View Full Version : any play by post games I could join?

2022-11-04, 03:24 AM
So I'm trying to get back into dnd, been through a touch of mental illness on and off this year, my last game died after my phone gave up and I just dropped off the discord I was on playing it.

But I'm back to healthy managed to avoid antidepressants, I'd like to play a humble fighter gestalt build for flavour and a slight boost in skills and skill points.

It'd be fighter and noble gestalt, I'd get four skill points a level and survival as a class skill as well for a touch more versatility, the noble background would be for background story and to give my future DM some stuff to build off, and to help potentially bank roll the party.

I know I could paladin/cleric pump myself up with holy/unholy steroids and go ham on Whatever poor twit is in front of me.

I just want a nice simple sword and Shield minor noble, that's gonna hit you every round every attack with a lightning burst longsword and self crafted master level mithril full plate.

2022-11-04, 03:35 AM
I'd say try over here in the Recruitment subforum (https://forums.giantitp.com/forumdisplay.php?51-Finding-Players-(Recruitment)). :) Lots of PbP in there!