View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

2022-11-17, 04:40 AM
This thread exists to collect the smattering of published and unpublished homebrew by me (those that don't have a dedicated thread) into a single place. Comments are always welcome.


Creatures and Templates:
Paraelemental gens (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25637280&postcount=4)
Transitional (Template) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25637234&postcount=2)
Missing Mephits (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25648068#post25648068)
Just for Pun: Betting Hedge (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page2&p=25656855#post25656855)
Rilmani (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page2&p=25695877#post25695877)
Creatures of Zamonia (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25720518#post25720518)
Devourers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25734548#post25734548)
Even More Mephits (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25757767&postcount=76)
Just for Pun 2: Mind Rape (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page3&p=25774368#post25774368)
Just for Pun 2.5 (Guest Edition): Yellow Peril (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page3&p=25778858#post25778858) by Metastychidium
The Minions of the Overlord (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page4&p=25790081#post25790081)
Plants of Zamonia (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25808246#post25808246)
The Demiplane of Chocolate (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25876741#post25876741)
Just for Pun 3: Plumage (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page5&p=25881820#post25881820)
Constructs of Zamonia (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page5&p=25891279#post25891279)
Unseen Refrain (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page6&p=25914454#post25914454)
Epic dragon: Mould dragon (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25923339&viewfull=1#post25923339)
Tatzelwurm (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page6&p=25930829#post25930829)
Creatures of Elemental Wood (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page7&p=25946925#post25946925)

Achinor (Planetouched) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25637271&postcount=3)
Wood Genasi (Planetouched) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page7&p=25946933#post25946933)

Class Features:
Sha'ir ACF (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25637280&postcount=4)
Maat Domain (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25638885&postcount=15)
Ponykind Domain (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25648077#post25648077)

Spells and similiar
Void Shadow (Mystery Master Path) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25640723&postcount=22) by Just to Browse
Create Mephit (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25648068#post25648068)
Necromorphosis (psionic power) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25734548#post25734548)
Minion Explosion (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page4&p=25790081#post25790081)
Leafy Pelt (Soulmeld) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25808250#post25808250)
Zamonian Martial Maneuvers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25808250#post25808250)
Some improvised martial maneuvers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25811193#post25811193)
Petition Deathless and Necroheroon (psionic power) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page6&p=25914454#post25914454)

Diverse Legend of Zelda items. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25638880&postcount=14)
Nettlewisp Glamour (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository&p=25856974&viewfull=1#post25856974)

Other things by me with dedicated threads: Ravenloft and Non-Core Classes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644330-Ravenloft-and-Non-Core-Classes)

House rules and terminology
Over the course of the thread I developed a bit of personal rules and terms. I'll collect those here:

I've decided to assign the Shadow subtype to any outsider native to the Plane of Shadow (and maybe some other creatures like shadow elementals; haven't decided yet). The subtype grants Darkvision 120 ft. and the ability to see in magical darkness.
Likewise, any outsider native to the Astral and the Ethereal are assigned the Astral and Ether subtypes respectively. These subtypes don't cary any rules effects (unless someone comes up with something interesting), but are options for Favoured Enemy and Bane weapons. Together with the Shadow subtype this should reduce the number of outsiders that can't be addressed effectively.
When an evil outsider becomes good, it's called "risen". When a good outsider becomes evil, it's called "fallen". When a lawful outsider becomes chaotic, it's also called "fallen", and when a chaotic outsider becomes lawful, it's again called "fallen". Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me? Well, I have decided that I'll call it "codified" when a chaotic outsider goes to Law, and "unbound" for when a lawful outsider deserts to Chaos. Unless anybody else has a better idea?
The different types of outsider subgroups (like cuprilach, aurumach, cornugon, balor or throne archon) shall be known as "caste-species".
Healing is a subschool of Necromancy.
The Native subtype's name often causes confusion, as not all Native Outsiders are native to the Material, nor does the type change depending on wether the creature is on its home plane. Therefore I decided to rename it. As the main point of the subtype is that the Outsider has a flesh-and-blood body seperate from its soul/essence, I first thought calling them Incarnate Outsiders, but that would have caused too much confusion with Incarnates and Incarnum. So I decided that I will call them Visceral Outsiders from now on (I confess that Pale (https://palewebserial.wordpress.com/) did inspire me to this word choice, as magical beings there exist on a scale from visceral (corporeal and physical) to spiritual (incorporeal and abstract)).

2022-11-17, 04:44 AM
New Template: Transitionals

Some often-mocked sages theorize the existence of “transitional areas” where the Temporal Energy Plane touches on the Inner Planes and temporal energy intermixes with the elements. To prove their ideas right, the next best thing besides actually finding such an area would be the proven discovery of a transitional.
Transitionals, the theoretical embodiment of the mixture of time and an element, paraelement or quasielement, are rumoured creatures. Some shady sources claim they saw one, but no one reliable ever managed to prove it.
If transitionals exist, they would have the following traits. In appearance a transitional would resemble a normal elemental, paraelemental or quasielemental with inverted colors and glittering sand intermixed with the normal material of the body.

Creating a transitional
'Transitional' is an inherited template that can be applied to any 'true' elemental (so fire or earth elementals, but not creatures like magmins, thoqqas or omnimentals), paraelemental or quasielemental. The transitional uses all the base creatures statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
AC: Half of the base creature's natural armour bonus is converted into a circumstance bonus (applicable to both touch AC and flat footed AC).
Special Attacks: A transitional retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains additionally one of the following attacks. It must fulfil the prerequisites of the chosen attack:

Flickering time (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha-mod.). If it fails, its temporal existence becomes erratic. The victim begins to flicker in and out of existence, similar to the spell flicker, except the victim flickers in and out of time instead of between the Ethereal and a neighbouring plane, and the victim's own spells and attacks also fail 50% of the time. This effect ends after 8 rounds. Prerequisite: Fire subtype.
Frozen time (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha-mod.). If it fails, time around it hardens. The victim is frozen in time as if it was affected by temporal stasis. The effect ends after 1d4 rounds. From the victim's point of view, no time has passed at all. Prerequisite: Cold or Earth subtype.
Overcharged growth (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha-mod.) or develop cancerous growths. These growths deal 1d6 ability damage to a randomly chosen ability. This ability damage can't be healed by spells and other effects that use positive energy (except for greater restoration) unless the growths are cut out with a successful Heal check against DC 25 (attempting this check deals 2d6 damage and takes 10 minutes). Prerequisite: Base creature is a positive quasielemental.
Ravages (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha-mod.) or age 2d20 years. Being aged this way can be reversed by the spells greater restoration or heal or similar abilities if done within a week. If the victim is aged beyond its natural lifespan, it must make a second Fortitude save. If it fails, it dies instantly of old age; if successful, it survives, but will die of old age within the next year. Prerequisite: Base creature is a negative quasielemental.
Shifting sands (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha-mod.) or be slowed for 10 rounds. Prerequisite: Air subtype.
Time flows (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha-mod.). If it fails, the flow of time carries it off to the future. The creature disappears and returns 1d6 rounds later in the same place. From the victim's point of view, no time has passed at all. Prerequisite: Water subtype.

Special Qualities: A transitional retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains additionally the following qualities:

Damage Reduction: A transitional's damage reduction can be overcome by weapons that are covered in a thin film of psionic quintessence, in addition to whatever else could overcome it normally.
Erratic timestream (Ex): At the beginning of the transitional's turn, roll 1d3 and consult the following table:

1: The transitional acts for 1 round as if it was slowed.
2: The transitional acts normal.
3: The transitional acts for 1 round as if it was hasted.
Time resistant (Ex): A transitional receives a racial bonus of +6 to saves against time based spells and effects. Whenever a character casts timestop or a similar ability during an encounter with a transitional, there's a 50% chance that the transitional is able to act normally during the time stopped rounds.
Abilities: Alter from the base creature as follows: Wis -4, Cha +4
Challenge Rating: ?
Level Adjustment: -

2022-11-17, 06:09 AM
New Race: Achinor (Planetouched)
Achinori are planetouched of human stock who are descended from rilmani, embuing them with the power of Neutrality. An achinor's skin often shimmers metallic, and many have eyes that look like liquid metal. As they are propably the rarest human-descended planetouched, it is difficult to make any general statements about their appearance.
Characterwise, the achinori tend to be stoic, contemplative and detached. They live in the centre of their own small world and pay little mind to what happens outside of their bubble. The driving force in an achinor's life is a never-ending quest for self-perfection. Achinori are usually Neutral, but their search for perfection has led some of them away from the middle. Their paths lead mostly to the monk's cloisters and through that to Law, or because of their egocentrism to Evil.
Most achinori feel a sense of community with other achinori, and they are more likely to render help to each other than to unrelated beings. Neutral achinori feel intense sorrow and pity when hearing about an achinor straying to other alignments, but lack for the most part the drive to "save" their "lost siblings".

Racial Traits

+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Achinori are Visceral Outsiders.
Base land speed 30 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Racial bonus +2 to Concentration and Crafts (Alchemy)
Resistence to Acid, Electricity and Sonic 5
Shimmering Aura (Su): Once per day an achinor can shroud himself in a metallic shimmer that grants him a +2 resistence bonus to all saves and a +2 deflection bonus to AC. This effect lasts 1 minute.
Automatic languages: Common and Rilmani. Bonus languages: Celestial, Draconic, Elf, Infernal, Sylvan.
Favoured Class: Ardent (if you don't use this class, cleric)
Level Adjustment: +1 (If you use the LAs from the LA Assignment thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?624825), +0 is more appropriate)

2022-11-17, 06:35 AM
Stuff for sha'ir

Alternate Class Feature: Su'luk

Sha'ir powers do not interact with the khayal, who dislike the sha'ir as they do other genies. Renegade poet-vagabonds opposed to order, the sa'alik, are the agents and arbiters who work with the khayal. A su'luk cannot be lawful. Sa'alik are said to "walk alone" because their shadows are separate from them, becoming the facilitators for a su'luk's magic in place of the sha'ir's gen. Sa'alik gain access to shadowcasting but have a more difficult time acquiring spells that do not belong to Shadow.

Class: Sha'ir
Special Requirement: Must not be lawful.
Level: 1st
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you don't cast spells, don't gain a Gen Familiar and do not gain the following class abilities: Elemental Protection (5th), Call Janni (7th), Elemental Travel (9th) and Call Genie (11th).
Benefit: Instead of a gen, you grant your own shadow life and use it as a familiar. The stats for this Umbral Familiar are found after this description.
As a su'luk, you can cast mysteries and fundamentals and a few arcane spells. You have access to all paths of shadow magic and to arcane illusion and necromancy spells from the spell list for sorcerers and wizards. Unlike shadowcasters you don't need to follow paths when choosing known mysteries. Instead you use the table of known sha'ir spells to determine how many mysteries, fundamentals and arcane spells you know.
You need to send your familiar to the Shadow Plane to fetch mysteries and spells before you can cast anything. This works by the same rules as a gen familiar fetching spells for his sha’ir master; simply replace all mentions of "arcane spell" with "mystery" and all mentions of "divine spell" with "arcane spell".
You cast your fundamentals as spell-like abilities and your other mysteries as arcane spells. If all mysteries of a single path are among your known mysteries, you cast those as spell-like abilities too. Spells are always cast as spells. All mysteries (both fundamentals and others) that are cast as spell-like abilities can be cast twice after being fetched before fading from your memory. The total number of mysteries/spells per day you are able to cast remains unchanged.
At 5th level you gain darkvision 60 ft. (or + 60 ft. on existing darkvision) and damage reduction 4/- against attacks made by creatures native to the Shadow Plane. Furthermore attacks against you have a 20 % miss chance as long as you are not in bright illumination.
At 7th level you may call a khayal to your aid once per day. This functions as the planar ally spell except that you can call only a single khayal. You must pay the spell's XP cost and bargain with the Khayal as normal. Caster level is equal to class level. At 11th level you may use this ability twice per day.
At 9th level you can use the shadow walk spell as a spell-like ability once per day. At 15th level you can use it twice per day and at 18th level at will.
At 11th level you can once per day per point of cha-mod. order your familiar to fetch a mystery that you usually cast as a spell as a spell-like ability or a mystery that you usually cast as a spell-like ability as supernatural ability. This doubles the time the familiar needs to fetch the mystery. Mysteries cast as a supernatural ability can be cast thrice after being fetched before fading from your memory.

Umbral Familiar
Medium Elemental (Incorporeal) (Size equal to master's size)
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 11 (+1 deflection), touch 11, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-
Attack: Incorpoeral touch +0 melee (1d2)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +0 melee (1d2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, fetch mysteries, incorporeal traits, shadowy travel
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str -, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Spellcraft +5
Feats: Combat CastingB, Improved Initiative
Environment: None
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Like the master
Advancement: By the familiar rules
Level Adjustment: -

Fetch Mysteries (Ex): Like the gen's ability to Fetch Spells.

Shadowy Travel (Sp): The umbral familiar can plane shift at will to the Shadow Plane or from there back to the Material Plane. This ability only transports the familiar. It is otherwise identical to the plane shift spell (caster level 13th).

Paraelemental gens
Partially inspired by the paraelemental genies Afro created here: (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&p=24265537#post24265537)

Ice Gen
Tiny Outsider (Air, Cold, Water)
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-9
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d2-2 plus 1 cold)
Full Attack: Two slams +5 melee (1d2-2 plus 1 cold)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks Chill
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental endurance, elemental travel, fetch spells, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +4, Escape Artist +6, Hide +12, Knowledge (Arcane) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silenty +4, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any elemental plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often lawful neutral
Advancement: 2-3 hd (tiny), 4-6 hd (small)
Level Adjustment: -

Chill (Ex): A ice gen's freezingly cold body deals 1 point of extra cold damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold while grappling.

Magma Gen
Tiny Outsider (Earth, Fire)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect), burrow 10 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +1 dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-8
Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d2-1)
Full Attack: Two slams +4 melee (1d2-1)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 1/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., elemental endurance, elemental travel, fetch spells, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +5, Escape Artist +5, Hide +11, Knowledge (Arcane) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silenty +3, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any elemental plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often lawful good
Advancement: 2-3 hd (tiny), 4-6 hd (small)
Level Adjustment: -

Ooze Gen
Tiny Outsider (Earth, Water)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (+2 size, +1 dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-9
Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d2-2 plus 1 sonic)
Full Attack: Two slams +4 melee (1d2-2 plus 1 sonic)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks Vibrations
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental endurance, elemental travel, fetch spells, immunity to sonic, vulnerability to electricity
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +6, Escape Artist +5, Hide +11, Knowledge (Arcane) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silenty +3, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6, Swim +6
Feats: Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any elemental plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral
Advancement: 2-3 hd (tiny), 4-6 hd (small)
Level Adjustment: -

Vibrations (Su): The ooze gens inherited from the sureshi an affinity for sound. A ooze gen deals 1 point of extra sound damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold while grappling.

Smoke Gen
Tiny Outsider (Air, Fire)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 70 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-9
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d2-2)
Full Attack: Two slams +5 melee (1d2-2)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks -
Special Qualities: Billow, darkvision 60 ft., elemental endurance, elemental travel, fetch spells, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +5, Escape Artist +6, Hide +12, Knowledge (Arcane) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silenty +4, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any elemental plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often chaotic evil
Advancement: 2-3 hd (tiny), 4-6 hd (small)
Level Adjustment: -

Billow (Su): Once per round as an immediate action, a smoke gen may allow its physical form to briefly billow out as a cloud of smoke, becoming insubstantial, in response to an attack directed against it. That attack fails to affect the smoke gen. Certain effects which manipulate air or gases (gust of wind, etc.) cannot be effectively avoided in this fashion and take full effect as normal. The smoke gen must be aware of the attack to be able to billow. Any time a smoke gen would be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, it cannot billow.
Once the gen has billowed, it can't use this ability anymore until it spends a move action to gather energy.

Notes: If you allow paraelemental gens, the Elemental Protection class feature should also grant resistence to sonic and a bonus to saves against attacks based on sonic.
If a sha'ir has a paraelemental gen as a familiar, he must choose one of its subtypes to be "primary" in regard to the Elemental Protection class feature.

First posted here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24749335&postcount=116).

2022-11-17, 07:26 AM
New Template: Transitionals

Some often-mocked sages theorize the existence of “transitional areas” where the Temporal Energy Plane touches on the Inner Planes and temporal energy intermixes with the elements. To prove their ideas right, the next best thing besides actually finding such an area would be the proven discovery of a transitional.
Transitionals, the theoretical embodiment of the mixture of time and an element, paraelement or quasielement, are rumoured creatures. Some shady sources claim they saw one, but no one reliable ever managed to prove it.
If transitionals exist,

Okay, I like this whole "they probably don't exist, but this is what they'd look like" concept a lot. And these things are wild, which in 3.5 is a feature.

AC: Half of the base creature's natural armour bonus is converted into a deflection bonus.

Hm. Is deflection the best fit here? Have you considered insight (the par excellence I have a different understanding of stuff (time, as the case may be) type of bonus)?

Disrupted life (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Will save (dc 10 + ½ hd + cha-mod.). If it fails, it gains a negative level for 10 rounds. As long as this negative level persists, the victim can't be affected by any healing spells or similar abilities, any fast healing or regeneration it has fails to function, and any essentia it has allocated is removed and can't be allocated again. Prerequisite: Base creature is a negative quasielemental.

This one seems to be a less natural fit than the others (which are spot on). I mean, it's just standard negative energy shenaningans rather than temporal manipulation.

Challenge Rating: ?

I feel that question mark. I'm not sure the different type-based variants don't warrant variable CR, even.

New Race: Achinor (Planetouched)
Achinori are planetouched of human stock who are descended from rilmani

Yeah, it was weird that pretty much the official TN planetouched was ethereal- and not rilmani-based.

Dexterity +2, Constitution -2, Wisdom +2

The usual format, as far as I can tell is score first, ability second (i.e. +2 DEX, -2 CON, +2 WIS). At least, that's what I'm more accustomed to.

Shimmering Aura (Su): Once per day an achinor can shroud himself in a metallic shimmer that grants him a +2 resistence bonus to all saves and a +2 deflection bonus to AC. This effect lasts 1 minute.

Nice. Props on not taking the usual "one lame SLA" route!


Did you mean: Draconic?

Level assignment: +0

I'd advise you to stick to the norm here: standard Outsider (native) variant at LA +1, Lesser Humanoid-typed variant at LA +0.

I'll look at the gen statblocks later.

2022-11-17, 07:43 AM
Okay, I like this whole "they probably don't exist, but this is what they'd look like" concept a lot. And these things are wild, which in 3.5 is a feature.

Hm. Is deflection the best fit here? Have you considered insight (the par excellence I have a different understanding of stuff (time, as the case may be) type of bonus)?

Hmm. Could work, but the idea behind those things is less "I understand more" and more "I'm unmoored from the normal multiverse". Deflection felt better.

This one seems to be a less natural fit than the others (which are spot on). I mean, it's just standard negative energy shenaningans rather than temporal manipulation.

That's because the aging ability was originally meant for negative energy, but I couldn't come up with something for positive. Everything I came up with was either too helpful for living beings (and that doesn't fit for, for example, a lightning quasielemental) or defensive instead of offensive. Then I thought "Okay, incarnum is based on positive energy, and it is kinda timeless in that you draw on future and past people's incarnum, so how about something that disrupts incarnum?" That one got then widened to be less situational, and the endresult looked more like negative energy, so I swapped them and hoped nobody would notice. :smallredface::smalltongue:

I feel that question mark. I'm not sure the different type-based variants don't warrant variable CR, even.

Any help is appreciated.

Yeah, it was weird that pretty much the official TN planetouched was ethereal- and not rilmani-based.

Wizard of the Coast ignores the old embodiments of alignments (except for the evil ones)? Say it isn't so!

Yeah, this was propably one of the first homebrews I ever did, sometime around 2008 or so. My other rilmani homebrew propably requires a lot more revision.

The usual format, as far as I can tell is score first, ability second (i.e. +2 DEX, -2 CON, +2 WIS). At least, that's what I'm more accustomed to.

Fixed. That's what happens if you take something written in German and then translate it on the fly.

Did you mean: Draconic?

See above. :smallredface:

I'd advise you to stick to the norm here: standard Outsider (native) variant at LA +1, Lesser Humanoid-typed variant at LA +0.

The LA Asignment Thread gave the standard planetouched only +0, and I don't think I can justify this being more powerful than those.

2022-11-17, 08:36 AM
Hmm. Could work, but the idea behind those things is less "I understand more" and more "I'm unmoored from the normal multiverse". Deflection felt better.

I see, I see. I'm just kind of under the impression that these things deserve something truly crazy, or at any rate, more unusual than plain old deflection. Maybe giving an insight or, heck, even circumstance penalty on attack rolls against the transitionals. (Do feel free to ignore me, I'm mostly just rambling here.)

That's because the aging ability was originally meant for negative energy, but I couldn't come up with something for positive. Everything I came up with was either too helpful for living beings (and that doesn't fit for, for example, a lightning quasielemental) or defensive instead of offensive. Then I thought "Okay, incarnum is based on positive energy, and it is kinda timeless in that you draw on future and past people's incarnum, so how about something that disrupts incarnum?" That one got then widened to be less situational, and the endresult looked more like negative energy, so I swapped them and hoped nobody would notice. :smallredface::smalltongue:

Any help is appreciated.

Wizard of the Coast ignores the old embodiments of alignments (except for the evil ones)? Say it isn't so!

The Wizards are bad and they should feel bad!

Fixed. That's what happens if you take something written in German and then translate it on the fly.

See above. :smallredface:

Heh. (I'm mildly disappointed, though. Drakonian and not, I don't know, Althochdrachensprache? Such decadence!)

The LA Asignment Thread gave the standard planetouched only +0, and I don't think I can justify this being more powerful than those.

Nor should you. It's balanced quite neatly against the baseline planetouched. The issue is this: RLA is an experimental concept not widely known outside this forum, and I've never seen it used here. WotC numbers are usually stupid, but in actual play, official material will have WotC numbers anyway, so one can't just ignore them. Luckily, for planetouched it is not a huge issue, since the Lesser quaitemplate takes care of it – which is all the more reason to stick by the example of official stuff rather than a very well-conceived, but currently incomplete and barely used set of houserules.

2022-11-17, 08:44 AM
I see, I see. I'm just kind of under the impression that these things deserve something truly crazy, or at any rate, more unusual than plain old deflection. Maybe giving an insight or, heck, even circumstance penalty on attack rolls against the transitionals. (Do feel free to ignore me, I'm mostly just rambling here.)

I'll think about it. Thank you.

Heh. (I'm mildly disappointed, though. Drakonian and not, I don't know, Althochdrachensprache? Such decadence!)

Not quite. The German word for Draconic is Drakonisch. Nearly all languages in the German translation end with -isch (see also Elfisch, Sylvanisch, Celestisch or Diabolisch (the German name for Infernal)) and I didn't remember the correct name for Draconic, so I simply replaced -isch with -ian, because really, have you seen how many English names for languages end with -an?:smalltongue:
If you want other languages with more interesting names: Common is called Handelssprache (trade language) and Undercommon is Handelssprache des Unterreichs (Underdark's trade language). :smallwink:

Nor should you. It's balanced quite neatly against the baseline planetouched. The issue is this: RLA is an experimental concept not widely known outside this forum, and I've never seen it used here. WotC numbers are usually stupid, but in actual play, official material will have WotC numbers anyway, so one can't just ignore them. Luckily, for planetouched it is not a huge issue, since the Lesser quaitemplate takes care of it – which is all the more reason to stick by the example of official stuff rather than a very well-conceived, but currently incomplete and barely used set of houserules.

Very well. I'll add a note.

2022-11-17, 08:50 AM
I'll think about it. Thank you.

And I'll think about the positive stuff and CR, see if I can come up with suggestions.

NUndercommon is Handelssprache des Unterreichs (Underdark's trade language)

My faith in the German mind is restored!

2022-11-19, 08:09 AM
Alright, I'm back for another round! Prepare for a lot of terminology-based comments!

Umbral Familiar
Medium Elemental (Incorporal)

Incorporeal, in all instances.

Paraelemental gens
Partially inspired by the paraelemental genies Afro created here: (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&p=24265537#post24265537)

[B]Magma Gen


Special Qualities: Damage reduction 1/adamantite


Ooze Gen


Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d2-2 plus 1 sound)


immunity to sound, vulnerability to elektricity


Vibrations (Su): The ooze gens inherited from the sureshi an affinity for sound. A ooze gen deals 1 point of extra sound damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round that it maintains a hold while grappling.

Colour me confused. Both the Earth type and the Ooze designation point towards an acid affinity. And while I get jelly being resistant to sonic, how does the thing deal it?

Smoke Gen


vulnerability to ice

Cold, I presume?

Billow (Su): Once per round as an immediate action, a smoke gen may allow its physical form to briefly billow out as a cloud of smoke, becoming insubstantial, in response to an attack directed against it. That attack fails to affect the smoke gen. Certain effects which manipulate air or gases (gust of wind, etc.) cannot be effectively avoided in this fashion and take full effect as normal. The smoke gen must be aware of the attack to be able to billow. Any time a smoke gen would be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, it cannot billow.


Finally, I'm not sure wether Billow is too strong an ability for the smoke gen. The problem is, I'm not sure how to weaken it, I don't want to copy the ability of another gen and I would like to reflect the dukhan genie in some way and the only other ability unique to that one is smokesight, which appears too weak compared to the abilities of the other gens.

If you're worried about that, you can always go the "it takes a move/standard/whatever action to reform and the smoke gen cannot take actions while it billows" route. Or something.

More importantly, Elemental Protection grants a damage reduction against attacks by creatures of the four elemental subtypes, with a higher damage reduction against the gen familiar's elemental subtype. As paraelemental gens have two elemental subtypes, this would make them more useful than normal gens.
For balancing I'm thinking of either choosing one of the two subtypes or loosing the lesser damage reduction against the two other subtypes. Thoughts?

Retain the subtype the gen has higher affinity for (i.e. the one with an associated enegy type it has immunity against), ditch the other, I'd say.

Ravages (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Fortitude save (dc 10 + ½ hd + cha-mod.) or age 2d20 years. Being aged this way can be reversed by the spells greater restoration or heal or similar abilities if done within a week. If the victim is aged beyond its natural lifespan, it must make a second Fortitude save. If it fails, it dies instantly; if successful, it survives, but will die within the next year. Prerequisite: Base creature is a positive quasielemental.


Disrupted life (Su): Whenever a creature is hit by the transitional's slam attack or affected by one of its other special attacks, it must make a Will save (dc 10 + ½ hd + cha-mod.). If it fails, it gains a negative level for 10 rounds. As long as this negative level persists, the victim can't be affected by any healing spells or similar abilities, any fast healing or regeneration it has fails to function, and any essentia it has allocated is removed and can't be allocated again. Prerequisite: Base creature is a negative quasielemental.[/LIST]
Special Qualities: A transitional retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains additionally the following qualities:

I still don't have the vaguest idea what to do about CR, BUT! I have a suggestion regarding the positive/negative stuff (not a very good one, mind you, but a suggestion). You know how positive dominant planes overheal one until one explodes? You could transfer aging back to negative where it truly belongs and add an uncontrolled proliferation mechanic for positive: slams cause tumorous growths (cells multiply faster than the rate at which the tissue around decays due to wobbly time and positive energy) resulting in DEX/CON damage or something like that.

2022-11-19, 09:42 AM
Alright, I'm back for another round! Prepare for a lot of terminology-based comments!

All corrected, thank you.

Colour me confused. Both the Earth type and the Ooze designation point towards an acid affinity. And while I get jelly being resistant to sonic, how does the thing deal it?

It's only called "ooze" because the paraelement that represents the mixture of earth and water is traditionally called so. Mud would make more sense, but I can't just change it.
Regarding the sonic thing, if you follow the link to the paralemental genies you'll notice that the ooze genie, the surresh, has as its main gimmick a shout attack with very interesting side effects. I couldn't not reference that somehow in the gen.

If you're worried about that, you can always go the "it takes a move/standard/whatever action to reform and the smoke gen cannot take actions while it billows" route. Or something.

I'll take that, thank you.

I still don't have the vaguest idea what to do about CR, BUT! I have a suggestion regarding the positive/negative stuff (not a very good one, mind you, but a suggestion). You know how positive dominant planes overheal one until one explodes? You could transfer aging back to negative where it truly belongs and add an uncontrolled proliferation mechanic for positive: slams cause tumorous growths (cells multiply faster than the rate at which the tissue around decays due to wobbly time and positive energy) resulting in DEX/CON damage or something like that.

I did think about tumourus growths, but I couldn't come up with an actual effect for cancer. Well, let's see what I'll make of that. Thank you.

2022-11-19, 10:07 AM
It's only called "ooze" because the paraelement that represents the mixture of earth and water is traditionally called so. Mud would make more sense, but I can't just change it.

Oh, I know that (and if you've seen the official art for ooze para-genasi, you know where I got the idea with jellies).

Regarding the sonic thing, if you follow the link to the paralemental genies you'll notice that the ooze genie, the surresh, has as its main gimmick a shout attack with very interesting side effects. I couldn't not reference that somehow in the gen.

The issue is chiefly this: no element has affinity for sonic. Afro knows that very well; that is why his ooze genie is immune to acid, the "earth energy". Bellow is certainly cool, I'll give you that, but it stands out like a sore thumb for me there as well.

I did think about tumourus growths, but I couldn't come up with an actual effect for cancer. Well, let's see what I'll make of that. Thank you.

My reasoning behind DEX/CON was "random growths of tissue might hinder movement if they appear at the wrong place and they are certainly bad for health"; on second thought, I'd probably also add a penalty to CHA checks other than Intimidate, because it might end up looking macabre at best.

2022-11-19, 10:36 AM
*shrug* Genies aren't elementals, and if there weren't some suprises and deviations from the stereotype, things would get pretty boring. I prefer them this way.

Incidentally, I took your advice regarding the transitional's AC and gave it something... bizarre. :smallbiggrin:
The tumor ability is also finished.

2022-11-19, 10:39 AM
New items: Legend of Zelda

This is a smattering of LoZ inspired items I originally created in this thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?642234-Looking-for-help-statting-some-items-artifacts-(LoZ)). I may add others later when the muse allows.

Treasure seeking compass: This blue coloured compass points, when the command word is spoken, to the closest unattended magic item within 400 ft. There are variants that point to the closest gem or valuable art object, and those that are connected to specific items and only show where those are.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Magic, Find Object; 8,800 gp.

Moonpearl: A moonpearl is black pearl half the size of a fist with a blue-ish luster. Carrying a moonpearl with you grants immunity against all attempts to change your shape against your will, be it the attack of a chaos beast, petrification, Baleful Polymorph or Disintigrate. A moonpearl even protects from hostile transmutation through artifacts or epic spells, but it shatters when this happens.
Strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Break Enchantment or Unravel DweomerToM, Greater Spell Immunity or Shadow InvestitureToM; 544,000 gp.

Bunny hood: A pair of yellow bunny ears that fill the wearer with the animal's speed (and grant +2 to cuteness :smalltongue:). The wearer of the ears gets an enhancement bonus of +20 ft to base land speed. Faint transmutation; Cl 5th; Craft Wonderous Item, Expeditious Retreat; 4,000 gp.

Switch hook: This strange item resembles a metallic pincer, connected by a chain to a hilt. The chain can extend up to 40 ft. As a Standard Action, the wielder can make an attack against any creature or object within that range that is up to one size smaller or two sizes bigger than the wielder. If the attack is succesful, it doesn't do damage but instead instantly exchanges the positions of user and target, on the condition that there is enough space for both of them at their respective new positions. Rarely there are versions with even longer chains.
Magical version: Moderate conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dimensional Door or Baleful TranspositionSpell Compendium; 22,000 gp.
Psionic version: Moderate psychoportation; ML 6th; Craft Universal Item, Dimension Swap; 22,000 gp

Cane of Pacci: A short crooked stick, made from a strange yellow wood. The cane is activated with a command word and shoots a ball of yellow energy at a creature or object within 30 ft. If you hit with a ranged touch attack, the target is raised into the air, flipped up-side down and drops. Creatures flipped that way take 1d6 falling damage and fall prone.
Alternatively, you can shoot the ball into a hole in the ground that covers exactly your space and is deep enough to fit you in. If you drop into the hole within 5 rounds of doing so, you are shot up to 30 ft. into the air (less, if going the whole distance would slam you into the ceiling or something). During your short flight, you can safely land in any adjactant field. You never take damage through this usage, neither from falling nor being shot into barriers.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Rod, Telekinesis or Reverse Gravity; 12,800 gp

Ember Seed: Ember Seed are reddish hard shelled fruit resembling flames in appearance. Ember Seed are hot to the touch. The Ember Tree grows only in places that are covered in snow at least for three months a year. The fruit ripen in winter and fall off during the coldest and snowiest days. The heat spread by the seed allows them to melt through the snow into the frozen earth. From that grow new trees. An Ember Tree bears, depending on size and age, between four and 16 seeds a year.
Ember Seed, if broken open, unleash a small flame that can be used to ignite flameable material and deals 2d8 fire damage to creatures and non-flameable material. Ember Seed can be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. The seeds break open upon hitting something.
Ember Seed can be used to replace acorns or holly berries in casting the spell Fire Seed. If you do, the damage dealt will be a bigger dice (d8 for the acorn grenades, d10 for the holly berry mine).
Depending on local availability, Ember Seed cost between 30 gp and 90 gp each.

Pegasus Seed: Pegasus Seed are blue-ish nuts looking vaguely like feathered wings. They feel oily. Pegasus Trees grow in places that are windswept and wet, and the seed ripen in autumn. Animals like to collect them because of the oil's property and carry them through that away to where they can grow. Because of the effect the Seed has broken open, only animals whose digestive track is too weak to break them actually eat them. A Pegasus Tree bears, depending on size and age, between four and 16 seeds a year.
The Pegasus Seed's oil, if ingested or rubbed on one's skin, grants an alchemical bonus of +20 ft. to ground movement. This effect holds for 5 rounds. Rubbing a seed on your skin spends all the oil the Seed has. The oil can also destilled with a Craft (Alchemy) check against DC 25, requiring two Seed per dose. Distilled Pegasus oil is more effective, granting +25 ft. to ground movement and lasting 1 minute.
Pegasus Seed can also be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. The seeds break open upon hitting something. This causes the Seed's interior to mix with the oil covering it (which makes seeds with their oil spend useless for this effect) and produce a substance that paralyzes whatever it covers. If the Seed hits a creature, it must make a fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 5 rounds.
Using a Pegasus Seed as an optional material component in casting Haste or Slow raises the effective caster level by 2.
Pegasus Seed cost, depending on local availability, between 45 and 105 gp each. Distilled Pegasus oil is worth at least 120 gp, but can be sold for up to 225 gp depending on availability.

Roc's Feather: This magical item resembles a blue feather. Touching it makes you feel lighter and gives a desire to jump around. A Roc's Feather grants anyone who carries it a competence bonus of +5 to Jump checks. Furthermore all fall damage is reduced as if the user fell 20 ft. less.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Jump; 5,500 gp.

Gale Seed: Gale Seed are white-blue hard shelled fruit that look like miniature tornados. A Gale Seed vibrates slighty. Gale Trees prefer places that are hot and windy, and often grow at the benches of rivers and lakes or at the sea coast. The fruit ripes in summer. When it is overripe, it bursts and unleashes a small whirlwind that blows the fruit's kernels away, supplementing the natural wind with its own gales to improve distribution. A Gale Tree bears, depending on size and age, between four and 16 seeds a year.
A Gale Seed that breaks open in a Large or smaller creature's space catches the creature in its whirlwind. The creature must make a Reflex save (DC 22) or be launched upwards 30 ft. Next round, it falls down in a location 30 ft. removed from its origin (direction chosen at random). Gale Seed can be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. Upon hitting something, the Seed breaks open.
A character can attune itself to a Gale Seed's inner wind by spending a Full-Round Action and making a Concentration check against DC 20 while touching the Seed (DC 15 for characters with the Air subtype or Air domain). A character that can build a psionic focus faster than normal attunes himself just as fast. Attunement lasts for 5 rounds. If a character breaks open an attuned Gale Seed and steps into the whirlwind, he can control where it carries him. This works similiar to the spell air walk, except the character can't make any actions except moving or using a Standard Action to end the effect.. The duration of the effect is 1 minute.
Using a Gale Seed as an optional material component in casting Windwall or Eye of the HurricaneSC raises the effective caster level by 2.
Depending on local availability, Gale Seed cost at least 500 gp each.

Scent Seed: Scent Seed resemble orange nuts covered in blunt spikes. They have a pretty fragant smell. Scent Trees prefer open areas with not a lot of other trees. In spring, when the nuts are ripe, Scent Trees are usually surrounded by hippogriffs, bulettes, carrion crawlers and other magical beasts and aberrations of animal intelligence which are attracted be the nuts' smell. In places where Scent Trees grow plenty, such beasts often incorporate the nut in mating rituals. A Scent Tree bears, depending on size and age, between four and 16 seeds a year.
Ripe Scent Seed are filled to the bursting with an intensely smelling, lightly acidic liquid. They can be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. Upon hitting something, the Seed bursts. A hit target takes 1d6 bludgeoning and 1d6 acid damage and must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be sickened for 5 rounds. If the target has the Scent ability, it takes -4 to the save and becomes nauseated for 1 Minute on a failed save instead.
By spending a Full-Round Action, a character may carefully open a Scent Seed in a way that won't burst it. The liquid can then be smeared on surfaces or items (one seed is enough to cover a 5 ft. Square). The liquid's smell will cover scent trails in the vicinity and attracts mindless and animal-intelligence magical beasts and aberrations within 60 ft. Sapient magical beasts and monstrous humanoids will also feel drawn to the treated place or item, but receive a Will save (DC 14) to resist the attraction. The liquid keeps its scent for 1 minutes.
An alchemist can manufacture from Scent Seed a lure oil with similiar properties by making a Craft (Alchemy) check against DC 27, requiring two Seed per dose. Lure oil keeps its scent for 10 minutes and must be specialized on one if the following creature types: aberrations, dragons, fey, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, plants or oozes. The oil only attracts creatures of that specific type, but sapient creatures must make a Will save against DC20 to not be attracted.
Scent Seed can be used as alternate material component in casting summon natural ally and summon monster. If the spell is used to summon a magical beast, double the number of summoned creatures.
Scent Seed cost, depending on local availability, between 40 and 120 gp each. Scent Lure Oil is worth at least 135 gp, but can be sold for up to 250 gp depending on availability.

Mystery Seed: Mystery Seed are turquoise nuts resembling upside-down question marks. The story goes that the first Mystery Tree grew from a sprout discovered centuries ago in a ruin on the Plane of Shadow that thrived after being planted on the Material. Mystery Trees prefer remote places of light forests to grow. A Mystery Tree grows each summer between four and 16 seeds, but it remains unknown how these seed spread. The Seed seemingly simply disappear after some days, and new Mystery Trees sprout from hospitable location within a few miles. One theory claims that the Seed are carried away by the sunlight instead of animals or the wind.
Unlike the other Seed, Mystery Seed are magical. Each Seed has a moderate universal magical aura if examined with detect magic. The effects of Mystery Seed can't be dispelled, but are suppressed by anti-magic.
Mystery Seed can be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. Upon hitting something, the Seed breaks open. To determine what effect the Seed has on the target, roll 1d6 and consult the following table:
1: Target is paralyzed for 5 rounds.
2: Target is affected as if it was hit by a Gale Seed.
3: Target is surrounded by fairy fire for 5 rounds.
4: Target shrinks to the next smaller size for 5 rounds.
5: Target is affected as if it was hit by an Ember Seed.
6: Target is affected as if it was hit by a Scent Seed.
Mystery Seed have a strange relationship with divinations. In places where Mystery Trees are long established, locals have built owl statues that, when fed a Mystery Seed, spout an often riddled hint about the surrounding area or its inhabitants (feading a statue multiple Seed during the same day renders the same hint every time). Furthermore, shapechangers and possessive entities can't abide the touch and smell of Mystery Seed. If a Mystery Seed hits such a creature, it will take 3d6 damage instead of the Seed's normal effect (if it hits a possessed being, only the possessor takes damage, not the host) and must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) or be forced to, respectively, return to its normal shape or abandon its current host.
Finally, Mystery Seed make excellent material components for the creation of magic items. By sacrificing one Mystery Seed per 10,000 gp base price of an item, the item is created twice as fast (four times as fast if it is a ring).
Depending on local availability, Mystery Seed cost at least 800 gp each.

2022-11-19, 10:46 AM
New Domain

This post was meant to hold all domains I made before (all... two of them), but as I can't find one of them anymore, it looks a bit empty. No matter:

Maat Domain
Granted Power: You can make a Dispelling Touch once per day. You touch a creature, an object, an effect or an area (if the target is unwilling, you need to make a touch attack) and make a dispel check (1d20 + caster level) against a magic effekt you identified, with a DC of 11 + caster level of the effect. If the check is successful, the effect is dispelled.

1st - sanctuary
2nd - zone of truth
3rd - attune formSC
4th - bestow curse
5th - flame strike
6th - banishment
7th - dictum
8th - bestow greater curseSC
9th - disjunction

This domain is fitting for all members of the Pharaonic pantheon except for Apep and, depending on wether you use the version from Deities & Demigods, Set and Sobek. It was posted first here. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25047766&postcount=11)

2022-11-19, 12:06 PM
*shrug* Genies aren't elementals, and if there weren't some suprises and deviations from the stereotype, things would get pretty boring. I prefer them this way.

That's okay. No epidermis off my stem; needless to say, I'm here merely to observe and advise.

Incidentally, I took your advice regarding the transitional's AC and gave it something... bizarre. :smallbiggrin:
The tumor ability is also finished.

Circumstance, eh? Lovely and quite fitting for a temporal anomaly! As for the tumors: random ability damage one must CUT OUT WITH STEEL? That's so Evil it's good and represents the ugly versatibility of carcinogenesis quite nicely.

Roc's Feather: This magical item resembles a blue feather. Touching it makes you feel lighter and gives a desire to jump around. A Pegasus Feather grants anyone who carries it an competence bonus of +5 to Jump checks. Furthermore all fall damage is reduced as if the user fell 20 ft. less.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wonderous Item, Jump; 5,000 gp.

I'm not really good at items, so treat the gist of this quum grano salis, but this is either underpriced by the guidelines (if slotless; +5 competence, no slot is 5000 in itself) or overpriced (combining the two effects on a feet or torso slot item would give 4250 or so as per MIC). (Also, is it called Roc's Feather or Pegasus Feather? (Also also, it's wondrous item without an e.))

New Domain

This post was meant to hold all domains I made before (all... two of them), but as I can't find one of them anymore, it looks a bit empty. No matter:

Maat Domain
Granted Power: You can make a Dispelling Touch once per day. You touch a creature, an object, an effect or an area (if the target is unwilling, you need to make a touch attack) and make a dispel check (1d20 + caster level) against a magic effekt you identified, with a dc of 11 + caster level of the effect. If the check is successful, the effect is dispelled.

1st - sanctuary
2nd - zone of truth
3rd - attune formSC
4th - bestow curse
5th - flame strike
6th - banishment
7th - dictum
8th - bestow greater curseSC
9th - disjunction

This domain is fitting for all members of the Pharaonic pantheon except for Apep and, depending on wether you use the version from Deities & Demigods, Set and Sobek. It was posted first here. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25047766&postcount=11)

Nice, strong domain. Would use. Would recommend.

2022-11-19, 12:30 PM
I'm not really good at items, so treat the gist of this quum grano salis, but this is either underpriced by the guidelines (if slotless; +5 competence, no slot is 5000 in itself) or overpriced (combining the two effects on a feet or torso slot item would give 4250 or so as per MIC). (Also, is it called Roc's Feather or Pegasus Feather? (Also also, it's wondrous item without an e.))

No idea what I was thinking back then. Maybe I thought that a small featherfall effect as a bonus on top wouldn't be worth anything? But anyway, Boots of Falling or whatever they are called in English only cost 500, so the price should change to 5,500 (+50% of the price for the additonal effect, then doubling for slotless).

Edit: Did you like the seeds? I thought weird trees would be right up your with ivy overgrown alley. :smallbiggrin:

2022-11-19, 02:36 PM
Edit: You liked the seeds? I thought weird trees would be right up your with ivy overgrown alley. :smallbiggrin:

I actually didn't go through all the items since, like I said, that's a bit outside my usual area of expertise and skipped right to where I spotted the word Roc because BIRDY. And that was a mistake. Although the translation from German is sloppy at places (I've even found a von standing in for of!), there's good stuff in there. The Ember Tree is cute, but I'm not sure I like the seeds themselves: they are strictly superior to alchemist's fire at half the price (1d6+1d6 fire for 20 gp vs. 2d8 fire (and other benefits) for 10(–30) gp) and stepping on the toes of a core item like that is somewhat mean. The Pegasus Seeds, on the other hand… I want these. I want these to be official. I'd stockpile them roof-high if they cost twice as much. Alchemical bonus to speed? CL boost to Haste/Slow? Paralysis in a pinch? Yes, please. It almost feels like they are way too cheap for how good they are. I love them and the tree they grow on (good strategy there!).

Edit: I checked the moonpearl as well; I'd make it immediate action mental command activated, automatically notifying the wielder of potentially hostile transmutation attempts. This would mean that they can be carried without giving up on using transmutation effects and that they aren't automatically destroyed under certain circumstances whether their owner wants that or not (I hate safewing emblems and the like).

2022-11-20, 05:26 AM

Although the translation from German is sloppy at places (I've even found a von standing in for of!),

*grumble grumble* frigging proofreading *grumble grumble* how did that even happen? I wrote up those things in English in the first place *grumble grumble*

The Ember Tree is cute, but I'm not sure I like the seeds themselves: they are strictly superior to alchemist's fire at half the price (1d6+1d6 fire for 20 gp vs. 2d8 fire (and other benefits) for 10(–30) gp) and stepping on the toes of a core item like that is somewhat mean.

I thought the fact that they don't do splash damage and can't be created, combined with general rarity and seasonal availability would reduce the price, but now those look more like reasons to up the price instead. So, trippling of all prices for both Seed?

I love them and the tree they grow on (good strategy there!).

Thank you! :smallsmile: Inventing that was quite the hassle. Y'know, in the LoZ games those seeds are just weird trees with useful magical fruit, and I wanted them to be something that actually has a viable ecology while still being faithful to the game effects. Ember Seed were easy, but the Pegasus Seed... (I'm already dreading trying to do that for the Mystery Seed).
Incidentally, I think I may have inspiration for the Gale Seed and the Scent Seed, so maybe they'll be added to the post in the next days. Wish me luck.

Edit: I checked the moonpearl as well; I'd make it immediate action mental command activated, automatically notifying the wielder of potentially hostile transmutation attempts. This would mean that they can be carried without giving up on using transmutation effects and that they aren't automatically destroyed under certain circumstances whether their owner wants that or not (I hate safewing emblems and the like).

In my mind the pearl automatically detects wether a transmutation is hostile and let's friendly transmutations through. But more involvement of the character would certainly be more interesting. I'll think about it.

2022-11-20, 01:26 PM
I thought the fact that they don't do splash damage and can't be created, combined with general rarity and seasonal availability would reduce the price, but now those look more like reasons to up the price instead. So, trippling of all prices for both Seed?

Mhm. Looks good.

Incidentally, I think I may have inspiration for the Gale Seed and the Scent Seed, so maybe they'll be added to the post in the next days. Wish me luck.


2022-11-22, 08:11 AM
Well, the index is online and the other LoZ Seeds are added to the item post. I am not exactly happy with them, especially as I needed to give up on having the Mystery Seed be non-magical and still make sense, but whatever. I'm also adding another thing.

2022-11-22, 08:15 AM
This isn't homebrew done by me, but for me, in the Request a Homebrew thread. I'm keeping it here for posteriority's sake and ease of finding it again. Much thanks again to @Just to Browse for making this for me from a pretty vague description :smallsmile::

Master Path - Void Shadow

Shadow magic is inherently reflective of other components of other worlds. Shadow evocation copies evocation spells, steel shadow takes the form of a shield, and even the plane of shadow itself is a copy of the prime material. But with great willpower and much study, shadowcasters can create false imprints of objects, concepts, or incantations in the weave of the universe, and then entice the shadow weave to imitate those imprints. In essence, they bend reality to cast shadows of things that do not exist.

The power to envision anything and create it gives shadowcasters who walk the Void Shadow path incredible flexibility in their magic. But the shadow weave pushes back on this form of incursion. It corrodes and consumes false mimicries, and if a shadowcaster is not careful, it can consume them as well.

7. Sphere of Will - Alter reality in a bubble around you
8. Mockery of Sentience - Create intelligent creatures from shadowstuff
9. Void Genesis - Create a temporary demiplane that constantly degenerates

Sphere of Will
Master / Void Shadow
Level / School: 7th / Conjuration (Creation)
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: 20 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (see text) (D)
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

The space around you contorts and bends to your will. As you move, this sphere moves with you and previous areas return to their natural form.

You have near-total control over the space in a sphere with this mystery's range, centered on you. This sphere moves with you.

While in this sphere, you can spend a standard action or swift action to alter reality in the sphere in one of the following ways. You can only have one alteration of each type active at a time:

Create: You create objects of shadowstuff, as though you had cast the spell major creation. Unlike the spell, these objects persist forever while they are in the area of this mystery, and disappear the moment they leave its range.
Harden: You can create or dismiss a barrier at the edge of the sphere which does not allow anything in, as though you had cast resilient sphere on yourself.
Hide: Each creature in the sphere becomes invisible (as the spell). If a creature breaks invisibility, they only do so for themselves, and retain it at start of their next turn. Any creature that leaves the sphere loses invisibility, and any creature that enters the sphere gains it. Choosing this again ends the effect.
Manipulate Element: You can alter the elemental or energy traits of the sphere as though it were a different plane from the area around it.
Manipulate Alignment: You can alter the alignment trait of the sphere as though it were a different plane from the area around it.
Manipulate Gravity: You can alter the gravity trait of the sphere as though it were a different plane from the area around it. (This effectively allows you to fly -- that is intentional)
Reveal: Each creature within the sphere becomes able to see each other creature within the sphere, regardless of magical effect or circumstance. Creatures can be seen if they are ethereal, invisible, shrouded in magical darkness, hiding, or even behind solid objects. Choosing this again ends the effect.
Smother: The area nullifies all magic except for this mystery, as though under the effects of an antimagic field. Choosing this again ends the effect.

At the end of this spell's duration, you can choose to extend its effect by the same duration. Each time you do, the shadow weave deals you Xd6 untyped damage and you must make a Will Save with a DC of 10 + X or become incapacitated for X rounds as the weave ravages your mind. X is the number of times you have extended this effect. This mystery will automatically end if you become incapacitated in any way.

In the rare scenario where your sphere overlaps with another shadowcaster's sphere of will, you must make contested shadowcaster level checks. The shadowcaster with the lower result's mystery immediately ends as though they had failed their fortitude save.

Mockery of Sentience
Master / Void Shadow
Level / School: 8th / Conjuration (Summoning)
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One summoned creature
Duration: 10 minutes (see text) (D)
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Sinuous strands of shadows twist and knot together, writhing atop each other to form a shape that fits the shape of the creature you envision.

This mystery functions as summon monster I, except as noted here. You summon any creature with a CR equal to your shadowcaster level - 3. In addition to its original types and subtypes, this summoned creature is an Extraplanar creature aligned with the plane of shadow. That creature has 2 fewer available uses of all of its daily abilities, which may mean some abilities have no uses available.

At the end of each of your turns (recall that this summon appears at the start of your turn, because using this mystery is a 1-round action), you must make a shadowcaster level check against a DC of 8 + the CR of the summoned creature. A result of a 1 on this check always fails. If you fail this check, the creature becomes a vessel of shadow, which applies the following changes:

The creature is no longer tied to this mystery. You cannot dismiss the summon, it is not affected by the mystery's duration.
The creature begins to disappear, consumed by the shadow weave. It takes 20 untyped damage at the end of each of its turns. If it falls to 0 or fewer HP, it completely disintegrates into harmless strands of shadowstuff.
The forces of shadow control this creature's sentience and sapience entirly. Effects that control, rebuke, or otherwise compel the creature to act in accordance with another's will always end at the end of that creature's next turn. Effects that do not involve an imposed will, such as turning or frightening, do not end early.
The creature's only goal becomes to kill you. It is bestowed with an unnatural intelligence, which it uses to reach you as quickly and efficiently as it can, and harm you as much as possible. The creature is aware of the fact that it is degrading, and optimizes its behavior accordingly.

Void Genesis
Master / Void Shadow
Level / School: 9th / Conjuration (Creation)
Casting Time: 1 week (8 hours/day)
Range: 180 ft. (see text)
Effect: A demiplane coterminous with the Shadow Plane, centered on your location
Duration: Permanent (see text) (D)
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

A hole appears in the shadows around you. With a great groan, as though you were pushing on the very foundations of the universe itself, this hole grows into a portal to a new world of your creation.

You can only cast this mystery while on the Shadow Plane. When you cast the spell, you form a blister in the shadow plane, a demiplane of your design. This operates as the spell genesis, except as noted here. This mystery requires no material or XP components. While at least one demiplane is active, you can choose to bring creatures or objects into it as though you could cast the spell plane shift twice per day.

Using this mystery extracts a constant toll upon you, and the shadow weave will inexorably erode it. Each time you cast this mystery, choose a mystery that you know. You become incapable of using that mystery so long as this demiplane exists.

This demiplane is a world that should not exist. It is a shadow of nothing, given form only through your will and expertise. As a result, its border is not truly real. Though this mystery operates as the spell genesis for the purposes of growth radius, the distance that your demiplane extends from its centerpoint fluctuates by 50% (For a single casting of void genesis, it would fluctuate between 90 feet and 270 feet. For 2 castings, it fluctuates between 180 feet and 540 feet).

For simplicity, any creature within this range rolls a d2 at the end of their turn. On a result of 1, it is real and can move through the space normally. On a result of 2, that creature briefly winks out of existence entirely. A creature that does not exist continues to track its turn, and rolls a d2 each turn as if they did exist. Once they roll a 1, they reappear in this partially-real space with a number of negative levels equal to the number of rounds that they did not exist. A creature that dies of negative levels this way is converted into the same shadowstuff that composes the demiplane. A facsimile of them may still exist within these shadowy boundaries after they die, but this fascimile cannot be used to revive them. They are gone, both physically and in spirit, and not even a wish can bring them back.

Objects also appear and disappear from reality this way. If necessary for tracking, treat the object as a creature with an initiative roll of 0. If a nonmagical object disappears, it is turned into the same shadowstuff that your demiplane's terrain is made of, degrading into uselessness. Most magical objects last 1 hour (or 10 consecutive rounds of nonexistence). Magical objects imbued with shadow magic or light magic last 150 years (or 20 consecutive rounds of nonexistence). Artifacts can last indefinitely, and some artifacts may even be empowered by the destruction of nearby creatures and objects on a demiplane, at the DM's discretion.

If a demiplane created this way does not grow, this false edge will begin to grow inwards at a rate of 1 foot per day, until there is another casting of void genesis, at which point the false edge returns to its original form. If the edge ever completely covers the demiplane, this extraplanar blister collapses, destroying the demiplane entirely and restoring "natural order" to the plane of shadow. Anything caught inside the demiplane during this collapse is removed from existence forever.

No idea if anyone's even gonna see this homebrew, but I had a lot of fun writing it.

Sphere of Will is a toolbox effect. You get mediocre flight, kinda-useful-invisibility, limited range anti-invis, random items, and a limited anti-magic field. None of those are individually worth learning or using, but alltogether they should be good. The duration is pretty short in order to encourage you to hurt yourself for more power.

Mockery of Sentience is (surprise!) another toolbox effect, but for creatures. I'm sure there's still something abusive you can do with a flexible Lvl - 3 summon, but ideally that daily restriction skims off most of the fat: no efreeti wishes are high-level spell slots. You can dismiss the summon and the DC scales with CR, so you have multiple ways to preemptively mitigate the risk of getting murdered.

Void Genesis was tough to write, and I'm still not sure if I'm happy with it. The tough thing about that description is that it describes a (literal) edge case, and genesis can avoid that by just putting all your cool stuff at the edge of your planar kingdom. So we end up with a mystery that's a bunch of paragraphs long, and your average shadowcaster can just ignore all of it by never walking more than 90 feet away from their extraplanar house. To add a little drama, I've changed the cost on the effect (indefinite loss of one mystery) and made the demiplane contract over time. So a shadowcaster never gets to have a permanent base in the way a wizard would, but their base is easier to set up (no XP) and easier to get into / out of (2 free plane shifts per day).

2022-11-22, 09:41 AM
A Gale Seed that breaks open in a Large or smaller creature's space catches the creature in its whirlwind. The creature must make a Reflex save (DC 15)

I'm not sure about this bit. The seed is probably worth its price overall, but this particular option looks like something of a trap. It's a sadly none too uncommon issue with magic items (and poisons, for that matter) that they will sometimes come with fixed, fairly low DCs and at the level where they become affordable, they also become unlikely to actually do what they are supposed to do.

By spending a Full-Round Action, a character may carefully open a Scent Seed in a way that won't burst it. The liquid can then be smeared on surfaces or items (one seed is enough to cover a 5 ft. Square). The liquid's smell will cover scent trails in the vicinity and attracts mindless and animal-intelligence magical beasts, monstrous humanoids

Is that a thing? I'm not sure Monstrous Humanoids come in mindless/1–2 INT.

Sapient magical beasts and monstrous humanoids will also feel drawn to the treated place or item

What about sapient Aberrations?

Unlike the other Seed, Mystery Seed are magical.

Wait a second. How's a little fruit capable of producing a whirlwind strong enough to lift and carry a Medium creature not magical? (The Mystery Seed itself is otherwise quite nice.)

2022-11-22, 12:08 PM
I'm not sure about this bit. The seed is probably worth its price overall, but this particular option looks like something of a trap. It's a sadly none too uncommon issue with magic items (and poisons, for that matter) that they will sometimes come with fixed, fairly low DCs and at the level where they become affordable, they also become unlikely to actually do what they are supposed to do.

DC raised to 22.

Is that a thing? I'm not sure Monstrous Humanoids come in mindless/1–2 INT.

I don't think it is, but I added it for completeness' sake. I can take it out if it confuses more than it helps?

What about sapient Aberrations?

Sapient aberrations remain unaffected by the basic Scent Seed's lure effect. Scent Lure Oil specked for aberrations affects them.

Wait a second. How's a little fruit capable of producing a whirlwind strong enough to lift and carry a Medium creature not magical? (The Mystery Seed itself is otherwise quite nice.)

The same way you can run as fast as a leopard by rubbing another little fruit on yourself with the whole thing being alchemical, not magical? The same way spiders grow as large as horses? The same way dragons are strong enough to fly by drawing energy from internal portals to the Elemental planes? The same way an Air Elemental is made of air, but can punch you and be punched back? The same way liquid light taken from Radiance doesn't wink out when taken off-plane? And all of that keeps working even in anti-magic auras.

Even if we ignore stupid stuff you get when you interprete RAW too literally, the laws of nature in D&D aren't exactly ours. Yes, this fruit is a literal windbag, so what? :smalltongue:

2022-11-22, 03:11 PM
I don't think it is, but I added it for completeness' sake. I can take it out if it confuses more than it helps?

I wouldn't mind that.

Sapient aberrations remain unaffected by the basic Scent Seed's lure effect. Scent Lure Oil specked for aberrations affects them.


The same way you can run as fast as a leopard by rubbing another little fruit on yourself with the whole thing being alchemical, not magical?

I figured it's just fantasy überamphetamine or something.

The same way spiders grow as large as horses? The same way dragons are strong enough to fly by drawing energy from internal portals to the Elemental planes?


and be punched back?

Well, technically any gas can be punched and if you punch it hard enough it might compress. Or something.

Even if we ignore stupid stuff you get when you interprete RAW too literally, the laws of nature in D&D aren't exactly ours. Yes, this fruit is a literal windbag, so what? :smalltongue:

Alright, alright! I just like to kill catgirls, okay?

2022-11-22, 03:37 PM
I wouldn't mind that.



I was being a bit facetious. The Draconomicon essentially states that dragons have a special organ which is filled with an elemental spark. This organ, which is basically a furnace, supplies the energy dragons need to digest anorganic material (while also being the reason why dragons need to eat that much; the furnace must be fed), is the origin of the breath weapon, regulates the dragon's bodily temperature, causes the dragon's elemental subtype and feeds energy into the dragon's musculature, making it stronger than normal for a being of its size and esspecially giving them the strength to fly.
I personally like the explanation, I was just pretty reductive.

Well, technically any gas can be punched and if you punch it hard enough it might compress. Or something.

But when has punching the air ever accomplished some hurt? :smalltongue:

2022-11-24, 09:38 AM
I was being a bit facetious. The Draconomicon essentially states that dragons have a special organ which is filled with an elemental spark. This organ, which is basically a furnace, supplies the energy dragons need to digest anorganic material (while also being the reason why dragons need to eat that much; the furnace must be fed), is the origin of the breath weapon, regulates the dragon's bodily temperature, causes the dragon's elemental subtype and feeds energy into the dragon's musculature, making it stronger than normal for a being of its size and esspecially giving them the strength to fly.
I personally like the explanation, I was just pretty reductive.

Still weird, but it makes more sense, yeah. (I'll have to dig out that book one of these days.)

But when has punching the air ever accomplished some hurt? :smalltongue:

Punch fast enough and you'll hear it wailing!

2022-12-02, 02:21 PM
New Creatures: The Missing Mephits

Another one of my very first homebrew, slightly reworked and expanded: the unconverted mephits of 2e, of the quasielemental and paraelemental planes.

Ash Mephit
Small Outsider (Cold, Fire)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (average), Burrow 20 ft.
Amor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1, dex +4 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 cold)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 cold)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Breathing adaptation, Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, Heat Absorption, Immunity to cold, Resistence to negative energy 5
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +7, Hide +11 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings),
Feats: Dodge, Toughness
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Ashes
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Ash mephits are whiners and pessimists. An ash mephit will talk your ear off if given the chance with its incessant blathering on its banal worries and complaints.
Ash mephits speak Common and Ignan.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of swirling ash; 1d4 cold; reflex, DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by itching skin and burning eyes. This effect imposes a -4 penalty to AC and a -2 penalty on attack rolls for 3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Breathing Adaptation (Ex): Ash mephits can breath clouds of ashes and unbreathable gases as easily as air. This makes them immune to gaseous attacks and inhaled poisons.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in contact with cold ashes.
Heat absorption (Su): Whenever an ash mephit would take fire damage, it instead heals 1 hp per 3 points of fire damage he would take. Any healing received in excess of the maximum hit points becomes temporary hitpoints with a duration of 1 hour.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Chill Touch (DC 13), CL 3. Once per day an ash mephit can air its grievances at everyone around it. All creatures within 20 ft. radius that can hear him must make a Will save (DC 15) or act as if affected by Lesser Confusion cast at caster level 6. This ability is a sonic, mind-affecting effect and the equivalent of a 2nd level spell.

Lightning Mephit
Small Outsider (Air)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 80 ft (average)
Amor Class: 18 (+1 size, +3 dex, +4 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 electricity)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, immunity to electricity
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +9, Hide +13 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings),
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Run
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Lightning mephits are hyperactive guys who are practically always in motion. They talk fast and with lots of false starts, mispronounciations and malapropisms. Lightning mephits are pretty social and zoom around as sparking, chattering mobs.
Lightning mephits speak Common and Auran.

Breath weapon (Su): 20 ft. line of lightning; 2d4 electricity; Reflex DC 12 half. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in a statically charged environment or during a lightning storm.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Shocking Grasp (DC 13), CL 3. Once per day a lightning mephit can discharge himself explosively. All creatures within 20 ft. radius take 2d6 electricity damage. This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd level spell. Reflex DC 14 half, CL 6.

Mineral Mephit
Small Outsider (Earth)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Amor Class: 14 (+1 size, -1 dex, +4 natural), touch 10, Flat footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+2
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d4+3)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +7 melee (1d4+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft, Earth Glide, Fast Healing 2
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +5, Hide +9 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Spot +6, Use Rope -1 (+1 with bindings),
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Natural Weapon (Claw)
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Mineral
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Mineral mephits are suspicious, greedy and self-righteous. Whenever one of them sees some shiny treasure, he makes himself its guardian, wether he's wanted or not.
Mineral mephits speak Common and Terran.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of sharp crystals; 2d4 slashing and piercing; Reflex DC 13 half. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Earth Glide (Ex): A mineral mephit can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing mineral mephit flings the mephit back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Mineral mephits can breath and see normally while earth gliding.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only under the earth or when in contact with a gem or crystal that's at least Tiny.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Magic Fang (self only), CL 3. 1/day – Shatter (DC 14), CL 6.

Mist Mephit
Small Outsider (Water)
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft, fly 50 ft (average), swim 30 ft.
Amor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+1
Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d3+2)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +6 melee (1d3+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +6, Hide +10 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6, Use Rope +0 (+2 with bindings),
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Steam
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Mist mephits believe themselves to be supperb spies, peeking in on everyone in their sorroundings. If bound to service, a mist mephit is likely to spy and tattle on other servants, even if unasked. Mist mephits share their home plane with steam mephits, who wage war against them for not accepting their „obvious“ superiority.
Mist mephits speak Common and Aquan.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of choking mist; 1d4 acid; Reflex DC 13 half. Living creatures that breath air and fail their save choke, rendering them nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in a wet or clammy environment.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Obscuring Mist, CL 3. 1/day – Gaseous Form, CL 6.

Radiance Mephit
Small Outsider (Fire)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (average)
Amor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 dex, +4 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 fire)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, immunity to fire, radiance adaptation, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +7, Hide +11 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings),
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Radiance
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Radiance mephits are pretty spaced out most of the time, babbling about whatever catches their attention (most of the time light) and forgetting what they said directly after it was spoken or stopping and staring dazedly in the middle of whatever they were doing.
Radiance mephits speak Common and Ignan.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of hot light; 1d4 fire; Reflex DC 12 half. Living sighted creatures that fail their save are blinded for 3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in bright light (at least as intense as daylight)
Radiance adaptation (Ex): Radiance mephits are immune to being dazzled, blinded or fascinated by light effects or patterns.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Color Spray (DC 13), CL 3. 1/day – Searing Light (DC 15), CL 6.

Smoke Mephit
Small Outsider (Air, Fire)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (average)
Amor Class: 18 (+1 size, +3 dex, +4 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Breathing adaptation, Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +9, Hide +13 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings),
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Smoke
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Smoke mephits are crude, lazy and indolent. A smoke mephit bound into service will spend a lot of time lying around invisibly, smoking various herbs and shirking its duties almost gleefully.
Smoke mephits speak Common, Auran and Ignan.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of hot smoke; 1d4 fire; reflex, DC 12. Living creatures that breath air and fail their save choke, rendering them nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Breathing Adaptation (Ex): Smoke mephits can breath smoke and unbreathable gases as easily as air. This makes them immune to gaseous attacks and inhaled poisons.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in smoke or hot, stiffling air.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Wall of SmokeSC (DC 13), CL 3. 1/day – Invisibility, CL 6.

As everybody knows, there aren't any mephits native to the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum. The first mephits had been created by fiends experimenting with elemental matter and trying to create elemental imps. Allegedly, they strived to make their creations as annoying as possible, and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Their creations escaped to their home planes, became nativized and caused other types of their kind to evolve, but no one ever managed to adapt the mephit creation process to Vacuum's not-matter, nor did some arise naturally.
If someone managed to create such a being, it would propably have the following properties:

Void Mephit
Small Outsider (Air)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (Perfect)
Amor Class: 17 (+1 size, +3, dex, +4 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, Resistence to negative energy 5, Vacuum Adaptation
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +9, Hide +13 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings),
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Void mephits have a tendency to stare unblinkingly at whomever they are talking to while speaking very slowly.
Void mephits speak Common and Auran.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of suction; 1d4; reflex, DC 12. Creatures that fail their save fall prone. If they need to breath they are also stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in dark, cool surroundings with low atmospherial pressure or no oxygen.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Magic Missile, CL 3. 1/day – Dispell Magic (area version centred on the mephit only), CL 6.
Vacuum Adaptation (Su/Ex): A void mephit can fly in vacuum. In an antimagic field its fly movement is reduced to 40 ft. (average).
A void mephit can breath normally in vacuum and all kind of gases. This makes them immune to gaseous attacks and inhaled poisons.

The following mephit is a homebrew creation and was originally published here (https://www.mimir.net/monsters/shadowmephit.shtml).

Shadow Mephit
Small Outsider (Shadow)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (average)
Amor Class: 15 (+1 size, +1 dex, +4 natural), touch 11, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 120 ft (magical and non-magical darkness), Fast Healing 2
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +7, Hide +14, Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings),
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Hide)
Environment: Plane of Shadow
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Shadow mephits are suspicious to the point of paranoia. They avoid each other's company whenever they can, for they know how duplicitious they are.
Shadow mephits speak Common and Tenebric (this is my name for a language of Shadow); if your Plane of Shadow doesn't have such a language, shadow mephits speak Common, one of Celestial, Infernal and Abyssal and one of Aquan, Auran, Ignan and Terran.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of swirling shadows; 1d4 cold; reflex, DC 14. Creatures who fail their save are blind for 3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in shadows and the dark.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Carpet of ShadowsToM (DC 13), CL 3. 1/day – Flesh FailsToM (DC 14), CL 6.

If you use these stats and the 2e planar configuration, I also recommend the following changes to the existing mephits:

No changes, but the Monster Manual doesn't mention their personalities: air mephits are flightly, unreliable and, well, air-headed. Don't expect an air mephit to return from any mission, because it's likely to desert you at the first interesting event it witnesses after fulfilling the bare minimum of your deal.

Type: Change Subtype to Earth
Movement: Add Burrow 20 ft. Reduce maneuverability to Average.
Special Qualities: Breathing Adaptation (like the Ash Mephit), Resistence to negative energy 5
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Dust
Dust mephits are morbid and over-dramatic. They style themselves as tragic heroes, defenders against the inevitable decay. Dust mephits speak Common and Terran.

Special Qualities: Earth Glide (like the Mineral Mephit)
Earth mephits are more stubborn than mules and absolutely humorless. Luckily, they also don't care at all if they are insulted.

No changes. Fire mephits are mischievous pranksters with a terrible sense of humor.

Movement: Add Swim 30 ft. Add Burrow 20 ft.
Special Qualities: Breathing Adaptation (like the Smoke Mephit)
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Magma
Glass mephits are compulsive liars and braggarts, but their tall tales are always pretty transparent. Glass Mephits speak Common, Ignan and Terran.

