View Full Version : Mecha games for PC?

2007-12-01, 10:42 AM
For some really weird reason, I have this mood for playing games that involving giant robots/mech right now. I only have PC (and somewhat mid-end) so obviously I can only look for PC games.

I had Mechwarrior 4. It's a great game and I still love it, but it's with my friend right now. And after some pondering, I came into conclusion that, maybe there are other giant robot related game for PC and it's time for me to find it.

Any recommendation? Games for PC where giant robots shoot/pummel lesser vehicles and/or other giant robots?

For any genre. And I don't really mind graphics. But it should be.. somewhat easy to find though.

Lord Rocket
2007-12-01, 12:00 PM
Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/86/Battletech+-+the+Crescent+Hawks+Inception.html) is an old favourite of mine - it's strategy with some RPG elements. You'd better mean what you say about 'not minding graphics' though.
There's also the sequel, The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/977/BattleTech+-+The+Crescent+Hawks+Revenge.html), which isn't as good but still worth looking at (if only for the part on that page where the Abandonia guy gets confused and refers to it as an RTS. Which is a great reason not to listen to him - I presume it's the same guy, there's no credit given - when he says that the first one isn't that great. Clearly an ignorant peasant). You need DOSBox for both, of course.

Oh, there's the older Mechwarriors, of course (I quite liked II back in the day, no links though I'm afraid).

PS: I found this (http://www.megamek.net/) while poking around Home of the Underdogs. Might be interesting. Forums seem to be active (with proper messages, not porn spam), so finding a game shouldn't be a problem.

2007-12-01, 12:02 PM
Heavy Gear and Heavy Gear II are, IMO, the best mecha PC games ever made. Think Mechwarrior, except the Gears are half the size and more like suits of armor than walking tanks.

2007-12-01, 12:12 PM
If shiny graphics aren't too important, there is Gearhead (http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.org/), a fun little Roguelike complete with giant mechanized killing machines. Its pretty fun, and you can even make your own custom mechas, with a bit of work and salvage.

2007-12-01, 12:28 PM
Ah, thanks. I'll look for those old battletech games for this moment :D And the gearhead game looks interesting.

I don't mind graphic too much. There was time where my only gaming platform was an old laptop. I regularly downloaded games from Home of the Underdogs.

Ah.. those days.

I have a decent pc now, but I can apreciate good old game.

Paragon Badger
2007-12-01, 12:37 PM
I still routinely listen to the soundtrack of Mech Warrior 2 and it's expansion... One of the best video game music tracks there are; fit the context of the game perfectly.

It's fairly old and I doubt stores still sell it, but you might find it on eBay. It's my favorite of all the Mech Warriors, actually. :smalltongue:

2007-12-01, 01:07 PM
Warhammer 40,000: Final Liberation. The Titans in that game kick major ass.

Starsiege/Earthsiege. Nuff said, really.

Metal Fatigue. The entire game is really just an exercise in giant mechs owning everything in sight.

Shades of Gray
2007-12-01, 04:38 PM

you can get Exteel beta, it's great fun.

2007-12-01, 04:57 PM
You say you had MechWarrior 4, but important question: Did you have MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries? It was a stand-alone expansion, and it was even better than the original.

I still routinely listen to the soundtrack of Mech Warrior 2 and it's expansion... One of the best video game music tracks there are; fit the context of the game perfectly.

It's fairly old and I doubt stores still sell it, but you might find it on eBay. It's my favorite of all the Mech Warriors, actually. :smalltongue:

AGREED. The only bad thing is that I haven't found a DOS emulator yet that will run it well on a modern PC. (However, truth be told I haven't looked super-hard).

2007-12-01, 05:55 PM
You say you had MechWarrior 4, but important question: Did you have MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries? It was a stand-alone expansion, and it was even better than the original.

if you have Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries, head to www.mektek.net (http://www.mektek.net) and pick up the unofficial expansion pack, twice as many mechs and weapons are yours for the taking and I believe they've even fixed the bugs and nerfed the Gargoyle so it's fair. Also, Alpha Strike Studios (http://http://www.newbattlefields.com/) are well worth checking out for the "New Battlefields" stuff.

Ahem, anyway, that's the only Mechwarrior style game I have but Mechcommander 2 is mechy and good but it's an RTS. Plus, try Mechwarrior 3 as well, you can pick up a Windows XP compatability patch from somewhere. For turn based strategy, there's Titans of Steel, but it's not exactly pick up and play if you see my meaning. I gave up trying to work it out.

2007-12-01, 06:04 PM
You know I am pretty sure there was some mecha game which came with a huge control panel, more then 300 buttons and at least two joysticks if I remember correctly, I tought it was called mechwarior battlestation but this seems wrong.

2007-12-01, 06:08 PM
If shiny graphics aren't too important, there is Gearhead (http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.org/), a fun little Roguelike complete with giant mechanized killing machines. Its pretty fun, and you can even make your own custom mechas, with a bit of work and salvage.
Well, there go my weekends for the next year or so...

