View Full Version : Azure Enmity advice needed

bean illus
2022-11-21, 03:12 PM
I just now became aware of the Azure Enmity feat. Any advice on using it?

I know very little about Incarnum. Apparently you can use this feat without a melding class?

How's that work? Take Azurin Human, and Azure Enmity, and now have 2 essentia. Invest both for +2?

Take Bonus Essentia and a level of ... Incarnate(?), and Azure Enmity can increase to +4? or further?

What else can be done in 1-4 levels or less? Maybe a feat or item? I'm mostly thinking about the ranger boost, the minimum investment needed, and similar synergy.

2022-11-21, 03:29 PM
That's generally correct. If you don't have any other sources of Incarnum, you would just invest the single Essentia into the feat once a day, and get +1 Insight to all of the stuff it mentions in the feat text. If you get additional Incarnum (there are a few ways to do that), you can invest more Essentia into the feat, up to a maximum that depends on your character level. (1-5, cap is 1; 6-11, 2; 12-17, 3; 18-20, 4).

2022-11-21, 03:47 PM
Also, Improved Essentia Capacity feat can give you +1 essentia capacity for incarnum feats (but no higher than your Con bonus)

bean illus
2022-11-21, 10:41 PM
That's generally correct. If you don't have any other sources of Incarnum, you would just invest the single Essentia into the feat once a day, and get +1 Insight to all of the stuff it mentions in the feat text. If you get additional Incarnum (there are a few ways to do that), you can invest more Essentia into the feat, up to a maximum that depends on your character level. (1-5, cap is 1; 6-11, 2; 12-17, 3; 18-20, 4).

Also, Improved Essentia Capacity feat can give you +1 essentia capacity for incarnum feats (but no higher than your Con bonus)

It's starting to sound expensive.
Race: Azurin, +1 essentia
2 levels (suggestions?): +2 essentia
Feat: Azure Enmity, +1 essentia
Feat: Bonus Essentia, +2 essentia
Feat: Improved Essentia Capacity

For a race choice, 2 levels, and 2 feats you gain scaled +4 insight to all FE. It's not great.

Any other cool ranger stuff in those classes?

2022-11-21, 11:10 PM
Be an Arcane Hunter Stalker of Kharrash so your favoured enemy is basically everyone? And take Nemesis so that means something

2022-11-22, 12:09 AM
Low investment for level 1-4 ranger?

Well being azurin gives you both a bonus feat and a point of essentia. So that is 2 feats plus 1 at third level. If you take flaws you get two more feats - not sure you want to got there but it is on the table. Let’s say you don’t like or are not allowed flaws.

If so, then Azure Emnity, Improved Essentia Capacity (gives you up to +2 bonus at level 1], and then decide how far you want to go with this. You need con 15 for this. Shape Soulmeld (Blink Shirt) gives you minor dimension door powers at level 3 (10’ is low range but means that locked doors are no longer your problem - and this is an at will standard action so you can do it all day!).

If you continue down this path, bonus essentia at level 6 gives you two more essentia (2 because of the blink shirt soul meld, so at level 6 you could put one into the blink shirt (for 20’ teleportation) and three into azure enmity if your con is at least 16 at this point). At level 12 you could put all four essentia into azure enmity, if your con is 18 at this point.

If you really, really want that +5 bonus to azure emnity, you could take another incarnum feat at level 18. This assumes that you have con 20 at this point. Incarnum spellshaping adds a few spells (nice to have even without spare essentia points to boost them further) to the ranger spell list. Soulsight would give you limited blindsense (but would need essentia to work so you would need to decide at the beginning of each day whether you want it or better favoured enemy bonus or some combination of the two).

All of this assumes that you don’t multi-class. If you do, things change. Note that a level of non-neutral cleric can take incarnum as a domain, which gives you incarnum spell-shaping (and its associated essentia point) as the domain power.

bean illus
2022-11-22, 09:48 AM
Low investment for level 1-4 ranger?
I'm saying a ranger that has up to 1-4 levels of Incarnum.

If you really, really want that +5 bonus to azure emnity,
All of this assumes that you don’t multi-class. If you do, things change.

Doesn't your suggestion include totemist levels, or do you mean other multi-classing? How are you getting blink shirt?