Type: Add Subtype Water.
Movement: Add Swim 30 ft. Add Burrow 20 ft. Reduce maneuverability to Average.
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ice
Ice mephits speak Common, Aquan and Auran.

Type: Add Subtype Earth
Movement: Add Swim 30 ft. Add Burrow 20 ft.
Special Qualities: Breathing Adaptation (like the Smoke Mephit)
Abilities: Change Str to 17, Dex to 8 and Con to 13.
Environment: Paralemental Plane of Magma
Magma mephits speak Common, Ignan and Terran.

These seem kinda overpowered. Let's cut them down to size.
Movement: Reduce Fly to 40 ft.
Spell-like abilities: Replace Simulacrum with Summon Mirror Double: Once per day a mirror mephit may summon the mirror-self (see MotP) of any creature whose HD don't exceed this ability's caster level (CL 6th). To do that, the mephit must touch a reflecting surface that reflected that creature within the last 10 minutes. The mirror self remains for 1 hour. During this time it obeys the mephit's commands. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th level spell.
Reduce summon mephit to 1/day.
Reduce mirror image and silent image to CL 3th and to 1/hour.
Add mirror walk (self only) at CL 6th and 1/hour.
Abilities: Change Int to 6. Reduce skill points accordingly.
Mirror mephits speak Common and Nerra.

Type: Add Subtype Earth
Movement: Add Burrow 20 ft.
Special Qualities: Mud Adaptation (Ex): Ooze mephits can breath normally in water, earth, and anything in between. They are immune to waterborn diseases.
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Ooze
Ooze mephits are sycophants, brown nosers and spongers. They speak Common, Aquan and Terran.

Type: Change Subtype to Water
Movement: Add Burrow 20 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon deals Desiccation damageSandstorm
Special Qualities: Immunity to Desiccation damage, Resistence to negative energy 5
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Salt
Salt mephits speak Common and Aquan.

Type: Add Subtype Water.
Movement: Add Swim 30 ft.
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Steam
Steam mephits speak Common, Aquan and Ignan.

Special Qualities: Breathing Adaptation (like the Smoke Mephit)
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Smoke
The chattery sulfur mephits hate being alone. These clingy creatures latch onto the first creature that won't kill them instantly and won't ever leave them alone. Sulfur mephits speak Common, Auran and Terran.

No change.

Of course, why should the fiends keep all the fun for themselves? With this spell you can make your own mephits.

Create Mephit
Conjuration (Creation)/Transmutation [See text]
Level: Druid 4, Shugenja (all) 3, Wizard/Sorcerer 3, Wu Jen (all) 3
Components: V, S, Racial/F and XP
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: A newly created mephit
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistence: No

The spellcaster touches a lump of elemental matter of at least Tiny size. This lump is consumed to create a whole new mephit. The type of the mephit is based on the used matter: a flame for a fire mephit, an icicle for an ice mephit, a bag of ashes and soot for an ash mephit.
You don't have any control over the mephit, but it begins with a Friendly attitude to you.
The spell's descriptors are the same as the created mephit's subtypes (if any).
Creating new and unknown types of mephits requires research. Researching this possible application costs as much time and money as independently researching this spell (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide for details). If the DM has already determined that the application is not possible, the research automatically fails. Note that you never learn what is possible except by the success or failure of your research. (Alternatively the DM may have you create a new type by a accident. It will be funny. :smalltongue:)
Components: A fiend may cast this spell without any other components. A non-fiend requires having fiend blood, having brokered a fiendish pact or a conserved body part of a fiend as a focus and must additionally pay 500 XP as an XP cost.

So, that is finally complete. I await verdicts.

Big players of the Lower Planes often send each other mephits as living messenges (the unlucky mephit is usually eaten by the receiver). Different types of mephits have different meanings, usually based on their personalities and elemental associations:

A warning to beware, for the giver intends to surprise the recipient with an ambush or political treachery. This gift is usually timed to arrive when it's already too late to prevent the inevitable. Lower Planar diplomats fear the sudden breezes in their rooms caused when an air mephit appears.

A rude message that the giver doesn't even think the recipient is worth corresponding with any more. Often sent by someone who wants the last word in an exchange.

This gift represents a subtle threat, with the connotation that shows that the sender has recognised some plot of the recipient against him.

A sign that the giver will not concede to demands; a stubborn answer of 'No!' to a request.

Displeasure at an enemy's actions, ranging from disapproval to downright fury depending upon how many mephits are sent.

A semi-friendly reminder that the recipient should be more subtle because an owlbear could see through their schemes without difficulty.

The recipient is forbidden to enter the giver's home. This can include Realm, Layer or even Plane, at the giver's discretion. The more ice mephits that are sent, the harsher the punishment for breaking this restriction will be.

A warning to the recipient to reconsider tactics, as the giver has a hidden ally who can swing matters. This often turns out to be a hollow threat, so the sender is either sure of himself and his ally, or bluffing.

A gift of gloating, when the giver has bested the recipient at some intellectual or diplomatic challenge.

Signifies a willingness to compromise on some point and a corresponding exchange of power or lands. A request for more direct communication.

Usually send to an ally, expressing annoyance or bafflement about a choice of action that hinders the common goal or threatens the alliance for no apparent gain.

A mysterious warning that someone close to the recipient is an assassin. This message is used to encourage paranoia and insecurity between the recipient and his allies.

A sarcastic gift, sent by a spellcaster who is sure the recipient is far weaker than he. Often this gift is insulting enough to goad the recipient into making a mistake.

Request for a truce; in effect the 'white flag' of mephit messages.

A blatant declaration of open warfare.

An enemy of the recipient has discovered his plans, has subverted and is now manipulating them to his own ends. For a fiend, it's one of the most feared messages, because they never can tell which of their many enemies, and which of their many plans and schemes this concerns. This make a lot of recipients nervous, paranoid, and generally makes them change plans or make mistakes. The shadow mephit can, of course, be used for bluffing, but it's seldom done, for the senders fear that if this rare mephit is used too often, it will be taken for bluffs too much, and then won't be useful as bluffs.

A gesture of insolence and contempt that amounts to a declaration of a vendetta.

A message of agreement; the opposite of the earth mephit message, except there's the connotation of a gloating 'I told you so' to the acceptance.

The sender disapproves of or mocks the recipient's choice of allies, henchmen or cronies.

A message which never turns up (seeing as there's no such thing as a Void Mephit). The expression: "Got a Void Mephit" means to receive no response.

A sarcastic message sent when the spellcaster has evaded a trap or plot of the recipient's. Formally the answer to an air mephit, if the giver survives the ambush.

2022-12-02, 02:38 PM
New Domain

Incidentally, I finally found my other domain. This domain was originally created for the deities of the Ponyfinder setting, re-converted from Pathfinder to 3.5:

Ponykind Domain
Granted Power: Once per day you can, before an ally within 30 ft. makes an attack roll, an ability check, a skill check, a save or a caster level check, roll 1d6 and add the result to the ally's roll. You may also target yourself with this ability.

1st - greater mage handSC
2nd - mountain stanceSC
3rd - haste
4th - blast of harmony (works like order's wrath, but looks like a rainbow beam)
5th - mass flySC
6th - heroes' feast
7th - mass spell resistenceSC
8th - harmonic mantle (works like shield of law, but looks like a rainbow aura)
9th - choose destinyRoD

This domain is suitable for all deities described in Princess Luminace' Guide to the Pony Pantheon except for Apophis.

2022-12-03, 06:58 AM
The mephits look nice; good job with those breath weapons in particular! A few comments, though:

Ash Mephit


Special Qualities: Breathing adaption

Adaptation (see also: Radiance, Smoke and Void).

Ash mephits are whiners and pessimists. An ash mephit will talk your ear off if given the chance with its incessant blathering on its banal worries and complaints.

What languages do these guys get? Well, Ignan presumably, but what else?

Heat absorption (Su): Whenever an ash mephit would take fire damage, it instead heals 1 hp per 3 points of fire damage he would take. Any healing received in excess of the maximum hit points becomes temporary hitpoints with a duration of 1 hour.

I love this type of ability to bits!

This ability is a sound effect

Did you mean: sonic, mind-affecting effect?

Lightning Mephit
Small Outsider (Air)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 80 ft (average)

Air subtype usually comes with perfect flight. Could these at least get good?

Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Shockgrasp

Shocking Grasp.

Mineral Mephit


Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of sharp crystals; 2d4; Reflex DC 13 half. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.

What's the damage type? Slashing? Piercing? Both?

Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Magic Fang (self only)

Dunno. Their natural attacks are already magical (they have DR/magic).

As everybody knows, there aren't any mephits native to the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum. The first mephits had been created by fiends experimenting with elemental matter and trying to create elemental imps. Allegedly, they strived to make their creations as annoying as possible, and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Their creations escaped to their home planes, became nativized and caused other types of their kind to evolve, but no one ever managed to adapt the mephit creation process to Vacuum's not-matter, nor did some arise naturally.
If someone managed to create such a being, it would propably have the following properties:

MORE hypotheticals! Neat.

Vacuum Adaption (Su/Ex): A void mephit can fly in vacuum. In an antimagic field its fly movement is reduced to 40 ft. (average).
A void mephit can breath normally in vacuum and all kind of gases. This makes them immune to gaseous attacks and inhaled poisons.

I'd recommend giving them Breathless (cf. air/dust genasi, air gnomes and the like) instead. Not breathing kind of fits their theme anyhow.

Shadow mephits speak Common and Umbral (this is my name for a language of Shadow)

This should be a thing. I approve!

Incidentally, does somebody have an idea what the glass, mirror and sulfur mephits could mean in the Mephit Code?

Hm. For glass: a semi-friendly reminder that the recipient should be more subtle because an owlbear could see through their schemes without difficulty?
For mirror: a show of force; the sender can afford to waste a mephit with above average power in this manner plus an implied "look at yourself, dude, you're out of league"?
For sulphur: the sender deems the recipient a clingy nuisance and wishes to be left alone?

New Domain

[Vomits rainbow.]

2022-12-03, 09:08 AM
The mephits look nice; good job with those breath weapons in particular! A few comments, though:

Adaptation (see also: Radiance, Smoke and Void).


What languages do these guys get? Well, Ignan presumably, but what else?

Common and Ignan. Fixed

I love this type of ability to bits!

Typical for Ash. If I ever get around to converting the negative quasielementals, you'll see this and similiar things for Ash and Salt.

Did you mean: sonic, mind-affecting effect?

Friggin' damnit. I always forget that it's called sonic in English, not sound.

Air subtype usually comes with perfect flight. Could these at least get good?

Sorry, but no. The point of lightning mephits is that they fly faster than any other mephit, but have amongst the worst maneuvaribility. Like lightning, which also moves for the most part in straight lines. Really, if earth mephits weren't meant to be the least maneuvarable mephits, I would have reduced the lightning mephit to clumsy.
Maybe I should take their wings away completely and make their flight wholey magical, like it used to be. Would've also made sense for the void mephit. On the other hand, earth mephits also used to have useless wings and magical flight... nah.

Shocking Grasp.


What's the damage type? Slashing? Piercing? Both?

Didn't think about it, now it's both.

Dunno. Their natural attacks are already magical (they have DR/magic).

Still gives an enhancement bonus. I chose magic fang because I didn't find any 1st level spells associated with crystals and wanted to instead go with the sharpness of Mineral (I would've chosen sharpen if it didn't have such a high level). Any better idea for a 1st level spell-like ability?

MORE hypotheticals! Neat.

Well, I made those stats back when I didn't know that there aren't supposed to be any void mephits, and it would've been a waste not to at least use them once.:smallredface:

I'd recommend giving them Breathless (cf. air/dust genasi, air gnomes and the like) instead. Not breathing kind of fits their theme anyhow.

But then they wouldn't be able to drown. :smalltongue:

This should be a thing. I approve!

I know, right? They really could've fleshed out that plane a lot more. Edit: Maybe I should change the language's name. Umbral is a pretty common term in shadowmagic; I wouldn't want to make it confusing. What do you think about... Tenebral?

Hm. For glass: a semi-friendly reminder that the recipient should be more subtle because an owlbear could see through their schemes without difficulty?

Hmm. A bit of overlap with the water mephit, but different enough (especially the semi-friendly part :smallbiggrin:) to work. Accepted!

For mirror: a show of force; the sender can afford to waste a mephit with above average power in this manner plus an implied "look at yourself, dude, you're out of league"?

Feels a bit like it steps on the toe of the ooze mephit, doesn't it?

For sulphur: the sender deems the recipient a clingy nuisance and wishes to be left alone?

A bit much overlap with the ash mephit, I think.

[Vomits rainbow.]

What? Don't like ponies? :smalltongue:

2022-12-03, 06:16 PM
Typical for Ash. If I ever get around to converting the negative quasielementals, you'll see this and similiar things for Ash and Salt.

Gut. Sehr gut.

Sorry, but no. The point of lightning mephits is that they fly faster than any other mephit, but have amongst the worst maneuvaribility. Like lightning, which also moves for the most part in straight lines. Really, if earth mephits weren't meant to be the least maneuvarable mephits, I would have reduced the lightning mephit to clumsy.

Okay, that's just hilarious.

On the other hand, earth mephits also used to have useless wings and magical flight... nah.

I'd absolutely make earth's wings vestigial and useless for flight, personally. But alas! (Still, you could suggest dropping their flight to clumsy in the "recommended changes" section and then making lightning's poor.)

Still gives an enhancement bonus. I chose magic fang because I didn't find any 1st level spells associated with crystals and wanted to instead go with the sharpness of Mineral (I would've chosen sharpen if it didn't have such a high level). Any better idea for a 1st level spell-like ability?

Hrm. I'll look around.

But then they wouldn't be able to drown. :smalltongue:

Ah, you want to keep the ability to drownheal!

I know, right? They really could've fleshed out that plane a lot more. Edit: Maybe I should change the language's name. Umbral is a pretty common term in shadowmagic; I wouldn't want to make it confusing. What do you think about... Tenebral?

Tenebric. It comes with the added benefit of the etymon having had an actual meaning applicable and applied to language ('vague, incomprehensible, confusing').

Feels a bit like it steps on the toe of the ooze mephit, doesn't it?

It does. Damn. New idea: the sender wishes to inform or remind the recipient that they are technically on the same side (and therefore the former finds some hostile action taken by the latter baffling)? (I.e. "why are you attacking me, you moron?!")

A bit much overlap with the ash mephit, I think.

Fair enough. How about this: the sender disapproves of the recipient's allies, alliances or associates and/or generally wants to express the opinion that the recipient's current company "stinks"?

What? Don't like ponies? :smalltongue:


2022-12-04, 10:02 AM
Tenebric. It comes with the added benefit of the etymon having had an actual meaning applicable and applied to language ('vague, incomprehensible, confusing').

It does. Damn. New idea: the sender wishes to inform or remind the recipient that they are technically on the same side (and therefore the former finds some hostile action taken by the latter baffling)? (I.e. "why are you attacking me, you moron?!")

Fair enough. How about this: the sender disapproves of the recipient's allies, alliances or associates and/or generally wants to express the opinion that the recipient's current company "stinks"?

Those are all good. I'll take them.

2022-12-05, 08:21 AM
Cool! Glad I could help.

2022-12-14, 03:21 PM
New Creature: Just For Pun

This creature is dedicated to Metastachydium. I hope you'll like it.

Betting Hedge
Medium Plant (Chaos, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 9d8 + 36 (76 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (-1 dex, +3 luck, +7 natural), touch 12, flat footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
Attack: Tendril +8 melee (1d4+2 plus Draw of the Luck)
Full Attack: Three tendrils +8 melee (1d4+2 plus Draw of the Luck)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Draw of the luck, spell-like abilities, spin the wheel
Special Qualities: Gambler's defence, immunity to fire and sound, local subsumption, low-light vision, plant traits, spell resistence 20
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 17
Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+5 when acting in character), Intimidate +5, Profession (Gambler) +14, Slight of Hand +13, Sense Motive +14
Feats: Dumb LuckCS, Fortuitous StrikeCS, Lucky FingersB,CS, Lucky StartCS, Power Attack, Unbelievable LuckB,CS
Environment: Eternal Chaos of Limbo
Organisation: Solitary or copse (2-6)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: 10-27 HD (medium)
Level Adjustment: +2

The betting hedge is one of the strange growths that pass for flora in Limbo. This plant creature resembles a bush, roughly 9 ft. tall and with a diameter of 4 ft. On the top a head-like growth sprouts. On its front eight eyes, with the shape and colour of ripe cherries, surround a trumpet-like blossom from which the creature's voice sounds. Hidden in its foliage, the plant has three tendrils that are as deft and dexterous as hands. (Used as natural weapons these tendrils deal Piercing damage.) Betting hedges don't like moving, but can pull their roots from the ground and move around slowly. When they have rooted themselves into the ground, they subsume it, granting them a bit of stability in the swirling chaos, and also making them quite good at adapting to other planes.
Characterwise, the betting hedge is jovial and extroverted. Betting hedges love gambling of all kinds, be it Roulette, playing cards or rolling dice. They also relish a good fight, but generally don't start one themselves. In a fight, the betting hedge will act completely unconcerned about its own life. Instead it will excitedly comment on the battle like the announcer of a gambling tournament or pit fight. A betting hedge will usually fight riskily and use its Spin the Wheel ability at least every two rounds.
A betting hedge speaks Common, Slaad and Sylvan, plus another language native to area it is found.

Draw of the Luck (Ex): When the betting hedge hits a creature with a tendril attack, the creature gets moved in a straight line as close as possible to the hedge, unless it wins an opposed Str check. A creature with luck feats may spend a luck re-roll to get a +2 luck bonus to this check.
Gambler's defense (Ex): A betting hedge receives its Charisma bonus as a luck bonus to AC. Whenever the betting hedge roles a percentile dice as part of activating a magic item or because of wild magic, it roles twice and chooses the result it likes more.
Local subsumption (Su): When a betting hedge hasn't left its space for 1 round, it subsumes the surrounding terrain. Its space and all squares adjactent to it become completely flat and change color: in various patterns red, yellow, blue and green. All difficult terrain in those fields disappear, as do all traps or hindering or damaging effects. The subsumation ends 1 round after the betting hedge leaves its field.
In Limbo, terrain that is subsumed by a betting hedge can't be controlled by other beings.
Spell-like abilities: 3/day – confusion (DC 17); 1/day – prismatic raySC (DC 18); CL 9th
Spin the wheel (Su): Once per round as a move action, a betting hedge that has subsumed its surroundings may cause the colours of the ground to wildly spin before settling into a new pattern, causing random effects to happen to those who stand on those fields. For every creature adjacent to the betting hedge, roll 1d4 and consult the following table:
1. The creature takes 1d8 points of each fire, electricity, acid and sonic damage. (Fortitude, halves)
2. The creature is thrown prone (Reflex, no effect). If it is already prone, it is pushed back 10 ft. and takes 1d6 damage (Reflex, no effect).
3. The creature is entangled until the next time the hedge spins the wheel or the subsumption of the creature's space ends. (no save)
4. The creature heals 2d8+8 hit points.
No two creatures that are adjacent to each other can be hit by the same effect. Save-DCs are based on Cha.

2022-12-15, 05:32 AM
New Creature: Just For Pun

This creature is dedicated to Metastachydium. I hope you'll like it.

Betting Hedge

[Would visibly bounce up and down if a flower could to that.] I don't like it. I love it! The mental image of a shrub playing cards is a wonderful one in and of itself, but with those special abilities? It's amazing! Thank you so much! I can't find fault in these planties.

Challenge Rating: 6?

I ran this through Vorpal Tribble's CR Estimator; gave me a 9 despite my treating plant traits (and plant traits are among the best!) as a package instead of assigning values to each individual immunity. I think that figure needs adjusting for the low speed and DPR and stuff, but I could easily see an 8.

Treasure: Double standard

Looks like someone is good at Profession (gambling)!

Level Adjustment: ?

Sadly, I'm pretty sure WotC would go "ha-ha, no", but I'd probably entertain a number between 2 and 4.

Characterwise, the betting hedge is jovial and extroverted. Betting hedges love gambling of all kinds, be it Roulette, playing cards or rolling dice. They also relish a good fight, but generally don't start one themselves. In a fight, the betting hedge will act completely unconcerned about its own life. Instead it will excitedly comment on the battle like the announcer of a gambling tournament or pit fight. A betting hedge will usually fight riskily and use its Spin the Wheel ability at least every two rounds.
A betting hedge speaks Common, Slaad and Sylvan, plus another language native to area it is found.

Deal with it, cruel world! That's delightfully crazy.

Spin the wheel (Su): Once per round as a move action, a betting hedge that has subsumed its surroundings may cause the colours of the ground to wildly spin before settling into a new pattern, causing random effects to happen to those who stand on those fields. For every creature adjactant to the betting hedge, roll 1d4 and consult the following table:
1. The creature takes 1d8 points of each fire, electricity, acid and sound damage. (Fortitude, halves)
2. The creature is thrown prone (Reflex, no effect). If it is already prone, it is pushed back 10 ft. and takes 1d6 damage (Reflex, no effect).
3. The creature is entangled until the next time the hedge spins the wheel or the subsumation of the creature's space ends. (no save)
4. The creature heals 2d8+8 hit points.
No two creatures that are adjactent to each other can be hit by the same effect. Save-DCs are based on Cha.

I see a couple of typos here (it's subsummation and adjacent), but do make sure to pretend it's intentional! It'd fit the theme. The whole
Random Opponent: "…"
Random Opponent: "Was that a CMW?"
Betting Hedge: "Yeah, it's supposed to do that; you do a face-plant [snicker] or you blow up or you heal some."
Random Opponent: "…"
Random Opponent: "But that doesn't make sense!"
Betting Hedge: (looks around) "Um, that's Limbo for you? Plus luck, the universe and everything? And where's the fun in making sense, anyway? Now, less talking, more fighting!"
is just gorgeous. Just… Thank you.

2022-12-15, 03:40 PM
Challenge Rating and LA assigned. Spellings adjusted. Also changed one of the feats because I accidentally wrote the wrong feat name.

I'm glad that you like that little Wheel of Fortune plant. Took me quite some time to hammer out the way the ability worked. I also had an idea with shooting a random line into every direction, but I couldn't get the aiming to work right, and one where the effects of Spin the Wheel would always be in the same order (so the north field does damage, the next field pushes down and so on), but which field is the north field would be randomly determined, but that was too much work for not enough gain.

2022-12-15, 04:12 PM
Challenge Rating and LA assigned

It's PLAYABLE! [Mad scientist cackling.]

I'm glad that you like that little Wheel of Fortune plant. Took me quite some time to hammer out the way the ability worked.

I can imagine. But the end product looks real good!

and one where the effects of Spin the Wheel would always be in the same order (so the north field does damage, the next field pushes down and so on), but which field is the north field would be randomly determined, but that was too much work for not enough gain.

Agreed. That's a bit like the old facing stuff. And less thematic than the current "look, dude, you get lucky or you don't" style random resolution anyway.

2022-12-16, 05:26 AM
Is it too late to start the "GitP regulars as monsters" thread anew? That's beautiful ^^ ! I feel like as of now, the betting hedge doesn't have much it can do in combat after it has exhausted its prismatic ray. People with reach weapons could just attack it from outside the subsumed zone and move away when the hedge moves. I think the tendrils should do something more, and the subsumed zone should grow more than 5ft. Either a static 10ft radius, or it grows 5ft every round the hedge isn't moving, up to a maximum of 50ft. The hedge can then move inside its subsumed zone and have it maintained while it doesn't leave it completely.
As for the tendrils, it's customary to give them extra reach, like 5ft/5ft (15ft with tendrils), and either Improved grab (to bring them back to the subsumed zone) or transmit a weird side effect, like Confusion, or suggestion ("the creature thinks they should water this weird plant, and tries to do it by any mean possible, eventually coming adjacent to it and salivating on the subsumed field if they do not have any other magical or mundane way. ") or Charm Person ("the creature understands that plants are people too and tries to help it survive to help biodiversity").

2022-12-16, 07:26 AM
I feel like as of now, the betting hedge doesn't have much it can do in combat after it has exhausted its prismatic ray. People with reach weapons could just attack it from outside the subsumed zone and move away when the hedge moves.

But… That's, like, cheating! But the concern is nonetheless valid, I'm afraid.

I think the tendrils should do something more, and the subsumed zone should grow more than 5ft. Either a static 10ft radius, or it grows 5ft every round the hedge isn't moving, up to a maximum of 50ft. The hedge can then move inside its subsumed zone and have it maintained while it doesn't leave it completely.

Hm. Or maybe an area with a randomly fluctuating diameter within certain constraints?

transmit a weird side effect, like Confusion, or suggestion ("the creature thinks they should water this weird plant, and tries to do it by any mean possible, eventually coming adjacent to it and salivating on the subsumed field if they do not have any other magical or mundane way. ") or Charm Person ("the creature understands that plants are people too and tries to help it survive to help biodiversity").

Plants are people too! Just [Joker voice] look at me. LOOk. AT. ME! (And those options both sound lovely, especially the rationales.)

2022-12-16, 07:38 AM
Is it too late to start the "GitP regulars as monsters" thread anew? That's beautiful ^^ !

Oh? Got a link to that thread? Edit: As for why it is dedicated, Metastachydium both inspired the pun and was the only one to post here for two pages. That deserves a bit of recognition. :smallbiggrin:

I feel like as of now, the betting hedge doesn't have much it can do in combat after it has exhausted its prismatic ray. People with reach weapons could just attack it from outside the subsumed zone and move away when the hedge moves. I think the tendrils should do something more, and the subsumed zone should grow more than 5ft. Either a static 10ft radius, or it grows 5ft every round the hedge isn't moving, up to a maximum of 50ft. The hedge can then move inside its subsumed zone and have it maintained while it doesn't leave it completely.

Part of the problem with a larger subsumed zone is, well... It's just a funfair wheel of fortune. Once per round the plant spins it, and the creatures surrounding it win some (healing) or lose some. If I added radius, I would need (if I want to keep the aesthetic, and I very much do ("Aaaaand it's time for another spin on the wheel! Who will be lucky winner this time!? Who will lose it all!?")) to somehow find a way to ensure that creatures in a straight line from the middle point receive the same effect. That falls again under "too much work for too litle gain". Unless you've got a simple solution?

As for the tendrils, it's customary to give them extra reach, like 5ft/5ft (15ft with tendrils), and either Improved grab (to bring them back to the subsumed zone) or transmit a weird side effect, like Confusion, or suggestion ("the creature thinks they should water this weird plant, and tries to do it by any mean possible, eventually coming adjacent to it and salivating on the subsumed field if they do not have any other magical or mundane way. ") or Charm Person ("the creature understands that plants are people too and tries to help it survive to help biodiversity").

Regarding the tendrils, I envisioned them more like, y'know, stick arms or vines that give it some hands. Ruleswise I simply took claws and named them tendrils.
I could of course give them a bit of extra reach and draw a bit on the Roper, like, Any creature hit by a tendril must make a save or Strength check or whatever, and if it fails it is dragged as close as possible to the hedge.

Plants are people too! Just [Joker voice] look at me. LOOk. AT. ME! (And those options both sound lovely, especially the rationales.)

The problem with that is that the Betting Hedge doesn't exactly care about other plants. Unless of course they are willing to play Blackjack with it. :smallwink:

2022-12-16, 08:30 AM
Oh? Got a link to that thread? Edit: As for why it is dedicated, Metastychidium both inspired the pun and was the only one to post here for two pages. That deserves a bit of recognition. :smallbiggrin:

(In actual fact, I'm a very Lawful flower as well!)

Part of the problem with a larger subsumed zone is, well... It's just a funfair wheel of fortune. Once per round the plant spins it, and the creatures surrounding it win some (healing) or lose some. If I added radius, I would need (if I want to keep the aesthetic, and I very much do ("Aaaaand it's time for another spin on the wheel! Who will be lucky winner this time!? Who will lose it all!?")) to somehow find a way to ensure that creatures in a straight line from the middle point receive the same effect. That falls again under "too much work for too litle gain".

Oh, yes. Logistics 2: The Nightmare Continues!

Regarding the tendrils, I envisioned them more like, y'know, stick arms or vines that give it some hands. Ruleswise I simply took claws and named them tendrils.
I could of course give them a bit of extra reach and draw a bit on the Roper, like, Any creature hit by a tendril must make a save or Strength check or whatever, and if it fails it is dragged as close as possible to the hedge.

The problem with that is that the Betting Hedge doesn't exactly care about other plants. Unless of course they are willing to play Blackjack with it. :smallwink:

I still like the idea of the hedge poking people with its funny stick hands and asking "hey, do you want to play Blackjack with me?", forcing a Will save.

2022-12-16, 11:11 AM
(In actual fact, I'm a very Lawful flower as well!)

Oh,yes? Prove it. Make a Mechanus plant creature based on a pun. Maybe a Symmetree? :smallbiggrin:

I propably won't do it; I'm currently working through Dragon Mag. to Ravenloft-ify alternate class features, and when I'm finished I'll finally work over my Rilmani homebrew.

2022-12-16, 01:19 PM
Oh,yes? Prove it. Make a Mechanus plant creature based on a pun.

Oh, a trap! Very clever. But we both know a Lawful being wouldn't exploit semantic(/phonetic/wahtever) ambiguity like that!

and when I'm finished I'll finally work over my Rilmani homebrew.

An intriguing prospect most certainly.

2023-01-29, 08:36 AM
This occured to me, all of a sudden: you did quite the work with mephits; do you plan to also do some missing mephlings? There's only four types of those in 3.5 and they are kind of not that good.

2023-01-29, 08:47 AM
Didn't think about it before, no. But it could be interesting; I would need to look them up again. If it's something quick and easy, they may come up soon, but I currently have other plans.

2023-01-29, 10:44 AM
Of course! I'm not placing orders or pressure or anything; I just remembered they kind of exist and sound like your thing.

2023-01-29, 10:55 AM
Do I have posted already enough stuff to declare something "my thing"? I'm flattered. :smallwink:

2023-01-29, 10:58 AM
I mean, you have quite an output on Inner Planes stuff in particular and things extraplanar in general, both here and in Afro's threads. I work with what I have; sue me!

2023-01-31, 01:04 PM
Just you wait until I've finished all my planned projects; that's going to be so unplanar. :smallwink:

That said: Rilmani!

New Creatures: Rilmani

The rilmani are, for those that don't know about them, the embodiments of true neutrality, just like tanar'ri embody chaotic evil. Three of their caste-species were published in the Fiend Folio (the ferrumach, the cuprilach and the aurumach), but otherwise 3.x ignored them.
I'll start with defining my version of the Rilmani traits into a subtype, to differentiate them more from other subtype-less outsiders and to follow the codification of archons, tanar'ri and so on into subtypes in 3.5:

Rilmani Subtype

Immune to electricity and poison
Resistence to acid 10 and sound 10
Summon rilmani (Sp): Many rilmani share the ability to summon others of their kind (the success chance and type of rilmani summoned are noted in each monster description). Rilmani dislike disturbing their kind in this way, but don't hesitate to use this ability if they feel it necessary.
Spell-like abilities: At will – Comprehend languages, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, feather fall, sanctuary

I follow with conversions of those caste-species that didn't managed the jump into 3.x:

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (15 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 15 (+5 natural), 10 touch, 15 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+5
Attack: Heavy mace, melee +5 (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Heavy mace, melee +5 (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/magic, immunity to electricity and poison, resistence to acid and sonic 10, SR 14
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +6 (+8 with objects fitting the chosen Craft), Concentration +8, Craft (any) +9, Diplomacy +5, Listen +7, Profession (any) +7, Search +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft)
Environment: Outlands
Organisation: Solitary, pair or group (4-24)
CR: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-6 HD (medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Plumach are the lowest tier of rilmani. Their view on neutrality is the most simple and apathetic: Don't get involved. They are the ordinary craftsmen, merchants and citizens of the Outlands and especially of the Spire, are outspoken isolationists and prefer to stay out of the affairs of others. They equally detest people who interfere in their affairs. Plumach merchants and envoys can be found throughout the Outlands, but the farther you get from the Spire, the more apathetic they become.
Plumach are small, stocky humanoids with lead-gray, dull skin. They have heavy legs, broad hips and shoulders, and shovel-like hands. They are less strong and graceful than the higher rilmani, but are tough and stubborn fighters. They believe in hard work, respect for those to whom it is due, and the common courtesy of minding their own business. Plumach occasionally fight in the armies of the rilmani, but it takes the command of an aurumach to convince them that a cause is worth fighting for.
Plumach speak Rilmani, Common and Undercommon.

Plumach fight only as a last resort. Their general apathy is sometimes mistaken for incompetence, which is always a serious mistake. They prefer heavy, lead-reinforced weapons such as maces, clubs, and bludgeons.
Spell-like abilities: At will – Chill touch (DC 11, touch attack +5), comprehend languages, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, feather fall, hold person (DC 11), sanctuary (DC 11). Caster level 2nd.

Note: I chose to make the plumach a bit weaker than a few other conversions I've saw, as it is supposed to be equivalent to a dretch or lantern archon.

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
HD: 14d8+56 (119 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 40 ft., Burrow 20 ft., Fly 40 ft. (Good), Swim 40 ft.
AC: 28 (+8 dex, +4 natural, +6 deflection), 24 touch, 20 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+18
Attack: +2 trident, melee +20 (1d8+8)
Full Attack: +2 trident, melee +20/+15/+10 (1d8+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, summon elementals, summon rilmani
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/chaotic or evil or good or lawful, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, planar attunement, reflective aura, resistence to acid, cold, fire and sonic 20, SR 26
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +13
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 27, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 23
Skills: Bluff +23, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +27, Disguise +23 (+25 acting), Gather Information +23, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (The Planes) +21, Listen +21, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot +21, Survival +21 (+23 on other planes), Swim +29
Feats: Combat Reflexes (B), Dodge, Fly-by Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack
Environment: Outlands
Organisation: Solitairy, Pair or squad (3-8)
CR: 14
Treasure: No coins, double goods, standard items
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 15-42 HD (medium)
Level Adjustment:

Like the Outer Planes and the Material Plane, the inner planes are a place where the extremes of Good, Evil, Law and Chaos fight for supremacy. The Elemental Princes of Evil and Good wage wars against each other, while creatures such as daos, ifriti, and salamanders plot their intrigues. Therefore, the rilmani also get involved with the Inner Planes, and the abiorach are their agents there.
Abiorach prefer to achieve their goals through manipulation and trickery. Since the elements tend to be neutral by themselves, there is rarely a reason for an abiorach to act, but there is always someone who wishes to change that.
Abiorach resemble adolescent humans or half-elves, with youthful, delicate features. Their skin has a silvery, almost liquid glow and their eyes appear crystalline, often shining with all the colors of the rainbow. Abiorach have a far more mercurial and capricious temperament than other rilmani, though they become more serious and thoughtful at the Spire, and are accustomed to seeing things from the elemental, not the mortal, point of view.
Abiorach speak Rilmani, Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan and Terran.

Even for rilmani, abiorach are battle-shy, but an abiorach that has decided to fight is a breathtaking sight as it dances across the battlefield with fluid movements. The abiorach's varied movement abilities make them unpredictable opponents, allowing them to attack their enemies from all directions while separating them with their spell-like abilities. Abiorach prefer fighting with tridents, spears and similar weapons.
Planar Attunement (Ex): An abiorach on one of the Inner Planes automatically adapts completely to that plane. This makes it immune to harmful effects of the plane itself and elementals on that plane treat it as if it were one of their own. It can also move through the Inner Planes like an elemental guide.
Reflective Aura (Su): During a fight, an abiorach surrounds itself with a shimmering mirror-like aura that deflects attacks. While the aura is active, the abiorach receives its cha-bonus as a deflection bonus to AC.
Additionally the aura defends from gaze and ray attacks. Any spell or ability that works like a targetted gaze attack (Evil Eye, a vampire's dominating gaze, a medusa focussing her gaze on the abiorach, etc.) and any ray that hits the abiorach is reflected on the attacker, who now needs to make a save against its own effect. Passive gaze attacks are not reflected.
Summon elemental (Sp): Once per day an abiorach can attempt to summon 1d4 huge elementals with a 25% chance of success. An abiorach usually summons only elementals from whatever plane he's currently on. This ability is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell.
Summon rilmani (Sp): Once per day an abiorach can attempt to summon 1d2 another abiorach with a 35% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell.
Spell-like abilities: At will – Charm monster (DC 20), comprehend languages, daylight, deeper darkness, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 18), ethereal jaunt, invisibility, mirror image, planeshift, sanctuary (DC 17), tongues; 3/day – cone of cold (DC 21), control water, flaming sphere (DC 18), gust of wind (DC 18), move earth, polymorph (self only); 1/day – transmute mud to rock (DC 21), wall of fire, wall of force, wall of stone. Caster level 14th.

Note: Those of you who knew the 2e abiorach will propably wonder why I decided to make one of the weakest rilmani into a pretty powerful one. The answer is alchemy. Every cast-species of rilmani is based on one of the classical metals of alchemy (in the abiorach's case mercury), and it simply felt right to put the abiorach in the place mercury takes in the hierarchy of metals (above copper, but below silver).
By the way, I don't have a lot experience with large numbers of spell-like abilities and am not sure wether these ones actually fit the intended CR. Thoughts?

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
HD: 17d8+119 (195 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 29 (+6 dex, +13 natural), 16 touch, 23 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +17/+22
Attack: +3 scimitar, melee +25 (1d6+10/15-20) or antithetical ray, ranged touch attack +23
Full Attack: +3 scimitar, melee +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d6+10/15-20) or two antithetical rays, ranged touch attack +23
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Antithetical ray, spell-like abilities, summon rilmani
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 15/chaotic or evil or good or lawful, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, immunity to electricity and poison, resistence to acid and sonic 20, SR 28
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +19
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 23, Con 24, Int 22, Wis 24, Cha 25
Skills: Concentration +27, Decipher Script +26, Diplomacy +33, Disguise +27, Gather Information +29, Knowledge (Local) +26, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +26, Knowledge (The Planes) +26, Listen +27, Search +26, Sense Motive +29, Spellcraft +26, Spot +27, Survival +27 (+29 on other planes)
Feats: Improved Critical (Scimitar), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Negotiator, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Environment: Outlands
Organisation: Solitary, embassy (2-4) or platoon (2-4 argenach plus 10-20 ferrumach)
CR: 17
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 18-34 HD (medium); 35-51 HD (large)
Level Adjustment:

Whenever the balance is shaken, the argenach are there to set things right. They are advisors and agitators, working to ensure that no power holds the upper hand in the multiverse for long. They pay special attention to the Material Plane, which they consider the fulcrum of balance in the multiverse and the place where the forces of Good and Evil, Law and Chaos will battle and defeat each other.
Argenach work in a subtle but simple way: They provide advice and knowledge to the party currently under threat in order to even things out. Since no one likes to be manipulated, they often disguise themselves as benevolent sages who assist their charges in the fight against Evil and Chaos, or as cold-blooded advisors who teach ambitious students how to fight Good and Law.
Argenach in their true form resemble tall, slender humans with silvery skin. They prefer long, flowing white robes, but can disguise themselves in any way imaginable. Argenach are notorious for being solitary, even amongst other rilmani.
Argenach speak, in addition to Rilmani, Common and Undercommon, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic and Sylvan.

Argenach avoid combat when they can, but put a finger on the scales when they have to. Their weapon of choice are their antithetical rays, which they shoot from their hands. Argenach also possess an impressive arsenal of spell-like abilities that allow them to instantly end fights by immobilizing all opponents via Charm and Suggestion. When they enter melee combat, they prefer to use scimitars, but axes and broadswords are also popular.
Antithetical Ray (Su): Each round an argenach can shoot two rays of silvery light at its opponents. These rays deal damage depending on how removed the target's alignment is from Neutrality. Chaotic targets suffer 1d10 Lawful damage, Evil targets 1d10 holy damage, Good targets 1d10 unholy damage and Lawful targets 1d10 Chaotic damage. The rays' maximum range is 300 ft.
Summon rilmani (Sp): Once per day an argenach can attempt to summon 1d4 ferrumach with a 60% chance of success or another argenach with a 40%. This ability is the equivalent of a 6th-level spell.
Spell-like abilities: At will – comprehend language, daylight, deeper darkness, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 19), feather fall, fly, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), invisibility, mass charm monster (DC 25), mirrage arcana, mirror image, planeshift, sanctuary (DC 18), see invisible, slow (DC 20), solid fog, suggestion (DC 20), tongues, wall of fire; 3/day – cone of cold (DC 22), polymorph (self only); 1/day – legend lore, prismatic spray (DC 24), word of balanceSC (DC 24); 1/week – geas/quest (DC 23). Caster level 17th.

As mentioned, the rilmani are based on the metals of classical alchemy. But there are seven metals, and only six types of rilmani. So let me present:

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
HD: 6d8+24 (51 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 19 (+2 dex, +7 natural), 12 touch, 17 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
Attack: Heavy pick, melee +8 (1d6+3, x4)
Full Attack: Heavy pick, melee +8 (1d6+3, x4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, summon rilmani
Special Qualities: Alignment attunement, Damage Reduction 5/chaotic or evil or good or lawful, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, malleability, resistence to acid and sonic 10, SR 17
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +10
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 22
Skills: Bluff +15, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +21, Disguise +15 (+17 for acting), Gather Information +15, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +12, Listen +12, Search +12, Sense Motive +14, Spot +12, Survival +12 (+14 on other planes)
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Negotiator
Environment: Outlands
Organisation: Solitary, pair or embassy (3-18)
CR: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancment: 7-12 HD (medium); 13-18 HD (large)
Level Adjustment: +3

Stanach are a strange people: the envoys and diplomats of neutrality. They are sent out by the rilmani when subtlety and manipulation no longer serve them and (relatively) open negotiations are necessary. This happens most often on the Outer Planes, where the stanach generally prowl. They represent the rilmani's link to the other exemplar races. The choice of the relatively weak stanach for this role is relatively reasonable from the rilmani's point of view: their weakness ensures that they are underestimated by the other outsiders and not mistaken for threats, while keeping them inconspicuous in their second role: espionage. In doing so, stanach occasionally collaborate with the far more subtle cuprilach, serving as a distraction. Amongst themselves, they call such cooperation cynically a „bronze team-up“.
Stanach resemble portly humans or tall halflings. Many of them tend to look downright soft and puffy. Their skin has the silvery-white hue and glow of pewter. Stanach, contrary to most other Rilmani (and especially the Plumach), are downright genial and enjoy partying long into the evening with good food and drink, a tendency they partially suppress at the Spire, which makes them more unsuspicious on their missions. Interestingly, their character and behavior tend to match that of the Outer Plane they are on.
Stanach speak Rilmani, Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Demodand, Infernal, Modron, Slaad and Yugoloth.

Stanach are neither particularly good nor zealous fighters. Nevertheless, they are more dangerous than they appear, and they certainly know how to defend themselves on their diplomatic trips. Stanach prefer picks, sickles, and similar weapons.
Alignment Attunement (Ex): Stanach emulate subconciously the alignment of the plane they are on. Therefore they don't receive penalties for being on an aligned plane. Stanach also receive their cha-mod. as a bonus to saves against spells or effects that affect creatures of a certain alingment stronger. If the effect doesn't normally allow a save, the stanach may still make a will save.
Malleability (Su): A stanach's flesh is very soft and malable, sometimes appearing to move on its own. Once per day as an Immediate Action, a stanach may completely neutralize a single attack. The attack got stuck somewhere in the stanach's fat, rendering it ineffectual.
Summon rilmani (Sp): Once per day a stanach can attempt to summon another stanach with a 40% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Spell-like abilities: At will – Comprehend language, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, disguise self, planeshift, sanctuary(DC 17), Tasha's hideous laughter (DC 17); 3/day – charm monster (DC 19), scry (DC 19); 1/week – heroes' feast. Caster level 6th.

I also suggest the following changes to the officially published rilmani:

DR 10/chaotic or evil or good or lawful
Spell-like abilities: At will – blurr, command (DC 16), comprehend languages, daylight, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, feather fall, obscuring fog, planeshift, sanctuary (DC 16), see invisible, silence (DC 17); 3/day – cure medium wounds, disguise self, dispel magic, ice storm, phantom steed. Caster level 9th.

AC: 26 (+7 dex, +9 natural) Note: the official cuprilach's natural armor bonus is ridicoulously high for its CR.
DR 10/chaotic or evil or good or lawful
Spell-like abilities: At will – Comprehend languages, deeper darkness, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 18), feather fall, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), knock, locate creature, Melf's acid arrow (ranged attack +18) misdirection (DC 18), planeshift, sanctuary (DC 17), see invisible, tongues; 3/day – Enervation (ranged touch attack +18), mislead, poison (melee touch attack +18, DC 20), polymorph (self only). Caster level 12th.

As the aurumach is supposed to play in the same league as balors and throne archons, I felt the need to buff it up a bit, including giving it a few more HD and raising its abilities. The exact changes resulting from that are found in the spoiler:
Hit Dice: 19d8+152 (237 hp)
Attribute: Str 26, Dex 20, Con 27, Int 26, Wis 27, Cha 29
AC: 39 (-1 size, +1 dex, +13 +5 full plate, +15 natural), 10 touch, 38 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +19/+31
Attack: +4 halberd, melee +31 (2d8+16 plus Antithesis, x3)
Full attack: +4 halberd, melee +31/+26/+21/+16 (2d8+16 plus Antithesis, x3)
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +17, Will +19
Skills: Bluff +31, Concentration +30, Craft or Knowledge (any 7) +30, Diplomacy +35, Disguise +9 (+11, to acting), Intimidate +33, Listen +30, Search +30, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +30, Spot +30
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Greater Cleave, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Weaponfocus (Halberd)
DR 15/any two of the following: chaotic, evil, good, lawful (Edit: As there was some confusion, here a clarification: To overcome an aurumach's DR a weapon needs to have two alignments at once. You could also write it as DR 15/(Chaotic and Evil) or (Chaotic and Good) or (Evil and Lawful) or (Good and Lawful))
Resistence to acid and sonic 30
SR 31
Summon Armor (Su): The summoned armor can be of any type the aurumuch is proficient with. Also, it has a +5 enchantment.
Summon rilmani (Sp): Once per day an aurumach can automatically summon 2d4 ferrumach or 1d3 argenach. This ability is the equivalent of a 8th-level spell.
Summon weapon (Su): The summoned weapon can be of any type the aurumach is proficient with. Also, it has a +4 enchantment.
Spell-like abilities: At will – Charm monster (DC 23), comprehend languages, daylight, deeper darkness, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 19), feather fall, fly, greater invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, magic missile, mass suggestion (DC 25), planeshift, sanctuary (DC 19), see invisible, tongues; 3/day – dismissal (DC 24), forbiddance (DC 25), foresight, heal, mind blank, polymorph (self only), prismatic spray (DC 26), true seeing, word of balanceSC (DC 26). Caster level 19th.
Languages: Aurumach speak Rilmani, Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Modron, Slaad and Sylvan.

So. That's finally done. Only one ages-old homebrew project to finish, but that one can wait until I've got a few new ideas out.

2023-02-03, 04:14 PM
That said: Rilmani!

I've been looking forward to these, but didn't have enough time to give them a thorough enough look UNTIL NOW!



Special Qualities: Darksight 60 ft.,

Did you mean: Darkvision?

Level Adjustment: +1

That's incredibly generous, especially with the dretch as a point of comparison. Dretches are slower, come with a heavy INT penalty and modest bonuses to STR/CON plus a grand total of two /day SLAs. WotC assigned a starting ECL of 4 to them.

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
HD: 14d8+56 (119 hp)
Initiative: +5

Initiative is +8.

Speed: 40 ft., Burrow 20 ft., Fly 40 ft. (Good), Swim 40 ft.

And no climb speed? Disgraceful! (Don't look at me like that. CArcMotPpp. 207–208 does list an Elemental Plane of Wood! (I think.))

darksight 60 ft.

V. above.

Skills: Bluff +23, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +27, Disguise +23 (+25 acting), Gather Information +23, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (The Planes) +20, Listen +21, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +20, Spot +21, Survival +21 (+23 on other planes), Swim +29
Feats: Combat Reflexes (B), Dodge, Fly-by Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack

Two skill points remain available.

Planar Attunement (Ex): An abiorach on one of the Inner Planes automatically adapts completely to that plane. This makes it immune to harmful effects of the plane itself and elementals on that plane treat it as if it were one of their own. It can also move through the Inner Planes like an elemental guide.

Hrm. That makes me wonder. Since these fellers spend most of their time away from their home plane, they should probably be listed with the Extraplanar subtype. But then, I'm not sure Planar Attunement doesn't cover that. Can you banish an abiorach from the Inner Planes?

Summon elemental (Sp): Once per day an abiorach can attempt to summon 1d4 huge elementals with a 25% chance of success. An abiorach usually summons only elementals from whatever plane he's currently on. This ability is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell.

(Huge elementals are SM7 material; the high chance of failure might bring that down to level 5 territory, though.)

Note: Those of you who knew the 2e abiorach will propably wonder why I decided to make one of the weakest rilmani into a pretty powerful one. The answer is alchemy. Every cast-species of rilmani is based on one of the classical metals of alchemy (in the abiorach's case mercury), and it simply felt right to put the abiorach in the place mercury takes in the hierarchy of metals (above copper, but below silver).

A move I couldn't approve of any more!

By the way, I don't have a lot experience with large numbers of spell-like abilities and am not sure wether these ones actually fit the intended CR. Thoughts?

It's certainly not too much, if you ask me, and nor is the assembled lot too weak to fit these folks. That they can use big guns like planar travel stuff more often than measly Gust of Wind and Flaming Sphere is a bit odd, but it fits, thematically speaking. I can't help but notice that none of these rilmani have Calm Emotions. How can they NOT have Calm Emotions?

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
HD: 17W8+119 (195 hp)

[Maliciously.] What's a W8?

Attack: +3 scimitar, melee +25 (1d6+8/15-20) or antithetical ray, ranged touch attack +23
Full Attack: +3 scimitar, melee +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d6+8/15-20) or two antithetical rays, ranged touch attack +23

I wonder why don't they use those scimitars two-handed for MORE damage.

Darksight 60 ft.

V. above.

Saves: Fort +16, Ref +16, Will +19

Fort should be +17 .

Feats: Improved Critical Hit (Scimitar), (…) Precision Shot

(Technically, those are called Improved Critical (scimitar) and Precise Shot in the English terminology.)

batallion (2-4 argenach plus 10-20 ferrumach)

That's quite a boast, calling a unit of 12–24 a battalion like that!

Antithetical Ray (Su): Each round an argenach can shoot two rays of silvery light at its opponents. These rays deal damage depending on how removed the target's alignment is from Neutrality. Chaotic targets suffer 1d10 Lawful damage, Evil targets 1d10 holy damage, Good targets 1d10 unholy damage and Lawful targets 1d10 Chaotic damage. The rays' maximum range is 300 ft., and they don't have a base range.

Lovely! What's a "base range", though? Maximum range kind of tells us it doesn't use increments.

Medium Outsider (Rilmani)
HD: 6d8+24 (53 hp)

51 hp.

Attack: Heavy pick, melee +8 (1W6+3, x4)
Full Attack: Heavy pick, melee +8 (1W6+3, x4)

[With MORE malice.] What's a W6?

Amongst themselves, they call such cooperation cynically a „bronze team-up“.


Stanach speak Rilmani, Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Modron, Slaad and Yugoloth.

(Another year, another list of languages that doesn't have Demodand! Poor Demodand.)


Alignment Attunement (Ex):

Okay, now these guys and the silver ones should absolutely have Extraplanar.

[B]Squashiness (Su): A stanach's flesh is very soft and malable, sometimes appearing to move on its own. Once per day as an Immediate Action, a stanach may completely neutralize a single attack. The attack got stuck somewhere in the stanach's fat, rendering it ineffectual.

This is pure delight. Alignment exemplars that are too fat to get hurt. I love it. Could it be called, like, anything else, nevertheless? Pliant, Ductile, Malleable?

So. That's finally done. Only one ages-old homebrew project to finish, but that one can wait until I've got a few new ideas out.

Nice stuff, all around and congratulations on getting it ALL done!

2023-02-04, 12:54 PM
I've been looking forward to these, but didn't have enough time to give them a thorough enough look UNTIL NOW!

Did you mean: Darkvision?

Fixed. Incidentally, I made the same mistake with all the mephits, so that's fixed too.

That's incredibly generous, especially with the dretch as a point of comparison. Dretches are slower, come with a heavy INT penalty and modest bonuses to STR/CON plus a grand total of two /day SLAs. WotC assigned a starting ECL of 4 to them.

Alright, +3.

And no climb speed? Disgraceful! (Don't look at me like that. CArcMotPpp. 207–208 does list an Elemental Plane of Wood! (I think.))

That is true, but it's a) an optional plane, and b) can still be easily navigated with flight.

Two skill points remain available.

For some reason both of the Intelligence based skills were missing one.

Hrm. That makes me wonder. Since these fellers spend most of their time away from their home plane, they should probably be listed with the Extraplanar subtype. But then, I'm not sure Planar Attunement doesn't cover that. Can you banish an abiorach from the Inner Planes?

I would rule yes. This thread has been pretty inconsistent about assigning the Extraplanar subtype, hasn't it? Meh.

A move I couldn't approve of any more!

Thank you, thank you. I did in fact buy a lexicon on alchemy before starting those back in the day.

It's certainly not too much, if you ask me, and nor is the assembled lot too weak to fit these folks. That they can use big guns like planar travel stuff more often than measly Gust of Wind and Flaming Sphere is a bit odd, but it fits, thematically speaking. I can't help but notice that none of these rilmani have Calm Emotions. How can they NOT have Calm Emotions?

Planar travel is their whole point, after all.

[Maliciously.] What's a W8?

I'm not even annoyed anymore that these keep slipping through.

I wonder why don't they use those scimitars two-handed for MORE damage.

Good question. Fixed.

That's quite a boast, calling a unit of 12–24 a battalion like that!

That's what happens if you have no idea of military units.

Lovely! What's a "base range", though? Maximum range kind of tells us it doesn't use increments.

That's a convention in some of the translations, adding to description of stuff with a max range that they don't have increments. (Also, Range Increments are called in German "Grundreichweite", which translates as base range.)

(Another year, another list of languages that doesn't have Demodand! Poor Demodand.)

Right, gereleths are a thing and have a language on their own. Well, for those it makes sense to speak that.

This is pure delight. Alignment exemplars that are too fat to get hurt. I love it. Could it be called, like, anything else, nevertheless? Pliant, Ductile, Malleable?

The name is just me joking around. :smallamused: Originally I just called it "Weichheit", that means softness. Malleability would be nice, but I feel that it has different connotations?

In case you're interested, when I came up with them, I went at it from two directions: what unused niche could they fill, and what traits does tin have, physically and mystically? The niche was essentially "Outer Planes", and regarding tin I found out that it is pretty soft (IIRC pure tin can be cut with a knife). I also remember something about pure tin feeling kinda fatty or smeary to the touch, and that lead me to jolly fat sharpminded diplomats.

And that was story hour for today. :smallsmile:

2023-02-04, 02:15 PM
Alright, +3.

Yeah, that's reasonable.

That is true, but it's a) an optional plane, and b) can still be easily navigated with flight.

But not burrow! (Also, yes, hence the blue text.)

Thank you, thank you. I did in fact buy a lexicon on alchemy before starting those back in the day.

Oh! Which one?

That's a convention in some of the translations, adding to description of stuff with a max range that they don't have increments. (Also, Range Increments are called in German "Grundreichweite", which translates as base range.)

I see! And here I was thinking it's a 5eism or something. Language barriers can be tricky.

Right, gereleths are a thing and have a language on their own. Well, for those it makes sense to speak that.

Hah! (Also, yes, gehreleths are kind of there But We Don't Talk About Them. I wonder if they too were more of a thing pre-3e.)

The name is just me joking around. :smallamused: Originally I just called it "Weichheit", that means softness. Malleability would be nice, but I feel that it has different connotations?

Etymologically, it really just means 'if you hit it with a hammer, its shape's going to change slightly (but it doesn't break)' (18th century minerology books often used malleable as the counterpart of friable, i.e. 'breakable'). I think it could work.

In case you're interested, when I came up with them, I went at it from two directions: what unused niche could they fill, and what traits does tin have, physically and mystically? The niche was essentially "Outer Planes", and regarding tin I found out that it is pretty soft (IIRC pure tin can be cut with a knife). I also remember something about pure tin feeling kinda fatty or smeary to the touch, and that lead me to jolly fat sharpminded diplomats.

And that was story hour for today. :smallsmile:

Okay, that's just pure gold tin! Jolly fat rilmani are the best.

2023-02-04, 04:23 PM
Oh! Which one?

"Alchemie: Lexikon einer hermetischen Wissenschaft", collated and edited by Claus Priesner and Karin Figala

I see! And here I was thinking it's a 5eism or something. Language barriers can be tricky.

Don't worry, you won't see 5e-isms in my work. I got raised on 3.5 and am too old and calcified (I'm 30 :smalltongue:) to learn 5e. Edit: By the way, the German translation of 5e is horrid. Idioms translated literally, words mistaken for similiarily spelled words, etc. All the signs of bumbling amateurs.

Hah! (Also, yes, gehreleths are kind of there But We Don't Talk About Them. I wonder if they too were more of a thing pre-3e.)

As, like the Rilmani, all 3.x has to offer on them are a few stats in the Fiend Folio, this is true by necessity. :smalltongue:
What 2e had additionally on them was a bit about how much they hate the 'loth, about their society and who rules them, and where they (allegedly) come from. Also propably a bunch of adventures involving them.

Etymologically, it really just means 'if you hit it with a hammer, its shape's going to change slightly (but it doesn't break)' (18th century minerology books often used malleable as the counterpart of friable, i.e. 'breakable'). I think it could work.

As you wish.

2023-02-04, 05:34 PM
"Alchemie: Lexikon einer hermetischen Wissenschaft", collated and edited by Claus Priesner and Karin Figala

Nice. Those are quite the credentials.

Edit: By the way, the German translation of 5e is horrid. Idioms translated literally, words mistaken for similiarily spelled words, etc. All the signs of bumbling amateurs.

Hey, Blind Idiot translations can be huge fun (if you don't mean to use them as intended anyhow)!

As, like the Rilmani, all 3.x has to offer on them are a few stats in the Fiend Folio, this is true by necessity. :smalltongue:
What 2e had additionally on them was a bit about how much they hate the 'loth, about their society and who rules them, and where they (allegedly) come from. Also propably a bunch of adventures involving them.

Well. That's something, I suppose. Thanks! (And yes, Fiend Folio is a big favourite of mine, but it's very good at providing stats for stuff that doesn't get mentioned anywhere else ever.)

As you wish.

Much appreciated!

2023-03-01, 06:56 AM
Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale

The following creatures were taken from or inspired by the Zamonia novels by Walter Moers.

Reptilian Rescuer
"Life is too precious to leave it to fate."
– Deux X. Machina (pseudonym), reptilian rescuer

Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 7d10+35 (73 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 25 ft., Fly 120 ft. (average)
Amor Class: 20 (-2 Size, +2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 10, Flat footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+32
Attack: Claw melee +14 (1d8+9)
Full Attack: Two claws melee +14 (1d8+9) and beak melee +9 (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 15 ft/ 15 ft
Special Attacks: Savior's snatch
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft., evasion, low-light vision, scent, scent of danger
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 9
Skills: Balance +4, Jump +11, Knowledge (Geography) +13, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Spot +18, Survival +14, Tumble +12
Feats: Dodge, Fly-by Attack, Mobility
Environment: Any above ground
Organisation: Solitary, patrol (2-3) or disaster relief (20-200)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually lawful good
Advancement: 8-21 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment: +4 (cohort)

Rarely seen outside of their spectacular actions, the reptilian rescuers are a strange race of flyers who see it as their duty to save beings in mortal danger, and as a point of pride to make their rescue operations as dramatic as possible. A rescuer has an eye for how long exactly it can procrastinate saving its „client“ and will do its best to rescue them in the nick of time. Those who can consistently complete operations at the very last second earn considerable respect and bragging rights amongst their kind.
A reptilian rescuer resembles a pterosaur with slight wyvern-like traits, but reaches a wingspan of over 16 ft. Its thick leathery skin has different tones from brown to orange. They can be found all over the world, but avoid urban areas. Reptilian rescuers are herbivores and birth living youngs. Matings only happen rarely on account of the race's distinct antisocial tendencies. Rescuers claim to live more than 2,000 years, propably an exaggeration for bragging purposes.
Reptilian rescuers are solitary and grumpy. They only interact rarely with each other (unless they sense a large-scale disaster brewing) and use those opportunities to brag, to inform each other about new developments like migrations of dragons and other predators, and to organize the precincts they divide areas patroled by rescuers. Reptilian rescuers can't stand gratitude, nor do they desire rewards. Attempts to do so are just answered with a stern reminder to be more careful and live healthier in the future. Rarely, a rescuer will accept a humanoid as a protégé, mentoring them for up to two years. Such people usually end up with a keen understanding of natural and supernatural dangers, which shows itself as unusually high ranks in Survival, Knowledge (Nature) and Knowledge (Geography).
A reptilian rescuer speaks Common, Draconic and pretty much any language common to its precinct, unless it has newly arrived.

Reptilian rescuers fight only as a last resort. Most of the time they swoop into a battle to snatch up their „clients“, using their Tumble skills, Fly-By Attack feat and Savior's Snatch ability to carry them out of danger.
Most sapient beings don't attack rescuers, knowing that they may need them in the future. Only those more likely to be the danger than the rescued dare to do so.
Savior's Snatch (Ex): A reptilian rescuer does not provoke an attack of opportunity when it makes a touch attack to start a grapple.
Like with the Improved Grab ability, the rescuer has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its claws to hold the target. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a -20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself.
When the rescuer gets a hold after using Savior's Snatch, it pulls the target into its space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly carrying away the target), provided it can still fly under the target's weight.
Reptilian rescuers receive a racial bonus of +8 to grapple checks.
Scent of Danger (Ex): A reptilian rescuer can smell danger in the air. This innate divinatory ability allows it to discern places where intelligent beings will be in danger, wether of monsters, hazards or disasters, in the near future. The strength of the smell is dependent on how far in the future the danger lies, how many beings are in danger and how bad the danger is. A rescuer can generally only detect events within 12 miles, necessating patroulling. Large scale catastrophes that require coordinated effort by multiple rescuers can be detected up to a week in advance, with smaller dangers generally not more than a day in advance (long brewing dangers are easier and earlier detectable).
Skills: A reptilian rescuer receives a racial bonus of +4 to Spot. It also receives a racial bonus of +4 to any Knowledge or Survival check made regarding natural or supernatural disasters (from volcanic eruptions to dragon rampages), as well as dangerous monsters and enviromental hazards. It can make Knowledge checks regarding those topics untrained.
Carrying capacity: A light load for a reptilian rescuer is up to 1,600 pounds; a medium load 1,601-3,200 pounds and a heavy load 3,201-4,800 pounds.

Reptilian Rescuers and Class Levels
Most rescuers advance by hit dice. Those who decide to take class levels are usually paladins and chose to take a more pro-active approach to saving people.

Feat: Scent of Adventure
After a long time watching your mentor and his reactions, you can sometimes practically smell excitement and danger in the wind.
Prerequisites: Wis 15, having been mentored by a Reptilian Rescuer for at least six months or someone with this feat for at least two years.
Benefit: Once per day, when presented with two or more directions, you can concentrate for a full round to discern which direction will be the most dangerous and which the least.
Also, you are never suprised in battle.

Note: This is the first time I've designed a feat. Is the effect worth anything?

Inspired by The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear.

Witch's Hat
Witches always stand between beeches.
– The Bloody Book

The ominous Witch's Hat is a mushroom that only grows in the deepest, darkest parts of the deep dark woods and certain areas of the Underdark. Witch's Hats are between fist sized and head sized, pitch black and as pointy as a stereotypical witch's hat. Their intense smell can sometimes cause vertigo. If scrutinized with magic, a Witch's Hat has a moderate aura of Evil. According to rumour, Witch's Hats only appear in locations that were infested by a mythical monstrosity called a Fungus Witch.
Witch's Hat is highly poisonous. It's toxin is a supernatural hallucinogen which pierces most defenses and torments the victim with nightmares and visions of evil things and acts happening elsewhere. (Ingested DC 20; Initial Damage 1d6 Wis plus confusion for 1 minute; Secondary Damage 2d6 Wis) Magical immunity to poison is only partially effective and grants a +4 to the save. Witch's Hat poison can't reduce Wisdom below 1. If that would happen, the victim instead become permanently insane. As long as the Wisdom damage hasn't healed, the victim suffers nightmares (similiar to the spell nightmare, but doesn't prevent natural healing) whenever it sleeps. Witch's Hat poison is mostly used by people who wish to see someone suffering, but not dead, but sometimes foolhardy artists consume it dilluted in the hopes of using the hallucinations for inspiration. Logically, Witch's Hat is a prohibited subtance in any decent society.
Witch's Hat poison is so potent that it can affect even beings normally immune to poison:
A fiend eating a Witch's Hat suffers half damage and neither insanity nor nightmares. Instead, if it takes secondary damage, it will be confused for thirteen hours.
Witch's Hats are deadly to all oozes: Ingested DC 30; Initial Damage death; Secondary Damage death. All oozes instinctually shy away from the mushroom and won't even touch it.
Witch's Hat have a mutagenous and cancerous effect on plants. A plant creature doesn't receive any damage from consuming Witch's Hat poison, only 1d6 corruption points which fade at a rate of 1 per month. Once its corruption points equal its HD, the mutation is complete and irreversible without using break enchantment, wish or miracle. The creature's alignment changes to Evil and it gains one of the following templates: corruptedBoVD, spell-warpedMM3 or pseudonaturalCArc, except with no type change. The corrupted plant is usually covered in new Witch's Hats.
Most plant creatures despise Witch's Hats and avoid or destroy them if possible.
Undead and Deathless
If one of the restless dead consumes a Witch's Hat, it experiences intoxication similiar to the one caused by alcohol. Undead under the influence of Witch's Hat are merry and boisterous drunks, deathless on the other hand become maudlin and melancholic. This effect lasts for one day per consumed mushroom (deathless also suffer a hangover afterwards for one hour per mushroom).
Hags and certain similiar crone-like creatures, like night hags or some yokai, are immune to the Witch's Hat's deletrious effects. When such a creature eats the fungus, it receives a bonus of +1 to caster level to its racial spell-like abilities (if multiple hags in a coven enjoy this bonus, it stacks with itself regarding the coven spell-like abilities). This effect lasts for thirteen hours.
According to rumour, a group of Good hags discovered a method to purify Witch's Hat poison into a medicine of wonderous properties.

Inspired by Ensel und Krete.

When the minutes call through the years
The eternal dreamer rises
Above her earthly burden
And travels right into
Night's Dark Heart.
– Anonymous

Large Outsider (Psionic, Shadow)
Hit Dice: 4d8+20 (38 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40 ft.
Amor Class: 17 (-1 size, +5 dex, +3 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+12
Attack: Claw melee +7 (1d6+4)
Full Attack: Two claws melee +7 (1d6+4) and tail slap melee +2 (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Disturbing clicking, mysteries, psi-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft (magical and non-magical darkness), immunity to cold, mind-affecting and electricity, mindsensing, wall walker
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +5
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 16
Skills: Autohypnosis +10, Balance +14, Concentration +10, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (The Planes) +10, Lucid Dreaming +8, Psicraft +10, Slight of Hand +12, Spellcraft +10, Survival +1 (+3 on other planes), Tumble +12, Use Rope +5 (+7 to bind someone)
Feats: Extend MysteryToM, Psionic Fist
Environment: Plane of Shadow
Organisation: Solitary, mania (2-4) or psychosis (7-23)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Half standard
Alignment: Often neutral evil
Advancement: 5-8 HD (large); 9-16 HD (huge); 17-24 HD (gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: +4

None know the origin of the bizzare grillos, a race of psionic inhabitants of the Shadow. Some claim they are born when a psion loses his mind to nightmares while being too close to Shadow, others think that the race arrose in a place where the deepest darkest reaches of the Region of Dreams touched on the Plane of Shadow and spread outwards. The grillos themselves don't care to explain themselves or their mystery to others.
A grillo has a humanoid build. Its limbs are long and spindly, resembling spider legs. Its hands are clawed, each foot resembles an enlarged octopus' sucker. The head is angular, with a long beak-like protusion. A grillo doesn't appear to have ears, a mouth or nose, only two empty red eyes. A lashing lizard's tail and pitch black reptile skin that seems to drink in light complete the picture. Grillos move jerkily, contorting and twitching, making them look at a distance like silhouettes cast by shadow puppets on the canvas of reality. Each movement is accompanied by an electrical clicking and cracking. Besides that grillos don't make any sound at all.
Nobody knows how grillos reproduce (if they do at all), but sages have discovered that grillos age and die. Their life span is estimated to reach around 700 years.
Grillos generally don't care to interact with others. They wish to explore dreams and nightmares, which means that many of them spend a lot of their time asleep. If encountered while awake, a grillo is likely to ignore you, unless something draws its attention. Most grillos are interested in madness and terror, but some show a more general curiosity.
Grillos are completely mute. They communicate with each other through a full-body sign language that involves their typical jerks, contortions and twitches. In a certain way one can say that grillos are always talking to themselves. Other beings can learn this language, but to actually „speak“ it one needs a humanoid body shape and at minimum Dex 15. For their part, most grillos understand Common and Tenebric. (Incidentally, the term „grillo“ is believed to derive from an Ancient Gnome word for „weirdness“. The Grillo sign for „grillo“ involves laying your left foot on your right shoulder while making a jerky sweeping arc with your left arm.)