2007-12-01, 06:19 PM
You know I am pretty sure there was some mecha game which came with a huge control panel, more then 300 buttons and at least two joysticks if I remember correctly, I tought it was called mechwarior battlestation but this seems wrong.

That's Steel Battalions, and it's for the Xbox.

2007-12-01, 06:21 PM
ah, to bad. still, i know a few people who will now start considering geting an xbox just for that.
yes that is the game, i also found where i heard about it, but that showed a WIP picture of the control which had a lot more on it.

2007-12-01, 10:17 PM
MechWarrior 2? I have that. I could probably dig it up if I wanted. *scratches head* Great game. A little difficult, mainly because it takes forever to get anywhere, even with Jump Jets. Mind you, nothing is quite as fun as flying a Direwolf around.

Lord Rocket
2007-12-02, 12:11 AM
Well, there go my weekends for the next year or so...

Nah... to tell the truth, Gearhead's one of those 'heartbreaker' things - lots of amazing ideas, but slightly iffy execution. Man, I hope Gearhead II gets finished reasonably soon, that looks like it'd be heaps better.

I'll look for those old battletech games for this moment

Doesn't Abandonia have download links?

Anyway, I forgot about the Front Mission (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_Mission) series. Emulators required. As long as we're talking about console games, Armoured Core (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armored_Core) is all kinds of excellent too (well, the first one is, anyway). You'll have to hunt up the ROMs yourself, I'm far too lazy.

2007-12-02, 12:20 AM
I'm gonna throw in another vote for Metal Fatigue. A fun and innovative RTS with a surprising degree of mech customization, and like Blayze says, lots of mecha pummeling and blasting everything to bits.

2007-12-02, 07:58 AM
I liked MechCommander. Lots of mechs and weapons to choose from and a bunch of missions.


2007-12-02, 01:20 PM
Home of the Underdogs has at least the first Battletech. I don't know about the second.

2007-12-02, 05:32 PM
I heartily second the vote for MechWarrior II, it is still one of my favourite games altogether.

If you can get it to run, that is; I couldn't (please, if anyone can offer advice, I would be grateful - even DosBox doesn't seem to be a solution here, because for some reason MW2 doesn't recognize the CD - the only game I have to do so this far under DosBox).

MechWarrior III is a very good game, too, though it doesn't measure up to the awesomeness of MechWarrior II in my opinion.

2007-12-02, 06:23 PM
There was also Misson Force: CyberStorm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MissionForce:_Cyberstorm). I found it fun to play. Although that was a very long time ago. I still have the CD somewhere...

It's a strategy turn by turn mecha management game.

Edit: It's on the Underdogs (http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=3373)... as a Top Dog (9.21/10), Yes!

2007-12-02, 06:53 PM
Pentium 2 and Windows 98. Works wonders. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Rocket
2007-12-03, 12:28 AM
If you can get it to run, that is; I couldn't (please, if anyone can offer advice, I would be grateful - even DosBox doesn't seem to be a solution here, because for some reason MW2 doesn't recognize the CD - the only game I have to do so this far under DosBox).

Can you make an ISO, run it through PowerISO or something similar, and THEN mount it? I got Dark Forces to read and install that way.

You MAY have to install it somewhere else and then crack it, though (http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/comp_list.php?showID=643&letter=M).

ALSO, ARRRGH, people, you don't have to hunt around for download links for those Battletech games. Just follow the ones I provided in my first post, then click on 'download this game.' Okay? Cool.

2007-12-03, 04:38 AM
Can you make an ISO, run it through PowerISO or something similar, and THEN mount it? I got Dark Forces to read and install that way.Good sir, you are my personal hero now. Mounting it as an image, instead of the regular CD drive, fixed the problem completely. Thank you so very, very much. This was the one game I could not play, while missing it the most. :smallsmile:

Jade Falcons, run while there is time. The Wolf is on the prowl!

2007-12-03, 05:02 AM
parkan: iron strategy. A combination of shooter and RTS, large customization of your units. Interesting setting and quite deep plot. Hard to come by and hard to run on your PC tough. And don’t count on any multiplayer missions unless you pm me about it.

Cristo Meyers
2007-12-03, 01:57 PM
There was also Misson Force: CyberStorm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MissionForce:_Cyberstorm). I found it fun to play. Although that was a very long time ago. I still have the CD somewhere...

It's a strategy turn by turn mecha management game.

Edit: It's on the Underdogs (http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?gameid=3373)... as a Top Dog (9.21/10), Yes!

It also doesn't run particularly well on modern computers. The videos won't play and the mission briefing/debriefing screens won't display at all. You'll have to basically guess were the "Begin Mission" and "End Debriefing" buttons are to click on them. It's a shame, because it's such a great game.