2022-11-22, 10:45 AM
It's starting to sound expensive.
Race: Azurin, +1 essentia
2 levels (suggestions?): +2 essentia
Feat: Azure Enmity, +1 essentia
Feat: Bonus Essentia, +2 essentia
Feat: Improved Essentia Capacity

For a race choice, 2 levels, and 2 feats you gain scaled +4 insight to all FE. It's not great.

Any other cool ranger stuff in those classes?

The thing with Incarnum is that it's a whole gigantic chunk of options that you can choose to invest in. The best way I've heard it explained is through Star Trek: when the captain says, "full power to deflectors," or "full power to engines." You get a bunch of power units (essentia) that you can move around to your various systems (soulmelds and feats). For feats, if you stick the power in there, it's locked for the day. For the soulmelds, you can move them around at need.

The Incarnum classes give you a certain number of systems (soulmelds) available, each keyed to an item slot ("Chakra"). If you make a system available ("shape" the soulmeld) it gives you a bonus. There are a whole bunch of soulmelds available to each Incarnum class (I think around 30 each at least, but haven't counted). You also have the ability to "bind" a small number of soulmelds to particular slots. This gives a bigger-than-usual bonus or interesting ability. Incarnum classes unlock slots at certain levels; or you can spend a feat to unlock them if you multiclass (the feats require a minimum character level).

There are lots of soulmelds that could conceivably help a Ranger with what they're doing. Totemist is probably the closest Incarnum class, thematically. For the others, Incarnate does have alignment restrictions, and Soulborn is usually not recommended. (Very weak class, comes in below the Monk in the most recent class tier list). There's a list of all of the Totemist soulmelds (and what they generally do) here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?287304-danzibr-s-Totemist-Handbook), post 3.

As mentioned, Blink Shirt is probably going to be your go-to bind, whether you're ranged or TWF. Bind it to your totem, and you can use a 10-foot dimension door as a move action.

bean illus
2022-11-22, 11:50 AM
For feats, if you stick the power in there, it's locked for the day. For the soulmelds, you can move them around at need.

... (soulmelds) available, each keyed to an item slot ("Chakra"). If you make a system available ("shape" the soulmeld) it gives you a bonus. ...

You also have the ability to "bind" ... . This gives a bigger-than-usual bonus or interesting ability. Incarnum classes unlock slots ... or you can spend a feat to unlock ... minimum character level).

here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?287304-danzibr-s-Totemist-Handbook), post 3.

How's this work?

Incarnate Armor
Descriptors: Chaotic, evil, good, or lawful
Chakra: Crown
Saving Throw: None
In the hands of skilled meldshapers, Incarnum is not only a weapon but also their armor. These Meldshapers literally wrap themselves in a cocoon of incarnum, steeling it to protect as true steel or adamantine would.

The Meldshaper gains a set of armor that protects them as well as any real set of armor. They gain a +5 armor bonus to AC with no movement, or armor check penalty.
Essentia: For every essentia invested you gain +1 enhancement bonus to your armor.

Chakra Bind (crown)
When you bind the armor to your Soul chakra you gain the same abilities as Incarnate weapon, you gain double your essentia invested as enhancement bonuses, half of which can only be used on special abilities.

I feel like I'm missing something here.

Incarnate 1 gets a +5 to AC? on top of his normal armor? Can they then also invest one essentia for +6 enhancement?

But it's a Crown chakra bind, but you bind it to Soul chakra?

2022-11-22, 12:21 PM
How's this work?

I feel like I'm missing something here.

Incarnate 1 gets a +5 to AC? on top of his normal armor? Can they then also invest one essentia for +6 enhancement?

But it's a Crown chakra bind, but you bind it to Soul chakra?

Well this appears to be a homebrew soulmeld, which is probably the reason for the crown/soul mismatch. In fact, the whole chakra bind section is very poorly worded and unclear.

That being said, you're misreading it. First, it's AC bonus won't stack with real armor. Second, the enhancement bonus is equal to the invested essentia, so not sure how you got +6 for a single point.

2022-11-22, 12:33 PM
I think I see what they're doing - it's basically "Mage Armor: The Incarnum Version." You'd get 5AC for shaping it, and can invest more essentia to increase the bonus. But yeah, it is homebrew. That big of a benefit would usually be in a Bind, not just a regular shaping benefit.

EDIT: I think I found the source: here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=14148754&postcount=6). It's in the homebrew section. (Looks like the poster noticed the chakra mismatch and corrected it).

bean illus
2022-11-22, 01:37 PM
Well this appears to be a homebrew soulmeld,

... But yeah, it is homebrew.

I was noticing it's homebrew. Thanks

2022-11-22, 06:51 PM
Doesn't your suggestion include totemist levels, or do you mean other multi-classing? How are you getting blink shirt?

There is a feat called Shape Souldmeld that lets you have one soul meld from any class list, without needing any levels of the relevant class. You are stuck with that soulmeld forever, so choose wisely, but Blink Shirt is a nice choice because dimension door at will is awesome even with a 10' range.

So my idea has a 2-5 feat investment, without multi-classing.

That said, if you want to take 1-4 levels of incarnate or totemist this becomes a lot easier. They start with soulmelds for free, as well as 1 point of incarnum.

So take an azurin (or duskling if your DM is a stickler for the favoured class and you want Blink Shirt), go with the Azure Emnity Feat and Improved Essentia Capacity, then take the level of totemist (now you can have blink shirt or other soul melds, as you see fit). Now you have 3 points to play with. If you want that extra 5th point, bonus essentia (The feat) at or after character level 6. So for 1 level of totemist and 3 feats you can get your +5 bonus to Azure Emnity (But note that the bonus is limited to +2 at level 1-5, +3 at levels 6-11, +4 at levels 12-17. Also you still need the high con (enough to be equal to the bonus you want to Azure Emnity).

bean illus
2022-11-23, 10:01 AM
So my idea has a 2-5 feat investment, without multi-classing.

That said, if you want to take 1-4 levels of incarnate or totemist this becomes a lot easier. ...

So take an azurin ... Azure Emnity Feat ... totemist


... So for 1 level of totemist and 3 feats you can get your +5 bonus to Azure Emnity ...

Azurin totemist 2 with azure enmity gets the scaled +3, and blink as a move. Not too bad as a place to start. The need for multiple FE levels and FE feats makes more investment questionable.

But a +3 all FE is hard to come by, and usually cost more resources (other than IFE).

1. What recommendations on other soulmelds (besides blink shirt) that a ranger / totemist 2 would want?

2. One can shape all soulmelds they know at the same time, yes? (binding takes the body slot)

3. Does totemist 2 / incarnate 2 have any thing worth the losses in BAB, and ranger levels?

Obviously it gets more melds, but i haven't yet seen anything obvious.

And OBVIOUSLY this would all need to be done with minimal essentia (which is invested in azure enmity).

So right before you point out that i should drop the idea, an azurin totemist 2/ incarnate 2 has 5 essentia. If 3 are involved in azure emnity, then what groovy and mostly latent melds should be considered?

2022-11-23, 10:11 AM
Pauldrons of Health gives you immunity to disease, sickness and nausea before you invest a single essentia so that is not too shabby.

As for soul melds, as long as you are not binding them the usual restriction is that you cannot have two soul melds in the same chakra (so you can’t have two soul melds both in the foot chakra). There are ways to manage this (some soul melds can be attached to one of two chakra, for example). Also, if you really must have two chakra that happen to be in the same chakra space then “there’s a feat for that”.

Totemist 2/incarnate 2 allows you to bind two soul melds. That could be useful depending on the soul melds you bind. Note that incarnate has an alignment restriction. If you go that route a binding on crystal helm lets you hit incorporeal creatures, or a bound enigma helm makes you immune to charm. Neither effect requires any essentia investment.

bean illus
2022-11-23, 02:07 PM
Pauldrons of Health gives you immunity to disease, sickness and nausea before you invest a single essentia so that is not too shabby.


Totemist 2/incarnate 2 allows you to bind two soul melds. That could be useful depending on the soul melds you bind. Note that incarnate has an alignment restriction. If you go that route a binding on crystal helm lets you hit incorporeal creatures, or a bound enigma helm makes you immune to charm. Neither effect requires any essentia investment.

But both helms are available to incarnate 2 to bind, just not at the same time, correct?

immunity to disease, sickness, nausea, charm, the ability to hit incorporeal creatures, blink at will as a move, ... and ...

That's not a bad suite of abilities (to compliment azure enmity). What might the other 2-3 melds be?

I suppose at that until level 12th level essentia capacity would be +2, but you're essentia pool is 5, so some melds might have that consideration.

There's also the Soulboon spell, which grants 1/3 levels (max 5) temporary essentia for 1 minute, which is plenty in many situations.

2022-11-23, 05:40 PM
Note also that if you have incarnate 2/totemist 2 and the azure enmity feat you get 5 essentia points even if you are not an azurin or duskling.

That means you could look at racial substitution levels (either gnome incarnate or halfling incarnate (maybe assimar incarnate if you can get rid of the +1 la)).

Gnome incarnates have a damage bonus against kobolds, goblinoids and giants depending on number of soulmelds shaped. So if those happen not to be your favoured enemies that would be gravy (insight bonuses do not stack so you don’t get this if they already are favoured enemies because the feat azure enmity already gives the insight damage bonus). Later gnome incarnates get detect thoughts 1x/day if they have a soul meld bound to the crown.

2022-11-23, 09:30 PM
Hang on, I have better advice! ;)

Okay you want incarnate 2/totemist 2, right? That is 6 soulmelds!

For the three incarnate soulmelds: Planar Ward (throat) (protection from *all* mental control, including enchantment (charm)/(compulsion), magic jar, etc. Pauldrons of Health (shoulders) (immune to disease, nausea, sickened). Crystal Helm (crown) (hit incorporeal creatures when bound to crown chakra - note that this blocks magic items that would take this slot!).

For the three totemist soulmelds: Blink Shirt (heart - totem) (short range teleportation - can be bound to totem to make a move action). Rage Claws (hands) (die hard feat equivalent). Threefold Mask of the Chimera (soul) - can't be flanked. In a pinch, if you really need natural attacks you could bind one of the latter two to your totem rather than your Blink Shirt.

And that is before investing a single essentia into any of them!

Btw, what alignment do you plan on being? An incarnate must be NG, LN, CN or NE. Being NE opens up necrocarnum soulmelds. Being CN or LN opens up those feats if you take a feat that lets you take necrocarnum soulmelds.

bean illus
2022-11-25, 03:25 PM
Thanks for your help. I'm beginning to understand the Incarnum system, and your guidance has made that easier.

Now i know i can switch to Air Sandals at any time, and that the Soulboon spell can make that 60' for a minute.

The wind cloak is another that works well with Soulboon, providing up to +10 DR vs ranged.

incarnate 2/totemist 2, ? That is 6 soulmelds!

I really like your basic loadout of melds. I might drop rage claws at higher levels, and replace it with Lammasu Mantle?

Incarnate soulmelds:
Crystal Helm (crown) (hit incorporeal creatures when bound to crown chakra).
Pauldrons of Health (shoulders) (immune to disease, nausea, sickened).
Planar Ward (throat) (protection from *all* mental control, including enchantment (charm)/(compulsion), magic jar, etc.

Totemist soulmelds:
Rage Claws (hands) (die hard feat equivalent)
Lammasu Mantle (arms) (+2 Deflection vs attacks made by Evil creatures
Blink Shirt (heart - totem) (short range teleportation - can be bound to totem to make a move action).
Threefold Mask of the Chimera (soul) - can't be flanked.

Btw, what alignment do you plan on being? An incarnate must be NG, LN, CN or NE. Being NE opens up necrocarnum soulmelds. Being CN or LN opens up those feats if you take a feat that lets you take necrocarnum soulmelds.

I can't play chaotic, lol. I play NG and LN pretty often.

2022-11-25, 05:39 PM
Deflection bonuses might not stack with ring of protection but I guess you don’t have to get one and can switch out the soulmeld if you do.

That said if you want to have the ability to take the Lammasu Mantle you will need to be NG. That still leaves open the racial substitution levels for aasimar incarnate, gnome incarnate and halfling totemist. Sadly, it seems that the benefits from gnome incarnate substitution levels, gnome ranger substitution levels, and azure enmity don’t quite gel, so at most pick two of the three if you go gnome.