A grillo prefers to watch other beings before a fight. If it decides to attack, it will soften up the enemy with mental and energy attacks before strengthening itself and attacking from unexpected angles.
Disturbing Clicking (Su): The perturbing clicking and cracking that accompanies a grillo's every movement combines with a passive aura of unsettledness to strike fear into any heart. Any creature within 60 ft. that can hear the grillo must make a Will save (DC 15) or be shaken for as long as it can hear the grillo. A successful check renders the creature immune to this grillo's disturbing clicking for 24 hours. The grillo may activate and deactivate its clicking as a Free Action. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Save DC is based on Charisma.
This ability counts as psionics for any effect that differentiates between different types of magic.
Mindsensing (Su): A grillo can hear the presence of thoughts within a range of 60 ft. This ability works similiar to blindsense, with the following differences: it can only detect creatures that aren't immune to mind-affecting, and the grillo can only pin-point the location of a creature that is thinking of it. A creature may avoid thinking about the grillo by making an Autohypnosis or Concentration check opposed by the grillo's Intimidation check. Creatures that are shaken or worse receive an additional penalty of -4 to their skill check.
This ability counts as psionic for any effect that differentiates between different types of magic.
Mysteries: A grillo can cast mysteries and fundamentals like a shadowcaster whose level equals its hit dice. Grillos prefer mysteries that affect themselves over those that attack their opponents. A typical grillo knows the fundamentals Caul of Shadow, Mystic Reflections, Sight Obscured and Umbral Hand, also the mysteries Dusk and Dawn, Mesmerizing Shade, Shadow Skin and Steel Shadows.
A grillo's psychic abilities are inextricably interwoven with its command of shadows. A grillo treats mysteries and psionics always as transparent, even if the setting doesn't have general magic-psionic transparency.
Wall Walker (Su): A grillo's suckerlike feet allow it in combination with an innate gravity manipulation to move with full speed and without any penalties on any vertical surface that can support its weight.
This ability counts as shadowmagic for any effect that differentiates between different types of magic.
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day – deja vu (DC 15*), demoralize (DC 15, radius 35 ft.*); 1/day – aversion (DC 15), crushing despair (DC 16), energy stun (cold and electricity only, 2d6 damage, DC 16*), id insinuation (DC 15), mental disruption (DC 15); 1/week – dream walkHoH (self only). Manifester level 4th (equals HD).

Vaguely inspired by Prinzessin Insomnia und der Albtraumfarbene Nachtmahr.

"Sometimes I think we booklings are the only ones who really gain anything from literature. It's just work for everyone else: they have to write it, edit it, print it, market it, and sell it. We just have to read it. Enjoy it, explore it, devour it."
– Gofid Letterkerl, bookling

Bookling, 1st-level expert
Small aberration
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft., Swim 20 ft.
Amor Class: 12 (+1 size, +1 natural), touch 11, Flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-5
Attack: Dagger melee +0 (1d3-1)
Full Attack: Dagger melee +0 (1d3-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Cooperative hypnosis
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, memorization, water-breathing
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Craft (Bookbinder) +7 or Profession (Miner) +5, Decipher Script +7, Hide +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (any two others) +7, Move Silently +6, Perform (Oratory) +5, Swim +7
Feats: Stealthy
Environment: Underground
Organisation: Expedition (3-12), workshop (20-100) or university (150-500 plus 5% adolescents)
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: No coins, standard goods, standard items
Alignment: Often neutral good
Advancement: By character class (Favoured Class: Wizard)
Level Adjustment: +2

Timid and secretive, the booklings are rare and mysterious inhabitants of the Underdark. Booklings only dwell in subterranean libraries and other places that grant access both to literature and the surface.
Booklings have small, bag-like bodies with two thin arms and legs, each of which with three fingers or toes. The body's front bears the creature's mouth, it's sides two earholes that also serve as gills. A single eye stalk with a faintly glowing eye grows from the body's top, dominating the creature's whole appearance. A bookling measures between 2 and 4 feet, of which a third is taken by its eyestalk. Coloration is monocolored or mottled, but exists in all colors. Booklings are adapted to stifling and oxygen-poor locations and have trouble breathing in the fresh air of the surface or in perfectly clean water.
Each bookling dedicates itself to memorizing the complete work of a single author or poet (prefering those from the surface). The bookling takes this writer's name and does its best to gather as much of their works and legacy for their community. Over the course of this, the bookling adopts the writer's personality traits and gender (biologically, booklings are sexless). Amongst each other, the race likes to debate and share the merits of their respective writers and the philosophies expressed by their works. They don't use money, but bater with other races using mined and worked gems to buy what they desire. Booklings deeply care for their books and other memorabilia and are experts at repairing, restaurating and reprinting damaged works. Booklings worship a force they call the 'Orm' (also known to certain artists of other races), which they believe emanates from the stars (the main reason why they prefer writers from the surface and why they never create written art on their own) and streams into the minds of artists, writers and scientists of all kind to inspire them to the kind of works and inventions that will become eternal. When a community of booklings invites an outsider into their midst, he has to undergo a ritual called Orming, where each member in the community recites an especially Orm-inspired part of its writer's work, and the newling needs to guess the bookling's name from it.
Booklings don't eat; reading sates them. To keep itself from starving, a bookling needs to read at least three pages per day (amount varies depending on quality, type and genre of the text). A text can't be read again for nourishment until it has been „digested“ completely (takes usually two days).
How booklings multiply is a riddle to all, even to booklings. Ever so often a bookling community will find a fist-sized child bookling. They'll take it in, give it reading for food and start educating it. Hypotheses about their origin abound. A common theory amongst booklings is that new booklings hatch from ancient unreadable books in magical environments. Some sages think they are born from abandoned alchemical experiments fermenting in forgotten laboratoriums. Others look at the bookling's body shape and magical eyes and suggest them to be beholderkind. No theory was ever convincing. Fact is that booklings, once fully grown, don't age or die of natural causes.
A typical bookling will know Common, Undercommon, all local commonly spoken languages, and at least five dead or exotic languages.

Booklings avoid to fight whenever they can. They prefer to ambush enemies with their hypnotic abilities, implant them with memories of having fought and escaped cyclopean predatory monsters and send them on their way to spread the stories about the „horrible booklings“.
Cooperative hypnosis (Su): A group of three or more booklings can collectively work together to entrance other beings. By producing a monotonous humming and capturing their gaze with their glowing eyes, they can fascinate the targets in a way similiar to the hypnotism spell, with several differences: the effect can target a single creature (no matter the amount of HD) plus another creature per bookling beyond the initial three in a range of 30 ft. (plus 5 ft. per bookling beyond three) with a duration of Concentration. The booklings involved gain a telepathic connection to their targets, allowing them to give them hypnotic commands even if the target doesn't understand their language. These commands can replicate the effects of command, dominate monster, modify memory and suggestion. A replicated dominate monster ends when the hypnosis ends, the effects of the other commands continue. A target of a replicated dominate monster will obey self-destructive commands if it fails its save. Replicated spell effects work at a caster level equal to the number of booklings involved.
To keep from being hypnotized, a creature must make a will save against 13 + 1 per bookling beyond three. The booklings may continue to try, but for each successful save the creature receives +2 to further saves within the next 24 hours against this ability. A creature that failed its save is fascinated, but receives a new save whenever the booklings try use one of the replicated spell effects on it. Saving against these effects doesn't end the hypnotic trance, nor do they raise the chance to succeed at further saves.
Memorization (Ex): Booklings are excellent at memorizing text. This works similiar to memorizing a page of text via the Autohypnosis skill, with the following differences: The bookling can't memorize a text it doesn't understand, and the bookling doesn't need to make a check, either to memorzie or to recover the memorized literature. Booklings can memorize an indefinite amount of literature.
The example bookling used the following stat distribution: Str 8, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10

Inspired by The City of Dreaming Books.

2023-03-02, 03:10 PM
Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale

The following creatures were taken from or inspired by the Zamonia novels by Walter Moers.

Reptilian Rescuer
"Life is too precious to leave it to fate."
– Deux X. Machina (pseudonym), reptilian rescuer

That's one flying lizard with an attitude! Regardless though, I love pretty much everything about these ultimately well-meaning showpterosaurs.

Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 7d10+35 (74 hp)

73, I think.

Skills: Balance +6, Jump +11, Knowledge (Geography) +13, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Spot +18, Survival +14, Tumble +12

Tumble seems off; unless I've made a math error here, it can't go that high without synergy from Jump, but Jump is not trained. (Or Tumble is alright, but there's two skill points too many somewhere else.)

Scent of Danger (Ex): A reptilian rescuer can smell danger in the air. This innate divinatory ability allows it to discern places where intelligent beings will be in danger, wether of monsters, hazards or disasters, in the near future. The strength of the smell is dependent on how far in the future the danger lies, how many beings are in danger and how bad the danger is.

Can we get more precise numbers?

[SPOILER=Feat: Scent of Adventure]
Feat: Scent of Adventure
After a long time watching your mentor and his reactions, you can sometimes practically smell excitement and danger in the wind.
Prerequisites: Wis 15, having been mentored by a Reptilian Rescuer for at least six months or someone with this feat for at least two years.
Benefit: Once per day, when presented with two or more directions, you can concentrate for a full round to discern which direction will be the most dangerous and which the least.
Also, you are never suprised in battle.

Note: This is the first time I've designed a feat. Is the effect worth anything?[SPOILER]

Yes, and I like it. Basically, it's Omen of Peril at-will, except Ex, and it's relatively easy to qualify for. I call that good utility.

Undead and Deathless
If one of the restless dead consumes a Witch's Hat, it experiences intoxication similiar to the one caused by alcohol. Undead under the influence of Witch's Hat are merry and boisterous drunks, deathless on the other hand become maudlin and melancholic. This effect lasts for one day per consumed mushroom (deathless also suffer a hangover afterwards for one hour per mushroom).

Hrm. If you refuse a friendly hug from the jovially drunken wight/ghast/you-name-it, can it become upset enough to spontaneously turn into a drunken Deathless?

(Also, thank you for remembering planties get mind-affecting immunity and stuff. For some reason, people keep forgetting that.)


Skills: Autohypnosis +10, Balance +14, Concentration +10, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (The Planes) +10, Knowledge (Psionics) +5, Lucid Dreaming +8, Psicraft +10, Slight of Hand +12, Spellcraft +10, Survival +1 (+3 on other planes), Tumble +12, Use Rope +5 (+7 to bind someone)

Knowledge (psionics) is untrained as is!

Challenge Rating: 4?

The formula I use for these things gives me a ~7/8.

Level Adjustment: +2

While I'm admittedly bad at assigning LAs, I just plain don't see that.4 RHD/+2 LA is a common enough pattern – on Large beatsticks. Type and those racial modifiers alone push this ahead of equiceph or blackscales with ease, let alone something unfairly maligned by its creators, such as the ogre. But it's not just the stats and type; it has mysteries, PLAs, passive offense (with a friendly mode for PCs), immunities, extra senses… Language issues hardly compensate for those.

The grillos themselves don't care to explain themselves or their mystery to others.
A grillo has a humanoid build. Its limbs are long and spindly, resembling spider legs. Its hands are clawed, each foot resembles an enlarged octopus' sucker. The head is angular, with a long beak-like protusion. A grillo doesn't appear to have ears, a mouth or nose, only two empty red eyes. A lashing lizard's tail and pitch black reptile skin that seems to drink in light complete the picture. Grillos move jerkily, contorting and twitching, making them look at a distance like silhouettes cast by shadow puppets on the canvas of reality. Each movement is accompanied by an electrical clicking and cracking. Besides that grillos don't make any sound at all.

Wonderfully creepy!

Mindsensing (Su): A grillo can hear the presence of thoughts within a range of 60 ft. This ability works similiar to blindsense, with the following differences: it can only detect creatures that aren't immune to mind-affecting, and the grillo can only pin-point the location of a creature that is thinking of it. A creature may avoid thinking about the grillo by making an Autohypnosis or Concentration check opposed by the grillo's Intimidation check. Creatures that are shaken or worse receive an additional penalty of -4 to their skill check.
This ability counts as psionic for any effect that differentiates between different types of magic.

If you think about it it can see you? This is beautiful and quite elegantly executed mechanically.

Mysteries: A grillo can cast mysteries and fundamentals like a shadowcaster whose level equals its hit dice. Grillos prefer mysteries that affect themselves over those that attack their opponents. A typical grillo knows the fundamentals Caul of Shadow, Mystic Reflections, Sight Obscured and Umbral Hand, also the mysteries Dusk and Dawn, Mesmerizing Shade, Shadow Skin and Steel Shadows.
A grillo's psychic abilities are inextricably interwoven with its command of shadows. A grillo treats mysteries and psionics always as transparent, even if the setting doesn't have general magic-psionic transparency.

You are right. Subsystems'd deserve more love. Good fit.

Vaguely inspired by Prinzessin Insomnia und der Albtraumfarbene Nachtmahr.

Does that come in languages other than German?

"Sometimes I think we booklings are the only ones who really gain anything from literature. It's just work for everyone else: they have to write it, edit it, print it, market it, and sell it. We just have to read it. Enjoy it, explore it, devour it."
– Gofid Letterkerl, bookling

Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-6

Grapple's more like a -5 (-1 STR, -4 size)?

Attack: Dagger melee +1 (1d3-1)
Full Attack: Dagger melee +1 (1d3-1)

+0 to hit (+1 size, -1 STR).

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, memorization, water-breathing

Water Breathing is usually the spell as an SLA; did you mean Amphibious?

Skills: Craft (Bookbinder) +7, Decipher Script +7, Hide +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (any two others) +7, Move Silently +6, Perform (Oratory) +5, Profession (Miner) +5, Swim +7

I'm counting 4 more skill point spent than available.

Level Adjustment: ?

Dunno what to tell you. A +2 wouldn't be too far off, I suppose, but Cooperative Hypnosis… It's strong, if not easy to produce as a PC.

At any rate, they are cute and that's quite the survival strategy.

2023-03-03, 05:53 AM
Tumble seems off; unless I've made a math error here, it can't go that high without synergy from Jump, but Jump is not trained. (Or Tumble is alright, but there's two skill points too many somewhere else.)

Balance was 2 too high; it wasn't meant to be anything but synergy and Dex.

Can we get more precise numbers?

I will try, but I find it difficult. Divination and future sight are pretty vague. :smallredface: I added the following sentence: "A rescuer can generally only detect events within 12 miles, necessating patroulling. Large scale catastrophes that require coordinated effort by multiple rescuers can be detected up to a week in advance, with smaller dangers generally not more than a day in advance (long brewing dangers are easier and earlier detectable)."

Yes, and I like it. Basically, it's Omen of Peril at-will, except Ex, and it's relatively easy to qualify for. I call that good utility.

I' am glad.

Hrm. If you refuse a friendly hug from the jovially drunken wight/ghast/you-name-it, can it become upset enough to spontaneously turn into a drunken Deathless?

It's still evil; I don't think it cares about consent. :smalltongue:

(Also, thank you for remembering planties get mind-affecting immunity and stuff. For some reason, people keep forgetting that.)

This is more a reflection of how the forrest infected by the Fungus Witch in Ensel und Krete got mutated until it looks like something from the ocean of an alien planet.

Knowledge (psionics) is untrained as is!

Right. Well, let's remove it.

The formula I use for these things gives me a ~7/8.

While I'm admittedly bad at assigning LAs, I just plain don't see that.4 RHD/+2 LA is a common enough pattern – on Large beatsticks. Type and those racial modifiers alone push this ahead of equiceph or blackscales with ease, let alone something unfairly maligned by its creators, such as the ogre. But it's not just the stats and type; it has mysteries, PLAs, passive offense (with a friendly mode for PCs), immunities, extra senses… Language issues hardly compensate for those.


Does that come in languages other than German?

Sadly no. Of the nine Zamonia novels only five got translated into English. Prinzessin Insomnia isn't one, so... :smallsigh:

In case you were wondering, the novels are, in order of publishing:

Die 13½ Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär (English title: The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear)
Ensel und Krete
Rumo und die Wunder im Dunkeln (English title: Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures)
Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher (English title: The City of Dreaming Books)
Der Schrecksenmeister (English title: The Alchemaster's Apprentice)
Das Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher (English title: The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books)
Prinzessin Insomnia und der Albtraumfarbene Nachtmahr
Weihnachten auf der Lindwurmfeste
Der Bücherdrache

Edit: Plus two that haven't been published yet, only announced: Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme and Das Schloss der Träumenden Bücher.

Grapple's more like a -5 (-1 STR, -4 size)?

+0 to hit (+1 size, -1 STR).

That's what happens if you are tinkering with the Str rating until you've forgot where you've started.

Water Breathing is usually the spell as an SLA; did you mean Amphibious?

I thought Amphibious is restricted to the Aquatic subtype?

I'm counting 4 more skill point spent than available.

I don't see them. Did the racial bonus of +8 to Swim for having a Swim movement confuse you, or is it something else?

Dunno what to tell you. A +2 wouldn't be too far off, I suppose, but Cooperative Hypnosis… It's strong, if not easy to produce as a PC.

I'll go with +2, thanks.

2023-03-03, 11:07 AM
I will try, but I find it difficult. Divination and future sight are pretty vague. :smallredface: I added the following sentence: "A rescuer can generally only detect events within 12 miles, necessating patroulling. Large scale catastrophes that require coordinated effort by multiple rescuers can be detected up to a week in advance, with smaller dangers generally not more than a day in advance (long brewing dangers are easier and earlier detectable)."

You've been to RAW-threads before; it's best no to feed those flames! But this works just fine.

It's still evil; I don't think it cares about consent. :smalltongue:

Bad, bad undead abomination!

This is more a reflection of how the forrest infected by the Fungus Witch in Ensel und Krete got mutated until it looks like something from the ocean of an alien planet.

Well, you accounted for their immunities at least; that's enough for me. (Also, any plans to do the Witch itself, or that's some epic horror better left untouched and too much a pain to attach stats to?)

Sadly no. Of the nine Zamonia novels only five got translated into English. Prinzessin Insomnia isn't one, so... :smallsigh:

Too bad. The Grillo's… Evocative, to say the least.

I thought Amphibious is restricted to the Aquatic subtype?

They are linked, insofar as Aquatic creatures are explicitly described as unable to survive on land without it, but so far as I know, it's never called out that this goes both ways? Still, my bad: it is usually seen on Aquatics, and the water breathing dragons do get Water Breathing (Ex) instead, so you were right regardless.

I don't see them. Did the racial bonus of +8 to Swim for having a Swim movement confuse you, or is it something else?

There's 11 skills, 10 trained, each with 4 ranks. Expert 1 with INT 17 gets 36 skill points. Maybe it's the bit with any two other Knowledge skills?

I'll go with +2, thanks.

Any time!

2023-03-03, 11:52 AM
Well, you accounted for their immunities at least; that's enough for me. (Also, any plans to do the Witch itself, or that's some epic horror better left untouched and too much a pain to attach stats to?)

Will be made. Propably. I originally planned to create the Fungus Witch and add the Witch's Hat as an extra, like with the Smell of Adventure feat, but I could feel my motivation drain before I even started writing, so I shelved it. (I also wanted to have an extra for each creature, but as you can see that didn't happen. :smallredface:)

Anyway, I'm planing to take a small break from homebrewing and then finish the last of my old projects before starting new things. Maybe the next afterwards? (oh wait, I've got an unfinished 3.5 battle devourer lying around here. Maybe the second thing affterwards?)

Too bad. The Grillo's… Evocative, to say the least.

If it's a consolation, the grillo is the one that differs the most from its depiction in the book. Sure, the basic feeling is the same, but some details differ (for example, the original is blind and deaf and can literally only "think" you. Nor does it have shadow powers.)

There's 11 skills, 10 trained, each with 4 ranks. Expert 1 with INT 17 gets 36 skill points. Maybe it's the bit with any two other Knowledge skills?

Doh! I can't believe that I a) thought that Experts get 8 skill points per level, and b) miscounted it the whole time as 11 trained skills. :smallannoyed::smallsigh: Fixed.

2023-03-03, 01:35 PM
Will be made. Propably. I originally planned to create the Fungus Witch and add the Witch's Hat as an extra, like with the Smell of Adventure feat, but I could feel my motivation drain before I even started writing, so I shelved it. (I also wanted to have an extra for each creature, but as you can see that didn't happen. :smallredface:)

Anyway, I'm planing to take a small break from homebrewing and then finish the last of my old projects before starting new things. Maybe the next afterwards? (oh wait, I've got an unfinished 3.5 battle devourer lying around here. Maybe the second thing affterwards?)

Worry not, I know the feeling.

If it's a consolation, the grillo is the one that differs the most from its depiction in the book. Sure, the basic feeling is the same, but some details differ (for example, the original is blind and deaf and can literally only "think" you. Nor does it have shadow powers.)

It is, to an extent, but "how do you remind yourself not ot think about the jittery, clicking thing right there without thinking about the jittery, clicking thing right there" is a big part of the appeal, so I can't help but feel curious what the original's deal might be.

Doh! I can't believe that I a) thought that Experts get 8 skill points per level

That would be kind of nice, in fact. (I like Experts.)

2023-03-03, 01:53 PM
It is, to an extent, but "how do you remind yourself not ot think about the jittery, clicking thing right there without thinking about the jittery, clicking thing right there" is a big part of the appeal, so I can't help but feel curious what the original's deal might be.

You Might Want to Begin to Prepare Yourself for Disappointment. :smalltongue:

The grillos in the book are less of an acute and more of a long term threat. They are pretty unattentive and focused on themselves (there's a slight reflection of that in my stats in that their Wis is so much lower than their other mental attributes, but I couldn't bring myself to actually make it negative). "It should be enough if you don't think too intensely about them," as deuteragonist Havarius Opal said. On the other hand, that wasn't enough when Princess Dylia and Opal had to go through teeming masses of them. Dylia managed to avoid them by focussing on one of her hobbies: inventing completely useless and crazy stuff in rainbow colors.

2023-03-03, 03:38 PM
You Might Want to Begin to Prepare Yourself for Disappointment. :smalltongue:

The grillos in the book are less of an acute and more of a long term threat. They are pretty unattentive and focused on themselves (there's a slight reflection of that in my stats in that their Wis is so much lower than their other mental attributes, but I couldn't bring myself to actually make it negative). "It should be enough if you don't think too intensely about them," as deuteragonist Havarius Opal said. On the other hand, that wasn't enough when Princess Dyhlia and Opal had to go through teeming masses of them. Dyhlia managed to avoid them by focussing on one of her hobbies: inventing completely useless and crazy stuff in rainbow colors.

Not at all! Achieving that while surrounded by an ungodly amount of these that are everywhere is among the exact images the description conjured up for me. Not that I mind yours being even more threatening.

2023-03-03, 04:02 PM
Not at all! Achieving that while surrounded by an ungodly amount of these that are everywhere is among the exact images the description conjured up for me. Not that I mind yours being even more threatening.

I don't know if I would call my more threatening, just differently. After all, well, let's hear it from Opal: "The more you think of the grillos, the more they pay attention to you. And the more of your attention they have, the more they become your thoughts. Your worst thoughts. A simple vicious cycle, princess. That's how insanity happens." :smallamused:

2023-03-03, 06:19 PM
You're not doing a very good job convincing me I don't want to read that thing, you know that?

2023-03-04, 04:37 AM
You're not doing a very good job convincing me I don't want to read that thing, you know that?

Who said that this is my goal? :smalltongue: As the book was published 2017, I think it's unlikely to be translated any time soon, so you'll just have to learn German. And if you think learning a language just for a single book sounds like a lot of work, let me give you another incentive: in Lower Saxony there is the largest bird park (zoo specialised on birds) in the world: the Weltvogelpark Walsrode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weltvogelpark_Walsrode), where they exhibit birds you won't see anywhere else in the world in captivity. If that won't lure you, I don't know what. :smallbiggrin:

By the way, do you want a plot blurb to Prinzessin Insomnia? Or any of the other books?

2023-03-04, 11:10 AM
Who said that this is my goal? :smalltongue: As the book was published 2017, I think it's unlikely to be translated any time soon, so you'll just have to learn German. And if you think learning a language just for a single book sounds like a lot of work,

Technically, I studied German for, like, eight years in my [sniff] troubled past, but my command of it is not as it used to be and it was never very good in the first place. I can usually piece together what a news article's about, but literary texts with a rich language full of verbal humour sound like something that will always be above my pay grade.

let me give you another incentive: in Lower Saxony there is the largest bird park (zoo specialised on birds) in the world: the Weltvogelpark Walsrode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weltvogelpark_Walsrode), where they exhibit birds you won't see anywhere else in the world in captivity. If that won't lure you, I don't know what. :smallbiggrin:


Thank you for telling me about that. While I'm not a big fan of keeping birdies in captivity in general, that's a LOT OF birdies in one place, and it looks like they are taken good care of. Must. Visit.

By the way, do you want a plot blurb to Prinzessin Insomnia? Or any of the other books?

Thanks, but I think I should be able to handle that much with a decent dictionary. And if not… Well, that's gonna be on me.

2023-03-16, 03:54 PM
New Creatures: Devourers

The following variants of the intellect devourer were originally created for the D&D video game Neverwinter Nights and received 3.0 stats in the Dragon Magazine #303. I converted them to 3.5 and spiffied up them a bit. If someone comes up with other devourer variants that inspire me, I may stat them. Enjoy.

Battle Devourer
Small Aberration (Evil, Psionic)
Hit Dice: 8d8+24 (60 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40 ft., Climb 20 ft.
Amor Class: 26 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural, +1 dodge), touch 17, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+4
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Full Attack: Four claws +9 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Adamantine touch, cone of fear, poison
Special Qualities: Blindsight 120 ft., damage reduction 10/adamantine, immunity to fire, power resistence 27, resistence 15 to acid, cold, electricity and sonic, vulnerability to protection from evil
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +13, Concentration +11, Hide +28, Move silently +24
Feats: Ability Focus (Cone of fear), Dodge, Psionic Dodge
Environment: Underground
Organisation: Solitary or pod (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: ½ coins; standard goods; standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 9-10 HD (small); 11-16 HD (medium); 17-20 HD (large); 21-24 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment: +6

Specifically bread as spies, assassins and couriers, the battle devourer has lost most of its psionic power in exchange for physical toughness. The devourer's brain has developed into a highly specialized sensory organ, increasing the perceptive abilities of the devourer massively. It's body is covered in an exoskeleton resembling natural full-plate, making the creature nearly invulnerable and sharpening its claws to make a formidable combatant.
Battle devourers understand Common and Undercommon. They are unable to speak, requiring writing or telepathy to communicate with their masters.

Adamantine Touch (Ex): A battle devourer's natural attacks count as adamantine in regards to overcoming hardness and damage reduction.
Poison (Ex): Claw; Fortitude DC 17; initial damage 1d4 Dex; secondary damage 2d4 Dex. DC is based on Con.
Cone of Fear (Psi): The last remnant of a battle devourer's psionic abilities, the devourer can project a 40 ft. long cone of fear up to 6 tmies per day. Creatures in the area must make a Will save (DC 16) or be affected as though by the fear spell. The DC is based on Cha.
Vulnerability to Protection from Evil (Ex): A battle devourer is treated as a summoned creature for the purpose of determining how it is affected by a protection from evil spell.
Skills: Battle devourers receive a racial bonus of +8 to Concentration, Hide and Move silently. It can add its Dex modificator instead of its Str modificator to Climb if higher.

Skeletal Devourer
Small Undead (Evil, Psionic)
Hit Dice: 9d12 (58 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40 ft.
Amor Class: 23 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +7 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+2
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d3+2 plus Stunning Pain)
Full Attack: Four claws +7 melee (1d3+2 plus Stunning Pain)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Corpse thief, psi-like abilities, stunning pain
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., damage reduction 10/adamantine and bludgeoning, immunity to cold and fire, power resistence 25, resistence to elektricity 15, vulnerability to turning
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +7
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 21, Con -, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: Bluff +18, Concentration +14 (+18 when manifesting defensively), Hide +21, Intimidate +18, Listen +17, Move silently +21
Feat: Combat Manifest, Penetrating Power, Up the Wall, Wild TalentB
Environment: Underground
Organisation: Solitary or pod (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: ½ coins; standard goods; double items
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 10-15 HD (small); 16-21 HD (medium); 22-27 HD (large)
Level Adjustment: +6

The skeletal devourer, an undead intellect devourer raised by fell magic, resembles a rotting brain held aloft by four bony legs. Both keeping the psychic powers it had when alive and gaining the resiliency of undeath, this disgusting creature becomes even dangerous and terrible. Yet, skeletal devourers are cowards and fear the touch of clerical power.
As skeletal devourers can only inhabit corpses, they prefer to lair near a ready supply of those, like graveyards. Large numbers of corpses may cause them to congregrate.
A skeletal devourer understands Common. It is only able to speak if it possesses a body capable of speech.

Corpse Thief (Su): When a skeletal devourer encounters a corpse, it can consume whatever brain is left and enter the skull. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the devourer can merge its form with that of a dead creature of Small size or larger and animate the body as a zombie or skeleton (depending on the corpse's state). The devourer cannot merge its body with that of a creature immune to extra damage from critical hits. The devourer can exit the body at any time as a standard action, bursting the victim’s skull and resuming its normal form.
The devourer retains its hit points, saving throws, and mental ability scores, as well as its psi-like abilities. It assumes the physical qualities and ability scores of the undead body, as if it had used polymorph to assume its form. The skeletal devourer is able to speak if it occupies a body that could speak when it was alive. It gains none of the body’s specific memories, knowledge or abilities.
Psi-like Abilities: At will—cloud mind, compression, detect psionics, ego whip (2d4, DC 16*), empty mind (+6 on Will saves*), inflict pain (four targets, DC 17); 3/day— claws of the vampire, intellect fortress, mass cause light wounds (DC 17), stygian boltCPsi (DC 18). Manifester level 9th.
*Includes augmentation for the skeletal devourer’s manifester level.
Stunning Pain (Su): A skeletal devourer's claws strike unnaturally painful wounds. Every time it damages a creature with its claw, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or be stunned with pain for 1 round. This also applies to the natural weapons of any corpse the devourer is possessing. The DC is based on Cha.
Vulnerability to Turning (Ex): A skeletal devourer is treated as if it had only half hit dice (rounded down) for the purposes of turning attempts.
Skills: A skeletal devourer gains a racial bonus of +4 to Bluff, Intimidate, Listen and Move Silently.

Creating a skeletal devourer
A psionic spellcaster can create a skeletal devourer by casting create undead at 8th caster level or higher on the corpse of an intellect devourer while spending his psionic focus and 8 power points. Alternatively a skeletal devourer can also be created by casting create greater undead at 17th caster level or higher on the corpse of an intellect devourer.

Necromorphosis/Stygian Animation
Psychometabolism [Evil]
Level: Death 4, Egoist 5
Display: Material, Visual, Olfactory
Manifesting time: 1 Minute
Range: Touch
Target: One or more corpses
Duration: Instantaneous
Power points: 7 (Death), 9 (Egoist), XP

This power works similiar to the spell animate dead. It differs in that the manifester can only create up to 14 HD of undead at once (double that in the area of a desecrate spell). A manifester can only control up to 4 HD per manifester level. Skeletons and zombies animated through this power gain Cha 11 and Hidden Talent as a bonus feat. The undead gains access to one 1st level power the manifester knows and will be instinctually able to use it in a fight.
This power is usually called Necromorphosis by psions and Stygian Animation by mantle wearers.
XP Cost: 5 XP per HD of the created undead.
Augment: This power can be augmented in different ways:

For every additional power point spent, increase the maximum number of HD of undead that can be created at once by 2.
For every 3 additional power points spent, one of the created undead receives the Phrenic template (ignore the usual prerequisites of the template). Phrenic zombies and skeletons have an Int score of 1.
Alternatively, this power can be modified to create free-willed sapient undead, similiar to create undead. The exact number of additional power points depends on the type of undead created, as described in the following table. Using this version of the power doubles the XP cost.

Additional power points
Other requirements

Monster Manual

Monster Manual 3

Psychic Vampire Spawn
Libris Mortis, Monster Manual

Vampire Mind Flayer
illithid's corpse
Lords of Madness

Caller in the Dark
at least five corpses of intelligent creatures
Expanded Psionics Handbook

Skeletal devourer
intellect devourer's corpse


Additional types of undead may be added or researched at the GM's discrition.

2023-03-24, 10:35 AM
New Creatures: Devourers

The following variants of the intellect devourer were originally created for the D&D video game Neverwinter Nights and received 3.0 stats in the Dragon Magazine #303. I converted them to 3.5 and spiffied up them a bit. If someone comes up with other devourer variants that inspire me, I may stat them. Enjoy.

Battle Devourer
Small Aberration (Evil, Psionic)

Cone of Fear (Psi): The last remnant of a battle devourer's psionic abilities, the devourer can project a 40 ft. long cone of fear up to 6 tmies per day. Creatures in the area must make a Will save (DC 16) or be affected as though by the fear spell. The DC is based on Cha.

The gross little bugger gets a DC of 17 (10, +4 HD, +2 feat, +1 CHA)!

Vulnerability to Protection from Evil (Ex): A battle devourer is treated as a summoned creature for the purpose of determining how it is affected by a protection from evil spell.

That also applies to equivalent effects, such as a Magic Circle against Evil, right?

Skeletal Devourer
Small Undead (Evil, Psionic)

[B]Skills: Concentration +14 (+18 when manifesting defensively), Hide +15, Intimidate +16, Listen +15, Move silently +19

Undead have 4+INT skill points per level, leaving this gross little bugger with 24 further skill points to spend!

Feat: Combat Manifest, Penetrating Power, Up the Wall, Wild TalentB

What power does it get from Wild Talent? (Is it customary to note that?)

Corpse Thief (Su): When a skeletal devourer encounters a corpse, it can consume whatever brain is left and enter the skull. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the devourer can merge its form with that of a dead creature of Small size or larger and animate the body as a zombie or skeleton (depending on the corpse's state). The devourer cannot merge its body with that of a creature immune to extra damage from critical hits. The devourer can exit the body at any time as a standard action, bursting the victim’s skull and resuming its normal form.
The devourer retains its hit points, saving throws, and mental ability scores, as well as its psi-like abilities. It assumes the physical qualities and ability scores of the undead body, as if it had used polymorph to assume its form. As long as the skeletal devourer occupies a fitting body, it is able to speak.

What if the body couldn't speak? Or "fitting"'s supposed to cover that (in addition to size and a discernible anatomy)?

2023-03-24, 12:22 PM
The gross little bugger gets a DC of 17 (10, +4 HD, +2 feat, +1 CHA)!

Psi-like abilities are based on spell/power level, not HD. And fear is a 3rd level spell, so...

That also applies to equivalent effects, such as a Magic Circle against Evil, right?

I would assume so. The text is simply copied from the intellect devourer.

Undead have 4+INT skill points per level, leaving this gross little bugger with 24 further skill points to spend!

Damn! They really do. That requires some reworking.

I divided up whte missing skill points and reduced the racial skill boni.

What power does it get from Wild Talent? (Is it customary to note that?)

Wild Talent doesn't grant a power. Hidden Talent does.

What if the body couldn't speak? Or "fitting"'s supposed to cover that (in addition to size and a discernible anatomy)?
That's what I meant. Is it too oblique?

Besides, what do you think of my little Necromorphosis? Too high level? Too strong? Too expensive? Or just right? Any undead I forgot that simply must be added to the table?

2023-03-24, 12:35 PM
Psi-like abilities are based on spell/power level, not HD. And fear is a 3rd level spell, so...

And my relative inexperience with psionics shows! Go me! (Seriously, I see it allowed less often than martial adepts, the lack of love for whom everyone keeps complaining about.)

Damn! They really do. That requires some reworking.

I divided up whte missing skill points and reduced the racial skill boni.

That should do it.

Wild Talent doesn't grant a power. Hidden Talent does.

I knew that. In theory. Sorry 'bout the second false alarm in a row.

That's what I meant. Is it too oblique?

I first figured it's just common sense and not at all, but the overthinker that I am, I immediately started rifling through all the critters with body types that should hinder speech but doesn't and… Ultimately still no, but RAW loopholes are better not left unplugged, if you know what I mean.

Besides, what do you think of my little Necromorphosis? Too high level? Too strong? Too expensive? Or just right? Any undead I forgot that simply must be added to the table?

It's a bit weird. Unaugmented, it feels a tad weak for 5/6th. The augmented alternate Create Undead version, on the other hand feels stronger than Create Undead, even with the XP cost. I don't know.

2023-03-24, 01:30 PM
And my relative inexperience with psionics shows! Go me! (Seriously, I see it allowed less often than martial adepts, the lack of love for whom everyone keeps complaining about.)

That's no excuse; spell-like abilities work the same way. :smalltongue:

I first figured it's just common sense and not at all, but the overthinker that I am, I immediately started rifling through all the critters with body types that should hinder speech but doesn't and… Ultimately still no, but RAW loopholes are better not left unplugged, if you know what I mean.

I'll change the wording.

It's a bit weird. Unaugmented, it feels a tad weak for 5/6th. The augmented alternate Create Undead version, on the other hand feels stronger than Create Undead, even with the XP cost. I don't know.

It's meant to fulfill the roles of both Create Undead and Create Greater Undead (also, both of those spells are pretty underpowered IMO).
I'll take a look at it later. Maybe reduce the level and recalibrate the cost.

2023-03-24, 06:59 PM
That's no excuse; spell-like abilities work the same way. :smalltongue:

[Much nervous shuffling ensues.] Have I mentioned how much cooler Ex and Su abilities are than P/SLAs in the last four minutes yet?

I'll change the wording.

All crystal clear now!

It's meant to fulfill the roles of both Create Undead and Create Greater Undead (also, both of those spells are pretty underpowered IMO).
I'll take a look at it later. Maybe reduce the level and recalibrate the cost.

More than fair. Create Undead, especially, is very disappointing. But you know me: I try to balance stuff against existing stuff, even if existing stuff is bad. Do ignore me as needed.

2023-03-25, 05:32 AM
So, Necromorphosis' level got reduced and the extra costs in the table adjusted. I also finally got around to doing the requested modification to the Betting Hedge. Check it out.

2023-03-25, 05:54 AM
So, Necromorphosis' level got reduced and the extra costs in the table adjusted.

Works for me.

I also finally got around to doing the requested modification to the Betting Hedge. Check it out.

It's the Draw of the Luck thing and the extra reach, right? If it is, I so approve of those (even as I think Beni's originally proposed 15' would be even better, but hey, I'm a tad biased here).

2023-04-14, 02:15 PM
My new old project has stalled again, so I decided to churn out a few more mephits as a palate cleanser. Enjoy.

New Creature: Even More Mephits

Wood Mephit
Small Outsider (Wood) (or, as an alternative, (Air, Earth, Fire Water) without changing the statistics)
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Amor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+0
Attack: Claw + 5 melee (1d3+1)
Full Attack: 2 Claw + 5 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, resistence 10 to electricity and acid, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +7, Hide +11 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings),
Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness
Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Wood mephits are horndogs with a puerile sense of humor. They are most often encountered on the World Ash Yggdrasil, as the Plane of Wood is rarely visited.
Wood Mephits speak Common and any two of Auran, Aquan, Ignan and Terran.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of wood splinters; 1d4 piercing; reflex, DC 13. These splinters are extraordinarily painful. Living creatures that don't wear protection and fail their save take a -1 penalty to skill checks and attack rolls for 1 minute. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only when in contact with wooden objects or living trees.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Entangle (DC 13), CL 3. 1/day – Skin of ThornsSC (DC 15), Meld into Wood (like meld into stone, but only for wood and trees), CL 6.

In the mephit code, wood mephits are also known as the booty call mephit.

Metal Mephit
Small Outsider (Earth)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (average)
Amor Class: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+1
Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d4+2)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +6 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, Metallic, Phase through metal
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +8, Hide +12 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Spot +6, Use Rope +2 (+4 with bindings),
Feats: Improved natural attack (Claw), Combat Reflexes
Environment: Demiplane of Metal, Elemental Plane of Earth
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Metal mephits are blood-thirsty edgelords. Most of them follow ridiculous self-invented ideas of respect or honor codices, which serve mostly as a reason to take offense and get into fights.
Metal mephits speak Common and a pretty weird dialect of Terran.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of metallic fragments; 1d8 bludgeoning, piercing and slashing; reflex, DC 12. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only when in contact with ore or worked metal.
Metallic (Ex): If a metal mephit would take damage from electricity, it instead stores that damage as a charge. Whenever it uses its breath weapon or makes a melee attack with its claws or a metal weapon, it can spend up to 10 points of stored electricity damage and add that damage to the damage dealt by the breath weapon or attack. A metal mephit can't store more than 10 points of damage per HD. The charge is lost if it isn't spent within 1 minute.
Furthermore, metal mephits receive a -4 penalty to saves against spells and abilities based onn heat, cold and magnetism. Spells and abilities based on magnetism treat the mephit as if it was a metal object one size smaller.
Phase through metal (Su): A metal mephit can unimpededly move through unattended metal objects with a thickness of no more than 5 ft. at will.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – True Strike, CL 3. 1/day – MagnetismCArc (DC 15), CL 6.

In the mephit code, a metal mephit is only sent to someone you think you have bested totally utterly; essentially a mocking "Go kill yourself."

Athasian mephits

Mephits rarely appear on Athas. Despite this, inhabitants of the Crimson Sphere that managed to escape into the Great Wheel have created mephits adapted to their home's elemental border planes. Athasian mephits are not well known enough on the planes to have meanings in the mephit code.

Rain Mephit
Small Outsider (Air, Water)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (good), Swim 30 ft.
Amor Class: 18 (+1 size, +3 dex, +4 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw + 4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 electricity)
Full Attack: 2 Claw + 4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, resistence 5 to electricity and sonic
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +9, Hide +13 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings), Swim +8
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Rain, Quasielemental Plane of Lightning
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Rain mephits are crybabies that turn on the waterworks over every little thing. In some cases this even happens as an intentional attempt at manipulation.
Rain maphits speak Common, Aquan and Auran.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of cold water; 1d4 cold; fortitude, DC 12. Creatures that fail their save are also knocked prone. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in the rain.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – ThunderheadSC (DC 13), CL 3. 1/day – Great ThunderclapSC (DC 15), CL 6.

Sun Mephit
Small Outsider (Air, Fire)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (good)
Amor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 dex, +4 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw + 4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 fire)
Full Attack: 2 Claw + 4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, light immunity, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +7, Hide +11 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings),
Feats: Dodge, Toughness
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Sun, Quasielemental Plane of Radiance
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Sun mephits are aggressively loners. They insist that they need no one. Logically, they search out the company of others so they can demonstratively ignore them or demonstrate their allegeded independentness.
Sun mephits speak Common, Auran and Ignan.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of solar glare; Fortitude DC 12 no effect. Sighted creatures that fail their save are blinded for 10 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only in full sunlight.
Light immunity (Ex): Sun mephits don't take damage from spells and abilities based on light. They still can suffer secondary effects.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Nimbus of LightSC, CL 3. 1/day – Fireball (DC 15), CL 6.

Silt Mephit
Small Outsider (Earth, Water)
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (average), Swim 30 ft
Amor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+1
Attack: Claw + 6 melee (1d3+2 plus 1d4 acid)
Full Attack: 2 Claw + 6 melee (1d3+2 plus 1d4 acid)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Breathing Adaptation, Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, Immunity to acid
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +6, Hide +10 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6, Use Rope +0 (+2 with bindings),
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness
Environment: Paraelemental Plane of Silt, Quasielemental Plane of Dust
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Silt mephits are petty and pointless vandalls who delight in defacing and breaking stuff.
Silt mephits speak Common, Aquan and Terran.

Breathing Adaptation (Ex): Silt mephits can breath dust, Athas' silt and unbreathable gases as easily as air. This makes them immune to gaseous attacks and inhaled poisons.
Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of swirling silt; 1d6 acid plus 1d6 desiccation; reflex, DC 13. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only when in contact with silt or dust.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Corrosive GraspSC, CL 3. 1/day – SandsprayDark Sun 3.5 (DC 15), CL 6.

2023-04-14, 02:29 PM
My new old project has stalled again, so I decided to churn out a few more mephits as a palate cleanser. Enjoy.

New Creature: Even More Mephits

Wood Mephit

[Starts bouncing about.]

Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood

[More bouncing around.]

Fast Healing (Ex): Only when in contact with wooden objects or living trees.

Dead wooden objects triggering the fast healing strikes me as odd.

Meld into Wood (like meld into stone, but only for wood and trees), CL 6.

What's wrong with Tree Shape? It's very similar and about the right level.

I'll go through the rest sometime later, probably.

2023-04-15, 03:58 AM
Dead wooden objects triggering the fast healing strikes me as odd.

It's a wood mephit, not a plant mephit (propably made by a wu jen somewhere). Like, if it were a meat mephit, I'd also have it heal when touching a grilled steak in addition to living animals.:smalltongue:

What's wrong with Tree Shape? It's very similar and about the right level.

I dunno, it feels not right. It allows you to hide as a tree, yes, but the Plane of Wood is IIRC a gaint tree, as is Yggdrasil, and hiding as a small tree on a bigger tree is kinda eh. Besides, this way it can hide effectively in worked wood too.

2023-04-15, 07:14 AM
It's a wood mephit, not a plant mephit (propably made by a wu jen somewhere). Like, if it were a meat mephit, I'd also have it heal when touching a grilled steak in addition to living animals.:smalltongue:

Heh. Fair enough. Don't mind me being me. (Also, the Semi-Elemental Plane of Meat sounds like a fun place.)

I dunno, it feels not right. It allows you to hide as a tree, yes, but the Plane of Wood is IIRC a gaint tree, as is Yggdrasil, and hiding as a small tree on a bigger tree is kinda eh. Besides, this way it can hide effectively in worked wood too.

The Plane of Wood is a big tree indeed – but it's a big tree with trees (and other planties) growing all over it! But yeah, fair again. I just happen to like Tree Shape.

2023-04-20, 06:50 AM
Heh. Fair enough. Don't mind me being me. (Also, the Semi-Elemental Plane of Meat sounds like a fun place.)
The Plane of Wood is a big tree indeed – but it's a big tree with trees (and other planties) growing all over it! But yeah, fair again. I just happen to like Tree Shape.

We could probably create an Energy Transformation Field containing Arcane Fusion casting Energy Transformation Field and Sanctum Stone to Flesh, all of this cast inside the Plane of Earth-> Bam, self-extending and sustaining demiplane of meat.

I would see the Plane of Wood more as the inside of an infinite tree. Like Concordant Opposition, there's a center to the plane (since all stumps have concentric circles indicating their age), but no limits on either direction, and people carve their homes inside of that infinite tree.

2023-04-20, 12:36 PM
We could probably create an Energy Transformation Field containing Arcane Fusion casting Energy Transformation Field and Sanctum Stone to Flesh, all of this cast inside the Plane of Earth-> Bam, self-extending and sustaining demiplane of meat.

I call you MAD!! (Also, that's brilliant. Gotta do that in one of these games.)

I would see the Plane of Wood more as the inside of an infinite tree. Like Concordant Opposition, there's a center to the plane (since all stumps have concentric circles indicating their age), but no limits on either direction, and people carve their homes inside of that infinite tree.

I'm not saying that doesn't make sense, but… Well, I'm glad you didn't write MotP, after all. The canon being "it's a happy plant place where happy plants live and intruders are lynched for playing lumberjack" sits far better with me, you know.

2023-05-07, 01:11 PM
Hah, it's a great feeling seeing the views tick up, only lessened by the fact that so few people post. But no matter, let's keep the thread from falling too far.

New Creature: Just for Pun 2

This is just something I cobbled together over two days. I hope it's still enjoyable.

Mind Rape
Tiny Plant (Psionic, Swarm)
Hit Dice: 9d8+18 (58 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: -
Amor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +2 size, +3 natural), touch 13, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-
Attack: Swarm attack (2d6 plus distract)
Full Attack: Swarm attack (2d6 plus distract)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/0 ft
Special Attacks: Distract (DC 16), psi-like abilities
Special Qualities: Empathic communication, half damage from slashing and piercing, hive mind, low-light vision, plant traits, swarm traits, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 17
Skills: Spot +15
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Penetration
Environment: Temperate plains
Organisation: Patch (1-6)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

Mind rape is a yellow flower resembling a rapeseed, but doesn't grow higher than a foot. The plant's roots and stem have small knots that give them the appearance of nerves. A single mind rape plant has a dull mind and a spark of psionic ability, but no ability to communicate or to use psychic abilities. Only in the wild nature, where the plant grows in dense patches, can the flowers bundle their powers. A patch of mind rape usually uses its abilities to control creatures into fighting off herbivores, clearing rocks or fallen trees away that hurt the plants or keep them from getting enough sun, to spread their seed or in rare cases to fertilize the ground with their corpses.
For obvious reasons, mind rape is dangerous to domesticate, but some communities with a high percentage of manifesters still try because of the properties of its oil.

Empathic Communication (Su): A patch of mind rape can empathically communicate emotions and desires. This is not as nuanced as spoken or telepathic communication, but usually enough to give simple commands.
Hive Mind (Ex): Any patch of mind rape with at least 1 hit point per Hit Die a hive mind, giving it psionic abilities. When a patch of mind rape is reduced below this hit point threshold, it loses access to its psi-like abilities and its empathic communication.
Psi-like abilities: At will – cloud mind (DC 15), id insinuation* (four targets, DC 18), mental disruption* (20 ft. spread, DC 16), psionic grease (DC 14); 3/day – death urge (DC 17), psionic dominate* (additionally affects animals, fey, giants, magical beasts and monstrous humanoids, DC 18) ; 1/day – mind thrust* (9d10 damage, DC 18). 9th manifester level, DC is based on Cha.
*Augmentations for high ML already included.

Mind rape oil
Like normal rapeseed, the plant and especially its seed has a high oil content. This oil grants food prepared with it a energetizing taste that seems to clear the mind. A manifester eating food fried in mind rape oil gains temporary power points equal to their manifester level that last for 1 hour. A character can receive this benefit only once every 8 hours.
Food fried in mind rape oil costs 10 gp.

2023-05-08, 08:42 AM
Hah, it's a great feeling seeing the views tick up, only lessened by the fact that so few people post. But no matter, let's keep the thread from falling too far.

Didn't forget about the thread; I was merely busy with other stuff (and you do some work far too clean to need constant typohunting and checking for math errors).

New Creature: Just for Pun 2

This is just something I cobbled together over two days. I hope it's still enjoyable.

Mind Rape

Well, damn. You are, like, Evil!

Mind rape is a yellow flower resembling a rapeseed, but doesn't grow higher than a foot. The plant's roots and stem have small knots that give them the appearance of nerves.


Special Qualities: Empathic communication, hive mind, plant traits, swarm traits, vulnerability to fire

Half damage for S and P is usually spelled out explicitly (even though it's technically a swarm trait). Do the little flowers have that? Or is it removed because, well, stationary target?

Abilities: Str 4, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 17

A single mind rape plant has a dull mind and a spark of psionic ability, but no ability to communicate or to use psychic abilities.

A funny thing: this is something we've been discussing with Beni over in the NLA thread just the other day. "Plants have low INT and drink blood" are too old clichés of 3.5 monster design that makes me endlessly SAD (and not like a T1 caster). Now, "the swarm is smarter than its components" is a well-respected twist on the standard "the swarm is stronger than its components" that is, like, the basis of the concept in D&D, but even Shimmerlings go up to INT 7 when together. Would anything break if the flowers had a 3 when alone/unswarmed and a 10 when cooperating (beyond the need for another class skill) notionally or mechanically?

Otherwise this is nice and I like it (and nobody is surprised!). The only mechanically concerning thing is the complete lack of movement modes, which is thematic, of course, but a tough predicament.

2023-05-08, 10:49 AM
Didn't forget about the thread; I was merely busy with other stuff (and you do some work far too clean to need constant typohunting and checking for math errors).

Oh, don't worry; I wasn't griping over you. You are a treasure and I'm happy to have you here. :smallsmile:

By the way, you forgot to look over the rest of the mephits. :smalltongue:

Well, damn. You are, like, Evil!

I think my official alignment is given as Playful Evil. :smallcool:

Half damage for S and P is usually spelled out explicitly (even though it's technically a swarm trait). Do the little flowers have that? Or is it removed because, well, stationary target?

Added. Also added low-light vision, which I forgot.

A funny thing: this is something we've been discussing with Beni over in the NLA thread just the other day. "Plants have low INT and drink blood" are too old clichés of 3.5 monster design that makes me endlessly SAD (and not like a T1 caster). Now, "the swarm is smarter than its components" is a well-respected twist on the standard "the swarm is stronger than its components" that is, like, the basis of the concept in D&D, but even Shimmerlings go up to INT 7 when together. Would anything break if the flowers had a 3 when alone/unswarmed and a 10 when cooperating (beyond the need for another class skill) notionally or mechanically?

Otherwise this is nice and I like it (and nobody is surprised!). The only mechanically concerning thing is the complete lack of movement modes, which is thematic, of course, but a tough predicament.

I originally planned to make this thing smarter, but as I already have another plantal (and one funghal) mastermind on my to-do list I felt this could get a bit samey. So I instead chose to go for a barely sapient instinct driven psi-user at the lowest INT I could justify. I thought about having the singular flower be completely mindless, but hive minds increasing INT are pretty typical, so I went for another route.

2023-05-09, 12:10 PM
Oh, don't worry; I wasn't griping over you. You are a treasure and I'm happy to have you here. :smallsmile:

[Equally happy flower vocalizations.] I demand to be double treasure, though.

By the way, you forgot to look over the rest of the mephits. :smalltongue:

Hey, I did say later! We're still later!

Added. Also added low-light vision, which I forgot.

Oh, right. That. It's such a giuve-or-take that I honestly didn't notice it's not there!

I already have another plantal (…) mastermind

All is forgiven.

2023-05-09, 03:44 PM
Just had an idea and added it. This of course adds the question: what's mind rape oil worth?

2023-05-10, 08:56 AM
Just had an idea and added it. This of course adds the question: what's mind rape oil worth?

I like the idea. But pricing it is tough. Since it actually scales with [checks] ML, its value for a given manifester will vary accordingly. I'm not sure that's a very common issue with items either (CON-boosting items are similar, of course, as are arguably boosters on casting stats, as those might give variable numbers of extra slots depending on level, but I can't think of much else). As a consumable, it should naturally have a price less steep than a cognizance crystal, but beyond that… I suppose potions of Owl's Wisdom/Eagle's Splendour/Fox's Cunning (for the reason stated above) might help set a benchmark?

2023-05-10, 10:35 AM
Maybe I should look up prices for mana potions in Unearthed Arcana. The whole thing is very much ... food for thought. :smallcool:

2023-05-11, 04:54 AM
Maybe I should look up prices for mana potions in Unearthed Arcana. The whole thing is very much ... food for thought. :smallcool:

Are those even a th-

The whole thing is very much ... food for thought.

very much ... food for thought

food for thought

[And that's when the screaming began.]

2023-05-13, 11:33 AM
(Okay. So, allow me to infirnge on your thread and intellectual properties with something pointlessly demented! I spent the last few days travelling and noticed something peculiar. They are spreading. Rapeseed has become such a common crop hereabouts, that it cannot all fit into the fields where it is planted. So it spills out. I've seen individual plants by the road much everywhere. By patches of reed. Atop wooded hills. Even in cities. And I sensed a fell purpose behind this! And so, the idea of this was born:

Yellow Peril
Its life usually short and hard, the yellow peril is a willing outcast. Assumed to be a rare life stage of the common mind rape, it has remarkable intellect as well as the power of locomotion. It spends most of its life running along roads, never asleep and rarely tired, faithfully sending rudimentary reports back to the home patch. For what nefarious end – that is poorly understood.

Yellow perils understand Sylvan or Common, but do not speak.

Size/Type: Tiny Plant
Hit Dice: 1d8-3 (1 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-13
Attack: –
Full Attack: –
Space/Reach: 1 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: –
Special Qualities: Empathic transfer, low-light vision, plant traits, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 12, Con 5, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 11
Skills: Hide +9 (or +4 when not on temperate plains), Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Endurance, RunB
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/8
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: –
Level Adjustment: –

The yellow peril does not fight. The yellow peril hides. It is not good at hiding.

Empathic Transfer (Su)
Although it is no part of the hive mind anymore, a yellow peril maintains a connection with it. It can transmit its exact position and how it feels about the position in question to the swarm from any distance and receive minimal feedback (usually amounting to satisfaction or dissatisfaction over its progress).

When away from the patch and its natural habitat, the yellow peril has a -5 racial penalty on Hide checks.)

2023-05-13, 03:32 PM
Are those even a th-

Yeah, I got confused apparantly. The mana potions I remembered were from the d20 WoW RPG. Still, they give some idea what to go for.

An alternate way to think about is that additional pp equal to your manifester level effectively means one extra use of a power of your highest level (plus a bit extra). A potion of Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer or a similiar spell (if such an object existed) could also serve as a guideline.

Yellow Peril

This is hilariously silly. I don't know what I would have made of this pun (maybe a disease or natural hazard), but probably not a plant. Still, funny stuff.

2023-05-14, 11:19 AM
Yeah, I got confused apparantly. The mana potions I remembered were from the d20 WoW RPG. Still, they give some idea what to go for.

An alternate way to think about is that additional pp equal to your manifester level effectively means one extra use of a power of your highest level (plus a bit extra). A potion of Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer or a similiar spell (if such an object existed) could also serve as a guideline.

That's not a bad idea, actually! Although, there's still the issue that Menmonic Enhancer doesn't scale. Is there a greater version of that somewhere?

This is hilariously silly. I don't know what I would have made of this pun (maybe a disease or natural hazard), but probably not a plant.[/QUOTE]

Look, I needed a pun, preferably not on rape. This looked like a fit (I figured that the fact it couldn't be less dangerous is a feature, rather than a bug).

Still, funny stuff.

Glad you like it, though!

2023-05-29, 06:51 AM
Yesterday, I saw a red kite circle above our garden. This has nothing to do with what I'm posting or why; I just thought I'd mention it. :smalltongue:

The following is maybe the first piece of homebrew I ever did, and I finally finished it: the minions as D&D creatures. No, not those minions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minions_(film)), the minions from Overlord. No, not that Overlord (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlord_(novel_series)), the better Overlord (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlord_(2007_video_game)). Let's just begin, shall we?

New Creatures: Minions

Minions are goblin-like creatures that were allegedly formed from evil. These beings are most often found in the service of card-carrying evil overlords, on whose orders they can enjoy their favourite activities: killing, smashing, looting, pillaging and burning. Minions are darkly funny, pretty stupid, utterly loyal and completely without fear of death, meaning that they will happily leap into battle even against suicidical odds or let themselves be sacrificed for spells and magic items and even thank their master for it.
Minions are always male and able to sire hybrid beings with humanoids or other fey, but rarely do so. The creatures reproduce by collecting the life force of beings they killed and feeding it to mysterious items called minion hives, which spit out fully grown new minions.
Minions are probably immortal, but they do age very slowly. Even though most minions have a life expectancy measured in months because of their propensity to violence and amusing accidents, some specimen grow very old, often evolving unique traits, a measure of intelligence and initiative on their own. An example of that is the ancient Gnarl, bent and weakened by age, but advisor to dozens of generations of overlords, or the legendary blue minion Mortis, who can resurrect any minion fallen in his master's service by sacrificing the essence of multiple other minions.
Minions speak Common.
Minions exist in four different varieties that are specialized for different purposes and are named after their color: Browns, Reds, Greens and Blues. All minions possess the following abilities:

Batter (Ex): Minions attacking unattended objects ignore half the objects' hardness.
Fearless (Ex): Minions, lacking a sense of self-preservation, fear only a few things (and practically nothing that can be smashed). Therefore a minion receives a racial bonus of +6 to saves against fear effects.
Hauler (Ex): Minions are very good at carrying stuff for their master. A minion's carrying capacity is calculated as if it was one size larger. A minion's movement is not reduced for wearing medium or heave armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.
Master Looter (Ex): Minions are masters in scavenging useful stuff from the remains of smashed stuff and killed enemies. Minions can improvise armors from practically anything. Many an enemy laughed at the troop of goblins wearing pumpkins and kettles as helmets before getting their skull split by rake. Minions are able to adjust armor for their own use. This requires just a (usually untrained) skill check for an appropriate Craft skill with a racial bonus of +6 (DC 10 + 1 per 1,000 gp market price of the armor). On a success the armor keeps all properties, but fits only the minion that adjustet it. Another minion can adjust it later for its own purposes. Making this skill check doesn't require any tools and takes 1 minute.
Minions that have access to a complete set of equipment (for example an army's uniform) can use this to disguise themselves. Under those circumstances the minions receive a racial bonus of +10 to Disguise and don't take any penalties for disguising themselves as a different size or race (you wouldn't believe what people can overlook).
Furthermore, minions can make (with the appropriate Craft skill) trophies from fallen enemies that work like magic items. From clothing, equipment and bodyparts of creatures with unusual abilities, a minion can make items that transfer part of those abilities on the wearer (and can only be used by minions). Unusual abilities for these purposes are for example: Exceptional ability scores (higher than 16 and at least 4 over the average for your race, or higher than 22), Damage Reduction, Spell Resistance, Energy Ressitance, Fast Healing. Creating the trophy requires a Craft skill check (with a racial bonus of +6) against a DC of 10 + ½ the enemy's HD. Making this skill check too doesn't require any tools and takes 1 minute.
Trophies made from unique, rare or especially powerful creatures or people often possess additional abilities.
Minions can only make trophies from creatures that have at least as many HD as they themselves. When a minion makes a trophy, adjusts a fallen enemy's armor or loots their equipment, it absorbs part of that creature's essence if it has at least as many HD as the minion. Whenever a minion kills and absorbs in this way a number of HD that equals its own times 3, it gains an addition HD. For every 2 HD gained the minion's natural armor, Strength, Dexterity and Constitution rise by +1. This is the only way for minions to gain HD, except for class levels.
Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of minions lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a minion is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the minion is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A minion is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A minion can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
CR: A minion's CR rises by 1 for every two racial hit dice.
Skills: Minions have a racial bonus +4 to Search (what do you need all those equipment abilities for if you can't find ressources to use them on?).

Brown Minion
Small Fey
HD: 2d6+6 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Movement: 30 ft.
AC: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12
BAB/Grapple: +1/+4
Attack: Medium club melee +5 (1d6+4) or Slam melee +5 (1d4+4)
Full Attack: Medium club melee +5 (1d6+4) or Slam melee +5 (1d4+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Batter, powerful build, powerful charge
Special Qualities: Augmented master looter, Darkvision 60 ft., fearless, hauler, low-light vision, wolf affinity
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4*
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9
Skills: Craft (any) -2*, Disguise -1*, Handle Animal -1*, Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Ride +2*, Search +7, Spot +6
Feats: Mounted Combat, Power AttackB
Environment: Temperate hills and underground
Organization: Troop (5-50 various minions) or barracks (15-200 browns)
CR: 4
Treasure: No coins, ½ goods, ½ items
Alignment: Always evil (any)
Advancement: Special or by character class (Favoured: fighter)
Level Adjustment: ?

The browns are the "base" minions and simultanously the main combatants of a minion army. Strong and tough as rock and twice as stupid, a typical brown minion looks like a very muscular goblin with muddy brown skin and, like all minions, glowing eyes. This skin often changes lightens to grey with age. Browns have a soft spot for wolves and like to ride the "good wolfies" into battle.
Browns usually wear names that are based on random sounds (Gloop, Conk, Scrunch) or on battle (Smasher, Rubble, Psycho, Howler). Sometimes words associated with earth, like Clay, are also taken as names. A few browns choose suprisingly normal names (like Gunther).

Augmented Master Looter (Ex): This ability is a bit stronger in browns than in other minions. A brown minion can improvise from practically anything a melee weapon. Browns are proficient with all melee weapons. They don't take non-proficiency penalties when using improvised weapons and automatically deal lethal damage with them. Many improvised weapons can be used for combat maneuvers in the hands of a brown.
A brown taking a fallen enemy's weapon absorbs essence from the enemy, just like when he takes the enemy's armor or makes a trophy.
Powerful Charge (Ex): Browns deal double damage on a charge. If a brown rides a wolf or similiar creatur and makes a charge, it can automatically try to overrun the target.
Wolf Affinity (Ex): Wolves and similiar creatures (dire wolves, worgs etc.) always have a friendly attitude to browns and won't attack them or their allies. Browns gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride when using those skills on those creatures. Browns never use saddles and don't take penalties for that.

Red Minion
Small Fey (Fire)
HD: 2d6+2 (9 hp)
Initiative: +3
Movement: 30 ft.
AC: 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
BAB/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Slam melee +3 (1d3+1) or flame-throwing ranged touch +5 (1d6+1 fire plus ignite)
Full Attack: Slam melee +3 (1d3+1) or flame-throwing ranged touch +5 (1d6+1 fire plus ignite)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Batter, flame-throwing, ignite, powerful build
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., fearless, fire absorption, hauler, immunity to fire, low-light vision, master looter, reptile affinity, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4*
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Bluff +4, Craft (any) -1*, Disguise -1*, Handle Animal -1*, Intimidate +6, Listen +6, Ride +2*, Search +8, Spot +6
Feats: Ability Focus (Ignite), Point-Blank ShotB
Environment: Warm hills and underground
Organization: Troop (5-50 various minions) or barracks (15-200 reds)
CR: 4
Treasure: No coins, ½ goods, ½ items
Alignment: Always evil (any)
Advancement: Special or by character class (Favoured: scout)
Level Adjustment: ?

The reds are the ranged attackers of a minion army. The relatively fragile creatures delight in throwing fire at anything that moves, and are also in other areas so obsessed with burning, that they sometimes forget to loot. Luckily they also have the ability to absorb fire, which is a blessing for their often less fireproof masters. In appearance they resemble devils. Reds lack the bat-like ears of browns or goblins, and instead have a pair of goat-like horns on top of their skull-like faces. A ridge goes down their spine and leads to a thin pointy-ended tail. Reds are of deep red in color, which darkens to burgund, nearly black, with age.
Reds practically always wear names associated with fire, like Char, Bomb, Pyre or Crispy. A few take normal names like Brutus or Fritz.

Ignite (Ex): Creatures and objects hit by a red's flame-throwing must make a reflex save aagainst DC 14 or catch on fire. The fires burn 1d4 rounds and can be extinguished with a move action. If a creature or object is hit by more than one flame in the same round, the DC and the duration rises by +1 per flame. If the fire burns 8 rounds or more, it requires a full-round action to be extinguished.
The DC is based on Con.
Fire Absorption (Su): A red can extinguish fire by touching it and concentrating. This heals lost hit points. How many hit points are restored and how much time it takes depends on the fire's size.

Time Required
Healed Hit Points

1 Swift Action
1 hp

1 Standard Action
2 hp

Small campfire
1 round
3 hp

Large campfire
2 rounds
6 hp

3 rounds
9 hp

6 rounds
18 hp

Burning Shack
10 rounds
30 hp

Burning tavern
15 rounds
45 hp

Burning inn
20+ rounds
60+ hp

Multiple reds can absorb sufficiently large fires cooperatively. The time in rounds each minion needs to concentrate is divided by the number of minions (round up); just as the number of hp each minion gains.
Flame-Throwing (Su): A red minion's prefered attack is throwing fire at people. This ability resembles the spell produce flame useable at will, with the difference that the thrown flame deals 1d6+1 damage per 2 HD of the red. This ability can be activated as a Free Action. Reds don't take penalties to attack rolls with this ability while riding giant lizards or similiar creatures.
Reptile Affinity (Ex): Giant lizards and similiar magical beasts (for example the zezirMM3) always have a friendly attitude to reds and won't attack them or their allies. Reds gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride when using those skills on those creatures. Reds never use saddles and don't take penalties for that.

Green Minion
Small Fey
HD: 2d6+2 (9 hp)
Initiative: +7
Movement: 30 ft.
AC: 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Medium claw bracer melee +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/2x) or claw melee +3 (1d3+2)
Full Attack: Medium claw bracer melee +1 (1d4+2, 19-20/2x) and medium claw bracer melee +1 (1d4+1, 19-20/2x) or two claws melee +3 (1d3+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Batter, powerful build, savage murdering, sneak attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Camouflage, darkvision 60 ft., fearless, hauler, immunity to poison, improved master looter, low-light vision, spider affinity
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +5*
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Skills: Craft (any) -2*, Disguise -2*, Handle Animal -2*, Hide +12, Listen +7, Ride +3*, Search +6, Spot +7
Feats: Improved Initiative, Two-Weapons FightingB
Environment: Warm forests and underground
Organization: Troop (5-50 various minions) or barracks (15-200 greens)
CR: 4
Treasure: No coins, ½ goods, ½ items
Alignment: Always evil (any)
Advancement: Special or by character class (Favoured: rogue)
Level Adjustment: ?

The disgusting greens serve as an overlord's assassins. In battle, they prefer to stay hidden while the other minions distract their opponents and then jump on their backs and stab until they don't move anymore. Greens can hide practically anywhere, but their stench tends to give them away; greens stink like a mixture of poison gas, rotting plants and farts. These minions like plants, especially stinking and poisonous ones, and are adapt at handling them. A typical green resembles a reptiliod goblin, with a lizard-like ridge and tail and no ears. Their jungle-green skin lightens with age.
Greens prefer names that reference murdering (Scythe, Ripper, Knives, Shredder) or filfth (Ooze, Stencher, Rancid, Fungus), with a smattering of random sounds thrown in (Hiss, Deedee, Si).

Camouflage (Ex): A green can use the Hide skill, even if it doesn't have cover or concealment. A minion riding a spider shares this ability with its mount.
Improved Master Looter (Ex): This ability is a bit stronger in greens than in other minions. Greens are proficient with all light bladed melee weapons, but they prefer claw bracers and similiar blades bound to their hands. A green minion can fashion such a weapon from any bladed weapon while keeping its properties intact, similiar to how minions can adjust armor.
A green taking or repurposing a fallen enemy's weapon absorbs essence from the enemy, just like when he takes the enemy's armor or makes a trophy.
Savage Murdering (Ex): When a green successfully charges a creature that is flat-footed and at least one size larger, it jumps on the creature's back, clings to it and starts mauling it with its blades. This round and every further round it succeeds at clinging to the victim, the green can make a full attack against it. The victim counts as flat-footed against those attacks. It can throw of the minion with a succesful grapple check.
The number of greens that can cling to a creature at once depends on the size difference; one green to a creature one size larger, four to a creature two sizes larger, sixteen to a creature three sizes larger etc.
A green riding a spider can also use this ability. In this case the spider clings to the victim together with its rider and adds its own attacks to the rider's full attack. The size of the spider will be used to determine what creatures this ability can be used on and how many can cling to it.
Sneak Attack (Ex): A green's sneak attack raises by +1d6 on each odd racial hit die.
Spider Affinity (Ex): Monstrous spiders and similiar creatures (for example phase spiders) always have a friendly attitude to greens and won't attack them or their allies. Greens can use Handle Animal on spiders as if they had an Int score of 1. Greens gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride when using those skills on those creatures. Greens never use saddles and don't take penalties for that.