2007-12-03, 02:25 PM
step 1: download an SNES emulator. I personally like using SNES9x.

step 2: find the ROMs for Front Mission 1 and Front Mission 2: Gun Hazard.

step 3: enjoy

Cristo Meyers
2007-12-03, 02:36 PM
step 1: download an SNES emulator. I personally like using SNES9x.

step 2: find the ROMs for Front Mission 1 and Front Mission 2: Gun Hazard.

step 3: enjoy

What?! A step-by-step list that doesn't contain Step 4: ??? and Step 5: PROFIT!? This is blasphemy! Madness!

I don't remember much about the Front Mission series, must've been one of those that flew under my radar.

2007-12-03, 02:57 PM
The first two didn't even make it to the states, although FM3 (for Playstation) was fun in a large, bipedal can. FM4 also looked neat, but I never found it.

And while we're on the subject of Japanese imports, if you can find an English translation of a Super Robot Wars game, they're quite Excellen. I mean excellent. The Original Generations games actually were ported to America, but as far as I know they're PS2 exclusive.

2007-12-03, 02:58 PM
wait, you mean people still require instructions for step 4 and 5 insertions? Bah, amateurs!!

But, yeah, the early Front Mission series were games that were released only in Japan and never made it to the states until people translated them online. However, I will tell you this: they are excellent. This was square's attempt to jump genres from fantasy to future tech. (And they did so very well with the writing of both games)

The first one is a tactical turn-based game where you control a group of mechs that you can customize with parts to do battle against another organization. that's right, you heard me. You can customize the mechs. Just pick the parts you like and make your own little frankenstien mech.

the second one is a 2D platformer that has some very strong RPG elements in them. They took out the complete customization aspect and replaced it instead with a more action adventure game feel, but it's still a good time.

The two do not tie up in any fashion.

Lord Rocket
2007-12-03, 08:25 PM
Good sir, you are my personal hero now. Mounting it as an image, instead of the regular CD drive, fixed the problem completely. Thank you so very, very much. This was the one game I could not play, while missing it the most. :smallsmile:

Jade Falcons, run while there is time. The Wolf is on the prowl!

No probs. I just wish my copy wasn't all scratched to crap. Sigh.

Anyway, here's another one. I didn't like it much, but everyone else in the world does, so I'm posting it here anyway:

Cyber Empires (http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/206/Cyber+Empires.html)

2007-12-04, 12:36 PM
*insert mech related expletive of joy here*

Woah. Many games. And how could I to play all of them?

I need some way to make one day=more than 24 hours. Any Idea? slowing earth's rotation is a good start, but we need a lot of raw power for that.

And I completely forgot about front mission, I HAVE it. Just need to dig it somewhere...

And I really need to track my copy of mechwarrior 4...

2007-12-04, 03:01 PM
I just have to mention that ZSNES is the superior emulator by far. Try Home of the Underdogs for Front Mission.

2007-12-04, 11:41 PM
ZSNES + Kirby Superstar = fundizzle
metal fatigue = fundizzle
ZSNES + Kirby Superstar =/= metal fatigue

How could this be?

2007-12-05, 05:57 AM
I just remembered One Must Fall: 2097. It's not particularly remarkable, but I found it amusing. It's an older, fairly basic fighting game. Think early Street Fighter, except with robots. I think I mostly enjoyed the music from it, like other early games made by Epic MegaGames. You can download it here (http://www.omf.com/faq/misc.html), as it is freeware.

2007-12-05, 07:05 AM
Yes, One Must Fall was really fun. It's a refreshing bash 'em up for a couple of hours. But you really have to play with a gamepad.

2007-12-05, 12:54 PM
Meh, as far as fighting games are concerned, One Must Fall is not terrible, but really there are far better mech fighting games out there. For example, Cyberbots, a fighter by Capcom for the CPS2 emulation. You can CPS2 games to run using the Final Burn emulator.

2007-12-05, 01:17 PM
And while we're on the subject of Japanese imports, if you can find an English translation of a Super Robot Wars game, they're quite Excellen. I mean excellent. The Original Generations games actually were ported to America, but as far as I know they're PS2 exclusive.

Waitwaitwait. What? OG1 and OG2 were brought over to the US by Atlus ages ago, they're for GBA. OGS is the PS2 one, which is not going to be translated. Are you telling me a SRW fan was unaware of the only English releases?

2007-12-05, 02:25 PM
Waitwaitwait. What? OG1 and OG2 were brought over to the US by Atlus ages ago, they're for GBA. OGS is the PS2 one, which is not going to be translated. Are you telling me a SRW fan was unaware of the only English releases?
Frankly, I play the games for the sake of massive crossovers and discovering shows I've never heard of before. Original Generations would seem to lack that.

However, now that you've corrected my information on what was released where, I'm off to Tokyo Toshokan to get Destiny and Reversal some English-speaking friends.

2007-12-09, 05:34 AM
HOLY CRAP!!!!:cool: mechwarior 2!! I remember playing that game for as long as I can remember! *sigh* now if someone talking about space flight simulators can mention Hellbender I will be content :cool: