View Full Version : Optimization [3.5] Best 0 ACP Armor for a Frontliner?

Kuro Dmon
2022-11-17, 01:33 AM
It's been so long since I've gotten to character build, I'd forgotten half of the info that used to be online got scattered to the winds... I remember there was even a small wiki page dedicated to the best of each types of armor (be it highest, 0 ACP, 0 ASF, and mixes, though only ACP matters here). I tried looking around for it, sadly to no avail.

So, I'm trying to build a 2 Handed Fighter-type (classes locked in), and I want to outfit them with the best armor I can get them (obviously before +1 and then various enchantments and buffed from the group mage). I despite Armor Check Penalties (I'm proficient with everything but Tower Shields, but I'm also investing in Tumble and Jump and would like those skills to not be penalized), and so I'm looking to kit myself out with something that fits a +5 Dex modifier, hopefully as efficient as I can get.

From my research, it looks like I'd either have to choose between Reinforced Masterwork Studded Leather (+4 AC, Max Dex 5) or a Reinforced Mithral Chainshirt (if I can reason combining those; +5 AC but a slightly wasted Max Dex of 6); I figured I'd check with those more active in Optimization before I settled on either. I'd also like to get an Animated Shield; I can't find any way to make an Extreme Shield hit ACP 0, so I assume my best bet is to start with a Mithral Heavy Shield? And then of course, Masterwork Dastana for another bit of AC.

Bonus points: for a Large Companion, how much would potential Mithral Chain cost ? Does the Special Material bonus *also* get multiplied by "Unusual x Size"? Though I could probably afford to let a larger creature take ACP, since they're mostly a transport and a bonus fighter/flanker; no need to make my pet do tricks (even if that would be cool. :smalltongue:).

2022-11-17, 02:33 AM

Good thread if you want to optimize Armor AC against DEX.

2022-11-17, 07:33 PM
I think you want Reinforced Mithril Chain Shirt + Dastana + Chahar-Aina + heavy shield. That's good for +9 to armor class at 0 ACP.

2022-11-18, 05:42 AM
If you are allowed to stack effects on top of a predefined magical item and have insane dex you could use as a base a celestial armour (it is a crazy item available in the DMG, just get one modifier that reduces acp).
If you plan to eventually get a +5 tome in dex and a belt of magnificence or something similar, you could consider switching to a celestial armour later on.

2022-11-18, 11:34 AM
Power Armor (Return to the Temple of the Frog (https://web.archive.org/web/20070816190110/http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Return_Temple_Frog.zip)): AC 10, ACP 0; costs 9000 gp; power runs out in 1d4 months (4 month - if 100% charged)

2022-11-18, 01:24 PM
Power Armor (Return to the Temple of the Frog (https://web.archive.org/web/20070816190110/http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Return_Temple_Frog.zip)): AC 10, ACP 0; costs 9000 gp; power runs out in 1d4 months (4 month - if 100% charged)
Seems really good.
What is the max dex bonus?

2022-11-18, 02:05 PM
Seems really good.
What is the max dex bonus?
(and ASF 0%)

2022-11-18, 02:11 PM
(and ASF 0%)

It is better than most magic items.
I wonder if it counts as a masterwork item and can be enchanted.
Even if it can not become a magic item, it is very strong.