Blue Minion
Small Fey (Water)
HD: 2d6 (7 hp)
Initiative: +2
Movement: 30 ft., Swim 30 ft.
AC: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12
BAB/Grapple: +1/+1
Attack: Slam melee +2 (1d3 plus 1d3 force)
Full Attack: Slam melee +2 (1d3 plus 1d3 force)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Batter, powerful build
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., ethereal movement, ethereal sight, fearless, hauler, low-light vision, master looter, raise minion
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2*
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +8, Concentrate +5, Craft (any) +0*, Disguise +3*, Intimidate +10, Listen +4, Search +9, Spot +4, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +8
Feats: Combat CastingB, Dodge
Environment: Temperate marshes and underground
Organization: Troop (5-50 various minions) or barracks (15-200 blues)
CR: 4
Treasure: No coins, ½ goods, ½ items
Alignment: Always evil (any)
Advancement: Special or by character class (Favoured: sorcerer)
Level Adjustment: ?

The blues, most fragile of the minions, serve as the healers and spellcasters of minion armies. They also are the only minions that don't drown when falling into small puddles. Blues are smarter than other minions, but you wouldn't really notice it most of the time. Blue minions see too much, and so they tend to be lost in their ability to see other planes and their own thoughts, which are too big for their tiny brains. Blue minions stand erect compared to the slouching walk of goblins and other minions, and are of amphibious appearance, with fins instead of ears, webbed hands and feet and a newt-like tail. Their skin is light blue, but darkens to purple with age. Unlike other minions blues have no skill with or care for mounts.
Blues usually wear names associated with water (Fins, Dribble, Jetsam) or magic (Zap, Dirge). They tend to more sophisticated names than other minions; names like Aquarius, Mortis, Daniel, Sepp or Hieronymus are not rare.

Ethereal Movement (Su): A blue that doesn't do anything in its turn but move may become ethereal for as long it moves. It can't use this ability if it carries more than a light load, nnnor can it carry anything in its hands that needs both hands.
Ethereal Sight (Su): Blue minions can see coexistent planes unhindered.
Raise Minion (Sp): A blue can as a full-round action raise a touched dead minion. This ability resembles the spell True Resurrection with the following differences: the target can't have been dead for more than 1 minute, and the corpse must be mostly complete (head cut off is okay, but head missing not; some skin or flesh eaten away by acid is alright, but blown to smithereens or burned to ashes is a no). Minions whose essence was sacrificed, for example as part of a spell, can't be resurrected.
This ability is equivalent to a 6th level spell.
Special: Blue minions that take sorcerer class levels add the cure wounds spells and the spell heal to their spell list at one level higher than they'd be for clerics. They practically never learn spells that attack enemies, instead preferring buffs and healing spells.

Minion Explosion
Evocation [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 2, Hexblade 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: A subservient minion
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistence: See text

You grab one of your minions by the throat and super-charge its essence. After letting go, the minion charges into battle and explodes at the end of its action (or when killed), which destroys its body and consumes its essence, rendering it unable to be resurrected. The explosion will be a 20 ft. burst centered on the minion. It's effects depend on the minion's type:

Brown: The minion explodes in a shockwave. All creatures except for other minions in the area take 1d4 damage per caster level (max. 10d4) and fall prone. A successful Reflex saves halves the damage and prevents the fall. Spell resistence applies.
Red: The minion explodes in a wave of fire. This works like a fireball at this spell's caster level, except minions in the area remain untouched and any creature or object that fails its save ignites.
Green: The minion explodes in a cloud of poisonous gas. This works similiar to stinking cloud at this spell's caster level, except minions in the area remain untouched and any creature that fails its save also takes 1d4 points of Con damage. Any protection against poison also works against this effect. Spell resistence applies.
Blue: The minion explodes in a healing rain. All minions in the area heal 1d8 + 1/CL hit points and gain Fast Healing 3 for 1 round per caster level.

Notes: Finally. I've been planing on finishing those up since I did the Zamonia stuff. Why did it take so long? Simple; when I sat down to finally finish up the green minion, I had a random thought: "Minions are born from life force in interesting colors. Incarnum is life force in interesting colors. Can we make a connection there?" And, well, now I was paralyzed by the decision to either overhaul everything I did to to add to a subsystem, or complete what I had. As you can see, I finally managed to make the easy choice instead of the interesting one. Maybe I'll make an incarnum based adaption with stats for the minion hives and more spells and stuff later, but for now I'm just glad to be f***ing done with my old projects and able to fully concentrate on new things.

2023-05-30, 06:41 AM
Yesterday, I saw a red kite circle above our garden. This has nothing to do with what I'm posting or why; I just thought I'd mention it. :smalltongue:

A BIRDY! (You did get my full attention!)

Master Looter (Ex): Minions are masters in scavenging useful stuff from the remains of smashed stuff and killed enemies. Minions can improvise armors from practically anything. Many an enemy laughed at the troop of goblins wearing pumpkins and kettles as helmets before getting their skull split by rake. Minions are able to adjust armor for their own use. This requires just a (usually untrained) skill check for an appropriate Craft skill with a racial bonus of +6 (DC 10 + 1 per 1,000 gp market price of the armor). On a success the armor keeps all properties, but fits only the minion that adjustet it. Another minion can adjust it later for its own purposes. Making this skill check doesn't require any tools and takes 1 minute.
Minions that have access to a complete set of equipment (for example an army's uniform) can use this to disguise themselves. Under those circumstances the minions receive a racial bonus of +10 to Disguise and don't take any penalties for disguising themselves as a different size or race (you wouldn't believe what people can overlook).
Furthermore, minions can make (with the appropriate Craft skill) trophies from fallen enemies that work like magic items. From clothing, equipment and bodyparts of creatures with unusual abilities, a minion can make items that transfer part of those abilities on the wearer (and can only be used by minions). Unusual abilities for these purposes are for example: Exceptional ability scores (higher than 16 and at least 4 over the average for your race, or higher than 22), Damage Reduction, Spell Resistance, Energy Ressitance, Fast Healing. Creating the trophy requires a Craft skill check (with a racial bonus of +6) against a DC of 10 + ½ the enemy's HD. Making this skill check too doesn't require any tools and takes 1 minute.
Trophies made from unique, rare or especially powerful creatures or people often possess additional abilities.
Minions can only make trophies from creatures that have at least as many HD as they themselves. When a minion makes a trophy, adjusts a fallen enemy's armor or loots their equipment, it absorbs part of that creature's essence if it has at least as many HD as the minion. Whenever a minion kills and absorbs in this way a number of HD that equals its own times 3, it gains an addition HD. For every 2 HD gained the minion's natural armor, Strength, Dexterity and Constitution rise by +1. This is the only way for minions to gain HD, except for class levels.

This is an odd one. The first half is pretty strong; the second is interesting, if complicated, but hardly ever really worth it (Fey HD is, like, not really good, it basically eats up the effect of STR gained (half BAB) and makes one need that CON (low HD)).

Brown Minion
Small Fey
HD: 2d6+6 (11 hp)

13 hp.

Master Looter (Ex): This ability is a bit stronger in browns than in other minions. A brown minion can improvise from practically anything a melee weapon. Browns are proficient with all melee weapons. They don't take non-proficiency penalties when using improvised weapons and automatically deal lethal damage with them. Many improvised weapons can be used for combat maneuvers in the hands of a brown.
A brown taking a fallen enemy's weapon absorbs essence from the enemy, just like when he takes the enemy's armor or makes a trophy.

Master Looter is broad enough as is, without having three separate versions that share the same name. Maybe make this a separate, Improved version or a separate ability altogether?

Wolf Affinity (Ex): Wolves and similiar creatures (dire wolves, worgs etc.) always have a friendly attitude to browns and won't attack them or their allies. Browns gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride when using those skills on those creatures. Browns never use saddles and don't take penalties for that.

Hm. Does that mean Handle Animal works on Magical Beasts and the like for them?

Red Minion
Small Fey (Fire)
HD: 2d6+2 (7 hp)

9 hp.

Environment: Hot hills and underground

Official stuff uses the term "warm".

Fire Absorption (Su): A red can extinguish fire by touching it and concentrating. This heals lost hit points. How many hit points are restored and how much time it takes depends on the fire's size.

Very nice! Does it require actual Concentration?

Reptile Affinity (Ex): Giant lizards and similiar magical beasts (for example the zezirMM3) always have a friendly attitude to reds and won't attack them or their allies. Reds gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride when using those skills on those creatures. Reds never use saddles and don't take penalties for that.

As above.

Green Minion
Small Fey
HD: 2d6+2 (7 hp)

9 hp.

Full Attack: Medium claw bracer melee +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/2x) and medium claw bracer melee -1 (1d4+1, 19-20/2x)

TWF gives two attacks at the same BAB, with a -2 penalty on both (so +1/+1 here).

Hide +12

How did it get that Hide so high?

Hot forests and underground

I'd recommend "warm" once more.

Master Looter (Ex): This ability is a bit stronger in greens than in other minions. Greens are proficient with all light bladed melee weapons, but they prefer claw bracers and similiar blades bound to their hands. A green minion can fashion such a weapon from any bladed weapon while keeping its properties intact, similiar to how minions can adjust armor.
A green taking or repurposing a fallen enemy's weapon absorbs essence from the enemy, just like when he takes the enemy's armor or makes a trophy.

As with the Browns, this should probably be explicitly an Improved version.

Savage Murdering (Ex):

I love that name. (The ability itself is cool as well, but the name? It's just spot on.)

Spider Affinity (Ex): Monstrous spiders and similiar creatures (for example phase spiders) always have a friendly attitude to browns and won't attack them or their allies. Greens can use Handle Animal on spiders as if they had an Int score of 1. Greens gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride when using those skills on those creatures. Greens never use saddles and don't take penalties for that.

Same question as with the previous Affinities.

Blue Minion
Small Fey (Water)
HD: 2d6 (5 hp)

7 hp.

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3*

Will +2.

Raise Minion (Sp): A blue can as a full-round action raise a touched dead minion. This ability resembles the spell True Resurrection with the following differences: the target can't have been dead for more than 1 minute, and the corpse must be mostly complete (head cut off is okay, but head missing not; some skin or flesh eaten away by acid is alright, but blown to smithereens or burned to ashes is a no). Minions whose essence was sacrificed, for example as part of a spell, can't be resurrected.
This ability is equivalent to a 6th level spell.

Why True Resurrection? It sounds more like a simple Raise Dead, really.

As for CRs: Brown's a borderline 3 or 4; Red a clear 4; Green 4 or higher; and Blue probably a 5, but at least a 4, by my calculations.
In terms of LA… I'm not sure I see these as playable material, and I'm pretty sure they couldn't get away without quite the prohibitive Level Adjustment (somebody's been spending too much time in the reassignment threads!).

2023-05-30, 07:32 AM
This is an odd one. The first half is pretty strong; the second is interesting, if complicated, but hardly ever really worth it (Fey HD is, like, not really good, it basically eats up the effect of STR gained (half BAB) and makes one need that CON (low HD)).

Fun fact: that ability was cribed from the redcap in MM3 and distorted until it fit. Also, I originally went with fey because the minions felt to me like a "natural embodiment of evil" and because I had filed off a lot of the lore in the first drafts. It was only when I had my "but what if incarnum?" thought that I added it back. If I had started from the very beginning with the incarnum variant, they'd probably end up as Monstrous Humanoids. But I think I like them as fey.
Edit: Also, fey gives our diminuitive destructive dimwits some much needed skill points

13 hp.

Corrected for all of them.

Master Looter is broad enough as is, without having three separate versions that share the same name. Maybe make this a separate, Improved version or a separate ability altogether?

Changed a few names.

Hm. Does that mean Handle Animal works on Magical Beasts and the like for them?

I mean, it does work on Magical Beasts with animal intelligence in the first place. Should minions be able to use it on intelligent Magical Beasts? Dunno, but I don't really see the benefit.

Official stuff uses the term "warm".


Very nice! Does it require actual Concentration?

You'll need to roll if you are disturbed or attacked while doing it, I imagine.

TWF gives two attacks at the same BAB, with a -2 penalty on both (so +1/+1 here).


How did it get that Hide so high?

5 skill points +3 Dex +4 Size bonus.

I love that name. (The ability itself is cool as well, but the name? It's just spot on.)

I originally called it "Wilder Meuchelmord", but you can't really translate Meuchelmord as anything besides assassination, and that felt too clean to me. So I went this way. I was this close to calling it "Savage Murderization", but that felt a little bit too silly, even though silly is good with minions.

Why True Resurrection? It sounds more like a simple Raise Dead, really.

Because it resurrects them at full health with no lost levels/HD. I felt that starting with the powerful effect and then piling on restrictions was easier than starting with an effect more close in power level or effect, like revivify, and then mentioning the ways in which it is more powerful.

2023-05-31, 07:08 AM
Fun fact: that ability was cribed from the redcap in MM3 and distorted until it fit. Also, I originally went with fey because the minions felt to me like a "natural embodiment of evil" and because I had filed off a lot of the lore in the first drafts. It was only when I had my "but what if incarnum?" thought that I added it back. If I had started from the very beginning with the incarnum variant, they'd probably end up as Monstrous Humanoids. But I think I like them as fey.
Edit: Also, fey gives our diminuitive destructive dimwits some much needed skill points

I think I like them better this way as well. They do have that Fey vibe!

Changed a few names.

Looks lovely!

I mean, it does work on Magical Beasts with animal intelligence in the first place. Should minions be able to use it on intelligent Magical Beasts? Dunno, but I don't really see the benefit.

That's okay. I was merely asking because all the listed examples (if I don't misremember something about the Zezir) are sapient, but some of them don't have a language for easy communication (e.g. Phase Spiders).

5 skill points +3 Dex +4 Size bonus.

All the sizebending made me forget about that +4. My bad.

I originally called it "Wilder Meuchelmord", but you can't really translate Meuchelmord as anything besides assassination, and that felt too clean to me. So I went this way. I was this close to calling it "Savage Murderization", but that felt a little bit too silly, even though silly is good with minions.

Heh. You struck the perfect balance, I'd say, so worry not!

Because it resurrects them at full health with no lost levels/HD. I felt that starting with the powerful effect and then piling on restrictions was easier than starting with an effect more close in power level or effect, like revivify, and then mentioning the ways in which it is more powerful.

Still feels odd, but yeah, that's fair enough.

2023-06-23, 04:42 PM
Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Plants of Peril

Gourmetica Insularis
"Accursed water plants. Remember one thing, my boy: In this world nothing is for free. Not even food."
– Deux X. Machina (pseudonym), reptilian rescuer

The Gourmetica Insularis is a carnivorous water plant with a perfidious method of luring in and fattening prey. This plant grows in warm seas, in places where the sea is neither too deep nor too shallow. While rooted to the sea ground, the plant's „head“ reaches the surface. This „head“ is large enough to be mistaken for an island (on average a diamater of half a mile to two miles), and that is what the Gourmetica Insularis pretends to be to its victims.
The Gourmetica uses an innate mixture of illusion, transmutation and conjuration magic to disguise itself as a tropical paradise full of wondrous and unusual plant life: singing flowers, color-changing orchids, trees that grow cakes, giant tomatoes, vines that can be eaten and taste like spaghetti, blue cauliflower that tastes like roasted meat, potatoes that deep-fry themselves, and so on. Some of these plants can be found elsewhere (blue cauliflower for example is raised at the Linnorm Fortress), but others only exist on a Gourmetica. To add to the illusion, the plant even creates facsimiles of animals to populate itself (which will always be either beautiful or cute, like kittens, bunnies, hummingbirds or butterflies). The food produced by the plants is tasty and nourishing, but it saps your will. Anybody eating from it must make a Will save (DC 25). Those who fail take a penalty of -2 to further Will saves for 24 hours. They also lose drive and desire to leave. By repeatedly eating from the Gourmetica, you are likely to lose interest in anything besides continuing to eat the delicacies. The effect is very subtle; even when succeeding the save a character needs to make a Wisdom check against DC 15 to notice the failed mental influencing.
The Gourmetica Insularis usually only strikes after weeks or months, when its victims have eaten themselves too fat to fight back adequately. The plant transforms into its true shape, which resembles a burned down plain covered in small mouths and blackened tendrils ending in hands. Those tendrils try to grapple the victims (Attack and grapple bonus +20). A tendril can be attacked and severed (it has AC 18 and 10 hp). After a few rounds, the whole „island“ splits open to reveal the plant's maw. Grappled victims are dropped into the maw, as is anyone who failed a Reflex save against DC 20.
The fall into the Gourmetica's digestive track is 70 ft. deep. Anybody surviving the fall takes 3d6 acid damage per round until he dies or manages to cut a way out (by dealing 75 hp damage to the stomach's walls), whereupon he'll find himself under water. The Gourmetica requires two rounds to close its maw again.
The Gourmetical Insularis is quite frugal, requiring only about 300 pound of food per year, but it is also very specialized. Only mamalian humanoids or monstrous humanoids can properly nourish it; everything else is at best fast food.
A Gourmetica is too large to be treated as a creature in most cases. Should something be able to affect the whole being, treat its saves as Fort +30, Ref +7, Will +12. Its mind has the attributes Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 13 (alignment Neutral Evil). Gourmeticae are not known to speak or otherwise communicate.

Inspired by The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear.

"Don't worry about your sister. Maybe she's lucky and gets eaten by the grass moray. Then she won't die the long death of suffocation. Over and done with."
– A helpful talking orchid

Quickgrass is a treacherous natural hazard. At first glance, it appears to be a slightly blue tinted patch of grass, but if you set foot on it, you'll see that it's in fact many long sharp blades of grass growing from a deep depression in the ground. Then of course it is too late, for you'll glide into a mass of sharp blades of grass dense enough to press on your lungs and keep you from breathing.
A patch of quickgrass (typically called a pond) is usually 30 ft. deep, sometimes more, and has a diameter of 20 ft. To notice a pond of quickgrass, a character must succeed on a Survival check against DC 15 or a Search check against DC 20. Running or charging characters don't get a check. A character falling into quickgrass needs to hold his breath. A character may try to climb out of the pond by making a Climb check against DC 20. Attempting this check or other hasty movements deal 2d4 slashing damage to the character, unless he is completely covered or has a natural armor bonus of +4 or higher.
A character with woodland stride or similiar abilities doesn't take damage from quickgrass or is impeded by it, but must still hold their breath.
Most quickgrass ponds are home to a grass moray, larger ponds maybe even to a mated pair. A grass moray resembles a crocodile-sized moray with a coelacanth's fins and a smaller second maw growing from the nose. This nose-maw not only has a very keen sense of smell, it is also used to nibble bones clean. Grass morays are lazy ambush predators, prefering to wait for food to drop directly in front of them.
Use the stats of a crocodile for the grass moray, but replace the tail slap with a secondary bite attack (1d4+2). The grass moray can move around in the quickgrass as easily as a crocodile swims.

Inspired by Ensel und Krete.

Leaf Wolf
Your walk has become lazy
Your leaves have lost their hue
The gaze appears hazy
Still, I back away from you

No force lies in your grunt
Your limbs shake with age
Your teeth are dull and blunt
Still, they keep you caged

Because one feels the forest's power
And sees the hunger too
That hides inside your glower
So I back away from you
– To An Aging Leaf Wolf, by Optimus Yarnspinner

Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 15d10+75 (157 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft (8 squares), Climb 20 ft.
Amor Class: 24 (+3 Dex, -1 size, +12 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+25
Attack: Claw melee +20 (1d8+6, 19-20/2x)
Full Attack: Two claw melee +20 (1d8+6, 19-20/2x) and bite +18 (2d6+3, 3x)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Trip, rend 2d8+9
Special Qualities: Concealed rest, damage reduction 10/magic, damage reduction 2/-, darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, partial plant traits, resistence 10 to cold and electricity, scent, spell resistence 20
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +8
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +14, Hide -1*, Listen +12, Spot +12, Survival +3*
Feats: Daunting PresenceLM, Cleave, Improved Critical (Claw), Multiattack, Power Attack, Track
Environment: Temperate woods
Organisation: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 16-22 HD (Large), 23-45 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +4

The leaf wolf is one of the many hybrids of plant and animal that dot the Zamonian nature. Considered one of Zamonia's apex predators by the populace, this fearsome beast resembles a giant werewolf with leaves instead of fur and wooden claws and teeth. Instead of blood, sap flows in its veins.
Leaf wolves have the ability to transform themselves into piles of leaves, and prefer to use this to ambush prey. On other occasions, leaf wolves attacked by jumping from a tree on unsuspecting wanderers. A leaf wolf's leaves change slightly with the seasons for better camouflage, but age plays a more serious role in their coloration. The beast hibernates over the winter and mates in spring.

Concealed Rest (Su): A leaf wolf has the ability to transform into a pile of leaves when at rest. It usually uses this ability when sleeping. In this shape it can't do anything besides transforming back, but it can still use its normal senses. To recognize a transformed leaf wolf, a character must make a Survival check against DC 25.
Partial Plant Traits (Ex): As liminary beings between plant and animal, leaf wolves enjoy some of the traits of the plant type. Leaf wolves are not subject to critical hits and immune to paralysis, polymorph, sleep effects and stunning, but not against poison and mind-affecting effects. Abilities that only affect plant creatures can affect a leaf wolf, but the wolf receives a +4 to saves against the effect.
Rend (Ex): A leaf wolf that hits with two claw attacks latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an extra 2d8+9 points of damage.
Trip (Ex): A leaf wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+6 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the leaf wolf.
Skills: A leaf wolf gains a racial bonus of +4 to Survival when tracking by scent.
A leaf wolf gains a racial bonus of +6 to Hide when in forested surroundings.
Leaf wolves have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Inspired by Ensel und Krete.

Note: Translating poems is frigging difficult.

"This is what I assume where the nurns come from: dead leaves, blood and corpses. At least they weren't here before, but suddenly they started growing out of the ground and painting the forest red."
– Yggdra Sil, the Nurnwood Oak

Huge Aberration
Hit Dice: 24d8+96 (204 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Amor Class: 24 (+5 Dex, -2 size, +11 natural), touch 13, Flat footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+32
Attack: Skewer melee +23 (1d8+6) or tendril melee +22 (1d6+6)
Full Attack: Four skewers melee +23 (1d8+6) and four tendrils melee +22 (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 15 ft/15 ft (25 ft. with tendril)
Special Attacks: Bleeding, constrict 1d6+6, improved grab
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft, lesser plant traits, resistence 20 to fire and cold, spell resistence 29
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +20
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 18, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +10*, Move Silently +19*
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Multiattack, Improved Overrun, Improved Toughness, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Skewer), Whirlwind AttackB
Environment: Temperate woods or underground
Organisation: Solitary or copse (2-12)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 25-48 HD (Huge), 49-72 (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: -

Practically every village in Zamonia has some tall tales about the leaf wolf, how this and that guy got eaten or nearly eaten by one. But of the nurn people only talk in whispers, for unlike the leaf wolf barely anyone knows how it kills or what it even looks like. Most who tried to get a glimpse are dead.
A nurn has a roughly ovoid body covered in crimson leaves with no recognizable sensory organs. Eight long wooden legs with sharp ends grow from this, which the nurn uses to skewer its prey. Hidden under the leaves twelve tendrils grow, used to snatch smaller prey. Its body hides disturbingly human looking innards, and through its limbs red blood flows. At rest, the nurn looks like a small copse of thin trees in autumn. When moving, the nurn walks slowly and swaying and produces a soft rustling, sounding and looking like a tree in the wind. Nurns smell exactly like a moist forest, making them practically invisible to scent in their prefered environment.
The first nurns arose in the Nurnwood, a forest with a bloody history including the highest-casualty battle of Zamonia. All that spilled blood trickled down into the local Underdark and formed never-drying puddles that periodically disgorge diminutive nurns, called leaflings, Both leaflings and fully-grown nurns found their way on unknown paths to the surface. Despite the fact that nurns don't reproduce the normal way they are protective of leaflings. The high-pitched scream of a hurt leafling is the surest way of attracting nurns.
Nurns don't talk or communicate otherwise with food.

A nurn's tendril has 10 hit points and can be sundered like a weapon. Doing so deals the same amount of damage to the nurn. No matter how many tendrils a nurn has left, it can only effectively attack with at most four of them at once. Cut-off tendrils regrow in 1d6 days.
Bleeding (Ex): When the nurn hits an enemy with a skewer attack, the wound continues to bleed. The target loses 2 hp per round until it receives a healing spell or a Heal check against DC 16. Multiple bleeding wounds stack.
Constrict (Ex): A nurn deals automatic tendril damage with a successful grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the nurn must hit a creature that is at least one size smaller with a tendril attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Lesser Plant Traits (Ex): Hybrid beings like the nurn enjoy most of the traits of plants. Nurns are immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph and stunning. Unlike real plants they are subject to critical hits. Abilities that only affect plant creatures can affect a nurn, but it receives a +4 to saves against the effect.
Skills: Nurns receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently in woods. They receive an addition +4 racial bonus to Hide in temperate woods during autumn.

Inspired by Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures.

Fungus Witch
"Deep inside this wood, there is a place... a place, where the trees melt and the plants cry. That is not right. That is goddamn not right."
– An awakened leaf wolf

Gargantuan Plant (Evil, Shapeshifter)
Hit Dice: 27d8+270 (391 hp)
Initiative: -3
Speed: Burrow 30 ft.
Amor Class: 33 (-3 Dex, -4 Size, +30 natural), touch 3, Flat footed 33
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+41
Attack: Slam melee +25 (2d6+13)
Full Attack: Slam melee +25 (2d6+13)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Digestion, spell-like abilities, soul-stealer song
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/silver, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 15, innocuous little hut, low-light vision, plant traits, project avatar, soul stomach, spell resistence 33
Saves: Fort +25, Ref +6, Will +12
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 5, Con 31, Int 22, Wis 17, Cha 24
Skills: Bluff +37, Concentrate +43, Intimidate +39, Knowledge (Arcana) +36, Knowledge (Nature) +36, Listen +33, Perform (Song) +37, Spot +33
Feats: Ability Focus (Dirge), Ability Focus (Song of Festering Death), Dark SpeechEE, Dark WhispersEE, Empower Spell-like Ability (Dirge), Empower Spell-like Ability (Storm of Vengeance), Combat Casting, Skill Focus (Concentrate), Quicken Spell-like Ability (Dirge), Quicken Spell-like Ability (Seething Eyebane)
Environment: Woods or underground
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: Half standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 28-54 HD (Gargantuan); 55-81 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: -

None know the origin of the horrors known as fungus witches. Some blame Cegilune the hag goddess, taking a more active role in corrupting nature. Others believe them to be the daughters of Zuggtmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi herself. And finally some claim that a simple champignon, growing unharmed in the most tainted place in the world, was the progenitor of these beings. But none of it matters, except that they are here, and that they spread.
A fungus witch in its natural shape resembles a Witch's Hat mushroom, but the size of a small hut. A yawning opening, like a door, resembles a mouth, and darker spots above those serve as eyes. The witch makes liberal use of its ability to take the shape of a harmless hut and to project an avatar to act as „the witch“ to mislead prey and enemies about its nature. Fungus witches appear to be solidly enrooted in their place, but they are able to withdraw into the ground and move by burrowing. They usually only do this to escape from mortal danger.
The witch's main purpose in life is devouring souls of living beings. It delights in the pain and suffering it spreads both directly and indirectly in its surroundings, and often slows its predations to draw the horror out longer. A fungus witch is usually pretty cautious, but there is one thing that can make it forget all care: innocence. If innocent souls enter the witch's domain, it will spare no effort in leading them to it so it can devour them personally. (If you need aa serviceable definition of innocence, use the one from the Ravenloft Player's Handbook.)
Fungus witches prefer forested areas. Even in the Underdark they mostly infest forest-like regions, like a „wood“ made of crystals or stone columns. Their presence causes Witch Hats to grow, but it is unknown why. The little fungi don't grant the witch any benefit, nor do they seem to be involved with the propagation of the witches. They are also not harmed by the witch's absence or death, even if they don't spread as fast without her. Maybe they are just another method for the witch to spread suffering.
Much more importantly, the surroundings of a fungus witch are twisted and corrupted. Native plant life mutates and festers, and closer to the center of the effect even the air and the ground take on otherworldly qualities. I suggest using the rules for cerebrotic blots (Dragon #330), mixed and matched at will with the rules for locations touched by evil (BoVD) and tainted locations (HoH) for places twisted by a fungus witch, but don't actually include a portal to the Far Realm. An interesting phenomenon of this is that the fungus witch isn't actually at the epicentre of the effect. The witch grows instead in the border areas, where the effect is barely noticable. The centre of the effect is instead a location called „the witch's garden“. In this place all souls that were digested by the witch are reborn as wretched hybrid beings of flower and whatever they were before. Fully aware, but unable to act, they continue to cry and suffer as long as they exist, and nourish the witch. The more specimens there are in the garden, the longer the witch has been around, the more power it managed to accumulate and the larger its corruption spreads. The only way to free those poor souls, to restore the corrupted woods and to keep the witch from returning if driven off is to burn the garden down. (I suggest that the garden's sight provokes a Horror save (Ravenloft Player's Guide) at base DC 20.)
Fungus witches usually speak through their avatars. A fungus witch knows Common, Undercommon, Sylvan and Abyssal.

Innocuous Little Hut (Su): The fungus witch possesses the ability to take the appearance of a hut of a kind that would fit into its surroundings. The hut's exterieur is harmless and doesn't invite further scrutinity. The interieur appears comfy and safe, with furniture, supplies, crockery and a hearth. The exact details differ, but the furnishing will always include a large light source like a chandelier or a glowing crystal hanging from the ceiling. This object hides the witch's soul stomach.
The witch can transform between its true shape and its hut shape as a Full-Round Action at-will.
Digestion (Ex): When the fungus witch has its natural shape, its interieur resembles a stomach. Any creature within it takes 5d6 acid damage per round (DC 33, Reflex halves. DC is based on Con). The witch is able to bar or open its „door“ at will, imprisoning creatures or allowing them to leave as it likes. The „door“ can be pried open with a Strength check against DC 25 or by dealing 50 damage to it. If broken, the door regrows in one round.
Any creature that dies in the witch has its soul trapped in the witch's soul stomach.
Project Avatar (Su): A fungus witch can project an avatar through which it can act on the world. This works similiar to the spell project image, but there are a lot of differences. The avatar resembles a hag and can appear either corporeal or incorporeal, but it is always incorporeal. It moves with a speed of 30 ft. and the witch can use its Soul-Stealer Song and its spell-like abilities through it. The avatar has a range of 3 miles and doesn't require line of effect. The avatar dissolves if it takes damage or is affected by an effect that overcomes its incorporeality. The witch can dismiss and recreate its avatar at will, but if it was dissipated by an attack, the witch can't recreate it for 13 hours.
Spell-like Abilities: At will – Acid Fog (DC 23), Bestow Greater CurseSC (DC 25), Contagion (DC 20), Control Weather, DirgeSC (DC 25), Mirage Arcana (DC 22), Poison (DC 20), Seething EyebaneBoVD (DC 18), Song of Festering DeathBoVD (DC 21), 3/day – Antipathy (DC 26), Death by ThornsBoVD (DC 24), Sympathy (DC 26);1/day – Storm of Vengeance (DC 26), Wail of the Banshee (DC 26). 20th Caster Level. DC is based on Cha.
All spell-like abilities with a range of Touch can be used at anyone within the witch or at anyone in a range of 30 ft.
Soul-Stealer Song (Su): The fungus witch's horrific song tears at the souls of listeners. The witch can sing as a Full-Round Action. It makes a Perform (Song) check. Any creature within 40 ft. that can hear the witch must make a Fortitude save against the result or receive 1d4 negative levels. The witch can continue to sing, necessating a new Perform check and a new save from the listeners. Any creature whose negative levels equal or exceed their HD dies and their soul gets sucked into the witch's soul stomach.
Soul Stomach (Ex): When the witch has its natural shape, its soul stomach looks like an organic bag glowing from many lights inside it hanging from the witch's „ceiling“. Whenever the fungus witch steals a soul, it is trapped and digested in the soul stomach. The souls give the witch power and protection; whenever the witch is targetted by a death effect or any soul-catching spell, it instead loses one of its souls. The typical witch will have killed and trapped many small wood animals to give itself a ready amount of souls. A soul remains trapped in the stomach until it is spent or it has been digested for thirteen days. Afterwards the soul finds itself reborn in the witch's garden.
The stomach has 75 hp. Destroying the soul stomach frees all the trapped souls and robs the fungus with of its spell-like abilities, its project avatar ability, its soul-stealer song, its damage reduction and its fast healing.

Inspired by Ensel und Krete.

Note: Here you have your fungal mastermind, @Metastachydium. I hope it lives up to the hype.

2023-06-23, 04:47 PM
Soulmeld: Leafy Pelt
Descriptors: None
Classes: Totemist
Chakra: Heart or waist (Totem)
Saving Throw: None

There is power in nature and the woods. Many who walk the wilderness are chewed up by it, to never return. Some totemists revere the leaf wolf as the embodiment of this power and hunger, and draw on it to gain the abilities of natural hunters and of plants.
Your leafy pelt grants you a +4 competence bonus to Hide checks.
Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your leafy pelt increases the competence bonus on Hide checks by +2.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
You gain the Plant type and its traits:
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
Not subject to critical hits.
Any ability that affects plant creatures also affects you.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
You can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
All your natural weapons increase their critical multiplier by 1. For every three points of essentia invested in this soulmeld, increase their critical multiplier again by 1.

Martial Maneuvers
Nurn's Bloodstrike
Tiger Claw (Boost)
Level: 3
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One or more creatures
Duration: End of turn

You twist your weapons to tear open flesh and veins. Every attack you make with associated weapons in this round will cause bleeding wounds. The target loses 2 hp per round until it receives a healing spell or a Heal check against DC 16. Multiple bleeding wounds stack.

Nurn's Rage
Tiger Claw (Strike)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Four Tiger Claw maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full-round Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One or more creatures

You imitate the fury of an angered nurn to strike out at any enemy in range and some that aren't. Double the usual range of your melee weapons. You may make an attack at your full BAB against any opponent in this range (if you are wielding two weapons, you may make one attack with each of those weapons against any opponent). Afterwards, make a Jump check against DC 10 + 3 per attack you made this round. If you fail, you fall prone.

Swaying Forest
Tiger Claw (Stance)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: One Tiger Claw maneuver and one Setting Sun maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

In this stance you imitate the swaying movements of the nurn and its capacity to rapidly switch from seeming placidity to horrific violence and back. While this stance is active, melee attacks against you provoke attacks of opportunity from you.

So. Here's a bit of stuff I came up with while writing up all those plant beasties. Incidentally, does anybody have an idea for a reptilian rescuer soulmeld? I can't come up with anything interesting.

2023-06-24, 12:50 PM
And the Flower arriveth!

Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Plants of Peril

Gourmetica Insularis

unusual plant life: singing flowers, color-changing orchids,


trees that grow cakes,

Cowplant alert! COWPLANT ALERT!

Anybody eating from it must make a Will save (DC 25). Those who fail take a penalty of -2 to further Will saves for 24 hours. They also lose drive and desire to leave. By repeatedly eating from the Gourmetica, you are likely to lose interest in anything besides continuing to eat the delicacies. The effect is very subtle; even when succeeding the save a character needs to make a Wisdom check against DC 15 to notice the failed mental influencing.
The Gourmetica Insularis usually only strikes after weeks or months, when its victims have eaten themselves too fat to fight back adequately. The plant transforms into its true shape, which resembles a burned down plain covered in small mouths and blackened tendrils ending in hands. Those tendrils try to grapple the victims (Attack and grapple bonus +20). A tendril can be attacked and severed (it has AC 18 and 10 hp). After a few rounds, the whole „island“ splits open to reveal the plant's maw. Grappled victims are dropped into the maw, as is anyone who failed a Reflex save against DC 20.
The fall into the Gourmetica's digestive track is 70 ft. deep.


The Gourmetical Insularis is quite frugal, requiring only about 300 pound of food per year, but it is also very specialized. Only mamalian humanoids or monstrous humanoids can properly nourish it; everything else is at best fast food.
A Gourmetica is too large to be treated as a creature in most cases. Should something be able to affect the whole being, treat its saves as Fort +30, Ref +7, Will +12. Its mind has the attributes Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 13 (alignment Neutral Evil). Gourmeticae are not known to speak or otherwise communicate.

And here's where the problems begin. I tend to agree that this planty is way too big to work as a normal creature (30' space? Yeah, no). But the numbers should, nevertheless, still mean something, and as of now, they don't add up:
–the DC of the Will save, assuming it's CHA-based implies an equivalent HD count of no more than 28;
–this could, in theory, be consistent with the to-hit giving us roughly a ~37 HD upper limit or less; but
–to-hit=grapple bonus is highly suspect, as one would ruleswise receive a penalty and the other a hefty bonus;
–meanwhile, we have saves; since there's no such thing as an innate save penalty (barring stuff like traits and flaws) so far as I know, and we know WIS, we get a 33 HD (or less) figure with a CON of 40 or less and a DEX score of 2 or less (Shivering Touch against a touch AC of -2, anyone?).

I think this could use a bit of a cleanup?

The plant transforms into its true shape, which resembles a burned down plain covered in small mouths and blackened tendrils ending in hands.

Hm. What's the reach of those graspy bits, I wonder?

Anybody surviving the fall takes 3d6 acid damage per round until he dies or manages to cut a way out (by dealing 75 hp damage to the stomach's walls), whereupon he'll find himself under water. The Gourmetica requires two rounds to close its maw again.

3d6 acid per round is… A tad measly for somethin this big.

"Don't worry about your sister. Maybe she's lucky and gets eaten by the grass moray. Then she won't die the long death of suffocation. Over and done with."
– A helpful talking orchid

A helpful talking orchid



Also, I like this! Natural hazards are sadly under-homebrewed in general, so it's nice to see such a well-conceived one (that is also a bunch of plants!) surface (he-he) here.

Leaf Wolf
Your walk has become lazy
Your leaves have lost their hue
The gaze appears hazy
Still, I back away from you

Translating poetry is the worst tough **** ever! But this stanza? You nailed it.

Speed: 40 ft, Climb 20 ft.

40 ft. (8 squares).

Special Qualities: Concealed rest, damage reduction 10/magic, damage reduction 2/-, darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, partial plant traits, resistence 10 to cold and electricity, scent, spell resistence 20

Double DR? I understand why you did it, but I can't not find it clunky.

Advancement: 11-22 HD (Large), 23-45 HD (Huge)

I believe you meant 16–22 HD (Large).

Level Adjustment: +4

Bold! (Also, hells, yeah!)

Concealed Rest (Su): A leaf wolf has the ability to transform into a pile of leaves when at rest. It usually uses this ability when sleeping. In this shape it can't do anything besides transforming back, but it can still use its normal senses. To recognize a transformed leaf wolf, a character must make a Survival check against DC 25.

What action does it take to shift forms?

Partial Plant Traits (Ex): As liminary beings between plant and animal, leaf wolves enjoy some of the traits of the plant type. Leaf wolves are not subject to critical hits and immune to paralysis, polymorph, sleep effects and stunning, but not against poison and mind-affecting effects. Abilities that only affect plant creatures can affect a leaf wolf, but the wolf receives a +4 to saves against the effect.

Neat! (Being a PLANTY: what can't it solve?)

Skills: A leaf wolf gains a racial bonus of +4 to Survival when tracking by scent.
A leaf wolf gains a racial bonus of +6 to Hide when in forested surroundings.

Please insert +8 bonus to Climb here.


Speed: 50 ft.

50 ft. (10 squares).

Attack: Skewer melee +25 (1d8+6) or tendril melee +24 (1d6+6)
Full Attack: Four skewers melee +25 (1d8+6) and four tendrils melee +22 (1d6+3)

+23 or +22 on single attacks; +23 and +20 on full-attacks (because size).

Skills: Hide +7*, Move Silently +19*

Hide +10 (-8 size, +5 DEX, +13 ranks).

Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Toughness, Improved Overrun, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Skewer), Whirlwind Attack (B)

I think I'd have given 'em Improved Multiattack instead of stuff like… Improved Overrun and Mobility.

Alignment: Always neutral evil

Hey! They seem nice.

A nurn has a roughly ovoid body covered in crimson leaves with no recognizable sensory organs. Eight long wooden legs with sharp ends grow from this, which the nurn uses to skewer its prey. Hidden under the leaves twelve tendrils grow, used to snatch smaller prey. Its body hides disturbingly human looking innards, and through its limbs red blood flows. At rest, the nurn looks like a small copse of thin trees in autumn. When moving, the nurn walks slowly and swaying and produces a soft rustling, sounding and looking like a tree in the wind. Nurns smell exactly like a moist forest, making them practically invisible to scent in their prefered environment.
The first nurns arose in the Nurnwood, a forest with a bloody history including the highest-casualty battle of Zamonia. All that spilled blood trickled down into the local Underdark and formed never-drying puddles that periodically disgorge diminutive nurns, called leaflings, Both leaflings and fully-grown nurns found their way on unknown paths to the surface. Despite the fact that nurns don't reproduce the normal way they are protective of leaflings. The high-pitched scream of a hurt leafling is the surest way of attracting nurns.

But really, is it wrong that I find these folks CUTE?

Nurns smell exactly like a moist forest, making them practically invisible to scent in their prefered environment.

I think this would merit some manner of SQ.

Fungus Witch

Feats: Ability Focus ([I]Song of Festering Death), Dark SpeechEE, Dark WhispersEE, Empower Spell-like Ability (Dirge), Empower Spell-like Ability (Storm of Vengeance), Combat Casting, Skill Focus (Concentrate), Quicken Spell-like Ability (Dirge), Quicken Spell-like Ability (Seething Eyebane)

Thing's missing a feat.

Digestion (Ex): When the fungus witch has its natural shape, its interieur resembles a stomach. Any creature within it takes 5d6 acid damage per round (DC 33, Reflex halves. DC is based on Con).

Ref? Why Ref? (Like, how much dodging can one manage while being digested?)

Spell-like Abilities: Acid Fog (DC 23), Bestow Greater CurseSC (DC 25), Contagion (DC 20), Control Weather, DirgeSC (DC 23), Mirage Arcana (DC 22), Poison (DC 20), Seething EyebaneBoVD (DC 18), Song of Festering DeathBoVD (DC 21),

Are these at-will?

Note: Here you have your fungal mastermind, @Metastachydium. I hope it lives up to the hype.

It really is creepy and quite the wild stuff, too! The thing with crying sad flowers makes me a sad flower, though.

2023-06-24, 02:50 PM
And here's where the problems begin. I tend to agree that this planty is way too big to work as a normal creature (30' space? Yeah, no). But the numbers should, nevertheless, still mean something, and as of now, they don't add up:
–the DC of the Will save, assuming it's CHA-based implies an equivalent HD count of no more than 28;
–this could, in theory, be consistent with the to-hit giving us roughly a ~37 HD upper limit or less; but
–to-hit=grapple bonus is highly suspect, as one would ruleswise receive a penalty and the other a hefty bonus;
–meanwhile, we have saves; since there's no such thing as an innate save penalty (barring stuff like traits and flaws) so far as I know, and we know WIS, we get a 33 HD (or less) figure with a CON of 40 or less and a DEX score of 2 or less (Shivering Touch against a touch AC of -2, anyone?).

I think this could use a bit of a cleanup?

Yeah. I technically designed this thing as an enviromental hazard (mostly because I really didn't want to calculate how many squares a mile are), and so chose the numbers mostly by feeling to fit the intended CR (around 12). Then I threw in the mental scores and saves because maybe some archmage wants to test a spell on that or a GM wants to see what happens when a god smites that thing or whatever, and so I again went by feeling. Maybe I'll think about it later.
One thing in advance, however: the gripping hands are sized and specialized to snatch things much smaller than the whole plant. It would be better to calculate them based on a medium or large opponent, not a colossal one. (Also propably have a lower Str than the whole island.)

Hm. What's the reach of those graspy bits, I wonder?

Forgot to think about it. Would go with 5 ft. or lower. There's on average one in every 10 ft. square, they don't need to grab far (especially against enemies that are too fat to do more than waddling).

3d6 acid per round is… A tad measly for somethin this big.

Again, CR 12 intended. I could instead go with cribing from the damage lava does, I guess...

Translating poetry is the worst tough **** ever! But this stanza? You nailed it.

Thank you. :smallsmile:

40 ft. (8 squares).

Corrected in both cases.

I believe you meant 16–22 HD (Large).

How the heck did that happen?

What action does it take to shift forms?

It's a supernatural ability; Standard Action is the standard.

Neat! (Being a PLANTY: what can't it solve?)

Makes me wonder what you think of the soulmeld/maneuver post. :smalltongue:

Please insert +8 bonus to Climb here.


I think I'd have given 'em Improved Multiattack instead of stuff like… Improved Overrun and Mobility.

Huh. I'd forgotten that exists.

I think this would merit some manner of SQ.

Does it? Smells, and when Scent is appliable and when not, have been mostly handled by fluff. For example, the otyugh's stench is purely in the description. Most would still agree that it is a strong stench, and therefore the thing in the description of Scent about very strong odors applies. I'd assume that for the opposite case that would work the same.

Thing's missing a feat.

Yet another? Frigging damn.

Ref? Why Ref? (Like, how much dodging can one manage while being digested?)

Ensel and Krete managed to jump between the slowly spreading acid puddles around enough to be mostly unharmed when they were saved. You are, after all, not restrained, your are just in a room whose walls are oozing stomach acids. Hmm, maybe I'd should instead go look at the "closed room fills with water" trap? Nah.

Are these at-will?

Yes. I thought I added that.

It really is creepy and quite the wild stuff, too! The thing with crying sad flowers makes me a sad flower, though.

Thank you, thank you. It's quite a shame that Ensel und Krete never was translated to English; it really dips the most of the novels into surreal horror.

By the way, I'm relistening to the audiobooks, and there's a character in The Alchemaster's Apprentice who I think you'd really like. At least, she has a similiar attitude to plants as you do.

2023-06-24, 03:08 PM
(mostly because I really didn't want to calculate how many squares a mile are)

1056. 1056 squares.

, and so chose the numbers mostly by feeling to fit the intended CR (around 12).

But that's fair, yeah.

Then I threw in the mental scores and saves because maybe some archmage wants to test a spell on that or a GM wants to see what happens when a god smites that thing or whatever, and so I again went by feeling.

Though it still leaves me wondering what would happen if someone tried to Shivering Touch it.

It's a supernatural ability; Standard Action is the standard.

In my defense, I keep forgetting there is a standard.

Makes me wonder what you think of the soulmeld/maneuver post. :smalltongue:

I think I'm absolutely not qualified to comment on soulmelds (much as I love the heart-bound effect there (it's beautiful!)). As for maneuvers, I've been trying to figure out where and how I could slot in Yellow Bear Slap, Wellow Bear Death Slap, Beekeeper's Favour and the Yellow Bear's Stand stance into the system ever since I've seen Blood and Honey and so far… Well, I made little progress. I might not be the right person to comment on those either.

Huh. I'd forgotten that exists.

It's good stuff as long as one doesn't think too hard about whether it's strict sense Epic or not! (Take care though: it doesn't let the Weapon Focus bonus apply to the tendrils, so those should still have a +22 in the full attack.)

Does it? Smells, and when Scent is appliable and when not, have been mostly handled by fluff. For example, the otyugh's stench is purely in the description. Most would still agree that it is a strong stench, and therefore the thing in the description of Scent about very strong odors applies. I'd assume that for the opposite case that would work the same.

That's no excuse!! But I'll take it, I suppose.

Ensel and Krete managed to jump between the slowly spreading acid puddles around enough to be mostly unharmed when they were saved. You are, after all, not restrained, your are just in a room whose walls are oozing stomach acids. Hmm, maybe I'd should instead go look at the "closed room fills with water" trap? Nah.

Ah, I see. It's okay, then.

Thank you, thank you. It's quite a shame that Ensel und Krete never was translated to English; it really dips the most of the novels into surreal horror.

By the way, I'm relistening to the audiobooks, and there's a character in The Alchemaster's Apprentice who I think you'd really like. At least, she has a similiar attitude to plants as you do.

Man. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before that I'd read the hell out of these, but I'll go ahead and reaffirm it.

2023-06-24, 04:03 PM
Though it still leaves me wondering what would happen if someone tried to Shivering Touch it.

Freeze all grasping arms in a radius of 30 ft. and give it a really itchy frostburn somewhere it can't scratch.

I think I'm absolutely not qualified to comment on soulmelds (much as I love the heart-bound effect there (it's beautiful!)). As for maneuvers, I've been trying to figure out where and how I could slot in Yellow Bear Slap, Wellow Bear Death Slap, Beekeeper's Favour and the Yellow Bear's Stand stance into the system ever since I've seen Blood and Honey and so far… Well, I made little progress. I might not be the right person to comment on those either.

I was thinking about making the heart-bound affect a soul-bound one, but plant traits aren't really an epic effect.

I don't feel like watching the movie to know what kind of effect you're talking about, but if you describe what you want those maneuvers to roughly do, I can try to take a stab at it. :smallbiggrin:

2023-06-25, 11:44 AM
I don't feel like watching the movie to know what kind of effect you're talking about, but if you describe what you want those maneuvers to roughly do, I can try to take a stab at it. :smallbiggrin:

Thanks! My main issue is assigning a level and a discipline, really. I feel like they should belong together, but some are very clearly Tiger Claw stuff, while the stance is more Stone Dragon or Iron Heart. The idea's something like this:
–Yellow Bear Slap: unarmed strike dealing +xd6 non-lethal damage, forcing a save against falling unconscious with each instance;
–Yellow Bear Death Slap: unarmed strike dealing +xd6 damage plus CHA damage (by way of REMOVING THE FACE), forcing a save against DEATH with each instance;
–Yellow Bear Death Stomp: unarmed attack against prone opponent resolves as a coup-de-grace;
–Yellow Bear's Vengeful Wall Mounting Strike: attack with piercing weapon against an opponent standing beside a wooden structure at least 10' tall pins (as the condition) the opponent to the structure until the weapon is removed with a STR check;
–Beekeeper's Favour: sic bees present in the area on opponents to do swarm attacks (does this even sound like a maneuver?);
–Yellow Bear's Stand: stance; as long as the initiator does not move or attack, attacks from opponents are negated or significantly reduced.

2023-06-25, 02:19 PM
Ooh, just seen your Rilmani conversions, nice one. I'd been thinking of doing them myself but you've saved me the trouble.

I'd also thought the Aurumach were pretty underwhelming compared to the other top-level exemplar creatures so the upgrade is good to see. A couple of questions:

1) what do you estimate it's CR to be with your upgrades? Looks like about 19 to me but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

2) does "DR 15/any two of the following: chaotic, evil, good, lawful" mean it requires any two, or can be overcome by any two separatley (eg 15/chaotic and evil, or 15/chaotic or evil)?

2023-06-25, 02:24 PM
"It doesn't matter which two, but it can't be just one" seems to be the intended meaning.

2023-06-25, 02:37 PM
I think I aimed for CR 20, but I don't remember for sure.

Just like the DR of lower rilmani can be overcome by any aligned weapon (DR X/Chaotic or Evil or Good or Lawful), the DR of the aurumach can be overcome by any weapon that has two alignments (DR 15/(Good and Lawful) or (Evil and Lawful) or (Chaotic and Good) or (Chaotic and Evil)). Theoretically a weapon that is both good and evil or both lawful and chaotic would also work by RAW, but for one I'm not sure what kind of weapon that would be and for another that feels like it shouldn't work against the aurumach. You need extremes to defeat them, as far from neutrality as possible, not contradictions that add up to neutrality in the end. Edit: Enderlord got it correct, yes.

Incidentally, I'm playing with the thought of inventing additional rilmani that are kinda outside the normal progression. Specialized castes for niche purposes. I'm thinking of basing them on salt and sulfur (which in the later alchemical works were thought (together with mercury) to be the building blocks of dead matter), so I'd make them roughly on par with the abiorach, but I'm blanking on what kind of niche the sulfurach and the salinach would fill. Any ideas?

2023-06-25, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure what kind of weapon that would be
I know exactly what kind of weapon that would be. It's unlikely, horribly impractical, and involves temporary negative levels.

2023-06-27, 03:35 PM
Thanks! My main issue is assigning a level and a discipline, really. I feel like they should belong together, but some are very clearly Tiger Claw stuff, while the stance is more Stone Dragon or Iron Heart. The idea's something like this:
–Yellow Bear Slap: unarmed strike dealing +xd6 non-lethal damage, forcing a save against falling unconscious with each instance;
–Yellow Bear Death Slap: unarmed strike dealing +xd6 damage plus CHA damage (by way of REMOVING THE FACE), forcing a save against DEATH with each instance;
–Yellow Bear Death Stomp: unarmed attack against prone opponent resolves as a coup-de-grace;
–Yellow Bear's Vengeful Wall Mounting Strike: attack with piercing weapon against an opponent standing beside a wooden structure at least 10' tall pins (as the condition) the opponent to the structure until the weapon is removed with a STR check;
–Beekeeper's Favour: sic bees present in the area on opponents to do swarm attacks (does this even sound like a maneuver?);
–Yellow Bear's Stand: stance; as long as the initiator does not move or attack, attacks from opponents are negated or significantly reduced.

After some rereading of Tome of Battle, I've come to the following conclusions:

1. No existing maneuvers have a focus on non-lethal damage, but Yellow Bear Slap feels to me like Shadow Hand (suprise subduing) or Stone Dragon (precise usage of brutal force), but depending on flavour it could also be Setting Sun. But really, flavor generally counts more than effect for disciplines; with just a little tweak I could make it Devoted Spirit or Diamond Mind. Case in point:

Glare Into Submission
Devoted Spirit (Strike)
Level: 4
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute

You focus the weight of your determination against an offender to snuff out their will with your own.
When using this strike you target a creature within 30 ft. that threatens you or one of your allies. Make an Intimidation check. If the target fails on a Will save against the result of your check, it falls unconscious for 1 minute, overwhelmed by your presence. If it succeeds, it takes 4d6 non-lethal damage.

2. Yellow Bear Death Slap feels to me practically quintessentially Shadow Hand, maybe Tiger Claw (a bit too brutal for Stone Dragon). Maybe it could be a hybrid of both, similiar to how I made Swaying Forest requiring both Tiger Claw and Setting Sun (I wonder, should I make it part of both disciplines? Setting Sun/Tiger Claw, like a dual class spell?).

3. I can see Yellow Bear Death Stomp again as a Shadow Hand ability, but also as Stone Dragon. Setting Sun synergizes well with it (I think it's the one that's best at throwing people prone), but I'm not sure it fits flavourfully.

4. Overly specific much? :smalltongue: I think there's a fan-made discipline that works with throwing weapons. I'd add it there in a heartbeat. The way it is now... Stone Dragon could immobilize someone, but it would require a lot of reflavouring. Iron Heart or Shadow Hand... maybe. The rest also all kinda fit, but nothing really does.

5. If there was a discipline based on Handle Animal, this would already bee in there. As there isn't, I can imagine it in White Raven as some kind of pseudo-mindcontrol effect that makes animals nearby harrass people, or maybe Tiger Claw if it taps more into druidic-animalist stuff. Alternatively, we can go Desert Wind and make a swarm of fire bees.

6. This stance fits really well into Diamond Mind or Devoted Spirit, but Stone Dragon is a good third option.

In conclusion, Shadow Hand seems to be the most common here (abilities used by a serial killer fit into the assasination category? Say it isn't so!), but not perfectly. The way I see it, we could probably make it work halfway this way:

Quell the Lifestream (Yellow Bear Slap)
Shadow Hand (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute

You strike at a ki node to suppress its flow and rob the foe of strength and consciousness. To use this maneuver, you make an unarmed attack (dealing non-lethal damage) against an enemy that is subject to critical hits. On a succesful hit, you deal additionally +3d6 nonlethal damage and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 12 + Wis-Mod.). If it fails, it falls unconscious for 1 Minute.

Scar the Lifewell (Yellow Bear Death Slap)
Shadow Hand (Strike) [Evil]
Level: 7
Prerequisites: One Shadow Hand maneuver and one Tiger Claw maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: End of turn

The shadows called up by your fury form a claw over your hand, ripping at your victim's ego and body. To use this maneuver, you make an unarmed attack (dealing lethal damage) against an enemy. On a succesful hit, you deal additionally +5d6 lethal damage and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 17 + Wis.-Mod.). If it fails, you ripp off its face as a representation of its self, killing it. If it succeeds, you leave scars on self and body, dealing 2d4 Cha damage.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Early Burial (Yellow Bear Death Stomp)
Stone Dragon (Counter)
Prerequisites: Three Stone Dragon maneuvers
Level: 8
Initiation Action: Immediate action
Range: 10 ft.
Target: One creature

Like all warriors you know the benefit of striking when an enemy is vulnerable, and one who lies on the ground is doubly vulnerable to one who draws strength from the earth. When there is a prone enemy within 10 ft., you may initiate this maneuver to move to it (without provoking attacks of opportunity) and immediately make an attack against it. If you are unarmed or wielding a bludgeoning weapon, the attack counts as a coup de grace (except that you don't hit automatically) as you smash the opponent into and under the ground.

Earth's Binding Thorn (Yellow Bear's Vengeful Wall Mounting Strike)
Stone Dragon (Strike)
Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Stone Dragon maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full-round Action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute

Sometimes, a foe fights you from a position where you can't use your full strength. In such cases it's better to force them onto your ground. Originally designed to deal with pesky fliers, this maneuver has also proven useful when fighting more mobile opponents.
When you initiate this maneuver, you stomp on the ground to create a javelin from stone and then throw it at a creature within 30 ft. Despite it being a throw, you make an attack roll as if it was a melee attack. On a hit, the javelin deals 5d6 + Str.-Mod. piercing damage and nails the creature to the ground (dealing additional fall damage if it flew) or to a nearby free-standing solid surface. The creature can be freed with a Strength check (DC 16 + your Str.-Mod.) that requires a Full-round Action. Succesfully freeing the creature deals additional 2d6 damage to it. The javelin crumbles to dust after 1 Minute.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Leader of Beasts (Beekeeper's Favour, White Raven version)
White Raven (Boost)
Level: 4
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One or more creatures
Duration: 2 rounds

Your leadership qualities and commanding presence are so great that even wild animals serve your call. Make a Diplomacy check. For every 5 points you check is higher than 10, designate a creature within 30 ft. Birds, bees, bats, rats and other critters will harass those creatures, granting them a penalty of -2 to AC and Concentration checks and making them unable to make attacks of opportunity. After 2 rounds the animals will flee again (the duration may last longer if the targets have enraged the animals, and shorter if the animals were killed, severly hurt or scared).
This maneuver doesn't work anywhere there are no critters available.

Fury of the Fire Flies (Beekeeper's Favour, Desert Wind version)
Desert Wind (Boost)
Level: 3
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: 20 ft.
Effect: A swarm of fiery motes in insect shape
Duration: 2 rounds

Your weapon's swing unleashes sparks that shape themselves into a insect swarm made of fire. The swarm appears somewhere in range and attacks your enemies. WIth a Swift Action you can redirect it. After 2 rounds, the swarm extinguishes.
The swarm uses the statistics of a locust swarm, except it counts it has the Elemental (Fire) type and deals fire damage with its attacks.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Mountain's Patience (Yellow Bear's Stand, Stone Dragon version)
Stone Dragon (Stance)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Stone Dragon maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

A variant of the Roots of the Mountain stance, this stance exchanges the solid grounding for absolute defense. While you are in this stance, you gain DR 10/-. If you attack in this stance, the DR sinks to 5/- until your next turn.
If you move or are moved more than 5 ft., this stance ends.

Defense of the Sublime Mind (Yellow Bear's Stand, Diamond Mind version)
Diamond Mind (Stance)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Two Diamond Mind maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

In the serenity of your mind, you can see the path of all attacks. Whenever you are attacked, you may make a Concentration check. If the checks result is higher than the attack roll, the attack is rendered ineffective. As a Full-Round Action, you may forgo all attacks to draw your enemies to yourself. Any creature that threatens you and fails a Will save (DC 17 + Int.-Mod.) must attack you this round.
If you move or are moved more than 5 ft., this stance ends.

Well, this looks quite nice, doesn't it? I confess, I'm not sure if I always hit the correct level. And I don't think the two stances are actually fun to play, but whatever.
Edit: In retrospect, this isn't as Shadow Hand focused as I thought it would be. Stone Dragon inspired me more and snatched up both the skewer and the stomp. Happens.

2023-06-28, 03:25 PM
Glare Into Submission
Devoted Spirit (Strike)
Level: 4
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute

You focus the weight of your determination against an offender to snuff out their will with your own.
When using this strike you target a creature within 30 ft. that threatens you or one of your allies. Make an Intimidation check. If the target fails on a Will save against the result of your check, it falls unconscious for 1 minute, overwhelmed by your presence. If it succeeds, it takes 4d6 non-lethal damage.

I doubt BaH!Pooh could use that, given the CHA-penalty that likely results from having a face like he has, but that's good. Making people faint by looking angry? Yes, please!

4. Overly specific much? :smalltongue:

Look, I didn't write the stupid script, I just like the stupid movie!

The rest also all kinda fit, but nothing really does.


(abilities used by a serial killer fit into the assasination category? Say it isn't so!)

Hey, he's not a serial killer, just hungry and struggling with loss! (Okay, he is a serial killer, but also those other things.)

Quell the Lifestream (Yellow Bear Slap)
Shadow Hand (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute

You strike at a ki node to suppress its flow and rob the foe of strength and consciousness. To use this maneuver, you make an unarmed attack (dealing non-lethal damage) against an enemy that is subject to critical hits. On a succesful hit, you deal additionally +3d6 nonlethal damage and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 12 + Wis-Mod.). If it fails, it falls unconscious for 1 Minute.


Scar the Lifewell (Yellow Bear Death Slap)
Shadow Hand (Strike) [Evil]
Level: 7
Prerequisites: One Shadow Hand maneuver and one Tiger Claw maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: End of turn

The shadows called up by your fury form a claw over your hand, ripping at your victim's ego and body. To use this maneuver, you make an unarmed attack (dealing lethal damage) against an enemy. On a succesful hit, you deal additionally +5d6 lethal damage and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 17 + Wis.-Mod.). If it fails, you ripp off its face as a representation of its self, killing it. If it succeeds, you leave scars on self and body, dealing 2d4 Cha damage.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Dark. I love it!

Early Burial (Yellow Bear Death Stomp)
Stone Dragon (Counter)
Prerequisites: Three Stone Dragon maneuvers
Level: 8
Initiation Action: Immediate action
Range: 10 ft.
Target: One creature

Like all warriors you know the benefit of striking when an enemy is vulnerable, and one who lies on the ground is doubly vulnerable to one who draws strength from the earth. When there is a prone enemy within 10 ft., you may initiate this maneuver to move to it (without provoking attacks of opportunity) and immediately make an attack against it. If you are unarmed or wielding a bludgeoning weapon, the attack counts as a coup de grace (except that you don't hit automatically) as you smash the opponent into and under the ground.

And not half bad! Although… Is it 8th level because it's an Immediate, right?

Earth's Binding Thorn (Yellow Bear's Vengeful Wall Mounting Strike)
Stone Dragon (Strike)
Level: 6
Prerequisites: Two Stone Dragon maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full-round Action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Minute

Sometimes, a foe fights you from a position where you can't use your full strength. In such cases it's better to force them onto your ground. Originally designed to deal with pesky fliers, this maneuver has also proven useful when fighting more mobile opponents.
When you initiate this maneuver, you stomp on the ground to create a javelin from stone and then throw it at a creature within 30 ft. Despite it being a throw, you make an attack roll as if it was a melee attack. On a hit, the javelin deals 5d6 + Str.-Mod. piercing damage and nails the creature to the ground (dealing additional fall damage if it flew) or to a nearby free-standing solid surface. The creature can be freed with a Strength check (DC 16 + your Str.-Mod.) that requires a Full-round Action. Succesfully freeing the creature deals additional 2d6 damage to it. The javelin crumbles to dust after 1 Minute.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

This is a lot more bizarre than what I expected to see, so… Bonus points for that.

Defense of the Sublime Mind (Yellow Bear's Stand, Diamond Mind version)
Diamond Mind (Stance)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Two Diamond Mind maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

In the serenity of your mind, you can see the path of all attacks. Whenever you are attacked, you may make a Concentration check. If the checks result is higher than the attack roll, the attack is rendered ineffective. As a Full-Round Action, you may forgo all attacks to draw your enemies to yourself. Any creature that threatens you and fails a Will save (DC 17 + Int.-Mod.) must attack you this round.
If you move or are moved more than 5 ft., this stance ends.


Well, this looks quite nice, doesn't it?

They all are! Thank you so much for doing them!

2023-06-28, 03:51 PM
No, thank you for your kind words in Biggus's thread. :smallredface:

I doubt BaH!Pooh could use that, given the CHA-penalty that likely results from having a face like he has, but that's good. Making people faint by looking angry? Yes, please!

[Obligatory reminder that low Cha != ugly]. Also, by renaming the power to Killing Intent (like in the anime stuff) and doing just a tiny bit of reflavouring, you can transfer it to Diamond Mind instead.

And not half bad! Although… Is it 8th level because it's an Immediate, right?

That's my thought, yes. An Immediate attack that is essentially a death effect? Sounds pretty high level to me. I'd gladly let myself be convinced of lower levels, but I'd need some kind of reasoning.

(I made it a counter because people don't fall prone that often, and if you have to wait for your own turn to actually abuse that, they'll likely stand up again. Also, I wanted to make a counter.)

2023-06-28, 04:09 PM
No, thank you for your kind words in Biggus's thread. :smallredface:

Any time! I very much did mean them.

[Obligatory reminder that low Cha != ugly].

It's not just the looks, though. You should see his manners!

Also, by renaming the power to Killing Intent (like in the anime stuff) and doing just a tiny bit of reflavouring, you can transfer it to Diamond Mind instead.

And that's the reason why DMs ban ToB!

That's my thought, yes. An Immediate attack that is essentially a death effect? Sounds pretty high level to me. I'd gladly let myself be convinced of lower levels, but I'd need some kind of reasoning.

(I made it a counter because people don't fall prone that often, and if you have to wait for your own turn to actually abuse that, they'll likely stand up again. Also, I wanted to make a counter.)

Fair and entirely fair. Counters are way cool and the game needs more of them (perhaps similar effects too, in fact).

2023-06-28, 04:17 PM
Anyway, I'll start a new project soon that is currently like a lich: ambitious, but bare-bones. :smalltongue:

Wish me luck!

2023-06-29, 02:51 AM
Anyway, I'll start a new project soon that is currently like a lich: ambitious, but bare-bones. :smalltongue:

Wish me luck!

If the project is that ambitious, you may want to craft a phylactery (that is, another person invested in the project that could "resurrect" it if you find yourself distracted enough for it to "die").

Also, I don't have 5000 XP, so I'll just prestidigitate you luck.

2023-06-29, 11:02 AM
I know exactly what kind of weapon that would be. It's unlikely, horribly impractical, and involves temporary negative levels.
Did my implication come across here?

2023-06-29, 11:43 AM
They did, but I couldn't make a good joke about giving a Holy Avenger to the ultroloth, so I left them to stand on their own.

2023-06-29, 12:03 PM
Okay, just making sure.

2023-06-29, 02:12 PM
Anyway, I'll start a new project soon that is currently like a lich: ambitious, but bare-bones. :smalltongue:

I mean, I'll never refuse a good bone meal!

Wish me luck!

Luck! (Not that you, like, need it!)

2023-06-29, 03:17 PM
Careful. If you keep inflating my head like that, it's gonna pop. And who'll design Constructs of Zamonia if that happens? Or the next batch of mephits? :smalltongue:

2023-06-30, 07:55 AM
Shutting up right now, Sir! Please don't hurt your future creations!

2023-07-08, 12:23 PM
Incidentally, I'm playing with the thought of inventing additional rilmani that are kinda outside the normal progression. Specialized castes for niche purposes. I'm thinking of basing them on salt and sulfur (which in the later alchemical works were thought (together with mercury) to be the building blocks of dead matter), so I'd make them roughly on par with the abiorach, but I'm blanking on what kind of niche the sulfurach and the salinach would fill. Any ideas?

Before I'd forget again (I'd been meaning to toss it in here for a while now, but I kept going away from the internet for days and stuff): since salt is solid but discreet and soluble whereas sulphur is flashy but volatile, some arrangement where the one reacts to certain effects and the like as if it were Lawful and the other as if it were Chaotic would mayhap be interesting.

2023-08-29, 03:07 PM
Hey. I'm still around. My project goes, but it goes slowly, and so I've decided to make this for a change. It's inspired by Pale, (https://palewebserial.wordpress.com/about/) a web serial I'm currently reading.

Nettlewisp Glamour
“Nettlewisp, nettlewisp, nettlewisp.
I’ve tried being nice, I’ve tried being fair.
I’ve tried being even and I’ve tried being clear.
If that spying practitioner from outside Kennet keeps giving us the evil eye, staring at us with
Ill intent and promised omens, repay them three times over in stings and pain.
And if it’s Just, if the karmic way is clear, and if the glamour heaped in my hand is enough?
Nail their friggin’ eyelids to their skull.”
– Lucy of Kennet

Nettlewisp Glamour is a trick of the fey, used to punish enemies for doing the unwanted. As it is purely reactive, it allows its makers to claim that they aren't the ones to open hostilities. The glamour sometimes finds it way through bargains and boons into mortal hands.
Nettlewisp Glamour appears to be dark silvery powder, like a moonlit night in dust form, and is usually transported in small embroidered bags. As a Full-Round Action, you can strew the dust over an item, a location or a creature (including yourself) while describing to it a condition and a punishment (you don't need to speak loudly, but clearly). Conditions can be for example that the target is scryed on, scrutinized with magic, attacked, opened, etc., as long as the condition is some kind of active action. When this is done, the glamour transforms into a thorny flower of ethereal beauty and appearance, seemingly growing from the target. Whenever a creature (besides yourself or the target) attempts to do the condition to the target, the Nettle explodes, sending out its thorns unerringly into that creature and inflicts the punishment. Possible punishments are Damage (the thorns deal 5d6 damage which resist natural healing), Needle in the Eye (the thorns deal 2d6 damage and blind the offender), Cut Tendons (3d6 damage and halved movement rates), Crippled hands (2d6 damage, -4 to skills utilizing hands, 40% spell failure chance for spells with somatic components), Pierced Throat (3d6 damage and mute). The damage is magic piercing damage, the effects are instantaneous and require healing magic to be restored. The user may invent other punishments of similiar power. The offender may make a Will save (DC 18); if successful the damage is halved and the effects fade after 1 minute.
After the Nettle explodes, it transforms back into its powder form and can be reused if collected.

Nettlewisp Glamour has some quirks that makes it potentially hazardous to use. The fey that make it don't generally tell these to mortals, and so especially those who became confident in its usage are often caught off guard.
For one, Nettlewisp Glamour can't be "dismissed" by its user. It must either be discharged or disarmed, like a magical trap (if disarmed, it also transforms back into dust). This feeds directly into the second quirk: the Nettle grows in pressure and aggressivity the longer it is active. For every 8 hours that the Nettle is armed, it deals +1d6 damage more and the save DC grows by +1 (max. +15d6, +15 to DC). After 24 hours of this, the Nettle won't recognize the user anymore and can be triggered by him as well as anyone. From that point on the protected target counts as entangled, as the flower has spread farther over it. After a total of three days the flower has completely covered the target and pins it. With every day the Nettle also grows more sensitive for its condition, triggering at the smallest provocation.
Strong illusion (shadow); CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Shadow Conjuration, Curse, Contingency, the creator must be an immortal fey, can only be created on the Plane of Faerie; 9,000 gp.


I've also got a few things to say.

First, after reading the 3.5 conversion of Dark Sun and the items it has to offer for refilling power points, I've finally came up with a price for mind rape oil. 10 gp seems balanced against the options there.

Second, a bit of house rules and terminology.

I've decided to assign the Shadow subtype to any outsider native to the Plane of Shadow (and maybe some other creatures like shadow elementals; haven't decided yet). The subtype grants Darkvision 120 ft. and the ability to see in magical darkness.
Likewise, any outsider native to the Astral and the Ethereal are assigned the Astral and Ether subtypes respectively. These subtypes don't cary any rules effects (unless someone comes up with something interesting), but are options for Favoured Enemy and Bane weapons. Together with the Shadow subtype this should reduce the number of outsiders that can't be addressed effectively.
When an evil outsider becomes good, it's called "risen". When a good outsider becomes evil, it's called "fallen". When a lawful outsider becomes chaotic, it's also called "fallen", and when a chaotic outsider becomes lawful, it's again called "fallen". Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me? Well, I have decided that I'll call it "codified" when a chaotic outsider goes to Law, and "unbound" for when a lawful outsider deserts to Chaos. Unless anybody else has a better idea?
The different types of outsider subgroups (like cuprilach, aurumach, cornugon, balor or throne archon) shall be known as "caste-species".

Third, regarding Meta's last post: Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think I'll use it. That's because in distant memory, when I was new on this forum, afroakuma invented in his first Planar Questions Thread some rilmani society for me (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?265884-afroakuma-s-Planar-Questions-Thread!-(You-ask-I-ll-answer)&p=14730544&highlight=philosopher#post14730544) which involved some high ranked rilmani taking on "aspects" or "view points" of the other alignments. And even though it'll likely never happen, I still carry the hope that I'll 'brew these rilmani leaders one day. So, sorry.

2023-08-30, 03:15 PM
Nettlewisp Glamour

When this is done, the glamour transforms into a thorny flower of ethereal beauty and appearance, seemingly growing from the target.


Whenever a creature (besides yourself or the target) attempts to do the condition to the target, the Nettle explodes,

So, the flower explodes. I'm sad. (Also, nettles don't have thorns; they have very special hairs soaked in formic acid.)

Otherwise it's nice, albeit it runs into a common magic item problem: it has an abysmal save DC for its price (and that's before that will of its own kicks in (and its owner, in the face)).

When an evil outsider becomes good, it's called "risen". When a good outsider becomes evil, it's called "fallen". When a lawful outsider becomes chaotic, it's also called "fallen", and when a chaotic outsider becomes lawful, it's again called "fallen". Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me? Well, I have decided that I'll call it "codified" when a chaotic outsider goes to Law, and "unbound" for when a lawful outsider deserts to Chaos. Unless anybody else has a better idea?

I like these.

Third, regarding Meta's last post: Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think I'll use it. That's because in distant memory, when I was new on this forum, afroakuma invented in his first Planar Questions Thread some rilmani society for me (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?265884-afroakuma-s-Planar-Questions-Thread!-(You-ask-I-ll-answer)&p=14730544&highlight=philosopher#post14730544) which involved some high ranked rilmani taking on "aspects" or "view points" of the other alignments. And even though it'll likely never happen, I still carry the hope that I'll 'brew these rilmani leaders one day. So, sorry.

NOOOO! (But hey, at least I still get to feel clever about the idea.)

2023-08-30, 03:21 PM
Just means I've got to raise the DC, right? Maybe 18 is better for a start.

2023-08-30, 03:31 PM
Just means I've got to raise the DC, right? Maybe 18 is better for a start.

What I wish was doen more often in 1st party sources is consider what level the item becomes affordable at (as per WBL) and put the DC in the ballpark of a spell that becomes available thereabouts. So, yes, in this case, I'd say a DC of 17+ (at 9th level, 9000 is a sum one can throw at an item without crippling oneself; that's where 5th level spells with a minimum base stat of 15, for a minimum DC of 17 come online), erring on the side of generosity for an 18 or so is the way to go.

2023-09-08, 01:01 PM
I just noticed that I forgot to include the upper limit for the Nettlewisp's growth. :smalleek:

...but nobody has complained about the infinite growth yet, so maybe it's alright?

2023-09-08, 01:15 PM
I just noticed that I forgot to include the upper limit for the Nettlewisp's growth. :smalleek:

...but nobody has complained about the infinite growth yet, so maybe it's alright?

In my defense, I had plant anatomy/taxonomy minutia to complain about. Things infinite are usually not a good idea, and you should probably reconsider that one bit.

2023-09-08, 02:04 PM
Then I'll add it back in. It was +15d6, +15 to DC.

2023-09-08, 02:30 PM
Then I'll add it back in. It was +15d6, +15 to DC.

That's reasonable potent, yeah, without breaking anything.

2023-09-26, 01:44 PM
This was the result of some inane comment in the Planar Questions Thread that blew up and I couldn't just leave alone. Enjoy.

The Demiplane of Chocolate
One of the many demiplanes that imitate the Elemental Planes, the Demiplane of Chocolate is mostly made up of gooey half-liquid chocolate, with more solid chunks floating around and large empty spaces filled with air and cocoa dust. The chocolate is made up mostly of different flavours of dark and milk chocolate, but also white chocolate and different mixtures with other matter exist exist, especially close to natural portals. Despite its mostly molten state the matter making up the plane is mostly cool and can easily be reshaped into solid forms. The native chocolate elementals are artistic by nature and enjoy making large figurines, monuments and even cities from the base chocolate.

The demiplane has a few natural portals to other planes, especially to the Elemental Plane of Wood and to the Blooming Reaches, the border between Elemental Wood and Elemental Air. From the Blooming Reaches honey flows into the chocolate, while bits of nut, berry and other fruit enter the plane from Wood.

The Demiplane of Chocolate has been at war since a conjunction between it and the Plane of Faerie 300 years ago. Emmissaries of the Seelie and the Unseelie court battle each other over the opportunity to exploit the demiplane's ressources, while the natives unsuccessfully try to evict both sides.
The servants of the Unseelie are small, elf-like fey who ceaselessly mine the chocolate and shape it into statuettes depicting their master, an ancient sidhe with the appearance of a white-bearded old man, dressed richly in red and white furs. As part of a secret plan to manipulate the destinies of the mortals, he often gifts those statuettes to mortal children.
The emissaries of the Seelie on the other hand take the appearance of talking animals. Their leader is humanoid hare who commands his workers to fashion colourful eggs from the chocolate. During spring, he hides those eggs on the Material as anchors for an ancient fertility ritual that helps ensure the Seelie's supremacy.

Finite size. The plane is larger than many Material worlds, but Chocolate is still just a finite demiplane instead of a fundamental building block of the multiverse. Those who tried to reach the plane's borders reported an indestructible barrier resembling the inside of a cocoa fruit's shell.

Normal Gravity.

Normal Time.

Magically Morphic. The matter of the plane easily yields to certain types of transmutation magic. Fabricate doesn't require a craft check to make something from the surrounding chocolate and can change it from solid to liquid and back with ease. Spells like transmute rock to mud, transmute mud to rock or transmute stone to sand can affect the chocolate and change it, as fitting, between liquid, solid or cocoa dust. These changes are instantaneous.

Mildly Neutral Aligned.

Magic: Transmutations that target inanimate objects or areas are automatically extended and widened. Conjuration (Creation) spells that conjure anything besides chocolate are impeded.

Chocolate Elemental

Chocolate Elemental, Small
Small Elemental (Extraplanar)
HD 2d8+4 (13 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); swim 50 ft.
Init: +0
AC 17; touch 11; flat-footed 17 (+6 natural, +1 size)
BAB +1; Grp +3
Attack Slam +4 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack Slam +4 melee (1d6+2)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Sickeningly sweet (DC 12), spell-like abilities
Special Qualities Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, gooey goodness
Saves Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +0
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Balance +8, Listen +2, Spot +3
Feats Improved GrappleB, Improved ToughnessMMIII
Environment Demiplane of Chocolate
Organization Solitary
Challenge Rating 2
Treasure None
Alignment Usually neutral
Advancement 3 HD (Small)

Chocolate Elemental, Medium
Medium Elemental (Extraplanar)
HD 4d8+16 (34 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); swim 50 ft.
Init: +1
AC 18; touch 11; flat-footed 17 (+7 natural, +1 Dex)
BAB +3; Grp +10
Attack Slam +6 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack Slam +6 melee (1d8+4)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Sickeningly sweet (DC 15), spell-like abilities
Special Qualities Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, gooey goodness
Saves Fort +7 Ref +2 Will +1
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Balance +9, Listen +3, Spot +4
Feats Improved GrappleB, Improved ToughnessMMIII, Power Attack
Environment Demiplane of Chocolate
Organization Solitary
Challenge Rating 4
Treasure None
Alignment Usually neutral
Advancement 5-7 HD (Medium)

Chocolate Elemental, Large
Large Elemental (Extraplanar)
HD 8d8+40 (76 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); swim 50 ft.
Init: +2
AC 19; touch 11; flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, +2 Dex, -1 size)
BAB +6; Grp +19
Attack Slam +10 melee (2d8+5)
Full Attack 2 slams +10 melee (2d8+5)
Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Sickeningly sweet (DC 18), spell-like abilities
Special Qualities Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/-, elemental traits, gooey goodness
Saves Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +2
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Balance +10, Listen +5, Spot +6
Feats Dodge, Improved GrappleB, Improved ToughnessMMIII, Power Attack
Environment Demiplane of Chocolate
Organization Solitary
Challenge Rating 6
Treasure None
Alignment Usually neutral
Advancement 9-15 HD (Large)

Chocolate Elemental, Huge
Huge Elemental (Extraplanar)
HD 16d8+96 (168 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); swim 50 ft.
Init: +4
AC 21; touch 12; flat-footed 17 (+9 natural, +4 Dex, -2 size)
BAB +12; Grp +31
Attack Slam +17 melee (2d10+7)
Full Attack 2 slams +17 melee (2d10+7)
Space 15 ft. Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Sickeningly sweet(DC 23), spell-like abilities
Special Qualities Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/-, elemental traits, gooey goodness
Saves Fort +15 Ref +9 Will +5
Abilities Str 24, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Balance +12, Listen +9, Spot +10
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved GrappleB, Improved ToughnessMMIII, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Environment Demiplane of Chocolate
Organization Solitary
Challenge Rating 8
Treasure None
Alignment Usually neutral
Advancement 17-20 HD (Huge)

Chocolate Elemental, Greater
Huge Elemental (Extraplanar)
HD 21d8+126 (220 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); swim 50 ft.
Init: +5
AC 23; touch 13; flat-footed 18 (+10 natural, +5 Dex, -2 size)
BAB +15; Grp +35
Attack Slam +21 melee (2d10+8)
Full Attack 2 slams +21 melee (2d10+8)
Space 15 ft. Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Sickeningly sweet (DC 27), spell-like abilities
Special Qualities Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/-, elemental traits, gooey goodness
Saves Fort +17 Ref +12 Will +7
Abilities Str 26, Dex 20, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Balance +13, Listen +12, Spot +12
Feats Ability Focus (Sickeningly Sweet), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Elusive TargetCWar, Improved GrappleB, Improved ToughnessMMIII, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Environment Demiplane of Chocolate
Organization Solitary
Challenge Rating 10
Treasure None
Alignment Usually neutral
Advancement 22-23 HD (Huge)

Chocolate Elemental, Elder
Huge Elemental (Extraplanar)
HD 24d8+144 (252 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); swim 50 ft.
Init: +6
AC 25; touch 14; flat-footed 19 (+11 natural, +6 Dex, -2 size)
BAB +18; Grp +39
Attack Slam +25 melee (2d10+9)
Full Attack 2 slams +25 melee (2d10+9)
Space 15 ft. Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Sickeningly sweet (DC 29), spell-like abilities
Special Qualities Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/-, elemental traits, gooey goodness
Saves Fort +19 Ref +14 Will +8
Abilities Str 28, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Balance +14, Listen +27, Spot +17
Feats Ability Focus (Sickeningly Sweet), Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Elusive TargetCWar, Improved GrappleB, Improved ToughnessMMIII, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Environment Demiplane of Chocolate
Organization Solitary
Challenge Rating 12
Treasure None
Alignment Usually neutral
Advancement 25-48 HD (Huge)

A chocolate elemental resembles a big slug made of molten chocolate, but is also able to solidify, making them look like large chunks of chocolate in a relatively badger-like form. Rarely summoned because of being relatively unknown, chocolate elementals tend to live pretty peaceful lifes and prefer building over fighting.
A chocolate elemental speaks Common and a weird language that somewhat resembles the elemental languages called Cocoan.

Gooey goodness (Ex) Chocolate elementals take half damage from desiccation and electricity. A chocolate elemental can switch with a move action between its normal liquid state and a solid state. In its solid state its Str rises by +4 and its Dex lowers by -2. It also exchanges its swim movement for a burrow movement at the same speed.
A liquid chocolate elemental is vulnerable to cold and is forced into its solid form if it takes more than 10 cold damage. A solid chocolate elemental is vlnerable to fire and is forced into its liquid form if it takes more than 10 fire damage. A chocolate elemental that transitioned forciably this way can't voluntarily change its state for 1 minute.

Sickeningly Sweet (Ex) Whenever a chocolate elemental hits any living creature that eats with a slam attack or wins a grapple check against such a creature, that creature must make a Fort save. If the creature fails, it is sickened for 1 minute. If it fails the save by 4 or more, it is nauseated instead. A creature that succeeds on its save is for 24 hours immune to this ability from this elemental.

Spell-like Abilities At will – fabricate, grease (creates liquid chocolate; only available in liquid state), hail of stones (creates hard and sharp cocoa shards; only available in solid state). CL equal HD, DC is based on Cha.

Skills Chocolate elementals have a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks as their bodies cling to surfaces.

Chocolate Mephit
Small Outsider
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Amor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+0
Attack: Claw + 5 melee (1d3+1)
Full Attack: 2 Claw + 5 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 2, resistence 10 to electricity and cold, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 when acting in character), Escape Artist +7, Hide +11 Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings),
Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness
Environment: Demiplane of Chocolate
Organisation: Solitary, gang (2-4 mephits of mixed variations) or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed variations)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

Chocolate mephits are disgustingly sweet in their demeanor. They tend to mother and fuss over other beings, will never lose their smile and treat everything as if it was adorable.
Chocolate Mephits speak Common and Cocoan.

Breath weapon (Su): 10 ft. cone of cocoa dust; nauseated for 1d4 rounds; fortitude, DC 13. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Fast Healing (Ex): Only when in contact with chocolate.
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – Cure Light Wounds, CL 3. 1/day – Good Hope, CL 6.

In the mephit code, sending a chocolate mephit is the worst offense possible for a fiend, for it implies that the recipient is a sweet, soft, fluffy cuddle-bunny that couldn't scare a babe.

Unseelie Stooge
Small Fey
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Amor Class: 15 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +2 leather armor), touch 13, Flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-5
Attack: Dagger + 2 melee (1d3-1)
Full Attack: Dagger +2 melee (1d3-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilties, unseelie's infamy
Special Qualities: Cold iron vulnerability, DR 5/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, winter's mantle
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 12
Skills: Appraise +4, Bluff +9, Craft (Sculpting) +11, Hide +10, Intimidate +9, Move Silently +6, Profession (Mining) +4, Survival +4
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft (Sculpting)), Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Plane of Faerie
Organisation: Group (2-6 plus one 2nd-level enforcers), gang (20-50 plus 4-10 2nd-level enforcers plus 1-2 6th-level leader) or taskforce (100-400 plus 20-80 2nd-level enforcers plus 5-15 6th-level leaders plus 2-3 10th-level taskmasters)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: by class level (favoured class: rogue)
Level Adjustment: +2

The stooges of the unseelie court on the Demiplane of Chocolate resemble gnomes or small elves. Despite seeming friendly and open, these fey are small-minded, spiteful and conniving. They work together and obey their duties, but take glee in harming and inconveniencing others.
Stooges speak Sylvan and may know some smattering of Cocoan. Stooges with class levels will also know at least Common and Elf.

Cold Iron Vulnerability (Ex): Even touching cold iron hurts unseelie fey, dealing 1 damage per round of touch. Cold iron weapons deal +1d6 extra damage to them.
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day – Dancing Lights, Fairy Fire, Invisibility (self only), Levitate, Prestidigitation, Silent Image (DC 12), Speak with Animal (only reindeer and other animals of cold plains and woods). CL 1.
Unseelie's Infamy (Su): An unseelie stooge imposes a morale penalty equal to its Cha bonus (min. -0) to saves on any creature within 5 ft (except other unseelie court associated beings).
Winter's Mantle (Su): Winter holds a jealous grip on those it owns, shielding them from everything that would freeze their bodies or manipulate their emotions. Unseelie stooges are immune to paralysis (except through Dex damage) as well as charms, fear effects and other effects that would manipulate their emotions (e.g. deep despair).
Skills: Unseelie stooges receive a racial bonus of +4 to Bluff, Craft (Sculpting) and Intimidate.

Seelie Lackey
Small Fey
Hit Dice: 1d6+1 (4 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft. (Poor)*
Amor Class: 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 leather armor), touch 12, Flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-5
Attack: Kick +2 melee (1d3-1)
Full Attack: Kick +2 melee (1d3-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, vernal touch
Special Qualities: Cold iron vulnerability, DR 5/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, seelie's glory
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 12
Skills: Craft (Sculpting) +11, Diplomacy +9, Hide +9, Listen +4/+8*, Move Silently +5, Profession (Mining) +4, Spot +4/+8, Survival +4
Feats: Fleet of FootCW, B*, Skill Focus (Craft (Sculpting)), Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Plane of Faerie
Organisation: Group (2-6 plus one 2nd-level enforcers), gang (20-50 plus 4-10 2nd-level enforcers plus 1-2 6th-level leader) or taskforce (100-400 plus 20-80 2nd-level enforcers plus 5-15 6th-level leaders plus 2-3 10th-level taskmasters)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral
Advancement: by class level (favoured class: scout)
Level Adjustment: +2

The lackeys of the seelie court on the Demiplane of Chocolate resemble humanoid hares and chickens. Generally skittish and suspicious of strangers, they work well together and can be quite gregarious amongst their own.
Lackeys speak Sylvan and may know a smattering of Cocoan. Lackeys with class levels will also know other languages, at least Common and Elf.

*Lackeys can be either hare or chicken based. Chicken shaped lackeys have a flying movement and a racial bonus of +4 to spot. Hare shaped lackeys have Fleet of Foot as a bonus feat and a racial bonus of +4 to Listen.

Cold Iron Vulnerability (Ex): Even touching cold iron hurts seelie fey, dealing 1 damage per round of touch. Cold iron weapons deal +1d6 extra damage to them.
Seelie's Glory (Su): Seelie lackeys gain a morale bonus equal to their Cha. bonus to their saves (min. +0).
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day – Alter Self, Command (DC 12), Prestidigitation, Sanctuary (DC 12), Silent Image (DC 12). CL 1.
Vernal Touch (Su): Spring and growth flow through a seelie lackey's being. At will, as a Standard Action, the lackey can touch a living creature and cure the following conditions: dazed, sickened, fatigued, nauseated and exhausted. If this touch is used on an undead (as a touch attack), the undead must make a Fortitude save (DC 11) or run away as if panicked for 1d4 + 1 round. DC is based on Cha.
Skills: Seelie lackeys receive a racial bonus of +4 to Craft (Sculpting) and Diplomacy.


Also, two other house rules that I forgot in the last post:

Healing is a subschool of Necromancy.
The Native subtype's name often causes confusion, as not all Native Outsiders are native to the Material, nor does the type change depending on wether the creature is on its home plane. Therefore I decided to rename it. As the main point of the subtype is that the Outsider has a flesh-and-blood body seperate from its soul/essence, I first thought calling them Incarnate Outsiders, but that would have caused too much confusion with Incarnates and Incarnum. So I decided that I will call them Visceral Outsiders from now on (I confess that Pale did inspire me to this word choice, as magical beings there exist on a scale from visceral (corporeal and physical) to spiritual (incorporeal and abstract)).

I'm pretty sure there is another change I wanted to make, but I can't remember it for the life of me. Well, whatever. I will collect these house rules in the Index post at the latest when the next bigger homebrew project lands. Until then, have a good day and lots of chocolate.

2023-10-03, 03:28 PM
New Creature: Just For Pun 3

This pun needed to be made.

Small magical beast
Hit Dice: 2d10 + 2 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), Fly 40 ft. (Clumsy)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +2 dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-3
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d4-1)
Full Attack: Two slams +5 melee (1d4-1) and peck +0 melee (1d3-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, abundance, partial plant traits
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +9
Feats: Run, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Temperate woods
Organisation: Solitary, nest (3-10) or bouquet (30-60)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 3-6 (medium)
Level Adjustment: +1

A strange crossbreed said to be the result of experimentation by a sorcerer with a taste for gamebirds, the plumage resembles from afar a large pheasant or small paradise bird with beautiful, richly purple feathers. On closer inspection, one find that the bird is instead covered in tasty ripe plums. Plumages are skittish, for they tend to be harrassed by many fruit eaters and hunted by most except the most consumate carnivors.
Allegedly there exists a lesser cousin of the plumage called a peafowl. These ones are Tiny and can use their Abundance ability only once per day, but gain a racial bonus of +4 to Hide in environments with many plants, as the pods covering their bodies help them blend in.

Abundance (Su): Up to three times per day, a plumage can shed some of its plums as a gift for other beings. It usually only does so if trained to do so or it feels safe with the recipient. Using this ability is a Full-Round Action and produces 2d4 plums that work like the berries produced by the spell goodberries cast at the 5th caster level.
Partial Plant Traits (Ex): As liminary beings between plant and animal, plumages enjoy some of the traits of the plant type. Plumagess are not subject to critical hits and immune to paralysis, polymorph, sleep effects and stunning, but not against poison and mind-affecting effects. Abilities that only affect plant creatures can affect a plumage, but the bird receives a +4 to saves against the effect.
Skills: Plumages receive a racial bonus of +4 to Listen and Spot.

2023-10-04, 07:55 AM

This pun needed to be made.



Also, awwww.
Small magical beast

Special Qualities: Darkvision 80 ft.

First time I see that range for it. Intentional?

Saves: Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +5

Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2.

B]Level Adjustment:[/B] +1

And it's playable!

Allegedly there exists a lesser cousin of the plumage called a peafowl.


Abundance (Su): Up to three times per day, a plumage can shed some of its plums as a gift for other beings. It usually only does so if trained to do so or it feels safe with the recipient. Using this ability is a Full-Round Action and produces 2d4 plums that work like the berries produced by the spell goodberries cast at the 5th caster level.

Very wholesome! Very nice!

Partial Plant Traits (Ex): As liminary beings between plant and animal, plumages enjoy some of the traits of the plant type. Plumagess are not subject to critical hits and immune to paralysis, polymorph, sleep effects and stunning, but not against poison and mind-affecting effects. Abilities that only affect plant creatures can affect a plumage, but the bird receives a +4 to saves against the effect.

A birdy that's a planty! Need I say more? This makes me happy.

2023-10-04, 08:13 AM
First time I see that range for it. Intentional?

Just a typo.

Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2.

And that was a copypaste error.

A birdy that's a planty! Need I say more? This makes me happy.
I thought so. Weird, that all puns I've came up with until now are plant based.
What's your opinion on the inhabitants of Chocolate?

2023-10-04, 08:37 AM
I thought so. Weird, that all puns I've came up with until now are plant based.

Look, I'm not gonna complain!

What's your opinion on the inhabitants of Chocolate?

They're W-I-L-D, but you gave 'em justice. I've been meaning to skim through their numbers, but I've got stuff to sort out first.

2023-10-04, 12:08 PM
And, as promised (and then some!):

The demiplane has a few natural portals to other planes, especially to the Elemental Plane of Wood and to the Blooming Reaches, the border between Elemental Wood and Elemental Air.

NEAT. (Is the Blooming Reaches actually a thing, with flowers and bees and all that?? Please tell me it is!)

Chocolate Elemental

[SPOILER=Small]Chocolate Elemental, Small

Attack Slam +4 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack Slam +4 melee (1d6+2)

Special Attacks Sickingly sweet

[SPOILER=Medium]Chocolate Elemental, Medium
Medium Elemental (Extraplanar)

Attack Slam +6 melee (1d8+3)
Full Attack Slam +6 melee (1d8+3)

Special Attacks Sickingly sweet

Single natural attacks without the customary 1.5×STR added? Poor chocolate things.

[SPOILER=Elder]Chocolate Elemental, Elder
Huge Elemental (Extraplanar)

Special Attacks Sickingly sweet (DC 27)

DC 29 (feat).

A chocolate elemental resembles a big slug

Damn. Slugs are scary!

Gooey goodness (Ex) Chocolate elementals take half damage from desiccation and electricity. A chocolate elemental can switch with a move action between its normal liquid state and a solid state. In its solid state its Str rises by +4 and its Dex lowers by -2. It also exchanges its swim movement for a burrow movement at the same speed.
A liquid chocolate elemental is vulnerable to cold and is forced into its solid form if it takes more than 10 cold damage. A solid chocolate elemental is vlnerable to fire and is forced into its liquid form if it takes more than 10 fire damage. A chocolate elemental that transitioned forciably this way can't voluntarily change its state for 1 minute.


Sickingly Sweet (Ex)

For this and all previous instances (statblock lines for SAs and feats, mostly): sickeningly would be the commonly used English word form.

Chocolate Mephit
Small Outsider

In the mephit code, sending a chocolate mephit is the worst offense possible for a fiend, for it implies that the recipient is a sweet, soft, fluffy cuddle-bunny that couldn't scare a babe.

On the flip side, they probably taste good when eaten out of frustration and anger. (Also, quite ironic given how strong these are with the nauseating breath and the decent SLAs).

Unseelie Stooge
Small Fey

Attack: Dagger + 2 melee (1d3-1)
Full Attack: Dagger +2 melee (1d3-1)

+3 to hit (size).

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0

Will +2 (Fey).

Challenge Rating: 1?

1/2 to 1, yes.

Level Adjustment: ?

I'd allow them at +0, honestly. They have enough setbacks and vulnerabilities.

Unseelie's Infamy (Su): An unseelie stooge imposes a morale penalty equal to its Cha bonus (min. -0) to any creature within 5 ft (except other unseelie court associated beings).

To what, exactly?

Seelie Lackey
Small Fey

[QUOTE][B]Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1

Will +3 (Fey).

Challenge Rating: 1?

Sure, why not.

Level Adjustment: ?

I could see a +2. Vernal Touch is really good.

The lackeys of the seelie court on the Demiplane of Chocolate resemble humanoid hares and chickens.

Birdy flavour's appreciated!


Also, two other house rules that I forgot in the last post:

Healing is a subschool of Necromancy.

Meh. There are about 2 Necromancy spells in the whole game: Deathwatch and Speak with Dead. I'll die on that hill.

The Native subtype's name often causes confusion, as not all Native Outsiders are native to the Material, nor does the type change depending on wether the creature is on its home plane. Therefore I decided to rename it. As the main point of the subtype is that the Outsider has a flesh-and-blood body seperate from its soul/essence, I first thought calling them Incarnate Outsiders, but that would have caused too much confusion with Incarnates and Incarnum. So I decided that I will call them Visceral Outsiders from now on (I confess that Pale did inspire me to this word choice, as magical beings there exist on a scale from visceral (corporeal and physical) to spiritual (incorporeal and abstract)).

An odd pick, but I like that word.

2023-10-04, 01:22 PM
NEAT. (Is the Blooming Reaches actually a thing, with flowers and bees and all that?? Please tell me it is!)

Back when planewalker.com was still a thing, there was an article that was an expanded write-up of Wood with paraelemental and quasielemental planes and all. and this refers to it. Sadly it is one of the pages that is missing on the webarchive, so I can only go by memory. IIRC the paraelemental planes in the article were Pollen (Air and Wood), Coal (Fire and Wood), Kelp (Water and Wood), and Soil (Earth and Wood). I do not remember the positive quasielemental plane (maybe Bloom or Growth?), and the negative quasielemental plane had originally been described as Thorns before a commentor mentioned that negative is not about making an "evil", but a decayed version, and suggested Rot. (Thorn would still make a good Dread version of Wood.)

Anyway, in my version of the cosmology Wood doesn't get it's own paraelemental planes, as it is itself the mixture of elements, the Innermost Plane, where the "base" Inner Planes intermix to actually bring life into being (yes, yes, elementals are also alive, but they aren't life as we know it) (Edit: That's also why I offered for the wood mephit to count as having all four elemental subtypes). I still like the concepts of the article, and so I re-interprete those as border regions (like for example the Glowing Dunes between Magma and Radiance).
I imagine Wood as a giant tree that has its roots in the Mother Soil, the border of the plane to Earth, and stretches out to Air, with the branches getting lighter and thinner the more we enter the Blooming Reaches, where leaves, blossoms of all kind and free spaces full of pollen replace the solid wood for the most part. And yes, I'd assume that adapted "invasive" species that would feel at home live here, as do native creatures.
Don't ask me about the other border regions; I came up with the name Mother Soil just now and don't have names yet for them and only the most basic memories of what they were like in the article.

Single natural attacks without the customary 1.5×STR added? Poor chocolate things.

DC 29 (feat).

For this and all previous instances (statblock lines for SAs and feats, mostly): sickeningly would be the commonly used English word form.

+3 to hit (size).

Will +2 (Fey).

Will +3 (Fey).
All fixed.

To what, exactly?

To saves. Fixed.

2023-10-05, 12:55 PM
Back when planewalker.com was still a thing, there was an article that was an expanded write-up of Wood with paraelemental and quasielemetal planes and all. and this refers to it. Sadly it is one of the pages that is missing on the webarchive, so I can only go by memory. IIRC the paraelemental planes in the article were Pollen (Air and Wood), Coal (Fire and Wood), Kelp (Water and Wood), and Soil (Earth and Wood). I do not remember the positive quasielemental plane (maybe Bloom or Growth?), and the negative quasielemental plane had originally been described as Thorns before a commentor mentioned that negative is not about making an "evil", but a decayed version, and suggested Rot. (Thorn would still make a good Dread version of Wood.)

You mean this:


2023-10-05, 12:58 PM
Thank you! I couldn't find it, so I assumed it hadn't been archived. :smallredface:

2023-10-05, 02:38 PM
You mean this:


Thank you! I couldn't find it, so I assumed it hadn't been archived. :smallredface:

I'm not a fan of Coral in there, to be frank. It's the PLANTY plane extension of a PLANTY plane! Use PLANTIES, damnit!

2023-10-05, 03:05 PM
I'm not a fan of Coral in there, to be frank. It's the PLANTY plane extension of a PLANTY plane! Use PLANTIES, damnit!

I agree. Kelp made a lot more sense; coral is an animal.

2023-10-06, 03:19 PM
I agree. Kelp made a lot more sense; coral is an animal.

Exactly! Besides Kelp, I could see a case for Mangrove (roots and roots!) as well.

2023-10-06, 03:31 PM
Hmm... roots into Earth and Water, branches into Air and Fire? A "slanted" tree, so to speak? What about Positive and Negative then?

2023-10-08, 08:53 AM
Hmm... roots into Earth and Water, branches into Air and Fire? A "slanted" tree, so to speak? What about Positive and Negative then?

Negative would be Detritus, I'd say. A damp, dark place where everything organic slowly breaks down into smaller and smaller particles until nothing's left. Positive… Well, perhaps we could call it the Thicket. An increasingly impassable, tangled, weedy, nigh-tumorous mass of fresh growth expanding towards an eerie, white radiance that somehow manages to seep and creep into every single crevice, even the smallest, of the great spread, keeping it all alive and ever growing.

2023-10-18, 04:27 PM
To celebrate the recent publishing of the newest Zamonia novel, Die Insel der 1.000 Leuchttürme (or more specifically, me becoming aware of it :smalltongue:), I present:

Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Constructs of Zamonia

I suddenly noticed that these spoil quite a lot of Rumo andThe Alchemaster's Apprentice. On the other hand, the booklings already spoiled The City of Dreaming Books, so whatever.

At this point, I would like to make a small case for the use of Leydenculi: In my opinion, they are the most suitable tool for testing the effect of chemicals and drugs in model experiments, if one does not want to resort to living test subjects. [...]
Personally, I find it barbaric to torture frogs and torment mice if one can rely on this method.
– Excerpt from the lab journal of Dr. Oztafan Hummingbird

Diminuitive Construct
Hit Dice: ½d10+3 (5 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Amor Class: 14 (+4 Size), touch 14, Flat footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-15
Attack: Slam melee +1 (1d2-3)
Full Attack: Slam melee +1 (1d2-3)
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, lesser construct traits
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -1
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 10, Con -, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 5
Skills: Listen +3
Feats: Toughness
Environment: Any
Organisation: Solitary or laboratory (2-30)
Challenge Rating: 1/8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +0

The Leydenculus is a creation of alchemy and serves as an artificial test subject for all kinds of experiments. Resembling a small humanoid made of black peat, the Leydenculus is usually kept in a small bottle filled with a nourishing liquid and only taken out for more invasive tests. Chemicals can usually be tested simply by adding them to the liquid. A Leydenculus' physical reactions are modelled to be as close to those of a living humanoid as possible, including capability to feel pain. Leydenculi tend to be dull and childlike in personality and are rarely angered. Only the worst abuse of many Leydenculi at once can drive them into fighting back against their owner. A well-made and well cared-for Leydenculus can survive for up to a year, but most of their kind only live a month.
Leydenculi don't speak or understand any language, but they can express simple emotions through crying, babbling or singing. They also tend to understand tone and emotion in spoken language.

Lesser construct traits: Despite being constructs (and not even living constructs) Leydenculi suffer many effects that constructs are usually immune to. Leydenculi lack a constitution score, yet they can be affected by poisons, chemicals, diseases and generally everything that a living being would need to make a Fortitude save to. Chemicals and potions with mind-affecting effects also overcome the Leydenculus' immunity. Leydenculi can suffer ability damage (but not ability drain or life drain), but regenerate it quickly (2 points per ability per 8 hours) if given access to their nourishing liquid. It has an effective Con score of 10 for purposes of taking Con damage (and dying, if the virtual Con score falls to 0).

Creating a Leydenculus
The most important ingredient of making a Leydenculus is peat from graveyards in bogs, but in a pinch normal peat mixed with grave dirt will work too. Animating the Leydenculus requires a small electric spark, like from a 0th level spell or any kind of alchemical battery.
Ruleswise, making a Leydenculus works like making a non-magical item with a market price of 300 gp. The DC for the Craft (Alchemy) roll is 20. No magic nor any special feats are necessary on the maker's part.
Making the Leydenculus also produces a vial of nourishing liquid (enough to feed the Leydenculus for a week). The nourishing liquid has a market value of 5 sp per vial and a Craft (Alchemy) DC of 10.

Inspired by Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures.

Pain candle
„This candle experiences the pain of its burning very intensely and spends its existence in agony. Imagine your tail was on fire for your whole life. That is the kind of agony I'm talking about.“
„A-and if you put it out, Master?“
„Then it would obviously stop suffering. But what do I need a candle for that doesn't burn, and what do I need a pain candle for that doesn't properly moan in pain?“
– Dialogue between Alchemaster Ghoolion and his apprentice

A pain candle is an animate candle created for cruelty's sake. These alchemical items resemble normal candles, but they have a face made out of molten wax and are able to move (even if as slow as snails). After igniting the wick, the poor creature begins softly moaning and crying and slowly crawling around, unable to sit still. They also shine twice as bright. Evil characters find the flickering shine and the moans of pain stimulating, and will receive a circumstance bonus of +3 to Craft, Knowledge and Profession skill checks done within 10 ft. around a pain candle. Non-evil characters on the other hand find them disturbing and must make a Will save (DC 12) when entering this area or be shaken until they leave this radius. Succeeding on this save means the character doesn't need to make saves for other pain candles for 24 hours. A pain candle burns for 24 hours before it dies in relief
Makers of pain candles should be warned. In rare cases, when many pain candles have been used over long period of time, they may rebell againnst their abusers. A pain candle can move up to 5 ft. as a Full-Round Action. It can also make as a Full-Round Action a touch attack (melee +1, 1d2 fire plus ignition), setting things like books, clothing or alchemical substances on fire.

Creating a pain candle
The making of a pain candle requires melting a Leydenculus and snail slime into candle fat. The wick is created from nerves of small cold blooded animals like blind worm or frog.
A pain candle is an alchemical item with a market price of 400 gp and a Craft (Alchemy) DC of 25.

Inspired by The Alchemaster's Apprentice.

Cooked ghost
Let my magic brew revive
that which used to be alive.
Let my bubbling cauldron seethe
till the creature starts to breathe.
Brought to life it then shall be
by the power of alchemy.
– Common alchemical incantation

Medium Construct (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 2d10+20 (31 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: Flying 30 ft. (Perfect)
Amor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 deflection), touch 13, Flat footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Gift false life, scare
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal, low-light vision, otherworldly
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 13
Skills: Hide +7, Sense Motive +5
Feats: Ability Focus (Scare)
Environment: Any
Organisation: Solitary or waft (3-12)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (medium), 5-6 HD (large)
Level Adjustment: +4

Cooked ghosts are a result of alchemy studying the most ephemeral of substances. A cooked ghost is usually created as a prank by students of alchemy or, as the process is very impressive, by masters to recruit apprentices.
A cooked ghost resembles a big floating sheet of cloth, but woven from dimly glowing ethereal light. Cooked ghosts tend to float aimlessly through a world they can't influence, but sometimes they feel a connection to a kind-hearted being or an ancient building and start spending time with the target of their affection. Cruel and vile people, on the other hand, are avoided by cooked ghosts if they can.
Cooked ghosts don't seem to speak any language, but sometimes people get the impression that the ghost understands them, no matter what communication is used.

Cooked ghosts flee battle or sometimes don't even defend themselves. Only rarely do they use their abilities to fight back, and always in the defense of someone or something they connected to.
Gift False Life (Su): This ability is used least often by cooked ghosts. Even experts on the matter often don't know that they even have it, and it may be the case that not all cooked ghosts possess it.
A cooked ghost can permanently animate a dead object with a touch, similiar to the spell animate object. There are two restrictions to this: first, the object can't be more than one size larger than the ghost. Second, the object must have been made from something that used to be alive at some point. The object animated this way has the Int score it had while alive and acts according to the instincts it had. The ghost can give it a single directive it will try to accomplish. If the animated object didn't have any instincts (like one made of common wood), it will have no drive beyond achieving that goal.
Using this ability destroys the cooked ghost.
Otherworldly (Ex): Cooked ghosts can only be created on the Material Plane. Despite this, cooked ghosts count as extraplanar for any magical purposes. If a cooked ghost becomes the target of a dismissal, banishment or similiar effect, they disperse, effectively destroying them.
Scare (Ex): Should a cooked ghost feel the need to defend itself or others, it usually uses this ability. As a Standard Action, the ghost lets the image of an eerie face appear on its surface, which seems to press itself against the „cloth“ of the ghost. Opponents witnessing this sudden scare must make a Will save (DC 14) or cower for 1d4+1 round. Those who succeed are only shaken for 2 rounds. The save is based on Cha.

How to cook a ghost
A cooked ghost is made by boiling certain alchemical substances together with corpse gas and animal fat in a cauldron. The whole process takes 1 minute of work (plus a day of preperation), a Craft (Alchemy) check against DC 17 and material worth 100 gp.

Inspired by The Alchemaster's Apprentice.

Copper Killer
„We are the - tick - Copper Killers. These - tock - men created us. Created - tick - us to kill. Let's not - tock - disappoint them. Kill them! - tick - Kill them well!“
– The first words of General Ticktock

Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 14d10+20 (97 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35 ft. (7 squares)
Amor Class: 21 (+2 Dex, +9 +1 full plate), touch 12, Flat footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+13
Attack: +1 halberd melee +15 (1d10+6/3x) or +1 heavy repeating crossbow ranged +13 (1d10+1/19-20)
Full Attack: +1 halberd melee +15/+10 (1d10+6/3x) or +1 heavy repeating crossbow ranged +13/+8 (1d10+1/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., inbuilt armor, inbuilt weaponry, low-light vision, resistence to acid, electricity and fire 15, SR 10 + HD
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 9
Skills: Craft (Armorsmith) or Craft (Weaponsmith) or Profession (Siege engineer) +18, Listen +18, Spot +18
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd)
Environment: Any
Organisation: Platoon (5-20), battalion (20-50) or regiment (50-200)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: No coins, no goods, standard items
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: 15-20 HD (medium), 21-42 HD (large); or by character class (Favoured Class: Fighter)
Level Adjustment: -

For a long time, the Copper Killers were the greatest disaster plaguing Zamonia. This army of merciless fight machines had only one purpose: kill as much and as cruelly as possible.
After the legendary battle in the Nurnwood, four groups of expert craftsmen stumbled, independent of each other and at the same time, over the battlefield: a group of surgeons, a group of alchemists, a group of weaponsmiths and engineers, and a group of clocksmiths. First driven by the attempt to save as many dying soldiers as possible, then more and more by their own ambition, these four groups combined their arts to fashion the wounded into beings half-living, half-machine, using the discarded and broken weapons and armor as raw material to replace missing bodyparts and organs. Then their creations turned on them, killing most of them, before beginning their marauding. It was only when they sieged the Linnorm Fortress and the defenders called an earthquake on them, that half the army was destroyed. The remaining Copper Killers retreated into the Underdark and weren't seen since then.
No two Copper Killers look the same. All of them are humanoid, and most of them are completely clad into armor decorated with copper. In some cases, one can even discern the original race of the Copper Killer's organic parts. Practically all warlike races that were known at that time are represented amongst them, but for their function or internal ranking these are irrelevant. Some Copper Killers have inbuilt weaponry, others wield their armaments. Nearly any kind of weapon is represented.
The Copper Killers speak Common and all languages of common humanoid races.

In combat, the Copper Killers work well together. They are absolutely merciless and fearless, and will continue to fight until everyone on one side is dead or they receive the command to retreat. Copper Killers obey all commands at once and without hesitation.
Inbuilt Armor (Ex): A Copper Killer's armor is part of its body. It doesn't impose a movement penalty or a maximum dexterity bonus.
Inbuilt Weaponry (Ex): Many Copper Killers (but not all) have a melee weapon built into their body. A Copper Killer can't be disarmed of such a weapon. All damage dealt to the weapon as part of a sundering attempt is also dealt to the Killer. Reparing the Killer also restores the weapon, even if it was completely broken.
Feats and Equipment: Copper Killers qualify for feats like fighters of their level. Copper Killers are proficient with any melee weapon, all crossbows, and any shield. It is suggested to customize a Copper Killer's equipment, giving it either a two-handed weapon, a one-handed weapon and a shield, or two one-handed weapons. Change the Killer's feats appropriately.
Practically all Copper Killers wield a repeating crossbow as a ranged weapon. All equipment used by Copper Killers has at least a +1 enchantment.

Inspired by Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures.

General Ticktock
„You want - tick - battle? You want - tock - war? Then come to - tick - me! I am General Ticktock! - tock - I am war!“
– General Ticktock

Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 24d10+40 (172 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 35 ft. (7 squares)
Amor Class: 31 (-2 size, +7 Dex, +16 +5 inbuilt armor), touch 15, Flat footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+35
Attack: +4 keen dwarven waraxe melee +31 (3d8+15/19-20, 3x); or claw melee + 25 (1d8+9); or +4 returning flying sawblade ranged +23 (2d8+13/x3)
Full Attack: +4 keen dwarven waraxe melee +27/+22/+17/+12 (3d8+15/19-20, 3x) and +4 keen bastard sword melee +28/+23/+18/+13 (3d8+16/17-20); or two claws melee + 25 (1d8+9); or two +4 returning flying sawblades ranged +23 (2d8+13/x3)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Death throes, fortress mode, walking arsenal
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 20/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., inbuilt armor, low-light vision, resistence to acid, electricity and fire 30, SR 10 + HD
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +15, Will +12
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 25, Con -, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 21
Skills: Appraise +31 (+33 regarding torture instruments), Bluff +32, Intimidate +34, Knowledge (one appropriate to military leaders in the setting, like History or Warcraft) +32, Profession (Torturer) +31, Sense Motive +31
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat BruteCW, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Far Shot, Greater Cleave, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Melee Weapon Mastery (Slashing)PHB2, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Penetrating ShotPHB2, Point-Blank Shot, Precision Shot, Resounding BlowBoED, Sense WeaknessDra, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)
Environment: Any
Organisation: Unique
Challenge Rating: 18
Treasure: No coins, no goods, double items
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: without limit; increase size when it seems fitting
Level Adjustment: -

When the Copper Killers had been finished, they seemed frozen. Zoltep Zahn, leader of the alchemists, declared that it was because they were soldiers and required a commander. So the creators of the Copper Killers collected all the body parts, weapons, siege engine parts and armor pieces they hadn‘t used up and built a copper giant from them. And then Zoltep Zahn inserted in a secret ceremony an alchemical “heart” into it to grant it a mind and will. The giant awoke, named himself General Ticktock, and the rest is, as they say, history.
General Ticktock is the drive behind the Copper Killers. All of them obey any of his commands faithfully, and most of his commands serve the purpose of slaughter. Ticktock enjoys nothing more than fighting and shedding blood, and he doesn’t really care wether his opponents can fight back or not. Since the flight of the Copper Killers into the Underdark, he has found another thing he enjoys: improving and upgrading himself, growing larger and larger, deadlier and deadlier. Who knows where this may lead him.
In appearance, the general resembles a giant in a completely copper armor, designed to be as terrifying as possible, with sharp teeth and claws and electrically glowing eyes. General Ticktock speaks with a metallic voice into which the mechanic ticking of a clockwork mixes, like a hiccup.
General Ticktock speaks all languages in the Player’s Handbook except for those associated with planar beings.

Death Throes (Ex): The ticking in General Ticktock's voice is a hint to the last perfidity his creators gave him. If the general is killed without completely destroying his body, the clockwork in him winds down and ignites a bomb. Two rounds after Ticktock is killed, he explodes and deals 20d6 damage (half fire, half bludgeoning and piercing) to any creature within 50 ft (DC 31, Reflex halves). The DC is based on Str.
Furthermore, the other Copper Killers only exist for Ticktock's sake. When General Ticktock dies, all surviving Copper Killers automatically de-animate.
Fortress Mode (Ex): General Ticktock's youngest upgrade is the fortress mode. As a Full-Round Action, Ticktock's mechanic shifts overlapping plates into different positions, increasing Ticktock's size and apparent mass in exchange for lesser mobility. In this state, Ticktock enjoys the benefits similar to those granted by righteous might, except for the following differences: he doesn't gain additional DR, his speed drops to 10 ft., he receives the benefits of stability. The general stays in this form until he spends a Full-Round Action to pull himself together.
Additionally, Ticktock gains a vulnerability in this form: A creature that is no larger than Large may try to enter his body through the openings forming in his exterior. This provokes attacks of opportunity from Ticktock. Any creature inside Ticktock's body takes 5d6 damage from internal blades and mechanisms per round (on the general's turn, DC 22, Reflex halves).
Movement in Ticktock will be abstracted. To move to any desired location (a part that hasn't been searched yet, the exit, an already found mechanism), a creature must make a Climb or Tumble check against a DC of 15 (attempting this check is a Move Action). As a Standard Action, the creature may Search its current location for a noteworthy mechanism (for example the flamethrower's fuel reserves, the acid stores, the launching mechanism for the saw blades). Finding it requires a Search skill check against DC 20. Sabotaging such a mechanism in a way that Ticktock won't notice requires a Disable Device check against DC 25 (taking 2d4 rounds). A mechanism can also be broken by brute force, requiring a Strength check against DC 23 (requiring a Full-Round Action).
Alternatively, the creature may attack with a light or one-handed weapon. Attacking the general mechanical interiority works like attacking Ticktock while he's flat-footed, and deals normal damage. Attacking a special mechanism may destroy it and hamper Ticktock's abilities. Special mechanisms have typically a hardness of 8 and 30 hp.
Ticktock's “heart” can be found this way too, but it is especially well hidden (Search DC 30). The heart is kept in a fixture and can be removed from it using a Disable Device check (DC 27), a Strength check (DC 25) or damage to the fixture (hardness 10, 35 hp). The heart itself has hardness 20, 60 hp and a Strength DC of 30 to be broken. Removing the heart from its fixture and leaving the body with it renders Ticktock both confused and staggered. Destroying it, wether inside the body or out of it, instantly kills the general.
Inbuilt Armor (Ex): General Ticktock's armor is his skin. It doesn't impose a movement penalty or a maximum dexterity bonus.
Walking Arsenal (Ex): In addition to whatever weapons General Ticktock wields (currently a dwarven waraxe and a bastard sword) a large variety of weapons is built into his body. Amongst those are:

a flamethrower (breath weapon: cone 10 ft., 16d4 half fire, half acid, Reflex DC 31 halves. DC based on Str). The internal mechanic reloads the flamethrower after use within 1 minute. Ticktock stores enough fuel to reload the flamethrower twice.
Two enchanted flying saw-blades (gargantuan chakrams) that are launched from within his shoulders
stores for poisons, diseases in liquid form and similar substances. The General may apply such a substance to any of his blades (both wielded and inbuilt) with a move action. He has enough room for 30 doses of substances.
Harpoon claws. The general can make a ranged claw attack (no range increments, max range 30 ft.). If he hits, the target must make a Reflex save (DC = dealt damage) or be hooked. The General can then pull the target as a Free Action as closely as possible and in a straight line to himself. This works like a Bull Rush. Independent of the success of the Bull Rush, the claw tears itself free and deals another 1d8+5 damage.

Feats: General Ticktock receives bonus feats like a fighter with a level equal to his HD. He also qualifies for feats like a fighter of that level.

Inspired by Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures.

Notes: A few ponderings. I was thinking about making the pain candle a full-fledged creature, with stats and all, but in the end I decided that those would have been awkward and not worth the effort. Things as slow as literal snails don't make good combatants.
I was thinking about making the Copper Killers and General Ticktock either martial initiators or giving them fighter bonus feats. As you can see I decided for reserving bonus feats for the general (a last minute decision), but no initiating for either. They didn't show enough "finesse" in the book to fit initiators IMO, and especially Ticktock relies more on his inbuilt weapons than on sophisticated fighting technique. Incidentally, in the book he had even more inbuilt weaponry, but I ran out of ideas how to interestingly design them. I'm just glad that I managed to involve all that he actively demonstrated during the final battle. What I am iffy about is fortress mode, both wether it is too complicated and has enough benefits to actually use it. I just liked the puzzle-boss qualities he has.

2023-10-19, 11:01 AM

Diminuitive Construct

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, lesser construct traits

Abilities: Str 5, Dex 10, Con -, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 5

Level Adjustment: +0

Extremely bad at everything, but DIMINUTIVE with some Construct traits and LA +0? You truly are Evil!

Creating a Leydenculus
The most important ingredient of making a Leydenculus is peat from graveyards in bogs, but in a pinch normal peat mixed with grave dirt will work too. Animating the Leydenculus requires a small electric spark, like from a 0th level spell or any kind of alchemical battery.
Ruleswise, making a Leydenculus works like making a non-magical item with a market price of 30 gp.

DM: Your character died.
PLAYER: No worries, I do have the 30 gp to replace it.

Making the Leydenculus also produces a vial of nourishing liquid (enough to feed the Leydenculus for a week). The nourishing liquid has a market value of 50 sp per vial and a Craft (Alchemy) DC of 10.

Isn't that really just 5 gp?

Pain candle

A pain candle is an animate candle created for cruelty's sake. These alchemical items resemble normal candles, but they have a face made out of molten wax and are able to move (even if as slow as snails). After igniting the wick, the poor creature begins softly moaning and crying and slowly crawling around, unable to sit still. They also shine twice as bright. Evil characters find the flickering shine and the moans of pain stimulating, and will receive a circumstance bonus of +3 to Craft, Knowledge and Profession skill checks done within 10 ft. around a pain candle.

Circumstance bonuses are the best!

A few ponderings. I was thinking about making the pain candle a full-fledged creature, with stats and all, but in the end I decided that those would have been awkward and not worth the effort. Things as slow as literal snails don't make good combatants.

Combat isn't everything.

Cooked ghost

Level Adjustment: +1

Okay, so we have an intelligent, incorporeal creature with full Construct traits, an at-will save-but-still-suffer debuff (cowering is also a neat condition to inflict!) and a low HD count, with the downside being that a DM can easily gotcha 'em dead with a normally nonlethal spell. That's… Not LA +1 material. That's either LA Much Higher or non-playable in my book.

A cooked ghost is made by boiling certain alchemical substances together with corpse gas and animal fat in a cauldron. The whole process takes 1 minute of work (plus a day of preperation), a Craft (Alchemy) check against DC 17 and material worth 15 gp.

That it's also nigh-infinitely spammable as a minion as long as one is Good-ish and can Diplomacy them into being friendlies is also a possible issue.

General Ticktock

Still a better person than General TikTok!

Initiative: +2


Amor Class: 31 (-2 size, +7 Dex, +16 +5 inbuilt armor), touch 15, Flat footed 24

+11 base armour bonus? Can it be, I don't know, be looted from ts dead body (assuming the thing doesn't just explode)?

Attack: +4 keen dwarven waraxe melee +31 (3d8+15/19-20, 3x);

Why not just two-hand it for single attacks?

+4 returning flying sawblade ranged +23 (2d8+13/x3)

+27 to hit.

Full Attack: +4 keen dwarven waraxe melee +27/+22/+17/+12 (3d8+15/19-20, 3x) and +4 keen bastard sword melee +27/+22/+17/+12 (3d8+15/17-20);

+28/+23/+18/+13 (3d8+16 &c.) for the sword (Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization). Also, no OTWF?

or two +4 returning flying sawblades ranged +23 (2d8+13/x3)

+27 to hit.

Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat BruteCW, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Far Shot, Greater Cleave, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Melee Weapon Mastery (Slashing)PHB2, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Penetrating ShotPHB2, Point-Blank Shot, Precision Shot

Precise Shot.

Advancement: without limit; increase size when it seems fitting

I mean, it only has two size categories to gain. I'd quantify.

Death Throes (Ex): The ticking in General Ticktock's voice is a hint to the last perfidity his creators gave him. If the general is killed without completely destroying his body, the clockwork in him winds down and ignites a bomb. Two rounds after Ticktock is killed, he explodes and deals 20d6 damage (half fire, half physical)

What's physical damage?

Fortress Mode (Ex): General Ticktock's youngest upgrade is the fortress mode. As a Full-Round Action, Ticktock's mechanic shifts overlapping plates into different positions, increasing Ticktock's size and apparent mass in exchange for lesser mobility. In this state, Ticktock enjoys the benefits similar to those granted by righteous might, except for the following differences: he doesn't gain additional DR, his speed drops to 10 ft., he receives the benefits of stability. The general stays in this form until he spends a Full-Round Action to pull himself together.
Additionally, Ticktock gains a vulnerability in this form: A creature that is no larger than Large may try to enter his body through the openings forming in his exterior. This provokes attacks of opportunity from Ticktock. Any creature inside Ticktock's body takes 5d6 damage from internal blades and mechanics per round (on the general's turn, DC 22, Reflex halves). To move around in Ticktock, a creature must make Climb or Tumble checks against a DC of 15. To find anything of note, like his flamethrower's fuel reserves, requires a Search check against DC 20. Sabotaging such a mechanic requires a Disable Device check against DC 25 (or brute force).
Ticktock's “heart” can be found this way too, but it is especially well hidden (Search DC 30). Finding and removing the heart from the body renders Ticktock both confused and staggered. Destroying it, wether inside the body or out of it, instantly kills the general.

I was thinking about making the Copper Killers and General Ticktock either martial initiators or giving them fighter bonus feats. As you can see I decided for reserving bonus feats for the general (a last minute decision), but no initiating for either. They didn't show enough "finesse" in the book to fit initiators IMO, and especially Ticktock relies more on his inbuilt weapons than on sophisticated fighting technique. Incidentally, in the book he had even more inbuilt weaponry, but I ran out of ideas how to interestingly design them. I'm just glad that I managed to involve all that he actively demonstrated during the final battle. What I am iffy about is fortress mode, both wether it is too complicated and has enough benefits to actually use it. I just liked the puzzle-boss qualities he has.

It's a tad on the complicated side, yes. My main issues are that it's not entirely clear how moving inside the thing works (one just rolls Climb/Tumble until a Search check succeeds?) and that I'm not sure what the mechanical difference between removing and destroying the heart is (if both are just Disable Device; if the latter takes attack/damage, the figures for break DC, AC, hp, hardness and the like are missing).

2023-10-19, 02:04 PM
Extremely bad at everything, but DIMINUTIVE with some Construct traits and LA +0? You truly are Evil!

Okay, so we have an intelligent, incorporeal creature with full Construct traits, an at-will save-but-still-suffer debuff (cowering is also a neat condition to inflict!) and a low HD count, with the downside being that a DM can easily gotcha 'em dead with a normally nonlethal spell. That's… Not LA +1 material. That's either LA Much Higher or non-playable in my book.

First people applaud me for making everything playable, now they are upset that I made everything playable. I'll just remove those LAs.

Isn't that really just 5 gp?

I was absolutely sure that it goes 100 sp = 1 gp. Fixed.



+11 base armour bonus? Can it be, I don't know, be looted from ts dead body (assuming the thing doesn't just explode)?

Explodes and pierces you with flying shards.

Why not just two-hand it for single attacks?

I assume he's got both hands full.

+27 to hit.


+28/+23/+18/+13 (3d8+16 &c.) for the sword (Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization). Also, no OTWF?

I thought Melee Weapon Mastery overwrites those. Isn't the description of the feat that you can apply your weapon focus and specialization to all weapons off the chosen category? Also, I forgot about that feat and didn't find it during my search. Let's see... I'll replace Combat Brute.

What's physical damage?

Changed to Bludgeoning and Piercing.

I mean, it only has two size categories to gain. I'd quantify.

It's a tad on the complicated side, yes. My main issues are that it's not entirely clear how moving inside the thing works (one just rolls Climb/Tumble until a Search check succeeds?) and that I'm not sure what the mechanical difference between removing and destroying the heart is (if both are just Disable Device; if the latter takes attack/damage, the figures for break DC, AC, hp, hardness and the like are missing).

Yeah. Those are good points. I will need to go over those parts. But not now. Maybe on the weekend.

2023-10-19, 02:35 PM
First people applaud me for making everything playable, now they are upset that I made everything playable. I'll just remove those LAs.

Actually, the Leydenculus was kind of fine: it has some all-but-unique pluses, but also the kinds of always-on weaknesses to, for lack of a better word, balance them. The point is, it's plenty weird (which is good and very 3.5) and not an obvious pick, but rewarding to use for wild things. "Hm. -10 to INT, but natively Diminutive with a wild type, hm" is a dilemma, but of the cool kind.

Explodes and pierces you with flying shards.


I thought Melee Weapon Mastery overwrites those. Isn't the description of the feat that you can apply your weapon focus and specialization to all weapons off the chosen category?

Huh. That's not in the benefit line, but yeah, it's there, so… I'd let them stack, but I guess that's fair.

Also, I forgot about that feat and didn't find it during my search.

It's one of those stupid combat feats that I like more than I probably should. One day I'll put it on a Diopsid Tempest and be invincible… One day!

2023-10-20, 05:32 AM
Actually, the Leydenculus was kind of fine: it has some all-but-unique pluses, but also the kinds of always-on weaknesses to, for lack of a better word, balance them. The point is, it's plenty weird (which is good and very 3.5) and not an obvious pick, but rewarding to use for wild things. "Hm. -10 to INT, but natively Diminutive with a wild type, hm" is a dilemma, but of the cool kind.

Then it shall be returned, for I am merciful creator and take pity on my creations

2023-10-21, 05:24 AM
I wrote two new versions of the fortress mode; they mostly differ in how moving around and searching works (one more abstract, one more "simulationist"), with differences in the other details steming from that. Thoughts on which I should use, or wether they need further rewriting?

The differences start with the third paragraph.

Option 1:
General Ticktock's youngest upgrade is the fortress mode. As a Full-Round Action, Ticktock's mechanic shifts overlapping plates into different positions, increasing Ticktock's size and apparent mass in exchange for lesser mobility. In this state, Ticktock enjoys the benefits similar to those granted by righteous might, except for the following differences: he doesn't gain additional DR, his speed drops to 10 ft., he receives the benefits of stability. The general stays in this form until he spends a Full-Round Action to pull himself together.
Additionally, Ticktock gains a vulnerability in this form: A creature that is no larger than Large may try to enter his body through the openings forming in his exterior. This provokes attacks of opportunity from Ticktock. Any creature inside Ticktock's body takes 5d6 damage from internal blades and mechanics per round (on the general's turn, DC 22, Reflex halves).
Movement in Ticktock will be abstracted. To move to any desired location (a part that hasn't been searched yet, the exit, an already found mechanic), a creature must make a Climb or Tumble check against a DC of 15 (attempting this check is a Move Action). As a Standard Action, the creature may Search its current location for a noteworthy mechanic (for example the flamethrower's fuel reserves, the acid stores, the launching mechanic for the saw blades). Finding it requires a Search skill check against DC 20. Sabotaging such a mechanic in a way that Ticktock won't notice requires a Disable Device check against DC 25 (taking 2d4 rounds). A mechanic can also be broken by brute force, requiring a Strength check against DC 23 (requiring a Full-Round Action).
Alternatively, the creature may attack with a light or one-handed weapon. Attacking the general mechanic works like attacking Ticktock while he's flat-footed, and deals normal damage. Attacking a special mechanic may destroy it and hamper Ticktock's abilities. Special mechanics have typically a hardness of 8 and 30 hp.
Ticktock's “heart” can be found this way too, but it is especially well hidden (Search DC 30). The heart is kept in a fixture and can be removed from it using a Disable Device check (DC 27), a Strength check (DC 25) or damage to the fixture (hardness 10, 35 hp). The heart itself has hardness 20, 60 hp and a Strength DC of 30 to be broken. Removing the heart from its fixture and leaving the body with it renders Ticktock both confused and staggered. Destroying it, wether inside the body or out of it, instantly kills the general.

Option 2:
General Ticktock's youngest upgrade is the fortress mode. As a Full-Round Action, Ticktock's mechanic shifts overlapping plates into different positions, increasing Ticktock's size and apparent mass in exchange for lesser mobility. In this state, Ticktock enjoys the benefits similar to those granted by righteous might, except for the following differences: he doesn't gain additional DR, his speed drops to 10 ft., he receives the benefits of stability. The general stays in this form until he spends a Full-Round Action to pull himself together.
Additionally, Ticktock gains a vulnerability in this form: A creature that is no larger than Large may try to enter his body through the openings forming in his exterior. This provokes attacks of opportunity from Ticktock. Any creature inside Ticktock's body takes 5d6 damage from internal blades and mechanics per round (on the general's turn, DC 22, Reflex halves).
As a Move Action, the creature may make Climb or Tumble checks against a DC of 15 to move 5 ft in Ticktock. As a Standard Action, the creature may search its current location for a special mechanic (for example the flamethrower's fuel reserves, the acid stores, the launching mechanic for the saw blades, the fixture of Ticktock's heart) within Ticktock. These mechanics can then be sabotaged in a way that Ticktock won't notice (using a Disable Device Check, requiring 2d4 rounds) or broken with brute force (using a Strength check as a Full-Round Action). Most mechanics have a Search DC of 20, a Disable Device DC of 25, and a breaking DC of 23.
Alternatively, the creature may attack with a light or one-handed weapon. Attacking the general mechanic works like attacking Ticktock while he's flat-footed, and deals normal damage. Attacking a special mechanic may destroy it and hamper Ticktock's abilities. Special mechanics have typically a hardness of 8 and 30 hp.
The fixture of Ticktock's “heart” is especially well hidden (Search DC 30). Removing the heart from it requires sabotaging or breaking the fixture, which has a Disable Device DC of 27, a breaking DC of 25 and hardness 10, 35 hp. The heart itself has hardness 20, 60 hp and a breaking DC of 30. Removing the heart from its fixture and leaving the body with it renders Ticktock both confused and staggered. Destroying it, wether inside the body or out of it, instantly kills the general.

2023-10-21, 09:02 AM
I wrote two new versions of the fortress mode; they mostly differ in how moving around and searching works (one more abstract, one more "simulationist"), with differences in the other details steming from that. Thoughts on which I should use, or wether they need further rewriting?

I like these! Unless you want to actually map the interiors of a monster (which is a funny idea but maybe not worth the hassle), I'd probably go with Otion 1, though. Oh, and make sure you substitute something like mechanism for mechanic whenever it comes up, unless the good general contains many a manual laborer working with machines.

2023-10-21, 10:40 AM
I like these! Unless you want to actually map the interiors of a monster (which is a funny idea but maybe not worth the hassle), I'd probably go with Otion 1, though. Oh, and make sure you substitute something like mechanism for mechanic whenever it comes up, unless the good general contains many a manual laborer working with machines.

And another False Friend. German for mechanism is Mechanik. German for mechanic is Mechaniker (or mechanisch, as an adjective).

Yeah, I'll do that. But afterwards I must go; my copy of Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme arrived today in the mail, and I'll be... distracted.

2023-10-21, 11:32 AM
And another False Friend. German for mechanism is Mechanik. German for mechanic is Mechaniker (or mechanisch, as an adjective).

Yeah, I'll do that. But afterwards I must go; my copy of Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme arrived today in the mail, and I'll be... distracted.

Cool! Have fun with that.

2023-10-21, 12:30 PM
It's been a while since I've been here, and I like chocolate. I love the lore for the plane including fey-based Easter and I want to know how to say "Hello" in Cocoan.

The Chocolate Elementals are neat. They're clearly based on Water elementals in their liquid form, what with identical stats. The abilities are great and flavorful, but I'm a bit torn on the CR. They're definitely stronger than Water elementals in liquid form with their choice of feats, and stronger than Earth Elementals in solid form due to better Dex and speed. Plus, Sickeningly Sweet is an extremely good ability that can take people out of the combat every round. Even if it was nauseated for a single round, it would be a game-changer. For one minute and with no 24h immunity, it is actually broken. I'd say you should increase CR by 1 (like Storm Elementals) or even by 2 if SSweet has no 24h immunity and a minute duration. The SLAs are basically fluff, but we all know chocolate has sweet flavor.

Having a helpful mephit is nice. A bit weird to have the only mephit who does not deal damage with its breath attack, but it fits the creature. Do demons that try to eat it get poisoned like dogs eating chocolate?

About Unseelie Stooge, I like everything, but I will vehemently disagree with Metastachydium's "I'll allow it at LA+0, it has enough setbacks". Maybe I missed something, but the only setback it has is Cold Iron vulnerability, which is a material found exactly 0.7 times per campaign. For that (and no RHD), it has a total of +4 to stats (well distributed too), 30ft speed as a Small creature, DR 5, a heck of a lot of SLAs (very fairy-like), including Invisibility if it wants to be a rogue, reduces the saves of everyone around it (that's actually extremely strong for something like a warlock or a touch-attack-based caster), and Weapon Finesse. It's clearly +1 at the very least, and I'd even consider it at +2.

Seelie Lackey: of course there would be chicken and hare gnomes :D. I agree with the LA+2. Can they wield weapons on top of attacking with their foot? I'm a bit confused by their SLAs. Why do they have Alter Self and Command?

Plumage: Well, there's not much here, except the pun. I imagine it stands like the Pokémon Arboliva and dispenses mirabelle plums in the garden of people who gave it food. Also, creatures with less than 3 Int are normally not playable, so I think you should either remove the LA or increase its Int to 3 (in which case having it at LA+0 would be no problem in my book, low Int and no hands are a big problem).

The positive and negative version of the Wood Plane could be the Leaf Plane (with paper-like leaves everywhere absorbing the light from the Positive Plane) and the fungus plane (with lots of parasite mushroom feeding on and killing the big tree and each other).

Leydenculus: Having a little poison test subject is absolutely something a wizard would build. What do you think it would look like if a Beholder built one? Still, I feel like it would cost much more than 30gp, maybe 300. It's an actual creature after all, that can even serve as a weird scout/alarm system. If it's a Construct with an effective Con score, why not make it a Living Construct? If it's not a living Construct, why give it an effective Con score? I think I'd just make them Living Constructs, it would not change much.
Once again, a creature with less than 3 Int isn't normally playable. No amount of mercy shall overrule Ao's word!

Pain Candle: Everyday I find new things to put in my beholders lair. The necessity of melting a Leydenculus is just the perfect extra mile of cruelty! Cutting one's wick to snuff it out should make it experience pain like if its head was cut off, and it should have the same voice as the original Leydenculus..

Cooked Ghost: What is the Int score of a tree? It looks a bit like that ability was made to complement the previous two monsters (which it probably was in the original book), but adding a "if the object was made from a mindless living thing such as wood, the Cooked Ghost may imbue it with a single purpose that it tries to accomplish at the best of its capabilities until destroyed" clause would make the monster a bit more interesting in my opinion. But hey, I like it! Let's give it LA+2! After all, aren't you a merciful creator? (Is that the second incorporeal construct after the Prismatic Golem? I think it is.)

Copper Killer: They're made to kill, and kill they will! Damn, Medium with 14 RHD! I pictured them to be toy soldiers, of Tiny size, with maybe 3 RHD. They're much stronger than I envisioned. Also why doesn't this one have a LA when the freaking bird did?

Ticktock: War! Hey! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
I'm having flashbacks of the Hellsing Major with the war-obsessed cyborg. Why does he think they have been created to kill? Weren't they created as an attempt to bring back the soldiers? Also, Zoltep Zahn you colossal moron how did you not think this through!?

2023-10-21, 02:58 PM
It's been a while since I've been here, and I like chocolate. I love the lore for the plane including fey-based Easter and I want to know how to say "Hello" in Cocoan.

