastery (Piercing)

L1 skill points into hunter skills (hide, move silent, spot, listen). Spot remains maxxed, listen is a bit behind but bolstered with a bat familar. Preps dancing lights but leaves other cantrip slots open, tends to prep 2 guided shot and one benign transposition spells and a scroll mix of 4 benign transposition scrolls, plus obscuring mist, truestrike, see invisible, darkvision, reduce person

Dex+2 gloves, Con+2 Necklace, Vest Resistance+2, mithril chain shirt, 2 pearl of power 1, boots of haste

Comp Longbow str16 (for use when fatigued, reduced or to swap to if fighting undead/constructs)
MW Elvencraft Comp Longbow str18 +1 Merciful

Efficient quiver with also some other stuff in javelin (rolled up scrolls) and bow slots (aquatic longbow, crowbar, spear, staff). The quiver also keeps his exotic ammo (20 adamantine, 20 silver, plus some weird stuff like signal and flight arrows) while he carries another two mundane quivers with cold iron serpentstongue. His mount has a couple hundred reloads of the cheap arrows, and a dozen each of alchemist fire, acid and holy water which he will sometimes carry to quickdraw/throw volleys on certain missions, although by L9 that is mostly a swarm thing, as his bow is usualy better. Most GMS make it a move action to use a scroll in spite of the quiver+quickdraw usual properties as you have to shake it out to unroll it.

This guy makes a fetish out of full attacking. Doesn't matter if he is falling, dangling from a spiderweb as he is being pulled up a tree, he'll full attack if he can. Benign Transposition is prepped for the surprise round (with his high spot/listen he is often the only party member not surprised), with his bat moving to a good location, and swapping, as his volley options don't exist. Magic is mostly for guided shot and out of combat utility. He will usually trail the party by 20' or so (he'll still notice things and be out of fireball formation, and he provides his own haste, which is the only buff he cares much about) or possibly be sent out to scout, trusting more in his high perception skills than his stealth skills to spot the enemy before they spot him. If scouting he will use a message cantrip. He will send his bat to fly over an invisible target so he can aim at the location, trusting woodland archer to cause plenty of hurt. He does not use imbue spell for anything, he's an arcane archer primarily for the enh bonuses to any bow, although at this level that only helps his backup bow and his aquatic bow.

The primary lack of this "party" is no tank. They fight skirmish style, relying on range, mobility and battlefield control, with archer+monk providing steady offense, cleric providing nova-offense when that isn't enough. If encountered outdoors they'll all be mounted except the Monk, who is just that fast anyway. He'll be in front with spike chain in hands, to give combat reflexes an opportunity to work if surprised. If Sorcereress is willing to burn the spell slots they might all start on phantom steeds, none of them carrying enough gear to violate the weight limits. That gives a silly large mobility advantage in most overland encounters but has a high enough cost it is usually only used when time is pressing.

Maat Mons
2022-11-07, 04:27 AM
Name: Tevildo
Race: Awakened Housecat
Class: Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline)
Weapon(s): Casts spells. Is a bit too fond of fire spells.
Description: The self-style "Prince of Cats" journeys the world in search of the wizard who gave him sapience. He has fallen in with a group of adventurers, but they seem to treat him more as a novelty or pet than a full-fledged member of the group. Increasingly of late, he has been considering going for a ramble and never returning to these fools.

Name: Draco Devré
Race: Tiefling
Class: Witch (Cartomancer)
Weapon(s): Casts spells, either directly, or into tarot cards which he then throws, delivering the spell effect.
Description: Draco used to be named Lucius, but in a meeting with a hag, she said “Would you give me your name?” He said “Lucious,” and thereafter, no one could remember his original name, not even himself. Recollection of even his existence later slowly faded away from everyone who had ever met him. It wasn’t until he chose a new name for himself that people could start forming new, persistent memories of him. He’s been with the team since the beginning, but only he remembers that. The others believe they picked him up after meeting him by chance during one of their adventures, not long after dealing with a hag.

Name: Calathes
Race: Half Elf
Class: Unchained Rogue
Weapon(s): Crossbow or dual daggers.
Description: Cal one traded the elven half of his heritage to a witch in exchange for a magical cloak. This left him as a half-human, half-nothing. His heritage was later restored by a hag, in exchange for a vow to fulfill any one service she might ask of him in the future. This debt still hangs over him. Cal doesn’t know why he travels with these people. Dorian seems to have it in for him. Once, when Cal lay dying, Dorian concealed the group’s last healing potion, claiming no more remained. The group managed to save Cal anyway, and the hidden potion was later discovered among Dorian’s possessions. This caused further tensions within the group, though Dorian maintains he forgot he had the potion.

Name: Dorian de la Fontain
Race: Human
Class: Arcanist (Blood Arcanist [Imperious Bloodline])
Weapon(s): Casts spells. Uses a wide variety of magic but has a particular fondness for summoning. Often imbues summoned creatures with shadow or elemental air.
Description: Dorian was born to a minor noble family. He manifested sorcerous blood, but instead chose to pursue training at an academy of wizardry. Research into his magical lineage has revealed to him that he is descended from the nobility of an ancient empire. He now believes it is his destiny to rule over all the world, though he has not revealed his plans to anyone. The more he awakens the power in his blood, the less mortal trifles like aging, sleep, and nourishment apply to him.

Name: Hugo Brandybuck
Race: Dwarf
Class: Druid
Weapon(s): The teeth and claws of his animal forms. Prefers the forms of dinosaurs but will transform into anything if it seems useful at the time.
Description: Hugo is a native resident of the Feywild. He took up arms after a coven of hags usurped control of his homelands. He joined the group of adventurers after they, too became enemies of the hags.

Name: Littlebury Shoot
Race: Gnome
Class: Gunslinger
Weapon(s): A highly experimental, multi-barrel, one-handed firearm
Description: Littleburry has pledged his service to the hag Olga. She has bid him join these adventurers and steer them to her plans. He joined the group after “running into them” when they were traveling in the Feywild.