I'm glad you liked it. For a stupid little joke it went quite nice, didn't it?
"Hello" in Cocoan is simply the Cocoan word for "good" repeated twice, which itself sounds like the soft "snap" of breaking off a piece from a chocolate bar. Written it would look like 'kn 'kn.

The Chocolate Elementals are neat. They're clearly based on Water elementals in their liquid form, what with identical stats. The abilities are great and flavorful, but I'm a bit torn on the CR. They're definitely stronger than Water elementals in liquid form with their choice of feats, and stronger than Earth Elementals in solid form due to better Dex and speed. Plus, Sickeningly Sweet is an extremely good ability that can take people out of the combat every round. Even if it was nauseated for a single round, it would be a game-changer. For one minute and with no 24h immunity, it is actually broken. I'd say you should increase CR by 1 (like Storm Elementals) or even by 2 if SSweet has no 24h immunity and a minute duration. The SLAs are basically fluff, but we all know chocolate has sweet flavor.

That is in fact an accident. I based them on afroakuma's version of the ooze paraelemental. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?625284-Steel-Men-and-other-strange-creatures-(3-5-PEACH)&p=25684151&viewfull=1#post25684151) He generally made elementals stronger. But restricting Sickeningly Sweet sounds like a good idea.

Having a helpful mephit is nice. A bit weird to have the only mephit who does not deal damage with its breath attack, but it fits the creature. Do demons that try to eat it get poisoned like dogs eating chocolate?

It's not the first mephit I made that doesn't deal any damage; the sun mephit (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651594-Tzardok-s-Miscellaneous-Homebrew-Repository/page3&p=25757767#post25757767) shares this trait.
Also, chocolate is not on the list of poisons fiends are not immune to.

About Unseelie Stooge, I like everything, but I will vehemently disagree with Metastachydium's "I'll allow it at LA+0, it has enough setbacks". Maybe I missed something, but the only setback it has is Cold Iron vulnerability, which is a material found exactly 0.7 times per campaign. For that (and no RHD), it has a total of +4 to stats (well distributed too), 30ft speed as a Small creature, DR 5, a heck of a lot of SLAs (very fairy-like), including Invisibility if it wants to be a rogue, reduces the saves of everyone around it (that's actually extremely strong for something like a warlock or a touch-attack-based caster), and Weapon Finesse. It's clearly +1 at the very least, and I'd even consider it at +2.

Then I'll go with +2, for symmetry's sake.

Seelie Lackey: of course there would be chicken and hare gnomes :D. I agree with the LA+2. Can they wield weapons on top of attacking with their foot? I'm a bit confused by their SLAs. Why do they have Alter Self and Command?

They do have hands, yes. I imagine they don't use them that often in a fight; for one bunnies and chickens are more well known for kicking, for another they need them to hold their egg baskets. :smalltongue:
Regarding the SLAs: I think I mentioned it before, but I'll say it again: the plane was a lazy joke made one morning, and the stuff to populate it didn't get a lot more attention than that. The elemsntals are reskined ooze paralementals, mephits I can churn out by the dozen, and the stooge and the lackey were made by piling on templates and then changing around a few things: the stooge is essentially unseelie fey on top of a gnome, and the lackey is anthropomorphic animal on top of a hare with seelie fey on top of that. That's where it got those SLAs.

Plumage: Well, there's not much here, except the pun. I imagine it stands like the Pokémon Arboliva and dispenses mirabelle plums in the garden of people who gave it food. Also, creatures with less than 3 Int are normally not playable, so I think you should either remove the LA or increase its Int to 3 (in which case having it at LA+0 would be no problem in my book, low Int and no hands are a big problem).

It got an LA because the LA Assignment Thread gives LAs to creatures like that and I got used to it.

The positive and negative version of the Wood Plane could be the Leaf Plane (with paper-like leaves everywhere absorbing the light from the Positive Plane) and the fungus plane (with lots of parasite mushroom feeding on and killing the big tree and each other).

Another interesting view point.

Leydenculus: Having a little poison test subject is absolutely something a wizard would build. What do you think it would look like if a Beholder built one? Still, I feel like it would cost much more than 30gp, maybe 300. It's an actual creature after all, that can even serve as a weird scout/alarm system. If it's a Construct with an effective Con score, why not make it a Living Construct? If it's not a living Construct, why give it an effective Con score? I think I'd just make them Living Constructs, it would not change much.

The virtual Con score is only there to make it actually possible to poison them to death. It doesn't have any mechanical effects (reducing it won't affect Fort saves or hp), it just says "if it ever has 10 points of Con damage at once, it dies".
Edit: If you think so, I'll raise the price. I put it so low because, well, in the books they are really easy to make. I already increased their lifespan to make making them actually worthwhile in D&D's pradigm. This would of course increase the price of the candles too... Better increase the price of the ghost too, but then it'll be a pretty expensive prank...
Incidentally, I don't think a beholder would make a copy of its perfect form just to make it suffer experiments. They probably keep them humanoid.

Cooked Ghost: What is the Int score of a tree? It looks a bit like that ability was made to complement the previous two monsters (which it probably was in the original book), but adding a "if the object was made from a mindless living thing such as wood, the Cooked Ghost may imbue it with a single purpose that it tries to accomplish at the best of its capabilities until destroyed" clause would make the monster a bit more interesting in my opinion. But hey, I like it! Let's give it LA+2! After all, aren't you a merciful creator? (Is that the second incorporeal construct after the Prismatic Golem? I think it is.)

The ability is inspired by the scene during the near-finale when a dozen cooked ghosts animate all of the taxidermied monsters Ghoolion kept around. Unlike my version, they didn't die when doing so, and had apparantly no limit to how many, but they left the plane after they were finished. I felt some limits were needed.
Your clause is quite nice, I think I'll add it (and the LA too). Hmm, I've change it slightly to "The ghost can give it a single directive it will try to accomplish. If the animated object didn't have any instincts (like one made of common wood), it will have no drive beyond achieving that goal."

Copper Killer: They're made to kill, and kill they will! Damn, Medium with 14 RHD! I pictured them to be toy soldiers, of Tiny size, with maybe 3 RHD. They're much stronger than I envisioned. Also why doesn't this one have a LA when the freaking bird did?

Oh? You pictured them? From what? Just the quote, or did you hear about them before? I don't think I ever mentioned them...
They don't have an LA because they are bound to Ticktock. Without him they don't exist, and with him they are his eternally loyal soldiers. I mean, as a GM you could somehow grant one free will, or your PCs could try to build their own Copper Killer (with blackjack and hookers!), but that sounds like something that could backfire easily, y'know?

Ticktock: War! Hey! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
I'm having flashbacks of the Hellsing Major with the war-obsessed cyborg. Why does he think they have been created to kill? Weren't they created as an attempt to bring back the soldiers? Also, Zoltep Zahn you colossal moron how did you not think this through!?

Fun fact: Zoltep Zahn was amongst the few survivors of the slaughter. As for why? Well, if half of your people have weapons for hands, and every fleshy part of you comes from a battle-hardened mercenary... also, the name Copper Killers? Not his invention. That's what they called them before Zahn had the idea to make Ticktock. (Now, in the original they weren't that idiotic, because there they were called "die Kupfernen Kerle", the Copper Fellows, but still...)
Also, Ticktock's heart is made of zamonium, and everybody who read The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear knows how that will turn out...

2023-10-21, 03:22 PM
About Unseelie Stooge, I like everything, but I will vehemently disagree with Metastachydium's "I'll allow it at LA+0, it has enough setbacks". Maybe I missed something, but the only setback it has is Cold Iron vulnerability, which is a material found exactly 0.7 times per campaign. For that (and no RHD), it has a total of +4 to stats (well distributed too), 30ft speed as a Small creature, DR 5, a heck of a lot of SLAs (very fairy-like), including Invisibility if it wants to be a rogue, reduces the saves of everyone around it (that's actually extremely strong for something like a warlock or a touch-attack-based caster), and Weapon Finesse. It's clearly +1 at the very least, and I'd even consider it at +2.

I might have been a tad lenient there, yes. Probably because Seelie Lackey is so much better, mechanically. Infamy being party unfriendly certainly didn't help. I'd still probably argue for +1, but symmetry is pretty and I am bad at LA so…

Plumage: Well, there's not much here, except the pun. I imagine it stands like the Pokémon Arboliva and dispenses mirabelle plums in the garden of people who gave it food. Also, creatures with less than 3 Int are normally not playable, so I think you should either remove the LA or increase its Int to 3 (in which case having it at LA+0 would be no problem in my book, low Int and no hands are a big problem).

Technically, it's a Magical Beast, so what -8 to INT means is ultimately a matter of base stat distribution (not that monstrous races are commonly played using the standard array). Increasing its INT presents no issues either.

The positive and negative version of the Wood Plane could be the Leaf Plane (with paper-like leaves everywhere absorbing the light from the Positive Plane) and the fungus plane (with lots of parasite mushroom feeding on and killing the big tree and each other).

I see your point, but the confusion the game loves to make between plants and fungi is a big pet peeve of mine.

Cooked Ghost: What is the Int score of a tree? It looks a bit like that ability was made to complement the previous two monsters (which it probably was in the original book), but adding a "if the object was made from a mindless living thing such as wood, the Cooked Ghost may imbue it with a single purpose that it tries to accomplish at the best of its capabilities until destroyed" clause would make the monster a bit more interesting in my opinion. But hey, I like it! Let's give it LA+2! After all, aren't you a merciful creator? (Is that the second incorporeal construct after the Prismatic Golem? I think it is.)

I will continue to argue that at Incorporeal full Construct with at-will cowering effect for multiple rounds (that gives a debuff even on a succesful save) is very strong. I remain skeptical about it being a good PC material at a low ECL.

Also why doesn't this one have a LA when the freaking bird did?

No badmouthing the BIRDY!

I'm glad you liked it. For a stupid little joke it went quite nice, didn't it?
"Hello" in Cocoan is simply the Cocoan word for "good" repeated twice, which itself sounds like the soft "snap" of breaking of a piece from a chocolate bar. Written it would look like 'kn 'kn.

It's always good to see language stuff that makes actual sense! I like it.

They do have hands, yes. I imagine they don't use them that often in a fight; for one bunnies and chickens are more well known for kicking,

Chickens peck too!

Your clause is quite nice, I think I'll add it (and the LA too). Hmm, I've change it slightly to "The ghost can give it a single directive it will try to accomplish. If the animated object didn't have any instincts (like one made of common wood), it will have no drive beyond achieving that goal."

I don't know. I mean, what's an instinct? I generally find that definitions that exclude the basis plants have for their reactive behaviours are arbitrarily restrictive.

2023-10-22, 01:03 PM
Technically, it's a Magical Beast, so what -8 to INT means is ultimately a matter of base stat distribution (not that monstrous races are commonly played using the standard array). Increasing its INT presents no issues either.

I think I disagree with that. The rules regarding player characters and how their Int can't go lower than 3, together with the definition for what an Int of 1 or 2 mean, imply to me pretty strongly that there is a hard line between creatures of animal intelligence and sapient creatures which can't be crossed without shenanigans, no matter the type.

It's always good to see language stuff that makes actual sense! I like it.

And to think, if somebody had said something about Grillo sign language, I would've told something about how the sign for "Grillo" is related to the signs for "I" and "we". :smallamused:

Chickens peck too!

Bunnies don't. :smalltongue:

I don't know. I mean, what's an instinct? I generally find that definitions that exclude the basis plants have for their reactive behaviours are arbitrarily restrictive.

In the end it wouldn't change anything. Wether an animated wardrobe that finished its job does absolutely nothing or stands around and sometimes turns to the sun doesn't really make a difference from an outside perspective.

2023-10-22, 01:16 PM
I think I disagree with that. The rules regarding player characters and how their Int can't go lower than 3, together with the definition for what an Int of 1 or 2 mean, imply to me pretty strongly that there is a hard line between creatures of animal intelligence and sapient creatures which can't be crossed without shenanigans, no matter the type.

I don't think I've ever seen anything that suggests that, say, putting an INT item (or castin Fox's Cunning) on an INT 2 non-Aninal/non-Vermin should fail.

In the end it wouldn't change anything. Wether an animated wardrobe that finished its job does absolutely nothing or stands around and sometimes turns to the sun doesn't really make a difference from an outside perspective.

But what if it keeps trying to crawl towards sources of water and mineral deposits?

2023-10-22, 02:05 PM
I don't think I've ever seen anything that suggests that, say, putting an INT item (or castin Fox's Cunning) on an INT 2 non-Aninal/non-Vermin should fail.

I should've said "can't be permanently crossed". On the other hand, I don't see anything that suggests that casting Fox's Cunning on an animal causes it to fail, so again non-animals and animals are in the same boat.

2023-10-22, 03:30 PM
I'm glad you liked it. For a stupid little joke it went quite nice, didn't it?
"Hello" in Cocoan is simply the Cocoan word for "good" repeated twice, which itself sounds like the soft "snap" of breaking off a piece from a chocolate bar. Written it would look like 'kn 'kn.
And I guess it's also the word for "enjoy our meal!".

Oh? You pictured them? From what? Just the quote, or did you hear about them before? I don't think I ever mentioned them...
Yep, just from the quote. The Tick-Tock sound sounded to me like a wind-up toy.

Also, Ticktock's heart is made of zamonium, and everybody who read The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear knows how that will turn out...
As a person who hasn't read that book, I can only assume it gives him powers over flowers and makes him glow in the dark. As a person 10 minutes later who has read the relevant portion of the Wikipedia article on the series, I can now more accurately claim that I understand why the general is Chaotic Evil.

Technically, it's a Magical Beast, so what -8 to INT means is ultimately a matter of base stat distribution (not that monstrous races are commonly played using the standard array). Increasing its INT presents no issues either.
The table for monstrous abilities (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monstersAsRaces.htm) does not even mention the possibility of a base racial intelligence below 3, which means it's not just a -8 to Int, but an actual impediment affecting the whole race. You can increase its intelligence with items and spells, but it remains at a level of conscience such that it cannot take class levels without specifically being Awakened.

I see your point, but the confusion the game loves to make between plants and fungi is a big pet peeve of mine.
The shrieker Fungus cries in anguish at its own type uncertainty. Is it a Plant despite everyone telling it that it is only a fungus? Could it ever know what being a Plant means? Is it meant to? Are you born a Plant, or do you become it by your acts and will? On that day, the shrieker fungus cried to itself : it is a Plant, and no matter what anybody could tell it, no one can decide what it is but itself!

I will continue to argue that at Incorporeal full Construct with at-will cowering effect for multiple rounds (that gives a debuff even on a succesful save) is very strong. I remain skeptical about it being a good PC material at a low ECL.
Yeah, you're probably right. I was underrating the lack of racial actually offensive ability, but with Scare being party-friendly and with no 24h-immunity, the Construct bonus HP balancing any lack of Con up to mid-level, and the possibility to just go Warlock, it may even require +4... Aaah, I'm bad at rating incorporeality! But yeah, +4 seems initially fair, but +5 and +3 don't seem that weird either.

No badmouthing the BIRDY!
I'll badmouth any hipster dinosaure I want, thank you very much! I mean look at them! They're not even full birds, but magical plant-like things! (no offense, of course) They're no more birds than Owlbears. And would you sleep well knowing your definition of birdies forces you to respect the existence of owlbears?[/QUOTE]

2023-10-23, 12:31 PM
As a person who hasn't read that book, I can only assume it gives him powers over flowers and makes him glow in the dark

Well, that would be scary.

The table for monstrous abilities (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monstersAsRaces.htm) does not even mention the possibility of a base racial intelligence below 3, which means it's not just a -8 to Int, but an actual impediment affecting the whole race. You can increase its intelligence with items and spells, but it remains at a level of conscience such that it cannot take class levels without specifically being Awakened.

Hm. I still like my version better, but fair.

The shrieker Fungus cries in anguish at its own type uncertainty. Is it a Plant despite everyone telling it that it is only a fungus? Could it ever know what being a Plant means? Is it meant to? Are you born a Plant, or do you become it by your acts and will? On that day, the shrieker fungus cried to itself : it is a Plant, and no matter what anybody could tell it, no one can decide what it is but itself!

I'll badmouth any hipster dinosaure I want,

Birdies are the mainstream dinosaurs now, though.

They're not even full birds, but magical plant-like things! (no offense, of course)


They're no more birds than Owlbears. And would you sleep well knowing your definition of birdies forces you to respect the existence of owlbears?

Plants don't sleep! Hah! (Also, the Owlbear has its uses (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0322.html)! And there's, like, a reason why we talk about them while nobody even cares to make fun of the Sea Cat.)

2023-11-25, 01:34 PM
This was inspired by a song I recently heard about playing for someone who is unaware of your existence. I hope people will like it.

New Creature: Unseen Refrain
Medium Deathless (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 10d12 + 40 (105 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: Flying 30 ft. (Perfect) (6 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+3 dex, +4 deflection), touch 17, flat footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/-
Attack: Incorporeal touch melee +8 (1d8) or incorporeal touch melee (2d6 positive energy)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch melee +8 (1d8) or incorporeal touch melee (2d6 positive energy)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Positive touch, subtle music
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., deathless traits, incorporeal trait, natural invisibility, sacred grace, sacred toughness
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +13
Abilities: Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 19
Skills: Diplomacy +17, Listen +15, Perform (any) +20, Sense Motive +15, Spot +15
Feats: Extra MusicCA, Improved Initiative, Lingering SongCA, Skill Focus (Perform)
Environment: Any
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 8?
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Chaotic Good
Advancement: 11-30 HD (medium)
Level Adjustment: +4?

The deathless entities that are known as unseen refrains are most commonly born from selflessness and self-sacrifice. Many bards, probably more than of any other class, are driven to adventuring out of a desire for personal glory and fame. Yet sometimes, a bard is willing to sacrifice their chance at immortal glory out of altruism. When that happens, and the bard dies in the process or soon after, they are practically guaranteed to rise as an unseen refrain.
Unseen refrains are, as the name says, naturally invisible. They prefer to pretend not be there, working in indirect and subtle ways. A refrain will usually take on a good being or group of beings as a charge, invisibly protecting them like a guardian angel. If a charge doesn't need them anymore, they move on to the next, in most cases never having been noticed nor recognized or thanked.
Characters under the effect of see invisibility will see an unseen refrain as a translucent humanoid silhouette. Through true sight, it appears to be a shining humanoid with a non-descript face wielding an idealized version of their favoured instrument.
An unseen refrain speaks all languages it knew in life.

Natural Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing a refrain to remain invisible even when attacking. This ability is inherent and not subject to the invisibility purge spell.
Positive Touch (Su): An unseen refrain can with its incorporeal touch (instead of dealing normal damage) deal 2d6 positive energy to the touched creature. Undead will take damage from this touch, living creatures and other deathless will be healed by it. A living creature that is healed this way above its maximum health points gains the reminder as temporary hp that last up to an hour. This overcharges the creature with positive energy, making it jittery and have difficulty concentrating. As long as these temporary hp last, the creature receives a penalty of -2 to attack roles and skill checks.
Sacred Grace (Ex): The unseen refrain gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on all saving throws.
Sacred Toughness (Ex): The unseen refrain gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier x its Hit Dice.
Subtle Music: An unseen refrain has access to a specific variant of bardic music. Like a bard, it can use its bardic music 1/day per HD, and if it has class levels as bard, they stack with the racial HD to determine what songs the refrain has access to, how many daily uses it has and what effect the songs have.
The unseen refrain has access to different songs than a usual bard. These subtle songs have a special property: creatures that aren't aware of the refrain's presence don't notice them, not even when they benefit from them. A creature that benefits from subtle music must make a Wisdom check against DC 18 to recognize it as an external effect; if it fails, it believes that it got lucky, or a second wind, or the gods smiled upon it, or whatever rationalization fits best. The music is similiarily rationalized away as something internal, a feeling of euphoria or a distant positive memory. Creatures in the area that don't benefit from the song won't even hear the song unless they make the same Wis check.

Song of Courage (Su): This works like a bard's Song of Courage, except for the aforementioned effects of Subtle Music. It also doesn't affect the refrain itself.
Song of Succor (Sp): The refrain can use music or poetics to create an effect equivalent to the panaceaSC spell (caster level equals the refrain's effective bard level). Using this ability requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentration and music, and it functions on a single target within 30 feet. A refrain can't use song of succor on itself. This ability is relatively unsubtle; the DC of the Wis check to notice it is 15.
Song of Serendipity (Su): This song allows the refrain to bless creatures with good luck. It affects up to one creature within 30 ft per 3 HD. To be affected, a target must be able to hear the refrain sing. The effect lasts for as long as the target hears the refrain sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected creature receives a +2 luck bonus on saving throws and AC. The refrain can't affect itself.
Oh Fortuna (Su): While playing the song of serendipity, as an immediate action, the refrain can have one or more of the song's targets re-roll a failed save. This costs one daily use of bardic music per target that re-rolls. Any target that isn't aware of the refrain may make immediately a new Wis check to become aware.

Also, I am not content with the create deathless and create greater deathless spells in the Campaign Setting Eberron. For one, there really aren't enough deathless to split the spell up like that, for another I feel that it's very important to make the spell good with capital G to get the consent of the soul to be recalled into its decayed corpse. Therefore I present my version of the spell. As this spell replaces both create deathless and create greater deathless, I suggest to fill the 8th level spot in the Deathless domain with spark of lifeLM, applyable to both undead and deathless.

Petition Deathless
Necromancy [Good]
Level: Cleric 6, Deathless 6, Wizard/Sorcerer 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Range: Touch
Target: A corpse
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistence: No

The caster contacts the soul of the touched corpse and asks it to return as a deathless. Similiar to a resurrection spell, the soul must be willing and able to return for the spell to work. The soul receives information about the caster's name, alignment and deity (if applicable) and the type of deathless it is supposed to become. Not all souls that are willing to be raised are willing to become deathless, nor do souls that are willing to become deathless necessarily want to be raised.
The type or types of deathless the caster can create is based on his caster level, as shown on the table below.

Minimum Caster Level
Other requirements

Undying Soldier
Campaign Setting Eberron

Undying Wizard
Corpse of a spellcaster
Explorer's Handbook

Requires additionally an item or location that was precious to the petitioned soul; the soul's corpse is not necessary if it can be addressed unmistakenly otherwise (for example with its name)
Metastachydium (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25677876&postcount=92)

Crypt Warden
Book of Exalted Deeds

Unseen Refrain
Corpse of a bard

Undying Councilor
Campaign Setting Eberron

Ascendant Councilor
Campaign Setting Eberron

Additional deathless may be added at the GM's discretion.

Material Component: A clay pot filled with a mixture of fertile soil and gravedirt and another filled with pure water. A diamond worth at least 50 gp per HD of the deathless to be created must be placed on the corpse's heart. This spell can only be cast at day.

Necroheroon/Luminous Animation
Psychometabolism [Good]
Level: Death 6, Egoist 7
Display: Material, Visual, Olfactory
Power points: 11 (Death), 13 (Egoist), XP

This power works like the spell petition deathless, except that it can only create undying soldiers and undying psions (an undying psion is identical to an undying wizard, but instead of casting spells it manifests powers like a 3rd level psion. Undying psions must be made from the corpses of manifesters).
This power is usually called Necroheroon by psions and Luminous Animation by mantle wearers.
XP Cost: 10 XP per HD of the created deathless.
Augment: By spending more power points, more powerful types of deathless can be created:

Additional power points
Other requirements

Requires additionally an item or location that was precious to the petitioned soul; the soul's corpse is not necessary if it can be addressed unmistakenly otherwise (for example with its name)
Metastachydium (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25677876&postcount=92)

Crypt Warden
Book of Exalted Deeds

Unseen Refrain
Corpse of a bard

Undying Councilor
Campaign Setting Eberron

Ascendant Councilor
Campaign Setting Eberron

Additional deathless may be added at the GM's discretion.

2023-11-25, 06:23 PM
This was inspired by a song I recently heard about playing for someone who is unaware of your existence. I hope people will like it.
Can I know the name of the song?

New Creature: Unseen Refrain
Wow! I love this guy. Really, we don't have enough support monsters, nor do we have enough monsters that could actually be helpful to the party and could remain with them for several sessions, and you did it while adding an element of mystery that can serve as a plot hook for later adventures. Great design, congratulations!

I like how subtle songs can explain something like having a song stuck in one's head, and the two incorporeal touches are definitely unique. Maybe you could explicitate that the positive energy touch does heal living and Deathless creatures and damage undead creatures (and maybe that it can't use it on itself, depending on how you want it to go). Maybe even add a major positive-dominant trait to it, such that healing too much gives temporary HP, but forces Fortitude saves to avoid dying from overhealing (which would make it not much more dangerous, since it can be avoided by simply taking damage during your turn, but would highlight its link with the Positive Plane).

Also, I feel it is slightly too... Unnoticeable. It's like a nice trilloch. Something that I think would make the PCs at least seek it out would be to add a Suggestion ability like that of a bard (Righteous suggestion (Su) : an Unseen Refrain can push its allies beyond their limits in the pursuit of Good or temporarily sway the actions of fiends through its music. This bardic music works like the Suggestion spell (DC equal to a Perform check), except that it only lasts while the unseen refrain concentrates on its music and the recipient gains +10ft morale to speed and immunity to fear while acting towards the suggestion). It makes for a clearer indication that something is clearly going on, and can also point the party towards the next adventures (the Unseen Refrain sees that a nearby town requires help and uses suggestion to make a PC go towards it), or actually make the Refrain relevant in single combat if, for some reason, it decides to side with the PC's foes or the PCs try to attack it.

LA+4 seems a bit low for WotC for an invisible incorporeal Deathless, and a bit high for this website's standards. I think +5 (or +6 if you add the Suggestion... suggestion) is more realistic. The CR is super hard to determine, because either the PCs have something to beat it or they don't, but CR 8 should be good.

Petition Deathless

Good point on the soul necessarily being willing.

2023-11-26, 11:16 AM
Sorry for not answering earlier. My mother decided to make this weekend the Christmas bakery weekend, and Christmas bakery is always fun* for the whole family.

*Translator's note: 'fun' means 'work'.

Can I know the name of the song?

It's Unsichtbar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5qxTbFLQ-M), by famous German medieval-metal band In Extremo.

Wow! I love this guy. Really, we don't have enough support monsters, nor do we have enough monsters that could actually be helpful to the party and could remain with them for several sessions, and you did it while adding an element of mystery that can serve as a plot hook for later adventures. Great design, congratulations!

Thank you for the praises. I was pretty unsure about this; I feared that people would find the fluff derivative and that the whole Subtle Music would make sense to me, but nobody else. I'm glad that I seem to have nailed it instead.

I like how subtle songs can explain something like having a song stuck in one's head, and the two incorporeal touches are definitely unique. Maybe you could explicitate that the positive energy touch does heal living and Deathless creatures and damage undead creatures (and maybe that it can't use it on itself, depending on how you want it to go). Maybe even add a major positive-dominant trait to it, such that healing too much gives temporary HP, but forces Fortitude saves to avoid dying from overhealing (which would make it not much more dangerous, since it can be avoided by simply taking damage during your turn, but would highlight its link with the Positive Plane).

That sounds like something I should add when I have a bit more free time. Thank you.

Also, I feel it is slightly too... Unnoticeable.

That means I did my job right. :smalltongue:

It's like a nice trilloch. Something that I think would make the PCs at least seek it out would be to add a Suggestion ability like that of a bard (Righteous suggestion (Su) : an Unseen Refrain can push its allies beyond their limits in the pursuit of Good or temporarily sway the actions of fiends through its music. This bardic music works like the Suggestion spell (DC equal to a Perform check), except that it only lasts while the unseen refrain concentrates on its music and the recipient gains +10ft morale to speed and immunity to fear while acting towards the suggestion). It makes for a clearer indication that something is clearly going on, and can also point the party towards the next adventures (the Unseen Refrain sees that a nearby town requires help and uses suggestion to make a PC go towards it), or actually make the Refrain relevant in single combat if, for some reason, it decides to side with the PC's foes or the PCs try to attack it.

I'll think about it.

Good point on the soul necessarily being willing.

I know, right? They just mirrored create undead without thinking about implications. Also, why the heck did they decide to use moonstone as a material component? Any other spell that utilizes large amounts of positive energy, like Undeath to Death, uses diamonds.

2023-11-27, 11:51 AM
New Creature: Unseen Refrain

Your math is impeccable, as usual. Nice to see a Deathless that feels like one, too.

Oh, and it gets bonus point for providing me with a golden opportunity to shill myself in a "strange minds" kind of way! My second ever Deathless ever (after the Homeric shade thing template), the Prior (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25677876&postcount=92) had a very similar concept.

Attack: Incorporeal touch melee +8 (1d8) or incorporeal touch melee (2d6 positive energy)

One question: the positive energy. Is it at-will healing or more like the Ravid's really bad positive energy and it will hurt you?

Challenge Rating: 8?

Level Adjustment: +4?

LA+4 seems a bit low for WotC for an invisible incorporeal Deathless, and a bit high for this website's standards. I think +5 (or +6 if you add the Suggestion... suggestion) is more realistic. The CR is super hard to determine, because either the PCs have something to beat it or they don't, but CR 8 should be good.

I concur. It's pretty darn good for what WotC would let a player have, but there's no point in overselling type-based stuff in the CR.

I know, right? They just mirrored create undead without thinking about implications. Also, why the heck did they decide to use moonstone as a material component? Any other spell that utilizes large amounts of positive energy, like Undeath to Death, uses diamonds.

Maybe that's the point. Varietas delectat (why should it always have to be snakes diamonds?) and moonstone's kinda white so fits the colour scheme?

2023-11-27, 12:36 PM
Your math is impeccable, as usual. Nice to see a Deathless that feels like one, too.

Oh, and it gets bonus point for providing me with a golden opportunity to shill myself in a "strange minds" kind of way! My second ever Deathless ever (after the Homeric shade thing template), the Prior (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25677876&postcount=92) had a very similar concept.

Would you make the prior available for being created through either Petition or Necroheroon (or both), and if yes, what conditions should it have?

One question: the positive energy. Is it at-will healing or more like the Ravid's really bad positive energy and it will hurt you?

I'll clarify later.

aybe that's the point. Varietas delectat (why should it always have to be snakes diamonds?) and moonstone's kinda white so fits the colour scheme?

I'm pretty sure I've seen moonstone as a component before, but in completely unrelated effects. I like a certain amount of consistency in the relation of component/effect.

2023-11-27, 02:48 PM
Would you make the prior available for being created through either Petition or Necroheroon (or both),

It would be an ABSOLUTE honour!

and if yes, what conditions should it have?

I kind of like the idea that they are farther removed from any previous corporeal, mortal existence than most. Would not requiring an actual body be too much of a stretch?

I'll clarify later.

Roger roger!

I'm pretty sure I've seen moonstone as a component before, but in completely unrelated effects. I like a certain amount of consistency in the relation of component/effect.

A cursory search gives me MoonbowSpC, Presper's MoonbowPGtF (totally not the same spell!) and Rend Shadow WeaveCoV. So… Yeah. The last one needs a lot of hard squinting and the other two are just moon-fluffed electricity-based blasting. Consistency it is, then. No objections.

2023-11-27, 03:53 PM
I kind of like the idea that they are farther removed from any previous corporeal, mortal existence than most. Would not requiring an actual body be too much of a stretch?

Depends. At least assuming that the prior still is some mortal soul, we would need to find at least a way to address it. Like with resurrection or true resurrection, a body piece or a name or something. If, as you imply, it could just be a positive animus formed around some... let's call it emotional echo of an event, I'm not sure how the spell would work or cause that. Creating an animus is probably easy (animate dead does it all the time), but it still requires thinking about. A focus point could be necessary to replace the corpse...

Also, when I asked the question I meant more at what caster level/bonus pp you'd put it. :smallwink:

A cursory search gives me MoonbowSpC, Presper's MoonbowPGtF (totally not the same spell!) and Rend Shadow WeaveCoV. So… Yeah. The last one needs a lot of hard squinting and the other two are just moon-fluffed electricity-based blasting. Consistency it is, then. No objections.

Rend Shadow Weave probably uses the moonstone to address Selûne the moon goddess and utilizes her power/symbolism to counteract the work of her opposite. Still a moon connection instead of the life/light/positive connection of diamonds.

2023-11-28, 11:35 AM
Depends. At least assuming that the prior still is some mortal soul, we would need to find at least a way to address it. Like with resurrection or true resurrection, a body piece or a name or something. If, as you imply, it could just be a positive animus formed around some... let's call it emotional echo of an event, I'm not sure how the spell would work or cause that. Creating an animus is probably easy (animate dead does it all the time), but it still requires thinking about. A focus point could be necessary to replace the corpse...

As Priors are generally understood to either be formal mortals or result from the will and attachments of such, I think knowing a name or having an effigy (such as a picture) at hand and/or being at the right place and/or around the right person should be enough to reach out to a specific willing soul to either step in directly or intercede in some intangible way on the petitioner's behalf. So, if that still fits the spell as you envision it, there is no insurmountable issue here.

Also, when I asked the question I meant more at what caster level/bonus pp you'd put it. :smallwink:

Man. You know I'm not good at that! I'd probably peg it somewhere well above Undying Soldier, but also well below Crypt Warden. That means… CL 12, 2 PP to augment?

Rend Shadow Weave probably uses the moonstone to address Selûne the moon goddess and utilizes her power/symbolism to counteract the work of her opposite. Still a moon connection instead of the life/light/positive connection of diamonds.

I did say it's very not a tight case! So… Yeah, fair. Diamonds are forever anyway.

2023-12-02, 10:51 AM
Update: Finally got around to updating the index. Also added the Prior to the table (Note: 2 additional pp equals a CL 13, not 12, so I went with 1 additional pp).

For the refrain's touch, I've been thinking about making it work like this:
Positive Touch (Su): An unseen refrain can with its incorporeal touch (instead of dealing damage) deal 2d6 positive energy to the touched creature. Undead will take damage from this touch, living creatures and other deathless will be healed by it. A living creature that is healed this way above its maximum health points gains the reminder as temporary hp that last up to an hour. This overcharges the creature with positive energy, making it jittery and have difficulty concentrating. As long as these temporary hp last, the creature receives a penalty of -2 to attack roles and skill checks.

Alternativly, I could instead use the Energy Charge ability mentioned in MM3, maybe with an unsafe feature or drawback like the afformentioned one. Thoughts?

Finally, I've been thinking about Beni's other criticism, and I have difficulty coming up with anything. If nothing else happens I may use his Righteous Suggestion ability, but I'm not quite happy with it. Any other ideas?

2023-12-02, 03:07 PM
Update: Finally got around to updating the index. Also added the Prior to the table (Note: 2 additional pp equals a CL 13, not 12, so I went with 1 additional pp).

Look, I did tell you I'm not good at this! (Also, sorry for doing that to your pretty table.)

For the refrain's touch, I've been thinking about making it work like this:
Positive Touch (Su): An unseen refrain can with its incorporeal touch (instead of dealing damage) deal 2d6 positive energy to the touched creature. Undead will take damage from this touch, living creatures and other deathless will be healed by it. A living creature that is healed this way above its maximum health points gains the reminder as temporary hp that last up to an hour. This overcharges the creature with positive energy, making it jittery and have difficulty concentrating. As long as these temporary hp last, the creature receives a penalty of -2 to attack roles and skill checks.

Alternativly, I could instead use the Energy Charge ability mentioned in MM3, maybe with an unsafe feature or drawback like the afformentioned one. Thoughts?

"You might mistake it for a simple, harmless tool of healing; but the positive is not a toy, not any more than fire, and perhaps even less so. Once let loose, it cares little for Good and Evil; and it is not of this world. It's not without reason that we need higher powers to ration it for us."

Some Jaded Old Cleric, probably

I like it. It represents what positive energy is quite well.

Finally, I've been thinking about Beni's other criticism, and I have difficulty coming up with anything. If nothing else happens I may use his Righteous Suggestion ability, but I'm not quite happy with it. Any other ideas?

Pulling a blank here, I'm afraid.

2023-12-02, 04:11 PM
Look, I did tell you I'm not good at this! (Also, sorry for doing that to your pretty table.)

It has become a bit annoying on mobile, yes. But that's the price we pay.

Incidentally, I'm thinking about making prestige classes next, but I don't have experience. You may have noticed my thread in the 3.x forum where I asked for advice. You made a few before, Meta; do you have any advice you could give me?

2023-12-02, 05:28 PM
Incidentally, I'm thinking about making prestige classes next, but I don't have experience. You may have noticed my thread in the 3.x forum where I asked for advice. You made a few before, Meta; do you have any advice you could give me?

Beyond the obvious, such as
–don't make it too niche (why would you want to PrC a Commoner into anything but Survivor?!);
–Diplomacy's fixed DC resolution is stupid, don't emulate it (cf. my Provocator);
–if it should be a freaking feat, don't make it a PrC (cf. my Aspistes);
–PrCs should advance class features; if it doesn't, maybe don't do it (cf. most everything I ever did, especially Vigent);
and, most importantly,
–don't take advice from me on this subject, because my PrCs are mostly really bad (and I'm also a weirdo who thinks dead levels are not the Lower Planes' work)?

Not really, I'm afraid. But I'm happy to help with less to far less broad questions anytime.

2023-12-09, 11:53 AM
Just found this one that I made in afroakuma's thread on Draconic Hybrids (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610658-Draconic-Hybrids-(3-5)) and decided to keep it for posteriority (and so that I have the table available if I make a true dragon in the future).

Mould Dragon

Mould dragons, as the children of the rare tome dragons (the physically weakest and smallest race) and the even rarer time dragons (the biggest and most powerful dragon race of all), may be the most uncommon of all hybrids. There are only six examplars of these ungainly and misshapen mongrels documented.

Mould dragons hatch with whitish, mildew-like color, unnaturally big limbs and a fin-like horn on the forehead. Over time they grow into their limbs, but they never look as sleek or elegant as their parents. Their scales darken to a dusty grey, until from the age category old on mildew-green fuzzy hairs spread over their body. Mould dragons grow astonishingly fast.

The time dragon's connection to, well, time and the knowledge and book loving nature of the tome dragon fuse in the mould dragon to an intense focus on the past and decay. Mould dragons are melancholic and introspective creatures that lair in places, wether artificial or natural, that weren't touched by sapient hands for millenia. There they immerse themselves in the study of past and transience. Mould dragons despise undead and deathless and destroy them whenever they catch sight of them. As their breath weapon harms unattended items, mould dragons don't keep their hoard in their lair, but build instead lots of small stashes which they patrol regularily. Mould dragons spurn art objects and coins made of materials more perishable than gold and platinum.

Mould dragons are generally Lawful Neutral.

Breath Weapon (DC)
Frightful Presence
WyrmlingM17d12+68 (178 hp)471019301413+17/+35+35+14+10+123d8 (22)—13
Very youngL21d12+126 (262 hp)511022341615+21/+45+40+18+12+166d8 (26)—17
YoungH25d12+175 (337 hp)551025381615+25/+54+44+21+14+179d8 (29)2620
JuvenileH29d12+232 (420 hp)591027421817+29/+61+51+24+16+2012d8 (32)2923
Young adultG33d12+330 (544 hp)631030461817+33/+71+55+28+18+2215d8 (36)3126
AdultG37d12+401 (641 hp)671034502019+37/+77+61+31+20+2518d8 (40)3430
Mature adultG41d12+533 (799 hp)711036542221+41/+83+70+35+22+2821d8 (43)3733
OldG45d12+630 (922 hp)751038582423+45/+89+73+38+24+3124d8 (46)4036
Very oldC49d12+735 (1053 hp)791041622625+49/+100+76+41+26+3427d8 (49)4340
AncientC53d12+848 (1192 hp)831043662827+53/+105+81+44+28+3730d8 (52)4643
WyrmC57d12+1026 (1396 hp)871046703029+57/+111+87+48+30+4033d8 (56)4947
Great wyrmC61d12+1159 (1555 hp)911049743231+61/+117+93+51+32+4336d8 (59)5250

ACSpecial abilities
Wyrmling40 ft., fly 90 ft. (poor)+033 (+0 size, +23 natural, +0 Dex)Air subtype, DR 10/Epic, Immunity to Acid and Disease, Contagion 3/day3rd24
Very young50 ft., fly 90 ft. (clumsy)+036 (-1 size, +27 natural, +0 Dex)6th28
Young50 ft., fly 120 ft. (clumsy)+039 (-2 size, +31 natural, +0 Dex)DR 15/Epic8th32
Juvenile50 ft., fly 120 ft. (clumsy)+043 (-2 size, +35 natural, +0 Dex)Greater Dispell Magic 3/day11th36
Young adult60 ft., fly 120 ft. (clumsy)+045 (-4 size, +39 natural, +0 Dex)DR 20/Epic, DR 10/-13th40
Adult60 ft., fly 120 ft. (clumsy)+049 (-4 size, +43 natural, +0 Dex)Legend Lore 3/day16th44
Mature adult60 ft., fly 150 ft. (clumsy)+053 (-4 size, +47 natural, +0 Dex)DR 20/Epic, DR 15/-19th48
Old60 ft., fly 150 ft. (clumsy)+057 (-4 size, +51 natural, +0 Dex)HindsightSC 1/day21th52
Very old70 ft., fly 150 ft. (clumsy)+057 (-8 size, +55 natural, +0 Dex)DR 20/-24th56
Ancient70 ft., fly 150 ft. (clumsy)+062 (-8 size, +59 natural, +0 Dex)Aura of Transience27th60
Wyrm70 ft., fly 180 ft. (clumsy)+065 (-8 size, +63 natural, +0 Dex)29th64
Great wyrm70 ft., fly 180 ft. (clumsy)+069 (-8 size, +67 natural, +0 Dex)Mordenkainen's Disjunction 1/day31th68

*Can cast spells from the Knowledge domain as arcane spells, but no other cleric spells.

Breath Weapon (Su): A mould dragon has one breath weapon, a cone of spores, rot and decay that deals acid damage. The breath weapon ignores the hardness of unattended objects. Creatures in the area are nauseated for 1 round and take 1d4 Int damage per age category, unless they are immune to disease. A successful Fortitude save halves the acid damage and negates the ability damage and the nauseated condition.

Aura of Transience (Su): An ancient or older mould dragon is able to exude decay for up to 50 rounds per day. This takes the shape of an emanation with a radius of 10 ft per age category. The spell resistance, energy resistances and damage reductions of all other creatures in the area are reduced by 5 points. Mould wyrms reduce those qualities by 10 points, great wyrms by 15. The duration need not be consecutive rounds. Activating and deactivating the aura is a free action.

2023-12-09, 01:17 PM
This one's an odd duck. On the one hand, it's on the interesting side flavourwise and nausea is a nice debuff. Also, a Breath Weapon with no cooldown is a mighty fine weapon. On the other hand… These literally hatch with 23 HD. +23 natural armour and DR 10/Epic are really not much with that in mind, and a 1d6 acid breath, CL 3 and SR 11 are not even ribbons that far into epic. Aura of Transience is likewise a fun little thing until one realizes it's 10 rounds/day on a 59+ HD thing and it doesn't scale at all. If that fancy Air subtype it has would at least improve the dragon's maenueverability a little, even if the usual (perfect) seems to much for you (it wouldn't at this HD range for me, to be honest, even as I admit it would probably mesh poorly with the fluff), that would be… Something.

All in all, this big lizard needs either a powerup or lower HD counts. What CR did you put them at?

2023-12-09, 02:05 PM
Yeah, that's what happens when you put weird edge cases into templates for fun: half-bakedness.

I never thought about CR for this thing. I should mention that the breath weapon is not intended to have no recharge. All breath weapons of true dragons have 1d4 rounds recharge, so I didn't think it needed to be mentioned.

2023-12-11, 10:36 AM
Yeah, that's what happens when you put weird edge cases into templates for fun: half-bakedness.

I'd argue it'd bake just fine on account of not having any sort of resistence to fire like to reiterate that I like the core concept; it just needs an overhaul on the numbers side. A big overhaul, but still.

2023-12-15, 08:55 AM
So, the mould dragon got a first round of revisions. I decided to orient myself a bit at the force dragon as an upper boundary; it should not be continously more powerful than the weakest epic dragon.

I reduced all HD by 6 (with all dependend stats appropriately changed), increased SR by 11, increased the damage dice and the Int damage of the breath weapon, fixed the Frightful Presence DCs and made Aura of Transience both longer lasting and growing in power with age. I have decided against increasing the caster level. I am unsure wether increases to AC are still necessary.

Are any other revisions needed? Does anybody have an idea regarding assigning CR?

2023-12-15, 10:48 AM
So, the mould dragon got a first round of revisions. I decided to orient myself a bit at the force dragon as an upper boundary; it should not be continously more powerful than the weakest epic dragon.

I reduced all HD by 6 (with all dependend stats appropriately changed), increased SR by 11, increased the damage dice and the Int damage of the breath weapon, fixed the Frightful Presence DCs and made Aura of Transience both longer lasting and growing in power with age. I have decided against increasing the caster level. I am unsure wether increases to AC are still necessary.

Are any other revisions needed? Does anybody have an idea regarding assigning CR?

In general, SR is assigned according to CR. You find the CR, then you choose how difficult the monster is supposed to be to affect (in general CR+6 to CR+10 for true dragons. Even then it's not that consistent, and epic dragons chose to have SR increase linearly, which makes the wyrmling prismatic have SR=CR+10 and its GWyrm have SR=CR+20, but I think it's the best way of assigning SR). Now, I could write an entire book on why CR assignment for true dragon makes not even a lick of sense, but I've found that HD/4+(Ability bonus+NA)/12+CL/3 gives something resembling their CR for MM1 true dragons. This would give 13/17/20/23/26/30/33/36/40/43/47/50 for challenge ratings, which does not seem completely far-fetched, but requires an increase of SR across the board to keep it relevant.

Miscellaneous numerical weirdnesses:
- Very Old should have 49 RHD, 48 breaks the "4 RHD per category" rule. Likewise, Young should have 55 Str.
- It makes no sense that its Int is so much higher than its Cha if it casts as a sorcerer. Neither the tome nor the time dragon have such a discrepancy. You should either flatten it, or say that it casts as a wizard (maybe with a version of the Spellhoarding Dragon Psychoses from Dragon #313).
- The Time Dragon's increase to speed with age categories is due to its progressive attunement to the time stream, and the jump from 60 to 90ft speed is due to Time Mastery giving it a permanent Haste effect. Since the mould dragon does not have this ability, it should not increase in speed at Adult age and, depending on your interpretation, maybe not elsewhere either.
- It's a bit weird that a creature with nonepic abilities and ability scores (the Wyrmling and up to Young versions) have DR/Epic. Maybe switching it to /Chaos would be better (though I'm not convinced myself).
- The save DC for Adult and Mature Adult breath weapons should be 40 and 43 respectively.

I'm surprised there even are 6 of those documented, considering how elusive the Time Dragon is and its weird reproduction habits (meeting with a few of them every few millenia, mating, then not seeing each other ever again).
I'm thinking it would have been nice to see something unique at Wyrm age categories beyond the Aura of Transience (which is already very nice). Since it has a focus on decay, an ability to make any spell affecting it decay over time, and for example reducing their duration by half, or changing any permanent spell to lasting only an hour...

2023-12-15, 01:01 PM
In general, SR is assigned according to CR. You find the CR, then you choose how difficult the monster is supposed to be to affect (in general CR+6 to CR+10 for true dragons. Even then it's not that consistent, and epic dragons chose to have SR increase linearly, which makes the wyrmling prismatic have SR=CR+10 and its GWyrm have SR=CR+20, but I think it's the best way of assigning SR). Now, I could write an entire book on why CR assignment for true dragon makes not even a lick of sense, but I've found that HD/4+(Ability bonus+NA)/12+CL/3 gives something resembling their CR for MM1 true dragons. This would give 13/17/20/23/26/30/33/36/40/43/47/50 for challenge ratings, which does not seem completely far-fetched, but requires an increase of SR across the board to keep it relevant.

I've increased SR at Wyrmling to 24 and have it now increase by 4 per age category instead by 2.

Miscellaneous numerical weirdnesses:
- Very Old should have 49 RHD, 48 breaks the "4 RHD per category" rule. Likewise, Young should have 55 Str.

Corrected. Those must have been typos that were in the first draft and simply got dragged along.

- It makes no sense that its Int is so much higher than its Cha if it casts as a sorcerer. Neither the tome nor the time dragon have such a discrepancy. You should either flatten it, or say that it casts as a wizard (maybe with a version of the Spellhoarding Dragon Psychoses from Dragon #313).

A) The tome dragon does have a higher Int than Cha, even if it is not that high. B) The reason for this discrepancy is that afro's hybrid template causes you to inherit the better Int score (so it has the time dragon's Int), but the worse Cha (the tome dragon's in this case).

- The Time Dragon's increase to speed with age categories is due to its progressive attunement to the time stream, and the jump from 60 to 90ft speed is due to Time Mastery giving it a permanent Haste effect. Since the mould dragon does not have this ability, it should not increase in speed at Adult age and, depending on your interpretation, maybe not elsewhere either.


- It's a bit weird that a creature with nonepic abilities and ability scores (the Wyrmling and up to Young versions) have DR/Epic. Maybe switching it to /Chaos would be better (though I'm not convinced myself).

The connection to Law is not strong enough. I'm thinking of making it DR/Magic and upgrading to DR/Epic on Young.

- The save DC for Adult and Mature Adult breath weapons should be 40 and 43 respectively.

I'm surprised there even are 6 of those documented, considering how elusive the Time Dragon is and its weird reproduction habits (meeting with a few of them every few millenia, mating, then not seeing each other ever again).

They aren't documented to exist at the same time and on the same world, of course. :smalltongue:

I'm thinking it would have been nice to see something unique at Wyrm age categories beyond the Aura of Transience (which is already very nice). Since it has a focus on decay, an ability to make any spell affecting it decay over time, and for example reducing their duration by half, or changing any permanent spell to lasting only an hour...

Not a bad idea, but I was already thinking of something in that direction for something else I'm brewing. I'm not sure wether that could get samey...

2023-12-15, 04:19 PM
All's looking much better already! The boost to the breath and especially the one to the aura are much appreciated and very much approved of!

The connection to Law is not strong enough. I'm thinking of making it DR/Magic and upgrading to DR/Epic on Young.

I can see the thrust of Beni's contention, but DR/magic would just be… Sad.

2023-12-20, 04:36 PM
Here a little thing inspired by folklore from the alps.

New Creature: Tatzelwurm
Small dragon
Hit Dice: 4d12+8 (34 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Swim 30 ft.
Amor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+1
Attack: Bite melee +6 (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Bite melee +6 (1d6+1) and two claws melee +4 (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, pounce, shrill scare
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft., dragon traits, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Hide +14, Intimidate +14, Jump +12, Move Silently +10, Swim +9
Feats: Ability Focus (Breath Weapon), Multi-Attack, Spring Attack (B)
Environment: Any mountains
Organisation: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Half standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 5 hd (small), 6-8 hd (medium), 9-12 hd (large)
Level Adjustment: +2

The tatzelwurm (plural: tatzelwürmer), also known as beißwurm, bergstutz, jumping wyrm or serpentegatto, is a rare dragon get that dwells in mountain ranges, often lairing in or near lakes or streams. A bizarre being, the tatzelwurm is dog sized and has a head resembling a draconic cat. It has only two front limbs resembling cat's claws and a snake-like body with a stumpy tail. Stripes of furred skin alternate with scaly patches, and bristles on the head form a kind of mane or crown. Tatzelwürmer can have any color from nearly black over brown and grey to scarlet.
The tatzelwurm's bodyshape, which it shares with the linnorm, has lead scholars to hypothize a connection between those draconic being. Some believe tatzelwürmer to be a degenerate and minitiaturized off-shot of the vile monsters. Others believe them to be a larval version, “tadpole” linnorms so to speak, that metamorphize into the normal versions upon reaching a certain size. This would also explain why one never sights young linnorms. Tatzelwürmer don't know their origin, nor do they care about them if asked. In fact, tatzelwürmer are in general grumpy, aggressive and taciturn, with a confident, nearly overwhelming ego and not a lot interest in anything besides themselves.
Tatzelwürmer prefer to ambush their prey, launching themselves with their strong tails at their targets before breathing their toxic gas. When a tatzelwurm attacks or wants to intimidate a creature, it produces a shrill whistling. Tatzelwürmer have a strange liking for milk, especially cow milk, and often attack herds of cattle to drain their udders.
Tatzelwürmer speak Draconic with a whistling accent and may know a few words in Common or Gnome.

Breath weapon (Su): A tatzelwurm can breath a 20 ft. long cone of nearly invisible poisonous gas. Any creature in the area must make a Fortitude save or be poisoned (DC 16, contact poison, primary damage: 1d3 Dex and 1 Con, secondary damage: none). After breathing, the tatzelwurm must wait 1d6 rounds until it can breath again.
Pounce (Ex): When charging, the tatzelwurm can make a full-attack.
Shrill Scare (Su): A tatzelwurm's shrill whistling is disproportinally horrifying. As a Swift Action, the tatzelwurm can let loose a piercing whistle that causes all creatures except for other dragons within 30 ft that can hear the tatzelwurm to be shaken for 2d6 rounds, unless they manage a Will save (DC 15). A creature that suceeds on its save is immune to that tatzelwurm's Shrill Scare for 24 hours.
This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect.
Skills: A tatzelwurm has +4 racial bonus to Intimidate and Jump checks.
A tatzelwurm has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

2023-12-21, 03:06 PM
Here a little thing inspired by folklore from the alps.

Well, it really is little! (Bhu had a version of it relatively recently; that one was an Animal-type cryptid commonly mistaken for a Dragon, though.)

New Creature: Tatzelwurm
Small dragon

Amor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural), touch 13, Flat footed 14

T 14, FF 13.

Skills: Hide +10, Jump +8, Move Silently +10, Spot +9, Swim +9

Don't forget the size bonus to Hide! Should be +14 with it. (Also, could you add that usual Skills thing with the effects of the swim speed to the description? I'm totally not asking because I forgot it has a swim speed and thought you overexpended the skill budget at first.)

Feats: Ability Focus (Breath Weapon), Multi-Attack, Spring Attack (B)

Bonus Spring Attack, Pounce, three naturals and it's a playable Small thing that likes to Hide? This sounds like a chassis for precision damage!

When a tatzelwurm attacks or wants to intimidate a creature, it produces a shrill whistling.

I was wondering why a weird looking ambush predator with a difficult, less than sociable personality would have CHA as its best score, and this would help explain that… If it were an ability. Or a racial bonus to Intimidate. Or Intimidate were, at least, on the skill list. Hm.

Tatzelwürmer have a strange liking for milk, especially cow milk, and often attack herds of cattle to drain their udders.

Go weird folklore critter doing weird folklore things! AVENGE MY KIN!

Tatzelwürmer speak Draconian

Still called Draconic!

2023-12-22, 07:32 AM
Well, it really is little! (Bhu had a version of it relatively recently; that one was an Animal-type cryptid commonly mistaken for a Dragon, though.)

Yes, I saw it when I was nearly finished and thought for a moment wether I should abandon the project. I decided against it.

There have been tatzelwurm sightings in Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria and Italy for five hundred years, with the story apparantly being derived from older stories about fights against dragons and linnorms, and the sightings have been getting progressively smaller and less fantastic over the centuries. They practically flow from mythic being to cryptid with no clear delineation.

T 14, FF 13.


Don't forget the size bonus to Hide! Should be +14 with it. (Also, could you add that usual Skills thing with the effects of the swim speed to the description? I'm totally not asking because I forgot it has a swim speed and thought you overexpended the skill budget at first.)


I was wondering why a weird looking ambush predator with a difficult, less than sociable personality would have CHA as its best score, and this would help explain that… If it were an ability. Or a racial bonus to Intimidate. Or Intimidate were, at least, on the skill list. Hm.

I originally wanted them to have Frightful Presence, but that looked kinda silly on such a small thing, and forgot to replace it with anything. I'll think about it. I also imagine it as having a very healthy, nearly over-developed ego (which I forgot to write into the description. Fixed).
I just noticed that I also forgot to include the color scheme.

Go weird folklore critter doing weird folklore things! AVENGE MY KIN!

You wouldn't believe how many stories there are about snakes and dragons sneaking into cattle herds and sucking the udders dry without anybody noticing. I couldn't not include it. It also fits with old stories about dragons and linnorms really liking milk and demanding tribute in form of gallons of the stuff.
Therefore, and to strengthen the connection between linnorms and tatzelwürmern, I'll declare that linnorms also really love milk. (I don't know who originally came up with the "tatzelwürmer are linnorm larvae" stuff, but I really like it.)

Still called Draconic!


2023-12-22, 08:23 AM
Yes, I saw it when I was nearly finished and thought for a moment wether I should abandon the project. I decided against it.

There have been tatzelwurm sightings in Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria and Italy for five hundred years, with the story apparantly being derived from older stories about fights against dragons and linnorms, and the sightings have been getting progressively smaller and less fantastic over the centuries. They practically flow from mythic being to cryptid with no clear delineation.

Heh. A right call has been made!

I originally wanted them to have Frightful Presence, but that looked kinda silly on such a small thing, and forgot to replace it with anything. I'll think about it. I also imagine it as having a very healthy, nearly over-developed ego (which I forgot to write into the description. Fixed).
I just noticed that I also forgot to include the color scheme.

Ah, I see! I do that a lot too, with high CHA as a shorthand for 'it's cute' or high WIS to say 'vigilant to the point of paranoia'. That said, spooky noises special attacks are a thing. You could actually have it whistle scarily if you wanted it to!

You wouldn't believe how many stories there are about snakes and dragons sneaking into cattle herds and sucking the udders dry without anybody noticing. I couldn't not include it. It also fits with old stories about dragons and linnorms really liking milk and demanding tribute in form of gallons of the stuff.
Therefore, and to strengthen the connection between linnorms and tatzelwürmern, I'll declare that linnorms also really love milk. (I don't know who originally came up with the "tatzelwürmer are linnorm larvae" stuff, but I really like it.)

Colossal Dread Linnorm: [Crashes through the tavern wall as though it were tissue paper.] A BUCKET OF MILK, IF YOU WILL, STOUT YEOMAN!


[EVIL laughter!!]

2023-12-22, 01:55 PM
Ah, I see! I do that a lot too, with high CHA as a shorthand for 'it's cute' or high WIS to say 'vigilant to the point of paranoia'. That said, spooky noises special attacks are a thing. You could actually have it whistle scarily if you wanted it to!

Added the Shrill Scare special attack. Also shifted the skill points from Spot to Intimidate and gave it some racial boni to Intimidate and Jump.

Colossal Dread Linnorm: [Crashes through the tavern wall as though it were tissue paper.] A BUCKET OF MILK, IF YOU WILL, STOUT YEOMAN!

I imagine it more like: "I'll devastate the whole kingdom unless you sacrifice every day 100 barrels of milk to me! PER CAPITA! MUAHAHA!"

Something completely different: I recently returned to the Fate franchise because the fan-translation of Fate/Extra CCC was finally finished (I've been waiting for that for years). And now I'm wondering about maybe making brewing some stuff from there. Are you familiar with Fate?

2023-12-23, 11:21 AM
Added the Shrill Scare special attack. Also shifted the skill points from Spot to Intimidate and gave it some racial boni to Intimidate and Jump.

Shrill Scare (Su): A tatzelwurm's shrill whistling is disproportinally horrifying. As a Swift Action, the tatzelwurm can let loose a piercing whistle that causes all creatures except for other dragons within 30 ft that can hear the tatzelwurm to be shaken for 2d6 rounds, unless they manage a Will save (DC 15). A creature that suceeds on its save is immune to that tatzelwurm's Shrill Scare for 24 hours.
Skills: A tatzelwurm has +4 racial bonus to Intimidate and Jump checks.
This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect.

2d6 rounds? That thing means business, but I like it! Just make sure to move the underlined bit to where it belongs (unless it has a mind-affecting Jump, which would be badass, if weird).

I imagine it more like: "I'll devastate the whole kingdom unless you sacrifice every day 100 barrels of milk to me! PER CAPITA! MUAHAHA!"

Well, my version was likely to end with lots of wights and a "WHAT A SENSELESS WASTE OF HUMANOID LIFE" quip as well, but yeah. Linnorms are creeps, and know how to think big.

Are you familiar with Fate?

As a philosophical concept, yes. As a franchise, I've heard weird things, but otherwise less so.

2023-12-23, 11:38 AM
When you mention a videogame franchise called "Fate" do you mean the one by Imageepoch or the one by Wildtangent?

2023-12-23, 12:10 PM
2d6 rounds? That thing means business, but I like it! Just make sure to move the underlined bit to where it belongs (unless it has a mind-affecting Jump, which would be badass, if weird).

Too much? I thought a minute was too long, and a round too short, and then decided to go for random.

Well, my version was likely to end with lots of wights and a "WHAT A SENSELESS WASTE OF HUMANOID LIFE" quip as well, but yeah. Linnorms are creeps, and know how to think big.

I'd say they think exactly the right size for their bodies. Goddamit, Rennbuu! That was supposed to stay blue!

As a philosophical concept, yes. As a franchise, I've heard weird things, but otherwise less so.

It does have its idiosyncracies, yes. Even beyond the meme-y stuff, it was made by a philosopher in a completely different language. But the underlying metaphysics can be quite interesting, if you manage to get beyond the fanon and the mistranslations. Of course, I've fallen very behind, but I try to catch up.

When you mention a videogame franchise called "Fate" do you mean the one by Imageepoch or the one by Wildtangent?

Huh, I didn't know that Imageepoch made Fate/Extra. I never heard of either company before.

The franchise is by a guy named Nasu Kinoko and his company Type-Moon and includes Visual Novels like Fate/Stay Night, anime like Fate/Zero or The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi, or the gacha game Fate/Grand Order. I think they outsourced Fate/Extra to Imageepoch.

2023-12-23, 02:22 PM
Too much? I thought a minute was too long, and a round too short, and then decided to go for random.

On the "much" side, yes, but nothing to really worry about. I think it's fine.


I must ask at this point. Why are you lugging a Slaad Lord about?!

It does have its idiosyncracies, yes. Even beyond the meme-y stuff, it was made by a philosopher in a completely different language. But the underlying metaphysics can be quite interesting, if you manage to get beyond the fanon and the mistranslations. Of course, I've fallen very behind, but I try to catch up.

Hm. Well, I'm unlikely to pick up any reference you make, but don't let that stop you.

2023-12-23, 03:05 PM
I must ask at this point. Why are you lugging a Slaad Lord about?!

Be honest. If a slaad lord decided to spend time with you, could you drive him off? I'm not Primus.

2023-12-23, 03:35 PM
Eh, that's fair. Just make sure you keep your alcohol intake in check (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1147.html). You said this one attracts the implanting-happy sort of its folk.

2024-01-15, 03:39 PM
Eh, that's fair. Just make sure you keep your alcohol intake in check (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1147.html). You said this one attracts the implanting-happy sort of its folk.

Don't worry. I'm a teetotaler. I'm totally into tea. :smalltongue:

Now after that little joke, I'd like to post the results of a project I've been working on (no, not the big one; that one's on ice for the moment) since the talk about Elemental Wood inspired me. I hope people will like it and that the epic one actually does its flavour text justice. So without further ado, I present:

Fauna of Flora

Large Vermin (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Fly 50 ft. (Good)
Amor Class: 18 (-1 Size, +5 Dex, +4 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9
Attack: Claw melee +4 (1d6+2)
Full Attack: Two claws melee +4 (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Cloud of pollen
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 21, Con 16, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Spot +5
Feats: -
Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood, Elemental Plane of Air
Organisation: Solitary or pack (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (large); 11-20 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment: +1

The zurrzirr is an insect that adapted to the air space of Wood, but can also be found in Air. They prefer the border region called the Blooming Reaches where they bath in the blooms, yet their travels may lead them anywhere on the two planes (and rarely beyond) where large enough flowers bloom to be pollinated by them.
In appearance, a zurrzirr resembles a cross between a dragonfly and a scorpion, with only two pairs of legs and four pairs of wings. Two claws, somewhere between a scorpion's pincers and a mantis' forelegs, serve as its weapon of defense. The buzzing of its many wings gives the zurrzirr its name. Zurrzirrs are practically always covered in a thick layer of pollen. When agitated, it shakes the pollen loose with nervous wingbeats and shrouds itself into a cloud of pollen.
Zurrzirrs are nectar drinkers. Their preferred flowers are those large enough that they can practically bath in them, covering themselves with pollen of all kind while sucking up the nectar at the ground. Zurrzirrs are usually solitary, but from packs if food is plentyful. As the Elemental Planes don't have seasons, zurrzirr matings don't happen periodical. Instead the formation of a pack triggers the mating instincts. Zurrzirr matings are preceded by acrobatic flight displays. After mating, the female lays sticky clumps of eggs at the undersides of the leaves of their food trees. The eggs hatch within two weeks and the nymphs, who are vegetarious, grow to full size and winged state within three months. Zurrzirrs live up to three years, less when mating often.

Cloud of Pollen (Ex): When irritated or endangered, the zurrzirr stirrs up its pollen and forms a cloud with a radius of 20 ft. around itself. Any creature in the cloud enjoys concealment (20 %), except against the attacks of zurrzirrs, as their sight is not inhibited by the cloud. Any creature with lungs that needs to breath except zurrzirrs must make a Fortitude save against DC 15 on their turn. If they fail, they lose their action for that round as they are too busy sneezing, coughing and crying from swollen eyes.
The DC is based on Con.
Skills: A zurrzirr's large eyes grant it a racial bonus of +5 to Spot.

Soil Diver (Template)
Sometimes the result of magical crossbreeding, sometimes caused by living in locations that feel the touch of Elemental Earth, and sometimes born through random magical mutation, soil divers are land-dwelling variants of usually aquatic creatures. These beings live in the ground, treating it just like the water others of their kind live in. Some theorize that the bulette is descended from a soil diver version of a shark before evolving into something different.
Soil divers tend to look less aquatic than the normal versions, with reptilian scales or mole-like fur where fish scales, slimy skin or a seal's coat were before. Similiarily, fins and crests become stubby clawed legs and ridges.

Creating a soil diver
„Soil diver“ is an inherited template that can be added to any aberation, animal, dragon, magical beast, monstrous humanoid or vermin with a Swim speed, but no Burrow speed. The soil diver uses all the base creatures statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and type: Animals and vermin with this template become magical beasts, but creature types remain unchanged otherwise. Remove the Aquatic subtype. If the base creature has the Water subtype, replace it with the Earth subtype.
Speed: Soil divers lose their Swim speed, but can burrow at the same speed. Soil divers with no base land speed gain one of 5 ft. Unlike other burrowing creatures, soil divers can run while burrowing, but only in very light and soft earth light soil or sand.
Special Qualities: A soil diver retains all the special qualities of the base creature (except for Amphibious) and additionally gains Tremorsense 60 ft. If the base creature has a sensory ability (like Darkvision, Blindsense or Blindsight) at a higher range, use that range instead for the Tremorsense.
Abilities: Alter from the base creature as follows: Dex -2. Burrowing through earth requires less flexible muscles than swimming.
Environment: Change to plains or hills, but keep temperatur. Soil divers are also common in Mother Soil, the border between Wood and Earth, and a bit less common elsewhere in Elemental Earth.
Challenge Rating: +0
Level Adjustment: +0

Genie, Shengzhang
Large Outsider (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water) or (Extraplanar, Wood)
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Fly 60 ft. (Perfect)
Amor Class: 20 (-1 Size, +3 Dex, +4 natural, +4 ironwood chain shirt), touch 12, Flat footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+16
Attack: Slam melee +11 (1d8+5) or spike ranged +10 (1d6+5, 3x)
Full Attack: Two slams melee +11 (1d8+5) or four spikes ranged +10 (1d6+5, 3x)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Calm weather, spell-like abilities, spikes
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid and poison, planeshift, resistence 10 to electricity and sonic, telepathy 100 ft., woodland stride, woodsense 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills: Craft (any) +10 or Profession (any) +13, Concentrate +13, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge (any one) +10, Listen +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +10, Spot +13
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved InitiativeB, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Spike)
Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood
Organisation: Solitary, company (2-4) or band (6-15)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 8-14 HD (large), 15-21 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment: +5

The Shengzhang, the genies of Wood, are of generally peaceful nature and probably the most benevolent of all genies in regard to mortals. This may be because of their general obscurity and a quirk of their ability to fulfill wishes that makes them relatively uninteresting to the kind of people who routinely try to enslave genies: their wishes simply fail if they aren't used for selfless and benevolent purposes.
A typical Shengzhang stands 10 ft tall and wears hanfu-style robes and a turban or a veil. His face seems to be covered with a scary wooden mask, but this mask actually is his face and moves nearly as fluid as one made of flesh. Male shengzhang have wild and bristly beards.
A Shengzhang speaks Common, Sylvan, Celestial, Aquan and one other elemental language.

Calm Weather (Sp): A Shengzhang can exert control over the weather to calm storms and placate the elements. This ability works similiar to control weather cast by a druid at 12th caster level, except it is used as a standard action, the weather changes within one round instead of 10 minutes, and it can't create inclement weather or worsen current situations. Storms can be calmed, heat cooled, cold warmed, rain reduced to pleasant showers, burning sun covered by clouds and wind reduced to a refreshing breeze. Calm weather is the equivalent to a 6th level spell and can be used once per day.
Calm weather dispells any active spells, powers etc of 6th level or lower in the area that manipulate weather or create wind automatically. Effects of higher level are dispelled if the Shengzhang succeedes at a dispelling check against the effect.
Planeshift (Sp): Like all genies, a Shengzhang can enter any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports the genie and up to eight other creatures, provided they all link hands with the genie. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name (caster level 13th).
Spell-like abilities: At will – backbiterSC (DC 13), comand plants (DC 16), detect magic, entangle (DC 13), invisibility (self only), plant growth; 3/day – antilife shell, heroes' feast, iron wood, wood shape; 1/day – divination; 1/week – limited wish (only to non-genies). 12th caster level.
Spikes (Ex): A Shengzhang can grow and shoot large wooden splinters from its arms. This is a ranged attack with a maximum range of 120 ft and no range increments. These spikes deal 1d6 + Str-Mod base damage and have a critical multiplier of 3x (if the shengzhang's size changes, the damage dice changes with it). It can shoot up to four spikes per round.
Woodsense (Su): A Shengzhang is automatically aware of any creature within 60 ft that touches any kind of vegetation and can pinpoint their location.

Society of the Shengzhang
During the War of Law and Chaos, the Shengzhang served from the backlines by growing alchemical ingredients, good food to keep up morale and other plant based ressources for the war effort. Their role nowadays is similiar, often selling and sometimes gifting their plant products to other genie societies. Especially the Great Padisha of the Marids receives a yearly tribute from the Shengzhang Empire, as they fear the Marids' great power and capricious nature while at the same time believing Water to be the most necessary of the other elements. The Marids in turn consider them an uninteresting vasal state.
The best relationship exists between Djinn and Shengzhang. Both genie races like and respect each other and often engage in trade. Shengzhang and Qorrashi have a cool, but cordial affiliation with each other; Shengzhang and Erimish (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&p=24265537#post24265537) are united in mutual respect, but don't actually care for or need the other's services or talents; and between Shengzhang and Dao exists mutual scorn. Efreet are avoided by Shenzhang and consider them and their realm to be beneath their notice in return, Surreshi (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&p=24265537#post24265537) complain too much for the Shengzhang's taste, and Jann are in their mind pitiable cousins who obviously represent a less stable mixture of the four elements than the superior Shengzhang.
The Shengzhang Empire is the largest and most influential society on Elemental Wood and mostly made up of provinces that are given a large amount of independence, but are also expected to come together for each other's or the Empire's benefit. A province is ruled by a noble who bears the title Gong. The Gong have the right through majority to depose the emperor, the Huangdi, if they feel he or she doesn't rule wisely enough anymore, and choose a new one amongst themselves; a right that have only made use of once since the War of Law and Chaos ended.
The current Huangdi is Xunmei Fatimah Nasu Daling, Matriarch of Bloom, Mistress of the World Tree, Souvereign Over All That Grows, The Multiverse's Cornucopia, Fruitful Provider, Commander of Vine and Thorn, and so on and so forth, and rules her Empire from the City of Teak, where the Paradisical Palace serves as the centre of her rule. The Huangdi is a severe, but not unkind woman whose main indulgence is displays of temperance and who is open to honest pleas for help from visitors.

Medium monstrous Humanoid (Extraplanar, Fire)
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Burrow 15 ft, Climb 20 ft.
Amor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, Flat footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+11
Attack: Heavy pick melee +11 (1d6+6/x4) or dart ranged +9 (1d4+4)
Full Attack: Heavy pick melee +11/+6 (1d6+6/x4) or dart ranged +9/+4 (1d4+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Smoulder
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/piercing, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 16
Skills: Climb +22, Diplomacy +13, Sleight of Hand +12, Survival +9
Feats: Improved Initative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Snatch ArrowsB
Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood, Elemental Plane of Fire
Organisation: Solitairy, pair or gang (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic good
Advancement: 8-14 HD (medium); 15-21 HD (large)
Level Adjustment: +2?

Gronkhs are a race of good-natured beings that mostly inhabit the Smoldering, the border of Elemental Wood and Elemental Fire, where the matter of Wood has burned to large masses of charcoal.
A gronkh is a 5 ½ foot high humanoid with the long arms and short legs of an ape. Their skin is ash grey, but covered in most places by spiky growths of coal that make them look demonic and intimidating, an impression that quickly disappears after talking to these excitable and distractable creatures. Gronkh mostly feed on charcoal, but can survive on rock coal. They supplement their diet with smoked meat and vegetables.
Gronkhs are playful and sociable. They love to climb, to throw and catch darts at each other, to make jokes and pranks, to build stuff from blocks they hew from the coal, and to play puzzle and riddle games with each other or visitors. Because of their inattentive nature, they tend to miss clues, meaning that they often lose to others, but they take that with humor.
A gronkh speaks Ignan, Common and Orc.

Smoulder (Su): A gronkh can as a Swift Action cause the coal covering its body to smoulder and glow. While this happens, any creature that attacks the gronkh in melee (except those using reach weapons) and any creature the gronkh hits with its melee weapons (again, not when using reach weapons) takes 1d6 fire damage. Furthermore, the gronkh produces a veil of smoke that gives it concealment. A gronkh can smoulder for up to 20 rounds per day. Deactivating this ability is a Swift Action.
Skill: Gronkhs have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Leafy Sea Serpent
Leafy sea serpents are the smallest and most cowardly of sea serpents (see Dragon #345). These highly specialized ambush predators are covered with leaf-like appendages that make them seem like floating masses of water plants. They let victims come close and then blind them with their breath weapon, rendering them helpless against their sudden strikes. When this strategy fails, they often flee and hide to try anew.
Their adaptation to water plants meant that they prefered to live closer to land than other sea serpents, and this left them in a precarious position when the larger and deeper living sea serpents gathered to eradicate them. Caught between the hostile dry land and their enemies' turf, the leafy sea serpents evaded their extinction by collectively fleeing to the Inner Planes. Nowadays leafy sea serpents are mostly extinct on the Material; most of them dwell in the Swaying Forest, the infinite forest of seagrass that lies on Water's side of the border between Water and Wood, with some groups dwelling in Water proper and others instead on Wood's side of the border, in the brackish water of the giant mangrove known as the Stilting Roots.
Leafy sea serpents are usually Lawful Evil.

AgeSizeHDStrDexConIntWisChaBAB/GrappleAttackFortRefWillBreath Weapon (DC)Frightful PresenceCR
WyrmlingT3d12+3 (22 hp)7141310147+3/-7+3+4+5+51d4 (12)—2
Very youngS6d12+12 (51 hp)9141510169+6/+1+6+7+7+82d4 (15)—3
YoungM9d12+18 (68 hp)13141512169+9/+10+10+8+8+93d4 (16)—5
JuvenileM12d12+36 (114 hp)151417121811+12/+14+14+11+10+124d4 (19)—7
Young adultL15d12+45 (142 hp)171417141811+15/+23+17+12+11+135d4 (20)179
AdultL18d12+72 (189 hp)191419142013+18/+26+21+15+13+166d4 (23)2011
Mature adultH21d12+105 (241 hp)231421162013+21/+35+25+17+14+177d4 (25)2112
OldH24d12+120 (276 hp)251421162215+24/+39+29+19+16+208d4 (27)2414
Very oldH27d12+162 (337 hp)271423182215+27/+43+33+21+17+219d4 (29)2516
AncientH30d12+180 (375 hp)291423182417+30/+47+37+23+19+2410d4 (31)2817
WyrmG33d12+231 (445 hp)331425202417+33/+56+40+25+20+2511d4 (33)2919
Great wyrmG36d12+288 (522 hp)351427202619+36/+60+44+28+22+2812d4 (36)3221

AgeSpeedInitiativeACSpecial abilitiesSR
Wyrmling40 ft., swim 70 ft.+216 (+2 size, +2 natural, +2 Dex)Water subtype, Immunity to Poison, Leafy Outline, Sudden Strike +1d6—
Very young40 ft., swim 70 ft.+218 (+1 size, +5 natural, +2 Dex)Poison—
Young40 ft., swim 80 ft.+220 (+8 natural, +2 Dex)Sudden Strike +2d6—
Juvenile40 ft., swim 80 ft.+223 (+11 natural, +2 Dex)—
Young adult40 ft., swim 90 ft.+225 (-1 size, +14 natural, +2 Dex)DR 5/Magic, Sudden Strike +3d612
Adult40 ft., swim 90 ft.+228 (-1 size, +17 natural, +2 Dex)Light footSC14
Mature adult40 ft., swim 90 ft.+230 (-2 size, +20 natural, +2 Dex)DR 10/Magic, Sudden Strike +4d616
Old40 ft., swim 100 ft.+233 (-2 size, +23 natural, +2 Dex)18
Very old40 ft., swim 100 ft.+236 (-2 size, +26 natural, +2 Dex)DR 15/Magic, Sudden Strike +5d620
Ancient40 ft., swim 110 ft.+239 (-2 size, +29 natural, +2 Dex) veil of shadowMH22
Wyrm40 ft., swim 110 ft.+240 (-4 size, +32 natural, +2 Dex)DR 20/Magic, Sudden Strike +6d624
Great wyrm40 ft., swim 120 ft.+243 (-4 size, +35 natural, +2 Dex)Ferocity of the Sanguine RageDrMa26

Breath Weapon (Su): A leafy sea serpent's breath weapon is a cone of black acidic liquid that attacks the eyes. Any creature in the cone takes the indicated acid damage und must make a Fortitude save to avoid being blinded for 1 minute. This ability counts as poison; neutralize poison restores the sight, and abilities that protect against poison (like a dwarf's racial bonus to saves) apply agains the blindness.
Leafy Outline (Ex): While in brackisch water and water full of kelp, sea grass and other aquatic plants, a leafy sea serpent receives a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide and ignores size penalties to Hide.
Skills: Leafy sea serpents have Hide, Move Silently, Survival and Swim as additional class skills.

Malum Malum
Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 12d10+36 (102 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), Climb 20 ft.
Amor Class: 22 (+5 Dex, +7 natural), touch 15, Flat footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+15
Attack: Bite melee +17 (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Bite melee +17 (1d6+3) and two claws melee +15 (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Apple of discord, apple of wisdom
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., lesser plant traits, low-light vision, negative vulnerability, positive adaptation, resistence 10 to electricity and fire, scent
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +7
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17
Skills: Bluff +21, Climb +26, Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Sense Motive +18
Feats: Ability Focus (Apple of Discord), Dodge, Multiattack, Skill Focus (Bluff), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood, Positive Energy Plane
Organisation: Solitary, pair or bushel (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: No coins, standard goods, standard items
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 13-22 HD (medium); 23-30 HD (large)
Level Adjustment: +5

The malum malum (plural: mala mala) is a malevolent inhabitant of the Cornucopia, the border between Elemental Wood and the Positive Energy Plane, where the plants overflow with fruit of all kind.
A malum malum resembles a snake with legs. Leaves cover most of its torso, between which fruits looking like ruby-red apples grow. A typical malum malum is between 4 and 7 ft long.
The mala mala are beings without any negative energy in their metaphysical make-up. This makes them immortal and immune to age and mundane sicknesses. As a result, they look down on most other living beings, who are „contaminated with negative energy“ in their opinion and therefore „barely alive at all“. Because of that, mala mala believe that they can torment these half-beings with impunity, which they usually do by pretending to be benevolent bringers of poisonous gifts and sowing, through both magical and mundane means, strife. Watching humanoids fighting over something that will destroy the owner is the highest amusement for a malum malum.
A malum malum speaks Common, Draconic, Sylvan and Elf.

Apple of Discord (Su): A malum malum can lay an enchantment on a small or smaller object within 30 ft. that it can see. This object exudes a feeling of coveting and possessivenes. Any creature except mala mala that sees the object must make a Will save (DC 21) or feel the desire to possess it. This creature will do anything it can to get it into its possession and keep others from having it. (A creature will generally not do acts that crassly go against its alignment or any codes of conduct it is under). A creature that isn't under threat currently may make a new save once per minute.
The enchantment dissolves after 1 hour, leaving every affected creature clear-headed. The DC is based on Charisma. This is a mind-effecting charm effect.
Apple of Wisdom (Su): A malum malum may shed once per day one of the fruit growing on its body and infuse it intent and positive energy. Any living creature that eats the fruit gains one of the following effects, as chosen by the malum malum when the ability is activated: Fast Healing 3, enhancement bonus +4 to all skills based on physical abilities, enhancement bonus +4 to all skills based on mental abilities. The effect lasts for an hour.
When creating the fruit, the malum malum can (and usually does) also put a curse on the fruit. When the fruit's boon ends, the eater must make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or suffer from one of the following drawbacks for 8 hours, as chosen by the malum malum when the ability is activated: feeblemind, confusion, -4 to all physical abilities (min 1), nauseated. Remove curse at 12th caster level and break enchantment dispel these effects, but spells based on positive energy (like panacea) can't, instead resetting the duration. The curse also disappears if the target becomes affected by energy drain or a harm spell. Living constructs get a bonus of +4 to their save.
Deathless that eat the fruit gain the boon without suffering the curse, as do mala mala and other living creatures with an affinity for positive energy (like ravids or lumi). Undead and living creatures with a connection to negative energy (like kir-lanan) that eat the fruit don't gain any benefits from it. Instead they take 6d6 damage from positive energy (Fortitude halves, DC 19).
DC is based on Charisma. An Apple of Wisdom remains empowered until it is used or destroyed, but a malum malum can't empower more than three Apples of Wisdom at once.
Lesser Plant Traits (Ex): Hybrid beings like the malum malum enjoy most of the traits of plants. Mala mala are immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph and stunning. Unlike real plants they are subject to critical hits. Abilities that only affect plant creatures can affect a malum malum, but it receives a +4 to saves against the effect.
Negative Vulnerability (Ex): A malum malum takes +50% more damage from any effect that deals damage through negative energy. It also takes a penalty of -4 to saves against effects based on negative energy. Evil clerics can turn a malum malum as if it were deathless.
Positive Adaptation (Ex): A malum malum regains +50% more hit points from any effect that restores hit points and is based on positive energy. Mala mala are immune to all negative or damaging effects or side effects that are based on positive energy.

The Conqueror Worm
Colossal Outsider (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water) or (Extraplanar, Wood)
Hit Dice: 72d8+1080 (1404 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 80 ft. (16 squares), Burrow 160 ft
Amor Class: 73 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +10 deflection, +60 natural), touch 13, Flat footed 72
Base Attack/Grapple: +72/+119
Attack: Bite melee +96 (16d6+43, 19-20/2x)
Full Attack: Bite melee +96 (16d6+43, 19-20/2x)
Space/Reach: 60 ft./50 ft.
Special Attacks: All-consuming rush, consume space, improved grab, spell-like abilities, summon epic worms, swallow whole
Special Qualities: Abomination traits, aura of utter consumption, DR 25/Epic and Adamantine, entropic grace, Fast Healing 50, Immunity to acid and negative energy, SR 72, tremorsense 500 ft.
Saves: Fort +67, Ref +53, Will +59
Abilities: Str 69, Dex 12, Con 40, Int 3, Wis 24, Cha 31
Skills: Climb +104, Concentrate +90, Listen +82, Swim +104
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Bite)
Epic Feats: Damage Reduction 4x, Devastating Critical (Bite), Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess 2x, Epic Reflexes, Epic Sunder, Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical (Bite), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Disastrous Orbs), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Spellworm), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Summon Epic Worms), Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative
Environment: Elemental Plane of Wood, Negative Energy Plane
Organisation: Unique... hopefully
Challenge Rating: 60
Treasure: None
Alignment: True neutral
Advancement: 73+ HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: -

Where Wood meets Negative Energy, in the Plain of Putrefaction, where everything alive rots and decays into sludge, a monstrum burrows its way through the rotting matter. Unimaginably old, possessed of power that even the gods are careful of, this greatest of all maggots has no agenda besides feeding a hunger as vast as the planes itself. Only legends tell of its name: The Conqueror Worm.
The Conqueror Worm is resembles a titanic worm or maggot, a grey-ish blood red in colour, with thousands of small legs growing from its belly. It is hundreds of feet long, and has never been seen in its totality; survivors of encounters with it only ever saw parts of it breaking from the foul ground.
Legends claim that the Conqueror Worm is the Father of All Maggots, the First Worm. Some speculate that it is the first worm to gnaw a World Tree, and that creatures like Nidhöggr are echoes or spawn of it. Others (especially those of the Doomguard) theorize that it was born the first time a living being died and rotted, and that it grew with every being that has died since. It, so the theory, will continue to do so until it has grown to infinite size and devour the Great Wheel. And lastly, the most scared of whispers tell of multiple Conqueror Worms, that there is in fact a whole race of those beings. And that they continue to breed.
The Conqueror Worm does not communicate.

Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.
All-Consuming Rush (Ex): As a Full-Round Action, the Conqueror Worm can move up to double its speed in a straight line with its mouth wide open. All creatures in its path must make a Reflex save (DC 75). Any creature that succeeds is pushed to side. Any creature that fails takes damage as if it was hit by the Worm's bite and is swallowed whole. The DC is based on Strength.
Aura of Utter Consumption (Su): The Conqueror Worm is surrounded by an aura of entropy that erodes everything, even magic and supernatural effects. Any spell, power, utterance or other effect within 60 ft. around the Worm has its caster/manifester/etc level reduced by 10. Any such effect within 40 ft. around the Worm has its caster level reduced by 20. Any such effect within 20 ft has it reduced by 40. Spells etc with an area that partially overlaps one of those radii have the reduction only applied in the overlap.
Furthermore, each missile that is shot into this aura takes 20 points of damage through negative energy per section of the aura it crosses. If the missile is destroyed before reaching the Worm, it doesn't deal any damage. Magic missile weapons may make a Fortitude save (DC 56) for half damage.
Additionally, every creature within 60 ft. of the Worm must make a Fortitude save per round (DC 56) or suffer 1 negative level. Negative levels gained this way even apply to constructs and undead. All saves are based on Charisma.
Consume Space (Su): As a Standard Action, the Conqueror Worm can eat space itself that seperates it from its meal. This works like a cone-shaped breath weapon with a range of 500 ft. Anything in that area must make a Reflex save (DC 61) or be moved in a straight line as close to the Conqueror Worm as possible. After Consuming Space, the Conqueror Worm must wait 1d4 rounds before it can do so again. The DC is based on Constitution.
Entropic Grace (Ex): The pure power of entropy and decay exuded by the Conqueror Worm protects it. It receives its Cha-bonus as a deflection bonus to AC and as a resistence bonus to all saves.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Conqueror Worm must hit a creature with a bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can swallow the opponent whole.
Swallow Whole (Ex): The Conqueror Worm can try to swallow a grabbed opponent by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 10d12+60 points of bludgeoning damage plus 60 points of acid damage per round from the Worm’s gizzard and and suffers 3 negative levels per round (DC to remove the level drain: 56, DC based on Charisma). Negative levels gained this way even apply to constructs and undead. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 100 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 80). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The Conqueror Worm's interior can hold 2 Colossal, 8 Gargantuan, 32 Huge, 128 Large, 512 Medium or smaller opponents.
Spell-like abilities: At will – heightened disastrous orbs (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=4038363&postcount=20) (DC augmented to 50), spellwormELH (DC augemented to 55)
Summon Epic Worms (Sp): Up to six times per day, the Conqueror Worm can summon two paragonELH fiendwurmsMM2, four paragon nightcrawlers or four paragon century wormsFF. (The portal in the fiendwurms's gizzard leads into the Conqueror Worm's gizzard. Therefore the fiendwurms can't belch out demons). The summoned worms are not directly under the Conqueror Worm's control, but will work to support it (and are generally smart enough to stay out of its way and not get eaten).

2024-01-15, 03:57 PM
Wood Genasi
Like other genasi, wood genasi are humans with ancestry from the elemental planes, in this case Elemental Wood. In some rare cases, a wood genasi can also be born from the union of two opposed para-genasi, like a smoke and an ooze genasi. They are rarer than para-elemental genasi, but more common than the practically non-existent quasi-elemental ones. Wood genasi tend to be patient, but in a more active way than earth genasi, and prefer to improve themselves and outgrow obstacles instead of either weathering them or attacking them head on. Wood genasi tend to be true neutral.
Wood genasi stand usually taller than their human parrents and have at least one feature that reflects their element: bark-like skin, leaves in their hair, or limbs that look like carved from precious wood.

Racial Traits
Wood genasi have the following traits:

+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Wood genasi are tough and far sighted, but wooden in their movements and demeanor I crack myself up :-D
Base speed 30 ft.
Wooden creation (Sp): Wood genasi can once per day create a single wooden weapon or up to ten pieces of wooden ammunition fit for their own size. For every four character levels this weapon or ammunition receives an enhancement bonus of +1. In all other regards this ability works like minor creation with a caster level equal to the genasi's character level.
+1 racial bonus on saving throws against all wood- and plant-based spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five class levels the genasi attains.
Photosynthesis (Su): Wood genasi don't need to eat on days they get their daily ration of water and at least two hours of sunlight.
Clerical Focus: A wood genasi cleric must choose a deity who grant access to the Plant or the Wood domain and select one of those two as one of her two domains.
Outsider: Wood genasi are Visceral outsiders.
Automatic languages: Common. Bonus languages: Any, except secret languages, such as Druidic.
Favoured Class: Wu Jen
Level Adjustment: +1

Wood Gen
Tiny Outsider (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water) or (Extraplanar, Wood)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +1 dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-8
Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d2/x3)
Full Attack: Two slams +4 melee (1d2/x3)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks Spiky fists
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental endurance, elemental travel, fetch spells, immunity to acid, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +5, Escape Artist +5, Hide +11, Knowledge (Arcane) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Listen +4, Move Silenty +3, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +4, Survival +6
Feats: Combat CastingB, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any elemental plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral good
Advancement: 2-3 hd (tiny), 4-6 hd (small)
Level Adjustment: -

Spiky Fists (Su): A wood gen's arms and weapons grow spikes and thorns when attacking. It deals 1 additional point of piercing damage when it hits in melee. Also the critical damage multiplier of its natural and artificial melee weapons is increased by 1.

A wood gen's master must choose any one of the elemental subtypes to be "primary" in regard to the Elemental Protection class feature.

2024-01-16, 11:26 AM
Elemental Wood


How come there's not a single Plant there?

I hope people will like it and that the epic one actually does its flavour text justice.

It is an ABOMINATION. But I'll tackle it separately later, if you don't mind that, lest it eats my sanity. (That's a lot of HD there.)
So without further ado, I present:

Large Vermin (Extraplanar)

A proper pollinating bumbledragonscorpion with an onomatopoeic name? Good.

Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (27 hp)

37 hp.

Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9
Attack: Claw melee +5 (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Two claws melee +5 (1d6+3)

That should be +4 for 1d6+2, unless you meant to give 'em a higher STR, in which case grapple's off.

Level Adjustment: +1

Vermin with LA will never cease to amuse.

Soil Diver (Template)

Okay, this is a fun twist on Amphibious Creature. Well done.

Soil divers tend to look less aquatic than the normal versions, with reptilian scales or mole-like fur where fish scales, slimy skin or a seal's coat were before.

What's wrong with slimy skin, though? (Asking for a friend. (The friend may or may not be a friendly earthworm.))

Genie, Shengzhang
Large Outsider (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water) or (Extraplanar, Wood)

Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+15

Grapple +16.

The Shengzhang, the genies of Wood, are of generally peaceful nature and probably the most benevolent of all genies in regard to mortals. This may be because of their general obscurity and a quirk of their ability to fulfill wishes that makes them relatively uninteresting to the kind of people who routinely try to enslave genies: their wishes simply fail if they aren't used for selfless and benevolent purposes.

Everything is better with PLANTIES! It's just a fact.

Calm Weather (Sp)

Very wholesome. I like it.

Spell-like abilities: At will – backbiterSC (DC 13), comand plants (DC 16), detect magic, entangle (DC 13), invisibility (self only), plant growth; 3/day – antilife shell, heroes' feast, iron wood, wood shape; 1/day – divination; 1/week – limited wish (only to non-genies). 12th caster level.

No Speak with Plants? How can they not have Speak with Plants?!

Medium monstrous Humanoid (Extraplanar, Fire)

Attack: Heavy pick melee +11 (1d6+6/x4) or throwing dart ranged +9 (1d4+4)
Full Attack: Heavy pick melee +11/+6 (1d6+6/x4) or throwing dart ranged +9/+4 (1d4+4)

Throwing dart? The only non-throwing darts not fired from dart throwers in the whole game that I can recall would be called "blowgun" in this context.

Leafy Sea Serpent
Leafy sea serpents are the smallest and most cowardly of sea serpents (see Dragon #345). These highly specialized ambush predators are covered with leaf-like appendages that make them seem like floating masses of water plants.

Leafy Seahorse Dragons for the win!

Their adaptation to water plants meant that they prefered to live closer to land than other sea serpents, and this left them in a precarious position when the larger and deeper living sea serpents gathered to eradicate them.

Man, the other Sea Serpents are jerks.

Sudden Strike +1d6

Sudden Strike and it makes sense! We have a new one, ladies and gentlemen.

Leafy Outline (Ex): While in brackisch water and water full of kelp, sea grass and other aquatic plants, a leafy sea serpent receives a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide and ignores size penalties to Hide.

Circumstance: the best kind of bonus (a bonus bonus, so to say?)!

Malum Malum

No. Way. I can't believe you actually did that! (Bonus points are being earned for the Latin Latin pun pun as we speak.)

Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar)

Not an Outsider, though? Besides the thematic side of things, good Will and good skills wouldn't look half bad on these.

Speed: 40 ft. (6 squares), Climb 20 ft.

8 squares.

Apple of Wisdom (Su):

A big one, but quaintly executed.

but spells based on positive energy (like panacea) can't, instead resetting the duration. The curse also disappears if the target becomes affected by energy drain or a harm spell. Living constructs get a bonus of +4 to their save.
Deathless that eat the fruit gain the boon without suffering the curse, as do mala mala and other living creatures with an affinity for positive energy (like ravids or lumi). Undead and living creatures with a connection to negative energy (like kir-lanan) that eat the fruit don't gain any benefits from it. Instead they take 6d6 damage from positive energy (Fortitude halves, DC 19).
DC is based on Charisma.

I like these positive/negative interactions in particular.

Wood Genasi

I just love these. Would play, would recommend.

Wooden creation (Sp): Wood genasi can once per day create a single wooden weapon or up to ten pieces of wooden ammunition fit for their own size. For every four character levels this weapon or ammunition receives an enhancement bonus of +1. In all other regards this ability works like minor creation with a caster level equal to the genasi's character level.

Does the wooden stuff grow from them? (I assume otherwise, but I had to ask.)

Photosynthesis (Su): Wood genasi don't need to eat on days they get their daily ration of water and at least two hours of sunlight.

AUTOTROPHY! Yes to autotrophy!

Wood Gen
Tiny Outsider (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water) or (Extraplanar, Wood)

Spiky Fists (Su): A wood gen's arms and weapons grow spikes and thorns when attacking. It deals 1 additional point of piercing damage when it hits in melee. Also the critical damage multiplier of its natural and artificial melee weapons is increased by x1.

I'd go with "is increased by 1" for mathematical accuracy.

2024-01-16, 12:43 PM


How come there's not a single Plant there?

It's Fauna of Flora, nor Flora of Flora. :smalltongue:

A proper pollinating bumbledragonscorpion with an onomatopoeic name? Good.

That one was the first one I came up with, followed by His Dread Majesty, the Conqueror Worm. I'm quite proud of it, and of the fact that it weaponizes hayfever.

37 hp.

That should be +4 for 1d6+2, unless you meant to give 'em a higher STR, in which case grapple's off.


Okay, this is a fun twist on Amphibious Creature. Well done.

Thank you. I was worried that it didn't do more, but on the other hand does it need to be more complex?

What's wrong with slimy skin, though? (Asking for a friend. (The friend may or may not be a friendly earthworm.))

*shrug* I thought more of snakes, moles, blindworms etc as "target creature" esthetics.
Edit: Also, imagine how cute a fluffy fuzzy octopus would look like.

Grapple +16.


Very wholesome. I like it.

I studied up a bit on muslims in China for this, and came upon a bunch of folktales in which muslims possess or strive to possess magic items that calm storms and use them for their community's sake. So I decided to include this here.

No Speak with Plants? How can they not have Speak with Plants?!

Didn't think of it. I also imagine them more like farmers and gardeners; non-sapient plants are probably more ressource than being for them.

Throwing dart? The only non-throwing darts not fired from dart throwers in the whole game that I can recall would be called "blowgun" in this context.

Germanism on my part, sorry. (The German name for darts is "Wurfpfeile", throwing arrows. I must've crossed some associations there.)

Man, the other Sea Serpents are jerks.

No good sea serpents around. No good linnorms either. Weird. Are there any great and powerful dragon-kin that are good?

Sudden Strike and it makes sense! We have a new one, ladies and gentlemen.

I was wondering if I should instead use Sneak Attack, but then I decided that it wouldn't make much of a difference either way. These serpents don't hunt together often enough for the Flanking rider to come into play.

No. Way. I can't believe you actually did that! (Bonus points are being earned for the Latin Latin pun pun as we speak.)


Not an Outsider, though? Besides the thematic side of things, good Will and good skills wouldn't look half bad on these.

Those were the ones that changed the most over time (followed by the gronkhs, who were for some time elementals), probably because I didn't have a solid idea what I actually wanted them to do and be. They have been outsiders, monstrous humanoids, plants and fey at different nebulous points. In the end, I stand by Magical Beast. The concept is after all that they are alive and of flesh and blood (for certain definitions of flesh and blood), just "better". Outsiders as beings that are more spiritual stuff pretending to be flesh and blood are a less good fit IMO. One could make a case for Visceral Outsider, but I'm happy with where they are now.

8 squares.


I like these positive/negative interactions in particular.

Having had positive energy with drawbacks before, I felt that negative energy with a positive side effect would be appropriate.

Does the wooden stuff grow from them? (I assume otherwise, but I had to ask.)

I'd assume so.

I'd go with "is increased by 1" for mathematical accuracy.


2024-01-19, 08:13 AM
A'right, back to business!

The Conqueror Worm
Colossal Outsider (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water) or (Extraplanar, Wood)

Attack: Bite melee +95 (16d6+43, 19-20/2x)
Full Attack: Bite melee +95 (16d6+43, 19-20/2x)

+94 to-hit (+72 BAB, +29 STR, +1 feat, -8 size).

Skills: Listen +82, Swim +104

Come on, that's, like, 150 skill points spent on invisible cross-class half-ranks there!

Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Bite)
Epic Feats: Damage Reduction 4x, Devastating Critical (Bite), Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes, Epic Sunder, Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical (Bite), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Disastrous Orbs), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Spellworm), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Summon Epic Worms), Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative

I count one missing feat.

The Conqueror Worm is resembles a titanic worm or maggot, a grey-ish blood red in colour, with thousands of small legs growing from its belly.

…so not really like a worm or maggot?

It is hundreds of feet long, and has never been seen in its totality; survivors of encounters with it only ever saw parts of it breaking from the foul ground.

I like how you're working around the whole "a monster can only have so much space" issue.

Others (especially those of the Doomguard) theorize that it was born the first time a living being died and rotted, and that it grew with every being that has died since. It, so the theory, will continue to do so until it has grown to infinite size and devour the Great Wheel.

That is beautifully ominous.

The Conqueror Worm does not communicate.

What does it do with its big stupid Telepathy, then?

Aura of Utter Consumption (Su): The Conqueror Worm is surrounded by an aura of entropy that erodes everything, even magic and supernatural effects. Any spell, power, utterance or other effect within 60 ft. around the Worm has its caster/manifester/etc level reduced by 10. Any such effect within 40 ft. around the Worm has its caster level reduced by 20. Any such effect within 20 ft has it reduced by 40. Spells etc with an area that partially overlaps one of those radii have the reduction only applied in the overlap.
Furthermore, each missile that is shot into this aura takes 20 points of damage through negative energy per section of the aura it crosses. If the missile is destroyed before reaching the Worm, it doesn't deal any damage. Magic missile weapons may make a Fortitude save (DC 51) for half damage.
Additionally, every creature within 60 ft. of the Worm must make a Fortitude save per round (DC 51) or suffer 1 negative level. Negative levels gained this way even apply to constructs and undead.

DC 56.

Lastly, the Conqueror Worm applies his Charisma bonus as a deflection bonus to AC.

This bit looks tacked on with no mechanical or thematic connection to anything eles the ability does.

Consume Space (Su): As a Standard Action, the Conqueror Worm can eat space itself that seperates it from its meal. This works like a cone-shaped breath weapon with a range of 500 ft. Anything in that area must make a Reflex save (DC 56) or be moved in a straight line as close to the Conqueror Worm as possible. After Consuming Space, the Conqueror Worm must wait 1d4 rounds before it can do so again. The DC is based on Constitution.

DC 61 (someone's been fiddling with numbers in post-production, eh?). (Also: man, now you'll think half my next Elemental's thing exists to just spite you here.)

Swallow Whole (Ex): The Conqueror Worm can try to swallow a grabbed opponent by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 10d12+60 points of bludgeoning damage plus 60 points of acid damage per round from the Worm’s gizzard and and suffers 3 negative levels per round (DC to remove the level drain: 51, DC based on Charisma).

DC 56 once more.

Negative levels gained this way even apply to constructs and undead.


The Conqueror Worm's interior can hold 2 Colossal

I continue to enjoy the "Colossal size for this thing is just a shorthand for BIGGER" stuff.

, 8 Gargantuan, 32 Huge, 128 Large, 512 Medium or smaller opponents.

Summon Epic Worms (Sp):

Somehow this sounds far more comical to me than it has any right to.

fiendworm (…) (The portal in the fiendworm's gizzard

MM2 spells it Fiendwurm.

It's Fauna of Flora, nor Flora of Flora. :smalltongue:

[Grumblegrumble.] Still not fair.

I'm quite proud of it, and of the fact that it weaponizes hayfever.

I know you know I AGREE and APPROVE.

*shrug* I thought more of snakes, moles, blindworms etc as "target creature" esthetics.

I guess… [Sad earthworm wriggling noises from the background.]

Edit: Also, imagine how cute a fluffy fuzzy octopus would look like.

No need to imagine. I've seen crochet octopodes and the like and you're making a fairly convincing argument here.

Didn't think of it. I also imagine them more like farmers and gardeners; non-sapient plants are probably more ressource than being for them.

And to think I liked them for a moment there!

Germanism on my part, sorry. (The German name for darts is "Wurfpfeile", throwing arrows. I must've crossed some associations there.)

Oh, German compunds are the best! (And compunds beat out the English way of "let's just eat another language, it might have a word for it" just about always for me anyhow.)

No good sea serpents around. No good linnorms either. Weird. Are there any great and powerful dragon-kin that are good?

Huh. Well, some of the Landwyrms are kinda Neutral? I suppose?

Those were the ones that changed the most over time (followed by the gronkhs, who were for some time elementals), probably because I didn't have a solid idea what I actually wanted them to do and be. They have been outsiders, monstrous humanoids, plants and fey at different nebulous points. In the end, I stand by Magical Beast. The concept is after all that they are alive and of flesh and blood (for certain definitions of flesh and blood), just "better". Outsiders as beings that are more spiritual stuff pretending to be flesh and blood are a less good fit IMO. One could make a case for Visceral Outsider, but I'm happy with where they are now.

I kinda feel like Fey could have worked even then. But yeah, that's fair.

2024-01-24, 11:17 AM
Finally time and brain power enough to deal with this.

+94 to-hit (+72 BAB, +29 STR, +1 feat, -8 size).

+95 to-hit (+72 BAB, +29 STR, -8 size, +1 Weapon Focus (Bite), +1 Epic Prowess).

Incidentally, does Epic Prowess apply to grapple checks? It says +1 to all attack rolls, and grapple checks are a specialized attack roll, aren't they?

Come on, that's, like, 150 skill points spent on invisible cross-class half-ranks there!

I got too used to stupid things having low skill points. Ugh, let's see... Move Silently and Hide? Concentrate and Intimidate? ... I'll go with Climb annd Concentrate.

I count one missing feat.

Yet another one? *groan* I'll just add another instance of Epic Prowess. Now the to-hit is +96! Hah! :smallwink:

…so not really like a worm or maggot?

It's an abomination, what do you expect? Also, if you want to conquer, you need to put a lot of boots on the ground.

That is beautifully ominous.

The Multiverse is made out of so much stuff, someone has to eat it up before it goes bad. :smallamused:

What does it do with its big stupid Telepathy, then?

Listen in to other people's earworms. Or a copy-paste error. Either or. Technically I should also remove the true sight ability, as it's blind, but who cares?

This bit looks tacked on with no mechanical or thematic connection to anything eles the ability does.

Technically it is. The deflection bonus was there at the beginning, to give it at least something resembling a touch AC, and then I decided to put it here as the best space available. Y'know what, make it something else:
Entropic Grace (Ex): The pure power of entropy and decay exuded by the Conqueror Worm protects it. It receives its Cha-bonus as a deflection bonus to AC and as a resistence bonus to all saves.

DC 61 (someone's been fiddling with numbers in post-production, eh?).

Actually no. I have no idea what happened here. Maybe I somehow made a mistake when halving the HD at the start and then continued to use the wrong number?


Everything decays. Iron rusts, stone erodes, and bone and flesh rot, no matter how magic immune or negative infused it is.

2024-01-24, 03:41 PM
+95 to-hit (+72 BAB, +29 STR, -8 size, +1 Weapon Focus (Bite), +1 Epic Prowess).

Oh right, sorry. Missed that one. (Epic feats these days…)

Incidentally, does Epic Prowess apply to grapple checks? It says +1 to all attack rolls, and grapple checks are a specialized attack roll, aren't they?

I'd say it should.

It's an abomination, what do you expect? Also, if you want to conquer, you need to put a lot of boots on the ground.

Heh. [Imagines the thing wearing tiny Colossal little combat boots.]

Technically it is. The deflection bonus was there at the beginning, to give it at least something resembling a touch AC, and then I decided to put it here as the best space available. Y'know what, make it something else:
Entropic Grace (Ex): The pure power of entropy and decay exuded by the Conqueror Worm protects it. It receives its Cha-bonus as a deflection bonus to AC and as a resistence bonus to all saves.

I like it!

2024-01-24, 03:53 PM
I'd say it should.

Has been added in.

2024-02-10, 03:51 PM

Just for Pun 4: Abracalabrador

Medium Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 7d10+7 (45 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+10
Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Utterances
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +5
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 11
Skills: Hide +9, Listen +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7, Survival +7, Truespeak +15
Feats: Iron Will, Run, Skill Focus (Truespeak), TrackB
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (7-16)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic good
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium); 15-21 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +2 (cohort)

Believed to be a close relative of the blink dog, the abracalabrador is of similiarily benevolent, but much more mischievous nature. The foxish creatures enjoy befuddling intruders in their territory with the bizarre effects they create with a simple barked command.
An abracalabrador speaks (besides a natural talent for Truespeak) Common and Blink Dog.

Utterances: An abracalabrador can speak certain utterances as if it had a number of truenamer levels equal to its HD. It can speak the utterances eldritch attraction, vision sharpened (only reversed), create object, seize item and word of opening.

A note: I prefer to use the Truenaming fix in the Book of Words, and used it to determine what level of utterances the abracalabrador should get.
Edit: The Book of Words can be found in this thread. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?217713-A-Book-of-Words-An-Expanded-Truenamer-Fix-PEACH) or directly downloaded here. (https://www.mediafire.com/?zc9fk9tczzlcty6)

2024-02-11, 09:54 AM


[QUOTE]Special Attacks: Utterances

Oh, my.

The numbers are all shiny, bright and correctly computed as usual. I'd give an expert opinion on the power level, LA and such, but that would require my looking into truenaming-related stuff, and I'll need my sanity largely intact next week.

2024-02-14, 04:28 AM
Just for Pun 4: Abracalabrador
Those are a lot of vowels.

The foxish creatures enjoy befuddling intruders in their territory with the bizarre effects they create with a simple barked command.
I was about to question the ease of truespeech with canine vocal chords, but as someone who once argued that a Shrieker Fungus could truespeak, I will not go down that way.

Utterances: An abracalabrador can speak certain utterances as if it had a number of truenamer levels equal to its HD. It can speak the utterances eldritch attraction, vision sharpened (only reversed), create object, seize item and word of opening.
Oh, cool, you chose the fun ones. Just have to have a Silence utterance and we can have an invisible, inaudible dog throwing magically created items on the PCs' heads using "the Universe hears you just fine". Also, funny thing about bringing an object to your hand with seize item is... You need hands!

A note: I prefer to use the Truenaming fix in the Book of Words, and used it to determine what level of utterances the abracalabrador should get.
As you should. The BoW is great. I think my favorite part (apart from making the most conceptually fun but mechanically broken class actually playable) is the description of word of opening. "You inform the universe that a door is supposed to be open". I can just imagine Ao looking down at a single dog and shout in a rumbling voice "Oh, yeah, you're right, didn't see I left that one closed. Let me fix that real quick."

There's not really anything good here except fixed-list truenaming, so I think WotC would assign something like LA+2. And I think CR 5 (or even 4) is enough, after all it doesn't really have anything to damage the PCs in a fight.

2024-02-14, 05:21 AM
Those are a lot of vowels.

I think the balance of vowel to consonants is quite right.

Oh, cool, you chose the fun ones.

Well, I chose those because I looked up what utterances best fit a stage magician. There aren't a lot of illusion utterances, so.. I made do.

Also, funny thing about bringing an object to your hand with seize item is... You need hands!

My dog can catch objects flying at it well enough without hands, thank you. :smalltongue:

There's not really anything good here except fixed-list truenaming, so I think WotC would assign something like LA+2. And I think CR 5 (or even 4) is enough, after all it doesn't really have anything to damage the PCs in a fight.


Edit: Say Beni, do you have an opinion on the Elemental Wood creatures?

2024-02-16, 03:03 PM
If I may make a request, I'd like to see an Ashtadhatu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtadhatu) Dragon (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610658-Draconic-Hybrids-(3-5)) brewed up (perhaps as a hybrid of Gold and Prismatic, but maybe some other combination would work better)

2024-02-16, 03:18 PM
An interesting idea, but if it happens, it will take some time. I've got the flu, and don't feel like brewing anything besides herbal tea. Sorry about that. :smallfrown:

2024-02-16, 05:59 PM
Understandable. :smallsmile:

Sorry to hear about your illness.

2024-02-17, 07:30 PM
Now after that little joke, I'd like to post the results of a project I've been working on (no, not the big one; that one's on ice for the moment) since the talk about Elemental Wood inspired me. I hope people will like it and that the epic one actually does its flavour text justice. So without further ado, I present:

Fauna of Flora
I like that title. Are elementals fauna or material? What about plant creatures? Is a shambling mound fauna?

The buzzing of its many wings gives the zurrzirr its name.
A very good way to give more insight on a particular aspect of a monster (here, the sound it makes) without breaking immersion, I love it.

Abilities: Str 15, Dex 21, Con 16, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2
Level Adjustment: +1
Kinda high overall physical stats for a vermin. Also, insects generally have a much higher Cha than non-insect (Monstrous) Vermin in 3.5. Not sure if that's really relevant, it's just the same kind of thing as "mammals and birds generally have 2 Int, non-mammal non-bird animals generally have 1", but since you described the zurrzirr as an insect...
However, something much less debatable is that a creature with no intelligence cannot have a level adjustment.

In appearance, a zurrzirr resembles a cross between a dragonfly and a scorpion, with only two pairs of legs and four pairs of wings. Two claws, somewhere between a scorpion's pincers and a mantis' forelegs, serve as its weapon of defense.
I'm a bit disappointed by the Zurrzirr's attacks. Only claws, really? I would have liked to see a scorpion stinger if you want to go the scorpion/dragonfly hybrid route. Not even a poison, or Improved Grab, or any rider at all? At least affecting a grappled creature with pollen every round would have given the zurrzirr a bit more personality.

Zurrzirrs are practically always covered in a thick layer of pollen. When agitated, it shakes the pollen loose with nervous wingbeats and shrouds itself into a cloud of pollen.
Cloud of Pollen (Ex): When irritated or endangered, the zurrzirr stirrs up its pollen and forms a cloud with a radius of 20 ft. around itself.
Can it do that at will? Isn't it out of pollen at one point? Does it eat the pollen itself? Does it have a hive? Does it willingly pollinate the flowers of the plane? I'd like to know more about its society, or, barring that, its life cycle. I don't know what makes it "wood plane"-ey, or why it can live in the plane of Air. As it is, it feels like a background monster with no reason to interact with the party. Overall, a bit disappointed by the monster, besides the name which is great.

Soil Diver (Template)
Sure, that's not a bad template. I'm a bit doubtful of the +0 LA. Burrow is generally slightly better than swim, and gaining +2 Str for -2 Dex is just asking for min-maxing. My first thought was that Water Orcs would love this template. Maybe you already thought about it by restricting it to non-humanoids, which I thought felt a bit artificial. Perhaps the type restriction is enough, but I'd consider removing the +2 Str to align this template with the Amphibious one.

Genie, Shengzhang
Like was already said, a very wholesome monster, with well-written appearance (I particularly like the mask-face), lore and personality. I very much likey. Agree with LA+5 (maybe +6), but I'd increase the CR to 7. Even if we don't count limited wish, there are slightly too many high-level SLAs for CR 6, especially on an Outsider. I chuckled at the fact that even the narrator got bored listing all the Huangdi's titles ^^ Also agree with how Calm Weather uses the 5e dispelling method, only requiring a roll if the targetted effect is of a higher level than the dispelling effect. Probably should have been the same in 3.5 as well.

Urgh. One single ability on a 7 RHD creature, and it's a defensive one? The number of options of a monster should grow with its number of RHD. Here, there is no reason I can see not to only give it 3 or 4 RHD. Especially for a nice and playful species, 7 RHD seems kind of a lot. I'd like to know a few ways with which they use their natural talents to play pranks. How do they use Smoulder if not in combat (since they don't seem the fighting type)? "They supplement their diet smoked meat and vegetables." I think a "with" is missing here. Also, where do they find smoked meat? It's not that common either on the planes of Wood or Fire.

I'll tackle the Leafy Sea Serpent, the Malum Malum (such a good name and reference) and the Conqueror tomorrow or overmorrow.

2024-02-18, 08:56 AM
An interesting idea, but if it happens, it will take some time. I've got the flu, and don't feel like brewing anything besides herbal tea. Sorry about that. :smallfrown:

Get better, you fiend!

Is a shambling mound fauna?

Tzardok tells me Planties don't count. I was sad to learn that.

However, something much less debatable is that a creature with no intelligence cannot have a level adjustment.

Well, tell that to the Hairy Spider and Sword SpiderMComp, as updated to 3.5 standards by PGtF!

I'm a bit disappointed by the Zurrzirr's attacks. Only claws, really? I would have liked to see a scorpion stinger if you want to go the scorpion/dragonfly hybrid route. Not even a poison, or Improved Grab, or any rider at all? At least affecting a grappled creature with pollen every round would have given the zurrzirr a bit more personality.

I'd argue weaponized hay fever is more of a personality than the old standard isuue Improved Grab/Poison kind of fare.

Can it do that at will? Isn't it out of pollen at one point?

I'd assume that's an easy thing to remedy on its homeplane.

2024-02-20, 07:25 AM
Leafy Sea Serpent
Leafy sea serpents are the smallest and most cowardly of sea serpents (see Dragon #345). These highly specialized ambush predators are covered with leaf-like appendages that make them seem like floating masses of water plants.
Thank you for that, it's surprising that we don't have a leafy seadragon monster in the first place.

They let victims come close and then blind them with their breath weapon, rendering them helpless against their sudden strikes. When this strategy fails, they often flee and hide to try anew.
I like them having slightly more complex tactics than other sea serpents.

when the larger and deeper living sea serpents gathered to eradicate them.
... Why?

Caught between the hostile dry land and their enemies' turf, the leafy sea serpents evaded their extinction by collectively fleeing to the Inner Planes.
... How?

Normalization remarks : Sea Serpents generally have their swim speed increased by increments of 20ft rather than 10ft, and have all their SLAs on even-numbered age categories.

CR 2/3/5/7/9/11/12/14/16/17/19/21 ?

The fact that the Strength score increases by 4 at the age categories immediately following a size increase and not during the during increase triggers me slightly.

The breath weapon is nice. I like rider effects.

Malum Malum
Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
Challenge Rating: 9
Level Adjustment: +4
Does it have hands? Generally creatures with no hands make pretty bad PCs. Still, +4 seems good if slightly high even for WotC, and I'd say CR 8.

The malum malum (plural: mala mala)
Mala mala, do-doo, do-do-do.

The mala mala are beings without any negative energy in their metaphysical make-up. This makes them immortal and immune to age and mundane sicknesses. As a result, they look down on most other living beings, who are „contaminated with negative energy“ in their opinion and therefore „barely alive at all“.
Fun to have an evil creature made of Positive Energy, and the biblical references everywhere are very much appreciated. Love it all. I'd have gone even further and made it not that physically strong (since its physical attacks are lackluster anyway), but increasing its Cha even more to go with the "Father of Lies" aesthetic. Alternatively, lean into the serpent thing and give it Improved Grab on its bite, maybe with a Suggestion ability on grappled foe to emulate it wrapping around its prey and whispering in their ear. It already has fire and electricity resistance 10, why not go with acid and cold immunity to finish up the angel-like energy resistances?

Apple of Discord (Su): A malum malum can lay an enchantment on a small or smaller object within 30 ft. that it can see. This object exudes a feeling of coveting and possessivenes. Any creature except other mala mala that sees the object must make a Will save (DC 21) or feel the desire to possess it. This creature will do anything it can to get it into its possession and keep others from having it. (A creature will generally not do acts that crassly go against its alignment or any codes of conduct it is under). A creature that isn't under threat currently may make a new save once per minute.
"Any creature except other mala mala". So, this particular malum malum is affected by its own Apple of Discord, as written ^^
Why not add something like "and is compelled to use it at any occasion if applicable, such as donning an armor, striking with a weapon, eating affected foods and using affected magic item's special properties"? I feel like it would add even more to the ability.

The enchantment dissolves after 1 hour, leaving every affected creature clear-headed. The DC is based on Charisma. This is a mind-effecting charm effect.
More of a compulsion, isn't it?

Apple of Wisdom (Su): A malum malum may shed once per day one of the fruit growing on its body and infuse it intent and positive energy. Any living creature that eats the fruit gains one of the following effects, as chosen by the malum malum when the ability is activated: Fast Healing 3, enhancement bonus +4 to all skills based on physical abilities, enhancement bonus +4 to all skills based on mental abilities. The effect lasts for an hour.
How long does the fruit stay enchanted? One day? More? It would be fun to have the malum malum walk around with three apples of wisdom, one for itself to show it's harmless, one for Eve and one for Adam.

The Conqueror Worm
Gosh darnit, how are we even supposed to rate a CR 60 dumb stupid thing? Still, 60 seems a bit too much. Summoning two CR 33 monsters to help is good, but not that impressive at such immensely overpowered heights. I'd say CR 48-50 is already plenty (remember the Phaethon is only CR 34. Maybe it would be CR 60 by the Hecatoncheires' standard, but the Hecatoncheires is already over-CRed, and at least they have half a brain). I don't know how much you can include good feat choice in the CR (your feats are miles ahead of the average in the ELH). Weird space too, since in 3.5 all Colossal creatures have a face of 30x30ft. Stupid norm (3.0 Leviathan weeps), but a norm nonetheless. That said, I see the update to the ELH have Devastation Vermin be 50x50 so maybe epic creatures break the rules.

That definitely should have been an Elder Evil, it having signs of apocalypse would not be out of place.

All-Consuming Rush (Ex):
Funny, a gnome that succeeds on this roll can move more than their speed just moving out of the way.

Aura of Utter Consumption (Su):
This is a fantastic ability. Everything in there is great. Adding something that actually suppresses the effect if they reach 0 CL as by an antimagic zone would make it slightly more encompassing.

Consume Space (Su):
Fun one.

Improved Grab (Ex):
As written, only works on Gargantuan or smaller creatures. You should specify it works on Colossal creatures.

Summon Epic Worms (Sp):
How long do they stay around? Are they controlled? Because honestly, them being uncontrolled but friendly would be much better than them being controlled by a creature with Int 3.

2024-02-21, 01:34 PM
I'm a bit disappointed by the Zurrzirr's attacks. Only claws, really? I would have liked to see a scorpion stinger if you want to go the scorpion/dragonfly hybrid route. Not even a poison, or Improved Grab, or any rider at all? At least affecting a grappled creature with pollen every round would have given the zurrzirr a bit more personality.

The "scorpion" part of the description is mostly because it was the best way I could come up to say "it's got a long tail like a dragonfly, but it can move and bend it instead of being stiff". I also don't see why it should have Improved Grab or something like that; it's not a carnivore after all.

Can it do that at will? Isn't it out of pollen at one point? Does it eat the pollen itself? Does it have a hive? Does it willingly pollinate the flowers of the plane?

Yes, it can do so at will. I thought about having some kind of mechanic where it needs to "reload" pollen, but it got to complicated for no gain. So I went with the simple "whenever it needs pollen it has pollen". No, it feeds on the nectar of the flowers. No, it doesn't live in hives. It forms at best small packs. Pollinating is practically all it does.

I'd like to know more about its society, or, barring that, its life cycle. I don't know what makes it "wood plane"-ey, or why it can live in the plane of Air. As it is, it feels like a background monster with no reason to interact with the party. Overall, a bit disappointed by the monster, besides the name which is great.

I mean, its a horse-sized vermin that exists to pollinate impossibly large flowers, the kind you'd probably see on a world-tree. So it fits Wood, and it fits Air because it has too many wings and just the bare minimum of legs. I mean, I could take off the rest of the legs and have it have even more wings I guess.
But a bit more life cycle I can do. Do you like this additional paragraph:

Zurrzirrs are nectar drinkers. Their preferred flowers are those large enough that they can practically bath in them, covering themselves with pollen of all kind while sucking up the nectar at the ground. Zurrzirrs are usually solitary, but from packs if food is plentyful. As the Elemental Planes don't have seasons, zurrzirr matings don't happen periodical. Instead the formation of a pack triggers the mating instincts. Zurrzirr matings are preceded by acrobatic flight displays. After mating, the female lays sticky clumps of eggs at the undersides of the leaves of their food trees. The eggs hatch within two weeks and the nymphs, who are vegetarious, grow to full size and winged state within three months. Zurrzirrs live up to three years, less when mating often.

Sure, that's not a bad template. I'm a bit doubtful of the +0 LA. Burrow is generally slightly better than swim, and gaining +2 Str for -2 Dex is just asking for min-maxing. My first thought was that Water Orcs would love this template. Maybe you already thought about it by restricting it to non-humanoids, which I thought felt a bit artificial. Perhaps the type restriction is enough, but I'd consider removing the +2 Str to align this template with the Amphibious one.

Yeah, removing the Str is probably the right call. Fixed.

Like was already said, a very wholesome monster, with well-written appearance (I particularly like the mask-face), lore and personality. I very much likey. Agree with LA+5 (maybe +6), but I'd increase the CR to 7. Even if we don't count limited wish, there are slightly too many high-level SLAs for CR 6, especially on an Outsider. I chuckled at the fact that even the narrator got bored listing all the Huangdi's titles ^^ Also agree with how Calm Weather uses the 5e dispelling method, only requiring a roll if the targetted effect is of a higher level than the dispelling effect. Probably should have been the same in 3.5 as well.

CR increased. I'm glad you like them.

Urgh. One single ability on a 7 RHD creature, and it's a defensive one? The number of options of a monster should grow with its number of RHD. Here, there is no reason I can see not to only give it 3 or 4 RHD. Especially for a nice and playful species, 7 RHD seems kind of a lot. I'd like to know a few ways with which they use their natural talents to play pranks. How do they use Smoulder if not in combat (since they don't seem the fighting type)? "They supplement their diet smoked meat and vegetables." I think a "with" is missing here. Also, where do they find smoked meat? It's not that common either on the planes of Wood or Fire.

This may require me going over them again when I'm more focused. Regarding the meat, I'd assume that there are beasts that can be hunted and eaten on both sides.

Get better, you fiend!

Thank you, thank you. I do feel a bit better, though that cough is annoying.

Thank you for that, it's surprising that we don't have a leafy seadragon monster in the first place.

... Why?

... How?

Would you believe me that I came up with a great story about that, but after I sat down to actually design the creature, I'd already forgotten it? :smallredface:

Normalization remarks : Sea Serpents generally have their swim speed increased by increments of 20ft rather than 10ft,

That's intentional. Leafy appendages make good camouflage, but lousy streamlineshape.

and have all their SLAs on even-numbered age categories.

Switched a few around.

CR 2/3/5/7/9/11/12/14/16/17/19/21 ?


The fact that the Strength score increases by 4 at the age categories immediately following a size increase and not during the during increase triggers me slightly.

Huh. Didn't notice that... let's change it a bit.

Does it have hands? Generally creatures with no hands make pretty bad PCs. Still, +4 seems good if slightly high even for WotC, and I'd say CR 8.

Fun to have an evil creature made of Positive Energy, and the biblical references everywhere are very much appreciated. Love it all. I'd have gone even further and made it not that physically strong (since its physical attacks are lackluster anyway), but increasing its Cha even more to go with the "Father of Lies" aesthetic. Alternatively, lean into the serpent thing and give it Improved Grab on its bite, maybe with a Suggestion ability on grappled foe to emulate it wrapping around its prey and whispering in their ear. It already has fire and electricity resistance 10, why not go with acid and cold immunity to finish up the angel-like energy resistances?

I went with fire and electricity because of the energy types, these two feel very "positive" or "energetic" to me, while acid and cold are more "negative" or "decaying" (and sonic is neither nor). See also the Conqueror Worm being immune to acid and resistent to cold, but not to fire and electricity. Cha boost is a good idea, as is the whisper ability (I was looking for a way to bring in the Forked Tongue feat anyway; I wasn't sure if it would work with Apple of Discord).

"Any creature except other mala mala". So, this particular malum malum is affected by its own Apple of Discord, as written ^^
Why not add something like "and is compelled to use it at any occasion if applicable, such as donning an armor, striking with a weapon, eating affected foods and using affected magic item's special properties"? I feel like it would add even more to the ability.

Didn't think of it. The Apple of Discord is wanted for itself, it is usually not used. Still something to think about.

More of a compulsion, isn't it?

Is it? I find it more interesting as a charm. It's in a certain way like Charm Person. The base assumption of your thought is changed ("I like that person", "I want that thing"), but how you react to it is still you. Not only does that fit to the rider that codes of conduct and such aren't broken in the pursuit of the thing, I like the thought that people being good and less greedy stymies the malum malum.

How long does the fruit stay enchanted? One day? More? It would be fun to have the malum malum walk around with three apples of wisdom, one for itself to show it's harmless, one for Eve and one for Adam.

I think I imagined them being permanent, but that's probably too much. Three does fit, so I'll add a rider.

Gosh darnit, how are we even supposed to rate a CR 60 dumb stupid thing? Still, 60 seems a bit too much. Summoning two CR 33 monsters to help is good, but not that impressive at such immensely overpowered heights. I'd say CR 48-50 is already plenty (remember the Phaethon is only CR 34. Maybe it would be CR 60 by the Hecatoncheires' standard, but the Hecatoncheires is already over-CRed, and at least they have half a brain).

Wanted it to have a higher CR than any other abomination. So yes, that's the Hecatoncheires' standard. *shrug*

That definitely should have been an Elder Evil, it having signs of apocalypse would not be out of place.

If you can gate it to the Material, you can have it bring Signs.

Funny, a gnome that succeeds on this roll can move more than their speed just moving out of the way.
I'm imagening gnomes flying around like bowling pins.

This is a fantastic ability. Everything in there is great. Adding something that actually suppresses the effect if they reach 0 CL as by an antimagic zone would make it slightly more encompassing.

Didn't think it was needed. I usually assume that CL 0 or lower means it stops working. (Not even suppressed, but simply gone.)

As written, only works on Gargantuan or smaller creatures. You should specify it works on Colossal creatures.

Does it? The text says:

To use this ability, the Conqueror Worm must hit a creature with a bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can swallow the opponent whole.
Should affect all creatures, shouldn't it?

How long do they stay around? Are they controlled? Because honestly, them being uncontrolled but friendly would be much better than them being controlled by a creature with Int 3.

Creatures summoned by abominations stay 1 hour and are usually totally controlled. Still, good point. I'll add that (and double the number of summoned creatures just for fun).

2024-02-22, 05:10 AM
I also don't see why it should have Improved Grab or something like that; it's not a carnivore after all.
Yeah, I know, I'm just a sucker for weird attacks beyond just rolling to hit and for damage (weird in the large sense of "anything happening after it hits", not specifically unheard of).

Zurrzirrs are nectar drinkers. Their preferred flowers are those large enough that they can practically bath in them, covering themselves with pollen of all kind while sucking up the nectar at the ground. Zurrzirrs are usually solitary, but from packs if food is plentyful. As the Elemental Planes don't have seasons, zurrzirr matings don't happen periodical. Instead the formation of a pack triggers the mating instincts. Zurrzirr matings are preceded by acrobatic flight displays. After mating, the female lays sticky clumps of eggs at the undersides of the leaves of their food trees. The eggs hatch within two weeks and the nymphs, who are vegetarious, grow to full size and winged state within three months. Zurrzirrs live up to three years, less when mating often.
"periodical*ly*", "Vegetari*an*"
The paragraph is perfect! It gives everything I like in a monster. Ecology, background events that can lead to plot hooks, and signs that you can put in your game for players to know that this monster is there. Amazing.

Would you believe me that I came up with a great story about that, but after I sat down to actually design the creature, I'd already forgotten it? :smallredface:
That, is tantalizing, sir.

I went with fire and electricity because of the energy types, these two feel very "positive" or "energetic" to me, while acid and cold are more "negative" or "decaying" (and sonic is neither nor). See also the Conqueror Worm being immune to acid and resistent to cold, but not to fire and electricity.
Oh, okay, I just thought it was an angel reference. Would have made even more biblical sense, but it's not necessary, the reference is already abundantly clear.

Cha boost is a good idea, as is the whisper ability (I was looking for a way to bring in the Forked Tongue feat anyway; I wasn't sure if it would work with Apple of Discord).
Happy to help! Yes, Forked Tongue specifies "through verbal means", which the Apple of Discord does not use. In that case, then Charm Monster would probably be better than Suggestion (since Forked Tongue specifies charm effects).

Didn't think of it. The Apple of Discord is wanted for itself, it is usually not used. Still something to think about.
Yes, but it would make sense to combine the ability with the Apple of Wisdom. And really be much more fun than just wanting to own the thing, which does not really mean much.

Is it? I find it more interesting as a charm. It's in a certain way like Charm Person. The base assumption of your thought is changed ("I like that person", "I want that thing"), but how you react to it is still you. Not only does that fit to the rider that codes of conduct and such aren't broken in the pursuit of the thing, I like the thought that people being good and less greedy stymies the malum malum.
Well, Sympathy is a compulsion effect, not a charm. There are really few effects with the charm descriptor, and nearly all of them are just variations of Charm Person/Monster/Animal. The rest are just captivating effects or inspiring bard spells (giving a bonus or a reroll). The only exception is Rapture of the Deep, which makes someone charmed by "the music of the Abyss" to the point that they do nothing except look in the distance. So either you're charmed by a person or by music, but never by an object (and honestly, I'd argue rapture of the deep could be a compulsion, like Coma).

I think I imagined them being permanent, but that's probably too much. Three does fit, so I'll add a rider.
I think permanent would be a bit much, since the malum malum is intelligent enough to gather a bunch of them. And it would be weird, since even apples don't last eternally once they fall off. Three days is good for me.

If you can gate it to the Material, you can have it bring Signs.

Faint : Any dead creature starts rotting faster, becoming unfit for Raise Dead spells after one day. Spells that preserve them, such as Gentle Repose, require a DC 15 caster level check or fail to be cast.
Moderate : All food starts rotting in a few days, maggot appear in meat a few hours after a creature is killed. All Raise Dead spells automatically fail, and Resurrection spells only function for a week after death before the corpse is completely reduced to dust. Creatures of Venerable age make a Fort save (DC 10) each week or take one point of Con drain. Dragons in their Twilight make their Con save once per week instead of once per year.
Strong : Any food except fruits eaten directly from the tree and meat eaten directly from living creatures becomes unfit for consumption (treat eating enough food for one day as a poison with a DC 15 dealing 1d6 Con as initial and secondary damage). Old or older creatures must make a DC 15 Fort save every day or take 1 point of Con drain. All Great Wyrm dragons enter their Twilight (and must save every week).
Overwhelming : Creatures start rotting away while they're still alive. Plants and animals become poisonous and inedible (DC 15 poison, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con). Every day, all creatures take 1d6 Con damage. A DC 20 Fort save reduces the damage to 1 Con. Additionally, all dragons enter their Twilight and must save every day.

Didn't think it was needed. I usually assume that CL 0 or lower means it stops working. (Not even suppressed, but simply gone.)
For most things, it does (since the duration becomes 0, or the effect disappears for Fireball or similar spells), but Concentration spells generally do not care about that (see Silent Image, for example), and other weird spells do not care at all about caster level (Scorching Ray just throws one ray, but still works).

Does it? The text says:

Should affect all creatures, shouldn't it?
No. The description for Improved Grab says "Unless otherwise noted, improved grab works only against opponents at least one size category smaller than the creature.". In general, no size is specified, but it doesn't mean the Ankheg can Improved Grab a Colossal creature, for example.

Creatures summoned by abominations stay 1 hour and are usually totally controlled. Still, good point. I'll add that (and double the number of summoned creatures just for fun).
Because there is no kill quite like OVERKILL!

2024-03-09, 04:40 PM
To keep the thread from sinking while I keep procrastinating the implementation of Beni's suggestions ... and working on my project ... and everything else ... Have a few more Pale inspired items. I am not at all sure regarding the pricing, so feedback will be eagerly awaited.

Diverse Pale Items

Bug-Out Booze: This foul-smelling alcoholic spirit was originally invented by goblins to escape dangerous situations, but the recipe has since spread to other creatures with a tendency to mischief and no care for fine drinks.
When drinking a bottle of bug-out booze, the user disappears in time, like through the power time hop. One minute later, if the location the user was in is unobserved by intelligent beings, the drinker reawakens in the same spot, none worse for wear besides a horrid hangover. If the location is observed, the drinker stays disappeared until it isn't anymore or 10 minutes have passed, depending on what happens first.
Moderate psychoportation; ML 10th; Craft Universal Item, 8 ranks in either Profession (Brewing) or Craft (Alchemy), Detect Hostile IntentXPH, Time HopXPH; 750 gp.

Escape Rope: This otherwise unremarkable piece of rope has an otherwordly shimmer to it. It's long enough to be worn as a belt and have a bit of length left. Escape ropes were created to give explorers sent to investigate other planes a handy exit route.
An escape rope must be worn as a belt to be used. The wearer can activate the rope as a move action by pulling on the freely dangling part of the rope. If the wearer is on their homeplane, nothing happens. But if the wearer is on another plane, he is instantly returned to the place where he left his homeplane. An escape rope can be used only once and loses its power afterward.
A major (and more expensive) variant exists that can be activated as an Immediate Action.
Some specific planar locations are too insidious to be escaped with an escape rope. Trying to use one in a divine realm whose deity has closed the borders will deposit the wearer in a random location within the realm. The same happens when trying to escape the Demiplane of Dread, the Demiplane of Imprisonment, one of the Lady's mazes, the Boundless or similar escape-proof locations.
Normal: Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dismissal; 1,100 gp.
Major: Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dismissal, Contingency; 1,800 gp.

Black Rope: The first Black Rope was found in a remote part of the Astral, where the Plane of Shadow had bled into the plane's fabric. Attempts to replicate the Rope were mostly successful.
A Black Rope is a short loop of pitch black rope. To use it, a character needs to sling it around her hand. When the character remains unobserved, she can teleport herself to any other unobserved location within 500 ft as if using dimensional door (except that she can still act after teleporting). A replica Black Rope can be used up to three times per day. The original one can allegedly be used at will.
Moderate conjuration (teleportation); CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dimensional Door or Step into ShadowToM; 22,000 gp.

Hot Lead: A Hot Lead is made from a spent bullet from a musket or other firearm by imprisoning a minor fire elemental in it and serves as a battery of magical energy. It feels hot to the touch, from barely noticeable when only one charge is left to nearly painfully hot when at five full charges.
When holding the Hot Lead in hand while activating an ability of an item that requires charges, the character may spend charges from the Hot Lead instead of the item's charges. A Hot Lead regains one charge per day as long as it has charges left. Spending the last charge extinguishes the elemental and renders the Lead useless.
Moderate evocation (if created with spells) or universal (if created with utterances); CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Imbue with Spell Ability or Charge ItemBook of Words, Hallaster's Fetch IWaterdeep or Anchor of RealityToM; 50,000 gp.
Note: I thought about creating a new utterance that can summon extraplanar creatures (something utterances can't do yet as far as I know). That one would then be a requirement instead of Anchor of Reality. But I couldn't come up with anything good on the fly; I couldn't even decide wether that should be a Evolving Mind or Crafted Tool utterance (and in the first case, what the reverse utterance should be). If somebody has an idea how to do this or already designed such an utterance, I'm all ear.

Odd-One-Out: An odd-one-out is a cursed item, designed to bring misfortune over its owner. Though it tends to look like a counterfeit coin or a marked card when separated from other items, this shapechanging item takes on the appearance of any item of which its current bearer carries multiple (at least three) and inserts itself into the bundle (it even copies the aura of those items, appearing magical or mundane as needed). At an inopportune moment, the bearer may try to use the odd-one-out instead of one of the genuine articles and screw things up. When this happens, the bearer is allowed a Spot check against DC 25 to notice that something is wrong with the item. If the bearer is aware that he carries an odd-one-out, the DC falls to 17.
Example 1: The odd-one-out becomes an arrow in a quiver. When the bearer draws the odd-one-out, he gets a chance to Spot the subtle differences. If he fails, the arrow shatters on the bow and showers him with sharp wood splinters, ruining the attack and dealing damage to bearer equal to the damage a successful attack would have dealt. (Alternatively, if the game includes a critical failure table, roll on the table).
Example 2: The odd-one-out becomes a coin in a purse. When the bearer tries to pay a merchant with it and fails the Spot check, the merchant will instantly recognize the odd-one-out as a fake, becoming unfriendly or even hostile to the bearer and accuse him of being a cheat and a forger.
Example 3: The odd-one-out sneaks into a deck of cards as a marked card. It will be dealt at a dangerous moment to the bearer and, if played, seem like an obvious attempt at cheating by his fellow players, again changing their attitude for the worse.
Example 4: The odd-one-out hides amongst vials of healing potion. When the bearer fails the spot check and drinks it, it reveals itself to be acid or another damaging liquid, dealing acid damage equal to the amount the potion would have cured.
After the odd-one-out has caused a problem this way, it disappears when not paid attention to and reconstitutes itself somewhere on its bearer's person as part of another bundle of items.
An odd-one-out has no special compulsion to be kept. If one can recognize it for what it is, one can discard it without problems.
Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph Any Object, Nystul's Magical Aura, Bestow Curse; 9,000 gp.

Weapons Ring: A weapons ring resembles a ring of iron and brass with a protruding decorative blade. Technically a cursed item, it allows you to never be unarmed at the price of the strength you need to actually wield the weapon, unless you can feed its hunger in a different way.
The wearer can transform an unattended mundane object that is not part of a bigger structure into a weapon with a touch. The weapon must have the same size as the original object, and this size must be one that the wearer can wield as a weapon. The weapon looks like it is made of the same material as the original object, but works just as well as a normal one. The wearer is proficient with the created weapon. He also can dismiss the transmutation with a standard action. The ring can only create one weapon at a time. If the ring is used to create a projectile weapon, it also creates one stack of ammunition with it. After five minutes, the transformation ends.
The drawback of the weapons ring is that the wearer must feed some of his self to the ring. Whenever it is used to create a weapon, the wearer takes 1 point Charisma burn and 1 point ability burnXPH to whatever their highest (unmodified) ability is (if that is Charisma, he takes 2 points Charisma burn). Alternatively, the wearer may sacrifice a charge from another magical item he carries to the ring. By feeding the ring more, the created weapon can be enchanted. For each additional 2 points of ability burn (one to Cha, one to the highest ability) or each additional charge sacrificed, the created weapon will get an enhancement bonus of +1. The maximal enhancement bonus of the created weapon is dependant on the user's HD: a wearer with at least 2 HD can create a +1 weapon. For every 4 HD after the second HD the enhancement bonus can be increased by +1.
Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Forge Ring, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Fabricate; 31,000 gp.

2024-03-12, 07:02 AM
To keep the thread from sinking while I keep procrastinating the implementation of Beni's suggestions ...
This is your personal unfinished business! You cannot abandon this thread until you've implemented them. And I'll make daaaaaamn sure this thread isn't abandoned. Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!

Bug-Out Booze:
Maybe say "as by Time Hop" to explicitate "disappears". Otherwise nice. A potion of ML 10 Time Hop (or the psionic equivalent) would be 1,500 gp, but potions are very overpriced and it's not a buff spell, so 750 gp seems ok. I don't think I would buy it with a character, but that applies to 95% of official items.

Escape Rope:
It's called a move action, not a movement action. An item requiring Contingency should be at least CL 11. The price seems right. Wouldn't Contingency mean you could activate it as an immediate action, maybe for 1800gp or smth?I'd like to see a group or reusable version for planar guides. In a word, I like it.

Black Rope:
Cape of the Mountebank, but 3/day and you can act, but you have to be unobserved. I'd say it should explicitly take up a body slot or be more expensive, maybe around 33k?

Hot Lead:
Wow. This one's a doozy. Does it work on things that say they work a number of times per day? Does it work on things that do not explicitly require charges, but stop working after a certain number of uses? Can I use one charge from the Lead and two from my staff to cast a spell that requires three charges? It's quite a versatile and powerful item even if you limit it to wands and staves, but it becomes broken if it can apply to something like a Ring of Three Wishes. I'd say 50k is a better first price, or even higher depending on the specifics.
Fun items with charges that weren't supposed to be reuseable : Ring of Nine Lives, Golden Chalice of Lathander, Quaal's Cloak. I thought there'd be more broken ones, but staves are already quite good for it.

Note: I thought about creating a new utterance that can summon extraplanar creatures (something utterances can't do yet as far as I know). That one would then be a requirement instead of Anchor of Reality. But I couldn't come up with anything good on the fly; I couldn't even decide wether that should be a Evolving Mind or Crafted Tool utterance (and in the first case, what the reverse utterance should be). If somebody has an idea how to do this or already designed such an utterance, I'm all ear.
An Utterance is much better at calling something than summoning them (like Conjunctive Gate). Talking to the universe either changes targetted things or creates targetted things, but creating a temporary animated copy of a planar creature you don't actually target is a weird use. I'd say it would be a Perfected Map utterance. You target a terrain so that it attracts the essence of a creature that was there a long time ago, with no actual control over what the summoned creature is. That or an Evolving Mind, but it would actually attract a kind of creature under a specific CR ("I target a bugbear") and you'd have to barter with it, Planar Binding-style. Speaking a Personal Truename would allow to teleport a specific creature to you instead. The reverse would be an Antipathy effect preventing the specific kind of creature from approaching you. I haven't actually seen any similar homebrew either.

Another odd one. PCs don't usually have several of anything except money (and arrows for archers), and using money is generally in safe zones, so the odd-one-out will generally not do much. There is no indication of how much harm it does (how much damage?) or if Remove Curse could help identifying it. The mechanics are wonky, and I'm not sure how to price it.

Weapons Ring:
Can transform an *unattended, mundane* item *that is not part of a bigger structure*. We don't want people transforming artifacts of doom and phylacteries into cheap arrows. How long does the weapon last? There has to be a failsafe to prevent the wearer from using it too much. 10 points of Cha and Dex burn during downtime and 31k gp to get an epically-enhanced bow is an issue, especially if the wearer can sell the bow afterwards. As is, unrateable, but it should be around the right price if it is balanced.

2024-03-12, 03:05 PM
This is your personal unfinished business! You cannot abandon this thread until you've implemented them. And I'll make daaaaaamn sure this thread isn't abandoned. Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!

And to think I thought Tzardok was the Devil here!

2024-03-18, 05:07 PM
Finally got around to this.

This is your personal unfinished business! You cannot abandon this thread until you've implemented them. And I'll make daaaaaamn sure this thread isn't abandoned. Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!

I'll take that as both a compliment that my work is worth keeping around and as a promise that you'll give me your motivation and inspiration when I need it. :smallamused:

Maybe say "as by Time Hop" to explicitate "disappears". Otherwise nice. A potion of ML 10 Time Hop (or the psionic equivalent) would be 1,500 gp, but potions are very overpriced and it's not a buff spell, so 750 gp seems ok. I don't think I would buy it with a character, but that applies to 95% of official items.

Added in.

It's called a move action, not a movement action.

Sorry. Another germanism on my part (a move action is called a Bewegungsaktion in German, which translates as, well, movement action). Fixed.

An item requiring Contingency should be at least CL 11.

Should it? I had the impression that when a magic item has a spell as a requirement, but doesn't actually cast it, it's not bound to minimum caster levels.

Wouldn't Contingency mean you could activate it as an immediate action, maybe for 1800gp or smth?

Good point. I was thinking about making it immediate, but then I felt that move action was a bit more true to the source material. Should I remove Contingency or change it to Immediate? ... I'll split the difference and do both.

Cape of the Mountebank, but 3/day and you can act, but you have to be unobserved. I'd say it should explicitly take up a body slot or be more expensive, maybe around 33k?

Price increased.

Wow. This one's a doozy. Does it work on things that say they work a number of times per day? Does it work on things that do not explicitly require charges, but stop working after a certain number of uses? Can I use one charge from the Lead and two from my staff to cast a spell that requires three charges? It's quite a versatile and powerful item even if you limit it to wands and staves, but it becomes broken if it can apply to something like a Ring of Three Wishes. I'd say 50k is a better first price, or even higher depending on the specifics.
Fun items with charges that weren't supposed to be reuseable : Ring of Nine Lives, Golden Chalice of Lathander, Quaal's Cloak. I thought there'd be more broken ones, but staves are already quite good for it.

I was originally thinking about allowing it for all kinds of items, even those that don't explicitely mention charges, and just let people have all the delicious brokenness that could happen. Then you mentioned the Ring of Three Wishes... :smallredface:
So yeah, the word "charge" does actually have to be used (would the phrasing need to be changed?). I'm not sure what to do with combining the item's and the lead's charges.

An Utterance is much better at calling something than summoning them (like Conjunctive Gate). Talking to the universe either changes targetted things or creates targetted things, but creating a temporary animated copy of a planar creature you don't actually target is a weird use. I'd say it would be a Perfected Map utterance. You target a terrain so that it attracts the essence of a creature that was there a long time ago, with no actual control over what the summoned creature is. That or an Evolving Mind, but it would actually attract a kind of creature under a specific CR ("I target a bugbear") and you'd have to barter with it, Planar Binding-style. Speaking a Personal Truename would allow to teleport a specific creature to you instead. The reverse would be an Antipathy effect preventing the specific kind of creature from approaching you. I haven't actually seen any similar homebrew either.

Hmmm... Let's see if I can do something with that...

Another odd one. PCs don't usually have several of anything except money (and arrows for archers), and using money is generally in safe zones, so the odd-one-out will generally not do much. There is no indication of how much harm it does (how much damage?) or if Remove Curse could help identifying it. The mechanics are wonky, and I'm not sure how to price it.

In short, I shouldn't have skimped on the paragraph with the examples? :smalltongue:

I tried to clarify a bit how I imagine it works:

Odd-One-Out: An odd-one-out is a cursed item, designed to bring misfortune over its owner. Though it tends to look like a counterfeit coin or a marked card when separated from other items, this shapechanging item takes on the appearance of any item of which its current bearer carries multiple (at least three) and inserts itself into the bundle (it even copies the aura of those items, appearing magical or mundane as needed). At an inopportune moment, the bearer may try to use the odd-one-out instead of one of the genuine articles and screw things up. When this happens, the bearer is allowed a Spot check against DC 25 to notice that something is wrong with the item. If the bearer is aware that he carries an odd-one-out, the DC falls to 17.
Example 1: The odd-one-out becomes an arrow in a quiver. When the bearer draws the odd-one-out, he gets a chance to Spot the subtle differences. If he fails, the arrow shatters on the bow and showers him with sharp wood splinters, ruining the attack and dealing damage to bearer equal to the damage a successful attack would have dealt. (Alternatively, if the game includes a critical failure table, roll on the table).
Example 2: The odd-one-out becomes a coin in a purse. When the bearer tries to pay a merchant with it and fails the Spot check, the merchant will instantly recognize the odd-one-out as a fake, becoming unfriendly or even hostile to the bearer and accuse him of being a cheat and a forger.
Example 3: The odd-one-out sneaks into a deck of cards as a marked card. It will be dealt at a dangerous moment to the bearer and, if played, seem like an obvious attempt at cheating by his fellow players, again changing their attitude for the worse.
Example 4: The odd-one-out hides amongst vials of healing potion. When the bearer fails the spot check and drinks it, it reveals itself to be acid or another damaging liquid, dealing acid damage equal to the amount the potion would have cured.
After the odd-one-out has caused a problem this way, it disappears when not paid attention to and reconstitutes itself somewhere on its bearer's person as part of another bundle of items.
An odd-one-out has no special compulsion to be kept. If one can recognize it for what it is, one can discard it without problems.
Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph Any Object, Nystul's Magical Aura, Bestow Curse; 9,000 gp.

Does it now seem alright or is there anything else that requires clarification?

Can transform an *unattended, mundane* item *that is not part of a bigger structure*. We don't want people transforming artifacts of doom and phylacteries into cheap arrows. How long does the weapon last? There has to be a failsafe to prevent the wearer from using it too much. 10 points of Cha and Dex burn during downtime and 31k gp to get an epically-enhanced bow is an issue, especially if the wearer can sell the bow afterwards. As is, unrateable, but it should be around the right price if it is balanced.

Good points. I added the corrections and a duration (5 minutes). I also added a limit to how far the enhancement bonus can be increased. Is this sentence correctly formulated or too clunky:
The maximal enhancement bonus of the created weapon is dependant on the user's HD: a wearer with at least 2 HD can create a +1 weapon. For every 4 HD after the second HD the enhancement bonus can be increased by +1.

2024-03-28, 04:00 PM
I just stumbled over one of my older works and decided to repost it here. This is a conversion to 3.5 of a fanmade conversion to 3.0 (https://web.archive.org/web/20120503061159/http://creaturecatalog.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/demon/queen_of_chaos.htm) of a 2e creature, and was originally published here. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?616081-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VIII&p=24820002#post24820002)

The Queen of Chaos
Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Obyrith)
Hit Dice: 20d8+120 (210 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft, swim 40 ft
AC: 34 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +25 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 33
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+39
Attack: +5 anarchic returning trident +35 melee (1d12+16 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures); or tentacle melee +29 (2d4+11); or +5 anarchic returning trident +20 ranged (1d12+11 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures)
Full Attack: +5 anarchic returning trident +35/+30/+25/+20 melee (1d12+16 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures) and 2 tentacles +27 melee (2d4+5); or +5 anarchic returning trident +20 ranged (1d12+11 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures)
Face/Reach: 15 ft/15 ft (60 ft with tentacles)
Special Attacks: Constrict (2d4+11), crush (2d6+11), form of madness, improved grab, noxious cloud, spell-like abilities, tear (2d6+5)
Special Qualities: Chaos gate, damage reduction 20/cold iron, epic and lawful, darkvision 60 ft, empathic link, immunity to mind-affecting and poison, regeneration 10, resistance 20 to cold, electricity, fire and acid, SR 34, telepathy 100 ft, true sight
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +19
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +28, Concentration +29, Diplomacy +32, Disguise +5 (+7 to pretend to be someone else), Hide -7, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +30, Knowledge (history) +30, Listen +38, Search +30, Sense Motive +30, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +32, Spot +38, Survival +30 (+32 when tracking someone, +32 on other planes), Swim +42, Use Magic Item +28, Use Rope +1 (+3 to tie someone up)
Feats: Dark SpeechB, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (trident)
Climate/Terrain: Abyss (Steaming Fen)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 26
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Chaotic evil

The Queen of Chaos is an ancient demon queen of the obyrith whose true name is long forgotten. She was the only demon to ever unify a significant amount of demons under her rulership, and she was the driving force of Chaos during the War of Law and Chaos. Yes, some even credit her with creating the first tanar'ri from the first mortal souls to enter the Abyss. For a long time she ruled side by side with her consort Miska the Wolf-Spider, whom she had raised personally to the position of Prince of Demons, until during the final battle at Pesh he was banished and imprisoned with the power of the artifact nowadays known as the Rod of Seven Parts. With that, the tanar'ri, the slaads and the eladrin turned against the Queen and the obyrith, ending the War of Law and Chaos with a win for Law and shattering the obyriths' supremacy in the Abyss. The Queen retreated to her personal realm in the Steaming Fen, layer 6 of the Abyss, and has been plotting to find the Seven Parts of the Rod to free Miska and regain her rulership since then.
The Queen's lower body is a mass of squid-like tentacles, mauve in color; a beak lies hidden among her lower tentacles. The tentacles are always shiny with slime, and a twisted network of red and purple veins can be seen through her skin. Her upper body is humanoid, female, and grossly fat with bluish skin. Her eyes and hair are dark green and hangs in drooping curls. She stands about 25 feet tall.

An opponent can make sunder attempts againstthe Queen’s tentacles as if they were weapons. The tentacles have 15 hit points. If the Queen is currently grappling a target with one tentacle, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the sunder attempt. Severing a tentacle deals the same amount of damage to the Queen.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chain lightning (DC 21), chaos hammer (DC 19), clairvoyance/clairaudience, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect magic, fear (DC 19), greater dispel magic, major image (DC 18), magic circle against law, magic missile, mantle of chaos (DC 23), mass charm monster (DC 23), pyrotechnics (DC 17), read magic, slow (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18), symbol of death (DC 23), symbol of insanity (DC 23), symbol of pain (DC 20), symbol of persuasion (DC 21), symbol of weakness (DC 22), telekinesis, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, ventriloquism, and word of chaos (DC 22); 3/day—polymorph any object (DC 23); 1/day—circle of death (DC 21). Caster level: 20th.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Queen must hit an opponent with a tentacle attack. If she gets a hold, she can constrict.
Constrict (Ex): The Queen deals 2d4+11 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Large or smaller creatures. She may pass a trapped creature to the tentacles on her lower body in order to free up her primary tentacles. This is a free action. A foe still takes constriction damage each round regardless of which tentacle holds it.
Noxious Cloud (Su): Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con.
Crush (Ex): The Queen may place a constricted opponent under her massive lower body as a standard action. A trapped opponent takes 2d6+11 points of crushing damage per round. A creature may escape by making an Escape Artist check or Strength check with a DC of 32. DC is based on Str.
Tear (Ex): If the Queen is crushing one or more enemies under her body, she can bite one of them per round with a beak hidden among her tentacles. This bite hits automatically and deals 2d6+5 points of damage.
Empathic Link (Su): The Queen has a sixth sense concerning the Rod of Seven Parts and can sense its precise location when a creature begins assembling the pieces or when the wielder uses one of the Rod’s powers. This ability is not inhibited by distance or plane, though she can only detect the Rod if it is in the Abyss, the Material Plane, or the current plane in which she is traveling.
Regeneration (Ex): The Queen of Chaos takes normal damage from lawful weapons and effects and from epic weapons. If she loses a tentacle or body part, the lost portion regrows in 4d12 hours.
Chaos Gate (Su): Three times per hour, when the Queen detects the Rod being used, she can create a gate within 30 feet of her. The other end opens in the Abyss or the Material Plane 1d10 x 10 ft + 20 ft. feet away from the current wielder of the Rod. For each piece of the Rod that has been assembled, subtract 10 feet from the distance the gate appears in front of the wielder. Through this gate, the Queen will send a pack or troupe of spider-demons to slay the wielder and retrieve the Rod.
Any creature except for demons that steps through the gate (on either side) has a 25% chance of being swept to a random outer plane of existence.
Objects and magical effects cannot pass through the chaos gate unless worn or carried.
Form of Madness (Su): Any non-demon creature within 120 feet that observes the Queen of Chaos must attempt a Will save (DC 25; DC is based on Cha). Failure means that the creature perceives the endless rift of chaos that the obyriths desire to bring about across the multiverse, standing fascinated until broken free of the effect. Creatures so affected take a -4 penalty to saving throws to escape being fascinated (such as due to an approaching hostile creature), and must make a save (with a +4 bonus) for any other circumstance that would normally end fascination immediately. Blocking off the creature's line of sight to the Queen completely instantly ends the fascination, as does dispel chaos or a dictum. Similar effects may also be successful.
The horror of the Queen's form of madness is particularly insidious. A creature that has failed a saving throw against this effect begins to believe the world is inherently wrong, that lines and shapes and order are a kind of toxic rigidity, a prison for the mind, a chain for the soul. The victim takes a morale penalty of -2 to all rolls made while acting under the direction of another (whether an order, an encouragement, or a suggestion), as they dread the idea that freedom may not exist. Similarly, they take a -2 morale penalty to any rolls made while knowingly in the company of lawful creatures, as they suffer from a terror that such beings are automatons attempting to keep the multiverse in a fixed and inescapable state. Once per week, the victim must make another Will save. On a failure, they suffer 1 point of Wisdom drain and their alignment shiftsone step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic. A victim whose Wisdom reaches 0 is transformed into a beast of chaos.
Heal or greater restoration can cure the effects if the caster makes a DC 30 caster level check, as can modify memory if the experience of seeing the Queen is removed from the victim's mind. Any Wisdom drain sustained converts to Wisdom damage and recovers normally. The experience of changing alignment, even temporarily, may have long-term repercussions for the victim. Once the transformation is complete, only a wish or miracle can reverse it - such spells will also instantly cure the effects of the form of madness.

2024-03-29, 07:47 AM
Should it? I had the impression that when a magic item has a spell as a requirement, but doesn't actually cast it, it's not bound to minimum caster levels.
From the SRD : "While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell."

Good point. I was thinking about making it immediate, but then I felt that move action was a bit more true to the source material. Should I remove Contingency or change it to Immediate? ... I'll split the difference and do both.
The lesser and greater versions are good.

So yeah, the word "charge" does actually have to be used (would the phrasing need to be changed?). I'm not sure what to do with combining the item's and the lead's charges.
Seems better that way. Honestly just leaving it as is to the DM and rules-lawyers to decide whether combining the charges is possible is not bad.

Hmmm... Let's see if I can do something with that...
We'll be following your carreer with great attention.

I tried to clarify a bit how I imagine it works:
Does it now seem alright or is there anything else that requires clarification?
I like it. The examples are detailed enough to give an idea of what to expect of other uses.

The Queen of Chaos
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chain lightning (DC 21), chaos hammer (DC 19), clairvoyance/clairaudience, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect magic, fear (DC 19), greater dispel magic, major image (DC 18), magic circle against law, magic missile, mantle of chaos (DC 23), mass charm monster (DC 23), pyrotechnics (DC 17), read magic, slow (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18), symbol of death (DC 23), symbol of insanity (DC 23), symbol of pain (DC 20), symbol of persuasion (DC 21), symbol of weakness (DC 22), telekinesis, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, ventriloquism, and word of chaos (DC 22); 3/day—polymorph any object (DC 23); 1/day—circle of death (DC 21). Caster level: 20th.
Typical obyrith lord SLAs. PAO is strong. With 20th level cleric casting, Obyrith perks and form of madness, it may be higher than CR 24. Maybe 25 or 26.

Constrict (Ex):An attack with a slashing weapon that deals at least 15 points of damage severs a tentacle (AC 25).
Does this require a Sunder attempt? Or to specifically target the tentacle? Does the Queen take the 15 damage?

Tear (Ex): A beak hidden among her tentacles automatically bites a trapped opponent for 2d6+5 points of damage each round.
How is it different from Constrict? If it's not, then add it to Constrict. If it only affects one creature, then say "one trapped creature each round for ...damage", rather than "a trapped opponent for ... damage each turn".

Noxious Cloud (Su): Affected as by deeper darkness and stinking cloud, cone, 30 feet, once per hour; Fortitude save (DC 26). DC is based on Con.
Use a sentence. "Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con."

Chaos Gate (Su): Three times per hour, when the Queen detects the Rod being used, she can create a gate within 30 feet of her. The other end opens in the Abyss or the Material Plane 1d10 x 10 ft + 20 ft. feet away from the current wielder of the Rod. For each piece of the Rod that has been assembled, subtract 10 feet from the distance the gate appears in front of the wielder. Through this gate, the Queen will send a pack or troupe of spider-demons to slay the wielder and retrieve the Rod.
Can the Rod actually be used if it is not fully assembled? Maybe make it so that the Queen can open the Gate every time a new fragment of the Rod is assembled. Why does she not simply steps through herself to absolutely destroy the poor PCs who found the first and second fragments? Is she bound to her realm somehow? I don't have the courage to read the whole Rod of Seven Parts adventure book just to find out. I'd say she fears the power of the Rod itself, even incomplete. It has the power to make things act more Lawful, which is the exact opposite of the Queen's own power, and she knows exactly what alignment-changing magic can do to someone, and wants nothing to do with it, unless she absolutely has no choice, when the last or penultimate fragment is assembled.

Form of Madness (Su):The victim suffers a -2 morale penalty to any action done at the direction of another, whether an order, an encouragement, or a suggestion, as they dread the idea that freedom may not exist.
The form of madness is extremely cool, but that sentence makes no sense, either in english or in D&D. Does it affect attacks or spells? To what die does the -2 apply? It would be more streamlined to just have it apply to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidation and Sense Motive skill checks.

On a failure, they suffer 1 point of Wisdom drain and their alignment shifts one step toward chaotic evil.
*one step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic*

2024-03-29, 08:24 AM
From the SRD : "While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell."


I like it. The examples are detailed enough to give an idea of what to expect of other uses.

I'm glad.

Typical obyrith lord SLAs. PAO is strong. With 20th level cleric casting, Obyrith perks and form of madness, it may be higher than CR 24. Maybe 25 or 26.

Adjusted CR.

Does this require a Sunder attempt? Or to specifically target the tentacle? Does the Queen take the 15 damage?

This seems like a 3.0-ism that snuck into it. I changed it to use the language the kraken has (which means that the tentacles are now sunder-able).

How is it different from Constrict? If it's not, then add it to Constrict. If it only affects one creature, then say "one trapped creature each round for ...damage", rather than "a trapped opponent for ... damage each turn".

It's connected to Crush, not to Constrict. I changed the wording and maade it clearer.

Use a sentence. "Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con."


Can the Rod actually be used if it is not fully assembled?

It can, actually. Each piece can be used to cast a single spell per day, and they get additional abilities the more are together.

The form of madness is extremely cool, but that sentence makes no sense, either in english or in D&D. Does it affect attacks or spells? To what die does the -2 apply? It would be more streamlined to just have it apply to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidation and Sense Motive skill checks.

I think it makes perfectly sense. It essentially says "Everytime you tell me to do something, I get a penalty to all rolls I make as part of doing that something." You tell me to attack, I take a penalty to my attack rolls. You say "Dodge the fireball!", I get a penalty to my reflex save. You ask me to walk the dog, I get penalties to my Handle Animal check. And so on. I rewrote the sentence to make it clearer.

*one step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic*


2024-03-29, 08:41 AM
I think it makes perfectly sense. It essentially says "Everytime you tell me to do something, I get a penalty to all rolls I make as part of doing that something." You tell me to attack, I take a penalty to my attack rolls. You say "Dodge the fireball!", I get a penalty to my reflex save. You ask me to walk the dog, I get penalties to my Handle Animal check. And so on. I rewrote the sentence to make it clearer.

Oooh! I misread it completely. I thought "at the direction of another" meant something like "towards someone else" (and was supposed to be "in the direction of", since it was followed by "like an encouragement...". I thought the affected creature was the one doing the encouragement/order. I think it should then be "under the direction of another creature" rather than "at". Thank you for the clarification. It makes much more sense now. I still think it should be further clarified to "[...] to all rolls made while acting under the direction of another [...]".

2024-03-29, 09:04 AM
Done. I think it looks a bit more concise now too.

2024-04-14, 03:47 PM
I'm not sure wether this actually counts as a pun, but whatever.

Just for Pun 5: Spherical Cow
Large Aberration
Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (25 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: Flying 30 ft. (6 squares) (Perfect)
Amor Class: 13 (-1 Size, +4 natural), touch 9, Flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+12
Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+6)
Full Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Abstracted Bodyshape
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., breathless, weakness to gravity
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Skills: Survival +6
Feats: Endurance, Improved Toughness
Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum
Organisation: Singular, constellation (2-5) or herd (6-30)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 4-8 HD (large); 9 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Spherical cows are creatures native to the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum. Though they exist wild, they are the preferred lifestock of the few native societies that actually require sustenance, like the local ruvoka.
A spherical cow resembles a perfectly smooth orb with a diameter of at least 6 ft, often more. Its surface is covered in white and black irregular spots. The creature feeds on vacuum pseudomatter and various detritus floating in its surroundings. These are simply absorbed through the skin. A cow can survive on other gravityless planes like the Ethereal by absorbing local substances like protomatter, but it won't thrive under these circumstances. Spherical cows reproduce asexually; roughly once every two years a cow will bud a calf, unless starved. Spherical calves grow up in seven months and start budding three years after that. A spherical cow roughly lives fourteen years.
If a spherical cow doesn't feel threatened, it can be induced through gently punching the surface (hungry calves bump into their dams) into exuding milk from its skin. This milk is just as nourishing as normal cow milk, maybe even more, but it is completely homogenous, has a smooth practically nonexistent texture, and the most averagely milky taste imaginable.

Abstracted Bodyshape (Ex): A spherical cow's body is absolutely spherical, unless it is not. When the creature needs to have body parts, it has them, when it doesn't need them, it doesn't. For this reason, a spherical cow can make as a Standard Action a gore attack against every creature within reach. It is simply assumed that the horns (that it doesn't have when it doesn't need them) are in the correct direction for any given creature.
For the same reason the cow can't be flanked and enjoys a 50% fortification against critical hits, sneak attacks, etc. No side of the cow actually differs from any other side, and the shifting of vital organs in location and out of existence makes them difficult to hit.
Breathless (Ex): A spherical cow does not breathe, so it is immune to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poisons).
Weakness to Gravity (Ex): A spherical cow is adapted to places without gravity. On planes and in locations with no gravity or subjective gravity (which treat the cow as if it was mindless), it can survive without problems, but anywhere where gravitational forces rule, they rapidly die. On a plane with light strength gravity, a spherical cow takes 1d6 damage per 10 minutes. On a plane with normal strength gravity it takes 1d6 damage per minute. On a plane with heavy gravity, it takes 1d6 damage per round.
Abilities and spells that use gravity to deal damage deal double the amount of damage to a spherical cow, and those that impose gravity in some way on the cow, but normally don't deal damage, cause 1d6 damage per spell level if successful.

2024-04-16, 04:09 AM
+28/+23/+18/+13 (3d8+16 &c.) for the sword (Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization).
I thought Melee Weapon Mastery overwrites those. Isn't the description of the feat that you can apply your weapon focus and specialization to all weapons off the chosen category?
Huh. That's not in the benefit line, but yeah, it's there, so… I'd let them stack, but I guess that's fair.

Incidentally, I just stumbled over the errata of the PHB 2, and there it says that Melee Weapon Mastery explicitely stacks with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, so I applied those to General Ticktock now.

2024-04-17, 08:46 AM
Incidentally, I just stumbled over the errata of the PHB 2, and there it says that Melee Weapon Mastery explicitely stacks with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, so I applied those to General Ticktock now.

Mine intuition knoweth no limit! (And man, Melee Weapon Mastery does need that buffing.)

I'm not sure wether this actually counts as a pun, but whatever.

The greatest of puns in this game is Pun-Pun, who's not even a pun. I'll allow it.

Just for Pun 5: Spherical Cow

Many a catgirl died this day. Good.

Large Aberration (Extraplanar)

(Hrm. While that really is the prevailing custom for such creatures, the Spherical Cow is something of an odd duck in that it has no good reason to ever leave its home plane (and gain the Extraplanar subtype) and every reason not to ever do that.)

Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+9)
Full Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+9)

Make no mistake: I LOVE this, but I kind of feel like it's crazy broken enough without each attack being treated as a single attack by a singular natural weapon and getting the 1,5×STR.

Organisation: Singular

Deliberate astrophysics pun, or just your accent showing?

Level Adjustment: +3

I thought you said you think INT 2 still means inherently animal-level intelligence even if the type would regularly allow higher values. That aside, I'm not sure making this playable is a good idea. It is hideously unbalanced in marvelous ways, but it's pretty much locked into the "murderize melee mobs on a no gravity plane" role.

If a spherical cow doesn't feel threatened, it can be induced through gently punching the surface (hungry calves bump into their dams) into exuding milk from its skin. This milk is just as nourishing as normal cow milk, maybe even more, but it is completely homogenous, has a smooth practically nonexistent texture, and the most averagely milky taste imaginable.

This is oddly wholesome and utterly gross at the same time. Well played.

Breathless (Ex): A spherical cow does not need to breath.


It is immune to all inhaled effects.

How do you inhale an effect? (I understand what this does perfectly, but do consider some rephrasing.)

2024-04-19, 04:47 AM
Make no mistake: I LOVE this, but I kind of feel like it's crazy broken enough without each attack being treated as a single attack by a singular natural weapon and getting the 1,5×STR.

Yeah, that's kinda a mistake from the point of time when this ability only worked with Full Attacks. Changed.

Deliberate astrophysics pun, or just your accent showing?

Sometimes you luck into good things, like when you forget what the proper term for Solitary is.

I thought you said you think INT 2 still means inherently animal-level intelligence even if the type would regularly allow higher values. That aside, I'm not sure making this playable is a good idea. It is hideously unbalanced in marvelous ways, but it's pretty much locked into the "murderize melee mobs on a no gravity plane" role.

LA got cut.


How do you inhale an effect? (I understand what this does perfectly, but do consider some rephrasing.)

Formulation from the air genasi is now used.

2024-04-19, 09:30 AM
Spherical cows reproduce asexually; roughly once every two years a cow will bud a calf, unless starved. Spherical calves grow up in seven months and start budding three years after that. A spherical cow roughly lives fourteen years.
I've been told spherical cows do not grow up, the calves remain at an average size and weigh of a regular calf until reaching adult age, at which point it rapidly inflates and reaches its final size in a matter of minutes.

Abstracted Bodyshape (Ex): A spherical cow's body is absolutely spherical, unless it is not. When the creature needs to have body parts, it has them, when it doesn't need them, it doesn't. For this reason, a spherical cow can make as a Standard Action a gore attack against every creature within reach. It is simply assumed that the horns (that it doesn't have when it doesn't need them) are in the correct direction for any given creature.
For the same reason the cow can't be flanked and enjoys a 50% fortification against critical hits, sneak attacks, etc. No side of the cow actually differs from any other side, and the shifting of vital organs in location and out of existence makes them difficult to hit.
But what happens when you start counting their limbs? Do they immediately manifest exactly 4 legs per cow, or do the number of limbs in a herd is always in average 4 so that if you count them you always get 4 per cow?

2024-05-28, 07:10 AM
Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Critters of Zamonia

Twin-Headed Lambchick
“Where else can one enjoy the evening drinking a good glass of blueberry wine while listening to the twin-headed lambchicks singing beautiful duets with themselves?”
– Excerpt from a travel guide to Treeshire

Tiny animal
Hit Dice: ½d8 (2 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Amor Class: 14 (+2 Size, +2 dex), touch 14, Flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11
Attack: Two pecks melee +4 (1d3-3)
Full Attack: Two pecks melee +4 (1d3-3)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Doubled attention, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Temperate and cold forests
Organisation: Solitary, pair or flock (4-12)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

Twin-headed lambchicks are a strange hybrid of bird and mammal that dwells in Zamonian forests. They are sometimes hunted as their meat tastes like an appealing mixture of hare and pheasant, and their fur makes good fur caps, though their two heads and fast speed makes them difficult to catch.
In appearance, the creature resembles a furred quail with two heads. They also act mostly like quails and other ground-dwelling forest birds. Twin-headed lambchicks are hermaphroditic, with each specimen having a male and a female head that court their respective counterpart on other lambchicks. Only if both heads are compatible with the other specimen's head does a mating happen. Like some snakes and sharks, twin-headed lambchicks produce eggs, but do not lay them, instead incubating them in their body and birthing the hatched and already active chicklets.

Doubled Attention (Ex): A twin-headed lambchick's two heads keep it from being flanked by two creatures. Only when at least three creatures flank it do flanking bonuses apply. They additionally give it a racial bonus of +4 to Listen and Spot checks.

Vaguely inspired by Ensel und Krete.

“Kronk, Plr: kronks. Beaked burrowing mammal. The kronks are the original inhabitants of the Underdark. Of no other creature there are as many around as of them, if you ignore the insects.”
– Yggdra Sil, the Nurnwood Oak

Tiny animal
Hit Dice: ½d8+1 (3 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Burrow 20 ft.
Amor Class: 15 (+2 Size, +2 dex, +1 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-10
Attack: Peck melee +4 (1d4-2)
Full Attack: Peck melee +4 (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +3*, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5
Feats: Endurance, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Underground
Organisation: Solitary, pair or colony (4-100)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

Kronks are small burrowing mammals with a hooked bill that dwell in the Underdark. These far-spread beings mostly dine on bugs, fungi and carrion. They can smell if a creature or corpse carries a disease and find this smell appetizing, preferring not to eat healthy food if they can help it.
For some reason, maybe because they smell of their diseased diet, most predatory inhabitants of the Underdark don't hunt or otherwise harm kronks at all. Amongst primitive societies, a myth circulates according to which the kronks dug the whole Underdark out of the rock, allowing life there in the first place. For that reason, those societies believe that harming a kronk will bring misfortune. The reluctance of predatory creatures to harm kronks is taken as proof for this belief.

Saves: A kronk receives a racial bonus of +6 to saves against disease.

Inspired by Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures.

“Crat fat is a tried and tested agent in alchemy. It preserves pest odours three times better than dog fat. Leidenculi impregnated with crat fat last twice as long as ordinary ones. It lubricates a perpetual motion machine better than any machine oil."
"I'm glad to hear that my species is capable of producing such a quality product. Unfortunately I don't have a single gram to offer at the moment."
– Dialogue between Alchemaster Ghoolion and his soon-to-be apprentice

Tiny magical beast
Hit Dice: ½d10 (2 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Amor Class: 14 (+2 Size, +2 dex), touch 14, Flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-11
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d2-4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d2-4) and bite +0 melee (1d3-4)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Crat got a tongue, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, unconscious memory
Saves: Fort +2*, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 15
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +6, Deciver Script +8, Hide +16, Jump +10, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +4
Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Urban
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +2

On the streets of Zamonian towns, one can encounter the crat, a creature that seems identical with a common house cat, yet it is as smart as a human and possesses the ability to speak with all creatures. Despite their sapience, crats tend to be unambitious and prefer to live just as normal cats do, preferable as spoiled pets, though they aren't above catching mice and other pests, though they tend to negotiate their payment. Crats have gotten rare over the course of the centuries.

Crat Got a Tongue (Su): A crat can speak and read any language spoken by mortal creatures, including dead and secret languages. It is also permanently under effects of speak with animals. Crats receive a racial bonus of +8 to Deciver Script checks and can roll them untrained.
Unconscious Memory (Ex): A crat's brain is much more retentive than it seems to be. A crat can store any kind of information in its brain and continue its careless life without knowing that it ever learned it until the information is needed. Crats always treat knowledge as a class skill, can roll untrained knwoledge checks and receive a racial bonus of +4 to all Knowledge checks and rolls on Bardic Knowledge or Lore. Crats also receive a racial bonus of +2 to saves against memory altering or reading magic. Many crats never learn about this talent of theirs.
Saves: A crat's two livers grant it a racial bonus of +4 to saves against poison.
Skills: Crats have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Crats have a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks.

Inspired by The Alchemaster's Apprentice.

“These weird birds refuse to fly even in highest danger. Can you believe it? How nature went astray here! Like a fish that declines swimming. Such a refusal of performance must be unique in the world of ornithology.”
– Excerpt from a letter by Optimus Yarnspinner to his friend Hachmed ben Pewit

Small animal
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Flying 50 ft. (Average)
Amor Class: 14 (+1 Size, +3 dex), touch 14, Flat footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-4
Attack: Wing beat melee +4 (1d4)
Full Attack: Two wing beats melee +4 (1d4) and peck melee -1 (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, imitate sounds, scent
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +7, Swim +4
Feats: Run, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Temperate coasts
Organisation: Solitary, scavenging (2-30) or squabble (40-300)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 2-3 hd (small)
Level Adjustment: -

The strandlöper or beach runner is a bird of peculiar behaviour. Strandlöpers are infamous for the fact that they can fly, even pretty well, they just utterly refuse to do so, even in mortal danger.
A strandlöper resembles a big grey seagull with especially strong legs. Strandlöper dwell on coasts, occasionally swimming on the sea water out, and feed on trash, carrion and smaller animals that they can catch with their speed, lure in with imitation of sounds, and/or beat to death with their wings.
When a strandlöper is three years old, it migrates in the summer to the cliffs that are its colony's traditional breeding grounds, mates with another strandlöper and produces a clutch of two to four eggs. When the young strandlöpers are fully grown at the end of summer, they fly for the first and last time in their lives from the cliffs and then land on a beach that seems promising to them. The parents die after seeing their brood off without ever having flown a second time.
Strandlöper feathers are considered wind and water repellent and very aerodynamic. Societies that dwell near strandlöper colonies often use them as fletching for arrows, make cloaks from them or involve them as decoration in magical items dealing with flying or falling.

Imitate Sounds (Ex): Strandlöper can imitate any sound or voice they've heard. A Will save against DC 13 is necessary to detect the ruse. The DC is based on Cha und includes a racial bonus of +4.
Skills: A strandlöper has a racial bonus of +4 to Spot and Swim.

Inspired by Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme.

Humtootle sings high – weather be dry.
Humtootle sings low – rain will flow.
– Eydernornian superstition

Diminuitive aberration (aquatic)
Hit Dice: ½d8+1 (3 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Swim 20 ft.
Amor Class: 17 (+4 Size, +3 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-15
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Tooting song
Special Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Perform (Sing) +6, Spot +3, Swim +5
Feats: Skill Focus (Perform [Sing])
Environment: Temperate and cold aquatic
Organisation: Solitary, pair or rout (12-60)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

On and around Zamonian islands lives a bizarre amphibious creature that is called humtootle for the never-ending humming and tootling it produces.
A humtootle resembles a cross of a sea anemone, a nautilus and a big snail. From its shell multiple tendrils grow that surround a singular eye, many of which end in small mouths. With those it feeds on algae, mosses and small bugs, or it flutes its songs. Humtootles are very social creatures that communicate through their song, and they have a broad register. Humtootles mate often and eagerly, and switch sexes up to once per day.
Humtootles are often kept as pets because of their calming qualities and the common superstition that their song can predict the weather. Humtootle meat is considered a delicacy by gourmets when eaten raw. As it is believed to be best when as fresh as possible, decadent and evil societies typically serve the humtootle raw and smother it directly at the table. Earplugs are included in the service.

Tooting Song (Su): A humtootle's song can have either calming or invigorating effects. If the song is calming, any aggressive creature within 30 ft that can hear the humtootle must make a Will save (DC 11) or be affected by calm emotion. Creatures that are friendly to the humtootle have an easier time sleeping while listening to the calming song and receive a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause nightmares.
If it sings an invigorating song, any creature withing 30 ft. that is friendly to the humtootle and can hear it awakens as if affected by the dawnSC spell and receives a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause fatigue or despair.
This is a mind-affecting sonic effect.

Inspired by Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme.

Familiar Critters

Kronks and twin-headed lambchicks can be taken as familiars. A lambchick grants its master a bonus of +1 to AC when flat-footed. A kronk grants a +3 bonus to Heal checks.
A humtootle can be taken as an Improved Familiar. It does not have any special requirements beyond taking the feat.
Strandlöpers are available as animal companions.


But what happens when you start counting their limbs? Do they immediately manifest exactly 4 legs per cow, or do the number of limbs in a herd is always in average 4 so that if you count them you always get 4 per cow?

This problem is easily solveable. A normal, non-spherical cow has twelve limbs: two at the front, two at the back, two at the left, two at the right and one at each corner. As a spherical cow has none of those locations, one can only conclude that they have no limbs. At least, no cow limbs. Management does not assume any liability for spherical cows being delivered with pseudopods, appendages, paralimbs, paragraphs or axioms.


2024-05-28, 12:54 PM
IMO, spherical cows shouldn't simply be native to the Quasielemental plane of Vacuum. They should be equally-common on both Vacuum and Mechanus, with residents of either plane tending to believe they first came from the other, possibly via the Ordial Plane.

After all: the statement being referenced isn't "There are spherical cows in a vacuum with zero gravity."
It's "First, assume spherical cows in a vacuum with zero gravity."

2024-05-28, 12:58 PM
Mechanus does not assume. We do not do such vageries here.

Also, Mechanus has objective gravity, which means that the Weakness to Gravity trait kills the cows until they go home.

2024-05-28, 01:17 PM
Mechanus does not assume.
Counterpoint: when things are stolen then recovered, the Modrons tend to put up signs that say things like "no stealing" and become baffled when it gets stolen again. They do, in fact, make over-simplified assumptions that cause problems which anyone else would have foreseen.
"Assume spherical cows in a vacuum" is exactly the same sort of thing as "assume the thief didn't know any better"

Also, Mechanus has objective gravity, which means that the Weakness to Gravity trait kills the cows until they go home.
That is more of a problem.

2024-05-28, 02:08 PM
Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Critters of Zamonia


Overall comment: most of these are very cute and colourful, but often rather non-note in mechanical terms. That is, of course, a valid approach, given how WotC envisions Animal/Vermin design, and their personality makes them very nice background fauna doing very nice background fauna things in the background. I'll, nevertheless, formulate a few suggestions here and there on what could be done to close the gap between fluff quality and crunch punch; needless to say, ignore any such comment at your own discretion. Again, everything really is fine as is.

Double-Headed Wool Chick
“Where else can one enjoy the evening drinking a good glass of blueberry wine while listening to the double-headed wool chicks singing beautiful duets with themselves?”
– Excerpt from a travel guide to Treeshire

Tiny animal


Attack: Two pecks melee +2 (1d3-3)
Full Attack: Two pecks melee +2 (1d3-3)

+4 to-hit (they are TINY BIRDIES!).

Double-headed wool chicks are a strange hybrid of bird and mammal that dwells in Zamonian forests. They are sometimes hunted as their meat tastes like an appealing mixture of hare and pheasant, and their fur makes good fur caps,

Bad locals! BAD!

though their two heads and fast speed makes them difficult to catch.

They do know how to run, at that size!

In appearance, the creature resembles a furred quail with two heads. They also act mostly like quails and other ground-dwelling forest birds. Double-headed wool chicks are hermaphroditic, with each specimen having a male and a female head that court each other. Only if both heads are compatible with the other specimen's head does a mating happen. Like some snakes and sharks, double-headed wool chicks produce eggs, but do not lay them, instead incubating them in their body and birthing the hatched and already active chicklets.

Somene remembers ovoviviparous critters are a thing? I like that. Goes well with the whole "sorry folks, can't make it to »today's prey item«, gotta run, bye" strategy. And the love rectangles are funny.

Skills: A double-headed wool chick's two heads give it a racial bonus of +4 to Listen and Spot checks.

But two heads could do so much more. Maybe an insight bonus to Will on an Animal? Messing up precision damage dealing, Uncanny-Dodge-Lite-style?

“Elme, Plr: elmes. Beaked burrowing mammal. The elmes are the original inhabitants of the Underdark. Of no other creature there are as many around as of them, if you ignore the insects.”
– Ygg Drasil, the Nurnwood Oak

Tiny animal

Sounds like the local planties don't like them. Never a good sign!

Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11

Grapple -10.

Attack: Peck melee +2 (1d4-2)
Full Attack: Peck melee +2 (1d4-2)

+4 to-hit (size).

They can smell if a creature or corpse carries a disease and find this smell appetizing,

For some reason, maybe because they smell of their diseased diet, most predatory inhabitants of the Underdark don't hunt or otherwise harm elmes at all.

Have you considered making one of these an actual ability? Automatic Pseudo-Aid Another to healers trying to find disease carriers, or some kind of stench-based Ex faux-Sanctuary perhaps?


Blegh. Cats. I don't engage with cats.

“Crat fat is a tried and tested agent in alchemy. It preserves pest odours three times better than dog fat. Leidenculi impregnated with crat fat last twice as long as ordinary ones. It lubricates a perpetual motion machine better than any machine oil."
"I'm glad to hear that my species is capable of producing such a quality product. Unfortunately I don't have a single gram to offer at the moment."

Beyond two obvius question, naturally. How do you harvest the fat? Does it fetch a good price?

“These weird birds refuse to fly even in highest danger. Can you believe it? How nature went astray here! Like a fish that declines swimming. Such a refusal of performance must be unique in the world of ornithology.”
– Excerpt from a letter by Optimus Yarnspinner to his friend Hachmed ben Pewit

Small animal


Speed: 30 ft. (4 squares), Flying 50 ft. (Average)

6 squares, if that's indeed 30' there. (That and Run sounds like a good adaptive strategy to mitigating "♪I believe I can't flyyyy♫").

Attack: Wing beat melee +3 (1d4)
Full Attack: Two wing beats melee +3 (1d4) and peck melee -2 (1d4)

+4/-1 to-hit (still size).

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1

Ref +5 (DEX).

The strandlöper or beach runner is a bird of peculiar behaviour. Strandlöpers are infamous for the fact that they can fly, even pretty well, they just utterly refuse to do so, even in mortal danger.
A strandlöper resembles a big grey seagull with especially strong legs. Strandlöper dwell on coasts, occasionally swimming on the sea water out, and feed on trash, carrion and smaller animals that they can catch with their speed, lure in with imitation of sounds, and/or beat to death with their wings.
When a strandlöper is three years old, it migrates in the summer to the cliffs that are its colony's traditional breeding grounds, mates with another strandlöper and produces a clutch of two to four eggs. When the young strandlöpers are fully grown at the end of summer, they fly for the first and last time in their lives from the cliffs and then land on a beach that seems promising to them. The parents die after seeing their brood off without ever having flown a second time.

That's sad, but in a wholesome way. Poor weirdo birdies.

Humtootle sings high – weather be dry.
Humtootle sings low – rain will flow.
– Eydernornian superstition

Diminuitive aberration (aquatic)

Hit Dice: ½d8 (2 hp)

That +1 (3 hp). Thing's got CON.

Special Qualities: Amphibian

English D&D uses Amphibious for that. (Which is kinda fair, we're not talking taxonomy here.)

Tooting Song (Su): A humtootle's song can have either calming or invigorating effects. If the song is calming, any aggressive creature within 30 ft that can hear the humtootle must make a Will save (DC 11) or be affected by calm emotion. Creatures that are friendly to the humtootle have an easier time sleeping while listening to the calming song and receive a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause nightmares.
If it sings an invigorating song, any creature withing 30 ft. that is friendly to the humtootle and can hear it awakens as if affected by the dawn (SC) spell and receives a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause fatigue or despair.
This is a mind-affecting sonic effect.

Can I get one of these as a familiar? They are cute, the right size, and not that much out of the usual bounds so far as power level goes, even with Fake Familiar HD boosting the Calm DC.

Inspired by Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme.

Shoulda figured you've long since finished that one! I still can't find the time to really read all that much, sadly.

2024-05-28, 05:30 PM
How do you harvest the fat?I assume the method provides motivation for the quote. By which I mean, it's not so much that the crat in question doesn't have fat, as it is that they don't want it harvested.

Because they aren't willing to die for the profit of an alchemist( they just met?).

Does it fetch a good price?
On the black market? I'd assume so.


If I may make a request, I'd like to see an Ashtadhatu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtadhatu) Dragon (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610658-Draconic-Hybrids-(3-5)) brewed up (perhaps as a hybrid of Gold and Prismatic, but maybe some other combination would work better)

An interesting idea, but if it happens, it will take some time. I've got the flu, and don't feel like brewing anything besides herbal tea. Sorry about that. :smallfrown:
Feeling better yet? :smallwink:

2024-05-29, 05:05 AM
+4 to-hit (they are TINY BIRDIES!).

Grapple -10.

+4 to-hit (size).

6 squares, if that's indeed 30' there. (That and Run sounds like a good adaptive strategy to mitigating "♪I believe I can't flyyyy♫").

+4/-1 to-hit (still size).

Ref +5 (DEX).

That +1 (3 hp). Thing's got CON.

English D&D uses Amphibious for that. (Which is kinda fair, we're not talking taxonomy here.)

All fixed.

Somene remembers ovoviviparous critters are a thing? I like that. Goes well with the whole "sorry folks, can't make it to »today's prey item«, gotta run, bye" strategy.

I added it because, well, what says "bird-mammal-hybrid" better than having eggs, but not laying them?

But two heads could do so much more. Maybe an insight bonus to Will on an Animal? Messing up precision damage dealing, Uncanny-Dodge-Lite-style?

I originally planned to give them Allround Sight, but the precedent for double-headed creatures like the ettin is to just give skill bonuses. What about:
Doubled Attention (Ex): A double-headed wool chick can't be flanked by two creatures. Only when at least three creatures flank it do flanking bonuses apply.

Sounds like the local planties don't like them. Never a good sign!

Not sure why you think so. That quote is just from the scene where Ygg Drasil explains to Rumo what an elme is (incidentally, I have no idea what the are actually called in the official English translation. The original calls them "Elm, plural Elme".)
Small spoiler for Rumo and his Miraculous Adventure, I guess: Ygg can neither speak nor directly communicate telepathically; instead it communicates by temporarily controlling critters like squirrels, ravens, toads etc and giving them the ability to speak. In the Underdark, around its roots, it practically always uses elmes as there's not a lot of other stuff.

Have you considered making one of these an actual ability? Automatic Pseudo-Aid Another to healers trying to find disease carriers, or some kind of stench-based Ex faux-Sanctuary perhaps?


Beyond two obvius question, naturally. How do you harvest the fat? Does it fetch a good price?

[Ghoolion] knew countless methods of harvesting fat, from alchemical liposuction over surgical removal to the primitive fat press. But his favourite was still trying. And so the great fat cauldron bubbled day and night in his laboratory and filled his house ceaselessly with disgusting smells.

Can I get one of these as a familiar? They are cute, the right size, and not that much out of the usual bounds so far as power level goes, even with Fake Familiar HD boosting the Calm DC.

Maybe with Improved Familiar feat? Doesn't even need another restriction.

I assume the method provides motivation for the quote. By which I mean, it's not so much that the crat in question doesn't have fat, as it is that they don't want it harvested.

Because they aren't willing to die for the profit of an alchemist( they just met?).

It's practically the first scene of the book. The Alchemaster's Apprentice is about a kitty-crat called Echo who lives on the street and is starving. When he encounters the dread alchemaster Ghoolion, he offers Echo a deal: for one month Ghoolion will feed Echo the best delicacies, teach and entertain him and generally treat every wish of his as a command. When the month is over, He will butcher Echo and try his fat out. Echo accepts.
What follows is a mixture of food porn and psychological :smallbiggrin: crat-and-mouse game, as Echo tries to escape his contract.

Feeling better yet? :smallwink:

I do actually, yes. :smallsmile:

Though I`ve been lacking in motivation the last months and now that it has partially come back, my muse has steared my attention elsewhere, flitting between half a dozen started projects. I'll try to come up with something, but don't get your hopes up.

2024-05-29, 06:47 AM
I added it because, well, what says "bird-mammal-hybrid" better than having eggs, but not laying them?

Very true!

I originally planned to give them Allround Sight, but the precedent for double-headed creatures like the ettin is to just give skill bonuses. What about:
Doubled Attention (Ex): A double-headed wool chick can't be flanked by two creatures. Only when at least three creatures flank it do flanking bonuses apply.

And that's most cleverly balanced. I'd be happy to see it added to the chassis.

Not sure why you think so.

How much burrowing insects are a plant's friends varies wildly, and sadly, they are as likely to mess up the roots as they are to be industirous saprophages making everything better for everyone. I suppose it's the association.

That quote is just from the scene where Ygg Drasil explains to Rumo what an elme is (incidentally, I have no idea what the are actually called in the official English translation. The original calls them "Elm, plural Elme".)
Small spoiler for Rumo and his Miraculous Adventure, I guess: Ygg can neither speak nor directly communicate telepathically; instead it communicates by temporarily controlling critters like squirrels, ravens, toads etc and giving them the ability to speak. In the Underdark, around its roots, it practically always uses elmes as there's not a lot of other stuff.

Hey, wait, I do have the book in English! They were renamed Kronks (sg. Kronk), burrowing through the Netherworld (but the latter term certainly works better rendered into the Underdark in this context). And the Anglicized Wool Chick goes by Twin-Headed Lambchick there. Also, listen to that tree! That tree (with the name rearranged to be split into Yggdra and Sil in the translation for some reason) gets it and is very cool (seriously, it's so nice to see someone finally refute the whole "planties are immobile" thing in a manner so eloquent).

Maybe with Improved Familiar feat? Doesn't even need another restriction.

I tend to agree. Calm Emotions should be able to scsaler, but otherwise the numerical bonuses don't exceed those granted by the standard fare, and arguably the BIRDY familiars tend to come with better overall utility.

2024-05-29, 07:16 AM
And that's most cleverly balanced. I'd be happy to see it added to the chassis.


That tree (with the name rearranged to be split into Yggdra and Sil in the translation for some reason)

That was a mistake on my part; I forgot where the space was supposed to be. Even did it correctly in the quote for the nurns. :smallredface: Fixed.

I tend to agree. Calm Emotions should be able to scsaler, but otherwise the numerical bonuses don't exceed those granted by the standard fare, and arguably the BIRDY familiars tend to come with better overall utility.

I added a short section:

Familiar Critters

Kronks and twin-headed lambchicks can be taken as familiars. A lambchick grants its master a bonus of +1 to AC when flat-footed. A kronk grants a +3 bonus to Heal checks.
A humtootle can be taken as an Improved Familiar. It does not have any special requirements beyond taking the feat.
Strandlöpers are available as animal companions.

2024-05-29, 02:05 PM
I added a short section:

Familiar Critters

Kronks and twin-headed lambchicks can be taken as familiars. A lambchick grants its master a bonus of +1 to AC when flat-footed. A kronk grants a +3 bonus to Heal checks.
A humtootle can be taken as an Improved Familiar. It does not have any special requirements beyond taking the feat.
Strandlöpers are available as animal companions.

Lovely. Thanks!

2024-05-31, 12:33 PM
So... it seems that my advice to @enderlord99 not to get his hopes up was little premature. Here is the dragon you ordered. I hope it's halfway what you imagined.

Ashtadhatu Dragon (Yazhi)
Similiar to the Lung, the ashtadhatu dragon or yazhi is a servitor of the divine, though unlike them the yazhi wasn't created whole-cloth. Instead, the Vedic pantheon, after fighting the evil dragon Vritra, recognized the power of these creatures and transformed dragons willing to serve. Kin to both Bahamuth's metal dragons and the lawful ferrous dragons, ashtadhatu dragons take their name from an alloy of metals with sacred properties, to symbolize both their commitment to virtue and their role as guardians of shrines and holy places.

A yazhi possesses a serpentine build, with wings resembling nothing as much as a giant cobra's hood. Two elephant-like tusks grow from the creature's mouth. When reaching the Juvenile age, a fur starts to grow around its head, until from Young Adult on a splendrous lion's mane has formed that only keeps growing more majestic with age. When born, an ashtadhatu dragon has a honey-brown color that gains more and more metallic luster over the centuries.

Ashtadhatu dragons are always Lawful Good. As they are servants of a pantheon that includes deities of all alignments, they are much more willing to accept the presence of chaotic or evil creatures than other highly lawful good beings, as long as those creatures show the proper piety. Yazhi defend the shrines of evil deities just as diligently as those of good ones.

AgeSizeHDStrDexConIntWisChaBAB/GrappleAttackFortRefWillPurifying Roar (DC)Frightful PresenceCR
WyrmlingS7d12+14 (59 hp)111015141714+7/+3+8+7+5+82d6 (15)—4
Very youngM10d12+30 (95 hp)131017141714+10/+11+11+10+7+104d6 (18)—5
YoungM13d12+39 (123 hp)151017161916+13/+15+15+11+8+126d6 (19)—7
JuvenileL16d12+64 (168 hp)171019182118+16/+23+18+14+10+158d6 (22)—9
Young adultL19d12+76 (199 hp)211019182118+19/+25+23+15+11+1610d6 (23)2310
AdultH22d12+110 (253 hp)251021202320+22/+35+27+18+13+1912d6 (26)2613
Mature adultH25d12+150 (312 hp)271023202320+25/+39+31+20+14+2014d6 (28)2714
OldH28d12+168 (350 hp)291023222522+28/+43+35+22+16+2316d6 (30)3016
Very oldH31d12+217 (418 hp)311025242724+31/+47+39+24+17+2518d6 (32)3219
AncientG34d12+238 (459 hp)331025262926+34/+55+41+26+19+2820d6 (34)3521
WyrmG37d12+296 (536 hp)371027283128+37/+60+46+28+20+3022d6 (36)3723
Great wyrmC40d12+360 (620 hp)411029303330+40/+69+47+31+22+3324d6 (39)4025

AgeSpeedInitiativeACSpecial abilities
Wyrmling40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average)+019 (+1 size, +8 natural)Alternate Form, Earth, Spirit and Water subtype, Immunity to Acid and Disease, Resistence 20 to Fire and Electricity——
Very young40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)+021 (+11 natural)——
Young40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)+024 (+14 natural)1st—
Juvenile40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)+026 (-1 size, +17 natural)Shield other 3/day3rd—
Young adult40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)+029 (-1 size, +20 natural)DR 5/Adamantine5th20
Adult40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)+031 (-2 size, +23 natural)Karmic AuraCM 3/day, Karmic BacklashCM 3/day7th23
Mature adult40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)+034 (-2 size, +26 natural)DR 10/Adamantine9th24
Old40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy)+037 (-2 size, +29 natural)Karmic RetributionCM 3/day11th26
Very old40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy)+040 (-2 size, +32 natural)DR 15/Adamantine13th29
Ancient40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy)+041 (-4 size, +35 natural)Wall of Force15th31
Wyrm40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy)+044 (-4 size, +38 natural)DR 20/Adamantine17th33
Great wyrm40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy)+043 (-8 size, +41 natural)Sublime RevelryBoED19th35

*Can also cast cleric and paladin spells and spells from the Brahman, Patience and Protection domains as arcane spells.

A yazhi has an additional natural weapon compared to other true dragons: a gore attack with its tusks. This gore attack is their primary natural weapon, deals as much damage as the bite of a true dragon their size and also has the bite's reach. Their bite is comparatively weaker, being relegated to secondary natural weapon and only dealing as much damage as their claws.

Alternate Form (Su): A ashtadhatu dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a standard action three times per day. The dragon can remain in its animal or humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.
Damage Reduction (Su): A yazhi's damage reduction is supernatural, unlike other kinds of damage reduction that can be overcome by adamantine.
Purifying Roar (Su): A yazhi does not have a breath weapon. Instead, it can produce a roar that sounds like a gong or a temple's bell. This roar lifts the spirits of the faithful the dragon protects, while tearing despoilers apart.
The range of this ability equals the length of a cone breath weapon of this dragon's size. Any enemy within this range takes the damage indicated in the table. Half of this damage is sonic damage, the other half divine. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage.
Allied creatures in range that hear the roar receive a +2 morale bonus to AC and saves for a duration of 1 round per age category of the ashtadhatu dragon.
After roaring this way, an ashtadhatu dragon must wait 2d4 rounds before it can roar again. Metabreath feats can be applied to the roar if they make sense, though the increase to recharge time is doubled. This ability is a sonic attack.
Skills: Bluff, Handle Animal and Swim are class skills for yazhi.

Ashtadhatu Half-Dragons
Half-Yazhi have Immunity to Acid, a sonic attack that deals 6d6 sonic damage to all creatures within 30 ft instead of a breath weapon, and a natural gore attack instead of a bite.


As an aside, I hate transcribing those tables. That's so. Much. Work.

As it fits here, let me post the 3.5 conversions of the Vedic pantheon as it appeared in 2e's On Hallowed ground. Some of those were made by afroakuma, the rest by me. They originally appeared here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&p=24285773&viewfull=1#post24285773) and here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&p=24288177&viewfull=1#post24288177):

Brahma is not identified separately from Brahman in the Vedic pantheon, which is to say he's functionally not a distinctive deity as opposed to a functional overdeity for said pantheon. As for the other two, and under protest:

Vishnu is lawful good; his realm, the Divine Lotus, is on Mount Celestia. His favored weapon is the mace. Vishnu's domains are Brahman, GloryBoED, Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection, RenewalFRCS, and SkyRotW.

Shiva is neutral evil; his realm, the Vortex, is on the Negative Energy Plane. His favored weapon is the trident. Shiva's domains are BalanceSC, Brahman, Destruction, EntropyFCI, Evil, ForceSC, and RetributionSC.

Brahman Domain
Granted Power Once per day per cleric level, when you roll a natural 20, you may reduce the result by 5 to confer a one-time +2 insight bonus to another being within 60 feet. This bonus may be applied to any attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check of their choice, but must be used within 24 hours or it expires without effect. A creature may not be granted more than one of these bonuses at a time. This ability is not an action.
1st - comprehend languages
2nd - divine insightSC
3rd - attune formSC
4th - restoration
5th - telepathic bond
6th - mass owl's wisdom
7th - mental pinnacleXPH
8th - true creationSC
9th - miracle

Agni (CG Intermediate Power of Fire, Communication and Messages and Omens) has the duty of faciliating communication between the other gods and their worshippers. He ferries sacrifices to the gods and omens to the mortals. His favoured weapon is the scimitar, and he grants the Brahman, Chaos, CommunitySC, Fire, Good, OracleSC and RenewalSC domains.

Indra (CE Greater Power of Storms, Battle and Might) is one of the foremost leaders and defenders of the pantheon. His favoured weapon is the light mace, and he grants the Brahman, Chaos, Evil, Protection, StormSC, Strength and War domains.

Vayu (CN Lesser Power of Wind, Life and Destruction) is the incarnation of the air that every being needs to life, but also leads to devastating storms. His favoured weapon is the club, and he grants the Air, Brahman, CelleritySC, Chaos, Destruction and RenewalSC domains.

Together those three gods are known as the Three Gods of Chaos. They share a divine realm in Limbo called "Swarga".

Brihaspati (LG Intermediate Power of Wisdom and Worship) is a deity of knowledge and meditation who reminds the mortals of their duty to worship their gods, for without worship the gods would wither and die, and without the gods the mortals would be helpless and unprotected. He has a divine realm on Lunia named "Nectar of Life". His favoured weapon is the quarterstaff, and his domains are Brahman, Good, HeraldBoED, Knowledge, Law and MeditationCSEb.

Kali (CE Intermediate Power of Life, Death and the Circle of both), Shiva's wife, is a dualistic being of contradictions: protector and murderer, cruel and kind, the mother who devours her children. She rules the 643th layer of the Abyss, the Cavern of Skulls. Her favoured weapon is the trident, and her granted domains are Brahman, Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, FuryFC 1 and LifeCSEb.

Kartikeya (CG Demipower of War and Warriors) guides those who fight. He is a contemplative deity who teaches that a warrior should also be a philosopher. His realm "The Fortunes of War" is located on Ysgard's first layer. His favoured weapon is the spear, and he grants the Brahman, Chaos, CourageSC, Good and War domains.

Lakshmi (CG Lesser Power of Fortune, Wealth and Beauty) teaches that good things come to those who do good. She lives with her husband Vishnu in his realm "The Divine Lotus" on Mercuria. Her favoured weapon are the darts, which her clerics fashion in the shape of lotus flowers, and her domains are Brahman, Chaos, CharmSC, Good, Luck and WealthSC.

Mitra (LG Intermediate Power of Friendships, Contracts, Light, Warmth and Growth) is the god who binds people together, the protector of oaths and honor. He is a bringer of light and good into the world. His favoured weapon is the longsword, and he grants the domains of Brahman, CommunitySC, Good, GlorySC, Healing, Law, PactSC and Sun.

Surya (LG Greater Power of the Sun, the Day, Morning and Evening) is the most powerful of all the different deities in this pantheon that are associated with light and the sun. He ensures that the sun rises and sets when it is supposed to and through that keeps the motion of the world in order. His favoured weapon is the quarterstaff, and he grants the Brahman, Good, GlorySC, Healing, Law, MeditationCSEb, Sun and TimeSC domains.

Surya and Mitra share a divine on realm on Mercuria, named "Goldfire"

Puchan (NG Intermediate Power of Travel and Relationships) is a protector of travelers, a psychopomps and a god of marriage. His divine realm on Brux, "Restweal", is a haven for weary travellers. His favoured weapon is the lance, and he grants the Brahman, FamilySC, Good, Protection, TradeSC and Travel domains.

Ratri (CN Lesser Power of Darkness and the Night) is a capricious goddess who doesn't care what you do under her protection as long as you show her thankfulness and respect. She is even more of an hermit than the rest of her pantheon, and her divine realm "The Dark of the Night" is hidden somewhere in Niflheim. Her favoured weapon is the chakram, and her domains are Brahman, Chaos, IllusionSC, NightDragon 342 and Trickery.

Rudra (NE Intermediate Power of Storms, Animals, Disease and Retribution) is a merciless god associated with the hurricane's roar and the wild beasts in the world. He is the last of a group of spirits called Rudras, which he devoured, and he is the one who punishes the sinners and hunts gods who neglect their duties. His divine realm is called "The Focus of Energy" and is situated in Mechanus. His favoured weapon is the longbow and his domains are Animals, Brahman, Evil, PestilenceSC, RetributionSC, WindstormSC and WrathSC.

Savitri (NG Intermediate Power of Light and Life) is another life giving and light bringing god. He is the Awakener, the Invirogator, who grants the drive to live, to do, to act. His realm is called "Domain of the Day-Long Sun" and lies in Amoria. His favoured weapon is the shortbow and he grants the Brahman, Good, Healing, JoyBoED, LifeCSEb and Sun domains.

Soma (CG Intermediate Power of the Moon, Plants, Intoxication and Prophecies) is a moon god who is associated with a special drink, brewed from mysterious plants, that grants visions to those who drink it. He shares a realm with the Faerûnian moon goddess Selûne, "The Gates of the Moon", on Ysgard. His favoured weapon is the club, and he grants the domains of Brahman, Chaos, Good, MoonSC, OracleSC, PassionCSEb and Plants.

Tvashtri (CG Demipower of Invention and Creation) is not only associated with creating machinery and art, he is also invoked when trying to conceive. His rulership over invention doesn't seem to involve name-giving, as his realm in the Outlands has a very uninventive name: "Tvashtri's Laboratory" :smalltongue:. His preferred weapon is the battleaxe, and his domains are Brahman, Chaos, CraftSC, CreationSC and Good .

Ushas (LG Intermediate Power of Dawn, Light and Beginnings) is Ratri's sister and the most powerful (or at least, most beloved) female deity in the pantheon. Ushas is a servant of Surya and is generally associated with Beginnings, Awakenings and so on, putting her and Savitri generally into the same niche. She shares a divine realm named "Morninglory" on Eronia with the Faerûnian god of the Dawn, Lathander, and a Greyhawk god of Hope named Zodal. Her favoured weapon is the weaponless strike, and her domains are Brahman, Good, HopeDragon 340, Law, RenewalSC and Sun.

Varuna (LN Greater Power of Cosmic Order, the Sky and the Sea) watches over the structure of the cosmos and it's continued working. The whole sky is his eye to watch the mortals and record who regrets their sins and who doesn't. Logically, his realm in Mechanus is named "The Vigilant Eye". His favoured weapon is the lasso, and his domains are BalanceSC, Brahman, DestinyRoD, Law, PurificationSC, SkyRotW and Water.

Yama (LN Intermediate Power of Death and Judgement over the Dead) is believed to be the first human who ever died. Through that he was given the role of guiding and judging the souls of the dead. His divine realm is situated in Mechanus and named "Yamasedana". His favoured weapon is the lasso, and his domains are BalanceSC, Brahman, Death, Law, Protection and ReposePGtF.

2024-05-31, 01:33 PM
As an aside, I hate transcribing those tables. That's so. Much. Work.

Well. Ever wondered why I've never ever doen a True Dragon? Frankly, even a proper review of those is daunting. All I'm gonna say here is, therefore, that I see what you did there with Karmic Backlash/Retribution, and the DR/adamantine is much appreciated.

2024-05-31, 01:52 PM
Forgot to include the section on half-dragons.

2024-06-01, 04:10 AM
Well. Ever wondered why I've never ever doen a True Dragon? Frankly, even a proper review of those is daunting. All I'm gonna say here is, therefore, that I see what you did there with Karmic Backlash/Retribution, and the DR/adamantine is much appreciated.

Honestly, the tables would almost be worth the hassle to set up an Excel sheet to calculate everything.

2024-06-01, 08:59 AM
Honestly, the tables would almost be worth the hassle to set up an Excel sheet to calculate everything.

Sadly, I don't really like to use Excel for anything besides drawing these days. (And any brewing that would need to make me do that is not worth doing, as far as I'm concerned.)

2024-06-02, 02:02 PM
Calculating all those stats isn't that bad. It's inserting them in this forum's table structures that makes true dragons a Colossal+ pain in the behind IMO.

2024-06-03, 02:51 AM
Calculating all those stats isn't that bad. It's inserting them in this forum's table structures that makes true dragons a Colossal+ pain in the behind IMO.

And that is why I'm not very keen on doing classes (besides being kinda bad at it). (Also, I still maintain that making a creature that's actually twelve creatures, some of them with high HD count is a hassle unto itself.)